- - - - - . : _ - . . , , - - - _ " " " " " - " " - , - - " - - - , - , , - , , - , , , , - " , , , , - , , . - - , , - , , - , , ' ' . " - - . ' - . . - - _ . . .r " - - w-i---J - _ _ - _ - _ _ - - - - - - _ _ - - TIlE OMAHA DAILY D t SUNDAY , 4UG1JST , 1805. - - - SOCIETY DURNG I ; DOG DAYS . Sign ! of Approaching Lle . Are BecomIng - - . OPEN or TiE CREIGITON MARKS AN EPOCh _ 1 ! Ol ( : oICIU"UM fl.ll : \'hlrl of Jn nC'C'I , Ian ticli eOI I 11,1 I'l rtle . HallIN il ! 10 Inl , fur " 'rlt : Ierry -l'hnt "lh I Ihe 4vllN. - Thc week Just past ha bean rcmarkable for the number of Informal entertainments gien for the college hays and gIr's ' who so soon wi be turning their tepi nnll ( thoughts to slll ) . .Rome of them will enter upon their senior year , while other have several yeirs more. A few of these college men , ha\lng fnlhe,1 , their education , will take up their abode In Omaha and will , 10 doubt , he qlte an addition to society. The mornIngs ant afternoons have been taken up largely by the tennis tournament , which was quite an Interesting rendezvous for the ) 'ounIlcople. ( . The event of the week was the openIng of the Creighton theater , when society turned out In large number to witness the Initial performance of ' 'fhe Masueraders. " Although - though the hioie Ilrcsented ) a festive ap- peJrance one noticed In glaneng ! around many n neglge shirt , sailor hat and shirt waist , which did , not seem quite In harmony wih the surroundings. lad more of the mel appeared , In full Ireas _ and fewer of the women worn hat Il would have Improved the appearance greatly. _ 'hl' : nll U/"tII J'lrl ' . Thr beautiful home of : fr. and Ir ! . E. W. Nash wa3 gay with the younger set Tuesday evening , the occasIon beIng and Informal dance gIven In honor of the " : Ierry Moment" club by :1 s Aleln , ! . who made a charm. lug hostess , anll : Ir. Fred Nash. The or- rangenient of the house Is cxtrcmey well adapted for dancing . anl the wel canvaed room I were prettily decorated with cut fowers , scarlet geraniums and helIotrope lIre. ulomluatlug. , \ancll was enjoyed until a hate 1111' . Hefrelhrents were served In the dinIng room ffm an elaborately dcc- orated table , the lar/f center piece of luscious fruit iiukliig a pretty pIcture. Thc feature of the evening was the renllon , of the : lcnlllsohn , Welldln : March which was much Injnyed by all. The guests Wt're Mis , Knlppenbor } , : USI Baldwin of CouncIl Iufs alll Misses Peck who are visiting MIss Adellne . and the MIIEes Mao hamIlton. Louise Squires Edna Cowin. Amy Barker Flora and Bessie Yatea , Carolyn Johnson . 1tnma Creighton , May , FlorenC and Ethel Morse , Dela Sears , I.oulsl Doherty , hassle Towle , Genie Brown , Anna Shlverlck. Carrie Mercer and , MarIe Nash Messn. Harry LlntisayVIll Cowin , ' Herbert and Wi Hoger , larry and Walaco ' Lyman. Paul 10nglald , Russell \VIlbur . Frank Daspecher rank I Moraman Charles anti Handal lirown Fred Lake ' , Sam thorns , Sam Caldwell. , Nelson Mercer , Paul I.ulnr- , ton Charles Pratt , nwlht S'obe Hess Towle . : Ir. Dixon of Nebraska City Mosher ? Colpot1er , Asa Shilverick . I.'ret Nash ! r. and Mrs. larry Cartati ! rs , nlppenher I and Mr anti Mrs. Nash. , - - - - - - - A S..IlMM 111'1 , . . ' For their daughter Mary , Mr. an,1 , Mrs. George F. ] Barker gave a very novel enter- tainment ltstVetlitcday evening In tie form of a enses party 1.'lvl' cute prizes were ' gIven . all after a close contest It was i fOl'/1 that lessle 11ev . Bessie BralY. ! Marie Lowe luth MeAuslan,1 , and ] I.eone gler were the wlinert. , Mitch amusemenl was cauo ] later b ' the clever scighit ! of hand by very stel/hl performance - formance given by : lr. MartIn. Those Invited were : Phoeho Smith , Emily McKell . gssl Denlsl. O a SIlles , Ada . . l < lrlenllal. lessle Brah' , . Lucy Gore , Mabel Gillespie . Carrie Monger of Froinont . 1.llu l'eycll , Malice amI Grace Taylor , Hay Abr- ham , lesll TIer . Hena Jensen , Ethel Stragltt . MurIel Ihlch , Mabel Carter Faith Potr. Gussie Kotty . Margaret Mac. Elizabeth McConnel , Dora laallkl , Marie I.owl Hnth : lc'lsla/l , Kate Parel. Dorothy Young . llncho anti ' ] Mercedes ] . .0e. . MIss A\ce : McCormick Madame D2speeher , Mr Detz and - Miss Barker . - assisted. A .101" I CUI'IIIA I 1'111 , . . The " Ierry Moment" chub mel nt the house of : fr. nod Irs. Charle Square on Wednesday ] cvelln , at 7 o'clock fur a coach ride :1' . and lrK. Cuwln anti : lr. anti ] ! rs , Squires chaeronld ( the party antI , a dclGht- ful drive was taken to the post. On the re- turn members of the party stopell [ al the Ilome of : lr. Fred Lake where musicians were awaiting theni and a delIghtful cven- jog was Slent In Ilancln . 'fhe party was given In honor or Mr. Dixon. The guests were : MIsses Ellna Cowin , Adelne Nash , lesslu anti , Helen I'eck Genevieve h3ahtiln ] , Louis SquIres Mae hamilton , Anna Shlver- Ick 1"loy anti , lessle Yates , Carolyn Johnson Sue COlpetzer May and Florence ! orse. Louise Uoherty ; Messrs. Froth Lake 11 t Dixon. Russell Wlbnr. Sam Cahtiwell . Paul Uoaglant , 1.'rOI Nash , Wi CowhnVIIl anti Herbert Rogers , Charles Prat losher Col- petzer , Asa .Shilveriek Paul Ludington , Sam Burns antI Mr. anll Mrs. Hitchcock. - - iIr. In,1 :11' . JII"'r Eiitt'rtztli. The beautIful art gallery of Mr. Linin. Ier was the scene of great merry makIng last \'eiinesday night. In honor of MIss Orcutt , who Is soon to leave for school In the east , Mr. and Mrs. rank ] Haler gathered together about forty young people. The MIsses Lowe gave several choice man- dcliii . banjo and guitar 3electons. which were much enjoyed Miss Drake gave one of lIeI recitations In her usual charming man- nor . antI Mr. Joe Barton was In good yoke. UereshrcJ\ts were served nod dancing con- tnued till a late hour. The Iplr llllant" WerA : Misses Orcutt . irako Inywarll of Nebraska City , Hartman , Gibbon , Crandel , Croighton . Sioaue hiarker Squires , Foray " of St. Paul , McShane and I.owe. ! eurs. liarton hheth Hoaglon . Crantlehl . LoweVllkiits . Gllagher , Mexla , King , fllackwchl . dcMahon George . Allen. hleaton lurgess , Hartman , Morse Clark , Cark flr Alison antI , Rothick . A , ' . . . . .IIIA I Iti.t.p ( Ion . Last Tuesday venlng al the home of Mr. William Itocheforil 2023 South Wilam Eighteenth street , wa given I large wedding reeell- . ton In honor of Mils Iohl'ford anti , :1. Wi- lam Strykor . SUllllr was served al 10 o'clock , and the remalllr ] of the evening was spent In tousle antI dancing. These present were : Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Gould , : lr. and lrs. A. Sehol , Mr. and 1. Mrs. A. J'ol , Mr. anti ! n. G. Deveral ) , ! r. and Mrs. " ' . W. Scott , Mr. anti ] ! rs. Limbaiti. Mr. 1.lmball. ! and Mrs.V. , Smith , Mr. alll Mrs. J. Frank . Mr. a 111 Mrs. T. Walsh. ! r. antI Mrs. A. Lareau , Mr. and ! rs , G. Stryker Mr and Mrs. P. W'man , Mr. and Mrs. J. Ioheford , Mr. and Mrs. htomllior . Mr. and Mrs. \'ilhlain WI1m Van Noy , ! r. anti Mrs. Wiiam Ioche- ford MISs A. Fell , Miss I' . Rocheforil . Miss : lss ' - - N. Coombo. Mr. William COI . Mr. G. I.bauch , ! r. E. Iocheford , Mr. F. Hanlon , Mr J. Irennan , Mr. I' . Vyunan . A l'r'II" . Iiifl'I'lfl In honor of Miss Josephine Foray of St. Paul who Is the guest of the Misses CreIgh- ton. the Misses hamilton gave I very pretty luncheon on I"IoY ] afternoon at 1 o'clock. The table was beallfuly deeorate,1 , with ferns and rUes. Cover were laid for eight and seven delicIoUs courses were served 1)urlng tiitt afternoon : ln Knox and Mls Uar- ker , anti Miss an Ing < Als Hamion played cx- qulsltelY Patlercwski's inlniot. The guests were : Thl Misses I.'ury. Emma Crulghton ' Florence Knox Besslo Norton. Amy laker' 1 dl Huth anti hello and ] stule Hamlon : For 'I''nnt" ' ' . " l'II'c'rH. Mr. Wi Doanl gave a very enjoyable "stag" parly In honor If the visiting tennis bt _ playt'u lat Tuesllay evening . Prof. Sutorlus anti ! r. Wldenor give a number of mandolin all guItar selections There wu also slug. Iin/ Ing and a lunch wu s'rvetl about 11. The out.of-town guests were ; Messrs. Waldner , SIOCUI , Wider , Crock wel and Farqtittar Others noticed were : Messrs. Mullen . Gulon . Crary Illck. Caltlwohi. Richard , Purey and Conrad Young Culllnghanu . Owen , Pope , Cacao ) , Crape anti hlavirstick . 1'01 1.I"n 1'lrt" .I.nc..ln ) . 1 ' .ClhlA. The Young \'omut's Christian associatIon ' 1 holt a lawn social next Tuesday even- leg , August 21 , at the bowl of Mr. Tldeu , L , . . , , . - - - . " _ - - ' _ r- _ - - ; - - - - - - . . - - - - 14 Soulh Nineteenth Blrtel Tie runl will be well lighted , good music proylded , And no pains pared to fake the avenlcl pal air pleaaantly. MrA. Thlden's home and tbo house next . li South NInteenth will bo open And If the evenIng Is cool rereh- ments will bo . .ryed indoor. . Al , both g.n- temen And ladles , arc cordially Invited to bn present anti meet Miss Cathy . who ha Just taken up the work of general secretary at our assoolaUon. JulT hlrrczrs 'ru" Okolioj Writing from Oobojl , a party who has ben summerIng there says : Indeed they are jolly breezes this summer , for never has a gayer or more perfect season been known at this most popular resorl. Last Ilgh was the hp of the season at Manhattan , and u the steamer Transit , with fags wavIng and vends playIng , landed at the different docls : to carry away pretty girls II dainty whi\ gowns , with many pair of white ducks In attendance , the boat was ! ultelghtrd with its fair load There are scores of amusements nt the lake this summer. float races are quite the thing . anti twice n week IUeen sail boats hoist their sails oft Point Fort Dodge and via with esch other for the silver cup. The Psyche owned by : Ir. Clarke of Creston , In. . has n fair record anti Is very popular , and with Its silk nl.d lInen sails and torpedo shapel\ hull cuts through the water , lookIng lIke a great winged swordflsii. The Robert J comes closely after It and ] I a bPlt ) I Is the largest boat on the lake , and carries many 1 jolly party Iroun,1 , the shores Whccln Is quite popuLar also , all these perfect prairIe rontis have been much used these moonlIght nIghts by parties of cyclists . who take a lte run down to the Orleans and hack , wIth a supler , nrerwanl at one of the cottagoc. There are come fine riders among the ladles. One laIr society girl . wel known lu Omaha , cxplor country roads to her henrt's content , atl wIth her hhort blue serge skirt over scant bloomers , blue leg- gins , shirt waist , and little blue cap resting jauntIly on hier light hair she makes a pretty picture anti , I graceful rider. Another fair maiden from a popular point rides her wheel In an Intrelld ) manner. with bloomers of a dark plaid and a wrl flngooal Her black haIr anti rosy ehetIs cause many an eye to follow her ndmlrlnl There arc many others too numerous to name . and their healthy coloring showing through - .a rich hrown tan shows well whether It Is a hcalhful amuemrnt or not Nested among the trees on thc cast shore of the lake Is a white cottage where a jolly party makes the woods rIng from morning till night. Four Omaha girls laugh these bile , happy summer days away , and seldom Is thclr ! lock , free of three or four sailboats : , having lanled a cargo of boys , who think this cottage In the wOOls , with Its lively house- hal ] , a very attractIve phace Point Fort Dodgl. Omaha Beach antI Des Iolnes Beach hare many beautIful places and the young PeoPle make merry from mornIng till night on theIr sandy ] shres. Swimming Is of course the thing , and Manhattan : Beach the popular place , anti , ] many a boat Is landed there daily for a duck In thc waves. There are some floe swimmers seen here. enl little ] Omaha girl of some sixteen slmmers being quite the prettIest sight on the beach. A verItable duck In thl water Is the little niald . anti with her black bri Ian lne suit. trlnllN ] wRit yellow wash ribbon attracts mich attentIon . all , with a short , quick stroke . her light brown hair In little wet curls aroulll her face , she cut through the w..er . to the springboard with easy grace Another wel known society girl. who came to these shores nn Invalid , has fully regained her health and bright spirIts alI ] I as brown as a berry. She wear a black bathing suit anti ] dIscards her skirt In trite goal swimmer fashion' . anti ] she swims with long easy and even strokes anti , Is perfectly nl home In the water. Altogether lIfe at Oolojl Is very pleasant these hot summer days. _ _ _ n _ .1 gnJu'uhh' BUl" " . One of the prettiest and most enjoyable dances' of the summer was given at the home of : Ir ! Caldwel In honor of her son , Sam and the visiting tennis men. The house was profusely anti artistically dec- orated with sunflowers , golden roti anti astcrs. The tunIng room looked ] lovely with the tabl covered , with eul giant . silver and huge buuches of flowers. There were charmIng tote a totes around , anti the porch was dee- orate with Japanese lanterns of various hues , makIng a pretty picture In the trees. The music was very good anti the tempera- turo was just right for ancing. The gtiett t ! were : Misses Shlverlck , Helen hhoaglantl , Louise Doherty , Edna CowIn , May , Florence all Ethel Morse. Marie anti Alelne Nash , Loul3e ScuIro . Alice Drake Genie Brown , Della Sears , Amy Barker , Bessie and Hden Peck , lora and Besslu Yates Mary Smith Carolyn Johnson , MonieVoolworth . Dela Chiantiltr Carrie Mercer \ , Sue Ietzer. Dcsl'e : Towle , Claire rake , Genevieve , Bal < wIn. Stela anti Mae Hamilton and the MInces Ilbharl : Messrs. Fred Liite IIxon losher , Coipetzer Herhert anti Will Rogers \1 Cowin Fred Nash , Asa Shiverick Russell Wilbur . Paul rlulngtou , .nrromore Oenlse Paul lloaglauid Charles Brown Nehn ler- eer , Frank lorsman , Hal Yates , Owen AU3- tin . hhaskehl . Mr. Crape , Dr. liannester Ross Towho Charles Prt , Sam Burns , \1 Doane , Milton Darhluig . Millard Hopkins laverstek , George McCague . Richard ] , Percy and Conrad - rad Young. The visitIng tennis players from out of town were : Me9us. \\'aitiner. Slocum , ' \lller , Crockwel anti Fartiuhar. I : leslame3 Clarllson , Belt , hamilton , Morgan and : Ir , and Mrs. Milton Barlow anti ! r. Shlverlck and Mrs. Shlverlek were also noticed. A , IIIM-PC'C , i'rs At the resilence of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Adams , last Wetinestiay Ienln . the beaut- ful servIce WIS read , ] by Hpv. T. E. Crm- blet of the ChrIstian church which united In the holy bonds of matrimony Miss Gertrude - trude Icers of Cape Glrar eau , Mo. . and ? . Ezra Adams of this city. < : Ir. Joe Adams ] , uncle of thc contracting parties . gracefully gave away the bride. Miss Lottie Donovan : lu Lotu of Central City alle.l lustre to the scene lS mal of Itonor while ! r. Wilam fck was best man. The bride , ] wore a beautiful gown of \ \ hla satin ninth ] loole charming. It will be rememberel hy many of Miss Gertrude's friends , especially In the Chris. tan church , that she was \'Isltor In Omaha last winter. After the ceremony 1lnty reo frsllnents were served , and the bride and groom were the recipients of many handsome presents. Mr. anti , Mrs. Alluls will be at home to their many friends at 192 Call- for/la : street after September I. ] rlcn'J present were : Misses Edna antI Mahel Adams , Blrlie Gibson . Edna Iloilord . Garth , Hooplr , Kate Parker L'ulse ninth , Emily SehorUI , Jeunle Gibson , Mauui Miiler . OuIla Davis and Hena Vogt , Messrs. Senuna Parker Foster tioncher Combs hlerrymnn , Irlch , :1lsllamps Schorup , A. I. havens , hattie I'arnter Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Adams , H. B. ilaywarti G. l"rgen , G. GIbson , Kolare , W. W. Finch and C. o. Fuller. - - - - - ( 'ull.I'n w.'C I. The home of Judge and : Irs , ] . Fawcett 2101 Silencer street , was the fene of a small but prely weddIng on Vedncsday . The brIde ! was Miss Mary hello Jwcetl I of Omaha and the groom 0 : Charles Clinton COlby of lace- donia , la. Owing to the illness of the brlde's brcther , Mr. George f : . Fawcett no formal Invitations were issnicti The ceremony took place al 4 o'clock , Dr. Salllern , pas or of Trinity : lethOllst EpscJpat ! church ofclat- iufg anti was wiineeseti , ] by a small compJny , consisting of relatIves anti frlentla. The brr1e ; looked very clrmlng ! In a glrlah ! gO'Nn cf whIte niusilun. Nctwithstallng the fact that no invitatIons were IUfl the young couple were the recipients of many costly and beau. tiful preseunts. showing In a substantial man- tier the esteem In which they are hehd. The bride Is the daughter ef Judge J. awcett of this city anti ] Is on OeCOIII"hel ] 111 atrac- live young iauiy who wi be greatly missed , sJclaly , In Omaha . The grocm Is a young man of sterling qualities and la highly ej- teemed. Ho Is a graduate of the IJwa State Denil college and baa built np an excellent practice In Iowa. Dr. and Mr. . Colby left on thl evening train for Dlnver and the Hocldos , whore they will spenl a month aight-c'eeng ! , and wilt he at home after October - ber 1 In Macedonia I. - - Ont wil E Inc Stun Iglut C.tuh. Last Wfdnesl8Y ] evening , at the hOle of Mist Mary Ryan , a surprise Iuty was given by the Omaha $ tarlght cluh. The lawn was beautuay Ilecoratt1 wIth lanterns , ncadhIgltts and Japanese ianterns The evening was tent ! In dancing anti playing games. At 1 :30 : o'clock a delicious lunch was seryrd Thursday evenIng the club gave I hayrack party 'hose who ParticIpated were : Messrs. Bert lamrlck , Dan l.hey , Ian Ilnchey , Grant Stokesberry , John hag- ety , Joe Malone , John Gorman , Mike 18/ Klrty , John Iyan , Morris Inchey , Mathew / 'fuley , Iat ityan , Haley . Shanahan , Robert Donahue , J. GOlman , Wlwu Gormau , Wil- . . - - - - - - - . - - - - - Iln Cole TIm ieotni0 Mal Sheller And T ' Oreele , Mlue Annie Cafey , Cora : are D'I Annie Morn , J IIJ Divine , Irene Mar , Emma 1 Myers . Jole Inchoy , Katie Ihincinoy . ' 1CIlD Lane , Mae Collins , Grace Coakiey . May : HaKlert ) 1aRKIe Mutton , Alnln ( IConlr , ' Mary H'Of Maggie UrCley ( , Mamlo Hogan , MinnIe Oroley , Ida Dur\el , Arlnson , Annie Arlnson , J mra lurwel anti , Mae Hlnche , : : I. " CIutilin's : Jnnchsenui. Miss Alma Clafin entertained on Tuesday afternoon from 3 : i to 7 at 1 Very lovely lunch- : ' con In honor of Miss Monroe of Dalr , Neb " , and Miss Agnes loss ef I.evlnwortb , ICan. Twenty.thrce young ladles were 11reent , look- lag the picture of happiness . The table doe- orations Were sweet peas , rach young lady finding her allotted \lneo IIY a card with her lame and a ruse at each plate The lunch comprised several courses , being very < unlluc. The tune WIS titanic merry by tell- Ing conunllrnml anti , many fairy talls , They then dispersed to the I.arlor . to Indulge , In dancing and gnmes. At the time Sot for their leparture they left In regrets thal It had passed eo Ilulckly , and heartily cungratu- hated Miss Alma for her success In making I so lovely aunt ? pheasant for one and all. The guests were : MIss Monroe of Blair , Miss M'er of Chicago , Catherine and Alice leters of St. LouIs , Miss hess of I.eaven- worth , and Miss llerson , Miss Grant , mla Cotton , :19se9 Covel , Wikins , Thomas 10w- eli , Taggart , Drlshaus , Shaleforl , McCune . luntcr , Jones , Sherwood , Macomber , Jaynes and ! Aloxan er. Miss Caln < ale gave an enjoyable picnic to Manawa on Wednesday They drove over In a large caryol , and n 1IIleious lunch , In true pIcnIc style , was partaken of. A Chll'mllA I Unl " . At the residence of : lr. John A. Crclghton on Friday evening , : lr. and lr9. Schenck gave a delightful dance for their daughter , MIss I.ulu Sehencl The many gtmests were received by Miss Schencl and Miss Edith Orcutt , while thos ! who . asslatett were : lr. amid ( trs. J. A. : McShano Miss Kpte Crelgh- ton amid MIss Iamle : Iuuchorr The large rooms were filled wIth flowers , t4ie t IUSC : was excllent , the ( Jncp , cn the Illnty pro- grants were many. Those present were : Misses Bessie CoIls , .lla Iludeineson Emma Crplghton , 1.lldwln . Council ! urs , Mae lamlton , A lIne Nash , Mina Creamer Mel- lie McShane , May lcShano , Francis Gilbert , May Dalbaeh , Ann Creighton , Georgia Krug Edith ler , Banche ICinsier JosephIne lura ) ' of St. Paul , Edith lor9c , Nellie Coad , Alice FnlY , Masters Icsher Coliletzer , Harry Burkley , Dwight Swobe , I.avel Iunn Al lieaton George DOon , gd Melahon , Clarence - ence Galagher , Frank Kennedy , Mark Coal , Mr. Backwel , Mr. KeUng , Ed George Albert - bert Kinsler , Gus Cooper Percy Jensen , Wlpk Allen , Tom Lee , I"rer Nash , James Kennedy , George Gilbert. An N"lulnA " liii :1111Mb. : : lr , anti ] ! rs. H. S. larlr gave a smal but delghtul musIcale at their home orty- second and Izanl streets , last Monday even- Ing. Prof. Gahm relerell 90mo floe selec- tons on the piano Miss McKissick and Miss Nlconl dlstntulshed themselves In song and recitation. Mr. and MIss Jackson gave a vIo- ln and Illano duet which met with hearty applause. Miss Parks sang a very sweet song all lIttle Vera Stafford delighted , the company with two recitations. Ohers rendered - rerld instrumental music which was highly apprecla tet. omen those present were : Prof. Gamin , : Ir. ant Irs. J. K. Flemln . : Ir. and Mn's. John Jackson , Mr. anti , Mrs. ' anti , Mr. and WIIl1 : Ande\son Ind son harry : Irs. I. ' . 1' . Zimmer , : Ir. and : rs. Sterls , : fr. and Mrs. J. 11 Stafford . : lr. and : Irs , S. :1 Crosby , Mrs. Foster , frs. Ida Libby , Misses cKlsslck , Niconl Fleming . Jackson - son . Crosby Joslo and Vera Stafford . Todd Iioyer Puks and Parker and Mr. Charles f'lemlng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A b'hi-ui snunt Sur.rl" On Saturday cvenlng lst Mr. G. G. Pry was pleasantly surprised by a numher of his friends ] nt his home on South Fifteenth street \n \ honor of his seventeenth birthday. Nunneromma , novel and Interestn games were played after which n dainty lunch was served. After lunch vocal and Instrumental ant music was renlered , by Misses Ella Winans , Iacey Stapeuihorst Maud Brown and others. The merry crow,1 , then moved homeward much pleased with the way the evening had been spent. Amnnonmg those present were Misses Ella Winans , Maimil , ] Peterson , Cora Stevenson , Myrtle Ha1el :1:11 Brown , EdIth , Weston , Iaeey Stallenhorst , Nettle Goeler , Jessie WIlson , Blanche Pray , Doily Pray and Edith laker. : le srs. WillIe Joiinton Frnk John- son of landolllh , ] a. , Clydl Weston George I'ray Lesle GarrIson . Dive Larson , Ernest KIng and 1)V. . Wiiams. Snrl.rl" ' J'IB'I" . A party of friends surprised : Ir. Otto Born at his home , Twenty-fourth amid 'Vlrt streets , last Tuesday evening . It hllng his 21st birth- day. A most enJoyahle time was had by all 11resent. Thosu present were : Misses Stela WIMon , Louisa and Phyls Ijorut Laura Platt . Marie anti glenaalen. . Emma Snider Fannie hiahienmger . Alice Carr. Phebe Colwel , Vera all Lotle Sinropahiro Ella Lbntiblani. Clam . Jula Bressman , FannIe ICihilann . Lulu Ochenbelm , Carrie Harber : Mrs. harbor , : Irs , horn : Messrs I ) . Hughes , J. Crew , B. Plllps. G. Dress- man , George Bowyer , W. Baxter , Fl I anti Sam Ochenbelm , Gus and Otto Born Charles Gates Charles Sprln borg , J. Kilan , T Potter . Albert ocky , F. Anthon , Harber and Lear. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 'n I l' C' t I.Col h ) " . Mr Charles C. Colby of MacedonIa , ha , and Miss Mary B. ] raucet of this city were marrle,1 , Wednesday at the home of the bride 2107 Spelcer street. Hev. Dr. Sanderson of Trinity MethodIst church performed the cere- mony. The \\'elln , was a quiet one , no In- viatons having been Issued owing to the prolonged Ines of the bride's brother. The groom Is the eldest son of C. J. Colby of the UnIon Pacific , formerly of Omaha , but now of Denver. The bride Is the second daughter of Mr. JacoQ Faucett. CCII. rn nI. i'Iticrt " . At the boone of the hrhe's ] mother , 261 Capitol avenue occurred the pretty home wedding or Miss Jessie eltohcrt and Mr. William it. Cockran Rev Thomas R. Mc- Roberts of Grand Rapitis. Mlch" , officiating. Miss lcHoberts has been one of the elcJent teachers of the publc school for the pst six years , during ] which time she has made many friends : Ir. Cockran holds a trusted position with the Paclfc Express connpany The couple have gone for a two weels' trip to Ohio. _ _ _ _ _ _ : : IMI itrborgM Rsit'r1iiIiis. At Tirlgga' via Tuesday ( evening . August 20. Mis Nannle M. hirigga entertained at , lnner Miss May Hohlnson of Wheeling . W. Va. , a member of the Cincinnati Enquirer Household cub , and Dr. Clarence :1 , Burris of Cherokee , Ia. UnllA" In Sini'lt't' . Miss luck has returned from Mtnnooota . : Ir" Her Bailey Is home from out west . Mr. John T. Clarke in 1 [ In New York City. Mrs WiIam Hector Is back from ChIcago. Mrs. William has returned from ChIcago. horn , to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brandeis , a son son.Mr. H. T. Lemlst loft last Sunday for the cast. , east.Mr. : Ir. F.V. . Nash Is hick from Excelsior Sprlnga. Dean Gardner has returned from Bayfield - field , \\'Is. Mr. Slaa Cobb has reture,1 , from a visit to Kentucky. : lr , and Mrs. lutchlnson left this week for Colorado ] : lr. ChIrIco How canto back from the easton on Thursday . Mrs. E. ] W Lee and son are expected back about the iat. : lr. W. f' MclllJn of Sai Lake was In town this ! week . Mr. Gulu will return home from his Eu- . ropean trip to < ay. Mr. AlvIn Krech spent n few days of the week at St. Paul. MI' Dckson of Nebrska City Is the guest of Mr. Fred Lako. ! r. Ell Swobe Is In town anti will rl main over Sunnisy. He\ . A. J. Turkle inns returned from n de- l htul trip abroad . Mr. Euclid Martin Is cxpectc.i home from Europe about the 1st. . MIsS Cbpham Is entertainIng her frIeld , Miss Monroe of hilair . Air. anti Mr. . E . I. Lomax are back from a short visit to Colorado. Mr. and Mr. . E. E. lalcb and Mr. and ln. hue Cole wIll occupy the house of - - - - - - - - - - Mi' Datu ti 'rhtyty.ft8cood nn Dge about ' . , ( nD g the lad ' bf 'tl8COQd ) Mil" Mao WdThaupt ? leayo ! today 10 , lsl friendi InChicago. . Mr Gnd Miss foILu and Miss Flora Weir and others , other are a4 Manlou MIsS Blame Q LCc'tiar Hap Ids , I. , I the guest of Mls G # Ja < . Misa Marie Nash returned I10me from Ex- cehlor Springs , Mo , Tuesday , Mr. herbert tJneclor Is a homo again after a two weeks' I In Denver Miss Alice Dm''ko Is visiting her friend , Miss Hayward , Nebraska City i lion . 1 . M. nnf ) attended the frt commercial - mercial law con'rttmt4qn \ ot Detroit Mrs. B. P. Tujhj'nd two daughters have < gone to Denver Dd 4 extended visit. Mr. anti Mrs.V31ey Morsman have returned - turned from SaltL.o anti Colorado. Salt Mr. Louis N' nnti Mrs. Knlllpenberg f nI rale homc from-pntana on Tues < ay. Irs. : tcClntock anti lrs. Faber are the guests of Mr. anti Irs. Milton Barlow. Mr. oM Irs. II , F. Cady and daughters returned from Dome lake on Thursday. : fr. Lee W. Spratn buns returned from a montln's trip through' Yelowstone park. : Ir. Fred Denzlngcr , n former newspaper 10n of this city , epell Tuesday In town Born , Wednesll ) to : fr. and Mrs. Charles Test Stewart of Council Inrs , a daughter. ! r. Ward Jurge ' eame hOle from Spiri Lake luch Improved In healh on londay. Mrs. Byrcn Hced , who has spent the SII- finer east , Is expected In Omaha next month. ! rs. Woolworth and MIss Ella ! . Brown are spending n cOUIle of weeks at Manitou. This Misses Morse will entertain the " : Ierry Moment" club Wednesday evening. Mrs. ' \ F. Wdppleh , who lIas been visit- Ing at Northfeld , returned to her hOI Frl- day. day.Miss Miss Archer of Council Burs entertained the visiting Chicago tennis player on Thurs- day. day.Miss Miss Essie Denlso has retured from New York , where she has been spending the sum- mmner. ' mmner.MIss Miss helen Moore Is expected hOle this month , after a two months' visit In the east. easl Mr. I.lther Drake Is back from a two park. wl ks' visit to the Yellowstone National park.lr. : lr. Wallace Iroateh will go In September to Yale , where . he will take a most graduate c urse. Mr. A. I. Havens and famiy , formerly of Central City , Neb. . have located at 1049 Park avenue. Mrs. Thede I.lvlngston amid Miss White of Platsmouth are guests of Mrs. II. E. Palmer. Miss Carrie Wasner of Grand Island spent several friends. days In Omaha last week visiting General Dandy Inns Joined Mrs. Dandy at Jamestown , where she has been quite serb- ously ill. 1. MI&J lalwln , of Council Bluffs will re- main .lss Adeline Nash's guest throughout the week Miss Anna C. Dunn of Sprimigflehti . 1. Is a vlsttor at the home of her sIster . : Irs. I ) . g. Bogart. Mrs. henry Iller and famiy have returned - turned from their summer outing at Ekhart Lake . \Vis. : Ir. 10\an ] hhaidrige returned from the east on Sunday and ! r. Joe Baldrlge on Wetinestlay. ! r. Grham Park and her daughter , Mrs. C. S. West , have retyred to the cIty from lInt Springs. . Irs. Jay D. FosIr'lias returned from a two tnonth' visit to Los Angeles and other Cal- foria polnls. . i Mi' . Etiwarni , Sulh bf Sl Joseph has been tIne guest at 1111le for several days during the past week. Mrs. C. J. Shoah ndc : Irs , CarrIe Alvarez , studying saihetl In music. Juno fogurope. . I . She Is In Berlin Misses 1'lor anti .Bessie Yates wi accompany - pony their coushl , Miss John30n , to St. Joseph - seph on Monday. lrs , Haverstclc'all daughter of , JJrlsle , Pa. , are at the Shriler , the guests of : Ir. Hoberl hlaverstick. Miss Alma lng " ' and her mother leave for Chicago this Week ! where they will male their future hor" . ; ' . The Misses Afr ' ' and Kate McCormick care home from "Washlngton , Ia. , the early part of the weelc. Irs. ilennedict . the daughter of Majr Hal- ford. Is tine guest of : Ir. and Mrs. Charle DJvls at tine ladlsGn. - Miss Dele Scott left for Boston : Inlay. She will visit several of thc coast resorts ali be gone six weels. Miss Doris Icfasters has returned from a pleasant summer vacation spent In Yankton and norther Nebraska . : Ir. M. A. Hal left for a flying trip to Toronto on Thursday night to brIng back : Irs , hall and the boys. Mrs. E. M. Barthett , who has been spending the summer In the. east , arrIved home the early part of this weel ! rs. F. B. Nichols and chidren , who have been spenling the summer In the cast , arc eXIeeted home next week. ! r. Charles Saunlers , Is home from a trip through the Yellowstone park ant a short stop at hot Springs ! , S. D. Misses Elba Heynolls , and Mryte I. Carrel have retured from an enjoyable trill through the mountails 01 Color < o. Mr. T. J. Kelley called for home on Thurs- day anti , will reach New York about the 31l on the City of Home. Prof. and Mrs. Kratz reached home Friday - day , after several weeks' vacatIon among frIends In Illinois and Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Fred ] W. Gray , formerly 01 < Omaha , now of Nies , Mich. , were guests at the Paxton during the week. Dr. VIctor Rosewater Is home from Denver , where he went to attend the meeting of the National Library nssoclatlonn. ! r. W. 1" . Holden and ! r. Quincy A. Knnouse who have heen doing the HoeilY mountaIns , have just returne Tine many friends of : Ir. and lrs. John H. Cannon wi r-grct to lear of their con- telplat d remnovaito Chicago Next month Miss Ida Sharp goes to Day- cone N. J. , where sine will visit ! rs. Now- man nee Dundy , for two months. Dr. and ! rs. Dalas Bache , who have been In Calornia several weeks , wl re turn to Omaha the last of the month. ! r. all Mrs. J. C. Cowin entertained the fIrst meetIng of tine "Merry Moment" cub al their home last Saturday evening. Mr Henry Estahrook Invlc , ] a few friends Informaly last evenln al his residence to m et Mr. Roy Smith , the composer. Mr. atnti ] ! r. Charles L. Doss have taken a house on Park aventme anti Intend going to houseleeplng the frt of Seltember. The visiting tennis players were the guests of the home club at the opening of the Crehghmton theater on Thursday even In/ ! r. Charles Turner returned on Wednesday from the Big horn I mountaLns [ , where he spent 8n enjoyable'ten days Ishlng and hunt- Ins. I. , ' ! rs. Joseph Batker entertained informally at luncheon on Irrla Covers were laid for twelve. The tabTe' decorations were very dainty. , hurinng the past . , 'fek Mr. henry T. Clarke was a guest al they New Amsterdam hotel , New York City. le will be gone two veeks . longu. . , I , 1 Miss O'BrIen of SliD public library returned Monday from Ienwer5 where she went to attend the meetng ( aD the National Lbrary : association. ' Mrs. henry lhtde and dauglntor also sister. Miss Belie Ueethle . have returned home after a four weeks' Visit to Stone Lake La Porte , Ind. , " I Mr. John Panter , ' who bas lany frIends In Clifton 11 an , the city , went to 'Chlca o this week , which' ' place will be his home In the future ! r. Warren Rogers , Mr. Earl Gannett and Mr. George Palmer returned from their hunting trip In the Big horn mountains on Wcnelda ) Miss Dickinson and Miss Emnna I Crandall left for Pueblo on Tuesday. While there they ratio wiil Itarticipate Springs. In the loral carnival at Cole Mr. James Wise of Clifton Il departed Wtlnesday upon a three weeks' trip through the lack lulls and Yellowstone park In search or health. Miss Metcalf of San Diego . Cal . , wino has been visitng : lr. and : lr Joseph Metalf , left I rlda ) After I week's vllil al Chi- cage ahe goes to New York for a week , and 811s front there to Eurollo , going to Veunice - - - - - - - - - -I . - for I year Qnd then en to Paris to finish her musicAl education under the famous Mmo. Marchesi Mr p Ogden and Miss ICltherlne Ogden at Council Bluffs hue decldt to make their home on this side of tine water , with : n. Mcharomi . neo Ogden , Mrs. Iattens will soon take her departure for Berlin , where she Is going to study with Herr Ihllp Scharwenkn She intends to re- maIn away two year When Mr. Harry Lyman goes east In the tall to bo best man at Mr. hean Lyman's weiling he , ,11 not return until he has com- 11lete,1 , n medical course . Miss IrIRR ! left for points In Macsc- chustts Wednesday and will take In santo of the larger sUlmer resort before her return. She will be abseut n month. Mr. Fred Van Horn of the 1893 class of tIne High school left on Friday for Cheyenne , where he \\1 enter upon his duties as a teacher for the ensuing year. Mrs. James Savage will move Into hcr house al 412 North Twenty-second street on the 1t of Septcmber. frs. . mla Iathcson will spent the winter with her. Mrs. John 1. Howley and the MIsses Hnw- Icy leJve on Monday with friends for n \11 10 the norther lakes , and will be absent from time city about two weeks. The mal ) ' frlemitis , of : Ir. and Irs. Paul A. Engiish will regret to Il'ar that they will leave Omaha tine 1st of September tu make Kansas City thllr futue home. Miss Emma Suter , having spent the lum- miner at Hot Springs , S. D. I , and a guest of Miss Anneta Wison for two weeks , has returned to her home In I.lncoll. : lr. anti , Irs. Thomas Ieldrum and Iu. gd Challman have returned from their west- cnn trip They visited Ien'or , Maniou I and all surrounln , places of Interest. I : Ir , and Irs. : f. H , Collins amid Miss I Iount left for tine east on : lolda ) ' . They will vilt Boston , New York a 111 Washington and return hy way of the great lales. Tomorrow Judge and ! r. Duntiy : Ir. and : Irs , g. S. DU1ly , jr. , amid : Ir. and Irs. Burr of 1.lncoln will leave In I private car for an extended tour of Colorado and Iontana. The meeting of the Negl/c Card club , which was to have been held last Tuesi ) ' at thc residence of Irs. A. J. lanscom , was Ilostponcd Intefnltely , owIng to her Ines : : fr. J. N. H. Patrick , : Ir. H. W. Patrick . : Ir. John Patrick and : Ir. Ichar Berln canine homo Wednesday from the ndlan I agency , where they have been camping out. I : Ir. anti , Irs. Alfred I ) . Tou1oln have rented Mrs. Heble Morgan's cottage , on Chi. , cage Street , between Tlrty-flrst and Thirty- second streets They wl take possession on the 1st. Amen those who left on Thursday for the triennial conclave at Boston were Mr. H3rry P. Deuel Mr. George 1.lnlnger , Mr. Victor Whie , Mr. William T. Robinson , : Ir. Vt' . S. Strawn. Mrs. Knippenberg arrived from tIne west on Tuesday antI , remained ulI Friday with Mr. anti , Mrs. E. ' \ ' . Nash , when she anti Miss Knippenberg left for their home at Indlanapol . Mls3 Dewey returned on Wedncsday from Hot Springs , S. D. I , aud Is the guest of : Ir. anti Mrs. Wiiam Tupper W'lan at 'Ior- ] encu. Mrs. Dewey will remain some time longer al the SI.rlngs. For ] the past two weeks nr. and Irs. Bache have been at Monterey . Cal. , where all the troops ef Colonel I orlythe's command were encamped. The doctor and his wife are exPected - 11eeted here nexl Thursday. Mr. a 111 Irs. Charles J. Barber and Miss : Ialel Barber heft on Monday for New York and Beston and many points of interest on the Atlantic . leaving Miss Barber al LaSale semlnarr for a year's course. Irs. E. W. Nash has been entertalnln for the past weak l the following house party : : Irs. Knippenberg , f3 iCnippemiberg Miss Dald- \ In of Counci Bluffs , Miss gllna Cowin , the Misses Peel and : fr. Will Cowin. Mrs. Ezra Millard and famiy -will not return - turn home In Sepienni.pr . lS had been ex- Iecte , but will spenti several months more In Dresdein before returnln , probably reachIng - Ing home snout after the mnohidays. Misses Nellie and JessIe Ireland and 1Iss Hose 'ltch ] , Omaha teachers who have been silenlln ! their vacation nt Green MountaIn Falls , Colo. . have returned to Omaha well pleased with their summer's outing . Miss Florence Garlsh , formerly or this city , after pel1lng two months very pleasantly with her friends here , left last week for San Framncisco where she w:1 : spend a few months wih hcr cousin , frs. A.V. . Wlnn , nee : lnnle Hath. He\ Alexanler F. Irvine who has been away durIn/ the sun1ler unonthms filing the pulpll of Tabor Congregational church , has rEturnEI to the city ant will resume the pastorate of the Pigrim church at Fort- second and Dodge streets. Miss Frances Bulerfeld returned this week from a summer In Colorado mart of which was passed In Denver In attendance on the session of the National Educational asso elation , and part at the summer school for teachers at Colorado Springs. Miss Collins and Miss Dundy are now visiting the prluclpal points of Interest In Greece. While maIling the trip , which will he rlther short owing to the lmited tme : the party now ha before sailing . Miss Walle- ley will await them at Nalles. Those who atended the boat house dance at lanrwa last I rllay evening from Omnha were : Miss 1anlne Lowe . , Miss Dlcklnon , Miss Nmma Crandall , . : Ir. Curtss Turner , Mr. Arthur Gulou , Major Crowder Mr. Cook- son , ! r. C. H. Wilson , Mr. I.und. At the resllenco of Mrs. French , In Coun- cli Bluffs , on W'etimnesnhay occurred the marriage . rlale of Miss Luela G. French to : Ir. Uyrn Smith of Omaha Rev. T. F. Thlckstun officiating. Mr. and ! rs. Smith left on the afternoon train for a ten days' vIsit to Denver . vr and Pike's peak. Irs. Fleming 1 of Walnut II Is eatertalnlng her unieces MIss Nickum of Pennsylvania anti Mist ! MclCissick of Colomllo. The lovely voice of Miss McKIssick and the fine elo- cutonary abIlities of Miss Nickum have de- lghted all who mayo been fortunatc enough to have heard them. Miss Martina K. hlunipinrey casB : of ' 95 , Smih colege , Northampton , Mass . , Is vlsll- III her hrother , S. IC lumphrlY , at the Al- bany. Miss Humphrey Is on her way to Salt Lake City , where she will teach the science tine coming year at Rowland hal , a private school for young ladles. Wednesday evening Miss Alice Slaughter gave 1 jolly street car ride for Miss Huth Weler of Omaha her guest. The party roe out to Cotner and thence to the lake where refreshmentt were served , and then Into the city and to the end of the South Seventeenth street line and return.-Llncoln CourIer. Captain anti Mrs. neerlng will close their cottage at Kennebunkport , Mr. . on the ht and open their Portand hOU80. Mrs. Warren opn Rogers antI , Mrs. Charlls W. Hull will accompany - company them. Mrs. Rogers expects to return - turn to Omaha the secnd week In September. Mrs. lul contemplates stopping at CincIn- nat and Chicago enroute home. For Miss Foray of St I'aul Mra. S. G. Griswold gave a very delightful musicale on Monday evening. The feature of the e\enlng was the playing of the Misses Lowe on banjo mandolin a 11 guitar. The guests were the M'sse3 ' Juray. Crlghton , Coburn , Crandall . Colpetzer and Lowe Messrs. Doaune nes- peciner . Redick Colpetzer. Turner , Mullen , Gulou , Quay and Major Crowder. Lake mploy la one of the Ilrety summer resort of souther Wisconsin. Fishing boatng anti bathing are among the daily amusements. Cedar Lonige and adjacent cot- tKes shelter the following Omaha people : : fr. anti Mrs. Fred W. Lee and sons Hob art anti Curtis . : lr. anti Mrs. Felix Mc- Sinane . MarIe McSbnane Nora : I O'Connor , : Ir. Louis I.'oute and son , llwln , formerly of Omaha , but now of Fort Worth , 'rex. Miss Anna Brooks Miss Anna Darnard and Miss Hattie 1"lemlng , who have been In charge of the Tabor college settlement , left on Wednesday for Tabor college . wih the excplon of Miss Irlellng , who will enter the UnIversity of Colorallo to complete her colege courso. The settlement has been a great success , the young wOlen are satisfied with their work and experience and feel that arrangements should be lade to carry on the good work I la eellom one sees a party planned ' ] In such a delightful mannpr I that of Misses Annie anti , Margaret Colvin , on Wednesday evening last , In houor of Miss I.ote Mack . who leaves for her new home In Kansas City . Mo. , this afterunoon. I was I phenomenal - nomenal success In every rC8pect Mrs. Newcombe and Mrs. Colvl serve a very bountiful supper to the lerry guests. Those present were : Mrs. Colvin , Irs. Newcomho , Misses 11111 , Feilner , Williams , h"iooni , Kane , Matiiews , Mack , Layton , Ciusick Atians , , Per- cey , Taylor , Smmmitln. Annie and Margaret Calvin , Messrs. Vein Damn , BuzzeIi , Ellingtonm , I'erry , Newcounbe , Qsrnsey , Driesbach. VERDI'S ' CREAT NASTERPIECE Dr. Baotons Writes ot the Composer of the Opera 'tOtollo ' , " T WAS Al MED AT DRAMATIC CONTENTS Fitl Comneeriiimmg Ilia Mnn WIno Aim- I liii itmIned I lie 11 us Ic l.a l mig 'orl.i W'inIeli lie Ica'elopeit Alone mmiii Vnmii.ied. Dr. IIaetouis , tIne well known musIcIan anti composer of this city , wino is contributing a series of articles for Thto lice , In writing of Verdi's nmmasterpiece , "Otello , " saysi From whnntt Itolut of view is "Oteilo" to be consitiered ? Is It ami Italian opera in tIne sense that tIne terumn is untierstood whien we speilt : of tine works of Iloasiini , DomtIzettl anti Ihehlini , or even tIne Verdi of thnirty years ago ? Is it a French opera , a Germmnann opera or a mousic drammia in time W'agnerinn aenise ? To tIme connolseur , if not to tine idle nrattler ahiotit music , enchn of thieste designiationna snnggcsts a dlstinnct idea a formni , a style , a uniaminer. \Vlnicit of them nmiigimt witim minuet vroinriety be applied to Verdi's latest nmnd probably last creatlomi ? 'rime ' circunnatance that thno book is in tIne Italian language inns little to do with time quostloum , no mnnatter mow lotndly ann cx- citable , as on this first representationi , imnay shout , "Viva L' Itahiano , " to testify Inis ad- nnlratioun for Verdi's muncie , "The style is tine noon. " It is mnianny years since Inc ceased to write Operas for tine carnival ceasout in mis mmatlvo coumitry ; "La Forzanleh Destine" was coummposecl for St. Petersburg , "Iomn Cat'- los" for Paris "Aida" " " , for Cairo , "Otello" was connposeti and inroiuceni ( unider nnommtalotms comulitiouns , and , siltimonngin it first saw tine stage lamimps at Milan , its styie is not this. tlnctively Italian. Neithucr Is it distinctively Frennch or Germnani. It Is of its own kind , Vertlian ; cinaracteristlc of the composer of ' ' " " ' ' " ' ' 'htlgoletto "Troyatore' , anti "Traviata' un its essennce , tinontgim wltiehy different trout tinemmt inn expressiomm. T'2ne conitutoser hniunseif imnnhlcates tinat lie nlesires it to be lookenl upon as outside tile olni operatic connveuntlomis. Ac- cortiing to Inlmmi it is a "hrama hirico iii pint. tro atti' ' ( Lyric dranina in four acts ) . " \ida" hne called ant "Oltera inn qlmattro sitti' ' ( Opera In fonmr acts ) , Tiuo distimnctiomn is not tunmnle- slgnenh. There are mnmany other external inidi. cationnnu tlnat he wished as serious a view to me taken of mis work asVagmner ; that Ito aimnied iii thmo first innatance at a presenntation of its dramatic conteutta , and considered tine nntmsic as a mnieauns and not entirely as nun emini. In tints lie followetl \Vngnerian precept. hi score is iiilt'ti witin Instrunniental interludes dcslgnneti to acconnpanmy actions or depict emnO- tlonnnt. ho leaves mme qtnestlon in our nuiinnnls on tiuI point , but ahiniost. as tinily as Wag- her in his ' 'Lolnengrlmi" perioti , hue imitilcates tine botiliy uimovetnnents that are to go Inand inn lnanndvitim tint' mnnusic. IIIA\VS A PEN PICTURE. In tIme stornn picttmre whIch begins tine opera tIme nnianihlnnnlator of the artificial light- mnung is met heft to hnls discretionn as to tine rroier tinnie for niiscinarglntg lnih "lrtittumii temlnncn ; " in tine love ultmet at tine close of tine fIrst act tine appearance of the mnnoon anti stars are sought to be luntemisifietl by niescriptive effects inn tIne music , and wlneni in tIne last scene Otello kisses tine sleepIng Desdennona , and tIne one cinuiracter- istic thmenne of time ojtera ( nirawn from line love titmet ) Is repeated. tine cotnnitoser imidicates on wimat beat of tine bar hue desIres each k's to fall. ( lCissimng in tinne , sonnethlung miovel ! ) Those are only a few instamnces of Verthi's appreciation of the necessity of snnit- hog tine niction to the music , the rntusie to the actionn , anti they sink into imnsignficamnce winen cominared wIth his treatmniemnt of the nnurnler Lit the last act. Tinen Otello's entrance - trance anti actions , up to tine waking of les- tieniona , are accomlamntei by a solo on tine double Inasses , interrupieti at intervals by energetic staccato passages fronn tine otiner at rings. It is unot thililcult to recali a miuntiber of nnelodrannns written sluice Beetinoven'un "Fl- delia , " in tlnich stnmniiar tirautiatic effects are nought , but tine aunlaclty of Verdi's Inrocetl- tire us Imnexampleti inn ItalIan opera. I do not uionnbt bnmt tinat Inani Ime wrlttemi tinls scene tvenity years ago it would have been ra- ceived by hula conmrutrynnent svithn amazemunent , if not with hisses. Yet , we are told , the Mihant autiiemmce reticminantled It tmprtnariously anni the critics withn Italian proclivities could nnot stilhiciemitly express tlnelr adnnniratlon for It' \\'hnat is tln mnteaning of such a change in comnrlction anti taste ? .Is it tine frmnlt of legitlnnate tievehopmneumt on Italian lines ? It is entirely an immaterial questioni whetlner or not Vernil owes tine progress - gross towarti nirannatic exinression wiiichn "Akin" niutti "Otehlo" show to the influence of V.'agner. Tluu music of tlnese two oiteras anti tIne circummistaunces surroumnding ttnelr jtro- ductiont sinew tlnat at an ago whenm nnost coin- posers rest on tineir laurels , Vertil began to study Fremnein amid Gerunan masters. T'luis fact itinows a seriousness of ltnrpose , a coin- vlctioni of duty toward art tinat maui few , if any , parallels , A few years ago the story was spreati that Inc was so Ignorant of tlneir unnnsic timat ho iuatl not evomn seen tine score of Mozart's mimnisterpicce. To offset this mIs frIends reiatci tlnnnt in 1831 InIs teachner played anti auna.yzetl "Ion Giovannni" for hninn so often tinat VerdI got a surfeit of It whuicin lasted for a lonmg tlnne. I know miotiming about tine trmnthn of time story , bntt have no hesitation in sayiuig that if Verthi knnows "Doun 010. vanuti" lie has never betrayed tine fact in Ida niusic front "Oberto" ( his first ) anti "Otehlo" ( hniui last opera ) . If , ant tue .ontrary , lne is unitamihlnir vitit tine works of Meyerlteer , Wagner , Gounod anti Bleat , tine evidences In "Aida" amid "Otehio" are strangely misleading. If/ti ) TilE GENIUS TO EXCEL. It is ennoimgh for my present comnteuntion , however , tinat tine score of "Oteilo" dls. closes nun hnonest , consistennt anti , Inn somnie respects , most successful effort to realize tine itiginer purposes winlcin te associate witin tine conceptIon of a real lyric dranna , Witin tlnis conception natbomiahisnu maui nmotining to do. Nor Is it an argument agnnlmnst tine acceptammca of motiermi thneories by Verdi tinat be Inns introtlunceti smicin set niumnbers in mis score as tine so-callenl "Willow Song , " anti tine "Ave Maria , " Tlnese tire in their na- hire lyrical , anti would Inave hteemn treated in mooch tIne sanne way by Wagner or Gold- mnnark , or any mnodernn French or Germnian coniposer. Witness Waltlner's prize song In "Die Meinntralnger , " or tine saihor's sonng at tine beginnmiinig of "Tristant" amnd "Isolde , " Sunnkesinearo'a Desdeunona sIngs a sonig of " \'illow" Inofore iner deatin , lust. as poor , distratmgint Ophnehia sings her "Hey no unonuny , mnounmiy lmey unominny.Vmmy should not tine Ineroimno of tine operas of Verdi amid Aunbroise Tlnomas operas do tIne same ? Amini % vhy slnonnlti not tlnoir coungs be of tine stroinino khnti , and either sound like or actually beconno folk tunes ? Id. Annbrolsnn Thomas wemnt to Sweden for hti song Verdi inatl genius enaugh to counmpoeo a fair unnatch for it , a stralnm of marvelous tennulerness annti pathos , hboite's ii. bretto Inn perinaps mis excelent ann opera book as couhti be nmanie out of Shakespeare's tragetiy in mrnost particulars. 'It Is not his fault that tIne characters Inavo all lost mucin of linde stature In tine process of translating tlneni into oper. atbe personages-that we scorn to see them throingin tIne wrong anti of our opera glasses , This is tine fate that coninnonuhy befalls great tragic ineroen cinonn conscienceless librettists and connnincsers transfer thorn frouni the theater to limo opera houuie. The iivehle'st niounnory tlnat we have of M. Anuibroiso Tinontas' Ilantiet is that he amiga a good drimnklnng song , But hloito is reuqnomnsibhe for inavlnng made a spectacniiar stage devil onnt of logo. The tentienncy to nb tidings of timia hint ! is also observnnitie 1mm tine book of "La Giocommtla , " whicin hiolte wrote for l'onclmicihm , There , iunw. ever , Ito hal some justification Jn the tact - - - - - - - ------f.- _ = . _ 1 ttn ito 'was simply rornosIehtn a p1y tnt Vie. toe hugo's , the prince of thofo ramstI.ti anti tnovolists who utilize the minost glarIng contrasts and most unnatural cuntradictionhu to give piquancy to their creations and do. light In compelling aynnpathy with it mmiorah monster my consorting in the santo breast monumental wickedness with tine most ten. tier amid amiable feelings. TherhIn will ito pleasctiif not proutl to re ceis'e an array of musical talent fronni Omaha , Mmctn aim Mrs. I'ranees ilaetea * , MIss Mama Munclnoff , Mr , ilerbert flintier anti Mr. hut. her , nIl of Whnonn will start shortly for 11cr- lb to cominnienen thneir stuniles innitier emninient teachers , I'inlllp Sclnarwenka , piano , Joam.'lniin , % 'ioibn , anti Fratulein I.elnumnan , vocal , iii be thtelr instructors. Their mmnnn' friends anti admirers wish tinenn sineeces and godapoed. Me , Eniwarti IC. Scintcider of San Jose , Cal. , formerly of Onnaha , Passeti thnronngh tIme city out Montlay anti absent several hotnrs with his cotusin , Mr.'ailace hiroitcht , ' iii calling oa frlemuds , lie was cmi iui nay to Now \'ork , winoro me will conntinnne his stutiies inn nmnusio witim Joseffy anti cthner inromnninmennt Itianicts. hi is a taientcnl nntnsiciann nnmnti imss conunpo.ed several loveiy songs , auniong whnlch 'T1no Violets' ' is one of the Prettiest. Ilie latest commtlnesltion is a dalmity little sang oaiict.i "Suneet. " - i.i : ( 'I ) I , etO'mt I LI i"li , So lonng ins "nnll out-doors" offers so mmnznny varieti aitractionis it Is donnlttftni If LImncoin socitty will get togetiner 'er' often in winat is recgmnIzeti techtunicaihy as tine function , But 'acatiomn itllgriunis are returmnlmng lIke Inonining Itigeouns daily anti it is Possible tlnat sports a-field nnay seem inecomnie too n'earlsomo for tIne social bintlerily of tine Capital City. 0. B. Lanmnberistnn. Ir , 0. 1" , Lannnbertson mmd C. B. 'initnnor , ' rattirmienl Ttmestiay froumt tine hlig I lorn mnonnnutalmns. Tine party vent to Simeritlan anti thnence over tIne iniiis into thne lug hum basiun. A large catcin of fish is ro- lotted annd a conisiderablo quanntlty of smninill niunne' Mrs. A. N. Wycoff and danmghter Pearl , amid Misses Malnel htickotts , Jusie hloyt , Olive Gralnntnin , Grace Fraunks , Messrs. Albert itaum- tiohiniu , Cinarles hoyt , NorunnalVycofT , Cliftoun Smnnitin atid Ilert hticketts mire cannining at Crete. Mrs. P. V. M. Rayminonti has gone to Clii- cage for a vacation , Mrs. Jones will take hmer Ithaca nit. tine First Congregational clnnmrchm. Mr. hlrucnn Sunnitin nviil sinng tine solos tomnnor- row. row.Missos Misses Ehlzabtln amnti iCnntinarinoVeston of Ileatrice were inn tine city Tiitmrstiay out rounte to Yellowstone park , wlnere they will joint thnetr father , .1. ii.'eston , \v. F. Keiley went to Monnmtt Pheasant , ha , , tbnis week , vinere Mrs. Kello3' is snemndimig tiuni uthminiunner. Mr. aminl Mrs. hCehiey vili ro. tnnrnt about tue mniititibe of Septemmnbsr. Mr. T. II. Marslnnitl left \Venimncsthay to resnnnnne mis Itoaitionn as teaclncr of science at hleinmnonnt scinotil .Mrs.Mar siannnl is munch bettor , hint nnot nlnle to travel , MIss Mary Fechmet is one of a gay lIlack hills party uitder tine ginidanuce of Mr. A. B. Smlthm. Tine party mire travelling about inn one of tIne nlhicer' mnrin'ate cars , Mr. Semneca 0. 1)orr is stolnining at thu Llnntht'li on mis n'ay to tine Atlanntlc coast. Mr. lorr Inns grown stout and browni but tine l'nnget Sonnuntl country. 'iihlam Axlinug of tIne State university is In tIne city. hi inns sitemnt hubs vacation Inreaciniung. hiti resumnies his studies at thno nmuiiversity thni fall. Lleutemnannt P. W. ( irithitin arrived from Texas Wetlniestiay ninnti will rennunnin inn tito city siUm Mrs. GrIllitIn for sonune weeks. Prof. Owe'uis , vIne hnttnn heen traveling in Seotiamid , sails on tine Furnessla for New York cmi tine 5th of Septenuber , Mr. N. S. ilarwood , Mints hiarwooti annni Miss Iorraunce mayo genie to h'ainnner'a lake , Ctnio. , to get cool. P. Ii. I'iper of Onuaina has been visiting mis brother , tine secretary of state. MISs harriet ingersoll inaa returned from a % % eek's visIt in ( 'ohoranlo , I'rof. George Williamuus returned Wetine- day froni New York. Rev. 0. A. Willianmus , fornunerly of Lincoln , Is inn time city. Cllmntomu It. Lee Inns returnned from a trip to havennlnort. Ciemicral Arnasi Cobb lnnis gone to Boston. hhn'enu'ntt'l ( 'ii litni I in Shunuii'un , Thuo h'orthand ( Ore. ) StIn of July 25 says : Tinat , Captain Josephn A. Slatien ( U. S. A. , re- tiretl ) , tine clerk of tint' Umultoti States circuit court , inn otto of tIne minost nnotIest as well as one of tine minuet umtcrltorious of moan , all who know Inlnni will agree. lie recelvenl an honor yesterday of wlnicln any soldier mnigint wall bt lnrotmtl , anti whuicln will no tioubt , as be lOoks hack over thno battleuleitis of tine past thnrctngin tIne gatinerlnng mist of years , afford inimni sonunotining of tiuc lleastmro mmd solace % Inichn tine Iiritishn soldIer experleuncos as me looks upon his Victoria cross , or winlcht timnilis tine Frennchn veteran as he caresses mIs cross of tIne Legionn of hiomnor. Thno hnounor referrctl to Is nothIng leas than a medal pre- senttetl to mIni by congress for distiuugtuisined gallamntry at htceaca , Ga. Thne nnedal was Sc- cons.panied Iny a letter In tine tnsuai forun , cnnclnndlng as folions : "Tine actinng secretary of'ar Inns awartleti you a mmnedal of honor for nuost uilstingnninthnetl gallantry in action at tlno battle of liesaca , Ga. , May II , 1864. " ' , Viiu. t in Ii'cssuiiunk.'r St , Mrs. ii. C. Moses Inns rocenthy returned from Now York , Boston anti otiner eastern points. WInilo titaro sine spenut several weeks vIsiting the largest anti monet fasinionablo shops In the country , thoroughly inspecting the latest goods anti trimnnings on the mar- ket. Sine conusiders ity tine dIsplay and vhuat tine Importers anti mnuaninfacturers ina'o to say , tinat tlney exitact tine latiles of the count- try will be moro elaborately costumed than for nionne lInac past , tine ortlers front the lead- mug dry goods stores inching larger fluid of a teunticnncy tnt a utiuch finer gratis than heretofore - tofore , anti tIne deslgmners htlauuuninz stilts in mnnora exltemnsIvo unnaterials , Omnialna is wielnotnt a uionnhtt tIne nnnost econonnulcal buyer ont thus muiarket as rrgtrnlnn to mnovelties , amid a hmlgin gratle of dress goods. This is expiahnneti by her mu tine fact ( hint so niuch tlressnnmaklmmg is tionno by cheap nsewinmg girls , annni tIne In- miles do znot feel jnustiileti iii exieinthing so nutnchn unnonucy onn tine nnnateriais , for at the best tlney nvotmltl not lna'o annythimng but a comnmoun dresni of no particular tieutlgnn , and mucking tine Ineenniltir style that gives ax- pensive gootis tine rlchm appearance. Th de- nnuanti being ito himniteni , Stores feel tImid in brinuging on a large stock , winich they would nno ulottlut mayo to carry over anatiner seasonm. Tine closing up of tine S. I' . Morse Dry Gentle Co. sumuninly mninows tit lack of patron. age for high grade goods. C.OI ) ti'ii.tic. ( Vrltten Cttr The hi.'e. ) Coil speaks thru' e'vn'ry ray of light 'Finn I sin I mica from tIne Inn ilium t sun : Thnmo' ( mo twinkling mitat tlnat gitnana by niglnt , AntI tine inininnets eyery onie. 'i'inro' the softest , wmnIsuerlng isumnner inree7.e , Anti tine unnighnty stornu-winti's roar ; Tinro' tine letmlk'tnn of tine sturdy trt'es 'l'hnro' the grnin''n-bluntles thnoy bend o Cr , ] Lt inenk thiro' ( hue births that sweetly sing In tine niintntlett of tint , ftnrest fair ; Tinro' tint- glowers Hint bluount lit tine balmy Tinith' clonuii tinat ( loot inn tine air. lie uiiennk5 tiuro' thnc ithasinimng mnnountalni hi onks 'I'hitt utinug o'er ruggetl stones , 'rmnro' tine gttttt'rnti cr.uk of tine rovitmg rook , 'leo' tine tinnuunin'ns dulcet tomnc'n. * ( ioti * tjteakt' ' thro' the murmur , deep ninth hoarse , Or tine mneavlmng , mnwelhimng anna ; W'int're its isiiiows race o'er tine snnndy course in ut tunmutnit wliti anti free. lit' speaks 1mm' tine snow thuat softly falis O'er fuiest , tiehtl antI vntle ; Tinro' tine cheerful cricket's bits ) ' clnlrp , Anti tine unournuing dove's low wail. Goti smts'nnks tinro' the rtistiirmg golden wheat 'fInal wntVetl in tins azure air , Tluro' tine launder buds in tine woodlaanj sv'e't , Anti tins roses everywlmera. lie ennilin with gentle , loving voice : "Fear not , fur I aun near ; hay tiaWtt thur itnirtlemn-uhloW roe ; . , ( Highest of all in Leavening Power--Latest U. S. Gov't Report RoYal . , ewer AI3SOLUTELY PUIE.