- - _ _ _ - ; - - - - - - - - - , - . - - - - - - - - - - - - L. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - _ . JIO.I < : " , . , " : . . . _ , _ . . --t ' . . . . . . -c.J-li , . . . . . . S ' " " . , . --if. . . - . - _ . . _ . . . . _ . . _ -H . - . , - - - = - - - ' - : : - : " . . - - - . ; . = - - - , - , - " & - - , . , rr - I , - . . pt- , . . . . - , " , _ _ , - ' ' . . . ' . . - j " . ' - . . , - - . - . - , - - - - - - . . , . . - - . . - . . -r " ' , " - _ . . " . - . , " - , . . - - - , - . - j - - - , * . - - . . - . - - - - . . - - . . - - - - . - , : ' - " - .Hr"- , \ . , 'L , , . . . , - , - , , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . r t - { Esr'AlLISTED JUNE 19 , 1871 OMAhA , ' .nURSDAY MORNING - , AUG-US' ! ' 2 , 1895. SINGLE COpy FIVE ( U N'l'S. SOUND MONEY WINS \ \ IN 1 OHI . 4s Senator Brico's Influence Sufficient to Control - trol the Oonvention , I EX-GOVERNOR CAMPBELL HEADS TICKET Arh' tin I "cllll 1..111 thc I)41110- ' cril" .r . I ht . Ilcl. ) . . . ! . Sllte , ' .Ie Ho.II Pr"f S11v4 . h ) ' IL Icl" ) ' . IIJ.rl ! ) ' . " 1ovcrnor . . . . . . . . JAM ) , F. CAMI9ilLli JJtennnt no\'rnor.JOIN B. l'l'ASI'I.I' : HUllremu JuIge . . . \VILI.1AM 'F. ! OOSIY State 'freu8urer. . . WI.I.IAI n. S1iflIIJFIt : : Htntc AjIItJr . . . . . . . JAMI W. ) = 01' Attorney GenerIUlOlfH : A. 1.-AlltANKS HOlrd \VorkH..IIINRY ) , U. KEEF'F1t I Clerk oC Supreme Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. : ? . : _ .Y . CIUICKSIANK SIHO ml.D , 0. , AUK. 21.-The demo- cratc state convention here today made all Its nominatons without oppo1tIon. The con- venton was In sesion from 10:10 : to 2 p. m. and nomInatons were comllet(1 , In a halt hour after ex-Oovernor Camplel had \ been drafted for the stanllard bearer. The balots were all on the mlnorl.ty report on credentials and resolutions and the time was consumell ( between the gold and siver men The gold men , headed ly Senator Drice had claimed there would be less thai ! 300 lnd probably not lucre than 200 oC the 800 delegates - gates vote for free sliver. The silver men claimed they would have no less than 300 and perhaps 3fO delegates for tree sit- ver. I developed that there were 270 free sliver lelelates , I was a fighting minority , but II would npt carry the fht further than on the IllaUorm. The nomlneo for member oC the board of public works Is said to le the only free silver man on the slate ticket , although ! - though lilies were not drawn on the eandl- dntes. Governor Campbell called on his frIends to- nlJht beCure leaving and with Senator BrIce and others arranged for beginning nt once an aggressive eamldlgn , In which they expect I to co-operatl with leading democrats throughout - I ! out the country. Previous to his election as governor In 18S0 , Campbell had been three times elected to congress In a republican distrIct , und L recognIzed as the best cnm- pahuer of his party In Ohio. Ills running mate for lieutenant governor , John g. Pense- Icy , was for years superintendent of the Cincinnati schools , and last \ e ( k retired as clerk oC the courts oC hamilton county. leIs . , Prof. Knott the Is ua a Ino e lmlJh-ler Knol candidate for audLlor of state , a college mali , ' . anll the nominee for bupreme judge , Is ! . . \ now on the common plen bench . : lr , Fairbanks - banks for attorney getwral , Is a friend , oC Burman al Columbus. His name was pre- bcnled by CenreSWlln Outhwulte The hal \I'al etaLQratly decorated , but too Inlll to accommodate all hollng lcl < ts. I was 1:30 : 1\ hen the chairman oC the state commIttee , : I A. Smaley , called the con- velton t ( oner. ] Prer was offered by l'rot. S. I. ' . Dr : eklnrhlge , aCer which Senator C. S. Brie was IntrOuced as preddlng omecr of the conventIon. BUGE TALKS ABOUT MOKr , I Upon being introduced Senator Drlcz de- Ilverod a lengthy I address , In which he reviewed - . . viewed the recent achievements oC the demo- _ I . clatc Party . Ic elce,1 , wIth the followIng : S lint . onlt'len , there I" nnothl'r Ilueslon In which great IIlerl ! I. l felt about which thert Ii I I great IIIIIelleO oC opInIon uml condom miI.g which wo may hear moore In thl conventIon . I wIll . IIOIIHLP , not 10 le lnl'd 18 out oC'Ialo ' or Improper for le , as In Imlvllua \ democrat omewhat ramllr wih ! the dlfullon amI the colidl- . . 101" , , .to malH ome suglestoml In this con- . ciiI loll , which 11Y be taken for whit they t , . . . . ore worth. u , j have a deep Interest . In the fortunes oC " . the democratic Party In this "tato uld In " thl county. I lt0lcell lily fIrst stlte con- . vonton II 1810 ; In the heat ot the war . when WI Iomlnated ! CI'melt I. . \aIInn- , ! ' F. ' h. I . tllghamn In,1 GeO'go t'migim. lmrticl- Ilalll In time dilcusbio 1H from ISW to 1&76 on another hlneh oC tlik money < 1eton , eonHtulty t I or mica Vt ) ri 1mg through al ! I these ) " 11" to have 1) ' Clew 11eloerts como whel wo 11 I I I nai ! I y did ! come to a SO\ ' mooney lllatorl under the wise amid able \ Illdll'lhlp oC Hamue J. 't'l Ideli Iii 1&76 , ii lid whel I leo tOlluy efforts helng minute . to dl- vlio the great democratIc part Just Oi the eve of Its revival aud resumtltlol oC + vower . on I theoretell Inl ( lemll'mleal . . tllwalon , In "hllh 10 prctkal f'lul Is I)55lI0. ! I coma to thlH eonventol to aslt Cul ! conllt'I'i\lon lef ore 'akll passlolllo action. 1 come 10 Islt your great Party II Ohio to 11111 ( on the platfoll of Ib9 . on the lunacy Ilueslon ; to let the currency remain 11 It now IH tint ! not to change our grounti wihout Cul l'lberton at ! ( nfl- tonnl ! conventIon and I delIverance ia-I . . , that body. I coitic to you convlneet that free COhlall' ' would be foolIsh lecI\ I would he 11 . Inpotent In hiI declaratIon. I would 1IIIarlte tis train the national deniocrucy. I would drive Crom our support thousands , untR ' "mdret" oC thou"un oC melt who olher- wise wOlll act wIth us. A 11cclurton In favor oC free fetid unlImIted coinage ot sil- vcr-16 to 1 , inmate 1) ' thll conventIon , would have no "rnetl.11 effect timid It would l\an an nbantlonmneflt IUt lFlluhner oC the Iplenllll results oC your demoeltc admin- Iltrton. : ; BHIC ! ! IJELIG.tTES KNOCKED ou'r. The senator was loudly cheered when In- Irollel ] and frequently applauled when he proceeded especially ' In hil reference the endorsement oC the plalform oC 180 and his pronoun ell ( Ollposlton If free coInage , also In his eulogy oC Prtsllent Cleveland. Congressman lron Hchle oC Toledo pre. 60nlell the Iljorl ) ' report on credentials . whIch 3eatell the Brice delegates trout all , . tutu contested countIes . When that hart oC ' t the rerort was read statIng that the Camp- bl'l delegates from Buter county were seatct unanImously there vas hearty applause. Mr. Philp Crow oC Kenton Ilresented a minority report to seat the ant-I rice delegatIon ( rout \ . Cuphoga count ) ' . \ hleh includes the city of Cleveland. Thesu reports were receIved . wIth alternatIng demonstratIons oC cheer ali ! hisses. Mr. A. n. W.lzel . presentel a mInorIty report to seal the antl-irlce ! delcO gales from Clark county , headed : by John H. ' ' 1'homas. 'fheM mluorl ) rep'Jrls Inclullell moro than I the ( ice Ith'lr ISNue. The oppoltlon to Scna- tor Irlc ! was .1lso Iwnh'el In them. John 1. Clark "C Youngstown a radIcal gold man , delivered I phiippiI In advocacy of the mi- noriy : report oC Mr. Crow , whIch Ca\'oret the frt hlh'er delegates from Cuyahoga c \nlY , which were the most pronounced ammt.tIrlco ! men at the convention. horace AI'onl oC l'ainovlIlo made nn elaborate argllent for Icatng time cuiti-lirIce dleiates from Cu'ahoa county timid Frank 1,1 iond oC Cevelnlll ! was equally elnboratl : ) In IleCenFe of the Brice delegates. On motIon of Thomas M. Pnton oC Cln- clnnut time 11re\'lou1 Questcn was ordered. Then time roil of eighty-tight. counties was 101 ! countes1'aF c.tIlLtl on the Ilollton uf time minoriy report of : lr , Crow as 1 substitute for the majorIty report br Mr. lchle on the contest In Cu'ahoJa cunty. 'Cher" were SOS 11 Iiate . but Ihiler all Clark countIes refused to vote owing to con , tests In their OWI delegatIon. The roll cal resultedyes : , 361 : las , : : : . Whereupon the Irlco .Ioleates gave flIt their seats amhl 11111,1 cheers amI hhsel to time autl.Urlce or Cro' sliver delegates from CIQvel I"I. As there Ire fifty-nIne delegates front L'U'dhui. cOlat ) ' , the 1l 11u received with great demonstratlous by the minority which had been defeated In nil other prelimInary con- tests . After accordIng seats In the bali to the unseated Ullc" delegates from Clyahoga cnunty time vote on tIme Clark county contest cfunt'k , the question beIng on substItuting _ he I minoriy report , favorIng the seatIng or the free silver or ant.lrlco delegates. for , tile ltljOrl- report that seated the gold , or " : Irlco candIdates . the result was announced , . I follows 2Tti Ryes ; HiY nays. , \ the ( lrlco delegates from Clark county already l hrld the seats under the report of the com- t . mltee on credentials there was no change lu . - this cue. This vote ( n the Clark county con'est did not have any blue In tt other than that of the sliver question and It WI . generally regarded . a test of strength on the majoriy and mInorIty reports on re I'lu- lions. The reQrl 01 rtlUllla , 1 amended , I waR then adopted , limo only change being tn Cu'ahoga c01nty , The report of the commIttee on permanent organIzatIon recommending that the temporary organizatIon be continued was adoptetl. The report was made by Jude J. O. lelser , a tree silver man , who put the motion anti con- ratuiatell the free silver men that they con- troled the conventIon the minute he Ne- sided. Senator Drlce returned his thanks for the double honor conferred upon him , ' after which the report of rules ali order of business - ness was adopted. x'Conressman John F. ! I.'olel oC CincInnatI had nn amendment adopted lImItIng any debate to twenty minutes - mites on each side with a vIew to preventIng a protracted debate on the resolutions. ! l'x-Congressman I Frank Hurtl , as chairman oC the commitee on resolutIons , offered the ColwlnK report adopted by a vote oC 10 10 : oC the commIttee : 1'LATFOiI POINTS WITH PltiDi. The democratic party oC Ohio In conven- ton n emlltd , poInts wih satisfaction and prhle to the wlFtlol oC the acton oC that party In the last two years anti the results ureolplNhed according to Its proml e ! , to-wi : The repeal of the republican lells- II tun known al the Shel'"un III the un- AmerIcan federal ekctiommmm law mimi time : lc- I.11Ie ) ' mu' , from which repeals hits resulted returnIng prosperity to the countr to "uLh an extent thlt e\en ! the republicans are ell . ell to recognIze the same. \ 0 ( onlrtulate lre llent Cleveland that his efforts In favor oC the repeal of these \lcouM IIWI al,1 , the Ullholll of the credIt of the country have been sucee , ful , " \'e con rtulltu our senator , Hon. Calvin S. Brice , for time Inrll t and effective BUll- lion he lots given to the president In this emma tt or. When we consider th" fact that the demo- ortlc party receIved from the fPllblcanH oC Ib2 a 1111trupt treasury , that It Inherited the vicious currency mind tarIff laws which hlll l'rlllnrltl ' nlli flaly Ilrohlcetl the panIc oC 13 , we Irmslst that It 1 > entitled to the thankH oC the peoille for the courage wih whllh " . It WIS attacked and repealed the e law"'e \'e realrm the folowln , portion oC the seventh Illlolt of the platorm oC the lust telCeratl' conveuton : We hell to time use oC both gold anti silver a9 the standard money of the countr tutu to time coinage ot both gold nail sliver without dIscriminatIon agaInst either metal or charge for Ilntalo : hut time dollar unIt oC coinage oC both metal must le oC equal intrInsIc and eXlhanlenlle value , ur)0 mluste,1 , II ) ' loternatonal lireemonl or ly such pafe/uall/ oC IpJlqlatun lS shll In- sure time malnlenanee oC the parIty of the two letals Inll time eltunl power of every dollar nt mull tImes In t\1 payment oC debts , un,1 . wo demand that the panel currency 'hnl he kl'llt at putt With . , tint ! rpleemable In such coin.'e Insist upon this polIcy n ! l'IIolllly nCI Fnr ) ' for the protection oC farmers amud lahurln classes the ! all Ies , first ant tO"t IleC'nele" \Ietm" oC unstable money and lurtuntn currency. \'c cal time attentiOn of time people to time methol19 ant ! practces oC bOlHIFm imy wiuii the Ipuhleln part II this state IU\I whll\ mann : ld Itt time last few year , 111 for examples Iolnt , to Its history In Ilmlton colmnty amid to the final t'ulmlnaton oC the client ? iii the Zancsvilic con\unton. anti wc lick time ppople hy their votes this fall to I Ilt their comlemnaton on Summit llretee" . ' \0 tenounce the lapt leglsliture : al cor- rUllt anti unworth ot the confidence oC the peoille ) anti we Ilhmlt to the Voters whether they vIsim to perpetlato this eon < lton oC affaIrs power. ) ly pluclng the republicans again In 'e1Iw wIth alarm the large Increase oC h"llhl'llneFI throlJholt the ftnte hy coon- tr 1,1 maui a lclpa Iities . I" luthorlzell I hy time last leJI lltlre. and the Increase In the In"t few years In the tax rate antI WI lIe- talli eonomy In expendIture all ! conserva- tIsno In tue Inereae oC Ileht. tsm II" SOUND IOEY WINS. JtliKe PatrIck from the eommltee on . reso- lotions offered the following mlnorl ) . report : \0 IlenUI,1 the hmn ( < late restoration oC tint . law 1)'ovlln for the free eolnngo anti full . , _ legal teI\1 , ! tf ! _ both , gold . mind silver . WIUllt IIHCrlmnluon l"nWI ! diner motumm /rovllell ; In the constItution . anti , without wa / tnl time ass'nt oC l u1111 or Lilly other foreign nation. Judge Patrclt : oC Canal Dover malle n radi- cal free sIlver arIluent In favor of his re- port and scorcd he t majority report as a serpent which wlg/le < and no one could tel whether It was runnln ! for gold or coming h.lek. h.lek.r ! r Third replIed In favor oC honest mone ) lie clalml that no stale convcnton hall the right to reverse the declarations oC a na- tonal conventon , anti that time place for the fight to make silver the standard was at the next national democratc eon\'enton. After his argument theru was u scen on the stage h ) : lr. Patrick congratulating : lr. liurti. Mr. n. D , : larslal oC Dayton made a plea for the majorIty report. I" . A. Russell oC Cleveland clo ell time tie- bate for the free silver minority report. The time hal ! not all been taken for the maJorl ) report when the roll oC counties was called on substitutIng the mInority report for the majority report on platCorm. ' The result was as follows : \es. 270 : nays 525. The majorly report was then adopted wlholt ealn ! tie coitrutles. The vote 01 the minoriy report was how- ever , generally consIdered a test of strength In the slate on the fnunclal tIuCptIomm . General i. F. lnley oC Uucrus offered a I resolumtlon of cnllorsement of the Monroe doctrine - trine In time Venezuela anti Nicaraguan canal affairs. I was referred and n long discus- slon followed on reconsiderIng this action. The relolulLn being under consideratIon . ex-COnreBSman I'olett deCendel1 President Cleveland as favoring the Monroe doctrine anti being amply competent to defend It. General Finley Inshted that any eneroach- ment on American sol shoull le met ly a declarton of war President : . E. IIals said this resolution had been fully considered In ' convention . Ex-Governor Campbell was called out and given on ovatIon , when he made a most viI- orols speech for the Monroe doctrine and Inslsled that as this resolution hall been ' offered It shoul1 be adopted. Ito Lslsted It ' was not partIsan . anti coulll not le construed as reflecting on the federal atlmlnistratiomu. Time resoluton was then adopted , only two or three dissenting. Ilssentn ! Before and after 2 p. m. motions for recess were voted down with cries for Cmmntpbell. When nomlnatons were called for : lr. Camplel look the floor to head off time calls for hhnoel anti to Iresemmt tIme name oC JUKt Ilram 1. Peck oC Cinelnnat for the mmonmina. lIon for governor. lie reviewed the eon11- ! ton halts. natonal as wel as In the stale and salt ! the derIocrts could win thH ! year . as easily as six years ago. lie ) Interrnl\'ell by Dr. Jamea A. Norton . who presented 0 moton to suspend the rules anti lomlnall James I. Campb ly aechm- tlon. Mr. Camllbel protested and raised lolnls oC order amid the \ Ille.t scenes oC cheering alll yeU'lp for Clmpl l. ' IL Amm ) Foil GOVEnOn. \ C/\Ul , : FOt : . Governor Campbell salt ! he had ruin for con gross three times li I republcal Ilstrlct and [ twee ! for governcr In a republican state , till he was depleted IIncal : ) ' all ethorwho on- able to nul(1 the race lie Insisted on the nomination of Judge Peck or sonic other good democrat who coul male a good race and afford 10 make II. Sccomls to thl nomination oC Campbel rolled tn. Chairman Drlce Insisted that the motIon moton oC nr. Nortomu to suspend the rules and the nominaton oC : lr. Camplel was In or.ler. Mr. Ingals , who prevIously cPPOe.l Campbell . malII a strong pica Cor him as the winner. The melon oC Dr. Norton usa Put ) and carrei ; . with a great whirl oC enthusla ' m , ant the ! clalr declared . : i' . Canlbel , ! thc nominee for governor. Io\ernor. lresllell , Ingals all Dr Nortomu escorted ex-Go\'ernol' Caml1bel to the platform whel he was receh ell \ him a gl unll ovation amI salll : I " : lr. Chalnna'l all Gentlemen ' I received , the annolncement IC thll ; CI'llltee ( augh- ' ter ) wlh mlniI1 Ceelng , of surprise anti reret. ( ( .1ughter. ) A good soldIer may Cal hit lie tlarl uol felel" , ( Great cheering. ) I promise not to falter but I Is for you to a ) whe timer II the 1\1 1 slal or shal not fall. " ' ' tl ammd . fal ( Pmuiommged applause ald cheers ) John n. Pealc ) oC Cimmelnnati , px.superla. torticot of pUhlc schools all ex-audltor oC lamllon county , was nomlnuted ! for iieuten- ant ; onrlor b ) acclamatIon. For Ipprelne judge Wiiam T. Mooney oC Mammslii'lti , Hehlarll eounly , tutU Wilam Ii. Sheeler of Oallc.unty , for stale treas- iir'r were both nOlllatoll by acclamation . George A. alrbanks oC Columbus was nom- Inatell by aC llllton for attorney genera\ harry ) ' Ii. KerCer of 'fuicarawa was nom- mated for , ( mht If the board oC public wnrks and J. W. ( 'rulckshanh oC Troy for 'lt'rk , ef the supreme court by acclamation . Wlll a s.erlcmi oC resolutIons of timanks the , 'lventon at 2 to alljournel , the nomila- . , Ions ur' havIng 1 been mnamle In about hal an DEIANllVALLER'S \ ' RELEASE State Department Much Annoyed by the Dilatoriness of rmncc EVIDENCE THAT THEIR CASE IS POOR n'IIII.111 X.I (11) ' n. for Ills I mum mumeil 1mm to Iel"e , hlt'rlr l'eeum- 1111) ' nllllC" Ilt I Heler- mmilumlimg I Ir 11. UIKhl. . WAShINGTON ' , "u ! 2I.-There Is good authority for the statement that a peremptory demont wIll le made b ) time United States upon France for the release of ex-Consul John Wailer of Tamalnve , and that satlefac- tory Indemnity wi be reflulre for his arrest and Imprlrnment , and I probable request for a commission to determine his rights In Madagascar. The dIscussion oC the case be- twecn the French and AmerIean diplomats has reached a point where , I Is said , there Is little else for the United Slates to do. owlll to the fact thai repeated requests fora copy oC the charges and testmony upon whIch Wailer was couvlcted have not been rurlshed by the French govcrnment I Is said ut the State department today that the delay In the case hall been very anl'lnl to time oleals ! anti especially to Ambassador Eustis. The diatoriness oC France In this mater Is regarded - garded as Indlcatn ! that sue has a very poor caSe all wi be unable to resist time demmmantits ma'lo by the UnIte Slates. A conditon whch ! makes time delay of France more aggravatIng Is the fact that the do- pahment Is aware oC the seriousness of Wa- ! ler's Iness In prison an.i . Curther confinement Is Injuring his imealth. International healh. fnternatonal questions general ) ' move slowly. but time delay In producing - ducing papers and testImony In the caw oC WaIler has leen oC a very exasperating nature and has resulted In sharp pressure by time Unltel ! States olcals to brInK about a : settlenuemut . Some oC time reports whleh have ! been reeeh'ed Washlnglon say time treat- ment of Waler has been unJust amid hIs ar- ret and trial a breach oC Internatonl coin Ity. comity.WALLlm'S WALLlm'S FRIENDS SATISFIED. With reference to the criticisms whIch have bean made Crom time to tme concerim- tme concer- InK the State ' conduct department's conluct oC time Waler case , It can be stated that : lr. \ , , ! - ler's frIends here arc satsfed that time ease Is receiving the most careful and zealous at- tenton oC the department I Is leared on : the best that ' . ' lest nUlhorly notwlhstandlnK See- retary Olne"s absence from the capital , he has given personal atenton to the conduct oC the Investgatons looking to Mr. Wailer's : release a 11 restoraton to his rIghts Fur- I thernuore the president hlnselC has mant- Cested a concern regarding the mater which he woull not give . ' 1,1 , did not feel time case was unusual In c mplcatons Invol\'ell Enough Is known rcgardlnK the progress of the negotiations to justify time statement that the dellartment Is conl"lent they wIll result In time release of Mr. Waler , with Indemnl ) for Imprisonment and the restoration oC his personal rIghts. There Is also authority for the statcment that the tlepartment fe-is assured that Wal- ler's hare release couhl have leen secured be- Core now , bolt I was felt that this \ would be accomplished lt time risk of losing Imlemnly for hIs Imprisonment anti time protection oC Mr. Wailer In his property rlhls In lada- gasear. All the money Interests la\olved are 11:1ed : by 10 one In the dcpartment at less than $1.000.000 and the es has been handled on the theory that It was better that Mr. Waler should contlnm lila incarceration Cer n few months , rather than risk the loss or his claim Ambassador Eusts has Cound It hnprae- tcable to secure more oC the recJrd In France thun the specification ur the charges , hut It Is ulnlerslood a promise has leen mth to seeuro the full record from ladagascar. This wi take some tIme , but the State Ilellutmcnt Is confident' that when reeelveJ ! ! It wi hear out In full the reprcsentatlon : ! oC the department all all immaterially In se- ! eurlnK justee to : lr. Wller , an'l It h decmed vise to walt for It rather thri un- duly to l\reSS the mmmtter. I.I'TTEI RECEiVED PROM'ALLEIt. . . LEA \OHTI , Kaim.mmg. . 21.-Senzmto Balter Is In reeelpl oC an autograph , letter ( rout John " 'a I H , ex-eonsul itt Tummmmatave writen from the latter's cell at the Iaison Cenl ule lIe Chllrvaux. Touching his 1m- IH'lsonment , V.'aller says In part : "As you are a lawyer oC long experience , I ask you 10 careull' notice the testmony oC Captain Lavasot on this point all note lt the earns time that It was 1) ' hi" testmon ) that time Ilrosecuton seems to have lased the eharge that I was Kulty oC correspondlnK Wllh the enemy oC France. I submit that the evidence oC the prosecution utterly fails to sustain or support the eharpp under which ! I nm In solitary confinement for tiventy years anll ly the Calure oC which the case ' against me should have been dismissed by the prosecution . In so Car as I relates to a violation ol the penal code named In the Indlctmenl. I Curt her Bulmlt that the tes- tmony oC the only witness on this point fails to ehow or lrOVO Wat either my wife or George E. Tesslen are enemies 10 Francs In nlY sense whatever. "It follows , then , that time whole case against me must rest Ipon the letter whleh I wrote to nalsmanla , n young Malagasy man This letter Is relative solely to a bus- Iness affair wih which France has nothing to do nor does It relate to or concern the rpneh Ioverment In army particular what- ever. "Thank In ! you In advance for favors on m ) "ehnlf , f am. wih great esteem yours Cnlhfuly , JOhN T" , SVALLE1t. " 1,1 Illt. \ It l.t 'SA'Ctc'l'S 'l'\SIHI.n. : ( hll'J..1 sm Itim lnl'II.IIIII ' tim . Il' 1.1 111' ' ( ulh'111 illegal I'ees . ' WASIIOTO : , Aug. 21.-Treasury oC- fields have pot yet complct(1 their final re- port oC the Investgalon ! ! oC the aeeounts oC LIbrarIan Spofford . l run sLx weeks ugo. Expert lyers of the fifth auditor's ofilce . has made a prUal report , but In the absence oC Fifth Alter liolcomb his deputy , Mr. J. J. Wile , teclned 10 go Into details Ilend- InK the receipt oC a eonununlclton ui'imtcim whih he Is expecting front Mr. Spofford. ! r , Willie - I lie leclnc,1 to amrm or deny the truth uf the star ) printed this morning hy the New York Worhl which states that : lr. Spolord Is short In his accounts aboul $ : : ,000. Mr. SIOronl when seen today dictated a statement to the affect that "sLmple and easily explaIned circumstances have been tls- torted so as to make the strongest unfas'or- able Imnmresslon . " - . unc.vor-I Neuvs for thc , \11) ' . , WAShiNGTON , Aug 21.-Special ( Tide- ! gram.-laJor ) James F. Gregory , engineer corps , will proceed to CIncinnatI and relieve Major Daniel l.ckwooll , who will take sta- ton at Newport , H. I. . ant [ nleve First Lletmtemmant'ilhIamuu W. harts oC duties tem- Iorarl ' transferred to him by Captain Wi- lam Ii. lilxby. . ! , jor Wilam 1 Nash , commisar of subsistence . Is relIeved as. purchaslnK ) and dept commissry at Vortlmmnd . and will , In addition to duties as chief commlsslr oC the Department of time Columbia pCerm those of barracks. purchaing commisary at Vancouver Second Leutenant ! Albert C. Uallon. Twent.reeond Infantry , . Is granted fIfteen da ) : ' IC\'e , _ _ \.I"I.t h.1 A 1..11 ) li'iiuls. WAShINGTON , Aug. 21.-Mr. Claude Meeker , AmerIcan consul at UradCOTl , I' ng. hu apprIsed the State depalment oC time movemenl among the various boards oC trade In Inghnd to secure from Irllh consul reports cOlcernlnK business openings In theIr localities. such as are msde by the consuls of t.1 United States. Mr. Meeker regards titLe mo\'ement a a decIded conpIlnient to AmerIcan methods and he calls attention to the fact I I a complment which "comes not from tyros but trout the most eminent authorities In the United Kingdom In thee matters . " ' 1'\lu.n 0. , \ " 1.iS , UP l'lCl. ' S.cull lui-'N . lt. . ; . . ; . ot lime Xntunnl I'etuee UnIon. MYSTIC , Conn" , Aug. 21.-tAt time second da"s session oC the twt'mmty-ninthm annual convention of the National Peace unIon and the twenl-elghth annual convention of the Connecticut Peace union , Mrs . Mary Frost Crosby oC New York made an address on the slgnlnK of the peace petitIon oC Antwerp mint ! Its Intuence on the tfnlnK.of ! the Iloly- Ilot petitiomi. The next address was by John Bron.on of PhiadelphIa cn the "Incon- .Istences oC the ChristIan Church. " lrs. M. Fell oC Swarlhmore , 1a" , gave an address oa " [ bye' Irlades Made for WarCare. " Time ' single tax was the subject oC nn address by Frank Stephens DC Plmiiadeiphla . : lr ! lelva Lockwood explalnel time origin anti object oC the International Peace unL n at Switzerlanti , through whose united Influence - fuence all peace societies In this country and Europe are now In communIcation wih each other. She also aluded to the new movement - ment of the National League bC Peace women In gngland. In the afternoon an address was given by lenjamln F' . Trueblood of 10ston on "War on the DeCenslve. " hamilton Wicox oC New York spoke on the treatment oC the IndIans by time gverment , amid stated that the atti- toward the Indians tude oC the government Illans was due to the efforts oC the Peace ullon , lie advocated the abrogation oC all treaties ' whereby a citizen of a slate was pro'tecteti . by It when visIting another. lie ale at\.o- caled the hllelendenco of Cuba and ! Irelaud. Janice P. Stoddard gave an addre against secret societies . There are 5.000 In atendance at the joint commvention. Tomorrow will le temperance day , when addresses will be mlle : by prominent speakers , among them being ' \'IIlimimi : Lloyd Garrison oC Doslon. S \'litl : XI SliM 0. A Z'ANIC. ' 1n".I1'.H."r'I'r..I rr.1 f lie . SI"I"/ Shll''lh.ht I , . " " .r I.U. Nfl\ ' hAVEN , Emmg. , AUK. 21.-l'articulars which have been obtained reKardlug the collision yesterday alernJon botweea the Crelght steamer Lion of the New Haven & Deppe-I : rnco line and the passenger steamer Seaford oC the ame line , by which time latter with 225 laScngers anti a crew oC Carty-two on 10ard was sunk , Nho\ that the SeaCord , whIch left leppe at 1:30 : p. m" , was struck by the Lon \ on the port sIde. The Seafor Immelatel began to fill and sank twenty mlnules after havng ! been struelt. In the leanwhlo her captaIn hlli given orders to prompt ) ' and calmly lower the 10 Its and the passengers were reassured b ) the o/cer. There was not the slghtest panic al any t me. The Lion had her stein stove In b ) the collision , but she was In no dAnger ' oC sln\tng \ ! and ran alongsldo the Seaford , whereupon the , passengers and crew or the snkng : ! vessel clambere1 ! on board the freght : steamer I There wee a number oCArer cans en bond the Seaford . but only one oC them , a Miss Flynmi 1 oC New York. was slIghtly Injurel Miss Flynn was able to travel to LOlbn to- tlay The passengers lost all theIr bagiage , Some oC the American passengers vdlue the property lost by time paseng rs on board the Helfonl at front $50.000 to $100,000. . a- - ( tU.tY Cl.\DIS ' 10 11 , 'g I StI : 1.'lrt'1 " ' , ) l4.s t. 1II'r' 1u SI'I'ct 111 SInh' Clmmifm'mmnmm. Plh1LtDELI'IiIA . Aul 21.-The result .eC last night's repubiel primaries was con- firmed ly onventons ! today. Interest cen- , teret In the selecton oC delegates , to the stale con\'enton. oC whom . w'nty.scven " , were chosen. Of these the Qumj . . . peopo'-csmIm' : : ! seventeen certain , with cOtiSt on 1\ ' ( more. Senator Quar will go to larlslurg to- morrow and remain ther until after the conventcn , on August 28 Governor Iiis'ingl , time leader of the ant Qua fig .t Is at , present - ent In harrIsburg , as Is "II.'J Banking Cent- rllrsloner n. lr. I Glkeson , ' time Ire emit state ellarmln : , whom Senator Quay to Is to do- Celt for re-elecilomi. \'lLLIAMSI'OItT. 1a. AIK 21.-The re Ilblcan ! county e1/'enton was hell here title afternormi . when tl'O ) .delegates to the state eJ/'entcu were elm6sen In the Intere.t oC Chmirman ! GIson. Iesolltons ! were adol1tell In which time relllleans of Lycom- tug county say they are "oppowd to the reelection - election of J. lo/ld ! Cameron as semter Crom lenus'lvanl , lellev.ng hl % views on various publc ( IUestons , notably the money question . arc not In acconl with the pre' valng belief of the part . . The allmlnls- traten or Go\ernor hastings , . wan , emmdoraed CIIC : ( : CII.ISgt ii CII.I.\lSI' U. SIIIII".1 to I. . Ih. . U"nl or 1 n. . . f..th' , ' 1'Illi.lutol. I ChICAGO , Aug. 21.-The Collseimumm . the large buiding lately ereetell on the sIte whelo Dulalo Bi had ! his show during the World's fair , colapsed tonight. The buid- lag was an Immense aralr , and was to have : been 011ened wih the Barnum and Bailey's circus wihin n few days. I was also In- le\led for ISO during national convemmtiomms. A force oC 200 men has been working on the buiding night and day but as the accIdent happened during lunch' hour , nobodr was hurl. Time building Is a total wreck nnll ( the loss , ' 1 reaeh between $160.000 all $ IS0 000. I Is mIll that this w : fan on the Probst Construction ml'lny. who had the contract for the conslructon or the buldln ! _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ it EClll"l'IN ) ' 10 ( CX. Ct)1't'lNlIlt. luiumiti , . " ' ) 0. , CIh'lk Gr..t Ih. . Coumi- lul.h-r . ' II'.urtl"lt , or l'III. I . . LADI : \\'yo. , AUK. 21.-Special ( Tell- gram.-Gemmeral ) Copplner and staff arrived here this afternoon ; baying left Fort Wash- able ot 1 o'clock today. He was met a ! nle out oC tie city by time Ianter cornet band :111 prominent citizens In carrlaKes ammO es- ccrlel Into Iander. A salute of seventeen guns was fred on South Main street as the general reached the north emit ! oC the street The buslneds hcuses and private residences dlspla'ell flags and luntnK In honor oC the commander oC this delJartulent. 'onlht a recoptlomu's , tendered the : general UYOt ! - ruf hal ali later tllrt ) ' of , time Ilrlnclpal citi- 10US of time tewn ant tMlr ladles gave u banquet to the general a nt Fremol hotel , at which tie best - _ wines . were - . served I"'SCIUU IS ltItOtL ) 1)tvIIaI'r. ' limrli'r .r tin Old - IIU ; , \'uJ.o Imy ' ' Ills , . 'rh'lll. 110 i'Iglilmrs. CINCiNNATI , 0. . Aug. -A New Wch- month , 0. , twent.fvl mies UI ( the Ohio river front Cincinnati : at 4 o'elock a mob took Noah Andersen , colord , Crom the jail antI hanged him for the mUrder today oC I rnkln rlellman. I nearly . ,0 years old , and president of the First National bank oC that 1lace. , I was not long .untl Anderson was captured and taken to thy. New lchmond jail . where a great crowd uickly gathered. Arderon made mme attempt to conceal his crime. lie gloatingly told all the details all said he had given the 'old man what he psen'ed. There was no niasklng , no attempt - tempt at concellnent , Every person pres- otimers ent and enaget In the work * knew all the . For 'l'ul.111 I ( : o"'rnIH'lt 'il lii her. . SIOUX FALLS . S. D" , Alg. 2l.-Simecal- ( : ) The trial oC the three Cuser county men \ho \ ere indIcted for cutting governmenl tim- her from the mineral lands with Intent to export has begnn. The case oC Ode ltetler Is noon trial. Judge Idgerton ha under ad- vlsemcnt a demurrer to the Hder In < lct- nunt , In that It charges two specifIc offenses A par.y oC forty I'rineipoly ' KnIghts Ter- plar , left today for Iloston They will le Joined In Chicago bt other ; partIes Cram South Dakota. S 1'1"'I"I' tf ' 0..11 : h'll.r" .i tier . : At New York--Arrh'ed-Orlzaha , from havana , etc. ; Irlncpla : , Cront Dundee , : oorl- land , front Antwerp ; HOlln Prince , from Santos and IUo ; Dorian , ( rain Morant hay , lassalolt , Crom 10terdal At San I rancsco- ; rrlfc-Aultrala , ' 4"M Honolulu. DGGING AWAY \ AT THE RUINS rire Broke Out Agiu Which Stopped Work for n Time SEVEN ADDITIONAL BODIES RECOVERED u , it. " 'uU ' luieum1illc . " time 1"II.hl" Ir hiM \'U. . 11.1 Chll1 1"11 llrt" Iloimmi' Iu l.hu'ull n Ith 'l'h'I' I.'ulr hashes Umtidi'mmtilieil. DENVER , Aug. 21.-Tho hotly of Oeneral ! Charles Adams was taken out of the ruins . oC the Gumry' hotel 1 at 2 o'clock this aHer- noon , _ The Ire whlcb has been smouhlerlng In Cite debris has broken out afresh and Is now burning briskly. I threatens to con\nunl- cate to time front Ilorton oC the hotel , which Is still standing , and destroy all that re mklns oC the hotel. There are stIll several bodies burled under the ruins The Ire Is under control. I was set by City Building Inspector Cutsitaw. Workmen digging In the ruins had dls- co\'erctl a body , belIeved to bo that oC Oen- eral Adams , just before the Ire was started , but were drl\'en away by the /ames before they could extricate the corpse. Coroner H. II. Martin has time Colowln prominent business men as a jury to In- \estgnle time hotel Oumry disaster : H. W. Speer , K. C O. Cooper , ' B. Create F' . E. Edbroolt , I.'rank lelange and Chorles Dab- cock. The InquIry , \ lieu 11 begin tttlmm ei'entmmg wi be tholough unll searenlng Seventeen bodies have so far been taken out of the ruimms. Several rcmoved early to- day are so burned und maimed as to be al- most unrecognlzablo and ha\'e not yet been positively idemmtilied. O. H. Wole. a cigar dealer of Limicolmm Neb. , has Identfell time remain" oC n WOlal ald chid Cound In the ruins as his wife and laughler , amid wi take the bodies to LIncoln for burIal. At noon today three more bodies hnl been recovered , maldng the total numler twenty. OC the seven taken out 'edtenlay four have been Identlell us A , : I. Iunroe oC Colorado Sprlns , Cormerly oC Carthage , 0. , Iml Lizzie Lager , Louise Helnguler aunt gmma Milie- thaler , ehamLermails , , Time other three have nol been positively identified , but one Is beleved to be the body oC Peter Uumry. Includln the hotly oC General Charles Adams , which hud leen partially uncovercd 1111 Identfed when the fire startcd In the rnlns this aH'rnoon , twent-one bodies have heen taken from the wreck oC the Gumry hotel. In excavating the ruIns thinKs have been fonnd which raIse the presnmpton that W. 1.1 Owen , n wealthy mln and mayor oC Hobart ' hutch , Is nmong the 1\lel. alhough his name does not appear on the regIser , ' 10bart'I been fO\11 In time debrIs two shirts on which are stlehld time initials "W. B. 0 , " a veal , In the Pocket \ oC which were bus'n2S cards of W. Ii. Owen , pre ldent oC the Terr Cotta I.umber company , the maIn omce oC which Is In Chicago , anti a canvas bag fled with samples oC fine sand and clay. : lr , Owen generally notfes H. A. Young secretary - tar ) ' or the company , when ho Is abut 10 come imere hul he' hall nOl done FO this tlmiie. I was alwas his custom 10 ! O to the Brown hotel. Secretar Young says ho cannot be- ihive that - : lr _ Owen Is In Denver . nol , alive or dead _ TJH : jdlest remains , tQ.be taken . out arc 11- 'nmo ) tuomrfbgnbable. _ One of."thrt unldenl fled bCIJles pro\'p to le that oC Peter Ouml ) ' . One oC the other bodies Is beliet'eti to le the rmlalns of A. S. Bake oC Pueblo , and the last Is the bOlly oC WIlam Decler , bell loy , or W J. Corson of Pumeitbo. I.'rlends oC W , J. Bake oC Florence , Colo. , are convinced that ho was also In the Gumrr when the -xplosion olcurred. Day Clerk Garvin says time n.mes . oC J. S. Kirk and J. Ii. Irwn of Omaho , Neb. ' . and Miss Jennie B , howard oC 10ston , la88" , are In the handwrltnK oC Wi nlch- anls , the elevator pilot , and % wer probably fictitious. This leaves only W. n. Qwen , W. harvey and \ \ ' . A. Dodd , or Todd , to be accoloted Cr. Coroner : lartn Is still oC the opinion that Ihre ore many more bodies In the ruIns Mr. Owen has been interested In some experlmenls with ciay for the makIng oC brick , and It was umatural : lr. Voting says , that he would bring with him to Denver samples oC the kind oC clay usell tn hs ! big vitrified brick phnt 11 Cle\'eland , O. CIICAGO , Aug. 21.-W. B. Owen Is not one oC the victims of the Denver hotcl horror - ror , as ho was ut his office In this ciy yes- terday. lie did not come to his ofce today - day , und his associates were at n loss to know who the man Is on whose body Mr. Owen's ards were Cound , unless , he was tIme latter's son , a soluton they feared , was the true one. - . tPmnmi lou mimetiC uC Sumrvi'y J.il ' " WASIINOTO : , AUK. 21.-Speclal ( Tele- ! gram.-The ) approprIatIon of $250,000 mastic ly the last congress for surveys durlnK 'the , fiscal year elllng June 30. 1896 , has been I apportonell by the survey division oC the Ieneral land I omce , anti time apportonment ' ; Ippro\'OI 1) the acting secretary oC the 1mm- tenor Last year $16,000'al allotted 10 Ne- lraska for resurveys , butt for the current fiscal year no provision Is made for resurveys - surveys In this state. In moat cases time apportonment Is the same as last 'Cdr. The allotments hy states are as Col- lol : South Dakota , $1.000 : California , $10,000 ; Idaimo $23,000 : lontana , 2,100 : New Mexico , $ I7.fOO ; Oregon , $113,000'i'aslmlngton : . $30,000 ; resun'c's , $15,000 : reserve , $10,000 ; Arizona. $3,000 : Colorado , $0.000 ; Minnesota , $1.000 : evada , $ i,500 : Nortim Dakota , $11,000 ; Utah , $13,000'yonuing ; , $22,000 ; examluatons , 40000. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St. .I..h ' Sh..t HI I I " " y Sold. ST JOSEI'li , Aug. 21.-Tue St. Joseph street raIlway lines , together wih all time roiling stock , real estate and other property ucd In their operaton , and the property of the St. Joseph TractIon and Lightng company - pany , was sold at publIc aucton today and was bhl In by E. A. No0 of PorlalHI : Ie. , and Edward HarrIson oC New York. Imurchas. log trustees for the stockholder or the com- pany. Consideraton , $300.000. which was the lowest bdler : , that culd be Iccopte under the order oC the court 'he sale was made to satIsfy a mortage held by tine Central Trust company oC New York tattler a final decro oC foreclosure made by time Unltell States circuit court for the wesler district oC Mis- sLurl. I Is said that the sale wIll result In the reorganizaton and Improvement oC the syitem. . Jlllhl" 'l"'lfllr 1 lt'rllh"I. GREEN RIVER. \'yo. , Aug. 21.-Special ( Telegrdm.-'he ) grand eommandery oC Call- Coria Knights Templar , escortell ly Oaklan'l commandery No. 11 , passed through this city at 8:30 this evening ' on a special train oC six PulmanI and were enterlalned by time memi i berf oC Asealon cOlmandery No. 5 oC thh city for haI an hour. A8calon commanllery wIll leave this city for Boston tomorrow In a special Pullman , whlcb will be attached al Julesburg to the specIal train bearlg the grand con\nandery oC Colorado. - p ( h'I'rll : Fry ' 1(1..1 I . I I I" I ' 1'1111. I TOPEKAUK , 2I.-Oeneral I" , A. Fry . the man who led one divisIon oC Coxey's commonweal army Crom CalIfornIa , accord- hog to the statement oC a local barber , lies dead In the morgue here Lon nuller , who WIU a member of Fry's division , viied time morgue today to see the body oC an un- knc\li man who had been killed by a Hock Island train ) 'esterda ) ' . Ho at once pronounced - nounced the dead man to be I.'ry. S \11 Slum 11 11 Ilturlllul 1 I 1"1 t. SAN FRANCISCO , Mug 21.-0. L. Wright oC honolulu Bays the go\ernment Is about 10 slat an Informaton bureau to supply the outside public with data concernIng the Islands. Then are thousands oC inquirIes from America and elsewhere concerning the "Iant and 13ny want to locate there. The gonrnment Is making specIal efforts to develop the cole lands whIch abound cmi the Island of hiaaIt It lU'l' $ ilhtIiAlC Ott'V Allt lISlI , timmlus I'mrmule ; j- ; ; : Streefs Crlumg , "Iria'e thmt I lm Port-Igun ieils , " ll0NGKOG , Aug. 22-Anotimer outrage Imas been comnmmmltted near l"oo.Ciuoiv. Time Aum'erlcaru imiisslorm lmas beeim attacked by a iarge anti infuriateti utmob , orated with varloums weapons , The chapel anti school were wuecked nuid four native scimolars were fatally - tally wounmied , wimlia time fomeign teacimcr escaped. There Is a strong anti-foreign feel- lag bum Fon.Cimow , i'hmichm Is emreadIng among the populace , vimicim is paratiimmg ii'Itlm cries of "irive Omit time ForeIgn 1)ovlls. " lilt IIIflit lItNi ) l11.ll"t'S OFFICIIIIS. AlJmmruneui to 3leetcet Ye-it r of lt'll. Illi . Ill , COLUMUUS , 0. , Aug. 2l.-Tue National ccn- Veumtioum of time ietmtsclmer Ki-eigerbumnti , wimiclm imas been In session 1mm timId city dtmrimmg time week , fimilcimeul Its business aumtl adjammrumemi to- imlght. At time muuormmlng ecsslomm J Ito nmatter of coummpntcory Immsurnmmce was mtgmmlmm takeum ump ammtl coumslmlered at soummo icumgtim , hut ito fmmr- thor actioum u'mus takemm outsIde of time recoIn- Clout auloimteui Tuesday , conmpeliing all Immcommm- Ing socetles ! ammil mmciv mmmemmmbers of old mocietles to take insurance. Timls actlomm u'uts mmmdc mmecess.try by time oppositioum of mm few mmiemmmlmtrs to commiimtmlsory insumrauice , vlmlcim Cii roatemied I o ml lent Itt C Ito orgammizat itmmm. At tue afternoomm session a recohumtiomm ivas atiOliteul to appropriate $500 from time tremusur ) ' of time league , aumd acsessiumg time societies ire rota for time pmmrpose of defrayimmg tlm expemmees of comumiuctimmg sum olhiclal orgmmmi. A comumunlttee s'as ahuimolnted to select amu editor iiimtl arruuumge time detaIls. Consldermmble opposition - position cropped oumt 1mm time convemmtlon ngnimmst LotmisVillLtclm of St. LouIs , tlme lres.emut editor of time Krolger Zeltumuug , the oiiiclal mr- gan , anti ime will hardly be selectetl as time next editor. Time following officers i'ere elected for the enemmlmig year : Prenuldemmt , F' . Scimrmmtier of liatenuvilie , lad. ; vice lmresItiemmt , llnmil Grimomum of Carnegie , Pa. ; secretary , Julints Eggers of Cimicago ; treasurer , Lotmls Ertel of Cimmclnmmatl ; trustees , Ii. W. Miller , Colunmbtis ; Louis Enmulan of Pfttsburg and Ernest Fcid of St. Louis , Time conventton adjommrneti lit time eveiming to mmueet mmoxt 3-ear mit I3elles'ilie , Ill. CO.l1'iI1'1'lIl'Villil It 'l'llltM IN .1 .til , , A. IL. U. Ieim.herstoIii Stt.lezsei ( ruin \'iht , ii S I ii ( i .1 mm y. WOODSTOCIc , Ill. , Aug. 21.-Time directors - tors of time Amiiericamm Railway umniomi , excelmt I'resitleumt IJebs , will leave tomutorrow after- mmoemm , after havlmmg served a tlmreo mmiontlms' sentence for contempt. All of timonu resumime timelr duties itt time fielmi , Immstrmmctlng macmu- hors amid organizing local umiions. They imave engagemmiemits now wlmich iu'ill require fumhl' timree mnoimtims to filL ICelilmer goes direct to Mimineapolis and Goodwlmm to St. l'amml. Itog- crc , hums , Elliott aumtl Ilogaum go to Cimicago , viuero timey will ejm- tirato. Itogers goes to l'umehlo , Cob. ; hogan to Ogden. Utah ; Elliott to Pal'alchlmimla , stopiming at Cleveland , 0. , umitll after Labor day , u'imlle Burmms will remmmaia n Chicago amm establisim district imeatl 1uarters there , Tim&dr release wIll mutark a mmew dcpirtuure bit time work of organizing railroad eniployes , District headquarters ii ill be establisimed lit all the large railroad ccumters timraugimout time country. Since theIr Imprisonment sixteen local umiloms : tluat were mshmattered by time tmike of last suunmiier Imove been reorganized and twenty-seven imew ones Instituted. Ap. phicatlonsu for chumrtem'c ore being . received every tl 5' . 1 ' - Ammoiit S'est4rui i'tmstmmmmupttens. \VASUINGTON , , tug , 21.-Slmeciah ( Tele- grnm.-The ) first assistant Postmaster gen- crab today mactie ahlouvmmmmces for clerk Imlre for the curremmt fiscal year at time following potofiices : iowa-Mount I'ieasauit , $1,200 ; immtisiicmmuietmce , $1,200 ; Atlaumtic , $1,00 ; lioone , $1,300 ; FairfIeld , $1,400. Soutim Dakota- \titchell , $1,500. i'ostmimasters were appobmmteti today as follows - lows : Nebraeka-Gerhumg , Scotte Blumit county , Fred \Vrlglmt , vice Emlwarti Thormmton , ro- mnoved. Iowa-Gait. Vu'riglmt coumnty , C. II. \\'alton , vice J. II. Iilrtisail , reslgmmeti. Vm'ihlimmnV. : . Shmamilcs was today comnmmiia. utiomicml postmaster at Odebolt , alit ! William Itomlgers at iblakeville , Ia. C rm ek N uim ( ' a ( a ' 1' im u'o mm g Ii mu I 'us I ti lii t't' . COLI1V , Kim. , Mug. 21.-Special.-Last ( nigimt time postoflice at title piace vas emmterc'd and the safe blown , but only a mmnall imatml ivaf ; mmuutle. The thieves entered by tue winthow anti itroceetled 1mm an expert manner , Time mmmall bags were placeti upon the floor to cc- celve time safe door , timumt ito soumrmml jmmigimt be immartl. Time tools , witim time exception of a fine drill , were obtained by breaking opeum the local blacksnmilmt shop atmd were left in time ofllce. No trace of the thieves has yet Lccn dIscovered. p % 'blI lii' Ilemiri 'I'o.Iny , SEATTLE , Wash. , Aug. 21.-Time petltbcn of lirayton Ives to oust time receivers of time N'ortimern Pacille aumd appoint otimers In thmer stead will be beard by Judge Hartford ammd Judge Gilbert toumuorrow Today timere was filed itt the Uniteti States circub' court the re- ceivers' answer. Great epaco is devoted to aim attempt to simow timat at time time of time mmppintniont of time receivers the Northern i'actflc imad valuaimbe property In the jurletilo tlon of Judge Jenkins. Fit tin I IlnihI mmmc of a I'mu imibby Quit rrei. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 21.-'mvlihiam Seeker , 2S years old , booklc eper for time L'nion Ice anti Coai comnpany , ivas simot and fatally in- jureul last night by Jounce Ward , his brotimer. in-ias' . The tragedy occurred at time Imoumme of Ward at 1214 College avenue and s'as time culinmination of a faimuiiy tluarrcl.Varti cc- caped after committing the deed and imp to a late hmotmr had not been arrested. Seeker camm- not live. Iiotiu men imeretoforo bore good reputatomis. _ _ _ _ -S _ _ _ _ Cmi l' a veil 'i'O i"euii in I e liii a ml I I s PE1CItY , Oki. , Aug. 21.-Deputy Marsbmal Stove Burke and posse arrested two notorious lenuale outlaws mmear I'awnee Monday night , but imimd to fight to mimake the arrest. Time namnes of tine women are Jennie Metilciff , fornmerly Stephens , aged 16 years , ammd Annie McIoulet , aged i5. TIme ummarahai'a posse mali Into timeni Sunday amid the womoen simowed fight and several slmots were fireti before timey gave up. Iiotim ere in mmmcii's chotiming. iCmiumsuts CII y l'Iouii.i.r Him li'IIi.s , KANSAS CiTY , Aug. 21.-James McGee , youngest brother of Allen 11 , M. McOee , who was one of the fourteen nmen who laid omit Kansas City , and imimacif one of her most pu'omuminent citizens , cmunittemi suicldo last night by taking an overdoto of chiorni. lie was 60 years old ammd. leaves a wife amid funir children. liuslnee reverses were tim cause , At one time McGee was ivealihy. % 'lhI AsIC ( or us ( Jliuiumge or Veimumi' , IIANNiLiAL , Mo. , Aug. 21.-Colonel Nat C. Irytlen and Colonel it. B. Anderson have been emoployed as counsel by Dr. anti Mrs. hiearne , who are in jail In I'alnmyra , charged ivithn time nmmurder of Mrs. iiearne'im fornmer husband , Attica J. Stihiweli. A cimange of venue will be asked for. No effort will be upamic to secure time release of time prisoners under a writ of habeas corjmmms. 'l't'iml In ltlila.rs St I I I mm t La rg- , GICAND I1A1'iDS , Micim. , Aug. 21.-The robbers vhmo imelti up time Cimicago'est Michmigan train near Itbchmnomad last night are still at large and there is no clew to time Identity of any of the gang. A large posse is searciming time country and unless time men have token to time Fenvlllo swsrrmps it is be. lieveti they will surely be captured. S Ht.-mil I mug I Imo Ciusesl i1.'ul Ss-rs'it'e. VASlIlNUTON , Aug. 21-TIne president has elgimed arm order extending the classified service to include all lmriuters omit ! prcssme'm employed iii the various eecutiyu depart- inents hALTED BY ROBBERS Union Paciflo Atlantlo Express Hell Up Yesterday Morning. ENGINE MEN COVERED \VITII \ REVOLVERS Engineer Forced to Secure Opening of Car , WINCHESTERS PREVENTED RESISTANCE Dynamite Used on Through Safe , but Without Effect. LESS ThAN TWO hUNDRED DOLLARS STOLEN I'slersmlo's l'n'lglntemmi'ii Vlmeui i'ire , limutum I'll i I I Im I1uigluie t " I vu t iariim-Severni i'uHNem ( Iii l'ua'smmit , it 1 :05 : o'clock yesterday uumornbmmig time east- boumnmd Atlmmumtbc express on time IJnmbomm l'aclllo % -as imeiti up at iiumttermmmllk Immil , about tw o ummbioj this sitla of hirmutly lslammtl , iu Imere thmc sent ! imbils term5iinate at time Ummbomm l'aclflc track. 'l'ime oximress car wits damumumged by uiymmammmiio mind $100 takemi frommn mu small safe. On the east side of timcc cant ! imills a ivzmgon root commmcs 1mm Iromn time utortim , ammgllmmg ui'eatwartl , hero lit a level stretclm of road mmml iumta time scemto of mu bold train robbery. 'rwo mmmcmi bomrdetl time traimm at iirady , gohmmg forward - ward over tIme tootler after time trabum wus : imi motion , ammti whit revolvers drawn timey imeld tmlm time iiremmmmmn amid vmmgimmeer , comumpeliimig the latter , at time iiolmmt of a revolver , to go back to time baggage ear , oiuemm thmo door miumd let timemmu In , whmlcim ime did 'by immforimuimmg the baggage immami that tlmey us ore lmeld imp mmmiii that time robber imaml a gmmmm at imis imeati , Upon gettimmg lumto time car time expreasmmman \i.as commmpellctl to opca time sumiallcr safe. lie coumid mmnt upemm time larger onto , nml tIme rob- hors imroceeded to blow time top of it out with dymuamimite , 1mm time mmieamitbmnc time hlrenman mmmamiaged to give time robbers time slip , and golmmg forward lie nmimcotmpleti thmo englite front time tmnlmm timid imiathe time run to Guuimemiburg to secure a 1)0550 ) of lumen to imelil caluture Limo bandits. In a short timmie twemmty volun- tcers ivere emirommto to time scemme of tIme robbery - bery , limit before they arrived time mmmeim had nibsapearcd. Time bammuilts hove black sboumciu iiats , with bback silk imantlkercimietmt for mmmasks , 'ritey ii'ere about five feet ten imu imeight atmd wou , iveigim aboumt 150 poummmis each. They were rougimly dressed anti tummieti their voices to tlimgubse the Comic. - They rotbe horses amid cvi- dently cammme 1mm Irommu time hills , 'i'lme wimidowu were till blown ommt of time baggage car by time explosion of time dyimaunite aumd It seemmis timat time bmmmitilts were experts In usIng tim6 explosi' , e. \Vheum time dyuianmlte expbotled the msserm. gers iu'ere coumsitlerably excIted , but vue not unoiteted , Tine setIomm fom-emnan at Vroummmmmi has cccii utica aroummml time place of time robbery for several nlayms-msuul baa a good description of - ' ' 1Iimtmt Suuiisrlntemiulent . L. Vance anti Sherlft MIller of North Platie ivemit to tIme scene of time robbery but a special car , wOim a paste of men. Early but the meriting mmieni'ere semit otmt front Norlim l'latte and Brady amid every cifort is beimug immade to captum'e time rabbcr before timey get out of time coumumtry , Suimerintemmuleat Sutimerlamiti of Otumaima went oumt on No. 7 , and will take charge of the , muituatiomu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 101.1) IIY ' 1'hlP 'i'ltAINlHS. itull'rN Cuirrletl a 3lost Iiln-rmil Simim. iii- of iunelmt'stt-r 11111-s. Time Atlauitlc exlmresmt emu time UnIon Pa- cbflc , wimlcim was hmelmi imp by express robbers near Brady lelamimi early yesterday uno.mmimtg , pulled immto Omaima at 1:35 : yesterday alternooum , two hours and ten mniumutes late. If thmo mien-s of time occurrence imati not imm'ecded it , time appearammce of time express car wmt sum. ciemut to indlcmnte timat eomnethiimmg ttumusmmal imad occurred. Time dymuamnite explosion hued blown all the wlndoiu's froumm the car aimd through time oponitmgs comild be seen time simattereul mm- tenor. 'fiie floor was stiii littered wltim bits of glass amid spliumters amid timq safes , trtmnk mmrmd otimer articles all bore evidence of the tremendous force of time explosive. Time remimains of a mmre enouglm train rob'- bury nero ccmmttered all over time car. Time big safe at omme side , eu wimicim time tiymmamnit Imad been imiled. looked as thmougum IL had been timroughm a lire. TIme top was crackcti imu ccv- crab directloimmm aumul otto big remmt umeor time center Indicateti time spot ivimero time eximio.siye hmani been itlacOth. Time steel bars cmi tIme cor- umers were broken amid bent , but time dooras buill ummopcnc-d amid time jagged remmt 1mm time top was mmut mmufhlclent to afford accesS to the Interior. lit time cc-miter of time car buy a trmmnlc that had evidemmtly bcemm laid over limo dynmmimilt cmi time safe by time rubbers. It was ephlmmteretj limb kindlmmg ! wood and time ( oimtmmta were piled tmim I ii ii I it tie lma Ii vbthm tim o rom a his of time receimtacle. 'rrunks were stacked up be. tWeelt time safe ammd the rear dor of t , e cue anti these all bore evlmlemico of n'ouglm usage , Omi the side miext to time safe they were coosid- erably slulintereti amid hmQe ! imad Lccn cut through two of them by iiylmmg deb ii , Time Interior traimmework of time car did not escape amid ioimg sitliumtets timat had been partially d& . tached by time t'xhmiosomu imumig flout thma root , Numerous tiemmts eimowetl ivitoro lm.e cc of the shattered safe hmad struck. Express Messenger Timomnas Alc ( ' iii was engaged 1mm mmmmuking up imis report and miti not sceiti percoiitibiy rattled by his so 'sitiorma ! experience. Accoudlmmg to lmims ctateiuejnt : the robbers ( lii nmot get user $100 for ttme.r trommble. ' . 'riley bmati sacked time isay safe , but had fahieui to get inside of the large sate , % vtmm in bor , time traces of time exlmlosbon , As all uumone was taken fromn the stay safe at ju.mctlori ponts and deposited iii time timrcuglm s.af ' , there was contimaratbvely oumly a smmmabl aiim unt tj reward time craokmunmeum. Mr. MeCari salt ! that time first Ito knoi of the conteumiplateti robbery was wmmcmm time train stoppeth anti time t'mmgimmecr rapmed or the north door. 110 mild hot nurmwer at f1ratj but when the emmgincer called to Iumm to open time door hme did so. lIe uvas timemm con. fronted by the mmmuzzio of a gun anti iu'alket. out of time car anti away to cite side , whmliuc thu robbers dlti tlme work. Conductor Flynn was near time rear of time train wimcmm it top.sd. lie says timat Chili was at exmuctly lIve mmtinutes after 1 o'clock. lie imtarteti to go forwarni to coo what was time matter , but imad not gone tar wherm one of time robbers leveled a Wincimester in liii face and invIted imiun to remumain uimero h u-as or take a dose of lead , lie lireferrel the former course under time circtmmnstancea and reummsbneci with time passengers mimmtii ttmi timleves had commipleted thmeir work and left5 TIme whole affair occupIed thIrty mninutemu. The engirmeen' anti fircunomn whmo were Iii charge of time engine left the train at Granti isiammml. Conductor Flynn said timat time robbers - bers had urmdoumbtediy houmriied time tralim a hhrt'j Iianmi. They lay low until tii train reachmoul the second curve iii limo santi hills. wimen time ) ' cllmmmbeti over time tender anti leveled .thmelr revolvers at time engineer snut fireimmummn aumd coimmpelled them to s.top time train. Timen time ) ' ordered time engineer to cut tii train beimiumti time express car , but ime pre tendetl that he coumld riot unmio time couplin and this was abandoned. 'l'homm they tools him to time north door of tim oximrsss car anti arnlsrr'ml imimum to call to the express unemaenge to open time door , 'time engineer told th uneseenug r that time robties car , ! i Win * rtu'eters anti would blow the top of ims beami off unless time door were opened. Conductor Fiyntm thinks that the escape c (