Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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= _ _ _ d u _ _ _ _ - - . - f'IIE _ OMAhA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DAILY B13.E : FHIDA Y , AUGUST _ _ _ lU : , mm " 3 .
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I , . . . . .
I\ \ Oftico 12 Pearl Strcct.-Ij. W. TlIton , Miuingcr ntid Lcs900.
1f 1 'F1fjr ; ! irIl t I I t f1rr i r r r rt t r frr1 FSr 11
u1L:4J } } .
31XUl 1tTli'i.
J , n McPheron , nort ( ; tllephore , 2H.
Woman' " Relief corps No. ISO will meet
this afternoon at 2:0 : o'clock.
Orlnd hotel , Council fllutti. / Nel11 fur
tiIbe. leoptn t Oct. 1. E. F. Clark pruI
Therl will be R meeting at the Soldiers ,
Saior and Ilrlno association at S o'clock
" this evening at the 'eoul t houso.
The Wal McFadden drum ccrp , 11 been I
one ot the atractlonR at the 10tawntunlo :
ohl soldiers' reunion at Neola next Tue rlay.
MISs Belie Snyder entertained a large pat )
ot her trlelils at a dancing party ; last evtn-
Ing 't her reshlence , on South Seventh strecl
ot Fidelity council No.
ltegular meeting 1'Idclly counci o
1M , Hoynl A rcanum , this evening August 1G.
at S o'clocl' Alt memberl are requested to
be 1lresent. .
J. S. Coxey , who expects to be elected gov'
ernor ot Ohio on the popullt ticket . will
sllcak at the Union nrh'ln park Wednesday
afternoon . August 21. at I o'clcck. An at"
. mInion fee will be charged
, ) , wi
- For rent , September 1. new house 8 room ,
Joder improvements , $25.00 plr month. For
sale . new house , I room , modern Improve-
inents tIne location , $1.rOOOO. ) L'ugee &
Towle , 23 ; Ptarl street.
l'flIISUN.l. - I'tlt.tiI.tI'IIS. I
Charles lanley ot Keg Creek was In the ;
city yesterday .
Born , to : Ir , and : Irs , Charles T. Stewart ,
Wednesday , a daughter.
Miss Maude Inman left yesterday afternoon :
for a visit with friends In Oenwoorl
Mines late PICO and Bessie huntington
p I ' are vl ltng Miss Clara Ford In Iogan.
Mrs. A T. Whittesey has returned from a
vIsit to her sister , : Irs , I M.'alters. .
n B. Wilson ot Carson , ant J. N. I"rumm
01 Pleasanl township , were In the city yester-
Miss Mary : lthen let ( yesterday for Bat-
tie Creek , 1Ich" , to visit her brother F. M.
? Uhen. '
Mrs. Thomas Maloney and lrs. Charles
lamml left yesterday afternoon for an out-
log at OkoboJ
Mrs. E. :1 McKune returned yesterday
from an outing at Okobojl , accompanied by
Master Albert Trenor.
F. M. Keeney ot Pleasanl township a pros-
pectve lanrllato ( for sheriff on the repub lain
. ticket , was In the city ' yesterday.
- Miss l mla Moorehouse has returned from
R vacation trip to Colorado Springs Mn ,
I , . G. I\notts leans In a few days for Chi
County Attorney Saunders goes to : I ace-
donla today to deliver an address ( at the
picnic given by the Modern Woodmen of
Miss Viola ali Master Elmer Otto are
spending a vacation visiting friends In Chicago -
cage , Freeport , Ill " , Goshen , lnd . ant Iad-
leon , Wis.
41u Genevieve l'rescott. who hal been
visiting Ilsl Ciauaen hal been cale < to her
home In Kearney by a ttlessage announcing
the serious Illness of her mother.
John Wlch antI bride have arrived In the
t , city Irol Idaho Springs on their wedding
trip and will remain here a few tiays guests
of lrs. Ark\Hlght on Washington avenue.
UhJItIhGTON htOtJ'L'fl.
Itedicril I I t.
Triennial conclave Knights Templar Dos.
ton , ! oss. SoIl August 19 to 21.
American l'harin'ceutlcal association , Denver .
ver Colo. ale August 1 and 12.
National convention Keele league , liar.
riburg . Pa . Sale August 16 to 22.
In addition ( I have on , ale Summer Tourist
tickets to various points In the United States
and Canada.
Cal and get copy of' n1ap and Illustrated
S write up 01 the great Yellowstone National
.t park O. : I nnOWN Ticket Agent.
I. : . . . . ) . CIIII" I. . hUM ,
Mr. I.'ecley , who Is defendant In a butt now
pending In the district court In which Frank
eeley , whoso correct name Is rank Nugo
Salvador , Is trying to collect $ : , GOO In cash
for services ho claims to have performed tlr-
Inl the lost ten years , hus been troubled or
late by parties who have IntImidated his lam-
ly so that they are afraid to have a light
burning at nl/ht. for lear that somethIng desperate , -
perato will ho done. Al sorts ot depredations
are committed very low nl hts ,
According to the story toll by lrs. Fee'
hey Salvador came to this country when I
boy , aol was given Into theIr charge by the
late Hev Father McMenolY , at the age 01 10
years. ITo wal kept by them unti last win- '
ter . when he was married Previous to the
marriage , which did not meet with the ap ,
probation ot his employer. a settlement wn ,
arrived at , ali a receIpt In rul for al ) servIces -
Ices perlormed was signed by Siivador , I ee- ,
- . Icy gave him 5)00 ' a year during all the time I
ho lived there , besides his board , room and ,
clothes , and when ho grow nIl gave him the
use ot eight acres or lan(1 ( lie also gave
hIm a teal. harness and wagon the whole
valued at $ GOO , The receipt In full Is nol In
Feole"s halub , and bears the date at January
19 , 189 . less than six months from the thnl
that Salvador discovered the all'Ked act that
he harl been Imposer ) non , and commenced a
suit to recover the bolance rluo hIm , of $ : .GOO
eeley claIms Salvador has been put lP to
this acton by enemies.
The Genuine Hound Oak Furnace Is the
same success that the Genuile Hounrl Oak
heater Is. Air-tIght , gaB-tght , burns any
kind ot fuel and less ot I than any other
furnace made . Lowest irices . Cole & Cole
I 4 Main St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The lardman Is tul anti rich In tone. ' _ .
- - - -
Ph"'I"1 h..t I"IIIII" .
Several firemen met with small accidents
during the fro at the corer ot Iur and
Story streets 'ednerhy night , which did
not result seriously , but halulclPPll them
In their efforts to extinguish the thames ,
There was a cistern In the back -rel. . whch :
had been let ( open and Chief Temploton aol
Fireman Cotter tel Into it . cOlln out som -
what brulsel. ' After the fro was out and
the firemen were preparing to lelve the
buldln ! Charley Sanderson ot the North
Main slreet house tel through a burned place
In the floor , and 10uII himself on the lower
' door without the formality ot going down
stair . or even sliding down a brass pole lie
lit on his leet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
01 course everybody knows where the best
"Iwlmmln' hole" Is . or they loon find out
that Manhattan beach Lake : Manawa Is the
only natural sandy beach In the west. Its
management Is without criticism , and its
popularity Is increasing daily.
4. The lanhnan pIano wears hike Iron
Sev.'rai Slits .t ' 1'Iiii'vt'r.
'W. A. hhlghsnilth's bar was broken Into
Wedneflay night anll tour fee pointer Ills
were stolen , valued at $16 each
I _ Peter Wind's barn was broken Into and ,
two dozen line hInges , which ho had heft
In the buggy for fear he shoult forget them
when ho started out Thursday morning , were
taken together with two iThle straps
A man living at the corer ot Sixth street
ant Twenty-sixth avenue called up the police
staten 'esterJay by telephone and said that
during the night thieves get Into his ban
and stole 1 part 01 a set ot harness
The only piano worth having , the Uartma :
y , .t. O. . \ . Coiitereii'e .
A rousing meeting wi bo held on the
lawn ot Mr1 1 . L. Shugart this evening at 8
p . o'clock. I will bo the second or a series 01
mldsunller conferences between the Omaha
and Council lurs Young len's Christian as.
sociations. The subject under consideration
wi be "Plans for Reaching Men. " Ireslnt
Keys will be chairman or the meeting and
wi leetnl alt
hleny Debug will open the discussion. There
\ will be a good attendance from the Omaha as-
s- loclaton , and it. I. hoped that a large number
. may bo present front this 11 < 0 All men In.
t terete.l In Christian work whether members
ot the association or net. are invited to be
present. _ - - _
, Yes , the Eagle laundry II "tbat geed
i laundry , " anti Is located at 721 Broadway.
1 In doubt abut this try It and be convinced
Don't forget name and number Tel 157.
None doer thin the larlman D4b1 Grana
SL . 1
IIItIti ) 'I'Itii - - 'i'.ti.iC. : I
I/"t f1J'I' " uiiiIiiiit hi gl.J'r" .1.11
II \ " 1(1) . ' ' \'lrtlr. for tl' CJ""lwl.
The city council hell a meeting last evening .
InK for the purpose ot heolog what the east
end citizens and the friends ot the motor
complny had to lay with reference to the
two ordinances now pending before the coun
cl wih the object or forcing the company to
resume running Its Omaha train around the
Pierce street loop. All the member ot the
council were there excepting Orahl anti Spet-
tHan.V. . A. :1)'nstcr opened the bal with a
few remarks 1.\ the same strain as on Ion-
day e\enlng. claiming that both the con\e-
nlcnce of the people living In the eastern part
of the city and the safety ot people lIaIsing
the corner ot Pearl anti Broadway lemaolell
that the old schedule should be put back. hi.
H. 1'lelt and S. S. Keler followed with
speeches on the same side ot the question
George P. Wright read the contract upon
which thc motor company Plt In Its track on
Pierce stret. 1) ' It the residents ot gaIt
Pierce street agreed to release the company
( r,1 all damages , anti also from paying for
the pal'lnl on the Street In consideration 01
the company ) ) operating a cOltnuous line ( rom
Omaha to Oak street. II December , 1893 , the
astonishing discovery was malle by the coin-
Palsy that the property owners had not paid
a cent 01 the taxes hut 2,500 of them had
already become dellquent , anti since then
hail been paid by the company , while $ 3,500
\ ere still uuuspaid . but would be pall when
they came dUe. By this failure ot the Pierce
street people to live Ill to the contract the
COl pan ) ' had been absolved train all responsi-
" \se male ( the change , " said he . "because
wo were losllg money. B ) changing we cut
off two trains and four crews , titus saving
a little shore than $5.000 a ) 'ear. We instructed -
structet Ollr conductors to count the passengers -
gers for seventeen consecutive days antI
found that there were 1.000 passcngerB role ,
down Main street while there ware only 6.767
went UII ) Broadway. Because we could beiseilt
twice as many people we sent our lrlus
down Main street Instead of up Broadway forte
to make the sa\llg we hat to send them all
one way or the other.
"In September 1892 , our profits were
$10,000. II November they hind fallen to
$8.000 In January , 1813. ! they fell to $7,000. ,
In Decemher , 1894 , to $5.000 , In January . 189 . i
10 $4.000. ant In ebrunry to $2.600. Our
running expemes right along were between
$6.000 and $8,000 a months . and our fixed
charges as we cal the Interest on the bonded
debt , the taxes anti the Insurnce , amolnted
to $5.000 per month. These fixed charges
were to be paid out 01 the iiroflts. so that In
those months In which the profits were less
than $ OOO the company was running at a
dead loss.
"To show you what a falling off there was
In trafc , In Jul' . 18'2. we carried 252.347
passenger ; In July , 1895. 178,8i a loss of
73,476. .
" " ' 1 never have cut the wages ot con-
rluctors or 10tormen or any other emplo'e ,
although our decrease In earnings for the frst'
six 10nths or 1S5 over the corresponding
term In 1891 was $7.000.
E , IT. Merriam followed with a plea for the
present order at things "There Isn't one
merchant on Upper Broadway who looks for
trade from Omaha , whie every year we Main
street merchants south ot Ninth avenue bring
In $500.000 every year from Nebraska mer-
chants. Two merchants who are very prominent -
ncnt on the other side have gone to Omaha.
bag and baggage because they couldn't meet
the competition tIle motor line brought againsi
thirsts.Ve can meet this competition , and w J
want It. "
W. A. : lalrer took the other side ot tl
question anti tried to exact a promise from
the comllan"s representatives that they
would "samlwlch" an Omaha train on Upper
Broarlway between two Main street trains
SuperlnJellent Dmmock acceded to the request -
quest on condition that : lr. laurer could
fgure out a schedule whIch would give RS
good service as Is now furnished , with six
tral us.
Other speeches were made by Lucius \'els,1
John Limit and others , most ot whom
threshell over old straw. For a time the dis-
cusslon was somewhat strong and one hoar-
headed ( old lather In Israel from the east end
chlllled ! In with a frequency and n vigor that
Impelell Mayor Cleaver to ask him to keel
still or get ottt. He couldn't keep still , ant
so got oul. -
After the talk was over the council adjourned -
joured till next Tuesday night wIthout ac-
ton , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, 1' " ' 11 StiiIiy the I"hle.
As we have ' one for years , and continue to
co the right thing by them.
No humbug about our AUGUST SALE
-nor Is It our aim to take advantage ot
'the publc , but realize our reputation Is at
stake , and when we advertise bargains you
wi always find them as we , say knowing
It woult certainly I reflect on us In the future ,
our store not being et that variable nature ,
but mean to continue our August slle wLth
greater bargains than ever.
Se check : nalnsooks , worth 15c , lOc 25e a
12c Soteh zephyrs , worth 25c.
6Yc Jaconet duehes , worth 12e. .
2ge ladles' ton hose , silk finish , sold for
4 Sc.
Wc sum < er corset that were 33c.
$1.50 taffeta silk unbreiia . fold Icr $2 50.
3ge ss hle shirt linen bosom , worth .15c.
98c-a bargain In large crochet spread , sold
for $1.39.
$ : ,98 ladles' coleell capes , sold for $8.00 ;
ant $10,00. !
2rcblg lot black silk fans , sold for 45c. '
r9c54-lneh Imported cheviots regular
$1.00 goods.
6e line unbleached nitislin . worth today
' 3c ) 'arl wide unbleached muslin . cheap at
For I further announcements ot our many
bargains see the tIU ) papers this week.
Broadway , CouncIl Bluffs.
Imported Japanese lanterns , Me a dozen.
Crock well.
Mi'Cnrthi " I"IitINlIeti Iil'MtIggltinz .
1'Clrth" 1"lnl"I..c " 'tthlthl !
State Auditor C. G. McCarthy cOlllleted
yesterday his investigation into the affairs
ot the Council Bluffs Insurance company and
len for Qei Iolnes. Ills investigat'on came
too late for him to take any action . for the
receiver I now In charge anti Is responsible
only to the district court for his actions.
"I have ben trying for two ) 'ear " sai4
: lr. McCarthy , "to Induce the cempany's
ofcals ! to make such changes as \\oul < 1m-
prove their financial condition . but they kept
putting me off . always promising , but never
perlormlnE The State Insurance company 01
U ( Moines { . stood ready : to reinsure for lO per
cent ot the unearned tlrmlum and take the
unmaturell paper at iiar This would have
hnll the desired effect , but a few days after
this offer was made the company went Into
the hands of the receiver. : lr. Loomis , the
receiver Is a business mn ot little experience -
ence In the Insurance business and he has
fcalll the assets down and the lablt s up.
This he acknol leclges , was wrong. Accord-
Irg to hiD figures the liabilities amount to
$0.000 , but should not be more than 50000.
On the other hand , the asSets are estmated at
$20.000 , while they should be doubled , by
reason ot the land values . ulnaturet paper
and stockholders' notes. 01 course tt ! would
take time to realize these values. The erect
et this report at the teceh'er's has been to
frIghten the policy holder and Induce them to
give UIl their policies . . thus relieving the coma-
I'an ot any labll ) . .
"no you mean to bY that.there was a put-
up scheme between the receiver and the corn-
palY's ofilcials ? " was asked.
"Wel. " b ( replied with a cynical smile ,
"you may draw your own Interences
In adliton to this business : ( r. McCarthy
made an examInation Into the business ot the
Guaranty FUIII Life Assurance society and
the Fidelity Protectve unlonl"hlcb were
merged SOme time ago by the tupsler or
most ot the latter companY'1 polcles'to the
f riner . A part or the policy holers In the
l"elt , refused to take out policIes In the
Guaranty l'und. and It was to protect their
interests that the auditor made hIs ! eumlna-
Hon. Before he left he secured a bond . for
$7,426 signed by C It. Hannan , J. C. Mitchell ,
J. n. Heed and l. O. Geaen to secure the
non-transferring policy holders.
Read Day ! . ' ad Davis sell hammocks
ceal .
! ! JllJ ,
1'l. "i'I'I' ItS IX ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ,
IWI'I'I'I 1'11 : UISI'U l"I' CUIn'I' ;
3111) ' 1'1' 11.IIJ 1"I.c , . t IIIJ 'Illl'
Severn I far Ii-irce' .
Tomorrow Is the last day for filing petitions -
ttons In cases that are to be tried at the
August terr ot the district court , and every-
thing Indicates that there wilt be a large
docket. The petitions have been comIng In In
swarms and . droves for several days past.
Among those flied yesterday was one In
whIch Dr. P. Ii. Vusler 01 Minden asks for
a divorce from Imma : I. Dassler They
were married In 1884 , and lived together
until 10 months ajo. Their matrimonial
sea was- a squally one Judging from the
plaintiff's allegations. She beat hIm with nn
Iron poker cr on Indian club choked him
struck him with her clenched ( fists , anti on
several occasions drew a butcher knife ali
threatened to cut his heart cut. After they
separated Ur. DJsler made a trip to Kansas
City , Mo. , where his wife hal gone to live
with her parents. and on July IG tried to
effect a settlement ot their dimemilties. Thc
woman made some \rr derogatory remarks
and finally dew I revolver on him and In-
vlerl him to lea\'e. lie left quick I , and as
he dll FO her lather Picked up a stone and
shiell It at him , but without any serIous re-
suits . excepting to his feelings.
Anna C. Foiiett . who married James E.
Folett last November , ala wants a divorce.
She SII that John has been habitually drunk
since their wedding day and has failed to
support her anti her three children. She
wants the custody 01 her children ant the
right to Use her , lormer name Anna C.
Jane Itichmartleon . wile ot James I Hch-
ardeon . a farmer was married In 1S56 , hut
her huballl. she says . deserted her seven
years ago. Ten days ago . however , he returned -
turned and beat her with his clenched fist
anti crillpled her barl ) She claims he has
commited adultery several times since their
separation. and she want a divorce.
Mrs. Attic Crogan fed a petition demandIng -
lug judgment for $ LS00 against Henry Miller.
She says that In 1883. when she was 10 yean
old . her lather bound her out to : lier until
she should become of age and tinder ( this
contract she staCl with him until four years
ago. As she was then her own mistress she
decderl ! to stay wills Miller and tie houcehiold
work washln anti ironing , collecting rents ,
long- ! after improvements on his property
ant locking after hiM physical welfare he
being very old and Ieble ! rs , Cogan was
married a short time ago , all needs the
$1,500 she claim" Is due her for her services
Among the other suits commenced were
the lolowlng : FIrst National bank against n.
W. Archer. $2500 on a note ; Iowa Central
Buiding and Loan associatIon against g. I
Smith . $2,000 on a note ; A. Lavenburg against
J. S Green $60 01 a note ; I , . A. Casper
against T. : I Parker , $511 on a note : J. H
Pace against S. P. MacCennel , $118 for goods
old ; John C , Fre3haut agllmt W. : I
Schlerbrock $3S on three notes ; p H. Wind
against a I J. Haworth. $413 on a note ; Stew-
art Crawford against ! C lialdy $ S00 ( ore-
clclure ot mortgage ; George real against B.
W. Beebe $50 on a note ; Richard Green
against J. A. Murphy , $2,500 foreclosure 01
mortgage. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
G.IIJ Out .r ISlaM ! il'MM.
Friday morning we shall offer our entire
p stock 01 wash dross goods . In all over 100
r pieces consisting ot jaconet , duchess , dim
ISles , lawns princess ducls , and that was
12tc , 15c all up to 25c. Entire lot goes to-
mulorrow . rc yard. We are selling everything
at cost and under. This Is a chance you may
never get again. Take advantage of It. We :
positively leave the city September 1 Our I
time Is short. BENNISON lihiOS. .
Council Bluffs.
I.HICBU OVER ' 'lg Glnuu.
Clh' I"ntu.r" ' 'l - lo' I htldt' ( lilt I' I"I
UIh'r ; UhlllrOIIJc ot ' 1' . .J . III" .
All the members ot the city council ant
Mayor Cleaver were shown over the proposed
line for the big ditch that may sometime
turn the waters ot Indian creek from their
present course and empt them Into Big lake.
The party was guided b ) T. J. Evans , and the
vehicles used wee Alderman Slletman !
buggy ali the patrol wagon. The party first
went to I'nster springs and observed the
point where : Ir. Evans proposed to turn time
waters Into the lake after the completion of
the ditch. This point Is seventy feet lower
than the battens et the creek over the his
where the clam was to be constructeti The
party followed up the road which : lr. Evans
pointed out as a natural waterway. A number -
her ot fences were opened and the party
finally came to a halt at the toot ot a hi In
the woods Mr. Evans took the lead anti IH-
lowerl a blazed path , and In a few moments
emergell from the woods and struck the old
SaPII road between two hmilis. hero : lr. Evans
called the attention ot the council to the act
that the lull was not holt as hmighm as It had
been reputed . nor halt as long , all that the
cut there was an undertaking not mich more
formnitlalle than the J'alrmount nark excava-
ton for the accommodatIon ot the motor line.
He also showed them that on the proposed
line nature had already excwaterl : many thou-
. ant yards ct dirt , more than half ot the
distance from the brow or the hill to the
creek on the Broadway road there being a' '
distnct cut washed out ( rom ten to thirty
feet deep Following thus cut the aldermanic
party walked out on Broadway , with the impression -
'pressIon materially strengthened that Mr
I'vans' plans were not Impossible nor vision-
ary , ali that the Clt could be made lor the
amount Mr. Evans had specified. Those who
previously felt Inclned to put Mr. Evans on
the rack by making advances to accept his-
prolloslton were not so certaIn about trying
It. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l.nOICXO hi'1iINCE.
COIII ! " 'II 1"lJht 10""I.J. UIIIJl'
Sui .t IC I iiiln'rI I ag's 1"rh"I.
The death ot Chris Klmberlng ! In Center
township by time collapse ot a bridge ly
possibly lead to a damage suit against the
county by the members 01 his family , but
time county ofcials are locking up the evl-
Ience In the case with a view to fghtng
whatever claims may be made. O. G. Auld
ot the Board ot Supervb'rs was tn the city
yesterday , and stated that trom what Im'est-
atons he has made the relatives ot the
deceasecl would be unable to Ilrove up any
liability against the count ) . .
The tanner all through the county have
been In the habit ot Ignoring a law that was
passEl by the state legislature a few yearn
ago providing that ( no steam engine should
be driven over any brIdge or culvert without
using four planks at least twelve fdt hong
one loot wide and two Inches thick , two et
which should be kept continuously under the
wheels ot the engine In spite or this law
the owners at engines have been In the habit
ot drivIng them over the bridges without
usng ! planks , and as a result the floors ot
the bridges have been badly worn OUt by
their contact with tlmd ccgs. Kimberlng undertook )
tertook to drive over a bride In Center township -
ship , and the brIdge , which It Is claimed hall
been weakened by thIs sort of treatment ,
went under. The engine In fallIng struck
him ou the heal ant killed him , besides
breaking the leg et one 0 ( , his men I Is
elalmell that no planks were useJ ant on
that account the county supervisors expect
to fight any claim for tluges : presented by
the friends . ef either ot the victims ef the
tragedy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11ln' - IS CAIJGII'h' - ,
XI.k O'Iirleuu'N ' \"Id-I. llr.h'r.r Iii
C""toI ) ' II l.r..U. Ca minsimi .
Sheriff Hazen received a telegram from
Superintendent Murray at the Pinkerton detective .
tectve agency at Chicago anMuneln that
HUey , who shot and almost kied Deputy
Sheriff NIck O'Orlen after robbing a bank at
Grlswoll several months ago , had been
caught ant was In custody In Prescott , Can.
ada. O'Brlen Is now on his way to Canada
and a telegram li expeclell from him today
stating whether or not he can identify ( )
man In custody RIley disappeared from
. \ht Immediately aCer he dt ! the shootIng
and for a long tme no trace could be found
ot hIm , although every erort was made to do
so After a time the detectives front de-
ecrlpton came U t the couclualon thAt Rie . )
was I certain Ian , wel Ino'n to those la'
mlar with rogues' gale"e8.lnll ari.tmg on
that theory went 10 work . locate him
They traced him all over. . the country , Invariably .
variably arriving R few days or hour too
late to catch him Three m.J age he again
disappeared 01 comllettl ' 1'l ! thoulh ! the
! rount had swallowed hini.C 'he next thinK
heard tram him was that - he was In CUSIOly ,
ant the sheriff Is hoping-tor an early reahl-
zton ot what has been jor several months
his hIghest auuubttion . '
Cii.t 11(1111) " ' 1'1'1 IJXU 1'nlnls.
'I'n'o I ( " ' 1011" " 3it'ti,1 t 31\.1 ; \11 II n
I't'enilitr " ' ' ' "JII. ,
DES MOINES . Aug. l5.-Speclal ( Tele
gram.-W. ) Ii' . Nine and J. ' . Keener were
arre tell today on the charge ot uttering R
forged Instrument. On Tuesday last a deed
was fell In the county recorder's ofce to
eighty acres ot land L Camp township from
George H. Sanderson to ii. Apple Yesterday
another deecl WI received on the same land
Irom B. Apple to Swan H. Nelson . anti D third
documnt of the same nature transerrell ( the
property from Nelson to A. H , Sanbe .
This mornlnJ Sandenmn reallot these last
transfers and asked Apple about It , lie sahl
he hud nut put his name to the deed anti dtl , l
not knol anything about the nustter. W. F.
Nine hall acknow1Eged both dceds to Nelson
and Sanherg Dnd Samlerson Immelately sent
for thetecti'es to sift the case and bring the
suspected parties to headquarters. I WS lIe-
\IOPE11 that Nelson was a "straw" man.
The prisoners gave bond In police court this
afternoon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
aferoon.11IJht Ch. . Vrtiu ! i.ttild.
CI"STON. la . Alg. 15-Stleclal-A ( ) pa-
cUlar dnmage suit was fed today anti will
cOle lp for trial at the Septe/lber term of
the district court. J. A. Hal ot Lorimor Is
the plaintiff In the case amid brings action
against J. 11 Jackson Rul 111n Dickey )
real cst ate len ot that city , to recover $1,600 .
which he claims as dalages on account of
mlsreprescntaton of the pllntrs In a land
deal. Ial alleges that Jackson and Uckey
sohl him a luarter section ot lanll In Pleasant
township for n consideration of $ : O per acre
Dickey accomllanled the I'alntl ) 1 see the
property and lal says shOerl him time wrong
piece 01 land lie therefore brings slit to
recover the difference tn the value of the
James Drolinger has ! ed a dala e stilt
against John and Sarah E Nolan of Shannon
City for $6.000. nrolnger says that he was
atackerl by one gllwlnl Nolan , who was . he
aleges , feeble Ilnded ali not responsible
for his actions , anti sutererl InJllrles from
whIch he was confined to his bed for SOI (
timue . Edward Nolams was a word of John
and Sarah Nolats . and the plaintiff says that (
It \ \ itS owing to their carelessness that he
was permited to run at large . therefore Drol-
linger wants damages from thel '
Iot.rl""r 11"lllt ) ' III"I.
SIOUX CITY , Aug. 15.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram-Cllrles ) J. Delaney , a lotoreer for
the Sioux City Traction company . was knocked
front the platform or a trolley car this lore-
noon while sparring with a ( friend fell und r
the wheels anti was Instant ) ' killed.
The Ilostofce clerks ot this city have organized -
anlzed a branch ot the Natonal Iostnl
Clerks' associaton , The object or the organi-
zaton Is to urge a general classification of
the service and the passage ot the eight hour
law. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3lii ruit'rtul II h.i Miii lie's' trct.t"
DES MOINES . Aug. , -Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Michael ) 10leran was assaulted by
tour negroes In front of the biggest hotel In
the city at 10 o'clock tonight . all kllhe'l. The
street was crowded at the tltmie. One negro
struck 10leran on th bead with a pine
board , In the end ot which h was a screw
three Inches long. The scre\I' penetrated h's
brain. Whlk ) ' ali an ( ll grudge were the
causes. The negroes escaped Holeran Is
prominent In city poltcs ,
CI"I thl hleiti' ! .
WEBSTER CITY , ] : . . Aug 15-Speclal (
Telegramn.-Time ) prohibitonists at Slllrlt
Lake yesterday had time wine rQoms at Hotel
Orleans searched ant a quanty of Iquor :
seIzed and destroyed . Abel Urothera , proprie-
tars or the hotel , haVe , 'closed the house.
UnIted States Senator Gear. anti Congressman
Ilemmderson together with ab'out seventy-five
guests , were compelled to go home. The
people of Spirit Lake are very indignant.
' 'hlll. I " ' 1'11"1' J" Slifc.
SIOUX CITY , Aug. 15-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-When ) shown a dispatch announcing
the sentence ofV .W. Taylor for five years
In the penitentiary Senator J. Ii. Kyle who I-
now In the city , sad : : "He will never serve
it. Taylor will be pardoned by Governor
Sheldon In a very few das after the next
electIon , "
l't'rferiiit'i I 1111'11 ( ) pi'rztt mu.
WgISTIn CITY , Ia. . Aug. 15-Speclal (
Tehegramn.-hIubert ) Thompson was kicked In .
the heat by a horse yesterday ant for twenty
hours was uncomclous. Today doctors per-
fmrmeti the difficult opert on of trephlnln
and removlug seven pieces ot the crushed
skull ( rom the boy's brain.
icisuli Ih"J'III" lt 1",1 ( itIC . I
RED OAK , la . Aug. 15.-Speclal-The ( ) I
Southwester Iowa Medical assoclat'on Is i
holding Its semi-annual convention In this
city today In the parlors or Iotel Johnson
About fifty : I D.s arc present and many mat-
( era 01 Interest to the IJroesslon will be con-
CIuiut'ted "llh St'l I itug 11""I""c tt'iut.
CRETON , Ia . Aug. i5.-Special ( Tele-
gratmm.-Mr. ) Wlels ot Shannof City has
been arrested for selng diseased meat. He
Is said to have rls\oseel of lumpy jawed cat-
tie. Wiets says he Is being persecuted and
intimates that a rldmage suit will follow.
T'III'rulU. " ' ( ) rlel'i4' C.fl'cut.l.
MASON CITY Ia. , Aug. 15.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Granti ) lodge Independent Order Good
Templars or Iowa began an eight da's' session -
sion at Iowa Fails tOday. Several hlndrcll
delegates are present. A mass meeting has I
been arranged. '
II"'H ! Stvc'lgurel for St'ulntnr.
MASON CITY , 10. . Aug 15.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Isaac ) Swelgarrl or Garner was today
nominated as democratic < Jmlrlate for state
senator In the I orty-thlrl tlstrlct , composecl
ot Hancock , Cerra Gonlo and Franklin coun-
" ' 11 hit i-it Si ) lul I'igiitiiig.
DENVI' , Aug. 16-The Colorado Ih mane
society through Secretary Thompson , has ap-
pealell to Governor Mcintyre to Issue a proc-
iamation rorhildlng the proposed Mexican bullfight
fight at Giet , In the Cripple Creek district
Saturday September 24 I Is beliet'eti the
governor will exercise 'afl , the authorIty of
his Office , even to the . al lt ot calling out
the troops I need be. prevent the . exhl.
bition . . 1 , .
. betTerson COuulit ' 'I'eiehiu'rs Ui'e't.
.h'lt'r"ol COllt ; .1..II.hl.r" ; I..t.
FAInUHY , Neb" , Ang. 16.-Speclal ( ) .
One hundrell and seyiMhnve / ( teachers are
enrolled at the Jefferson Ounty Teachers' In-
sttute now In eession I the largest number
ceunty ever enrolled at any preVinl' Institute In tL .
The Jefferson Count Old Settlers' associa-
ton will tlil Its annjl' ' Qd days' reunion
near Enllcot , commencing . Wednesday
c.ii's-ruieir 31'llt'rl11 - " Aticuiel.
DENVER , Aug 15.-G < I rnor Mcintyre ano
staff accompanied byleiegation , ; : or Grant
Aqny men ant ex-conellerates ( , will attend
time dedicatory ceremontas at the national
park 01 Chattanooga lnd' ' Chickamauga , , Sell'
ember 19 and 20. " '
ant . -
CI.nrJ,1 with Sit fe It uhihi I iir.
ChICAGO , Aug. 16.-Gerge W. Morton I
has been arreserl hero and taken to Kan-
a city. where he Is chargerl wIth robbing
the sale at toe Kansas City Jockey club of
several thousand dolar.
111.11 I ! Cant rne'tisr . \ " .I MIM.
COLUMBUS , 0" , Aug. 16.-James H. mack ,
contractor for the erection ot manufacturing
works for Harig & Ce . assigned today te
W. K. Wiiliaks . ASiets. 5175,000 ; labltll .
$96,000. The work wi proeell.
I'rogrt'ss ot ( lii' 10"11 " % 'nr ,
PORT LOUIS , Island ot Mauritus Aug. 15
-Advlces received here from laJungu , Island
of Madagascar dated August 5. say that the
' , hA 1MPIIIflPP ' \ . . - . \ .
SDIS & BAINBI1IDGEtorn.y..II. . .
I lii % untmsumuauuupracice I In the State
and Federal Couru. Praetco t-7.8.9. Sht
sat Dlo k Coucil l3iuZs. lQWa
- . . . - - -
Hova were thell tntrlncherl at 1lnIJ ) on the
Albohllent lo\ntalnl between Autiriha
anti Antatianlris'o . Oet.eral . Vuchen was
Rllvalcln upon this position anll another ito-
vita force , con81stnj ot 4.00 mcn. WR pu h.
Ing forward with the Intention ot cutting off
the rench l supplel near : aro\'oay. There
has been heavy morlaly among the rench
troops on account ot miiaria , dysentery etc.
S .
Cf.\ nO 1 \I'f . t ! IUCS ; CltitlI ,
Irokt'r 1,1,1I.I'r : nit . \rrl .ntol or
Alltlt'rh.J I l'iIsttts.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 16.-Th. hotly ot Molle
Leathe a negres8. sister anti heir ot h'rts-
cia Henry , another negros , . whose b&nlo
ha been for years the most notorious In
the city 01 St. Louis , was exhumell by order
et til coroner tOll ) ' anti ( the viscera taken
out for chemical examinatIon , II the mo-
tle , Tholas hi. howard , a descentnnt of (
the English fatally : ot that nale , anti a
broker ot thirty years' stan.lnl. who line
been the paralour ot the Henry WOl3n , ali
has had charge of her affairs , Is Iller u.
tion. rest pending the result of the itivestiga-
Some da's ago 10wrt was arre8te
char el jointly with Florence'iiliame . cO'II '
In the ( Henry woman's housc , with atempt-
lug to fraudulently transler to himself ! ( ho
Wiliams WOlln personatng the licnm'y
woman ) $25.000 10rtb at the $100,000 worth
ot real estate aCCllnlatell by the henry
woman during a caner or shame ot man ) '
'earM. 10nt was I'en. and 10ward } las
released , but the W'ihlijtns womln was held
In 'J jtil.
The henry ) wonton hlli bn Ill . but ilmi-
pro\'crl during ilowatti's brief Incarceration.
From this n chain 01 clr tmtances led to
a suspicion that howard was slowly poisoning .
ing her , and thRt ho hall also pohonCl he
sister who died some weeks ago. The
coroner seIzed 1 lot of medIcine which 101-
acl had been ntimmiinIsterin to the lenr )
woman anti ensue th.1 had been given by
him to the I.eath woman before her d\lh
These moclclnes arc bclng chemically ex-
aml1ell also. and a report on them Is ex-
pecterl simortly. In the meantme howard
was arrested and Is still held.
- - - - -
( 'l.A I , ! 'i' lt.t'i'11i3 I { tilIii ) 'i'ilI3 Gll. I
" " , I'rl.l" Iisiipieenriiuii't' or I YOIII
CIII.III \uuiiiuu , II" I. . ! ih''cl.
TWI gD. 011 , Aug 1.-Aingmsit 1 16 last
AnnIe Cnlellar , a young lnglsh girl living
hear Peterboro dlsapllearet , leaving no trace
Today a strange discovery was lade , Eu- (
warr nowdel , secton foreman at Shefchl
staten , found under the tmbers of a britigo
a few mies east of Tweedc a niece of Illane
board aleut thIrteen Inches square. on whIch
written tiieJollowlmig atatenmenit :
was writen Jolowlnstatlment
"SIiEFFIFM.D. , \prl 2U . 1895.-To . nil II'
wothl. greeting : This Is to certify that I
iiiti on the night of the 16th oC Au ust ,
IS91 , murder Annie CIIndar. a young Fng- I
Ish girl . In the little cemetery at l'eter-
bore , and wih a niece 01 COliC and railroad
Iron I stink br dea hotly In the lale I
did It to hhle n crime. I fet'i that God vtii
never forgIve mae for it. I cnnnot rest tiny
or nl hl I would IJlc her body taken )
. , , "
mtnti burle'1 F. n
The case Is In the hands . of the detectves ,
Ii . lilt'S :11" I. . 'I'rh.t In Cii k'uigo.
PIiILAIELI'hiIA . . 15.-it has
PIILAImLPIIA. Aug. 15-1 prac-
tcaly been elehlecl that ( Ii. I 10imes , the
aleged murderr 01 Minnie and rannle W1I.
D , F. ' : . and baIt ,
hams . , B. J' IIzel. ant a dozen others
wi go to Chicago for trial for the munler
01 the WIlams girls. This , I Is said , wa :
the outcome 01 a lengthy conference hehl
In this city today between W A. Capps efFort
Fort W'ortim Tex . and Dstrct ! Attorney Graham -
ham After the conference Lawyer Capps
said that he had urged the district attorney
to alew Holmes to go to Clmlcago ant that
Mr. Graham could hardly refuse to grant
his request. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ .
. \ S NI' ri S I Ii t' \ at a it's I is a no en ci' .
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 15-Early In last May
Senator Peter of this clt
State Morrissey o city
was shot and kied In the house ot : Iaur
Lewis , said to be tile senator's mistress , all
time Lewis woman was Itlcte(1 for the
munler. I now transpires the laud Lewis
has a hitmeband named Albert Andrews and
that he has made a confessIon to having
killed lorrlssey. lIe wants to bo arrested
all have Maud released , but the authoriies
have taken no acton In the case yel.
Nev ' 'i'rllNt : tlit ' liii , " 'l'renilhi' .
' 'l'rl,1 ; 11) II" et Trnuhl'
ChICAGO , Aug. IG.-The Post says that
It Is freely rumored that the reorganized
WhlsllY trust Is likely to get Into trouble
with Atorney General Moboney or Illinois. I
I Is reporte(1 ( that the attorney general Is
sharllly watching the reorganization . and
tht quo warranto proceedings are not 1m.
probable. The membrs of the reorganiza-
ton comllte ( however emphatically ten ) '
that ammy such action Is . contemplater1
- p
Slit I I maul t're'siuit'iits Confer
NEW YOHAug. . 15. = The committee or
sixteen of the railroad presidents In the
Trunk Line anti Central Tramc associations
'met here tea ) President Ingals 01 the
Big Four pre3hlet , anti Sir Charles Rivers
Wilson was one 01 those p preent.
' 1 ' 11 ret' 'elan' ' ( ' 1111' " Liii.I .
WILLIIANTIC , Conn. . Aug. 15.-A west-
bound train last night brko In two a mlo
rror Pomret station. The two sections came
together after the break wrecllng ! seventeen
cars. Br.elan ! Benon was slightly injured :
and three tramps kihle . ] .
: . .w Y.irL Il.I..rllc C"'lt.I.-
NEW YORK . Aug 15-The democratic
state cOlmltee In session here today selected
Syrcus ( September 21 , as the plnce ) timid
tithe for holding the democratic State comi-
vent ion .
Search of the Emanuel ! Church Being Male
from Cellar to GArret ,
Sp.liil for I , 'I''IH'I , , 'Ith'hlch tn
IIre'ssk Un" I the li. t. " "t' C ) C-
fCI't'll I ) ' the 3liureie.'rer tt
1lllch. I.ulnnt ,
SAN FI1ANCISCO . AuS. 10.-t'eoplo who
live In the \Iclll ) ' ot 1 lanuel church where
the ( brutal lurlers ot lancl ( Ialont all
Minnie Wiiams were comusmittci , are much
m'stleci b ) the fact that time police are layIng -
Ing mysterious visits 10 the church. Just
vimat thIs renewed actIvity ot the police at
the church means can only be conJcctuf'd , far
the lemb I's 1 ( time tellJI'tment are CIOSC-
mouthed a usual anti e\en deny that they
have been at manuel church morc frequently
ot late than heretolore. Detectl'e Cody who
appe.trs to be IC3dlns' the van ot this last
descent UJon the church. says lie ras simply
engaged In securing accurate measurenien's
ot time buiding , to be used u evidence during
the trial But why halt a dozen polcemel
IhOlhl be egaged In the same bUMnes ! along
with him he roes net sa ) HUlorl arc lmiemiti-
ul. They alI ) were ever slue the t\ 0
tilatorted all lifeless bodies were 10un(1 In
the chnrch-one In the belfry amid the ether
In the library.
The statement Is mad fn gmiJ Ilthorl )
howenr , that the In'csent lovlment on the
Pam t ot the Ilolc ! I ! to ( crezal ( I el'hlencc
vhlii will be Introeluccli b ) the ( Icef e anti
upon whllh I Is'rahl I I ) tm rrammt's alol I I nes wl l I
t Ie ( itch' firmest ft 111 anti mIle thel' bitterest .
est f ht. This 10\lent wi he to I'Mtahlbh
if I posbte Durrant's tatelent that ho was
at werk on defective electric wIres In the lof'
01 the church on time afernon that Banchn
Ian\nt was slain. anti that ( ito dlshevelcrl
appearance which he lresettomitfl ! 8C(1
shortly afterwards by Organist K ng was th-
resul of being ovrcele b ) gas whIch had
escapel ( ( rom the pipes and collected In the
Kimig I will be remembered . lalo ( tie (
Mutl.ment that on that Ilportant afernoon
he went Into the Sunday school rcol ot the
church to practice some seetos ! lie was
exj'ecteti 1 to rller when ncxt time congrlga ,
Ceu : .honld asemble for worship lie though'
he was alone In the bullln . After remainIng -
tog there several minuteR , howe\cr. he waF
starlld I ) the sOlul of Ime one openIng Ih ,
door which led into the room Irom the hallo \
of the church auditorium. Turning he be
hehl Iurmant pale anti ( apparently exhlusted ,
hi , hair disheveled a 11 his clothing dlsar-
ramigeti . Upon being asked what ailed him
thc man ' who Is noon trhl for the murder
ot Bdnch'e Lament s3111 that while enlleavor-
15mg to repair the electric wires he had been
overcome by the escaping gas. He was so
completely o\rcome , In ( fact that he asked
King 10 go out anti plrchase sOle brome
seltzer for him , amid King readily complet ,
King told this story alll Durrant , when ques-
toned re arlng the later , admited thc gas
stcry butt declared that King hall greatly
e"agKeratcd the description of his conditon ,
Since the rctr mEnt of ( Juror lirown . the
selection ot ( our additonal jurors for thp
trial 01 Theodore Durranl has caused time
! olce cllpartment a great deal of worry
Captain 01 DetectIves Lees Is suspIcious of
the deputy county clerks Intrstd with lF
drawing 01 " 'enlrlmln , lie states the MII
officials were ennected wih the trial of :1
I ) . Howels , time cctmnterfeiter . when the jury
elaagrer1 The juy Is still worklnf to oh-
lain the source of the loney whlch'ls al-
legeti to he ISCt unsparingly In connecton
'itit time prsitaratlon of Iurmant's tiotense
Tin , proiccution thInks it is beiimg raised by
subscription. Tomnorruw a panel of 125 vetmire-
men till be in the cotmrt , anti it is hoped (6 (
secure four lnoro jurymen.
Shuiiii iig Fit t Cat tie 1o Iluim.rlti tiui ,
W'ASI-IINGTON , Aug. i5.-Samtmel Degemi.
a cattle shipper of Chicago t'lio recently
sailed to Engianti with 303 fat cattle , has
returtmed here anti reports that not a single
one was lot on the trip. \\'hen ( lie cattle
arrived 1mm Emuglantl they wore in a hittie
better condition tlman when shilppetl , averaging -
aging about 1.300 pOunds. Tile cattle were
as a rule well graded. The Polled Anmgtme
grailes brougiit time highest price. The t'iuole
803 averageti about $97.50 a heami. It it'
stated at tIme Agricimhtuiral departumment that
time i'ohled Anigmis grades are more in tiemnanti
1mm Emmrope than any other cattle. hierefords
comae next and Dtmrhtarn last.
Fl'ii liii' A fritlulofA in e'ri'it Ii Cat t he.
I'AItiS , tig. 15A semi-otlicial note has
been ptmhlisimeI stating that ttmierculosis ) i
shown to exist in Now York state , atmd ( blat
New York cattle iiava beemi refused emitry
into Conmnectlcut , , amid also that anthin-ax is
ravaging New Jersey hiertlmi , while a eeriotms
disease , behieveti to be Texas fever , has
been discovered in I'ennsyivammia anti Temmnes-
see. Time mmote then proceeds : "These facts
fully justify the mneasure taken February 21
for checking the inmmport of Amnerlcmsii cattle
inmto France. and are the best rotiy to the
criticlsmsis tlilte mmieasuro evoked. "
iiiueiutt'il it I'stliuiusti'r ,
WASIIINGTON , Aug. 15-TIme itrestdent
has appointed John It. Grinnage posttnaster at
hiounia , La.
41bollina ris
Ask for " Splits at the
Restaurants and Bars.
ANIIOOD RESTORER VituIIz-rtLmeprcs't1 'tmIs ,
on of a fam'om. } 'remich pttybtelaml , will quicm.jy cute oti of all ma.m.
Otis or ilt'A'ase , of ( ho gentrimttte ergaiua , s.umeII ate hat Mimmmh.d , ,
huisomnula , t'stnsio limo JttcIi3cnmiunt , 1ml..iuttui. : , i.'rviima 1)plAlui
. S I'implr , ljtmfltness ( ti Marry , Ixitatms , ig 1)m.tluts , 'urlt oi-e-Ie
_ ConatInecn ! , I t 5tOlt atl Ic-sea liv day or iutglt. b'u'venia quilt k
sms. of Atsctmitrgl' , tviuictm If not ctte'cksd 1'tttq , to Hpemnmtetorrtu--tt , iti
all ( tie morrorof Imm'otenry. ( 'III'S lIEcleauss tehiver , ,
D FOR E ao AtR kIdneys aumd ( tie urinary organs oX all kopuridea.
CUPIDENE .trengthena iind ri storms .01511 wi'mtc organs ,
'bIte rt'a.on sufferers are tiol ciitd by itoetora i bt-cumuso nInety' per cent sm troubtcti witi
5.sslmlIl I. . CUI'IIENE is ttmt'ommi7 known menials to 'aut-ewititoul itii t'pt-ratltjui. 'oe-i'umnn .t
A ! & A wrItpfl giluienteegiven anti mo iay retmmrnad Istz boei dei-s not cued a lerinnuctit e .
lb I.W a box , tz $5.0) , by mail , 8end S ir raaictmcuiar aimd ( satimoulats ,
" 4 e"IV. . " 5EIICIE C 5) . , 1' . 0. Box t7t.ttan } 'raiiucbcoCnl. 5- i'- . .
FOR SALFI BY GOODMAN DRUG co. 1110 Farnana EL , Omaha.
- - * ; MACA - - ' ; STEAiI ! DYE WiKi )
- ian'
All kinds of Iyemn
anid Cleaning ticac in
. the hightst style of
the arL Faded and
, mtatned fabrics mmmdc
to look as gootl as
flew. SYork promptly
I done and delivered
all parts of the
r- 1 C country , Send for
price flit.
0. I ,
l'roprlsa a. .
Dmsdwa7. OlaF hforth.
. " Watru Depot , Couusctl
Bluffs. Iowi , Tel. ; ; i.
I.3ecctiahi1's jIIIS arc ( or bilioun.
ness , bilious headache , dyspcp.
Sin , Ilcartburn , torIid Iivcrdiz4
zincssskk Iicadachcbad tastQ
iii the mouth , coated tongue5
loss of appcthcsallow , skin5ctc , ,
whcn.causcd by constipation ;
afl(1 constipation is the most
fi'cqucnt cause of all of them.
Go by the book. Pills io
and 25C a box. Book free at
your druggist's orwrite B. F.
Allcn Co. , 365 Canal St , ,
New \rorl
Annmmiel sales mere than 0,000 OO ) boat , .
! 'U '
- t 4.'t"4t . 'tttfiiu-
- , j' . ; I ' ' . i'i ; .
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
? ,
Tue effect most tlcsircti in it Foiuilng hat !
is ( hint it shall hue anything limit a bed by
tIny nuiti nothing btmt a imeti by luiglut.
Stel ) by 5tei ) % % 'O lmavc immiprovod It at boths
tluo lioim1ti" itliti time Foluiiuig lied as tmoy ,
perfectemi is a tritlimipli of imigenuity.
fly night it is a full fasittommetI , ituxurlotis
bt'ti with miot ( lie tullglitest atmggestiois of the
' 'cuibiiseti , cribbeul , comifimmeti' ' berth above it.
Ttuo sides are oi > emi their entire length , anti
the bmi coulti tiot be tlieteti from a regul.
lal betieteati. Fiirthmc' , its timls bed ( litre
is a perfect systens of venmtllatioms tlmro'sglm.
omit tito tiny , anti timls rcunoves time last iuos.
climb objection to a fohthimmg betl.
I ii t lie tiny ( I nie vii cii ( ii iii tueti is 'mmma tIe'
tsp , " its owner toulti tmot be able to rccog
nize it.
hltmy tie foltiing bctl of anmy make until you
hmavc personally cxmtmnimsed our Letls. l'ricea
from $10 to $50.
Fitrnltmmre atiti D rnpcrlcs ,
I ' 2t Ii a mid , luiitlmts St r'ccts ,
Save 1OCur
How ?
of us. Oni price Is 15c per bottle.
Lttm'ge iI.OO sl'.e-oum' Pt'ICO 7J5c.
8llOrll1ll & Mcollhiol1 BiEi
1513 DODGE ST. ,
2d 1)iot' Wt.'st P. 0. , Oussaltza.
I'11Ts,1' ' , ' NATIONAL BANK
CoLIlicil Bluffs , Iowa.
% 'H SOI.I'l't' V'it ( ' IItSINESS , 1
\'H li'i&imitm 101'I (
I ) H ( ) I. ' 'I'll II 0 1,1) ii''l' hANK S h N iOVA ,
; ; i'IHt l'.t I 1) O'I' I l 13 lldl'USI't'S
' . , . ( lit % ' ' ' ,
( .tii. tl ) 51113 (5 'ltI'I'id
SpBciaI tIoEicsGoucii BIu
( -iimuINi'S : ( Ct.E.'AUI.'rS t Ci.mAID ;
1d l3uirkt' , _ _ mitV. _ _ . S. lIumer'tu Uromtdwmty.
Foit it.I.Ott 'I'ItAItA I'iNflfY IlhtlD
runnIng horse , with htghi ( rack iecomti , guoth
reuthomus fur sehlimtg. Atitimeita or cull at IJ
Iii omtdway ,
Font ItEN'r. sivr. i. isas. ColiNEit HTOItt.
roouum , 25.lOO , In tiuit , ; , blot-k. Stt-mumn lutat.
Cciltrahiy located , B. I ! . tmeitfe & t'o.
\VANT1i : ) , A COOl ) ( II itt. Felt , fltNtitAta
Imutit-ework anal good cook , 0 Sixth av.-umue.
& % 4&\1LTJLL \ ! ! !
I.t-n % is IuUbtl.INGTOS & MO. IttVtltlAmrlca
Ommiuhmi1Uimkn It.ot , bOi. : Mitsumi StsJ Oumiulma
1ommtni..1)emiv-r : Iprcsa. . . . . .
4 . .tiitimi.Blic , hula , Mont. & l'uget mmd , Ex. 4Optmi :
4 : ' . . . . . . . . . . . ' , em 1pmti . . . . . . . . . . . 4un :
1Qpmil..NebcasktL : Local ( except 6unday ) , 7:4na :
Sl.&tiim. : . .I.tmtetjlmm Local ( except Itunday ) . , ,11
Z4timl. . , l'ust ascII ( fur b.incoium ) daily. , , _ _ _ _ _
Luvca ICIICAt3O. ! IIIJStCtNOTON & Q.t.rrivea
OiiiulimtlUiiluti IiItii , 10(11 & Motion , , Ommtlma
: . . . . . . . . . . 'eatItiuho. . . . . . . . . . 9&Oarma :
5t.o.ttmi..imiemigu : txpieii. . . . . . . . . . . 4:1pu :
7topni. : . , Ctmicago & mit. Louts U.ltre. , , , . 8tJO.mns
: . . . . . . . . . . Juumetion LoeuI. . . . . . . b:3Opmr :
. . , . .I'ast Mali. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:4Jpmq :
Leave , ChICAGO , MIT , . & $ T.I'AUL. . Arriver
- ( Jrmualmui Utmionieput _ , 10th & Musuntitii. _ Onmaim ,
6Otpm. : . " . . . . . . . . Chicago Ltnmhted. . . . . . . . . . . 9:50am
11:30am. .Chicngo lxpress ( cx. Huntiny ) . . .
Lcavt-s Cll1CAiOThOIffiiW7'NArriyjj
OmnnuiaUni.rnLiti.ot , , bitt & ,
2O:40uim : . . . . . . . . . . .Easttmn Exi.reas. . . . . . . . . . .
42Oiim..estiliufed ; Llnitt.-tl. . . . . . . . . 9:20am :
U.&Saiumi. . . . . . . . . . Mo.'ailey I.ocai..hO:3tptn :
Gt5itni..Ommitia : Clmtcmugo Si.eetai. . . . . . . 1:4tmjmua :
Lemt'.t-s Ciiht'AUO , It. I. & t'ACiFLC.tArrivetu
Onmuima Union Iemoj9th & Muon t.ts.l Omnalmmi
- EAST ,
Ii 2'tam..Atiantlc Etress ( cx. Hun.Iay ) . . tEpns :
: . . . . . . . . . . . . ixpres. . . . . . . . . . . . . :
.j.L212un. ! . . .Citicagui Veetiliuted L.itntted , . . .
vrsr. :
64pmn.Oklatiomui ; & Texut , 1x tea. i3umn..10:3.arn :
140i.mui..Coiciado ; Llniulet . . . . . . . . 4:00pm :
I.eutvee C. , ST. 1' . , M & U Arrlvea
Oinitlmrm Depot , l&tii Unti V. chimer St. I Oummaima
9:2anl..N-bniskmm I'teaenger. . . . . . . . . SU.trs ; ;
4Sopuul..t4loux : Cimy Cxpress tea , Suntj.,5ISimmna ;
6i0pns. . . . . . lit. I'auL itttd . . . , 20 aSans
I..itvt. , ' I F , , 1. & MO. ' .tl.LlY. lArtiveu.
OnmaltalflepotllttinntlWel.ater St. . : Mali ant Express. . . . . . . 4,0puma :
2t0jtn. : , ( ex , l4utt. ) SVo , 1ik. ( cx. Maim , ) . .
9At.tms. , , Norfotk Exprce , aex. $ tlnday. .IQ30.mima ;
, , . . . . . . . . . _ ! : ! ! - _ . . . . :
I.etes K. C. , 14 ? . J. & C , lb. lArrives
Oimialin ITnten tei.ot , 10th & Macon Stai.l Orn.mlu5
ariuaiml. : . . . . tnneai City Ias' Exerea. . . . . . 5:30pm :
DUItlmi.i : ( . C. Nighit Ex. Via U , 1' . Trantu , GOoarma :
. . , ' MmsItt7iti ( I'ACII'iC. iArrives
flinuhni tcst , iSiti an.i Vetsmer Sti , I Orumuhus
: ( . . . . . . . . . . , I.ouisExnr-t , , . . . . . . . . . . 6:00am :
9:20mn. : . , . . . . . . St. Louis ixitrei , . . . . . . . . . . 6Obpns :
I 10pm..I.abrakaLovalex. ( Sun. ) . , . . 9Om
f.emsve I HiOt'X CtTY & l'ACtl'IC' Arrive.
Ouuinituti lepot , 15th aniS'ebster5iti , I Omahma
: ' . . . . . . . . . . I'uuul I.tmlted. . . . . . . . . O barn
l.emiv'a SIOUX ( 'ITY & I'ACIFIC. Arrives
( , uuahninitn . 1)it. 10th & Mason St. , Oniahmi
- - - _ -
- - - - - -c-- - - - - = - = =
GM.un : . . . . . . . .gltux City i'asiwmger , , . , . , 10 S5pns
. : Sli.LflttoI ! : . . . . . . - !
I.arei UNION I'ACII0IC. JA'-rmve.
Oriitlma L'nionlepot , lbtti & alasonst..I Otnaitmi
: . . . . . . . . . . Extre , . . . . . . . . i i0pttg
* 001tll , . . . . . . . . . . . ( ) e.uiinti Flyer. . . . . . . . . . . r 0pni
2OOpmIt-at'ce : 8. l4tromr.I'g lix. ( cx , ttuniISotuui )
7OOt'nl : . . . , . , . . . , , .I' acil5c Exttresa . . . . . . . . . .10:22am :
5(5'm. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fast Mail. . . . . . . . . . . 4 lOitun
Leaves WAIJAItif ItAILl.VAY , lArrlve.
Omaha t'non ! Depot , 10th & Mavoim StJ. Uuulahus
( ; QQoun.tit. Louts Cannon ZJaii.ZZ.31P1 $
' . . - . - - . .