- - - _ r- . . . . . " . - . - . . . . - . - - - - : N Q ' " 'f."V . . . . . I o , " " ' 1" " ' ? ! ' " , . ' , " . - - . _ - . - . S _ _ _ S , ' S ' . , S S . . . . , - , . . , . _ ' - : ' . " ' o. S S . ' -TflE OMAHA. , DAILY B EE . ' . , , , - - ! . 'AnLISIIED JUNE ] : io , 871. - . OlLAJL\ , 'l'IUUSDAY lIOHNIG , AUGUST 15 , 1895. SINGLE OOpy i'tV1 flINTS. t . j CABINET CRISiS IN JAPAN . Populace Believe They Were Outwitted by " the Oineso Diplomats. RESULTS . IN IOSTILTY TO COUNT ITO . - 1'ctiIe fr 'ho I ! .1/.1 I 3niiIre UrliU ) ' ) " 'M/IMI.1 , IU It I It. ! 1..le.e ) Shl" ' Eu 1 . Chl.n h ) ' the ' 1'reitty II 1'eic. ' \ ' SIINGTON , Aug. H.- Iemb r of the diplomatc corps who were seen as to progress of affaIrs In the Orient think I ) ' I'rcbahle ' , If there be any erlRls In the Japan- cee cabinet , a represented In recent Ils- patehes , that It may be due to developments made In connection with the negotatons be- hHen China and Japan , which were understood - stood to he In progress there between the Japane minister and the Chinese author- Ities. . I Is understood that the labor of shaping the relations between the two OrIental em- 1.lres has been left largely to Mr. llayaslil the new Japanese minister at PekIng , and that this work embraces many details sup- 1Icmeltal to the original tety , Inchldlng . bp.les ! the cstahlshmcnt of commercial re- I S latons between the two countries , the fixing of the amount of the Indemnity for the sur- render of the 1.lao Tong Ilcnlnsula. This work woul ( naturally Involve a review of the orIginal treaty and It may have de- "elol'll facts which have operated 10 open up the entire question and to give the critics of the Japanese government a new basis far their assaults upon , Count Ito and Viscount 1atsu , who negotiated the treaty of Bhllnjoneskl. The surrender of the peninsula , wlh its splenllhl fortifications at Port Arthur , arousctl much criticism at the time RII ( If recent occurrences have tended to show that China Is dliposetl to evade a portion of her part of tIle contract this \\oull serve tn open the old feeling of dls- t salsfaclon In Jalan. Much as hai been said about the surrender ly the Japanese of the 1.lao Tong concession It appears now that Japan never received any d fnle a surnce 18 to the Indemniy she was to receive. The general suppositIon existed that there WIS a tacit uII rlallng that there should he added not less th.1 lCO.OOOOOO taels ou account of this charge , but I now seems that the entire arrange- mcnt for the slrenller ( of the concession was made WIth the Interfering I'uropean : ) powers who content themselves with securing Japalse promise to keep Off the Chinese mainland , leaving Japan to arrange with China as 10 the Imount of Indemniy all to iirovide for Its collection. I Chlnll 11 showIng - log a disposition to take advantage or the . . 4 attItude of Ittissia , France and German , as Is understood to be the case , It wouhl naturally fal n \ \ ' that the dbcontents In Japan wouhl lale advantage of the oppor- tunity to enew the criticism of the gov- ernmlnt for not holdln ( on 10 what I hatl CAINtT CIiANGIS IIPtNNG. VICTORIA , 1i. C. , Aug. H.-The steamer Empress of Japan has arrIved wih advIce 1rom Yokohama up 10 August 2. Reports of ImpendIng c.hlnet changes are frEely circulated In 'oklo anti are largely ) ' credited , alhough entrely without oUcl.1 coilfirmatloli. The Illness of Viscount Matsn Is believed to he too seious to allow him to resume the control of the foreign ofce bUKI- I floss , which fillY fall Inlo disorder I left too long .wlhout Practical supervision , and S _ \ Mar'luls Salonjl tile pnsent aclng foreign S viscount , and also mlnlsler I of p01 I lice I Instruction - struclon , finds I Imposslhle 10 adetluately discharge the duties of tile two posts. I Is also stated that Count Ho will orer the management cf foreign affairs 10 Count In'oue lS soon as the latter returns from Corea probably before the dill of Au/u t. Two other gcvernhllellt changes are more or less confidently I"etlcletl , Mr. Ito Iyojl aspires 1 a sent In tile ahlnpt and he Is IIIPP08Cti to have earned this promoton by his ) excelent servIce as secretary 10 the inilistry. : A place will be m.lle for him b } ' providing for one of the present ' 'heads of dcpartmnerits wih a diplomatic staten In Europe. Mr. Shh'ano , recently rice mInister of home affairs. Is Ixllelell , Ihough with less certainty , to join the cabinet In the same way. Chinese officIals In Peking are unable 10 resist the temptatIons to show their spite toward . Japnnalll a disagreeable part of the ( itity Is 10 call them to account when they 5- . become ffeilslve. The Tsung 1.1 Yamen has twice been obliged 10 apologize to , Mr. Hayashi for the ImPlication of an objectionable - able epithet. "wliojen . " In the omclal gazette and once for tile circulatIon of a memorIal to the emperr , In which the Japanese people were spoken of as Insular barbarians. IUI'nl.Y ' 10 'I'l g . \'J 1:1 lOAN : A "Y. Jnllnu . .trutM - : ; ; 11" ; ; . ( nurtt.HI4'N il 11..r. .r th. , \Mlnl" , 'llalr" " . VICTORIA , n. C. , up H.-lal advlls from Japan stale that since tile purchase of the Ironcall Stonewall . forty "ars ago Japanese have not looked to the United States for additions to tholr navy. but It Is % . , . SlOW proposed to Invite est latea from Amer- S.- Ic.m as wel as } uropean ship builders for the new vessels required. Attention of the Navy t1eprtlYl4'nt has been directed 10 the remarkable hnlll\'ements In the AmerIcan mmian-of-war. and Conllantler latlger , the navJI atache 10 the United States legation . Is prepared to Ehow that ships above 3,000 tons can bo Ircdueed at least al cheaply In the United States 11 In any other country , completely armed and armored. The build- ers wl guarantee . the highest results of modt1 manufacture [ , anti ,1 supply de- Ilgns to execute any plans however Intricate , tiat nay be Etlbmnitted. _ . Tile proposal to purchase ships from S.p\ America Is cordially approved by all casses S of Japanese as enl means of testIfying gratitude for the people for the kindly In- tlrest displayed by olcial representatives of the great republic during the recent var . I and at no previous time has Intercourse be- twten Japanese anti Americans been so friendly as 110W. Oillcers of the Untied Stales vessels stationed at Yokohama are constantly recevlng ! hospitable courtesies from mIlitary and naval authorites of the empire. . chiefly In eonluemofton of time hearty \ , cicolne given by time Petrol 10 the Japanese soldier at Ylnp I'ow last winter. /t a banquet offered by Marshal Nodseu to Admiral Carpenter anti his suborihIm.tes , the marfhal deelartl that the Incident would never be forgotten , but would < 1 lastingly re mInd the Japanese of theIr Inllshlellness to their friends who stood by them \ hil others held aloot. ss\ Sir I rst Sate , Ihl BrItIsh minister , ar- t rived In Japan Jlly 29. lie formerly FI'PII 18 Japanese secretary In the 1'n/lsh : lega- ton at Toklo. and was dlstngllshPl1 a .hal'- trIg more thoroughly maFlere 1 the Japanese . lTguage , than any other. _ it It'ii Jlul.er At tI'lllItN SuIvhie . . ROTiitDAM , Aug. I.CuAtaUnsen , Il partner In the Irm of nn/en Irther bank- ers of Genoa , Italy , who e failure was re- c nty announced. Irrh'pl hHI ) yesterday evening apparently wIth tile Intention of go. tog 10 New York. When emlarklng on the ! Netherlal\h lne .haml Slaarnllam he at. tempted to commit suIcide hy taking polsln. lie was taken to a hoslllal and It Is said 'hat he will rtconr. I II statll that the banker . had the sum of G50.000 francs 01 his % IJenon when searched at _ the hospital . - S\ 1'III .u.h liul . .1 . .vloii. ST. 'lmSBUHO , Aug. 14.-The No\osto ' ' rec mmtds that llula , France and Germany - S. " many unite .sIti the United States and . : Urea Britain with the view of obtaining eattsfaetIomt for the columitted b ' talhfacton outrages cmmite by hhlel" upon the different ml8lons , and In L order to obtaIn substantial guarantees against a I'ptlton of Ihue occurrencea. r ; llr. OlitrIlgiM I--irlculn : , T1Ft.I , Aug. 14.-AccordIng to Armcul3n Ilvlcel a marnudlng b\nl commanded by 1 colonel of Kurdllh troops has pillaged the Yla , of Segurek4n ( iJNlit.tb : I'WS I ' III ' 1'hti : on u s'r. " Jii Jill heal. :11'rlrut" . \/nl"Mt t. Pnr- III"IU hl"ur/.ut StIll ! it.ferreli. VICTORIA , ii. C. , Aug. H.-LateRt advices from Japan via the steamer Enlprezs under date of August 2 , Ray : The Japanese generals In Formosa still defer a movement against the Lbs Insurgent bands anti raIds of the Chinese guerrIllas which are giving great trouble. The I.'rench envoy at Peking has agreed that the commission missionary for investigating the - ary outrages nt Chen Tu shall consist of three persons , the CatholIc bishop , Dunante , the Chinese treasurer and the Chinese chief of Shee Kuan province. The preponderance of native 0lelal8 , It Is thought by foreIgners , require nn exiliaflation. / body at Imperial troops will be sent from Peking to preserve order durIng the examination , . Hong Kong newspapers assert that a plot for the violent overthrow of the hawaiian government has been detected. Twenty or lore Americans are said to be ImplIcated a 111 fOlr 0' the number are accused of secretly - crely manufacturing dynamite bomhs In 1 small village near Cantou. I Is alleged ey- \lence has been discovered showing tInt the government offices at 10noluiu would he destroyed - strayed wIth these bombs. The police of hong Kong are diligently Inquiring Into the affair , but none of the suspected partIes have been arreslEd. i Al ships arrIving at Japanese ports from i Corea or Formosa where cholera prevails are now sUbjected to an examination by the quar- antne authoriies and In case of need Ire < Is- Infected The battleship Chen Yuen captured at Wel ThaI Wet by Japanese has been brought to the naval staten at Yo Io Sll.near Yokohama , and wIll be Inspected by the emperor. Many atlltonal disasters caused by the storm of July 2 { are reported .rom the south all west or Japan. ' One thOUMIJI fshenppu of the sIngle province of Sal Suma are known 10 have been drowned Thrce steam- shIps were driven ashore and ! few of theIr crews alll passengers escaped alIve. Halway accldenls have been numerous In eonseluence of the heavy 100ds and several vIllages on the sea coast have been literally ( deslro'ell. The list 01 dealhs as slated by the aulhorl- tIes wIll exceed 3000. GiNIitAb CA I'US ISH'I' ! AS Olnln lul'nl AUtll.II'M : IIM ( fa ys' limformuit- t.1lit h'MIU'/.uIM. hAVANA , Aug. H.-General 1lartn z de Cnmpos Issuetl an order directed chiefly 10 tile rural authorIties , Instructing them that they should advise th mIlitary authorities when an Insurgent band appeared In their dIstricts , anti I possible , name the leader of the band Pcrsonsho have joined the instlrgcnts , and who have suhsequenty returned - turned home \ s Ihout surrendering to the au- thorlttes . are notified 10 do so , anti those who fjIi ( to comply with . this order are to be tried hy court martial. Lieutenant Solanna , at the head of the de tachment of forty men belongIng to the squadron of commerce of Havana , has been engaged wIth the Insurgents commanded b ; lerlulez aud'allez , at Clerrecita . In the HenJlols district The lieutenant . captured I four prisoners and twenty horses laden wlh IJOl'lslons IUlended for time insurgents. General - oral Campos tills afernoon left the cIty for tile city of Santa Clara . , capital of the province or that name hAVANA . Aug. II.-Insurgenls to time numher or 400 attacked Port Rathbazo ! : whIch I tInder cOlslruclon on thc railway to Puerto Principe. A garrison consIdting of one sergeanl , ono cooral alul seventem Juerlbs made a heroIc defense untIl Captain : Mcrcedo wIth forty-five Infantry and twenty ! uerllas , arrived to rcl'eve ' them. le forced the Insurgenls 10 rettro le1vlg : behind two dead and their firearms and mnaclmetes. macletes. Time troops lost four dead and twelve woundN. I A V ANAug , H.-Captain Gner11 Martinez de ( 'amnpos revle\\ the municipal coloretl volu'teers today , antI the later 1m- immediately aerwards , , - - - for the front. SI'JIS : A : \S\.I' I : . \ ' " IIC\ . Cor..un : I/I.t'I' pl'.M , tn t" . Unlt'l lnt"H II SIn" . 11M 1.1 I. . . VICTOHA , 13. C. , Aug. H.-Prince Yang 10 lak. the fugee Corean minIster of time Interior , who fled from Seoul a month ago to avoid arrest at the Instgaton of the lueen , arrived on the steamer Empress of [ Japan. lie sought an asylum In Japan , but an attempt was 10 have bee made 10 cause his arrest on time charge of plotting against the life of the lueen and 10 prevent any complcatons , he WI advised to leave. The United States was regarded as the best asy- him . and 10 this country he has come. lie Pretended to know 10thing when an Asso- elated iress correspondent approached bun and later when an interpreter had been "ro- vlded , did noL care 10 talk melely saying . "I am an ex ll from my country , and am going to the United States after a slay of two weeks In Japan. how long 1 will re- main In the United States I cannot fay. I am unjtmstiy forced out of Corea , but what the future wi bring forth no one can sa } ' . " Prince Pak Is about 40 years old , smmmahi , but has an Intplectual fiice. ThIs Is his second exile . he h'lng rehlrnOtl 10 Corea a year ago August 2 , after ten years In Japan. ; : I.I.TONS Foil II G IM 1'itOVII LiN'I''i. ; : " . : I 'u n Giye'rii l"n t ' \ 'Ii I Unlc Se- ' .i'nl Iei' i ' " 'll t C L ' I I it rPois. CITY OP MEXICO Aug. H.-The commission - mission of coven engineers appointed by the department of conllunicaton to Inspect the termInal ports of time Tehuanlepec railway have complied their rPport , which wl soon be publIshed . This report suggests jetties 10 Ileepcn the bar at the Coatzacc.lcos river at a cost of U.OoO.OoO , and for Salna Cruz a system of [ breakwaters costng $7,000,0C.l0. PlalK mIre also su mlietl for land locked imrbors at Juchlnn lake , thirty kilometers south of SalIne Crmmz as preferable to break- waters at that port. The cost of convertIng I time lake into a harbor excavating a canal from the ocean 10 it. Is $10,000,000. The go\erment wl soon dpehle whether It with gIve out tile work 10 contractors or do It Iself , Mal ) ' American and En/lsh can. tractors are rlad ) 10 limit In hlds. 11"OIUC.\S'I' tP 't'hhI ( ( IYiiN'S SII I'CI. Iltlntc"'M Ihnl S. n..I..i.nl ft'iIMilI. ' tUI 1M t. I , . Ii tlt'et'ti 'l'hIM ! eM 'un. ' I.ODON , Aug. H.-In tile 10uEe of Commons - mons this lornlnl tle ! wcrk of ' \ earlng n the memIers of Parlament I\as ' conttnuetl. The queen's pcech , after the eustom1ry auurances of 11eace with all the powers I Is expected wl refer to thp termlnal of the war between Chna : anti Japan altl ( the steps taken In rega,1 I time lislon outrages There wi be a strong allusion 10 Armenia and to the forms which the power are preulng upon the sultan . and aso : to the Inlluslon of Beehuanalant In Cape Colon ) ' . I wl conclude wIth a brIef reference to the , 'rtmalcs (0 he presented and to the fact that P.tlalent lann,1 he expected at time prt'emit session to proceed with active Icgls- Ia t km. . - - - - Ilh'rnntlulnlrhltrnt. . . CUllrrM" . fllLUSSlLS . , \ug. . H.-The 'secon < 1 session ! of the International palslentalY confer- ence on peace arhlratcn look plact i today In the hl of the Senate. One of the lnglsb delegates . Mr. Shape , ahl II WBS rliuelahle from the al hlr ton standpoint 1\1 the COn gress of the United States had refused 10 vote tile Uerlng lea comp nston. whereas Great Briain bal paid a large . \lalm ! In- IImlly. Mr. Wilam I3\llal Cremer. ll P. lec- rotary of the Intennatlonai ' Worklngmen'l association anll edItor of the focl ty's org'I , , \ rhiitrator. who wa enl of . the delegates . protested against : lr , Shape's remarks , de- caring that th United States had merely deferred p3)lent and only rehlret to admit that Ruch claims were " all fuunle < . ' 1' .rrl-X'M \ liei. mm . Aug H-A terrIble accIdent oc- eurrld at tile Germanla ship building yard lodar A number of workmen were relurn. Ins acres a ClnllJY to the shore after their work had been completed on a new crulfer. when the gangway broke and all the men were thrown Into the water Eight bodIes have been recovered. ROADS ARE NOT YET AGREED Certificate Plan of Harvest Excursion Ticket Laid Over for I Day MUST COME TOGETHER SOON IF AT ALL - Inrll/lul UI"I I Ill iiiils CI'nlrnl I'IMI- th'.I ) ' . t iiiioii lice 'Ih.11 nuu 1 "eur"llnM hull ( U her 1.lleH " ' 11 Inrcl ) ' lee 'I' ( ut. ChICAGO , Aug. H.-The western roads P1l In nil of today working on their proposed agreement on harvest excursions , but I was not quIte as much of an agreement us It was expected 10 tur out. \\'her vote was taken late In the lay on the ad\lsa. ' Iy of adoptng the certificate plan of return tickets pro- posed by the committee whIch has for two days been working on the mater , three of the lines represented declared they were not preparetl to vote at totlay's session , as the men Ilresent did not have foil authorIty frol the executive officers of their lines to cast a vote ThIs caused a delay all the whole thing went over untl tomorrow. when I Is though that all of the lilies wIll be really to cast their votes. , No mater what the outcome of this meetIng - Ing . will bl' . I' i Is certain that all the roads wi run excurslone. The Ilnois Central has no Intenton of aIamlonlng its annol\ell cx- curslons and time , lurlngton has declared flatly that It wIll run several excursions along its I lne In Nebraska . anl' wIth the example of I these two lnes he fore thel , all the other I lines are not lIkely 1 10 keep their hands off : the itmsImmess TIme best thing the lines as a : whole can hope for Is to reach sOle agree- , fluent on the manner In which the excurilons shall be run. I they fall to do this there Is no tcling how damp the rates all over the terrier ) ( f the Western Passenger associa- ton may he cut. The earnings of the AtchIson sstem proper for the first week of August were $50S,792 . an Increase or $25.308 over the sale week of last ) . Tle ' Inrlnls of the St Louis & San Francisco were for the week $1,77. a decrease - crease of $10.338. The earnlugs of the At- lantc & PacIfic were for the week $ G2,4S2. a decrca"e of $10,33G. The earnings of the AtchIson - leon sstem , all llmmes . were for the week $ GS5,011. ; an Increase of $1,633 , All the earn- Ings given arc approxImated gross earIngs , - - F'III'I' TO OI'SI' ' 1'lg IJCI I.I ns. Iiit'Ii Pimi' lulL " 'hi" . . .111 In t1it . . 1"nrlIJ nt Seit tie. SgATTLg , Wash. , Aug. H.-In the United Stales court today the attorneys for the receivers - ceIvers or the Northern Pacifc galld a point and lost a point In time tight made against them by SIlas W. I'ettlt . ' Sias Peti. representing Bray- ton I'IS and the American stockholders. As Indicated yesterday , there was fed a motion ' ton today that 1' F. Oakes , II. C. Payne and hi. F' . Ione , receivers ; Wilam N. Cromwell , general counsel , and J. \ \ ' . Ken- drick. general manager , be cied to appear In court August 22 and prouce telegrams . books and other documents necessary to petitioner In order 10 suslaln his charges of collusIon between the receivers , Judge JenkIns and J. J. 11. and also to estahlsh the fact that the circui court for the eastern district of \\'Is- consln hall no jmmrismitctlomm. Judge laurord denied the nmotlon . leaving time counsel the prIvIlege of renewing It later I the case should s'arrant. Tme other moton was to amend the answer fed two years ago. In the orIginal bill the Ifecnlh paragraph ( alleges that the orthern Pacific railroad has property In , lodge Jenl < ns' district , and the answer allmls the nlkgation . while the afdavlt flied a few days ago alleges that there Is no property or time company In the district and never has been. Counsel wIshes to correct the incompatibilIty of terms. This moton was rigorously op- posed by ex-Sennlor John ( Spooner hut Judge lanford helll that time parties hall the right to define the isemme and granted the motion to amend The application 10 oust the receivers and appoInt new ones Is sol for August 22. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.\'I'I' : " " ' . ' ' ' ' . J'I"I'I.I'DIIS'I' IS \1'1'\ I. Sev . Irc.MIII.nt - .I I lie' ( , rullI 'I'rnnll . . . A ret yes I. I : & .w York. NE\ ' YORK , AUK. H.-SIr Charles Rivers WIlson . the new president of the Grnd Trunk line , arrived In New York on time Majestic this afternoon. Ills arrival has been looked forward to with considerable in- terest , not only by the Grand Trunk , but by the : railroads In general as he comes just In tune to atend time executive commIttee of the Trunk Line associaton on Friday , August - gust 16. lie was aekd for his vIews on this partcular meetIng , as well as about the gcneal purpose of his visit 10 this country , ami his Ideas on thl pressing financIal probein of the day "The meeting to consider rates . " he said , "Is of the greatest Interest to time Grand Trunk lilies as It Is to all of the olhers. The maier of rates Is a maier of life anti dealh to time carrying Interest. The bst solution of time Ilueelon would be a pooling bIll , but In its ahsence I Is for us 10 do what we can to reach an agreement In a meetIng of this lnd. 1 how great the chances of success are I cannot tel , for of course I Is all new to me , for I have but recently taken olee and have never been In this country before . Healy my part wi be only a slight one and my attendance there Is only Incidental to the plncillal object , of my visit. " The object Sir Charles went to say , was eon- necled whim his own read anti . the duties or his new 0111cc. olce. Soutiit'rii Inlwu'M L'i.iilie t" . \Ir. . . . . NEW YOn , Aug. H.-The Southern Railway and Steamship association meetng Ivas adjournell tills evening after an all day session without an agreement havIng been rcachctl as 10 time reorganization , which has heen IlscuSSld , anti a plan for which had been prepared ( . One of the members op- posed 10 Ih9 luau as presented saltl ( tonight that I some scheme at reorganlzalon I no' arrived at h ) lomorrol or I'rhlay time old association must fall to pieces , and a merry rate war Is sure to folow , There Is a bare possibilIty , however , that some arrangement 11 ha made to avert rate cutting. The Soulher Slates' Passenger association viiI hold a meeting here tomorrow. thin t I iiiitOii 1..rl..1 I" ' 111. hush iie'NN NEW YORKAug 14.-CollIe P. huntington , president of the Southern Pacifc railroad . was a passenger on the sleamer Majestic , whIch arrived tOllay. "I ha\e been abroad wIth Mrs. lunllngton slmpl for a IJleasure ) trIp , " said he "anti we have had a most de- lightfil time. We were In France and Eng- land and SIlent our ( hue lhhteelng anti en- jo'lng ourselves. " Mr. Huntington would slot discuss any phns regarding the future imianagement of time Southern . Pacific . ! lllllr"MM"11 t Iu' 1"I..r 1111 tIM Iii Idipr . GUThhltlE , Okl. , . 14.-Time ' GUTIUE Aug H-The Wah Shah She News , publshul at Pawhuska , Osage iiatirnm . wa supprlsied today by Colonel If. B. Freeman , acting agent of the Osage na- ton , anti its editor , J. F. Palmer , was bJn- Islml from time nation . Freeman has been agent of tile Osages for twelve months. The News alleged that he Is heaping all klmh of Indignites upon the Indians. Two weeks ago Preeman wrote to Commissioner Brown- Ing 10 Issue an order giving him power to suppres the News and banish I'ahlmmer I IfelU that the order was given . as the Ose police swooped down on time News today ) and took everything In sight 'he ex- tement Is Intense , and threats au made that J'reeman 11 be tarr.d anti fealhere UnIted States Commmimmissioper I.sahy < Unlell Commluloler proleleO against reeman's actions . anti Freeman h1 luccess. tried to have him banisimed but Ilhoul : ln'.m..nt fr Ocean Sh'lulur. . . .u1. -I At Southammipton-Arrlved-Aller , frm , New York , for Bremen. At Llverpooi-Arrivd-Teutonlc , from New Yurk At Loodon-Arrive4-Manltoba , from New York. . I.'nm ct\m - ) US' - IN' SIISStON. Silver Ah'.lh' " J"ItnJ n " " , 'er- . .iI'i. lt I hitS Snt"nnl' CililliltI . WASINGTON , Aug. H.-The sIlver conference - flrence , meeting waR 0111 to order lt 12 o'cloek by Senator harris , i1mn moved that Senator Jones be called to the chair lS time tcn10rary chairman , which motion carried urlnlnousl' . George M. Lecrone of Ilnois "as chosen secretary of the meeting. The mlethlg began behind closed doors , with Instructons to the doorkeepers to admit only those who hail been invited , Vi'imen the roll was called representatives answered from . twent-two different states , but mimes were given to Ihe secretary of only imlneteen VIrginia headed the list In point of members - hers , with fifteen delegates whIle Illinois and MIssourI reported fourteen ealh , Other states represented were : Alabama 4 : Ohio , 1 : Georgia , 2 : Indiana 1 : lelawarl. 1 : Maryland - land , 3 : Kentucky , 1 i Mississippi . 1 : North Dakota , 1Vest : VirgInia , 2 : Arkansas , 3 : Colorado , 3 : South Carolummim . 1 : North Carolina . 3 : FlorIda , 4 , beaded by Senator Cal , and Tennessee , 4. Senator Jones made a brief speech on taking ( thc chair , confining hhnRel ) 10 thank- Ing the conference for the honor , and expressing - pressing the hope that the proceedlnFs would he harmonious anll productve of good- re- suls.enator Senator Daniel offered a resoluton pro- sIdIng for the appolnlment ! y the ch11r of a commitee to prepare a proram and reoiu- \ons , which was carrlNl and the commitee announced as folo\'s : Senator 3.V. . Daniel qf VirgInia ; E. V. Camack of 'rennessee : J. J' . Johnson of Alabama : Patrick \alsh of Georgia ; A. W. Carl < of Indiana : \ % ' . 11. Ilnrlchsen of Iinois ; ex-Senalor T. J. Jrvls of North Carolina ; Governor W' . J. Stolie amid II. M lull of MissourI : J. S. Beard of Florida : A. \oodson of Kentucky ; Ohney Newell of Colorado : W. I. Beley ! North Dakota ; S. S. Yoder or Ohio : J. P. Saulbur } ' of Deln- ware ; \llam Cleman .If Inryland : W. S. Stockdale of llassachu ls ; J. F. Treuhlin . Soulh CarolIna ; J. C. Coemmwehi . South Caro- hunt ! J. S. hare , Texas ; Senator Jones of Arkansas. After the appointment of thIs commitee the conference adjourned until 4 p. m. At 4 o'clock the commitee on program alI plaUorm reportel through Senator Daniel that It was unable to report . whereupon the conference dechl..1 to altour untIl tomorow lt 10 a. m. 1 Is generally ulleslood among the delegates that the Important work of time conference Is beIng done by the com- ml tee. Senator Daniel reported to the conference that the commHeo hd not authorized the draft of a plaUorm and none of the mm- hers wee able to say when time report woull be complete. The proclelllgs of the conference . frence developed some di1Teences or opinion as to the line of policy 10 be recomniemided. but these were not of a ; sumcenty railcal nature to cause apprehenion 'of a serious dela ) ' . The commitee proclellnl Indicated that the report when made will recommeml the Issuance of an address to the demo : ratc part of the country , urplng In , very' strong terms the maintenance of the slver' cause In the demccratlc ranks . anti also outline a plan of organization for the silver ' forces In the party wIth a view 10 the selection' of delegates to tie next natoMI' convention. This plan will probably embrace the appolntmpnt of a central commilee with a member from each state and ter"ltor . which shall . In turn selec : : member from every county , the ( hatter 10 have the power to appoint a memher for every voting precinct In his county. The plan Inch\les a provision ! for a national head- . quarters , probably at \i hlgtn. , OV1'ICt.tL g'S SI. 1V'.N COISG. Stud i' n'.Inrll"lt 1"lr,1 Not hlll .r t" . " " -lh'.11 l'IIIMMI.n. \\'ASiIINGTON. Aug. H.-No confrmatl1 hl ! been received as yet at the State department - partment of the appalntment of a eommlsslo:1 : : t Foo-how tl visit time eCIe of the recent massacre at Ku-Chenp though lIn'et1r Denby has advl.et the department Ihat the appointment - ment or such a comllss 1 was under con- Ideralln nnll I was known that I would br composed of Americans 'all Engiislmmnen. I The present report on the uhject are therefore accepted as accurate , and earlier than amclal advlces. Surprise Is expressed that the Chinese goverment refuse to allow an armed escort ot forelgimere . as such an e.c'rL would not have been permItted In either Great 'Brtaln ' ! or the United Stales , and would have Intlcated Iht China felt unable to protect the foreigners who are on a dlplomat'e mission - sion , anti also that China Was unable to punish the offenders In the recent rL ts. / cable was receive lt the Navy fIe- partment today announclng\ arrival of Atlmlrl Carpenter at Chee-Foo , with the flagship l3altiisore. lIe had , nol been able to communicate with Minister Denby , hut I Is expecled he will do so during the day. Acting Secretdry lcAclee said that I was expected - pected that an cl-er 'of them navy would be f member of the KuCheng cer mision , If the civil Ruthorllps so requested . Consul Sheridan T. Reed at Tlen-Tsln cable the stale department toay that cholera iiatj broken out lt Tlen-T"ln and Chee-I oo. bIi'I"l'tNG 'I'll ii ' ' ' , . ' . ' . ' . 1.11"IIS ( 'I'I" IWI'll' : 01.1. IS \ " 'II ' 111. thu' Cgiiitiihm'pi'nrli r.r duo C , . mist' Ir C It. . Irr"Jllnrltl.M. W'ASIiINGTON . Aug. H.-The course pur- slled by the government after the seizure of the strainer Petrel yeslertlay by United Slates cusloms officers at Key West seems to IndIcate that It Is dlsP93ed , 1.1 thus Instance - stance at least , to give the Spanish govern- mont no cause to complain .of its treatment The Petrel was seized because It hall no certificate showing Ihat \ had been legal ) ' Inspected durln/ the yeir. The captain . however stated that the papers had bean lost overboard In a elorm. lie ale stated IhaL although Ihe vessel carried an Amer- lean fag at her maslhe3tl. he was In fact . a Spanish vessel , having been purchased by tile Spanish government , and was then on her way to Cuba 10 be Iurned over 10 her owners. As Secretary \'Io did not care to raise the lueston ( f her ownersh'p he Iple- Iraphed the collector at Key West that I time captain would make oath to his stale- ment of the vessel's papers having been lost at sea to release her : othrrwl , to assess the minimum fine or $10 The recorils of the department show the Petrel has not been Inipected elnc 1893 , hlnce her pap- lain's slalement of lie ( loss of , her certificate may be properly subject to question . The law , hoelerIve to Ihe' secretary tha right to remit the fins In cases where the absence of certfcate/Is due , only to care- lesmes8 wih no Intinton to defraud. The department It seems . Is wilng to take the captain's eeusl In lieu ! f a tine. G..rllil ) ' Ih.ru 111M lie : I" . ) ' . WAShINGTON , Aug. le.-The State department - partment has receIved a dispatch from Secretary - relary of LegatIon Jaek8n ; charge d'affaires at the embaslY of the Unlell States at BerlIn , giving a statement ' concerning the arrest at two Amerlcn ciiens , Fred anti Ferdlnntl Iorl. 'i'haie mew were born In ( German . and In ,1aS8 ramI 10 the UnIted States , being then ( 1 and 15 yean old re- sp ct\I ) They were naturalized at ChI- cage In 1S91. 1 Last Sept rher they malle a visit to ( Germany. In March ' Ihey were arrested - rested anti fined IGO marks for faIlure to perform mlltar ) ditty The German aulhoe- Ites , upon an II'p8lgoton undertaken at time Inrtance of the 1nlled States Im , hany , annulled the annuled proceeding and ordered time return of the money Mr. Jac60n says time brothers have finished heir ( visit and returnlll 10 the Unutet1 SlateR. ( TheIr pru- ent whereabouts IR unknown , anti the em- b3EY cannot learn I the money has been refundpll nor trrlmlt tp 1 Ihem their cer- tfcale of naturalization _ paperi. Stiigt' Ulhl.r" - t'iiit'r . A rrt-Nt . WAShINGTON , Aug. H.-On February 1. IS9 , a stage was held up and robbed on the ( highway near 'pearf h. S. D. I Today , Chief Iostomce Inspector Whe IeI was no- hOed of the are t lt Siulngttld , MD. . of Ulysses O. Pils , charged with the robbery I t WIISRY TRUST PLANTS SOLD Only One Bid Male anti that Was the Upset Sale Price . BOUGHT UP ( BY REORGANIZATION BOARD S'"o.lh.1 nIMllh'rl . . , Imie'iiitl lug due O/t 1."cnh..1 In ( hiiiitiiii . nIMI"'Mi..l or I" I..h'.r : lcSu\n nt l'iiille Aut'tiomi. ChICAGO , Aug. h4-Uniler authoriy of JUdge Showaler of the United Stales court , General John : lcNu\a , receiver of the Die- tlng anti Catldeedlng ( company , sold the property of that corporation today to the reorganlzton commitee for $9.800,000 General llcNula was accompanied b } United States Marshal Aroll and half a dozen depu- ties and Levy Mayer , attorney of the re- organizton ( commitee ( , Alore ) ' Alien ami S.V .111cc , president of the Distilling and Caltefcedng ! company. They foum1 n crowd of nlwspaper men , lawyers and senographers ! as elbled on the stairs of the federal buiidlmmg . where the sale I\as to be malIc In the open a'r. The prelIminaries of the sale sere begun b ) the reading of the advertIsement eonlalnlng the Judicial decree ordering the sale. The Rllverteement was very lengthy amid Its reading occupied nelly an hour. The only bid entered was that of the reorganization comimmtttee. The property sold conslsls of seventeen dstlery ! 11hnls According 10 the - order or the court lIe- eeller JeNulta took a stand upon the steps of the Carl < street entrance to the curt house A little group of atorne's amid Irust etockho1lers surrounled the receiver alII n smal crowd of people gathered , curious to see time transfer of the great Ilroperl There had been rumors If a p0831ble Protest . hu the monotonous reading of the court de- crel proceeded wihout ( imiterrtmptlon. Charles Allen , one of the attorneys . acted as master of ceremmmonies . backed hy United Stales Marshal Arol < ammO several deputes , President Rice ammO Secretary Gof represented the reorganlzatou commll e , wih Levy Mayer their aUorne ) At the conclulm of the ( reading of the eonrt order Geueral llcNnla announced that he was ready for bids for ( lie seventeen distilleries conlrslng : the property , of the ( Dstlug alI Cnlefeedlng com pan ) I Levy Mayer stepped forward and In the nale of the reorgaulzaton commitee bid $9,800,000. ! The shet and stout receiver clmhed a step or two higher and elevating his voice Ilroceeled 10 fu\l the Iluties of.a professional amctioneer. The general strained his voice to Its utmost as he called . out : "I'm bid $9,800,000 for the property of ( ftc Distilling and CatteeeJlng compmy. "I hlar no more bids , " said General Mc- Nimita. "Then down she goes . once , twice . , three hues and sold . " and the property of I the great trust , calllal ! ed at $35.000,000. changell hands \Ilh all the furmal ) ' of a I sale of a U brass watch at a county fair. : lr , Mayer Ilrl entet"a certfCI check for $50.000 as a guarantee or good faIth amid after examining - amining the bit of Ilaper the receiver an- : ilotunced hlmgelf satisfied and declared time nouncet sat sale . completl" . The lIttle crowd of at- ' ( o.rlieys Immellately left the court house ant proceelled with the completon of the neces- ary details. The Willow Springs distler ( ) ' In this city Is Included In the lIst. P. g. Ier of this ely was not a bidder for the 1lant. , as It was understood that nil of the distilleries would be sold In a lump. Mr. .Ier said that hIs Idea la9 tlat after the alp hall been completed most If nol nil of the piants would b [ ell to Indl\ldual pur- chasers , thus taking ( al of the plants out of time trust. . :1Y ; 11\'g . Iti.itt.iit'1'1ItS - N.\S'I' 11'Iull"'nu I'nlul Ilc.lnl. Sot Smid Is- 1'cl nlh I Clllt'lisro 'Ir'nhlc'll. CHICAGO , Aug. H.-The executIve com- milee ( of the National Hepuhlean league I met today at time , Great North 1 hotel. Various commitees were appoInted and plans were dlscusserl for the fall campaign. Much dissatisfaction with Chicago as league heall- quarters was expressed wih a strong semiti. uncut favoring a removal to Ihe cast. The commiteemen decared that they had not been properly trlatell In Chicago , ant , although - though acllon was deferred mmntli late this afernoon , I was bellowed that \\'asiihngton would he selected a& the headquarters of the leaue. After an adjournmenL for luncheon the Iommltee met again at 3 o'clock 10 hear reports - ports and the election of a natIonal treasurer - urer to fill the vacamicy made by the death of the late E. I ) . Harper of New Yorl TIme sesslQns were presided over by Gpneral A. E. 1lcAlpln of New York the newly elected iuresideiit of the leagul. All of these ex- pressed themselves Inthuslastc over time outlook - look for the repuhlean party.- The afternoon session was marked by energetic - felc speeches and definite offers of assIst- ance. Secretary fowlIng , on behalf of the republicans or Minnesota presented time league with a check for $1.000 10 aid In the organizatiomi work. Promises of sImilar assistance - sistance ( were volunteered by the delegales from various other slates. Then the reports from various other state leales were received The outlook was de dared promimlsung particularly In Iowa , Mln- nesola anti New York. A committee on league work was alJpolnled consistng of John Goodnow of Minnesota , I' . Ii' . Powers of Michigan , George Christ of Arizona and the IJresllent ant secretary , whose tutes shall be to map out the IHan of operatIon for the varIous state and territorial organizatons , Before adjourning Senator John 1 Timur- stan , James S. Clarkeon.Y. . TraclY anti A. hi. lumphrey were mate advisory members - bers of tIme executive comnmmmltee. ( The matter - ten of locating the headquarters was passed unt the regular October session. By unanimous consent the executive ) conent executve com- mitee chose Aaron J. fuss or Saginaw , : lch" , as treasurer of the lealue and treas- urer ex-otficlo of time executive . bOlly. Ilntorl " 'II hutS for ouu.1 51imiii'- . CAMBRIDGE. Md. , Aug. H.-Te repuh' n conventon which assembles here tomorrow promises to be the mest spirited gathering the party has hell In years. The advance guard of leaders Is already gathering hiere The friends of Lloyd I.owndes claim that he wIll be nominated for the governorship on the first ballot . wIth plenty of votes 10 pare. The opposition to I.owndes centers around \'IliLamim T. llahter and the contest Is becomIng - Ing somewhat penonal Aside from the guhernalorlal contest , the maIn Int ' rest at- aches ( 10 the platform . The leaders GR11here will be a strong all unqualfed expression of the ( bound money Idea In national finances. I Is the purpose ale cf making a personal arraignment of the alleged influence exerted by Senator German In shaping the recent nomination cf John E. lurit'for governor on Iho ( democratc tcket 'Vrii iii us Seurt.1 I ) . u : llltnlnu. I I 'rU'FIN , 0. , Aug. H.-At midnight last night four tramps stealing a ride on I freight train on the ( Big Four attacked the crew wIth stones ant clubs when an attempt - tempt was made to eject them. l'tght shots were lined by the ( tramps , one cutting Ihe coat of 1 miitaman who was on the train and came to the assistance Of the trainmen. The appearance of 1 uniformed boller slampeded Ihe ( ramps. I.Ulh"I. , \'ork..rM tU u S'rl.e. ' mON MOUNTAIN , Mlcim. , Aug. 14.-Sey- cril hundred employed In the mills of the letropo1tan Lumber company at Atkinson have struck for more wages and the mills mis arc Idle ThlY are liable to remain so for some weeks \'iiwlioilts n.II . ) . 'rrn" . _ hUDSON'is . , Aimg , H-A terrible thunder ( - tier storm , lastIng three hours , paned over this section last night. Much water tell at lam- mend , causing a washout of the Northwest- ern. which delayed passenger trains about eight hours JOIHHIC ! 'I'iiIi Ulmnl AT I ) lt'1' II. I.r..u..utut. . ' .lr li.I".uI" nucl .Iolul ( hiP l'hlr'h llefore n I ag. CINC1N'ATI , Aug. 14-Spoctal ( Tele- gram.-Yesertiay ) ( morning at I o'clock lt his home above his restaurant at 159 Central avenue , Robert E. : lorehal Ilasiel away , after a short illmmeas. Mr. loreheatl was wel known ns a 11romlnent anl.Cathollc miman and was a leading member of the Order at the American Flag \Vasimlmmgton council No.1 lie was not a member of any church but his wife was a strong Catholic memher anti belIever. hits own early talnlug bath been In the folds of the PresbyterIan chtlrCim . ills parents were mmbers of this church anti his only sIster Is now a slrong l'nt'sbyteriamm. Notwll1tandlng his wlfe's Catholic alihhia- ( louis . Mr. lloreheall was so strong In hlg b lef ' , that It Is Bahl he oull allow mae Catholic to eat In his restaurant. Of course of late his hatred of nome hall become more bitter ! than usual , but on his deathbed Tuesday - day night J'ather Connors of St. Peter's catiuedrsIvas sent for anti extreme uncton was admlnlslerell to Ihe ( dying man. Mr. \V. T. Cooper , a prominent A. 1. A. member , and also 1 mCmbcr of time Order ot time American Flag says : "I 1 coull not have been more surprlpel If I hall hlln Itrucl < with a club. \hy , we regarileui him lS onQ of our strongest members In the Order of ito American Flag , a 11I I cannot believe that ho would have consenlrt had ho been consclou8. lie was nol a memb'r of time A. P. A. lie tried several ( lilies 10 join , but thp.11Cl that his wife was a Catholc barred . him I room mmi cur bersim Iii , " melrbersh\l llrs , Iorehead InsIsts her hlIal dIed a Catholic. Sii said ( list sue knew lie was in a perfectly rational condition vimomm ( lie nIle 'as auunmunlstereul. ' 'Only abunit ten mnhntmtes before his tieatim , " she said , ' 'lie called mime by name , and while he coulti miot articui.tto vehi , lie simoweti timid lie was lii time Imosacs- slon of all hum facilities. I % veimt to imlmmm Ttmestiay night , anti as lie a'as not a mmiemmmber of any cimurchm t misited imimim whmether imo wouiuP prefer dying a Catholic or a i'resby- teriamm. I mmseti no coercion. lie miide time choice of hits own free vIli anti I sent for F'atimer Connors. 'rime ammti-Catimollcs may talk as uimtmcim as tlmoy please , limit I tioim't care. I have hearth it salti that lie iu.td $1,000 Iimsumrance to ( lie American Flag order. as'imicii his famIly cmimmiot get If iie died a Catholic. hut If lie Imati , timey nmumy keep It. " Clmutries Summmnmer , an emnpioye of time ccc- taimramit amid mm mnemmibcr of time Order of time Anmerican Flag , seemed sumprisNi wlmeii lie learned that lila deceased emnpltmyer hind tiled a Catimoiic. Ire saltS that imo knew of no stronger Catholic hater or moore firm Anier- lean i"lag imieimmber tiian Morelmeami had been. ' ' hits iimstirance In the 'Am ; far as iiavlmmg ammy order , ' ' said he , ' ' 1 have been 1mm ( he eammie cottmmcii with Mr. Moreimead over since its organizatIon , anti I never hmearti of ammy in- enrollee schemes. The surprising timing to nie , though. Is lmla stitiden clmammge In belief. I cannot explain it. " Father Coummiors saId ( lint lie was called to tIme tleatim bti amid aketi mme qtmestlomms as to the moan's iiicntai responsibility. "I tinder- stooti from imla wife lie hail sigmiIflod his tntemm- tions to hmecommme a Catimoiic , anti as sue Is a good Catholic I asked no questions. TIt'a rIte Is sufficIent iii Itself. " The ftmneralaviii , , be held at time cathedral Frlulay mnonnlmig , anti ( he service will be con. tltmc'.omi accorthung to the CatholIc ritual by ltev. Fatimar Connors. Time Order of time Ammmenlcamm Flag has been refmmsem.i participation In time fimneral as a botiy , both at the house itntl time cathedral. _ Sw AII.i(1Ii1) A'I"i'idM I "t''i' 0 Iii..t Ci MA I I. . Smut Vrimiielst'o ) , d s iIst to lCet'm' I lie 1St , i'rmtiit 4emismi C lisli Alive. SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 34.-Another 'ersatIoim ' has developed in ( lie Durrmnt case. \\'hethmer it Is m case of july bribtimg or a hmoimi attenmpt at blackmail the police anti oU'ers who imave nveatigated tue imiatter nrc uiiwuiuliig amid Irobably mumble to state wIth positlveimess. 'fite fact remimnlmma that Mrs. Durrammt , inotimer of tIme young mmman who Is accused of mmaurdenltmg Mlmmimie'Illiamns amid hilancime Lanmommt , sas approached recently by a imiysenIoUS wouimami , s'hose tiesire 5itS tO sell sometimimmg of extremno Importamuce to time safety of Theodore Duirrant. It was Inti- imiated that mit least three of time jtmrors al- reads' accepted commlul le irmfllmencetl to vote for an actitlIttal. Hut coimm wolmiti be required to get timose votes. Mrs. Dimrrmmmmt hot ommly sluunneml tlme offer , bmmt Imifonmnod time attorneys for her son anti also notified time police of the nature of the offer madeto lien. Tue vomnim is Mrs. Sarah Grogervimo no- sides at 516 Leavemmworthi street. Willie she tiemiles umavimug offered amiy jurors for sale , sims admits imavung visited Mrs. Dimrrauit and offering for coin to bring mmirntmt limo umecommi- Pilsummmmemmt of somethIng wimlcii would ho 1mm- valuable to time defense of Theodore Durrant. Mns. Groger says she otmiy acted us time agent of a timird party amid did so inuiocently. p IIASI'11) OS AN 01,1) MIIXICAN LAVt' , IIti ( . In Vii imiiihIi'Smsmi Fri. iielsico I'roi- ( 'rty CiilheL In ( tii.stioii , SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 14-Time heirs of Boil Jose do Jesus Noc have begun suit in ( be superior court to re/am possession of a tract of land conmprlsig ( over 6,000 acres , known as tue San Mfguel ralichmo , iii ( hula cIty , The stilt Is baseti recent tranala- tiGmis of tl'e Mexicumi law , which make t Iinpoasible for a imusbanti to iieed away his vI1e's half of aimy commmmunlty property of whicim timey mnny be lOssessed. Nee receIved time ranch as a grant fromn the Mexican gay- ennment. In 1848 , before CalifornIa was au- omItted to time union. Five years later , after time death of his a' ife , lie sold the iammd to Wlhliammm J. Ilcrmmer. Noe's heirs contend that as lie assuimied a night he thU not possess lii selling lila wife's share of timetr counmmmumnlty property ( lie wlmnie sale is lumvalltlated. Time state supreme court in tieallimg with slmmiilmtr cases imaviimg their origlim under Me'dcaii law imus repeatedly tmstaimmetl the rIght of a husband to sell conmmnunlty property. but cc- cent tramisiatIomms of the code are salml to have chiamigemi tIme cotmr's Interpretation of time statute. The property involved is estimated - mated to be wortim $24,000,000 anti its ownershIp - shIp as now rallied Is divIded among 7,000 persons. : ii eis iii'I1ittI.tiY 'l'OltN 'l' ( ) 1'lli(5S. It'litiiJ Ifl'i''ts ( ItCh , ' lIximhipsIomi of ii 'I'Ii reshi I iii : Sten iii IinI I'r. MO11GANTO\\'N , 'mY. Va. . Aug. 14.-John Blair and tons were threshing yesterday when ( lie boiler of the mumacimlne exploded , killing three mmmen and injuring tour others , Time killed : JOHN SPO1SNAGER , CURTIN AMMONS. JOhN BLAII1. Tile irjured are : floss Blair , John Spotsnager , Jr. Leroy \'ade. William Ammons , Curtin Anamons was struck hy a piece of the boiler and lIterally torn to pIeces. lila legs and feet were fountl unmier ( he ham. All of Iliumir's clothing was torn from ImIm , A mmieri'liim I.Ihiriir .tsso'hg , tItimi , DENVER , Aug. 14-At the forenoon sea- elan of time Amnerlcan Library association Cimaniest. . Nelson , lIbrarian of Columbia college , New York , reported a lIst of Amnerl- can poniodl als. MIss fully J. Wade of the San FrancIsco public library read an unterct- hg paper on "Cataloguing in the Future , " and Wililamim 11. ilrett of the Cleveland public lIbrary dIscussed "The Use of Periodicals , " p 'l'hirt'e lgior' ' C lit' A greeiiiemi C , NE\ ' YORK , Aug. 11-lu. is etateui hero. on excellent authority that at least three of the railroads runnlni out of ChIcago are 1g. norung the agreement made recently to me- store anti maIntain rates oil anti alter July 3 , ThIs Is said to be true of both freight and passenger rates , anti there are rumors that charges svlil be preferred agaInst two of the leadIng lines. C , 11. 3iiiiit's Trial Coimiii.'iiea'.l , LOS ANGELES , Aug. 14.-The trial of C , l. Mayno , time real estate dealer formerly of Omaha , San FrancIsco , San Diego and Los Angeles , charged with assaultIng hib wards , two sisters nameui Shmlimton , aged 12 anti 14 , of San FrancIsco , is being hmt-aril here today , The girls gave some danmagtn arid sensational testimony , ARE UNDER TilE \VIIITE \ FLAG Rival rire and Police Boards Agree on a Truce , DISPUTE TO GO TO TUE SUPREME COURT it'Ilii'Mt Mitlie thud it lIt-nrIii ho GI s't'u its tOiii as l'iissl ile- Iti'siiI I lit Yt-sterilli 's Cmiii CL' l.eiIUe. \\'imat was first rroiaoscit , and actiriifmmlly re- Jecteul by Messrs. Clttircfihil and ittmssitli imaa been fltmaily accepted as the ommly solution of the Ommmahmm imoilce niutitiic. All questiomis vIII be stmbmmmitted to time stipreimme cotmrt for settlemnemit , amid pemmtilmig tIme tlecisioim of time Jtmtiges the l'rcsemit board amid its police force and fire departmmient will tb btmslmmess at the iilti stanti. All tile officials Interested in ( he nmatter semmt toiegrammis ( imrinted viii ( ( lila ) to ( lie iimoimmtuers of ( ho simpreimie court yostertimm' , asking timat time court mmmccl In special sessloim to hear time nmatter , Last milgiit Mayor Iiemmmls imad this reply fromim Chief Jmmatlce Norvat : Si'\'Altl ) , Nob. , Atmg. ll-'L'o ( ] eorg I' . hiemimis : I lite enuleti miwetlimg of tIme jotigeil for toummomi ow mmftem'miouim , s imeit a e will tie. termmmliie ( ho mmmnttm.'t' of t'iti'ciai itesm'ioim of eutlit. T. li. NOIIVAh. At a meeting imelml In time clhtce of Mayor lteiimis at noomi yestertimmy tue mimemmmbers of ( ho tt 0 rIval bonnIe tif lire amid police coimmmmmlesioil- ers decided to submmlt : ( lie que-stlomms at isstio to time sumprelime cotii't at once mimmd telegrammis Were soul to ( lie judges ef the ammiureiume court , Governor lloIcoiiib smith Attormmey ( iemmormil Chum dm111 apiuilsilmg tlit'mim of time agreemimemit. It Is stmmted that 1mm this agrecimmemit imeithi'r side Is abantionimig any clalmmms. it is ( lie gen. oral ummderstandlmmg that imo radical .sctiomm viil be takt'mi by the mmew board at iueemmt , Pro- vltiing that aim e.irly culisldcrmmttumu of tlm case by the stmpremiie commrt calm be assuieti , Time conference was time result of time letter " hicim Mayor liemmils stout o time Chmmrehill-flus- sell bo.mrti Tumestlay nlgimt , askimug time mmmemmtbers to miieet time old board amid emmtleavcr to reach a lusaceabie settlement of ( lie comatrtit'ersy , Yesterthay time mmueummbermt of time iuew board replied that tiiey hind iiecitk'mi to miucet M.iyor liemmils aiim ! lila colleagues , altO limo mayor replied ( limit tiie'y a ore ri'atly. Mayor Ilemmils , s 1111 Comiimmmissloimors lirowrm nhmfi ieavcr , cro Iii ( lie mmma'or'a oulice a'iien Mesirs. liroatcim , 'aimdervoort and Foster up- peareti , miccoummp.mimmt'd by ( heir mmttormmey. Time two boartis rcmmmalned closeted togetimer for oyer an hour , wimeim tIme door was uiuemied amid it was anumouncoti timmmt an agrccmeumt Imati been meaclueml. Mayor iiemmmls tlmen semt ) a teegramfl , of whIch time foilotvlmmg Is a colmy , agmied ! by iiimn- self is clmahrmmmami of tile olti bomurd mind byV. . J. Iiroatch as chialrnmaii of time new board : 'ro I iolm , Shuts A , I iolcommmb , ( io't'rimul' , numtl A. S. Ciitirciiil , Attom'imey ( Jenerai : it the atiiiltmmme court % IIl miiet't mit mimi early 'Jumte mmli time iimcnmbers of time two boaniis of lire itmiti itoiict' comninlsmtloncra 'lil tiimtte 1mm a. reqtmest fet miii t'mtniy hietti 11mg. ( 'mlii yOU get time court to fix a short dute ? Apmtver. GlOttGi , P. liEMib' . v. .i. III1OATCI1. NOTIFIED TilE SUl'lti.lE COU1IT. A telegranm , of which time following is a cell ) . , was sent to each of tile Jimstlcea of time suiurcmume cOtmrt "All lmartles agree to submit police mat- tcrs to supreimie court , it early iiearimig cams be had , " This was also signeti by time cimairmmaamm of each boartl , In speaking of the agrscmument , Attorney hail , ropm'esening ( lie Clmtii'cumill-Ittisseli boarmi , stateti ( hat lie waimed it. unmlorstood ( hit neither hearth imail mummmle amu'y cort4'eamiiomms. Eachm siule stootl as It haul before , and in ( lint respect ( here was no cimmmmmge In the sltmiatlomi. They had slmmmply agreed that tins best interests of all concenmmeui wommiti he seiVeml by aim Immmmmmeuhiate atmbmimisslomi of the commtroversy to time eimpielmio court , and they imtmti united for that cmiii. Mamobors of time mice' boarti vere rotlcemmt iii rcgutrtl to shmat theIr next proceuttmro would be.'hmen Mr. Vanuiervoort asked wimethiu'r memmibera w oulti proceed to urgaimlzmm a 11011cc force in otuimoJitiomi to that con- trohietl by time old boantl. ito wotilti mint an- saver directly , btit statemi that mmelthier board was goimig to lie very strict eu time other whIle time nmater s'as ueimdlmmg before the stipremo court. Mayor iieimmimt expressed hmimmum'eif as mnuch pleased witim ( lie reitilt of time comifercnce. lie said thmat tile iiiemiobers of each board scene united iii timeIr desire to secure tile quIckest posslblo c1tlcmiteiit of time immatter anti to prevent - vent amiy conflict of auimorlts' ( . On this point timero was no difference of nimimuloum betsveema time (5'O boards , liothi hiatt agrecil to allow matters to remmmatii tie at lureseimt 1mm order that a flumal di'cisiumi mmmIgii ho obtaincui. 1mm doing timis neither board wmis retreatlitg , but both 'ere aitxiou ( hunt time differcmmcea simouid be settled without a clasim betweemi time two orgammlzatiomis. Chief Jtistlce Norval's reply to the tele- grani svas : iIE'u'i'Attl ) . Neb , , Aug. 14.-hloiiu' , George 1. liemnis ilimul W' . J. ilnotutcim : As semi as hmumvc' coimferi cii wltim illS' associates I svii svIm e yuti of our cuncitisloiiim , 'l' . I. . NOltVA1. BEFOItE TIlE CONF'IiItENCE. W'iien ( lie uneimmiucra of this mien' . board am- nlreul at time city imali , muhmortly after ii ) o'clock yesterday , tlmey store givemm a ssarmmm cc- - ' ceptloim. Time crowtli4 of apphicamis for 1)051. tiumus , antI time apectaors ( wlmo imati been gath- erung in front of time city imuli for aim hour. set tip a cheer sciman Secretary Vuimdervoort's conspicuoummi iigtmre as mlhcoveretl , as he hushed his way through time tiirciig slid as- cendetl to time roommt of Superimitentient Mat- timiesoim oil time second hour , wlmleii lied been set aside for time use of time hear board. Nearly 500 people were congregated in and aroumiti tIme city luau. 'l'imey lined time staIr- 'tays amid hung abotmt tile corridors , all eager to get time first untlimmation of actioim timat would be taken by time ness' board. Timers was sue end of gossli ) anti mnammy imremmlctiona were nmade as to what would probably lie done.'hmen tile memmmbers of time tmew hoard arrived ( hey score followed by a crowd Cf spectators to time nooimms set asltie for tbel tIme. Secretary VammdervoOrt carried a big bun. tile of envoloies whIch contained apphicatlommi for posltloims ( Jim time fire or imoilce forces. Ommce immaldo time roouil time mnemnhc'rs of ( ho board tilt ! not proceed to a meeting as was cx- pected. Time mimemhenli imeitl a conferemmce with Attorney Umihl uiud If. 11. I'nhiner und talked for a Imalf iiommr snub time crowd waited lam- patiently. Fmmmally time foliowlmmg comnmunica- tion was agreed upomi : LETTIIIIS WI ilChl'E1tE WRITTEN. OMAhA AUg. 14.-Iioim , George Ifle mole , ii. ? .lein Deaver anti Cimarhes II. itrownGelttl'L'flmeflVe lmuive tins imonor to ackimowiedgu the receipt of yotmr comnnmuni- cmttiomi of uigilst 13 , iii rtmimition to mmutters in iiisptite hmetss'een tIme old mind the new boards of lire and imoilce t'omnmnssloners , anil ivlii take imleasure In cmmfemihng wIth you at time earliest opporttlnlty. Yommrs rcspectfuilIy , \v. J. IIIIOATC1I , A. C. FOSTEIt , I'AUI4 VAN1)EIIVOOIIT. Tlmis communication was dlspmmchemi ( to time members of the old board by secretary Van. dervoort anti ( lien another conference took place whlie awaIting for a reply. Simortly be. fore ii o'clock , Mr. MhlIar , secretary to Mayor [ iemmmla , appeared anti imanded time following letter to Mr. IIroatch OMAhA. Aug. 14.-lIon. w. j , llroutchi. A. C. Foster anti Paul Vantler- voort-Gentiemnen Yotmr favor of even date , requesting a coumference reept-eting the con- ( entlonmu between the old anti mmi'w boards of lire antI poilea coinmnissiont'rmu , has been dumly received , W'e are reatiy to confer wills you at once 1mm ( tie 0111cc of tue mayor In time cIty halt iitliuiiing , Yours respectfully , S (1EO1t(1Ii P. 1ii.1lS , I ) . CLIuI lEA'Elt , CIIAS. 11 , IOUO\VN. Imtnetliately upon ( lie receipt of tIme corn- mmmiimmication tile mmmemnbvrs of ( lie miew board repaIred to the mayor's othico to enter upoim time coimferemice. The crowds got a tip as to hmat was 1mm progress and most of tile spec. ( atoms disappeared anil qmmtet reigmied aahn In time cIty ball corridors. Timere lieu gathered a great crowd at time city hail , ammui the galleries anti rotunda were cacked by curious hronge when the umemn-