- : . - . - - . . . - - _ - F- - . . , . . . - ' - - * , . . . . . . . . " . 'T" ' - . . . . . _ ' ,4 . ' . , " . . . . - : , . ' , , . . . - . . : . " ' - - p I. _ ' . . ' . , : 'tf.'r. , . ' . . _ " ' , . " , . . . , , , . * ' . } " , , . , ,4 > . , . " " ' " ' . 'f * ' , ' ' " ' . ' ' ' . ' . I0 ) ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ' ' \ ' -r'-'r.r I ' . . < \I : ' . " . . - - - , r - - . , ' . - . - - - - - , ' . - - : .r " ' ' . ' . " _ ' ' ' . ' . . " , - , . - " - - . " , . , , . ' . ; / : " , , . . . " , " . . : . . . . - . . -I l . . , , - , . . ' 'f ' if ; , I , . " \ ' . , . _ _ r. I , - , , ' _ , \ - ' ' . - , , i . - THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . - . . , - - - 'T ± I ! DA.LY . ES'JAJU.ISlfED jTJNE 19 , is'n. OisAIIA , 1\rEDNESDAY MORNIG ' ' . . ' I " 871 .UI. } G , , AUGUS'l' 1.t. 1SO. SINGLB OOPY JlIV'E nnN'l'S. . - - - - - - - - - - - IACEO IS VERY . SACU1NE SANGUNE . Oubu Revolutionary Leader Wrtes : Very Hopeful Letter. J . WELL PLEASE WII PROGRESS MADE , - XIelIeSeS I lint lit Sllnl,1 " ' 11 Sur.n Ut ! ( ; UI. li. I ul lu ( a'e I & , . the . ) ,111,1 nl,1 Alu" Cnhl"I" . tol. ! 1'ree. . : I - . ' NEW YOnK , Aug. 1.-J'avorab1e accounts 1 U the progrels . or the Cuban revolution were I , received . tcday by Oenenl Gonzales tle Queada , secretary or lhe revolutlonlEt party In the UnIted States , In a letet from General Maceo. The letter follows : "OENlmAL IEADQUARTlmS IN TI IEI.D , MONOOMI'OLO , July 31 ' , 1895.- Dear Sir : The revolution Is most powerful In SantIago Ie ! Cuba and In Camaguey. J very Ilte EO for has been a trlulhph for the liberators or this counlrr The Spanish soldier are panic stricken and surrenller tether the ! r besiegers ; who spare their lvs , I think we shall soon oblige the Spanish gover- ? mont 10 give up the bland to the Cubans , who wish 10 be free , and who are striving to throw off this yoke which opprenes and ruins them. "The five repreentatves or the eastern department - partment have left fcr Camaguey In order to establish the government or the republic. The representatives are : Dr Joaquin Cas tlo Duany , Harael M. Portuomo ! , Rafael Iaulluley , Pedro Kular Kin- dehn and : Iarlna Sanches Villauth. Thele will organize a government comp'se : ! or a President and ! three secretaries , thole or war , Interior ali roreln afalr . , I Is psslb.e that the prisldent will ha General lartolore Iaso. I wi send you soon m Cunano 1.llre , a newspaper whtHI . : wil bo puhlshell In this department , giving our olclal news or the army oC the cast awl . or the progress or the revolution. We CO'l- ' gratulate oUr21ves on the election or Thomas I strla ! Palma and Manuel Sanguly as rep- -csentath'cs of our sacred cause In the United - ' Slates Give to the people or that generous country our regal lis , and assure them that Cuba has ne\er doubted their s'mpathy. I am , yours with the highest consideration , "ANTONIb MACm , Major General " In an interview In an evening paper , General - oral De Qnesadl says : "It would not be surprising I Genera ! ' Campos did carry out his oft-repOatod .threat a of throwing up the commanl In Cu1a. ' "Inrormalon received from Camaguey this morning tell ? of the success or General . Gomez and or daily reinforcements to his ranks The city Is In n panic and ! the Spanish troop are afraid ! to venture be- YOII ( its limits. General Campos has or- dere,1 , thltl every body or lrOOIJ' shal leave a monument behind In order to show that they have operated In the places designated by , him. " \\'h'I the soldiers ! return from their excursions In this region one-Iml or them are IHsabJed by sicknesa. In the hospital nt Puerto Princpe there are over 400 sol- diers , and the deaths average over twelve per tay. ! . "I rom the sugar plantation or EI Lugareno , fifty Spaniards ! , natives or Gallicla . recent ) . jOl1c(1 the Insurgents , showing that even the SpanIards are In sympathy with the reyolutlonlsl From Madrid < ! I am Informed - formed that the reserve or 1891 are so tls- gusted at being ordered ! to Cuba that the government Is afraid or mutiny To pre- vent this they have been diarmed , and their arms all ammunition will be shipped : on a transport . . , cases to be IleHvered to them upon landing In Cuba. The reserves , % however , declare that they will Join the revolutionary forces when they are disembarked - ) barked In Cuba. " - - nOUJ' ' 1'11' : S'l'OItY ( I A CILISIS. - JII""U' " ' ' 1"'Jntun ; ; ; ; ; lt " 'I"hhlJtul has X. X'W" Cr"l lttiiit. BOSTON , Aug 13.-No Information has been received at the Japanese legaton In confrmaton or tenhl ! or the report that a cabinet crsle ! existing In Japan , though the legation ! would not necessarily bo informed of -S such nn ocurrence untIl the formation or a new mlulstr The report or the dissolu- ton was , however , a surprise to the mem- bore or the legatian. While accustomed to . look upon Counts Ito anti Yamagata as almost or the Japanese permanent parts government , they admit that there has been dissatisfaction ! expressed among the opposition politicians concerning the recession from the terms or the orIginal treaty , and It Is surmised that any cabinet changes will bo due to thLq crlticsm. ! They think , however , a change on this account Is Improbable , as In Japan the . ministry Is the creation of the emperor and Its continuance In otep In I no wise de- penllent upon popular approval , except so far as the mInister may personally be influenced by it. I urlhtrmoro , they find It difficult to re- aHzo that there should be any misunderstandIng - log on .ho 11estlon ! or ranlt Bolh Ito and Y Jmagat ere couuts. The former holds the hIghest decoratIon wIthin the gift of the emperor anti ! the later Is I marshal or the empire. I h not understood why men who have hitherto been highly honored < 1 should make trouble over the conference or an loner whIch would be only a slight advance over their present stJlus , No one at the legation wi venture nn opinion lS to who might ' succeed Count Ito as prime mllster In case at his permanent retrement , CIDID OI' . t 'ouxn I'XGI.ISI . CrI'II' 1111',1 IIls\VIfe n1 Child Illt I. Iliiiited Cur Ills Crll" ' . YOI { , England , Aug. 13-Robert Hudson , I young anti highly educated inane who hall run through his 0n anti his wire's fortunes , was hanged here today for the murder or his wife anti chIld on Helmsler Moor , Yorkshire , In June last. lie teeoed ! his victims to the : inter , cut their throats shot them with a revolver anti burled them on the moor. lie- fore he killed lila wire hudson had advertsell rOl' uno. her wife under the name or Hunter The crlile was accidentally discovered by a man who noticed the freshly turned earth on the moor. investigated the mater ard dug up the boles , Alter being tracked for several days Imlsol was clpturel and his trial and condemnation to death followed. ii lie died cahnly. . ' 1' . . . t , , . iluiggirlsins 1"IH"111 I I. " . - CONSTNTINOI'LE , Ani. 13.-The \'al or Salonlca telegraphs that n Bulgarian band numberIng about 1,000 men has attacked the village or Janakl , 1 the district or Krljal , and buried 290 hOlll" . Th Bulgarians are also said to have 1lp,1 , twenty-Ih'c or the Inhabitants ur Janakhl. The vail of Adrlanolle has sent a similar dispatch , but he thinks that the arClunts or the affair arc probably exaggeral Sllm" " Clnlll ! Sesison I"tcl. VI l1'01.U. . C" , Aug. 13.- .The steamer \alialle , from the north . reports that the 111c1 or the northern Irlt > h Columbia can Ilrles Is complete for the season with the ex- c , \ton of about 6.00 care > Sixteen canner- ' I. I " have I'ut up IHOOO cases , agaInst 131eOO ( cases put UII lost year by twelve canneries. , ' - ' 1'e : season has been satisfactory everywhere ' , I- .e""t on m\'er Inlet , where the pack Is 10 , - ' 000 cles short. f 1 f .J "JCI : h'Cn.tl ) ' :1"1 , Chiiiirsiin . I.ONDONug. . J.-A I meeting or the f ! Irish parliamentary party today Mr. JustIn , r M'arlhy , M P. , wu unanimously ro.ellctoJ chairman. The whips or the party . , Messrs. . Esinonde. Tanner Donnelan and Tuite , were nho re.elecled Contrary 10 expectation , , lie meeting wn fairly harmonious , the subjects pOllponed upon which connlcts were expected being - . ' . - STILl . 1I\g \TI IX Sh1.'Hlt. Selnllr,1 CUSIlilIi'Ii I flue . \"lntln " 'ili Sat ni. Out. CAnLSIAD , Aug. 13.-"The sliver ques- ton WIll never be dropped In America until tree coinage Is passed , " sid George G. Vest or Missouri here today ! , replying lo ques- ( Ions put lo him by a representatIve or the Associated press concerning MIssourI , . lsslslppl and Iowa connnton . "The people In the east , " he continued , "helteve I wIll be dropped ! as business re- 'vlves , but the overwhelming sentiment In alt the lest anti south Is In favor or free coln- age. I believe Il will surely bt paned In Hme. What the result of Its passage wIll be I am unable to prellict. The whole or the money power or the cast anll the banks I eae everywhere will undoubtedly make It as dif- ; fclit as possIble and try to furnIsh a striking object lesson Easterners say we In the west and south , do not > ldertam ! the question. hut there never was a subject more fully discussed or more carefully studied There Is nol a farmer In my constltut1icy who Is not fully prepared to discuss Inleligenty all the bearings or the question , and the same state or affairs exsts : throughout the southwest. " Senator Vest was then asked to explain the acton or Kentucky and Io\\a , Ir the feeling , was so unIveral , In reply he said : "I can- not express an opinion regarding Iowa . until I know how the conventIon was constitut'ai. ! conventon constut' I It wal slmlar ! to that or Kentucky . I. e. , composed or state onclah anti omcehodero ! ( , I Is no crIterion or public sentIment. They would naturally colncde ! with Cleveland and . Carlisle. " In regard to the pospecls or an ' international - tonal monetary conference Senator Vest re- marked : .I Is generally conceded that the other powers are awaiting the acton ! or Eng- land , and from nil accounts England wIll not alter the gold standard . A prominent linglkh olcial was here recently , a gentleman - man who had the confidence or the new min- Istry and he hal several long s on the subject with : Ir. John \Vanainaker. "lie saIl : 'Hest assured that England will not alter the gold standard. ' " Referring to the outlook at home the sena- tor stated that "The ! ol reserve Is steadIly decreasing and the treasury Is likely to be obliged to make another bargain with the s'ndlcate. 1 regard It as an outrage that We should be obliged to pay a bantis or $11,000- 000 to a syndicate represented by Helmont and Morgan In order to prevent gold shipments - ments , Their contract expires In October and there Is nothIng to prevent them from again forcing the sale or more bonds Cr let the states' obligations 10 to prots. as ) organ - gao threatened : Ir. Cleveland berore. " Senator Vest Is greatly improved In health and the doctor ! says he has no serious all- ment SPAIX " ' 1.1. I'X x'r : hON'l'ht. I..IJ ! lluluJ Controversy . nl I.I.t . I" , ' , ' ' 'I'erniiiiiatel. n I'nlr " 'it- t" lie 'I.l.rlluu. . MADHID , Aug. 13-At a meetIng oC the cabinet mInisters today It was decided to pay the Mora claim In a lump sum , In September , without Intere-t. WASINGTON , Aug 13.-Tho Mora claim was for about $ l , OOOOO and the Interest amounted to about $800,000 I has been a subject or dispute between the United States and Spain for many years , and grow out or the confIscatIon or the Cuban estates or Mora , a naturalized citizen or the United States Secretary One ) ' vIgorously pressed the claim on the Spanish government , and Insisted 01 an early settlement or It , :11 Nathaniel l'age , who Is ) r , More's attorney here when shown the MadrId < ls- patch expressed gratification , but said he did not believe the united States government would agree to the seUllent or the chains without Inlerest "To do that would , " said ! he "bo to flatly Ignore the Instructions or con- gress , which were 10 collect both prIncipal and Interest. " alt ) r , Paige added thaI he . as Mr Mora's lawyer , would be willing 10 accept the $1,500- 000 representIng the principal , on account , but not as I final setement , The Spanish government , ho saId hall agreed when the basis of settlement was arranged In 1887 that interest should be charged. SVAMPSCOTT , ) ass , . Aug. 13-Senor Dupuy de Lonse , Spanish minister to the United States , was shown the Associated press cable concerning the decisIon or the Spanish cabinet reardlng the payment or the Mora claims. Senor de Lomo salt thai whIle diplomatIc courtesy pre\'entet him from discussing the mater omciahly . he could state that this decision settles a m3t- tar whIch has been pending since July 17. On June 18 , Senor de Lame states tIme SpanIsh mInister or state laid the More mat- ter before the cabInet councIl . and aCer several - oral meetings hat been held ! . on July 15 I was decided to nai the claIm. The queen slgne' ; the order In council July 17. but the mater or details . such as tme or pay- ment , actual amount to he pall ! . Interest , elc" , were heft to be decIded ! ! by the cabinet. Stilt " 'orkIng for 'ulh'r. PARS , Aug 13.-There Is absolute ! nothing In the smsatonal star ) ' cIrculated by a New York newspaper to the effect that the United States ambassador to Frnct Mr. James D. Eusts , has dropped the case or 1r , John 1. WaIler , formerly UnIted States consul al Tamatavo Island or Made- gasc3r , who was recently sentenced to twenty years Imprlsonmenl by court martial. On the contrary , : fr. I usts Is pursuing the mater most energetically , ant Is giving time case his closest consideratIon , with the re- stilt that he hopes soon to arrive al a sats- factory result. p . . \11..1 n " 'hIe " Vomimimm . KANSAS CTY , Aug. 13-About ' 1 o'elock last nIght a man , supposed to bo a negro , called at the residence or Mrs. Luther Lowe , who belongs to one or this most promInent famIlIes In the state , near Independence ! , and demanded almltance , Mrs. Lowe shut the ' door In hIs taco and the tramp went to the rear or the house and breakIng a window secured admlltance. Mrs. Lowe ran out or the front door She was pursued by the tramp , who caught her In the yard and threw. her down and choked her. She struggled so streuuously that she finally got away from him and ran to her brother's house. Later a pOSle was organIzed and a vigorous search was made for the negro . who 11 receIve summary justice I he Is captured. . \notll'r 1.1 t I. "nln" Hlut. PITTSIuW , Aug. 13.-0ne hundred and fifty Italians cmplo'ed on the excavations for the conduit In Allegheny struck ) 'Cterday for an at1'ance or 25 cents per day In wages. Other men were secured 10 take their places and today the strIkers trIed to drive the new men rrom the worlt. Stones clubs and revolvers - voh'ers were freely used anti two Italians , whose namea could nol be learned , had their heads spilt open In the melee. The mob was dispersed ! by the . police. l.u"ll CII I 11 his tnt oC C.i. ri . lAmSON , WIs. , Aug 13.-The case cf the 10e ) ' heir against property owners In this city , Po'nete , Cross Illns and other towns , InvolvIng title to land worth about $1,000,000 was dismIssed by JUdge Dunu or the federal court today for lack or jurisdic- lIon. Time cemplahmans ' fl'et ) an amen'e om- plaInt toda ) but even then It was held by the court that I hail : 10 jurisdIctIon In the calc. The plalntts wIll appeal to the United States : supreme court. . nut Slit , ) t. " 'ronl (111. ' . ST. LOt'IS , Aug. 13-Robert W. Colan , a wealthy broker anti commIssIon merchant , member or the Ierchantl Exchange md : gen- easIly recgmiiretl as a shrewd epeculator , ai- lowed two gambler to beat him out or $1,700 lOll ) The rcury was won In a lal'Jn , where the party wu ha\ng : a gJod time , The g"mbler are In - jail. . I'roiiiiiu'mit 1.1\ ) 'l'r Critell ) ' Ill . IMIANAPOLIS , . 13.-Word IrUANAI'O.IS Aug. - was re- cch'ed here today or the crItical illness at Newport , I. I. , ot Hon , John M. Buter or this city Mr. luter II one or the belt known lawyers In IndianA , and was a partner ot the late UnIted States Unied Stlte Senator McDonald. 14r . luUer recently went tat for his he.ltb , . DISTILLERIES TO BE SOLD ) Obstacles to Winding Up the Whisky Trust Arc Remove , APPEAL FROM ORDER OF SALE REUSE IIJllllu" Grn"C..1 AJnl",1 I lie lie- urgu is Ii1 Ion Cilmiitt'e I" XI' Yort nl""oh't.1 iiy ' JI"Je O'hlrteim. . NEW YORK , Aug 13.-Justice O'Urlen In the supreme court chambers this mornIng handel ! down a decision denying the motion moton for an injunction lo restrain the reorganza- : tel committee or the DistIlling and Cattle- feedIng company from purchasIng or acquirIng the property or the trust , which was adver- tsed to be sold tomorrow. The mot n for an InjunctIon was brought by I"rederlcl Annes and John N. Plnchon , who represent 15OOO worth or the stock In the trusl They contend that the purchase by the reorganizatIon committee would per- petuate time trust , which had been declared an illegal monopoly by the supreme court or the state or llnoh' , : The decl.slol or Judge O'Drlen , which Is In : favor of the reorganlzlton commilee , makes I It clear that those stcckholers ! who do not i approve or the committee's scheme have recourse - I course In law ror any InjurIes they may sus- . . taln lie says : "U against theIr protest the commltce now proceeds the plaIntiffs , Ir suc. cessrJ : , would bo entitled to a return or the stock or Its value , tcgether with the cash deposIted with the commitee , U the com- mite : shaul ! atempt : to reorganize the former mnenoply the ccurta wn hot hesitate to Interlere. " BAY VIEW , : lch" , Aug. 13-JIge ! Woods this afternoon rerusel ! to grant an appeal In the Whlslty trust ase and so General John lcula , receiver or the trust , wIll stand on the postofce steps In ChIcago tomorrow and ! dispose at publIc sale or seventeen distIlleries amid the company's once building at Peoria. The upset bid price Is 9,800,000 for the lot and time reorgunlzaton committee wi be the Imrchaser at that fgure , Two days or ex- haustve argument hall been listened to by Judge \Vonls. At several points In hiM ver- hal decision , which was lengthy , Judge Woods admitted thal on some points raIsed by 0mm- stea.'s . ! counsel he lied . ! wavered , but held ! Omsteal ! was not entItled to aim appeal on any or time rounds raised and overruled the peti- pet- ton , The attorneys receIved lelegrams from New York an hour or two before Judge Woods' decision was ren'ered ' ! to the erect that the allplcaton for an Injuncton agaInst the reorganizaton purchase or the property had been refused by Judge O'Urlen. - . ' 'lnIXIH II n'S VIl1VS OX SiI.'IOIt. Int'rnntonnl Itlltlll.m Xo 1.f'r 'rhn" Irl'lun. 1 : I."rll'ntH. rONDO , Aug. 13-An ediorIal In time Times this morning commentIng on ex- cretary or the Navy Wimitmscy's remarks ] on the sliver question , expresses the hope that llr , W'imitney's aspiration for an Inter- natIonal agreement to rehabiiate silver wIll not be fuIt1lii1. " ' "Amerlea's rulflEd previous efforts - forts , " says the Times . "to create an ar- tnclal ( lemnmmmmtl for slIver only stmulatpd its producton , The S3me result would follow - low on however large a scale the abortive project nnuy be revlvfl , The Band and the Sherman acts failed to do the good expected or them , anti left a legacy or mlschllr which give promIse of long outlastIng theIr re- pea I. " The Times then proceeds with discussion or the position or the Unied States treasury , anti it considers that "the cotton and corn exports In the race or our had harvests will serve to prevent a recurrence or the gold drain rrom America America's currency Is still In excess or the country's needs . but It may be hoped that tme and increasing populatIon ] will remedy - ! that evil . and that no more stop.gap- expedients wIll be requlrell to deal wIth a mlschler which has been or artIficIal creation. " B"I.nt SI.rlt . \.n..1 oC : Inr.l"r HEESSEY , Oki. , Aug. 1-Wrarants were Issned today for Charles Allen , deputy ) shmeriiT , and njamln Vanderworth , George Hnrr and Wiiam Fox , three or hIs posse who engaged In the fight with John and Dick Wtett and Wtlam D. Henderson In whIch Dick Wlel was killed and John Wtet and Henderson were severely wounded , near Sheridan thlel weeks ago All four or the ofcers were taken to Kingfisher today The charge was praferred by Enoch and George Wtet , brothers or the killed and wounded men. p l lIhIunmil re Iirs I ) ' . \.tl.lt. NEW . YORK , Aug 12.-Edwanl M. Cameron , a milonaire , was round dead last msight and ! I was at first suppos-ed that heart disease hal caused his death. The coroner's Inquest today , however , developed the fact that : Ir. Cameron's death was caused by a pistol shot wound accldelly Infcted ! by hlm- self. lie was cleaning a pistol In hIs room at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon , according to the vellct or the coroner' jury , when the weapon was 'ccldetaly discharged and the bullet passed through his heart a ClnrJea " 'Uh l.nr..I ) . . DETROIT , Aug. 13.-A special 10 the New3 I rrom St Johns says : Samuel S. Walker , , late chairman or the MIchigan Mortgage com- any , will be brought to St Johns today on a criminal warrant chargIng him wIth lar- ceny. In : March 1891 , Mrs. Mary J. ChIlean pall Walker $ ,000 In full for the discharge or n mortgage which Walker and his partner White . claimed to own , but whIch afterward turned ont to be the property or Hobart col- lege or Geneva , N y The money was never turerl over to the college . . 1I1l,1 I ) ' ni l'rUnhle . l'a ria'r. MmDLI TOWN , N. Y. , Ang 13-Three rO elgner having three trained bears loitered around Farmer James lcComb'a place. 1 mile from SunsmsmItvllle . yesterday , At dark lcComb ordered them away They refuse.I to , when , procuring a shotgun go , : Ir. Mc- Comb sent two charges Into the party. Tao received bullets In the lower bulets abdomen One or them died before reaching Summinsitvllle . one other I dying , whie the third Is not serously : Injured. Farmer llcComb gave hlrselr up , - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - X..Jr..H B.tlJ oC ! lnlll' ' . SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , Aug 13-0 the 340 negroes confned In the government quar n' tine camp at Eagle Pas 120 are aOlcted with snssilpox. The deaths average about four daily. The balnce or the 1,500 ratIons furnished by the United States government to Consul ! Sparks for the use or the refugees has been turned over to Dr Evans , state quarantine oOcer or the quarntne camp , for use thrro I being round ImpractC3ble to forward them lo the starving negroes In Mexlce . l.umlHr ; Iii ii 1 .rt..1 In . \.IJI. : UNNIAIOLIS , Aug. 13.-Jene J. Jones , lumberman , has been forced to assign. ills lIabilities are $159.000 and his assets $238- 000. Ills commerelll obljatons ! arc eHI- mated at about $20.00. The Northern Trust company Is the anlgnee. . Cnrn',1 1 11'1 Other " .ll l''iIkIiI-pN. IITSBUIO , Aug. 1.-At Wow Grove , a mIning town near here , Patrick and Dennis Morgan , brothers quarreled whIle Intoxicated - cated and attacked each other wih pen- knives. Patrick was killed and Dnnts 18 dyng : Dotb men were . frightfully cut , Shot by u JIlt'eil Iuver. OAKLAND , Cal , Aug. 13.-MIs. Jennie Lewis , a domestic employed In the family of Hev. George Moor of this city , was shot and fatally wounded lat night by A lan sup- , posed to be Louis F. Muhlner , a jilted lover. After the aholtns Muhlner nCJpe . . X."Y . lI1IS S JU.I ll \ ( HJllU.tTt4. 1.lllt Jrl r fl'urSImIp " " ' .nll Commit , In IIiuii,1 ' In lzmuy ( I I tl ) : ) In"t' ' WAShINGTON , Aug. 13-Naval officials ] are calling attention In view or the rIoting al Hwa Sang anll other places In China 10 time great value or light draft gunboats for just such service as they mght ! now bo able to rener I thee were any avaIlable on the AsIatIc statIon. The : Un river near Hwa Sang 19 very shalow and not navigable except to eld.rahloned nat.bottom stern wheelers , but there are man other or the Chinese rivers , and river or other countries with which the United States mlghl become involved - 'olved In trouble , which are navigable lo ves- ! els drawing ten or twelve rlet , The Pov- eminent Is now having built at Newport News two gunboats drawlrg nine reel ten Inches. There could ! be of service fcc such work The great difficulty . as , eome oJ the naval officers pint out , with oil the vessels buIlt for the United Stales navy Is that according to the laws under which they are constructed they are to show 1 specified draft uMer a "normal" , lsphcem nl. Ths : "normal" displacement - placement 19 construed by the builders as her lightest possible commdltiom' . . A vessel with a "normal" diaplacenmemmt . for Instance , or 7,500 tons and a draft or twenty.ue feet wl , ' when I coaled and ready for service , show a tHsplace- I ment or perhaps 9,000 tons and a draft of : lwenty-three or twenty-rcu feet. The cruiser . Columbia that , acocrdlnK to the law under i which she was constructed showed a displacement - placement or 7,350 tons sOl a drat or abut twenty-two feet on her recent trp : across the Atlantic , with her coal bunters ! full , had a displacement or about 8,800 tons and a draft ! or about twent-sx ! reet. According to the records or the department. the I'hslladeph'a : has never been down to the "normal" il- placement since her trial ' 'trIp ; At the near- cst approach to this her coal bunke were ! nearb' em ply , had they been absolutely so she would hlve shown hut twent-three tons below her "normal" dLplacement. "Congress . . said a naval 'If lr , "should Indicate the displacement and draft or a yes- Eel to be constructell as I wculd be when loaded and ready for sen. The 'normal' displacement - placement Is a fiction and an imposition. " - - - - l'UO''gC'I'IXU 'III Gtl.U JgSEUF. 1.1.1 S'I.lelte n"II"ltt the Yellow , 31t'tmil 1111 ' 111. " _ ( Jumrreiiu'y , ) . WASIIGTO : Aug. i3.-Todas slale- ment or the condition or tIme treasury shows : AvaIlable cash balance , U82,7G,79 ; gold reserve - serve , $103,037,715. ! A telegram was recelve at the Treasury I department from Assistant Untied States Treasurer Jordan ! al New York statng $500- 000 In gold had been withdrawn for export to Europe. This was followed by another In a few mlutlS stating that the Morgan syndicate had deposited In Iol ! . In exchange for legal tenders , I,34GOOO , whIch leaves the gold reserve $01,333,715. The syndicate's acton ! Is taken here as cnlmueiye evidence that It prepares to keep the roerv above the OO.OOOOOO point , accorJlng to the spIrit I Its contract with the governlnent. NEW YORK , Aug. 13.-'Fime go"ermenl bond syndicate has deposited at the sub- treasury $1,350,000 In gel In exchange for legal tenders. This acton I taken In pur- suance or the synlHcate's policy to reimburse , the treafry for gel ! wLldrawl thererrol for shipment. NEW YanK , Aug 13.A Worll special from lIar harbor , : Ie" , sayst The export or $2 , ooooo or gold since yesterday and timeless loss or more than HOOOOOO to the treasury reserve since August 1 are nol apparently caublng any anxIety to the head or the bond syndicate , : fr , J. Ilerrepont : Morgan , who Is cruising In his yacht CorBlr , Mr. Morgan was asked ! today whether It Is true that the gold exports were caused ' In part by the re- Itur or bonds which the syndicate sold In Europe last spring . "No , " he sal ! , .I Is not. " "no you thln any consIderable amount or the bonds will come back sou ? I Is reported - ported in New York that $10 , OOeoo are likely \0 \ be resold In our market ? " "Thai's n pure guess. 10\ can thcy know ? 'fhe bonds are wIdely distributed In Eutope The holders won't get together. I Is not likely that any large number or Investors wIll send their bonds back under existIng money condItions In Europe. " COI'l'tNGiOht IS ltWI'UitING IIOMH . " ' 11 : hzmm'ctu O'rllll ' 'Iti 'I'w. ' 'I'lul' " t. Pnrt " ' riMhiutICIC. WASHINGTON , Aug , IS-General Coppin- ger who has been at Jackson's Hole with rour troops or cavalry , today notified headquarters - quarters thaI he would return , eastward , baying - Ing two troops at Jackson's hole under cons- mand or Major Charee , Ills proposed route wIll carry him through the Shoshone India country to Fort Washakl , and It Is pre. sumed that ho desires to satIsfy himself that all Is quiet there before retunIng to hIs headquarters at Omaha. The telegram received - celved Is as follows : "Tho last two scoutng partIes under LIeutenants - tenants Iarter ) and Gardiner pow In round no fresh Indians. This section has been well worked : all quiet here Shall take two troops or cavalry and work eastward through WhIte River mountains Address , Fort Washlkle , 1 leave Major Chatee In command of all troops In Jackson's Hole country , ' ! country. . ChnuJ"M Iu' the " 'tlt.t1 Hur"lu. WAShINGTON , Aumg 13.-lmpcrtont changes In time weather bureau serve throughout the United State were ordered today. They include several removals or observers , a suspension and a dozen or mere transfers beta eon various , stalons , The removed - moved observers . with those transferred - from other nations , are as follows : New Orleans , W. D. Dythe , succeeded by IL. n. Dick from the femphln station. Duluth , : lnn" , Charles Dussel , succeeded by I. C. Cover from Mu- Mi- waukee Erie Pa. , WIlliam S. Deyo , vacancy not filled. Observer C. S. Stuler or the Baker ! City Id mho , station was ordered sus- Ilended pen Ing ! an Investigation or the charges or citizens. who allege prllnEhlJ and ums- stdactcry conduct or the otlicer . Stuler Is president or the town council. ' The polIcy or the bureJu , as outlined today , Is to exact exclusive service from its employes. I I officIally stated that hereafter all observers must represent the bureau s9ely ] , and prompt acten will be taken In ptes er vIolation or this rule. The dIsmlssaf'-.wero . ordered on grounds or unutsractor ; : work. . x. . " . Cur Ulc.\rm WAShINGTON , Aug. ' 3-Speelal { Tel - gram.-An ) army relrlng board consrtng ! or Captains Thomas Wihelm , Eighth 'an'ry : David J. Craigie , Twelfth , Infantry : George llcCreery , assl\tant surgeon : BenjamIn Mun- day , assistant surgeon nld FIrst 1.leutenants Wallis O. Clark , Twelfth infantry ; CharlesV. . . .bbot , jr. , Twelfth infantry m'ecortleu' . 19 Twelh recnltr. ap- pointed , to meet at Fort Niorra for enllna- tlon or Second Lieutenant \S'Iltiam . ' ton Wilam V. . laley , Eighth Infantry. Lieutenant laney I afflicted with a severe ease of n and hIs physlcan : staleS that be Is I Incapacitated - capacitated rcr service. " Second Lieutenant la old L. Jackson , Ffteenth Infantry Is grantet , ne month's extended - tended le5ve. _ _ _ _ - Un n 'I'unr lt I . iIale'tIeim. . WASINGTON , Aug. 13.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Super"hlng ) ArchItect Alten will leave here about the 20th or thIs month on a tolr or Inspection or the larger publc ! buildings now beIng erected In the west and mmorthweat. He wIll probably go from here to Omaha , then to Iortand , Ore , Port Townsend , \'ashi. , and possibly to Dose : , Idaho. I rom this northwest he will visit San Francisco to make an Investigation or the ale purchased by the governnlent . for a publIc buiding lt that city , and wi then Join Mr. Preton , director or the mlit at Denver anj aust ! that gentleman In selecting a site Jor the mint building , autb izcd at the last sessIon or congreu. : I. Aiken wIll be abient about four weeks. . limit \'enthit'r In South llmukutmi . SIOUX FALLS , S. D" , Aug. 13.-Speelal ( Telegram-Tbe ) mercury stood 10 In the Ibade today with a south wind . Two days more hike It wIlt cut the corn yiehsl ID two In tbl stats , ) CAUGIT SIANIS' { ' ACCOIPLICE Sequel of the Attempt to Sequester Union Pacific Steel Rails . SOL ThEM TO CIICAGO BUILDERS 11,111111.1. .c Clntnl.1IJt Southern 11" . \1 Cuntrlet"d tl 'rnke SUmmit' uC 'rh'm-u"t htoiut- ml.ter Hlh' ) ' " ? iuiime. ChICAGO , Aug 13-As a sequel to the boll attempt to rob the Union Pacific RaIlway - way company or thousands or dollars worth or steel raIls al Ornd Island about two weeks ago , A. W. nawlslon or 61 Fifty- third street was arrested here today Ills alleged accomplice , George C. &hanks , Is now held In heavy bond at Grand Isand ] The larceny was attempted during the nIght or July : last The alleged thieves chartered eight cars on the Burlington road , which at this point ruins close to the tracks of the . Union Pacific , and Intended to shIp the ralb or time Union Pacfc , which they egan to load on the BurlIngton cars , to Chicago Pre'lous to the atempt 10 secure the rails at Grand Island , both Hawlston and Shanks , I It Is asserted , \\re 1\ thIs city making ar- rnglments for the disposition or the plunder - tier , wben obtained , Sllnks , I Is claimed , makIng a contract with a _ buidIng con- tractor named Bradley to dtI\'er the rails to him Shanks , It la clahnel , represented to I lradley and his a tor 1) ' that they coull buy the raIls or J. J. Hawlton ali or J. J. RIley , now road master or tIme Union Pclfc at Orall ! Island. I Is claimed he also made a contract at Rockport , Ind. , with F' " L. Patrick , preil- dent or time Indianapols & Chatanooga Southern raIlway , to sell several tons or rals , lie endeavored to get : Ir. Patrick to advance $ ,200 for freight on the ral , : fr. Palrlck promised to advance the money on the presentaton or n bill or lading amid ex- ecutNI contracts for a large amount or the rolls. Shanlts then made contracts with the fliocle Boce Polock Iron company or this city for the rails , to whIch frm he reported hlmseH lS J. I. I Hiey , nn Omaha contractor. Had the contracts hlch Shanlts and nawl ton made to delver the rails to different 11arlleb gone through as they Intended that they should lhe would have reaped a harvest or nbumt $15,000. The use or the name or Roadmaster Riley or the Union Pacific was entirely unwarranted - warranted and he was In no WiY connected witlm ton the transactions or Shanks and Haw Is- ton.GRAND GRAND ISLAND , Aug. 13-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-A lelegl'am was received today to the erect that A. W. Haltson , who was Im- plcated with George H. Shank In an alleged atempt to steal a lot or Union PacIfic rails , was at Chicago The authoritIes there vera at once wired Lo arrest him , and It was done She lt Uean wIll leave tomorrow morning for Lincoln to get requIsition papers , thenc' : to Springfield and to Chicago Halston will be conrronted with a complaint by the ro- celvrs or the Union PacIfc of having stolen $5,600 worth or rails. George Shank was this evenIng releaser on bond , . CnlnIXI I.\S PAI.IgX 'I'll IIOUGII , " 'esIuigbiaus , . ' mtndGeuermul Electric CIII"n ! . . Cnln.t Agree . PIT''SDUII Aug. 13.-Irs answer l ( the dIrect questIon or the Associated press reporter - porter as to whether there had or had not been negolatons between the Westnghouso company and the General Electric company within the past few weeks , looking to n fixing or prices and t'ne arrlngements or pat- cot maters , Mr. George Westinghouse , pres- Ident or the company , today made the following - lowing statement : "Home three months ago Mr. 'womble ) an Inllllnlan director or the General Electric company , asked me I time Westnghouse eOmln would be willing to discuss an arrngement with reference to the exchange or patent lIcenses between the two comranles upon I basis which would e.tab- l h their values all thereby terminate the ccst ) , lItigation between tIe two companies which had already involved large expenditures. Mr. Twombey : was Inrorlli that time WestInghouse - Inghouse company would enter Into a general exchange or licenses upon an equItable h3sls , and thereul10n a memorandum was drawn and commlteei were appointed by both par- ties _ upon the lines or such n memorandumns No meetings or those commltls were hell , , for reasons l'llat onlY General ElectrIc 0111- daIs can explain , It having ben said to hlvo been due to irreconcIlable dIfferences among themselves. "Another attempt was made by two hnpor- tant dIrectors , or the two companlC about a month ago , which came to nothing. FoJowLng these two faIlures , another effort was made by Mr. Coffin or the General ElectrIc company - pany to bring about the exchange desired , Two commItees were appointed and they met In New York last week , but reached < no conclusion . TIme General Electric company having receded from a general agreement reran an exchange or licenses suggested that they' be allowed thirty t ( sixty days 10 consider the matter. The Westnghouse company declined to go rurther , because I was apparent that the negotiatIons hall already been used In Wall street for stock Jobbing purposes . where It was stated that the two comp nles had practIcally agreed as to prices and a Ilvlslon or territories , neither or which proposllL could the Westinghouse company entertain for a moment , being contrary to good business princIples and contrary to law. " , . - p ( iLl ) W'Ell , C.tUSHh ) ' 111 COIL.tI'SIl. Cause IC I lit' nllllJ I lisnaft'r l.a. clf..1 I ) ' the I uiaet'tora. NEW YORK , Aug. 13-The cause or the colapse or the Ireland buiding , In which fifteen lives were lost , came to lIght today , when the workmen engaged In clearing away the debris In the cellar uncovered an old ! rashloned well under the roundalon , I was sltuatl dIrectly under the central pillar or the structure , the unllermlnlng of which precipitated - cipiated the dlsarter. The well was only eighteen Inches below the concrete base on whIch the Illar rested I was six feet deep by eight feet In diameter. The buildIng experts - ports examined the well , but would give no opinion ems the matter. One expert said that neither the contractor nor the omcers or the buildIng department could have been aware or the fact that the veil was there , nor or the fact that its fling was too soft . A rep- relenlatve or the district attorney's omce will attend the Inquest on the bodies , and Ir any evIdence or crIminaly Is dIscovered the case wIll be laid before the jury. Another badly mutIlated ! and decomposed holy ) , was taken from the ruins today , and was identified as Peter Mumreruo an ItalIan laborer. Dut one more man known to have been In the building Is mining , and , ! It Is expected his body will . be round there. Hllhe.1 11m .C .C1 ills Sln'IIJ' , NII\V YOnK , Aug. 12-Hobert Akler ar- rlv.d In New York rrom Stockholm ; Sweden , lat week with his wire anti a check for $975 , representing all his wealth. Today he left his wife at Caste Garden anll went ashore whim a friend to get imla check cashuenl An obliging sloon keeper did that , but when Akler sat down In a park and hut his hand In his pocket he found the money was gone. Then ho tried to drown himself but was rescubed. p Glmuip.tumie IC"I'I' .i" Own C""I".I. LONDON , Aug. 13.-Mr. Gladstone writes to a correspondent , laying : " 1 am not con- Iclous or ever having given an 'pinion In favor of the abolItion Qr . the second chamber , " tIm'i'umit'iuts IC n'l'IUI SC'I.n"rM Amii . 1 : At New York-Arrlved-Mobawk. from IAndon : Taurle , from Liverpool i Slate at Nebraska , from Glasgow. At San FrancllcoDeparted-Chlna , for UODi1ong led Yokohama . - - lAS IN'lTI1I ) A llllY 'I'OII'lmo ieptImcl to 1I..t.tuII ) ' I'ut ass ln,1 t. .huirIiui' W'mirl'umr. ' . OAILAND , Cal , Mug . 13.-Charles F . Ic- Irrmolt I plrfecln ! an electric submarIne torpedo , time Ilenlol or 1)r. Gross ot Chicago , whlol ho says will ullmalel ) ' put an emi 10 marine warfare. Wih his ( or- penn he says I few men coull keels off the omblnNI navIes or the world The lorIlo , wIll be completlll within a weel I will betaken taken to Goat Iland , where a secret eXllrrl- ment wIll be msdl' An old Iron hulk Is to be Icatld ant ! the torpedo ! will be Sl below the surface on its errammul oC destruction Mr. 1cDlrmult Is conflent ! that thl new Inven- ton will Instantly scatter ant sink the huilt. lIe pays thai no War - 'II\ however strong anti formidable , can survive a shock from his torpedo. About the let or September n publc exhl- hllon will be given. I ) ' the use or dee- trlclty wih comblnalons ( or powerful ex- plosl\e ! Mr. McDermot says he can destroy the staunl-lest or vessels , Dr. Gross , the manuracurer , recently In- vontd anti patentel a new explosive more powerrul than d'namle. lie male ! arrange- I lenls to sell It to China to be used ! In the war with JapammVith his explosive he crossed the Pacifc. but his secret had beel dlvulgell ant the Japanese go\rlnlnl imoti- 'fed ' the federal authorites WashIngton , who enjoIned 'Ilm from muiaklng further siege- tntons with the Chinese gO\ernment. The same explosive Is to be Useml ' ! In the torpedo. ! m'nl ICX01 , ' ' 1'\C U ' 1Ig " ' 1':1. I.I"J" Sn iul'r ' 1'11. . 1. Eel hal lul" . "u" . lt n. . .lu".I\UIII e.u''t. . WI.KESIAltE , I'a. , Aug" , 3-The 1m- 1resslve relgious ceremony or taking the veil was witnessed at : allll'kroH convent , this city , tota ) lsholl O'llara officIated . Twenty- four no\ltates received the white veil , Inchu ! Ing : Mary Somer , lIed ! Wing , MIumus. , as Sis- ter Pauleta : I.ucle fagerM , lelvhlere , MInim. , as Sister Telesphor ; VIrginia Dlllr , Caledonia , MInn . , as Sister Agncto ; Celina Ialsrr , : ltnneallls , as Sister Clllacl ; Johanna - hanna 7lns . Swan Lake , Mimmum. , as Sister Gr- mtnrrlla : Anna Liebel , \est Newton , Minmu. . as Sister Coehlna. / \rerwart the stately and Folemn ceremonial or taltng tie black veil was proceedet wih , Ishoil O'Hara emitting the lock ol hair and gl\lng the postulants te rllg whie they lay prostrate on the floor he- rare the nltar. Among those who took the black veil anti ! the relgIous vows were : Sis- ter Aloarlz'lucll ' , Lemnars . la : Sister Geralia IItzle , Lemars , 1mm. ; Sister Qulrla ICayor , I.e- mars , Ia. ; SIster Synbla Whoeile , St. 1.0\s : SIster Meletla 'Vu'oerdlmotf'aconia , Minim , ; Sister Donlustana Sclmadulegg , W'acommla , Mimums. : Sister Justa Doertier , Minneapolis. .UUhIItIC.tN LuIuI.tlt' ASOCl.t'l'h ( ) , Nut Imimim , I C.ii'um I , , Nos , ' haul lug l'o't Pm I ii I In' ihmu a tmil it Met roloItH. DENVER , Mug. 13.-About sixty deleguutes to the comivmmtmoum of time AmerIcan Library asseclatloim arrIved ( ron ( hue east thIs morn- ing. 1 % fter addresses of welcomise by Mayor McMurruy anti PIat ( Rogers of the city library comiumnittee time conventIon irorier opemeul wIth time mtuldress of time presideni , II , : ui. Utley of ( lie Ietrolt Public library , which Was followed by tima report of lime secretary , I"rank P. 11111 of tIme. Newark , N. J. , Piihlc library , and of otlmer officers ammil counmmui- tees. Among ( he delegates are VIctor liosowater of Omimahma ; Ileimry J. Cart , recorder of time American Library associ.utlon and librarian of Scranton , I'a. ; \ ' . \Vestervelt of New York ; F. M. Crumnuieus , lIbrarIan of time public libraryof St. LouIs ; Miss flislmop anti L. W. Zeend of Tlhsna CIty ; J , fl. I'attrioii of tIme Cimlcago puubhic library and MIss lilurichi- son of the IllInois state library. CAIILISIFi SlIO''S II IS 'l'EMI'lIIt. Ieiih.'s lIiujln then I l- * limit II , ' 11mm , Auay l'rt'stmlmtluml .t.jl rnmtlo , , , , , DULUTh , Aug. 13.-Time News-TrIbune this umiorning published an IntervIew with Secretary - tary of the Treasury CarlIsle , Anmong other tImings the reporter saId to Mr. CarIfalo : "Justice Field has eximressed to a reporter time opinIon that you can have time place left vacaust imy the doatim of Justice Jackson , but alds that it wLil muecessitate time abandonment at your presIdentIal aspirations. " 'It vouilti be indelicate for me to dIscuss time vacancy occasioned by time death of Jima- thco Jackson at this time , " rensarked Mr. Carlisle , "except In so far as to allude to timat portion of Jmustca Fieid's remarks whch ! crenilt muse with prosldentlal aspiratIons. It scorns to rime as If a man's word siuouid go for sonic- timing , " he saI4 omnewlmat testitly , ' 'bunt It tices not scorn to wltbm tommie people. I have denied ( hat I imave presidentIal aspirations , amid it is scarcely necessiry to deny It agan. " p hhuslguurlmimi , iiuiie ii Ruii I mm 'l'uurici' , LONDON , Aug. 13-A Sofia dispatch time Thea .vuii PublIsh tomorrow says : Accord- big to news receIved from a Turkish official source , 500 BulgarIans , led by three reserve officers , attacked time Mohaunmssed vIllage of Despat , across time Tmnrkbshi fromstler , before dawn on Saturday. 'rime Ihmulgarlarms ( hen set time vIllage oum fire anti slaughtered the Inhabitants - habitants indiecrimusinately as timey rusimenl from time houses. It Is said several imiurmdrenl were killed , TIme Ottoummaum comamusissioner i'as delivered a ProteSt to time Ilulgarlaum govern- usuent , S Idmugliali Siuld * lie liitl humuusm A rums , MERIDA , Yucatan , Aug. 13.-Five hmundrotl IndIans belonging to savage tribes on tIme barmier of ( hue lirltisim colony of flellzo have appeareni on MexIcan soil , all arrmued wItlm Ilemnirmgton rules and with abuimidant amnniumni. ( Ion psircimased from BritIsh colonists. Timi fact arouses tIme greatest IndignatIon , for the smuvages tntennl raidIng rensote pl.mumtationss , anl being now all well arrused It will requIre a large nunmmmter of troops to subdumo timonus , Cubans anti Spaniards lucre mire having dalI ) ' tlghmts in time hmotels and streets. p I ii terumui t I a mmmi I I'enu . 'e Co ii sres iIe't , , IIItUSSELS , Aumg. 13-The lmsternatlonal parliament on peace arbitration was opened 1mm time hell of time seumate hero today , Time rep. resentatives of foumrteen different countrIes were present. M. Nysene , time Ilelgtaru mImi- ister of labor , welcomssed time delegates , and in doing so he said the object of the con- fcreuuce nslglm ( be smmmmnecl up in tIne words : "To make force recede before tine advance of , the law. " Are Z.ik'ly to % 'Iui 'I'lmt'Ir'ms5ter , TYRONE , I'a. , Aug. 13.-\S' , Ii. Taylor anti C. 11 , Mitcluell , two Denver , Cob. , wlmeelmen who started frons their bmonse June 2S to ride to PhiladelphIa on a wager that tlmoy uvotmld reach timat city by Amugumst 25 , earnIng $500 015 theIr way , have arrived hero , bo'ng nine days ahead of schedule ttnme. They have earumed $130 of time mooney b ) ' giving concerts , They expect to reach Philadelphia by Satur- day. _ _ _ _ _ _ Fur'Igi'rs Orml i'z't'I C , , I'iu-Clu' , NE\ ' YORK , Aug , 13.-A c.mblcgranuu to time \'orld fron : iroo.Ctuow say's timiu ( tIme mllplo- matlo isarty , wimichu the Assoclateml press advices - vices today frommm Shanghai announced would leave Foo-Chuow to investgato ti'e ummnissaere , has started upon Its musiaslorm. The cable miminis : All foreigners mm ( hue Itmland provInces imave been ordered to come to Foo-Chow , - U- l'lot to % 'r&'t'l l''riI imum mmii's 'l'rm , I ii , LONDON , Aug. 13.-Tine Times''lemmcma correspcuiderst reports ( lust a telegram to- celved fromn l3uda-l'eat says an attenipt wa mimetic to wreck Prince FerdInand's trmotum. The police heard of the plot anti occupied the Sleinibruck and Tranbatadt stations and caused time train to make a detour to avoid time Buds- I'est statIon , - p Clii uii'so ( uv'rmtuiu'mm t lIi'l liless , LONDON , Aug , 13-The Tlmsies wll' publish a dispatch from Tien-TaIn tomnorroy which says : The Chinese governnment is in a state of helpless confusion , and Is Incapable of any decisive action or of exercisimmg any effectIve authority , The result will probably prove serious unless tine foreign powers take pro. cautions. IVIIITEVIiL \ NOT INo\iT \ iitii Chief of Poilco Writes a Letter to the Ohnrchill-Russofl Board , RESTS ON JUDGE UOPEWIL'S ' DECISIO1 CtimtuimIaIuuui'ra Alu Vrl It' mm l.t ( or ta I lie l'i.'uilei's , , tsklsig 'l'lmeni to F'lluav I I , , .tih . , f t lie ( ijil umlaut tLu.utt'l. \v. j. Broatchm , I'auil'amutlerv ort antit. . C. Vostcr imave formally denmamideti that time hloarul of Fire anti l'ollce Comsmumuissiomsera , as It now exists , simall SteIm ( lewis anti emit and ( turns over its office to thmcmus , Tlmis nmoulcst reIutCat wIll hot ise conmuplieti wIth , iiroateh anti hIs backers have soummd : tl thus police force ammd fire ulepartumuent in aim effort - fort to galiu recruits amuti so weaken Limo autimoritles , It iii also a velI umnderstoouh fact that Hu-oatchs , Vanmulervoort anti Foster have ciiosemm mu coniplote police force anti will endeavor to hilt In In control of this cIty today , If this Is done roumble I cot. ( alum to follow , Martin J.'imlte , chief of pollee , kmmows whwre lui stands. lie has wrltteus time fol- Ion lug letter to time portles aultiresseul : Atmg. 13 , 1Stl5.1'o lion. V. ' . J. ' llu-oatclm , Albert C. Foster auth h'numl 'mummh't voort : ( lemmtIenieim'uumrs . .ottime lUhi Immat. received anal coflteumtrt emmmefmmhiy um.temi , mind Iii u-eply ullI Sri ) ' I feel ( must your u-c- ( Inest Is imi mucliug mutt I mm us 1)051 ) t bum I immu t Itt hmml'll ) ' faIr , becaumute of 'time toot that ) Oui tlt'i e risc' to uitcIth , ' time Ivgnl qtmt'stlen of Wiulcim iii the legally couistitumtetl llmzuim1 of F'i me mtusd I 'oh ice Coununlssiomue rn' , mm umti ( in itt L mmun tmnmmtimle to do. I hove t'utrefumll ) ' mtul time decision rots. dert.ti by I lois , Jumulgt' I lop.'uveil 1mm tIme in. J ii lie t Iomm I roe , . edlumgu4 just I ii m'd , it ti ( I I um sa iii ul CL Is In mm it pa i-mm grtm 1dm mu i p'm : n-s uv in'relmm ha ttul'M ( limit ' 'the' phmutntlrfs himeve tIme mIght to renmaits Iii hieticenmIlo lOsses.simmrm , ninth to ( 'zer- ciFe tIme ftmmsetlomis of tiIml oihiee umntll otiu'r- ovise un-ti om-eti I mm ii Imuolut- legal ltrOceeti I mug. ' ' No' , Itceummusi' of timlim Position tmukvns by .ltitlge Ilolme'.vell , I feel ( hunt I nmmu conmpehiett to mcccgmmize uuruti otit'y time oruleru. of ( hue hmonoruublc tmmum'or nuid time' lluarti of F'lro nnnt I I 'ollce Coin nsisslun cr5 , univ mmc I , ' mm mmml in itO'e'5SiOim of time couutroi of tIme afTmuIu of time ttouum-tI , tiumtil i'uuehu timmue as time ( limes- 3 ( Ion hmnme beemm legally ulcchdetl by time ciumu-tsi when I will clmeerftill' rt'i'ogmmlzc tIme hoard thittt Is held to be time h'gmml hmonrl , in time mmienimmimne I tlt'emmi it mny itui ) ' as chief of litiCC to see timuit time lmmw amid limo or- tIlmmmumuces of the e-ity mire eumIomced , I Ioiing tlmmut tlmla umnswer miii nmseet witnu youm r fmu'orntlmle a pro'um I ituutl i'ormsimlei-uu t lomu , I memmualum yours truly , MAIt'i'IN J , WIIITII , Chief of l'oliee , LETTER FROM TIlE COMMISSIONEI1S. Following is a COPY of a letter atidressemi to tIme nmeuumbers of time Chmumrchmlll-Rtmssell hearth , a copy of whulclm Is to be tlelivereul to cccii of time three rnemmsbsrs thIs ummornIng : OMAhA , Aug. 13.-To lion. \ \ ' . J. llrometch , lion , A. C. Foster mmd lIon. I'aut 'nnnlervoort , Claimmmants to tIme Olhk'ctm of Fire anti I'olce Comnnmissioumera of Omtuhsrt : Gentlc'nmen-\'e mire iii receIpt of your c'ounumsmmnsicatiomm ot' ( iso lltlm lust , , In whmlelu yomm detttgmmatoVctlimem4itmy , Atigkmst 14 , at 10 o'clock a , rim. , as a mtmultaimle titus to ic. ceive ( tons us time records , lum-ommerty nmiml. rocm" , " wimicim you chum belong to you by vIrtue , of a bmrt'tcnsion wiilchm youm set tip , \\e di'usy ( limit you hmave nms' riglmt or aim- thority Its law or Ims fact to tlemimntnti or u-tm- ct'lve from us those rntmnlnmeumts of tltlti t our ohitces vislchs we imolmi , its our ophmstort you nmL' neithmer do farto nor do juiro corn- nmismtioumers mmml we resjmectfumlly , lcchlne t p conmply wIth rummy of ( lie requmesta s-ct omit in you letter. Vo believe we are time onll' luuvu1 barth of FIre anti i'ollco Comnnslm'uulnmners - . of Omaha , and , In time Iumngimagts of .Iuithio Hopeweil , ' 'ha-o time right to remain Ira the peaceable l > 0s"tS5iOn uumd to exert'is'o the femmuctions of said tmtiice until othmerwiso ordered In a Proiutr legal proeeemllumg. " 'l'Imini iii mme ( iseoo' law ; It is lImo mipplheatIon of Ion g mu nil vehl estmr I ml i shueti pmI muelidec to thm' . ( muct Irs tIme cai' ttc'fortu hums. This ileclnura- lion of law huts thio snmmetlomi of tIme lmet jtmullcinul tribunals nmmti time approval c.f . the ablest legal mummisors , If we hmnive tIme ' 'rIght. to ru'mnru I mm iii t im 0 lCii ct'itlil e possessiorm' ' mtmmmt Pcrforun the duutl's of otmr olllces umntil timeso righmtns nrc tnlcemm from us by nun order of the cotirt In a Itroper legal proceeding , it follows - lows , mis stire nms tIny Huieceetlmt nlglmt , that 8mm ) ' other mnethoul , wimettuer dlmect or huh- rect , or ou'hu'timer by fruuummi or 'ln'nco , , to tlIspomusess lug of ( lies-c rlgiutn' is hlIt-gol nmsml friutigimt a-Ills mnulsclmlet , 'I'hiee rights with which we are Invested bu' bmw we shummli not on 13russert , hum t ovl tIm ilm-umsnosm , uivt Iii t ni n , \Vlthbuit violuttlmng any law uvu m.lmnmhi strive to execute lime law in a iiOlCr aumil dlgni- fled maimer. Gemithenmen , Jmudko ITopowell ima iuiillcatel the only true u'ay Iii w'hmichm timis comnuislsslona strIfe can hue settle'mI , and thummt Is ml fuset throuusmh a llnal ormier "In a proper legal proceemlimug" in time m4mupreuume coimu-t of our state. Not only mis time legni commmsisslon- ers , limit as cItizens of Omniunu , we imnuva stood ready nnd arc now rend ) ' to jolts yout In over ) ' honorable attempt to have limits commissioners' commtenmtlon settl'ul in tIme . a court of inst resort at the very entrhiest moment llossilule. To lmru ( court every mama. or 'c'nse knows it nmumuut Ilmimmlly be truken before - fore there is no end of ( ho mmsuidtlic. The contending boar-d may wrangle , may do this , ( hint or some other lining : may , through timeunsolves or friends , creutte strIfe ant ] ( turbulence anti yet , nfter all , neiiiuer of ( lie contendIng Parties 'Ill himyc gaIned anything ; notiming wIll lie se'ttlptl armtl 'hisuno antI disgrntco .n ( Imome anti nmhmrnatl wIll Imavo beemm etuPt on our city In whIch we niH lmavo so grea ( pride. All this lioumiml ho runil cars lie avertotl We six men hmnvo tlme mower to 1 0 ( ii it'Vlll you um mute ovl t h us I n Imot It hon. Ing thin iut'mnbcr of time aumpremmso comurt antI in an earuiest unuinner ill-ge thmens to convene their coturt to iit'ar anti mleternIno tIme mutt- tc-rs in dlspmnto Iuttwee'n mis ? Vn vlll loins ) 'OmI iu suuclm prti lm'eworl ii y ronnluict'lll you also unite witim mutt in on turgeumt and to- mupectfuml request to ( Ioo'crnctr iloiconmhi anti I Attorney ( lc'nemiil rlmuurchlii to misc timelr eusmicavors wlthm ( Ito m'luprenso .lulge to con- sm'no for time Isumrposes miforesaithVn vllt cordially riot wIth yomu In ( his partk'mihar , nfltl otur confidence In the best citixt'n'.iiip of Ommihut Is so great ( hat we % 'emmturo the auuertlon thmst : It vlii mupplauuti tlmcmso who fntvor vitim mnsutumiy riots tlmls unethsotl of se ( tlern en t , Time attorney general has drowns mu quo wnrraumto Infommmsatiomi Ins ovimit-im the musemn- bern of 1)0th contendIng lonuls are , if saltt inforusation is ulieui , requmlreml to set forth by wimmut authorIty time ) ' claims to Ito entItled to the olilee of ItohICe eornnmlssionm'r. Suit-is a proceetling 1mm fair to mull , uumml on the pleadings In time cqr'o emumhi iuilivi'u , I title to time 0111cc wIll Ito rlc'tc'rumiljieml'u'e , for time luirhsOt'O or fuucliltating limo hueir'g of time ease , will vaIve tIme firmmmlitv ni' service - ice of suumnunnns nutti wltluimm ( ortynight Imomirit nfter notillm'atiouu of time' Illlninr of time lusformummitious wIll Ilk' omnr ausstvci- thereto niusti have our attoumsetys mniice tue imropez' nrguunienuts vIthiin time ahoulest tinse hmm-mmctt- citlmo , $ \Ve make time femregoimmg ProllositIons in thta interests of gonul governnsent , We reunala respeettumhly ycimims , GII(111GE P. ll\Ili4 ! : , I ) . CLIIM DII\\'iIlt. CI1AI1LES Ii. llItOW'N , I Fire anti Pollemu CoumsunisIonerms of ( imusaha. MEiITINGS IUIUNG TIlE NiClltT. After having given out tIme lmiforun'mtlon that at 0 o'clock this morning tIme ) ' would talco pos. sessloms cut ihe i"lLce statirn , time c ty jail arid time iire rtntl Police comnunisgicmn ronunms In the city hmutli , together with time boolc and recortla , time men wlmo luave heum , Ilocking around the Iiroatchm-Vanhervnor , ( etartmlortl irs the police fight last mmlglmt de's-ertefi time unireet cerners , wimich they hued lucId dowrm during time ' day , most of ( hem returlng to their Imomimea. Several of the ex-pohiee'uumpmm halt ! a rmmsetiuig in their rooms ins time Maridersos black , while some of their syunpatmizors ) anti a nuimber of would-lie liohicemen lucid mu meet. Img In rooms in time New York LIfe iuuillling. At botlm of these meetings time lead'ta steteti that , this umsornlng time Iiroatchm-\'anmlervoort forces wommid conlrol tIme cIty , OutlIning theIr plans timey salti that it limo members of tIme Fire anti I5nllee eensmmumissioum re-fused to surrender possession othme menus would b fitted up 1mm tIme eit' lush amid ( hat there the members of time CIiurchmlilitmnssoIl reglmo \vmuIti esablIahm themselves. iuurlmug ) time early unornimnc hours Chief of i'oltca'hItus would ho suspended , a. wommld be all pohicenien vhmo lund not answered time letters sent out by ilroatchi amid \'ausdervnort , These pro- hinumlnmurles having been ( hlapofed of the leaders In time rnoveuuuent salmi that paircilunen would at once be assigned to heats. with instruc- ( lemma to arrest all tf the olmi polIcemen on time charges of impersonatinug officers , Lait night a mmmc broke In on the uteetlnE ' - . 41