- . . . - - - , - - - - - . . . . . , - , I - . - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 -T----T-- . ' : - t . f , . , _ I - ( 'tD . . . " : ' ' j. . . . ' . . . . } . . . _ . , . . -V I : ' - . . . - - - - - - - - - ' . ' ' " [ : . THE OMAHA : DA.ILY BEE. \ J I ESTAJlLISIIED \ JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAhA , r.rUESDAY : 10UNING , AUGUST 13 , 1S95. SINOI.JE COy . FIVE (1EN rS. 1 - - - - NEW PARL1A1ENT ) CONVENES I t . . . . . Unusually Large Attendance or Members h nt the Opening Session. lEADERS ON BOm SIDES CHEERED : \\11111 . V. Uul ) Ite-chctpd flell.er ' \ .il huh t ( ) lIIoMItIoiI-'VIIe t\ue.'M Sl'.eh " 'II li lel.1 Tunior- ruw ut high Xinii. LON nON , Aug. 12.-Thc preparatons for the aucmhlng or the House ot Cornmon -i commenced at an early hour this merlng. ana member arrived at 5 o'cleck In the morning . Ing and waited outsIde until the heuse was pened at 6 o'clock In order to wIn the dis- tncton ot being the first memher to enter. 'rho other lemherl dine In later until 10 a. I . m. Thirty places were secured , cn the government mont side , while only thirty eents had been taken en the opposition. Mr. l. I O. latch , conservatve , who defeated - teated Dr. Parkhurst , liberal , In the Gorton dlvslen ! ot Lancashire , was the person who won the distinction of being the frt member to enter the house , , , . . I As generally expected , Mr. Wiiam Court , V. Gully , \heral , member et l'arlianient for elected ot the Carlisle , who was ( speaker house ef Commons In ! 1ccesslen to the now Viscount Icel , was re-elected speaker when the house assembled thIs afternoon without oppositIon. There was a large attendance ot members The government benches lt un early hour were crowded to excess and many members were compelled to tale refuge emi the cross benches. TiLe liberal an(1 ( IrIsh benches were net crowded early In the day. Among the Irish members of Parlament Ilresent was T. M. lfeaIy , who sat between : Ir. T. I' . O'Con- nor anJ Mr. I'dwanl : Blake. AlE present on c ! , the Irish beneles : were : Ir. T. D. Sullivan , Si Mr. Jell Dillon , Dr. Charles K. D. Tanner ' anti ( other dstngulshc(1 leader of the Irish nalenalt party Later In the lay however , thc liberal benches became crowdlu ami when the proceedings ccmmencell the liberals had showed ( up In strong force. At 2:1 : ; the bearer of the bllck rod ap- Ilearell at the bar of [ the house of Commons and all talk was immediately lnislted The membcrs or thc home were then formally requestCI to attend the house of Lords and hear the reading of the royal commission opening the new L'arllainont. Thereupon Sir I Iclinahl l.'rauicls Deuce lalgr\'e. IC. C. B. , ' , clerk of the house at Commons , followed by n nil . /her at the members , Proceeded to the ' House of Lords , where the royal commission , - was real ( L On theIr retrn Rt. lIon. A. J. Balour , first lord 01 the treasury and conservative lender of the house at Commons , and Sir , Wiiam Vernon larcourt , the liberal leader , entered the house an,1 , were loudly cheered Ht. lIon. Joseph Chamberlain , secretary of . state far the colonies , who followed , Il'ad received wlh loud Irish derisive crleF. I SpEAKEi GULLY ltI.ELECTli lu. lion . Sir John Robert Iowbray , bart. , member for Oxford university , con- servaU\'e , who \ud been chairman of the ltulllng ordrrs anti selections commitees Flnee 1881. then movell the re-'hectlon or Mr. Wilam Court Gully as speaker of the house of Commons and congratulated the . heuse upon being able to open Is proccellngs " ,4 wih sueh D n act and without a dissenting ' I . \'olce. lie poInted out that : Ir. Guly 1 # eminently proved his fitness fur the post. , The liberal 1\lhl ) ) , Mr. Thomas h. I Elis , : member of Parlament for Jcrlotshlre , seconded the motion , and complimented the conservative leader Mr. Balour , on the J course he had taken In this connection . : Ir. Gully then thanked the house for the , ' honor done him , which , ho said , he did not think ho owed to personal considerations , but to the manner In which he hoped he hal acquitted himnself Ilurlng hIs term or office . The speaker was then celluced to the chair umll loud cheers from all parts of the ' IIOI\Sl. Ullon assuming the chatI : . Gully again thanked the honsc for the honor done hIm anti time lace was then laId upon the tnhle. Mr IaHour congratulated Mr. Gully upon his re-election II u few wOlls , Sir Wilam Vernon Harconrt , on elllt of the liberals . also congratulated : Ir. Gully , but It was noticed that he was not cheered os warmiily _ _ 4 _ al "us Mr. I3cfour. : ) The house of Commons then adjourned ' until tomorrow. OI'INING O TI LORnS. ' LONDON , Ang. 12-Tho attendance ot the House or Lords today was net very large. Not a peer arrl\l < until 2 p. m" , when the bishops of St. Albms : und Iochcter , Baron Stamimnore . the carl of Kenmore all the archbIshop - I bIshop of Canterbury all a few others ap- pearel. When the lord high chancellor ar- rived Baron lalsbury was seated on the bcnch In front of the throne. He WS jainId by the other members of time royal commission , Viscount Cross. the earl of Coventry , the bishop at Llnlolran(1 ( Iaron IaHour at Dur- leigh , secretary for Seoand. The gnteman usher of the black red , or . sorgeant-at-tmrms , then summoned the House . . at Com mens to hlar the reRdlng of time royal commn'ssian opening Parliament. When time ( black rOIl returned the lord hhh chancellor said : " .Ve lre commanded ( b ) her maJcsty , to let you know that , not fndlng I convenient or being present In her royal person , she thought fit to cause 1 let- ter Ilatent to be passed under the great . seal , empowering the prince or Wales an.l several lonls therein mentioned to do all things In her maJelty's name which appr- taln.II to calling the present Parlamcnt anti , the opening thereof , and these letter patent you will now hear reII , " Thlreupon the clerk read the letter patent anti [ aferwards time lerll high chancllor said : - , "We are commll610ned to let you know that d. her maJlst ) will . as soon ns time members of both houses shall be sworn , declare the CIUHES of her calling thIs Iarlamtnt , anti I- I bllng necessary , a spClller et the 10use or Cammimana will If bo chcmen I Is hcr mAJesty's pleasure that you /entemen or I S tle 10usl of Commons will repair to the I place whpre ) 'ou are to sit and there pro- I c'eti to the choice ot a proper person to bc 'eul' pealler , amid that you Ilresent bueh Iler'on HO chosen here tomorrow at 12 o'cloclt for her m.Josty's approbation . " a , The memhes of the house at Commons ' then retired amid time lords were sworn. llmlstmt's , 'h. " , , I IIIN Little' 1'gtvmir. LONDON Aug. 12-Tho financial article In the Tim ! , says : Wo have received I copy ot Murat lalste\lls "White Dollar . " lIe dEsIres to malutaln a double stantarll with a varying rate , a plan which has bcen tried by all Iountrles In the past anti ( found to , produce serious Inconveniences Apart ( rom ' this error , his views arc sensible and sommnd . narcl Farrer wrlel to the Thnls this morlln to uk the presilent of tlD lii- . metallic league what tltd tIme adoption ( of Intcrnllonal bhletalsm imy ' [ lrcement at whate\lr ratio he considers just would hero on : the position ot owner of ( shiver And those wih whom they mleal Ft'immmik' 'I''h.rh"h'r ! , h'r..t. LODON , Aug. 12.-Iaho I Stanley , otherwise . wIse IIOWI aim Millie Millet . who was arrested - rested at Liverpool al Saturday ' , al board the Cunlfi steamer Ctrurla whie on her way to New York , was brought up lt Iow . . Street police court thll morlln ! and formally ' chargc.1 wih stealing ! 6S7 from a Mr. ( lib- , boul and uho with taking a quantity of jewelry - ' W \ elry from that lady . MobIl Stanley Is 1 sty- \ , I Ushly Ilrele.1 WOlan and was hooked under ' ! _ the name of Sianley for New York when she _ _ 1. was taken limb cuatody. ' 'h Jewelry wa reo i f - cl\'ered. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t. \IH..Itnu .twnlmim.t th" ' 'rlh'MI.U. ! ; ; tNZIAR , Aug. 12.-An expediton , con- Ilatlg of tOo ln and compo.et of Jrllih ; " sailors and .oudanee , Iltvln& with It R m , cQuple ot Maim rapId tirIng guns anl a se\'en.poundcr. has Ilarted for : elbaln to punl1 the riotng tribes near Ihere. Ad- mirth l HAwlon and Gental ? mIttbc \ \ arc soC - C otupOythti the party. ; ' Co/PIIyIDI putr. l3tl'ILISMlO.'i $ OP I'AltI.1A31 : ' nl'JU . 0. 1'UU.ruux'r. ' " -Sl"k.r CriMimums Inf'reNt..1 SI'- InCur .r thc OII'nl'A UnT , ( Col'rlRhtet , 19 : , by the A.lodale ( . , ) LONDON , Aug. 12.-0no of the most Interested - terested spectators at the openIng at the louse of Commons today was Mr. Charles 1. Crisp , ex.speaker at the United States hOlse ot representatvcs , : Ir. Crisp was present In the speaker's gallery , at the special invitation at Mr. William Court Gully , who was re-olected speaker at the House at Commons today. Mr. Crisp , In conversation with a representative at the Associated press after the House at COl- mons had adjourned , said : "Betere time house met Mr. Gully showed me time paint- logs representing the former speakers ot the House of Commons and the comments which he nlale upon each of them were most In- mnle I terestlmmg. Mr. Gully also showed me the I statues at great statesmen ot the past , and pArtcularly called IY attention to the tact that Pit and Fox face each other. I took great delight In studying the portraIts of the deceased ( Briish statesmen , as I have spent muany Fox " . hours studying the lives ot Pit und . The representatives or time Associated press lear that I Is probable that a mutual friend will arrange a meetng between Mr. Crisp and : Ir. Gladstone al time termer's return to London from his visit to Paris. At the request of the Associated 11reS ! . : Ir. Crisp wrote the following account at his impres- slons formed at the opening at the House at Commens today : "I attended the opening or Parliament to- dY. I proved a great treat to me , natur- ally . as I am much interested In English farina and methods ot legislation. One or the most striking differences between our methods and those In use hero Is hint the speaker Is nonpartqan , The memberS ot Parlament are certainly a very fine hooking body at men. To an An\erlcan , however , It looked very odd to see the members at the house sitting with their hats on. "After the adjournment I called upon the speaker ant was escorted ( by him to his olelni residence where I hat the honor of being Introduced to his wHe. I found the speaker n most agreeable gemmtlemnami . I also met ! r. Balfour , the conservative leader , and round him to bc a splendid type of the English genteman , I did not menton silver dnrlng man. my conversation with either gentle- "When I was leavIng the Parliament house : Ir , Balour accompanied me to the gate , where a large crowd were colectel , , 'hen they saw the conservative header , they cheered I enthusiastically. As there waq no other I business . outside the election of speaker , I was unable to lear much at their legislative - th'e methods , I am satisfied . however rrom what I mild see that I prefer the methods of our own congress. " . ! l. Crisp also salt : "After adjournment : Ir. Guly had mo escorted ( to the floor of the house anti Introduce to the lenlng ( members. I afterwards tound myself In .1n extremely . handsome room , which I supposed was a part of the lobby of time house , but Mr Oul ) ' said It was the private dining room at his official residence We were Jolnell I ) Senator Cabot' Lodge ant Mr. Henry White , ex.secretnry at the United States cm- ba s ) ' . We were all escorted to the pnblc dining room of the speaker , In which we were introduced to his wife. frs. Guly Is a most affable lady. The room was crowmled with ladles . who were waiting to personAlly congratuJatl Mr. Gully upon his re'election. "After leaving time spealler's residence : Ir. Whie took Senator Lodge smith myself to time louse of Commons. where he Introduced us to man ) ' of the loaders. "Ve were next taken to Mr Balfotmr's room and were 11 _ trotluced to hIm. He Is [ man or much personal magnetism anti Impresses one immedIately - mellltel as a strltnl intellectuality. Although - though he ! not appear to be so , I know ho WIS hurrIed anti , so mild not think I the proper place or time to broach the subject ot bimetnlsm , "As fr. Gully had not been re-elect when I first saw him , he was not In official dress . I made a remark on this subject to him anll he salll that tomorrow he wonlll Wear only halt dress and wear a half wig , as his election would then only he half approved , Wednesday , however , his election will halO been ful ) ' approved and he rhhlyear hIs ful official uniform All this strikes incas as extremely strange " I Mr. Crisp starts for ParIs tonight and will remain a week. I\Y NOT LAY TIlE \C.PIC C.tihI.r. UrllNh SymumlI'smtt.Nut f. lC..I In th. . Nlt'rllrINI , IN I " 'iis , ANCOUVfH , B , C" , Aug 12.-Postm3ster General Ward ot New Zealand has Instructed hIs government that the expected addiional subsIdy from Great Britain to the Canadlan- Australan line \oull not be torthcomlng. Arnold Morley , the British postmaster gen- eral , told him that the policy of the BrItsh governmen to maintain In the utmost possible elclency , the servIce via Suez , on account of Brish Interests In the east and IIIJ being paramount to all others. The postmaster general was fighting against any attempt . to . subsidize oruald the Canadian- . ; USlralan Ine : letween vancouver and Aus- traHa , for one reason , because the Canadians had gone to other member of the cabinet without consulting hlmn . New Zealand and Canada ( were pledged to give certaIn aid to a I.clfc cable provided time l1rltmuh government gave the aid expected - peeled , but financial ull from the British government - ernment Is by no mea"ns certain. I Is feared by those tvrlng the Canallan cable that Audley Coutes the head .of the bIg French syndicate , will surely lay a cablebe- tween Semi Francsco : and Australia . vIa Hono- lulu. . A tree trade treaty Is about consummate.l between Canada and New Zealand The tar- ant li Is mainly free trade In respect to many classes or n1tural products ant manufactures , but on a fcw lines there are all valorem duties et 10 to 20 per ccnt. anD or thc chlet items Iems Is wool of which Canada Imported from New Zealand last year upwards at 3,000,000 peun,1s. But thb remissIon or this Import means u very considerable gain Among the other lines deal with are lumber , four , fish , lax , machinery , tools anti Implements , furni- lure , etc. U'nth at . . . ' ' . . . . . .r u : l..1 'l'r..J'r. PAUlS , AuS. 1-Luclen flonapartoViso Is deami . Lucien Bonaparte WIse was born In Paris In 18t5 , the son ot Sir Thomas Wise all Princess I.etla Napoleon. He was early distinguished ! for hIs explorations In Central Amerlea. lie negotatell with the Colombian ( \rnmnt the extension of the concession for time Panama canal and pUblshed his re- ports upon that enterprise. " 'O' his report on this work puhlshed In 18S ; he was honored by the French academy. His last report upon the same subject was published In 1891. lie wrote several books of travel In Seuth America. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I mmsllrma'umtM . II"'I.tll I. 11mmi mmzus . LONDON , Aug. 12-The Times this mornIng . Ing publishes a dIspatch ( rom Havana , misted August 7. which says that General Moreno has assumed the chief command of the troops In the province or Santiago de Cuba. In- , , EUrlenta are rcaslng In the provhlle of Matnnzas. The force of ( 1,3CO olcen and meu of local volunteers from havana , which hal been drawn for active service , caused the 1m- ression that the sluaten I more grave. The upprcss'on of the news encourages the wlle t r mor adverse 1' p3In. - \ \\"nr'lu" 11,1) ' 1 > 1 11 At..I. VICTORIA , D. C. , Aug. 12.-The steamer Warrlmoo ot the Canadian-Australian line , which spelt five houu on a reef on Friday , was clocked toda ) ' . The damage was found tO t be much greater than tnticipatetl. While no plates are actually brolcln , no less than forty are so badly bent anti warped that they wi have to b ( replacod. 'rho worst injury Is found on the starboard aide , where she frt struck I II estImated that It will cost $35,000 te repair her i'ri lice' 1 "r.lh,1 H.t.rnl .1 Sammimi. SOFIA , Aug 12.-Prlnce Fer.Hnand baa arrl\ell hero sod received an enthusIastic official reception , anti was cheered by the I public. _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ N"AutntlA . ( 'omiummit'reiiI Trrnt ) " . I RIO JANEIRO , "ug. 12-Bral 18 emego- I hating a t'ommerelal treaty wih the Ullet i States oC America , I CABINET CRISIS IN JAI ) AN Count Ito Leaves the Capital City and May Not Return. DECLINED HONORS ABOVE HIS FEllOWS C.n.UI"IAntn AIN" HerIN"M to Ieeeh'c Irllut. . Unl'NN IIH C.lelAI"N ; m'e Si " "llrl ) ' I eelAn I zed. NEW \onK , Aug. 12-Tho World will publish tomorrow the following special cable- gram : TG.I ! Japan , Aug. 12-Thcre Is a cabI- net crisis Count Ito , the prime minister , was created a marquis wihout his knowledge. Feeling hlmselt placed In a false position . he refused promotion whIle certain ot hIs colleagues remain unhenored. He has let the capital and will not return until the question Is settled. Count Yamagata , th . war minister ( , declnes the title of marquis for similar reasons. 1'1 OP 'niH CIAI'II' 'L' ( ) Ihi.Aiifl. OIile'r Ir lime " 'lteh Ir tie . HhieVuua . . . AisO ; lt.t'iiet II I iii . hilt 5' . DREmIHA VEN , Aug. I2-Tho admiralty court rendered a decision In the Inquiry made Into the sinkIng at the North German Lloyd steamship Elbe In collision wIth the Britsh steamship Crathle In January last. The court ) holds that the blame for the collision must bo attributed . to the mate or the Crathle , who deserted his nest Immediately before the occurrence anti . went Into the galley ot the Crathle. ContnuIng , the fntlngs ray that the ofcer In charge of the watch ot the Elbe cannot , however . be freed from the roe proaeh that he omitted to let out at the way at time Crathle by a tmel ) manIpulatIon or the helm , and taied to attract the attention of the crew of the Crathle by sIgnaling with the steam whistle. Thc court hohls that the officers or the Elbe made every effort pos- sibie to save the lives of the passengers but the odds were against them. I Is also found that tlo construction ot the vessel was not faulty , as has been charged. neither was she overloaded Time admiralty court al- ( vacates drills for thc handling ) boats on al transatlantic steamers. The master or the Cathle Is exonerated from all blame so far as refers to his failure to make an attempt to save the passengers of the Elba , o"llng to the fact that the Crlthl ! was so seriously Injured as to necessitate - sltute her Immediate docking. "DIIA IGO ON 'l'mIl'1 I'll ISS I.USI D. hlNt IN'rlllllf. 1.,1 Nul l'mmlhiMl. Nt'i , thnt IN I 1.'IINe. HAVANA , Ang. 12.-Colonel Camelas , with a force of troops and guerilas , fought a band of Insurgents In Palmer Peachieco province of Santiago 'Ie ' Cuba The Insurgents lost two Itled. Tfie village of Las Bogas raised a bant ot Insurgents under Chief Balan. The troops went In Pursuit ant overtook them In time fight the Insurgents lest three deat ant tour wountied . while the troops had five wound ad. The Insurgent chief Jcardo SartorIus , Is reported to ha\e gone Insane. Some soldiers near Iaarla , province of Santiago lie Ctmba while going on an oUtP03t , were fred at bytho Insurlents and lost three delll antI two wcunded. The loss of the Insurgents - surgents Is unknown CaptaIn General CampIs has given or- ders to allow the publication' of 11 reliable news , whether for or against tim government , and has pro- hibited only the plblcaton of false news In favor of the Insurgeuts SliIil ( " ' " ' ' ' , . ' rIC 10"'EC'I'IOX 1.IO 1 'runics. .rn"C..N .r th.n.rlenI h.NCUnh' ' 1Ir.nN.I.lr""N , Smmtt' U"llrCn"'IC. NEW YORK , Aug. 12-The trustees of tim American institute at Tarsus , Asia , have sent a memorial to thd State department , which Is as follows : NEW YOitF. Aug 12-To the Honorable Secretary of Stale , Olnp . \'ashlngton. D. C : Sir-The trustee of St Paul' institute . Tarsus , Asia Minor , [ orporton ot the state of New York , carrying on I work or higher education In the city of Tarstms re- spectfuly ask you , In view of the cable of Saturday announcing nn attack uy a mob Ipon our lulllnl and threats of violence against our tlchef' , to put us In possession of any Information you may gain upon the reported violence and , further , to Instruct our diplomatic representative In the Turkish empIre to take Immelate ( steps to protect those teachers In Tarsus who are American citizens and the property hehl by 1f there tor a philanthropic ) . Very resj1cct- \urpose. fully . rpsIcct- , HENRY nTCnEI.I. CnACKEN , , Presldpnt of the Trustees of St. Paul's' ' Institute. _ 'EUIWHIZ.NG 'VENtS NlGhtOES 'IEX.S : GIOES. Aisic the "roft..t.1 or the " 'hUc "co- iple' ( remit \.lh'ell'ler. . PARIS , Tex , Aug. 12-A negro woman named Stevens arrived here this morning from near Pacle , In Delta county , where the whitecaps are alleged to bc holding car- nivals. She states that on Saturday mornIng her son was awakened about 4 o'cleck , called to the door all shot dewn by the whitecaps Time len days notice given him had Just expIred and he was prevented from fleeing wih the wholesale exodus of negroes from that section because his growing creps and his home would have been placed In J opard ) ' . Ills name was WIlliam ' S. Stevens. lie had : a wire anti two children. One or the whitecap notices Is posted withIn . In thIrty yards of hs houEe. lIe has a brother In Paris who led when he first receive notice. Officers are now endeavoring to unearth the per- petrators. _ , ' An afternoon paper publishes the following article frem the appealing negres : "To the Citizens at I.emar County : We , the colored people ot Delta county , are the poorest and most worthless people In the state at Texas , and we do not want any trouble with an'bedy. We ask the white people to Protect us and when we 110 wrong to deal with us as the laws demand and we will bl satisfied . So please help us to stop the whmltecaps. We are not guilty ot the least crime In Delta county 10 please come to our relief ali \0 will be under lasting obligation to you. At present we are unable . . " to go anywhere. : Ir. Joe Price , a merchant residing near Gory , several miles from the scene ot the alleged outrages , Is In the city tonight ali states that bO for as ho has any knowledge there has been no negro shot or murdered by wbitecaps. Ieperts ere conflicting. , - l'ul.1 Clii' "rul.'r ImmNmmrmume . . . KASAS CITY , Aug. 12.-FIve life insurance - surance cOllpanles today brought to a close the famous Dr. C. W. Fraker case when they Iald , over to his heir $35,0a.79 : , the amount of halides held by the doctor when be was drol'nell at Excelsior Springs In 1690. This was the day set b ) the court for the final settlement ot the , claIms and the Insurance companies not being able to prove , as they have always Illntalne , ! , that the doctor II still alive , were celpeled to pay over the amount stated. I was divIded ! as follows ; ProvIdent Savings association , $8,6C8,28 ; Modern Woodmen at the World. $2.566,62 : Knights at Pythla $2,66t,65 ; Kansas Mu- tool Life , $ R.MGl ; Hartford LIfe and A- surance asociaton , $2,7S6,13. 1"IloNlol II u ( :111111 : p".tor . DEN\EI. Cole , Aug. 12.-A special to the : OW\ tram Lngment , Colo" , says : A ter- rifle explosion occurred this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the 1'lsel : canning factory , In which tire mel anti one woman were Injured. One ot the team vats used for boiling pea eXllloded while the factory was In full blast. Seven len eaped only by a nmiracie The wounded are ; herbert Vaughn , will die ; Frank PrInty. scalded and cut about the body ; Oeorgo Plain , Albert hanson and John J1 r , vii l le QI br\lal , 11\ \ - W'lTiiiIl.t'AL - ' (1 " nOID. U"N'r " 0"1 Again , \m".f to the OIC In.lre.1 : I 11 Il' imirk WASIINGTO : Aug. 12-The treasury today lost $ ,650,000 In gold for expert to furoP leaving the reserve only about $1- 300,000 above the $1Q0,000O poInt The telegram whIch announced the witajr.i'val reached ( the department Just as It was closIng ! at 4 o'clock anll gave no Informaton as to the name of the exporter or exact destination - ton of the ehlpment. Mr. Curtis , the acting secretary . sid he had nothing to say In reo garti to the maUcr. lie had no specific information . formation anti could not say whether the syndicate would allow the $100,000,000 to be encroachell upon or not. None of the other officials would talk In time absence ot Secretary - tary Carl le. This heavy withdrawal has given rise tl a report that another bond Issue Is Impending , but there Is now no one In Washlnlton who can speak authoritatively on the subJect or who ha information not shared by the public. The best public opinion Is that the symmdi- cate will not allow the reserve to be en- croachel , upon until after October 1 , whemi us generally understood , theIr ! obligation ceases. But even In the event of 111 further withdrawals I Is hQlev d that both Mr. Cleveland and : lr. Carlisle would see the res'n'e r'aehm Carlsle a point below any that I has yet touched before they would take any steps to recoup It by another sale or bonds or purchase at gold I Is argued that the meeting of congress . greEs Is now only tourteen weeks oft , and that I wihout any reasonable doubt the treasury , with an available cash balance ot nearly IStOOOOOO and time revenues slightly increasing . creasing , can mcet its ollgatons anti have a comfortable balance remalllng at the coso of the tllendar year. ThE best judgment ( obtainable here Is that there will be no bond Issue or extra session at congrr "Xtl'llt In the event oC contnued imeavy withdrawals . , whIch are not loeled tor. N. . " , Slltn n'"IIIln Tmriff. WASINGTON , Aug. -Consul Grlmke , at Santo Domingo , has sent to the State department - partment a translation at the new tariff law which went Into erect July ' , This Ilrovldes for a 3 per cent addition to all taxes laid on Imports to the Dvmlnlcan republic. The at- ! dlton31 tax f i to be mlllined separately from other taxes anti lnlruEted to the con- sul of thc king of the Netherlands or by order at tuG ex cut\o to a consul of any other friendly nation until tO Imyment of the obligation - lgaton for whIch It was levied. Consul Grlmko says the new tax Is Intended to discharge - charge certaIn French calms ! alalnst the re- Ptlbhic. _ _ \'ill Semi , ! u W'tirm41m111 to S'rImt. WAShINGTON , Aug. ' 12-I Is expected at the Navy department that Admiral . Kirkland - land will bend a ship to the coast of Syria. The admIrl Is dt Gravessnd' gngland , with the San Francisco , and the : Ialblehead prob- ably will reach that place today. No order have been sent to the udmlrl to send ! a ship to the Mediterranean , but upon being advised that American interests are In rlanler It Is expected he will send a vessel at. once to the scene of disturbance , I waR the Intention - tenton of the admiral to keep the ships In northrrn watlrs durIng time hot weather un- less Bomo sudden nced for them south arose ni. hllIII-t ; ; MI.'imls'lIIMtH. WASINGTON , Aug. 12.-Tue light bus- Iness now curled on by pork pecking corn- panics In the various , cities has resulted In time rureugh : of about 150 microscopists ot time Agricultural Ilepntment. Their work Is restricted to mlcroscop\cal \ examination of york Intended for expqrt. 'o Germany anti I rance. Al are women , .ho receive $50 a mont'l and their flrlough' will expire on ' the reresumpton of ordinary' uctvly In the trade with time two countries The following at- flees are afected : Chicago , Cincinnati , South Omaha , Milwaukee , Kansas City , Bulalo and Hamlond , Ind. ' 1.IIIM II1UII , 1"'lc..ful y . WAShINGTON . Aug. 12.-General VIncent today received the following telegram , from General Coppinger , dated Jacllson's Hole , August 1. It had ! been forwarded 125 miles by courier : "Colonel Randal , with LIeutenant - tenant hamilton anti scout/g party , picked up Lehl Pete and Iarty of seventeen lnti'ans all told , male anti female , with sixty ponies , huntIng peacefully In Teton mountains. Started them for Lemhi reservation yester- day . Have Nemls , the wounded Dannecll , ) safely In camll , Scoutng ! party In from the nortb. All quiet. " 11" ' " ' Ni Cllim elm 'Irlll.I".I. WASIINGTON , Aug. 12.-The archives at ' , the State department have been searched to see If there was anything In the claim put forth that the United States , as the ccnquerer of the confederate states , had any claim to the Island of Trludad ! , over whIch there Is now a dispute. Nothing the kind could ( be found anti It Is net -believed at the department - partment that there Is an.thlns In the claim , An olcll ot the departmMt who has been lookIng Into the mater says there Is lIttle ! doubt that the Island beions to Urul I'ltmllzlsti'rN ChllAluA ! Hntol" . WAShINGTON , Aug 12.-I Is expected that sevelal changes will be made In the stations or time officers or the pay corps Some of tie officers have served long In their present - emit stations and varous reasons for changes have been given. I Is expected that Colonel Glenn , nol at St. Paul , wi go to New York ; Colonel Carey , now at New York. to Den- Ver , Colo. ; Colonel Canby , now at Denver , to Portland , are ; Major CGxe , new at Portand , , ( San Francisco , and Major Dates , now at : n Francisco , to St. Paul. ' 1.ln nN Ch'll UI' ' 11.lr ' , lu.lN , WAShINGTON , Aug. 12-The acting secretary - retary of time Interior has approved an agree- cement made wIth the southern Ute IndIans , whereby the majority of them wIll take lands In severa1y and the 'est be settled on the western third ot . the present reservatioim. After thl- severalty alotments have been made time lands remaining will be thrown open to settlement . The reservation contains over 1,000,000 acres , much t which Is arid and broken : lnrhh'h'u.1:1 - - Go t. f4'rln ' WASINGTON , Aug. j-Acting Secretary - tary IcAdoo today re ! ve a cable tram AdmIral Kirkland , , saying , that he would send , the : Iarblehlad into the Medierranean as seen as she could coal. Time farblehead will not go direct to Syria , but will go up the sea anti be ready to proeec4anywhere It Is I de med nleuary for the protection ot AmerIcan - lean Interests. . Ih.l"rtN n r'"A Jul15' . ' WAShINGTON , A'u& 12.-A statement prepared by the Bureau bf Statstcs , Treasury - ury department , gives the aounts at the rlncpal ! artIcles at export during July as follows : Mineral oils , , ,1 2,903 ; July last year , $2,985,792 ; cotton , $ l,918,179 ; JUly last year . ,121,969 ; breadstufs , tS,500u13 I lat year $8,138.593 ; pro\'lslons. H.G2t.1SS , as against $14,785,755 lat year'durlng July. Illl 1"N'r , ' , ' . \It'nt AI'llrn'.I. WAShINGTON , Aug. 1-Splclal ( Tell- gram-The ) comptreler at the currency hs approved the Aneerian Exchange National bank ot Chicago as a reserve agent for time First National bank lt Iowa City , la. The comptroller )101 ) been advised , of the election of F. Ii. Clark 's cahlJ of the First National bank ot Waboo , Neb" , In place ot Peter Amidersori . Iiismis' ) , G.eM tl Atlanta . WAShINGTON , Aug 12Mr. Dabney , assistant - sistant secretary of agriculture , has gone to Atlanta to assume bs ! duties there as chair. man at tle government bead of management ot the expositloim. He will alend the first meeting tomorrow ot the bard at ' tsnta , called for 'VmmrlM Take' "r.illt A.tc" , . WASIUNGTON , Aug. 12-Information was received by Acting Secretary Aree ot the State department today showIng that the Turkish gevernment had , before time Unites States acted In the maUI , taken steps to tute Inquire Into the attack on SI. 'aul'l Inst- I , smI ! EVILS OF PROSCRIPTION ) Senator Hoar Writes nn' Open Letter on the A p A , ITS METHODS DEFEAT ITS OBJECT . . ' } mmmi' hits COIC for l'urUl1 In.l Cufh 01. t. I.'rutt'rn" , for thc 1'r'u.1 .r ( 'hrtNUlnlalnA I "nnene.- Semitic i'crhimment ( tuestiommum. WOHCESTEH , Iass. , Aug. ' 12.-Senator Hear has written an open letter upon the , \ . I , . A. to Thomas C. Evans ot Boston In rl- ponse to a letter tram time latter exprus- Ing surprise at a statement made by the sen- ator that It ( the A. 1. A. movement ) Is an atempt to recall on one side the cruelties at the Catholic church and to trlghten old women , and on the other side to band the men of the Catholic church together for po- ltcal acton , Doth these attempts wilt tail . Senator lear writes In part as follows : "There Is no more zealous believer In the principles at the New Englall Purians anti no mere zealous advocate ot them than I ama There Is not u man In Massachusetts who has mere ut heart the welfare and perpetuity of our system of free conmemion schools ' than I ba\'e. "The dIfference ! between you and me Is a difference or method. I want to get time 700- 000 Catholics In Massachusetts on our side. I want them to send their chlhlrpn to the publc schools , to pay their share of the cost , , and whel theIr young men and women are suiable , arc intelligent , liberal persons at- tuched to the school system , I want WaO of them as teachers I don't w'sh to exclude them from any poltcal support when they are republicans and agree with me In fther maters because at their religious faIth . You I want to Join an association wbose ! memhers I are ashamed tl confess they belong to I ; many at whom , whout apparenty urfeltlng the respect ot their fellows , lie about t.elr ' membershlll In It whel they arc asked about It. You want to mass together the ' hole Catholic population of assachmets to the Catholc populaton : support of their extreme and wrong.headetl / priests , If any such can be found. I think your methods would overthrow the common school system , would o\'erthrow the repub- ( 'cal party a 111 would end by massing together - gether all the Catholc voters , as proscrip- ton slways does mass men togelller , .0 Ic.- crease anti strengthen that political puwer which you profess so much to drea ( ! The tmc has como to throw down the , mll Le- tween Christians and not build new ' nes . I think the time has core to inculcate hUlnony and good Will between all good m'.rian c'tizens , and especially between all citizens of thee cemmonwealh at Iusachusells. "I want the' whole 700,000 Cathol s f Massachusetts to believe as John Doyle O'Hel' believed ali to love and re\'erece time Puritan rounders of Massacltusett.u IS he did. You think the way to make good ciii- zens and good men of them and lu l.trlct them to Protestantism Is to exclule them , their seems and daughters , frol all public emple'lenls and to go yourself In I dark cellar of the amid window ( curFe " at them through ! Out grtnl\ In conclusion Mr. Hoar aFlls certain I questoqs ! concerning the A. P. , A" whm.thet It Is a secret organiz3ton7 Where its cp' ponents heave an opportunity to . .knmow " itt purposes and be convinced ay its Argumen ! : whether Italy and Prance are u Ire ) t'om : tempor.1 control by the pope as Yls a- chnsets ; whether General 'iiri ha . It I.e were living , woull be unfit to hold otilce all whether his datmglmter I she cn'rt't1micI I.er rather's religious belief . woud bo nnn to teach In a public school p , COUU' ' XClSI n JllOl hhItVN. : Iuldll 1"'lr''NN Ih.lnlr.l In "clr- lug u .Iur In time . Ihu'rult Cimse . SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 12-Today's pro- ceedngs ! In the case of Theedore Durrant , , charged with thee murder at Banche La- I mont , did net-complete the jury. The mor- lug session passed wihout the audition at a single Jnror In fact , the number of accepted - copied jurors was reduced from nine to eight , for the court excused Juror Drewn. In a long opinion Judgt Murphy said he woull allow the dlstrct : attorney to chalcnle Brown because the prosecution did not know at the time Brown was accepted that lIe voted ( to acqui : f. D. Howell of the charge of counterfeiting In the Unied States . eutt because the evidence was circumstantal The dlstrct : attorney interposed a peremp- tory challenge to Brown and the court allowed - lowed It. The defense took an exception and moved to dismiss the case , a motion which was prompty denied. The court then took up the detondant's motion for contempt proceedings against the newspapers which , had published maier connected . nected with Juror Brown and had interviewed him regarding his availability as a juror. The court made an address to the press , stat- lag that the publcaton of any articles tend- lug to destroy the derend1nt's chances for receiving a fair trial was contempt , and warn- lag newspaper men of the necessity at conservative - servalve treatment of this and similar caseH. lie declined to act upon the newspaper cita- tons Issued at the request of the derendant. The counsel trIed to Insist upon the contempt actions being pressed and urged time court to make a Judicial onler defining the mater time newspapers might publish rp.r.lng . the trial , but the Jl1110 declined to take further acton In the macitem' . p 11 IUIBSCIOI I. ' IS A liIIllIit. "r"I''N' ' ' t. Illll I n U'e.r.l-lr"lldnJ $ ' } .r. . . . . 101t. NEWPOIT , H. I. , Aug. 12-An important conference between J. U. lerreschol of the Bristol firm at ship builders anti , Secretary herbert occurred emi boarl the dIspatch boat Dolphin this afternoon. Mr. Jerreschor came to present plans to the secretary for the constructon at a torpedo boat to have a guarantced speed ot twenty.seven anti one-halt Ilots and to cost , $160.000. I Is undcrstoo:1 : tie ler- rescimoff's will ho among the bidder for the construction of the torpedo boats authorized by time last comigress This afternoon's con- ference lasted for two hours and at its con- elusion Chic Engineer Moore accompanied ! r. Herreschof on board the steam launch Eugemeic , which. I Is stated. Is a model of theone suggested for the torpedo boat Mr. lrreschof declares that luch engines mire capable of IJrodnclng time desired ! speed at twent"leven and a hai knots , Anti that ho asks for no bonus ror excess at that record. . HNGINH1IItS , \ \ ' ' 1'0 CII1.HllltA't'i. , hirutimm'rhmoul's 'VImirt'-Seeomi A I 11- . , ' , 'rNnr ) " t" lit' 1"IHlu\ Uhlel''ell'J PITTSnURG , Aug. 12-cxt FrIday and Saturday time Drotherhcod ot Lecomot\e Engineers - glneer wi celbrate : limo thlrt.sccond un- rlvrarr at the organlzaton : of the order In this city Scveral of the grand lodge officers - ficers are to be here . D , E. Everett ot Cleve- land , third engineer at the grand ledge , will be present und I' . } 'ennel , who Is known a "Shandy IcGulre , " the poet ot the brotherhood - hood , Is ale pledged to come. On rlday morning at 10 o'clock a secret meeting will be hld : anti ( at 2 0'e10clt In the afternoon an open meeting wilt b held In the Iiljou theater . Governor hastings , Mayor McKenna of pltsburg und Mayor Kennedy of , \le- /heny und other wi deliver atldm'esses. On Saturday an Inviaton picnic wi be held at Ahiquippa. S Mi'emui'mitN uf Oceami " " " " , 'IM AlA. 1I. . At Queenstown-Arrlved-Cephalonla , from Lioston At Liverpool-Arrived , lith-Aurania , from New York , At iiamnburg-Arrived-Cheruekin , . trom New Orleans . At Ghtmraltar-Arrlved-Werra , tram New York. At New York-ArrIved-Fold ; Cram Dre- mono . - _ I.OC.t'I'lNG ' 'II IIHSI'ONSihhit.l'l'Y. Aumtiioriti.'s . .u.tJII/ . C"I- lmulse or ( lit' Nt'tt' , .rk lltmlIliiig . NEV YORK , Aug. 12.-An 119sllalon Into the cause at the wreck ot the Broadway building , In which so many mn lost thclr lives ' litmildimig Simperimi- , was begun today ) by lulhlng tenllent Constable Time superintendent called a meeting ot thirty bulhlng experts and architects anti sid to them that he woull leave mme unturnet stone to brIng the /ult ) Person ot Ilersons to justice , It crimInal neglgence couhl bl shown Time experts took a ettper- fclal view ot the ruIns amid will tomorrow make a more minute iemspectiomm. Whie Superintellient Constable WAS all- Ilreslng the experts , a lawyer named Stevens , who Is counsel for Joseph Otmider time 111AS' ter comiti'mmctor who Is now out on bal charged with criminal negligence , asked time superlntlndent whether It \ouhl not be wol to make a close Inslleetlon ot the roof ot the collapsed buldln" . The superlntemlent says this wi be done In duo timne. 1.\w'er Stevens said to a reporter that his defense for Guhlcr waul be that the conerlte basis which sUllportel1 the center column was 1cm- slltcent to support time weight that reste.1 on it . . I. On F'ritlay last tie board ot walking delegates - gates for the ( Itercnt tralles unIons ap- pointed a commitee to II'estgato the nalure of the con tructon of time wrecked hUlhlng , time kind of material used . ant to ascertain time cuuso of the disaster The commltce was rerused allnltance to the buiding today : anti aletl to several officials for ( a permit' ' to enter , but were refused PresIdent Wil- lam O'Brien at time boarll sahl the In\'lstga. ton would bo male ( ; that the commitee rlp- resented the workmen \hoso lives ha(1 been sacrificeti ami ! that thy hall a right to know why these lives had been taken. This dig- aster might have occtirre.l , lie gait ! , In one at thee large bulllnls do\n town , where 1,200 or 1,500 men arc emaploycti. In such n case time loss ef life \olhl halo been fearful Another body was rouml In the ruIns today. The total known killed Is fourteen - - ' ' 'l'ittYS'I' 'VAICIIS t N .tl'l'HAL. % 'II 151(1' 'lAICgS .U'I'N.\ \'II J11tS'I' ; . JumdgeS'nmil 1"/I'hlA dlii' ( I. . . II . ( 'him , nsi'm's I I 11) ' " 'Ie' , 'I'h. TOSgy , : lch" , Aug. I2.-The great W'imlsliy . trust case was again In court today before Jtmtlgo'ood of the seventh Unied States circuit , slUng In chamhers at hIs summe cottage at hay View The argument was UIon a petIon for an appeal francs time decree of Judge Sitowalter , ordering time wind- ump of time affairs of time trmist amid the sale of all its assets by Receiver McNimita. Time argem- mmmeimts were ceot finisimed today , anti time ieear- immg Was atijouriaeti timitit tonmorrow iemormmmnig. The petition for grantIng an appeal commies froemm Joimn Olumateath , upon whose petition ties decree of sale was granted , Wilhlama tltmrry opont'ti time case for Olnmsteami , exphaimmimmg time apparemmt inconsistency by insisting that time decree of Jmmly 4 was a final decision , ordering - ing t.he sale of a large amount of property , wimich would thereby imass to tlmird parties , and that time decree tilt ! mmcl grant Olmsteati's petition. becaumse Greenlmtmt anti Lansy were mmot permuitted to be joined with Oimnsteati. Mr. Meyer replied for time reorgammization comnmiiittee , insisting that. Olmnstemeti was emot entitled to an appeal becatese imo had eo'd lila original holthlmmgs , anti imis present shenret vero bound by tme reorganization commimnittee ; that onnstal : hmati abandoned time litigation anti was merely used as a iigureheaml to imiiposo 0cm time court. Etiwimi Vi'alker will close for time vetitiommers in time morning. A renmarlc immatie by Judge \\'oods that If Ohimistead's petition was grmimmtcd by a decree , hum could not see imow he coumici ask an appeal , was evidently very gratifying to time attorneys for the comnmnlttee , F'ItIIi Sll.VmIt MIIN CONI'ItI'1' . -p I'it.lers I a ill I mmohs Smt' time S.'mml immmeni is Gt'osving , Sl'ItINGFIELI ) , ill. , Aug. 12.-Secretary of State iiinrichsen , ciealrmnani of the democratic state cemitral comimmimittee , speaking of thee notional - tional conference of sliver men to be hieti in Washington August 14 , said today that Illinois would be represented by a largo delegation of the leading anti lufitmenetleil demno- crats. Time free silver feeling is etm'oamger in this state , ice said , than at the theme of the free silver convention , Time gold demimo- crats , lie says , coumid imot carry a single county in time state. A free silver democrat - crat , according to Imis notion , will be noml neuteti in the Eighteecmthm district to succeed Congressniean Remimammu , Mr. hilaricimserm refers - fers rather caustically to Mr. Cable of flock Isltmai and Ummitcd States Senator I'aueeier , ho said : "In regard to time mtttemnpt of Mr. Cable to organize thee gait ! forces in time state , I ani informed Mr. Cable belongs to that class of mcmi wimo In Iihiimoia are big In Wmtsielngton' anti In W'nsimiugton are big 1cm Illinois. I aims satisfiemi that ice anti Senator I'ahner and otimer administration men from this state have imever fairly reported the true situation to time president. We have only one mimer in Chicago calling itself democratIc , and It is controlled by the au- ministration at ' , 'asimingtomi. " As to time conning elections in Itllmmos ! , ime saith : "lhiimmois will seoul a free silver delegation - gation to time national convention amid on a free silver platform we can carry the state by 50,000 majority , whIle on a gold platform we will be as badly beaten as we were last fall , " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STOiH ThOUSANDS OI' ( li'I"i't.fl , CoileimmNlun of th.'VyoiiiIiig ltumiil- Vim Cnlms.'s Stnmrtil ag liseiosmmres. LANDER , Wyo. , Aug. 12.-Speciai ( Tele- grnm-Tlme ) return of time atock'men from time roundups of thIs county discloses the fact timmit $30,000 worth of cattle have been stolen during time spring and summer. 'fleece losses are confimmed to small owmmers who hail from 200 to 500 bead on the range , These men imave lost fully two-timirdus of their cattle. 'fime county attorney and sheriff are actively engaged in masking arrests , Time facts de- velopeti show thmat most of time stolen stock has hteemi drivemi into Montana and socemo of time cattle have been traced to imarties who leave lmurcimased themn of thee thieves. 'I'hme mmmethoul emmmpioyed was the alteration of time brands and parties when have in'estlgated say time branding iron has been umMed wIth great aklil. ThIs wholesale stealing will bring ruin to memany of time small owners in Fremnonmt county anil drive others out of time bumsimmess. Ail stockmmien have met with great losses , except time Embar Cattle cothpany. Timlevem. do mme care to meddle with Emhmar stock for time reasomm timat Jumtigo Torrey , the manager , spares no expense to put a thief in time peimi- tentiary and time brand Is difficult to ehammge. p ' , iuimmmr GI rI M stcr1mmtisI ' lismu lim.l rs. Sioux FAL.LS , S. D. , Aug. i2.-Special ( , ) -Vorti has reached his-re of thee very rays. terious dlsappearanmce of time il-year-old daughter of Ilemmem' iieimder , living twenty mniles east of this city. i.'ust Thmtmm'sttuy ! about mmooim Ytehetier semit hmi uiaemghter to drive cattle oumt of imis cormu lIelti anti the girl did meet return. Emurly in time evening a searching imarty was organized of time neigimhuora and a systematic imtiimt mmmade for- time missing girl. Up to yesterday mmot time mhlgiutest trace hmad been found , The generally accepted theory among time nmelghbors is that the yotmng girl fell into the imantis of tranmmps , a large number of whom imave hit'emm around that part recenmtly , amid sues foully dealt witim , It is tiiougimt that she was niurmiered , after being crmmmmlnaliy assaulted , and her botiy burled. Anotlmer theory is timat she 'as kidnaped by a party of gypsies who were seen a few days previous - ous in that nelghibtirhoomi , Time parents of time mnlssing girl are frmuntic over their loss and timeir immability to get time muliglmtest clue which might lead to her recovery , Fimnerztl hr v. ii. titular , SIOUX FALlS , 13. H , , Aug. 12-Special. ( ) -'fhc fumeoral of W , hi. Stifler , simo tiled here suddeniy of apoplexy Tituraday night , occurred yesterday afternoon anti the remains - mains were semmt to Upper Ahton , lii. , for Immier- nmont. Mr. Stiller , besides being , mmmo of time maost prominent ciergymei iii this slate and atm officer in time State luaptiat associatioem , was a ummemmmhr of time Grand Army of tue lie- public -I ii Cyrerme u'onmmmmmsrmuicry , Kmiigtmts Teunplar , of ilmis city , A m1eieg't on from the coinmuamidery accoumipanied time rernalmis and the faintly to Upper Alien , Mr. Stifler was a iare contributor to the denousinatiQnal , . pav , \\TANT \ \ TO BECIN TO1ORRO\V \ When i3roatch and Vandorvoort Woula Take Charge of PoBco , LETTER TO POLICE , COMMISSIONER9 Ii' limusciuli St'imi limit ( mu Cremite M.ui1. ( lumi .tiimnhg I'mit rlnmemi-l'iumms fit Clturelii iI-itmmsseii Ct'ose ii as lIe ih'scriles Vu'imeri the Board of Fire anti Police Coma- aiissiommers nmet last mmlgimt cccli mmiemuber vaa imantietl a letter frommm time mmmcmmmbers of thmo Churcimilh-hhtmsseih pollee board , which reaul mts follows : OM. . I l , Atmg. i2-Aitimoumgh you are ni. ready ahuliriseti of time fact , vo hmer.'hy for. umitmil ) ' nmotif' you hunt % O hen'e hteen iii. iioimmtetl lime amid liolien t'oiiiunmissiomn'rs of time city of Omnniiei immmder time law of i5 , amid leumrstmanmt to thmett izu' we imetve illvui out' bontis in time summi of $ ,00 ( ) etucim , mtnti the simumme iiet'e been apltrO'ett by thee city cotimicil of said city , aceordimig to nail we ieeuvo tlCt ( our ollicletl oatlms w'itim thee ( 'ily cit'm'lc nmmti I mu mull re'umtoe t immu Vt' uitil y mm tin I I mt'ml ii umul , nrc recognizeti by the city enumilcil tund also b ? time eotmrt 1mm time miec'iu'ioii t emmdert'ul b' hloa. .i , it , hiopeuveil , Therefore we imerein' notify' you t ii ii t , hmavi rig dtil v qumaittied ninth beers rec'ognizeul nun hiefono set otmt , mmmmti Immuvimig mmssummumc.l lice demtit's of aiui oiilce , 'e muumlitm \Vcdmmesuia ) ' , Auiguist 11 , at it ) o'ciock mm , in , , as it sumitatile tinme to receive frommi ynmi time records , PropertY anti rnomns that imroperly belomig to ums as hue lawftmi iloarti uf Fim. mind i'olice . Commmmniuusion.'rr. . \ . .1. B11OA't''iT , ( 'lmttirmnacm , 1.It _ . VS.NlFitVOOitT , b'ecretmury , A , C. FOSTiht , lime mmiii ! i'eiice Communilemuloners. Each immemimber of time board reati Imis letter , Imiaceti it in his pocket anti itroceeded wills tite regular order of bemsimeess , Mr. iiroatcii uns musket ! heist evcieinm uu'imat thiu eolIcy of the imliegeti imow horui uucid ho in case tim records , mroiw'rty anti roonme were mmot turneul over , lie saul timat ice had notim- ing to say. lIe was thiemi asieti if timO lettet' snug sinmpiy the first step mm legal imrocecuiiiigs tem get losbOssion , lie replied that lee head imotimimmg to say , IIASCALL SET TO'OIiK. . Isaac ilascahi omit ! several of hmis co.werking Plotters iwo its time greater lortion of their time yesterday trying to tiisorgammlzo time pres- omIt hiollee force of time city , Jumst after nooms hlascall 5it'i' . ' a certain lrniicemnamm stanmuiing Oh thto cornier of Fareeeumcm anti Sixteenth streetti uvtmitinmg for a car amid approaclmlecg iminmi , hats- c.tll commi amen let ! mmpon i lme cometi I lieu of limo s'eatiter , after which lituscimhi gaul , "Tonmor- row or mccxi day you will receive a letter fromme the muenniters of time new Iloard of Fire aced I'oiico Commemmiissiomters mmmmml you imatj hotter answer theta at. ommce , accepting time termns proposed. I hiato to see you lose your posi- tiomi , butt you surely utili undoes youm accept thee Itropositlon that will be macmule. ' ' Domeuhinig his heeemul dowmi close to thee cam' of tue officer , hiascall renmarkemi Imi a stage whisper , "Thee new ltut' Is all right amid it will Ito so uiecitictl by time sumimrenmo coutrt. I know' imenimetheing about law , mit ! mm this case I know' just wheat I ammi talking ahmout. I have talked vith Attorney General Churchill and lee tells nie that time miew h'tw stanil time test , There are too memammy of you mmmcci following time ieati of Rosewater antI hue vlhi get youm alt into trouble. " The imollcemiman lt'mnaumtieti that iiagcail 1)15 enore specific commcnrnmineg the trouble referred to , but immatead of going into detail iiascamll pumt on a kicowing look anti remarkoul , ' 'Time mmew bonn ! will umot ums force , nor will it hmmuvo to uio anmytlming of time kind. Tuvo of tins umiombers tire solid ut'itiu the police jtmdgo ama ! thee council anti itt all mmiatters pertaimming to thee police thee pjeitetmt force will be ignored , " UNF'OiiS TilE SC1I1IME. The policeman saw a chance for a leak anti Intimated that if hue coumiti be convincc d thma iiascahl'g stateneemets wem'o true bee mmmlgimt leave the imreaoat force anti go with tii15 Chumrchmlli-htmssehi crowul. Feeling sumr timt 1mG had a comivert , Ilascail grew confidential , anti. taking the officer into tIme ithiado of time Heart ! of Traule building pouiremi thea follow meg tale into his ears : ' ' 'oum see It is lute this , TuG new board wIll organize a new paiice forcG anti iut new immeim on every beat 1mm thin cIty. Of oterse time olti oihtcers viil arrest timemmi anti talc titeni before Jutigo Iicm'ka , who vhi1 at once release thmemmm , hcoidimig that the new' union are real officers instead of hieing mmicn utho are lmnpersonmmting otficers. As soon as our men arc released time ) ' u'lii brIng imeav uiamtmage smuts against time ollicers naakimmg thd arrests , Including their lionultunneim iii thee stilts , So far as thee heossesslon of thmo i'ccord of tiit' fire anti Police conemummissiomi is con- cerimemi , we care mmotlmimig , Lauu' itt iau' , anti it is an easy tnatter for tms to get time m'ecoruis. Time dm1 board is simply a timing of th past , anti don't youm forget it. "Now , " said ilascahl , am ( be was abomt to leave in oruler to catci another policeman , who was mm block away , "don't youm say a word mubotit t'hat E imave tolul you , hint go at , once anti see flnoatch or Vantiervoort anti get in lIne. " It is knmown that hinscahl calleti cmi severs policemen yesterday anti in each Insi'aiice hG ropeateti the sauce story. It is also kmmowni that in every imestance lie wan tumrnt'ti uiown by the officem's , wimo tolui heinmi that thty crs running their own affairs ameui would ctiatinuo to tie so without any of lila assistauice. Several other macn were umimem tIn' streeta pmmrsuimmg time sanree himee of tacttrs , html s for as is known not a policemnan was in. dmmccd to uiesert time presenmt boon ! , In every instance the policemacim were given to unuierstanmi that tonmarrou' nmornIni uvas lice fixed tlnme for time test , Thees' were told timat at that time time Cimmmnchmihi-Rmmsseht itolicemen would be pulL upon time streets with instrmmctions to report to Ihroaichi alec ! Vanutervoort. - CA ItNilGilO't' SI ) II % "I' ii lISt AS'l'IIY. Aiii'ja'i i'roet'ssuf''iuiiumg Cuummiuer do St'et l-a.'i's l.ittltm imt'n'.t , PITTSHU1IG , Aumg , 12.-The Carnegie Steal conipany is not enthusiastic over the auleget discovery by tlmree steel workers of the lost art of weleitmeg copper to steel mind ircn , ( bergs Croinley , Cornelius Simay and .Thien ltyate imave subniitteul samempies of their work to the Carnegie company , hut they heave nmo provers that the welding can ito done upon a eons- nmee'cial basis , ute as to mmiake it profitable. Chairmnanu Lelsiummman of thee Carnegie cenmpan etateul today to a representative of I' o As. soci.mteti press that thee commipany Imad mect takerS up time mustier , anmti that no exitenmrnenmli would be mactie at their mills. As a mmummttor o fact , coppec lined plate woumid only ite of use on salt t'ater , and theet it would be avaliabld only if mnanuf.ictureui at a itrice timat woubi warramit shipbumiitiers in using it mmpn men- cbmant m1mips. As for covering artmmr imlateS with copper , Mr. Leishmmnmmnm sttuteti that such a thing would never be deco , It wuuil oemI ham of muse Iii imreveretimig corrosion , anti timeno Is so little of thee armor plate below time watee 11cm that tue copper woumlul be umnacceasary _ Mr. Leialmueman also denied that the commipan heat ! offered time mcci a fixed price I'm' timeici discovery. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i-'Lt'lIiL SAYS hIll IS VOlt W'ilI'i'NIIY Amhmmits tiumit 'I'li.'m'ais it Strnu.g 'l'lmIrmI 'Vermi , S'utlmicumt iii I lie l'mmrty , NrIV YORK , Aug. 12.-Ex-Governoz Flower was iruteru'iewed by a Woniti come- i'pondermt at Saratoga regardIng the demo. enatlo pt'esidential siomninmutlon amid salt ] : " ames for Whitney. I don't timink im is a canmiimlatu now , but I nni not at all auno heat he would meet be acme It mmitowmm ttmat it was a party necessity , There are meet mnany flea 'ieo would refumso a leresidentlah emommmina. thai. The ex.secretary tells wheat Is abso. lutehy true about the growing setmtlnmment lea . favor of Cleveland , ci' , rather , time atinmmniatra. - tI'mmm. I hmavo no idea Mm' , Cievelanmi uvants ii tttird terra , but lee is mu very strong nmamm am ! % lli imumve a good deal to do whim tmmsklmeg time canmllmhmite , 'lucre is a big mamuss of demmuocrati wimo uihi vote for time party candidate who. . -.ver - imp umisy be. " t4't'm''ma s'y Cii rilsI , at Ii iii ii I I , , DL'i.UTII , Aug. i2.-Sccnctemry Carl ale anus manty arlved here today on the Aucarant ltll arc well. . . _ .