- - - - _ _ a jii . . . , . . -.a-t-r- -i .s _ . r . ( ; , . Lu _ _ _ . - 'I'II } ) O r.AII.A DAILY BEE : 7\IOXUAY \ , AUGUST i , l89. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' - - : : : ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---z , - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - , - _ . - - - - ; SEIFFERT'S . - ' , S lOOTn WOHt { I , . Caught In 1Toraka Afer Ehvi\1ug Banki in Mtiny Stnt , ) ! , t ; hAD A UNIQUE METHOD Whit CHECKS PttaLceron , \ IeflC7 nut ! llrf , IlfltI- ! t. rlnlrfnn ! ( : . , vr . loft 11 ' t flit It I JII-lFV Iii " thc . l'clll'lfnr ) ' for 1'1 c , - l . YenrN , , - - " ' 1- I - - I. I Ono of tlo recent adtlltkni to the l ) t or ' . , er.ItenUar3t al Liticolii f' convlcl at the .tnt ( trltcntlry IIlcoll . : smooth forger. \ ho h1 leen twlJlllln . durl tg ! part few hnnk. ) , In ' Hrul tRte1 during i - monthR. 10 'ns arrUtQ . ' at ArdlahCe . , about : . the mldlle of [ Juty . oud lwer.t.tour 111r" ' ' LIncoln 10 ( crvo n IiI 'a to later was on hI way let'o . nlcnco of [ five yer. . ; The prl.oler 1311 been lall tinier , thl f nnmts of Ma O. Mcndlp. . Nathan A. MI'y'r3 , . ' ' , IIc'rman Ilergrnan . oscr IJ. Ilyluan George I 1)'llal lrlnn legmnn. : . lh'ermnn ' , anl , Jn\'ls S. Dermnn. lie wns ; fnt heard at thr uGh a pl' S d\lalch ) : from Port huron , MICIIh ' , \rl 2 , S9P -hlrh torgrr ud ! bn ojeraUng In . stated that 1 bt'n operllJ , ; that vicinity and hall vlctlll\1 : a DUllhl'r I ; ; at banks by torgeJ ch ck' , 1Ir , m Her W H taken up hy Ilnltert n's DQtectIVc ' agpncy : representing the Am' rieal 1JanbrP' ? , 'cl . lon , nnd It Wa learned that on MOI'c ! 13 a bonk at Marietta , Mlch" , rcplved a typewritten - ' written letter em , a prlntell IctterioiL , purporting - porting leter t from It. O. I'ppcr & Co. , J0rtnl liquor 1eaers ! . Lexlnflon , IC ) 'flI . letter 111Ior Dllocued to ! a bank at Iar- ) ette . nnl reall fIow : : lete. . "aent1emn : Wo ! .I\'e malcll to our travel. Ing "Oentemln ! ' ! Max Cl. ; lelll' : , a check Ing $ [ . ; Ir. Iendle will be In ; Inrlele , . , , . - Is his " .lthn ! n , bv ? ir so. Tie enclosell signature. i ' l \ ; otirs rePllerHul ) ' , ; " 11. O. PCPIEU & CO. 1. "Per H. O. 1' . " CA.I.m > . \ D COT TI MOXEY. Folowtnl the receipt of this letter Iendlo oallel al the bank , pre enlt(1 a chccl 111\\ on the Northern Bank cr lpxlKton , K ) ' . , endorell the pame 3nll drew the money , a tle comprle of his sllaturo with thai 1)- celvcl , In the letter frn H. O. Pepper & Co. leaving no doubt thIl they \.ere written 1) the same Ilerson. In preI'tly the 8IH man- ame nor about the same time ho cached a cliek nt a bank ) al 'alr. Mich. , antI again nt a bank nt Iall Axe , tth. : A Yale he assumed the name of Nathan A. M'yer. and : I lall Axe the uaml at Bergman. InquIry soon de- vrloll that the frm of II. O. Pepper & Co. did nol exist , but thc \el known liquor firm at Jamcs I. I Itpper & Co. bi f located at frm ' . The larger had goiie to the Lexington , I ) hat 010 110 expense of h.\lng letter heads and envelopes printed , bearing the card or H. O. Pepper & Co. In order to make his work appear enulne. From the I.exlnglon Ky. , bank It 1 was learned that. banks In Indiana and 'ren- nesseo had been victimIzed In the same man- ner , unquestionably by the same man , about " a year previously , by cashing checks signed M. P. Ileadly & Co. , the handwriting In nil ! cases being identical. : In thy later prt or Apri a bank al Cum- mIngs N. I ) . , received n letter from Erics- son & Co. , "lolesale liquor dealers , St. Paul , Minn. , stating they hall mailed a check for SSG to their reurecentative. Ceorge B. I Hyman ild encloced a sinai ! slp : or paper hearing , the sgnalure ! or George 11. H'man. Hyman appeared , presented this check ant got the money and about the same time a bank It orrest I \ 1 N. D" , was swindled In like manner. At this later hank the forger ap- peared under thl name at Herman Dergman. pearet Bergman also p3sell n forged check on n SI. Paul bank shortly aHerward. Mr. J. B. D. Odell , preshlcnt of the Amer- lean Bankers' afsc1alon , was advised or these Dakota forgeries and ! I. Wiiam A. PInker- ton made renewed efforts to ar-ertaln It the work was similar 10 that done In Michigan , Indiana and Tennessee. It was Icarell that there was no such firm I In St. Paul as Erlessol & Co. . but there Is a. reputable firm called Erlesson , Brady & Co. Examination of the work left no room fyr doubt that I was the same man that operated In 1Ichh an. ! I Otel requested that I circular letter be ' prepared setting forth the methods at the forger. . which was done anti all members at the American Dankers association were warned 10 be al ; ' the lookout for him. The circular described the man afll ( method at his operations and contained 1 specimen at his handwriting. BEGAN WORK IN NEIIILASKA. Nothing further was heard of the forger until about July 1 , when the agency received word from the First State bank of Arpahoe . stating that the man referred to In the circular would no doubt appear there as It hal received a letter purporting to be from H. J. Ce4iner & Co. . wholesale -Iquor dealer of Sl. Iouls advising It of the mailing at a check for $85 to their traveling representa- tive. Mr. O car Silverman. The bank promIsed . , him , . . . _ a . _ warm _ , rectpton . . on . _ . hIs _ . arrVal , anu later 1 tile ( lay . ' 1. J'lKelUI received a telegram announcing his arrest. Ito was taken the same afternoon to Cambridge - bridge . at which place ho had succeeded In having 1 check cashed under the name of ! David S. Ilerman. I was learned thaI he hall mailed letters to hlmsel under different names , ant to banks at Culberlson. McCook. 1artey. Intlianota. Oxford , Cambridge. and Arapahoe , all points on the D. & M. ralwu ) ' . lie was successful at McCook and Cambridge and probably would have reduced the bank's surplus at the other places hall It not ben for the activity at Banker Frost or lartey , who hal received one at these letters and scentet a fraud. , He drove to Imlanola and ant learned that the bank there haIr also received a simiar letter. worded exactly thc same . except a change In the name at the traveling reprEsentative. From there he trove to Mc- Cook , thence to Cambrld e , reaching the 4 latter place a little too late to warn the bank or intercept the forger who hall already - ; ready started toward Arapahoe with a fresh ) team. Frost communicated with Arapahoe by telegram and the man was placed In cu"tolly. The Arapahoe banks were on their guard by the circular letter sent out to them by the American flankers association and when they received the message tram Cambrldgl , they sent for the chief and the forger was arrested at once. lie was taken back to , Cambridge and at tIle hearing before a jus- tlce. his bonds were placed at $2.50. lIe made a strong plea to have his bal reduced and being successful tn thQt. said that ho WIS really to plead guilty , which he diil. lie was Immediately talel before District JUdge 'elty. pleall1l guilty , and was given five year In the penitentiary and a fine at $100 and costs all was on his way to the penl- tenlary wihin lwenty-tour hours after his . arreat. At 1cCook a 1(1 Cnmbrllge he hall c Induced the hotel keepers to cuh a check for $85 , but ho refunded the money 10 each after hll arrest. arrest.REA1 REA1 , NMIE IS SIPPn'r . . Mr. Pinkerton consIdered It very significant - that this man should at once plead guilty and . - go to the penitent'ary without making a fight ali concluded to investigate this matter very cloely , a It was apparent the man wantt11 to drop out of shhl , even I by doing so he : went to the penitentiary. Ills record was at once looked up , and It was found that his real name Is Luis Seiffert. that ho Is married . and that his parents reside In New York City. Ils wife II at present vldt'ng her people In t Vitlsburg. I'a. She Is the ne'ce of aver ) ' wealthy distiller In that city anti his parent reside In New York ant are very respectable ! . people Il Is a native of New York City . but : has lived In I'tburg for the pastfve years , t being employed by Kaurman Bros. , at one . time conductIng the drug department of their : 8tore. lie Is sid to have been In the em- ' . ploy of la\'emt'er. the New York sugar mer. ; . chant , at a salary or $4.500 per annuni As soon n he got Into the penitentiary ho com- c . munlcatet "Ith hs ! people and strenuous ef- . forts have been made since for his release. either on a technicality In tha commlmtnt . , . or by habeas corpus IlroCeedhll" . Emlltnt counlel hO been engaged for him and every ' effort pulble will evidently ba made to effect : . . : hits release or pardon . Only a few days after . hi arrival In the penitentiary Mr. A. M. Levy , I well known and respected lra\'elng , salesman for a Boston hat firm , vlstell : Belterl and retained Judge Broady of Lincoln - to look after Seirrert's nterelt8 ! and to en. lenor to fUll some legal hopholo through which he mIght be liberated tram the Jenl , tentiary. Mr. Levy la SeIUrL's brother.ln. ; law. AI loon a Pnkerton's : agency heat at . - these efforts Mr. 0.111 of the American hank. ' -pa' associatIon " ' CoL to work and stirred up I - , " - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - . - - - the : eh/-kn , . : . kr "holn ) tl prioiier had I IwndlpI : : ( ar ntlenp'd 10 . sltuJe ( and : I II .1"11d be elese1 on It ) ttc'tiIcii error In iii' COIIUhiiIttytJ . Noetlt r ; ' , \ lib , h Wet rallier lurrIP ; . l tr'.sy nol eeupe pun Hunet for Ills c.u . < Ir.t" : 11,1) , the b3nkus' nlor- tIr'n II t tletcrnitie1 , I hrt every forger who : < ea..gut ! ahAI l get hll JLI Jc erl. . I has in- te."t.11 tl ( other lianke who \ HrCcthlhc,1 / 11) S lrurt , nail ateady , aitrs han I.'tl bilged ' agaiet ! : h'l nt the 'lentAry by the ! ! ulallt ( PInt NstoaaI ! : 1 bJlk lt McCc.uk . he having np. ficaicil 1 here unlr tie lamb tJI . "cob I.c\'l- ' .1 , ulll thll varranI , And lthrl :1 : veli , wll ! t I"'l'lr'l hll .hrlll'l he 1e relcascd ii lilly itcllh'dll . ' 1 The ) forger ! s Mfcrlhelt : R : man - alut : ! or 40 3CACC cf ace , f\ ' ' reel 'fen or right Inches tn ! hoht. : ! wehgal .hOll 140 pounds , pale dark couipl.xlcn .l \\\h ptranc , coal black hJlr situ c131 blCk iiiuiittelio . the latter being lIen V ) ' . lie : .i 1 iiiiiii or slender build. In ' ' . have been Ills ! opJtons many rclccts flii'te unique . The ! fact twt ! ! lie has In every iii'itrtiie ' c0IIItt11 forgerIes for [ In even $ S : IK In Itself : n 0.1 clrcunstuice . : . - - - - I O O QO OQ O 3JOQa SOUTH OMAHA NE'VS i 1 cccGccccococececccccc : Vesterilay forenoon at the First IreslJY' tenon church the pastor , Hev. Dr. Hoherl I. . Wheeler , prrarhed to a Ire congregation. Ils topIc vas "Some 0\1 \ i.ettcrs.'Iu brier LrS'iieeier t-atil . : - I tel n touch ot kinship with the mau who wrote "nessel le Letters. " Whl quiet inoffensive 11 : > Besluns they are and yet what p tenlaJtes are \\'I'aplel , up within tbeni . How they subdue . exalt , admonish , wound end bless nit. A package at old leI. tars are In the tt'asulO houses or most or u" , To cremate lmn would ho sacrilege. 'hp ' speak to us out of the old 1101 paRt. Wih the 11lorlai rncen ant voices that can- not ho hushed they arc the Pivotal points on which swlnga dcslny , the translguralon peaks trcm which we see a better tOlor - lOW , hldus ot ascent toward Coil. 'fo wrlo Irlern and leave some record of our thoughts at hope , love or conquest Is an Ilea UR old as humanity The ell Ins rlplon ! taken from the tower at Babel toll the stdry at a leplo upon whom a curse had been pronounced and of [ . all compensating law that although cursed . they built lp the two . first great empirEs and civilizations. The ) . left the founded Babylon and I-gypt. They lef lower of Babel unfinisheti . bUl lulio them- selves brilliant In tha fluiibci1 p'rllll1 antI left UK s hole Ibral' ) ' or letters which have ben speaking to man through all the centuries of the immortality of truth The literati loft us witness or their ! tlmts , From the clay tablet wa real ot the glory at Babylon and Nebuchnllnc1zar , and , on the "hlrlls ) or the sixty-six kings. From the tombs or the pyramids we rlall history older' than Ioses. There old letters on Syrlac UITOW head . clay tablet , papyrus and parch- ment make hIstory , and history buIlds faiths foundations. foullalons. Jesus Christ wrote no books. lie bathe men search the holy letters all read every out- , line or Ills character ; ills mission and death , drawn renturrCH bcfo.- ' . Abraham stands for that class at men who westward 11h the star at empire. Jacob was the henll at a new and better spiritual dynasty . Moses the civIc reformer , Deborah the new woman or her day , Haar the man deceived but Ood- piied one. Oh. all the hUlanlles sire wrapped In the ell letters which were "wrIten that you might believe. " . Away back there sOle one trod In your path anti ( carried that very same cros Those that conquered did so by the same faiths 1 the same God ; all they who went down In ' the fight did so because of unbelief , just a _ seine or you will. Pnr 'l'ha'l'nt"IIIJ tn Shnnt. Frank Peterson , a bartender al Hydock's saloon on Railroad avenne Is In jail for threatening 10 shoot Chris Hu hes. The men were at an evil resort and there quarrelelPelerson pulled a revolver and threatened to shoot lu hes. The latter ran lie did nol stop until the city jail was reacheji , where ho toll his troubles to a policeman. Doth men were drunk. Peterson got soberll up yesterday and appeared 10 be sorry for having made a fool of htmselr. 1IIJdc City Hn.I"p. The wheel club made a run to Iaplion yesterday. J. F. Icneynolds leaves this mornIng for Chicago , where he will spen(1 a weele. Deacon O. E. Bruce led the servIces at the Fourth Ward mission yesterday afternoon. C. C. Stanley Is goIng to show hIs St. Bernard pup at the coming bench show In Omaha I There Is some talk about putting arc lights at the ' ti and D street crossings on Twenty- fourth street. Henry Sauler anti family went to Papllon yesterday 10 attend the celebration of John Sautter'a 661h bIrthday. A big crowd at South Omaha sports went out to Eut Omaha yesterday afternoon to witness a couple of dog fights. "The Church at School" was the theme or 1 nev. C. C. SmHh's sermon yesterday morn- ' log at the First Baptist church. The South Omaha Ilaldeutcher "ereln gave a picnic at Sarpy Mills .estenlay. The weather was fine and the attendance Irge. The Senior Endeavorer met at the Presby- brIan church lass cvenlng. MISs Ilzze ! SpeHB led the meetIng. The topic was "The . " , Great PhYllclan. One day lat week a messenger boy was carrying n bundle at certified checks from the Cudahy packing company's ofce to the Exchange building , when ho lost the whole bunch amountIng to about 23000. Search amountng was made for the missing package , but It , wa could not be round. PJymenl on the origInals was stopped anti duprcales . . Issued. l'I ISSAI , 1'AltAhttl'hIS. James B. : Hume of Madison Is at the Pax- ton. . ton.J. . W. HolmquIst of Oakland ' Is at the Del- lone. lone.v. . O. Ha'n of Lincoln Is a Delone guest. C. A. Warner , Pocateiio . Idaho , Is a Paxton - ton guesl. , v. O. Brooks of Lincoln was In the city 'estrrday. G. W. Valery or Denver Is registered at the Paxton. Albert Strong , Wlnterset l : , Is at the Merchanls. J. 1. FlemIng . , St. . Luis , Is registered at the larker. J. H. 'Harnelt Is registered at the Barker tram Carson , Ia. . F. A. Harmon , Elkhorn agent at Deadwood , , Paxton. Is at the I Charles itt . O'Connor of Fort Meade , S. D. , ts a Paxton guesl. E. J. Dumyer Is registered at the Barker from Burlington , ha Superlntellent lgnel of [ the D. & : at LIncoln Is In the city. Mr. John Wesllllng , Lincoln , Neb. , Is registered al the Bnrker. rtjlsltrell 11 , I H. nOlallhon Is reltstered ! at the Barker - from ; - Minneapolis ' , Minn. E. H. Wood , agent for the "A Bowery Girl" company , Is at the Merchants. I. J. lamlh'n of Norfolk and O. M. F. Letang of Lexl1gton are guests at the 11- . lard. Judge Ambrose tf the district bench has returned from OCln Grove on the New Jersey coast , where he has spent the past five weeks In mll.ummer recuperatIon. Judge Ambrose says tl ! the dwellers on the coast Ccalled much of \0 torridity which malle the summer unpleasalt In less favored localities. Heavy woolen cia. 'ling was anI- cessity often anti on cool e\'I"lngs " an over- coat was essential 10 comfort. At the Mercer : II. H. Nolan , St. Paul ; J. D. Colt . New York ; A. J. \'hIte Chicago ; I S. I , . Keiley . Kansas City ; N. S. Jacoba Un MoInes : MIss lcAIIster , Carroll City . Ia. ; Mlu Becker Mils Kramer , CouncIl Bluffs ; James Muon . Chicago ; " ' . C. Slirser George Jetties , CincInnati , 0. ; Charles Ii. Carpenter Chicago ; James H. illgton. Crete Neb : W. . C. Volk. New York ; H. I' . Colerove Chicago : F. H. haley. St. I.uls : A. Alexander all wife Jewel Junc- ton . , Ia. ; 1" A. Ibble , Chicago : P. Picken- jog , leone , la. ; Miss Mae McCabe Cear ) Rapida . la. ; James P. Churn , J. J. Lynch , Chicago ; C. Ii. Beck St . Louis ; J. D. Can. fell , S. F. ( Irifluth. New Yok : J. W. Gray Wi Ii. \ 'IiionVhieatlsnd . \'yo. ; J.S' . hewitt . l'orlanl. Ore ! Nt.briSNkitsis itt - titi' % I.ii'ls. ' At the Merchants-H. M. Utley , O'Nel ; Samuel Long' . touth iheiitL . At the ArcadeN , AlekanderVahoo , ; John Ii. Fair . Norfolk : E. : I. ? _ English , Kearney : George Vi' Lowley , Seward ; 1oNc1iiT ) FOR CEN. 01NELL Now Rises Abo'o I Grave il Ioly Sepulchrr Oemetery - TRIBUTE or FRIENDS AND ADMIRERS Career : 1' i t'llul Multi icr 11.1 1"11111 Iiiiil . 'r-'i'hie 111.1 nn Citnniin- . \Vurk lit hlrIsigliit St-tiler , . \'oll 1111 11J S..ttl'rH . tn SchrJII.n. Fcr over seventeen year the grave of General - oral John O'Nnhil In holy . Sepuleher cemetery In Omaha remaIned unniarked . By many this was regarded .a a reilection on tie patrolam : 01 slit \'I'lng friends , Ilhllrera and associates ' betterment at his In the 10\'cmcnt tar the belerment countrymen But his memory was forgotten , nor was hla Grave neglect Il. Some time ago friends at thc deceased 11 Omaha Inaugurated a fund to procure a monument In all respects . worthy 01 hB : memory , and with the assist- since at oUllde admirers their efforts were recently crowned wih success. Tie monument stands al the head 01 the grave on thin northern crest of the cemetery lull. The local'on Is a sighty aI ! . To the I east Clt north mies of the city's suburbs arc within range at the vision. South ned weut the eye may Weel1 the Iatlplo valley .aud the valleys and uplands beyond . The nine ii iii cut 18 a sit is re col ii itt ii at Pal hhi ell granite , fifteen feet hlI , resting on two ter- racel bioiks of granite , anti beneath Is I rour-root foundation or cemented stone. The capstone II crucltorm. 01 the four squares hand , the are emblematIc deslgns-lhe open Irsh : harp the AmerIcan eagle and stnr3. Around thesf Bhamfclts iwine. t On the main " ' " ' In ruiseti carved "O'Neill" Is base the name "O'iU" rulsel letters , ant UI the troll at lhe monument Is the following inscription : . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ! : ammnJOlN O'mILI" : . Her uC nhlle\n ' . : Horn In Ir.lanl. March 9 IS11 : 11.d tn o Ilhl , .1 ittiunry S 1 , its. ; Nature a Strove Man : . 1 ' l'i inci1 ; - uC 1lleltr. : He 1oiigltt v Sib l.tlclnl Cu Sits : 1"OUlhl Cuun' ! , Ot , , \ , . t\er : iittitiy I" lrw III' , Swur : . . for Sits :11\e Ial < : To I'erpetuat lila : Ielory This Mon- : Irrp"Iuatp Iment0. . J'rrelp.t by the lrl'h NatIonihIsts S Irl.1 : IIOIII.l , ; : GOD SAVIlItELANL ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The lot Is surrounded with a granite cop ng. GENERAL O'NEILL'S CAHEEH. General O'Nei achIeved distinction In the union army during the war. At the breaking out at the rebellion ho was sergeant major 01 the First cavalry , havng ! joined the army In lS57. lie served ) with lcClelan In the Peninsula - sum campaign , and hal a horse shot under him at the battle ot Oalnes' ittill. Later ho joined the PHh Indiana cavalry serving In Kentucky , Indnna : anti OhIo , and for gal- lantry In the famous Morgan raid was com- Ilssloned first lieutenant , and later rose 10 the rank at caplaln. Troublesome wounds , forced bins to retire from the army In lS6. . After the war , - , with thousands at his countrymen who had just laid down their arnis General O'Nel raIled around the FenIan slundard. andwas chosen one of the leader at the projtclell raid on Canada. The mo\ement crystallized In the earlY summer of 1866 and rendezvoused on the American \ : border from Buffalo to densburg. General O'Neill commanded the first detachment at O'rel the raiders to set foot on Canadian soil . They crossed ' Niagara river near Buffalo , to the number at 600 , ant captured Fort Erie on June 1. The day rolowng : they mel the British lrool3 near Hhlgewa , I dozen miles north of Fort Erlo. There were three Drlt- Ishers to one Fenian , but the disparIty In numbers .1hl not prevent them coming to- gether. Some sharp fighting was hat , cui- innating ! In the rout or the British. 0Neili dil rnatng receive the support expeclel In tact the movement was wihout I governIng h'.1 on the Amerlc.n side , and was forced to retire - tire In a few clays . from Canada. Arrest fol- lowed and the ralll collapsed. General O'NII Is best remembered In Ne- braska for his efforts In colonIzing the slate. More enduring than granite Is the prosperous and progressive city In Hol county which he founded and which bears his name. The best efforts of his later years were In the Interest at the peace and prosperity or h's countrymen. . lie labored zealously to draw them from the crowded clUes to fertile Inds. then to be had for the sklng. Many acted , on his advice anti struggled through the hard- ships Incident to pioneer rarmlng. Scores at those pioneers are today rch : In the world's goods. the ripened fruit of their orgies dl- reeled by General John O'NeIll. recte . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ IIOIIEMI.tNS OSS iIXCIJIISIOS. 'Inrl'r Su'I..ty . ' ui.iI'rienIs . 'i'uite 1 liiOut nt , "l..t I'oInt. I WS twenty minutes to 'Sunday morn- Dohemlan GymnastIc asaoc'a- : Ing when the G'mnastc asaca- ton excursion left the Webster street sta- coaches full of as tion . There were seven ful jolly a crew ns ever nIbbled a pretzel. Every- body Bmokell , except the women , who looked on and smiled. West Point , ; as reached at 12 o'clock. A delegatIon of the West Point Bohemian society met the excursonlsls ! al the depot , anti with the local band In the the town lead the turners paraded through There was red , white and blue bunting galore and nearly every store front extended a welcome. The picnic grounds , beautifully located upon the banks of the Elkhor river , were reached after a march of hal an hour , and the festivities of the day were In order. After thin Fort Omaha hal11 had played Sousa marches Strauss waltzes and anythIng else It wanted to . several kegs of West Point beer were tapped and pronounced prIme , and then the trouble began. The frt event , the day was a redhiot . base bal match , between the Ietz Dros. , nine of Omaha and the West Pointers. The match ended In favor of the former wih a score of 17 to 22. Over on the picnic grounds the Fort bind rendered an excellent program and Iberal : ) Interspersed I with dance music , to'whleh Interspere the village maIds and escorts , together with use strangers , chased the summer afternoon o'clock the Dohemlan ' , away At 3 gymnasts with the help or the Danish Turner a8.ocla- wlh tlon , gave an exhibitIon on the vaulting lon horse and parallel bar thaI was the feature of the afternoon. Both associations are In training for a contest that I to take place at Uuser'B park Ilurlng the state fair , and ore tn fine form. Many small excursions were made to the backwater above the mldam , where some fished , others swain and the rest d'd nothIng at oil . All points of _ .Intertslln the pretty town were visited and the waving In for green fields or corn surroundIng came no felds amount ot admiration. About 8 o'clock , when the pleasures of the day began to lag . the wanderers once more congregated anti the train spell homeward , reaching the Webster street depot at 1 :30. : , The excursIon was 1 success and will be repeated next year. V ASSUUSCI'DI ? ENS'S. VIola Allen , for the past three seasons loathing ! . Ing lady In Charles rohman's Empire Theater Stock company , Is declared by Alan Dale to be 'by tar the beat leading hatly In America " This statement coming \dy as It ttoa . from New ) , ' matt careful and conscientious critIc , Is praise at no meah value , a I stamps Miss Allen as an artist 01 extraordinary histrIonic ability . which coupled wIth a charming personalIty and exceeding giacefulussa . has made her the greatest favorite throughout the country. The Empire Theater Stock company opens the Creighton theater Thursday August 22 , with "The Masqueraclera. " repeating the lame ' ' . " hail" program J'rlday nlghl. "LlbHty Hal" ts the Saturday matinee bill . the engagement closing Saturday nIght with "Sowing the Wind. " _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ I'nrllhu' I..t l.r Un\1 .1. . 1"INt , Mine. Celele , who has been making baleen ascensions and parachute leapa at Courlanll Beach , cause down too hard lat evenng : and \\1 be confined 10 her room for lama tIme. She landed on the sand just In front of the bath houses and her right ankle was 'dl.- located. 1'1 IU : : ! " 'HB ISH'I ! t"I'UU IC\ ' , , . . .I"hl.HI I.'t" " { . " , I'mlli " 'rniiga lii h.sst ltvhiiitzJih. : . l'lisvcs , II Jlt.t Ut'\I lll. 1'1\ ' ' "I Isny one thinks hat II I a waste of tIme to gl around lookl after weights antI menurc he ought to talow f me around Just ana lay " MhlIPectcf \ ) Whie , as ho handel In his monthly reporLJne Ihy last week "OrdLrary citizens have no idea how closely nearly sill business Utablhmenls wIll bear watching In this rellect. I Is not that iea1ers generally are tlihOnest . Most at Iealer ! cneraly ae Ilshonet. ! them are much surprlelt ! when they are informed . formed that their nitiires are out of order ant are as anxlcus' & 1 theIr customer to have the trouble rectified . Hut somehow or other short measures'crettp In , anti I keel)3 ) 1 nun hurtling to keei them enn fairly \\'eele(1 out. " ' "Now . even In the ' drug stores anti big "row. dry Keels establIshments there Is lots et work for the Inspector During these htt days I have been putting In most of 1) ' puttn ! than In ti1e larger establishments In the buslneu district , and you would be surprised to Fee how few places I 10 Into where I find everything all right. I happenclI to droll ' Into one at the biggest My gocds stores In thc city the other ! daa 11 I happened 10 notfce thaI the tacks In the counter by which dress goods were measured seemed to ho unevenly distributed. I took say yardstick In quarter of an and went to work anti n luartcr hOlr tcu:1 that there was not a Illace on the whole counter where the tacks were Set exactly a yard apart. This was news 10 the proprIetor who \\as sure I was mistaken until I went over the counter again wills the yardstick and showcd him that every yard of godei his clerks were measuring oft was . either too short cr too long. The only cx- eiher he could offer was that In , planaton ofer pulling the bolts of goods over the counter : Iluln eels the cloth hall cauht on the heads ot the tacks and pulled ) them out , and that the clerks hat nnconsclcusly moved them a little when they put lhem hack "There Is one big drug store where I con- ! demned the whole supply or small weights not long , ago. - , . Here , the , , . proprt tor . . was - . . , equally . . . . . . certain that his telghts were all right , Inst I soon proved that they were all a trIfle provel short anti they sere promptly replaced with new cnes , while I added the short weIghts 10 my collection . I went into a drug store yesterthay all found a b'g ' . glass graduate thai was two ounces short. Here the pro- IJrletor had \urchaed a cheap article and I had nol been accurately blown I gave hm ! a reasonable time In which to chip the grad- tiate : back and get 1 god one : "There Isn't 8S much mono ) ' for the city In these InspectIons as there Is when I get to work on the big scales at the coal ofces , feed stores , groceres : anti meat markets ' ' $140 a month In Then I turn In ns hIgh as $10 where last month fees to the city treasury , the total only amounted to $60. As a rule the nice who e measures are condemned do not kick and readily agree 10 obtain better ones. To make sure I always condemn and carry away the short measures but never- theloss I can go around again In a month or two and still find b3 ones In use. 'l'iis Is let always the fault ot the proprietor , as he I buys what he supposes Is 11 first-chars ar- tide. But In the rivalry between manurac- turers a vast lumber at short wlghts anti measures are dealt out to the trade . and ! continual Inspection Is the only thng that makes It \osslblo for the Ileople to get their ' " money' worlh. . ( UAHnBI.IS ( AIIOU'l'tI'IIE Cllli.lltilN - I1NIII11 Cnl. . ' ' , 'Irlllh' ! for Ills Est ru isgeti " % ' , r"N Fnll ) ' . A vast amount of trouble and anxiety was caused the Brewers family , 1601 North Twenty-first strEet , Ilast Salurday by the eforts or the husband tt arc ot the daughters 10 obtain his childre. . He failed , but he excitement to Eucceedell In creating enough necessItate the callIng In at a policeman twice. 'I The husband Is Ben Mullen . He and his wHo have not lived pleasantly together , It Lelng charged that 1ulen abusell his wife ' thIs abuse Mrs. frequently. On Iccount'af 1r. Mullen left her husband.i although It Is.nho said that lulon Invited Iher to leavo. At any rate she went back to her father's house , : takingI.th her thelr.two1chlltlren. . ' I was over the children . that the , trouble arosc. Mullen wanted , them and he went to Brewers' house Saturday mornIng to get 1 ' would have nothing to 110 theme. 'he family , with him except In the presence of a polce man all consequently one was called . A quiet converaton was had and Mulen left. He returned again In the evening with an express wagon. I Is charged that he Wa intoxIcated. lie wanted 10 carry off the chiltiren In the wagon but his efforts being erne chidren no avail he again lert , threatening that he was coming back 10 kill the whole family. Late at night Fame members or the family thought they saw Mullen creepIng up 10 the house In the surrounding ! weeds and again called for a polIceman. One was sent to the house , but Mullen did . not appear. 01" ' Thioii.utiial " 11..1 IClnNI. Clh' Kansas City had a large crowd of Omaha people to entertain yesterday. On Saturday night two excursions went clown to that city , on which It Is estImated that there were fully 1,000 Omaha residents. This number was swelled by Inhabitants ot the towns along the 5welell way , who took this opportunIty to visit the Missouri One at city the . excursIons was over the Bur- llngton. The Omaha contingent was carried In fifteen coaches or I special train. Three cars were added to the regular train to ac- commodata car the excurionists thaI were plckol left at 9:55 Sat- isp on the way. The trains : urday night and arrIved In Kansas City yesterday - terday morning at 6 o'clock. The return was made late last nIght , the train arriving In this cIty this morning. cty mor , . - . N.'I , rzishcs l.rul'It. Cilb nr"I"IIU" , ' . A new fraternal and sick benefit society has been organized and Is to be Incorporated as the Nebraska Israelite club At the fourth meeting . last Sumla evening , al 131G JOUI- ) registereti as laB street fifty persons were rl members. Art'cles or Incorporation . rules or order and a constitution were adopted anti ! the following officers were elected for the rolowln ofcers term at six months : Joseph Levin president : Israel Maher , vice president : A. Hudy , first second trustee Sam trustee : 105es Sokolov : trustl AJschueler ; , third trustee : Abraham Weln- stne , secretary ; S. Podolsky , treasurer. a- " 't.'l'JIIit - F'PliCAS'l' . I esl II I gJ 'i'eiii hem t ii re Fit I r . Conthll'cl HIJh 1'III'rntlrl' nlil Siiitht'rly ' " 'Isiis for NeIriisIzi. WASHINGTON , Aug 11-The forecast for Montlay ' 154 : 1ontay'Is For Nehraska anti South Dakota-Fall ; continued high temperature ; winds bcom- Inc southerly. For Iowa-Fair ; variable winds. For M issourl-Fair ; southwesterly winds ' , : ' ' warmer 'varl- For Knussaut-F'air : slightly : 1"01 1ansas-l able winds , becomIng southerl l.tCI I Rfl'ort. _ u _ _ _ _ , _ _ 0FFIC1 01" THI WEA'HI' BUmAU , OMAHA Aug 11.-Omalbt record or tern- : - the with perature and rainfall , eQmpared wih corresponding lay of.thq IlaKt four years : corresponllnG . 1895. S91. 1813. IS&2. Maximum tempcraturo. . , 90 98 itO 87 MinImum temperature. ; - . rs 72 r 6 ttmplrture.- . . d 78 S 70 77 A ' vera1 \'mferture.f. . , .0 .0..0 . ( ' Condition or tNnperuture anti precipitation itt 1893 Omaha : for the 11uhd since March I , Normal temperature ' ' . . -.7 Excess for the dl.t tL. . - . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Accumulated excess ncq llrch 1. . . .197 Normal uin.clpitation excl fncf . . . . . . .1 Inch n Ilrtclpllton ) . . . . . . . . . . .05 Inch lelency : since .l. h 1 13.1 Inches Totll ) ( lclenc ) since March 1. . . . . . i..31 Inches .titloi1s , itt H p. ii , . " "I"'lt" ( rout - .tltl. - . ' " . ' p ! ti g ' , : ; i STATS 0' CTATiOx& 1 WUTUII I ' BTTI : : . i : g t : 17 : ; . . . . . . . . - -j ' .Ot ) ; ' - - NortiI'Iatte. / . . . . . . HI IHI . ( lhi II-- % 'ai'itttt ' ale. . . . . . . . 11 U'l .00 Clear tllclo nlnQ. . . . . . . . . 14 71 .1111 Clear. SI. LtiIts. . . . . . . RU 111 ) . ( itI l'art cloudy SI. Paut. . . . . . . . . . 71 14 .01 Clear. Parenpont . . . . . . . I : I h .00 CI.nr. " 11."a City. . . . . . I : hiS ,00 lal cloudy lel.I : . . . . . . . . . 11 11 .11 Clear . Deiiyer. . . . . . . . I : ttU .11 Ch'nr. Sail Lake City. . . . . 12 1 : nn Cloluly iiiiziarcic. ' . . . . . . . 11 14 .00 Clear . 81. "llccat . . . . . 01 7U .01 ) CI.af. Ch"ycuno . . . . . . . . . . H2 "I .UO Part cloudy 8tttc ' City . . . . . . : \14 . oti Clear . ! Mit' L'ly. . . . . . 16 l.t " _ tO ! cJar , u/n.\o. / . . . : . . . . 14 _ _ _ _ "H _ .OJ l'art cloudy ' -1' indicates truce oC precipitallun. lcltC Ile" Ir.cpllalun. < J A.V1L11.II , Observer . . NOTHING TO SUPPORT A BOOI t - Stock Brokers rind Waiting and Watching Gamo. a Necessary . . - MUCH HESITANCY - MARKS , SPECULATION Crull l'rist'eti. . \ rt'it.i p ' IIsoiiiited Ilt L'tsensl ' iie'ss , Inlt t lie 'l'rt'iis- ' . Cisuse fur Ielii ) ' lit nr ) II CJUI"t Ih'II tl Ucct\'cr ) ' its l'rices. NEW YORK , Aug 11.-henry Clews , heath of the banking ! house at henry Clews & Co. , writes of the situation In Wal street : ' Investment antI Illecuinth'e 'rhe general In\'lstmnl n11 slttiatlomi his ehanAed little since lY Illt itilvices. The attItude II still more ur less hiesltating , ned the drift of the moment hellatnK 11'elonllerte Inl ) In favor or those . Sl'ell who incline to u vaIting nut ! cUltoU 1101. walin Ic ) ' . 'he crops 10vclup , nuthln ne % ' . So fur lS respects wheat , UI genell cOlcll' 1lon I ! that we 11) ' calcltute 11)01 sorne thing less l thll IL good \'l're yield . , though the Cornier seems likely ! to he corn- pen.snted I ) ' huhgbuer Prices than thee or . pensutel \ last year , whillo In re'lrI ( to coril . the hal- whie Ince ! 'lar Western l'llmutel ' fu\'orl Icr ) ' ' 1894. In the ' large increase ot OUtplt over Ilerelse . irilustnles at large there Is 10 abatement mont or the Mnulno eXlleetntol8 that have developed wIthin tIme last ! six monthF developtl wlhln The i-Ire In raw materIals and the commtinU- ' ' In es unco of the rmarkuble recovery wages Cram the declIne or 1813 11(1 ( 1891 shows . conclusively that mUllracturerl are nntlcl- material increase ot commslimuptiomi . palng I InrrellO conluliltol. nail It In 10 \resuled thnt their I'xpec- tatons are based upon acts existing In the conditions of trade. lrule. All this 19 atsrlclor ) ' anti naturally In- Al it large mel.ure or public coulildence. luces yet I there Is unqleslollh ! some wIthholdIng - holdIng on nccounl of cel'tnln fnctols In the linuincial ituatlon. As ImlerK now stutncl Innlclll , Is u clearly Ilnned mlfI\lnl stnnl what may ho the HtltO 01 the tn'as- II Uio ' gold reserve after the 1st or October when the obligations ur the louis 1)'lllclte to the 011 ll01S wi cense. H , after that tlesUI' date. thin relations between the banks nlll . relllons , _ _ . Lu _ . _ _ ' the telSlr ) ' remain nR lucy nave nc en ror the last two years , the treasury will have to stiliplI' itil gold required for export . anti 1111)1) ni golt \ yet it sIll have no gold Income from the IClultom home or from ' any other source. I Is hardly necessary to la ) ' whnt that means One thIng II1mls of no doubt : thaI , . In the ulscncl ot ability to nllntlii the gotl ! reserve ttmtii In presemlee of reuewed 111 ples(1'o resort to borrowing tn ordcr to secure elL there mnst be 1. reaction from the 10\ prevailing state ot confidence anti ItrosPer. rrevlling connlence anlroPllel uty : how serious that rehlJlse would he each may . Ierlous judge ror himself. Certain . It II that no mlre cOllerclal activIty could Itop the depletion or the gold reserve ito long gohl drpleton as the treasury hind no goltl Income anti al yet vns eomliellel to Iupply the gohl n.eded WIS rol cor1I11,1 exports or specie I Is . the PlaInest truism that nlthel' abroall be ' m'ettietl ( eon- mior at home can there ant' fettet flulence In our Investments until we have a strong anti normnl IISlrunep Int Illpr ammy stronl Ind all circumstances the Lnlted States government will bo able tu lalntall payments - ments In goltl. It Is the , ahsfnee at an adequate alSlr- I to this erect that \rodlelnr the anII lnvestnleilts now oh. hesitation about our In\'estnlnts al- hesitaton servlbe ! In the markets or New York n'l Europe. It seems Inredlble that nwalS wIll , fitil to lIe 110ptcd to bring about the desired Ilcurlt ) . . I Is a mere questIon or Practical ! flulttnee : It requires no ncw or praclcl fnlnce special contrivances ; It dlI111lK nlmply n return to (11. ' ohil method of exchanes be- retur the banks and the treasury. the tweol use gold as I anl used Imp to ISM . tl payment of geld for cUFtoms dute ! anti the pa'ment ot gold h ' the tn'alur ) ' sit the deal ing hous I Is not worth whie to Inqtmire why these relations were brokcn Inqliro up : such an inquiry might how that trla ! tiny management was largely responsIble for It , Blt tll ! lit _ t _ I ! ' eI.I ! ! ! 1 Ilame or maKing recnirnunatciry ermarges. The Plain fact today Is that thc treasury anti \laln banks have It In their Iowcr , to ull so rentujust their relltonl II lust each vIll have enough gold for nil the requirement - wi or slfet . and credit and It IN inconceivable - conceivable that the ) ' cast much longer do- hay comIng back to their old relative 110- sitlons. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAS"I' UO " 'I'I'HOl1 } s.VAIi . S'I'ILIMI'I' . Ih'nr ) ' CIess I'olnl. limit thl' AhKi.llt. Cl. " . . . . , . . ' Si'.tio nr that " S"l'l..It' "l.ton. It hal been UI hnblt of too mal ) ' Ileople- I well meaning people , too-to decry Wall of time country - street as hurtful to the morals - try and Injurious to alI best bunlne In- terests. Now thin Is all wrong. Wnl street has been very aptly described ni the "bui- noes pulse of the nation . " 1 19 that In the very best meaning ot the term As thE minute hand on the clock denol " the faC- tonll changes In the hour. so ,10 the nUl- tuations In the " 'nl street markets shaw ' the rise and fall at time bUllne teunpeist- tune oC the country. Let thtr'l he an\ .1- . tI'ity In mercantile or \anur"eturln cIrcles - des , anti I Is Immediltel ) ' reflected In the Stock lxchange anti thin other cxchangi.s where values arc dependent ' 11 puLlc cun. fidence. fdence ( other hand , caU' 3 that Infuenee the outlhle world harshly have . JI'e- lug effect In " 'al street null , the r rlecK or erect and product t.tke I m lower \r natural con- These are the results when : 'rhlle arc allowed to have effect. Of course there are tmeK when speculative courle [ syndIcates get control of financial chan- fda , and by theIr manl\ulaton upset nat- ural conditions and Ilrevent tlm from ha- Ins natural results. I In lt such times that lnles result. There ' never has been a panic In ! Wnl street , that , _ was not title . . , t.o.t the work oC men joined \ I COIU\flUn to gIve false effect to na tutl conditions. Jlve erect essentially a \lnce where the law ot cause and effect II mOlt mllrkell , It Is as IIPollble for any combination or mon to resist these laws us tt Is for ztny human being to defy the laws or nnture : You cannot stay the tithes or tlm the : ls ; btmt somewhat in- slsslppl. An expressive tll nomewhlt II- reverent operator In graIn speculations . cctntnenting once on the faIlure or a pool ) to put up the price at wheat and mailtain Il In tile face of a big crop. saul : .I II erne no use trying to buck nlllnst God Almighty - mighty : Ho can upset the bulls every thme. " To the student or aralrl there Is much milore truth expressel In these few terse words or a dlsappolntld speculator than In whole columns of thc long sermons nail tlrtities preachfl uigniuStVahl strcet's trlds ' who have ways and means by ministers only a cursory Idea of the subject they are talking about , 1111 seek only to decry what they do nbt understand. W all street Is not " . gambler's tiarstdise. There Is no place In the business worlll where more hard work closer calculaton , kcenlr insight Into affaIrs and phtilosophtcal , Ind conservatIve conclusions are required thal In the baqkers' antI brokers' otees at " ' 11 atreet There Is no class . or men who watch events mare closely than the operator.s In the " 'al street marketH . 11 the tress ot war times It was to " .al street that the government tured for help. It was from \Vall street that the Isslltanee I \al 'al caIne which made a continuance ot the care government I possibIlity . Wal street has saved the nation more limn once . and nmay have to do It again. I has always been ready to respond to Iny call . puhle or private - vate , whprc financIal or huslness problems WO to be solved and the Inanclal health ot the nation preserved. It Is very true that men have used al gamblers the opportunities afforded by " 'al street , hul these arc not the men who have . malle It reflectIve of thc business prosperity hot only or thIs but or other eountrlel : nor are they the men who mala e what may proprl be termell the slntesmanshlp of banlcing. " 'ni street Is a ilace whore surplus - plus . , money , from . . all . over , L.u. thl world uL. . ! Iows for l\eSlmen. In\eSuncnl I what ! In th , ' securities ot the cor\orltloll whleh are \ dependent Ullon the material development or thIs COUnlr-the greatest land under God's good lunlhht. No. Indeed , we cannot do without " 'al atm est. How would our 160.0 mIles of railroads have been constructed without " 'nl street ? These great pioneers or developmelt , pros- Ilerlt and clvlliz'ttion woutd have remained xceelnsly clvlZton In their extent and 1\lel COpe ! the bonds to built ) th(1 hind not I licemi nejotlated by Wall street financiers. 'rhink o ( the fertile lands that these networks - works of locomotion have otemmetl to mnIl- lions from all natIons of time globe , antI the enormous increase of weitlth ihmey have thus imparted by the development of our vast national resources to our own country . -If we only & 'sttltmmate the average value to the country of every atlult immigrant at 11,000. the lowest economic calculation. Then , agaIn , look at the anniy of ern poyes connected with the railroads them. relves , butter lmaltl than they could be for the same pii'Bical lied intellectual ability Ic. any other department of human energy. These enlployes , Including those whmo work in all the tratlea that cotminibute to raIl- roail buuliling , car bulltllng niid rttilroat.l sutplies of every description , ttnmount to nearly 2 000.000. What a power these would be In polItIcs if they should only unIte for any purposel Taik of lIsa Knights of Labor antI the fear the' once Iniplnetl when thet' dlii not exceed &t5oooo ; they would be snmatl compared with an organlzitton ! of railroad employee. While it hi unfortunately trite , as I have pointed out In my hook , "Twenty-nIght Years In 'itll Street , " anti In other itubhi- cations , that dlt'roputahe railroad pro. meters and amanagers have , especially through the medIum of construction corn- panlet' made imseaf rtsllroatis fur the most avanlclooti purposes , yet In epito of such great abuse-a the raIlroad system , lirolta. gated by Walt atreet capital , baa been chIefly lnstrniicntnl , in tlio nmurvoious Ij. . ert'ltse yr thIs iitIon , which lisa ito hi'st jhi , PlirAliel for grout tIm hiumving. In is csntmt y , rt- creased ( mum to Cu ( tti 00t tt hilh.tb'- tnimtsVnli street Is not only intllspeiti-tble lu this coltbiir . bi' foreIgn fltstIt.iH fltt' feelIng the Iivc'sslty of Its exlateiiue memo anti Inane ecr1' 'all street , nimci 'ttiI street mimahmily , Is raliidlv mnnhclng New York the flmiamurinl eels. icr o ? ihme voild. 'I'hme I.cnitlon tiltick f - change , nm ) thin l'itrls still lleiili : iuittacs woultl become instiircrattly dliii It the New York Stock excimlngo % nre to bc darned for Si treric or for it day , Iii'nve , tht iitoti cs of great Incltitrie tlepcntieiit on them wotli I lungtiislm itceom climigly in time saisie s smy thiSt rnilrontl , telL'graltbl imnil oilmen eriI.rpriea wouhtl stiffer burro if tleprltc'ti of'ohI t"-h , the greutt fluinsicial foutmtalim from t1iIehi they draw their most Iimvlgorsiting tnmitc , In fact , ( 'ilterltrlse e'erywimt're wOld lit. : ilepresseth nit if selzeil hiy a sort of flIintt'is' ' 'Ia grippe. ' ' It would be ( lie very hi.ehtt of folhy to think of dispensing tt itimVa'.I street , Otur gloat financIal center Is ( mist smpproimclmltmg time utoint at whIch It is tics- titled to becotn ( lie sreat clearutmg hmouse of the vonlcl's etiteritrises anti Imitlusti-les. in thn course of evolution amid it higher clvi- llzation se haitI. I'Ct be ttl.ilc to get itlomig coniforlabh' w'ltimout congress , bill ttitiioiit \Vahl street , never. IllNltCf.F'iVS. ' . CliiCAt ; ) ( littIN M.tltItli'l' , P't'itt urt's , i ( t Iii'i'ritl I hg isisil Clostiig i'rie's' , , itmm h4ilturilmiy , CIIICACIO , Aug. 10.-'hmeat hmutd a coimtlnu. alice of nih the litililsht features of time sitti. atioim totiny , vith the atitiItIoum of a coulitry demmmitnd for the shot gnalim , but wIthout bringing out buying orders enough to itre. vent a decilime of % c er bti. ham in I'Znmm- sag and Nebraska , whiete it was wanted for tIme itreservatlon of cormm , canst1 a tie- dine of jc Itm thin Imnice of that article alSo , anti oats closet ! c lovcr , l'rovlsions casir , but ciouteth vlthmoiIt change for the tlimy. % 'hat ( bill tint give atm' ititiicsttion of itbH. its' to respomid to bullish ni'vs , The comitimist between liii' receipts of wltmter wlieimt this yt'str anti last wits us constictmousIy favorable - able ( ci the ittill m'Itle as helene. 'Fhme Chiicagci receipts were til caret , of whlcim f'S cats were imew reci whiter anti 19 new iqtriii. Of thin ( Oi mner four ciinlontis isiltl of time tatter five were No. 2. A lear ago 001 earlotids wenis inspected into store , of whtcim 31 ! vere of tIme comitract utustIIt' , Thiertm wits it. deiiiantl Iorwhettt for shltimaent , whichi i-esiilteil iii U VCf OOU IltiSitiOSH iQiiig iioiie. I [ 5 It ) 11:70 : o clock 275iU itil. % % ilS thin tlottlmtity me- ported sold , of Which Stl,000 liti. wits for direct export. ' 1'hi rematiutler was in halter ( or ithmlpntetmt to Toletlo ant ! other wInter whinat liotmmts in time west , where Ut thilit seitson of the ytmtr the farmers Imotilil be suppi'Ing ithl % stmsts tint ! ' a slmnlttis belthcit. Somni'tlIcmigasm ) tmmillers hmitve sitniitlini.r hr. ilers here for slmiliuiment of a certniii titiimittei of cam'iuatls her veek ( iii further ortit'us , and Immthlalmit millers are 1st somne pails of time state Iii ,4iinihmtr ; seciilitsr poslttuums. The prinmttrt vesterzm mamirket rece'ipttt uisflOititt lit 343,000 'bu. , ttgaImmst 10(1,000 bu , a lear agtt. Minneapolis nimd fluitithm receipts \vein S ears , comnpared with 1043 tIme correspoiitllimg clay of last year. Tlte Atisiiitlc export cleirances : ( or twenty-four hours were tms litton. . ( hi' lly in the aintmumtsnt to the hulls , conlprb-'lng ommly 10,000 lam. of wheat anti 40- ( n bbls. of Ilotir. Thin week's shmihttnentmt rroiii ttoth coasts t'ere eqmiuth In wheat attil hour togetlii'r to l&tO,000 him , ngnluust 1,460- 1)4)0 ) bmi on ( tic' previous seelc. The stocks of wheat ut lnltmthj are t'xpectctl to hiot' ut decmeuse tom- the veek of 1,00,000 In , . Thin visible EUltjtly is estlnmatetl to have dt'- crenseti about 360.600 itu , this week , 1'hme opnliiimg price for Septemlier ns frommm &Se to 6St.1c ammci It did not get higher dtmntng the sesioti , , It slid oft to C7tc in the fIrst hualf hour and rectet't'ti ngutIn to ( ; .Sc , closing wIth buyers bidding 67ac , Corn vsts for sale lty some of those who loaded miii ttlth tt yesc'rtitty. 11am In great abundance hat ! fallen In Kttmisns anti Ni' . braska Its tIme last twenty-four hiourit , anti it was takemm ( or grssnteti thiat in consequemice the damage to the crop meportctl front theme yeatei'dny had linen put In thin va' of thorough - ough repair. TIme cieanaumd for cash corn wits not us urgent as It has linen , but there "as still no clIlhiculty in gettliug le her bti proitmlum over thin September linen for No , 0 nn.i liLt' nnr , , , , , , , for ? Cn 9 rat. low. Sijti'mnber openetl ut train 3lc tn 39c , drotped It ) 3Jc and closed at that prIce. 'rhtm nmarket for oats was almost lifeless. Iniltiencoil entirely by time action of corn. an easier fecitmig tirevutileth ctnti prIces closeth from to 'c lower. Septnujmler o3wnetl 'it 20 ½ c , soul , down to 20'e ' and closed at 2W.c. ( , Thin ltrovisioil market was tiull nnti at thin close sliowetI very little change in prices since yestertlay. Retimnateti recciitit : W'beat , 115 cars ; corn , pi ; etirs ; ( tatit , 2.7 canst-4uogms ; , next week , 80,000 head. C 'rime lestttuig ftmtureim rangeG es follows : ArtloleL I 0)3 m. I iithi. I 1.3w. I Clot , . 5Vheatho. : s , _ Aug ( 'd ( 6t1aa 'epm. , . . . - OH U8tisi * iiTh o7 lJt'e. . . . . . . . 7OF'4i.ZT 7Ot 'o 7O ( Con. ho.2. . . . . . . . . . . 19T 3P ) anti Sept. . . . . . . : iia3 : 3t1 ? 1t' : : thmi ( 'Cl . 8t $5l4 :171 * 471t lIne . 1II 8.418 I2a ! 'J2t itlity. . . . . . . . . 3iftts4 ai : ; at Atig 2lt iii 20 d'etit. . . . . . . . 2tt 2hiti , ( t'4 20t4fk May. . . . . . . . 24 243 241't 24t I'onk per bbl . . . . . . . . 71) 0 711 it GO 0 7L' Selii..P . ) 40 10 40 11) ; i0 10 u.i- LmtmdlOOlb - Selit. . . . . . . . . U lI 0 15 Il 10 (1 lIt Oct. . . . . . . . . . U ' 'o U 20 6 l2h4 C 20 Jaii. . . . . . . . . U 17J(3 ( 17t'l C l2 U client gibe- Scjtt. . . . . . . . 5 711 5 O It 71) 11 81) ) Oct . . . . . . . . . It 8t ) It $5 1' . 778i It Jaii. . . . . . . . . . 0 35 5 41) ) 5 I. C. 40 Cttithi titiotatloiis were as folios. , : I'LOt'It-\\'lnter mgitetmt5 , . * 3.2o1i.1.5 : winter .itriigtits , * 3.2Itm3.40 ; sirlng Itateutta , $3.400i4.Oo ; spring suraighta. 12.2Jt11.2O ; tatitcia , sm 9oft2.2. t'liEAi'-No. 2 t'jniitg , GJC3C No. 3 uirlutg , C3e : Nt , . 2 red , 67lc. COltN-Nu. 2 , 4115.c : No. 3 yellow , 4ile. OATS-Nit. 2. 2o'lc : No. 2 white , 24tT2c ; No. a white. 2Ut22 ½ c. lsvmNt' . C. 411I44'c. ' It,5mtI.1t'-No. 2 , itorninnl ; No. 3 , ito ; No. 4 , itosatnal. Fi.AX iW.mB-No. I , $ I.OItJl.C0t4 , ' ' . i.7. TIMOTl { SEI'1l-m'nimae. i4.7ti m'iio'iZON-1ttess u.rk , per tbl. , $9. 7009.1' . Lard. ; er 100 lbs. , 55.15. $ Itttrl rtiis eI.lcs ( loose ) , 10.70411.10. liy nIhel shmotildens hi. . , e.l ) , U.62'itj' ' , 0.70. Short clear Ittt ( boxed , $ C.37'tiC.5o. tVIIISKV-lIstlllers' tinhshtetl - gods , 5ier gal. , $1.22. The followIng were the receipts and stmlpmente today : Articles. Itecailite. ShIpments. l'lour , tibia. . . . . . 8,1100 3OtJtI t'imeat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . , 08.0th ) Comit , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:11 : lint ) 'Ok.U9'J ( late. bim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22a.iOu 207.0th ) Bye bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tsittts ) lito ( ) Uaney. bum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lotiu ioou Ott the I'ra lit , ) eCOtiimre , Comae tu , , bumttar ius-tr- iced was st.atIy : cr'nntt'ry , I -'ali4c I : dairy. ttI ) l0c. ) ' .ggs , steady ; l13.4l2J2e. Cheese , 774c. ' ' 3IAI11CII't' , LONION S'I'OClC 2titsltig Sliiires ilooiiliig iitut Aitsir. itsi Ii Slit II tt ii s s Vt'ii Ic , I.ONDON , Aug. 11.-it hiatt been a very quiet week In the stock mantel , except In th-.e mining market , where the feature has been a rise to 7' In Chartered South AfrI. cans. Those shares , which not long ago ttero quoteti a sot'erelgn per share , are now e.pectetl to touch 10. All the Africans and time western amid eastern Australian m'ltares arc booming on better reports of the gold ouIImtit. .llulgitnlnn Chinese imtid Ilrazihlans have been dejmresse , ArgentInes 'were 1mm. AmerIcans were 'uutIn weak on adverse rumors of an assnu't'mnent on lIne. The failure - ure of thin City of Melbourne batik ulfecteti the market but lIttle , as It tt'as fully ox- pecteti , Increaltetl attention has been paiti to industrIal shuares. 'I'he following are the decrestmes ( or the tveeic : Erie anti Nortoik & \Vestern. 2 per cent ; Erie secontls , l per cent ; Northern l'acitic ltrenrreti ammil Louis. vlhle & NtilmvIllt' . P1 lien cent : Umuton h'a- Illt , 1 per cent ; othiertt fractIonal , iCti mismis ( 'I I . 1.1 " ( ' S I ICA2SAt4 CITY , Ausc. lO.-CAT'i'l.hi-Itecelptti , 1Ct ) staid : . .itlpttinis 2,400 head' innihet it.i1y to smrtinc ; 'I'exte ste'rs , b2.3Mm3..O ; 'I't'ae rose , $2.ItfilhO ; i.t.f cuter. . ' , $3,81j0J,1 : itaiiv. ' ctwe , 1.OOb3.fO ; stockerS anti fee.lers , I2.4'JUi. ; bulls , I.OUh12.7. I lOR-hiccetmilP 2.3e ) hieiiI ; i'htImflieutij , COO hetitt ; itiitket . . ( rtng to ICc hIgher ; t.ulk if Films. . i4.&B4.SO ; heittteF , $ I.IOiml.Th ; 1aeiters , S4.44.)5 ; rntx.'ti , ii 2i4.I , : lihts , 84.4tI.SJ Yorkers. 11.5011 4.'O 'igs ' , 2.t01i4,8 , HIlFIi'-llercliis. IttO ) itcad sitIittieni. 31fl head ; tnstthet st-sIy t , , lie loser ; lanmbs , $3.35J 4.70 ; muttons , 12.Il)0j3.35. ) St. liiis 1,1 si , Stocic. ST. 1.0(318. Aug. ' l'-CATTI.l--itecelpis , 2) ) heat ) ; PhlliIIiiilt $ , 700 IteittI ; not cnouti supl' to make a market ; emily retail tiude at prevIous trk'i a. ) iOn4-mIeCeIttC. 1100 head ; sltlirnsats , 2,110 head ; timurket Im tOe lulgltci ' heavles , $4O8.Oi ) ; mnix'l. 14.40tl.ttti ligitie. $ . ) ( , . . ) i I I I -lterellih $ , 3I ) betel : shi Ij'nmente ' , he.itt : sulihil ) ' too p malI ti , tiiak p ii item i idet ; p.tmne retailing done at previous qotilutione. Stoclc I is Sight 1. JtroitI of receipts mit tile four viInelltai nmmflots ( or etaturtley , AUUst 10 , 12i1 : Cattle. hiogs. Slicer' . South Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4S 1,150 Z.Cit CI.lettgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OO 6.tsp ) 1ist Kunsis Chi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3iOQ 2.2' ) ) 1,5' ) ) St. LouIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20' ) ) ' ) 30' TotaI , , , , . . , , , , . . . , , . . . , . , , . 3,4i5 10,110 66 Cimilomi h.irLcei , ST. flt55 Aug. un.-corrON-iilgher arid flrm mliiIlItim ( . in : tiIis , 15 bales. reccipta , t hales ; ehiiiineflts. 46 lult's ; .tvi'k. 13.545 belts. i Jtt' OSI.FAH Aug. mo.-corroN-mutur a , . tim. . sics. Il Siti ) August , $5.56 tlt1 ; Scm , icnib"r , $ G.ICtJ&ttl' October , si.uoui.om. Noyeiibs'r , s7.tt2t37.03 ; tn'cetni.wr , $7.O7t7.05 ; January , 87.1311 7,14 ; FhrusrY. ; 7.lii7.Zo ilanch , 87.24117,26 ; April , $7.Btji.21. a OIAIIA LIVE STOCK AR1CET tJattlth RCCOt1ltS Show ii LRrgo Iulpr07CulCfl u Point of Numbers. FAIR SUPPLY OF UEEF STEERS SOLD I'ries .A tiiii I Sa'iii ( , A I t liotighi Mel irs ' 'iI Is it'll % * , - , ' . lmt tht'r 1't'tiI.-lIt. hlt'MIi Its ii : utIle 4sf liii , liite ItlsIip , , SA'r1JItiA' , Aug , 10. The receipts today st cn 1,448 cattle , 1,613 lt.tg , 2,676 sheep amid ? 3 morses , as isgaimmI e. . . ' d 2,7'Oti cattle , 2,0')7 hogs , 776 sheep ttmmt.i 43 lt'j't's yesterday , ahmd 3711 cttttle , 1A't9 ' hogs tmtmtl 231 sheep on .Stttui : tltsy of ltmt treek , ' ' ' - ' ' ' W'L'tl'l.ilttC'Rl1'1'S. . Cattle , 1lss , Slicer' . fleceipti. thtI treek. . . . . . . . . . . IS , IS mo ; 1,183 itt'ciitt. lust ttedt . . . . . . . . . . . m2.013 l2.IiS 1,143 I..titio it colt I.sl , 3 ( itt' . . . . . . . . 11.717 . Ci. . . . 1 C $ tittt' u 'rh It.53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ' 6,191 Suite stet.'k 189i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . iOL't $ 2),34Jh 2,23 CA'i"l'l.ll-'I'lnre : tvi'i p mmiure etcets Iii time ) 'lildit .to'iay I400ti etmtitmk'Is fur time killers thmitim hiavi' bonus sceim mt'mo lit a lalig lIttle. I hmc'y vent' nil vt'stt'rns and suiti. . , ' of ttmnui good luetivl' ttmmtl fat cattle. The iilai hot tvsta a 111th' shtnu' . lIim'm a c'lnimiuc'ti to tt'imnt ttmo en I tie tt tmtl tim I I milat cii I list t ( hi C ) ' tt'um Ute to ii.sy steitil' hit lees. ( In tIme othuem hiaiitl. sellers tvei'i' lil'lcltlg thit'li' hiolthiimgs ill lrett ) stilt lIitint's , mtiutt operators tvet'e lomime little 111mw tmi gettliig logetluer on a trtdiitmg ) bitsiui. A tnitiim of tIme Ogulaitt : steers oit.l itt $ i.90. 'flue Itultltiy Of hmo sttiiT wts the suimaUcat In sctiime days , emily seven om' eIght loitla of tist's hielmmg i tsltoi'tcd Iii thin yssi di. . 'Fite mar- kt't on desirable cow attuf 'vtis iltoimt steady , The coummitoim untl imit.'tlitmimi grades t'ort , slow itmit ! a little wetik , There were no guoti feeders In the i'trda lttdui y , atmd t hi lie I lie tie iuistiid , tts us ima i omm a Sattmrtltiy , wits 1101 lange , thics fei'llmmg stilts lirmum , it lit safe to ssv : that gooti ui'i'tlers Is otihti iitie Coin 11151 mmml oti fuil ly a S cat ) ) ' hirIct's. Iii ntlilitlcmum 10 tue freu'hm receipts tlmt'ro store ( lull I ii it z outi mmii : ii ) ' I tgm ! t aimtl com ci immon stuck- , .i us umini feetii'rs In time Isaitila of m'pecumisstura _ 1.n Cnli'S. . , C , . , . , , . , . . . antI hmolilei s were tvllimmg to utcci'lmt a little lower Itrlces to clettim up rittlier limitit hioliL . . hit ) t'mittlt' ttver miimtil , ilolmtlisy , I 10t154-'rliem i' were tt % eiuty-tltm cc fieslm lonitt of Itogs cet cam , ' , as nitiuttt I tte'tmtsIs ) cc leithi , y. 'iltu ltogs , iii , to .OinhIt 3' , % sei'e' Utititit Oil liii st'cr. Ca , , tv I th t lie I , 'tt't Iii a ot thur p.m et fets' tb aa. 'FItt'i'u tstts St gre" ) teiiuutnil , boilt lot'ttl iimit ship. pIng , iuittl thi tiale a its titlIt-i. , ; t an imihi titice tif ahjut Oc , 'rite phi liters lit Id I i , it ftii' sonic liEd Ia' gt.ot liIut linga thitit neitmilout the , attmt , ' us thin Sift itt'git ' , sttt ilay. 'i'It' , ltiih , of Itt , ' stiles ' 4 tiC at $4Ot ) to 14,60. at' ttgiiiiiet 54,4) tt $4.&f. a i's- I t r.liia' . A a t'.m ny clint elite stat e t't.'c Stll1ll'-'Ihmn tveiiite of tta''it were lung's mmmi , ! I hi , , mini tkt't at thur slow. F'.tir to eloiSe , ' fliutt'vs mill' titutiimlile ut litmtm , heW I. $3.Pi ; ftmir itt tv.l It , ' , tt'nius ii t ( I 0151 I2.2 t s3.2 : ( 'oltiuitita mtnl stick Cbt'ei , itt front $1.5' ) In 12.70 ; goqil to ehuice 4' te 100-lb. latnle at ( aim $3.60 to $3 , Gil lC.t(4) lm''li stocK , Imi Cmittl , ' It 1)1.1 Not 'I'iiI 1.iimig to lIsi.o.t' ( if theOlTerImiMs , - - Cmtl'AOO. ( Aug. 10.-In tlue cattl , , mmmtui ket It tiltS itot tilt , , ' long to thlsposo of slit , few , tgt.m Immn at timmclttiitgtl 5'rleet' , etilti ition to at i let ly chaiice mutt- tiv.s , , lI t'sceil bct nnl tthttmtttmtg . teci 5 Itt'imig to I- mdiii , at ri'Iui : i.tet ) It ) 10.151 , stitli trimumeitctloima moost 13 itt Croitm $4 , 6) ) in tOrt. Ctttt it nmmd 11,1 ft'm e ml ore lii iltiimtiiid at ( ruin $1.20 to $ , Iit. nutS I litre Is II 0 bit lt til titht itt Ci , tuim $1. 70 Itt $ a.n. ' 5 , lIt , t emil citlt es toltl at tronm 13 io $0,7it , t'em ' few goltug titer $5 , 501. ' ' , ca I S It' tvern ci , lalhc a I ft toil $1.70 to $3.5' for stet'i it , imitti a stile watt immatto ) esterttti' of ( Itenty head cC mm3-Ib. s't'ry gt.t..I sut't ii at $4. $ I tti''it 1.051 littgt , ts'em e ciii i lt..i ot'er lit et umiglut itud Site ittmriil3' titus treti 3' mica t ly nht'aattI op I hIs uttirnlng , rules I't'i tig Itirgely itt hIm titlvatic' , ' of Ic Icr 104) Its. This left lit , ' mange of lit iris tvIar tuna' sttool a 5'lt into. lt'tivl' hogs enlil at front 84.3' ' ) to 84.110. . tmmIxt'tI timid bum t cItr ) itg. itt ft t ia $1.40 to $5 , light tt t'Ightt , . at , , ' , 14.75 to $0.0. ) , f'nihor w.t.it , , n ti , ' , al , , , . tiC , . , Ira ) It , . , C. . . . . . $0.0. ) to s&.a : , iltil $ iigs at ( mciii $ I.ti It. . 93.7. 'rue Stint of thiO im'tcn still itt trt.tmi $4.Ot to 14.65 Cur lii'ts'y , imnil at froimi 14. 70 in $5 fur hlghui. in siit'ip I ii.'i 0 ts'em'e ha t itl ) , 'mmotigti to nmstln a. math kt't tutu. ) ' , omiI' iii itt , t i , tNii ) ) it'lng naeeIt'cil , l'rices were mmmostly nonulittim at froni il.0 It , $4 for itativis , iii fatim , 12.70 to $ m.II for teeslel sic , attt at Iniltim 83 ii , $1.4' for emtriiig intitle , The wc't'tc' . I ecvimtts ( tint ntmrly 72.INim hi'tiI , anti tim anmtiag I tie Itiggest mmrrl title t It is ittitsoum , I t'tetiit s : Ca I tIe , $ ( tt ) hiemmtl raIses , 10' liett11 luogs , 6,00' ) heat ) ; shed' , 1,00) hteutl , OtAlIA ( liNliltAL MAII1C1I'I' . CondItIon , , f 'rrmile nisal Qti..tittI.msa Ott Strilile ititit l'miney l'rothimee. tOGS-Fresh Mock , per dos. , lO4lOe. ! llUTTIlt-PaekIng stock. tb11sc ; imotce to taumcy , 11411Cc : gatlterci crcamma'ry , 3ihTlcj asitit- ntItr ci , amtt'ry , lOti msc. r1\'lI I'OUI.TIIY-Itenm , , Ge : roosters. 3c ; eiring , . 4" chickens , lien lb. , btttttc ! ; tmticks , little ; spnlng thick , . 'lijac ; tumkea's. 111c ; geete , Ic. s'iAi.-c'iiotce fat. 70 to 60 Ii. , , . , are quoted at 6816'4t' : large vail etitmee , 4iI'c , Cl I ll'Sl-WIecouieImm full cream. tic ; Young Amnertt'ta , lm11loc ; Ittinit. hlflJo : N"itrupka antI loan , full cream. 1Cc ; I.trnitutrger. No , 1 , ZOo ; itriek. n. I , mlc ; Smelt. . No. 1. lOc. ICAY-tTplanti has' , $7 : taltilnitti , $7 : low. land , 11.10 ; new hay , $6 : "a'e 51mw. * 5 ; color tnslce , the pike on Stay. l.lgtmt bales cell SIte best , Only top prm'silee lii lag lop prIces. I'IGEONS-Per dna , Im.OOfli.21. vIcrT.sIii.mIs. POTATOCS-New potatoes , choice smock , 30G Sb. OIOS-flermmmias. per crate , none : Cimilfoirmia , ! n , t.mi'ku. per bu. , 83c4ji.OO ; ) ionme grown , GO'tflbc. ' 01,1) allANS-Itaiiil ihcked , navy , $0.00 ; LIuna teane , mien II ) . , 54C&e , 4 ( "A IIIIAOI'1-On unIt-i s. sacked , 1'c. TOMATOES-Choice stock , Iter 4-tisisket crate , W'ATI'ltIIFtO-I'cr tloz. , crntt'.m , il.OOt32,25 , ( 'nm.mtts'-htotste groan , per tioz. . 4)c , CAN"FAS.OPI'l8-I'er inkt't , 4O4jOe. FIIUITH. SlED mu.ssm'milltltm Ci-No shIpping stock. l.t'amH-ciiIifnmnn. ! I'ei box. , choice etocit. t1 , ; rand . % ' lmrletiett , I.50 ; soutiiemti , per cast Al'ittCOTi4-No elmiplilag stock , hOtTlt mltN 1'li.Cl mms-None. A l'I't.lS-Clioiee ChtitmtlnC , stock , bbi , , $2.Ot1 2.20 ; entittlng apples. 81.r4t2.OO. ( 'ALIF'OmeNiA I'FAChLliS-Crawtorths , per box , tIe. STHA'tS.'IlFIItitIgIl-Chohce shIpping Stock , none. Cll'jtflIF-No ! .htlpplng stock , (1OOStliI'itItl mi3-t. , , siiipjtlng stock. hit.ACg ItAstI'fllltItIgsNt : eltlpping stock. TtIACICIIFnmtmr.S-No shIppIng stock OItAI'l'i4-l4outttern stock , $ icr JO lb , baekpt , 15c : 6'ttaekt eratcs , * 2,00 ; Caltfoinla , per case , earle whIte t'zmrtt'ttt'p. 8I.ii. NtC'l'AltlZ'S-CtillttirnIa , per cate , Ttt.PICAI. riiulTS , omtANamS-cltttlce seedllnrc , Iier box , $2.80 ; 1ittIItrnitnean sweets , 82,70 : rimncy St. Mtchrmrls , nitime. mt'amo.Ne-flxintt : fancy meisions , 36' sIze , $ G.Q ; au' sIze , * 6.00116.20. SmANANAII-CItoke large ctoc4 : . tier hunch , $3.25 112.5(1 : nie.Iitinm size hunches , $0.004s2.2Z. l'1NEAl'I'Lih't-Ntiiic. MIhCELLANIOUS. ' F1OS-i'ancy , lbc ; choIce , 12f313c , ' SlONlY-Caiiforimia l421c. rilAm'Lmi hit'ltUJ'altost litre , per doz. , $12 ; fllxby. I-guI , cites , It Nu'rs-Almnonds. Ito ; English walnuts , soft. shelled. lIe ; sttnndttntls , lmc ; illbem Is , lrc ) lirtistl tIut. , lOc ; pecans , Sc ; peanuts , raw , $ , roastea , CDATrSI CO to O.lb , box , . , Go per ibm fanil dames. small boxes , Ito per lb. CliCfl-m'tirc JuIce , Jier bbl. , $5 : half blil , , $3. limeto l'Ol'COltN-ln the car , on orUen. , per lb. 24o , a HIDES ANT ) TALLOW. 11iDIS-No. 1 green hdes , ' , tc ; No. C green hIdes , be ; No. 1 k'i'Cn e.iItel hIdes , Cc ; No. 3 siren stilted hIdes , 8c ; No. I veal calf , S It , IS lbs. , lOc ; No. 0 t emil i'tijf. K to 15 lbs. . mOe ; No. 1 dry ilint hides , 14titc ; No. 2 dry utint luldes , ISo ; 2.o. . 1 , ] iy saiieI hides , lOc , I'.irtly curs , " hides. lc per lb. less tlttin fuliy cured , SlIi'il' m'Il'rs-Oreen stilirl , etch , 2ZfJ&Qc ; green stilted slienilings ( short wouled curly skIns ) , each , 81113c , tirs' slit'atlinge ( eltort Steeled eitrly ciImtt0' No. 1 , tuOb , C,4lOc ; any chrarllngs ( short wuoletl earI' skins ) , No. 2 , ucti , Cc , thy that iittitetts antI Nebe _ . .i buicter a'ooJ hells , prr tt.und , actual welgec. 117Cc' dry tltitt Ittirteas antI N.Iraska ittuinain 11001 , pen poutid , actual ttt'igltt , 46jte ; dry hint Coloratto butc'lter wool nelis. oem' ttountm. actuttt weight. 4ti'c ' : dry tIltit Coioruto piUrrahn cool 1vIIa , j.erpourmd , actual elglut , 411Cc. lfttvo feet tut dO , US ii Ii uteless to i.uy frctghit tin them , .rAi.T.OW AN ) ) nltmiASi-o. 1 tallow , 4tIt 4c ! : Na , I Isillow. t'/,5j4c : gicase , While A ' 4 4c ; grease , whIte it , 3'c ; grease. yellow , 23tfl Ic ; grease , dutk , 24c ; old butter , 2tj2c ; bees- wax. prime. 17020cm i-"I. tallow , Zc , svoor. , UNWASIICZ-ylne heavy , eliTe ; fin. llgimt,5 lec : quarter-ItloisI , lovia' : st'i'tly , hurry antI chstfy , 54iOe : cottetl anti broken , coarse , Ti ) Sc : celled itntl luke , , , hue CUbe. svOol.vASIImtMethlum. : . IbUlle : tine. m4 Is' , : tub waseth ) , , 116l5ct bud : . be ; ituck , Ge ; lag locks 2u13e : ticait ttullet , 513Cc. F. 1' . UMITII ( Tel. 13S ) 0. U. STAt'FOIt F. P. SMITH Co. CHAIN and PHOVIS1ON Room 4. N. V. Lifo BIdE. , Otmisalims. Branch oflice , at F'remont tint ! Colunibus. ALL order. lilareti On the Chicago Hoard of 'rradf . luchuttarts. Pup. . & Co. , CIII. Citriespottdtnt. clso' Sehireiaer , Flack it Co. , lit. Lout. . I ( . ( 10 pInt National flunk. Omaha. JAMES E. BOYD , J , W. DEA Telephone $039. BOYD & DEAN OMAIIA , NEIl. COMHSSION 'a' Grain. Provisiowt & Stocks . 1 Room lil'/ Board of 't'rade. Direct wires to Chicago anti New York. f CorieapondefltlJoimn A. W'urremm& Cs - - V.- MAIOIN No matter what booklsi cii spec. ulalomm lou iJiCY liVu iP4'1 , dO TI1AIINi ( or ours. whiti , I. NIV and lIXI'LAlNliI ) cosli'h.ITI : . It clearly raplaimis ieaiglum trading and DFINCS Ait. MAltKlI'L lXs'ltmSSJONS. : It's frse sad will , yeti , nm.thlng. .sfth300AST 6.'O. , 223 Tr&dir . ilutlOing. CbiC.o. - - . S -