. ; ' . . . - V ; i- - - - - - . . _ -2---- ; -z" VV V 9 . , ' " ' " \ , , V V ' ' V - V , I' V i , V V V 'I - , . ' > . . ' r r- ! _ _ : ' 'ITE OJ\rAIIA \ DAILY ; nEE : : MONDAY , AUGUST 12 , 1895. n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I r I Pulse o Westrn = , - - 4 1 @ 1- j Worlc on the Pliget SOll11 . nn. Lake W ° a1t. Ington Ihlp canal , wMeh In this tate hn r.wket In Imllortnnco with the Nkoraru : canal , hnl been mnl0 the luue of n Etat" 'ratpnfsn and Vha reeAYd " tie ntenton and ; ' reconlcndnton of" United Stntes ! enaton , c'nre".ren and vermnent cnllnccr.1 , h:1 Ictunly COltolcel , la1 n Seattle IIpatlh to the ean Irnlclllo ChronIcle. I II to bo \llt ly Iutern caplal.t < , who "I Ijend $ ; , OMIJ In I ! eor.truvt1nn . . - . The J eject I l or ultol Imprtal p , both ( I"I n cumnlerclal on,1 , naval Etllpolnt , nnJ for ) cat hp been t1Icis.4 b ) the people of the couiitry. The canal will run through n neck of ln,1 10.:2 : f'et whle , anti , will LI vxtndci1 ; , through thc lat ! on 1llltonnl l'lrf feet , so that Its length from deep water In the "oul1 to deep 'ater In the lake will ho :0,78 : feet , cr : ,9 rnIIo. 'fho ! hii ) lecl'l II l projected through the high lands duo out of the natl It 1lunes , Intn 1 bill Dt glacial drift , where a cut at :08,1 feet will be . required : then I I Intel n valley , In which the lowcst point ,1 he ; 31 .4 feet : then Into another ' 11 ! rls. Ing H.G I feet above the be.l . of the canal , . ' . al.1 . finally through a IloURh Into the lake. td 'fhe canal will be eighty feet wide on the 1)\01 and twontY-llx feet deep nt low water. Near glot hay , on the west , aleck lock wi be built , 400 feet long and nfy feet wille. Lake \nshlngtrJ 11 twenty miles long and of \\'llh varying from three to five mies , anti II I from fifty to Faventy.fivo feet deep. I les ( Itxteen feet above high title. and with Is lumerOUi Inlets and quiet wlter" , where the shlll of a nation might rest In Iccurly , will afford an Ideal harbor Naval mtn have looked upon It as one of the mORt Ilerfect havens to be found In all the world. I I ; sal(1 ( that the canal , together with the J a waterways to be built through the tide flats at the mouth ot the Duwamlsh , will afford a means by which the annual freshets can bo controlled. 'fhe canal will open up a large area ot country on the shores of the lake : It will contribute 1 large and convenient acreage for railroad yards antI manufactures ; I will vastly Increase the deep water frontage of the city ; It will supply n fresh water harbor where 8hlps may ride In 11erfect safety and unchlfed hy the rising and falling of thE tide , and where they may become rid of the destructive terldo : anti , all told , I will en- dow the city with facilities for commerce enjoyed , by few of the malt favored sea- Ilolls nf the world TllYING TO HAISE FLAX , t , Exlenlllll investigations of much Importance , . to the commercial interests of the country , having In view the determination at the pos- Ilbllty ot successfully growing lax for fiber In this country , have been decllld upon by the Agricultural department , says a Wash- ! Inrton special to the Oakland ( Ca ! ) Tr'bune ! ' The work will bo begun at once anti will cover this season , and doubtless will extenl to next year. The experiments wi he can- duct ell ( at last Farndale'aslm. , Agricultural officials hel eve that this region Ie best Idulltet to fax growing , In view or Its damp , lolst clmat ! alI } the best fax raised In this country , practically all of which Is for oil purposel and none for use lS fiber , Is said to le raised In the vicinity or Puget sound , The Investigations will involve expanditures : . Investgatons wlinvolvo e'I ndlures aggregating at least $900,000 and will be In charge of Dr. A. W. Trenton the agent of # . the department there , who wilt be assisted . 11Y au expert Delllan , who lisa bon In this V country some time. ; The experiments are regarded al of great Importance 111 will be watched with much Interest by manufacturers The work wi ho begun at once , and the flax , after being grown and treated , will bo sent to fctorIes , SI.K CU.TUIE ASSUmm. Mr. S. Ban In Intelligent . educated Japanese - ese , who speaks English Quent ) has just ex- hlllell In the ofce of the secretary of the exposition a skein or silk raised on Portal11 Heights , lays the Portland Sun. Mr. Dan bas a ranch of aleut sixty acres on the heights near Mount Zion , anti three years . . ago he began the experiment at cultivating . ' . ] , ; t 11 ( , Ito was advised that the experiment I , e wo1111 result Iii failure ; that this coutrry ant " climate were not suitable , ant other reasons were nlsh I1I. however , being a practical man , ant having a knowledge of the culture In Japan , three years ago he Imported 1,000 mulberry trees from the old country all set tbtm out on two acres of his tand. The trees tool root readily without the loss of one. Last February Mr lan secured from Japan silk- worm eggs sumclent to stock the trees , and the result Is now that he bas a sample of the finest silk that has ever been ralel lie has demonstrated the fact that silk can be raised In this country , and he Is anxious to show It tn the people , especially skeptics , at the exposiion , I Is certain that silk culture - tlm can now be added to the other industries of this vallY , and } there will be money In It . The experiment tried In other portions - of this state proved an entire failure from the start , hut In tlle cases It was the fault of V tilt climate , The climate of the lower Willamette - ? ' Inmete aplelrl to be suitable. 4 GmmN PETROLEUM. WELL OF PETIOLIWI. Veteran oilmen from ' foreign parts and pIoneer borers of local repute have had theIr Interest aroused by a discovery of vast Importance - portance to the local oil industry , says a Los Angles Ilspatch to the San Francisco Ex- aminer. Joeph E. Cook , the well known broker anti nianufscturers' agent , has struck I so rich In his well on Metcal street , near Temple that hI I the envy of all the , fortune hunters In this district. About six weeks ago ho bought his well , which I near the Strauss plant , and has ben boring with varying success Iince. At the level at which nil the other wells Iud run Into the full few of petrolelm , Ito or no result was achlevCl , But Cool resolved to "fM It out on that line If It took eli summer. " 'and cntnuell his boring In the next 201 feet 11 kinds at obstacles were encountered Sam buckets fell Into the bore , casings woul Ilck , the hole would become jammel anti promllln ! indications would end In nothln . Nine hundred feet down , In the thlnl sand stratum encountered by the per- alltent borer , what looked like quantities of , liquId green paInt was brought up. A little further and clearer quality came up In a aledly anl , and InvestgJton discovered 1m- V mealurable quantities behlml. The stuff I was1ssayed and tested , anti was found to be of a vastly different quality from the ordinary - dlnar1 petroleum of commerce. The black j Ietroleum , which Is on an asphalt base , II _ _ 'care ' situ } of a gravity as high as fourteen or ffteen , The flow from the Cook well la ' _ - green , on a heavy paramne hale , and I . strng with Its quantity of kerosene haying - Inl a twenty-ehht gravity. In fact , the t borers who wash the black oil out of their V hands with ordinary kerosene can take this raw lroduct and wash themselves equally clean Oil men claIm the discovery to be . fully II Important al the first strIke made her ! and Ierhaps even more eo , because I Indicates an inexhaustible basis under the . haul , anti deposits below the Ilresent depths ao rich that measures will bo generally taken to eeo who can strike It next. The gauge of the bore will have to ho increased to make the ' ,1ellth , and machinery all methods . ods will bl re\'olutonlzed. mcn IN } 'EE OOLD. The richest gold strike ever made on the Colorado river was that just made In the l'10eho mines , 11s a Yuma special to the Io/Ier News. Somme ; miner working about twenty feet from the line of the Mars mine , In what has always been supposed to bl . barren ground , began an open cut In the great vein of quartzite which crosses ' the foundation. On the surface no gold wu found In the rock . At the depth of twenty Inches they struck $5 to $8 ore , which at the end of the distance of twenty felt increased to $15 to $ U. They then sunk a ahatt on the ore At the depth of five feet the rock run $ S to $25 , at ton feet from $25 to $50. and from le\'enteen to twenty feet It runs from $50 to -150 per ton In free gold , - The ore body a now opened Is twenty feet wide of this rich ore , showing neither vhi . At the bottom of the shaft the ore contnu- ally grows richer a depth If i attained. The cropplngs on the surface are 70 feet wile ht and show for I long distance In length. V When they enter the Mars line and party V ) acres that mine they are more than 700 fet .1'V % In wldlh. All the ground conrad by the new find has been located , I II regarded by V. . mhlng men to be the richest and mOlt 1m. lortammt strike enr male In Southern Arizona V ! , or along the Colorado river. I.UCICY OnE 'IND. Several important discoverIes 'Iavo been made In Iorongo mlnng ! district lately , says a r I San lI'rnardlM dispatch to the San Frncisco I I Chronicle . The greatest IXclemNlt prevails lt the ; Ioronlo King mine of that district because of a big strike , and the richest ore yet uneonred 1 being hohttl from a lenl that ha been running over :0 feet. The new find Is a leven.foot Jedle of rich ort From the frt thirty ton which were milled at time mine Ulne ball at gold bullion were m3Ie , , one ot which "ent $1,30. The other two are abeut the Mme , so that the frt thirty tons netted a total of $1,00 Judge J. J. . Campbell , one at the owners , had an a ! a ) male that eho\\cl S2i2 to the ton But the fanples were from the lame body of ore II ( lila just discovered. Thil mine 11 10cate(1 about fifty miles nort' . east . uf this city , and has on excellent supply of witcr and wood. ant VETERANS STflh1E IT BCI Two old.time miners on the Pacific slope , who are ale veterans of the Ilte war and Inmates . mates Df the Soldiers' Iome , four tithes south of this cIty , have been putting In some of theIr leisure time respecting for gold In the mountains north of there , with the result of finding some fob looking quartz , assaying more than $100 to the ton , says a Santa Ion- lea dispatch to the San 'ranclseo Call , They began sinking oo . the ledge , whch was a well- defined cropping , a year or more ago , and from time to time relumed work untIl they have atained a depth of thirty feet , at which depth the new are was fount\ The are body . Is about Ilx Inches In wIHh ! and Is runnlug perpendicular with the walls . which are lme and porphry. The ore Is black and whie ) with pyrites of iron They spar , Intenperslwith \ p'rles have also put I to the telt at pan and mortar and sope beautiful colon were obtained , which were visible to the nake,1 , ee. There ) I a great deal of float Iluartz In the gorge below Wand I wag by this means that the or was traced to its origin The new find has stimulated the discoverer to continue work ae rapidly as possible , and to this end they are putting up a cabin at n spring In the vIcinity of the claim anti hereafter will camp on the ground. For many years prospecting In these mountains has been indulged In , but with no results like the present , anti many have gone out to see the new discovery and look for mor" .ee OIL IN TIlE FOOTHILLS. A company Is beLg forled here for the purpose of developing the rich oil beds believed - le\'ell to underly the foothill land In the Coast Range , owned by Selma people , lays a Selma dispatch to the San Francisco Call. Near Coalinga . In the extreme southwestern . western part of Freanto county , A. Bnrlcou , a merchant , and Mien lcWhorler . , a Methodist evangelst and newspaper man , who Is known throughout the state In connection \ with the Sunset Irrigation district , own lanl , In the footimills. A streak of oIl rock crops out on thIs land , I hnl been prospected wih pick and shovel , and such surface work as could be tone with the most prlmllvo tel In this way A. Barlcau has eeured many gallons of lubricating oil , which cOles from nature's laboratory all ready for use. Many well known farmers In this vlcry have used It In the past season on their machinery , and pronounce It superior to the commercial ar- tide. The petroleum , which hal heen secured - cured In the same primitve way , Is black and odorous , but burs well , and could be made available for fuel without rennlng. A sample has been sent to the east to be tested In the lame vicinity natural gas has been dlseo\'ered A jet In a fissure by the road- sde ! accidetaly lighted hy a smoker's match , burned for days , a weIrd torch In n lonely and unfrequented reglon.Captaln liar- rett . Captain McCurg and W. D Lagrange , nit of whom have hail experience In oil development - velopment In the aU rellons of Ohio , recently visited the Barlcau land and were more viied than satisfied with the prospect. The om- pony now being formed Includes thee gentlemen - tlemen , together with other experts ali cap- italists. A Plant will be procured and two or three experimental wells sunk within a short time. tmc.KILLED KILLED BY A BRAI1. \Vord was recently received of an unknown man being ked by a bear at Berner's. h,1) The , man wag James leDonahl , an old-time miner and prolpoctor of Juneau , says the Juneau Mining Heeord , The story goes that while he and William PrIor were out pr03- pectiimg the lay upon which the death occurred - curred they gave two Indian boys the rifle whIch they had with them to go imp al the mountain sl1e to hunt for mountall sheep , Soon after the Indians had left McDonald and PrIor saw three hears , Olre old and two ypar- hug cubs , coming after them at full speed The men started to run , hut IcDonal , who saw at onco. that his fate was certain. told Prior , who was In advance. not to walt for him , hut to save his own life. The large bear soon overtook McDonald As she was about to come Ipon' him he turned anti raised a prospecting pick to strike , but the bear with one blow from her paw sent him whirl- log In the aIr. No sO'ler done than she started In hot pursuIt of Prior. Prior was headed for a deep gulch , and upon reaching I he fell over a clump of buslo- , . landed on the snow and shot down the moult11u side like an arrow. When he reached the Inlch the bear was but a few feet from him but here she seemed to have lost all track of him onll turned back to finish the woundel , man , anti before leaving him she saw that life was ! leIS extinct. The Indians were far up the moun- taL sIde and saw McDonald meel his fate , but were unable to render any aslslance , Prl.r landed at the bottom of the gulch not a Ito bruIsed , but feeling rather satisfied with hIs unpleasant ride. The bear soon left and Prior and the Indians brought the remains - mains of the dead man to Juneau , where he was buried. James McDonald was born In Nova Scotia In 18H. and came to Alaska from Colorado In 1886 , from which time he has been engaged In mining and prospectng , lIe served In the late war , and was a member - ber of the Grand Army of the Itepubllc. . NEDRASKA. Red Wllow county claims to have 8,000 acre of alfalfa this season , Thurston county h organizing an agrlcul tural socIety and will have a fair. Emerson will have a new Methodist church , to be built of brick and to cost $2,000. Thresher at work In the vicinity of Wake- field report that wheat Is averaging twenty- five bushel per acre. Wa'yne II to have a new enterprise In th shape of a shirt factory to be operated by E. C. Cole ' , recently of Omaha. The two days' reunion of the old soldiers at Hooper was a great success. General Thayer was one of the aUractions. G. G. Ialer' < reslderf2 , three miles from Wlnllde , was entirely destroyed by fire dur- log the temporary absence of the occupants , The directors of the Cuser county fair hove decIded to permit no political Ipeeches on the fall grounds during the annual ehow The seml-annunl statement of the treasurer or Plate county shows the county has $37- 693 cash on hand and only $11,265 In outstanding - standing warrants. , The railroad company has eomplele a new sidetrack at Ponder In order to make room for the grain cars that will be needed to haul out Thurstol county's cropl. ' Mr . Duel a farmer near Meadow Grove , threshed 230 bushels of barley from two and a half acres of land , the grain being machine measured and the land lurveyed. Fred Schram , a 14-year-old Columbus boy , climbed onto a frleKht traIn switching about the yards for a ride. In Jumping off be was ' thrown under the wheels and kied , I'ostmaster Kerns of Tekamah will resign In order to enter the newspaper business lie has , In company with Chales Conger . , pur- ; chased a newspaper at Casper , Wyo . Norfolk's military band II figuring on going to Boston with the Nebraska Knights Tern- plar. Incidentally , twenty or thirty other bands In the state are hoping to make the same trip Sparks from a locomotve let fire to Joseph Oraham's fell of shocked oats near North lend and Ie now has to guess how bIg the yield would have been had the grain not been deltroyed. The 3-yen-old son of Mr. and Mrl Marshall . shall was lost In the sand his of Frontier county for twenty.four hours . The little one was found nearly dead from heat and thirst , having wandered seven mmillee . The L'ons Mirror figures the vahle of Burt County's crop something like this : "Wheat , $33SGSS : oats , $387,600 : corn $900,000 : hay of all kintis , $2 OOOO : potatoes , fruit etc. , $50,00. This makes a total of ,366,188 , and doe not Include hogs , cattle , poultry , eggs or butter . Some Idea Cf the agricultural importance -f Burt county may be gained when It I known that I & this year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 1112.000 acres at corn , 42:3 acres of wheat T.ti,000 Acres 01 oats and 60,000 acres of hay lands I. E . Ash II the fret Custer county farmer to pay for the cecil furnlbe , ) him lat spring Iy the Broken Bow Relief association. lie wa loanell ffEen bus'.ie : , anti from the seed he raised 200 bushels of fine \h at. ; [ rs. Anna DeLarlo of Fremont received word that her brother , Charles Iramel , had been killed at Laramnie'yo. . lie was at work In a mine anti . a heav hoisting bucket crush'td him , death being Inltantan' eOUA. , " 'arme. In time vicinIty ot Table Hcck have contracted to cultivate 2,000 acres of sugar bletl next year , and the citizens of that lmmms- tng town have formed a Joint stock company and subscribed $ ,000 In cash toward a sugar factory LOUI City people are enthusiastic over the ! \ \ Ilch hieing constructed hy the Sherman County Irrigation company. The ditch tpa the Middle Loup river near Arcadia and Is thlrtY'llx miles long. I will Irrigate 30,000 acres ot rich bottom land , John Ihrig , a Beaver City man , Move Into a shoal ot water at the head of the mill race to water his team The hores , plunged Into a washout twelve feet deep and lung was nearly drowned ( before he could extrIcate him- self from beneath hIs buggy Three tramps broke Into a Beaver City store Their identity was establshet and a pOIse of citizens gave chase. The tramps took refuge In the corn fields , and the corn stood so thick and high that they hail ' no dim- culty II secreting themselves. North Ilend has had another baptism ot fire. The flames started In ! er per's haress shop , anti before they were Extnulshed ICruz3's new grocery store and Mrs. Scott's millinery store were entirely destroyed The total loss foots up to about $8,000. Oscar Brown , a man 60 years ohl , Is under arrest at Fremont for trying to make a crimInal - Inal osu : al Clar Dalstrom , a little girl j y\at old The child Is an orphan The court offered to release Irown on $300 bal , but the sentiment against hIm was S ( slong that no one would go ' 11s bond. Work has been commenced on a new grain elevator at Wakeneld The Mlsnlc lodge has purchased a lot and will at , nce erect a two-story lodge building , a new hotel Is to lie Hectell rllht away , and new grain Is being shipped out of time town at the rate of a car- load field a day. Times are pety god II Wake- IOVA. The pontoon hrlge at Sioux City Is prac- tc31y completed. The Onslow Old Follows are building a two-story brick hal , An electric Ilhtng plant Is one of thc probablles ! for Ioclford , Aim artesian well Is beIng sunk at the Fort Madison state penitentiary. Work on Indlanola's new system of water \'ork works Is to he commenced at alce , Fort DJdge Is to have : a Catholic academy , to be conducted by the Sllteu of Iercy. : Ir. and Mrs. Edward erlvan were serLo ously ton. Injured In a runaway accIdent at Cliii- Three well known citizens or Waterloo have been fined for shootng prairie chickens out of leason. The Women's Bicycle club of Mason City has seventy-eIght members , and they all wear bloomcr : Good prOrel Is being made In the CJn- structon of the new electrIc street railway at Fort Malson , The contract for the now $80,000 Marion county court house at Kuoxvlo has been let to a Chicago man. Time college at Iulboldt Is to b reopened with ten regular instructors. I has been closell for some time. tme. John Beecher of Burlington was ked hy a traIn while crossng ! the track on his way home from work Twenty-five hundred old soldiers and their fSmlles hell a monster picnic at Greenwood park , near Des Moine GrInnel has Just laid the eJrner stone of a now Methodist Episcopal church , to COt when completed 30000. Jmlge Orlnler of the supreme court Is to bo married scan , the brIde being the daughter of Judge GIven of Des loln s. Clinton People are all worked up because Genevle\'o Flood , an emlloyo In a millinery store , has married a Ch naman. Calhoun county has a IJre3cher who rles : I a bicycle , or rther , dll ride until sam thief In the night rode It away. Isaac H. McQuown , GO years old , and a highly respecleJ farmer near Burlington , was gored to death by a vicious bull. Wlum P. Bares , a prominent citizen of Dubuque. died at the age of 7 lIe hal been connned to hs bed five years. The deadlock In the Illanola school board over the choice of a superintendent still con- tinues. Over 100 ballots have ben taken with no resuls , . Prc Jones cashier of the Merchants' Na- tonal bank at Clinton , was nearly alphyxl- ate,1 , by a gas heater In his bath room. I took two hours to resuscitate him Charles Phillips , a Rock Island railroad conductor , went to a hal game at Trenton and yelled so enthusiasticaly for the winning club that he ruptured a blood vessel and diet dlelt.Mu. Mu. C n. While of lJnloy was thrown from a carriage and bad her scalp torn com- plelely from her heal , She L Itll living , hut the physIcians have but little hopes of her reco\'ery. Miss Emma Hanson , living near Malone , went to a dance Saturday night and danced over Sunday. She was sleze(1 wLth heat disease - ease the next day as the result of over exorton ! and dIed Ell Clolkrey , an IS-year-old boy al Tama , llug ! through the basement of the Methodist Episcopal church until he uncovered the cor- nor atone Then he chIseled through to the tin receptacle and stole the trinkets that had been deposited there when the stone was , laid. He put In several llays' hard work ali sold the stuff for 6 cents The census returns are revealing a number of centenarians now living In Iowa. Among these discovered the past week are Breaker Ford of Otumwa , 102 years old : Nancy Crulhan of Monroe county , 100 yean old , and William Kennedy of Monroe county , 100 year old. All claim to be enjoying good health. The first named Is a negro preacher , who can neither read nor write. The later two are Irish Cathelics. COLORADO , A new gold strike has been made In the Batty near Idaho Springs. The smeler re- turns show $35 to the ton. A Detroit syndicate Is about to commence the construction of a $100,000 chlorination plant In California gulch near Ward The Oold Standard mine In the Cripple Creek district Is tq be driven another 250 feet. I Is now 70 feet In the mountins , At the depth of over 10 feet a big veIn of $100 are was opened up In the Champion , enRich Rich hi , on Alpine creek , about four miles from Duncan camp In the Smuggler mIn at Aspen , 90 feet below the surface , one pump Is installed which weighs 14 tens , cost $5,001 , and throw ! to the surface 850 gallons of water per mInute The Grand View management hal struck two feet 0 $300 gold smelting ore In the Great Western , whIch they are working under lease. The ore Is laid to be almost solid copper , The LIncoln Placer company , situated on the welt side of Olett , has nearly completed - pleted the dam for water storage and contemplates - templates running a fume from Oil creek to obtain water lupply. Placer dirt running l high al HI to the ton has ben uncovered In the vicinity of Second street at Victor. A 'Iand-rocker has been called Into requisiton and the ground I will be thoroughly prospected. I luerfano county Is attracting conllderable attention on account of too recent important I and extensive discovery of tin ore nlat coma- cOi- talnl a greater percentage of tin than any yet discovered In the United States. Sam Hubbsrd , Jr" , of Prescott brought some ore from a recent strike In the Queen mLe on Spruce mountain for assay. At a depth of thirty. two feet a drift was started , and In 'the nut ten feet a vein of aulphuret are W& encountered Samples were taken from I , and the assay ShoWS $45 to the Ion In glt1. The vein wIll bo followed In the hI lof that I will g6 w richer . 8 depth . at- . ' tainemi "J" " The hahn's peak tclement I spreading and a number of'rolpcetnl Illrtol have left I.03d\'llo for til r\lv eabana e camp. ard other pates are being ftell omit to eXllloro for silver bonanzas H f : the r , GO order . Reports Iho that ' IMlhoppcr RIe doing much damage smear , UIlele1. Whie sOIO of the farmers are dOln5thelr most ( to kill them with bran mlxelf \ \ lth { paris green . their nehhbcrs are laklnk no effort to suppress time evil . . evi. I " t. Swan Anloron , rcpqrts th\ find , of a rich mine about three a/II / onc-hll Iles lrrtheat of Victor The ole h polng at a depth of ) three ftet. Expetts' say t Is one of the brightest pro ( ec\ \ struck In the district In the past ) 'e3. A large holy of I/gh 'mle ( arc was uncver d In the ( bid Stanlrll : property , at Ilne Creek , In the bottom of the nlnet-tot shaft , ruim- nlng from $200 to $300 , and has practically dlonltrate,1 the fact that ninety to 100 feet will put other mInce II good lY. News ha reached this tity of a very Important - portant strike In the Waler Scot property , In the , \lcante district , says the l.eadvle llcrald-leimmocrat. The are , I Ii stated , will average $65 per lon , anti there Is a breast of It nine feet wide opened up. I this be true I Is the malt Important strike made : In recent years In that district 01 Antelqle creek the nh' ( \scover ) ' of gold Is attracting large crowds of lr08Pcct- ors , CJlpS arc eslablshed amI tovnsite' - \'eed , anti altogetlmer. flOI the assays ob- I talne,1 , frol the surface rock , there Is god reason to believe that tluLm . too , I going to make another of the now Isn ) ' gold calps of Colorado , pays the Colorado Sllrlngs News In fact , the Greenhorn 10untln. 10le particularly - tcularly on the \\sl sle ! , has never been Iione justice to by the lrOallector ; the f rma- ton that exist hmere If found In the west- er Ilnlng region , would long ago have been prOslete1 TIlE DAIOTAS The postolilco at Orand View has beep discontinued - continued al11 mal for that point will h lent to Hillside , The tenth annlal convention of the North Dakota pharmac"utsts convened at Fargo last week anti olcers for the ensuing year were electe , The city counci at Pierre , finding the preslure of time water lalns only hal the requlremlnt of the contract , passed a resolu- ton vlrtlaly annulling the sanme. The tournalent of the Bnck Ills Fire- omen's association , to bo hell last week at Rapid City , was declorell off on account of dlsareement In the hoard of control , An- other tournament Is to be inaugurated In its 11laco. The secretary of the Interior ; has rendered a decision which Practically gives time famous Squatelvlo tract to the city at Aberdeen , belug adverse to all other climants , There Is a geleral teelng that ths ! long drawn nutcase case Is , to \ appearances , drawllg rally to a close The lalll Is very vallable , as I lies wihin the city limits , all a large por- ton of I will be devoted to a public park. Iosa Verona De Pdro Bare Is the long Spanish name which , a hallmro brunette toll Judge McConnell of Fargo was hers when site appled for anJ \\'IS granted a .lvorce time other la ) ' . leI former hOle was In havana . Cuba , where II 188 she msrrlej the wealthy Cuban 1lanter. , Juan De Pedro . laro , Fortune smiled on the pair and they traveled extensively II France , Switzerland and other countries , when , It Is aleeJ In the compl31nt , Juan deserted time 111alntf two years ago for mymotlmqr : Oman's wIfe There were two children , the hsue nf the marriage One II In the pdstsM.n of the father , an' the , other Is ben ! cducte,1 In New Yorlt. WYDtING. A pOtomce Is labot to bo Itablshd at Smith's ranch on the upper lug Luamh for the accommOlloh ot the people of th3 vicinity. t . I Is ported . lCt a. vein of coal ever foul feet In w.tlh ha . bejn struck at sh3f No ber" 2 al the Fort I Saunders reservation hear l.aalte at a dlJlth 1f sixty feet Time eoai I said to be of One ' quality . A big strike was Vlm.0t15 ) by tIme 1 nnsyl'all :1.lng COllny at'sellio In a new sham : which It was mtintthg , an eighteen inch vein of tree milling I gold ore being struck that runs upwalt ! . ll $ OP per Ion . A colony of abn hlrty ( Germans arc ex , poctemi to arrive so i h at BOnanza from Col ondo , Time ) ' will settle 01 the north enl , o ! time Big Colorado flat , along time lug horn , where there are sveral lute sections of fin' land yet unclahn Time Uniotm Paclnc has 23,000 acres or coa' land In Sweltwater 10Ulty , which It returnee for' asessmelt at 1i cents p'r 3cre The ! county commls loners got after the company and raised the land to' $5 per acre , making t change from $3,450 to $ iil,000. 3. F. Stanley will erect a large stola ! ( resrolr near Casper which will cover fort ) acres. The dam across the ravine will he 1,200 feet long , fcrty-elht feet wide at the bas anti Ieventeen feet high The water stored II this reservoir comes down South Casper creek and wilt he sulclent to irrigate - rlJte several tholfnd acres. The richest gold find In the 80lth Pass mining district \s been made hy Messrs Schulz , Davies and Swales , who are operating a lasso I 01 the Franklin m'ne , They coot- mence(1 to drift at a depth of sixty feet , Rnd had ! enl hut ' a few feet when they came In a vein of rock covered with gold Sixty pounds of the rock was pounded alI , twelve pounds of amalam , which will retort half , mallnl the rock worth $43,200 a ton. The vein b i six to eight Inches wide OREGON I II rumorell that Astoria cannerymen wi huld another cannery - on Gray's har- bor this fal I II expected that 7,000 hores will he shl\ped from Arlington this fall to time Llnn- ton slaughter honse - Aarly of copper miners has heen inspecting - slleetng a copper mlno on Dear creek , In Walowa county that Is said to be quite rich. rich.There Is a fig tree growing In g. Weide- man'l yard , which , though ommly three years old ! , had on It this year 277 white figs , says the Guard , of I ugene. In some of time gardens of Lane county , says the Eugehme Ouarl , tobacco has proved a suecenful crop , being more generally raised In the Nehalem couimty. - S. II. Friendly shlppC a carload of cal- cara from Eugene to Phiadelphia , contain. log 28,000 pounds "hls Is the larlcst fhll- meat of cascara hark east from thll state ever made , says the neglster. John Turner , who II mlnlnl on the creelc abut a mile above Canon City , lucked up a $5 mmugget thl other day , contaIning plenty of white quarlz. The nugget was worn smoolh as though It hal drifted for some time. _ The first tunnel at the Santam mines has been run In forty feet. and free goh1 ore has been strwck Considerable activity II apparent In the Santam region , and the his are being thoroughly prospected for new claims V . The Oregon Ialway and Navigation com- party II mining good twork In Improving the \any ! ! road near aranmts ( ' , A force at mpn has been busy for sOlne'tlme blasting away the rock for the purpose/uf doIng away wIth time curve near that mlace' , . The SprlngnehlCLQwel ] mal route has 8 woman mal carrler'he Is a plucky woman , and mounts her ' se at 6 o'clock In the morning , carring mnl a distance of over twenty miles and-back again the lame tiay She carries the man only on days that the Kitson Spring stlK'does ' not run. The latest freaks tn nature that are now on exhibition In HOI burK are two malformed plgl. They hav" no' hind legs at all , nor rutliments of , "Thelr bodies rulments hlpl boles taper off to a sort of polntt ftl whIch the tail elongates - gates like wel.forntU' ' ' pigs : otherwise , they lok like other "oks 'Qf the porcine family. A hen's nest ' founll ) 'a , on Douglas & Levlner's farm ' , ) above Springfield . which contained 1,012'egg 1 About one-hal of the eggs were good , and the remainder spoiled , The nest was fount u""r a barn which was built five yean ago , anti ) I Is supposed that the hens have been laying there ever elnce. WAShINGTON , From 225,000 to 250,000 feet of logs are dumped Into the boom st Shelton daily . I Is eilmatel } that the forest fires In Whatcom county have burned over 60,01- 001 feet of timber , destroying about nne- fifth of it. The damag done by the fire on time Austin track , near South lay , 18 estimated at 6,00- 000 feet of cedar and 30,010,0 of fir. For three-llunter at a mie from the lake the forest II perfectly clear of underbrush and all debris I Is thought that 150,000,000 feet of , fr baa been 10 burned a to necessitate log- I . ging within two years. A present Prices this woul amount to a forced marketing of f tint. bar worth on Delngham bay $ iSO,000. The Yakima river a Elenlhurgh 18 running at low ebb , The editor ot time Capital says I II lower at this time than 'l any Ilmla ) Period for ' . twenty-three ) 'tat. The women ot OII\la are taking heM of the work of establishing nn Ol'mpll branch of the State Ce-operative society , a society ) to encourage hOle Indultrlu , A large forest lire II raging near South flay , hakeVimntcotmm , antI 1 eon.lllerable amount valuable tmber Is being destroyed . ) No other damlge Is roportel , ) lrvetln In \ 'aila'ahla has ) ) roe tIC1 far enough for the farmers to conchilo that the crop this year will he little , If any , less ; than last year , and that more will be sllppO , out because of better prices. ' The Lincoln County Tlles Is Inter ncII' ' that a colony of United , Brethern rrum time ; state ot Ohio hal determined to como to ; I.lncoln county , anti Is arranging to purchase ! about 10,000 acres ot land In the neighbor- i hood of : lon.lo\'I. ; I The Sllokane Times says that a well known cattle buyer was rescued hy I troop of United ! Slate cavalry , at Fort Spokane , Just IS a crowd or Indians wits pre\3rln ! to string hll I UI to a tre ! The Indians chlnll the men h.ld ' ' outraged the 2-year-old J'rl ' of ( the tribe. Mount Adams , ! , In this state , Is 12t02 feet i high , according to figures bssell on calcumia' , tons male by Prof 1'dgJr ; lcCure ot the I University of Oregon , who carried 1 mimer- I curial barometer to the IUlllt July 10 , with ; the heliographic party From the figures i t.ken at th's 1)18cl Portanl ami Eugene , ' Ore" , he finds the above result as a mean. ; heretofore the mountain has . been thought to i leretofcre ' be only a little more than IOOO feet , but tho' new figures make ; I 19 reel hlrher than Iount Hood , Oregon : . IISCm.I.ANIOUS : , The survey for the coast line of the Southern - era Pacifc has been comilletld to Blmwooll F' , A. Smih of Santa Ana , Cal , has n sunflower . , fewer stalk that Is fourteen ant one-hal , feet high anti Is "stl a-growing. " The Maricopa & Phoenix railroad will reach Mesa , A. T" , In six weeks GroU11 has been hrolen at Ttmmmpe for the new extension Tun\e -I Is an opeim secret ) that the San Jose o\en ecret hoard of Trade has olere,1 Colonel Jones a subsidy to extend the Monterey & Fresno railroad to the Garden Ciy , The road will bi connected at Fresno with the Vule ) ' rout , - , . , - - . Time Southern CaliFornia Pacling company of Los Anleles will limit UII this season about GOOOO case of canned fruit. The Ilacll will comprise apricots , hears , \ellChls , blackberrIes , strawberries , raspberries and iluins. , A farmer near ; Iar'svle , Cal" , I author- fly for. the statement that every day he I cblget to feed from four to six tramp I he refuses them they threaten to bur his ltroierty. The river banks are IneJ , with them , amid their camps plainly show that chickens are stolen ant cooked almost Ilaly , A new woman Is at work In the mountaln of Tulare county , sas the TulJro Heglsler. Site Is running an engine for 1 bhake mi above Mountain home. She I the practical manager of the outfit , and when the machlne gees wrorg she dltets the riIring , She h s her husband and two somali boys at work and keeps things mavin/ The English syndIcate that recenty pur- chasetl for $20,000 the Iron Mountain mines , the rlche gold , silver anti copper mlnO In this part of the stat , located nine miles norlh or Shasta , Cal , will soon hegln to erect a smelter and other works at the foot of the mountain , two mUes from town They will also loon begin grading for a railroad from the mine to the works . Two men who have been prospecting on Trinity mountain for-the past month fouul a pocket.V a few lays age near the foot of the mlunlaln , about midway between Shasta and Trnity ! Center , which contained $11,200 In gold dust. . Some of the old pioneers 1\'ln. here believe . this gold to have been buried hy robbers who In early days robbed Wol ! Fargo & Co.s pack trains quite flcqnenty In the nehhbcrhoJd of this ilud . \Vondpcckers In time mountains of southern CJlorla do cabinet work that cannot be equaled hy time Inmost skilled or Ulan. The crafy birds gather acers , drill holes In the trnnka of pIne trees , into which they nt the nuts so closely all snugly that squirrels are Inabl 10 pull them out. I I discovered that , after being lntmpiammted . a worm appears in the ICOII , mind It Is for the purpose of getting I this worm later on that time crafty bird stores away acorns In this unique ma nm her. The Tucson Star gives the folowIng to illustrate the troubles of the slack raiser : One frm of stockmen , not so very 10ngalO , unk a wel anti ' made other Ilrepartons antI then put out some 2.000 head of stock Recently they hunled UJ all the cattle to he found that bore their brand , and alhough they had sold nnne yet , about 400 head was all that could be got together. Another man could find but ninety-two out of 1,500. I Is said that the dll.relatons of the l'apagoes will account for much of the mlls- Ing stock , The California cotton mils In East Oak- land ha\'e under consideration a move to Japan on the other sIde of the Pacfc , The company of local capitalists behind the cln- cern was organized In 1883 with a capital at $600,000. and has given omplo'mont to al many a 300 boY and girls at a tme , hit owing to the future possibility of having to compete with prison labor antI the set-back given the industry of twine , rope and are bag manufacture , time works have no outlook , anl In casting about to see what could be done the Japan scheme was broached to the stockholders . ' 0 Cl.u.\ tim e M yst ' ' Effectually I yet gently , when costve or hl- lemma , or when the blood Is Impur or sluggish - glsh , to permanenty cure habitual constl- const- Illon , to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healhy activity , wlhont Irritating or weak- nlng them , to dispel headaches , colds or fevers use Syrup of Figs , . - ft I'I I'I'IG : 'JOIS . AmIiIOAD . l.ull ( Co H"Id , 'Jul.llJ I I I.ook le 11m'it'immii Voiimeit's luehh'J Grolnd , The ) tel a good story on a party of excursIonists - cursIonists who went 01 a personally eon- Iucted tour to Mexico last winter , says the WashIngton Post. The party was In charge of Charles Gates of Toledo 0" , but Includl promlnont people from other cities. They traveled In a special train , which stopped at all the interesting places en route long enough to give the excursionists ample tune to lee the sights , ant sometimes they saw some not down on the hiiis. This story concers one of them They stopped at a small town near the Mexican frontier-name omnitteti , lest after this tale Is printed excursionists - sionists should swarm to see I. While strolling along a little stream half a dozen or the male members of the party care across an Inclosure wih the legend : "Uath- log for ladies-Do not look. " No more was necessary. They were out to see the sights. and this sIgn was sumcllnt The fence was not too high to climb , anti when a greaser policeman happened along that \a ) ' he found six Itah } and supposeulmy respectable heads of families hanging UHr that fence , gazing with all the strength of " Ilr dozen eyes Accordingly , he Iath.red them In and escorted them dOIn to the little adobe Jai , where they were lockel Lp to awaIt bal" As the time for the tra'n ' to depart - part Bllproached the wives of time six . tll pr''J- ' en began to look about for their worse halves Then a Mexican official caln to tl.e traIn and notified them of the troulle , Mr. Gates , who had luckily stayed wIth he train , at once went to the rescue. Flra . 1.1 Interviewed the prIsoners , and then he w/.r.t before the local alcalde to plead ! for thmxmi. Luckily , that official spoke Eliglsl and aloe : enjoyed a jole. "Tlics \ men are all American rentel n' " Ulwl Mr. Oatel. "Highly respectable c'tl- ' iens of sonie of our largest conmnmunitlja , " "Well , timey should not imave looked over the fence ; they saw the sign , " "I am convinced they did not see the aig.m , " Insisted Mr. Gates. "Why ? " inquired the alcaide. "Because there were half a dozen moore In the party , and if they had seen that sign all would have been there. " "Release the lirisoners. " said time alcalde , while his sides shook with laugimter. Site 1)1,1 Not W'tmimt mm loclur , J.v , Johnson , editor of time National Traveler , Chicago , says : " % 'ben at the Iowa State fair last fall my wife was taken vhs- lently ill with cholera morbus. I asked , 'Shall I go for a doctor ? ' 'No , ' ahmo said. 'Go for Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. ' I followed Instructions. The result was that in twenty-four hours my wife was about again and enjoyed the fair. " -----------------V--- :1 : 'V I _ - w- - . . V. V V _ : fl y.&S V V [ for Infanta and Children. HflTYyenrs' observation of' CnstoriauJtheatrcn _ n I rnl111on ot'aescnmmjmx'nmttilstnRpeaknflt xvlthnnt Itisnnquntitlonnblythobomitreniomly for Infants nucl Chtlclro timeworlilhnse'rerczmnvn.1tfshmarnmJei _ , , Clmildrculllsn It. It glvnsthnntlionlthiItmylhl mmn'rntmeirIve. , lit It Mothers linen uiornothingwlmtohlu ssbsn1utol' afo nnit ' V sneuilohme , Caitorla tlomth'oys Worm. . Cnnmtnr1t nl1tys Povorl'ilmnes.i , V Cnstnrla ivonts vontitlu SourCurci. - V Camitorla niaros flhrirrhmemi nud Wind Colic. Cnatorift rolinve. Tent1mln Troubles , Castorla cure. Conittipatlon antI Pintemlency. . _ . snlr Castorimt locs not oontn1nsnorphaInjp1ummi , or other nareoiopportv Ca.torln ninslmllatoq the footirogimlatos them stonmach anti giving healthy and natural sicop. Castorla I. put up In one'.slzo bottle. only. It Is not sold In bulk , Don't allow any one to soil you anythinff olin on time plea or prom ! . . that it Is "justnsioouI " and " will answer every purpose. " uo that on p-nt C"A'-S'T"O-R-I-A. The fiso-sindlo _ _ _ _ _ _ mtignimturo _ _ _ _ _ of _ wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. pg. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V ' _ _ taintcr FROM THC TANK. CIIEAFETHANSTEAM ' - Xe 73011cr , Nut Steunm , VoRmgitmccr. - Host. I'owor for Corn immitl Food Mills , limiting ' hay , Rumimmiimg CromummarlesSopmurtmtors , ste. t ' V OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES - : . V . i : . S - Stationary or PortabI. ? - 1 to 12011. 1' . HtohO 11. 1' . r ' ' Seat ! for itaIogite , l'rlces , ctdaorIbhimg svor to be dens .r V TIIEOTTOCASENCINEWORK8 .1 C - , ahml : \'nlnimt hta. , 1'mI1I.AIIL1'hh1F , PA. Chicago , 245 Lake St. , Omaha , 321 So. 1.5th St. j- MANHOOD RESTOH ' "CUPIDENE - Vlnimmzrtimeltrvsc iii. tion . of a fatuous French physician , ui ! ! qulckiy cites t , ttm ci miii omem' : \ - . .ou3 or dbt'ames of ( be geueratmve .rgutts , pt'chi cc Insommiia ' l'hns iii thu 1htckS3enmtttah , imimlatn : , 2prvotti 1)pbiltt ) . , l'imnphet , 'tJimhltiicst to Marry , Jiimtmitlmmu _ Imiitts , Varicoesho tit.i ! - Cotiattnatlon. 1 t tOp5 mitt louci l , ' tiny or mtlght. l'rent qolek' It ( , , of tilectitirgo , which if miot cli'ekpi iattia to S.rtnittnrriumptm ; an I all time hiorrori of Impoti'nc , svIa 5)IE ehtatm.ca tl.moityer , II a DFOR AsIc AFTtR ictdneyeaiiti tItmitrtmtaryorgmuhtsof mmihhznpuriies. ( iJI'I1)Ef ) , tretmttiiemmsittm,1 re5toreac'mnall vetk organs. 'l'hmt rituohi suflerer. ore mtot ciiel by iJoetors 1.1 hecittitto ninety per cemit are trnubletl vhtl ' . , , S I' , . OUI'IBEOUG Its Otto emily known rerneh v to cure a tilmout miii ottrmtttutm. ZA'o ttlnmimml VbLI. A wrlmtt'n guiuantm'ogIven and mimoney retnrnt'tt I ( pmx hoxe'm mines not emiee % mm 1crniatmcnl cura , iemt hot , fir 5.lXt , Ct ) ' ninth. 8etttl for pitxm : tircumlar and testImonials. . . ,4- a 1ZDTCT1" ( (0. , 1' , 0. liox 7tLtlanFretc1sco , Cal. " " " FOR SALIO BY GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 11'mmrnmam St. , Omabs. . - - - - - "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING , BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH. " SAPOLIO Is THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING 1111 % 'AS NO'l' SIIASICIC. 'l'ii Is 'nzimm'r's l ; eiiem' S'lts Novel a imil jtmtmime.'ii ( itt' l'mIeehii.tt'rs. Upon a recent hmomewardbound trip. says the New York Herald , was a gentleman of not widely extentied ocean experience , who heretofore hail made only pleasant sunmmnmer trips-tri * whment time ocean was as time proverbial null pond for time greater portion of time timmie , with a storm stmcim as time winter brings fortim unknown , "Are you a good sailor ? " Ito asked of his nearest table companion at dinner time first day , - "Reasonably so. " replied time other. "Are you ? " "Yes , lutieeml. I couldn't get sick. " "Sure of dint are you ? For my own part I've inamle a great ninny voyages iii all harts of the world. I never imave been seasick yet , but I don't think I ever steliped on hoarti a steamer without having time tlmoughmt timat title may be immy tmmrn , " Time first speaker turmied at thisantl winketi at the others at the table , as mulch as to indicate.Veli , we won't see mnuclm of our friend if we have rough weather. " Time others replied with a simiile , as if they indorsed - dorsed his views. The first and second day uimtll midmmigimt passed vieassntly , Then the eimip began to piicim anti roll , amid well It. mlgimt , for it Imad struck time track of a cyclonmic storm anti the next morning it was in the midst of time storm itself , When tIme traveler who feared thmat "this might be lila time" found his way to his seat , ime discovered timat his companions were missing. "It was rather a lmarti night , steward , " be said , "A great many of the passengers sick , I suppose ? " "That tlmoy are , air , " answered the steward. "All of this table sick , sir , but you , sir. " "Vimatl Mr. Blank also ? " asked time voyager - ager in mock smmrpriae , as ho mentioned time name of time iersonm who couldn't get sick. "Veil , I'll have to go and see isbn hater. " A few hours later he found his way to time cabin of the superior sailor , who was groan- log wrotcimetlly , when not imploring soimmo one to knock imimmi on the head and timrow imiimi overboard. "Why , how ha this , Blank ? You seasick - sick ? " The victim mafia an effort to collect him. self , Evidently lie recalled tIme foolish re- ummark of time first day , "Oh. " saId ime , "I'm not seasick , It's only a .iiglmt nausea. You see it was thus way. My tnothm brush was a bit old , In cleansing my teeth this mmiornlng a loose briatmo caught in my threat anti omau- seated me , To be sure , I'm not quito my- elf yet in time stomach , but it isn't seasickness - ness , I antsumre you , and now go away , won't yoim , olti nman ? for I don't. feel like talking , " Four days later Mr. Blank pulled hmimrseif together anti got on deck , very pale , very weak anti mlejeete'h. "Ab. Ihlank. i'm ghoul to see you aroimmmti agaihi , " ' 'r.morkeml imis acquaintance. "By time way , hOW'S that tootim brush with the loose bristle ? " 'If- the tooth brimsh , " muttered time man , "It upset mae completely , and I suppose - pose every one timinks I was seasick. Hut I was not. I can assure you ; it was only those confounmded loose bristles , " Time perfume of violets , the purity of the lily , the glow of time rose , anti the flush of Hobo combine in Pozzoni's wontlerful Powder , Ills Cnr ills hi'iirs.- , The remains of Motorinan Robert Senramn , says the San Francisco Chronicle , were conveyed - veyed yesterday to their last resting piece in Mountain View cemetery by time trolley car tf the Grove street. line , wimlclm ho haul operated since thern roaml was opened for business , The car 'wan draped willm craps anti was laden with many floral tribmmtes from omimloyt's of time road , who were lures. ant at the funeral In large numhmpre. Time car moved in advance of the cortege and was roiled up to time gates of the cemetery. vkiiis . Pills Always ilcilablo , Purely Vegetable Tcrfecthy tasteless , . V ciegammily coated , purg. , regulut , turmfy , cleanse anti strenttten. meAl- VAY'I ; l'IlLS for time eumme nt atm ttltorlers of time gtomimacmt , hittweia , lchdnttye , imtalmer , 5'er- VtUfl Discuses , Dlzzlmmeas , Vertigo , Costiuenes. , l'hIte. SICK IIEAJACIIE , FJ1IALE COM I'LAIN'FS , III LIaLOUSNESS , INDIGESTI ON , 1)YSImEI5SI4t , CONSTII5ATON Amid All Disorders ( if tlmeLiven- , Observe titu , foihtwIng s'mmmltOina resulting fror a1tsi'se ot time tilgeattve orgjnis : Constipation , mnward plies , fuiineas of blood Ia tue imemiti acid- itir et time etnittchm , nammea , im'artturn , 'tisgu'tt oC toot ! , fuiintt't' , , of % eighmt of mite tittiittchm. sour oructatiommmm , itiiiking or hoLlering of tue heart , ctmiikhmmg or murf.teiitlng sensatton wimeti in a lying j'oeiliorm , dhmmmness of visiomi , tiotS or vebi iaetor. ' ( tie eIght , ( 'tier or dumhi pain in the imead , imCnmciency of persittrutierm , yellowness of time skin ciii ! eyes , Pain in tite , tItte chest , ihmnta anus 'sudden hiutimem of hirut , ttmmi-nmmmg in hit , ' tieth. A few dome's of mtAi'Ay's 1'ILm.14 wiii free ( Ii , ' ay.t'rmi of au t Its uuhuove imtthitt'tl dhtrlers. PItICm bC A foX , 805.1) IIY iJttJUls flJ Oh HI'NT Sly MAIL. . Send to 1)11. 1CAIWAY & CO. , Lock liox 365 , New York. for Book of Advice , DOCTOR Seres & Seares 1416 Vttrttnmmm St. S I'ECIALIST3. All forium'mof ] llooeI and Skin 1)lsemm'su'a , Syphiolis , ' cuintal tar life timid Clue pal- a 1 bumm tiimtrutmglmiy ciommimsed - trtmtim tim t4ystenmm , . ' t LADIES giveti careful V , ' , 'aamnti siecii mmttemtionm , for nit tlV L 'timttlr mmmaiiy iuecIiimor nit- imiuimtS. V CATARRH.Oieot , V vra \1tt'lC)4UlO ilyd ruoutu , ( luim. , , , rrlmonii , hos Mimimimood by a special treat- ' huiotit , v EAK MEN ( VITALITY \'EtK ) immade so by too choseap- plication to business or study , severe mental strain om' grief SEXUAL FXCIISSE13 in middle life or ! rorn the effects of youthmful ( allies , eli yield readily to our new treatment - mont for loss of vital power. WRITE Yotmr troublea If out of the city. Thousantis ctmred at home by cor- V responmlenc0 , CONSI h.'i'A'I'iON FItEE , Or Searles & Scaric Fmmrtanm , Sm tmmmtaimmi , Nsii. - - - . - - - Old Tobaco Chewers say LLAflfl'3 1Ip1a ) PLUG is mUch the best. '