- - - - - - - - - , . ; . . , ' t 0' ( , ( ' t ' , I I 1tika : T/i ) 1 - - ' ' Ol\LAIIA DAITJ 1' MONDAY \ : AUGUSI' . 12 lSBiJ 3 1111E ! } : fm1.ON , , , . : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IT sAsIIIthVIXIOVS ; \ ! \ ) ) \ , I nail Storm of Saturday Night Visits Tildon and Ncllgb. . MUCtI DAMAGE DONE AT BOTh PLACES 'J' , ' rrI I1 . . HI"I.III" ' of 1'I"IIIClltlll 1.I\'r 1h.tI Is I" I \ V1ltig out Cons lul ( lr"1 'l'rii.k Un.r I ; . r- r..n ! t rll" . - I rl.lmN. Neb , . AUK. 11.-SpeclnIJ-At ( ) ! I o'clock Sntur.ay night a terrifc hal and ' wind hlorm struck lhl IJlace and vlclnlh' I olJproachc.1 In the shape of a huge black cloud lined ' wltl Itreaks or a grAyish color indicating that there WD some hal and wind but I wal S ( quiet In Il npllroach that the danger was expected. Al the start the tail of h11 was tremendous , they varying ( rojn the size of a crabapple 10 the size or a man's fist. The corn crop was IJunded Into the ground as though by a pie driver , and nil garlen crops , with the large beet fells are \e"olll redempton , gvery window light rc- \lK the north and vest was broken with the Iirt t faU The length or the whole hail tall Ir continued about twcnty.flve mlnules Sever ' . tears In , lhe street broke loose , making a grcal uproar and several people comlnl home from lhe Nelhh : reunion were caught In'lho storm anti slightly InJurCI , A team driven by tllO young people , Wi Yeoman and his sister , Ida ran away upsetting the carriage and dragging thcm Into a barbell wire fence. Miss Yeoman was pIckell up In- benslhle , bal the boy eciiid unhurt Nm.ll. Nel . Aug. 11.-Spocial.-A ( ) ler- rlfc hail and rain storm accompanied by a high wind , visited this section . commenc- lug 01 7:40 : last ev nlng. Tel graph. wires were down anti no communication east tios- siile. The duration of the hal was about fifteen mlnntos. The extent or the hal belt I about three miles In vklthi . with the length unknown. I came from the northwest and , the heaviest portion oC the storm passed north of town . taking a southeaslerly direc- tion. Window lights on the north and west of buildings were tlemolshed Where unpro- tected. Then' Is nol enough glass In town to supply the demand. Gardens are pract- caliy destroyed , but generally corn wil be nil right , while smal grain Is ali cut and either In shock \ or stackld , However , II Is apparent that some fields or corn In the storm center are practcaly rulne'l. Hal tell the size or a hen's em , The headlight ; of the engine on No. : i , arriving last evening , wn IJroken and thin cars food 11 with watrr The train encountered the storm b t\een this plnce aol Oallale. GRANT N h. Aug 1l.-Special.--A ( ) heavy rnln Is falling { here thh afternoon which will .10 . much good , to the corn crop. Corn Is doing nicely. We nleo hail , a good , . rain Thursday night I.'armers feel greatly encourage ! ! A100 , Neb. . Aug. 1l.-Spccial.-Over ( ) nn Inch or mil fell here between 10 ) an.1 . 1 o'clock last Jllghl which grlaty benefited )1ature3 and Into corn - - - vi 1.1. 'J'1 \ . . \ SK\'S\'IIOX.\ C.\SJ' Yorl . Con sF1 , ' c.'j 10 , . lien Ivis1'ii'e . \Jll".t Jlrr ) ' I'I1ziiirit'Ic. YOltl \ Neli. . 'Aug. 11.-Spccial.-.The ( ) preliminary examinaton of harry Fitzpatrick will bo heard bforQ County Jud.i A. C Ionl- gomery ! tomorrow morning. This case has been continued repeatedly , but It Is thought thai' the same wJI come to trial this time without tall. F'ltzpatrick was arrested on June 27 at time Instance or Hosela Wright , n ouong woman or this county . charged with h3vlng commltctl a criminal assault upon h-r. - J 'ale/ld ly' her ' he committed hue " act on - June ' : h , whie out riding . and In at- tehitltig 10 : clrr out his Ilrpose pounded ( \ l 'ald lnjr d ll 'ounwoman. . Time hearing . or the tlrlCI ! < nl was continued until : . " ; : ' oth of July ! ad tram thcll until the 12th of , , \\lguSt. ' TiJ.eazo IR catmajug quite n stir ' It ht' tb& - coi4munlty . . amid 11re. : are many ( H- 't ' 'rilf stMtf'nloat. . The young woman has horne a good imamne. I 13 : leet thai threats were made against frllllh at the complainIng - log wItness by the defendant and ! flllnlls , who thro.tenell. I they persisted , In e , ryln/ out tIme troecutinrm. to injure the : name oC tIm woman ' connected with the case. Mlu WrIght ; Is'IIrob3bly 20 years or age , and n well appearing young woman _ Yesterday was a busy day for York , :11 th city was crowded with pErsons. From the talk of the farmers .of the. county ! It ap. al- peari thai the magnificent rain or Friday greatly encouraged Ihem. and many or thien ltate thai notwithstanding ! the lateness of' ' Ihs Mason a great many or the fouls have been greatly benefited and wi yield much hHter than was oxpecled. Oats arc nol IJehl/ sell al the present price which Is not oor 1 : Cents tn this county. The Happy Hour Dancing club or this city g.iYo a delghful dance on Friday evening , which wu.1 ; atlnl ( I. The evening was one of much enJo'lent. all those In attendance - tcntlance dhl nol leave until the hours or morn In ! had made their appearance. The music or the evening was furnished by )0111 orclwstra. ; n. larrel Scott was In this city Friday and Satunlay. Mrs Scol has been visiting with her slslr Mrs. Crownover of Bene . Bet . this county. and % 'as In this city on buhIies. She left on the noon train yesterday - day fer I'remont. . 'hp city library or this city has added to Its number of books 150. This greaty adds to the library , which was already \ el tilled. : _ tilled.Mrs. , : f. 11. Onlel or I.'nn. la" , who ha IH'n ! visitIng A.V. . Meyers alHI fally of this Ilacl , ' left yesterday for Slwnanlloah. la . to visIt a short time . after which she wl re- ' ( \rn to her - hOle , - " JIO"JUS 1t\UY . \unS'J'NU. : nlI,1 .f " I. " . 11 " ' 'hl"I' ml .Jng mimiti hiitiimmm I'himmri'd. I " " " JIJurll. -NIWI.\SKA CITY , . \mmg. 1l.-Speclal.-- ( ) John W. liraly ! was arrested last nljht on a warrant swor out 1) Wils Brown , charginG hm i wih I shoJtng ! wih i t 1 * Intent I t to commll in or- d.r. From the story tel by Brown I ap- 13ar5 that IrII' . who was out on a tear , 8 op"1 al the house or Brown to ! Kearney ami alemptell to clean out the place. Irol n , however , IlrocurNI a cub amid drove him away Brad ) ' saying he I oul gel his gun and re- turn. Brown went to telehone fur the police , and while gone Brady returned ! with a double- bUrel Ihotgun and fired buth loads al time house. the shot striking I few feet from the dOJr In which Mary Brown was sland'ng. He then left , but wal afterward arresteit liraily denies the shoottmmg . claiming there Is a long story before this. Ills trial wIlt occur \VPlIiit'Slay. Al the meeting held al the Grand Pacific hotel lat night for the purpose at formIng a lecllrl club a temprary organization was eleetet\ \ . W. C. Ihlll waR elected temporary chairman all Pror. harry Morgan secretary , after which the Iletn" allJourned until nexl Tuesday ennlng. " , .t"rll" 11\1 I ( ; , , ol ! I'Iiiie. NI r.IGI , Neb" . .ug , 1l.-Spcclal.-The ( ) thin day or North'ost Nebraska District Grand Arm ) af the Republic reunion was Iltelded b ) 5,000 reoille. The old veterans : are lnthusl : tlc over their cordial reception awl ha\e lnJo'e.1 themselns tmum'nsehy. Spaeches II'1 made yesterday h ) enator . \len and lion. T. 1. Mathews. Thai or tIm hitter 1cspeclaly brilant and received unusual prah Only ilght reference to 110- litical questiomis vas inude by either speaker . Utcal luesloll wa mudt 1) cltHr SII'kor. 'lime wind , rain and hal storm or last night made a portion of the grounds untenable. and ; , a larger portion of the crowd Was brought to ' town and cared for h ) citizens. Nol len than : , OOO People were Ih the camp al the consT - T moncemlnl or the storm. Time large tent was blown down and badly dlmngel ! . No , - casualties occurred. r 11"1""I.I. , . A.l"II..J tim 111. ItUSIIVILLE. Neb AUK. 1-(81.clal ( Tel- . egramu.-Samn ) luckmlnls'r , who bud ii. F . I'ackler In the samidimIih . 1 few days ago In a dllllut over tile ownership . of 1 hay claim . . \al arraigned In county . court YCterd3) ' . H ; Illeadel not guilty amid \:1 aduiitteil to bail In' the stint of $800. his trial hieing fet for , AugUlt 31. Mkltr ! s 10t Mall ) 'PI but I In a very bad ' cuaditloms. 11 ph)8lcau thinks ; he can Ih'e but 1 few dars. . 1'rlnee' I. Nh , . I ligi I. I WAhOO Nl'b. . "ug , l1.--Speclai.- ( ) "Prince , " real nRme unknown an aU.rounll sport and tourist had one of his fingers cut or this morning by having the IrJn door of i ccli closed it. "Prlnce"U conflned In I cel ! on It was connnel limo cel under the city hal In order that he might gel nil of 1 protrctell Jag which he took on yesterday afternoon. lie tried to prevent the door being closed ullon him anti lost time first ' joint - of a - finger for hIs \alns , J.hIJiIiIt . , ' . ' ' ruin L'.thtM. . \IIIIH1 II.II : 1111 C.\I ! :11" I . 11 I hIK'r sit Crim .rur,1 ( 'r.IMIS.'ti I. n..th. CiA \\'OI Neb . Aug ll.-Special.- ( ) At 2:10 : this afternoon Mike Elinger , em- 1Ioyeil , In the 13. & 1 coal sheds here , whie working about I coal car fell on the track and was struck and Instant , kied by en- gine No , 273 , C. Wil' , engineer ; 3. 0. Oar- ton , frEman , Deceased was 37 year or aRe and leal'es a willow and no cimiidren. The friends or the decasetI blame those In chare of the engine and 'arllmaler Mike Vaughan , for carelessn , Coron W'ay of Chadron has been sent for and the matter ,1 be fully Invrthatell , The engineer claims that he warned deceased to keep off the cars . X.r I I I Vlu" Or.I"I. FH 1IONT , Neb . Aug. 1i.-Special.-ltov. ( ) P. i : , Sisson or the 1lelhodll church dcliv- ered the baccalaureate sermO to the inern- hers of the graduating classes or the Normal school nl the Normal chapel this morning , There was a very large attendance . time nudl- enco room being crowded and many unable to gain ndnsittance. The singing under the direction - recton or Prof. heritage was especially good. Judge C. n. Scott of Omaha lecture here last evening. The best musical talent In the city Is mal- big arrangement 10 give a tesimonial concert In honor of Pror. Heritage August 16. Prof. heritage's departure Is a great lois to musical nd social circles and those In charge or the concert wi no doubt boo gratified by a large audience. J.I htul'K Mtrlkvs n llmmrn. INAVALE , Neb" , Aug. 11.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-I.lghtnlng ) struck the barn or H. O. Sawyer this morning . instantly killing tour horses and very nearly killing Mr. Sawyer. lie . imowever IR at prent ems the roall to ree3Ver ) ' . Henry Opper an emplt'e , wa also knoclC1 down , but recovered tn a few min- utes. l'I'I'CIJI 1.\1"1'1.1' : IX A lION ' . \ . 'El. ree St.n..ul".r. t nl,1 I Trio of ' 'rlll' " 11" " ' . Sh.utn I. , . . ASITAIUl.A , 0 . Aug 11.-Six men had n desporte battle In n box car between grle. Pa. , and this place last night Three stonecutters - cutters , namell H. 0 Dlsllel ( , hart South and John lllhart , boarded the train II Eric to come to Ashtnbub , At n water tank three tramps entered the car. When the train had gotten under way again the tramps drew revolvers and asked tIme men 10 hand over what money they had Smlh had a revolver and showed light. 1 ( nn Instanl a battle between him anti time three tramps was In progress gastlck was shot through the groin. Smith received a wound In tie neck , and one or the tramps had a bullet through his neck. Upon the arrival or the train here the wounded men were carell for. The tramp , who gave his name as John Cuddy oC Waterbury , Conn" , Is In a critical condi- tton. - - 'I''I , I x. . , , : Iortlr Cnvrlngt. , SANDY 100K , Aug 11.-i\ very Inlerest- log lest or the Spiller twelve-Inch pneumatc mortar carriage has ben In progress al the proving grounds fat some tme past . and Is expected 10 be successfully concludell In n few days. This mortar carriage I designed to Wholly lake up tha recoil hy compressed air stored In a receiving cylnder atached to the side of limo carrhg The recoil Is always - ways In time line of the bore of lhe gun , so that thl' .tralu remains tha same at any elel'alun. In oilier mortar carriages the re- coil Is taken up by springs or hydroste cyiinders. One or"ll great advantages claimed for this carrlJge Is that It can le frell 01 an elevation from zero or point blank to an elevation of 75 degrees . the highest elevaton obtaIned by other mortar carriages being 65 deress. The carriage b built on a circle and w lghs about thirty tops , the mortar weighing fifteen tons and can be e sly travers around time circle by one man. . : h'or Sltro tiui ices n ( 'sierms ( H ft. SAN FRANCISCO , Aug li.-Adelph Sutro , mayor at San Francisco has offered the State university regents thirteen acre ot ' land wLhln the city Inllls on which 10 erect buUdlngs for the allatcJ colleges or the unIversity. In alhtlo'n to this ho wi deet to a trustee er ' ( le city lhlrteen acres ' adjolllng as a .llte for the Sutro library of over OOOOO rare volulnes. The library and property are to be held In trust for the ety and the library wi be free 10 all , irrospeet- 1'0 or race or color. The gift. which has not yet been accepted 19 valued at $ ,500.- 000 ) , amid wi be worth $2,000.000 when the contemplated Improvements arc mude. Mayer i Sntro Is said to own one-tenlh at the total roil estate In San Francisco city and counly. : Most of It , however - Is . unimproved . ( : . Imtg Over to C lie UUI"lnn ( hiire1. . CHIAGO , Aug 11.-The corer stone or Al Saints Catholic church was laid today and It b said that the edifice 11 be bleed by a Russian Catholic bishop. Instead or a Roman Catholic bishop This Is 11 consequence of Internal dissensions which resulted In time congregation which Is building the new chnreh leaving the parent church , which was then knowl as Sl. Hedwig's church. The congregation Is for the most part composed or Poles , but I was evIdent today that I wou1 bo considerably augmented by people of other nationalities. Considerable excIte- menl attended the corner stone laying and the Presemuco or the Ilolce was necessary 10 preserve order. As II was , there were several peronal encounters . 1 Is said thai In the new congregation there will be a majority at socialists ali radical thinkers. . 1,1.1 for the : Inr.h'r .e :1" . , SIImmmkM. l.OOINODALE , Ind. , Aug. 11.-At midnight - night Justce Penny held for trIal Daniel Keliy . his wife alll sister Nancy , for lhe murder or Miss Clara Shanls , time beautiful young girl toull dead a few weeks ago al \ool creek fails. The theory of the prose- cutiomi. thai Miss Shanks , cnton. : lss was murderld 11 tile Kelly house was substantiated by the evidence Sheri Moor' told of going 10 the Kelly house ali taking the chips from the floor where lime girl was killed amid also a pair of pants that had hlocd on to Indian- Ipols and havlnl the stains analyzed by a , chemlsl. who fouli mammaiial blood on them. I was also proved thai lr Kelly threatenell Miss Shanks 'V Ttvo I""IH'rlt. . l'risoimerpm ist'miie. PERI1\ . Okl. , Aug , - . \ 5 o'clock lhlb mornhlJ Ben Craven anti Bill Crlttendemu . two noted United States prisoners , broke out of the federal Jai here . Cltendel I a half breed Cherokee Indian. and he and Craven are classed as two of time mosl desperate men or the territory . Th men were arrested - rested n tel days ago six mies cast or hero after n runnlug fight or six muuiles . The men hsd a .prelmhlry hearing yesterday before Commissioner Teble und were rem3nlell to Jai on failure to give a $1,000 bond. A IIos8e of twenty len hiss been 11 pursuit or thua Ilrlsonrs all day and neW3 re3chell - herat ' at noon that the pOKf came up wIth lu1 twenl ) ' uusllCsest of here and Craven was ' kiled , _ _ _ _ H""hl lli'1rm'v ( ' 11" i'it'miit' . The Omah9 Hebrew club gave its second annual picnic al Flfty.Courlh anti , seconl Dodge streets . ) 'Idter.lay. There was I very largo alenlbnce , the I'arnam , street cars being taxed \ to lheir capacity 10 curry out the pic- nlckcra to the end of the lne , from which place eJlry- 11 bore them to the grounds. A very enjoyable tIme \I'a . , had. ID I"I" Hlh C : . , l.M . \\1" ' , Ella Ghh , right hanll man of Coroner Maul for many ) 'tar went wih time excursion to Kansas 111' . Ue 1 one of the oldest residents - dents or lhO city amid has made It Iraly his Permanent home slnco his arrival here. Ho hall Oct been outside the limits In the last six reus. . - llmmrui't 1..1. . . . 11.1. . FIrs al 3 o'cloelt this morln ! destroyed a barn belonln to A. Hospe , In the rear or SUi Nortb So'entelnth street Thr e or four hordes In tbe barn were blrn , Lcss about $ ,000 : no Insur : nce. . H"lth ef I , 'I'r. Peter A. lurglunt , I pioneer citizen. died last Ilghl al hiI home 2101 Uavenport. lie had lived In Omaha many years. i ' IEATN IY A IClmD ) ) NINE Knnrns Oity ; Scbmelzora Lese the Third Game in Omaha. I . BUBILTZ A PUZZLE TO THEM ! .ltl'r l'l burr 111 * li. . :1""rl J. , . " ( " , ' " "IIK . \1 the . " ' ' ' ' . " 'hlh' Ihc' 1'lcl'II' " Illt..1 I " 'lh " 'imipr . Plckup . 1 ; Schimnelzers. 1 tiuicago . 3 : ' .ulsvle , 1. Cinciminati , 7 : St l.Utl , 7 , loelCorl , 0 : St. .IOMph 1 lets 1lolnlR , 13 : Jacksonvile. 10. Denver , 9.1 : Perlo. 8-6. lntiianapohis. I : Terre Haute , 3 : ten In- nlnls , iCittisas City . 9 ; Mllwammkee. 6. Ht. I Inul I , 1lnnclJols I ! , 10. - Grand 111 * \ s , 8 : Detroit , 6. The Kansas City Sehmelzers were again waxed yesterday aferncon 01 the old fair groumude , this time by a picked teJm of local experts . styled the Pickups HOlcver , It vas time best game thc visitors have put UII here all h3d they been able 10 connect with Soldier ilublittz'im puzzling curves the result might have been different. Score : 1'ICKUI'S. All. n. 1111. SlI. 511. PO A. E White. 3b. . . 6 1 1 2 0 2 4 1 0 ( ootie . I. . . 5 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 McAuiiffe. 2b 3 1 1 0 0 0 3 ( I.nwler s" . . 5 t 2 1 0 0 0 5 2 'rlcknor , lb. . 4 1 1 0 1 17 1 0 .lelien. Ct . p. . .1 2 3 3 0 1 2 2 Duberry c. . 2 1 1 1 0 5 1 1 lubltz , rf . P 3 : i 1 2 1 0 0 2 0 Jane , rf . cC. 5 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 - - - - - - - - ' Totals . .3 1 12 9 1 27 18 i SC11MElhERS. Al ) . R , UH sn SH. P0. A. E EVII'hart , SI ; . 1 0 1 0 0 1 6 1 Jackson , 2b. 4 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 iteyburn lb. 4 0 0 0 0 13 1 3 James , IC..3 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 DUlllleson , 31 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Urick" c. . . 4 1 2 0 0 4 0 1 cI'mln , 'I ) . . 4 O. 1 1 0 0 5 1 Hunt. cC. . . 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Drumm , rf. . . 4 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - Totals . .31 1 5 1 0 21 1a a Pickups . . . . . . . 4 4 0 0 l 0 0 0 ' -li Schmelzerl . . . . . .0 0 0 0 - 1 0 0 0- 1 hits : Pickups. 12 : Schmelzers , 5. I : \nell rnn : Ilclmp" , 8. Two.lase hils : Dumberry 'lelmor. McAulffc , Ur ck , Mc lenamln. ' 'hre..hasl his : .Triien. Pas ' ell balR : Dubcrr , I ; UlrIck , 1. BasI 01 balls : arc Jelemm 2 : off Bubilz , 1. hit hy Ilcheq hal : JamlS , DubertY J 2) ' Shuck out : IJy Jelen , 2 ; by Buhltz , . . ; by t lenlnll , : : i . Ltl on hases : PlckupR 12l ; ' ' Schmllz.rs , 8. Wid piches : Mc1lenamln. 'I ; Bubllz , 1. Time : Two hours. Umpire : Keith . ( taI ES CH ' 11 NA'I'IO1.I AnUJ' : . Chl'IK" Omtlu.ksloimlsvlhle . mind \S'hmi " 1 Close' Gmiuiit' . cli ic4oo . Aug 1-I r'ors were accountable - able for all the runs scored In today's game , which was nn Interesting one , nl- though I liltclier's battle . As n rule , the fielding was brilliant and many an ap- parenty safe hit was turned Into an out by sharp. ( itlicIc work Decker's play vas t ' peclaly good and Collins captured the crow,1 by some fine slops and Ightnln/ lhrows. Attendance . 12,0. Score : Chlclgo . . . . . . . . 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 - -3 I.oulsvle . . . . . . Q 0 1 0 0. 0 0 0 (1 His : Chicago , 4 : LouisvIlle , 6. Errors : Chicago 1 ; J.oulsvlie. 3. Two-bnse hits : CunnlnJlmm , Gettimiger. lolen base : Clarke. Touhle plays : Cunningham 10 O'Brien to Spies. Sirucle out : By Griffith , 5 : hy Cunningham 2. I'tmascd hal : \Varner. Hu5e on bal , : Oft Grllth ! , 2 : off Cunning- ham , 3. Wid pitches : Cunningham. lilt with bal : Collins. flatteries : Grllh antI Donohue : Cunningham amid , \Varncr. Tim\ : One , hour amid forty-five InlnutoR. Umpire : O'Dny. RAIN MADE IT A ' 'I CINCINNATI , 0. . Aug. 11.-RaIn stopped toda"s gmc In thin slycnth Inning , with' time ' ! core - le , Dw.r was hit much hlrd ' r Ihan the score shows , but Ils 'Jp- Port wal line. Kissinger was knocked 1'I oC the box In Ihe llxth , but I hrel. who succeed"ll him fared better. Attendance . a,60. Score : . Cincinnat . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 3 0 0 4-7 St. IOUIR . . . . . . . . . . . .0 2 1 0 . 0 4- ? i hits : Cincinnati , 8 : Sl. I.ouls 10. Errors : Cincinnati , I : Sl. Louis , 2. Earned runs : Cincinnati , 2 ; Sl. Louis , 7. Two-basa his : ihcl'heo. Three-base his : Quinn , Dawd. Stolen bases : C. MicI' , G. MI.r , Ccoi.'y. Double plays : Smith to Ewmmit. n.lre on ' halls : Off bwyer 2 : oft FCtutsinger 1 Stmcl out : By 1)ivyor 2 : by 11".lnJ\r , 2. Bal- tcrles : Dwyer , Parrot and Vaughn : K15- snger : . iliuret and Otten. Time : One Iwur. Umpire : McDonald. STANDING Ol TILE TEAMS. Played Won. Lr.sl. r.t. Cleveland . . . . . . 91 $ :7 37 1.\:1. G.a Iltsburg . . . . . . 9 , ) iI 3" r.O Balimore . . . . . . 8 51 31 60,0 , Basion . . . . . . . . 85 5 3a 57.6 ' f7.a' Cluclnnlt . . . . . 87 49 :3 56.3 Chicago . . . . . . . . 9 , { 42 fG,3 . Phiadelphia . . . . . 8 46 40 51,5 New York . . . . . . 8 46 41 53f , Brooklyn . . . . . . . .I 4 : 4 4 52.3 Wlshlnglon . . . . . 80 27 m Ei,8 Sl. Louis . . . . . . . . 91 > 62 3.8 . l.ulsvle . . . . . . . 87 22 a3 23,3 Games today : Philadelphia al Brooklyn : 'Vashlnllon lt Bostpn : New York at Uiiti- Ialt- more ; St. 1,011s 01 Clevelnnd : Pltsburg at Clnelnnlt : Chicago - at - LouIsville. , " 'EST' U ' ' . ' . : ASSOCIA''ION 1tlSULTS. J"IVlr'll" 1 l'mtlr or G.nll' erom the J"III.r. . DENvnn Aug 11.-Denver won two games from Peoria tpday. Both were marked hy free hltng and careless fieldtng. Score first , frl same : Denver . . . . . . . .2 0 1 0 1 3 1 0 1-9 Peorln . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 2 0 3 3 0 08 Hits : - Denver , to ; Plorla , 9 , Errors : Den- ver , 7 : Peoria , 5. Batteries : Egan amid I.ohman : Ilnsen and Collins. Score second gnme : Denver . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 6 0 4 5 2-19 Peoria . . . . . . . . . . . .0 1 0 1 2 2 ( a flits : Denver , 19 ; Peoria , 6. Errors : Den- ver , 5 : Peoria , 9. flatterIes : Carrlsh and I.ohman : Themes and Collins. ant JgS .lOINES . Aug. 11.-Score : 1t'H Moine't . . . . . 2 0 0 8 0 1 0 1 1-13 Jacksonvie . . . . 4 0 2 0 3 1 0 0 (10 Ills : Dts Moines . I ; Jnclsonvlle , 13. Errors : Des : lolnls , G : Jaclesonvilie. i. flatteries : Anilrews . l"lggemeler alt Traf- Hey : Sonter . Schwartz anti Johunsomi. 5 ' . JOSEPh , Aug 11.-Scorn : Rt. Josl'ph . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 1-1 Hockfonl . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 ' -6 hits : St. Joseph , 4 : noekCord , 8. Errors : SI JO IIJh , 2 : Rockord 1. . flatteries : Single amid Jones : Horton and SnyLtI' . STANDING OJ' THE TJ AMS. Played. Won I.ost. P.Ct. Peoria . . . . . . . . . Plyel . 8 r'l : 32 62.4 1.lncoln . . . . . . . . 82 r ' 32 61.0 1es Moines . . . . . 81 4J 35 M.3 Denv.r . . . . . . . . 86 4t 3 51.2 Qtmincy . . . . . . . 81 42. 42 512 . Hoclford . . . . . . . SI 40 44 47.6 Jacksonville . . . . . 8 10 55 35,3 St. onvle ! . . . . . . 81 30 ( 31.9 Games today : Quincy al 1.lncoln. J'1u.l of t. ' 11K itii(4 . Tonight This e"enlng's racing ends the great six- tiny amateur bicycle chase nt , the Charles Street Bicycle park , and so extraordinary Is the interest In the outcome that the mnn- 1J.menl has mlde additional nrran e- ments for the accommodaton oC the cru'h , 'rhe special attractions prior Co the main sell off this evening ivili bo an attempt by H. 1.1. 1'redrlekson amid B. I I. . POler alempl lower tile mttntt' record for the unpncell half mil The two trIal hosses 1111t1 n dolar for the iirst trial 111 Fred won and vill male the 1011 - trial This - will be at 8:15 : wi CU"I' of Jrh'"lh' I Shoots . John J. Hlnln , J. M. Morris and George Green rhol a target match al Huser's park yesterday afternoon for the Ilrlee of the birds ali a supper. The Score : Hardin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11111 11111-10 .111111-10 Morris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11111 10111- Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 .ltl 011. 8 lardln and Morris then shot lt lwenty- Ih'l suIt : targets each , with the following re- Hlriln . . . . . .111 11.110 11 11111-21 11-2t Morris . . . . . . .llltl 11111 11110 11111 11101-21 Shout ( mum II.tl'K" . HASTINGS , Neb. , Aug. 9.-0 the Sporting - Ing Editor oC Time Bee : I notice an article In The lee ot the ith , In which I II claimed the Omaha University b:1 club now holds thus state championship . giving as I ru.son flint I heat Wlhoo , and that If they win from Kansas City the 9th and 10th they ) wi holt the championship ot Kansas . Mis- HourI and Nebrak : This assertion lisa- lngs challenges . We han" for the post rear offered the Unlverwl ) ' club repeated ! a chance to show its strenmthm. On our last Irlll we were within lwenty-fvt mle9 oC - - ' . , . Omahn and tt1 ! hnr,1 to Jet dates with the l'fli'rslt.N ! .luh , but ouhl slotVn Played Wlh . ln\e \ antI won four so [ ' ' "tnl \VnP,41u1 , 11 'or/ ' not Ilnn chon1 on- . : is ; . Wt iv Ill play on mllie RrOUlll1 an\ time the t'miiverity club desires If cliam. lme tnh'l'r ly cub ll'm- IlonlhlJI ) lt nt 14i tI ke. . . r . F. CARIIUTI1fl1tS. CAHl'TI.ms : fnnnger"tlljS \ ) ; Y. : . C. A. Tt'tifli. SCot' : ! UP"oU'I' ' ' l - WI1S'J'gU id.tflIL : ? 1",1"111'01"Vl. . I UI" " ' 1.1 n. . . : luhh.I" : nt T'rr. I huh . I . . 'gll H.\1T , md , Aug. 11.-Time In- 11annpols bnlt jla'lr ) Were mobbed lucre today nt tIme ' ' hncuslon oC the game. nur- log the gamethae were many close points of play , nnd"\\'erl decisions or Umlro Sheridan weme l dlelltcll $ ! to by the bleach- era , In the ' lhth inning the glme Was Itolell for ful ) ' fifteen minuteI the crowd I surging onto the lell ali making nil sorts oC IiolU9 lemonstrton $ , l'llllrc Shlrl- lars was thr.'alenll U8 were the Indlun- 110lhl IJlayers 1\ ho stood hy him and IJre- venlec Violence. After the ale hall ben Inllhec IU11 Indianapolis hat won the crowtl'ns frenzied A rush waR 11\11 for Slueri'latm , 115 1 I'sul of which three or the I mid innapol N mumemi were Injured , 2tlotZ . lnllanalolq lEn lo/nn timid 1"lsll'r. 'Iho lattem's Inkle WIS spr,1lnttl , anll "Iotz amid HOIIU received bruises nhoul the taco nt.1 . boil ) ' ti.otiim their InjurIes are not lrlou ! 'l'ne : nn't was cloq nil the WI ) ' through , ttn'l WIS lost mlinly ems errors by the hUl0 team , whllh were 1IIIu nl critical In" . loth IJIlehlrH did wt'Ii. . Scote : lnlllna\ol ) . . .1 0 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 I- 'I'errellatmte . . . .0100000200-3 hits : Indlunlpols , 8' Terre haute , 5. I'r- : rum : 1hi'hi'l.U"thl4 . 2 : ' 1'erre haute , 6. Bllt Hoach. tories : I.-I.her IHI I't urlalL ; Gear ull Si' PAUL , Aug , H-Seore : SI. Paul . . . . . . .2 2 0 1 2 3 0 2 3-15 lnneaJlls . . . . .1 0 1 0 1 1 4 2 010 Hits : Sl. Paul , 15 : 1lnneupols , 16 Errors - rors : St. Paul , I ; 1lnnenl0ls , 4. Batteries : l'epper Wilson . and Kraus ; F'raser Fanning and Wison. KANSAS CITY Aug. H.-Bcoro : Kansas City . . . .3 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 4-9 Milwaukee ( . . . . . .1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2-6 hits : Kansas City . 10 : MIlwaukee , 8. Er- rors : . Kansas City ) ' 4' Mlwuukee , 4. lInt- , terlmi : Iaslnj\ mend bergen ; Steh ns und : Iornn. \ ' : . GRAND ) tAlIDS , Aug. 11.-Score : Grand Hnlds . . . .2 0 2 1 2 0 0 1 08 Detroit . . ) . . . . . . . .0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 3-6 hits : Grand nphls. 10 : Delrlt , 12. Errors - rors : Olnl Iuphts , 4 : Detroit. 4. hatter- , lea : Jones and Nye : GaYle anti 'wlneham STANDINO Ol TIlE ogAlS , Played Won. Lost. P.Ct Indianapols . . . . . 88 55 31 62.5 St Puul . . . . . . ! 5l 3 60.0 Kansas City . . . . 89 (1 3a m.6 "lnnenllols . . . . . 8 4a 41 52,9 Milwtiukce . . . . . 91 45 "I ; 49,5 Detroi llwlu . . . . . . . 8 42 4f 4.7 Terre Huute . . . . S 32 m ao Grand Hlpilis . . . 91 30 61 : O Games today : SL Paul : t Minneapolis : Iansas City Ul Mlwaukce : Detroll al GIII Rapids : ) nllanapols al Terre Haulc. nAJS : 0. ' 1'lf J.I'J11.Y Aait'l'idUhtS. . Ihi'Ien lire " . ' ' 10'11 Ih'f""t th.e 1111"11'1 h , : tl a. ana or the most Interesting gaines at bal pln'ed this eason wits thai of yesler- day between the' 1a'len Bra ! timid the 1anlles , resuling tn a victory for the former hy I Icoro at 3 to 3. 'rhe features at the game were tie battery work oC Hay- mon.l anti Bwunleu nod the till around for the , wimile playing or hatchet or Hadens whie ) O'Connor , Buhliz 111 Blane carried tt laurels for ' ' , Ilatterics the Ill'el ! Or hue BIII''lts Bateries : Ilaydemu 1lros1 Itaynuomid anti , Swnnson ; liiaTneyites . O'L' < nor amid hlubhitz. The CulforlL q\rel1 \ Stars met the ; White NI"Y ! ) 'esler\lo \ . . I'lh the folowlnl result : Cal. Sl. , Stall . . ; . . .2 4 0 3 7 1 3 3-U White Nav)11 . ' , t.l 1 3 0 3 2 1 4 1-1G lltmmnphurel' flatteries , : ' 'tke , r ant Gibson : Miller and lumphre ) , t'cfY.t Aug 11.-special.--'rhe ( ) gnme of bal fla'et here yesterday between the Neigh 'Piratc * and the Plalnvlew Colt loaves the liomno . team with an unbroken < record The l'irAtea played almost an errorless - rorless gani ' Tley not only tld good work al gal9 : btit the tetlng was remarkably - markably Ing ) , . ' ncludlng three elegant : double plas.1 ' cote : Ithitmuview : .if..1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ( 3 ' NelJh Ialnvlew . . . ' . ' \.V.4 0 2 0 4 1 0 01l Struck ouU 7Ij' { Jrahamn . 0 ; by MoKay 5. Batteries : BY and Heefe : lcKay and J.tl.n . , UmupiwsmHowehl . and Mason. anf MISSOUIII ) .U..EY , In. . Aug 11.-Spe. ( llSS01H . ) - 'ho Originals oC Omaha 11101 Telegry he hands of thu , Valley bal team todaY. acre , ' 1 to 6. The featurcs of'thu 'gamof'W the heavy batting amid superb telLlng oC the home team. The Originals pUI % mP. a good same , but were too light mull around GRAND ISlAND , Neb'l Aug. ll.-Sps- ( .cial 1 'elegrm.-Grant ) 1santl played an- \ 6th1 lIne gnmo today , and agaIn Ileteled , : the LIncoln team. Score , 12 10 0. 110ff- moister pleho,1 , nn elegant ! game for the home team. Ills : Ornd Iland 1 : Lincoln - coIn , 5. Errors : Grll\d \ 1Iand , 3 : Lincoln , 2 rtlti VhI3lhNG " lVI''I' 'GOOl nIu . - I.oulnn I'iulers Iiipowe' If . A "Irl" . , , YI'ht" Clul" Olhll..II' . LONDON Aug. 11.-The Times will say tomorrow , regarding SIturdas yacht race : Niagara was lS decidedly beaten as she was at COWlS , on Friday by Luna n Audrey , while Iolde was never once In tim Cront. I Is though that the Amerlcln made sails at niagara and Isolde arc not < 0 good either In regard to material or shape , as the ' Englsh make. Iohle Is to have n new suit at sals by Lpthor and Ia tsey. The Cowes Idiot ' 10 the Chronicle sI's : gmperor William promises to return next autumn as the prsonal bearer of a new challenge shield \rsonnl new kaiser's cup. Luck hal been decidedly against him this time . but II Is hoped that he will redeem his reputation as n yacht owner tn 189a. The Chronicle also has an editorial on Valkyrie's chances , and complaIns oC the shortness ot lme to gel her In trim. The Chronicle , however , ventures to predict that she will win the cup , and , comparing the two yachts , goes on to say : "Both ore built on ILenlcnl plans and the result wil depend upon the ski or thin design , the tel oC the sails and the genius ! of the helmsman , In each oC Wlllch we comisitler ourselves somewhat superior 10 the Amen- cans. Messrs. Watson , Henderson , I.ap- thorn and Crnfeld art' names 10 be backed against the world , 1n this race , moreover , n previous error has been repnlred. Many critics are nlrmed to tml Valnlo In overennval.11 This was done with I sel purpose to adapt her to a lighter Amerlcnn wind , From till I accounts It toes not f\em that Defender Is 1 superlatively excellent sailer. The J'1nlsh vcsct never hall such 1 Iood chance of vlclory. H the cup cornea back , II will . stay here " NI. WlOH' H. I , Au ! ; , 11.-There was no meeting oC the regatta commileo yesterday - day and the Def.nller will nol race this w"II ( In Newport wamers. She Was towed to New ! ochlll N.1W . , lodl ) ' . ' NE\V YORK Aui . 11.-The Amerlca's CUJI commlCee Innounced thai the trial races will be sall'd off Sandy hook emu Au"nlsl 20 and 22. anti In case a third race Is deemed advisable , on August 21. Pr..rl.I'"un hits I" . ! l" . OMA1Iq Aug. 10.-0 the Sporting Editor OIAI. ! gLlor of The Dee : The following letter folowing leler was received - ceived by lr , It. 1.2 . l.'redrlckson of this city : "Mr. H. E , Fredrickson-Dear Sir : You have been prol"Htell by the referee ot the races al Mea41ash ' week , for interfering with the IirQr..nduct ; oC the nice mce ( see page 11r\ jarAgralh 5 , racing rules meei ) refusing to 'StitY.tOUt ! of a rice for while you were 'mmoteptered when ordered Co dose so hy the reflrVhuit have you 10 say In the maler'J Yours. -I " (1. W. GIDEON , 'Chalrman' ' I. I A. W. Racing Hoard. " I I ! indeed' I Oad thing when men are placed In chuarRc.lo referee races under the League oC ApiorCanViut'elmen } rules who _ huvl' pely R111t' against racing men. Hef- ereus oC Lt'al..ut' I'ot ' American \'hpelmen race : should lie l4npartial , and Mr. H. E .nlrtal Fredrlclson wlU : . . prove wheu the proper time comes Ihjs't.t simply I cast of petty spite. , Another very strong thing IR thai the referee of ChI races al lead hal the telegram protesting U , g. 1.'rEdrlckson In his pos IBslpl' htfore time race meet al J're- mtnl look plH" " , ftnh ( ely sent the lame In after 1"reLrlcllHon hat defeated both Human ) ' - man and Ilxle . ' He kept thla In his possession - session , thlnlhlJIhnl I'ixley antI Ha'man \Iould tereat11ndrlckson , as the wheel IlxllY rides hapPJns 10 De the wheel the said ret ! ; ee I. aJent for In ) . 'rem nt. Mr. Pixie cllhn a foul In the Fremont race last week I II amusing whl onE Sl'el the snll' 'shot tallen by Mr. Iohl oC Iremonl , showing how la'm , n oC ( ; rand Island tars . 1"IAd In the lehl . and almost Into Inn. nce amid about sixty feet trol PIx icy. A 1mMUEn OF TIm I. A. W. - - - - 'i'i.o 1.'IKhC. nt CInt'inmmntl . 'I\o VIII.Inl. CINCINNATI , Aug. 11.-The People's theater wa crowded last night tor lht two hoxlng contests under tim auspices of the People'H Alhllte club. Thifl frt event. ten mounds . between Jimmy Murray anti Phurlos Burns , hath oC this city . wait d.clnred \ draw. Tb n followed the hottest IKhl ever ste'n In this \Ielnl ) ' . " 'ley gvons colored . of this city Inll Jack Byan at HI. Paul contested - tested for the weJerwe . hl championship or Ohio and a S O ) purse , Ityan hall lho better or II ant /nd leered Evans In the fourth round with a blow on the Jaw. Nc'v $ iu'i iiuitiiimg U..or. . MIL'mS'AU EFIE. VIs . . Aug. H-Oeorge Wblnker oC the Milwaukee Iowln ! club . broke the wbrtl' : Iwhnmln record for .llhty ) 'nrii , . yesterday. Jt swain the IUS- tnneA In fifty seconds . just one' iu'commti fo- ttr tll thl' I'rvlou rleorll of J. Ing/'r I ) ' . ma tile' nt 1.llleth Baths , I.Oldol. 1 IKlnlll , May 6 , 1S' . _ _ _ _ _ IIK 1.eagimi' 3iet'ia ; ext :111" " ) ' . NI W ' 011. Aug , H.-Thero was 1 1111- clnl meeting or the Natolli Iguo ut the Fifth Anlue hotel on : leILa ) ' . August 19. when the hasp hal lunRlat.1 will discuss various Inllortant IUsUols that : have come 10 the front this SII'on. 'he umpire 'lues- Uon II forlmolt amonl thpm anti time 'cm- pe : CUll serIes to he pln11 ether the 1.lalul l'hllplolShlll ames wi ho tmiikt'el ovcr. I Is reported that I' vote wi hI' taken 01 the propollnn ! to IHlo111 the .Iouhlo ulplre sltem for "Il rest of the seasomu. 1 Is 1109lhlt tutu control ot the staff or tins- lIlIes ia ) he taken tram Preshlcnt Young , 01 account or the great amoull or llllaC- fneUon aroused , ly his chalco oC mCI thl : season. 1arllng the ' 111.10 CUll "prl.s Ih.T' Is a "u eRCol , fathered by Irlshlelts Byrne or Brooklyn amid \'ngner of Wnsh- , II/tOI , that the last ) 'ear' ! wlnlerl of the Irol.hy the New York Olnlls , pIl" the petulant wlnntrs , relnrlels oC New \ 'ork's slnntlnl In the race. The western cubs , especially Plllburg and lle\'cland , oppose chl plan metrongiy . holding hunt the Irst 1111 II'COIII cuhs 11 the ruce light for the cup , n ! Ilsl sensomi . A wel tlelllll l'Ulor has I thnl Curia Vun terhe wi bt' qimes- tonell concering the reports that he 11- tends to give UI' base h ,1 10 go into the 10 rcing hu"llel . Pt" 11" " - Ilc , ' " II Unl.t,1 CI ) ' . n.\ Ill CITY S. D"u / 1i.-Special ( Teiogramn-The ) closing ( lay of the fIre- men' tournllent was 11lUngulshli by SOIO remarkably fast raCl'H. The 2anl hub . anti hub race was wou by thin ( late City hose tenm. 'hne : 0:2 : - ) The wet test , a run of 2 yards anti In'lnl 3 feet of hose , was won by the Gate City leam Time . 0:3 : 2.5 , bchl/ but thlrleen-lwenUeths oC t second slower than the national record made at Denver 11 1884. The 100-3'nrd footrace race was won by Frank Graves or Hap11 ! City. Time : 0:10. : Juvenile hOle race 20 yards , won by naJlld City. Time : 0:1. : , . , " . ' Jlh'hen11 'I'ry ' for I lie itee'ore . . ! JANESVILLFI " , Aug 11.-If. D. McKinney - Kinney secretary or the Wisconsin Breeding - ' Ing association . announces that Joe Pnlehen will be sent to beat the World's pacing record or the breederR' here meeUng II Milwaukee . The trial will bo al Thursday amid a $1.500 Purse Is . ofered , 1'Uli.MAN S'AIIRt ) IX. Irlolc antI Illr.1 anti n S"lr..tl t , . If ( mttes : IIILC th" 'l'owl Ee'iuiye. . The wal Is the latest feature at Pulman Dcenery. 1 surrounds the entire plant of the Pulman company. As the tourist rows out Into Lake Calumet to view Clue great car shops tram lhe water , his eye Is delghtld with the varying scene. Along the shore oC the lake for half a mile a high board fence real's Its rronl The whole gives the works the appearance or a fortlcton , Sino the greal Iulman strike , says the Chicago Hecord , there has been wail build- Ing going on al odd Interlals , but not unti recenly did I seem to be the desire of the 10 seclude itself altogether from company Isel alogether time outside world. Then gangs of mon worked continually digging trenches and plfll up the nfortarell bricks to a belht'of eight feel. On top or time bricks they put a tlng , and now time wlmoic Is belns painted a peculiar , hadl oC Pulman red to match the brIck In the bullUngs of the clly. The main wal begins at the northeast cor- tier of the Alien Paper Car Wheel company's works alOne Hundred and Eighth streel and Eghlh In < runs a few , yards to lhe east. Then II extends - tends In a norlheasterly directiOn across open propert to the Imllng works In One Hundred - dred and Sixth slreel. Time building here makes a new angle and the wall runs 10 the east acaln. Turning north after a few rods , It continues to One Hundred and Fourth street , deflects 10 the' cast and strkes ! the shore or Lake Calumet. Time hleh board fence lakes care of those who try to approach from the lake tram One Hundred and I.'ourlh street to One HUllrec and Eleventh street the southern boundary or the lulm1 lilamit. Along One Hundred and Elevenlh street time wal has been extended where II did nol nl- ready shul In the ajiops ) , and along the west at the works opollngs into the Interior yards ot the plant halo been walled up , The north end or the walled city Is pretty much open country , lhe foundry ali lhe steel mill being the only buildings In that region. The wal on its way norlh 10 In- close these buidings cuts off a good portion or the common which time workingmen of lho lawn who lived In the tenements 10 the norlhwest at time works previously enJoyol1 The employes of the company are nol pleased with lho Iucroachmenl on lhelr brealhlng groumid but care less about this than they L0 about tIme loss or time numcrOU6 entrances to the planl. The new fortiilcatm . : hc few gates. The old south entrance at Watt avenue wi nol be used any longer for the employes , and a new enlrance has been opened at Stephenson - son street , a block farther to the east Then there are gales at One Hundred and Eighth street , One Hundred and Sixth street and under time clock tower. With the fewer gales has come a strIcter method or ad- mitng time musomi Workmen living In the tenements to the northwest at the city and employed In the shops lt the south central part or the plant cannot enter as heretofore , throufh the old openings between the build- Ings racing them , for they are 101 there mmow , nor through the fate olano Hundred and Eighth street , for the company will nol lei them. The gate nearest them admits only the men who work In the freight car shops and the men In the car shops , forges and repair shops have 10 walk around the west and sOUlh sides of the plant and In through the gale alOne Hundred and Eleventh slreel. Here the company Is planning 10 put In turn- atlies. . The new order or things tales up an extra halt or lhree-quarters of an tour at the day oC the employes In walking 10 and from their work , and many of them are complaining al what seems 10 them to be a harsh rnle. Those who have boats on I.alto Calumct cami- not take the time 10 reach them for a rely Onclals of the Iulman company deny thai lhe wal was built to guard against future attacks or striking employes ' Vice prcsldent Wickes said yesterday : "We buil the wall to keep out trespassers and because we de- sired to have n better melhod of keeping track of the men as they were admited to time works , The works are entirely closed now , and we hal not be bothered whim tres- passers on Sunday , as heretorore. " . Slnhll.1 by 1 Vicious Ne'gro. KALAMAZOO , Mich , Aug. 1I.-Simnon and Edward Kaslead , father and son , were frightfully hacked and stabbed by William Hose , a burly negro , In this city tonight whie they were tryIng to protect lhree girl whom Hose was tryIng to overtake on a lonely street. The father hall part oC the muscles of the arm severed and receved ! a thrust over the heart , and the son received a bad gash In the neck and several deep lhrusts In the body The girl had taken refuge from the negro In the Iasteads' yard and time two men were attacked when they ordered him to leave. Hose has been ar- rested. His victims will probably be crIppled ! for life. le. . \'Uon - 10.1.11..1 Until Aftes' 1tnre'st . ST. -PAUL , Aug 11.-A special 10 the Globe tram Winnipeg says : Premier lreea way InCorme your correspondent today that the latest communlealen from the Otawa governmenl on lhe school Ijueslon Is to the effect thai II Is nol 10 be consllerell until after harvest. It is Inferred timat should time harvest ime safely gathered Greemiway may safely appeai to the people. In the presolut temper of tue people thus would assuredly result in Greenway's being given anotimer four years' term of office , Jnuiiii % 'im ohs t1artVim r Simiims SAN' FRANCISCO , Aug. li-Japan is cvi- dentiy preparing for another war , The little Island enupire i'nnts twenty rmow war shmips and eu Tuesday Irving 1,1. Scott will sail for Japan to secure ( lie comutracta for buildIng some of the war vessels. San Francisco Is the nearest port to Japan , where the simips can be built , and as hue Union Iron works imavo a reputation for building first class simip , Mr. Scott expects to return with enough contracts to keep his company busy (0- some time. I Imilimumisure Zemuvi tig Spri ng 'n ilu' , PRINCETON. lii. , Aug , 11-The situation bait been quiet in Spring Valioy today , and the coal mine will be operated tomorrow , Time cohered policemen are sthih on duty , and little or no fear of another outbreak is ox- pressed. Many Italians are currently reported to have left there , fearing thmat arrests on a large scale are to be made. CANMIANS ) AS CO1PET1TORS rorcign Trade of' tile Doiiiiniou Exhibits a Pllonolhienal Increase , EXPORTS MOSTLY GO TO GREAT BRITAIN I ii fed ml it Imitu In Grit I a Our nrtliermi 'eIgh. hors Art' 1huiii I ng ( imimt ltetit4rs of I lie Eu I I cii Mimi los lit 11mm icy l'romlnets. WAShINGTON , Aug. 11.-Time extent of the competition of Camusda siltim the United States itt foreigmu imiarkots Ia Pointomi otmt imi a bulletin to ho issued by tIme secretary of agriculture in a few days. Time bmmiletiiu is time fourth of limo worid's muusrket series in , course of publication by time tlcpartrnemut , ammd ciuibo&li the reports of thirty of our comisols imu tito Donuiniomu. Ii shows that limo total exports of Canada incroaaetl from $59,000,000 tmu 1S85 to $118,000,000 lii iS9l , or 33 itor cent ; time imiiports from $19,000,000 to $23,000,000 , or 13 per cent , amid thie total trade fronu $195,000,000 to $241,000,000 , om' 21 per cent , during time sanue period , The largest preluontiomual annmmai imucrease was in 1892 , when the value of time total trade exceeded that of the preceding year about 11 per cant. Iurlng the years 1858 to 1891 , incitmaive , the trade of Canada with time United States exceeded that with any other country , but since then thuo Umuited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland iota takemu first rank , with the United States second. Au important fact is that a iargo share of time agricultural products going abroad fromu Camuadian seaports are cereals and flour in transit frotn time Uniteti States , Of $27,000,000 of sucim products shipped ha't year $9,000,000 was AmerIcan muuerclmandise , Of hate years imicreasomi attention hag beemi given by time government of Canada to dairy interests , emicouraging time dairy associations throughout tue cotmntry anti passlmmg strict sanitary laws regulating the muiamimifaeture of cimoeso anti butter. No adulterations cami be tmsmml , anti the imuipom'tatiuii , mmiamuufacture anti sale of oleoniarganine anmi other sinuilar substances - stances is lurolulbitemi , Tiiotmgli time quantity of butter exported decreased froiti 10,500,000 lioumids imi 1568 to 5,500,000 iountl in 1894 , nearly 50 per cent , the value declined from $1,700,000 io $1,100,000 , or otuly about 30 per cent. This imitilcates imuiprovemuiemut imu the quality of butter exiorted. Tie expert of cimoeso has increased miotably. While iii 1868 it wag 6,141,570 PoumidS , valued at $620,543 , iii 1891 it rose to the large figure of 154,977- iso pounds , valueti at 15,48S,191. Time statistics of the fishing imilustry ( and forest liroducts chow that time value of tile former In 1894 was over $30,000,000 , and time latter over $30,000. In wood pulp in 189 i the United States alone has imported from the Domimuiomi $369,010. OPEN iN ( ( 'ii ISA 'I'O COMM IO1ICII , Trt'nty 'ithi juumanto ite'ider l're- vinits , tgr'e'imieii Is Opern I tie. WAShINGTON , Aug. 11-Word reaches the Japanese legation that the now Japanese iuiimuister at Peking has begun time negotiation of a treaty of comumuserco and navigation 'with China , and that everything is movumug smnoothhy without thto diiflculties tiuat hail beemi contemplated. This new treaty followed the treaty of iieace made at Shinioneselci , which briefly recited that wimen iueace ivais fuity restored a now commumnorclal treaty would be formed , It is an Immiportamit docunuent , as It gives in detail time terms on which China is to be opened to commuuorce , whme'reas time eaco treaty recited only the general fact. Time miegotiations have procoedetl far emioughm to show that Japan will have the favored nation ciatmee as to comnmnerce. This will be the flrst time iuina has grammted timis clause to Japan. ! assures to Japan the lowest rate of duty on articles sc-nt to China that the iattcr country exacts troiti any other coumutry. Japan Ia titus placed on equal termns , for time first time , with ( Ireat Ilritamn , the United States and other great ilowers. Amiothier feature of tlme treaty is the estab- hishmmmient of Japanese consular courts in Cuba for time trial of Japanese. 'l'iiis is to imusure the Japanese against tim crude judicial syateiti and itarsim pumuisiuniemuts of China , and is similar to time conammiar courts that other leading nations mnaimitain iii China , html as Japami has raised her judicial systenu to a high piano , abandomuimig all relics of brutal punishment , tluere is found to be no need of foreign courts in Japan , Great Britain anti time Unhtetl States huave agreed to abolish their consular courts lii Japan , anti following thus muew order of tImings Japan will hot let Chinese consular courts be established there , altimoughi they in- slat that Japamu siiotilmi lutve time samuso protection - tection , as other iuowers agaimust time crude miuethods of justice In China , I'rotee' I og Iiiuhlmm us fimii.m Sivi itil i'rs. WASHINGTON , Aug. 11.-Special precautions - tions have been taken to prevent aiiy trouble at the Nez I'erces reservation in Idaho at time date of paying out to time Imidians there the $600,000 appropriated for timern by tue last congress. Usualiy when it Is known that a sum of money is to be paid to Indians a crowd gathers aroumid time reservation , wlmos purpose it is to rob and swindle time Indiamis. For this reason a troop of cavalry hots beers ordered to camp at time reservation during time paymnemit anti Itreserve order. Time couimius- : sioner of Immdian affairs imas also imistrtmcted Cite agent not to pay any of tito checks until the troops arrive. Tue checks for tue mooney left Washuimugton yesterday amid will not reach tile reservation for several days. Time lntiianms ivili ho anmply Protected tmntih they have casimed their checks amid deposited time mmuoney In time bank , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 'm'll nyu' I'e'v'r Grmtml thu ly Sprtmiui I misc , WASIIINC'I'ON , Aug. 11.-Wnitlmig under tiato of August :1 : , the United States sanitary Inspector at havana reports to the surgeon gemierai a total of eighty-three deaths in timat city frmmn yellow fever during July , twenty- nine of wlmichi occurred time last week. During timis last week there ivere oighmty-ilve new cases. The dkease contimuues to increase there. Tue surgeon general is also advised tImid yellow ( ever is llrev4lcmit in nearly all the cities of importance emi tIme l'achilc coast from Santa Ana , fi4hvamlor , to Acapulco , Mex. Time latest reports frommi Bzmgie I'ass , Tex. , are that out of 855 returtuing negro cohommisms quarantlnc'il timere timere are . ill cases of smallpox , ' l'mit'nmtmt I 0 % 'estcrii I ims'i'mi I ors. \\'ASiIINGTON , Aug. 11.-Speciai.-Pat- ( ) ents have been issued n follows : Nebraska- Emil It. Draver , asagrior to F. Id. DraVer , Alliance , conveyor ; Adeibert 0. Mumller , Fm- mnoiit , fimel feedimig apparatUS for bouicra ltebart A , Tulsa , Frernqmmt , pmemsure regulator , Iowa-Joists II. Ciarey , Idea Moines , furnace ; William J. Green. Cedar htapids , autouuiatic cut out for eleciric converters ; Caroline A. A gT'I-NERVOU5 , .F1 I i-DYSPEPTIC 'I 'MAIL POUCH TOBACCO No NEnvo QUAKING No IIcART PALITATING No DY8PcPTIG ACHiNG NICOTINE NEUTRALIZED htinachi itmiti V , (1 , Price , Sioux City , skate : John M Morton , Cetir ItapimIs , comnluined must nmitl scraper ; 'iiliamuu J. l'mmglu , Muscatine , shmimuglo lilamultug nuacimimue ; Amutluemsy lthseJea , Simetumsntloahm , lifting jack : \'iiilani T. Smith snuml J. C. liartmuuttn , Crcstomi , car door : i'oter Ulirich , Cedar ilspimij , ( 'shineth Piuiness S. \\'hiting , Des Moines , lubricator , A ( ' ( Il.Vi'II Y 110W' , _ _ _ lt'tstiIs of mm hiutSoelith l'tumtctinms In "flu LCii I , i tnol. " A big dance on llrtmshy fork of Tygart creek , says time Cotmrier Journal , was attemutleti by a muajority of tIme People of that anti ami. Jolmuimig neigiuborimoods with a semisatlomial iii. citlemut , George Iatuiela ammd Jack Spencer 'nc-re rivals for time Itanil of Miss lotta'est . . . - amid lanuiels accommupamuleml hmer to the damico , : % proceeding that so enraged Spemu- _ _ _ cr that iuc- did not attend tIme miamuco , but so. cured a comuupamm 11111 0 muti svommt Ii tmmu C I mug. About to o'clock their dogs caught a skimmik , ihmichm time3' imitetuded to take imommue , thu their way imommue timey were comuspeiied to pass the imotise where thin dance was iii prog. ross , anti upon lookimig ims mit tIme wintiow _ _ _ _ Spemieer siiw Iamiieimt mutid Miss \\'c-st standing ml little closer together timami lie tuuotmght thuey _ _ _ _ almoimlmI , Timis fimrtlmer emuragemi Sluemuccr so muutmeim that ime took time luolecat by time tall _ _ _ _ ammml timreu' It at lamuiels , lila alto \'as riot _ _ _ _ good and the amuimmmal struck Miss \\'est fairly mm the face , nearly kmiockimug her down , Iamiiels host ito titmue iii getting outside to see Cite author of tue unpleamcamitnuess anti , . - seeing b'iuemicer getting away , startemi in jnmr- suit , overtakimig imimuu in a tow mumimituteis , and bringing hmimiu back to where tIme crewel ) maml gatimered outside time imouse. Several musodee of iinnislmmnent were suggested , but time one that moot tlio imeartiest approval ii'as the fohiowimig , ivhiciu was suggestetl by Miss \\'cst tumid car- ned out imuumiuetliately ; Sliencer's iuammds were tied secmtrely beimimiti his back amud the sktmnk fastened to imis breast iii such a miunmuer as to misaim it imuupossibho to escape time foul odor arlmtimig fromus it. The fellow was timers told to go liommue' , a mmslie distamut , followed by several to so that ito did not get time aiuimnal loosa. The 1uroceetlimsgs broke imp tins damuco amid nlo ii'on thin young wommsamu for Daniels , as lie amid Miss 'est are to be manned soomu , hi nImbi-mi n 'ommnnui C'lisl. ST. LOUIS , Aug. 11.-Mrs. hayden Itubol- nuann , iuromuuimmemut iii west end society , wimiho otit cycling Friday night , was knocked from her wheel by imigimwaymiiemi , hotmniied into un- consciommaness mimimi huer diamusomumi earriimgs tormi fromn her ears , 11cr imusbantl was rid- imig alueati of her , but when lie reached his vife time imigimwaymmmen hmad dcii , Siremmml of Slimmulimmox ( lImo ohm-mi. EAGLE I'ASS , Tex. , Aug. 11.-Tint death. from amminhipox amiti five hew cases are re itorted at time qtmarnmstine cammip. Dr. Ma- grmider of the femiemal imuanimie service took fmihi clmarge of time cnmmup. Time ftmrtimer spread of thie disease imas been practically clmeckemi 1.- by the successful i'accimmation of time umu- affected mmegroes. M iiei's St riIe for \VeIgImunii , CHARLESTON , W. Va. , Aug. 11-Fifteen hundred nuiners along time Louis crock raiiway struck last night amid ivihl not go to work tomorrow - morrow mnormiing , Timer , claimui they were to get haul by the ton nmidiira paid by tim imiiiio car , which holds muuoro titan is clatmued , 'l'ho taco demand a weighmuuaiu , Shot Ills W'ife imimil hiiimtsif. WILMOT , N. 1) . , Aug. 11.-Dr. J. Ii. Whit- ford of this place , while laboring ummder torn- porary nberratiomu of Clue imiind today , shot aluti Icihioti lila wife. Ito then ttmrmied the weapon upon lmimmiseif ii'itiu fatal effect , lie _ _ _ _ imas been a pmommuirment ishiysciami hiere. for years and the tragedy is a terrible shock to the comuummiums'ty. S hIeost lug I Ii e- utile limhe'l. The Cigarmumakers International union of Brooklyn issues time Illue. Label Ilulietin , designed - signed especially to advertise time blue label ( of their ummulomi , which , on a hex of cigars , indicates - dicates that the contents have not been made by Cimimsese or itt tenomnetit houses. 'l'iie union distributes this bulletin at time ferries anti tim't bridge entrance. - - - - - - - , , / I' I Prize Hood's Barsaparilla more than any remedy I hat. ever taken. Ihave never been robust and was subject to severe headaches , and had no appetite. Since takIng Hood's Sarsaparilla and llood'a PIlls I am a well woman , have a good aIPotitO and sled ) s'c1l. I cordially recommend Hood's Her. eapaebiia. ? mnmt. S. lii. GonmrAax , Irlhlmnore house , Fillmore , California. lood' I cure all liicr liii , bilious. Del. . it'aicm ! , , Bc. zoo5 , . , SOAP FhOAPS JAB. S , KIRK & CO. , U. S , A. _ _ - ilDUCt'I'IN.tL. WENT WORTh 'q MILITARY ACADEMY " Lexiiigtoii , Mo M1t s.s ELLERS , A. M Kenyon Military Academy , Gambler , 0. 72imi year. 'Ilila oIh mind reniarksbi7 tmccoiifui : schmiiI i.rovidoa thorough ; 'rPiralion toi college or tminuimmcis , mmmiii crirermml aupervimion of umeammh , Imabita arid mnsnmti'rs , im ta much timeoldeit , largest Mmci heat m'qmtlppoml boardtmmg cbeol fuC bUYS iii Ohio. lilututrautoti catamo'uo edit , imm A1 ILLINOII Iflk ooNsgiVTOflY. : ) i1 r..i n.mrmt'tmotm Im , aIIIeim.rt. . 1'I nmeimtl , , liim'h'2 I mtttm iJ , 'mm. . 1:1 Art' J'mH"mtlomt 1.a'iimmrg. ' , . . ' . . . , , i. . , . Lie , A.l'l. E. 5' . SIU .m.A mm. i smi0c.Jkonvmlie.iO . . ' - - - - - - - - - - AMUSl3Mt ± NTe. Courtland Beach THURSDAY. GRAND'BAND CONCERT lmftornuoon arid Evcmmimg. _ _ _ _ _ Balloon Ascension -ANI- ' paz'achuto Leap by Milo. Celeste Afternoon amid F.vonlnug. Free Admission.