Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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- - 2 'rIIB OMAhA DAILY J1FJEl : F1iEIAY , ALt'S'I' 9 ) . lS9. . I
.a In j omce flM we were coulr nol make the
neccssary showing.
smm NUTS TO 'nACIe.
"Yes , olr , " continued Mr. Greene , replying
to a rJuesll(1 of Attorney McCulloch , and
the sUlhtrlles holt that If we hall stlpped
out of omce as you propose , thal we would
then have had no stnnllng In court to rnnln
ohilce taln our request for the rtoraton of the
"A great real I 1 Bald of disagreement of
cotin5eL Wo cant 11etermlno the CanstitU-
tonaly of this law here. Dul U , ral e
In the court mind a doubt concerning the
right t curts olco I jUlfes our pottion.
An on"er " de Jure Is one who claims n right
to an office . 1 IB only nn auerton ho
n3kj3. The olcer In pones. Ion the
esumpton In his favor 10 the omce. The
other'l claim h 1 but a claIm of auertion.
These renteman have been In an attitude
of claiming an omce , and It was for theiti
being out of ! office , to bring quo warranto
proceedings , hecaue we , being In Ilosseson ,
could not claim through the court an once
' 10 already held.
"An omcu r de facto Is 1 he who h t administerg
InK an om.o reg\lcl : whether he has the
right to It or not. "
"Thayer was governor de tacto. lie was
In possession exercising the functions and
recognized , : S govrrnor. A mere usurper
would not he do facto an otflc'r . bec3use he
would not even have the color of omee to
support his claim .
"What constitutes poems1on of an ollce ?
"One must Le In possession of the records
thin ofce , and , more than all , of the essen-
( tale which pertain to thc functions of the
"What are time act they say that gave
thcl PossessIon ?
"Thoy met atl tried to IUle orders.
"Th lr circular simply states list they arc
claImIng lie ( office and asks the members ot
the del"utmenl of the city to rlcognl7e
( Item . when they wi trrat thc force with
duo consideration. Does not lie tact that (
they aske the communly ( and dcpartments
r to recognize them amount to an admls lon
p thai they were not In PQCSMtOfl of the
office ?
r "What are the faels on the other sIde ?
"There has been no ehauge. Things can-
fr tnue as they were before August 1 Mem-
hers are recognized as members of the board.
'fhoy have the records and are acting as coin-
missloners. " I
Mr. Greene then read a law case In which I
n puty was acting as street commnissiofier. I
TuG party held the hooks . .nll ( , claIming to
he commissIoner , refused to give , up the
office.'SIn the present case . " ho contnuel , , I
"Ihe old borll has gone still further and Is '
recognized by the forco. I'
"What could le done hy the comblno's :
boird If a riot should break oul I could
protect no one ; I could throw no shield
over any man's Property. - ,
"We are nol only the de facto officers , bnl '
claIm to bp the de jure ofitcers.
: "My first proposiion Is that the law Is
unconstulonal bf3use of its failure to
observe time constitution providIng for tItles
to bills of time Ipglslalure.
"The holy or the bill or 1S9 : In effect docs
amend prior acts : hut the question Is , Does
I do so In legal terms ? The failure Is In
the title. The title to tht act of 1895 piet
tends to amend both tlc acts of 8i and ' 89.
Bolh acts huh been amlnled , by the subse-
Intnt act of ' 89 and ' :1. and the law of 'S9 ,
as amended In the act of 1891 , which was
the only law In existence when the act of
1895 ! was passed was not amendNI nt all
hy the act of l19 : . So that the act referring
to the tire suit police commission bi pdssell
In 1895 tIll , not smentl any existIng 101" .
havIng wholly failed , . as provided In the constitution -
stulon , to point out In the tile what ex-
hlnl act It amended. "
Nebraska decisions were read , on this point ,
"The law Is unconstitutional with refer- ,
cnc to providing polItical qmllcatons for ,
elite , " added Mr. Greene. "The lmI3t01
apples to al citizens and all pates alIke
under the law of 'S9. In 189 the law was
amended and the dIscretion of the appoint-
big power was limnitoti. 1 would ' allow ,
the governor to chose from but three par-
ties. In 1895 thin law was changrd again. :
This qualncalon , that one Illher lust
come from the r lublcan party and one
from the populist party , Is Inserted. There
Is no qualification for mneimiborship as 8uch
hut the provisions anti wording ot the law !
of 185 clearly show that It was the pur-
l'ose. by malting reference to the last pie-
ceding electiOn In the ll , that members
of the republican and populst parties wlre
to b chosen as memhers of the fire and
pollee comlnlnlon. The whole section Is Infected -
tectee with greater vice than one might at
first Buppose. The words apply to the parties -
ties from whom the commissioners are to
he appointed , as much as though the names
republican and populist , were written In the
11."I Is not government ly the people , but
hy a polItical organlzllou In the attempt
hero made to disqualify other citizens , not
members of those pmrties : , 01' any party , from
. "
participation In omce.
An adjournment was taken untIl : o'cloclt
when Mr. [ Greene continued his argument.
Coutnued Mr. Grlone at this afternoon ;
sessIon : "There Is a great d ItJrenco be-
twen saying you shall appoint two of the
members of the commission from two par-
tcular poUlcal pales and saying you shall
uppalnt two member frm different Lollcal
lartIes . This provision , m3rl\'er , does not
refer to any appolntmenl except In the first . I
Jnslance. , The leglslalur has arbltraly al
to the appolnlnJ board 'You lust appoint ,
one from enl particular part und another '
member from another '
partcuJl part In
making your first appointment. ' ) !
"Under the qualncaton In this 189 5 law
the ar1polnlng board has no discretion what-
O\'er-one commIssioner tuut coma from the ,
republican ( party all one from the dlm- I
ocrlo party , bpcauso lie law expressly says
two of the commisioners must he taken from
those two partes having time IRrge vote
at the last election. These partIes were the
republican and populist parties. That :
rell\lcan populst partes. was
the simple amI necessary effect of the law .
"Now then Is that unconstutonal Car
the legislature say 'You shall appoint to al
office members of a partIcular organlzaton ? '
To aOlrm that you slal do a thtng ( In a '
Il I
particular way and choose members of a
Ilartcular party to an omco Is to exclude I C I
OY9ry other way of doing that act and dls-
qualY the voters of every other party
According te the lust election 31,000 or , 10. -
000 democrat were hy this attempted leg.
Ilato disqualified by thts law. I Is at-
tempted b this law
to exclude all but a
partcular party.
"This Is a government of the I
"Tbl peoplo. by i
the people and for the people. That Is to
say. thin people In their sovereign capacity
, have tie power to fl x smut establish the ,
princIples of their government Dy wits ,
right or authority has the legislature of the
great state ot Nebraska put Its seal Dn the '
statute books , saying It shall make this n
gOYrnlont by political Ilutls ) ? By wha !
right shall the party which happens to be i
by the exigencies of the hour In control of I
time 'go'ernment enact a law that will make
the mlmblrs of every oIlier party unable
partcipate In th& government by the people aC
"Ttmeoo are times when institutions ao
being sapped by orKanluton ! ! and ! eret
societIes. It Is ( line to
socetes. I tme recur to elements I
truths. I0 can feel them . In our h.arts !
J will then bo our lhlitto uphold them
even against thin eluuorl of the populace .
I I an act of legislatve atrocity to Impose .
U\t the people what Is ( expressed on Lb a
very fact of the nre 8ud police Drt of l89 5. ,
Since 1881 the - law has , been amended ( tire a
, t101 lu 1891 the Iw was passed requir
InK the board of comml.ulo ers to be chosen
from three polItical turtles , be.use thf
legislature was theu neitly equally Ilvldee ,
a1Qnj the palUcat parties. In 1S95 I was I
Ilrovlded that the appointment should cent
frO two poltcal Iarle , anti It Is a aigutli -
cant coincidence that at that ( hue the leg
Islahuo was domlnat"l by enl two poltcal 1
parties. In un or lS99 ( lie legislature may : ,
perhap , pas In act requiring that the
nnlb.r o the cllmb on shall all be :
from one political party.
" 3iiIn 1 constitutional 1 government mi-
norites have some rights. T faU ' to reg . - ,
ails. utah a principle Is to recg i
conruulont antI Ihe ( rlchts of the nitiwrlty
, aal In doIng this we are going . long way : , '
In tb . dIrection of overturnIng the Insttu- L :
and t ! o. develop. we have " sought 10 loal to maintain
- .
11 this connection an IIJllna cue Wi , '
quar.e 10 show that ( It wu decided by Ihe
SlplO court of that state that It J a
colttutonal rIght ; of al Anierlcae cllcn
te aipire to ofhlce . A Mlehlg.n ! rolslol :
wi slo ) read showing thlt no person es : abe
ba rightfully tmn'ented tram tickling otc a
beMuse at his political belief , The so.calee aii
fea\f case In this elite was discussed and
c1.\nluhbee In prluclple from time law 0
a5 , flnce In i that there .
125 tha CUl was no t.
- - . , . . . ' .5 . . , . , . , . , , . . .
. . . . . . " . t . iI.u.i . IOU" ' ' 'I I
ticket o1C , 133 F4fCIU1 Itre t , .L I
strlcton laid down wIth reference to an
omce bolder being a melber of any par-
tular party or partIes , lS In IhB 1S5 fro
and polIo bill.
"If the leglsbturl , " eontnul.1 Mr. ( reene .
" has I right to declare on such nalterl of
( oltey . I Is the duty of the eltzns to
obey I. but I proll'st against ih ccnatltu.
tonal power to declare It ni a J lcy of thll
povernmenl that poltcl or rllglols tests
sh all be applied to landhblps for office.
"If you say these provisIons of the 1"
are not mandatory and oblhptory , then why
rlo c you put tiietii there ? Whlt were the
c ondittons at the time this law was en.
actell ? The 11rlslIUrl was ( beet dhldt be-
( wean memher of two erganlzatons , the
republc.n anti populist partIes. 'An ap-
Ilolntng board las then constul l. formed
of three mcmbcr consisting of the gov-
ernor , attorney general ant commlssoncr ! of
lanls , , a cpulht amid two republc3n ! . After
the bill hail been thus cunningly devised.
wih all of Its provisions relatn/ ! 10 p0-
li tical parties nmade to Its
Itcal so nlule al secure ls
pusage , It was sent 10 the ICKI lature. What
Ereat ( uhlc neceslly exIsted for the (3S.
Inl l of that Bct. 1 was but a part of thai
p urpose the whole of whlrh will 10 later ye-
v aled In the curse of my remarks. Butte
to reconsider.
"Wo say that this law , b ) ltclarng : that
two t memhers of this houd shall be macin-
b era of two certain politIcal pities , prac-
tcaly amounts to a proscriptIon by the (
go\ernment of every citizen who Is not a
memher of one of those psrtiea. No citIzen .
hy the act of the legislature. can aspire 10
a ny office within the gift ot that apllntng
oarll who Is not either a member of the
rlpublcan or populist party. I Is true
that In the absence o that provIsIon the
appolnlment : might have been made from
one party nlone. That Ia I purely a personal
m atter. In the law of IS95 It becole , a
mater of lerlsltvo command , and must
he carried out unlcu the law Is unconst-
"Another question Is. stmppoeing the law
to be constitutional , the '
constutonal was apolntl'c pawlr
conferred the "
c hy bill properly exercised ?
Atenton was called to ito peculIar clauses
of f the bill. Hunnln ) over them In detaIl.
Mr. Greene ( contnued : "W'hmatever may be
said or the right of a majority to appohit cf
this t I nm certain : The two members coull
uot cal the board togtth r. The \gnalons \
i ot attorney general amid land commlsslonor
are merely designations of perSJn3. Supb
posln two citizens had attempted to act
In I this way ; woulll that give their appoint-
merits validIty ? The statute gave tllrt
days for acton : though the other two )
, ! m ade up their mimlnds , the governor had the (
I rlht to consIder the spplntmont ! for that
length l of tlimme. A manlamus would not lie
'to comcl them to act 8S a bOonl Then
how could two niemuhers compel the third
tn o act n thing which outsllo parties could
not compel nor the ) ' thersll'ls hy law.
"This bill originally contaIned nn eml-
gooey clause , as counsel on the other sllo
hlO h : statll 'fhe orhl1 ! bill alas ntalnell
lho thLrty days' Ilrovlslon , but It wa nol
an emergency clause. as has ben stated.
ThIs tlIIrt3' days' clause was put In tha orig-
Inal t bill to allow the three members that
t ime to make time
tme < e appotntment after the
emergency clause had gone Into efect The
elerponc ) ' clause failed to carry. The thirty
days' rovlslon still remallell In the bIll and
gave the same appointve right after August
I , for thirty days . as was originally intended
to be conferred when the thirtY dJs' ' clause
was Inserted In thD bill with the emerr
Jency clause In it.
"Then. having met the board issued Its
eormltslous In spite of the fact that ( the
law l provides that the governor sh:1 Issue
his commissions to the ( officers of the state.
These polce officers , as the re. prescntal\'o3
of time highest functons of thc state cannot
I l awfully make arrests unless the power of
the state Is back of thetis . TheIr powers
I cal upon them to protect the peace , whIch
! Is I essentIaly a state function.
"The question recur : Wcre the members
Df the ( Churchl-Hussol board protrly
qualified to sit as commissioners , granting
that the law was constitutIonal ?
"The orders of this court , It being con-
rOllel1 that It has
I jurisilcton of the contro-
v rsy . stand as the law. I Il was not an
unlawful act for the city council In dfanee ,
I of the court's orders to proceed with the
conslderatlou ot the bonds , what rIght had
this court to crltcl e or punish the council ?
I had this right , because the touncl
was an unlawful one.
"Coming now to the question of good faith
In this actton . I wish to cal attention to
the motive which lay behInd this piece of
legislation. Why was It that In 18 these
republicans after a victory , anti wbClt appeals
were pouring In lrm every county In tIme
state. and wih distress In every quarter ,
why was It they turned away from this
work of lellf In order to Ilevlf11'0)8 to ill-
vest the governor of his prerogativee to
the exercise of which he had teen e\"tll \
by the people of thla stale ? In that dee-
ton contest every pear , was brought to
hear agaInst him. Night anll da ) In every
corer of our state emIssarIes of this great
party were at work to detest hIm and elect
I another. Yet when the votes were counted
some of us to our surprIse others to our
dlsgu'et. found the people hal elected him
to take the position of the executIve ' of this
stale. lie was hulucterl ( Into office and we
at once wItness the ( hurldlng spectacle
of the lobbies being hacked for the purpose
I of devising ways to rob blm of the functons purpse
of the olee conferred on him hy the eorlsl-
'tuton and legislature. Why was It done ?
WIS It done In the Interest of the public , 01
of some Individual that COI1CII''d ( hImself
10 bo greater than tIle state ? As a repub-
lan I protested at the time against It and
as a cItizen I denounce It now. In thIs
I contest oath.bound societes took a band In
eklng to humiliate the governor before tIme
country and make him appear as one untt
to adminIster affaIrs. Why. sir. It was out
of sith feelings as ( hit that tItle leglsllton
caine animated ly loth'es of factional and
penlonal hate alul of religious fanaticism.
\n oranll3ton has been very active In all
puts of time state which I am told corn.
'mands tire suifrages cit ' . '
sufraes If mlny thousands of
our citizens , conceh.tll In the Ilrop03ton that :
: a man may h. proscribed } undf1' the stats
anti stripes because or his religious affilla.
; alla-
( inns. When was such a doctrine er'r con
eelvell of In thll land ? As I loot ] back
over the history of the dark past I find
that for thousands of ' cars these religious :
dissensions raged with unrlmlnlshed vigor.
I Men were burmi1'd , at the state Every means
that Imigenuity could devise was mmcccl by the
churches and adherent of all religIous de-
I nontimmatlomme. I have hear.l a great real L
about 'proscribing' a man 1 C3U8 he Is an :
adherent of lie ( CatholIc church Wh ) ' , may
friends. are we not being swept too far Into C
, tItle relIgIous contest ? We should pay better
attention to time history of our goverment
I and tlia principles of the pasl Whatever
charges ma ) be brought against that church ,
It must 10 conceded that It Is one of the ( S
I greatest institutions ever establslell among
"The act of 189. " contnued Mr. Greene , ,
"In terms nowhere legIslated the present
incumbents alit of office. In many state Iii .
stutons Il Is expressly prohibIted I Is
against i'nlfey to allow n 'glslature to leg -
Islate melt out of office. Dy what right hall
I this board of three the power to appoint L
mtn to an office which was not yet vacant ? r
, The act of 1895 makes 10 reference to S
, law of 189 and does not repeal It. The new
law created no new board and failed to legis-
lte' the old board out of omce. "
The arguments of the afornon were con .
chuled with a brl , f Inquiry as to what right L
the Clmrchl.nuuel board had to 0 calell
tie facto omcers. That board cull claim S
, the ote only du Jure , he sahl anti unless
the question of the right to the office was
dhlcussed as I foundation for malnlalnlng
the I present dhcuslon , the question woull
resolve Itself down to a mere scramble for
, omc regardless of rlgbts.
I having concluded this branch of the in .
qulry. Ule main question In Issue In the in .
junction cult. a to the right to have It I t
otaintatned , wu deferred for argument anti
' .
9 o'clock this nmoroIng
11 rneMM : U..tlJ . t tin I'"b. rr.
OAf.fSBUHG , Atmg . 8.-CI.1s : : ! 8 , pace :
nnho won the fist and thIrd heats ant 1
race. Time ; 2:122:161 : : . } l'drgen won
Ito second. hieae. Time ! : t1' 4. Iajor : r
Lamimbert. Joco . J.tly'I'ln. . Jwh Couch .
Clear Grit. itamemimi I , lhelQl , Iolo and
Ilvdy also ictarletl
Jv lal 2 O0 , trot : Lady won In
straIght heAta. Time : 3ep : ' " , . : ' . . Co ,
dells . Dilly King 11'Ie 1'Ilot , 1oss ant
lurr Oak ab atrted . .
n..uu.a.t. . R I. . , ,
OM\IA , Aug. 1-TC' the Sporting Ediior
of The lee : I hereby ebdlenge any titan In
Nebraska for a fty.mIle race at the Chrlos
Street Deyce park neat Weneday even
lug for freD $50 to $ tO a side. An accept
.a0 through The 110 Is InUed.
I : No"n Zia street . Thursday . at i 0 I
1. aim . lnterment Laurel 1J. ca a 101 I
IAtL h LANDS ) IN hAil ) LUCK '
Mis30ur las An Kinds of Accdcntn in the
Six-Day Ohaco.
1,1"t ff "h.fnrtllc" ( .r.w..11 h ) ' n
C.IIlul "lh i I 't'e'sp.Ier : , 'ltll I I
HII I I.u" fr 'l'imreeMlii's
fu , ' tlm . . NliIil I .
tsoul was In tough lucia last night , . lie
set out as I he intended to ride the balance
of f the field off the track ] . but he hall hardly
goltn emi a good he.11 of 81eam whll the
antelleluvlin relic. cal 11 a wheel , he was
strdllng , sprung n leak antI he was o\lgell
to change. lIe was a bit clumsy In the opert
aton anti before he could again ret under
way his rllals hae taken a hal dozen lap.s
from It I tim. Undaunted by this I , however , he
again buckled down to luslness , anti amhlst
the vociferous plaudIts of his hundreds of
frIends he took after the gang / lUre a dog
wllh a tilt Cn ted to his caudal allpendage :
10 l was In n fair wayto recover mich of thc
lost h ground htn again ho hall a dtlugel )
with his wheel. This lme the ash pan broke
a mid Old MtssotmrI with a look of unlalhomalie
dls."st impact his fair young face , was again
compeled to change mimputits. Ills grooms
t rotted out for hie use the first wheel ever
hrDught to Nebraska. I look Ill moro like a
cano than bicycle , stIll he fearlessly threw
himsel astride of I nail , Ilte a furniture
van on an up grade once more tool Ul the
WOHY trail. Just cne 'mie was \1 heeled off
\ hen hE punclured n Irt and for the third
tme t be hall to do the Igllnlnj change act
but not untl after the park mtchanlc had
fastlned f on a new cow-catcimer. This clone ,
a tmil ( hits Indomitable athlete from over the I Big
M tuddy again vaulted Into the saddle and set
out for revenge lke a scarel rbbit } very-
thing wen mprrl ) ' for several miles and
Oolonll Hal was In n fair way to regain
Ke\er,1 yards or the earth ho had lost ] when
hl ! ! amasim' ! ' hong ! ho and the Parisian came
tegethe on the upper tlr like the collision
o r a coupe ! If thunder couds 'fho concus-
slon shook n small boy off the lack scat of
the bleachers , and for a moment there was a
heterogeneous mass of broken \ykes and
sprwlng riders to be seen all alUl1 the
upper turn. DefyIng fntu however the wild
and wooly : lssourlan was furnIshed with
s till another steell , and , mountng , continued
the \el.mce of the night's weary pilgrimage
wihout hindrance or interruption . lie was
u nable . howevpr to regaIn any of the terrl-
tor ) lost and went to thc stable after the
fnish In fifths place.
Time crowd was again very large anti very
fashionable , amid while tIme racing WeS not
quitI so exciting ns on the prevIous o\'en.
l ogs . the enthusiasm was as unbounded as
e ' or.
Helen rode immagmiificemmtlv . but he 'lisa cvi-
11ently i tumbled to the Ilrollessness of under-
tallnl to lake away from Burllck any of
the ground he has ganod , and he simply
lalnlalnell an average high rte of speed !
throughout the chaise Burdick , secure In
the consciousness that the race Is his , baring .
ring accidents , reJte content wIth folowing :
lose to HoItoii. When Hoton : spurted so
did ilmirdlek and whE Helen slowed up
Dick did mewlse. Stlrdcr , with his \eau.
limit skinned ] < 1 shanls pumpcd away , 'alanty
the whole evenimmg amI If lie Isn't able to
wear diamonds after the race Is over he will
have h he satsfacton of knowing that ho
escaped with his life. "nabbl" Clarke also
hangs on like prehensIle anthropoid to the
Inll u of a cocoanut tree all It la plain to be
soen. as he gades Ito a dept spEcter around
the dreary ellipse , that 'ho is [ pro'lng for an
earthquake or a thundcrlolt to help him
Into I the lead Tugger. who wlthdl w
Wedncsday night , changed his mind 'ester-
I , day and was pack In the IJush lasl iitghmt
Ho eat a bg ! piece ot blood 11111ng for diu-
uel' last evening and he felt so good that 'e c
determined to go In again and tear 0 ( a fel
more mies just for the fun ot the , thing.
Whie It looks now as I Ilrlck had a I
led l pipe on the preenter sparl II the prize r
llt , there Is no telling what will happen
A bicycle race Is never won until It lit WOlt
Accidents so tar have beers very plentiful ,
al1 m Durdlek may be frwnd upon yet \y the
fickle goddess f'ortlne. anti I he Is them : Lr L
Helen will tote off the big diamnomich Dy
' a grand spurt last evening Lester was enabled
'to carry away the special prize. The score : :
Miles. Laps
Burdick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mies. 1 i
Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG7 7
Tlsser ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:1 : ; :
Clarke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG :
hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lt : 1 1 ii
Achrnrler t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS 7
TaggeI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 : 0 5
n.\us OJ ' 11" X.\ 'I I UX.\ ItO.tGUl' : .
ChmIc.iigo lirt-oks 1..h'I ) ' . . . " CI'v-
In mmiI ' ' 1i. I . . . . .
' 1.1''IIIII . h.
CHICAGO , Aug. S.-The leaders were
downed today In a verY poorly Iltaye 1
! anl.Valace wns batted out oC the
hex smut retIred at them enl } oC the second
Knell was thin put In unit hut ( lie locnl C
out wihout I hit \ In the next three trimmings ! .
le w.nt imp lute the all In the sixth nd .
was batted \ haiti four rtmn'a re.ltn . 'rhc'
COltH went tn piet'e " In the slventh ant
gave the visitors four runs. Alcwlunce ,
4.0. Score :
Chicago . . . . . . . 12000400'-l I
Cleveland . . . . . 0000e2100- 9 !
hits : Chlcao. 13 : Cleveland. 12. Errors -
rors : Chlao. ; 5 ; l'le\'plan.l , I. arel
runs : ( 'hmleago . 7 ; Cleveland , 4. 'fwo-hlu'
tilts : , Ansn , Burltl :1 1 mer. IeGraths
Tttree-baee hia'lmol , Dak , ' . 8.crllco
hit.'lm"t. . Anson. SU'lel , olt : By
Wallace , 1 : by UrUnth. 2 : bl' I'npl 1.
Bnses on hal ) : Off " 'a I ace. 4 ; cIT Knell ,
2 ; on Griflithm . 1. WI\1 plth. Knell. 1.
Batttrles : Glllth and Klln dIP : Walace ,
Knell . ul.11 'I.ilmmmer . TIle : Two hunt : a
In,1 It i.t . ( 'mm mlnul < l. \mJlrt' : O'Da y.
BOSTON , Ammg. 8.-Doston
AuI. - won both
gnmes. In time' first game Stvpll hall the
visiors nt ImIa mercy unit proved so effec .
lve that hellchell the first three Inning :
of the SleOI \ gammmo before rfthn . no -
ton batted Kennedy hard anti tickled fimiely .
In the socolll game Sullivan reillaeell
St'ets , and not a run or hit was made ot
him except In the eighth. Score. firs t
Hlme :
Boston . . . . . . . . 02120001-
Brool.lyn . . . . . . . 2 0 0 0 0 ( 0 0 02 :
hits : Dotln. 12 : Drooklyn . 7. Errors :
Doslon , 2 : Brooklyn ] 3. Earned runs : lbs :
ton. 2 ; Brookl'n , 1. 'l'wo-base hits : 0.1)
. )
Htvels (2) ( . Anderson , Stolen bases :
liamimmon Lamehamice. Base on balls : Nash
( : , . 'ucker , Bannon. Lowe Lachance'
Struck out : Lowe. Shindler Ulltn , Grim ,
'edway AndpI'gon Double plays : Sty-
els to Long . to Tucker. Vm lid pitches :
Slvet . Jlt 1) ' pitched bal : Grimmu
flatteries , Stvets and Ganzel ( : Kennel '
and Grimm. .rme : 'rwo hour Kennp\
mlnules. Umpires : Burnham and hunt
Siore . second game :
Dslon . . . . . . . .0 0 2 3 0 ( 5 - - 0
Broklyn . . . . . I 0 : 0 ( 0 0 3 0- I
hilts Boston 11 8. Errors
Hit. : ; Irooklyn , :
Boston , I. , Urooklyn , 3. "rnell rUns : Dos . :
ton 6 ; Jrooltyn , 2. wo-base hits : Dlt .
lon ! Three-base hit : Dui'fy. BaNe on r
hal ! : flannon Ganzeh Trewny , Corcoran rL L
Guiimbrt . I.nehanre. Struck out : Nash .
Daly Dailey . Shindle. Double play ! : Nagh : ;
to IAwe to Tucker : Shindle to Dailey to
I.achance. Wild pitch : Sullivan. Dalol' Jlt by :
pItched bal : Griffin (21. ( ) Tucker. flatteries :
pIchld , Sullivan and Ganzel ; Gumhlrt aUI
Daie ) ' . Time : 'l'wo hours. UIIlres I :
1urham and lunt Attendance , 7. ( ) .
CINCINNATI , Aug 8.-Cincinnati batld
IlsIIlpr hard. anti with the assIstance 0 : I
tha errors made by St. l.ull hind vcr : y I
little trouble In winning the game. At- '
tentlanee ( 2,2e ) ) . Score : Same.
Clm'lnnnl . . . . . . 1 0 1 1 1 3 2 2 - -1 0
St. I.oul > . . . . . . . 000020000- 2
hilts : Cincinnati , 16 ; 8t. I.oull , 1. Errors
Cincinnati , I ; SI. Louis . 6. garnP runs I :
elr.cnnal. 6 ; 8t. h.otmis. . 1. Two.haNe hits
' . Vaughn. Peltz.
tcl'hee. YauJhn. Sacrifice hilts :
Samues. : Stolen bases : Burke , : h19 .
\'aughn. Double plays : EI ) ' to Jwlng.
lelz ; lcPhee 10 Smih to Ewing. lies e
' on hale : Off Rhines. 1 : off I"lslngpr. 2.
lit by llltehe bdl : 1 : KIssinger , 1.
Struck out : By Rhtm' . 3 : by ' KIllnlor , 1.
U < terle : : Rhine ant Yaulhn , Kissinger
and Miller. Time0 hours and len :
mhlhtts lI\lre : :1 01nn III ane
coi.oni.s IN LITTLE : Ul'ER FORml I.
l'ITTSIII'ItG. Aug. 8.-I.otmlsviile
1ITTStl'HG 8.-I.ul vle ap-
IItale < In better form than on Its former
viii. The Colonels played a goo genie
but the 1Itlburgs managell to bunch their
his slid win out. Attendance , 97.1. Score :
Pittsburg . . . . . . . l200300'- . ;
Louisville . . . . . . . I U 0 : 0 : I 0 0
Jl ! : l'llsburg. 1 : : I.outsvle. it. Errors ;
Pll.bnne , 3i ; LouIsvIlle. 15. Ban rron I :
Plttsbg. 3 ; LouIsville . : i Two-base rus his I :
n.ckle ) ' . Stenzpl , Gardner lark (2) ( ) , Ink !
stolen hasel' Donoyan (2) ) , 10hnM. Dou
ble play : loruluer to leddei Smllh to
uUAUrr'1" n.u .nvn \ . , A' " l'rA.UA.
- - - - ' - - - -
. tl I I
n dtl ) . SmUh 10 ( 'r08 to Il'rhnuer hiase
on hals : Smiiithi.'me'm'trritt , Wrljht lilt bY
t ihtehel hnll SJv. Struck omit. ( Urnln .
( hal
,1ht11 ' out !
Hllle t : , t'amo'r. \ ' 1j , pldl : GIHlner. limit-
I tl'rlp : Gnrtlnet' lthti : l'rrll : Inks . noel
\'ntlr. Time : ,10nr ( hour amid 1f ) Inln-
I ( 5. tlllh'o : Jttmit' \ .
QI' AKlmS \ . 1t.lmD POOitlX.
Phill.AlE1PTt"t. ! ' Au. 8-Espor's lf (
tunl t twlrUnK and li5elltmian'ee anti Ilatmnihton's
Iloor work gave , Iaimore ; the thIrd Knnl
nr the 8tllos foday. J\lEndnnel 6. : .
Scor : ; 1 ) '
Sh hilimlelpumia . . . . ' 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2
Phln.llllhln . . . .J.'I . . . U 0 0 0 i 1 0 0 . -6
Its ! : i'imila'le'imlila . 1 : Inllmoro , 9. Er-
r are : Phlhllelhln , . floltimore . 2. Earned
m' urs : Bnlhlon'(1 IJ 'rwo.ha hilts : liot'le .
I tolstnsois. Stolep. .lrmses : \ 1GraJ11 ) ' .
I.of nn hases : ThI\ll'lhln , ] , f : 1biltiniore.
f ; , Strurk oul : IUlmnn , lioyle. I' : ' . III' .
Base on vim era : Phlalllllhln. ] 2. . Jalllorl.
3J . First be al hal , : Oil ' 1lICr , 1 : oft
J'rler : , 2. } -t lsl ) IJIhr : KI , Brodie.
flatteries ) . , ' '
Hatlrles : Taylor um1 ClJnents : E.'pt'r
1111 ltohinsim. ) tmillre : Ktdl' . 'rlmo : One
hour 1 minI ( fort ' .lle mmiiflmlhe'S.
HlSIW8 1,01S WgUI' l'l'AI. . .
SI'W : YOU " . Aug. S.-The m.mts made
II I three trnhlht 1101 the Wnshlltol ! this
a ftemnoomi. The reiresentatlcs ; tile iitC :
I t tlon' capital could nol hilt nOI' n.11 ittisie'g
hell h them ( clown to thrcl hits , , imotsstth.
stnmlni that . he merely lobhed ( lii' bal
OYer the Illate. Lloyd ) hit hnnl Se'lrt :
Nol york. . . . . . ) 3 :1 : 0 2 2 0 0 1 - -lt
W shln/lol . . . . . 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --I I
lute : NOW York \nhlniton:1 : : Er-
r ums : New Yorl ( . I ; Ve'asiiltigton . 4. Elruell
rms : N.w York , i : BI"o on errors : New
York , I : " 'n"hlnitol , 1. Left on harms :
New York ! . I ; Washln ton , 6. Ba,1 on traIls :
Oft nu I' . 3 ; off lloyd 4. Struck ! out : 1111
Il Ihlsle 3 ; by lloyd ) t. 'hrle.bse tilts :
JnYI , Hule. 'wo.hase hilts : 'rleran. Mc-
( ulle. Sacrllce hits : \'unlllren. Ahhpy.
Stolen bases : Fuller , Van helLion (3) ( ) ,
Davis . tcCuire , Selhch. Double Illa's :
Husle to F'mmrrel to Davis tn I"ul r. lInt-
t ent's : JI JI. I"nrrtl anti \'Iieon : Boyd anti
' \1 01
'thctitmire. Umllin' : Em > le. Tlmo : Two
I iottrs.
ourt.S"ANDINO 01 'rng TI' A IS.
l'Ityed. Won. Lost. 1' . ( ' .
CIyelHI . . . . . . 91 r.G 3 . m.2 (
IllshurH l . . . . . . . S8 51 : r.J,2
Balimore . . . . . . 82 4S 31 MI
Boton . . . . . . . . & 1 47 33 : r.5.6 .
ChlcIgo . . . . . . . ! ) r , 41 r.p : ;
llnclnnnt . . . . . . 85 H : : r'.f .
Brooklyn . . . . . . . 81 45 : b9 Mc ;
New York. . . . . . . gI 45 39 r.1.1 . .
Phlndelphll . . . Il 1 I i 40 I.1
\'ashln ton . . . . is i. ' It 31.5
St l.ouI1. . . . . . . . In ) 29 I 31H .
Joulsl'le . . . . . . SI 2t 6 : ; .O
Gaml ! today : Phi iladolpimla It Jrool < lyn :
\\ntsliington It J ( ton ; New York II BII-
tmore ; I.oulmcvlibe ( nt Iltsburg : Cll'vlanl
nt Chla ! ! _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
SCOINS C ) ' ' 'In VlIS'l'h'liS ln.\n. : .
\ teltI I ' . ( . % mres'e'erc' ' 1' . . 1"1' fur
I liii Lit mmii Imoils lImit " 'r" .
, Alg. 8.-WhiteittIl's
work In the box was superb . barring a
little unstemmelbncss. I.'olr hilts were till tht'
home team could gntthier. Score :
IndIanapolis . . . . . 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2
Detroit . . . . . . . . 2020000l- -
hilts : Intltanrmpohts . I ; Detroit . S. Errors :
IndlannpolM , 2 : Detroi , I flatteries : Croca
nnll : lci"arIrmimlVimttchill , ; a 11 l'winehmenm.
MlNNEAl'Ol1S , Aug. 8.-Score :
lnneapols . . . . 0 0 1 3 2 0 3 1 0-10
St. Paul. . . . . . , 010000100-2
hIlts : MlnnCaIOI ! 16 ; St l'aul 7. I' r-
rots : St l'aiii 1. natterled : Ical and
W180n : l''ppcr amid Boyle. )
GT ? ' ? 'I ) UAI'IDS . .
aJ 1i1 11\'IDS. Aug. S.-S'oro :
Graml ; Rapids . , . . . .0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-i
Terre Haute . . . . .2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
His : Grand ItWid ? , 12 ; 'rl'rre Hutl. 10.
I-rrori : Grand 1lapi1" : 5. J.Ittrlts : Hag-
german , Stafford IP\It 10 ; Goal and \ floachm.
' '
. 1 PlaYe''Von. . Loch , 1' . Ct.
\ 1. (
Indianapolis . . ; . . :1 : I 50 . : t .
St. Paul. . . . . . . . ! ro ar. G.2 .
Kansas City. . . ; , . SI 50 G . !
Minneapolis ) . . . . . ' . I 3 95 40 :9.1 , :
Milwaukee \ . . . . . . SS 15 43 r2 .
Dlolt . . . . . . . . 8:1 : : 42 41 r11 . ' :
'i't'rre Haute. . . . . , . ' 8 ; n : r. , 3G.0
G rmI Hapls , . . . . A 23 60 18
Game today : :111eallolH It St Paul ;
MIlwaukee at r"unR'fs ' City : Terre Halt !
at Grand HUll ! ; IIllnallolR ! at 1)etrott.
G.t111'IS : 01 , 1'111' ' : h.i'lII.Y Al ! t'i'l1lIii4 .
U'X'II n'f"II. , In I V. . . ) . I
. .
Chaise' ( .I't..I.
O'NEILL . Neh. . A'ug. 8.-Sllcllal ( Tel , '
gram.-One ) of ; the hottest glles ever
playel In this I ly Hook place here this I
afternoon lsitven , Handol"h anti O'Nel.I I
The feature of the genie WIR tImer rummning !
one . lmanded cutch of Holland for runnlnl O'Nell ,
'Too. of a Score li' In : deep left. Thom attendance WIS
O' r 11 . . . . . . . . 10002050-S
naUolph ! . . . . . . 0 1 : 0 1 1 1 0 0 7
Hits : O'Nel , 12 ; Rlnllolph , 10. Struck
out : By latl'hlge. 7. Batteries : Henry .
Hanloy and Henry ; Pulrlle and MorrIson. !
Umphe : ti' , :1 1)orsey ! .
'rgCrSEH Ncb. , Aug. 8.-ISIItelal Tle-
gram.The'lmoo ) aggregatIon of base
ball toslrs suffered a shut omit nt the hRud
of the 'recumnseh-m team In '
'ecur tpar today a jotly contested -
tested alas pretty I ! am\ ama It hal. ever
hlen the good fortune oC I 're'miimiseit crnwlI
to vitness. The score was : to o. The
same clubs play htre Friday and Satl1-
da ) ' .
clay.GI1ANI ) 18rn , Nati. . Au ! S.-SpetLaI (
Tehegramn.-Tlao ! ) Ih'rpolBhelmer team of
Lincoln defeated tIle Grand Island club to-
clay by I score oC 12 to 7. The slx'rlor
batting of time' visitors Imd better tpam
work won for time visitors .
SUUPIU ! : . . S.-Spt'cIaI ( 'elp- -
grama.Slielbv ) all SUrlrlso played ball
here tOla ) ' . SrO' ( 9 to 10. eleven hal .
In favor of Shllh flatterIes !
) nater ! " : Shelby .
Corbel brothers ; Slqu'lse , Heed and Kind-
ler. _ _ _ _
itm'tiee' .r . 110 ( ; nUl' '
The Kansa City Smclzpr ! who have
won from alt the amalcur tears In KanlaH
anti Missouri. wi be here for two gaines of
base ball with the UnIversity club team
today and tomorrow. . August : and 10.
' 'he ) ' wIll come with the Intention of win-
nlnl back the Interdtlte championshlll ,
whtch was lost W the . Omaha team last ) 'elr
b ) the KIISI"I ) Iteda , the then l'ham-
plans of Knnsas 1'1 : l1soull I the ) ' wIn
from the University boys they comm rl ht-
folly claim thl' prize . as the local ( cans
has eltn : all teams In thle parts , and :
also the Wahoos. who In tur won from
t."mR all 0\1'1' the slate. The local team
wi be Itrtngthnpd by the return of Craw-
forth who will 1Iay In Saturday's ame.
i'rank a\wnY makes . hIs presence fl'l ! at
the bat. Time pll.trs or the two loam will
lne up al follows tota ) :
Kaimsas City. l'oeition. UnIversity.
Ciy. Positon.
Kbnny . . . . . . . . . . .ateher. . . . . . Unh'ersly. . .
Dunn . . . . . . . . . . .itcher. . . . . . . . Jelen
n.yhurn . . . . . .llrlt. . . . . . . . . Abhot
; lcDI . . . . . . . . . .8'.cond. . . . .
Shlwrlre . . . .Shortltop. . . . . . . . Crelgh
DUlhleson . . . . . . .lhl1d. ) . . . . . MtKtlvey
Jame . . . . . . . . .I.'C. . . . . . . I.awler
MeMenatniemitddl ( . . . . . fluttmmger
Vaughan . . . . . .Right. . . . . . . Bttnger
Game will be called ut 3:43 : today.
C..k.t Gmmnme 'i'osmmorroiv .
Thp saml on Saturday on the grounds of
the Omaha Crlclt club wi be between
plcld elevence captained by Messrs.
I.ure and Ford. As wIll he seen below
the teams have bepn chosen with n view
to maldn them al evenly balanced as pos-
sib I. . nUl nn exciting game' can therefore
bo looked for. All members of time club
o clul
arc reqlested 10 ue on the le11 as earl ) ' as
posslhle. The folloWing are the ( Ievtns : :
hi. Laurie's ' .vet J. C. Ioyio 11. \ " ' .
Taylor. J. Frn l . .C1 H : . \oung. J. Cameron -
eron , H. New . S. ' 'heth , ; Douglas , M.
East D. Iratchle , ' '
P. B. J'orl'9 eeyen \ : G. IT. Vaughan . W.
R. Vaughan . C. U. I'ook > on. J. Neate , P.
Youn . 1" . A. Kedmp ; Charles Hill , J. Gilbert -
bert , M. A. hialiDr."G. _ , _ it. Youlg. Gi-
. \rhlt.ntl.t' ' niml 1..1. . . Up
The "Inion Street ' Stars and the Blue
Rocks played n ' 11 1. of base bal 'eslrr-
day. and tram start . 10 Inlsh every Inning
was full of gtimlor. . ' In ttmee' two teams
nOle of the players ' fire more flints 12 years
ot ago . yet the ) ' ' 1" all cranks Ipon time
subject ot base jmthl , mtncl what they don't
kloabont the 1qW \ would not liii a ' very
large sIzed WT\ diamo was callett 'ver
the .gmunds IP'rhlrtetnth nnll calIll (
streets . and all wel4.lwel until the fourth
Inning when th 1ppi1iro cn1ld one of tIme
Blue hock'e out , qs1.m \ , ealld run. OlO 1.01 tle
tIme I looked 1 ' thmotghm the Iollce t'omiltI polce wOIl1
have to be cal1 : 'Unt tIme elihflculty was
patched lp ly tll Itcls refusing to play ) ' .
after which the genie was given to the
Stars. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Am"l timt' CIst-ss etmdN4e're.
lAS''IrGf , l ng'rUl. S.-Thls beIng nn
ot day In connecton whim the International
hes9 masters' tournamenl. there was lit-
tie stirring at the Urazey Institute. The
only jnmPR which were left , unfnlshell In
previous 1oulds had to Il brought to a
conclusion , nlmel ) those between Black-
burn amid Janowskl adjourned on Monday -
day , and the genie between Alhln anti
literdelobema. IllQur rl on 'ruesday night.
The game"en Janowieki . nnd Ilhmtck.
burn ended after slxt.thro moves In favor
of f"MC. the latter , who played 0 I'r"nch tie-
011 high . 'Iv. % 'on the Gnmf.
OTTl'I\\'A , Ia. . Aug S.-Speclal ( Tele.
grumn.-Pedroa' two-bagger won a hard
fought game for Ottumntva. Score :
Otutwa . . . . . .0 0 0 1 0 0 1 8 0 4
Cellar Itapitis . . . 0 : 1 0 ( 0 0 0 Q 3
hilts : Olumwn 9 ; Cedar Roplds , 7. Errors .
rrs : Ottimumiwa . 2 : Cedar Rapids ! , 2. Hat.
terlea : Dillon and l'lxley ; hilaloy : and 'os.
- - -
, Ropcat Ia Victory of Lt Week Over the
the Former Pacing King
li her Il"ll/ I I h. (1 vms 111 CI rtimI I
: I..t II 1111 ! " "r 11 I imh'rest-
, .
log I'limcriseler - II..I1
1"1 t. \ . . "l' time I 11. . .
DUFl"ALO.u . S.-A lainllcent crowd
tOllay wlnesselt time grand circuit races , amId
weroel rpalll by e'le sl ectlce : of a nehle
strulllo between Joe Patchen anI Iohert J
tor the suprema Patchen repented his
CEvelaml vIctory on Haberl's own stamping
g roumiel . but was forced to pmit In four faster
heals llan last week. The four heats aver-
aptll 2:054. : The two favorites , Athenlo anti
l eaiklanel . lallell the pcsllonNI races , nll
Irred Kohl I malIc a show oC his fled ; In tIme
: -ycmr-oll ( trot. Time only favorite of time
Ilay to cutler n downfall was Humps who
was chased omit of two nati In 2:09V : and
2 :11 : , lowerIng his record amid icon was sO
thoroughly tired that lachael antI Valtlu !
made the racing thereafter . the Montana
mare finally landing the Ilurse. Summaries :
( la"R 2.15 ; . tllng. l"m'I' ' 2 , ( ) : \thenlo
won ( lie , " 'o.1si. I"th acid eventh heats.
Time : 2:19 : ' . 2:17 : , 2:1 : I. Nl'lh ! A \\'on the
thl',1 , timid fourth Iit'atml. ' 1Ime : 2:11" : ' , ' :13 : ,
Grelrhpn won timc' first heat In 2i3. : 1 , HI-
lanl i won the first . second flt sixth Ilal !
I I Ira\'ldn. Ih I yseite' , HOlle t , 11.lmlr I I ,
Arela\le h'GI'lgol' mind Jlnll , K l mire
s tart ' ]
( 'tar's 2:2 : . trottIng . purse tJ.U : F'ctlIt-
Ilnll h WOI Ih' irs at . sc.'ulmii altl x'h hlalt.
'l'lme : 2II.y : , . 2:16. : 2IS : \ . 'i'tfleta ; l.tirk
wail the thlll lul fourth ln'otte. 'rin" '
2:1 : ' . l'nte V \I'on the Irth hea' 11 2'16.
Miss lU'on , I-u > tvle\ 1'annte G 111
Sea lena I ale start eel.
( 'lilIes 2:27. : U'Ollnl. : 'enr-o\ls. istts' !
$ toO ) : 1.'n',1 , Iohl , , ' 01 ibm cc stmalgilt hpnts.
Tlmo : 2iim . , 2W1h. : 2lil'4. : stralll ( ; \.I
soeonll In three heals. 1)reschi WIU thmtrii. \
Int.h r.l . III'SO $ , I $ I ) : Joe lairhen
won time 'list , "conll amid fourth heal&
' 1Ine : 2:01 : : . 2.0I'2:0c3" ' : ' . . Ioti.'t . L Jon
the t thll'll hlat Tlmmme : : :0'/ : .
( 'I.I"s 2:1. : p'clnl pur"e S . , lW : Ha.h.11
I won lhe third fourth awl ! fh hlat" .
' 'lml : 2:12'z. : 2J : I t l. 2:1 : : : flu amiss . \11 Ihp
frlt f and ! ecOul heats. 1'hne : 2:0)1 : t. 2:11. :
\'alllu. Hurt OlIver , BIle C , Arthul I ,
ami Gem D also starlet
JXI'.I'XH : \I : 'un S.LLNIC.t. (
1"1 vI ) ' 1hstc.le'ill'tt'.irite's t'lll.h 11
dl. . . 1'I. II Itrlghitomm.
NEW YOHK , Aug. 8.-A good carl was
provided for tOlh ' at Brighton Ibeach . rind
a , a m iii. . ' tIme Inlhls were In the
lrst rmcc' lnmmll' watt the favorite . but the
"olng wa'4 better suited to Salonla , and time
lalr l won ( by n hie'acl. I cost time owner
$ : : : : : to r'lnln his liaise , howevel' . as he was
bhl . 11' to that nrmiotmnt. In tIm" second race
tht'l.t was a wil pitch on StIvem' ii , who
Oa ned at i to 5 ansi was backed ! down to
1 to 2 , but \nnolt Lyle led all the way nail (
\\'on hy a half 1tlwth In a drll'l' There
Il'r miSt' scratches than starters In the
third anl Mangrove was n 1 10 : shot II
held the place of honor to the IIU\ of time
Irst 1llllel' : anti helm 11 I. laJy Hlchmontl
winning Clom Klnp Gold In I drive. In time
fourth race the favorIte avon \'ar,1 ? 'll i
to the thre"IUartt ; ! ' whln Dogel antI
( onnolslour pach him. DOjel ! leading.
Commnoelcur won by a npt'k. Anothpr w'nt
10wn In the nCth. 101' Mirage . at 9 to 10.
Y'as ItI1Iac ll. 1"ltotum ; led to the last
xh'enlh ! , when Llle : Matt headed him
anton 1y thrte.qualter ! oC a length.
In time sixth mce [ ( rihal was , the favor-
ito . . hut Certainty , who was 111 1'layct ,
wln trans start to finish easl ) ' . Results ;
First race . one mile . seling : Salon lea (7 (
10 1 won : lmmlo ( even ) second , Iendl-
runt (5 ( 10 1 ) thin 'rlme : 1 : 14.
Second lace hIve furonJs : : Annol Lyle
(7 ( to 2) ) won , Sliver I 1 ( to 2) ) stond. Yan-
Icee I Doodh' to 1 ) thlrll. Time : 1:02. :
Third race , 1\1 furiomimes . selling : Lady
HlchnTonl1 (4 ( to 1 ) won King Gol(6 , ( 10 1) )
second Mangrove (0 ( to : , thlnl. 'lnw :
1:02. :
1.'ourth race , mile and a quarter : Connas-
bleur (0 to 1on. . Dogglt t (2 ( to 1 81co11.
" 'art (6 ( to 1 ) third. 'lmo : 2:09. :
Firh mmmcc . ono mIle . selling : I.IUlo : lal
12 to n won Factotum ( ( U tl 1 ) Iecon .
ochlnval' (12 ( to 1 thIrd. Time : 1:13. :
Sixth race . one mntlt' . selling : Cert.tinty ( ( I
to 1 woim . Fusler C ( to 2) IpOIJ , Mar. [
shall ( evtn ) tlmird Time : 1i2 : ½ .
( IditGl' : JIIIgl IIOI\ _ \ ll'C'OIJ.
\"t the :11. . UI I 11 I-3HI. 't'rn'I.
II lIt : t- :
KANSAS CITY Aug. 8. -n a fast track
lt Exposition paik today , George Miller ,
I ) ' I.oi1imm-Emnmmia , broke the worltl's record
for a mie on I halt-tulle track. Ititiden
IV J. Davis , nn.J can'lng 10 pounds , he
went the distance In 1:42 ! ' , The half wan.
made In 0:4Jt4. : \ ant the tbmree-qtiaiterns In
t :15 % . 'rho horses were lt the host one
hour IllJ tfelu minutes. In the fourth
race Craft wal kicked b.III ) ' Collector
1111 was withidrawmm. The sixth PVI'nt was
I I0"101Prl ' le'cacmsa of darkness. \Hem-
ancl fdlr. Summaries :
i First race , sIx furlong1 seling : I"
Grippe ( ( I to 1 won , Arthur Davl : ( : to 1) )
second , MIss Oaks (30 to 1) ) third. Time :
1:19. :
econll race , six furlongs . ! lln ; : Joe
Couru"y ( ( I In 1 mc'oii. .Iohn I t12 to 1)
! ocrI , Lonsdale (10 ( to I ) third , Time :
1:18. :
I ThIrd race , five furlongs : Plug (0 ( to 5) )
won , t"annle Iltmnt ( I to 1) eoimti , Ilaw-
thorime hello (25) to I ) timiril. Timmie : lIb1 : , .
Fntmrth race , one mlle , selling : George
Miller Ci to I ) woti , I'atmletto 12 to I ) si'c-
onti , ( 'oliector (1 ( to 1) third. Time : 1:42" . ,
Fifth race , four nsmd a half furlongs , sellIng -
Ing : p'lnrella (5 ( to 1) von Itatther ( even )
second , Jolla 1'1 to 1) ) third. 'risame : o:5st : ,
hletmtemm hey Itt. mk ( ) ulsl.l c-i-se ,
ST. LOuIS , Aug.Thie track was fast
today. 2mm l.e third amid sixth races time.
odds on favormt"s were hermtcn by runk
otmtsi'fers. Summaries :
Flcst race , clx tmrlongs : : Ernest Elmore
: a w 2) ) wets. Maui Mc1tllhltmi (2 ( to 1) ) sic-
end , Isabella (4 to 1) ) tlilr.l. Time : 1:17. :
Second race , lIve fiat a hiatt ( mirlongs :
Judge Dmsbolsts (10 to I ) won , NlcIinlue (4 to
1) second. Seaciemme (12 ( to I ) third. Time :
1:00 % .
'l'hird race , one mile : Imp. Star Hub3
(8 ( to 5) ) wOn. Magnet ( :1 : to 5) second , mlicre
Young (8 tim t ) third. Time : 1t2tt. :
Fourth rued , six furlongs : liessen Cl to
2) Norman (5 ( to 1) ) second , 3101110 KIng
(25 ( (0 1) ) third. Time : 1:10. :
Fifth race , six ftmrhongs : Falcon (3 ( to
1) won , Smmnammtra (5 ( to 5) meceond , hiarb.mroasa
(3 ( to 1) ) third. TIme : 1:1& : ,
Sixth item mile anti three-elgimtlis Sallie -
lie Vc'ooeifortl (20 ( to 11 l'mince (4 ( to 1) )
secommil , Crevasse ( I : to 2) third. 'Iliac :
2:22. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Oieme.i Eu itt I Iarlc'iim.
CHICAGO. Aug. 8.-The hlariemn race
nieetlng begami today. Summaries :
First race , five futlongs : Joe Mancini
( even ) won , Alien ( S to 1) ) secommil , Mmm'-
guemite (2 ( to I ) tlmir'l. Tliaae : I :02Y. :
Second race , sire fsmrlomigu : l.epros Lion
(10 ( to I ) womi , Dockstrmeler (4 ( to 1) setond ,
\S'arren L.'Iammd ( even ) ( hmlimi. Timime : l:10' : .
Third race. mile amiti scventy yards :
Frecltlie h T ( even ) Won , Ltias'yer (6 ( t I )
eeoond. Btmrrelt's 13111 ( evems ) third. Tinier
1i8' . .
FoTmrth race. icix furlongs : Miss Clark
( Ii to 5) WOn , Janies V. Carter (8 ( to 5) sei-
end , Long GhcLtmm (0 ( to I ) third. 'rime :
1 l0.
l0.Fittht race , seven furlongs : Olive 0 (1 (
to 5) ) woo. Cheuiorm. ( S to Is second , Lettie
(53 ( to 1) ) thIrd. Tlmime : 1:19. :
ICmtvorites 'l'.il All hut ott , ' .
BAN F'lANCISCt , Atmg. 8.-Strong favor-
itect won all cccpt time heat race today.
Stmmnmamriea :
himat race' , fives furlongs , sellincr..ilei
(4 ( to 5) ) Wfl , le Great (7 ( to 2) ) second , lie-
tec'tive ( I to I ) thirti. 'rimmie : I:021i. :
Secamid race , liv. , furlongs , selling : Man.
tcrch ( ii to 5) won , Steadfast IS to 1) ) ccc-
otIel. ( loodolu (8 ( to i ; ) thlri. , 'i'lme : l:02t. :
Thirtl race , ix and mc half furlongs ccli-
log : Nebuchiactlmezar (3 to 1) wrnm , Ike I.
( It to 2) ) second. l"roumdeur (10 ( to , I ) thud.
'llama : 12 ! .
Fourtlm race , seven furlongs , selhimmg : Miss
[ tutu ( eveim ) won. ( 'nrrnel ( ii to 5) second ,
l.edtmlla (5 ( to 1) ) tlmlril. Tlnn' : 1:33 : ,
Fifth race , one mile , selltmsg : May Day
(9 to 11 won , Alit 1' : i to I ) second , Lady
Jane ( S to 5) ) third. Time : 1:12)4. : )
_ tmls.1t % OiL Iii It Irl' . ' .
SAI1ATOGA , N. Y. . Aug. 8.-The Mbany
takea today proved the best contest oh
the rimeeting. although there cme only toUr
starters. Cilformi dId not go to the st
and Roy del Carrerea w.mmi made time favor-
Re. Ltssmmk utade the ruummnig for time tIrst
part of the journey , but was pimised by 1(0) ) '
dcl ( 'at'rerCs at them three.qusrter post.
AnIsttte canie up , and , eirivimmg furiously.
mnmanagetl to shove tier head 1mm front of ( itte
favorite St time wire , Lissak at'as 0111) ' 5
oDium behInd fley del Carreres. Itestilte :
First ritL'e' , iit'e anti a half fcmrlolignc. sell.
mi' : i.atly' LIaummotmd (7 ( to 1) ) watt , \Vema.
berg ( I to 10) ) coni1 , 't'imitQ ' trtO % .
Second race , live turlmausge selling :
lloundsfllan ( to 1) won. KaLnsIU ( to 2
lit' Art LttUt"C icm15tt'it It. t'eil.h , :
ssar , 111. Umlet.c. 5. , 5' , utLL.Lm1.m'eia. ; .
e'eotmiI , Marqmmtse (10 ( to I ) tlmlrci , Tlmime ;
1 : lt14 ,
Third race , sc''etm furlongs , time AHimmy :
s tnkes , alt tiges : Aimleettet (3 ( tt 21 went , ltey
( tel ( 'msrret'ea 1 to 5) ) peL'OntI , llsik , ( I to I )
t hird. Timne' : I :30 : ,
l'oimrtlm Vrmc'C , imiile mini a slxteemithit
llrammii9'vlnc' ( I to 5) ) at'omm , lmst'lemm (13 ( to 5) )
secnmmcl , HuiIlelemmt (13 tti 5) ) timId , 'I'Itmie :
ieitth race , atm mullen Itmeatilt. (3 ( to 1
m on Ilzm ( I to 21 s't'cusmtl Ortmhmm (53 to 1
third. 'i'ihllel 1:153. :
iFlhl lili1 tS'i'lI ti ) 4)1' 'i ( lie.'i' .
Clmmtmrc' lam ( outestiitmts hut ? ismme lit
id.'n.t , I is of I hi . . ' t It mmcc's ,
Nfl\'I'Olt'l' , Ii. I. , \ tmg.Dc'femmuler do.
featel ituhike hI. e tniimtmtee cud imlneteemi
iscotiiI In a twenty-one-imsllt' race over the
trlatigtilmmt' course cit hlremiton's point to1mt'
iii a light vlmul. Time course wmia time souse
I ts ( lint of Tmmeretlry's race. thice logs of
s&'ven titHes eateli , The hotbm : were' expected
to cover thmt' distance ( viee. mimukllmmc forty'
tV. ' ( ) niiiene. tiUt the t'ounmamimmstler tlcclrmted ( lit'
india ilmmIslietl mst time end of ( lie iiret rotund.
Jubilee'tl time' hue mit II :10:31 : : Oh time
Port tack , timid Defe'uitler at IL :10 : : 1'Vltlmtn
ml few inititmice after crossing time line' li' .
feEder hirmel overetimne the slight leati of time
lloston boat , null fromu ( lint iliac to tIme'
iltmt1m the imt't' boat gtmmmeti ! conretmtntly. lc'-
fcntle.r m'otiiibcd time tiret nimmrk at 12:39.30 : ;
JImIdhc' itt 12:12. : Thin neecommet mmtnrk wits
turned at 1:13:30 : : lmy Lefemmtler. fluid itt 125 ;
( my Jutmihee. Iefenslt'r ilnishiel itt i:57Oi : :
maul Jmmbtieo at 2:05:03 : : , beatIng her rival by
nmore titan nine mimlfltmtes. Tii ( mu' of time
race Is :
l'ilsp"eel :
llna ( . Start. FinIsh , Tlmmie.
te'ft'mmtler . . . . . . . . . . .11:10:19 : i:7Oi : : 2:16:15 :
Jhthiltee . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:40:31 : : 2l6X : : ( 2:25:34 : :
Viglltmmt aiie'i for hiristol last usighit.
Ntttnerous coitfereitces were hmelcl during -
ing time CIa ) ' In arm emideavor to
( 'use time str.ttmmi'tl relations hmetn'et'n time
est tiers of Vigilant anti ft'fi'neler. limrlng
( lie la' i4t'crctmr' , Cuss ( 'itmmtlelil anti J.
l'Imrmnhe's of Amuiortea's etmim comummlttec' vent
on bomirci'iglhrmmi ( emil limed a lomig talic w'ithi
etr.'tilrmri. . They re-turmtetl to i3yl'ia timid
rehmort'd , the mestmlt at' ( haIr iimci'vleW ( to ( lie
regatta cunmmnittee. At a into hour last night
time tlisappotmmted I'achmtstnen m'ere etmrltrlsc'h
wht'n It a\'as repartel that tIme rog.tlmi ommm-
mmml itt'e Intl refmtse'd to iemmstmtln'Igllrtlit'tl
lrmtest in time m'ect'n ( maceq. l'he fnltowihmg
mc I ( err' s'e' icr givetm nit t ( cii' i nil d I citt litmi
' 'i"lASIlLl' SYLVIA. N1'\\'t'Olt'i' hAlt-
ROIl , AmIg , 7.E.ViIlarii , ) isq. : Dt'al' SIr-
fleferrimig to yommu' protst of Jtmly 22 , nmclotmmg
that Ir'femmtter he' tili'iismrtlihlei for alleged
violation at' It section of rule' 10 of the raetmig
unit's rind rt'ferriiig to your mihateeltteumt re-
qtme'st mit time VIneyard fat' mm Imssttmollenmemlt
if decIsion tmmmtii time' scjtiitelroim rettmrnctl to
Newport. at'c' now 1mg to say ( hilt , lifter
niature t'ommsbleration , the romninittee has
rerteimeel time comm"ltmaisn ( bitt It U.ttmtmO ( IltiS
talmm time irotest.'osmrs ri'mtctfully ,
( 'LiESTEiL ( HllS'A'OID ,
Iht'eVINU ' GIlN2'4iLI ,
"ltt'ecatta Comnnmltten. "
The scooti letter reads : "The conammmUtet'
regrets your decision to retIre train time
races , \Ve also regret your imulilishme.I state-
Tneiit ( bItt yachting remIt's are not hieing
lmrutmerly enforced and for ( hitS staic-
imiclit we consitte'r there lie no war-
10 fl I
COW1S. .ttmg. 8.-Its tli ' regatta of time
ltoyai London \rachmt sqtmumeiron today limit-
fltmltm , Ailmea mmtml hester started 1mm tIme race
for time Cowes 'l'omvmi ( 'UI ) . value ( IcY ) , course
ii dIstance' of about forty-lIve nmtlcre. A
light northwest breeze avon. bomvlnm. All-es
let llester at the start by nimaut twenty
seconds and lhritanmiia was abommt one mimi-
mutt'M three seconds mmstcrts of hle'metcr. The
three yai'hmts carried ( heir largest climb top
sails anti hmaI a mcmii to time Wam'mmer lightship -
ship wIth ehmimmflakers to starboard.
Its ( lie recimooiier race Yatnprm , iselongtng
tolr , It. S. l'mslmer of New York , soon
otter ( lit' start Imaci a long lead over her
i.orit lunrovel'S Atmlremy. , iii time race for
the twenty-raters , bath time lentil at time
start , follttwct ly Mr. llowat'h Gould's
Niagara , Isoltie , Stephanie , Inyoni aol
Lit no.
A1Iert wrms the winner of tIme CowCse Town
clan. 'l'he tlnie of that' yachts veu'e : AlIqa ,
4:25.27 : : firltasmmnla , 4:14:27 : : ; hester , 5fl3m& : : ,
Stephanie worm time race for twenty-raters.
having time lead over time greater part of
the ( 'OUtSe. Isolmle ytmmi sc'cotmtl.
Time stilng ; ! comnittte'e of ( lie floyal Yu"lmt
squnmdromm liar. sustained the ProteSt lomlge.1
ycstr,1rtv against Mr. I'ttimer's ccclmnnmncr
I'flcht Yauimpa by Atophltrite' . 'l'hme" latter
yacht was & ' cond 1mm tue cruIser race for time
fOot ) ( "ml ) , antI lemotesteet that Ymmmmpa hmrstl
not nailed the race In mroet cm'Lmtniilig trios ,
lie she carried aTtic morn imitads ( hiatt thm
regtfia I lorms a Ilowed her. icir. Paltnc'r d it not
deny this , hut claImed that he' t'otlhI not
have racial his yacht without time attdihlotial
nmema , _ _ _ _ _
Il'8h'flht .t'h'hO SIN ( 1,13 i4Ci ) 1,1 , Ii .1 ( lI.
iI'lesvehl imimit hle'imdersoii Itev ii 3hiht'
Ii imel it Slit I I' I mm it Se'iv it'eurcl.
r'E'l'OSKFiY. Mich. , Aug. 8.-The secomid
( lay of time anmmuai regatta of the 3lisaicslppi
Valley Amateur ltowimmg assocIation wit-
flossed one of the grandest races rowed tim
the world between scumlor simiglemi , three-
quarters of a mile antI retturmm.'Iowe'li
0f _ the 1)elatvarers , who won the ehamimplon-
ship of ( ho world 1mm 9:11 : , male thus saint'
,1stance , today its 9:41 : , s'htio Itemidersomm of
the Cathiti Iloat chub ni' ( 'liieago wine only
a qursrtcr of a second b'-lilumcl lminm. 'rIme
nmhmeihs lapped each other all time way ( mmmi
start to iinishi anti it Wotild untlosibtc'tlly
the llneset single race even' cccxi here. Time
( it , ) ' WOS perfect. Foiloms'hmig time see"mmtom' slim-
glee , C1mmmmie Dagweli , the lie1clnmv : : Pty
ommrsnman , guve cmi emx1iitmtIoim One amid omac'-
half mibo anti retirum.
'I'he senior ( our-oared race Imetweemi thue'
W'yaniottet amid the lhnlawams'es , three'-
quarters of cm. mIle emit return , v.'on by
the W'-aimdottes 1mm 2:41) . 'rids was also mm
bentitit'imi tare. The quum'ter tulle rl.tehi be-
tVt'etm Fienmterson atmcli&'iovelt was worm
by McDowell Itt l:1O' : .
TIme setmior double shlh race. tlmroo quar-
terse antI ic'turfl htweemi ientIt'rmton rmmul
Got ! at' the ( 'athmms and 1)ixon amid Joimn.
son of the same club , who we're juniors
yesterdity until aftt'm' they hail won their
mace , resulted 1mm a victory ( or thee less cx-
Perienceti oarsmen. Ttmey well by a qmuar-
ter of mc lemiglim In 9:25 : , until great eumtimtm-
slamens , caused by their victory over' the two
The senior pair. ttiree-qcaarters antI return ,
between ( ho Muturmis ntml Catllns , Was WOfl
Isy the latt"r easily In three boat Iength
in 9O2',2. : 'rime tanieun canoe race. half
nmhle" straIghtaway , btwemen duct' crews or
the' Detrott float chub , was wets icy 1' . Ii.
Gould mmlii ee' . A.ntmrmmer in 1:3O. :
P. ft. hInder of the' ( 'athinq won time
sivltmamnimig rare , with John It. IlttmbonO of
( him' Detroit hoot climb it close miecotmtl.
' [ 'lie crowd imresemmt am'ris , 'ctitimttted at ( rota
1,0th ) to 6,000. _ _ _ _ _ _
S'htflh3I. lt.tCI2'4 ti' l'htI3iS'i' .
Prc-ch rht'ksoim % Yl 311 heOmeami nimel
hit' himmif-Mil , ' on n teitL
ICRO1MONT , tItg. S.-Spectal ( 'relegrani. )
-The ( reek in the bicycle races today was
in titse condition , htmt the high winch made
the time slow. The attendance was larg ? .
In the emma mile' . 3:0) : classc there were ten
starters. They were closely buitseimed till
time last quarter , when Weeter pulled attend
anti wotm. 1mm the half-mile' 'open hfrmynmnmr
clIide'e1 wIth iCrecirickson ant fell from
Imis wheel. lie was hmcrred front the track
for ( he tiny. 't'lme race was awmirtleel to
1"rtmtlritlsofl : , I'ixlct ) ' ecmitI. The t ito-unite
handicap was one of time pr.ttlest races
ever seen here. l'ixle'y antI P'reelrlckmeomm ,
the scratch mets , overtook thin others on
the beginmiltig of tIme secomiet tulle. 0mm the'
beglnitlng of ( him iirat half they were alt
In a humacIm , amid it was imaril to pick time
wtminer. PixIe ) ' Worm , svitha F'retiriekson not
two feet behind.
In time one mile open there wmts much
feeling. On thins a tIme Itinit of :33 : lied
licen lmlflCei , but It was ItiilOeille to fiske
the timmie , owing to time head wind , um'hslef ,
Ifiew mm lrorfec't gale. l"reilrlt'ksomm lied tIme
mare , anti matte it a hoof. PixIe ) ' crn'eee.l
the tape its time 10011 to 3:09. : lie e'iahrmie'l
the' prize. but aa'tare larrcd by limo time
hush. i.ate'r Fretlrlckrson mode over time
track alomma atmi was givems ( iso prize.
I'ixiey will protest ( ho rare' . Iteamtits :
One nihie novice : TholnpmI sven ,
Kn.clmtel set'ommd. TIme : 237 1-5.
One immlle , open : Fretlrlt'hcteon won. Time'
229 1-5.
One tulle' , 3'00 clacs'c'eter von , Stewart -
art second , JCermtlrb'k timtrti. Time : 2:5 : * ,
Hult mile' . open : l"re'irlckwiit won , l'lx-
1ev seetmiadVee'ter third. 'hue : iriS.
'i''o-nmiie , ) mmtlidioOim : Pixlcv won , i"red-
rieltsou'm itecond. Time : 5:16 : 1-5.
Ilookles I"h u'ki , mi In % 'i imsisor.
flIiTROiT , Aug. 8.-Over 3,00) poimle at-
( emitted the race's at Wlimmleor todu' . Sc-vets-
( sent books drew In for the balmimmee of the
week , ha'imig lrc nmore than lnma ( week. Three
favorites anti two outsIders won , 'bee ite-gai
wits. the beSt timing of the clay. opening at
3 to 1 , and the Canadians iaaclceti hmlmn oft
the boards. 'l'rack slow. Ite'reults :
FIrst t'ace , live and a hialt ( tirlongs : Misc
Emily won , Jay T second , Alarmio third.
'lime : 1:12. :
Second race. six ( tmrlongs : Vice Regal
von , Doubtful seconil , hiuttresa third. 'rime :
ll84. :
Third race , five mmnel a hiatt furlongs : Mare
Woodland won , Caea'ar e'comicl , liclerm Wren
thiiril. Time : h:03' : . .
l"otirtht race , seven furlongs : Outgo atoms ,
Dick lehan eecotid , Imlmrubemm third. 'I'hmtme'
t31 ;
} ifth race asses simile ; /.atdtvar wQfl , hag-
ncr mteooimti , 1l'ippeeunoe ti ! ! . Time : 1:14. :
dIlasmurl % 'mlles'Crnel4a S'lsi ,
24 WIIQUIII VAi14F3Y , Aii. 8.-Specmlai (
Telogram.-Tho Missotirt Valley bait team
.teteatecl . them haiti , Demtt & Cu.'sm crack
team of Dunlap here ( otlay , Hoore' , i9 tQ 4.
'alley earned 1 runs , Dunlap 0.
( Ciotitiusttetl froummlirst I'age. )
u sual Carpouster's mmmanmtgeuuiont of imla sepial-
roim , tmttlc'ss times State deim.trimmmont claotmlci asIc
fata vessel , but It is timmmght at time Navy
t lolmittttimcuit ( hat It wotmltl be ut etl to have time
Petrel ohm the I'huucese coast , itt case of Imim-
lIme' to lured , 4'tdtmsir3l ( 'ariscuiter usia ) ' lict
so advised.
At timem Cimiumeso legatloms time stateimient Is
rcite'rateti that the cemmtral goveromimemmi will
do evcr'thing in Its power to stmpirc'se the
Cltittese outlireatks anti Imtflhish time olfemmelet's.
TIme l.mtest Slmammghal digpath givtumg nhrmriit-
lug reports of outbreaks 1mm new qtmarters n're
slmown to time. legatioum officials , immmt no miulit-
tiommal lntcnimm.mtiomt could be given by tlmmmm.
beyctitl Itmeatlog time scetmes of tIme trouble' amid
exlllaitiiimg time cImeses ltmvols'c'll. Time 1115005
immemmInmtett are easIly acct"aible anti are near
tIme large' cItIes of mnoy nutmi Slmaimghal. It
u'iil be immuelt easier to reach timeimi I baum ( lii
itmacesIble pltmci's m'lmero time first tiprlshtigs
It is saId timat time immilitmiry forces wIll not
bet edit frotti l'elclmmg or other large cities.
as ( lucre are garrisomia near at hanil unclear
the dlmectioma of the govertmnr general of time
Prot'Iisees. Tlmere Is tulegrillmimle colstimmtmmmicmi-
( Ion between tIme nsmthorlties at l'eitlmmg anti
these provinces , so ( bItt ( litre miet'd be tie
delay 1mm htltifliC Itito effect stmclm strong ummili-
tmtry polIcy cit ( 'itilca tummy adopt.
TIme t'ogetmmriamm frmmiatics tvimo are eatmaing
( lii' otmtbrptikc. are
mm FecmOt lolttical oriier e
Tlmey claimum to I.e a religious aetrt , bitt 1mm
reality they sttmmmcl to Cimlmue mis time imilsihists
ito to Russia. They have long been seeking
to overthrow the i'elehmig goa'ermihumeumt , anti
It Is tIme belief that thmmair mmiaiut vtiriioemu mit
present Is not directed ag.mhtist ChrIstians. but
Is Inteummletl ta ommihiroll time govcrnmimemit with
ford gmt comm lit ri es mm mmd t lists lead to t tie t'uum-
barrasetumeust atmd possIble nt'erihmrow of the
hirescmmt i'eklng ammtimoritlos. For this reason
It is lrcllevctl ( last time cematrimi govertiuneust
trill mice all its resources to Smtlmlirt'sa tutu
vegetarlamims , mmot emily 1mm respoumse to foreigmi
demmmammde , beut as a mimeaotmre' of self-prc'catm-
tloui. The vegetarians get their nanme from
( lie' fact timmit they live wholly atm vegetables ,
denying themselves till Ilesli food. They are
tmmalnly ltuttl'lhists , for ( lie central govern-
mmmcnt nhlow lhcutlmlimiama , Commfsumcianlsrn aumd
omtt. other religion to tiomuriahi , and ( lucre Is
tin demur line of iieniarcaion lmctareetm tlme'm ,
l"ll % It l't'I , ( di' G It IIA'i'uit : ii lt'G iI'l'IhhL
3i'lhiillwt MIsMIommury lttsl , , , cuim timis
Imt ti'at ( Sum I ruigi's I it ( Iai mmmi.
MASON CITY , Ia. , Aug. S.-Slmecial ( Tee.
gram.-Dunshmop ) Thmoburmi , tIme nmhssiunary
bishop of ( ho Mettiodist rimurcim , atllressel
a large audIence .mcre tonight. lie was Inter-
viouved by 'i'lmo Items corre'spommilent totmtgtmt nil.
ative to time massacre of time Cimri.tians irs
Cimina. hCnawhumg all abommt the conditions
thttare lmo lmrommoulmces time situatIon tory nlrmrtn-
lmmg. lie is fearfttl that greater siaimglmter
avIl soon follow. lithcok to Ctmina's attenmpt
tm kill or banish nil nmkstonarles , burt says li does not b-hove that ( his over calm be
dotie. 1t'ked rcgmrding hmis opimmion as to s'hat
simoutlmi be done , lie staid Eturoptarmum powers
siumlild at ommce put a etiong armamed force at
( lie lirimmciimmal ports of China arid the natton
simntmltl he taken by time throat antI umacte to ha-
have.'tmat is true of Clmlmma was true of Tar.
Ice ) ' . _ .
- - - - - - -
Olitti I itt-el I 1ic Nmi mime's cit I lietsmreieri'r * . ,
SI1ANGIIAT , Aug. 8.-J. Courtney Illxson ,
Llmilted States cormamml at Faa Chow. lass ob.
taimictl ( lie namimes of fifty mmatlvos lmmmpllcateml
1mm time Ktm Cimetig tnassacre , inclutihmig the leaders - - I
ors amid sense of ( lie actual macmutterers. hits
also obtained iiroof th'mt tlmo ChInese offlclal
ktmcw troimble was brewiumg for sonmo tlys
lirior to time niassjcrm' . Not a stlmgle Chmitieso
official attemmtled the funeral of tIme vlcttimis.
Iteperts are arriving daily ( ruin ovary
itmovumice of time horrible ouulclai persecutIon
of native Christians anti time immoiastatiozm amid
Imittmits to foreigimars iii the interIor.
Ie'mmott ii i'e' liii I Isli mmmcl i ml I y , C
hONG KONG , Aug. 8.-At a irnbhlc lmthig-
nation xmmoetlng held hmerem resolutions were
passed expresslmmg anger at ( ho suimpoaeml
connivance of ( lie Ciilmiese governmmment in
time Kim Cimeng mmmrmasacres and disgust at time
'mimatimy and Imrdhfference of the BritIsh gov-
erammient hum falling to recogmalsm time gravity'
of the slttmatlon. Those pleetmt at the nmee'
lag further declareti that mmmoney commmpermmmatian
for tumehm outrages lii wholly itiailequt.ite .umi.t
that swift amid stern actIon Is requIred.
r.emuitn-thIe After tItt 'till Mee' .
LOt IISVI L.E , Attg. 8-\'heelrnen here' ,
want ( ha 1.eagtme of American W'heeimuen
national meet for 1S99. The houlvIlio 'O'l
\lc't't climb his beeta orgmimiizetl whim J. W' .
liroritinmani utrest'ient. Aim executIve' c'oln-
mittee of flteetm lucia been appuimitel , wim' )
wilt fom'm aim Incorporation with a npttal
slcic , of 325.009 , to be tmsctl as a etmtrrtatn-
silent fomitmi. Steims will be taken itntumt'-
dl.stely to Iirimtg tiut : ' elaltmis of the city be-
more time oihle'oms of the dIfferent state dlvi-
. )
.E * '
: ' 4
Strong , full toiie-Lrirgest
slzi'-fitn'iy ( hushed. 'J'hlt't'"s
hUmt it L'ltIl ( ) sold mtuiysvimc'i'e else
I lims t's'-iio ) l1lttte'i' yt'limtt
the 1)1100 Is. Our pi'k'e l75-
; i , ' t1ovn-.18 ti month.
Art nnmi Music
. .
151.1 loulmclas.
'X'iitiil33i IIN'l'S.
Balloon Asceiisioii ,
Parachute Lenp ,
A'l' Tlh1 } IICYCLH PARI'C ,
17th and C1iiwle Street ,
Atig. 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ,
Frqen 8:0 : to 10:39 : Eacb it'enIrmi ,
FLlCtol'3' No. OI , 3t , Louiu , M