. . - - - * " . , , - ' r , . , I U -j . : , > Ot" " ' < " - " " " , . . . . . \ . - " . . , . . . . , . . . . . ; . " , . " . . - ' - - - - . . . . - " . . \ . " - . - - - . , - . . " . - - . p - ' . " . . . _ . " " - - - - - - . _ . - . - . . - - I . \ . . : - . - I- . THE OMAHA DA.LY . BEE. ' , " , I - . . . t. , ( ESTAI3LISIIED . JUNE 1 ! , ] 871 OMAIIA : , 1\TEDNESDAY . IOlNING , AUGUST . 7 , lS ! . . SINGLE COpy JnVJ CBN1S. ; IASSACRED IN COLD BLOOD I Details of the Terrible Affair Just Beginning - ' ning toCome Out. L MISSIONARIES KILLE WhILE ASLEEP Ln"t Chhn'"c Oil . rztge "n" 1'I.tiiticit u.111 n"CClh'll 11 thr ; h."t IIii- 101h'll 'In.llrhlc ot- tclll" \ I Jllcrcl t. hONG KONG Aug. G.-In an Interview to- 1t day with some of the survivors of the recent . I ] { u.Cheng mnSbacro they declared that the outrage waR carried out In the mlt Ilabol- Ical manner and that It was evidenty a pre- mediated antI carefully arranged attack . en- Urely unprovoked , upon the occupants of the mIssionary staten while they were ulcep. Thc bodies of the victims were burled lt 1oo.Chow. . This district Includes the stations ot the Church at England at Zenana the American Methodls' staten at Fug-IClen. ] Fubning I . Lay- wig , Sing Talk , 10 Chiang and ' ilulghwa. The Briish cbnsul at Shan ) .al , Mr. O'Con- nor has made a demand upon the Chinese , _ . foreIgn ofco for a mIIttary . escort from the British consulate at Fee Chow In order to .enable him to visit the scene at the Ku Cheng massacre and ] holll ( the Inquiry demanded. Mr. O'Connor has oleo positively requested that the Chinese government Issue a decree ordering the capital punishment at the offenders and that stringent orders be Issued for the protection of all missionarIes through out China. The Chinese guntnment has assented wlthont demlif to the demands or the British minister. BUHNIm A mICAN I'flOl'EItTY. WASHINGTON.Aug. G.-The State department ] . mont has just received the following cable- . gram from United States Consul General S. a Jernigan : . J . G.-Hixon , United SIIANaITAI Aug. - Unied .t ' BtlteH consul at Fee Chow wires : "Ameri- " . can mlH'lon property at Yon Ful hurll . 1)etitils oC 1u CIH'ng muzLsacre horrlhle. DetalB strnlthiiy surrounde and sleeping women and children speurell to tleath. Situ- - - ation uneettleci. " aton ENGLAND TAKES PHOMPT , "CTON , I.ONnON , Aug.6.-The officials at the for- alga ciRce gave cabled Instructons to the British minister at Peldng , Mr. N. it. O'CJn- I 1rltsh demend the frety of all sUbjects In , the disturbed district and to Insist upon a toil InquIry Into the massucre. In addition Mr. O'onnor has been ordered to Ee' that 11 the culprits are punlshe and that an hide- penitent inquiry he made Into the Ku Cheng , massacre by a Briish consular court. j I.AS' I''S J"IU 1 ; ; ; : "tC'I'DIS. : . . - . 'l'rubIP .VIIM 'l'h"1 Ir"111 UIII 'hl' ) ' TrCIII''IM I. "el r..t t Iii.VIVNt , LONDON Aug. 6.-The last letter , dated . Anrl 8. tram the murdered English mls310n- ary Itey. tr. Stewart , has been ' received In London. all describes the critical situation at 'I affairs at icu-Cheng. Mr. Stewart wrote : "Ten days ago we were awakened at 4 o'cock ] In time morning by a native clergyman , who crossell the river In order to bring us the startling news tlmat..tlie vegetarian rebels were that.he expect cd at daylight to storm KuCheng. , The gateways or the city were being blocked with timber and stonE In order 10 prevent r- their entry. We bad 100 mcn , women and children In our domupany outside the town. chidren a terrible lme until daybreak , when torrents at rain tel , and the vege- " rain postponed the at- I" tanians not liking the , ; tack. All the mbslon party started to Ku- ' , . Cheng. The male and temale star ! In the " early morning were taken across the river In amnali tiartica In a tin boat and reached partes smal u.Seng vatl . which had to be scaled with la ( ] ers. During the three following days bodies of citizens guarded the walls . armed wIth prongs Ilul rusty swords. On the fourth day the gates were openell and . the mandarin In cpmnmmiimmtl ] conferred with the vegetarian leaders. What occurred during this. Interview we do not know but nobody believes we have seen the ell of this affair. Such a serIous affair cannot be 10 easily patched up , and Is . " probably only begun. Mr. Stewart's letter concludes : "All the women and chlllren , with the advice of the American mind ! rltsh consuls wi be sent to I- the coast. The opinion prevails I the Japan- .4 Chinese treaty Is urrangel soldiers will bo r' sent tram 1'oo.Chow to arrest the leaders as rebels but it hi not arranged then the vegetarians - tarians will Increase sufcienty to nuke the : " rising a success. Hev. Dr 1m ] Mrs. Stewart , who art reported - I ported to have been massacred In China , were welt known In London and during a visit to wel . two since endeared the bishop ot Huron m year Dr dearod themselves to many and created a deep Interest In their work In China. In a letter dated December 10. 18tH \ , tram Ku- leter . oo-Choo , China whIch Mrs. Stewart wrote Mrs. laldwln , referring to the existence . ence Dt certain secret societies all their men- acing attitude toward the foreigners she said atUmlo strong hal ] they become that Sl the mallarlns hat ] no power to checlt them. One report states that all at Dr. Stewart's ' ; ' . , family except two wore sacrlfcel ] . I I _ ' . learned from a private source In this city \ ' learnel that were fve children In the family . Three or them were therefore probably mur- dared with their lmarets. xu , un FUU1 ; : ' 111 , : UPPICI\LS. \ , ' nt.tll".t . " ' ' Outirt'mtIs . AiXz % I liNt .h. . : J"MI"II.r" ' ' , ChICAGO , \ug. G.-The telowlng letter . tram ! ev. Wilam UpdecraU , dated at Chung.Ilng , Juno ] 8. was publlhed thIs evening : "The present occupation or the J mIssionaries In Chung. King may be de- . . "rtbell as a permanent coumicU oC war As time report come In from different parts at the province we begin to understand how widespread and serious are the riots. So tar as can be learned , not emily ] Chen-Tu , but 8 time entire western put of the province , has been raided. "Time annual festival ot the fifth moon ( May' 20) ) found , a widely scattered force et rench , Americans amid En&lsh In serene poswsatomi of the fld. yet before the feast had closed the central stronghold had fallen and the mission premises at Chen.Tu were de- , , 'astatd , the missionaries prIsoner on the Tamen. IKlravagant stories at cllUI eating treasure hunting. mutilation and other practices a ablurll as rahe were abroad , end a spark set Ihe ' "holo mass shame . " the Canadian Methodist with "lieginning wih lelhollst and tprlmlnl with diabolical impartiality 10 Catholic , hlna imilaimml . and American Ieth- - edicts . the hateful foreigner was rooted out , _ _ , houses torn down , trees destroyed amid the whole let In wreck and ruin , tie full talc at whIch wi never be bid Having made such a slccen of the frt raid , Kia- Ting . Chung-Chow , Ya.Chov Sul-I . mod many dher Illaces were either looted or attempted - tempted to be hooted . and a reign lf terror " 18 immaugurated. . A second letter from Ur. Upecraft. ! dated Juno 20 , describes the Iltuatn further al tolows ' "Slowly the details Dr the rLlts In . ih wcstlrn part or Szo.Chuen come filtering lawn to lS here Three separate parties of refugees have loft for the coast and tram each of them \ 0 gather mort or the ex- perleflecs or these wretched days When limo mob tnt struck tIme Canallan Methodist place , In the miortlmwcat corner of Chen-Tu , I \ Was toward evening ot tie fifths month feast . . dIY. Stone were used frst , then the door . bunt In and time rioter had possession of the , r outer yard . Two plucky ADllo.Saona stood ' 2 lbs ) 'elo" hosts and juade them run , with : - tIme only show of resistance possible , while mcuenlerere sent to the Yemen to urGe the dlbtor ) officials to instant action , but In vain. The force of fear and custom both operate to provlt promptmmoss and 10 they woled until the mob "atbue In umber and Itrlnith and impetu. . and the inadequate - adequate but herolo larrhon saw theIr hopes 'ft . .tJ crie Ca by tha 171nl houn. " MANY PI(1I'I'S WI'I'I l sUtg 'rs. SIIIII"h TronipAimnot In'nrimiimi ) l""I OI 'lcturium. HAVANA Aug. G.-Llcutenant Heuse with a detachment ] of cavalry has hal another skirmish with Insurgents , thIs time near Camajuano , In the province ot Santa Clara The Insurgents lost two killed and left five I wounded behind them ; At Penupo , In the province ot Santiago do Cmmba , time Insurgents fred upon a passenger train wounding one traveller . They after- wardH removed the rails and killed 1 laborer. At Anton , near Colon provInce at talan- I zas . a detachment or seventeen military guards commanded by Sergeant ilgarte gallantly attacked a ban(1 ( of seventy Insurgent - surgent infantry and a larger body or In- surRent clvalry , The civil guards how- ever , were obliged to retreat upon their main bally , losing three hilled ] and fourteen wounded , but Inflicting considerable loss Oil the enemy Captain Urgardo at the Maria Cristna regiment has had a skirmish with the In- Eurgents at Santa Rosa province ot Matanzas. le dlspen'II the enemy who left one lan killed upon the held. C.tNA IIAN lIUOIt CtSII .tl'l'itL. C.SJJJI.JtUOI C.SI , I'INT , . Illht ut tui . UIIIII.1 tu 1 lllt I'm- hllll.1 I 1.1' ' ( ( mi'sd lummeil. LONDON Aug. 6.-The Judicial commitee or the privy council today ( ] resumed time hear- Ing of the provincial ] prohibition appeal to decide whether the power to pass prohibitory liquor legislation belongs to the federal ] or 10 the provincial authorities In Canada The hearing was adjourned on Friday last until today at the finish at the argument at E. D. Newcombe on behal at the Dominion of Canada. The appeal Is against a judgment at thE supreme court of Canada , January 15 , 1894. : and Questons upon the right to manu- facture and sell Intoxicatng liquors are also raised. H. lion. Sir Edward Blake Q. C. . who Is watching the case In the Interest at the Brewers' and Distillers' associatIon or Ontario occuplCl the whole day In arguing that the appeal shouM be dismissed . Mr. Bake contended that the North AmerIca - lea act the Dominion I'ariiamemit gave Parlament exclusive - clusive control Dr the regulations or trade and ' cOlmerce , throughout the Dominion The I goverment , moreover. he continued , depended , largely upon the noney raised by duties upon alcoholic liquors for the revenue with which 10 enable I to meet public obligations. The hearing of the appeal was agaIn adjoured. C.l \ 'I. ml t't 'l'wl 01'1'1. Iltll'M. I DEIl.IN , Aug. G.-The anniversary of tI battles at Splchern and Wocrth was gener- ally celebrated throughout Germany today with parades of the garrisons ot all the large cities. The Kranll dule of Saxe 'elmar I Eisenacim alemlell by a lumber ot princely personages , deposited a laurel wreath on the warriors" monument at 'elmar In the pres- ence at a large crowd at people. The hn- penal princes who are staying at Wilhelm- shohe. witnessed the parade of the easel gar- risen tram the balcony ot the castle. In all instances the guns and Jags of the troops were wreathed wih flowers . TIirt-i' Selilel Im'ivmmel. MONTREAL , Aug. G-Three seamen ot the Steamer l3engerlmead Captain Brennan , were drowned hero while going ashore witimout wihout leave. Timey , are Frank Stoker Dublin , William Robinson at Shle\s and Thomas tonagle , Carrlcle Fergus , Irel.ll ] . sIt ) \ CtHJISN UI , OI11YI'AI. . .HJS''ICI' Stl IUIIIIJ rorArVI'st . lt .he 'I'imrI.s " \hu "urll'r",1 C3cl'mLmm tz. WAShINGTON , Aug. G.-The Stale department - partment earnestly approves United Slates Minister Terri In his demand upon the Porte for he punishment of the three Kurds who murdered young Lentz , the bicyclist who was making a tour of the world. Justice , It Is said , moves slowly In Oriental countries and I may be some time before the murderers - ers Ire arraIgned At the last report the minister had not been able to secure the necessary order for the arrest of the men. and It Is probable that there Is a secret for the delay complained or by the report of the ) erlmlcal whIch sent Lentz on his last jour- ley , but I Is fully expected here that Mr. Terri , who Is luch interested In the case wIll succeed In bringing the murderers 10 justice . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1tI1'tTSID TO - : \\Sn.\tlS USCIE S.I. Olrt 11.hlll" S'retmmr - ) . Cmiii Isle Ih'- 111..1111 , tlmmmm mien ut Pjvmii'im t , WASHINGTON , Aug. 6.-Jmsthce Cole of the district supreme court tOllay refused to Issue a mandamus asked for by W. A. Whale and larry' Taylor ot New York City against Secretary Carlisle and Treasurer lorgan. Time government owed Iessrs. Whale amid Taylor $17,000 for certain contract work done at Wlots i'mint N. Y. Secretary Carlisle ordered that the check should be paid on a certain date In the presence or certain alege.l . creditors or MesHs. Whaley amid Taylor. The later objected to this course and atempted to compel the Treasury department ] to male the pa'ment In another form. This the court refused 10 10 ] today ) ' . - - . Imimm.lt'rsima Tim ! mmhs SI I v'r's Cmmtis . ' Tot WASHINGTON , Aug. 6.-Special ( Tell gram.-Ex.Scnator ) . Manderson has given aim imiterviow to an evenIng paper here stating that time cause of tree silver coinage Is a lOst cause and that the only nope ot bimmmetal- Ism Is In an international agreemenl. lie also notes that while the republcan pres- IdentIaI candidates arc numerous ammml busy ncbody seems to he seeking the democratic nominaton for the prcshlenc whie Senator Hi turns his back upon It and recommends the selection at some good - westHn man. X"WM t.r lie . t m'iui' . VASIIINGTON . Aug. 6.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.Caimtain'infleid ) S. Edgety , Se\- oath cavalry , Is detailed as military Instructor - structor at Maine State college , Orono. Captain - tain Charles A. \arnum , Seventh cavalry , Is detailed : S military Instructor at Ummi- versity \Vyaming . ] .1ramle. First Lieutenant . ' tenant WII.m V. Judson , engineer corps , grante leave ] for one month and twent days. First Lieutenant Charles C. D. lal- ! I Iou , Twelfth infammtry.one . month extemmded ' 1'1rl ) ' . \MMIIII"I. " . WAShINGTON , Aug. 6-Captaln John Leroy - roy Drown , Eleventh Intantry has been de- tailed as professor of mltar ) ' sclcnce and tactics at the UniversIty at Tennessee , Knox. yule . on September 15 , Lieutenant larry . \ . Ieonhalr. Twenty- filth Inrantry , has been detailed as professor ot miiary science and tactics at the Univer- siy ot Minmmosota . lnleapolp , on October 1 . relieving Lleut nan George 1. Morgan , Third cavalry. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ liiiti iiA' II I 111111 'I't'mm'it.mi'y. W.\SIIGTON. Aug. G.-The report at L W Iran , United States mine Inspector for tie .ndian Territory , for the fiscal year ended June 30 , ] 8(5 ( , has been recelnd at the In. tenor deputment. The Inlan , Territory Illnes employ , 3.050 memi The output fet Ihe year cUlng June 30 , ] 6li ! , was 1,223HO ton ! . 'l'h. tdal number at accidents wus fort.slx , .Ix ot which were fatal . 310Jt of the ( ttber were 811lt , - . - - 'I' . 1"1'1. Ilnh.'M 1..II. . . Hr ) ' . WASIlOTON. Aug 6.-Specla ( ] Tele- am.-nhls ) for rainwater drainage for time Omaha public buildings were openeJ In the office at Supervising Architect today as fol- lows ; John Howe & Co. . Omaha , $17 ( ; Hamann & 3laier Omaha , $2.96 : J. II. lg- gers. South Omaha $2,875 ; J. J. lanlgen , Omaha , $2.357. The contract for the work will probably bo awarded In time course ot a week. ( om" \'lli U" tlel"I' lt At.III , WASIIINOTON . Aug. G.-Tbe office of the ' ' board ot the KQ\r."ent management at colon states exposition will be C' bllhed at Atant" lomorrow. The force of clerlll and other emplo'l of the board heded by \ \ . , I , Adamne. secretary . .nd disbursing otleS ! or the board . let here IUI night and will hu- nwllattlr begin active work on the grounds. COLORED ) IN VERY BITER Demand of the Governor that He Protect Their Brother at Spring Valley. THREATS OF SUMMARY VENGEANCE C"llcr C"IINCI nt Last 1're'niIM nlll . . 'l'hmy H'cll' .0 ta . , t lit' H..r..r 11 11111.rtlll ) to SIiiv 's'Immit lie lutenll" to l.i. ChICAGO . Aug. G.-Two colored women : Irs. Mary Stanton and : rs. LizzIe Dix- dee refugees from Spring Valley , arrived In this city tonight and time reports they give at the treatment at the colored people at that Place have Infamell the negroes of Chicago to the hIghest lItClm. Mrs. Stanton Is a widow and since the attack - tack made by the Italians on t\le co'orCI men nt Spring Valley her two sons have Ilsap- hmeared . and she believes both were killed. lrs. Dlxdee has heard nothing from her husband since that time , and believes ! him dead. Bolh women say In spite ot the state- flouts to the contrary 'rom Spring Valley . that the reports of the outragEs have In no way been/exaggerated , 'flmey say that the colored ] women and children were assaulted by the Iltlans RII brtmtally beaten , and that It Is iniposlbie for any color t woman to walk time streets of the town without being ' grossly Insulted. Thcy declare that all the colored women In Spring Valley were given until 8 o'clock tonight to get out DC the town ; threats ot bodily Injury being made against those who remalnet ] ! TIUEATS 01 HEVENGE. Fully GOO colcre men met at a State street hal this morning In response to the call. The men were excited and the speech were violent and etermlned. The resolu- tons adopted asked the governor to take Immediate acton 10 protect the colored mIners ot Spring Vale ) Cram mob violence and all those present pledged themselves by vote to go to the scene this evening I no , word was received from the governor before ' that time. The mass meeting or colored men convened this evening lt Arlington ball . Thirty-first street amid Indian avenue. The stories told 1) ' the two women Inlamed them to the highest pitch and all manner of violent threats were made against the Italians lt Spring Valley. For the frt time dlrlnt the day the idemm at movIng on Spring Valley look definite , shate and. commitees were appointed to raise funds to secure arms There was much ex- ciement at the afternoon mass meetng when a telegram was read from Governor Algeld , saying that the ofcials of Spring Valley and Dureau county had not asked for aid , and I they did It would I pompty sent This did not suit the colored men nt mill , and there were loud cries that he was temporizing with them ; that he knew the local authorities would not cal on him and the exciement was so Intense thai time moat warlike language was usel\ Finally cooler counsel prevailed and It was decided to give Governor Algeh ] time to act. A delegatbn called ( ] on General Merrlt to ask that the United States troops be sent to Spring Valley. They wee courteously reo cclved b ) General Merrlt , who told the com- mitee that In the event ot the failure at the civil authorities to preserve order ali pro- tect the colored people at Spring Valley the fact should be communicated to President Presdent Cleveland by telegraph , but he did not antici- Pite : thaI It would be necessary for time na . tional government 10 take any steps In th' matte : . CHICAGO , Aug. 7-At 1:30 : this ! morning the mass meeting decided to semI a conmmntt- Ice at forty to the mines. ALL QUIET AT THE MINES. SPRING AI.Lgy , Ill. , Aug. 6.-The sltua- ton Is , quiet In the city. The negroes are making mme efforts to come back. The re- ports at armed negroes coming tram Peoria , and Chicago to avenge SUIII > "s ' affair caused no unusual excitement here They would have not only time Italian miners to deal with , but every whie miner In the city as well , numbering In the nehhborhood at 2OOO. Word was sent In from Laud Ind Toluca this morning promlsln" the whites nil the assistance necessary In ease of an invasion of blacks from other towne. In case of an invasion 5,000 white miners could ba mustered In this city In less than two hours. The whites at this city do not apprehend ajmy danger In that direction . They do not express the least sorrow over the event Dr Sunllay and invite I fall and impartial investigation. Thc ) claim to have endured time outrages of the blacks lS long as they could , but they are severe In their criticism ' ot time sensatonal tales told In several special dlEpatches to the morning dailies. A whole list at names have ench day appeare,1 as wounded ] all likely to die . An Associated press correspondent , who was on thE ground and witnessed Sunday's battle from beginning to end , has succeeded In discovering one wounded negro ali the Injury Is only a lesh wound anti ] was of no serious nature. About ten or twelve men were assalul wih sticks or stones but not attempts to kill. Had the moh been & 0 diposed not one could have escaped The prime object , as state on the ground whie the fighting \as at its height was to scare them into leaving l and never comnlng back again. The reports ot a number lyIng dead In the ravInes Is made at whole cloth and the names nien- toned arc fictitious. _ A meeting at miners was heM today. Se\- eral papers were denounce for their hlghl colored and"dlstorted stories. The News ) resllondenl , who was compelell 10 fee from the town yesterday , has not rettmrned It was the middle class and l.mmmsinass men I ordered him to leave , so enraged were they at his sensational reporls. Mayor Delmago received an anonymous letter this .xnorning . poslmarled ChIcago , threatenIng to wipe him and the entro city out at existence If [ d not use his position to get the blacks In this city agaIn. Everything has gone along serenely sInce ! time negroes were driven out Smnday but no 'doubt trouble wi again break ont \ I they make an ateplpt 10 come back. The SprIng Valley Coal company has representatives at Seatonvle trying to persuade the blacks to return , but the latter are satisfied ] to keep ' a wa ) The mines are still Idle. Fire o'cloclc tonight was the tm ! the negroes were given to gel their effects out at Sprint Valley. Nearly all their furniture has been mend to Seatonyl ! where most at them are getting vork In all probability the Spring \ale ) ' ' miner will return to work lomorrow morn- ! ng. ng.PEOIA , , \u ! G.-The negroes of Peoria ' are very much excited over the occurrences at Spring Valley and the prospects are that I body at them will go there tonight to offer their sen'lcl' to the sheriff . Twenty- hive men have already signIfied their intention ot going and orellng . their asslstancc. Inrh"I'M11 111'1 SIIIII ) ' . IANShS CT\ ] ' . Aug 6.-Justice ot the Peace llawthiorne before whom Dan I.ucas , thl Main street barber who took the lead In fghtng the new law against Sunday shave ins , was tried , gave his decIsion today. The justice holds that the law Is void because I Iloes not give detenlllnts tao right of trial hy jury . which I guuanteeJ by the .ronsttut1o , and It Is likely that next Sunday a large number at barber ,1 take Id.vanlage ot the decision b ' by opening theIr shops - - - - - - SIII\ ( 'It ) " Iuu " 'II..M Ihulll"M. SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 6.-George A. Martin . a Sioux City shipper or California fruits , has sued the Southern Pacific com- pan for $ .0.00 He was on his way hom9 from fan Francisco on a round trip ticket. whIch time conductor charged him with havIng - Ing purehno" from I scalper. Martin was put ol the train hence . the cull. I iiimohih . the 1.&INh'ltol 1ln' . 1(1U0ND. Va. , Aug G-Judge cleft today . day In the South Carolina reglstraeon case dismissed the comnplalnant's bill for an in . junction . Thil decision upholds the present regietrailoa laws. COU'L'Iltl'1i1TiiitS I.DBD : IN JAi. ( ) mme ot thr tetIntmgi'rUns , Gamigs In th. . Unl..1 Slates Csiphmlrel. NEW YOHK , Aug. 6.-WIlliam E. Brock- way , the notorious counterfeiter and forger and the three members of his gang , William S. Wagner Rodney Smith . time emigrayer all 1Ibble Smith , his wire , who were captured by Chief Hazen ot the secret service bureau and his detectives ] , were arraIgned today ] be- tore United Stales Commhsloner Romaine In Jersey City Milton W Smith , brother or one at the prisoners appared as their coun- sel. lIe objected to time proceedings , clalm- lug they were irregular , Inasmuch as the crlmo chorgel was committed In New York. lie held that the prisoner could not be heM In a foreign Btate. Unle < 1 States District Attorney Beckman held thaI the arraignment was legal and Commissioner Homaln upheld - held him. llazen was ale present In courL CommIssioner - mIssioner lomalne hell the three men 11 $15,000 bal each. They I'cre unable to give the required security anti wee lodged In the Hudson county jai , Lllhe : Smih , the alleged - leged wife of Smith , was then arraigned She was also held. When Brockway was arraigned before the commissIoner he pro- tested against the certIficates being taken awar from him while he was belnl searched last night. Time $500 gold certificate was genrmine as were the Canadian certificates i that were found In his possession. ICIISO SAHUU'I.YI' U'I'I U , Sln.t'r ( t time H.h'hnulhM Hnlct ) . H.- II""lt hi . I.e.t1mij.tmm. CINCINNATI , Aug. G.-Tho Commcrclal Gazette sPecial tram Lexington Ky. . says : The ] ynchlnt or W. N. Lane the murderer 'ot the Hodebaughs , whIch would have been accomplished tonIght lt Versaies by citizens - zens of three cities , Versailles , Nicholas- rule and Lexington was thwarted by the secret removal ] of Lane to I.exlngton. The coroner today , after five hours' investigatiomm , .brought In a verdict that .fanies Hodebaugb I came to his death by the hands at WiIam 1 Lane witimput just cuse. Thereupon JUdge : larrls ; on hlr own motion . as a matter or precaution , Instruct(11 the Cfcers to remove I.ane. The deputts In a private conveyance brought him here safely by 1 circuitous roue. : Lane refuses to make any statenment except to say he Is sorry and to sbow bruises on his face where Iw says I C. Hodebaugh struck him. When Lane arrived here tonight he was met by his brother , and at time mcetng he very nearly broke down. H. C Hodebaugh I still alive , but there Is no possibility of his recovery The body at James Hodebaugh lies In a vault awaiting the death of his father , when both wi bo burled at Nicholasvle , The .lnaUon Is very tense In Versailles , Nlclola5 le and Lexington - ton , and the press me of excitement , cape- daily at the frst named places , Is very nearly up to the explosl q poInt. a- - nO'1'1 SIIIS ii ii - 1.1 li " ' " J ' 10 II , : I.OS'I' Sllet I f'OIIIM.rul. . IIlthMJI Int Nt's'vi ' 1"lrl.'rlil Sinet' . SAN FRANCISCO . Aug. G.-Two well known D.rllsh ships , one bOUIH ( roam Melbourne - bourne for London , and the other from Newcastle . N. S. " ' . . 10 1lnama. are long overdue and local Insurance men , who have some risks on tlmenm have given both UII for lost. Tjme bark Florence sailed from New- catlo . on January 26 of this year and has not been heard from slnco. The supposition Is that she bas foundered Dr gone ashore on the sonth AmerIcan coast. The other inlsslng Vessel , the ship Stone- leIgh , sailed from Melbourne on February 27 and therefore Is 10\ nt'.159 das. Time Britsh slmip Dunsyre , whIch recently ar- rind In Lnllon from , Melbourne reported having spoken the vessel on Marh I. On the folollll day the Dunfyre encounterell a terrific sternum In which Sime lost sight oC the Slonelelgh , all the next day she passed through a lot at wreckage. The general h - lef Is that tie ship \ eat down In the storm and all hands perished. . ( 'U , CI11IS OJ' ' 'II uiiS'L' OF "I CrnMlt.lllnM. I . thl'.S'1111 g1 n. Los . \nJ..M I'l I' I ni ) ' SUI'e"M""I. LOS ANGELES Aug. G.-During the last month all but one member at the police commission of this city have handed In their resignatlcns. Tie } council bas table the whole bunch. Time last one came last mmiglmt mhemm Commlssoner ! Plrles reslgnell ( This leaves Commissioner I IEII alono. The ministerial field and the newspapers have been fghtnt the commission on account et Its handling ot the social evil . Alhough each one has presented a plausible excue , It Is believed that time ministers have been too much for the commissIoners and virtualy forced them Qut. _ _ _ S. _ _ _ - 4mts , I'xl.o Shut nn .i erlluu CII..u PHOENIX , ArIz. . Aug. G.-Gus 'rlbolet returned today from , Mexico bringing null- dimwits from a Icore of Individuals to the effect that his brother Robert , who was slol bl the Mexican autiiorities.for ! complcity In the Nacosarl . stage robbery . was not In the vicInity at tie Ume and moreover was an American citizen. Documents will be sent to the Stale department and a claim for ne- dress against his brother's . slayers pressed. Ounl of Clnn.l'I.r'lf'r" Irolu'u tim , . KANSAS CITY Aug. 6-W. : C. Laird , i I aged 43 , who Is the leader of a gang at coun ; terfelers that has ben turning out spurious dollars for the past three months and shipping ' ping them to other cities , has been arrested United . other by Unled States marshals. Des and paraphernala were captured. Three other member of the gang had been previously taken In and Laird's arrest breaks up one or the most dangerous gangs in ! the country. n"I" ' ShertT 101,11 br I "Iro. mllHIS. Aug. G-Denty Sheriff Alfred 'erner at Critenden county , Arkansas was shot and killed today ner'James' landlnl by a negro whose name has not yet been learned Werner went 10 the negro's house wih two other men to arrest him. The negro was lying In ambush near by alH ] 'when tIme posse appeared : he hired on them , killing Werner and then fed to the Bwamp. A party at cItzen ! are hunting for him. " .Vmmlt'rsorml 1)1,1 ! ; Fetmt UIIII' " . ALBUQUERQUE . N. M. . Aug. 6.-A water- . scout In Llkeras canyon , .abqut twelve mies from this place , tonight , fet water down , the canyon fifteen feet algh . and time torrent I emptld : Into the Rio Granie six mies south ! at this city , Several luUCI In the canyol were waahed away , whie garden truck amid ] : tnrms were competejy : subneget1 . mind ruined ; hour. It rained and ] hailed f jtn the anyon over an ; - SI'M I" n ClNe . ul - II'klll ALBANY Ore , Aug. G.--ltv , A. D. Fuller , who was charge wih. Hndng an infernal machlno to Mrs. W. E. Chlmbers at Cen- " taala , \\'asim. . was arretd"pn ( a charge at senllng obscene letters hrHG"1 the mails to the same woman. Fuller gave $2,500 bonds for his appearance In Unled.States court In l'ortianij. Fuler says ll arrest Is the result of . a blackmaiing scheqle. D\h'rllnntlll I lie S'miiut. SEATTLE , \ug. G.-News h'u refche ( ] this city tram time Uerlng sea fleet to the effect that seal life In the sea Is being destro'e ( very fast by the nsse'B engaged ; In takIng the sEal ouuldo the Ilxly.ml e zone. In I short time ttere t will bo no seals to protect In AmerIcan waters It Is fald , unless ] some means can be reached to prohibit the fe1 fishing by sea . - - - - Imtst . \t' . of tl- Slh''r n.llh' . ChICAGO . Aug. 5.-The end at the Horr- larv y debate was reached tonight when Messrs. Herr and Iaryey submitted 10 the judges their written IUUlmarles ot time 10- drawn out argument. In his summary each contestant was lmited to 2,600 words. wih an additional 300 words to be submie after having read the summary at his opponent : , 'irmiskmi l'i.t immist . . ress C.IIIIMMlun"l. WASlNGTON , Aug 6.-Speclal ( Tell- gram-Sarah ) L. Lldlgh was today conmnuis- Bloned pOltmhtreu at Lancaler , Neb. IWA DE IctATS GATHERING Several Hundred Delegates at Mahaltowu the Convention. Ready for Oonventon , GENERALLY HOPEFUL TONE PREVAILS All nt 'l'h"11 1.1 .t Fight 1111 thc Sliver 'h'l SI"'I tn lie In th limit'kgnimimiit Iii the i'rc- ilmuimimimles. lAHSIALLTOWN , In , Aug. 6.-Special ( Tclegrarmm-Soveral ) hundred ot the delegates have arrvC this evening to attend time democrlt e state convention ! , which mcets here tomorrow. Some ot the leaders think there Is a chance to make a record thIs year , but do not claim to bl able to elect the ( ticket which will bo nomlnatcl ] They say , however , that they will be able to keep tie republican majority down to reasonable pro- portions. Others profess to really believe they can defeat General Drake , the republcan nominee for governor. On the whole a rather coufdent tone prevails. The silver men arc defiant and arc apparently In the majoriy because at their rampantnCs. One of them , Wi Wells at the , \ton Demmmocrat said In answer to a questIon : "It's tree sliver at IG to 1 or fight , and we arc now as ready for a fight as we ever will be. " " Cenmprommmi.so" Is the talk of the sound money crowd. The IG 40 1 1lks have 10 love for the word-that Is tIme leaders have none-but among the rank and fle are many who lean to the pol I ) The compromIse sU tested Is said 10 be given tangible rorm In a Inanclal plank which reamrms time natIonal plank or 189. and then hedges a Ite : by favoring the enaclment at laws to put that plunk Into executen .1m ] provldo for the coinage of both gal ] all sliver. Among the Ilrominent arrivals today were J. J. lehaadson , natonal commimmmltteemmman . at 1)avenpcrt Fred Llscher at the sale place CimarlesVumishm of Ottummmwa . all Major C. D. Iam at Dubullue. The arrival of Judge Bahb Is anxiously awaited to settle the queston of his candidacy for governor. lIe Ias not publIcly declned : , but has written several private letters saying he would not have it. In the event at jmis refusal the name of John C. hills at Davenport Is seriously ttmeumtioned . with Colonel Joseph Elboek at Des MoInes as Icutenant govonmmor After a long conference with friends this evening , following his arrival here , Judge Dabb consented to allow his name to be pre- sented to the commvention. conventon. TO GET TIm Gm IAN VOTE. The demccrats arc anxious on the last point In order to hod : the-German vote. Part of It got away last 'ear. The old.tme leaders - ers are really alarmCI They want a sound money platorm for time sake or the Germans. They say that on a tree sver platform the democrats could not elect a cOlnty officer In Scott. When Colonel lboeck arrived today he was approached In regard to his candIdacy for lIeutenant governor. It was the first he hall "Ieard or the mmmatter. lie and his trleluh emphatcaly ttecined : begged not to use his name. "Say for le , ali say empimatically , that I wilt not antI cannot ac- cept the place. " - Ex-State Senator Gronewel of Council Bluffs Is also menlonell In conrectol with the leutenant governorhip. ' 'lI ' stale central commitee nnnounce tem- perry organization or the convention as fol- lows : Chmairmami Nathaniel P. Froncim . Scott county ; secretary , Jo"m I. Mithemm . Pottawat- tamle ; asslstunt secretaries . M. H. Jackson , Cedar county ; F. C. Clark C. L. Smih , Pole ; S. Casey , Lee ; C C. Colc'o , Carrel ; Sam G. Sloan , Floyd ; S. F. McConnell . Davis ; J. II. De\lne" . Buena Vista ; reading secretary T. O. Walker lardln county ; official reporters , Charles Helry of Iarshal and E. I ) . Abrams at Polk. There Is a demand that the tempor3r or- ganizaton bl made permanent In order to accelerate business. but this Is opposed especially bytime sliver men , who dislIke French. The latter was : called berero the central committee today . day , and the free silver members asked thai that.part of his speech referring to finance be elhnlnated. rench replied : "Gentlemmmon , this Is umy speech. as It wi he delIvered I I am cimairmarm You nmay get another chairman - man , but you can't edit my speech. " SILVER MEN CAUCUS. About two hUllrel ] silver delegates hell a secret conrerence this afternoon , at which a plan at action was practically agreed upon. J. J. Shea at Counc Burs presled , and all who would not pledge themeselves to secrecy and IG to 1 coinage was barre(1 ( I wes determined to marshal the full strength or the silver forces and make an aggressive fight for .the control at time con- verition . The caucus determined to resist venton. mo\ement to make : Ir , French Iler- immanent chalrmsn and give the place to a man In smpathy whim silver. Time principal speech was made by Colonel C. H. Mackey of Sigourney. lie declared that the time for acton had arrived , and that lIe would rather see time democratic party ' in Iowa dead than longer the tool ot Wul street. This sentment was loudly cheered lie saId the corporations and Cleveland - land admlnlstrallon were again trying to con- trol I democratiC convention ; that corporation - poraton hirelngs and holders of pass s mixed with the delegates amid worked for sonnd money. "The federal 0lc8 hohers ] are bere , " he said "with collars on their neck doing the bid dint ot Wall street " The Liberal league ot Iowa held meetings this morning afternoon and evenIng. This Is time organlZton I.ertected . b ) ex.Congress- man Walter I. Hayes to further the anti- prohibition mmmovemmmemmt. I claims to be non- ' partisan and 10 have no connecton with tb's demccrato ! party or convention. John L. Slegfeh or Da\enport presided at today's imiceting . anti II. F. ] Schroeder of Davenport was secretary. Speeches were made by A. 1' . lcQulrk , Davenport ; Joseph Elboeck , Des Moines ; T. D. hierry Albla ; J. C. Deem , What Cheer , and Attorney I alral of Jackson count ) Time speeches were all on the sUbject at legalizing the manuf\tnro at liquors In ] owa. It was determlne,1 to work In a nonpartisan . partisan manner 10 secure the rIght to manutacture. S . \u'rh'll _ i ssl ' ' ii ml m's Al Sltl' . NEW YORK . Aug. 6-Rev A. II. Leonard , corresponding secretary of time MethodIst Episcopal Missionary society , when seen by a representative or the Associated press said : "Two years ape I visited the place men- tonel ] In the telegram which you have shown me , and the prIncipal center at our work In south China at Iln/.lua. We have a very large and extensive \ark radiating tram there and It Is time only 1lacq at tholo men- toned where foreign misionaries reside. They arc Hev W A. Drewster , Mrs. Brewster and three cll\ren ] , all ot Cincinnati : Miss Julia : I Donshue , M. D. , also of Cincinnati , and MIss Minnie A. Wilson at the northwest- ern branch ot time lethollst Episcopal Women's Foreign I Missionary soclel , , "AI the other places mentone the mis- lions are conducted by native preachers. Our people have order to cable us Immediately It any disaster overtakes them , " Dr. Leonard contnued , "and I feel sure wo would have her < 1 somethIng tram Ing.lua It anything hall happened . Our latest 11spatches from u.Cheng are very reassuring and thy go 10 show that all at that . mission are safe " S"ldh'l Gol.1 .n rlrnl.t. NEW YORK Aug. G.-Neulag6 & Fuller will ship lOOO In gold by the St , Lotus lomorrolv The United SlateS assay office will lend $5,000.000 In gold bas today to the Philadelphia mint and an equal amount 10- morrow to the samoa mint both for coinage . - - - Hs-Sees'i'tu.r' 1 ldleol In 1001 health SALEM I , Mass . \ug. G.-Ex-Secretuy ot War Endlcr1t 18 reported II being In feeble health at hula home In Darmvers. lie h said to bo suffering ttom l rlol' mental trouble. . ' 11tUIII' S CIO\'IHU UI'U Tlnnl , In'I' ) ' 'luln.lin I" hlJ" Inll ( nt Ul'I"l'r Cnlltl'lt'll tn SI"II'n.l. DENVER , Atmg G.-The Rocky Mountain Savings bank closol } Its doors today an al slgnment bolng mnlle to Earl M , Cranston for the benefit of creditors . No statement of assets al11 liabIlIties has yet been male. ] Last week a demali was . mae } Ullon the bank for $28,000 ot count ) funds on deposit and Jt was unable to make Ila'ment. This bank was elo8cd uring the pante In IS(3 , hut was subsequenty reopened , certificates being issued ] to depositors Time Ilrlsldenl Is . ' n. W.oodbur ' . Frank \Vootibury son or \oodbur ) president ot the Union National bank , whIch suspended last week , and the two institutions were Inlmately assoclate(1 In btmslumess . P. S. Woolbury , Ircsldent or the Rocky Mountain Savings bank , this afternoon mallo time folowln statement In regard to the failure - uro : "Tho troubles that have crowlled upon us Ilnrlng the paRt seven days , wih the .aluro at the Union National ] bank , followed by the alaton over time county treasurer's affairs and accomllanled by Iamaglng ] reports In some at the newspallers , ha\o broken us down. "Wc have pah oil all time lel'oslts ' except about 58000. ali SOIIO at time stockholders are responsible men of means. I Is m ) iii- lenten to devote all my personal efforts to Ileip the dqloslors unt all are Imhl. I theretore consiier I absolute ! certain that every claim will ultmately bo salsne,1 None at the officers or employes Dr the bank hlve over borrowed a cent Cram the ImmstitutIomm. " U.\Y FiiI'i' - C'I . 1 ' 1'1" iitNid. I " ' ) 'nmh.J SI.e'imi.Iid . Iln'h Ch"I'rN Allln I 11'hll 'i'rommile. nOUGIAS Wyo. , Aug. G.-Slleclal ( Tele- gram.-Trouble ) has broken out afresh be- tween rauchmen anti sheellmen. Last eason two bunches at sheep were thriven ] out or the 10untain parks south ot Douglas by sixty mlsled ranchmen , and the herlrs warned not to trespass again upon the rammge The Plate Valey Sheep comllany ent a bunch Into that territory la8t week. The foreman or the outfit came In this morning anti reported that six mRskel men rode Into cammmp Sunday niglmt . held uphe \ imerder saturated the wagon and ramp outfit with kerosene and hured I. shot a halt dozen sbmeep anl rode oft' , after telling time imerder they would wIpe Imis entire flock out If lie did not get out of the hiark at oumce. Time Platte Valley people sent out armmis anti amummmmunition with several men today , and army timey will stummmtl their groummti. liioodmmimed Is likely to follow , as time rammclmmmmen declare time ) ' mmmust amid will have time range iii dlspumte. itOllilidi ) IIY1)i-iL'i'h'Y SiiidiIil'FS , ( I llie'rs Sent I o 1Vi tt'Im I miii Imii , ( ii , ,1i. ri.mgl , Si't (1cm' , , ' II , iumes , CIIId't'ENNId , Wyo. , Aug. 6.-Special ( Tele- grummn.-Time ) foliowimmg di.sptcht was received imere this afterncoum : "Marysvaln , Wyo. , ( via Market Lake , itlaimo ) , Aug. 6.-Two of time settlers' iuoue 1mm time valley above Maryavale were entered anti robbed of beddlumg and clothing Saturday. The trail of th offenders was foiloveti for thirty-five malice by Henry Cairns , one 'of time ( mien whose lmouso imad beeum raumsacked , Lund \\'ill L. Slmnpsoum'hemm timey overtook them they ; roved to be six of time party mtimo came into Jackeoum's hole with Sheriff Grlmnuumett to aid settlers in fightiumg time Indiammmm. Slmeniff Grlmnnmett and time rest of iris party were ignorant of the theft , "Mooros' pmck traL'm went out today to bring mi teum day's irovisiomjs. Time ncope : imeru will ask General Coppinger to allow time troops to be r tiTded ins lime valley until fall. " MYS'i'IdILIOUS lCtNSAS Cil1111d , i'mrmiier ( 'zhIi'il ( ) iihnmm , ! Shout hi 'i'h.m'i'c' tliljlFii li l'um ml it's. SALINA , ICan. , Aug. 6.-B. F. Coeweli , a farummer living seven rmmilea northwest of lucre , was decoyed from his homna after midniglmt last nighmt by mm stranger , svimo said ho had a sick imorso nimd wanted assistrtumce.'heum half a nmlle frommm imonmo time vair were net by two partmmers of tine stranger , wlmo covered Coawehl with rifles. Ito tried to escape , when onof tlmonm fired , the bullet striking him in time hueati , ammd thme other miman struck imlumi tim ice over time iueatl wIth hula rifle , partially sttmum- nlng Imitmi. Time three titeum boumntl Coswell's imantis , gaggad hulrmm and forced lmimum to mvaik a mile and a half , timotmglm ho was nearly tainting fromum time loss of blood. After terrorizing - rorizing time farnmer for soune tinmo timey final y let imiun go , first tiureatening himmi whim nleattm if lme told of time occurrence. Cosivell's condition - tion is critical. Tltaro is rio clue to imis as- sailanta anti no cause for time cormimimission of the outrage is known , S'iit I ICLIItS Ii.t'ii COOIidi ) lO'N. ill-h r. , I t Ne sm-s , , vi ii i'm , I ' , ' , ' , I ks A ruu.mI VI I imomul Iimtt'rrt're'.mct' . ISllI'IIMING , Micim. , Aug. 6.-Time lmrincple ! iatti dowmi by Governor 111dm , thmat unlawful iumterference with time liuirstults of legitimate ocipitomts iiii sinp y riot be toerated by tire state authorities , was pretty veh1 6tablished imera to day. Commeitieratiomm of time mmmerita of the strike has been suspended until this principle has been permanently established. Time attitude of the strike leaders tow.mrti time simon ! ! antI time Detroit corrc'pondent , with whom ire walketi the streets , is decitletliy con- dIlatory. 0mm tire recomnrmmendation of tue prosecuting attorney , a body of conmstabmulary hmas been formimeti anmong the strikers. Sheriff Broad returned to Marquette thmi morning after imaving been asstmreti of the veaceabio Intention of time strikers at their ummeotlng to- day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i'r..tt'st A mcmi I must m , .lo r'miuzu ml , SAN FILANCISCO. Aug. 6.-A strong protest - test will prob'tbly be mmmade against Walters Iirown , one of the acceptetl jurors In tire case of Theodore Durrant , owing to iris jury record. In time first trial of M. I ) . howelL charge-i with comuumterfcltinmg , it Is said timat lirnm'n imung tire jmiry anti that imis action in timat case imas bee'm the smmbject of inqmmiry by the federal grant ! jury. No additional jtmrors were secured today to try ltmrrant. The re- Imort of an attempt to assault flurrant yesterday - terday huati time effect of increasing time num- her who wanted entrance to tile jail. Time sheriff has doubled tumemmumber of ida guards , luImt I Ill iii ' 'i'Imrt'tSJc.'letuums , WAUKOMIS , Oki. , Aug. 6.-Time three skeletons found west of lucre timreo weeks ago have proved to be time remaiummt of time two Fowler boys and timeir brothuer-in-law. They were killed by Indians in 1875. The remains were Identified by an ankle brace which vas fountl near time romnins , anti inquiry - quiry froni Canton , 0. , wimore the Fowlers imad weaitlmy relatives , regardimug time brace deveioped the tact that it was theirs , A sister of the Fowlera will arrive lucre \\'edmmesday to take time remains to 01mb , lt'ei'it'rs fur ii 'I''ieuIui.mi' Cii.miau , , ' , ST. JOSEPh , Mug 6.-Auu application was flied in the clrcmmit court here today for a receiver for the Citizens Telephone conm iuany , a coummpany fornmieti to oppome time olml Missouri-Kansas Telephone company. MIs- mnanagenmiemlt anti frauti arc charged amid sen. sational developmmients are promised by the persons fihiumg the application , The company was to have lied Its plant iii operatIon by July 15 , but was recemmtly granted an oxten- slon of time by the city council. Nm.tlonnl'ht'ruumis' tim.iiu. . LdMA , 0. , Atmg , 6-Time tenth national en- carmipment of time UnIted Veterans' union antI the Wonman's 'Veterans Reserve union of America was eperietl in Music luau timis morn- lag at 10 o'clock by Commander-In-ChIef George J. Oakes of Rochester , N , Y , Delegates - egatos are hero from tori states , . The see- alone wIll continue until Fritisy , Moi'mu.m. Is of ec.imi 'tu.st'ia A misc. (1. At Liverimool-A rrived-l'aria lou , from Mommtreal , At New York-Arrived-Mississippi , from Loummion. At Iiremen-Az'nived-ldune , from New YorkI Weymafir , ftpt Jialtinnore. CASE IS BEFORE IIOPE\VELL \ Arguments In Police Boarl Injunction Stub Commenced Yesterday. POSITION OF PRESENT BOARD DEFINED Its ltIghit lii .t.'t flstmilIsl.cl iP l'ree. t'iie'imt im Imul liq'Islom.s-t usvu't'r to .tmmit'mit'il ii.l I I itumi tush I I ited- C.iumr ( Cu ri , itimislii , At 2 o'clock yesterday aftcrnoomm time lmreilmuit. nary hmeariumg upon time itmestiomm of granting a teumiporary injumuictioum against time Cimurcimill. ' Russell couimblne fire nmmtl iohice conmummisslom vaa set for irearluig before Judge liopoweht in court rooumi No. I. Sluice time grantimmg of time tenmporary no- straimmirug order by Judge hlopewoil on August 2 the legmtl points at imsue , as set forth Ins tIme injmummctlon sumit broumglmt by time olti board againmat time Clutrrcimiil lttmssehi counbimie , have sifted timoummaives tiovmm to a low Plalmm propo- sitlomms , , vlmiciu are ummatie clear in mmli aumiemmdetl lmetition lmreseumteti to time -court by Messrs. Greene and Siumterai , attonuieya for Mayor Bemmils alit ! Comuruimissionmers hirowum ammtl Dea'er. . It m.uts time stilt uf these represemmtumtires of ( ira fire anti police board ngmmlmmst time usmmrpera wimicim vari set for hearing iii time aftermmoon. Time auumenticti petitiomi , timlclm hums been lure- senmicti to time court , lmrocectis to relate time facts of time Came , reciting , llrst of till , this nature mitmti time trmmms of oihlce of the immtmyor , viuo is ex-oiilclmi mmmtnumber of time Iloaril ot FIre ammti l'olice Couiimumlsmfoumers , nummd time aim- ioimitummemmts of leu.vcr mmmiii ilrumvtm , all of wlmoumm are to ioiJ office umitil their' successors are legally tllupointeul , Timia boarri , it i recited , imas juu'isdictiomm over Ouuimuima's fire anti Police forces anti as imumeim Is respoumaiblo for tluelr ilmtegrity ammml riieciphiume , 'i'o niaium- ( alum this it is necessary that it ha uum- trtmmmmumeletl Irm perforuumlng time frmmuctions of its oiiice. Time Petition frmrtlmer' avers tiuat time Into legislature hmasseti mm irretemmtled law relrmtImmg to tire mmlmpoimmtmmmemut of a fire amid lOiiCO columuumissioum of tlmree ummemmmbers amid that event if coumatitmmtiomnl , ( hula lam' tioes muot go into effect uumtil thirty days aftev August 1 , as far as appolnmtumments of comumnmmiisioners are commceruuetl , amid evcum then It retluires tIme commcuurremmt action of time goveruuou' , irunti commmmumissionmer ummiti utttorney general to lumake nppointummeuuts of fire amid 11011cc conmmmmmissionera , RECENT iliSfOitY RECITED. Thmo lmetitlOlu recites time imistory of the last Few ihays relatlumg to time actiomu of Lanti Corummumimsioner itmmrtseil aurti Attorney Central Cimrmrcirili lum their lmriato to immake appoimmtnmmemuts , in simite of tIme provisions - visions of time law , stating that they got togetiuer regardless of time fact ( hunt Governor lloleouumb roItmseri to take actioum math the expiratioum of tlmirty days , which tiumme , it is stated , ire desired for deliberation , believlmmg imimummelf , mmmmtler time haw , entitled to it. Out August 2 , tIme follow- day , these tms-o inert mmmct armd ap. polumterl l'atui VmtummiervoortV. . J , lircatcim armd A. C. Foster mis commummmissioners , it is ftmrther recited imow , regutnhiess of order and 1mm utter disregard of law , time city council of Omnaiun lroceedeti to qverrlde time teummporary' restraimminmg order of Jumthgo hiopesvehl , 1mm wimicim ho lund ilirecterl tire city cotunmcil umot to mipirrovd time bonds of these men until ire cOuhrl give a hmarlpg to both slrie on aim aimphlcation for a teunporary iuujummction , Tire lumjmmnction ime had denied 1mm time first instnmruce , only allowing - lowing a restraining order , Timid heiu Lng wag set for time mumerninig of Atugimat 2 , mit the cIty council refuseti to walt a few hmcurs anti tlsregartled ! tIme order by rmpprovlmmg tire cormm- uumhss'oumers' bads , Tim's , it is recited , makes time action of time rullegeri fire anti Imohice commmnmts- sian vod ! , Time petition recites tiuat time al. legcri board iras attempted to give orders to time old rceter of flrenmmen arid policemen anti asks time court to tenmmorarily restrain thuo Imrctended boartl frommm acting until tire mat- br in controversy is settled by ituo warranto , allegIng in this Cofllrectiomm tirat time attorney general imas been directed by the govt'rumor to bring tltese proceetilmugs and imus tmrouimised to do so. Thmo lmetitloners ask tlmia relief "In the interest of time lC3CO ) anti safety arid so- c'uirity of the cltIzen aumfi properly interests of tire city , as well as the preservation of the rights tmmmd interests of tire applicammts , viue are responsible for tire mliscilmhlno of the pa- lice force , " Upon time convening of commrt tire room filled rapidly ith curiously inclined or Interested - terested citizens. Mt'nmbers of time old anti coum'.binme boartis were on imumnmd , Judge Doana , C. J. Greene anti Id. W. SIm- eral represented tire olti board. wimli , , Aftor. , neys hail , Clarkson amid 1tansomm looked after tire interests of time hew. OBJECTIONS hiY hALL , As was nnticilmated , It. S. hail began time proceedings by regIstering imis objections t time tilinig of ( ito auumended letitiomm by Mayo Hernia amud Iris colleagues. lie stated thmat ims had succeeded in getting an answer on file last Saturday right alroumt 12 o'clock. lie objected to a new petItion settimmg up any additional facts whicim ire iran not eimoson t html In issue tin lmls rmumsuver. C. J. Greene reummimided brim that tire inten- ( ion of tire iblirmg stmmplenmental Imetitioum was ammumounmced on last Saturday , so tirat fire claIm of want of notice su'as runfounded , Furtirer , Mr. Greene staten tlrat ime iptendej to file athidumvits denying iii tote time ummmwarrarrted allegations In time ammswer , wherein It wa cimargetl that Conmmnlsuulonrtrs Ihrowmm anti Dearer imati iican appointed to office as the result of an understanthlumg , Judge Hope- well moon decimleti tIre point by declaring that tue denmanris of justice would be uuiet anti m. ( till slmowing by alildtmvit woumid be alioweth lie also sairi it was Proper timat tire nmmmenjeti petition shrouhd be filed , as it was hula lii- tentiomm to give all parties a full hearing anti get at the real facts in the case , Hall was again on imis feet. having ( alien in lila purpose to plum down time Investigations to tiru Issues he determuuineti mm iris atuawep ire wouiti like to ntmeet lie wanteti the court to fix time ientim of time m imlcim tire argu- umments simotmld consume , Time court said time imarties coulti have all the tlnme timey needed , OUTLINES IllS ANSVElL. After Id , W. Simmmerai irad read time petitions of Mayor flemis anti iris colleagues , it , S. hail nimatle a statement of what ho lrnposed te shrew in imis answer. lie pronmuised to file It withIn twenty-four hrours. Tire gIst of his propective ammswer is an attack on time mmmotlvez and good faith of Governor iloleoumub , time mayor anmd his colleagues , time torurmer iii refuc- ing to join in time hasty appoinmtnmermt , anr time latter In hmoldlnmg the 0111cc tmntii tire right to 0111cc is deternmirmetl upon. Judge Doano gave irotice timat the olri board woulti certainly comrtravene by afiltIavit the Irmtroduction of tire new nmatter wlulch the Imrospective ammswer outlined , hall contInued to object aim tire score tima imis able would not have sufficient time an because the amended iretitlon was ommly givers hum yesterday , htmL Judge Doane pointed oul tirat time pleanilngs were given twenty houre before time trial of tire case. C. J. Greene timen took the floor to aaurs tire court timat there was no need of contra , vernuy over pleadings , "Tima OiiOsite aide , ' said hue , "can crowd time recortis of timis court with cirarges of had faith , but It will make no difference In title suit , I do not propoc to cirarge lack of good Iitit on the part a time defendant , and I thInk I owe it to tii court to diectias time law on conceded tacit , let time chips fly wirere they may. Time seen tial facts are not conrtroverterj irene. it is 0. matter of law before tue. Time answer flied by tbr other side covers every point , except psi. imaps wIth regari to the city couneli. TmG progress of tins case sirows tiuat nmany 'side Issues have been brought in , The issus eimouid b clearly deflrmetl. I would be wihila , to agree upon a statement of facts upon wbiqh we could argue time law points. " Judge hiopewell said he would aihow ns4r issues tendered by the answer to be contra- vented , Id.S' . Simeral then lntrodtmced affidavits Comnumiaslonors hirown and 1)eaver. anti zi , itosewater , completely controverting tIre aertione of , time combine in time answer flle by It late Saturday night cirarging tirat tb appointmemmti to the. regular Fire anti Poli9 counnmilihon Were procured by ImmfluenucIn t