_ . . . . , - _ - , - . . * ' - - - - - - - - - - - - # \ 4 TIlE YMAITA DAILY n'l g : rJ'l.TERDAY , AUGUST 6. lSr { \ - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - a- Tim OMAJIA DAIJX DEE. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - 1. IOJ1flTF.fl. ' : IflIcr. - - - - - l'I'IJI.tIiIlIW IV : 1)1JItNJIH1. \ ) . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - = 'rmnlS - 01' ' . ' stngCII'IO , . . . . . . . S flIIy n" ( Witlinut 8un.ay ) y\ . . O nalY n"'lholt SunI1. ] ) iilly Il. siflJ thiinlay. One V..1. . . . . . . 1'10 ' ) 1 aly ] M"nl/ I. nn. . . . . : . lllo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9) . . ' fl.re'IotdIis , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 00 Hunlny ; ! I. finn Yiir . . . . . . . . . . . . i HAllrlny t . On" yMr. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 r WeekI ) 1j'e , One Y . nr , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W o1.I ' 1c.I.:3. : orrlll , ( jmII" ) " . fl' f3lngnr ! Uulti1Ii. . flhl ( . . corner : . ? . ctd : lh ( 51s. ( 'nuneH 1liifl . 12 J.'rl i4U" . : . 'oln11 ( . , " . ' or romI1MC' ( Thkntn OIfle' = IT C'hnmh.r Comr.re" . New Ylk Olr" , 1'0 ? 1 II. 1 owl . " \5 , "rilune . fltdIdl0E SVsuhlngton. 11'r J Htrp't . N. W. C01ngs'OIINCn. ! t ! I . \1 % I r"mll/'II"no rrhll , to IW' ' the flfli Littor. , NI. M lorlnl Iiit Urr hnltJ "I n.II"o,1 : 10 1.lor ' , 11TTr:1. : flU1tN1s : ; : t"I All ? " 1.ln. . lt'HNIS . 1.\e'o nnd ' 'IIU"nr " % < s oholl I" . . " . . , ti 'l h . II . . 1tlt.'FhIflA11P'Y. " " , ne1r".e,1 'Ih. I. . 10 ' otilci " . , , nnd pitottk' orll" Om.h' . II nf rh'la 10.101110 . be matIpal' , tip 10 ( ho Mir or the cOlpnn ' i'iu : iii : : lUItI : { (20M1'ANI , 'rl J : _ : _ - = - - = = ' - = C- = = - - - WrATIMtNT : : 0 ciItt'r.\TO. . 'fz churlc. etrtntY ! I or rho 1"0 luh ( koigi' fl. < IktiIiig ttfltI flY , tI1 uttitO' .Wlt ' : )8 Ihat tti' . 1..lnl ,111) . 10hlll cOI/"n / . of tti' . IHII erlflptC elple. ( ftcttlit nitri1.'t or full Ull " "I1.le . [ . , Icllnl rli nll ir1fltct 1 , and t.uiulay Ite rlnt. < 3)atly lolllnl Innlil ! lllay 1. [ . . lnly the month or May. 1S. wa. n. ! tolow. ! lrlng I . . . . . . l,00) : 17 . . . . . . . . . 19,01 2. 1. . . . . . . . . 41.1 1',10' . 1. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'IGl . . . , . . . , , . . . . . . . . 1.16 19 . . . ' . . 3. 4. . . . . . . . . 1 , 1 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . l9Mot 19'1 ( . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . i 0 2l0 21 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 19,101 i 6 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ! y : ; 22 J . . . . . rS. . . . . . . 1.h'l ( .1 . . . . . . . I .g , . :1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . . . . . . . . . 11OM ! . U 8. . . . . . . . . . . . 19.126 ; , . . . . . . . . 19i . - 9. 1.12 . . . . . . I' 10 . . . . . . . . 1.0H. : r. . . . . . . . . . . . : " . II . , . . . . . . . 11,021 k : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 :07J : .t : : : : : : : : : : : : : : tm : 2S . . . . . . . J3 , . . . " lYJ7 ) 2) I. ) . . . . . . 1 .11" 1. . . . . . . . . . J"Y)7 TO . . . . . . . . . . U hI It . . . . . . . 19,014 : .O. . . 11 . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . 19.121 31. . . . . . 1'.21 16. . . . . . . . . 1',11 , _ Totn ! . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .621.525 Lees cophs tte1IIttons , . . . . . . . . for . . . unsld . , . . . unt . . . . tetIffl-l . : . . . . _ rct S31rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G19,2'0 Dnl ; ) ' a\.rj" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61'.2. . ' SunI . . 'SIII.IY. a CORUfl n. TZHrll IC. $ wOrfl In l-rnr" mo aeonor 11 . .11.erlh.,1 In my tlt e . ' fwom < eu ' Ilk 1t toy or . 1tin. IMI' , : 11 . ( IMI. ) 11) N. P. F 1111. . olnry J'ubltc. " 'It Ot-II'101:1io : ts 'Il t : ; ; wa7t to ( . , - Iii ' domm't ) hlve to I 10wn 11"10cm " tH IIIIO tillS coiio1tttIoi1 . thnt tlr tile II uo'ol $ e sluatou Utl Ihc ( tl'UICI'uIH In a dozcu other states. Any 1011' HI1tte4IIt(11 11'01 the 1lrl ( llslllets who wnt to yohltel' their RelTlelH to OIJnhu In adjusting our "lt11IY ) ] Ioih" mat ters ? ! Lord HtlIJI' ' : li4 I 1.f1111 e"eIpiO(13' ) ( ] a-guessiiig Its to his future loI1' " . . Pel'- hnps II b I ; 1)'CahtSe hI ItH 101 .e do- ChuL'I ft)1 ' hilitis hf just whnt his futur' ' - cilet 10' hllsclf Jlsl Ils flhu'l policy wi he 'I1Iie st'lnt : II\I'I 11:11 above , Its SO1I1'I'L' , 'fhnt eXllllllH how Ch1.ll 11 ] HIA 11 I Ilpon I i I t : Blon I ( : t t h 1111 I "au- dcr\'oort for aloIIIII11 ) ) 10 the 10lcl' ) cOltl : lo1 ' 1lwy ate all of a khiid. nile , \ . 1' . A. treasury ! tma he II a I Intcnlnhll t l'OliltIoI I \ % ' lieu I I t hns I i : i tn tall' ; the 10011 out of Ihe I InllhH nf. the 11'olth Ruf'P1ll'1 10 lJ ' lie ( ( xI'lnSCH ' of the II'oloh'ls ) . of the onthhoull iiohltl- cal orlcr. O.t ( olll slole' of Public JIlllf : itussehl Bays tlt1lt t he ! ) n 11 for the 1)rhIIthIIg ) of the pcnlentalY UIIII'lIHIPnt ) ) oul t or hIs own ! ll'h'al ) 110c1wt ) HlSl'l is I becoin- \V0I1te1'ftthh3 ' . ' lenel'Oll-wll other IleOlle's ) ) IOII . 'hl'l'l nt'e galblers In thIs ely who h:1e : 1l'IIiOI 10 Wtlt Chief " 'hle de ) oslll , aud they also hn\e fout I'ceol- I'l'tun or the t Hroaidl regliiie nnt the l'ITtct\'II\ of tltlel ( 1Omll 111" ' hue 1101 1olglaH to lIui'iicy t'ecl . 'j'he Sill te Helf l'oll1s8101 SlltS to ha\e IIl'1 ) a cottls:101 largely for the relief of 1 l\ \ ' A. P. . A. aialol'l who sere lu IltqI of Im.thH aH clerks llI1h 1'It c alt COiyistS where they could ln'olnote thl work of the order at the eXpense of the state. . . " 'lln R111aldng 0IIWI1 ; tlervlHheH ( rhc Bee ( loiS 101 wall 10 Iwntln' ( , Stool ! us seakl1Ig ) of all 1clbe's of ' the Atll'l'lC)2tl Protective missoclittlomi. 1u'l'leln ( PI'otlct\e as \ ocf ton. E\'cIJ' A. P. A. Is by lu nwans a howl- log tltrs'lsh , 11houlh every howlng dervish Is al A. 1 A. - ACOllllg to tw logic of Attorney U'Il'1.1l ( ( 'ilt3rCh1IhI , e\ry hUI11Ig ( school 1 all 1'mll'J' : In thl' Unllll Hates Commit's claIJ ' wHhl1 time l'alg1 : of time tml l rlll. Alh'eltselClt next ) ' ( 'Or wl I't'Oi ( : " 2mIlss & 111'H fasimlon- ' ' nllo 1 'hll for ' 0Ig IIIIIal highe' Illlcll' tauht" One good ( ' 0111 CI'oll Is I 11 that IH 000iI. ( ( I I Is 1I'I'atl ( ' In sight. OICt' let I. le ) 111'1111 ( nnll 11 ( 10 ) 1'll ( of and thl farmers of N.'hlslm wl forget that they 1\1'1' suffered tIme ravages of dromitli 'I'he corn lIOp II'ollses to lift the WllOIt' Ial tt ( oC XeIJ'I lm oul of the slough of thi'jit'esslotm. Al1101 ) [ 0011' Clllllllcaly states that thl'l'l are hut Iwo WIYf II wllch time Ilomt. HI Dona CII get ,0ssi'ssioml , of tl : : : , ) vnrrimit-by successful nut tititi 11)115 ) II'ocel'llngs ) 0' I ' III an Iltl'llly bond for the Iloult , .1ust whlt :1' : i i , DO\:11 thinks 01 this Illaln pr01)sltol IH Iut statt'I. Our fl'(11 e0tlt'ii1)0r1tty 11lls111 1 I'ngthy sIctt'hi of Paul Ylltlcn'ool'I , wll Illl'lll l'pfultI ( ' ( 10 hiI en veer In time Iostth : ll'\'ll'I' . But Il mal.Ls no retvrent't' to the grand bounce whlcl Post mmiimsttr nl'Ileml : 1 Ul'l'shal . gave \an- dlr'OO'1 immmt' time l'easonH whll.1 II'OIII'll ) ' thlt l'OIIII'IUhlllo m olelul I 1 mtct. PauL Vu midct'voort Is th" t ' \'IIII'I'\00'1 " olly ( 'N-COIn- imililtilet' of time Glnl11 ( ' of time He- Itllll ! who ( , 'el ' WI'lt dowl south 10 fratermili'.t' wHh Inll slohhl'r over Ih JohnlY 1Ihs ) , No Olhl I IH tll low- oting of tlm& ' Hlars mtiiml ' ' 1'1'llg tl' 1111 sf'IIIS to timi' . stat-s aitimi itars timat hus ' slm nll lars thlt so Lllell'lll the voilnut. Pittil to time lu'arts " . nllllt 1111 tl' Ila'ls of ( it'n. oral" l11IU'l11 mimi "Cololol" 1US l'l , ' who han' for ' (11' hl'l'l I1111Ulablo toe4 of ' \ ' ' ' ' i'Ifoi'L In rcoimc1I time f01'1 I'\'I'I'J' l'foll lelolllc tlo blue , with the gl'I ' , ' 801 ( of time llllleratc orgomis that ' II'l'IHllll ( to read Sllllol' 00'111 out I of the . Ilulol'l'ate Ilu'ly 1 year ago wi ; . ho tryimig their best to l't'111 ! hll Iait'k ' 1A111 tmo' Ihut ho lots showl Il ability - 9 to control time tl'10l'I'ltl' hosls of his ' , owu ' state , IllwlhHlllllg all orgmtlm- , hwt'ollosllo.I ) , Whll ilmey 1'1':11 : lor- ' mll * out of time IlrlJ' ) tlc orgamis thnht hi' \\11 imovet'icss. 'i'hiey Ilt that they ' \\ro ml IIIH'1 11t they wi ; tq to l'oh'L'lt us 1lcoCuUy Ud IOSllu . . , . . - - . - - - - - - - - - , - _ _ \ - Wr(1 1,11 .4IIOUTJ ) 1 lX-UiW1 : 7 1 has been g nraly , sUPtose.1 that one I tb' chief exccutivo 01 the 01 the Ilulea Ct Ihl ehle exccutvo al ttc was to tntorco tha , laws 01 the stnlrJ Accr.lln ! to Oo\ro i1rioomb' Ilea time IUIJrcmo ) court must frst ps upon the ( onttlonaily ot such lw or laws be/orr / they CJn be put In lorce.-Ret Cleut Argu3. 'l'lie IegI.shature of lSUJ ( mncttt ( 1 Inw for the ! O\'el'llll'lt of Cities of time 111'01101111 clnK 'J'hul ! law coltnln ll ) 1 , l'tOI . of wh\lh \ 1l\11 or Ighl relate to timi' Imlcc ! IIOWII' ( : 01 tue IfliIyIr ( 11\1 hiol Ice .1 ! 'IHUlll'lt. t 'j'll I'Jbluhl' t ( ! of I S'J3 1111l' 11 ntl'lnllt to t'IHII : one of Ihls ! Hrtol ell ' . , \ 1 time oilier sect loims ! 'IIIII ttmti'cpoaied , 10r Is I tlle saving ( ' 101151' lii the ' ( ' ' 111i thnt lumpy ! 1ln111 II 1'1'11'11 hi 1'11 ! 1K' tll'l to hul'1 hy Inipiica- tel I Ihllgalrll tl ) ) ' ' \'Nllcll Iii the 'or 115 Ihl' Chill' immuiistrate l ititti comt- timilyor lS lhlf ln h'al' 111 COI- s\'alol' or tl' I ll'll'l : oC time city. Now'imicim luw IH the ' ' ' 1mm Xo\ whllh O\'I'IOI II ditty hO\11 to elfoll ? Is ) hI' ( XIIllll 10 11111 time rlll'll'l )0\\111 ) of time InyO' I whel tI' t IH'I'l' : : 'l' 001 I formed h l ' Inw of ' lotted validity ? is ) I 1HI\l ( ( tolell'ulllly 11 he to ( iO1)m'le ) thl' itinyor of his sala'r 1111 I ioi Ice fit ma' I I ons lS I WI I ht'I' 1 i ' "I ( I time 1)01 ] ' ' 101'11 1 1 , whl'h I nl'l gul'ultCl11 : I to hIm h l % ' the l'hul.tN" ! I l ito I'allot en- . fm'l'p ell Iuw : wlhout 1111\111 11. otll' , whitl Im\ : II Il to eimfor'c ; < anll ( whitl ii' I ; he 10 I1Jfy ? < ( 0'11'10' ( IIJomh 1 ( ( I ) hn I m ! ( xcdl I im I mu- l'lf to thl' utmost to hlvu tim' sulpm't'lmie l'omt lIttPi'lm'et thl ( 'oliIlltliig hl\ for him. I I , \ I I t 0 11t.lII1 1 ( 'h\lh1 1 m I nlil GOIIIlollI' of Public ra1l : llIsSOih hnn' IIt I I si t'll Ihat I he mull S I 1'lfol'I'U. t Iuw of 11011iCuI ( 'Ol tlltollll ' all ( iII IHII' a luw wi 111' \nI11 11 lot I'VII tlPltll1 I I IR not 'It fault of time lXII'lt\ ' < thut t tl' t Il I IKlatl'l : I ha : S 11111 ti' 10 50l'l' a mui'ss of It. lIe 1wllll'(1 ( out Its uiof't'ts , 'llu he ituii'mi'd ( II I bill with Ili % 'OtO. 'l'lmosp defects 1lI'aml mO'1 itggi'iI \ t t'd ( 1111 hwumhl' I afll Ill' I fa I hl'l' of ti"m I " m 1'1 Il''I III ll I , wllll WI : frt ; mited lu I IIl'l t II I .onlll'ml ( I y wllh I t III HtIIU Iwllll ) I i I the ( Jim urci m II- ! ititsstiI bill. People . who tu1. ni mont I ime go\'ei'Iiot"s clut , 10 Ilfo'l'U ) ul la\\1 : II ( ' ( ) itltet'tIOIi wll Ihe IHIle ) ( mlllll 110 111 Imow ( Wllt 11'\ t I ' m'l : lul.llg I I n bout t. 'l'll . gl" - ' ' ' is Iou1)tiess ' ' to t'mifot'i'e time II'UOI' Ii 1101htl' ) l'lI1l ( l'UCn.lC tl hitsus scott as lie Illli out whtl1 law Ii to Ul' elfol'I'I'Il notlMlO ' 1' ; I1IW TIX. 'I'hl hllwll ; IltlI'lit of the country Is fully aln' to time fUll Ihal I w\ 11'obah1 ) ) ' 1l IlrOoslll II the llxt . coil- glOIS to iliOm'OSe he I tex I Oil Iwe. from $1 10 $ : ! 111'1' 111111 , : all I II o'gullzll ; to light I 'I'll gO'llllelfloIl'II'e a 1'\'lnll ( ! fOlm the IlP' ) tax of : aoooOOO I 'eal : and I is I ulrgI ( that to donhll' tl tax \\11111 gin' the t t'eiisiti'y 1lllllll I'I'\-Itt wllolt Illl'lasllg time cost of the ht\'l'lage : 10 time cilSuliilOt-lil olll' \0111H ( , that thl I tux woull II Ialll hJ' time hl'lwl's Hll ieiIm hers , IUt1 hlalllI I sla1e of I. I was 1)t'01)osci ) ( II Il lust congress to 110uhle ( ) the lax emi hl'lI' , lnt I t wlln Ill t 1111Hl'\tl' ( t llmlll' ( of the ways and Il'Uni l'olmiiec heall l 1'0 I the u1Pwcr they \l1 ' lu'omllly ) Illellltl ( Ihnt 1 woult1 ( not i)1' ) poltlal ) ' Ixpllllll ) ( to 11'lla e thlH tax a1l time niitttoi' wits Il'Ollll'll ( ( XoI Is umlillor- siooll : that t I imo I 11 : llmlll I t'aton t I wi I PiOi I- ' i'eeoiimtiiiitd to the imouso IWIJJ' 1ll'011llll 1e1Jhllan ) hln e thlt th t ( tlx 01 blI' be Inll'l'al't from I I to : 2. 'Flit' 1)L'eV'm'S ) \'go , that IIR11l1 aR time tux oil hlol l'mnll ! at tl alOlnt lust inlist'(1 ( , wlle 11 otll taxl : hu\'e i'edncomi it wonld he fair to hCl1 1Cllll'lll , 1 101 ? 111' that iflt'i''i4t to Illl'la e thl' t tax , ( ' 5- lltal ' IIIl \ \ ' of the 1111 that time l'I\11t flom this tax hns hl'I' < aspt slxfoll HlllC It WUH Ilst 1l\'Il11 ( ' 1hlY' also say thut ni atlltounl tax wOlll he 1mll nlhlntl'I ' ly i the l'OISlll1S , iiocluise the i)1\v't's vouid ha\'e to' hll'alHe ; hl'\\'II's WOlll \ ' ( 'ilaig ( ' mOle 0' 1ula' aim Ilfll'lol' 111alty of beer , tutu AlIlI'al ' they wi not be tll10lII ) ( to 10 time ! atlI' . 'I'he Ill a 1lI' wi dt'fomal hln I llf hr slppl ) 'ilg I a sla 1 I I 11' - I (111911 ( t I I ' a t tll ! II'ISII I PIJ < 'I'hl' hllWI'I''gl olhl'l' reasoits aullst al ilt'rPaS I' of thl lax . H1l tl'I'l l'nn he imo doubt that they a. ( 111tl'l } lit tit , ( iet'r- Illnlol I t I 10 light tl t propos I t bit wih ni I Ihl I 110\'l1' ( nll l Illhlll'l' I I I tlY t lal hlll ) to Ilal. ' 1hnt this Is very COl : llllmllc wi I lot hi' 111l tull11 I alil the mttt0itio for the XI\\ York imm'ouvoi-s alo'uey XIYOII. ! II'I\\'II' \ \ ' ILs 1101htl l'II'll.thll ( ) : im'i' l sold Ihlt t uo sllgll' llltl'nl ) I t 1 1I1I I you ill ii s- Sn inc Ihe t l'ISIHISlhllt I I I I , for such n lax. t I I t imuty hI 1101htlll wlwlllI' 1111hll ( time lax Oil hl'I'l''on111 ( 1I01hle ) time 1'1\1111 11'01 thut t i t son tee , Ilt al t nlY I'ah' t It i cit it not lIlt stimm a I ily hl' I ( xht't ) ed that time 1lllllluls of time Flfty.fourtim colmgi''ss wi hUllll' n tax whleh time 11lIO'l'atH of time last congress 1'1'- fUSlIl , OU t lie s'ore of IOiltkli : ( 'N- ' ' ' , to ' ' ' ' ' . 1Hlll'll'r ) IVII sel'lolsl eOIHlllI' isimet'iiuiiy ' : w1 tlr not do 11 wlll t hl'l'e mti. ( ' olhm' s-ays of Illsll/ t lie IcpIlltl t'OVIllltJ IUt lt t . Ihl t 1411 ILl C tme t bom mcii t- lug time Ilhlst.I'H ( If the l'OlUI'J' . . 'lime 1'lllh1lIIS I u hc t next 10UI.tSi . wi UUllo1lh'll ( ' malw ni hOUIHt 111.t to imrovitit' llt0i' ( ' 1'1\1111' fott lie t gOvci'lu- Ulut , hlt they ' 1'1 101 l'alh'll ! lpOI fo "UI'I'III'1 nl ' l'I'llhll':1 ui'1 mu' Ipie II I ( ii-- 1111' tl 11t this UOto Jt'OhlilIiiZO time ( lituii& ' \\'I'lfn'I' of thl iu-t. \Vimatovem- l'OUl'I ( loIS 1' " mllle sl moo Id l'OII' 11'01 titt' 1'I ' whllh Is I l'I' $ IIISlhll ) ) for titt' loll - titmdt't' whlll 1111lt hahclu "I'latlll aUll the Illht If time tuition lu- ct'emlsL ( TIF 1'1Nl'1.lNTA : 1lVt'I3ldc.tY. I'Oi1iiSiV8t1lit IItdH thll yeiLr only n state I t-ollii'cr : nll ( SI\'l'U Jlldgt's of . I hi' SUIHI'lm' ) ( ) l'om'I , n I'lhllal IIClut l'l'I" - ntl'll h i , ' II 11lslnhu'I' , IO that uo very great iittt'it'st w1 ( itt taim tl time ( 'ml lit- 111g I , mil . I 11 Jot to Ie I'XlIIQ"11 [ hInt t , 'lhl'I' 111.ty w11101 Its foil Volt' . Hul thl'fl' : 11 1 \11) imttt'ust. and HOllwhut iiittt't' fnlluuul : lght II time 1lllhlcaJ ! Inl'lr of limO lluh' whlll Is I l'IIUlIlll/ I gooll dial of iiitt'rest outside of PI'UU- syiviuitin , itecatise tilL' rosuit hc liii- 'I\III hl'laUle tl Il'ml tony 11' Illrtlul . to the fulul'\ \ \ 'tiitit ! of the IHU.tJ' Iu time Kl' 'lltOII slah' . 'hill' iP- Ilhll'lt slah' ( ' ( ) ItV'lttIOIl wi ho Iwll OU II Slh or this mOlth mititi I In that hotly time l'ouh'sl will tin fOlght out. ' 1'11 ( 'lmlullluJ ( I iigtlm-CM In 1 tll t fue- tonll tght , whlh nt thus Ilstuulo 111- 11l1' ) uuttrlunnh ! lut1 iitttlittt'iy , 11'1' HI'UI tot < liimy UUII ( 0\11101' ! 1Istlg . 'rIl stiim Is time lmlr11lShll1 of tIme Htulu cowwltec 'hu BouatOI desires . , . , - - - - - - - - - Ihh luosit loll Ild 11 10t' nit net lye 1IIIIIJn tl ( RI'I'1' ( ' I1'iOgmltl'S 10 tll stltO cnl\'Cltol fl\'ol'lue ! to lmlnm. 'I'he It' ( lt rhuh'II\ , I loll , H I' I , o 1H'ROI , wilis tl he ll'llhlt II thl ( pOHllol rUll hI 11 supported iis , ' the JO'CI'UO' nlil , iflt'kei ( hr 11 I I tl t , hlllllII'l' l of time mid- Ilnll'utol. 'I'hl ll'I1hlruI ifles . of II ! lltl , I wOl11 SL''ill , Is II'lI evenly 11h'hll'll I , though t 11 I Ihll ellhlu Sllatol I Qlur hISS l'ittll'C t the I bl'sl of I lIt tl ( matter of mu.'wspnper ) SUIII'I , A harg' Ilmhel' ) of 111tgul's to thc sImile Cull- i''Ilt 101 have 1111 1-1105011 Ill Ilch RIIl' ( Is ( 'ill I I It I mig Ihut I I It I w1 hut Vt' I IIJolt i y , ti'imlt'ii IIY II ) ! ii'COltt'd [ a ! n Rulhll n s-lm's _ ' t'iiis I l' ( sl'uggll whel time fllltl comtfm'omtt I'uh othll' II tl l'OI\"UltOI , 'I'hl ( 'oll'O'I'I' ) : ' thll t has hl'll la'llll oil hlt\\'II'1 ) ( time OI'gUl of the fitet lulls hit S II'II I lhu lul'tl'I'I1ell ( hr . n I'I'I I d cal tf I 1 hltPI'II'I I I t ( ( : . 'II ( leW IIIII'H ( thll t I 1' 'Siohi5' ) hi' I ( 'a . Ul of 11U10' Quay hn1 Ist'll'II'Y HI.tl t Illguagu : ugnhlHt I ( ov- m'It1 I hitstitigs , < 111'111 (1iii'solt . of the t ! lnll coiiiiititU'e I amid iti'oiiI- I Ullt I 1''lllhllnl i I poi I t but mis who 1'1 OJlltll ) , ( ( llily. whlc nn tilL' olhll' t I ( halll I m tl t IIWHltIIC'SIIIHI'II , I i < ( mklsol I I I ii it VI' hlhll I I iged II I Ii Ii Iii elI 1'll . 111'IUItlullol i I I i of I QIU ' . ' 111 utl'UI.IS t I oIl holh 11 ( lala : nit Hlalgllllt of tl' t I 1lllhlhul ) I I li'm : ti t' i-s 11 I PIII I 'h'nI1u I \\.llll I wOlll HIl1 Iau uot full to hi' Ilu limigimmg to lime IHII ' 1111 this II is I Ihut II t lUl 1 IIIJhll'au ( ) ( 'Vt'l''imt'lO ( 10 I ( l'lgllt tie I I igl ht. m I Pcul : 'I\\la II 01' of time st t'ollgimoUs ! of the 1''luii- ) II'II pllll.\ ) : ' . , ' iiirgc ImJorl\ ' of Its Yott'is Iwl I \1' ( Iu l'lllllcal ) : It'IIl1111Is 1ltl itollt'y . lInt time Iltt'tY ) huts hllu 111flullII Ihll' I ( tll ( i'Inommsti'ittIIlg thlll I II lot IIli'tiiltt'I'tii0 ) . I I its 1'11111 ; nlt lIttle IllthlI mite of time Ilalull'1 ilSs1t1'l by til' I or/alH : of tIme factIons I he at'hyVIil hl\ to lulI 11\\ ' it'tuleis I' Ilvll tutu (1's'tO ll'feul. for mu'col'ml- Ilg to thl Ilstllll ' IOUC of time 111'Hllt , 1111111'1 ( hiltS a HluIle claim to time loul , 11111'l' ( I' IIPll of the } ) CU1)1l ) \'hl ( over shnl be I lie 01 IloUI' of this I fu't lommai I COlit'St I ivlmetiicr ' , fullouu l'OU I's WIWtll'l' Qlay 1' the ° i iltosh ltou I to t hll I wil Iu I the colt- \'Iutot , It I is I 111\'lnhle I ( I I that I I 1111 i of tw I i 1lllo I ly that t i I hIlS blt'l ( 'IlIICII I wi 1'ltll nUll ( for n bug tiun' Ul' a 11' ; tll' 1 Ol'I'l of IIHI\'laI1'1 ( ill t1 1)iU'tY. ) Im- IHI'IIg ) I I I t s st llllgl1 I IUll d I a m hush 11mg Is 1 t ( llllil'S of Slll''l'St. I w0111 lnt hI 11H'IIIl If 1 I Ih'I' t1i' CIV'liliiititii05 ( ( t1 l'l'lillii'itilS ) Hhulll lose the $ Iatl' next lO\'l'llll'I' , ' 11' ; " -Tl ' ln'l ' 'IU , ' l'OfWI. Tlll' tile IIIHll'lshhl ) of that Plll11t I Inwl 11. Cutlet 'I'arlol' , time policy of ! talvllg out thl' } Oll'IJ nll : WOllmll t'tmt1doyi'd ! ou thl' t stt'et fO'le mis bell Ilnl/\'ullll iy tl cOlucl ColltliltI' . ' ' ' for - lu to ' lime 'rhe . 1H'11'xl fo' i-ofiislmmg pay Ihl Stiltt'i'S ; 01 the imiomiiiiet' of lime 1)01101' fotl'ttS louloel'll hJ' ) the J111cal ' comittitit tel whllh 11'l'llulh'll to Ilvl' t- gate the 1'I'IUt ( Il'UII'als amid 1Ollt- Il'll ! 1111010 hy the I itol Ice l'Olllsslol. wih whllh the l'Olucl Ias itO 11'e l'lght to Illltlc thal It has wih the re- 10\11 of SIIJluteulllt : [ nlhle 1' the 111\'al : of tit'iiI'15 : lulI Jatlol' h.\ the sllol ( 10an1 'l'ime l'etcxt ) fi' l'IIRII to \'ol the 101 ' callcd : by time itiOr- : IIS Iu Ihl slI'COt IllHlhuelt Is I still 1111)00 ) fl I r. 'l'll COmlltl'e t t ou I I a il(1' Iu- sists l that I 11 t ha\1 10l only hut' Unll' of call itbotei : I' . hut also the loca- : tou 111 st loOt 1 1 IIll' of imhs ( r'sil'lict' iOfOl'e Ulr 1IIIH'olH'latou ) I wi 1 II i ) iiit tie. ' 111 starviut bit 1Jl1r whih Cllh't 'l'a3'ioL ' Is 1 IUUll'UtUg hits hell ) tll11 Oll'e bel'oi-t' 111111' flhlotll'I' II'folll'l' of the snle 1 ) IIHl ( , IHaac : H. I I lwa : 1. . hOlt ) eight j'lals : ago . vimt'ii . the eoimttol t of time iiil'L' ) multi li.tll'IHI.tululs : tait'ii ft'oni tilt' ' ltilm'li itmid t'oli- tlla'l 1'01 thl city l'olull nut lOU- CCI'I'I'II 1101 lie t I totr1 : 'of FI.1 all I'o- I Ice CtHIllsilotll'S I , til t coulel I 1111:1'11 ! 10 imuss tIme luhk'e ! ! sa1aQ' all'oIH'latlol [ hlI'llse ) t1mmi , mis 10W , the t chief of } Oll'I' hall 1111 IitllloI'li 11'01 ! unlhl' sta h' . 'I'hat : atllllt 1110\ n dlsnmmui fmiIium'e. 'rho lawalllllctzlls who ( iesll'Ol to diYOt'O ' thc ' floul it it's t'lllibt'i 1)oi 11\0'ce 1111'e 1101 'OltlR l'l1hulll ' aui ? mlivimimc'd time fiimmds ltl't'c'S- toglthel' ! ( 1 l'l ( 't tl fllH lll'l sal ' to lulutall the polco f01le until the I ( ' 0\11 llllwllll ( tile C0l11l to 1H ' tw iilOlll'3 1lgul ' wlhllll1 'Ihl stul\atol t in)1 ) Icy 11aus Ihl t I m pti ii- Isllllt of ilIltO'eilt 1(1 , \\0111 111 ehlll'el lS . a latll of poliu1 ) splh' WO'I g\.II ' IUI who hOlllt ' pt'1- fO'I 111 Sl'l'vll'I' 101 wllll he is I hued Is elttl'll to hIs 1Hr : Wltllt iilll't'attOlm- Ihl' ) ( I i'iii y. 1l'lnl Ie t ( lplo 'PI' IHlY i wagc'I'I.ll'H tit Ii'tst OUl ' a 'us't't'ic amid Saul l'It'i 1\1 It ti I I Ilcl of eall 1011h I , I Is hlllshil ( nough' for a 11a ( ; Inlorl'l who \\011.1 Oil the strt't'ts of the city to hi' 1011H1"11 ) to'lllt until time IIHl of : time lolth 10' imls hIllY , wlll I often hUPPl'IS ) ) twt hi' lots hll'l 11\1 01b' 1 few Ila 'H' 'uvoik lu lime t itittittli. Nor 1101' ito t ftl'\1t01 t itoh icy a fleet ull'II ' tl lalol'II' : 1111 hIs 1111 > ' . I et'iillt's ) ) time 1\'lhllt , the UlllIII' , the grocer 1111 thl' ha1wl' who ( give hll cI'lill 1111 Ih- ! 111111 ( 11101 11'01111 pl "llnt of his WI1IS fi' the iilmmmemmt : 01 wha t he OWl' tll 111 for the IiiYilml'ilt of tlh' 0\1 hl . 'I'lmt'st' pOl' lu ! 0 l'l'I'K 1111 . IOiicO- ) 111 immtvi' 10 f11111 In he t l'I , t'IISII ' to Il'I'0l1tl111' tHI , Itl 1\11 ( llh'l . 'l'I _ 'lf"H I hit II k WOlll not itt'1''it t hll. I 1 ' of ' ' ( , If It diti , It musshgittmmcmtt Wln'IIIN . 0i , II I 111 I svould simave timein Pttl ty eost' ! . WOlll Mllve tu'l 1I'lt0 1. 'limo HIII'\'ntOI : llllY Is ut tony 1mm- IxI'l ahl' 111 wi hI IU 11'g111l'I ( , nol 011 ' , ' iy I hi' men 111'utr I 111. lull'llty I I l'Onl'llllll , hl t i\ ' t'\'I'I'\ . ' cllzel who ie- 11'\'IS In fair Inli honcst tt'e'mttmmie'mtt of 1I\Iela1uIIII0 : 'I : , \Y. J. 1ht-yilit was II Chicago the utlll' 111 ' . In the UP\\'sltlll'l he aIhnt t Olllha ( WIS hlcolln ; 10lu'whlt I'X- ( 'Itl'l osemtime Ilolh'c " iIttliil ( ( ( ' . Il' I Clllty ( l'ulzetl thut 10lclhll ; 11st hi' i (11)111' , FI'Iltll/ t I II 1011It I tilt ? IIIUOIS cl'hue or lSia , he Ilt this tl'le- ( J11 on the wlle : To Governor Sias A. 10lcomb : Our stale mnut not be dllgraceti by mob IanThe courts must finally settle the queltlon . - 1 Is t no ( line to discuss whose duty I Is to apply to the eouns Doth polIce boarts shoull Immediately begin 8Ut , ant Public opinion will support time board which shows Is re- SllcCt for our form of government by fut ap- 11ealng to the courts. I' . HI'run haH 1101hll i Iwull 11' till ) ; tmo that hit' Oltiy h'gmtil-ctl hOI'l : ; imms 11111elllIl 10 tl l'oll'll to settle the 1a , : tl'I' . AUII wlll hi' cOllS hOlw hI wl Illl Ihut Ilhlc ! opinion IH HUIIIO'I- 11mg tl hOlll ) whll1 tll IhOWI ( Its respect - sllect fur U11' COI'II or goverunmellt. Like I - . . . - . - . tile ly on the wN'I , Imoi'oi'or , : lr , II'J'I1 wi ) Jps ' IUHl "ct.y little to 10 wi h ! I in ' .1 ' 110i ' ( ' 01/\ . It , I I' I 11'01111 nltl ( gCil't'- 0115 i'sIolmsot . imiirtlt'uliiIrly front ( ItO ,011 rllHllh .llurt1lllrly \ Iw COlOtt'i ( 11'01' ( ' ' o ( the cOllh- , to th ( ' 1\IInl of tl ' j flttt'imOS'S of ( ' ' , Collll Wnlcr for cihttHltol ! 10 lllhll' hiI Il'ttlln wll\ \ 1\111 dlllh'll to ( o\e to this eohIlitr3'l'im03 : ' II'l' il0\ \ ' In ? thittii'I- this , Huhsltlll .1111 . ( time eimitt'Ity of fri cud , hl\111 I i hfll 1 IllhlCl'tl to I t ! I s con- Ilton by tile ImtJutstic'c , Im'p Is I good Il'UHOI . to ielIetOJ'Of ) thc PI'l'I'1 Illl\ ' alhO.lIIH Itt 1HlugnllaI : 'l'lmesc leo , Ille , it l'e , \IIII'nls , who I 11hl'll Still- Jt'ctl11 to \hll 11Iplll' to hI 10st out- 1'lglOI PII' ' I'Itol. I 111 t I m'y 1111' C Ii- ( it led to the t ft'it'maiiy Illl'l t of their l\II' t _ 'IlI , 1t1'II'lln'I , ' the t colored iS0li ! , of which i'ace t hey 111 immomitbers. ' 111 IO\I'llllt II tlollg ( al II ( 'lilt 10 ohtlll justice 101' ; ' 1' . \11111' , hit I lots ito 1111 11'01 whll.1 to missist his . 1111\ t I ' , 'j'hll'l 0 tight to . ie ) IH Il/l\l I I 01 ( ie'lay II I . It Iii PlY 1)\.lll I I g 101 Ihcl I hy , 1IOIt1In. 1'01 ) t 11Jllon. _ Sllatol' I PIItlI' I 1111l i I ' Ilhlls I t tlut : t In I time vest 1 time tlit't't of tl fl'lI' Rth'pI Iollngl Igltallol : ) Is I ( lyIltg ( mat. I It' I m'it's to t consult' hlmsllC t wih I t I I tl I t Imoti gilt thul I ( ' 111H1 ( ) hi' iiiOi'e' Ihul u t'I\IH1'Ulr \ ) t'im't'k. 'I'imis lit Itself Is I 1slal t'OlI- 1'1 s10I 101' 11 itt'titmtt fl'l'l' HII'II'Il to lul11 is 1101)1'S ) 10' I 11\'lvn1 of fl'l'l' slh'PI' semttlmmment. hO\\'I'\'l'I 10 not ' 1l1 to hi' haHl'l1 ( OIl mliitaitglbie 11'0111 Thc lily ot tl I fl'l'l slivt'i' cI'ze II tll \\'Ist se'eitms 1llllly ) ( ImHll mlwny . 'I'li- 'IliltlInr. ! . C'hlno Tribune . The absolule kingship 01 corn Is tmnills- puted this . ytar. . . - - I.- . \ ! orllAht ' 1'111. ( 'ourler-Joiirnni. "Who commlle,1 the crime oC ISj3 ? " roars Senator POtTer. SId Maybe It was thIs follow Iclmes , J"l. I 11,1 . , I'ii rlll'r. InI'nalol , ' Nesvs. , Omaha Is iu1ering from a case of thl . " . P. A. Such ntncls are frequently acute but arc not lastimtg . ant generally after re- cover ) ' the patIent's blood Is In a much purer condItion. tit'iiilit' ! I'I hIM ' ' ' ' ! . Jh'I.I' Pii' " I S'"I. Inttanniolls journal , So prnctcal a man as Preltent McDrlte of the Amerlc.n Fcderalon of Iabo : Is able to bee that Sovereign's nalonal bank boycot would hurt labor more than It would hel1 : It If It could he enforced , as he has no Uea II 11 be. TI.ero Is a wIde tlcrence between 3ueh leaders as McBride and Sorelgn , Ther Is also a wide difference between tile forces they lead. , JIAA'IIA' "lh(11' . 1"IAlr , ' " . ! , -Lft'ilgoI ) un" uc an. General Greely says . In JustIficatIon of ArctIc exploration , that wihin a erod ! oC a little more than two \ centries the Arctic regions have furnished . th worll : wIth products - ducts valued 'at over $1200.000,000. Hilt General Grcol ) " . falI . to tel his readers that his Arctic explorera did not bring out any 01 the miions , Tle hardy whalers ali fur gtheers did that , ant have hail to brIng ! out the explor rS u "exlra . D. II. baggage. " Stiiilitln th , ' .Jiir " iln' " . 1" I. SIIIIIn . SIIII\ I'GUMS City Star In the Durrnt edse tour jurors have been ese secured out of 225 eXaltIllIed . unt a venire Issued for 1:0 Ihorl names. If , In the course of judIcial evejts ! , \\'elve men can bo found who do not iaioamithImig . the trial wIll proceed . coed untl somje \ ' Juror Is incapacItated b ) ' ltlckness death or 'sqolle tiebtitty. Or elsQ the case will 11ro ee.d al9 g the tortuous patTI'oi ' legal vIcIssItude 'through the uncertain feids of hung jurIes , new trIals allleals and de- lays whie Durrant , the hero of the day , receives the aduldtons and Hewers ot admiring - miring women. New Uurrauts are hatching In the \eanlme. -0- IIIA 1111 { " ! II'(11tol , ! prlngn.ll tMaR" ( . ) H ' lthlhan. According to a Dzs Moines paper the populists - lists 01 Iowa are preparinG to fuse with time democrat In the coming state elections . I being arranged thai Mr. Crane , the populist candidate for o\ror. and two others on th3t parly's stale tcket , shall wihdraw In favor of the democratic nominees at next \\'edmlosdny'sdemnocratle coilveittloim. General ' 'caver. who Is supposed 10 be manipulatng the deal , Is salt to have at heart besides the welfare of his promised people , the election ot members at the legislature who will have a warm remembrance ef him when I come : , to electing the next United States senator which Is to be an event of tile near future o l'oltll'll I I n p4 I Cit I'e-r. Uarprr's 'c'Ilr. In the recent transfer of power In Englald from the liberals to the unionists no one tea- Lure Is 10re striking In Its contrast with Americn lethocls than the steadiness of po- hitical careers I Is Sahishury' third cabInet - mat which succtCd Gladetoite's fourth cab- met , To tot to whol the idea of a "Ihlrd larm" Is odious , such contnuity ol powcr Is almost Incred ! bte. In Englsh IJoJII.s , on the other hIUI : , permauQncy of leaterhlp Is the test of successful leadership and , whether In power or In oppoltiOli . the leaders holt their places and grow and gain In aumthorlty . In the new cahlnet , for Instance , there Is not a man who has not . been tried In official lIfe ant refponslhll ) , Most of Iher have been In poliics since their early manhood. Even the younger mon , who begIn their minIsterial - Isterial careers In subordinate , positions , are what we shoul.1 . cal Ilollc.1eterans. . Such a thing as putn a new and untried man In a responsible cabinet positonould not be thought 01. TIle gnglsh : can do these thIngs bec.use a statesman of eminent , abiiy c.n I generaly fnd a eonstluele ) " 10 send him to VariiamenL All Britain Is the district of any member of l.rlamenl , ant no } nglsh- man of cabinet caliber need 1m relegated to private life by the peanut politIcs of his tin- mediate localIty. I Is hardly worth while emphasizing the cJnlrdst II thIs counlry Here two succes- siva and . opposlnl : "tidal waves" have swept from the fact of politics nearly every prom- bent member ot congress on both sides of the house. No one can argue that such a de- strleton at all ta ! gains or poltCJI ex- boneflcial. Our pohittes calm- perlene Cil1 be benelclat pOllcs cal- nol he hotter niattaged undet' a syslem which ends 11011lc31 . mrrrs just when they are most valuable. f 11It ) the ' sentiment of local prlte Is strong "rlugh to prevent our coun- try from getting the benefit 01 aimy stalesman- ship IliaC Ig 10t Y'q ot b ) the dlElrlct 1 I ls. ! 'IUN : (1 ( li'h.Cl'i\'l' , . - . \ \ \ I ) . New York ' : qr J : Ambassador : D1)'art ought to come IIQI9 long enough to Imbibe sOle ctind iIe11ipprtc ! doctrIne. He has sount dellp that "the precident been tailing Inlwwrs ! pre ltell .een ; t 01 self-confident and slants In the lIIft \ ! a lell.confdent ofentmes vlole.II , iwppi and It take such a man as Mr. QIJd nt to govern them. " Does the preshlelt gover ? We aupposed that the people ' t"vtn this country. Intlanapols 'nlll : On the Fourth 01 July Ambassnt . r ltaart was so absorbed In junketing with ; I"lsh lord that he could not be preent ' (1he meeting of AmerlcJns " ( t the custom. and preside , as" (1 : long been nnt Whln Great BrH1 \ 'selze < an Islanlt belon.- lag to Brazi he . surprised the diplomatic world by explanlng ! 10 the Ilress what the British overmelt Inten'JIt. I the alleged ambassador has beeline the special counsel ot time BrItsh iorelgn office he should resign having ceaet to show any Interest In any- thing except BrItish affairs , ho Ihoul re- , sign anyway Globe-Democrat : Ambassador flayard's reported - ported remarks that tile Brazilian : tslant 01 TrinIdad Is 10 Imal ant barren that its seizure by England Is not worth talking about I i open to the strongest objecton , Such an excuse I 10 rote ! that I Is not worth serl- Gus argument. I the IInd Is Urazii's that country ought to fight for It If It consIsted 01 nothing but one bowlder Jutting out ot the water. Mr B3)'at's comment Is opposed . to manly sol respect al well al Monroe doe- trune. The Englsh may pat him on the hack for making It , but they would spurn an Eng- Ishman who would speak In a similar itraLn ot I ngllh territory. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'I'll It 1111 ' IiSlTiltl1STl11) ! "I W ! r6tlanapols ; : Omaha A. I" A. should not forget the case at 1 lan named Iebs who violated tile court's restraining orter ; I wi bo ) remetblrell Ihat a sub- eQuent restrainig order was IssUel1 thaI really restrained Kansas City Star : ' 11 polIo row In Omaha shows that nothing but evi anti evil eonlnualy can result frol the policy ot mixing up politics and religion. The divorce- merit ot chnreh and stute wlllh la contem- Plated hy the constitution of the lnlll Stales apples just as fly to the lanalelent ot lunlclllaltes as It docs to time govern- llnt 01 the naton , There can be no I'eaco nor permanent progress In any community where sectarian prejudice anti anllosly arc permitted 10 assert Ihelseivea In connection wih publIc nlalrs , There Is a 111entful lack 01 Christianity In that sort 01 religious intolerance - tolerance which tends 10xcle riotous demon- slratons. Nothing coult ! ) be immure unfor- tunate for Onuaha . than the prevalence of such a spl'l In that city. Denver News : The NlWS believes that the slant 01 Governor 1 llcolb Is righi It Is In behalf 01 law and peace 01orler , The tact thaI \Vorld-hlcraiti of Omaha , edited \ by ex-Congressman llryan , which upported Governor Holcomb for "Ircllon , di'iiolmnccs him does not change the fact ; neiher does it that the republican organ of the state upholds - holts him. The slllJtol Is a pecular one A populst governor Is temantln ! that to escape the danger 01 riot anti bloodshed. the constitutIonalIty of a eontroverlet law shall at once be submltell to the Rupreme court- a republican body. Two republican state officials who. with ) the governor make the appointments Uller the law tecJno 10 ap- prove his request ant InsIst that anarch all blootshel , all riot shall mint deter them from ot the slate action , The republcan organ stiles with the goveror : the Ire coinage- domitocratic organ denounces him The law- tomocralc abhln , peace-Iovlul tenounces voters 01 the state wi stand by the populist governor. A few more such populsls ) ns Holomb and . ! Lilell 01 Nebraska would go tar toward cOI\'lncln/ the people ol the counlry that the 11eop1e's party Is not only the party 01 humalll ) ' . bu also 01 law ant the faithful observance 01 It , anti that I Is the utmilincliing toe of anarchy - archy tn &iiiy lorm. . SIH1 I.lIiI'iS O : . \ , S\"Jf 1 ( 'ilUitCiTII.I. Fremont Leader : Some lawyers , like ChurchlJ. belIeve the governor ought ta en- force a law passed by flue legls1all 0 whether I Is constuUenal or not Auburn Granger : For a lll-fed , ed Ignoramus all hands seem al present to be al pointing lowa'l Attorney General Churchill. HI' should be allowed to secure a legal advise - HI shoult belowet 11 nt- \'ie. ' . North Bond Argus ! An.1 . Hilton still enJoys - Joys the honor of being Indebled to the state In ) Ih3 , um 01 aboul $ , OOJ. Attorney General - oral Chure1 ! Is BI.o Indebted to the state 10 the Imount of salary he has tirawn Friend Telegrallh : The pretext for the removal hy Attorney General Chlrchl of his deputy , \V. S. Sununer , Is entirely too . ' was being over- pauzy. The attorney general ! thadowet In his own omce on tests of popit- larlty ant abilIty , ant simply wa'ted hIm out of the . W'Y. 1ap:110n : Times : The A. u P. A. howlers have promIsed thaI blood would few In the btrlls of Omaha today If any attempt should he made to resist the authority of CliurcIilll' mate . I' . A. pohico commissIoners. At " " , ' " , " , i , 1. TM"r polco ,1 ti'.n''n "r" ,11 II UVUU OUM' O' " ' , . . . . U' _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . .n , was In a sweat anl there ofce Churchi was nary a dl'op of blood In sIght. ONeili Sun In his over-zealousness to 'I get control 01 the Slate institution for the Deaf and Dumb nt Omaha so that he can dictate and control a few appointments A. S. Churchill . attorney general holts that the Insttute Is an nsylum. hereby ( assumln to overule time supreme court. The editor ot The Dee Is the author of the act which made , It a stale Insiuton , anti . the way that Mr. Rosewuter skins Swelled Head Churchill Is very ! , vcry nice When this ame Churchil ' was conductng the preliminary tl tl 01 the men accused of the lynching of Bar- rel Scott before the county Judge of Hal county he had the brazen Imputenee to sit , In his chair chewing : I a cIgar whle cx- , Imlnln women wltne ! ! ? s. No man with the instincts 01 a gentleman would thing of ask- lug R woman a question , eIther In CJurt or out of court wih u cigar stuck In his moulh. 0 I'1'1IISONAI. AX\ o'I'ii ln"IS1'1. . All accounts agree that the Indians did nol pull the Hoe ] In after them. Mr. Corbett was completely knocked out In the first round of the dIvorce mill . The Defenller seems 10 have boon designed for the express purpose of Sllt"lng the lon wlh brine. Row boats and rafts arc now the principal mcans of commu'nlcaton In the Colorado sec- tioti 01 the Amerlcau desert. ton Since Mr. Bryan read the reply 01 Governor ( - - ernor Holcomb his nerve has been sustained by copious applications 01 the kola nul "A great big , Root-natmet man six feet six , weighing 250 pounts an.1 . fond of talking , ' ' Is the description of 1,1 lung Chang given by John VI' . Foler's secretar Som crusty. calou ed doctor assets thaI dangerous microbes lurk on feminine 111)9. Dut the le.le . Is unnecessarily aiarnied The girls wIll have hone 01 his lip. , Chule B. House , a wenlhy New York ] tiierchant who served as a confederate prl- vale .Iurlng the var , has given $100.000 for a fund to collect ant pre erve the conf.Jerate relics ot the war. Should investigation show that the Bannocks - nocks slaughtered elk In Jncklon's lLiie , no amount of civilization . solid or hold , will re- store amlcablo relatIons between Ihem and the best people on earth. : The white marble house or George W. Chllls has Its wIndows boarded UI and 1 sign 01 " } Sale" on it. I Is a house that has sheltered more famOl3 pcoplo than any other rebldence In Phladolphla , The ohl Abbott house whIch Is to he Fell al auction . Is tile oldest house In Providence and the only one left standing after the burning - Ing of the lown by the Indians In 1676. I was the lown's first Inn Notwithstanding its great ago It Is sound , wel. presen'et and ! an interesting relic , t John D. Rockefeller Is not yet out of his differences with the people ot the northwest , nd he 11 In all probabIlIty ha In the courts of Duluth In a short ( hue fighting for the payment at bonds to the amount of $250.000. which the county. through Its commlssloncrs Is now thinkIng 01 rep\lalng. A son was born the oilier evening to lsu Nal Kwarg , the Chinese consul general In New York. The exact hour In which the lit- tie celestial was born was carefully noted tile difference In time between Now York ] ant Peking recorded , and , a cablegram sent to the mo.t famous astrologer In the later cIty . requesting that a horoscope of the Infant be cast , Dr. A. R. Goodrich ot Vernon , ex-eomp- Iroler and . ex-trc'aaurer at Connecticut antI whlely known throughout thai state , has a curIous ant interesting scrapbook . the like at which Is probably not to ba found ene- vitore The most slrlkln feature of the contents cousbts In sample tickets of political ! Ilares ! In Connectcut : national . stale ant towns , for every ) 'e3 from ISH down to date. Colonel Alfred lt Wood . who died In the Village ol Queens N. Y. , last Sunday , In his jOth year went to the war In command of the 1.'ourtlFnth regiment just before the flaIl Hun tight ant Igl and was wounded and left on the field. his horFe hae been shot under him , alll ho was lightIng on foot whln a hulet slruck him ant \oult have killed him but for a packet of vlsltlg cards In his pocket which deflected its coUte , He always kept these mutilated eards Great functions abroad 10 not differ from like affairs In thIs country In Ilroucing that tired feeling among reporters. The ParIs cor- respondent 01 Ih independence Beige offers tills ox planaton of a recent failure : " 1 must say a word , even I a day late , about the charming fete given yesterday at the glsee by Mmne. Felix Fauro I was there anti . I stall there ; that Is the reason why I could not send any account of tIme function , That seht Is my only excuse , arid I Is the strongest proof of the charm of the evening wilch we al passed there " Newspapers Indulge In special editions In honor of their sliver ant gOlden anniver- sarles. Occasionally a e\amont annh'er3ry Is observed. hut centennials are extremely rare. Probably the only newspaper In time country thai lies withstood the vicissitudes of more than a century without altering its name II the Salem , Mass , Gazette , On the 2,1 met . the Gazette celebrted its 125th an- nlvorsry with a special edition , illustrating Beenes In the old town famous a a Illoneer In the cremation movement DespIte its wogiut ! what at year pugnacious. tile Gazette la elue lively and some- . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - Iob.\ (9A3il'.lUN ( lt.tT'i'iiit. In theo days ot fnanelRI depression II's n wise tenant who keeps on the cIIl1 side of his latiuhiortl. Cptaln Broatch Is u tenant ot U. : t , Itrhcock , nly BrYAn received I \O telegrams from Nebraska on I.'rhlay. The fut was from Governor Holeomb sayIng that Ihe ! ovrnor was doing nil In hIs power to seCUN 11 nmlcablo ntjlltlcaton ot the PolIce bo.ml Inuthle In sPite 01 the efforts ot the \\'orltl- Herall ! 10 create R rIot anti state ot nnarc-hiy 11r , l3rytifl'S seeell telegram vas from time Worll-Her.111 office Illl was like Ihls : ' 'It's , sixteen to one that you ilaven't been reading I the Worlt-Heralt , A few 10ra at your lele- ( rams wknuck the fat Into tIme fire.-- G. M. H. ! " I would be awimmilypleasant 1 for Stnles- man Sannlers 1119 coull only convince him- self ot time truth oC the claim that lie \ora than hlhl his own antI justled hil nclol asa a counciman In his legal tilt with Judge hlopoweil , The Klntement sounts wel , hut Slurllers tloim't believe H nn ) ' lure than Iho ten'lsh editor who wrote II does . I'ret Sackct Is starring In I' new role . Ho Is contributng heavy editorials to one of the dervIsh or an ! I ret ought to stick to Igures , lie cm maim his Igllrs prove any- thlg , Fret claIms that lgures won'te , hut atmls , when Pressed , thlt fakirs wl somelmes Igure , " 1 am tired of fighting for n ang of fellows - lows who lie ( howl ) against n crowd that never Irs 10wn. We've been oligeneraled anti that Is all there Is to I. " So spako C. Hanter Scot 10 a crowll of his den'lsh friends Saturday morning , wile JUdge Hope- wel was hl'arlng the centcmllt Iroceedllg' agailist the members of the city council who hail disregarded his reslralnlng order. Thl jlllge was sore , He Iccuser Church\ amid Hussel 01 cowardice antI InslstC that If hIs 1lan had been carried out his friends woull have been at the publc trough now instead 01 on the hog Irnln. He told Rome of his frlents confidentially that he hall not been so disappointed since that time the Anamosa boys refuset t : elect him captain of the eom- 11an ) ' that was formed In that city to go to the front Churchi , Scot and P'bur arc three of a 111 In ole respect at least. They all have Iowa records that they would hike 10 have expunged. Charllr Unit has promised that I Judge lopewel fines any member of Ihe council for vlolatln the orders of the court the lnes will be /alt from the treasury oC council 12 ! That's nothing more than proper Council 125 ought to staml br its members who got Inlo trouble for carrying out Its orters , The alleged organ of democracy pleads for Srickler and wants his past forgiven In vIew of his upright living for the last seven yoars. Virgil Ovid may have been hiving all right , html "Jack Wiiiiamns" hns been havIng : lots of fun even during time past few months. The first time you meet a mal from At- lantic . la. , ask him I lie ' ( mows Ananlas Syllm Chtmrchuill . I he'l tell you the truth ) ou'l get an interesting slory Herman Timme says that be was asked to name hIs price whie the Cliumrciiill-ittms. sell bill was pendIng In the legIslature. He ale says Ihat he didim't do I Is It possible that Herman was ashamet to name ills price because It was so low ? Churchill's new book , "Prominent Men I Have Met In Omaha , " will contain up to date biographies of Jim Alan , Claus 111mb- bard. Phi Wlntel' , Hahnemann P'hur. George Slrler , Colonel htetiileld , Israel Frank , C. iianter Scott . flight Windy Gb- son . V B. Walker . Frank Cr3wford , Harry Van Alstne , Captain l'ahmncr Pete Schwenk , ant others well Iwown In many cItieS. Cadet Taylor Is the latest candidate for reform mayor Cadet has been doing good work for the gang. ills refusal to pay the polce and fire Ilelarllents for July Is sup- posed to have cemcnted the dervish vote In his favor. . Still Taylor hasn't u cinch on the SUppOI.t oC the gang ret. Wile Saunters Is caslng sheels eyes In that direction. W. S. Seavey's business cards contaIn the Inscription "Ex-Chief of Polce ot Omaha. " lie \\1 have no necessity for getting new stationery on account of time acton of time Churchll-Hussel Iolce bill , The tonsorIal artist who operates on ex- Chief 01 Detectives Haze reports that tltere arc a few loose hairs in ( be old sleuth's whiskers. w. .1. flroatch is to be time' boll-wethier of tIme now police commission. lie hiss pledged himself to put time miew law into force and effect anti to rotmto anil vanquish every op. Ponelit. If lme fail , political obliviOn , Sliotliti Ito succeed 110 is to be nominated for mayor and then groomed for governor. Is titla not a charming prograni ? NE'V I.lNIi OiC OClI.tN S'J'Fi.t91IiitS , . % .hIl itet'ivectnNi-w Ytik mxiii Cipatit 1111-It i'iprts. NE\ % ' YORK , Aug. 5-A new limmo of steamers , has been estabhisiueti witlm is'eeltly servica between New York amid Port Litiion , Costa litca. The first etcamer of the new line to arrive at title port u'ill be the now llriiisIm steamer City of Kingston , dmme on the 19th inst. , with a cargo of bananas. The City ot Kingston will sail from New York on August 1 with a cargo of American products and will be followed by tile steamers Sama and George Iumas every \Vcdnesday for Port Limon direct , and leave l'ort Limnon every Saturday for New York , carrying mails. These steamers are fitted with saloon on deck for first class iassongers. It is expected timat the trip ( rein iolt to port will be made within eight days. 'l' ( ) MAIC ii ' ' iiLhiC'VIthOLOCo3I 011 % 'IIS. llnlilw'I ii itilul \itimlgllutuN , , I1it-ct ( I ) 4i'eiIllll ltiin : u lieu 'i'og , . hi'r , PIIII4AI)1ILPIIIA , ' Aug. 5.-The success- tui use of electricity as a misotive pouu'er on steam roads has led tile Baldwin Locomotive works ammtl \Vostlmmghouse Electric and Manufacturing - ufacturing company to effect a commibinatiomi. Confi'remucos have been going on between the two conipatiies for ( Ito past two or three mtionths t'htcIl imave resulted in an agreenlent by which they ivili hereafter work togetilel- Iii the devciopnment of apparatus for 1110 operation of steam railroads by electricIty. It iui expectt'ti that the unIon of these two coompanies will result In the early hmmtroduc- Lion of Improved forms of electric motors for standard railroads. ' 1'r'I ii g I o Cl I iii b 8l nit is I 'I'zt i'omun , TACOMA , Aug. 5.-floating pigeons sent olmt by the Union witll ntountaimi climbers have returned with ilsrsages staiillg ( hat Fred It. Owen , \Valter M , lioswortit anmli Fred Evans , nearly nil exorlonceti ! mimounialmi clhmimbera , Imad been batily froeul lit attonmptimmg to reachl ( he summimnlt of Mount Taconmtm , Time message states the wind is blowing a gale. The pigeons were released at a height of 12,000 feet at a point known as the "Camp of tue Clouds , " DIVIIIINCUR INDIANLMDS Elections Now Being lieu lEave n.u Im 1rtctit Bearing on the Rcsutt8. OKLAHOMA'S BOUNDARY MAY BE EXTENDED ilim iea C4lithilll'lkit 1t''t illr , i'l ( Ii Con' . .tiiIi-rallili' Ollpositiumi , limit Ihudi 'I ltl limit : si t'iihu'r Arts tiitflth'nt ( if U ill minute SulOt't-sN. w'9tshliNu'ro , Atig.GemleraI Armn. strotig , 'One of tile mmtenmbera of tile Da'tYeI comunmissiomi , is epcuiulitmg a few days 1mm'asli. . Ilugtomh lice says tlmtut limo liroelucets flOW' are that hit' commtmmlxsion will be able to 111011 ? a dcalVitll ( Ito Comimpalmy lOlkilmg to future leg- ishimtlomt for hue eettleiiieiit of tlm exlstltmg nitonialous comiditioti of tillngs. At PrCsemmt ( he elections In ( hue variotm tribes are in liron- toss antI tIme comumtmission tlecidci it was rcit for its liimiiber to be ahioemmt In order to lire- vomit the cilarge hettm mflallo that they were there to lmiflulemlce thio voters slid secure tllo legislature , imi the uhifferent nations tlmat wore favorably lluc'lincd to time lsIut's of tlto commi. mutisslon , 'l'liere are Iiielmiy of 1)1013 1mm thto ho- ' tilamm cotmntry who are opposed to the cumtmmnis. siomt alIt ] OtO doIng cvemtlting liosbible to pro.- velmt atm agreemhiLmlt being reacllcti , It is expected 11101 tIme legislatures of time tliftercmit miatiomla will ttmhe sonic action tills fall 1001 < 11mg to an erljtmstincmit. thmt'otmglm tue eoiimtmiselomm : , of ( lie various imitel'estS. Tito Iawcs cotnttilsslon will ask time legislature to ltlpolflt comiitmmissiciiers to negotiate aliui smthmmtit propositions for a' fornu of terrItorial govermulmi emit aniul tim e ul laposi I 10mm of tile laiitl , Mommy of lime ilidittns are opposed to tImbilIg ttl lotnlemuis and divisiolus of lands. tittiugil LImo imuoro rogrcsslvo mute aware that timey tmiimst soommer or lator. 501mb of tito iiuuhialus are also of the opimmiomm that tiumleas ( lucy ubmmiIt 501mb satisfactory proposition to tIle iavcs COmtillllSalOll , or simow SotmlL' ittciimiatlomi tO or- gamtlzo a bettot' formii of govermmlmieitt , comigress will igilore tltoiim mmii ; mroeeed (0 ieglaato with time klmou\'lcdge It already Immue on the mml , . jcct ammd Wlt'llOllL fhmrtimcr constiltatiomi With the various ltatItil5. ) The Clmectaws anti Clhlckaea'v5 have alrcady it C I' I itced a ii isposit iomi to imiect I Ito COIlI iii lsslomt anti iti tllli Cheroltce nation petItIons are al- reatly beIng ciretilate'd asititig ( lie lgielattmi'o to appoInt a cotmmmtmiesIcn to tImed tile favt coiminmisslon with a view to reucimtmig all agl'ee. mtmemlt amiml mmumbmmilttimig to coiigress comae eroi- osittoli for legislation for time territory. (1dm- ( u'rai Arni.srotmg says time cummuttitsalnu with of Imecetmaity be comiipehiti to act slowly , as tlto mmmhiamis will not ho htmrrieti 11110 tioitmg ally- tliimmg , atid arc largely thiapoed to be perfectly satisfied 'itlu their present commdiioml. 'OltiC Oi' 'i'lIl ( Il1O1dGlCb ) SUlIVIit l''tihmitt I ( ill of Cl ii k'ksit-eu' SI iii lrmmnn ho I i'rl ( 'I'M ( t'tl I l' l't.rtitai'sh W'ASIIINGTON , Aug. 5.-hi dIseumeelimg , the immCtluCtiOn of qtticlcsiivor for time 1-car lS9t , time report of time geological survey says titat tiio California omitput romimaineti stationary , but ittat. the price declined ltcariiy. Tin , lligileSt nrlce during time year was $37 per tlask in the closing niomitims and tile loweat $28.50 in Jamiuary. About 3 lice cemmt of tlma pxoclue.t 'a exported. Tite Immmporta w'cro practically nothing. " ' Much Imiterest itas been aroused by the tliscovery of cinnabar iii Texas , but suill. ciermt work ha not been domme to show time 'aItme of tile fimid , iiscussing itlckel , it is saiti that ii'iiit ( Ito closlimg of ( lie Gap mmuimte ims PeitnayIvania time protluctiomi has beconmo Imiconmittlerable. TIme decline hiss been steady for twenty' years. Time illIPorts are from Canitia : atmmi New Caledommia ammd were value1 at over $310,000. The entire turothmmet of citronie iron ore conies fronm California. 'rite PrOltlCt ( of 11191 was more tlma n tiommhlo that of 1893 limit time price remailtemi nearly stationai'y at $15 lice ton , 3GSO long tons being imeoduiceth , Chroniic steel ut relation to armor atmil armimor piercIng imroiectties Is very fully this. cussed. It Is stated tlmat tiio chroimiluni doe not itself increase time hardness of steel , but in colmihminntioa with other smmhstmunces gIves it a simperilcial ltat'dmtess equal to that of tit Harvey process , I'ASSING I'l1i.tSAN'1'11ll5. Chicago Tinies-liermulml : It you want to know wlmtt a cnnilttimtto will un aftet' yOtI have elected Imimmi to ollicu tliscouimt iut9 lmromlseS jtst 1L' imer colmt. Yonkers Stateamnami : "Isn't it uitrnmntto , " soliloquized Crimsoimliemuk , "that ciimtmnpagmumm ttttes ito good mit iiiglmt auth so bad tiuu mtext timer mmi llg ? ' hiat'per's ilazar : "lie'S malcmnj.n a ilar ( figim t , but l'i I lantl 11110 , ' ' ' 'i' I ) tioul bt. 'I'hrtt's time fate of mmii time 'lie'S' that get emi your hook. " Somerville Journal : liven time tat lady ivon't lreak ilown Imer ltc'vcio if 11110 omiiy' immIs time ( oretitnuglmt to itmdtto : 1mev hmuhloomi siee'i' with Imytlrogell gas before she goes to ride. \Vashiluigton Star : "Fail in , " ct'iel thm p'urti leader to the tunic ammmi file. ' 'Fall tnt" ' 3orry. i r , ' ' excltm Ililful it etmtmord I ima tt ala Oman , "blmt We can't do it. W'o're too buay ( tilling out , " Phulaulolpimia Record : Iiimugistrate-T'ritt. otter , s'iittt tin you ulo for a living' ? Iimmtmku , Man ( ( mom hioston-Your ) Imormor viil pmul'mIoti tmim , if I scommi to take mandtme lihcmtieit , imuit yottt. Ilomior's granimnar is umucim at fiutmit. 'Wimat' can imover be mu umymomuymn for ss'luom. ' Brooklyn Emugle : CitletonDlii v.011 daily 'itlm time 1)r'mtlcers at Asbury i'am'k ? ? imi- httmk-Yes ; I mt three charming girls , un1 tile ) ' Irokcl me mi a 'eeic. ( 'Imlengo P014 : ' 'I svrtnt to leave tIme corn- palms. smtid tIm actress. " "Wily tton't you , " tucked the lawyer. ' 'lhcuttise the manager thr'utt'mms to sue for limummiagea If I , lo. ' ' repileti tile nctretts , ' 'ianmnm.temil" exchmuluneti tIle lmtwyer. ' 'Nm- solute ! lIe w'ouitimm' ( itmtvo any sort of a case. " Town T.mplc'4Vilat . : makes you thlnic 3'Otu nrC otialimleti to imecomimo a boo ball 111)1- pire ? Art , you bravo ? Have you ever hut loan a clot ? " "No , but I IittVO acted as judge at a baby' ClmIt'agi Trlimmnn : "Tiul plane , " nhietV'4 the guhitin , simowlng imbi Anmericanm visitor tmlrougll tile moldy castle , "is over COO years old. " ' 'lit that all ? " sail till' Ameriemmmm , ammltllmig tilt , air iticretiuioutiiy. "It iumells a thmunmtler. lag sight older , " A flutIl' [ ' IESCItII'TION , itro'ktt'n , htfp. 11cr eyets timmmt hhtflfl with tender hlglmt I id ic h or lialig ii ty tone ; Time sort of girl ytiti love ilt riglut Aiii ( "limIt to itmalto your owum , 11cr lIps tlmnt hint of imoIie3'eti Itil hello her tiitutalmt tile ; 'l'lmo tort of girl youi long to kiss Hut somu'lmoW never daroi . - , ihIii OILGAN ( ltlllhlt. ilnimnowim Source , lie stands outside my wituios' In tIme street , Iltmmbhl , in I tist o'l of mu ilozt.tm Itt ymt , A mneinory of slllmplor hnhlil-'r ) days. Demur "flume. Sweet hoinu" 011(1 the ( tritim- ielt "Murgtm'rit ( ' , " I thu not know their music was so sweet ; 'fhteVusIiCriVtllttui" Itlmmi limo "timul'Oil. laisim , " I know lint which should have my highest lrais- . 'I'Imeir very crmmdetiess makes tiucmn so coin- imloto. Weary \'agrmer atlul hIs turgid notes , ( it itoriul Verill's uicroiuatic tilcomats , I revel in thiS mmrni.mU'livereul tulr , Wihic'im WitiliS a score of years ( rote oumt mny ? : ; " ; ' witlm a. bubbling boy's dellglmt , Anti leaves inc scatmt of ieimnies 11111 of care. Highest dali in Lcavcning Powcr.-.Latcst U. S. Gov't Report ftoyai ' . A8SOLV'ELV PU r- -