Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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    I ' J' _ . . . , _ : - - ; ; - * , . - ; - : - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - _ - : - - - - - - - - -
. , J'C" , : . " " , J ) .tJ. ? . . - . _ . _ ' . ; - , . ; ; ; ;
' 2 .1'JIJ OMAhA DAILY B r t l'UgHOA , A1To-US'l' n. lSnii
Great Orom1s Out When the Six Day Race
0 vcr S""C'I fluattil reel .Joll Ih. . ( ' "Iuln
_ . . . . Pimrk ' 4Iuiifl Ihe
-SeIIH Sit t I' 1'lr' ! hf ,
1llhl.IIHI fir Ih. . l.uytrM
of I he 4uivt.
, amateur hlcycle ! rca WS
The sIx lay : :
given a tremendous send , off at the Charles
Street : bicycle park last t\'cnlng. an,1 , hail It
not been for an unforeseen dlsuter woUld
have been the most successful ! opening ot
any wheel rice ever given In Omaha. The
rldcr were on theIr eleventh mie anl going
at a merry clp when the heavens were sud-
denly obscured by dark clouds , nnt for a
brief moment a light ; misty drizzle tel , anti .
like n lash the vast crowd were
started by Reelng the rIders tumble tram
their whech , one after another , unt not
a single mount was left upon the track.
hardly , sufcIent moIsture tel to make a man
doff a IIk hat but It was sulclelt to render
def sik track so slippery that It was 11-
poasible for a man to retall his mount without -
out the greatest risk to life ! and limb. As
the conte8tan ! retired to tbor dressing room
hundreds , and hundreds at the great crow.I ,
thInking that the sport was ended for the
evening tuit that a hard storl was ImmI- '
nnt Btampcled , and left the Ine03ure ] on a
rush. A couple of thousand Imowcer . kept
their seats all were rewarded by witnessing
an evening at very exciting racing end II n
flood at glcry. 'fhe ominous clouds dlsal
Ilea red even more rapidly Ulan they had 11" " -
peareo , and oller a halt hour's wait the
referec again sUllonel1 the rider to the Jest
and sent the second time .
ano away they were Eecono tme.
alldst 1 roar ot delighted ppplause trem' '
grandstand anti bleachers. The manaro-
itment . during the enforced , \alt. had tnt-
proved every second of time. and hail the
entire track thoroughly swept , Ipavlrg It In as
good , condition as It was before the raIn fell.
Several ot the rIders were considerably
brulse and scratched tip by their p1Iis . but
all rode the race out with the exception of
Morgan . who had retired before the general
smash up.
up.SmmrlNG 01" A CROWD.
, of
The parade which preceded the opening
the park for the evening's performance was
the biggest wheel paraoe ever seen here.
There were something like 700 bIcycles In
t line , mommy of the riders being ladles and . ]
heae,1 , ] , hy time hand , lale , an Impressl\'e
spectnele as they traversed the principal
thoroughfares The sidewalks were jammll
with people and the very general Interest
S lanlrste ( on all shIes beslolw a huge
crowd for the parl AmI It was there with a
Yengcance. Before the ara.lers I reached the
gates the bleachers were swarming with
xpectant spectators and the grand stand
was rapIdly filling up. ThEe couldn't have
been less titan 4.000 eager spectators on hanI ,
Prolpty at 8:30 : the cOltestants , with theIr
starter lined up across the blue 'ourso In
front of the jlllges' and scorers' stand and
as the starter's Illstol cracked they went
away with a rush , whll the band pla'ed.
The "tarters were W. J. Schratler , W. ' ] . ' .
4 Clarke , I , . fl. 1010n. K K Morgan . henry
F. Tagger , nll Waler Burdlcl , Omaha ;
Frank : . Tessler of Sutton. Neb. . and C. I
hail of Mounl , City , Mo. C II. E. Frllrlclson
dlo not start on accoult of Injuries received
In n recent fall The other entries that
failed to get off were T. n luston anti , G.
hiolton. The track officials were Fl I. . Potter ,
referee Ild tmer ; Hussel Condon Ii ] Iyte
and W. Collins. Judges , enl S. J. howe , :1
Scharack , J. ] ' : . Nixon J. Moch. Charles D
ltmmtledge . I J. Slmhlley T. Doty , G. A.
. : trzle , II. Ohlhender and J. Thompson.
' scoren. There was a sunclent number of
blue coats on IUIII tl see that good order ]
waq malntalnll , anl , everything was In ( per-
feet condIton for 'n rare. evenlng's sport.
: :1.1 Til PACI SI.OW.
Helen was time first to male pace after the
crack of the pistol Time gait however , was
bUt immoderate. an.1 ho wa displaced after enl
lop by fienoral : loral , who held I for an-
o her round , then surrenderel to thia long
boy In black from Sutton. Toasier malnlllned
, I . the lead for two round , trips , "hen he doffed
hi cap to Walter Bnrdlck. For the next
half hour there was a succession of wild
spurts and hot brmmsimrs anti the lead oscillated -
lated between al the members of the field ,
first one setting time pace for a lap or two
then another. The crowd was extremely on-
tlmuaiastic. but Impartal In Its nppluse. A
fine veil of mist came down . and as the track
took on the Jlpness. Schrader went down
with a crasim rolled off onto the soft soil.
while hi" wheel took a skate down the Irack.
Then Iolton went dowmm. Everybody
shouted but no one knew whal was the
Immatter. tint when Tesslar . hhmmrdick Clark ,
Tngglr , hell . and the whole shotl match
t went over and off. the cause las hell through
the crowI , like electricity , Ihlllreds left
their seats cmiii , ] rushed for the gates. but the
bulk nlent at . the crowd saw best to \ \ I.evelop -
After n hnlt hour's wal time 100n was '
agall smlnp blaluly down upon the large
arena anti the athletes were again lashllR
: i about the dizzy ellimse. Temimlor Ourdlck and
Helen seemed to he time stars and set most.
- ' at the pace , but about a halt hour he lorE the
m Inlsh Clark evidently said to hll&ef ] :
& 1 t "See here 'm ] from Missouri , and 'ou'vo '
t got to &how me , .
And he dldn'l lo a timing but shoot to the
tront. nrul for a utile ! nUlle the gang
pedal as I their hives hun ! In time baiammoe .
TIme great erowl , yelCI Iltl It was hearsc.
Men stood upon their slats antI screame like
escaped IUlatc , and , the ladles. too , In a
bird-like way mlel1 ] what they could to the
general glory. din. and the smal boy was In his
1 TIle Missourian pumled away like n Trojan.
The riotous discord of the crowd was muslo
In his var' . a 11ho \ woimhil not bo ) _ lscd.
ilurdick's g.mrnct Ilanll opKerlpd 1 sheen at
Ire about the courae . wnlo time long boy
i , tram Sutton 1011e.1 . like I big black Ilhaltol )
as he str,1lne.1 ' ' ' ,
n e\'el' nerve amid sinew to
catch the flying / Icaler ] Sclmramler. too . was
, In time melee. 111 iluring time great sprInt
I Jpe ] aromll the track \:0 1 ehlcl.el wih
t Its head on. lie was game. howorr , amid
t took tumble after tUlble as It ho ] 11 ] bepn
raised on timeimm nmI IlholSh bleeding.
h.rmbiso4I ) I amid contuse" " 50 his own mother
woullu't , have recoGnlze,1 , him , amid \ witbmout
enough wInd ] to blow imp a bladder , , ho was
right along the leathers , at the llnlmmh.
The In 1 spurt for first ucross the Inpe
'IS Ilothpr hot one. 10lon glided to the
front at the first turn lt the beginning of
the last 11rea 1.IJs. and time smnl hay was
s reechmiiig timat"liolton wins ! " "hioltomm wils ! "
, yhen Tessler on.1 . lur.Icl : ( both went past him
as I ho were going the other way. amid neck
nail neck hot over the tape , the Sutton cii-
zen having his vrobocla In limo 11:11 : The
vast throng cheereo Itself crazy , the 1.llI
snorted out ItA sweetest strains In gobs. and
amIdst Oe general ihiapason ot delirious
Bound the '
first Ilght'a racing came to a
closo. Score :
: ttlles. . .
TllNllr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lles. : I.lps.
Burllcit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
1olon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : I
Ciork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 6
halt . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 6
TI"r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 a
Sehrlcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Morgln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .1
On account et last mmighit's InterruptIon but
two hours was cOluumef , In actual rIding .
Thl wi be mOlle II this e\'enil/ however
the 111stol cracking at 8 precisely . instead
cit 8:30. : _ _ _ _
IAJ.U'I 1thil.'G ; ' 11PI . \TUI .
" 'Oi hms- :11. Ouen\VIlhm ' 1' " , . 1."gt"1
tu . Sjmtm . rim I n Sf mit . 1..r.1 . . .1. . . .
1eORI. WANI , hail. . Aug. ' G.-'fhe nn-
tonal circuit races to < I ) ' were largely nt-
t.n I Id. undo eon llcrlnA thl condition of
the track . worn rnl II ( mist thump. Time feature -
ture \IS th . running of E . C. haiti In tim
mile open. Ho won his hat al,1 wIn easily
first In the final. but n : the Ilul In the
latter exceeded thl mefcrema'mi limit of 2:11 : n
run over was imeccssamTimim ho won with
two lemmgthmj t,1 wih
share lit the ftntu commmpetl.
lon record time of 2l" : " .G. A. ( cOllol
rode ni ( xhlbilol hair In 03 : : .5. tate
I , .
ro ort Sur10rlel :
, Mil 10"ht. class A. final : A. Orelnoelt ,
J' Fort " ' ' \VI. won : e. Ii , l"ait'iVaiimm , n. ,
second : \ \ ' . Amh" , hIumitinIun. third \ : Ii.
flosI.y.'t'lf ' I.k. hum. ! . . ( fourlh ' ' 111 :
2:4& : 3 5. .
Mile IHln.Iklt1 class D : I. C. Johnson C a. )
' yanhwal. \ . n.'curd ( IS' ) yards ) ol . . -
' and T t'oc'p.r (10 ( ) ' : m1 CO , ) , hi flcott
(5 ( yards ) fourth ( ' 11" ; . : \ : . : J Scal
halt 11. open , riln A. II : nl I : O. flm.ff.
Fort \\'a'le. WOI : :1. Lilacic I l'it W"rl' ' ,
- , - . .
Ilronl , W. 1'IIIr I.'ort Vmtynm' . third . ; 0.1
glllrlhltt. IIdd1phUty , fourth. 'l'imne :
1:04 : i-r , ,
) I-r mlp. Inl' ' : I. ' J. Ti WI C8 ( 1101ntl )
fIrst . P. I. HfJhv In rmnint , . ) pm'c'ofld :1
BIol CI ( I lolntlJ ) Ihlri. rolntfJ : ro : 2-r
One tahiti open rlnl ! A : : . Inl'k fIrst .
0 Gel , 't'oflil. . E. I : r I'ol third , t'hnrht's
Miller ( tmmmrth. Time : 222 : .
: Mile halllall , .In' " A : : 1 llrk CArrntrh ( )
Irlt ( loft ( r. ) 'nrll ) lel'1.I. . l' . J. i.ytle (0 (
yards ) thmiril e. 1)Ir ( S yards ) fourth.
' nros : 2:1 : ; I-G. )
lal mie ollPn , class I : CIII1r won.
limmyfeDonmthul P 1'0 11I. \ I. . J. I ( ahlnle thIrd , ] .
1. ] . ( ' . JohlMn 'flme : 1:1 : ) 2-L
: lle open . class I : First hent-B. r ,
lnll first , ( oller 'ecanmi , . A. 1. ] lrwl
third. , ] Time : 2IL : Second , lmeat- ( " :1 , Iur-
ph ) ' first , la I . D. labrnnpplon'l ' A. Car-
liner , thlrl. , 'I'Imnr'h : 3:0 : I-G. F'inmtf-\Von { Imy
E. ] C. Ilald , C. It. Coul"r IPI'Olll. A. Car-
diner , tlmlrd Time : 2:11. l xeee,11 , time
limit ! anti ! run over was n.lh.tP , I : nien . won
IV 1111 , Ilurrny ICCOII unl ulnuuer
Ihlrd. Tlmp : 2'OJ 4- .
' . . . ' ' . " l'OIHL ( lt'l.4SIC. :
I't.E'I'ml" PIOI ! ! t.
1..111 lt IIrlgllfflhl 1..h . .1 of
i4 .rl'rIH..M lu t he IIU\III ( ) nt'M.
NW ] YORF . Aug. ! - hny a good , thing
was upset nt Brighton Beach today . for
some well backed favorites went ( OWI In the
ruck . while long 'shots amid secoltl choices
dlvllrd the money. In the opening race
Sdlonlca was an odes on choice , but he wal
unable 10 catch the llglmt weighted Claru
and finished second. Imperial was also al
odds on choice In the second , but was un-
lacell ] Imposition hell the bail , all the
way , but she was last dying anti \ Artistic , In
: few more jump , would have won. The ta.
vorle In the thlnl event , Doet. an odds
on . won easily. The Swain ran at the head
to the three.quarteanl , then Dogett
passel him. In ] the toulh Mirage halt run
at the head ot the'quartet for three-quarters
ot a mimlle . hut tel back to thIrd , pldce. ] mnl
was the fourth favorite to go down , for she
was unplacel , In the fifth. Juania led to the
hal mile . when Annie Ilhmmimop . who hall been
second ] . came away arl WOII by a length.
'here was a hard drive ' for the second plaeO
and Chiquia sot I tram Juanita. Hugh
Penny was a 1 to 10 shot In tie last race
and won 11 the easiest tashlon possible
Summaries :
First race . one mile . selling : Claruq (2 (
to 1) I ) Wal , Salon lea ( I to r ) eecontlVar , ] -
like ( I to i ) thlrl. 'l'lmp : 1:15. :
lke ' I rice one.lmlf mie , selling : 1m.
1101 C3 ( to 1) ) won. Art tc , C ( 10 1 ) scc-
0111. luealeer (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 0:49k.
'fhlr.l rare. one mIle : Dog ( l ( I 10 21 )
von . The Swum (2 ( to 1) ) 5pCOII. Gollll
GRIp (1 ( to 1) ) thlr,1 'flme : 1IH2. : I ,
( I
'ourth ] race . mile anti a sixteenth , sell :
: lnrshl1 (9 ( to 5) ! ) won 8anlal0 : (8 ( to iJ )
selol.Ir . e ( ( to 5) ) third. TUne : iIS : % ,
Fifth rce , one nmile . soiling : Annie
Bishop (2's ( ' to 1 ) won CimIqimIta (6 ( to 1 )
msho\ Juania IG ( to 1 ) thmiril. Time : 1 H. :
Sixth race , live furlongs : hugh PPlny
( i to 10) ) WOI , I\lnvlet (8 ( to I ) second . Gall
Dollar (2 ( to I ) third. 'fIIP : i:0.h : % .
- - - - - -
Vii ( ti'iid Ch , ' 1'lrtimim's l'tmrse .
CINCINNATI , uThls . , the last day \
of the Oakley races , was arm extra day
given I ) the assocIation for the benefit of
the local firemen's as ! aton. The races
were very largely attended . , / being \re ! ;
ont , anti every one unit \ lt the gates . In- I
ohulll 0\ne18 , omclals Ill reporters. I
Theme were 'evel goomi , , " 01 the card .
four of which were won hy I Isom. , The '
receIpts from the sale of tickets were close i
to . $ ; , ooo , ' Inll In amId IUon I the Ihemen's ( mm nil ;
s.lll receive donutlons from hor8emen who I
wi lolatols
% voim purses. ' Summaries :
] . ' 181 race purse , live furlong : " 10111
(1 ( to 2) ) won. WIllie Loul e ( t tr 1 ) second . '
MnrJorle CC\'ln ( ) thin ' 1IP : 1:02 : :
Second race , selling , six furlol : " 'i-
Illrll ( even ) womi Iortl al (0 ) to 1) ) Hee.lll. I
Early Hose (12 ( 10 1 ) thin Time : 1:15. : .
'l'hln ] race (2 ceIling . live mind , 1 hal fur- I
bugs : . Petrrch (2 to 1 ) won H110prlf
C2 to 1 ) secomul . Cochlw (30 ( to 1) ) third.
.f : 1:00. :
I"olth mace Congress Cluh ha H\cap , one
mie : { IPller (7 ( tn 2) ) won San hulo CS ( to
l.t. ) > , . ecoll , HIY B ( ( to 5) ) third. Time :
1' I'ih race pure. six anti I hllC furlong :
10\ > Gray ( out ) sven Domlnlo (0 ( to 1) ) SIC-
end Jim DOIan ] (10 ( to 1 ) thIn Time : I : : .
Sixth rare , Ituirse mile nll , n sixteenth :
Jne and Cray ( ( to 1) ) won. Htlfn cm ( : to 1 )
le"Oll " , Victorious (2 to 1) ) third. Time :
1:18b :
Seventh race. seven furlongs : Nana C5 ( to
1) ) won. ElIse C ( to 1) ) secomid Fabia (2 ( to 1
ithimd. 'rime : 1:27\ :
Two Ilmuivy Ihl" ' ' nt SC. J.o.1" .
ST. LOUIS. Aug. -'he crowd today ]
enjoyed good sport and the talent was
moderately successful Ihe dump or the
tit ) ' beIng In the fifth race , when George
\V. Unler , nn outsider lt .1 4 to I , picked
up 1 : pounds and made time thrce-quarler
In 1:15 : % . . blJtll n good \ field. The la t
race WIS also a sutprlse. Crevasse , nn
, ' \.r'oolr.'d ' hor.ct. IIf. al'd 'mlay 11
n t111 or eel sprinters . xr.'iklmig I he tulle
Smnmatles In h:4l. : 'I'rack fast. Atteodance . 3,000.
First race . 101nJ. sIx furlongs : Ropd'r ,
C2 ( to 1) ) "oii . McDonald (7 ( to 2\ second
Alrllne (5 ( to 1) ) thIrd. Time : 1IG'l. :
Sicom\ race , five furlongs puree : Can-
field . C2 to 1) ) won , Southworth (4 ( to 1 see-
0111 , . \1 I (2 to 1) ) thlnl. 'Ime : 1 : O : .
'hlr,1 , race. one mie , selling : Hlnln , 0 (
tn 1 ) won. Ch\ot C3 to 1 second , Borderer
(3 ( 10 n thin ] 'Ime : 1:11. :
'onrth ] race . mia Ind a Ilxteluth : 10'
hlnpnll (3 ( to r ) wlm. Sumo (1 ( to 5) ) spcond ,
Tlng 110 (2 ( to 1 third. TIne : 1:49. :
l'lrh race six fLmt longs , selling : George
\ lalp ) ' (4 to 1 ) Wal. Lrll , ' 1' : < 810n 13 to
1 secoimd , Trenton (3 ( to 2) ) third. ' 110 :
1itt. : !
SIxth race . one mile . spll : Crevasse 13
to 1 ) wan Addle Buchanan (6 ( to n seconl ,
1 1'0) ' (5 ( 10 1) ] ) third. Time : 1:11. \
Onkley ] 1"1' ' ' ' . ( 'mln Cn ' ' 'In.I.r.
DETItOIT . Aug. 5.-I our favorites amid
two well ] lrleII second choices won In the
\Vlmmclsor races toda ) ' . A JoOI size , ] erow.1 .
was prelent anti fourteen bookmakers 1111
1 peed buslrme.sq. A large lulber of hor.'e !
nnlvll frol Oallev toda ) ' . HfHuls :
First t mace , six furlongs : 10h'H ner
won , Hal Bnn s cor.d. Radiator third. Time :
1:15. :
S'cono race , fonr rind n hnlf furlongs ] :
nncl ! won. Yom : ! Tom seeord , Brown
J'w1 thlrl. , ' 'ln1 : 0r.3 : ; .
'l'imlrml Ice , ole mlo : . Grannal won ClP'
tnln Brown second , Florence l third. Time :
1 :1J : , .
T'ailrth race five furlongs : Serena worm ,
11111 R second Concession third. Time :
10) ; . .
1"Ih mare tulle anti arm eighth , : Little
E.I : won. Ietolia second ] , I \anatus timirti.
Time : 1:55. :
Hxth 1.1. . tlx furlongs : Anna :11)e8
vomi . ] oxhHI econl , Bird ] Catcher timird.
Time : ltH : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ic'I" " 'rH'I nnl Slln' T'mt' . I
KANSAS 5.--Ihmmt two favorites I ,
landed ] money for the talent tod.iy. A '
heavy truck CIUSI slow time to be made.
lls :
First ' race throe-'uartprl at n mIle : .Iohn ,
C (8 ( to 1 ) won.'nl"r CS ( to 1 ) ! ecold , Pln
Point ( W to 1 ) third Time : I :21. :
HCPOII rn ' c' , three.uurters of n nub :
Bob 1 ' lalJll ( even ) worm , Sir Charles C4 to
1:1. 1) ) : s.'cond , 80uthl'ncst (5 ( to 1 ) third. Time :
Thin race four amid r. haIr furlongs :
Barney Alton (3 ( 10 n won , 'hurman ( G to
5) ) m'econd , 1.IWe ElI ( : 10 1 ) thIrd. Time :
I : Oi'c.
I'ourth race , flvn.etglmth of n mil : John
P I t 1 ) won , h3essis I to n see-
al' ' ] . MOlls (3 tu 1 ) third. Time : 1 :01. :
Plrh rcp , five and n hal furlongs : F '
F Choleo (3 ( to 21 ) won . Monk Ol'frton
( : 10 1 second . Id1 (0 ( to 1 ) third. Time :
115 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1'1,1 of I. C\'hlul Mt-i'4Izi.
CIE'ELAND ] . , Ammg. G.-At the windup or
time grand circuit races toIay ( In the 2:2 :
pacing class , unlllshed , Direction won the
sixth . se'enth anti elhth heats anti , the
rnce. Times : 2:0 : ' . 2:10 : amid 2lim,4. len 0
won ( he fourth antI fifth heat In 2:0 : ; nnd
2:0\ : \ : len D got second mooney . Coleridge
U'lr and Gulnete fourth.
In the 2:1 : class. trotting . unlnlshe ,
Bnlllo won the ninth heat and rce ,
'flme , 231 : ] . . 'olonel KUSer won the Ighth
hrat. Time , 2t21 : : . Colonel Kmmser ] second
SImmons money . l rourth. ate Phahiumont thlr anti I.el
PIInl I ii't'imt" ; UI ) ' to " 'In.
LONDON Aug. 5.-At the Hurst park
han ] holla ) ' meeting today , the Uank
Hol.l . ) ' handicap of 30 sovereigns was
won h ' Mr. Poximmill ' .
: ll. Joxhul Keene' Uohpol ]
Tonl 111nlll" , Iowlo wns second and Mrs.
] ' : ve , lar ao timirmi. 1rs.
Mr. Foxhal h'eemie's Dlmly ran second . II
the race for the 1ol low 2.vemr..Mtt : ' plate
of 10 foverllI ! Mr . 1hl \I'earol'l Mc.lplne
won Inl111 Fool wn" third .
l'r"ltrhll ( . ; lT nro" 11. . . . .
WCISTI.n'IT. : \ . Ji. , . \UI. L-Speelal (
Telcgrnmmi.- ) Cr.'at prrrllrllonl mire hplng
made . ] for thin . lidlo Grove rol 's. Nearl '
all the horpc" that wprn \\.hstcr City
enter."i then' . Clt
Ire eOh'f'.1 end n\houh thll ts the
Inlt"1 nwetl at the throve. time I'eollle
mire h.plnnll tn IonIc \III'm limo affair as
ann of time tmimtmrtant pochM ot the yearS .
- -S
" ' ) ' mmmmmIsip ' ' ( hl1 Htrl .
RA\VLINS , \ ' . . Aug. f.-SpecIa1 ( Tele-
gratmm.-A : big strike was made by the Penn-
; h'alla Mining company at Soml\oo Satut-
tiny . II I new shar which they were stmmk-
In , . : \1 elihtCon.luch vein at free 1111
ton \hl arc was melt thM n'erocea $500 per
iii . :1E : RUNS DI ) TIE . TRICK {
Enrd Slugging on Doth Bldcs but Quhlicy ,
Did the Most I
. -
ll vi 10 t i , n"Plllrl I y mm nil 1ifft'et. nli
. . . .
I..rl ) 11'1.lrl..1 . 1) ' S lit' letter -
, ' er ' U"I ' "
ur Ch , ' 11) ' .
qulnc , 8 : DpI'er , 1.
] .llcoll , 21 : Jacksonville , 7.
1.'rla. 12 ; St Josel'h , I.
Cleveland . 9 ; [ .oulsvl , ' . 2.
Ht. ] .OII ! 7 : l'ittsimiirg , 4.
, Vttsbmlngton . 12 ; hhtttimmmorc 5.
Bostonl 7 : Ihl\elllhll. : . \ 3.
New Yotk. ] : : lirooklyii 6.
FCttima ! City , 6 : Minmmt'aimolis . I.
Dettolt , 3 : Terre lliutmte. 2.
St. laul , 1 : Milwaukee . G.
QUINCY . iii. , Aug. G.-Speclal ( ! Tcleram. )
-A home run with two men 01 bases gave
Denver a lead at threE rUls II the sixth
inning today , but Qunlc batted out two
hOle runs In the se\nth and got three
more runs a 11 the tame ! II the eighth In-
ning on a cemblna101 of two errors a Bacrl-
fico and three single Score :
lce all
All. H. 111. PO. A. g.
: Terlel If. . . . . . . . . Al. r 0 1 .1 I 1
I.arcqup. 2b. . . . . . . ( 1 2 0 3 0
Mc\'ey . 11. . . . . . . . 1 1 15 2 I
htolmimes . at..5 . . . . 2 1 : 0 2
lioland . c. . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 .1 1 0
White . s" 1. . . . . . . . . I 1 1 1 I 0
MeCormnuck . Sb.'I . . . 1 : 1 : : U
: lcCormlcc. : . . . . . . . . : 1 1 ( ) 0 0
: lu.rlcv , ' , p..I - - u - 1 - 2 - 4 1 1
Totals . . . . . . . .40 . S 1 17 11 4
D X\m.
M1. n. lB. P0. A. B.
Shatter . If. . . . . . . . . I 1 1 : 0 1
Ihlrlclm 3h. : . . . . . . . : 0 ( 2 2 0 )
Single 1.\ \ 0 0 3 0 1
h1utcimn4on 1 ! , rf. . . . . . : 2 : 1 l' 1
lutch , Ib..1 1 2 I 1 2
Iohman , e. . . . . . . . : 1 1 1 ( 2 0
Wchter 2b. . . . . . . . . I I ) 0 2 : : m 0
MiIe. ES. . . . . . . . . . 4 I ) 0 2 G 2
Carrl8h , 1..4 0 0 0 1 0
- - - - - -
Totals . . . . . . . .33 r 7 2 I. 7
Qulnc . . . . . . . . . 000200231-8
Illver . . . . . . . . 2 0 ( 0 0 : : i 0 0 0- G .
Earned ] runs : QuIncy. r : lenver. 3. Two-
base his : I.nrocqu. lcGormnek. HOle
runs : nrocque. ] leVp ) ' . Lolmmntin. Double
plays : "leGree\'p to McVey to ) ileCor-
mack : Miles 10 Richter to Inls. First base
on balls : Off 1Iclleo\Y. 1 : oft Carrisim.
2. Pas5"o hlls : .ohman ] , 1 Struck
out : ly : lcGlceve ) ' , I Time : One hour
and thirty minutes. Ullte : Mr. Hamsa ) ' .
JACKSON\'U.I.g. Ill. , Aug. 5.-Special (
Toiegramim.-Thie ) Lincoln teal : won fll
.Jncksonviilo today by genii , hnl ] hltln
and veer . field work by Jacksonville.
Sphwartz was ,1a,1 , easy , lelln ! thp vis-
. time other hand ] ,
Irs hit him heaviy. Un hll
lurneR imithed a lne grime. 10h Car-
ruthers wIll bl In time box tomorrow. Score :
Jackonville . . . . 0 0 : : I ) 0 0 1 07
Jlcl.sonvle .lnLoln . . . . . . . 0 1 0 0 8 2 G I . -21 t
hilts : Juclsonvle. 1 ; . .Incoln. ] 21 Er-
lOtS : Jucl.lonvle. 6 : Lincoln 7. Ea'nel
runs : Jacksomiviile . : : : Lincoln , 11. Two-
hiase ! his : O'Brlen , Klmmen'r. Egan. Don-
nell ) ' , Double ] plays , : Belt to ] ' : pal to Car-
ruthers : Ilohlingsworth tu Ebright to
O'Brlen. naterlps : Srhwurtz 111 loovl'r ;
Brnos fnl , Spe r. Umpire : Mr. \\11" ] .
PEORIA . ill. , Aug. -Speclal ( Telegranm. )
-PeorIa hnd 1 waltwa ) ' today In the
game with St Joreph. I won the gamp In
pamo first two Inn \ npR. foil the visitors
couldn't get anywhere near thereafter.
S ( ore :
Il'orll . . . . . . . .2 4 0 4.0 0 2 0 -12
Sl JOSPJh . . . . . 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 14
His : Pearl , 1 ; St. Joseph 6. Errors :
Peoria. 6 ; Ht. .lu3rph , 6. Earned ] runs :
l'eorla 4 : St. Joseph 1. 'wo.baso hit :
Grithin. ' o hilts : Thomas , Go\n .
Stolen hasps : Flynn 1"18hll (2) ( ) . hailer .
Rcisier (3) ( ) . : Marcum Alherts. 1ouble Imlay :
Flynn ] to Huller. Struck out : ly 'homas.
5. ) Bases on balls : Off Thommtas . :1 : : off
Slagle. 4.viitl pitches : Thomas. lilt ly
pitched hal : Thomas. flatteries : Thomus
and Gels ; Slaple anti , Jones. Time : One
hour ant forty-hive mlnules. Um1lre : ) Ir.
HOCKFOID , Aug , G.-Rockford - Des
Moimmea . no ale ; rain.
Ilayed.on. . Lost. 1'.Ct.
Peoria . . . . . . . . . 79 (2 ' 65.8
1.lncoln . . . . . . . . .7S 47 3t 60.3
Ups Moines . . . . . . 7S 4 34 M.4
Denver . . . . . . . . . 79 I 3 50.6
Quincy . . . . . . . . .79 .It ) 39 50.6
Ioekfort . . . . . . .7M :1 : : 43 41,9
Jacksonville . . . . . SO ) :0 r 31.G
Jlcksonvle S. . . . . . . 79 21 r2 312
Gaines today : Deq Moines nt HocltCorl :
St. Joseph at Peorll : Denver at Quincy :
J.lncoll at Jacksonville.
fI ! I H. ' ' 1'1 n : \ ' ' : , \ i.l3A(1'ii. ' . I
flt"'lnlul ( keekMtlmt' Con'lu..rlll ( ' 01- '
o"c.l. nno _ ' "M1IH' . n " , 'C'I'
LE\'I ] , \ND , Aug. 6.-'fhe Clovelands
beat the Colonel easily tel ( ) ' . 'ho game
.us playel In mud. Attendance. , 800. Sc'ore :
Clevelan.1 . . . . . . . . 1 4 2 0 0 0 2 0 . -9
Louhwln : . . . . . . . . . .1 0 0 0 1 . . 0 00 - 0-2
- - - - - - -
tilts : Cle\'CIUI. l : J.OlSVlle. h. air-
rors : Clovelammtl . : ; I.oulsvle , 1. } ared
runs : Cleveland . 5. Base by errors : Cevo-
hmd. 1 ; I.oulsvlp. : 2. I.ef emu bases : Cleve-
la.1d , 10 ; LouisvIlle , a. Base on halls : Oft
Young 1 ; ort Inks 4. Struck out : lly
Young. 7. 'wo-base his : Ihurkett , Sllles.
SuC'lce ! hit : Immcr. Stolen hape : Bur-
lel Young. Bateries : Young and Zlm-
mcr ; Inks , Warner ald uhnpr. Ulplre :
Jovne. ' 1lme : One hour 111 nrt-Uve min-
PITTSIURa , Aug. -'l'he Brown were
full of 'ini . while time Pltsbur s played I
Istp.5 : game . Ind before the Pirates
wakened St. I.oulq score.1 . seven rummmt . In
the seventh the Browns fell on Gardner for
four hits , glvlll them three rune amid the
game. Alenance ] , 1,10. Scorm :
Pltslun . . . . . . . 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 ) 1 0-1 (
St J'lls . . . . . . .1 0 1 0 0 I 0 3 0 2-1
hilts : Ilttshurg , 8 : St. Louis . 11. Errors :
Pittsburg . 4 : Rt. Louis 2. Earned I runs :
Pllsbut . : : SI. Louis , 3. "wo-bas hilt :
ClOSS. 'l'hree-lase hit : IlelII : . Sacrifice
hl : Quinn. Pelz. Slolon hases : Htnzll ,
Urowmi Cooley Quinn . Dowl , , Ely. ] ] hullc
plays : XIIJ to Bllrhautr to leckle ' :
Quinn to Ely to Volta. Bnse emi bull e :
Slllzel , Cross . Brown (21. ( ) Qunn ! , DowU.
lilt \ ' pitched bail : 1)ommovamt . ] 'uitz.
'las"o < 1 b"13 : Merritt , : llPI' : . Balerlet :
Gardner , amid ! Ierrlt ; Jhret and Miller.
Time : 'wo hours mind five minutes. Uni-
hire : O'Iuy.
BOYD OtTPTCHl'S ] h1OlrF'iR.
\'ASI I NGTOl. Aug. G.-I was Bo,1
lralnst Hotter and the former proved , time
better imltcimir. Cartwmlglmt : Abbey , Sclbaeh
anti ' ] Joyce peclah' : llstlluished them-
selves In pOI1lnp the Ilolver ) ' at the
Orioles' twirler Joyce drlvln/ In half of
the runs. The game ' was : called at the cmiii . ]
at the eighth liming on account of ark-
ne l. Attenmiance. 2.80. Score :
Wushln ton . . . . . . 0 1 1 0 2 4 0 -12
Baltimore . . . . . . .0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 G
hilts : \'ashlngton. 12 : ilahtlmmiore. 9. Er-
rots : \'INhllgton. 1 : hiultimnore. 1. ] lrned
runs : \\'ashlngton. G : Uallmore , 2. Two-base
his : Clarltp 10rer , Tiuree-base his :
Cartwright , Jore Abbe ) ' . Stolen bases :
Hotter , Crooks. ) Here ruus : Abbey .To 'ec.
Sacrifice hits : Brodie. Oouble's : :
Schlebeek to Cartwtlght. Base on bails :
Off Boy , ] . 3 : off IIoiThr. G. Hit h ) ' pitched
hal : Crook , Cartvrigimt . Jlnnhl 9 , Aim'-
( ; utre. al bases : " 'lshlnlton , 7 ;
Ilaltimnore . 4. Struck out : Dy Bed 1 ;
by 1oler. 1. 1assel bal : Clatl ( , ) Bat-
lerl.s : lioyii anti ] lcUulre : 10rer and
( ' 1',1 ke. Time : 'rwo hours anti thirty muimi-
imtert. Um\lre : Keete.
nOSTON Aug. ( -Boslol como to the
front In tOlas game . thanks to Nichols'
good pitching anti the cxcelent Uehlng of
the ( Learn. PhIladelphia could not make
In his count. Bole led . ] for the visItors
2.r. hoth mit Score bat : and In ) the field. Attendance .
Icston . . . . . . . . . 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 ( C . -7
1llhllollhll . . . . . 0 0 tOo 2 0 0 0
hilts : BoslOlh 13 : Phlaoelphla , 8. Errors .
rors : Boston . . : Philadelphia . a. Bared
runs : Boston . 4. ' 'wo.basl hit : Lowe
'flrel.bnEI lilt : Boyle. HOle run :
Stolen bases : Lowe , ILilInman. Base on
bails : DuI ) ' . Tucker , : lcCarth ) ' , Hall-
ton ( 'arsey . Sacrifice hit : liannon Slruct !
out : TuckerAlcemirihy . Dunnon. D.ublo
plas : Nichols to ] ,011 to Tucker : Nash
to Loire to Tucker : . ' '
(2) ( ) ; Lowe to ' 'l'ticker
Wild pltches : Nichols. > naterl' : Nichols
'und Ganzel : Carle ) ' and Comnent. Time :
Two hours. Umpire : Entails. 'lue
NgW YOlh7. Aug. 5.-After two UISUC-
'ssful ItOrtts , the Giants today won a
. amne trom time Ihrookiyns. Oumbfrt took
his IUl'n In the box anti was imearly knock.1 '
wa learl
out Iullo ( let up In speed ( utter the Ibth !
11111 ; . "hlch nocount9 fur the number at
his lade oil 1dm. 'fom Burns . released
! h ) " Brooklyn tnlurtu ) ' . wps signed \y New
YOlk tota ) ' ulll will Iminy toniorroiv Iflmt.
ler , time re" fielder . will bo rehe.smmedtt .
tenoan ( ' . G.O. Score :
New York . . . . . . 3 0 1 a 1 0 2 0 ' -3
Brooklyn . . . . . . . ( 2 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 G
hilts : New Yorl : . 13 ; hirooklyn . 10. Er-
- . -
mrs New 'eskj ; Brooklyn . . I'ntnl.1 .
rlnl : New ' IrK , 6. Irookl'n t First 1
h:90 on . 'rrur. ' Nt'w Yorlc. 1. I ; hlroimblyim , I
' 'hrlt-III " hn ! \ ' tim I lmultr'im . Ua\'I . Twn
hall hi I ! : : mfrtmij . ) I (21 ( ) , Illr.'n. Rtlriol11 < tlln (2) ( ) .
1. ( < hIIC" t'orqrtm. Stolen Imast's : C ' or-
reran . Alum ( ithy SVilsomi . UOlhln plays . :
( orlor'l ' In l.a' ) Wllon. ' \ ' ' Ilchel : ( Itmimu-
bert , I : HISler' ' 1. : l'itseti ball : \Viis nm.
lel \'I J.
liatirries : 111 1i Q. . 'lrn.1 anti , \1 " on : ( him-
bert uII1 hi ) ; ' 'InOnc : hotr nie ]
fertv-nhmmc' llummt. Ilnllll ; ) l'111Irpl : Blrhll nll ,
CINCI't,1 ' Atl , . -CI'llrt.Chlcalo
1lle 1)OMtPOlfed : ' tiremnen's benel nt Oak-
Ie ' . .
le3p .J' f'
STAND'hG . pP TIm T ' : . \ S.
. , : h . ' , ' . . 'etiVomi , ] o"t.1.CI
Cleveland : . , . . . . , .11 rl : m.o
Illsbur . . : . r. . ; \ . ! ; m : : ; m.s
hhultimmmore . .Ii.i. . . 71 ! . 4 Si 5S.2 ,
laltmore ' . .11 31
Chlco . . . .i. . : . . : ' : lit J Gt : 1 1,0.7
10lton . . . . . . . . . ! 45 : 50.3
Irooki'l - - - - . - - u jI H ai r.La
dlcll i n : : : : : : : : . : : : si : 45 : fi :
Ihlllllllhll . . . . - . . 81 43 : r..l :
New York . . . . . . . Rt 42 :1 : 111 !
\\lhln tun . , . . . 7i ; , ; 27 4't 3'i.1 ' )
St. I.oult . . . . . . . S1 2 :1 f.S 3'.3
Louisville . . . . . . . 81 21 c 2.j.9
Gnmes today : . Brooklyn It Boston : \Vnshm-
IKton nt Neti. I'imlhii-
! lew York : Baltmore It Phla-
Ielphl1 : St 1.0118 It Iltsbur : 10uls\11
nt Clevelall ] ; Chicago nt Cincinnati.
SOII' : 0 ] 'I'iiil % 'I.'I'I.nS 1.1\al' .
! 1. I'nll Aizmltt' ish.i'nui In ( liiItmmei' n
1.1 t t. . Ih'C h'r.
ST. PAUl. Aug. 5.-liruker was hit harl ,
ant the errors of the visitors were made
Just when they counted the I O ! t. I Wil
nn easy win for time home leam Score :
St. 1111 . . . . . . . 0 I 0 I 2 1 0 2 1 4-1
Mlwnukec . . . . . 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2- (
His : St Patti . 151 : Milwaukee . 9. Errors : :
St. Patti , I : ! lwnukee , t. Jaterlls : John-
son ant 10Yle ; JakPI' nn.1 . Moran.
lIXN ] AIOI.IS. Aug. -Scoro :
MnneapohI. ! . . . . . 0 1 t 1 1 0 0 0 0-
Kansas City . . . . . 3 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 ' - -
Hits : Allnitcaimohis . 7 ; Kansas City , 6. , Errors .
rors : : lnneallls , 1 ; "lnlal City , : - Batteries -
tories : Ieal ) and \\1 01 ; hastings and
Bel' en.
l > 'HOI'I" AUg. 5.-Score :
Detroi . . . . . . . . . 000000300-3 :
Terre Haute . . . . 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 02
hilts : Detroit , 9 : Terre Iltmtmte 9. Errors :
Terre ilatite . 3. hlatti'riesVhmitchmilh amid
'fwlnehnm ; Gear anti HOlch. :
l'layed. Womm. I..t 1'Ct.
St. Pall . . . . . . . . IlaI1VOI. C 31 . P.Ct rO.7
IldlalalolH . . . . . ! H :2 r.o.1 )
KUI.a" City . . . . . 82 49 3i W.8 I
Mthwatmlee . . . . . . 8 ; " 45 :1 [ 2.3
Mlnnpalo\8 : . . . . . 81 .1 4 ( 50.6
Detroit . . . . . . . . . . so :9 41 R.S
Terre haute " ' ' ' S.I :10 : r.1 3G. ]
Grand Huplls . . . . 85 : C 32.9
Gumus today : Milwaukee lt Mlnlealloll ;
Knnsas City 1t St. Paul ; I mmditttmrmpolia ] 1' '
Gmnl Hnllll ! ; 'ferre . 111te JIIUlloll
- - - -
IHSI.n'I'I.n : : illS I'US'I' CJ nU'I'\
11 r. ' ' 1 ] 1ti1 let.4)ipt'ratom- 1 linavim ) '
. 'ohl.t th ' Ilnl , , Or 'tinleomm ( tiifs.
Jack hathaway . ono ot the fire alll polce
alarm operators . followed tIme example of
Operator Homano and deserted his pJst Sun-
day night . heaving emily one regular operator
on duty.
Whel Operator HOlano suspended himsel
the ther nIght I left hut two oparators . '
Petty amm'J Hathaway , to do the service for
twenty.tolr hours each day. Prior 10 Ho-
mano's desertion th'3 three len had been
working In eIght-hour shuts. Sunday
morning CimtefWImIte . relueste,1 Officer lien-
80mm who Imar been In charge of the alarm de .
partment. tG Instrup Hathaway to report for
duty at 7 o'cock Ithlt night Insteao at 3
ochock that aferoon , and to work for
twelve insteatl or glght hours Hathaway
was notified accprdlJgl ) ' amid Imme.ldtely held
a COnVr3aton ; , with Superlntenlent COUIN
at the fire ammltpohlca ( alarm as to what action
ho should tale. I
At 3 o'clocl ? Sunay \ aferoon Hathawa
reported for out ) lIe was again orlered by
Officer Hengei 10 report for duty at 7
o'clock for l\'ielv \ ' hours' work ] He re-
plied that he mild not know whether he woulo
do so or not l\o refused to givE Mr. Hengen
any satsfacton weri asked what he pro-
hosed to do. jfter' some talk with leng n
on the maier hathaway called up Super-
Intendent Coulter ajmd asked whore he cuhl
meet himmi. All appointment was evidently
ma e. and Hathaway wcnt ont to keep it.
lie Is sUit out When the tme came for
him to repct fo duty he failed to
show Ul1 alI Officer lengen took charge of
the ofce and worked until 12 o'clocl .
when he was relevell by Operator Petty.
Hathaway has been slspendco and his removal -
moval wi he recomnientled , ' ] by the chief
of police. Ills derertloim was calculated to
00 more \amage , \ to the dopartmelt than was
that of Itommiano . as It left but one operator
on duty. Fortunately I Officer Hengen has
served hIs apprentceship In the ollerator's
room anti Is thoroughly competent to take
charge of the office . "Spll" J.'arlsh ot the
Ire lepartment Is also lamliar with the
work of the room and wOI1 bc available ] In
a pinch.
Hathaway was lucked lp by the polce SI-
oral years ago al,1 , was employee as hester
at thE patrol barn for sever ] years anti has
been In time Fire nil Polce alarm room for
the last three ) 'ears. .
- - -
w'iiY 'L'A ' iii ( 'I.\ egS ox
1.011. ( ' 0.1 " 'lnl'r. timid hint . lry
To this question there Is no satstactory !
answer when the way Is Plain ] to Inve3tgat , !
the south and its great natural advantages.
Blizzards , hot dry winds that blight all In
theIr path all destroy the hard work of
month are nnlnown In the Inlmy south. A
Michigan man says In reply to an enquiry :
"I cnnet say much about thIs country aDo
what I think at It wUhout maklnl my letter
too long. I thluk time possibiites are great ,
and I believe It has a grand future before I
and I very much want more of time live . enter-
prising people of the west to settle here.
They can't mln It hy delng so. "
Time Boston Jourul of Commerce recently
said : " \'e Predict that the cht ! Is now
her who wi see moro wealh In the south
thal In any olher pertlon ot the world. " Thh
Is the tatement of a careful conservative
obsel'ver ot the signs ot the times. I wi
bo well for yeu to consIder this carefully
when you are thinking at how to better ) ; our
condition end get a start In a country where
you can accompllh success as you can do
and Hemes i'lll reslon. .10 It 3omt settle II the turtle Orhan ]
A shrewd Investor writes : "The man who
has money to Invest where It will pay at least
25 per cent per annum for the next twenty
years shell ] go south and blY land. The
man 11 the west eJn tie \ better on 20 acres I
lie grows fruit or flses garden truck than I
Is possible to lo where he now is . Garden
farming or fruit raising Is sure 10 make
money 10 the man who attends to It. "
All Intormaton aB to prices , ternis loca-
tion. means Qt aecess . cost ot living otc. .
freely given on applcatol to Geo. W. Ames.
general agent 1611 Farn3m st. . Omaha , Ne-
JOnIM SelL : \1 In lrlll' .
NEW YORK. 1ug. i G.-o the $ : .GfO.OOO
Louwll ! & Nah.vie honds recently takE
by a balkln hmojiso of this city It I. state
that $ : .00.00 hjo been placed ] In gurope
anti that the grtter part at the ret'isinlng
I bonds will also ) iJesold abroad.
- 0
Omaha Defeats Minnosot Coverly in the
Second Math ,
Sc'n \'I..c. for .1'IPhC litmus IIH I
. . . .
I..r.t for I lmt' 11mm -l'em' ) I.
. . . .
1..11 InCll1 ( th ( ' II her
1"'I.'ut ot " 'It'tory (
- - - - - - - " _ - . _ - - _ - - _ _
--------t . -
\ ' " . \ \ \ ) \ \ \ \ . .
c ' \i \v C.
( J
m ; : , Lincoln , Neb. , April 29 , J895.
I 1i tested samples < f the principal baking
powders found on sale in this city. ROYAL is .
. the ho'hgest .f , purest , and the most economical.
; . Nebraska State Chemist . .7'i i
' ' \ \ -w \ \ . .
@ iaw vV
_ _ _ ---0-
. 1'I''ICh CiiIct. .
1 * cupfuls butter . . 2 cupfuls sugar , 1
eggs . 1 quart flour , Y teaspoonful Royal
Daklng I'owder 1 gill each of cream , vine
and brandy 20 tirohml each Extract hitter
Almonds and Nullw . 1' cupful raisimma .
stoned . n cupful ahimmommds . blanch.I , 1 cupful
chopped citron. Hub butter and sugar 10 a
white . Ilht ereal ; all the eggs. 2 at u
timmie. beating 1" ) alnutQ' betwC1 the 3 frt
additions. ald ( mlntit.s . b tweel the rest :
ado time 1'Jr , , : ! ! ' II "I'h be powder . rnhln3
almon Is . rl'rOI. r .t" . ' t. , cream . wIle mend
hranl\Y. \ 1.1" lill ' 1 IloOlh , Cont\stent
Omaha turned the tables on the : lnne-
SOt:1 In the cricket flehtl . ) 'estenlu ) ' . The
tealns were almost Ideltcsl \ Ih these which
,1,1 , hatle on Saturdo . but the wicket was
altogether tlifterent . The enll ot It was that
WE won . a 111 WOI gloriously , whereas on
Saturday we lost.
But the resnl was lot dti' merel' to the
state ot the groun , ! The Omahas all playe ]
bill trol the word "Oo ! " But two ot thel
11,1 , themselves lmroui Percy B. llrl lale ,
a high score for us and J. C. 1o'le prevcnte\ \
scores for tlmeimi. Dole haS done relarkable
things wlh the bal , hut yesterday he prob-
ably reached his record. In the match he
sent dowl aim even lOt balls. Wlh these he
took seven wickets for eIght rnns and he
bowled ] ftleen mahlens out ot the twenty
o"ers. Ford went to the kit when Oniahma's
spiris were at their lowest and carried out
his bat for a brilliant torl"elght 130e with-
out a hiaw . without giving the slightest
chance ot any kind.
The wicket WIS a tremendous omme At the
outset , when the Omnhas first went to bat . I
Wo" Ilposslhle to do any scoring. The wind
anti the hot sun got In their work during the
day , but the turf was nlways tricky and the
batsmen had to be constantly on their guard.
This hal the effect at mskllS the lame a very
carefully conteste'\ \ one throughout. The mly
alt ' IlouI,1 , was far superior to that of Saturday -
urday . with the excelllon that the visitors
tel dowl complately at time hat.
I was late when the start was mallo. Mlii-
nesota won thE toss timid deeiled to go Into
the field. Francis and Neale ol'ene,1 , the In-
nlnp for the Omahas at 1 :25. : I was pro-
dlcted that with the Mlnne50ta straight bowl-
lag to contend with and a wicket that mode
It dangerous to hilt at anything Omaha would
do welt to make a half hundred. The wickets
began to fall raloly antI It scented that this
number woull , not nearly he reached. With
even wickets down for 21 , of which the two
Vauglmamms together had contrIbuted a consider-
able mmumnber Captain ! Laurie ] joined Wi
Vaughan and made a bold stand. lie stayed
at the wicket for almost an hour lie enl )
contrlhllel , a few blngles himself . but he
gave his patners the opportunity that was
\ needed. Whpn Vaughan was caught l'ercy
Fore cam to the wicket amid at once maKtered
the howlilj that bad been playing havoc
with those who bail gene before him. Ie hi
freely. I slogging balls for two or foumrs . which
the other bat5lcn \ mild not have dareti ] to
lo nught whim but to block Laurie sta.e\ \
with him until thE score was over 70 , and
then Coa YOUg joined him. \OIS Is con-
sloere , ] the brat blocker II the teammi . aul I
was rightly calulatel that he could hell imp
his ell for ome ( line at least. A rousing
cheer went UI' when the century mark was
passed nnd runs were still coining. The
bowling by this , time was altogether brol.el
U\ ! anti Ford seemed good for any number
more. Young was run out In a too eager
effort to make a run which was quIte Impos-
sible and Kemp. the last man , was bawled ]
first bal by l.mvitlsomm. Ford CHI'lcd ! out his
bat for 48 and the Inning closell for iii. :
The : lnnesotns Wt : to the wicket In tie
same order as on Saturday. Mr. 'Vaters one
of the first pair . stayed for fifty mimimmutes but
the bowling was fatal almost Immediately to
every other member ot the teaumm. Waters ,
, moreover , In his tty mlnuteg at the bat
only succeeded In scoring eIght runs. Younp
laegregor came In toward the close anti ,
started out to 10 somcthlng. lie hit a one ,
two , amid a three In three minutes , anti he
was bowled. Two lora wlclets fell 111 the
innings closed for Ihlrt-three , at wlich
twenty.fve were oft time bat.
Belns more than sixty runs behind . the
lnnesotas went to the bat 1 second ( line.
Io'lo and George Vaughan who Inl done so
much wih the ball . were allowed to take a
rpst. and Neale ami Wi Vaughan went to
bowl In their stea , ! Will Vaughan caplfrp ( I
the first tour wickets for one run , anti It
Beelell as It the previous limnings' wonder.
ful record was to bo echijsed. But Water
the stayer , and Sauloz the slogger. came to-
Iethpr , and I was necessary to put elm the
two ell bowlers before they could be dis.
posed of. Between them they maim , twelty-
tour out of I total ot thirty-one for time
immnings. YOlng : Iacgrelor ngaln made a hell
bid for a big scorc. He hilt his first bal 10
the boundary for two anti , wa bJwle.\ \ with
the second. , I he had stayed lonper he
might have done more. Except for Waters .
who had to stand out his full forty minutes ,
no membpl ot limo team stayed more thal
In less than an hour.
six mmminhmtes anti ] thE whole Innings was endel
Were I not that Ioyle's ma.velous bowling
feat outslone al else In that line It would
be worthy ot more than Ilassing lenten that
George \aughan took elghmt wlcl:2ts for
twent-tour and that his hrother Will tool
tOi I for twelve.
There was again a conshlerahle lum\Jer \ at
people preenl , who showell their enjoYlelt
ot the game anti theIr aPPI'eclaton of the
spleldh ] Ilerformances ot Omaha's cricketers.
Omaha secured I wol cameo victory by
an Innhls amid fort-nlne runs. Scores :
J. Francis. " OI.IA. , I , Da\.180n. ] . . . 6
J. .N eale. b c"aY1180n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
.1. Cameromi. jumCrle ] . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . a
J. lan1ron. . . I h w , 1 ] a\ld.un. . . . . . . r
ii New. ) na\hl un. h Dumfrles. . . . . . 0
I . ' .V. Ta I 'lor. \ I Da\llson. . . . . . . . . . 0
n. Vaughnn h Da \.hlson. . . . . . . . . . . . 9
\ \'nimgiiin. : . I Knight h D\IIon. . . 13
hi. ] .lwrle. c Da\1150n , b Sauicz. . . . . . . 8
P. H. l"ortl. ] I not \ 01\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4S
C. I I. Youn . thrown oumt. . . . . . . . . . . S
I. ' . A. Kenip. h Dald501. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
1'xtll1 . 1 . I. . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ill
Alitmnesotru-Flrat InnlngK . :
T. . H. Sb'somi , h G. \.auhnn. . . . . . . . . . . 2
I , . T. \'mmters , I" I w. Ii ; . Vatmghaum. . . . . . 8
G. C. SauJez ! , ha G. % 'ttummhiim. . . . . . .
B. S Donuhlsol , c H. N. w. h J. C. Doyle 1
G. D. \ Vilcox. h J. (1. Doyle. . . . . . . . . . 0
C. A. Millet , b \'mmimgimttn. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
G. D , MIP . \ G. Vammghmtixm. . . . . . . . . . . n
, \ . N. umfrles. h J. C. Doyle. . . . . . . . . 3
H. Macgregor . h .7. G. Doyle. . . . . . . . . I
\ \ ' . Iavitlson. h J. C. Doe. : . . . . . . . . . :
\ v. g. lttmmhhe . not out. . , . . . . . . . . . . . 1
J. I' . Knight run ou\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Bres. 1 ; leg bye 1..8
Total ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
: lnnesota-Seconl Ilnlnls :
P. H. Sisson , h \ . 'utmghan. . . . . . . . . 0
I' \ K humble . bY. . \ ahal. . . . . . . . 0
B. S. DOlalllon. b V. ' . \augh3n. . . . . . . 1
- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tater ; bake In 1 a thIckly lpel' Iled cake
han . In a atelly : oven 2 hours.
] al. iiui'hi'ssi' ( 'mm lt- I , .
1 * cupfuls butter . I cUlltU ] sugar . 6 eggs .
1 tea.poonluloyol Iuhlrl ) h'owtler 1 1Int
flour. 1 tea.ponlul Extract Cinnamon. Huh
thu butter anti sugar to mm ight cretin ; atid
the eggs , 2 at a timmie , beating it ) umminutea
between each addition. Sift together flour
amid powder , adml , to time hmutter , etc. , with the
extract ; mimlic bite a tmmeihiuin timick batter , anti
bake in small , hahlow , square imamma , litm"d
with ilium white papi r , iii a steady ovomi 30
tmmitmutes.'hen they are taken Zrommm the
oven , Ice thiemmu.
C. A , Miller , e 11. New , im .V. Vmutmglmtutm. . (1 (
li. ' \Vaters , hi (1. 'nugImnmm . , , . . . , , . , . . , , , , ill
(1. C. } itmilex , rtmmi out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , , . , , ,
C. it. Vileox , ruui omit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . , (1
(1 , Ii. Nmmpier , it 3. 1. ' . lhiyle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
I I Mtuegregor , ip .1 , II' , 1)eivle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
A N. ltimmitrles , hi (3 Ii. 'ntmglmami. . . . . . . . . II
\V. Dsivitlsomm , b (1. % 'tttmghmnmm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
.1 , F' . Kmmlghmt , hot out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
I .eg bye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
T otal , e tb , , , , . , , , . . , . t , , , . , . , . . . , . , .3t
Omnalm it , first immumtngs
II. : i , sIi. .
\ - . 1kmvhtimmotm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ss I 5 5" .
A. N , hmmimifries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 6 3 36
Ii. S. lomunitison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5' ' ) 0 1 Ii' ,
( I. I' . Satmlt'r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 1 1 9
himmimifril's liowleti two tiile ,
: i i mm mmesotmm , 11 m's t immmmlmigs
(1.'nmmghruui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 2 5 21
J. I. ' . huvlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'ni i m r. .m
Al I immmu"uitmt , secommd immmmhmmgm :
J. C. hoyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 4
( I. Vauglmami . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0 : m 3
V , 'mtmmghmmtn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fl : i 4 12
J. Neal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
hi OTt I , lN lON Y.tii'i' CII ! ii it.tiM ,
( ) iut'imimmg hive ii Is tt'muiseu A mi' 'i'muimme-
llmmmmerir VilI lain .trrla..t * .
(20\\'ES , Aug. 1k-in time megattmu of time
Itoytti Iommdomm 'm'nchmt club tommy hlritmummimla
imad Imrmictieail ) ' a sail over the ilfty-mmilli'
cotirse. Ailsa hmetmmg abetmt imtmult'r reiiitlrs
mtiitl heater beimmg time oimhy oppositig yacht
of time primice ofVtihes' boat. Time wetither
.its raimmy anti timero was not immuehm rim-
timtislasmma imianlfestetl. I fester i mmiiowetl
22 timinutes 40 mueconula imy 11ritaumtmlm. 'l'hio
two yachts almirteil at 10:07. : lirltnmmnha iimm-
isl-.ed aj 2:53:45. : :
itt thm race for ti'riity-rnters tIme stmmrtlng
gun was limed mit 10:31) : . Ruichmnmia led at time
start , fohimiweti ly Isolde , Nlmmgmtrmm , Iummmn ,
Audrey' , 'efleta imimml Steitimanie. Fommr mi'e
tilt time race , iemt'img Niagara mmii AmIiIre'
tim etimitest for the Imrlze. Times' ilmiIhit'ti mis
foiiosvs : Niagara , 2 :52 : :50 : ; Autlrt'y. 3:00. :
Emperor \'lhhiamn of Gerimmaimy turrivel
imero mit :1 : o'clock this afternoon emi hommrl
the itmiperitil yltehit hlnimemuzohh'm'mu , I he was
saluted I ) ) ' tIme hlrltlsim ilcet , time ( Jermmmatm
lrommi'lad amid time liritish guard hmip Aims-
traIls. Ills majesty viis met tmy tIme unarm'
of 'aies anti the iuice ot l'ommneimtigimton iii
hii'iumtlt of time qimeeti , nmmd him' mifterwari
handed. Time queen's $ ( ' ( ' gmmmiml : was
tirau' a ii i at 1 tie lit mmii I mmg lila I fo rimi. Immi.
honor \'ihhlam is in excellent him'althm amid
siminit and was cliceretl with cmmthmtmslasimi.
I he duumed with the qimeetm at Osbortie.
ilii"lISIiOit 1.111) ih' NiN1I 3iiNt"i'i3S.
0111 Mit I lt'l % 'lirl iitiitCmummimletm'l' Over a
( 'tmim'u. , 'i'hmi ci y-Vi se 31 iles i.iimij.
NE\'h'OIt'1' , i\img. 5.-It'fenier unmi Vigi-
imtmmt culled over it thirty-live mummti a qtmurter
umilk course today from Cottage City , itlmmsi. ,
to this imort. time mace being aim evt'mmt him
time ci'uislmig of time Ne' York Vmichmt climb.
Time s'mt 'as smooth anti time wimiti varied
lie vuloclty , fronm ten to lhfteetm nihles an
imcur. l'm' tv uty mmmlles ulovmm to tIme ' / mmmc-
y'mrl Su.nmid Ilghmtsiiii , it vmms a dm'ati beat tc
vi mmii u'mu iii ii mmmi 1 J' fm'mitlt'm' bm'tt t \ ' igi lamm t by
ttiotmt live immlmuultes mmliii forty-six m'ecommds ,
Ito ( Ii yacim ts cmi nm'l mig ci mmii top aih a it mmti hiaby
Jilt topeahls. 0mm timi' stm'etehm thence to New-
itort , % 'itlm sheets caseti a little , Dm'femmtit'r
giiimmcl eimoimghm to niiiko ehapse'ti ( line from
start to Ii ii ihm ii ! mm a mmi I nil I m's mu mite secinis
better tlmamm Vim.iiunt'mi. Jtmbiiee also atrmmted ,
hmtit s'itim 'onicimmg topsails only , tuitl Viglitint
heat hair ten mitmtmtes forty-mmimme mecoaths.
Tinme' :
float , Start , Finish. Eialmsetl 'h'lmne.
lefcmmdi'r . . . . ii :55:41) : : ) 4 :01:4(1 : : ( 1:09:01) : :
VIgilant 11 :55:31 : : 1:1:1:43 : : : 4:11:09 : :
Jubilee . . . . . . . 11:55:32 : : 4:21:3) : :
Alnsoim ( 'I I ' i1im I rii.s CI used.
MASON CITY , Ia. , Aug. 5.-Sjmecimti ( Tehe-
grammi.-Thie ) litcyche tolmnmmuinemmt to it hieltl
lmene on time 7th s'lii le time Itmrgest thmimmg
of limo kinti ever IteM imm thmi state. 'l'hme
iive nihle imammdicaim race closeil Saturday
imight vithm thmlrty-ctgimt entries , tmummommg tlmenm
some of time fastest riders of time t'oumntry.
Immtmim's riosc'ui totimmy , there heitmg 251 mit C
p. iii. 1igh I races iv I II be t'tm mm. J' umoumgim
midem a have entered to mnmko ; time tournanlent
a simccsas. Emttnie'm mime meceiveth ( rota ( 'imi-
cage , St. I'aiml , Aliimr.emipoli. , Ciemur lmke ,
Esthmeru'illeVtit'tioo , Almtrsimalltowmi , Oaks-
loosa , ( 'eirur Ituimitis , T.eimiars. Oniumhma , Sioux
City , St. Louis auth les Moines ,
\smu hi no D , .fi'mi I t. C i'm' I.
c'RlTE. Nohi. , Aug. 5.-Siecial ( Tehe-
gramn.-4\'ahmoo ) defeated Cretm' lucre today
in time hirst gatmie of ti. three series , Score :
Wahoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 1 0-7
Crete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000000002-2
} iltsVahmoo : , ii ; Crete , 19. Em'rora :
\Vttltoo. 4 : Crete , hO. Struck oumt : By Clark ,
5 ; by Jomme , 5 , hitise on hmuula : Oft' Clark.
3. hiattericim : Clark ammd hail ; J01i05 amid
Kcnagy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sehi ii yhe m Vl mis mm t St. riurise.
SlIltPltISE. Neb. , Aug 5.-Special ( Tele-
Time hmmvcmmtitm of Dr. ht , V. l'krce , chief
commsuiltimmg pimysic'mamm to time Iuivaiia' hiotol
amid Surgical Institute , at 1itmuha1o , N. V. ,
hmaa , dumrimmg time past thirty 'cars , ummuule ; a
rccortl hi time cure cml brommchmmai , throat mmmi
hmmmmg d'msenacs ( limit 0dm hy emmtitlea it to omit-
ramik ahi other atlvcrtiscd remmmcdicuu for thme..c
afiectioims. hspecially hiss it imiammifested its
poteuicy iii curimmg commsumuumptiomm oftime hmmtmgs.
Not every cane , html we hmelicve
EtiHy 98 I'cr Cent.
ofahl cases ofcommatmmitiitioum , iii nil itS earlier
atages , are durcl by lr. I"mcrcc'a Coldeum
Metijeal Dieovcry : , cvcii after the disease
has progressed so far as to immdmmce rc1)erttcti
blectilmigs fromim time iimmmgs , severe hiimgermng
cough svithm copious expcetoratiomm ( immclumd-
iimg tubercular mumatter ) , great balm of ileh
amid extrenie emmmaciatitti ammtl vcakmmeas.
Do you dotmbt that hitmtmdreda of such eases
reported to us au cured by " Goldemm Mcd-
icai Iiseovcry ' mu'crc gemmimimme cases of that
dread timid fatai disease ? \'oum mmccii muot take
our word for it. 'rite ) ' Imave , iii imearly every
immataumee , been mm proumuumumcetl ly the beid
anti mmmost cxjicricimeed hiomime lhm' ) ,
viio have mm iumterest wimatever Iii mimic-
represemmtimig thmcmmi , ammti who t'crc ofteim
stroumghy lmrejuidiccil auth atlvmed agaimmst
a trial oh' " ( joldeti Medical Imscnvcry , "
but who have beemi forced to commfess that
it itumrpasces. iii ctmrativc lmosi'cr over thms
fatal iminlitily , nil other nmetiieimmes s'ithm
whm'mehm ( hey ate acquainted. Nacty coth-
liver oil amid its umhtimy ' ' emmmiulshtmmms ' ' amid
iiilxtimrcs han been tried itt imearly nih thmese
cases had either utterly failed to bemue.
fit , or had ommly sceiiied to bcimeumt a little for
a uihmort tinme. Extract of mmmaht. whiskey ,
amid ViltitlitS prcparatinmms of time 1tytopiio.s-
imimites hind also liecim faitimuimlly tried tim vamum.
Time pimotographm of a large mmummmber mmf
( linac cutreI of comm'itmmumptiumm , broimcimitia ,
Iimmgcrimmg commihm' , astlimima , chmroimic umasal
catairhi amid kimmtlrcch immtmlad'me , have beemi
skillfully roprothicemi in a book of iflo
pages whichi ivill be mailed to you , omm receipt -
ceipt of address anti six cctmts mmm mitamumps.
You camm thirn write timose cured smith learn
their experience.
Atidress for hook , WORr.n's DIgruNsAlty
AIiDICAL : ASsoCIATIoN , Iiimffiulo , N. V.
A1 ( EYJ \
- . - - - . . - - - . - - -
grammu. ) } 4'immiyier defeated Iimmrprisn In
gammmu , of ball imere ( OtiS ) ' lY II to 6.
. .
- - - - - -
( 'II iMS l\i'lhI'l'M' PiNi ) 'OItK ,
I ii I erimi , I limmmu I ( 'mnhitres. . ( ) ieImN II f iiiust.
I hut. 'if Ii 4tisit. ' Ihstu'mul..l (4mm miii's.
1IAS'rtNOS , Aug. a-'rlme himtcrnmutlotmmih
Cimestu congress wna opemmeil at hirmizey'mi lit-
mitliuto tlmis aftcrmmoommvhmeim tlue lmla9'cra
% ' ( 'i.o 'eietmmneiI lii it unit'Cli tiiti
immruom' of time city. After tue memmmmtmks of
tutu tmtmtor limit bu'emu conelutietl timi , idmt'era
threw itmtmi mmii time prc'hiuirntiomms for tutu
toumrnnmmit'mit Were emmmmmmiemucI.
h'layeriu ent' as follows : 'l'ruli I , Masoti
I ml gut I mist Im m rim mc im ' 2 , l'seIm I gun mm migmil mist
hlilhititmry ; 3 , I.riser migtmhmmst AInmco , 4 ,
Scimii'ft'rs mmgmilmist ( hmmimsta't g ; 5 , ttt'im'it
migmi I mist \'em git imi ; 6 , 'I'l mushi'y miitl a s t Al loses :
7 , ' 11,1 mis mm gal mutt h fi ri : S. him nmus a gmi iumst
I it : ii it'tSti l 9. 'i'chclm limit ii ii agu I mist Vmtl -
imi'&mdt ; hO , Sehmlolnimter mignhtmst I'oiioek ; 11 ,
.1 mm flu it ski tig.t his t I ihmickbtm imi ,
'rime gmtmmmt's I estilted : Alnsomm heat Tmir-
t aseii t ) ) timmme Ilimilt after ( hut ) ' muiuvi'is ,
'h'sc hi lgorimm iemm t I I II lshury I mm lu I ii g's kim igim I'S
gil mmmhtit mitten iltty-.immt' mmiovu's. Lasku'r heat
Al Lime ) I mm ti t-1 ; i tmhit'tii mmg a f I ci' ( ' ' ' ( 'itt ) ' .ii I mm , ,
itiOV'M. St'imiffi'ma bent ( .tmmmstmei'g iii mu I-lU
game mifter forty mnovu"m. St'Imtitz beat \'er-
giummi itt a h'reimch fiett'mmso tiftt'r rutty immovea.
Aileseut is'rut 'i'Insley mtfter timlrty-timree mmmtives
lii it i-q ; I oltetming. lhmt rut lehon lieu t I horns itt
a m-q ; opemmimig after forty .mmtoves. hlirti beat
Aiimlims iii mt Zrmmlerturt opt'miimmg after iiftv-
( Ii m i'e limo % ' ( 's.Vit I bind I Lemi I 'l't'it'ii mmmammmm ) it
it Vlm'iuimmt guummie utter fifty immovi's , Selmieleim.
( ii' nail l'ohioi'k iIrei' mu mv lopez fitter
forty moves. Jittutiwsiti ammd hliicktitmnmm umii-
Joumrmmeii thmeim gmmmmme. '
Flue ecoumtI motmntl vilI tie imimtyt'tI tomnor- '
huh. ' Sum II Ii ( 'ilmi ( iitmm's I I is 'i'mum r.
4'tTiii'NS , Ga. , Atmg. 5.-Secretary 110k.
Smuiltim reachucil here today froma Gaimucavlhie ,
'hmere his family are mttmnitmienimmg. Tommmorrow
lie slicaks out time fhimmmtmcial questlomm at. Je-
fersomm ,
- - q
14 ' .
* iiijiiH
, , . ,
oN : ENJO'2'
Ioth the iiietiotl ) aiii.I rcliltm3 w'hc
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it hi pIea6allt
amid rofrcshiiig to tim taste , 4111(1 aet
gtiit1y yet proiut1y on the hitliicys ,
Ltvci aiuil BoweI , cleaiiseo the sys.
t2iil Offt3etuahIy , (1iSJii15 COI(1S. head.
telies itiid fovermi atid CIhh'ei4 IiaNtiial
, nstLlatioll. Syl'111) of Figs s tile
only reniedy of its kind cvei' pro-
1ticc , } ) leasiuhg to ( lie taste iuid ac-
.eptat)1e ) tO the tuloiiitcli : , prohhimt lit
its action anti ti'tilv 1)cilcl'ieirj iii its
oticets , lretal'ehl ) only fh'Ohil the hliost
healthy itlil agrecabi o substlhiccs : , its
lihiliIV exctrlleut (1llaiitic's C'OilIflhehld it.
to all atid limivo 11111(10 it the 11105 $
1)01)111111' ) l'cmflCtly kiioy'n.
SyrIlp of Figs is for sale in G
edit bottles br all iemcliuig : drug.
gists. Any reliable th'iugtist who
hiia.y not have it Oil 110,1111 will pro-
'lire it vrohnptly for any 0110 V11O
wilie to try it , Dcnotatcciitaiiy
SAN fflA'CIsop , c.
Lo wA&'iLj.E & '
, . . 'IEW ( P , MV.
NotIce is hereby givemm timat emtiuiI propos-
ala will be receIved by the boammi of dim ectors
of time Lillian ii rigatiomm district of Cusier
coUmmly , Nebraska. mit their oiiico itt time Amium
mcimooi lmoumse , in smid : district. imim to 2 o'cotIC :
mu. iii. of thu 15th day of Augimiut , 1895 , fur
ch2.0O ) of tim iommImt , ismiuttil lmy mmmlii irmigit-
tiomi ( ilStm'iC't , $25,010 of ms.ill hommtkm beimmg iii
bonds of F5l $ ) ciicim antI 7,0O0 of still hommds
iy.iimmg In iiommtis of * 101) each. All of said
bommds mirawimig Interest itt ( lie rtte of C itce
cci m t item' a lmmmtmmmi , p. , yn ide tommml-amm ummmu iiy.
'I'hma Pit mieipm : I. tm mitt I a t e rest o I sit lii iiommtfs
pu'ablo at tue millet' of tIme state treasurer
of . time atmUr of N'braka. time hiitui tmmimotmmit
m.m'mmmiu t mmiii m : lime ci' tom Id hiomitis ia yrtl to Iii
twommty (2) ( ) ) years mrummi their date. sail boutdm
imlYtthtim' itt iiuatillmmit'mmtit after ten years fmoimt
thm'ir tititi' . 'J'ime tilt ml I a f ml imm'i'i ois rest' tutu
time miglmt to mt'jc''t ammy mmmiti nil htitis , Au.
thress mmli bIdmi to I' . h. rietemmif , Sec. , mit
Wtilwom'tii. Custer coummty , Nebraska ,
ii ) antler of time inari of iiim ei'uora , mnato
tlml 22imd day of dimly , ISSS ,
II. i. G.\TES , Pm'osidont.
P. L. ME'L''AlF' . Sr''tetary.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jy-2i. iim--S-20-t
- ' 2'1'e sni thio , &imvoinmii lrnrh
a' u iC Iteinedy CALThIOO fi'e , mmii
; ; li , i : . rd bai gtmariumuoiiat.tummoa cili
i , u'T4iI Ii.bvtrgui .1 , : ,
t4' ei cirmit : nrk'oeie
\r'k. cad It.ToiI : : l.t'.t 'icor.
\.ltit cc t'si1anJ/ayrJsofieJ.
'r tq1f MtJVoN f OIiL CO. .
I.- _ _ , : Y foi arn'rui. . , , . . ,
, - :
- - -
Seminally for
Young Ladies
Rev. ROBERT lOhill1'i'\ . 'I' . 1) . . hector.
Fall 'I'erin Beglits
St11 Mary's College
8'I' . M..itYm3. i'tN8.tS.
( 'oimdimt't"4 l t'te li'mmit i'l im 'r ilis , ttt )
couru'iiu ( it lnstm ii. ( tO - I ii' ( 'ittssiem I nub I Ito t 'iii.
mimermal. ittiarI itisil ( U . t.m csuIun . t ( cut
mimum ti , L9) ) . Fin' f mrt tie , I ii tui mm , . LIon t.j'ir . es ,
iuv I : . A iuomiiN't. i"esiIm'
_ & _ v MIL1TAIY
14W'4k Lexington , Mo
5bELLhRS , A. M
Ilallet , t lam k : , . , , , . . , . , , . ( ' .
Aim br. . . I. . , of OIi , , , Art 1,1 , , ri 1cr. ) It in.
i..g , ttaoI , , , i , it .5w. . 1.rm. t.mI.'tI. liii Inn
btglni mi..I 5. imalEl ( Qi eta : , , & J. . luf ral twT , .
high rn4e Eglii , , i".l l'h.uuie.ti lteinl iIteuury utm
ii' It hue i I erm liii 10 , uI ill. t' ' . % .l ie.i ) ut' s
% gtsarat.iiuiokC , I , mum Li..tlmii'riJil . . , . , llm.44'
. . . -
- - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - . - - - - - - . - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - )
. - - , JI1IIICbATION.tL ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - -
_ 4 'lime ( ; r'mlt AiIlllmmry tteimiul , of hut ' P
l- "tc anti tlmougim only four iou ra iii has rom' time last ( lice years jail tim.
- , i.mmgest cimmoilummeimu mini imuronme of mmmii' nuliitmimy ac'Imool west of time Mm.slamiu.
. . , e' . . iii I tier ' une its Miii tm.tmi , , mmmI is the ommiy on. . hum lii , wcat Ihat
t,1r .10,5 not rtciv timy timiuli. . This pltemmoiviuai mgrowtim lii due i'm iimpsnltm a.i-
vmtmttmmu' , ' . iiitestfiiiite uIi'um , i0si't'nty-flV' . ii liii iiimpnuveam'nt. Cat
l'rivet walcr tvnri , slaummn Iattu4ry , t.iun lmatiutg an.l eiteii '
. ' ilht i.lmutm. i'aruuly all l'amivuqsit rsltmsfrs. Armimy uTberm ! 'l.taiioi by
\ a Vs r ii i'trt imm"mml r mmymimnas' mm mum , a mmd tit I flat I imcier iii cIt arg. em. pi p11 II ! miar-
' . .4It l.aumpu ( putimhi ioa t'ii emil tns , bali t1ithju ammO tersel roams , , Ahao
Ni fiIltiNJlttt'H II .h.T. r r ammaimi bis.
S'rui' fr ctmImtliue tim L1IILII 24A1IMAtitJhU. PWeCI SprIngs. Ito.
. . - . I
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
.5- _ A DAUJti'flI ( OI S'ARD TO LUHJCATEi ?
Tic l.s.1s : ehotIyu ths $2uithmwIit ii time sebn..I ) 'oa
C HRSTIN OJLEGE iim'str i.liii'mii'h 'culegi } mmlirely
, ilemmu , OICC 50paga filial. camatoguc. ( .Hcus bepi. I.
COLUMUIA , - - M$66OUfll. $ hIre. L.u.ila Whloo Bt. ClaIr , President.
. . . _ ,
, .
- , - ' - - - - "ia - --t'