- - , * , - - . - . . - - - - , . . ' ' i % $ L ' ; L4 . . . t. , . _ _ . , , _ . . . . . _ * ' " "r'1 < , . ,6 " " - : . . . . - _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ S , a S , THE OMAHA . DA. ILY BEE. . . ' , _ . A ES'rA1U.JJSllED JUNE 19 , J871. OMAIIA , TUESDAY JIORNNG , AUGUST H , 1895. . SINGLE COPY FIYCBN - rS. : IAIE ( AN APPEAL TO EUROPE Condition of Foreiger in the Celestial Empire . piro Demands Immediate Attention ChINA MUST ANSWER FOR OUTRAGES I or'htJ IteNhI'tIM oC Slintiglint 11 It : lnHH : " 'etlA nlll UeJonlCC thc Ilhnmnl : Inrdcr "C lint- IHI MiPMiInnrIeN. , SHANGHAI , Aug. G.-At a crowded meet- ( ( lug today of the European : residents of this city speeches condemning the acton of the Chlnee authorities In the case of the mas- lere of missionaries at Who I Han , near Ku Cheng on Thursday last , were made and a re.oluton adoptcll to appeal directly to the guropem : ! ovprnnentB against the outrage. Thl resolutIon also rererrell to the Inadequate S manner In which China has dealt with the IJerpetrators ) of former outrages. The Chinese mlnlsler at Ku.Cheng , waited for the completion oC the massacre before appearing upon the scene. There are 1,000 90ldler at Ku . Cheng. It Is therefore absurd to say the authorltlos could not have stopped the massacre , which .as evidently carefully and secretly organized. The American mission - I10n at Shanghai , near Hankow , has b en destroyed , and the missionaries arc tUgitlVo3. The American coniil has advised the mis- lt I10naries In adjacent provinces to retire . Some of the speakers at today's meeting dc- dared lint ( they have lost confidence In the diplomats at Peking. United States Minister Denby and British Minister N. n. O'Connor are being cspeclaly denounced. The Americans - cans desire a special commissioner under United States Consul , Ierlgan to Inquire Into thE Outrages In Sze.Chuen LONDON , Aug. -At the Chinese legaton here I ts stated , that no information ha been receiCd regarding the laS5acre of missionaries - sionaries near I\u.Cheng beyond the meager , Ic statement that the killed or wounded , are I f at Wha.Sang . , -l 'ho correspondent of the Times at Sbanp- I hal says the missionaries killed at Ku.Cheng were lurdered by an organized baud of eight vegetanIami The c'respommdemmt says : The women begged for their lives , promising to yield their property and valuabIe . but the leaders or the hllil shouted out order to kill them outnigimt ; A corrected list or the victims Is as follows : HEV. AND MRS. ST WAnT. MISS NmLm SAUNIIitS. MISS LENA 1111511 , burned In the he:11 : MISS ST LLm NI\VCOMii , was speared I and thrown down a precipice. I MISS MA1Sl11LL , had her throat cut MISS GORDON , speared In tIme head. MISS TOPSY SAUDERS , speared In the brain. , : IASlEl mmlnmT STEWART , skul : \ fractured anti brained. LENA STE\'A1tT. died from shock. CONSUL OlACY INTErtVIE\VnD. IIUFFALO . Aug. G.-Samuel Gracy of this S place , hate United States consul at oo.Chow , China was interviewed today on the re- ported massaero at Ku-Cheng. Mr. Gracy said : "Ku-Cheng. the place mentioned In time press dispatches as the scene of the latest ant.forelgn riots In ChIna Is In the Fug-Kion province Ibolt ninety miles above I.'oo.Chow. 1 Is fully 100 mIles from Pa- goda anchorage , the highest point ot navigation - ton for steamers In the Jln river , hence I Is entirely beyond the protection of Amer- than or other foreign unboats. . "Tho I.lerat have been stirring up trouble p. against the foreIgn residents there for many monthB , and the danger to life and property - erty bec.lue so great that about two months ago all American resIdents were recalled to Foo-Chow. These arc 11ev. antI Mrs \ \ ' . C. Wicox , and three children : lss label Chat- ford and Miss Houset. time two later representing . sonting the \Vommmarm's Foreign MissIonary so- ciety , and nil of the Methodist church. Time other forelners were three or four members - hers of the English church mission who may not have been recalell ( during the re- cent trouhles. I Is probable that maters may have 'uletell Ilown there after time foreigners - eigners came away and some may have been eneonraged to return. S LOOK UPON ALL AL1K1. "The common peollle 10 not ( lhstlnguhsiI be- tween .Japane Americans , l nlsh and Germaus , but nil are alike foreign and ob- noxious. \e cannot but fear that outrages such as have jlst translired at Cheng-Tu. _ In the northwest Interior , will occur In other r ( - _ localities \ here foreign mlsslonnrles are residing - - siding Car away from the tre.ty porl , and hence beyond the protecton oC foreign gun- boats. The people are extremely ignorant and exceedingly super ttous amid easily Im- posed un. The fact that the recent outrages - S rages were connived at by the highest au- thoriies In the district at the tmo gives cause for much anxiety for American missionaries - arles living In time Interior. Time people and \vlng , the officials of the 1.'ul.Klen province , In which Iuheng Is located have been the most frIendly In time whole terrier ) anti this masstcre will be most surprising to all fa- miiar with tim cOlntr ) "Conslderahle light Is thrown upon the feeling of the Chlnam toward foreigners nntl time causes which led to the recent mas- lucre by an article printed In the North China ) .a Herald of Jmmiy f regarding .the previous riots S a cop of which : lr. Gracey hall. I Is as S follows : ' , \t Chcng-Tu the olelal . who have moore than adequate force at their disposal , made mme serious attempt to stop Mstrlcton of the Protestant and Catholic property though allllPalel1 to from time first. although . when the destructIon was complete. they pro- 5 , tecte,1 time lives of the missionaries , for the ( words seemneti to have been : "Drive put but ( 8Oncl 't ,10 lot kill. " 'I'lme chief ef police at Chenl' Tim. a lanan ln , a Taot I rank , Isuell the tolowlng proclamation on the second day of , the rIots : 'At the present time we have I ample evidence that ( foreigners deceive and , kitlmmp slml clilltiren. You soldiers anti , Police must not h i disturbed anti flurried. p \hln time ases are brought before us we , ( certainly will not ho Ipnlcnt with them. ' "Another 11laeanl. which alpearell a tiny or two before the riots rend , : ' 1 Is hereby no ticed that at time Irelpnt tmo foreign bar- barlans are . hiring bait : characters to steal small children that they may extract oil from them for their mmso. ' Another placard , put UII the day after tim rIots , and evidently IntendBII as I sort of justification. read : ' \ the prpsent time . when Jap:1 has usurped ( hluese terrlte'ry , you imiglIsii. French anti Amerlcaus have looked on with your hands In ymmr slee\s. I In the future you wish to itrearli ynmmr doctrines In China you must " 1 drive lie Japanese back to their own eO\I. try : then you will bo allowed to Ileach your h.ly tindranee. gospel ' throughout the country without hlndrnnre. 1t "Thpr was ale , we learn. I a proelmaton put ont b ) the \Icero ) attributing the out- break to tie presence of foreigners In the p1llo ground , Iurlnl time fruit throwing that . , Iccompanll'l lie fpait of the fifth day of' ' . the fifth muomith but as a mater at fact there were no Corellners on the parade ground the " . whole day . . iCilIt'd I ) ' n Irnnla.u GII'Ht. "I RSAlt.FS. Ky , Aug. 5.-H. C. Romien- , blgh. proprietor of the Hotel Woodord , was hot and morlaly woundell amid his son .Tismes was instantly killed this afternoon b ) Yo N. I.unl agent for a Lexington patent fence manufacturer. Lane ramn to the ( hotel runlc. lie found fault with the room to which ho was a8Inell , alll began abusing n C. nodlnbaugh , who is an old man. Young Tldenbalgh drew 'a revolver amid ordered I.ane from the house. The senior HOlIen- A , bugh I a Ilal'ln\ republican of the Ighth ! - . ( thll ) district. alI I. wel known on time . . . Ittnllck ) turf. - Lane . Is In Jail . Alu'rh'lu , 'lter l'Imt. Gulul to 'l'oklo r WAShINGTON , Aug. G.-\dvlce. received , f' at the ( Agriculural depatment announce that ( S a manufacturer at Allh , : Ala . . hiss lcured ' time contract for equipping the City of Tokio .Japau , \ lilt water pipe Manufrrureu In England , Oermany , 1elelul and other Iuro- : peso countries competed ' In the bIdding but the American contractor secure the job. The pool. water pipes are thlppcd to Toklo \1& Lyer- , UUI XIS si'ii.i , i'iitsccu'rin. Turks :111c Xu I rrt to l're'emtt time Oimtrngem. LONDON Aug. 5.-The Daly News has advlel dated ArmEnia , July 29 , which say : The condition of the Armenians Is wore than ever. They regard Shakir Pasha 8S their worst enemy and his appointment a a contemptuous - I temptuous defiance of gurope's deman,1. De- liberate persecution , slaughter and pillage of the Armenians are pursued today with the same ruthless vigor anti fiendish IngenuIty as In former years. Arms are distribute among the Moslems In the frontier districts and every day news arrives of fresh murders , wholesale Imprisonments and pillages. The I authorities In thl ( great towns from time to' ' tIme march heavIly manacled gangs of Imp- InK and wounded Armenian prisoners through the streets. I the sultan Is courting re\'o- lotion be will surely have his way Unleu the persecution Is stopped the country wIll he In such a blaze that nothing short oC Hus- sian occupation will extinguish it. Dwelling as they do In miserable poverty wll ( the Armenians , the correspondent extols tie de- voton of the Amerian missionarIes , Hey- nols and Cole. - - l'1lliitS'l'IltS ) lAIIl ) IX Ai'iPY . Sloll nt'Clnrl'H tllt AII'rI.IIH Are AHHIHtl1 CuilimiL IIHI rA'n t. . MADRID Aug. G.-An ollclal dispatch received - ceived here today from Havana says that a band of fifty filibusters , commanded by Sanchez , have landed In the province 01 Santa Clata. Many of the Inhabitants or Sancto Fspieritu . In the Santo province , have vanished anti It Is supposed they have joined the Insurgents. Tue Spanish troops dereted the Insurgent band commanded by : latas Viga In the fight which took place near lagaro. The insurgents lost ten kied and had mammy woundel. In addition the troops captured a number 'of prisoners. The Spanish loss was t\el . wounded ' 'hl.r 1111. n nl1 Ilmimmi . DRUSSlLS . Aug. G.-When the eJhler of the Savings bank opened hIs cash box this morlnv he COlnll that the sum of t8S.000 francs In notes was missing. As the bo" 1,11 not been broken open anti tiiert . were no signs ! of the lock havIng been tampered with , It Is prsumed the money was extracted .rore the hex was locked and placed In the , ate , If the bmmk. The police are investigating the mal- ter , but up to the present no trace rf the stolen money has been found. l1ply the numbers of I majoriy of the note were In the possession ! or the bank anti as . hl.e h\'u been telegralllled broadcast It Is believed the thief may eventualy be arrested Irt'ltl nlllH In I''rt4lim. TEHI HAN , Persia , . Aug. 5.-The bread riots In Tabreesee continue . A mob has wrecked the house of the governor . who has resigned his authority anti promises a re- ducton In the price of bread. Later advlces received from Tabreez Is to the elect that the price oC bread has been reduced. The European coony Is In perfect safety , as the rIots arc directed entirely against the governor , who Is the Persian crown prince. 1 Is reported that wher : he mob attacked his palace he ordered his body guard to fro all that from fifteen to twenty I . 11er80ns were killed . An attack upon a larger scale Is expected tomorrow. - - - AIIIII'11 1 : " ' % lcln 1i1 itor. OAXACA , Meic. . Aug. G.-Darlo Ierlez , one 01 the most prominent journalists of south- I ern Me ) . has returned to this city after , ' a mysterious absence of several I montlms. lie was pumblimihing a newspaper called EI Eatado de Oaxaca and Indnl(1 In severe crIticisms or state officials through Its columns. One night Ito was kidnapped and taken to Yucatan where ho was forcEd Into the federal - eral army lie succeeded In sellng a lEtter I to Prebfdent Diaz , In which the facts of his ainiimctlon and treatment . wmire given. Presl- Ibdlcton . , , , , . . , , , ,1.n' nl. .nrnn ntIn n.l.ro,1 hiR r.I.Ro nntl " " 4' ' , , , , u , -"S.t- , . . . . ' . . . . . . ' . . . . . - - - - - . - sent him ; ; ; a present l ot' $100. . : - - - - - Clnn h'A Sllnl"h Cmi mitmimnim ii evm . IONnON , Aug. . -A dispatch to the Times front Havana says the Spanlsh-lnerls In Cuba have been shied to different pests. I Is believed this was done In anticipation of a mono active policy. Yellow fever II causing ravages along the troops. : I. Hamslcn ! , the Drllsh consul at Santiago lIe Cuba. has received a letter from Jose laceo demanding a supply of arms and ummunlton or $1 , 000 . with a threat to destroy his plantation I It Is refused. I Is rimumoreml martal law wi be proclaimed there Negroes 1'I'IIA In 'm'rror , . PAHIS. Tex. , Aug. 5-News reached here ( of a bad state 01 affairs prevailing In Delta county. One night last week every negro was notfed that he must leave at once or be taken out all hanged. This e:18e,1 : , a stampede among the nelroes , who , being thoroughly alarmed , began to move out or time count at once although good citizens tried to dissuade them , amid offered them every protection. Valuable property has been abandonell anti the scare continues. 1)lsemussi'it .ITllrH - - - In the limihicmmitN. MUNICH , Atmg. 5.-The Neueh Relcsteln s.'S that the principal subject of Ilscuslon yesterday at Ausse between the Austrian Iremler , Count Luchowskl , and Prince 10henlohe , the German chancellor , were the Liuianiamm anti lacellonlan reports , bllh : ( or which were or a reassurIng nattmre . I Is added that a perfect agreelent was arrived at on all the qustlonf discussed - - " Orlt'I''ll tl , 11'III'n - tn Irlu.l. nOI : Aug . . .Slgnor Martine has been onlerell to return Immedlatel to Rio de Janeiro In order to erect a settemont of the Italian claims agaInst the government of Unnail. ThE claims referred to arc those resltn ! from the destruction of te property of ItalIan citizens Incident to the riots during the last insurrection. Inslrrecton. _ . _ - imieriemuim .11 'l'rmmmhmle In CI'rn'"I ) ' . KISSING N. Au ! 5.-lr. Lotus Stern of New York was sentenced today to two weeks' Imprisonment for insulting a public official and to pay a fine of 600 marks for resistance to the authority of time state. The defense pleaded not ! llty to the charge of resistance and asked that : lr. Stern be fOln(1 guilty of the charge of Insnlll ; an officer. - - - Cnhnl Nevn fl. : . . ' :1.-1. . MAIRlD . Aug. 5.-Accormiing 10 a dispatch received hero from Havana , the gllernment troops have defeated the Insurgents near latanzas and In addiion , the Insurgent forces commandell by laceo have been the- foaled In time province of Santiago de Cuima Several Insurglmts were hilled . In both en- gageimients _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . \ . " . . ted . \'UIA ( ' lvi. MONTHEAI . Aug. G.-A dispatch from St Johns says : A shocking apaul occurred In Ihlvle , opposite here last wool I our men brutally assaulted a Il-year-old girl who was founl1 ( ted nal.cd to a tree with a frog In her threat to Prevent her crying out timC.'liOmilmiItM Arc ( Immict , CONSTANTINOPLE , Aug. -The move- menh of the insurgents In Macedonia have I , not ben reported hcro for several days. ' The agitation hi Macedonia Is regard . al hovlng completely failed . ltii'e Cr"ll n.II.1 II , IiImIiumm. \OOI" IA , Aug 5.-ContInuous rains have ruined Iho ( rice crops In many puts ot Japan and a famine I feared . Many Ins have already bel'n lost and the damage done II enormeus. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lCIJ or li'miinmmrk Still Sull'rl'A. COPfNlIGlN : , Aug 5.-The king P.8i\ a bad nlgimt lie snrerld frCuent recurrIng 005. pains and hil condition ' Is thought to be son- . . Two Men ' Ieet Ul'llh II muVeli . C1ilLLlCOTii1 . 0. . . ' CllIICOTI , Aug. 5.-WhIle dlg- glng U wl'l at South Perry Joseph Dngbam la lufocatell ( to death by poisonous gun. his br.thlr.ln law. I Oliver Benway , tried to rescue hlnl ; and shared his ft" . Doth men ' leave large tomle. BOTH SIDES READY TO FIGUT Planning to Capture Arms Stre in tho' County Court Housc SITUATION AT SPRING VALLEY IS SERIOUS 'iegrm.'mtI RUII HnlnlH Arc ArmilA for OJll'l , \'nrfnrc timid thc I.oenl l'ohiee AiltilonItieM Are Xot LUt1 ; I ilmummil . ChICAGO , Aug. G.-A Post special from Spring Valley says : The foreIgner under the leaderhip of the Ialans and the nogros who have concentlated their forces at Seaton- yule . are both organizing today . anti o's the towns are under arms a deadly conflict Is anticipated. The gnglsh speaking miners or Spring Valley to the number of 2000 held a mass meeting at the lumber yard near the Hock Island depot today and pasell a resolution - ton that no neeromen , women or children- would be allowed to remain Inside the city limits after S o'clock tomorrow evening. Speeches of the most inflammatory nature were made advocating the Immediate openIng up of lmostliitles . The negroes at Seatonvle held ! meeting at the Union church later and organized themselves for active service. Bureau county has 300 repeating rifles stored In the court house at Princeton for the protection of the citizens , and an effort will be made to se- cnre them Shonhl they fail the men will arm themselves with shotguns and fes and smal arms and make an effort to regain their homes anti bousehold goods. They also pasped : resoluol tnt they would contnu to work In the Spring Valley minES unti rischarged b ) the ( coal compan As thE police and sheriff arc mucking no effort to arrest the dlotersn the spirit of : lawlessness Is on the increase II In addiion to the negroes reported In- jued at sterdJY's conflict four others arc mlsslnj as follows : Washington Amiderson . aged 4 ) ear : Arch Fleming , aged 35 years ; Samuel Johnson , aged 30 years : Lswis lar- timi . aged 35 years. or these It Is time opinion that two at least arc lying dead tn the woods surrounding the late negro colony , as rarler report having een their bodIes. Some oC the colored residents of Chicago have been wrought up to a dangerous conmil- ton hy the report or the outrages commltell against their hrethren at Spring Valey , Some of the more radical have openly threat- ened to march against the foreigners there with an Armed force. L.mmte tonight the following - lowing cal to arms wa Issued and circulated In the colored conlnunly of the South Side : "To the Colored People oC Chicago-There I will be a meetnp at 500 State street at ! p. , m. , August 6 , and we want all able-bodied i . men to come. Thc time has come for us to lme raise our arms In deCense or our race They are kIlling our IJeople al over tie country. Every day \e rea,1 of their I'nchlng , murder- lug anti outragIng our people. We declare that this Is a free country. all unless we fght for our rights the foreigners will run us out , as the goverment has not protected and will not protect us as we protected It In the time of need.e ask all able.bol\ed colored men to respond to this call , as they must have our old at Spring Valley before 5 p. m. Tuesday or they will stan,1 , amid slaughter the helpless women and chidren that are ieft. We havegot to do thus and we may as 'el die now as to tile a year from now. F. S. MOOi1E. W. C. 1IAW'ICINS. . "ii. : . IISIiE1t. " A lass meeting was hehl earlier In the night , at which speeches were made by lrs. Ida D. Wels.Bnrnet anti others. A telegram was sent to Governor Aitgcid asking him to Algeld . . . . , , , . _ . .nn tInt 'hn MlnM.1 mlnnr orn' nM'Mn.1 " . . . . . . . .u. . . . . % .n . " P'U" " ' I amid I was deeled ] to hold another meeting on'eI1ne5da ) nlht , and I by that time no acton has been taken by the governor , ar- rngements will be made to sell nurses anti oUter assistance to Spring Vahiey. Several meluhers of a colored mitary company who were present declared IC the tate would not protect the colored people ; at Spring Vale ) they \oull give the ItalIans nil the fight they wanted. The meetimmg . however , frowned upon the warlle young men saying that I had not come to that as yet SPItING VALLBV . Ill. , Aug. G.-The sltua- te Is very quiet In this city tonight. This afternoon a few nero women were "alowel to pack up their goods and depart from 1.0' cation. The 100 mmegoes run out of this city are all at Seatonville. Many of them slept In the woods last night. Time mayor con- t"mplated putting on a few deputes tonight , but the situation Is so calm that In all 11111- hcol this will not be necessary. A meeting oC the mIners anti citizens will be held In the public S'luare tomorrow morning at 10 o'c'ock. The man Role who was shot anti robbed by eolorell mon Saturday night , Is still alive , hut cannot live long . The coal company 0111- dais herln to feel alarmed , as a dynamie ( b'mb was found near M'mnager Dahzeil's resi- denco this tnorning. The' Is no clue as to who dropped I there but It Is ! enerly be- lEered that I had been there ever since yesterday . terday . wher time crowd visited him to' demand - mand the disellrge of al negroes . ' - - CIAnGI J opp SOI 1.\1 lldII'l'S. , PlrHt Nut lommimi Inll < "r ChlelA" \II"I.tH heroic : . .nHur. . CHICAGO , Atmg 5.-The First National banll has chargell oft from its surplus $1,000- 000. transferring that sum to the profit and loss account. Ne'ver before have such heroic measures been taken b ) a Chicago bank. In charging off this large sum trout its surplus the directors have completely wiped out the real estate which the banI has taken at one timmie or anJther anti which Is said to represent - resent a \alue of some $100,000. The hank charged ; Iheraly from its undivided proft' at the beginning oC last 'ear. Tim& banl's "tatement to lime comptroler December 19. 1S93. showed undivided profits 01 $ GSO.9 19. January It charged ofT something lo $ GOO.- 000 Cram its unllviled profIts. "There Is nothing to say about the matter. " said l'resi- lent Gage "fnrther ( than that the bank hu made losses and accumulatell loubtul ] as- sets , which I has ] now been deemed ] wise to charge oft In this wa ) ' . We might have worried along anti , bronjht out all of the e assets , so that no loss would have been shown. I 10 are still able to 110 that I will simply go Into the profits as we realize on thmomn. " them. . SI.U\ " VOlt ii " ' 1'1'1 ' 1'lg 'l't'lllS. \\'nilul I I for 1''rmlHNI" . tn l'roH"'ut. lt'uz : tul'II'I'I'rH. ALTON Ill. . Aug. -Another letter has been received In this city from WIlliam Sachileben . who Is conductng the Len ' searching expedition. He states that his misIon Is making rather slow progress. Ito Is at Erzeroumu , waiting for go\'ernmental authority to proceed with the prosecuton 01 the muderers of the lost American wheel man hating establihed the identIty of the assassins . he Is eompele1 to lie Idly by until the United States , by force of author. I ) ' , compel time Turkish powers to allow proceedings against the guilty parties. He has recently had a telegram from the Amer- lean consul allvlslng him not to mo\1 for the present , but to await de\elopments , a steps have been taken to procure him the needd authority. To undertake to act ag- greul\ely without any authoritative mitary escort he says , would be tantamount to suicide ! . 01.1 i'toiim'lelora 'l'mm I. time .iit'reimr' . NEW YORK . Aug. 5.-The Daily Mercury bas returned to the control of its .former proprietors Messrs. Caldwel and Noble. Four thousand , nine hundred and seventy shares of the capital tack were sold at auction today anti , were bought for $ S0O The sale ends the recent dlnlcullel between the old propniotora and Harvey I.arayete ( , who at- temptell to have his partial purchase of the paper rescinded by the courts - - . loem.iemita uC U'nn Ntl'I'r. , Aug. iN . At York-Arrlvell-Ethlopla , from I Guguw : Trne , from Dremen : Cevlc , from I LIVerpoQI ; Amsterdam from Am.t rdb. , - ifls . ' " Jg " 'I''T - T.tl.MAGId IHU. . Xc\'er lIi'covere.ifrohtl tlit" SIUHk 01 the' Inrnln or the 'l'nhcrmimmcle. DANS\'ILLI , N. Y. , AUG. 5Mrs. T. Do Wit TalmaGe died here at GO : this morntng. Since the burning of the Brooklyn tabernacle - naclo Mrs. Talmago has stiffened from nervous prostration anti alto has never fully recovered from the shock sustained then. The fro broke out while the doctor WAS holding his Isual Sunday reception amid. a large number at parishioners and visitors ' were In the church when the fire broke out They all made good their escape , hut Ir. Talmage went back Into the burning edifice for something - thIng he had left behind. During his absence Mrs. Talmage , who , with other member of the family , was outside awaitng his reap- pea rance , became greatly excited and alarmed for the doctor's safety. As soon as she was Inrormed that hl was all right she broke down completely , her oyerwrought nerves be- log unequal for such a sthln. lien deters suggested a guropean tour to build up her failing health. She was accompanied to Europe - rope by Misses laude and Daisy Talmage. Whie In Home she became ill with Homan fever and accompanle,1 b ) one ot her physI- clans she returned home. While staylnp at the fallh"s summer residence near East Hampten , I I. , she appeared Ie Improve and her friends had hones for her speedy recovery. This was not to b. however , as i she soon hail a relapse or the spells of ex- ' imaustion anti nervous Itrstration. Thin sufferer - 'I ferer was removed to time Dans\lo sani- tarium about a year ago , with Miss Daisy Talmage atm her eenstant companion While Dr Taln1e was absent on a lecturing - Ing tour In the west last wade ho received a telegram summonL'lg him to his wife's bed- mimie . lie at once canceled all his en ae- monte and hastened back to fnd that there was very little hope for the patient's recoy- cry and ho reniainei with her uutl the end came thh miiornlmmg. . ' The lleeeaged was the s onll wire or Dr. Talmage. His first wife wets drowned while boating In 1862 , lea\111 a daughter , Miss Jessie , and a Mn. who has since died. WLthln two years afterward the doctor mimar- rlei Miss Susie \hlemore oC flrooklyn. She hecame the mother o five children , He\ . Frank DeIt 1almae. Mrs. lorln. Irs. : lang.n , Miss laude and llss DalY Tal- mage. IISCl'ilmtldtA ( ' 1"1\1 0t' IIUUI. Selt'miei' . lmiit'M . . Upfoi' . , tht. I"ul I r. . oft t lii' i1i'smvii forM In lie lmmisi'mII'itt. ' ChICAGO Ammg. G.-Human blood was found today In Holmes' caste besptered from one rol to another. Science aIded Detect\'cs Fitzpatrick and Norton \here other agencies had Called and uncovered ' mmmare startling evidence against holmes and Pat Quinlan than has been Counll In the castie. There was found In the caste by time detectives and a Icdlcal expert a trail or blood ledlmmg from th doorway of the dining room oC : IIs , Jolla I. Conner to the sink In the same room : CIOI there Into tbe ( dark chamber - her where she anti , Pearl formerly slept , amid from thee to the Inilde or the ( door openhll I Into tie bath rom , where the secret door was ; on the baseboard of that room above I th . Irn .Innr nntl , In\n ml h. 1p.'r't Rnlr"'R" whicim ; - led " - to t"hr i elevator i - - shaft ' -11) ; ) thence Into the basement The blood was human. A clot of blood mixed with human hair was found Also from the debris from the dark cimanmber where the ( mother anti chid slept , there was taken some child's Iltdcrwear stained with 1100d ; a pair of brown diagonal trouser stained at the botoln with blood : the Pocket of a woman's dress boOlsoaked : ; a qn'lkechlef which had been used to wipe up' blood with all I various clothes and pars 'Jf underclothing spoted with blood. . S TheE articles were examined microscopic- ally at the tme or their dIscovery and the test made then anti there of the stains and ! alr blotches showed : It to be human blood. With but one or two exceptions the ( expert reelied the ) ' were all larld wlh human blood. A rope was found In the dark chamber , all tn its Imots blood was dlscovercd. Chief Badenoch believes all this evidence to be the most Important of any save the partial confessions of Mr. Qulnlan . that he has yet sccured. The Infer nce drawn by the officers from time trail of blood which was Ils covered wa that the bl ad , being httmniamm came from somno person \ ho was killed In the dark ' chamber , dragged from there to the trap door thence down. t e secret stall to the' inmeemmiemit Chemical 'ah'sls of all the bloo:1 : wIll Immeilately to ion' The hioody doors were taken ciT an , the base boards , also portions of the floe lug oC the dalle chamber and boards from the secret staircase. . tlo ZII 'Yt'l"l' IS SICn\'I.\ SISI'IXG. AlhutN Ills fmk'iitltaimmi " " ' ' 1 I ( Pnr tnl CoifesNlmmm. SOUTH ENID , OkI. , Aug. ' 5.-Zlp Wyatt . alas Yeager , the notorious bandit , Is still alive . but fast sinking. lIe has three 45- caliber bullets In his hOlly two of which arc 10dpe,1 , In his InteqUnes. Wien told this afternoon that he was bonD't to the he male , a partial statemnemit a.lnltUng . his Ilentt ) . and rcqnested that his fmjthber be scnt for. His father Wilamrat lives near Guthrie - rio anti Is known as "SIxslmmoter lull , " 10 Is a tall , muscular old man and when In his cups Is In thQ hahlt 01 m 1lng a hot house for time boys. Zip Wyatt , tle hallt , Is the only one of the Dalton gmjiig who made hl etcapc from the raid at Coir yvihle . Kan. He was wounlled at the Dover robbery anti wal the leader at the Little Hock train rohbery on time Santa Fe. lie has asslse(1 ( In a score of more of murders and prhaps 100 robberies of hanks , stores and private families. lore than 500 people visied , th jai ( omiay ( to see hint : Ian ) of Ihom IJoslfel ) Identified him. A dcputy Unied States nlarhal stated this afternoon that the pursui hnd capture of Zlll had cost the United States government ten or twelve brave o0c rs anli private citizens and probably 50000. A'1"l'l1t ( "I' 'FASS.tI'i.'m' - ' , , UI'H ' n.\s'I' lemmim I y ' Sii'rlfTs nIH"r.h flit' , ' , mlVhmo . 11 g'I.lent ) iimsimmui ' . SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. -Tho first attempt - tempt to do violence to Theodore Dmmrrammt on trIal for time murder Qf Danche Lament In . Emanuel church , since his incarceration was wade today as the _ defendant was lea.Y- lug time court room The prisoner was In the custody or the chief jailer when a wild look- lug young lan rushed fro n the crowtl towa,1 Dlrrant. wlh the evident Iptpnton of as- sanilng hIm. The jailer threw him off be- fore he could reach Durrant ali the assailant . I ant tried to dr.\ w a pIstol. Ho wns seIzed by two delll sheriffs betoru he ( could aim ) Insane. his weapon. I Is believed time assailant Is A seventh juror tQ U" Durrant was secured - cured at the morning ttnsion of the court In the person of II. J. Sm.the $ , a Tetred farmer. ; 1. - _ . I _ - , 1,11 rice Xnll'r or. Comiu'Iets . , InJlr ( . . . JFFFEISO CITY , :10" Aug. G.-TwI convicts , Suillvaa . of Kansas City and 100ley of St. Louis , are In the prison hospital tonight - night possibly fatal ) ' hnrt. Twenty prisoners - oners are mere or less InJured. The prison- era working In one of the shoe shops were being marchell to supper acoss a bridge twenty feet long connecting the second stories of the factory iuiiding. Sudllenly and without a moment's wanIng the ( bridge broke , and all rf those whO were emi It were precipItated to the Irouill Sullivan and Hooley were among thE first to fall , Strange to relate , no bone" were hroken. Hooley war hurt In the breast , Stlh'an In the back All were badly I bruised p - HI"'Hlro 'l'l'HtIOIhOlt . \1 lit. UNION , Mo. , Aug. G.-Just before court adjourned this' evening the defense In the case of Millionaire Duestrow stated that It had Introduced all its tebtmony except the expert alI semi-expert testimony. Just prior to the adjournment court held that.a hpo. thetcal case must be made by the defense before It rested , and not after the state had made its rebuttal. The decision Is consid- ered quite an Important victory for time state. I Two At'rommntitpi 1'coy'rllA JACISONch. . , Mug , 5-The two aeronauts - nauts who tel from a baleen at Vander- cook's lake yeterlay afternoon will probably recover Time ) 'oung"man hal both her legs fractured. broken , while Elliott's cola bone was urct QUO WARRANTO IS DELAYED Petition for n Hearing Presented , but Not Received in the Supreme Court . EXTRA TERM MAY NOT BE CALLED Judge Xor"nl i1hrestmes 111"1 I to 'lhlH ' 1 leet lull . SI'H I :11) ' Ic October hiefore thc CIHe I" liciuril. I.IXCON. Aug. G.-Sreclal ( Telegram.- ) Attorney General CimtmrciiUl this evening pre- , sented a petition In quo warranto In the C8e of the Omaha Fire and Polce commission to I Clerk of thd Supreme Court Campbel and asked to have It flied . : lr. Campbel re- fused to either receive or file It. To a reporter - porter for The Bee Chef ! Justice Norval said that permission to file such a petition must be grntell by the full Inch either at a special or regular session The supreme court woull not be In sessIon until September - her 1i , at which time the petition could be presented and a hearing ot the case had. As , there are criminal anti other cases docketell ' sufcient to consume two weeks of the cotmnt's : time . It mllht bo until October beCoro time : quo warranto case eoull be reached. Chief I Justice Norval said that he did not anticipate - ' pate that a special term would be called to hear this case. This morning Governor 10lcomb rCuested PrIvate Secretor Marat to walt ) on Atorney i General Churchi and request him to file i quo warranto proceeilngs In the Omaha Fire 1 , and Polce commissIon case with the supreme cotmrt The attorney general , throuph hula deputy : lr. Day , said that hu wouhl ron- skier the request of the governor as malla- tory anti IJepare the pap rs accordingly. The governor's request was to the effect that I It were not possible to file th.m today that such actou woull certainly be hall tomorrow. The attorney general assisted by Mr. Day. ImmedIately set about tie IJeparaton of the docummnemits The petition . which Is Ihort , sets lP that at present there exists In Omaha two contestn Boards of Fire anti Polce Com- mmmissioners giving the names or the respective boards and stating the facts under which the nel board was appuilt.d and citing the law under which such acton was taken. Time attorney - torey general then presents the condition of the old board , giving their reaSOl1 for at- tcmptn to retain posseslon oC their offices. and statng that timy do so under the belief that the law unmier which the new board was unler appointed was ummconstituiomiai. ( :1YOI 1IE3IIS1IIIGINS I'ltOCldidiIXGS. I'l' thlt 'i'iuieStlmVl ' imil Ont If the Chnrt'hll-ln"H1 I Stul Is . LINCOLN , Aug. 5.-Special.-Timo ( ) legal net continues to tghten about tie combine eo assiluously seeking to force the Cimurcimihl- ltmmsrell FIre and Police commission Ufon Omaha In spite _ , of the interdiction of the cotmrts. Papers were med with the clerk of the supreme court yesterday directly In the relation at Mayor Bemis , member of the present Board of Fire antI Police Commissioners - sioners , and ex-oiilcio chairman , as Tllalntl In proceedings In the nature of quo warranto , to test the authority under which Broatcii Vandervoort and Foster assume to have been nppointed ( police commissioners and to claim limo ofilce. Time commencement of these 'pro0dngS ! threatens to bo like ! c01 stream ot water poured on the neck of-tbe combine. One of Its chief contentions In f htng time amicable ! Fe , tement In the courts as IJop08ed by the old comumuisslommers was that time latter en- tetalned no intention or ( eating the case In the courts These proceedings disprove that contentIon. They show that the present board Is not only anxious to test the ( new law by jlulelal process , but Is oven willing to Institute the necessary proceedings itself . whether time attorney general commences suit In time name of the new appointees or nJt. 110'I'CIXH 10IH .tNS'i'LiIt. Gen"I'nl Ht'nlli nf . \ " ' ntlnN 11 ! cl . ttll fil' liii mmmmetluii . The answer flied In the injunction slit 3alnst Vammtlervoort Broatch and Foster now on file In the district court Is , In the main , a denial or the allegations of the plaimmtift's imetitlon . The answer admis that tile new board was appointed by only two of the appointing board provided for In the eomblhe's law and without time concurrence of Governor Holcomb , hit seeks to have the court dissolve the restraining order on the assumpton that the old board docs not Intend brlnln an ) qmmo warranto procrdlngs to test the right of time new hoard to assume 0111 Co. olco.When When Judge Scott was first asked for the use of court room No. 1 for the heaing of the injunction suits he refused , telling Dep- uty Sheriff Hosenzwel , who cemlunicatcil the r'uest of Judge Hopewel. that he needed the reel every day for his worlt Later at the earnest solicitation of Dick Hal and Franlt Hansom , he consemmteti . ll.t'ld MItS. ( : \IUSI' 1 IOC.\'I'EI. SII.I tu lie ' 1''n'hlA I S.'houl II n CUI- . ' ' mmt't'tletit 'l'uvmi. BOSTON Au ! -lro. . Annie M. Gardner , the missing Nebraska Christian Endeavor , delegate . Is belevtl to bo teaching school In a Connecticut town. A woman answering her description has been traced from the plco where lrs. Gardner got a woman to write to her husbanl , under an alonymous name that she was dead to Cam- bridge where site went by time name of Mitts : lansfell1 She left the day Mrs. Gardner - nor Ilsappeared , haYing her trunk smt to the New Pnlanll depot , where I was checked for the Connecticut town. S.\ ' SO IXU1\SS OX ' ( ' 1111 'CR11' . Inrt ) . IC It.n _ t'Slierlfl's . . It t' I ml rim frln .JiiI.it ' ' Iiiit' . LANDER W'o. . Aug. 5.-Speclai ( Tele- gram.-Thmo ) sheriff's posse which went to Jackson's hole returned tonight at 9 o'clock. They report that no Indians were seen on the 400-tulle trip except those on the reserva. tion. ton. ton.DENVEH , Aug. G.-A News special from Cheyenne , Wyo. , says : Adjutant General Sttzer arrived here from Jackson's Hole. lie le reports everythIng quiet at that place and says he believes the Inllal police will bc able to take the Indians hack to their reser- vation . . Cismmfilt't lug Xt''H C'nm Jli'ii'er IMliIiul. TOSKEY , Mich. , Aug -Captaln Van- derhof of the steamer Thomas I'rJant has returned from Beaver Island. He denies that any gr'at damage has been done , 8S given out In the early reports. On the other hand , equally reliable vessel men who landed relte that Gillette Is certainly destroyed - stroyell and that St . James although 8a\'ell a yet , Is threatened by swamp tires , which are iiabiq. to overcome the vigIlance ot time islanders No lives have been lost A levay rain Is falling . tonlght. , UlltlA I UUWI t" . Clmnisto its . SOUTH M'ALESTIIit , I. ' , Aug. 5.-The Christian gang robbed another store near Calvin last night Marshal : tcAleEer bas telegraphed ] the Department of Justice to appoint special deputes to hunt the robbers down Marshal Hutherford of the northern district has a force of deputes on theM way bere. The officers are delermlnell to either kill or capture the entire . gang. _ "nlnl" ' 10rH ( ' " Ilutriieii. FORT WAYNE , Inll. , Aug. 5.-The $12,000 stock barn on n. D. McDonald's celebrated Riverside farm 'V8S burned nlgbt. The $0.00 California stallion , Truman , wih a record of 2 12 , and five tine cell by Electric namel. King , valued at $10,000 , perished II the PIHH IX'l'l A t'ASSIXG 'l'IIAIS. l nlli ldfli'ets oC R Sllute from It StimulI Cii itnuim. SPlNO ILD , 0. . Aug. 5.-A cannon fred from 1 KnIghts of 1).thlas excursion today struck a passing train carrying time Third regiment of Ohio National Guard , Colonel Anthony comnmnantiing , resultng In the serous InJur ot a number of soltilers . The regiment has been In camp for the I'ast week at Johnson's Island , and broke camp toda ) ' , TOllay was also the day for time . . Knights of 1).thlas of Slllngnehl anti layton to start for camp at Sanllnsk The two trains were to pas near ilehifontaimic. The l.thlans hall a small cannon In the baggage car of theIr train and were firing salutes as they went along. One or these salutes was fred just as the train beaing the reglnlnt was i'asshmmg. The two trains were but two feet apart , The full charge of the cannon , powder and wadding , was delverel , rIght In the faces oC time crowlled carload - load of 5hlers , who hall the win- dews open. Instant ! there were shrieks of pain from the wounlle(1 soltilers. To make matters worse the car was filled ( with the surocatng smoke of the Ilowller. With IJO\ tier burning Into some bloJl1 flowing ( remit time wounds of others who .had been struck b ) the heavy wadding the scene was one of eontnslon. The Injured were In great aeon The car doors were opened and the slo.e ] cleared away. Time hospital corps of the regi- ment was aboard and was 1lmellutel ) ' called Into service. Three mcn ere batily cut about the heall Two little boys eompan "mascots , " ' hall their faces shot con1letel ) ' ful of powder , and wcro In great alon ) ' ; two soldiers were made dcar prohabl ) beyond recovery ; another will lose his e'eslght One man was sitting with his face betl eon his hands looking Ilt or the window and recelv- lug the discharge Cul In the face , was serlolsly burne'1 ' SOle twenty morl hail their faces partially fled S with the powder. " ' . \X'I' 1'lnD' , 'l' ( ) nn'I\:1 (101,1) L'iisiit'i'i'ssiI Efforts ur Sliver t1i'mt tu lurH ! :11'1 \ \ ' < , rk lnIHIH It'IHIIIu'r" . TOPgtA , Knit. . Aug. f.Thlslselslon dlY antI checks for several imummidremi thioumsand dol- iars are beimig Paid out this week by Unlteti States Commnissiomier Glick. Time following cIrcular was distributeti mumnong time old set- tiers of Topeka amid Simawmiee commntles wimo this niornhmig visited time United States peim- sion effico to get their quartermy allowance front the government : "Comrades , halt ! You are entitled to gold iii Paymmient of your checks. Demmmamid it. Do not accept depreciated currency. " Time voneiommers are Imaiti by checks wimlcim are casliemi at time Topeka hammks. It is claimed time circular was prepareti by a bi- betalhist vhmo wamiteti to simow timat tiiere Is miot enotmgii gold imi time banks to pay time pommsloners alone , aside from doing time otimor buslnesmm of tim country. It hmas also been smiggesteti that timls many be part of the Sovereign boycott of imational bank tmotes. It is not known who distnibutemi the circulor. Over 500 peimelon checks vere paid by time Topeka bank tolay. emil ) ' two askIng for gold. Omme was a customer mumti lie 'as givemi the yehiow metal. Time otimer 'as immsolent anti was toiti to get out of time bamik. l'restdemit J. Il. Muivammo of time Hank of 'l'opeka saul : 'We generally flSY moat of thie pensioners in gold , as it is more convenient when we are rumsimeml , but this circmmlar wimlchm was distrlb- tmteti amnoiig the pensioners is diabolical. I know not what else to call it. We tb not get a cent for making this payment , or ratlmer for casimlng these cimocks. We do not ciimirge these veterans anything for collecting their mnoney.nmimi it.rcmzlly coats us about $25 every three montims to hiamidle this pension business. We mmmsmt be very partietmiar about every check amid time checks niumst be forwarded \Vashing- - ton by express. We cannot risk time mails. Time govenimment does not keep ammy mmlommey deposIted with us , so you can mmcc how fooi- isis it is that timis circular sliommid be sent out , telling themmi to demand gold. " - - - 11 11'IdIt S'Vli3i11mCS IIUI1NIII ) . lit , ) ' i'hityl tig ' . 'ItIi ( Imi telmeim Stmi rts it hIsiiuulrt.i 'I'Imimitsmti..l lolhmtr lilnat' . CINCINNATI , Aug. 5.-At 2 p. imi. fire was tliseoveretm mmi time ijmncmnnaut wmmarmuoau. It soomi titreatenctl everything on time inmbiic landing ammd In iort. The commilagratiomi lasted less than an hommr , bmmrmiing two large \vhmarfboats and two steamers anti causimig a loss of over $100,000. All time loss fails eu time Cinciminati & Louisville Mail Line coma- pany. Time fire originated on time wimnrfboat known as ( imo Cimicinmiati anti was caumsed by a boy striking a mnatcit mmear baled imay. Time steanmers Big Sandy and Carroitomi were cimaineti to the large wliartiioats anti had ito steam tip , so timey commiti not get away from time fire. Both were destroyed. As time fire occurred tlmree or four imoumrs bolero time start- lug time- there were only a few passengers on board , antI timeyvere carily lammded. There was a mnultitutle about time river hiammks 00 thais sIde , anti intense excitement exlteti because - cause of reckless reports about time loss of life , Several firemen amimi stemmmrmhoatnmen vere painfully liurnetl , btmt none seriously. Several wiitmrf imtmlitiings anti other bmmhlmiings near by were batily scorched. A hmnrse at- tacheti to a dray cotmltl not be miniven frommi the burning wharf anti pltmnged imito time river anti vas tlrowmmed. Commodore Loirilow tonight says thm losses of the mall himie are as follows : The Dig Samiiiy steanmer , $15,000 ; immsmmrancc , $10- 0)0 ; tIme Carrolton stt'amimer , $35,000 ; macmr. amice , $10,000. Time loss on time Lommiavilie wimarfboat is $8,000 ; lmistmrance , $ ,0O0 : Cirm- clnmiati wimarfimoat , $15,000 ; inmmmmrsnce. $12,000 ; total loss of time mmmii line , $100,000 ; lnuramice , $90,000. TIme imumlis of tUe imoats jmank. Time steamers , as well as time u'immurfijoats , are total losses. Then' is no estimate of thin cargoes. The insmmrance is mostly In foreign and eastern companies. (1t'li UI' 't'1'l'IlU'l' A F'l(1lI'l' , Slayers tif SIienlffsSlmgg multi ln.'uves iii 't' < , iselt' Commimty , Utmils , SALT LAKE , Aug. 5.-Cougimlin anti George , time slayers of Simeriffs Stagg nmmtl 1)awesm near Echo on Momiday last , imavo been captured aimti are safely beiminmi tIme bars in the comunty jail. Timeso young des- imeramiocs hail successfully elmimlemi time oillciais of three counties for nearly a week , belmig emigagod in time naeantirno in two encounters at elmort range. Vlmilo time sheriffs' posmes anti time Salt Lake city police were tcourlng time cotmntry east of Salt I.lko CIty the two men made their way through time lines , stoic two horses in time suburbs omm Saturtlay nlgimt anti reacimoil Toocle commnty on timeir 'say west. Sheriff MeKeilar of Tooele commity was notified of timeir movermients and smirrountieti timemn timis muonititig in'illo's' canyon. Time men were taken by surprise anti surrentlered without fighting or firing a simot. They said it was tue first opportunIty they had to surrender without hieing imimot mlwn like tiogs. They arriveti imore at. 4 o'clock thus afternoon. Time jail is besIeged i'y a curIous crowd , anxious to see time prisoners. Corri'sjinmmilemit Iti'tum mmmcii to lalmimemni mti ISII1'iIMING , Mlcii , , Aug , 5-Time correspondent - spondent of time Detroit flrenlng News , who left town under coummpmilsiomu of a crowd of miners last Friday night , returned from Marquette - quette alone today. The strikers have gone (0 ( Neguanee to hold a demonstration , Mayor Joimnson hues mamlo futile attempts to swear in special pohicemmien , but none came be found whmo will serve , Mayor Joimmisun has received a telegramn fronu Governur Rich urgIng tIme prevention of Immterfercnco with any person engaged in legltimmiate pursuits. itevVilhiam Coaml , ciialnmnan of the Miners' union , professea willingness to assist In. mnaimmtainlng order , but doubts the ability of himself anti oilmen leatiem's to control some of tue strIkers , who are suspIcious of outsitlers , The Ishpemuing strikers , after a meeting at the Midway park totiy , went to Negaunco snti helml a joimmt ilenmonetratlomi TIme cimief approiienslon today was tIme poasi- bihity that the' rain. wiitm'hms'as falling , might drive time miners Into Neg.aummee saloons. coma that they mmilght return lnfmmrkateti Mayor Johnson today sent a demnarmil to Marquette to the sheriff to conic bore. ChOSE A SUPERINTENDENT School Board Gives the Place to 0 , G. Pearse of Beatrice. hAD JUST TIlE NECESSARY EIGhT VOTES Other Sememi 'emit to l'rnt , , , < - ' . Suhmiry ( Imisii' * 8ouu-Conl Comm. tnutets for timi. % ' ' r tmtnilt'sl , C. a. l'earmo of licatrleo was elected as sumperinteuumiemtt of schools by thme Hoard ot Etimmeatlomi at time rogimlar meeting last night , lie received exactly time eghmt ! votes miece airy tm elect eu time first ballot , wlmila time re- niainmler vent to Prof. homer P. LewIs , pnln- cipal of the Iligim school. .At a cammeus in the afternoon time mnmajonity agreed to tmmmite on l'earec , l'iersoma went to Lewis , tlflms leaving timemmi wlthu exactly time imecessary votes. Time supporters of Simiitim , Carhart , 1toberts anti Strong united to ac- comuphisim t'carse's election. 'l'imero was a tiechled tiliferenco of opinioa In ( tic matter of salary. Tmmkey nmoved that time salary be mumamie $1.000 a year. Rhodes S ammiemutietl to tti effect thm'mt It remmmnin at $ ) .G00. Tuikey saimi that It wits hot timmsini'ss- like to ta' $3,600 to a mmmnmm who aa nou getting emily $1,200 at lieariee. ( If Mr. l'earse luroveti to b tile nlgimt. sort of mann It would be utrolmer to increase lila salary mifter the first year. CITi' SIX I1UNIilll { ) OFF. Kumodeil saul timmut. there was a contain aumiomint of auorlo comimuected aItlm time Position ammtl ono mmmati avmms worthi jmtst eut miimieim as cmi- otimet. litmrgess cmiii Cramiibiett timommgimt that $3,000 watmhmi Ito emmommghi , anti after sonic fmmrthier dls' emission time ammmentlmnemtt was wittmmlrmmwmm anti Limo lresitiemit amid secretary % ere mumtimorizett to sigmm a commtract with Mr. l'e.mrse for emma year at $3,000. Mr. l'eam'ao Is imetweemi 30 ammti iO years of age. lie has leemi SUiu'rimitemlmlcnt of tlmo Beatrice schools several years ammti was a camitiltimtte before limo last repumbllcan state commventiomi for thit' mimumuimiatiomi for tata Bumper- intemmtiemmt of public immstrmmction. Time report of thma superimmtontlemit of build- hugs I mmii lcmtt cmi a mu atenia I sari ml g by iuul mating time school btmllmiings by day labor , Time cost. out four large bmmildlngs was 4 1-10 cemuts per 3'anmi. Last yemir thu work was let by contract - tract tutu cost 6 ½ edits iter yard. Time report of Cli ) ' Treasurer ltmmmiomat imuii- cateti a imalammce 1mm ( lie fimmmtl of $26,827.15 , ox- elusive of time SlO,000 tit'posit imi time Mimilamad Sttmte batik.'arramita mmmmiommmmtimmg to $51- 665.OS were Paiti dtmrimmg time last twenty days of the mmioumth. Time reutignattomi of J05510 Mdfloberts , one of time recemathy eiectemi teacimers , was tema- tiered amid acceptetl. MIss hum iimehlenberger was grammtcd a leave of absetmce for one year. NO SChOOL FOR TIIII illIlcilITS. Time petition of proparty owmmers for mm. scimoot at Ounmthma I bights was iilnceti 0mm llle , TIme committee reltonteti that time school avmta mmeetied imy abommt twenty-five Imumluils , btmt tlmo finammcos of time board ( liii umot warrant limo oxpenmiittmre. 'Fime mmaomatimly bills vere ailoweti. These in- clutied time Janitors' pmy roll for $1,619.50. amid. that of the sumperintemadcmat of buildIngs , amommmmtimmg to $2,920.C,0. 0mm rccomnmmmemmtlmmtioma of time commmmuitee ( out judiciary time board rofimseil to consider the meqmaost of time bondsmnen of henry hahn to fluke a demaumti on J. O'flommclmume for a balance of $56.35 ( ; dime ott ) mi saloomu license. This au'as tuft case 1mm which a bill of O'lon- oimuma ngaimmst Iioiimm aa foummad In time casim tlmawer mis part lutymnent on time llcemise , Time boarti aiii reqmmire time bommmismnen to mnako good time amnoummt. 'i'imo comitract for imanmi coal for time cmmrrent year saas let to time Simenidnmm Coal comiupammy mit $7.50 ror toma. Time soft coal contract waa let to \ ' 0. Goss at $2.90 , mind tlmmut for nut coal to time Amnenicami Fuel cummipany at $2.61. - mtm'ICOVING ' .ll1lC5tN . ' . 'm'A't'ldIt'"s'fl. l1adt'mmI s'i. l'lmi i.sif.st' I imisiissl Nimvlgmt- I limit Il'l iii.r lei'iomst'si , CITY OF MEXICO , Aug. 5-Major Scoum- gal , an irrigationengineer , wimo lies been in time emmiploy or time British govcrnmnent in Imadia , will inmmnemIately begin work eu time Tempoal river near Tammiplco to enable steamners to ascemuti to time tuwmm of Temmmpomil. lie will also , imm conjmmncttomm with Mr. Core- hell , who am'as time constmltlrmg mmgineer at time Tamupico jettIes , excavate G00 kIlometers ot clmatmnei fromn time upper 1110 Grantie , Scongat also will be in cit.mrge of time canalization project fruna Timmmmitlco to Juximaumi through Like Lamuilmmmmm. A concession has been granteti for mm canal to commmmect time west enti of tIme lstlmmnmms of Teimuantelec , time canal to run luarahiel with the coast. 'rime new water- uva ) ' uvill be nearly 400 mmiiles lommg amid wilt extenml into Gmiatemmmala. 'fime Mexican gov- erummmmmmmt is giving mnumchm attetitlout to extend- lag Its various waterwmmymm so as to develop Immianti navigation , General Jnimn Ii , FrIsbee of timis city , for- . imierly of CalifornIa , has jmmst received a concession for an electric railway from Jim- lipa , on time Interoceammic rallroaml ( a Cornima , on time Vera Cruz railway , passing timroumgim an extensIve coffee aummi fnmmlt commmmtry. 'rlmis road auth facilitate time ommllet for time emmor- mmaoums coffee croim of limat region. Siurvey and construmctlumi will begimi Iinmnetiiatt'ly. George Topimanm imaum time engineering in eimarge. 'i'Imi is time first electric railway projected iii time reptmimhic. Americans lucre avimo mare lmierestetl ( In pumgil- lsmn will endeavor to imavo time Corbett-Fhtz- simmons figimt hielti here macar time borders of time federal district. i'tmbhic ohmimalon is boa- tile. tile.Timo Time examination at Pmmebla of time niother of Editor Olomumeomi discloses that site kmmew rmotiming of imer son's political contests and was mmmiaware that ime had enemiuies. 'Fime edItor of Cronhsta imas Imeemi reieaed frommm prison at t'tmebia. CITY OF MEXICO , Mug. 5-An autopsy has been helti upon the hotly of Js'sums Olunos Contreras , time congressman antI jommrmialliit who was aesmissimmatetl in l'uehlo. It revealeti the fart that lie Imati been stabimemi forty-two tlnies in time cimest anti wommmd probably have been stabbed oftener imati mmot one of time daggers been brokemi , time blade rommaaining Imbedtlemi in time mutcles. Time imeart was traverseil twIce by a weapon wleldemi by a very strong hand and with sumre aim. Other stabs might apparently have been gIven by blind men. so wllti was their direction. Nobln ( at present Is kmmown as to time ammthor of th deed , butt indications simow cleurly that It was tin act of private vengeance , done by men who so tlmueii ( heIr crlnie as to elmimlo the vigilance of two policemen who were lxi the neighborhooti of time street where time body m'as founmi. lioth ofiicers have declared that they neitimer saw nor hearti anytiminit uuatmsu4 dmmrlng the night. flmiriitt'uitVorlt'rs' Strike Ilmislesi , NEW YOILK , Aug. 5.-The Garment Work. era' strIke is vracticaliy a victory for time umiiomi , although Secretary Wilkowski , who on Sunday night made a formal aurrende in time name of tue Contractors' association , was not able to deliver time gootis , and a few employers are still resisting the workers' do. mnande. Forty agreements were filed today. This makes a total of 400 contractors , repro. senting 12,000 strikers in New York aumi vi- chilly , who have acceptemi the terms of the workmen. Leader cimoenfelmI of the strikere saiti today : "Another 5,000 of our mnen re turned to work yesterday and today , anti there are now only 200 comitractora who have not signed our agreement They are nearly alt association men , and th' may hold out. two or three weeks. In the mmieanime the otimtr contractors will be doing all the work , " . - - - It < 'setiesi Smillorsm Iii ii Smmd 1'iI&iit. i'OItT TOWNSEND , Wash. , Aug. 5.-Six survivors of the sealing schooner , Waio ( , whmicit was lost last spring In Aimusica , am'- rlvcml today , All of time survivors are item'- ribly mutilated , havimig lost toes , flugeni , arms ' i feet frcmn be mug frozemi , They sea on their way to San Frageitcm.