Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1895, Image 1

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Wild Talk of an Alleged Fibusterer at
; Ban Prancisco.
VrcllRrcll to S"I for Innnlnl
, . IIlnn.I" 1111 Start I Ue'oiltol
; for tie l'urloNe 01 1,00UII
tle flute ( , , scruiiezit.
MAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 4-The Chronicle i
r prints a story exposing an alleged plot tu
. restore Queen I.luol < olanl ant lout 1onolulu ,
Rudolph Sllrcckles , youngest lon or Claus
Spreckels , Is salt to ! e backIng the scheme.
The Chronicle says :
. One or the best contested ant most danger-
-us 11usCelng expeditIons ever fitted on
. uncovered In San
American soil has been n
Francisco. Its object'as to toke the Ha-
walan republic by force or arms , restore EX-
Queen Liluokalani to the throne and divide
lands and goods worth approximately $27,000-
000 among bomo free ! ooter picked up by
ones and twos In western AmerlcJ
. The ant active agent or the conspirators Is W.
. - r Morrow a native ur Connecticut , agEd 31 ,
and , he says , recently a resident or Grass
Valley , Cal. lie Is still In San Francisco
' federal au-
under surveillance , so that the feleral
thoriies can get him Ir they desire to do su.
The headquarters of the expediIon has been
at 71 Bush street , a dingy Ilt-rronted board-
Ing house. There the agent of the cUplr-
stars has been receiving day and night a
motley crowd ur men who cal In response
motey cautiously wortel advertIsement : , published -
lshed In this city and elsewhere. Morrow
admitted last night when howas forced Into
a corer and told that the game was up , that
he had been engaging men to go tu hawaii
and overturn the government.
) lIe had told before to I reporter what was
: c to bo done and lad stated who the men were
f / behInd the scenes. Among them he named
I one or the exIled Ashrords , and he declared
thnt Ulllnlnh Snreckels _ _ was the man with the
_ _ _ _ n _ _ .
' , ) inoieywho . . was acking the project. Spreclt-
v cIa , he saId , had alrlaly concealed a large
number or rIfles on the \\Iand or Maul , e
that they woulll be ready when the filibusterers -
erers reached the Island
" 'fhe frst local intimation or the expeditIon
few days ago
sppeared In an advrtsement a reI
It allllealHl ( In a morning I1Jpel' or Tuesday ,
July 30. I read : ' "Tlmbermen all hunters
.0 escort prospectIng party ; good pay to good
men. Slate age : rare , $1G. Address box
1,2.,9 : , , Examiner olIIcc. "
answered this adver-
Ii , A Chronicle reporter Iliver-
. : : Use\ent 1111 In a few hours receIved the rol- I
. , rellly :
. lowing tcwrlten
, , "We \ \ ant men for an expdItIon. 1111 there
will probably be some fighting In the Inter-
est of 90,000 people ) , with less than GOOO to
. . oppose them. Only a' small organIzed body
to beat : not exceeding 700 , who amount to
only little us soldiers , being newly recruited
, ' , and ofcel'ed by civilians without capacity or
discipline. Pay will be $2 : and upward per
j month , according to what you can do ; also
: . a grant or enough fruit or cultee land In
ti . bearing to fIx you for me. You will have to
furnish nIle and aiiinunition. H prospects
suit ranged. you " , answer and a meeting can 'be aI-
rungel. , wal easy 10 see what this meant. The
90,000 PeoPle referred to campriso the royal-
. Ilb and native population or the Islands. The
6,000 ; are the PeoPle who arc loyal to the
Dole L'eiubllc. ) The reporter then arranged an
Interview wIth Mr. Morrow ant called upon
him at the boarding bourn on Bush street.
The expedItion was ! 1scns ed and the reporter
evinced n desire to Join It.
"Have you ay Idea of. the goal of this
expedition ? " he asked.
The ChronIcle reporter said that he though
It might be 8alvallor.
I 'fhal ! a mllall . " was the rlply. "The
scheme 18 to restore the queen or the Sand-
wich Islands to her throne. ! .Va " 1 enlbt
from 200 to 400 men front here and tale n
saIling vessel from this port within ten
days or two w ( 'eks.'I have been giving
out false Informaton as to our starting
poInt , telling people that wo were to start
from Alaska. or SOIO other northern 110rt
Wo shall , however , go from here In abolll
ten 11a's. I will take about UG to buy the
nEcessary outfIt or clothes and ammunition ,
- arms , etc. 'ho Dole government owns three-
quarters or the landed property ) ' In the islands
, and the proposition Is that Ir the expeditIon
Is flCCESsrul to distribute the captured property -
erty to the adherents and senll Dole and his
supporters out or the islands without a cent.
The standing army consists or 120 men and
forty omcers , besides a militia of 580 men
The armament or the standing army Is six I
gatng guns , which are stationed at the
"In the city Honolulu the Dole government -
mont claims 3.000 adherent ! . and or these
3.000 there are 1,000 who are friends or the
royalists , and out or the 120 ] len \ hu malto
UI ) the standing army we clam ! to have five
men who are ready to do the bidding or the
revolutionary party , and cut or the mIlitIa we
can command the M\lces or ll ) men The
proposition Is to capture the five steamers
: " that ply between the island . and then approach -
preach Honolulu and capture the revenue
offices and bank or Ulhop & Co. , there being
: from $ aOOOO to GOOOOO In the revenue boxes
In the bani The reposition In regard to
the queen Is to [ place her on the throne as a
mere figurehead ! . the bead or the revolutionary -
ary part to be In control or aiT.tirs.
"Rudolph Spreclels has planted 1,000
stands of arms to be used ! y the re\'ulu-
ttonists on the Island or Maul . "
ContInued Morrow : "The Sl1reelels hay
lto use for the provlsonal ! government and
they woull furnIsh arms to the natives . ( x-
cpt tle ) that the natives cannot use them , ant
'p to this fact I . attribute the failure or the last
uprlsn .
"In the part that Is to leave here there
are three or tour men who are acquainted
with every Inch or the islands. Among th"1
Ire Volney Ashord , the he,11 or the last
affair In name. I say In nnme , beeJllse ho Is
the only l1arly to bl.snie for the last aftiir.
Wo have an attorney who Is giving us a1vlce
ant who Is to accompany the expedition. Ills
name Is Uashrurll. In reud : 10 the makeup
of the party there are about : ! O , nearly all
cowboy , from New MexIco , AII7ona and
Texas. and most or them are here scattered
around. "
Morro" said that the natives and p olle In
general or the Islands woul welcome the
revolutionary Ilarty. and as he expresses I.
"woulll consIder It like gettIng out or hell
Into heaven" to have the government a mun-
archy again.
'fhe Ilrst point after landing wl bl to
tale the fire alarm bytem , all the next
y point will be the telephone system In order
. ' to cut off communIcation , " nll Iorol' .
"Next will be the polce statIon . where there
are emily about t\\nty iiien . whose arms ant
ammunitIon are on the upper floors , whIle the
mel are down below. Next would be the 1131-
ace. \ \ hero the gatng guns are stationed on
a l'IaUfl.
lllazt.IWENDG ) UPON l'lES.
" \'e also depend on some or our spIes to
cripple a cClple of the gallng guns. Next
wshal take the government bulllng , which
Is Guarded ! ) ' only twelve men. After capturing -
turing thee points we wl leave men to I
guard them We think that we ought to ,
capture the cIty within hal aD hour , & the '
points are lD weakly Guarded. At the palce
our men could Ito behind the fence that stir-
rounds the grounds Dud pick oft the gunners
% from a place or farety. and a loon as their
ammunItIon had ben chauslell the re\'olu-
" tionlts could rush In and capture the guns
i "
I : and gunners
.J L : hawaiian Consul Wilder . when told ! r the
J \ " plot. elt he hall expected trouble or some
kind very soon. Morrow was seen today by a
; detectIve and closely questIoned. lie ad-
I mlted that he was hiring men for 1 dli-
u.terlng expedition and slt that he reeln,1
$ ! 0 a month and expenses for the work lie
claims to have sent a number of men to thE
rendezvous : at Portland . but this la not be
Uo\'ed. I I I tbougbt the lutenton of the
adVenturer was to sail from San Francisco'
or some nearby port In a vessel chartered for
the occasion
The Ban Francisco police at frt thought
Morrow was running a swIndling employment
agency , but Investigation leads them to ! e
hieve that a conspiracy or the nature out-
lined actually exists In spite or the exposure
today Morrow was very cool antI ] said the federal -
oral authorities hal no terrors for him lie
had not committed any overt act and they
could do nothing except watch blm.
THN hhltiTiSiL'lltIh ICl.J n. I
IlutuJ nt IC1ehelJ. Chit ito , Cn1,11"
" , 'r ) ' Srlotii. n""II" ,
WASIiINd'rON , Aug. 4.-The State depart-
ment today received a letter of intelligence
or the killing or the missionaries In Iu' n , ng ,
China. 'fhe dispatch . like the one received
yesterday was from Consul General Jeralgan
and shows that no Americans suffered , hut
that the massacre or British subjects \as
greater than at frt reported. The consul
general's dispatch Is as folows :
"Americans all safe : none hurt ; ten lrltsh
Although Mr. Jernigan does nol use the
word In his dispatch , there Is no doubt felt
by the officials or the State department that
he refers to them , and that his dispatch Is in-
telled as supplementary to that of yester-
dal' .
The cablegram was at once forvard'd to
Secretary Olney at his summer-home In Ias-
saehusets for his information. Up 10 this
time . so far as ascertained , no steps have
been token by the Navy department toward
sending any naval force to the district wh 'ro
the reported massacre has occurred. V'hen
word came or the trouble yesterday the cus-
tomary Instructions were sent to Minister
Deny as Peking to see that American inter-
eats were protected. A message arrl\,1 , last t
night front the minister saying that slal
boats could reach the places quicker than
marines Admiral Carpenter , In ! ommalt : tr
the Chinese staten , hal authority 10 use I'ls
vessels all men to assIst In affording any pro-
tecton that may be regarded lS n cog ary.
The lack or ships or light draught that can
penetrate the shallow waters of time Ch1cse ! ;
rivers II a serious embarrassment to the au-
LONDON , Ang. t.-A Shanghai dIspatch
Times ' The mission and sanltar-
to the snys : sanlar-
into at Wliasang near Kucheng , province or
Fukelti has been attacked and ten Irltsl
subjects kIlled. 1 He\ Mr. ! Stewart wife and
child . were burned In their house The MIsses
Yelow anti Marshal , two sisters named
Saunders , two sisters named Gordon ant
Steetle Newcom were murdered with spears
anti Kwors Miss Cordlngton was seriously
wounded about the head and Siewart's clii-
est chIld had a knee cap badly ! njured , \"hlo
the youngest hall an eye gouged out.
The Hev Mr. 1hllll. , with two AmerIcans ,
Dr. Gregory ant Miss larUord , were both
wounded , but arrived sorely at Fnchauru. The
Il'efect of Chengru , who was on the Inquiry
conllisplon , Is seriously Implicated In the
The Times says or the above : 11ev. Mr.
Stewart resides at Kucheng and superntends
thc _ work or the prerectures or Kucheng and
l'ingnang. 11ev. ' Mr. Stewart , wrll'g under
date or February . 1895. described how a sect
known as "Vegetarians , " taking advantage or
the war , sprang Into vigorous life and com-
mited numerous outrages and became so rur-
moldable that the converts wanted him 10 organize -
ganize and arm. lie concluded his leter : as
follows : "I have just learned that 10.000 or
these have enlisted In the last six monlhs.
They are mosty of the lo\\'est orders ant at '
time present time the reins or government ON
practically In their hands "
The Times comments ediorIaly on the mas-
sacre as follows : The Kucheng outrages will
. or reprenta-
just ) form time subject strong reprF
tlons to China by England and probably by
America also. I Is quite possible that the
outrages arc due to the embittered feeling
against foreigners engendered by the cal.lll-
ties or the war , and that the maelarlns belIeve
that a blow must bc struck now or never to
frIghten foreigners against availing them-
selves of the concessions granted under the
recent ChInese-Japanese treaty. I
A t"o-column letter from lankau on the
Cans zu Chen mlsslo.trages. publsilet ! y
the Times this morning . declares that omclls ; I
are at the botom or all the antl-rorel r'cl-
ing anti that the Chinese people themselves
are quite rrlendl ) ' . The letter suggests tmt
Ir the powers tried n little benevolent retalIation -
tion It would prove an infallible cure
ton Standard , In its editorial on tile
Kucheng outrages , says : "We must speak
to China In a manner whch ! cannot ! e mis-
understood. Not only must murderers be
punlshe , but a thorough example must bo
made ! the ofcIals whose neglect permits '
such outrages "
The Standard's special from ShanghaI
saY that the news or the massacre was sup-
pressed for three days by the Chlneso of-
daIs. J. lcColtne ) ' Hixson , the American
consul at Fuclmau with several volunteers I
went to the scene In a stI1m launeh and
brought back time wounded Americans.
"Their experIences " the dispatch contn-
ties , "were terrible and death was the least
113t or time suerlngs or the butchered
womnomi The indignation ! mere Is Intense.
A mass meeting will be convened tomorrow.
The manlarlns wi endeavor to throw all
the blame upon time secret socIeties , but It
Is known they were elCoUrlle,1 by responsible -
! le olllciais. The Chinese are reviving their
old tactics or cutting telegraph communica-
tion. "
Another Fuehau telegram received here
says that all the murdered women belong to
the Church 01 England Zenana mission.
Miss Inrtwel ( hartford ) was fearfully
wounded ant bears evidence or the fearful
tre1tmelt she received at the hands of the
mob Several English and Alrican dm11-
tren were killed. The massacre commenced
early on ThursJay , at Whal lan , near Ku-
cheng. The housEs were fired and eight
ladies and a man and child were killed and
several wounded , two probably fatahiy. The
bodies are expected 10 arrIve at Fuch1u
tumorrow. The Chlnee troops have been
11spatched to lIme scene. The Brlsh and
American ' consul will have an Interview
wih the viceroy tomorrow.
I1ONGKONG. Aug , 4.-All those kilie' 1 ll are
10:0KOO 'Ul 4.-1 < 1
' '
Urllsh , All the \merIcans e&capo'1 ' Thee
was no Provocation for the otmtr.a. : 'fhe .
perpetrators were the Vegetarian boelet )
. -
, 1,1 , In CU\nGI U " ' 1'1 MURDER.
" 'mirrmtmmtms tl I. . ' 111"1 Omit for 1111. . .
lit ( flilemmgo.
ChilC.GO. ! Aug. 4.-1 L. Conner , husband
or Irs , Julia Conner , who Is supposed to
have been one of Holmes' vIctims at the
"castle , " has decided to take out warrant
for Ihe arrest or holmes anti Quinlan and
time legal documents wi be applIed for to
mnom'row Conner claims that he bas discovered -
erel considerble that the polce know noth-
Ing about , and that he IH cOI\lncet that
holmes murdered hIs wHo anti little girl
anti that QU'nlan was on accessory. lie bases I
hiI cpnlon ! or QulnlJn's guilt on tha fact
that eOlsllerILll' : or the furniture or time
Qulnlsn home was the property or Mrs.
l'onuer. Couner says he wi Insist that
the warrants be er\l at once 60 that
there ia ) ' be no possibility or Quinlan's get-
tng 3\\ay. He \ \ also ask the police to
have Cora Qulnlsn , who I 10W wih rcl-
ativos In MIchIgan , brought back to the
at\'es !
cIty , to te use,1 as a \ IIness . ChIef or Po.
lice Badenoch wi return 10 the city tomorrow -
morrow , at \ blch time Ih3 tech for evidence -
dence against 10lmu will be agaIn taken
Nothing was lone by the police today ex-
edit to 10 through some or the ieler '
which hall rormld the correspondence be-
twcln 101ne" anti l'itzei. and which Wl'e
runt In a storal wSleltus . \n ex-police
ofcer claims to han leased ! "castle . "
anti says lie \ I open It af a museUm a
soon a ho can get the consent or the 11011cc.
- - - -
Chlll.111 1.1 mint yme UII'rltor.
DE\In , Aug 4.-Eugene Taylor who recently -
centy broke the worlel's record In agate corn-
Position , hu now made 1 record er 76,300
01115 . minIon , lu eight hours on a linotype
n1clne , lIe chalenges any operator In the
Unied States Taylor can be reached through
the ltooly MQuntau ! Nen
Decide to Appoint n Commissioner t Take
Charge of Arenia's ' Affairs ,
Inrln 1(111) 01 lullnr11 lie
lollcnclcll Vlln , to Fill the } 'o"t-
ton nl11 Sce that .Iu"te.
IN ltemilere.l.
LONDO . Aug. 4.-Th Anglo-Armenia
assocIatIon learns from Constantinople that
the sIgners of the Berlin treaty have agreell
to sell a note to the Porte , announcing that
as Turkey Is unable to protect the lives or
her Christian subjects the powers have lIe-
cldel to appoint a European high commis-
sinner with vice regal powers to administer
Armenia In place or the sultan . Daron Kal- I
lay w1 ! e appointed. He comes from an an-
dent noble family of Hungary. In 1881 he
was minIster or foreign affaIrs for the em- I
pire , during the InterIm between the death
or Count von Haymerle and the nomInation
or Kalnoky. In 1882 he was minister oJ
finance In the Austrian cabInet anti at the
same tIme almlnlstrator of Bosnia and Hcrze-
tme anl 1
govnla under the Berln treaty and has
gi'en attention to the eastern questIon al'
through his public life.
Time Anglo-Armenian assocation's ! advice
from ConstantInople say Lord Salsbury
Imas ! emanled the unconditional and Inlue-
diate release or al Armenian political pris-
oners not convicted by a legally constltut
CONSTANTINOPLE , Aumg 4.-The reply
of the Porte to the demunls or the powers
for rerorms In Armenia Is conciliatory and In
many points agrees wih the powers' de-
niamuls. I proposes to appoint Christan mis-
sessors to assist the Turkish ' provincia1 gov-
enment and to admit a proportion or Chris-
tans among the minor olclals , police ant
gendarmes , anti also promises tu restrain
the Kurds from violence. I also declares
that some or the pourers' demands are unae-
ceplable or ilmliossible or exectmtlon. I Is
probable that the powers will not be satisfied
with the reply.
' ' 't'III V.\'I'IC.\
A I IICAXS A'I' 'l'll . . :
' Ii . . . . l'oti ' . . . . .
'lwo 11101..1 ' 'III'I"tH l.r..N..tco to
( hc I'ol.e . , \Hcr lnN" .
ROMF , Aug. 4-The pope salt mass at 3
this moring In the hal consIstory , In the
preence or the American ! 1lgrhns , who are
here as a delegation or the Passonlst Fathers
of America , ant about 200 tourlst
Bshop Uourke afterward presented the p11-
grims to the pope , who , standing In front
of the altar , sold a few kindly ant consoling
words to each.
Father Smith presented to the pope a
handsome purse or several thousand dollars .
suscrlbet ! ) the pigrims last night. ills
holiness presented each pigrim with a sIlver
Virgin Mary medal anti also , at their request -
quest , gave them the candles lighted during
the miss , which was salt by him. These
will be med at Thanksgiving mass after
the return or the pilgrims to America. Time
pope also received the deputation of Pas-
slonlst athers. He appeared to b In good
health The pIlgrims visited the basilIca or
St. Paul this areroon , They wIll start
for Naples Thursday next Count Cassel or I
Colorado ofclatel as one or the Ilol1e's
chamberlains this morning.
- - - - - - -
111 hIOi3tiSlN II\.IP.\X OXCg.
SUIIIII..1 to lie thc llu \rl''Ntc.1 for
At"11IUI to I10n' t'll llu-of-'n. ' .
HALIFAX N. S. , Aug 4-The polIce arc
convInced H. 1 holmes . time swindler ant
alleged murderer , was arrested here ten years
ago. The man arrested gave the name or
James Holmes , and his companion gave tIme
name or WillIam Uracken. They were cugh
wIth forty-eight pouns of dynamle In their
possession ant 10rnton swimming suits . I
was belIeved they intended to blow UI the
BI Ilsh warship Canada which hal Prince
George or Wales on boud. There was no law
under which to prosecute the prsonersand ; so
they were tried for having a nuIsance In
their possession and sentence,1 , to one year In
jail. WhIle here It was gIven out that
holmes admitted they Intended to blow up
the warship , for whIch Jon they were to be
wel paid. Holmes came from PimiiaieipimIa
and the detectives found out that ho was a
swindler. Ills pictures rlEemble those or H.
H. ilolmmmes
- - - -
1(1.Ign1'1 illS O"'X IIDII
l ' rt'll'hnlrchINt 1..t.tN nt'nth " 'Imlie
, \rrn"JhlJ nn A""nN"lunton.
DUOUA , France , Aug. 4.-Durlng the fEte3
In the mining distrIct ornlche to celebrate
the Jubiee or M. Vuelmln , manager ( r the
Anlche Celery company , an anarchlt named
Dc Coux In the crowd , fred fire shots at 1
Yuelmln whie lie was leaving the churcn
Three or them took effect . though the wounds
were not serious. Directly afterwari a tremendous -
mendous explosion was heard and ] e Coux's
body was hurled several yards . vhle ten or
the bystanders were thrown to the ground .
Injurell by the explosion. Dc Cou's ( ather' '
rushed upon the prostrate body of his son amid
kicked him , exclaiming : "Canailie mtssaasimm. "
De Coux had been carrying a bomb bnathm
his coat , which was prematurely cxplde,1 , ,
De Coux was dLsemboweled and terribly mutilated -
anl mut-
latel and he expired Immediately. He vas
dismissed from the celery after I dlr\te In
1Sn. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ing\U it iO'I'S IX l'l nI\ .
'l'rouIIH Flrl' oil timt'M oi , nt 'In1rcI
tutu hut 1\1) ' .
TEhERAN , Aug. 4.-The scarcity or bread
and the closure or the bazars to prevent
disorders have led to serious rioting In To.
breez The troops dispersed the rioters
twenty or whom were killed. Time mob car-
tied the corpses tu the HusBlan consulate ant
lemande Protection agaln the soldert ;
The consul thereupon visited the governor ,
I who promised a reduction In time price or
bread. Nothing bas been done In the mater
and the troops were sll firing on the 10b
when this dispatch was' sent .
: Innlohn l'hool ( Ltii''ttlon Conf'rl'nc.
VANCOUVER , D. C. , AUb' , I.-SIr Iac-
kenzle , premIer and lon , T. M. Daly. minh-
tel or the interior have arrived hero from
Regina 'ho party will be entertained whlo
here by Sir John Schuz , lieutenant go\'erlor :
of Manitoba , and an Imporant : conr're'c
will take place regadlng the Manitoba kc1001
quest ion . _ _ _ _ _ _
111'r. " 'In 'l'lu'lr Sh.I. .
CITY OP MEXICO . Aug. , I.-The bakers'
strike Is practIcally enel. The journe'len
gained the rlglt : to sleep at home but ; on
the other hand , they will no longer be pail
In advance each fortnight , nor \\1 any tall-
ure to appear for work be excused Throngs
or journeymen are here out ot work.
- - -
"llrl"nlu' ln"I' I " U"NI'n,1. '
GLASGOW Aug. 5-I lve or lime miners
Imprisoned by the foot or the Aughen larry -
very collIery at Sal Coats have been rescued -
cued alive. _ _ _ _ _
Cnrr"Nlllu'nl i01.t'iit'.I ( mimi . \ 1" " " ' , , ,
PAIUS , Aug. 4.-A correspondent et the
Gaulols has been arrested and expelled from
Alae . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ch"I'rt..l Ihiimin'ror'iiiimi iii.
Dl R.IN. Aug. 4.EmperorVltiismn was
hearty cheered on his short vii to lieligo-
land today , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
I.'t" " ' 11 Ih'"ort tu Ilh" " , CurlIn" .
SANTA I.'E , N. M. . Aug. 4.-J. A. Ielwls ,
husband of Barones Perala Reavis . In the
United States prison In default of $5,000 bal ,
charged \ \ itl attemptIng to defraud the government -
ernment In connection with the famous Per-
ala land grant chil has applied to the New
I MexIco court for release under the habeas
corpus set.
WII'I'n : IXlmS FOIIM , A MOll ,
nmhcr 01 Colored Mete nt Spring
\nlc ) ' , lii. . l urc"ll to Fly ,
Ill. . 4.-Tbe Ioca-
SPItING VALLEY , I. , Aug. - -
ton , a patch or S0l0 hundred odd or company -
pony houses ne,1 the shaft , inhabIted ! y
negroes , was this morning 'lsHed by a mob
or 500 white miners from this city and given
a taste of omiob violence. . Last night near
mldnlghl five colorelt men held up a colored
man , Dorney Hole , between this cIty and
LocatIon , and after robblpK him or nearly
$00 , fred three shots Into hll and left him
for dead. Hole Is the third man shut at
Location In the vast three weeks Whn
the ' hlte miners or this city this morning
heart or the outrage they assembled ant
decided to march In a hotly to General Manager -
ager Daizehl's house and demand or him the
discharge or every colored man In Location.
dlchargo e\ery I.ocaton.
A brass band was secured , and the mob
repaired to the general manager'8 house.
lie refused to grant what the whies wantedY
They tolll him that , as he waR not disposed .
to run tbem out or town , they would take
the mater up themsoh'cs , ant with that
they march toward : . 3.
1) ' the tme time moh arrived , most or the
negroes having been notified or the wrath
of time whites , hall fled to the woods. Ahou
a dozen were caught anti treated to most
vIolent kicks. Stones were hurled at tiiemn
and shots fired. Two were shot , but not
seriously hurt The .boarllng' house for col-
'bred men was then at : ) w1 All the inmates -
mates lied . The mob ransaCked the house ,
breaking rurnltre and committng other
outrages Uy noon totlay ( very negro had
fed the ciy ,
I All afternoon a gang of men with pistols
and shotguns scoured the wools , hunting for
ncgroes to shot aI , Eherl Clark was telo- ,
b'aphed for , but arrived late this aernoon
with about a dozen depute ! , No mol
trouble Is antcIpated unless the negroes
attempt 10 come bacl EverythIng Is quiet
tonight , but trouble Is reJred tomorrow I
the negroes go 10 worl There Is much
feeling against Manager ! D l7el. at whose
Instance . It I alleged , they were limiportemi.
Later investigation shows that there were I
more negroes seriously hurt than at first I
reported. Those most seriously Injured are : I
reportet. Gran\le Lewis , aged 4G , shol In the head , I
clubbed with rifles ; may die.
Clam L MartIn . aged 28. shot In back or
head with rifle ball and thirty uekshot In
back Ind shoulders ; may die .
Norman Ilrd , aged 38 , shot In neck and
head ale badly bruised b ) kicks and inter-
nal Injuries received.
Mrs. Bird , Igel l. , wire or above . shot In
right cheek amid arm , also trampled upon :
will die.
Maria nmrmi . aged ii , daughter or above ,
shot In brease ; wound may trove ratal.
Wiiam Lee aged 31. kicked and tramllled.
Jube Sterrlt , led 47 , tramnled upon race
lacerateJ and Injured Internally , bally cut
by barbed wire In IttemltlnK to escape rrom
the mob
Oscar Prim , Sias iltmrden Jude Stuart ,
Jlmes Kelly . Wi Beak , all badly cut amid
bru Irell
Frank Turner , aged 28. shot t..le2 In back
or hcad and slrck In back ant shoulters
with about forty buckhot
Frank Uruner , II'ad badly ! bruised , hotly
trampled upon amid internal injumrios.
Time rioters were all Italian miners. There
hall been imad ! loot between them and the
legroes ever sInce time latter were Imported
here , and It Is asserted that they have been :
waiting a goo.i excuse to drive them out.
Thl was furnIshed by the ! hoolng of last
night. Upon reaching the village the members -
bers or the moh acted as sO mal ) ' fenls , I
Men were dragged out of their homes and I
the women pushed abmmt , slapped amid other- ,
wise aured. The Italians poured through
the village , firing guns and beating the
negroes right and loft. As each houe was
reached the rioters Emaledthe windows ,
and where coors were lockd they broke
them down. 'fhe interiors were ransacked .
the women Insulted and the len dragged
forth , clubbed and shot.
That there were not a large number of
fatalities was no fault or time rIoters . as they
used evel' endeavor In their poser to 1,1
the men outrIght One reason that many
negroes escaped was that the weapons or
the rioters ! were mostly old rust ) guns that
had been used for years , all In addition the
men were not skIlled In the use or thel ,
Over forty lmoures were occupied by time
colored people and In those were two In-
vald mmmen who could not be removed
The rioters this evenIng ser\el notice on
the wOlen and children who hal not been
driven out that they and the lovalds would
be given unti tomorrow to leave the town ,
and that H they were miot gone the ) ' would
bo shot down In their traclt Consequently
the women have been packing all that Is
left or theIr household good I and feeing
over the h18 In all directions. Large num-
bers have started out lu I the direction or
Totuca amid others have taken refuge nt
The injured men , many or whom arc ly-
Ing at the point or death , are sheltered In
bams and under trees.
. tE It ONiU'i'S . F.t.'VA 1.5.1' IN.J 11 ItED.
Coilmmj,3te ot n lii.t'eirilstioomi ! met Jmtek-
, , .
" "I : lieIm
DETROIT . Aug. 4-A specIal to the Trib-
une from Jackson Micim. , says : Two aero-
uauts were fatally Injured In a baleen ac-
cilent which occurred at Van'Jereock's . lake .
four mIles Quth or Jackson , . earl ) ' this morn-
Ing The baleen used was one of the
largest or the hot all varlet , wIth double
tnpezo bars About G o'clock I was suc-
cessruly immflated . Ella Peak , a trapeze per-
formomer tool the upper bat ant Charles El-
lot the lower At the moment the relaln-
Ing ropes were cast oft , a gust of wind
caught the canvas and careened I to one side
and It took fire . The monsler shot Into the
air some distance with both or the horrIfied
aeronauts on the trapeze Then It collapse 1
ant came crashing down Miss Peake Is a
large woman and fell heavily . breaklnl oth
Icgs , besides suffering Interl Injuries Elliott -
10t struck on his shoulders and Is bally
cnshed. His Injury Is fatal.
The spectator dragged the aeronauts from
the burning baleen and carrIed them to the
ne rest tent , where an hour later surgeons
from the city - attended . them.
CI.\HIgS itNLAI"S Sluunx i)1OA'I'iI.
( k'mmt's'mul SIH'rll' , or thc lo.I'
1,1111 I.IMN.'n ) ' .
ChICAGO , Aug 4.-Charl Dunlap , gen-
eral superintendent and slslant general
manager of the Hock Island , died In thIs
city at 3 o'elock this mnornimmg Mr. Dun-
lap was one or those Injured In time accident
at Donton's chutes Thursday night , but lt
that tle It was not tlmought that he had
been dangerously hurt. Saturday night he
began faiing , and this e mprnlng died.
I , . .llll' .teetiit.mml ( ) ittmLtttle I.U ( .nt. .
NEW YORK . Aug. 4.-Uy the capsizing era
a pleasure yacht In a squall oft Little Hel
Gate today , John llartumman Joseph Wblel ) '
and the latter's son . Alexander -
der , were drowned . Hartman's wife and little
son were rescued by soother boat. Time res-
cuing yacht also capsized after taking them
aboarl , but waR righted again and Mrs . Hart-
man and her child rescued a second time .
Irol.1 limi mmks 101Jth. . PUI11.
I' DEVEI. Aug. 4..Counly Treasurer W- I '
gant since he was reinstated In ofce after
having obtained a new bend In the SUI tf
$500,000 . has prepared a report concerning
the county funds supposed to be In his po.
session I shows that the count bss $173-
000 Ilmdiately anl blo and that $210,000
Is ted up In broken banks a portion or
which will be lost.
Vit' l'r'u.l.lemit's - S I'urt y lit Cu1u.
IO"I oL. Aug. 4.-Slr WI\JI Von
horn's private car was dlspatch , ti Toronto
tonight and placed at the dl.pul of Hon.
Adlai E. Stevenson , vice prele t pf the
United States , and Iluty who are crossIng
the eontnent enroute to . Aluka.
ltemes't'r IsImi nil \'oods Stilt ilumrmminsr .
MACKINAW CITY. : leh. , Aug. 4.--i'.iis- '
lag vessels report tires still burnIng the
\ _ odl on Beaver Island . tot the extnt , of
the damage I. not kno.\n . re ,
. "
How Colonel H , Clay Russell Takes Care
of Colonel Mnjor' ' Supporter
lrl..l n Uuloletcrul to Ilt II n
Cu iefetle'rn te'N nn Ilhter-\'ul
UU""OI' ' FIiielit' Ito-
wlr.lcll haa ' UI"II""nl.
LINCOLN , Aug. 4-Speclal.-AhOUt ( ) the
time the late legislature closed Its session n
republican front the Elkhorn valley country
went dOwmi to Lincoln , armet wIth credentials
and enlorsements , seeking one or the many
appolnU\'e 110sltlons In the state house. On
the wa ) he met a friend who hall long . been
dote In the secret counsels or the 11art , and
knew Its Insllo workings. To this friend he
nnfo11el the object of his visit to the cap-
lal cIty , anti " = D unree1ngl ) Inrormed that
he mIght as \ \ eli return home and save hIs
time anti money. Ullon being asked the ren-
son the rrlend replied the applicant had been
on the wrong side or the governorship con- I '
test In the state convention at Omaha last
year . amid whie Majors ! was not elected to
the position for which ho had been noml-
natel he still dictated , to some extent
nearly every appointment made , except those
In the olces or the goveror mend auditor .
To brier the maler , the first qualfcaton de-
manlel or I prospective apllolntee "as unswerving -
swerving support ur the Nemaha statesman ,
both before and after the state convention.
'lils statement has proven to be about cor-
rect not only In the case or the applicant
referred to , but In that or many others.
All of which brings to mind that during the
campaign last year , aCer the friends or Mr.
Majors , had exhausted everything else In
favor or their blue-shlrted hero , they would
clobe wRit the clnching urgument that above
nil other timings he "as a man who always
stool by his rrlemls. So for as his friends
shal secure favors In preference to others ,
this Is probably trome but when It apples
to friends already In place It will be
harllr bore out ! y events that have oc-
curred at thc capitol since the first of time
) 'car. \
As soon as some .r the state officers round
the ) ' were safely elected , they began to deVise -
Vise means or caring for the many friends
who were sure they would be "stood b ) ' , "
The first In this lne or work was "Colonel"
Hussel , better known as Major man Frl-
duy. In al(1ton to t\O or three tmes as
man ) ' promises or his own to fulnl as he
had 111aces to give he had a certain per
cent or Tom's friends to stanl by , and to
make imp for the defclenc ) ' or places his cal
for appropriations from the legimlattmre last
winter proviiell for several new Ilosltons ,
But these efforts to "Increase" the service
were balked by the legislature whie In an
una'mi1th tc frame or mind One or time
posiions the colonel was anxious to have
create was aim additional 11cput-a man to
I travel 1 over the tate to visit the dlferent
puhle Insllutlons and , keep tab on . them.
The plnc didn't require an ) ability except
strength to draw salary , and was to be
[ fled ! y Captain Phelps Paine a mutual
friend or Hussel anti Maors , and who had
the virus so thoroughly Impregnate'l ' In hl8
I sy tem that he wantel to defeat "Ir. Timurs-
Iou's electIon to the senate to avenge Tom's
political nilst'rtumne. Cap had told' everybody -
body confdeltal ) ' , during the months he-
tween the election and the Inauguraton , that
he was to he deputy under Russell , but the
adverse action by the legislature changed
the plans. Paine hal to be cared for but
as he was or no use except as swearing man
at a circus , he was allowed 10 go and comE
as he pleased , anti It Is reported that the
other employes or the office were assessed
a smal per cent or their salary to make up
a stpend for this patriot , which method or
fnanclal mpanagenmemmt was continued for
about three months
At about this tme Colonel Russell con-
clued to shut on assessments , and create a
! anl
vacanc ) The had an assistant bookkeeper In
his ofce , In the person or Webb H Wheeler ,
and he concludCI 10 dispense with his services -
ices There were two reasons for this action .
One that I would thereby rurlsh a fountain
or Income for i'aioe and by putting all the
bookkeeping In charge ot Walter Dawson ,
Cap could contnue devoting his tlmo to
saving the state with his mouth , and advo-
eating the renominaton and vIndicaton or
Majors In lS9G. The second reason was that
> nl
Wheeler was unfortunate In having a father-
In-law who devoted his tme and talent last
summer In trlnl to secure the nomination or
Jack lacCol for governor , and who had on
equal aversion to neckties ant blue shirts. I
Is difficult to decide which or these two
reasons had the greater weight In securing
Mr. Wheeler's dismissal , and the public will
have to leclle for Itself . At any rate Paine
Is now drawing the $ i.300 yearly salary aI-
lowed for assistant boole per. alhough
It's doubtful If he knows the Ilterencq between -
tween the debit anti the credit side or a
ledger. and no one has ever seen him do any
work In the capItol for the state. limit a
frIend hal been stood by , anti a swipe de-
lvered In a left-imamided rr.anner to n political
enem ) ' .
Maters moved along quietly In this office
for a few weeks after the change was made
and then Major arley ! was brought up
wIthout notIce and round hlnuelr out or a
place. Mr. larley was an old soldier . the
capital stock upon which Russell and Majors
have achieved all or their pollcal sucee ! !
He had been In the office for years under
dlfrereut atlmninlstratlons. ! He '
admlnstralons. was always at
his post and was ralhrul and correct In his
worl , . lie had but one fault . Ho was an
old friend or Jk Dew or Johnson count ) ' ,
and his son . who was a delegate to the
Omaha conventlomi. voted for Mr. Dew for
commIssioner. Jake Dew like several
other candldatrs , hal been led to belIeve
ho was to be the beneficiary or the Majors
strength In the convention , and like many
olhlrs found out when It was too late that
ho had been bamboozlel , A realIzation or
this sort doesn't leave the _ kindliest feeling
toward the tm'ansgresscr sM a decided cool- i
ness sprung Ul1 between Johnson and I
Nemalla counties . I has also been reported ,
that Mr. Dew had declared his IntentIon
or being a cSlldate for commlsoner ! again
next year , Informaton that was not pleasing
to Mr. Russell . In view or the many blunders
and mlslakes he had been making , and the
Increasing prospect that he was serving
his last term I Is not surprising , timeim
that he should conclude ho no longer had
room In hi office for a man who was upon
such friendly terms wIth Mr. Dew espe-
cal ) ' IS the man Dew had become more or
less oflens've ' . both to Russell and his friend
Torn Thereoro : Ir , Marley had to go out .
and almost sumultanecusly with the dls-
mlsal or this veteran the comml9310ner
round a place for the llughler or an ex-
confederate soldIer-all these things from a
lan to whom time old soldier hobby has been
bread , meat anti drink for twenty years.
The wheels again resumed theL regular
turn . and everything was Quiet In the com-
mlesloncr's omce for as much as a couple or
minutes , when the 11eople In the capItol build-
log were agaIn 6ulprlsel b ) the anlounce-
ment that Waler I.wson hal been let out.
Dawlon's father vat one or those who were
specially active In working up the Russell
anti-convention boom In his section of the
state and Incllental ) ' gave Tom a boost
wherenr hI could. Walt , himself , had ) 'elet
hlmielr hoale for Major during the cam-
paign , and hall worn a miniature blue shirt
on his coat lapel whle eampalgnlng wlb the
boys. In addition to these facts , he had been
letl 1 to believe that wIth doing the work oft
two bookkeepers . In order that a salary mIght
be provided for Captain PaIne ho was reason-
ably sure of his positIon. lie was an unusual -
ally eomretent young man , and hmla position
ore or the mrst reponsible In the omce. Ills
xperlenee anti capabilIty . his fathers services -
Ice a a republican worker , amid the loyalty
of both father and son to the republIcan
tIcket , when , God knows , I took nerve for
any man to be loyal to the greater portion or
I , could not save imimmi'alt Is 1 young man
who accepts experience as a practical teacher ,
until are learning the results last fall re-
markclt that I was' about tlmme some or the
was tmo
ohl PolItIcal hawks \ere laid on the shelf
amid new men taken imp. The 30lh or June
eame on Sunday , ant for rear he might get
In a few minutes' work on the ht or July
word was sent to Mr. Dawson on the Sabbath
worl 10) that his services would nol ! o needed
mummy lommger lie was not even aecorllell the
deccnc or 1 week's notice. This was 1 case
where frlenl1hlp for Tom and henry alike
didn't Ilrotuco atmy vigorous "slam1ng ! y. "
So Inexpeelell ha\'e these removals been
at the tme the ) ' were male , that II feeling or
uneasines and anxiety prevais among time
other e11110)'es , especially those who were
there when time present alhnlnlstraton calo
In , I they were given notce or a week or
a 10nih hat : they mmiigimt prepare for the In-
e\'lable much or ) the hJrshness atachell to
the removal wou11 be elmlnated , bitt as It
has been the dismissals have been Inslanter.
So serious has I become that I Is alt cach
Saturea ) night the eml110)es gather aro\\l
anti bid each other gootb'e , not knowing
which one Is liable to be stricken lurlng the
period or the Suntay rest and on the last
day or the month this feeling Is shown In
greater degree . for none or them arc assuureml !
then when they go home at night thl ) ' will
retur In the morning In the capacIty or an
employe. I Is also a very comln" , timing In
saluting an em\loo or this olce 10 say ,
" 1elo ! Arc ) 'OU still holllng 'our job ? "
Another singular thIng about these trns-
actions Is that when time colonel decldcs that
n heae unmet come off , he conlnunlcalls the
. Mr. ' . amid then fluids
fact to his deputy . 10)'se. anl nnls
business out of tuwn to keep him away unt
the storm imas blowmi over. The resimlt is that
Mr. 110)50i lmo Is as pleasant amiti as inIltI
mannered a man as you will mmieet iii a week's
, ravei , comes lii for a great tied of unumserlteti
critictsmn. lie Is ummerely aim enipioye , like time
teat , amid immtmst do the bidding of lilt chief , or
lie , too , may be let otmt to mmmake roomu for
seine frienti who lmasmi't yet beemi stood by.
\\'lmen henry amid Toni are not attendhnmg sonic
sohmliers' reunion anti protestiuig their friend-
Simil ) amid simemithing tears for time ' 'old boys , "
timruimglm private muactuinmutiomis on time side , it
Is vossible sonic poor veteran Is beimig tlmrown
out of a place to make rooni for a political
bum or consciemiceiess wartl imeeler. Such are
time concltmsiona , at least , ommo is mi to draw
from a study of time rebtmlts of Russell's first
aeven mnonths in oilice.
- -
INIltNS w'AN't' l'iltCil NOW.
Ieelmtre 'i'Iii'C' immivelmmeruimeil No 't'Iiite
M&'mi 1mm 'l'11114 CmiHe ,
MARKET LAKE , Idaho , Aug. 4.Vhen
General Copplnger imeard of time excitement
amiicmmg time settlers in Swan valley he ordered -
dered company C , Eighth imitantry , to pro-
cecil there at once. This was before time
official investigation dIsclosed time fact ( lint
time Indians in that vicinity were all peaceably -
ably returnlmmg to timeir reservattomis. The
conip.iny vill probably not remain long at
Swan valley.
A specIal telegrani froni time liannock
agent says that Indian Agent Teter wired
General Coppinger froumi time reservation ,
wlmere ime arrived last nigot , tlmat all time
Indians i'imo imad been abment frommi tIme Fort
haIl reservation have retumrneci and all is
qtu let.
Agent Teter also sent the following telegram -
gram to time conimimissIoner of Imidlans affairs
at Washington : "All Indians absent from
reservation have returmied. ITch ? big council
and requmesteil mime to teiegrspli theIr heartfelt -
felt gocti wie'hes. had not imarmod a 'hmlte
mmmcml anti would start haying , leaving their
grievances to time justice of time wimtte nman.
"TIdTFMt , Agent. "
Adjutant General Stitzer and Colonel
Foote of time Vyonilng National Gmiartls and
the reprecentativea of Governor Ricimards or-
rivet ? imere last nlgimt , havirmg couume dIrect
from Jackson's Hole , General Stitzer says
time tough characters iii Jackson's hole represent -
resent a very small proportion of thmo poimu-
laton. !
lie says the Indians are by no meana
blameless iii time affatr , as claimed by Agent
Toter ; that timey did not respect even the
regmilations of theIr treaty forimmed twenty-
years ago , but trespass on prIvate property -
erty , amid ovemi drive antelope right into a
rancimer's tioor anti kill timeni. Consitlerable
stock , hue says , lies aiso been killed by their
pronmiscuoun cheating.
General Stltzer denied time assertions that
tile settlers wIll resIst arrest , lIe believes
time state wIll stand by timemn and will vel-
conic any legal teat of questions involved
as to time rlglmts of settlers arid Intlians In
time hole country. lie saya time troops have
a momutim's rations witlm them and viii probably -
ably stay timat long at least , lie agrees with
all others that are acquainted witim time iii-
mlians timat their nation wIll not allow the
klihiimg of timeir brother braves to go long
umnavenged after the soldiers are witimdrawn
frcmn Jackson's hole.
'rmi't'mit , i't'rMommsl'roNt u-sited 1j. Ilgii t-
imIiig mit Qimmilertovmm , i'mu ,
PIIILADELJ'IliA , Aug. 4.-A special to
time Press froni Quakertown , Pa , , says Time
Methodist chumm'ch of timis place vPlis struck by
IigimtnIng today anti twenty persomis were
prostrateti. Those seriously hurt are : James
hoff , justice of time peace ; Minnie France ,
Mrs. Kuhil hoffman , Mrs. Jolmim WIlson , Asa
Baumnmin , sexton ; Mrs. Bowman , wIfe of 11ev.
F. L. Bowman , pastor of time churclm ,
Nearly all of these were knocked seimsehecs
by time stroke anti it Is fearetl that deaths
wIll result , MInnIe France is in a critical
condItIon. Ir. Bowman imad just pronounced
time benedictIon at the mnomming cervIces ,
when time bolt struck time belfry , rumnrmlng
mincund time etlifice untier time weatherboarti
and down under time hooting.
Besides those mmaniemi , fourteen persorms
were mmmalimiel and scarred , Time hommees of
time town were turned into emergency boa-
p11015 anti time victims are Jelmmg cared for.
Dr. flowrnan liati hIs coat toni froimi imle
back anti one of lila shoes ias stripped as
by a kmmlfe. MinnIe France'was 1mm hem' pow
when time bolt tore timrougim time floor. ilotim
simoes i'ere torn from her feet , time crown of
imer hat as wrencimed away anti imer watch
chain was mneltemi into liquid. James hoff
was prostrated mm hIs pew , anti most of lila
ciotimlng was torn from imls body , A veritable
Imonic followed time stroke , After time excite-
macnt imati subsided It was found thief time 600-
pound bell was hiammgimmg aimmiost by a thread ,
ii'tmiio fully 100 persons were dIrectly beneath
It. 'rime cimurcim edifice is almost a wreec , as
the ligimtning penetrated from all sides.
OVER A iimllIIS ) iiiltxiim ; , ,
Nni'tim t'rmi l'uit'i fitultuti ironed me l1env
Iosi'r imy F'I m's' .
SPRAGUE , \\'ash , , Aug. 4.-The Northmsrmm
Pacific railroad Is the heaviest loser by the
fire yesterday whIch swept over 320 acres of
terrItory and destroyed property valued at
over $1,000,000 , The losses include twenty-
four locommiotives , fifty-tour freight care , $325-
000 ; shops , machinery , etc. , $50,000 ; imeatlquar-
tere , passenger station , freight warehmimuse ,
etc. , $125,000. half a mile of track was tie-
stroycti , togetimer with 7,000 tons cit coal amid
5,000 cords of ivood , bringing time Norumern
l'aclfic loss UI ) tO $750,00tJ. OIlier losses : am'ge
from a few hundreti to $30,000 ,
In iSSi the goverruimment was seeking a con-
'etmlent point on the Northermu Pacific to get
stmppiles into Camp Ipokamue , mini ? futmmmI timat
at timat time Sprigue03 tIme immost convenlsmmt
point , Time first buIldIng built by the Nc , tim-
em I'aciIic veat of the lteky mouimmt.uimms antI
east of tue Cascade was ( lie old wareimemiss
( list burned YesterdaY
Sloim'i : i.'nil' , St.Ii iii Levy Simort.
SIOUX FALL,9 , S. I ) . , Aug. i.-Special.- ( )
Time SIoux Falls school head bas fixed the
school levy at mills , which vill produce ,
ummder the valuation $ ? , C'2,7S0 , about $24,000 ,
'the state am.d county tax Will raise this
auoount to $ : iS.000. There lmae smlreaily been
appropriated $35500 $ , cmiii tIme o'ly , way to
ralsa time cmmmoummt sill hi' ( my time State
Equailzimmg board raumtng time levy , which is
now omie-imaf of 1 mill higher timan last year.
Thmo fall tesimu of achoal will mmoI open mmnmtii
time first Tuesday of September , on account of
Labor day , whiclm svili be celebrated here on
a big scai by all of the labor organization. ,
Heavy Rain Over Most of Eastern Nebraska
Yesterday Afternoon.
Over son hutch In 'i'tveitty MlmtumeM Ii
'l'Imb. CIty-Stiil.Iemt Vmmll of
'i'10 Pt' run I um re' ' % ' I I it Lit-
the limmil ,
It was probably well enotmglm tlmat time rain
whlchi fell yestertisy afternoon renclmed
Omaha just 1mm tluuie t imuprison Suuuiilmmy
school congregations In cimurcim , for timmut Is
thought a good imlaco to express stmcht joy
as time storni caumsed ,
Time ) ' were cioimda whmiclm scenmed to be omit ,
for buslmiess antI nothminmg cIsc. They begmnu
advamicimmg frommi the muortim amiti nortimwest
soon after mmooum , amid a fei' mmulntmtes after I.
o'chock time demet wimichm time wind was carryIng -
Ing timrotmglm tIme air vums sent to time groimuimi
by time raimm , Time fall lasted almmiost tlmreo
amid a imalf lmoumrs , but time imenviest lart was
at first , iimen iii time course of twenty mum-
sites nmi Inch amid fivc-huntlm'etlths of vater
caumme doemi. Time total fmmlI was an Iuucim amid
timlrty-two.immmmmtiremitims. 1)mmrlng time stormmi tIme
tenllmematumre fell frommi 80 to 6 1 , soimmo immtll
coimmimig wIth time raIn.
Reports simew hint time storm prevaIled over
time ivimole easterim part of tIme state , extemmil-
log to the ivest 150 mumiles. Time portion coy-
ereti imas been the omme i'lmero it was con-
sitiereti one moore gooml mimi was necesemiry to
make sure time corum crop , ammO great gratlfica-
tloim ( hint time simower cmtmmme is expressed on
all aides ,
Streets imi mommy parts of tIme city rami Ilka
rivers for a time , anti the pavlmmg In sonic
Places was ilammmageti.
Several motor cars u crc thisaiuled by 'simort
ci rcui t lug' ' oum rum ii nI mm g I ii I 0 Imools , whlclm imi
a muummmmber of pl.mces covered time triteka
deepiy. For thIrty mmuinutes whmemu thme sturmmi
ivus heaviest no attemmmimt was mimade to mmiovu
street cars.
\Vlmmti cimrrietl tlowim a large camives sIgn
suihliortel ) by framumework at 14 17 Ioumglnmm )
Steet , amid sent time broken timbers thmrmmgti
a plate glass wimmtiow below.
Time first reports ctimmme to the oihlces of
time St. i'atml & Omumaima and to tlme Elklmormm
roads , On tIme eumtiro Nebraska dirislomi of
time formmmer , froni Oimmalma to Sioux City mmmiii
over time i'acitic Slmort Line , time mimi was
hmeavy ammti tasted fem' lmotmrs. It is'as mint
timoughit vimi'n the tllspatcimes were givemi out
timat time raIn hail extemimled fmir to time mmortht-
west aim time Elkimormm limme , but on time Liii-
coIn , liantumigms amumi Superior divislomm tIme
dowmmpour was piemmtlluul. Like amivices were
received frommu over time Ummiome Pacific , fur-
limmgton mumti time Missotmrl I'acilie lines ,
BENNINGTON , Neb. , Aug. 4.-Speclml (
Tehegrammm.-Time ) heaviest rain of time season
fell here today , lasting for over two hours.
Time vater CitiiiC tiowmm time streets like smmmahi
rivers mu mmtl Is rtmmm mmimig ore r time mum II I tin in for
time first ( hue 1mm several mmmontims , There was
sommlo hull , bitt mmet enoumgit to do any dammimigo
to crops. 'rime corn was very mnucim 1mm mmccii
of mlii ,
IILAIR , Neb. , Aug. 4.-Speeial ( Telegram. )
-Washington county was visited today with
a bug looked for ralmm , Late corn wIll ho
gmenthy bemmefiteti by time shower. Lots of
corn ivas suulerimig already amid farniers were
preparlmmg to mmt it up for ( achIer , One Inch
of water fell anti all soaked Imito tIme gm'oumid.
LINCOLN , j' 1mg. 'i.-Specluml ( 'i'elegrammm- )
Lamicmtster cotmnty was this afternoon visited
by time heaviest raimmfmuli witimlmu mtlx syceks ,
it'momui I o'clock umitil 7 It rained aimimost comm-
STAN'rON , Neb , , Aug. 4.-Speclal ( Tele-
grammm.-A ) fimme two houmrs' rain fell lucre , coin-
ummemmcimmg about 10 o'clock today , just 1mm tinmme
for a fimme corn crop.
ARLINGTON , Neb. . AUg. 4.-Special ( Telo.
gram.-'rlml.s ) vicInity was visited by a timreo
imotmrs' gooti mimi ( malay arid It bolos as if
there woumiti he mmuome tomilgimt. It was worth
mnany tiollars to thilut coumity. W'hmlle It came
too late for coimme cern , It will be time making
of thomisammilit of bmmshmcis.
WATERLOO , N'eb. , Aug. I.-Speclal.-A ( )
heavy rain lmmms been falling here all afternoon
and ProsPects mmre good for it contInuing all
mmlgimt. It imas been very hot for time past two
weeks anti bropa were beginnimig to wilt. Time
farmers are jubilant and cmliii thIs raIn. will
brimmg the crops UI ) to their usual hmighm stand-
FI1IIMONT , Aug. 1.-Speclal-Thme ( ) drotmth
was broken imere by a limb shower this noon.
It conies too hate to benefit somno fields of
cormi , but the yielmi of others whll be largely
Increased by It. Pastures amid lawmms were ,
'ery dry ammd the ralum Is just wlmat Is needed
to start time feemi. Time oats crop Is almost
all cmmt , A few fields imave timresimeti omit eIghty
bushels to time acre , Time stormmi was precetled
by heavy winds and nccommipammied by simarp
timuntler and lightnIng. No damage has been
reporteti ,
JUNIATA , Neb. , Aug. 4.-SpQcIal.--hiar- ( )
vest nearly tione mind being put into stack rap-
Idly. Threshing will soon begin ; botim wheat
anti oats will yield well , 'rimero will be nmom'e
gralmm stacks over timls county thmami for ninny
years. Time sight Is clmeerlmig lmmmleetl , Corn
is in roasting ear mmoi % ' nhmfi ( hue yield will be
heavy. Time late corn needs another shower.
An lmnmmmeimse crop of cane mmiiliet amid sowed
corn Is ii ) for feed amid prommuises a big cr01) .
hay is also good ,
OGAl.ALLA , Neb. , Aug. 4.-Speclal.- ( )
Gooti rains imave visited this section the last
few days and is brimuglng time cormi out In
tine shape. llayimmg In flue Platte valley imas
commmmmmemmced tmnui the crop Is a magmuIthi'emut one.
IIEI1TIIAND Neb. . Aumg 4.-Special ( Tele-
gramn.-A ) niucim neemieui main fell lucre timis
afternoon , which wIll immaterially assist the
growth of cormi that is nnJv In time ear.
YOlI , Neb , Aug. 4.-Speelal ( Telegram. )
-A good rain fell here timis muftermmooum , Inmdl-
callous point thmumt moore will full timl oven-
immg. Iteports show time same eta be lmrevall-
immg over York county , to the great imemmefit of .
corn , whIch was imegimummlng to stiffer.
TECUMSEII , Neb. , Aug. 4.-Simeclal--A ( )
nice r.mio fell over Jolmmmsomm coummty this after-
noomi mmmi evemming , time total precIpItation
being abotmt an Inch amid one-hall. Time raimi
eag badly mmeedemi ammul was iireceded by a
very tilcagresable dust mmtormn. LIghtning timId 4
evenimig struck time electric llgimt wIre anti
run Into time dyimanno house anil burimeui omit
aim arummatumre. As a result time city Is left lii
darkness. time lIgimts in the chmtmrclmes goIng tut
in time mmmIildi of time servIces amiJ leaving lbs
congregatIons 1mm total darkness , 'rime ndic.i-
tiorms lure fox' mnore rain before morning ,
IIUTTE , Neb. , Aug. 4.-Speciai ( Telegruimn. )
-11am began falling throughout ttml ctmummty
at ii o'clock limit mooriming anmii contlmium'ui a
steatly does npour ( or four imoimrs , wimk'Im imi cc-
ticaily instmres tIme corim crop for ttmia seetion ,
Fmmr&mmers are jub'lant ' over timelr exoelkummt
Imrospects for corn. Timrestmimig is in fill pro-
greet , with a mmmuchu better yield than was
PLttTTSMOtIThl. Neb. , Aug. I.--Speciai (
Telegrammm.-CasS ) county was agimlmm time reclp-
lent today of a splendid rain , ( lie prcuiit.utlomi
at this Iliacu nieaeurummg over two imuithes , Time
outlook for a mmuonst.r yield of corn In this
section could scarcely a'imait n'f Imrprovcnemmt ;
and mmmany farumiermm expect timeir iemI ! of corm
to average sevemmty.Ilve bmmsimcIs per acre.
lttmemimt'm ( N ( ) m'eli ii S ( i'miimmslm Itus , Aumic , 4-
At New York'rrivotlt'mnbrla , train Liv-
erpcol ; St. LoUis fromnSttimtharmmfmton ,
At han Frammcisco-iomarIeCm-mmy am re-
kIng , for Iloumgknng and Yokohama ; Aus-
trolls , for hiouuolmmiu.
Liverpuol-Armls'cml Superbor , front
Montreal ,
At New York-Arrived-La 1'ourIne , trcm
I Ltvre ,
At Iimmvre-Arrlved-Le Camnpagne , trcne
New York.
from Liv.
At Quoenstown-Salled-LtlCaflla ,
erimool for New York ,
' Nu.'t
At Soutimammmptoti-Atm'trcd---Enma , frumm
York for llremimen. .4
At ( Jeno.u-Arrlved 2mid-'Oiympla , from New
York via Naples ,
Al Glasgow-ArrIved 3rd-Azayrian , frfoa
l'blladeiphia vIa St. Jcimos , N. F.