Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1895, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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1 :
Only Two Short Days t 0080 All the
Wrecked Dry Goods
' Vertdrcite'y ( In ' tu :1.1. . ul tle
Arrh'II ul , \ Iul'r 1'rcIsftMO St141
MlsNt ( . " t UI.I ul the nllruI.1
111' (
, , 'rt'elu'll Ultl" n' Al" CI" ' ,
We're going to sel this lot oC goods be-
tween now and Wedneslay , at any kind
oC twen prIce .that will move them , but go they
must and ,4hahl. ,
iIi the c1iiIi1' Messcs , lalles' drawers ,
skirts and chemises ( slghty damaged ) ,
worth $1.00 , go at 26c.
All the ladles' trimmed owns , skIrts ,
Al anti corset covers , and
draweri , chemie a 11
drawer childs' long anti , short dresses , worth $2.00 ,
c11111' go 39c and 60c. ( Slightly ; damaged )
All the highest grade lace all embroIdery-
trhnmell ! cambric skirts , night gowns , skirts ,
chemises all umbrella skIrts and child's
. , at G9c.
dresses , worth up to $ L00 go
Ladies' $1.00 Ilereale wrappers , 35c.
l.dles' '
l.a . les' $ . lawn , percale and dimity
< val. lace and scollop
wraPllers trimmed with val scolol !
anll 98c.
rufllo big sleeves , 79c (
All ladles' lawn and percale negligee shirtwaists -
waists and waists , with laundered collars
and culTs , slightly soiled , go nt Hc
curs slghly
All ladies' waists , laundered collars and
cufs Al , large sleeves , worth $1.60 , go at 39c
and , 75c
Ladles' 25c wet handkerchiefs , Cc.
SWI8 L.lles' and Irish linen handkerchIefs , worth
76c , go at 19c
Ladles' derby rib vests and drawers , worth
COo . go at lOc and 15c each
Ladies and child's 12c Cast black hose ,
Ladles' hose ( Imported ) , Ingrain and lisle
threall. black , tan , white and ( fancy colors ,
worth $1.00 , go at Wc , 25c 39c.
25c pure $100 Jersey silk ' mils , 10c.
6Oc Milan silk mils , 19c.
$1.00 elbow length , extra heavy sik mitts ,
Summer ventilating corsets , 29c.
All kinds men's ' shirts ( soiled ) , 15c.
All men's $1.00 summer shirts , 25c.
All men's $1.50 summer shIrts , 60c.
Those men'R shirts at 25c and 50c are all
clean and perf&t .
. Great shoe sale on maIn floor and In base-
mont , at hal prIce.
GIving away - bicycles free.
iway W. Cor. IGth and Douglas
luH'un N.el."lun ltt'S.
Half rates-I.'b ' arrangements-Aug. 19-
t 24-Good till next fall-Through cars via the
) "Northwestern I.lne"-TlIOUGl CARS ,
IND YOU ; no change at ChIcago-The last
; easter excursion this year-Niagara F'afl-
Saratoga-Nel Yorle-St. Lawrence Itlver-
While Mountalns-Boslon.
Ask questons at 101 F'arnam SI and check
four trunk at your hous
TUI"I ) ' 8 t Cou rlnnil.
At Courtand beach today there will be on
exhibition the greatest living giant. Th- .
big band concert begins at 2 o'clocle ali con-
tnues all ( day There will be two balloon
ascensions and , parachute leaps and the German -
man quartet will gIve two free concerts
The admission Is Cree.
. I
Ihlnll' ) ' Not Ice.
Harold Uobb Ady , the C-year-old son oC
Mr. and , Irs. C. lb. Ady , dIed July 30. after
an Illness oC four days. lie was buried
from the family residence , 1317 North
Forteth street , Wednesday afternoon , . July
:11. : 11ev. S. :1 Ware or the Second Presbyterian -
terian church , assIsted by Ie\ ' . Tongue of
the Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church , con-
ductng the funeral service. harold though I
but a child , was known and loved by a great
number of pcopll ) on account ot his bright ,
boyish wa1 and loving , obedient disposi-
tion .
ton.Mr. . and Mrs. Ally desire to thank the
rrlends and neighbors who so kindly assisted
them during the Illness ali death oC their
son harold.
- - -
FurniturE buyers shouldsee the bargains.
At cost price W. II. Bennett Co.
p .
Alle.lcln ' 1un.IH' Association Exeur
A personally conducted excursion will leave
Omaha on August 13 , vIa Unlf Pacific , for
Denver Manitou , LaVeta Durango , Silver-
ton , Ouray , all te : , most charming oC Col-
orado ( resorts , returning via Montrose , Gun-
n on , Salda all , Denver , and arriving In
Omaha August 22. Hate , Including meals ,
hotels , sleeping cars , etc. . $122,26.
A second excursion wi leave Omaha August -
gust 27 , via Denver , Manitou and Marshall
Pas. to Sal Lake , returning direct by Union
Pacific , arriving In Omaha September 6.
Rate , Including meals , hotels , sleeping cars ,
etc. , $117.25.
A. C. DUNN , City Pass & Tkt. Agt.
Union Pacific system. . 1302 Faram street.
Sulky , awful good Toomey trotting sUlky
for $25.00 Drummond Carriage Ce
At n"I'cr August 14-14 , 1fm .
For this occasIon the Union Pacific will
sell tickets' at the rate ut ne Care for the
111 tckets'
round trip from Mlsourl river terminals to
Denver , Colorado Springs , Manitou and
Pueblo Tickets au sale August 1th and
12th. A. C. DUNN ,
City Passenger and Ticket Agent , 1302 Far-
nam street.
Try a case SchoennoCen's Export or lde1- ,
Weiss beer. H. lohCwbolesll dealer , tl. 87
T.i 1Citiisii.Cit-Oul' * 2.5O. I
The Missouri l.clfc wi run a special exI I .
curls Ion to Kansas City , leaving Webster st
depot Saturday evening , August bOth , at 9:00 :
o'clock , relrnlng , leave Kansas City union
depot ut 10:30 : Sunday evening , giving the
. , rul day In either Atchhon. Leavenworth or
Kansas City. Don't miss I ! For further information -
formation cal at city omces , N , E. cornea
13th and Farnam Sts. , or depot , 15th and
Webster Sts. _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ -
4 Trot your horse to a light speelllng wagon
- - New one b low cost , or second hand enl
for $45.00. Drunlnonll CarrIage Co.
A chance to eCur"lsh , at cost prlc s.
! W , U" Bennett Co.s . CurnlurE clearing sale
S'Ii,14 : . \ \ : A G1t11.'I' SIO\'ISG ,
Nellrn"lu , liiiiii faeturt'rs ut the Stl'
. '
1.11 I r.
The managers oC the state fair have granted
: ' the Manufacturers and Consumer association
of Nebraska the use oC the whole oC the Man-
ufacturers'buiidlng. I was at frt agreed ,
that the association should have one hal oC
, the building , and Secretary Holmes sent out
notices ' 0 hIS member to make application
for space for exhibits Requests wee received -
ceived from fifty manufacturers ot the state
for sl'aCI , a much larger number titan was
expected , and In view oC that tact the whole
. bulling has ben given up to them : Mr.
, " holmes states that the association will put
, forth greater efforts than ever before to
" _ . provo to the people oC the state that home '
; made goods are the best to b had , and that
: " . Nebraska factories are worthy oC the patronage -
; \ age oC every good citizen. . -
AI"lon. ' 0 .Ueet : Ir. Gr"ll-
, ' OMAHA , Aug. 3.-To the Sporting Editor
- oC The Dee : Mr. Gregg , owner oC running
' horses , at Blair , Is hereby chalenge to ride
- r mo a twenty-mtlo race for $100 p side and
the gate receipts , he to ride live horses ,
. change at every miie . and mount and dis-
mount unsls\ed and 1 to ride I blc'cle.
. . , Iacl to como oft one week from today , at
. ' either Tekamah or l'remont. As a guarantee
of good faith I have this day Ilosted a $25
fotCelt with Mi Oriwold , sporting ellQr of
The lice , EDWARD lMDINd ,
- . > - .
; - l.ouhh'QR' nloo ( lh
: . D. c. Howler . Co. , local broker for
" I Delgado & Co. , New Orleans , the bll sugar
And rice shippers , have just received a
sample ot this yelr's crop oC rice , which I.
pronounced superior to that oC any season
; for twenty years. The rIca crop In Louisiana
: 1 the IUlet over known lu that atate. '
flTE.t3iIIt ( I JJIWStUO \'F'1' ,
2 : , ; ( 'uses lt :1'rehll.l"t' Irlin liii'
I"'r 111.1 uf thl I $ tii , si'r ,
Just outside the bar , before entering New
York harbor , the transatlantic steamer Nor-
mandie encountered very heavy seas , sweep-
Ing the decks clear and Inundating the hold .
The Marine Insurance company being obliged
to restore full amount for some 25 cases which
they sold In just such condition as they
were at their unloading.
6 cases were sopping wet .
And ( the balance oC the 20 cases were In
al conditions Cram all perfect Y.ceFt the .
wooden boxes to party wet and slightly
Looking at It In the light oC a commercial
transaction It Is one oC the best bargains we
ever got hell of As the Marine Insurance
company thouh al the cases werE wet
through and ( sold them on that Ilea ,
On examinatIon we fnd
5 cases ImportEI dress goods , very wet.
2 cases oC imported black goods and
3 cases , Imported high cost , colored dress
goods , almost dry
1 case silk upholstery goods , very wet.
1 case silk embroidered drapery , tidies
and throws all perfect ,
5 cases linens , only slightly solel ( ,
And 8 cases oC ribbons , laces kid gloves
and ( embroideries In more or less damage
. These good will go on sale _
See daily paper for further varticulars.
N. W. Cor. lCth and Douglas
I..tI [ . El ) ' 1'0 ( : , 'n ' } lg ItlH.1 "
"tlrli lt IIrnllIiIlusy tl the : lln
wih Inln"II" ' .
The residents along Twenty-flfth near St
Mary's avenue are up In arms over theIr inability -
ability to get some action on the part oC the
Lhcarof Health to enforce the sanitary regu-
latons In that part oC the city ' 'hl streets
are paved and provIded with ewers In
abunlance , In accordance with the ordl.
nances , all houses ali buildings should have
sewer connections , hut they have not. Two
cottages on thc street depend upon cesspool
for their drainage and these ce3spools have
not been cleaned for years.
Some time ago some oC the residents \om.
Illalned oC thc condition oC the houes .1(1 (
cal el the alenlor ot the Board oC Italh
to the mater , An InFpector was sent out
and examined the places and promised
prompt action. Nothing was done for several I
weeks anti , then the matter was taken UII .
again. The councilman oC the % ward was
called upon and he promIsed to 10 something
Another walt all then the Board oC leaWI
was called upon again. The Inspector went I
cut and swore a little about the condll,11 ,
oC the cottages and promised to do some-
thing. He failed to bring ablt results and
then In a burst oC confIdence hc told one oC
the complaining resIdents that the ! owner
oC the colagC1 was a man oC 'Inf1uonce"
and the Board oC Health did not feel like
getting aCer him very harl. , I develbps
that the owner oC the cottages Is a candhlate
for county treasurer all he'l have Cnn get-
ting any show In the Fourth ward delegation ,
say ! the residents oC that vicinity , unless he
decides to pay as much attention to the
sanitary regulations as common people on
the street arc required to do.
. -
Genuine cost clearing sale furniture . baby
Carriages , refrigerators , etc" , at Dennett's.
I " 'II lie lell In .1n ) the ' , City Next Sun-
Socialist section No. ' 1 , composed oC organ-
at its meet-
Ized and unorganized workingmen Is -
inc Friday nIght decided to give an open air
- -
meeting 11 picnic at Twenty-tourth and
Castelar streets on Sunday , August 11 , at
2 P. IT ) . , to which everybody Is invited. The
speakersLil be August Deerman , P. P.
Schmidt and Theodore famine . The first
named gentleman will speak In the German
language , the second In DanIsh anti the
third In English. This section meets every
Friday night at Knights oC Iythlas hal , and
reports a steady growth In membership. I
has decided to go Into pollics at the earliest
opportunIty , which wi be this fall . enough
members having signified . their willingness
to place at least two .or three candidates
In the fell as a starter August Deerman
Is organizer ; James U. Anderson , recordIng
and financial secretary ; P. P , SchmIdt , treas-
urer ; Theodore Derlne , manager ot the
socialist oran. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Itenl : iiic1a I lust s ChlOHe Olee ) ' " .
Omaha lOdge oC tle , International Assocla-
tln ot MachinIsts , No. 31 , held a busIness
meetng at Paterson hall Friday nIght and
chose the following omcers for the next six
months : Bryant McBrIde , P. M. :1. ; J. B.
Llmlerg , : . :1. ; G. H. Lewis recording secretary -
R. flielielleu. finanebl 1
retary ; IeheHeu fnanc secretary ; Harry
Hurst , treasurer ; IV' E. Taylor , foreman ;
David HopkIn , E. H. Beckstead and James
Shepherd , delegates to Central Labor union.
Eighteen applications for membership seem
to bear out the statement oC the presillent
that loge No 31 Is i In a prosperous coudl-
1.0cll I.nlor Notes .
Schaeffor's hall . at Thirteenth and Ilarney
streets , was filled FrIday night wIth electric
workers , It being their weekly night oC
meeting. Work'on the CreIghton theater ,
the Millard hotel all the state faIr grounds
and avenues Is givig the members of No
22 more than they can do. A new president
will be elected at the next meeting , John
Dooley having vacated the office.
Wilson and , King , "the tramp orators , "
spoke to another large crowd at workingmen
at Jefferson square Friday night
Anti Ills 'l'roiilIes Grev .
Henry Ilockerman who was plucked ( ot
his cash at the Union hotel by Lulu Wilcox ,
Is In hard luclt. lIe ted the polce ot his
trouble and Lulu was arrested anti heM to
the district court. This was eminently satIsfactory -
IsCactory to Henry , so tar aK It went , but
it did not pan out In cash. lie had his revenge -
nnge , but he also had a board bill and a
week's growth oC whisker that needed at-
tention. The Police took a notion that
Henry would be needed as a witness at the
trial oC the case hi the distrIct court ali he
wi be required ' to give bonds for his
appearance. Henry Is now waitIng to hear
Cram home
Gosh Uullll In
Taxes are coming In with gratifying regularity -
larity at the city treasurer's olilce. The re-
cepls during the last twenty days oC JUly
In general taxes were $183,800. Treasurer
Dumont Is utilizing the receipts as rapIdly
as possible to pay up Interest-bearing war-
rants. Over $50,000 worth ot these warrants
were taken up 'rlday , and there Is now
considerably less actual cash In the treasury
than there was when be assumed control
oC the 0111. . .
, .
' \11 . ' "In II" I"U"II' ' ' ,
Frank Gannon has been arrested on n
charge oC grand larceny. He was drlvrng
away a horse that belonged to a man living
nel Florence , when a neighbor recognized
the animai anti compelled Cannon to sur-
rendez'possesaion oC the rig.
Gannon Is alleged to belong to the quartet
that robed the Burlington freight depot
several weeks ago. J. " ' . Uyan , Frank Ryan
and Jim 11nt , the other members oC the
gang ar . In the county jail serving sen-
The lice lit tito I.iiist Clltlllll.
OMAhA , Aua. 3.-To the Editor oC The
Bee'iii : you please answer the following
In Sunday flee :
A says you worked for all the republican
candidates on state ticket this last state
election except the head oC the ticket. D
says yon worked for enl ) ' tour or tire . I A
IR wrong will you please name the ones
you supported and oblige ,
The Dee gave its active .uPPOlt to R. E.
Moore for lieutenant governor , 1lgene Moore
for auditor and If. n. Corbett for superIntendent -
tendent of public Instruotion. I cxerte an
active opposition t9 tie republcan ' candidate
for overnor only .
lO\'crnr _ . "
- ' - - - .
I . -
1" . l Culec'to . u1 tIe .
The fut Instalm nt oI the L. 1el . \
fossils , which was recently donated to the
Omaha pUblo library by William Oleburn of
this city , arrived at the library Fridy , I
was placed In the women's reading room ,
where It will remain until \ permanent II-
ralementl are made for I The rtllndor
of the collection will arrive ( liii wcek
Making Reatly t Receive His Royal High-
, ness , Ak-Sar-Ben ,
- .
AiIs'etit . 01 'he Ilh'r tl -sterIoiis
hti'itI ills . Irtm tile I nine tl
; 1.tll.11 Uo" " tt lie :1,11
11 Cru" ii lug Hvcli I.
, -
When King Ak.sar.ben arrives In Omaha
In September \ to assume control oC the city
and its subjects there will be great sight
and sounds within the gates oC this fair city
oC thc plains. ills comIng will bo heralded
In a fitting manner and the everyday hum-
drum oC life will givE way to joy and good
cheer. lie will core Cram that mystic realm
where mythical gods and fairies are supposed
to dwell , coming with the blare oC brass and
the sound oC tymb l. lie will find the regal
city ready for hIs reception , with Its dazzlng
lights ali labyrinth oC colors .
Above and 'long the lrnclpal streets , Cram
business hOU11 to residence and from resi-
deuce to business house again , there will be a
network at glittering decorations. From
countless fagstars "Old Glory" will stream
In tim hazy breeze , while the color oC the
great feast-yellow , red and green-wi met- '
amorlhose the whole city Into ole colossal
prism I
Every mal brings to the committees on
Invitaton letters oC acceptance and requests
to visit the carnival city and participate In
the wondrous teast. Notable days In sooth ,
wi soft September hold for Omaha The city
will be dressed In Its gayest raiment ' , all 'pro.
pared for a riotous jubilee that wi take its
place In the front rank oC the splendid boll-
day affairs for whIch " ( lie land oC the free
anti the homl oC the brave" Is so justly cell'
brated. From all over the state the good
pea pIa wIll come to Join In the jubilee , and !
when they depart It will be only to spread
the glory oC Omaha. Wih Its broad and
beautiful streets , It Is peculIarly adapted for
such a magnificent demonstration , which all
may vIew and take part In to the very best
advantage. 'hen jocund day stands tiptoe
on the misty eastern horIzon , eager to catch
tHI first glimpse oC the carnival city , the
king will bo greeted by the flutter oC a wIlderness -
deress oC banners , a symphony oC trumpets
and a blazonry oC cabalistic colors thai will
dim hIs C'1 supreme brIghtness. Montlamin's
hosts will be all ready , with scintillating
armor nicely adjusted anti heads up In thc
air with glorious anticipations.
The festivities wi be Inaugurated Ion-
lay nLht , September IG , with an Incomparable -
ble bicycle parade under the direction oC the
Omaha Bicycle asscclaton , and I Is expected -
pected that there will be more than 5,000
wheels In line , the association alone turnIng .
Inl out 2,000 strong. The riders In all the
cites throughout the state wi be urgently
Invled.o help augment the .spcctacle , and
with the numerous bands which will fill I he
; Ir with sweetest resonance , the vocular !
pageant will be tithes ali miles In length.
Twenty-two solid blocks In the city will
glow with gorgeous illumination , and ChInese
fire wU lro train mounted pe < est its until
the the ralnbow whole city will glare with the colcrs oC
On Tuesday nIght , September 17 , comes the
Nebraska parade ( , with .Il hong proceon '
oC royal floats. All ot the IlrJnlluent towns
and cities In the state will end their own
and what this means the most vivid imag'
mallen } can alone foretell. Already Nebr ski
Cty , Fills . City , Schu'ler , Ccntral City ,
Kearney , North Platte , Auburn , Dawson ,
Oran(1 ( Island , Sidney , Fremont , Beatrice .
hastings and scores oC others have responded
favorably and each and every one will strive
to outdo thc other. There will be 600 cowboys
and several hundred wild Sioux , Oinahas and
Wlnneb1goes , with their rlbboneJ lances ,
paint and feather In the parade , besides ! the (
old-time Black 11 stage coaches , pony cx-
press and other relics oC what now scents n
barbaric age. The Nebraska paade 11 be
an epoch In the week's card that will be a
memorable one indeed .
Wednesday night , September 18 , Is se
down for the military . civIc anti
band parade , In whIch all the
local military organizations ot Omaha
and the ( neighboring cites will take , part.
In adlllon to the United States regulars ,
labor organizations , secret and socIal socIe
ties and the various prominent bands tram
thl ( different cities throughout the state will
Thursday night , September 19 , comes King
Ak-sar-bsn with hIs gorgeous retinue oC
heralds , pages , attendants . anti knights
This royal personage on his golden
throne will lead the majestic pageant "Ith
his long lne oC fabulous floats . plumed and
bolted warriors ali stream oC Imperial followers -
lowers The yellow . the red and the green ,
the colors oC this mysterious host , will
flaunt . and wave Cram every point and pInna-
cle. The grand ride' over , and the night's
revelry will close with a bal at the Coil-
seum , which spacIous old structure , by deco-
rath'e Ingenuity . wi be transformed Into a
glittering palace oC ages old
FrIday night , September 20 , the merry
wheelmen , In full panoply or ornate color
and soundIng brass will once more traverse
thE brllautY iluminated streets Each
wheelman , with machine decoratell In the
highest degree oC aesthetic art , will carry a
huge lantern oC many colors. They will
ride eight abreast , and the display Is cx-
pected to even surpass the recent grand
demonstraton In Chicago.
Altogether the feast ot lol1amin will be
the greatest feast ever known or dreamed
oC In Nebraska-ne oC the agricultural gee.
deus ot the world.
Y'lnw"tnne l'arlc
Ends October 1. The grand st outing slot
In the world Mountains lakes cannons , gey-
ser hot springs , buffalo , elk , deer ; found
there. Reduced rates for ISD5. Send Gc
for tourist book to Charles S. Fee , general
passenger agent Northern Pacific railroad ,
St. PaI , Minn. - - -
O.\.I onXIA on TEXAS
" 'n Snl'e p" nnl' '
For lowest rates on tickets and best ac-
ccmmodatons call on or address E. L.
Paimer I' . A. Santa FI Route , Room I , First
National Dank , Omaha. .
hamilton Warren , : . D. , magnetic eclectic
physician ; health restored and again , ready
for business. 19 N. S 1Cth st. , room 2.
APe , % dulienges .
Offered by the Chicago , Miwaukee & 'St.
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A
clean train made up and started from
Omaha. Baggage checked Cram residence to
destination. Elegant train service and cour-
teous employes. Entire train lighted by
electricity ( and hated by steam , wIth electrIc
light In every berth , Finest dIning car
service 1 the west , with meals served "a let .
carte , " The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. daily
from Union depot.
City ticket ofce , 150t Farnam street , C.
S. Carrier , city tIcket p agent -
Woven wire bed springs , SSe at
W. n. Bennett Co.s cost sale.
. p
Notice to S'nellee.lerH , , Etc.
We are new ready tl make contracts for
the delivery during the coming Cal of all
1895 beet pulp not yet contracted for , 'and , In
vIew of the tact that at no time last season
was the supply equal to the demand , wo
would advise that early application be made.
For terms , etc , apply to either
Norfolk , Neb. ,
. Grand Island , Neb.
CLc\nS'fl . ' 1'ICNIC.
$ .
- lobcmluu Turners , ' \ ' . .
Will be laid at West Point , Neb , Sunday ,
Aulist 1b , 1895. PoIn Infantry \UI. J
fine program , vaulting bore , parallel oars ,
vaulting table by Danish Turner and Do-
bemlan gmnat , and calisthenics by ( lie .
Bohemian lad le' class. . ,
Special train can. Webster street depot I
I a. t I
Fare , $ $ .0 round trlp _ ,
IIOS'l'ON M'l'uun IJlUU 1) lIl'A ' It't'MIIN'L' ,
U jrt'lt ! I Ie I 'l'oI ie'ton Ii nn.1 , - i
Url.m" l.r 'Poinurrots' ,
lOc whisk brooms , &c.
ISo whisk brooms , Se.
2&o whisk brooms , 'Inc.
Juvenile soap , 9c take.
Shanlon Bells soap , iCe cake
Woodbury's facial sosp . 1c cake.
Watermelon soap , ISo box.
Triby soap , 20c a , bls ,
- - -
M.H\CI'I" ! UJ INS1IC'I'S. !
" urils MI.II n' .ut Illormll : : . . .t11
.I I ) ruth iii ers ,
The traveling man Cram Oshkosh hal just
fnished telling a remarkable story oC his
dog who hal on the 1t oC April , a recorded -
corded by the Phladllphla Times , barked
loud enough to wake up the entire household
and who , after the male members oC the family
had ( ransacked the premises In vain for
burglars cahnly pointed with hIs nose to
the calendar , barked "April Cool" and with
a keen sense oC the humorous trotted . back to
hts kennel ,
"V.'onulerftil dog " said a tourist Cram Okl-
homa. 1emlnds lute oC a setter I once had- "
"nah ( " interrupted a Chicago sausage
tiruntiner "One expects Intelligence In dogs
and cats ! Hut when insects manlCest al-
most hUlan sagacity , then It Is time to mar-
vol. "
"I'or Instance ? " aske,1 a man Cram IUsh-
"Well , no one would expect any lntehll-
genco In an ordinary cockroach , would they ? "
"No , not to any extent I"
"I.ast week I came home one night , antI
by accident opelC the pantry. I was sur-
prlFed at finding at least a hundred big
beetles scampering across the floor to escape
into their lair. I saw that ( they all Ilsap-
pearel 10wn a circular nule In enl corner
oC the coset Next night I salell forth on
a tour oC extermination , I prepared a woolen
plug to stop tip the hoe : , end a fat cUdgel
with which to annihilate the critters. I
apprcachel the pantry with a lighted candle ,
opened the door suddenly , and before the
roaches fully realized my presence I had
their escape completely bloclwd. I was a
sight worth seeing , Some oC them were In
one corner playing 'Copenhagen. ' Some were
In the center playing ! ' \ng.a-round-a.rosy.
When they saw the light they sUddenly interrupted .
terrupted their sports , and made a bee line
for hoimie Astonishmen was written on
every lneament oC their black bodies when
they SbW escape cut of ! . I set the candle on
the floor , and belabored 10cm right and left
wIth my weapon Soon I hal the floor
strewn With corpses , and every moment added
to the number. All at once my light went
out. A venerable looking , patriarchal sort I
of cockroach realizing that lie salvation oC' '
his family and relatives lay In darkness , had
climbed UI the ( candle and thrown himself
across the ( flame. Like Arnold Wlnklerled
ho tiled for the noble . cause , for his body was
burned In n trice ; hut .beCore 1 could strike
a match the ( last oC the ( still living bugs had
found some secret means oC exit , amid had
disappeared That's ( what I cal anl Intell-
tItce. . _ _ , , I _ have that h ro's body embalmed ( in I
my COlecuon , anu since triaL auventre I
have the greatest respect for roaches. Whn
I want to exterminate them now I treat
them royally to-l0 cents worth oC poison. "
"I know oC a slmlnr case , " said a coffin
drummer tram Tuscaloosa , "which I think
shows even greater intelligence. One night
1 went to bell at the Grand hotel In Oneonta.
I took n bottle ot beer to my room and
emptied It while I disrobed. Then I threw
m'seI upon my bed and began reading a
riove ) , . Presently I hCrd a buzzing Eoul1
anti r looking tip found a dragon fly , or , as
we ctuiitlren called , It ' ' '
chidren cal1l I , a 'nad-man's-needle'
flying about my head. I struck out with my
book anti the Insect turned his attention to
the drpgs oC beer standing on the bureau.
lie began imbibing the liquor and 1 could see
him crow hllrlol" ! _ I. f0w In n f1.h'v coull Ir _
.r un _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . _ . . . " . ,
regular'manner his buzzing seemed Interspersed -
spersed with hfccoughs. I thought It ( into
to Interfere In the Interest oC his morals , so
I arose , Irove the fly out with a Can and
threw the beer glass and bottle Into the
closet Then I put , out the light. , Anuinue
aCerward Mr. Dragon Fly Amlnute
gao a search for the-liquor. I was dark end
the stur was not to , bo found With a buzz
of dlsuPPolntnent lie flew , out , oC the window
and I congratulated mYII' 'on being rid oC
htm. nut I reckoned without my host. In a
little while ho returned In a halo oC light .
lie had captured two lightning bugs , or fire
tiles . and , holding one In each Coot , proceeded
to light UI the bureau and search systemat-
Icaly for the ( lost nectar. Well , gentlemen , I
was dumbCounlel at this display oC Intel-
gence. Such sagacity deserved a reward. I
placed the beer rlglt outside oC thc window ,
chased the dragon fly out , closed the sash
and alowed the poor ( chow to Intoxicate
himself at his leIsure. I any oC you doubt
thIs "
"Oh , no ! we believe It" came a chorus oC
"Ants , " said a jewelry salesman Cram
Providence , "are proverbially Inteligent ,
Wasn't It Solomon , the dlvlnely-glCted man .
who said several years ago , ' 00 to tlc ant ,
thou sluggard ; study her ways and become .
wise ! "
"Either Solomon or David , 1 don't remember -
ber which " Interrupted the coffin drummer ,
who Irlded hlmselC on his biblical lore.
, : At all events , " suggested the Chicago
saUsage drummer , "sluggards nowadays arc
more alt to have recourse to their uncle than
to their aunt ! "
The jewelry salesman Crowned severely
and continued : "I had been reading oC Sir
John Lubbock's experiments with ants , anti
determined to make some investigations oC
my own. One day I scooped up an anthill
Into a glass-covered box and proceeded to
study the habIts oC the tiny red Insects
under my care , with a large magnifying
glass . Gentlemen . I would be useless !
ml to attempt to describe all that 1 saw.
You would think It exaggerated , and I wIsh
to avoid all exaggeration. Sir John's re-
suits are crude as compared to mine. When-
ever the ants were Particularly brilliant I
gave them an extra allowance oC sugar.
Gradually the Insects appeared to realize
that they were being observed and that
something extraordinary was expected oC
them They put their heads together and
endeavored to Corm new combinations Corm
my special delectation. One dy they Ca1rly
surpassed themselves. Their evolutons ,
marches , counter-marches , , mock asauls ,
etc. , would have done credit to a Napoleon.
The leader , a finely developed ant , stool up
on his hind legs to salute me. Anuazed I
laid down my magnifying glass and ran Into
the next room to cal my wle , When we
returnell we looked In vain for our pupils ,
the ants. Not one was to be seen. I then (
discovered that for days , whie a porton
oC the colony was performing for my entertainment -
talnment , the ret were gnawing a hole
through the wails oC their prIson. All was
In readiness for an Immediate escape This
last performance was made particularly
brilliant so that I would cal my wife , anti
they took advantage ot my temporary ab.
senct to crawl through theIr nowly-Cormed
opening anti escape. FIrst , however , they
made for the pantry ; ' where they knew the
sugar was kept , and they gorged themselves
with thieirfavorite' 'Cood. Now gentemen ,
you may cal It what you like , but- "
Here the ( porteri . opened the door and
shouted : "All abor for the 5:10 : train for
'Zssburg Umvle antI lrrrtown ! "
"Excuse me , gentemen , " crlell all the
drummers In chorus ; and they simulane- (
ously rose and scattered .
111'11'1111" nf thl' y : . C. . \ .
Director Cook oC the gymnasium and his
wife have returned Crom Albany , N Y. ,
where he has beenl spendIng a few weeks
with his family. ! : Cook visited Chicago
and other cites In tllr' east and met the lead-
lag physical dlrectoT who are In charge oC
prominent gymnasiums. During August and
September Mr. Cook wilt give special aten-
ton to out oC don athletics at AssociatIon
field , whte an extelleut running track I
laid out , horizontal bar , striking bag , jump.
Ing and vaulting apparatus In addition to
the regular athletic game . The tennis court
have been Ilut to so much use that the com-
mnlttee Is lOoking for the best places to lay
out two more courts. The courts enjoy the
reputation oC being the . finest In the city .
I'l' I I d.1 sit SlrI ) ' MIlls .
The Singer Sewing MachIne company gave
a plcnlo to Its employes yesterday afternoon
at Sarpj Uls , There were all kiM DC reo
Crehments , base ball , foot races and other
sports , In thl contest for prizes for salesmen -
men aecqlng th larest number of orders
K. n. Peteron won nt wa presented with
a- coat itwt vest n Int , v.P. stew i rtcIYe
( Etee , tu1It < u 8 emi liHze arid irit'liu1i
thft \ ol1 lrlt
a fO\nfa n ptb a third { , JlfZ Collins and
Fur\Hon each clainie1 . { ho fourth.
- . - . .
The Ordtt bl RalwlY Conductors has ap-
proprlated $26,000 for the benefit of lie Le-
high Valley striking conductors oC two year
ago whQ aN still QL of sltuation3 ,
Authorties ! in Ouba Adopt RUCl Measures -
urosto Suppress - the Rebo1on ,
liii ruts nl.1 . . l-sE rcys . t.'r IIitsiniutl' .
1..II.r. ) tutu lri-t' . 11m Out cif
C.hl-l.'I..t" I.IIt ilt'ftit'o
the Shl'e } clluhuel' ,
NEW YOlt , Aug. 3.-Charles Lynn , lie
, "Cuban cattle klng'vho arrh'ell front the
scene oC Insurgent fighting In Santa Clar
provInce recently , has coml to this city to
push : claim oC $160,000 agaInst the Span-
Ish government for the destructon at hiM
Cal er's property anll the Imprisonment oC
his mol her In the Jai at 'rlnldad , Cuba ,
wIthout warrant oC law. : Ir. Lynn Is the
foster brother oC Balltsta Esportorno , a
presilent oC the first Cuban republic . The
elder Lynn hall five boys In his family , four
oC them his own sons , the fifth being Bap-
tsta Eportoro , whom he adopted. All
went to fight In the first Cuban struggle
for intlependence .
The Spaniards devIsed a scheme , : Ir , Lynn
says , to Intmllate ( the brothers and prevent
them . from fighting for Ctuba The scheme
was to loot , burn , and finally , IC possible ,
confiscate the ( elder Lynn's property , ImprIson -
prIson his wife and otherwise persecute In-
noccnt members oC the faintly until the bO1
shoull be driven to seek terms ( for the ( sake
oC their parents. This was In spite oC the
fact that the elder Lynn and his wife were
American citizens. ,
The mother was seized by sellers anti .
dragged to Trinidad , where she lay helpless .1
In prison twent.nlne days. She , begged her
sons not to consIder her sufferings , saying '
the Spanish might kill her before sIte would
ask any oC her boys to give up theIr cher-
Isbel convictions. FindIng their cruelty Unavailing -
availing . the Spanish ofcers were finally
constraIned to release thc unfortunate
woman They took the precaution , however ,
to burn Lynn's cattle pens , destroy hIs
menus oC support and reduce him to pract-
cal poverty.
At Cuban headquarters Charles J.'nn hal
a long tale with Thomas Estrda Palino
presIdent oC lie (
revolutionary party , and
Horato S. lubens , Its counsel. I Is untler-
stool that Mr. Hubens told him he had a
gooll case to recover heavy damages. Later
In the day ! r. Lynn maied the' papers In
the case to the Department oC State at
Washington Lynn himself was forced to get
out oC Cuba In July '
1)lti'hM ) I'tltiC AUVU'I'WS ,
OMAhA , Aug t.-To the Editor , oC The
Bee : As there seems tl be sonic little utuls-
nnliertanllng In regard tD the relation tD
tl ( Driving anti lark association , which con-
tractell ( for the Ilnll now owned ty the Omah1 .
Fair all Speell association , west oC the ( city ,
I want to state a preshlent of the Omaha
Fair anti Speed association , and having full ,
anti I believe clear knowledge , oC the Omaha
Driving all Park association , lust ( hero Is
no connection whatever between the two aso-
chations . The Omaha Driving and Park asso-
elation nllerook : to carry out very elaborate'
Illans , ali contracted for land , theIr all be-
lug to erect brick structures , a magnificent
club house and other fine things too nunfr-
out 10 mention. This was a nlmber oC years
ago. The ontcme oC that affair was that It
could ne\er make any oC its Ilromiel goo,1 ,
The contract which they niade for IRII could
nbt he carried out ; therefore was null a 1)1
void , the lard reverting back tD the property
owners . When It was dechlell to try anti get
the state fair 10catCI al Omaha , ' the Ilmh'rs
oC that asoclatoh Illedell themselves to stub
scribe ant pay $20,000 to the Omaha Fair as-
sociatiomi . Ilrovllng the lalli was usell that
hall been selected by that nssoclattomh Th
main reason for this was that tIme members
thought that was the best location for the
state fair Some who own proPerty In hat
vicinity anti were membrs oC the Omaha
Drl\lng ali lark auoclaton had more selfish
mot\es. but thl Semite thing would have hap-
penet In any other directon Cram Omnha.
U the people only consider that thc Omaha
Iriving antI Park association , lS an association -
sociaton , was prctlcal ; ) Ileal , , anl , that It
Is just as separate .nll Ilstnct Cram the
I ) sent FaIr anti Slleed association as any
two thhls can be , the ) ' woull lie rele\t
oC a great man ) migivings , and the management -
ment oC the Omaha Fair and Speet associa-
ton would be given full credit for what
they have done and are trying to to , namel ,
to have one ot lie est state fairs In time
United States hell , at Omaha for the . "neft
,0C Omaha anti Nebraska and not for their
personal benefit In any way , shape or mnanner
except such as comes to every other citizen.
All oC the books , minutes oC our meetngs
anti every act Is open t [ the public or aiiy
One who'Ishes to investigate for his or her
self. There have been all arts oC wit
rumors , which were without Counllaton , In
[ regard to the Fair and Speed association , anti
that Is my excuse for trying to set this
matter i-lglut. 1 do not believe there Is any
member oC the boarll oC tlretors hohlng
an olcl but who woult most cheerfuly
resign anti give his place to ( any other
cItizen who wishes to take It.
Z. p. ' LINDSEY.
M'CORMICK-Joslithi S. , ot nloplrx ' . Satm.-
) 'CORICK-.Tosllh
( lit ) ' , AUI t 3 , at G o'clock , aged GO ) 'eal3 ,
' ' .
Funeral prl'a te.
SOIIMICK-Lizzie L. . Satlrta ) AUJust 8 , I I
aged 27 years . Funeral : lonlay , Augl :
5. lt 2 ) : m. from rellclce ot g. H.
Henson , 1520 North Tweuit3'-lltth street , to
Forest Lawn FrIends Invltcd.
& ;
, Special Prices. .
; New Sprochtel Dresse ; Covers wIth
) Staud , Commode ! and -I'1o\
Shams to match at about
) Half Former Price , I
Dresser Covers as low as
$1,25 ,
New Crepon Tissue Drapes on same material by '
the yard .
DON'T FORGET that we are selling Ladies
Shirt Waists at about hal regular prices.
White Waists , trimmed with embroidery 25C.
Handsome colored Waists 3SCI SCC 75C , gSc , S 145
and 75c.
FANS from IOC up Special cut in prices. 0
MRS. J. " BENSON. ' j
' " " " '
r-- - ' . - " . c" " dt : ; ' ( A. ' r.i\vc-c.r. \ 'J' " . Jdi , " i
lJ Low Shoes-
. I
I - @
White 'Shoes- - , '
, . ' ltI
' Summer Shoes ' - It
I \
That's what we want to sell. That's what we .
must sell. - We , must sell them now-this kt I ;
month-Cor next month the heavy soled t
, , _ hoes come In to take the place they lust
, r vacate. I'l nEedless to tel you that we're r !
t making prIces to sell these shoes Cast.-You
; I - low that-but do you realize I ? -Do : you \ (
realize that ( you never could buy shoe as (
' IsT.
! cheat as now provided you buy sum Ier (
' 'v' shces oC us ? .
't . . " ' - - qi
j ? Selling Summer She s Regardless of Value
,1 N. I. Cor. l6tit arid Douugiioii.
L _ _ _ . _ _ _
( - ) - ( .4
It's All Right
' To hear the murmuring of the brook and the twitter-
ing of the birds but there are Iitt'e store things ( to be
had almost fOIthe asking ) that go a long way toward
the comfort of an outing-or unmake it i left out- .
ToIlet Artlcles-
Camping Supplies-
Plculc Necessdrles- C
' Grips acid Ti'avelltug nogs-
I' All over the store are hints of something you require-
Combs aud nrlshea , , hlnnirnocks.
Heavy Combs , 3c , fc , 80 to 25c. . I thtt' NothhlK dreamily like , . drowsy them It Morpheu.m. you would woo
iris ( ? hfruahes , lee. 19c , 2c to rc. _ . II drellv droI"y , . lorphcud. F
Briste Ir , , .'ln 'ki.
Clothes ! ootli Brushed Brushes , fc , hOc be , 15. , 2c to D. \ \ 0en lallncc.s lallr , COo , ScJ DOe to $1 , 95 . ;
, , Ccjldrcti'a Ptaytltliigii ,
Ladlcs Belts acid nuckles tor the holiday . cxcurslon
. Bali Boats , Sc- be , 2a.
deSIgns oC thp best maIlers Sul 6 lO
Choicest . Sand I'ails , 100.
, 390 , 4c to It3c. "
Belts at 2cc. 3e c rc I uls anti rake , lQc the set.
. 263 . Shovel hoc un l. Jet
Buckie9 lOtO.
Duckl. 23 t1. , . .
10 . , Wheel lc
_ thlrt "Inlst Sets , 2c , 4ge up Wheeluurows. . .
The 1319
99-Ccitt . F a r ii alit
I 99.Cctt. _ _ _ _ Fnrtnu .
Store Street.
I 1Jj1JJIfJ'1i ' # IJI111JJJJ ?
_ . _ - , _ . - . .
- 1
Rticl Element of the Mlkatlo's Subjects
Dfcult to Restrain
Xt'hrl.l.l CUII."Uln " 'hu I. ,11.f
Ir.m the ( rl'lt hiell.'a-i.s thlt
I 1'rlltt , 11.1 , " 'ul. . " , . " 'II
l.euitl . . .eri.i.s" .
BAN ImANCISCO , Aug. 3-Ccmigrcssmaa
I ) . 1 Mercer , C Omaha Is In the city on
his return home Crom a Pleasure trip to the
Orient. : Ir. Iercer says that : . the result oC.
his obf'utons In Japan has cOI'lncet
him that ( a poltcJI crIsis Is Imminent Il
that countr ) ' . The masses are restless anti
dicontented wih Count Ito anl , the ( mlnlstrt
because oC the ( concessIon made to the Eu.
ropean 110wer Hussla Is blame,1 by them
moro than GermJI ) mind I.'rlnce for Japan's
relnqulsllent ! oC Port Arthur al\t the Llat
'ung Itentnsula. The people believe that a
China Is the largest nation In the \ end , anti .
thereCoro In their ) the most Cormllab1e , .
was whipped by their country so readily ,
the minority acted with eowardlco In glvlug
lip some oC the fruits of the victory at tIme
commall oC Etissia
On account oC the CeHng oC the massel
Mr. lercer would not be surprlell IC campI-
cations with the czar's
catons wih govcrnment would !
enSUe In the near tuture ( , notwlths\allng \
the intelligent conservative policy pursued
by Count Ito.
lie says further that ( the Impression pre-
valium among promInent people In the OrIent
that ( Hussln will before long endeavor to gel
a Cootholll In Corea
The situation as I
whole on account oC thin warlike atttude ot
the Japanese pclIl1 Is rut her mClaclng hl
his opInIon. .
I : -
'If' 1 - " ) 5
r' '
He ' 10\11 ( to our .stai'e nnll
'OI'1 Ihll out whnt sqlll'e
Ilealn : means : wIlen we show
.11 Out' illi'iglut \ ) gnstull nlile :
Plal0 : that t wu Iii'lee nl I $ J I : : :
I $ Hi II0wl anti $8 I iiiomithi. No
' one ( Isp ( ' \ ' ( ' 1' shm\ I better _ ,
t PI1o at uilr ll'lcu ,
A. H05P , Jr.
fit t Art nli Music I
. ; s HH3 10uuI , .
( C. ( ( - -91
. ' - ( < : - - . : = :
. . .
. .
. 'Va are receiving eOlp1.
' ments OVOI'Y day fl'om peop1 )
who nra tisliig out' new Two lit
One Glttsscs ,
They take the place of two
Tue Aloe & Peiifold Co. ,
1'lOS F'ii'iiitiil St.
Arc a ecientlflo compound of mnedleluies itt. .
tended to build up ( lie Nerve Structure un
restore to the whole body nil of its norina
whose work is beneficial anti Iastiiig.
Price , $1.00 per box ; 6 for $5.00 Sent by
IPnVcu ; ore getting nervous anti can't slco
anti don't care vhetlier you to to you
meals or not. Youi need thicmn if you utr
cross anti Irritable without any visililecaus
or it suffering with nit" nervotis disordsr
B1lO1llll & MCollhiOll
1513 DODGE ST. ,
' 2d Iour W'cst P. 0. , Omutulia ,
Hero Is one of tluo greatest treats of th
warni season. The coolness of ( hula atljustaa
bIn Rattan Couch can scarcely be realizes
uiutIi it Is tried ,
The entire ( op is of closely woven ratu
wluiclu gives ( hat extreme flJxlbiiity whicU
no other furnIture can ever attain , T1i'
framitu is of selected white maple , amid whil
light has great strength ,
There are ten different adjuatmuuciuts to the
hieadl No chair or sofa ever devised ca
boast of over half this iuunuber. Every perp
son can.find his exact need supplIed In on
or another of these adjustments , ,
It can be changed in a mnomnentt Toil ca
read with ( hue body at ono angie , smoke 01
another , taik at auuother , doze at another
anti so for every pursuit time chair ca b
athjuated for any taste or veraon. I
It costs only $7.60 ,
The largest antI best line of furniture , x4
( be lowest iirlces , I
1'211i ttnd Dotiglutii ,
- -