- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . , , I . . , ( 'J't.I.-O : " " " " " " ' ' - " - ' - - I. " 11 TJTY ! OMAflA RIJNDAY , AIJGTJST 4 , 189 ( . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 - - t . - - : _ S SIX CllllSVI1OV1LLCO1EOUT \ - \ Bomo Interesting Information About Each of Them - MISS COLLINS WRITES FROM INTEHLAKEN ( - TCIIM 01 SIii' . 1"11111 ! nl. . Sc& ' uery- A.wrl'll ' rirIt . . In LutitIpu- . . . , , ul So : HullUM 1111 CUIIIU" ' i ' lcty ' 1n11C. - r . Whie IIJJrrments , Iltesent ) and pros. i , " : petn , are the chief topIcs among Omaha' I .weHdom , whIch ha little but gossip to ' amuse I , V. hUe PO many or Its member arc . away lt bklslJe ! ! ' or mountain , atl the ! debullntt' ( or the coming aeason are beIng t dlscul ' d on every hand. Although It Is i \ ' rather premature for an absolutely complete , - Iht when 10 many girl are unJeclded , as to i whether they will be formally Introduced to . . zoclety the young women who wIl bo pre : aented to the ulr-swel set are generally I i . known. . A very charming coterie or six girls . r f daughters ot the oldest anll most representa- five famillea , who have been friends from famlle3 i tve : , ' . . theIr carlent ycars , will enter bocety together - gether early In the season. These young . women will receive together at a series of , womel1 t. functions given In their honor , the following girls constiutng the group : tss Iclw IoaglJlll , 1lss Louise Squires , Miss Iabel Taylor , Miss Laura Morse , Miss Grace Alan , Miss Mac Ilaniliton . Miss helen loagbI11) ) , daughter or : lr. and ) Mrs. Geerge A. Hoarland , will undoubtedly one of the reigning bles or the season She Is tall , Bt'llh end ! strikingly ! hantsome , with a great deal or manner and plenty of dash and 'go. " Miss loJ/land Is a bright and lively talker and carrlcs everything before her. Th3 IJromlnence of her family and the social populariy or her sister Mrs. J. g. Summers . Jr. . will he poInts In her favor. She has Ipent two years at Miss Grabam's school In New Yorl Miss I.ouilo Squires daughter ot : r. and Mrs. C. l. I Squires , another girl bound to bo a great favorite In society. She has fallen - len hell not only to her mother's musical talent , but possesses also the tact ant the ; social luallles ( which have made Mrs. Squire' . , 80 deservedly PoPular In Omaha Miss Squires Is a cordial , enthusiastic , young wo- Ran of rmarka111e self-poasealon. She has been for Iwo ( years at Lalle Erlo seminar 1'lh1e8'llo. O. . J'ew girl , enter the social domain destned to win much real admiration so popularity , admiraton and sincere esteem as Miss bbel Taylor. She I a dIgnified and reserved young woman , distinguished among those who know her for her lubstanUol qualitIes , her keen sense 01 humor a lit her really wit. An amateur 01 considerable merit In art anti mnualc. an Unusually - usually clev.r converatonal . t and one who has traveled much . lss Taylor Is flttid to become a society woman of the most cultivated - vatcd and arIstocratic type. Miss Taylor has studied at Llel : seminary , AUburnllale , Mass. , for three years. She It the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Taylor and the niece of ex-Governor Boyd tS Laura Morse , the captivating and ac- complshed daughter of : Ir. and Irs. W. V. Morse , has spent the past five years at lrs. Platt's school In Utica , N. Y. one of the most aristocratic s.hooh In the eat , where she particularly distinguished herself as a fnished planlste. The charming and rather exclusive ' cIrcle In which Mr. and Mrs. lorae move will : welcome thllr daughter gladly after her long abslnc . She Is a niece 01 : lr. Joseph Lehme : , ' and Mr3. Hc/ard Carrier. lls ! ( Jrn'o Allen . the attractive and pretty daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs . W. F' . Allen , who has ben some year at Lasel , Is perhaps the lost wJely ! accomplshell of this season's beds , and Is already very well known and well liked In Omaha because or the sincere and untfonn cordiality of her manner. Though 1lss Allen Is an enthusiastic horse- woman and . a lover or out-Iloor sports she Is I a girl or quiet and womanl jlposlUon , little likely to , beCome one at Omaha's New L - 'ome" . Probably no . debutante of the year wIll be so brilliantly presented to socIety as Miss Mae Hamilton. Not only Is the home of her parents , Mr. and Mis. lfamliton . a delightful and hosplalo one the scene or many festivities - ties In the nast but the hOle of her uncle . and uunt. : lr. Frank Murphy and Mrs. T. 1 ' , Cumlngds one of the handsome"t residence . ' tn' Omaha , , wIth facilities for entertaining ? mulch as tow houses posse ! The favored I few who are within the charmed circle which I Mrs. Jlnllon and lrs. Cumlng entertain I will anticipate with great pleasure the event i In honor 01 the debut of lhs hamIlton . She Is an Intelcctual girl , who has spent some t _ years at the famous Notre Dame academy and has tl refinement and alt the graces whleb heft her high and fortunate social sta. ton..Moro Moro than one American now squandering hIs money abroad will conic home a wiser man. Time average London shopkeeper loves to get hold of an Amelc.\n tourist with a I capacious pocllet. This Is equally the case with Jewelers. Some or tM largest jeweler take every conceivable 11alns to get held of ' An\erleans. \ They may not care much for the a\'etgo travel from this section or the country , but even though they do come from Omaha Dennr ) , Chicago , every traveler h fish. I would seem that the big jewelers on : time . other sIde han agents over here who a'J- .rse the'r European clients of thc approach , or eminent mllonalres , and the llkeli- hood or theIr being able to make sales. A homowud-hound customer has been fol- lowed by the dealer ( 'to Q enstown , with the rubles Ito wanted to sell , and with success. Nor 13 the American In such cases always a victim. lie often understands jewels , and even the jeweler and hIs ways very well . lie often gets costly necklaces and such things at a tolerably fair prJce. I Is his h.blt or palnt cash whIch maltes hIm such , . prIze 10 firms whose books are io many : ecord of long crectt and bal ! debts. Speaking of the craze for buying expensive , things , In London , George W. Smaley says : n "I 1 no new thing that modern plate , manu- aeturell with Intent to deceive , should he . sold lS Intqu ( 'I.ondon 13 full or plate with l forged ! hal marks : said an expert to me last year-a gentleman who Is perhaps unrivaled . In hIs knowledge or such materD among amateurs. The dealers themselves are often taken In. I lay not bi uncharitable to sup- ' P93e that the private bu'er are deceived still more often. There Is a brisk demand for . plate of the period of Queen Anne and time ; first three Oeorgls : down to the time when the hllll of George In aeas as pat of the hal mark 17S4. Where there ( Is a de- mand pclUcal ! economy requIres that there shall be a supply. Adam Smih Is . to that extent , T3ponsble : for Monday , and for that oilier very large all wel known dellerhe ; , still dNlwhoold a very welt known lady I - $30,000 worth of freshly nunufJcture slver- 1 ware Into which Queen Anne hal marks had been skillfully Introduced. There 18 , of course , a great deal of genuine old Illatt. t The "olnt " 18 to discriminate bltwln the real " and the imitatIon. U you bur on your own : judgment at Clirstle's : auction . lt Chrste's am.ton roonis you r tko all rhks kno"olnlly. MR-srs ( hrlte IfVtr guarantee 3nythhu They sell pic- " , ture" , 111am . and ! all other warps at pur. chaser's risk. That Is understood an.l I perfectly . "fcty blr. Dut the dealer . ' or sme or them , do guuantoe. I I the sl1e : with . pictures ant a goad many other timings : ' : - In a letter to a friend , under dale of : I Tnterlakemm Switzerland , Nettle Collins , who I traveling on the continent with Mia.s - 'akeley and MIss Dundy , writes us follows oC the sights they have seen : "We hal a pleasant Ilassage and sighted land on the . morning of the tenth day out We dls- embarked at Joulogne.sur.Mer , where my 4 , friend , Mrs. Norton. dauhter-In.w or I.or . Norton met us and drove U8 at once to her I . . chrmlnp home. We remaln with her ParIs. until the following day , when we left for . : ' 'The girl became enthusiastic anti Interested - tteltld from the moment we landed. V . Boulogne wIth Its narrow , crooked , streets . paved \ \ Ih rough cobblestones . Its housea . . - . " with many gabts anti ! slanting root and the , Illctureaquenlts of the fisher folk aluled thlJ. Time language chang'd at on.e anll the long ) dlicussed visit to la belle France . became a reality. . . " 'We had three profitable weeks In Paris- : beautiful 1arls. We wlnt everywhere anll saw everything. We male excunlonl to all , pontl : of Interest In the country , and , not- : wttlmtaudIng the fatigue or alht-seelng , wo i .4 . (5 5 - - ; % . . . - . , . , , , , " ' , I spent alit eilfngI at 10mo place or nmuse Inlt anti tel rested lufchmdy to relum our lahot the nut day . "We are enjoying SwItzerland immensely. I . "c lInt atop was macp at ileru . where we IPflt our day visiting 1 the quaint old clock ' towers , he t groteaclimo founl.lns and hear lilt , for which the town h welt kno.n , Then on 10 'fhun 01 time lake oC the same name , I hpaUtrl1 little town with an ancient chateau and iliac view of the Alpi. Wo Ivell whIle thieve nt a greet big chalet II the country , plrrolhlllci by 10 acres or meadow lanll and a large orlamental Ilark ; with a dense forest or pIne trees at the hack. ,1 the cow In the meadow wore tinkling bells and one henrd the luslc or these bells on all sides. l "We clme here hy steamer en the lake or Thun and lied a bright , clear day for the trip The snow AllS Itooll out distInct nil , ) bold and wo were hemmed In hy mountains and purple hills. Tiny Swis villages nestccl close to the lake , little chalets showed themselves high upon the highest ; poInt of the landscape and calc1de of glacier water fell from the snow Alps down the sides or the muountaiti. "We hAIl the pleasure or meeting Mr. Guider of Omaha here a few days ago. We loathe several mountain excursions wIth him , and among other Jalnl went by steamer on the lake or Drlenz to the Cascade ut Gloss- hack. Once there we clmbed a high Alp. through a wild Alpine glen , up stones nnd through fir trees , to the Sllm I , where we found ourselves facing the fails-a splendll rush or water-a Inlliature Nlagsra. "The view I the jun/brau Is very fne from Interlaken ant the village Isel Is pictmmresqmme. The Klrpaus Is good and one Is always sure of hearing excellent musIc there. I Is our favorite resort In the e\'enlng. " \'e leave In a few days for Iucerl , hero Ie wi slelll n week . with excurnlons to Igl and Platu8 , then cross over the St. Gotthard route 10 the Italian lakes , Come and LugJno. " - Harper's \'eekly In an article this _ week , on the college base bal teals mentions Mr. ! Fred HusUn as captain or Yale's te81 I thus : "Captain lustn has done well and he , like last 'ear's captain left a brllalit rec- 01'I In the outfield and came In to fill the / ; ap at short stop , a position for which he was not fitted . " Itcc. . , hIimiIi'rMtmi 3IuNieile . The 1ander on home on Chicago street was fled Thursday evening , the event being n musicale nt which Mils hunt , Miss ! un- cimimoff . Captain Kinzie ali : Ir. HU3301 Wilbur sang. Miss ! unchhor and Captain Ilnze I have oren been heard In Omaha In public ' and : llss Hunt has delhte,1 ) many whim her splendidly cultivated voice In private during her visIt with General and Mrs. lander- son ! r. V'libnr's voIce , however was a' ' revelation to those present and showed still , greater richness than when he was home from Wllal0 college last year , he having boon ou the Gee chili program as n soloist time past season. lrs. Matheson delighted all with her always apt recItations. Mrs Carton served care frappe anti Mrs. Matheson Ilnch In I the Ilnlng roomma Those present were : : lr. and Mrs . Patrick , ! r. and Irs. Coutant : tr. and Mrs. Barker , Mr. and Mrs. Yost , ! I. and Mrs. lElen , MI' and Mrs. Oftutt , \Ir. ali Irs. Lyman : Ir. ali tr9. henry WYlan , Mr. and Mr ! . Harry Car- tI , Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock , Mr . and Mrs. Ford , Mr and , Mrs. Chariton . ! r. and Mrs. Wilbur . Mr. and Irs. Yates , Mr. and Mrs. Pritcimett . Judge and Mrs. Woolworth Colonel atJ ! rs. Schwlnn , Dr. and Mrs. Denise ! r ,1I Mrs. Fred Davis , Mr. and Mrs. Kller , Mr. and ! rs. J. J. Drown , Mr. and Mrs. Mn- ICenmia Mr. and Mr. 10ldrpge. Mr. and Irs. Chase Miss Clarke Miss Yates , Miss Knlpponberg , Miss MclCenna . MIsses Nash Miss Smith , Miss Hanscom , Misses Black , Mrs. J. E. Sumnnmor.s lrs. Matheson Mrs. Humphreys , Mrs. Cowlim Irs. Itorse , Mrs. Caldweli . Miss Cowin Miss Chandler Miss Mumicimiioft . Miss ICImbali . Miss Kimmzle Miss I Yool.orth , . Miss _ Hunt . , _ Miss _ Morse , Miss Hamlon , JUllge oguen . ; Ir. Hal , Mr. Gan- nett , Mr. Wison. Mr. Mamnilton . ! r _ Drake ! r. Howe , ll. . Russell Wibur. Mr. Berlin . Mr. Haberl PatrIck , Mr. John I'atrlck Mr. } stabrook . Mr. I.yman , : Ir. H. T. Clarke , Mr. Calm , Captain KInsie : lr. Warren Rogers , Mr. Edward lorsman. - , - acri'l heart Sot'Ini The Sacred Heat parish haa always been : , actIve In social entertainments . and every member appears to ho determined that time . lawn social to be given next , Wednesday evening , August. 7 , on the church lawn at Twenty- sixth and Sahler streets , shall eclipse any they have ever gl'/cn. A cordial invitation Is extended to all and a pleasant time as- ured. Following Is the I"e/rum : . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. J. Smyth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. B. F'tmra- ptalo Solo. . . . . . . . . . . ; lss Anita Keller Duet . . . .Mhw rml uhl amid 1' . J. Braun Cnmtc Stereotltoon \ tews. . . . 1. . . . . . . . . Music . . . . . . . . . . . . .Timrnem.itimor Climb Duet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The : lhcr Croft Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; r. :185es ,11 Swift Sacred SttltoptconpWH. ( . . . . . . . . . Swif . . SOI . . . . . . . . . . . . .I'lmllhnrmnonic Quartet Violin Solo unll Flower Song . .Mr . Krmmseck Literary liower . . . Son/Ir. . . . . . . K'lrs Vocal Jeclnton.:1.8 . . . . . . . ; \ nel Picturesque StCreoptcon Vlew'i. . . . . . . . . . Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'urnel Zither Club Trio..he MI'es and Mueter Geoth'man ] lot.'h. .rhe :1 Misses CoUert Sentmeltat Ster.optcon ( \Iows. . . . . . . ' 'I"I..eOI iii gleN \nuhnUII : Jurh , Friday evening was known as "Omaha nay" at Manhattan beach on which occasion the crack Thurston Jfes , accompalned by a large number of their fair friends , were among Ue many Omahan at this popular resort. Under command of Lieutenant I.'oye and Lieutenants hayward all Stockham , time company marched to the Paxton , where a special train was awaiting theIr arrIval At hake : lanawl the company took pos- session of the large steamer and were greeted ly a host of pretty belies from both cities. On arriving at the beach the com- tl \Y received another ovation from the Immense - mense throng and at once proceeded with al exhibition drill , whIch called forth much ap- plause. At the conclusIon of the exhibition the warrIors remained as guests ali passel the earlier hours of the e\nhll at boating 8nlJ bathing. Later In the evening the winners ! ners or the Galveston cup were tendered a swell banquet , which was much enjoyed 4tmmiiiq'ur ' 'lu'u.rh'nl. le Ilr.lh' . In honor of Mr. and : rs. Smith ( born Jente Yates ) , Miss Lemon and Mr. J'arlsh 01 St. Joe , Mm- and Mrs. II. W. Yates ( n- tertulned very informally Friday venlng. "A I'roposal Under Dncultes , " a delightful farce by John Kendrick Bangs , was charm- Inly performel , turlnl the evening by Miss Johnson Miss BessIe Yates : lr. Darlng and Mr. George Palmer , following which Homo of Gibson's pictures were presented In a series of well arrangecl tableaux .mong limo guests present were : General and Mrs. Manrerson , Miss lunt , Misses Black . ! r. and ! ra. CowIn , Miss Woolworth Miss Hamilton , Miss Mae lamlton , Mr. amid Mrs. lcJenna , : Ir. and Mrs. VIctor Cal- veli . Mr. Robert Patrick , ! r. John Patrick Mr. Sam Caldwell , Mr. Earl I Gannett , Mr. Arthur Smith . : tr. Herbert Rogers , Mr. Mien Rogers , Mr. Turner , Mr. Drake and Mr Wilson. _ _ SCllln ) ' SL'hnnl J1(11' . The bible class 01 the Grace Lutheran Sunday school and friends helll In outing Thursday evening. The perfect moonlight and the delcIous refrcshments which wore served added much to the pleasure of those prOent. The participants were : Misses Gibson , Johnson , Stewart , Jotchlll t. McBride , Amanda Johnson. Hermn , Dela Gibson , liarteil , DixemiRev. : . L. . M. Kuhns , Messrs. Martin . II. P. Pillsbury , Norris Besty , Dors , Corniortim H : WjI , : A. Pillsbury end Smith _ _ _ _ _ _ I ) . . ( 'ol-\c'I' : : . , ) : Amont the wEdding or the week was that I of f're'\rlcl. De Coo of Omaha and Miss Nellie Mclroy of Dunbp , Ia. The marriage at Iunlap last Wednesday was a social event of Interest In that community. Sever I Omaha friends of the groom vera In at- tenln , e. 11ev Father : mlh : of Council Bhllh officiated . 1.eonaril no ) Cots brother af thJ gr031 , was his b1st nun. Miss ! c- Eiroy , a shier of the brhle. accompsnlol h , rte to the altar . ! r. au1 Mrs. I3 Cou will reside at 171 Chlc.go street - - - - - . \ Iunuluht 'l'II'ho. I I One 01 the most enjoyable events of limo season was the moonlight tallyho party given by Ambrose Elngton to a numbr of frIends 01 Thurslta . e\'elll ( last The party assembled I" the home or Miss SadIe 11.Twenty.fourth and } 'arnal streets , arid at 7 :30 : started for 'rles' lake where dancing \1 Indulged In , after which refreshments were aervet. After a visit to time water works time haiti returned home. Those I present were : Misses Sadie and May Hi , ) . - " iceilier 1 . JlfrllR , ( lmflpman . Ltant1enVIl. ' . haiti. . flume , Sheldon , linker , Yourl , Taylor . \llln Inll WOOII , Messrs. mln"ton , Van Darn , lluzznil . Perry , ( OORne , I.unon , Ueton , Murray , Mann , herman , Murphy , Stoke' berry , losney luler 1111 Hulllvaim . ( 'wlr Ill ) ' " l'lc'nlr , Trinity cathedral choir boy gave a 11lea - ant outing at Courtanll beach Thurlly , They left the cathedral It 10 a. 1. anti spout a moat delightful limy anti evening boating . , bathing anti enjoying the other sports pro. vided ) hy the beach rnanag'mnent. ' The day was enl long to be remembered. lollu" ' 01 thl' Nn'c'J. , ' Mr. I.'w,1 , hazard : left during the week for : ln n ea po ls. Mrs. George W Johnston left on Wednesday - day for Chicago. Judge and Mrs. Joseph Clarkson went to Kenosha , \VIs. , on Tusday. J llwar A. Knllil left Tusday for Den- ver and other Colorado points , Mv ant F'red Iafenrath left for Chicago yes- terday , to be gone two weeks MIl Jessie Dckinson returned , Wednesda rrol a delightful trip to Pueblo. Mr. and Mrs. C. I , . Chafee arc traveling through Wyoming and Washington. Mr. rank lamlon went to Spirit Lake on Friday to be gone unt Monday. Mrs. \V. G. Sloan entertained at luncheon , on Friday. Covers were laId for six. Miss Angln or Kingstown , Canada , Is visIting - Ing her son Dr. Angln , 2509 Dodge. : , Mr. aUI Mrs. Fred Davis went east yesterday - day to be absent about three weeks. larry A. ICnapp or Chicago spent Saturday ) and Sunday In Omaha visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs . William Gamble ha\'e taken rooms at 41 North Twenty-IUh street. Miss Myrtle Coon returned Wednesday after a visit or five weeks at lebron , Neb. MIss Kate Wernher left yesterday for a week's visit with irlenijs In Leavenworth Miss Stella Singer his gone for a two weeks' _ vacation to Chicago and Milwaukee. Miss Susie C. Phelps returned to Omaha on Tuesday last from a two weeks' trill to the east. east.Mr. . anti Irs. W. C. Dackhurn are summerIng - sorts. lug at Long 1lach ant other California re sorts.MIss MIss Johnson of St. Joseph whoa IS ViSiting - Ing at Hillside , expects to lttlrn home this week. Miss Mary lcGvney or Des Moines Is visiting Miss Nell Salmon , 2722 I.'aram street. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Cable returned Thurs- lay from a month's outing to Colorado points. : Ir. and ! rs. W. H. Kcley ali Miss Keley salted from San Francisco for Honolulu ye- terda y. Tim wedding of Miss Grace Page and Wi- lam McKee wilt take place August S at G o'clocl. . Dr. and Mrs. Summers and Miss Summers are located lt the Mountain house , Hound ll , Va. Mr. and Mrs. : WillIam A. Rodick and , Master - ' ter John H < lck have gone to Denver for I 'ew weeks Dr. C. F. CII"k returned the past week from an caster trip , Including Boston and New York. Miss Jennie Doyle returns to Omaha this week , after nearly a yar's absence In New York state Mrs. J. S. Her and daughters have returned - turned from a five weeks' sojour In the Black lulls. I ) . W. Morrow who bas been visitIng reb- lives In New I nglal ) , returned to Omaha on Saturday. Mr. and ! ra. L. M. Bennett heft on Wednes- day for a trip through Canada amid down the St. Lawrence. Miss Florence Miles returned from Davenport - port , Ia. , on Sunday , after an absence of three mODths. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dill and Mrs. Cobb move to Chicago this week , leaving many friends behind. Mrs. W. S. Rector and sister , ! rs. Charles . Ford I Scovll , are visiting In Nebraska City for a few days. I Mr. Charls T. lcountzejeft Thursday for , ' orke dItto , Me. , where his sisters are spendIng - lag the summer. Miss Mayme Ilutcimlnson who has been visiting friends at St. Joseph and Topeka , returned this weell. Master Hal Yates , who has been visiting ! r. and Irs. Edward SmIth at St. Joseph came home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lancaster are lr. vlalng relatives and friends at Strawberry Point , Edgewood . la. Miss Mayme Hutchinon who has bell vIsiting friends at St. JosEph and Topeka , returned - visitng turned home last week. Mr. 'airen Rogers / : , Mr. lieu , Mr. Gannet and Mr. George Palmer started yesterday emi their hunting expedition. Mr. and Mrs. I , . T. Sunderlanll and . Miss .weeks' Doulter have returned from a two trip on the great lakes . Mrs. Guy Barton , who Ia I with Mra. Holns In the Blue Ridge mountaIns , wi Join ! ra. Yost this week at Watkins. Miss J. Pennycook and : UE Sara T. t lsher. who have bon spending a few days In Omaha , have returned to Detro.t Ed Mullen . duet clerk II the general auditor's otce of the Burlington , has re- turned from an outing at Spirit I.ake. Mr. Charles M. Foster and other members of the TourIst Wheel club left Friday morn- lug for Des MoInes , Ia. , on their wheels. The Neglgo Car club met " .lh Mrs. J. C. Cowin Tuesday morIng and a very enJoyable - Joyable thne was Passed by sthoso [ resent. Mrs. William T. Wyman was called to Lake George , N. Y. . on Wednesday on ac- count of the dangerous illness or her mother. Edward J. Snyder has returned after an absence of four weeks In New York . Mrs. Snyder will remain In the east until Septem- ber ber.Mis Hatto Mae Weber , who has been visiting relatIves In Florence for some time , left last Monday for her home In Wayne Neb. Neb.Hev. Hev. Augusta Jane Chapin and Atore ) ' John Schomt were late Omaha arrivals at Igland's Ocean house , NewpoTt , H. I. , last weel. Mrs. T. G. Wear ( born Marie Price ) of Topeka , will be time guest of Miss Mayme Hntchlnson at the I"renzer the last of this weell. . Dr. C. C. Alien , who has been spending sortie time at Lake Mlnnetonlla , St. Paul and Minneapols , returned the early part of the week. Mrs. F. P. Klrkcndal , Mrs. John S. Brady Mrs. C. A. , Colonel and Miss Sharp spent I rlly : as the gue.ts or lrs. Clarke at Pa- pillion. p110n. Miss Helen Hoagland , who has been the guest of Miss Judson of Sl Joe for several weeks past , returned iiq4ne the early part of the week. . ! rs. H. O. Rogers and little daughter , who have been the guests of Zulrtm B. F . Weaver , lof on Wcdnesday to spend August In Waukesla , \S9s Mrs. C. F' . Ailns. who has been visiting relatIves at 4320 California street for the past several months , has returned te her home at Fort \'orth. Tex . Mrs. fV. . MIner returned last Tuesday from Iewlstown , Montana , where she has been visiting her son , W. B. Miner , during time pst two immonthis ! rs. J. N. Cornls and : r. dwarJ Cornish left Wednesday for 1 tour of Yellowstone National pnk. They will StOl > at lot Springs , S. I ) . . on thiIr return. : lr. ali ! r. John A. lorb ch are expected hUl0 shorty , They will spend Eome weeks at Durln/ton , Vt , "Ith Captain and Mrs. Uourk" before comIng west Major Crowder has returned from Fort Heno , where he went at the Instance of the War department to Investigate -a feud be- tween two cmcer of the post . ! I. and Mr , . henry Pundt wIll leave today for New York and sail this week via the liamnbmmrg.Armmerlcan 110 far Ihmburg. Mr. Pundt goes to Europe for his health. Mr B. Subway and family will return to Omaha tn September . when : lr. Slowa ) takes pOBseilon or the Murray hotel , ot whIch he has taken a five years' lease , Ir and Ira. W. J. Galbrih , Miss Nu- gent , Muter Willie GalbraItia , Dr. H. Harvey Iteed of Cleveland and Dr. \ . N. Conner left Friday for Idabo on aonth's pleasure trip. Miss hunt goes to helena , Mont. , this "eel on a visit to her brother , and 01 her return eltwull will again b the guest at General and Mrl. hnderon for a few weel. , ! anti Omaha will be ' loathe to put with this . - - - - chumlnr ou'womRn whose beautiful ) voice hu 11'0" " , : 'uchi /usura , / to all who haves bren fortt1a\m IIOURI to bear I Mil t1athertp0 Teresa ( rlnlon and Mr. John ( ' lyoth were nurrlrll Tuesday , July :0. : And will bp at home to their friends alley Septrmher 1 At 816 South Twenty-second street. Miss Helen Sharps antI Miss AnnaVII - liEns leave today for B toonthm's vacation In the east Thme . will malll the trip rrom Ciii- cage 10 Tolelly"nko'ltlsmer , , stoppIng at Mackinaw interest ali other Intermediate lmoints I or Mrs. H. H. Rogers and little daughter who has ben visitng Mra ; 11 F. Weavr , ber sister-In-law , left on Monday to visit Mr. W. H. Rogers at lmJs lmmer resIdence at \\'au. keha , Wis.F . t Miss Tessre M aule departs loon for her old home In the 1lack . hula . She has lived her for three .mack wInning many frIends In that tune. Miss McGuire will visit friends here In Novommiber Mrs. . Ezra Millard , the Misses Millard . , and : Ir. gZa Millard and ! r. Joseph Oar- neau , will sail for home on Sllltembor 3. Mrs. Millard will come to Omaha alter plat. Ing her son at harvard. : lr. AI l'atrlck Colonel Patrick , Messrs. Joe Barker and WIll Cowin returned Wednes- day from the Patrick ranch near Sherhbn , where they have been fishing ali huntIng for the 113t week or ten days. Mr. and lr8. Jones and fatally anti : Ir. and ! rs. C. A. Clafin and family returned lat week from Lake Qnlnnebsug , near Tekamah , where they have been experiencing the pleas- urea or camp life for sonic tlnme. Miss Cera Carson , who has ben spending her summer vacation In this city with her mother anti many friends , left Wellnesllay to attend the lfartlngtomi institute for two Jartnrton weeks. I.'rom there she gocs to St James to resume her duties as teacher. Miss Vierlng Is visiting at the home or her brother , Mr. anti Mrs. A. S. Vierling , COG Poppleton avenue , also MIss Stone or Chicago , and next Wednesday wi leave for Utah Hot Springs with Omah friends. lion . John 11 Thurston Mrs. Thurston and their two tiuhters , left Wednesday for ! halley , Idaho. They will be joined by Mr. amid ! rs. I . C. Snyder and their children this week to go Into camp emi the Wood river. Mr. and Irs. Snyder left yesterday for Shoshone Falls. Rx-Oovermmor Crounse and his two daughters , who have been sojouring In Europe for several months , have engage" passage on the CIty of Paris , sailing from Southampton emi Auguat 17 , amid expect to return shortly after their arrival In the United States to their home at Fort , Calhoun President S. II. II. Clark , Mrs. Clark ant : . 10xle Clark departed In a special car Tuesday for a trip through Yellowstone parll. A Hot Springs , Mont , they will be Joined by General and ! rs. Brooke of Dakota. Several weeks will be Ilased testing the fishing qualities . of . the mountain atreanma. Hay Evans , Reid hlanchett , Gay lard ) ' . Waiter Roberts , Lester Hahm , George Doano George Ringer , Thompson Tipton , Leo Pen- fold C. M. Maymme and wire amid John Lutze and wile went ont to Lake Qulnnebaug Tuesday - day morning and will remain In camp there until August S. This Is the frt detachment of the Young len's Christian association I forces , the Junior members. ' Last Thursday afternoon Mrs. Charles A. Coo and Miss gmn\a \ Sharp chaperone a } party of young folks to Lake Manawa. A Jai ) tme was ulent In b3thlng. boating and delicious lunch fllent . Those present were : Darlene Coo May Barker , Grace Taylor Ada Kirkendali . Bessie Brady , Lucy Gore , rank Dospechr Gorge , Elmer and Halph West , Charles , Kersey and : II Coo and Robert Morse. The Misses l4dantamm gave a high five party at their residence , 2408 St. Mary's avenue , In honor of Miss Cohn of Cincinnati , and Miss HattIe Oberfelder. last Saturday afternoon trom 2 to 13. The prizes were won by Miss Polack and Mils Eva Kohn. The guests were Miss Cohn or Cincinnati , Miss Durchard of Kansas City- and the Misses Oberfeider Hothschlhl , S ITehl , Goldsmith , Kahn , Polack , H03enstalk and Drelfuss. DI' and Mrs.j Lauderdale gave B delightful. dinner party at their residence at Fort Omaha Wednesday night In honor of Mrs. Lauderdale's sister , Miss Lane : of Brooklyn , N. Y. 'rhe guests were Colonel Dates ana his sister. . Mrs. EIO of St. Cools . Caplln' and Mrs. Screen and Br Milroy. The table was beautifully decorated with flowers and rIbbons In green and white . The military band concelt , on the parade ground , cots- trlbutfll largely to the enjoyment of the e'enlng. Mrs. Lauderdale Is a charming bostesa. . "The Cedars " the beautiful country place or Mr. and Mrs. William Tupper \'n1n , at Florence , was the scene of a very lovely lummchfomi on Tlmuraday The round nble had for Its centerpiece a rlbbon-declled basket laden wih ger"nlulns resting UJon ) a lnen square emi \'hcb the geranlul scheme of coloring was carried out In effective em- broidery. Broad taffeta ribbon to matcb was carried ICrO3 the board ending at the coiners - ners with many looped bows Time guests were Mrs. J. E. Summers , jr. , Miss Stewart Miss Dawey Miss Johnson , the Misses ' Yates and Mils lcKenna. One of the m03t enjoyable outings of the eaason was given by the member of the Omaha Commercial college on Friday even- Ing at lanscom park. After the usual sports Indulged In by young people upon such occasions , they were able to do full justice to the good things that hall been so generously proyldod from which they ld- journed to the pavilion , where Prof. Jackson and his little daughter rendered some stirring - ring music upon the violin and piano . makIng - lug everyone feel . that "It was a goo thing to bo there. " Last Thursday evening a delightful moon- lght picnic was given at Syndicate park In honor or Miss Prdncls Hall at Dubuque , la. , The evening was spent In dancing , after which refreshments were sorved. Among those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elgan , Mr . and Mrs. Harris , Mr. and , Mrs. Tatum , Mr. and Mrs. Morris , Misses Annlo Shannon , Mary O'Connor , Katie Hardy , Anna Pal , Gamiey . Kato Burke , Nellie Sullivan , Hose Fitzpatrick , Anna Burke , Emily Miles , Anna Kele ) ' , Nellie O'Brlen , Anna Daxon , Maggie Fitzpatrick ; Messrs. T. Thompson , Icy , Kate McCiurty , Jutamie Flynn . ' hines , Maggie IitzpatrIcn Messrs. T. TflOtflhiSO fle FlzpatrlcJ , ! . . TI0mpSOn , I. Miles , J. Grady John Sullivan . Ed Cane , Ganey Luke Shannon Will Grady , Dennis SuJ- lIven . M. S. Waiklin , Ed. 'Itzpatrlck , Jon- nlngs , John Ilnes , J. lardy , Ellet Mcli- hede , Frank lard ) Noola - - . - - - GRIEF lAS ( iJtA'I.lufl lNn , IUI' , lore ' ! rl' " 'l'svlc'e to COlunl Sulcll' . Last Thursday Mrs. Sophia Dare , resIding at Twent -elghth and Yates streets , attempted suIcide by drinkIng a quantity of concentrated - trated lye RelatIves discovered what else had done and a phplclan was called. Aided by lila stomach lump , he saved the woman's life . Friday nlgbt Ira. Dora secured a par of scissors and nivrqd one of thc arteries In her rIght wrist AgaIn a physIcian was called and agalq"ller life saved. Yesterday she was taken to tie Iarkson hospital. Mrs. Darn said ) - la.t night that she ball Intended - tended taking hers ttf1atlthing that at the tmes hellr when she made "t1Ieatempts she was In- sane and did norlklo' what she was doing Her mnental condJf Is attributed to grief ler lentl < U\ caused by time daatlmof her husband , which occurred to yera'agO . The husband : was Phip Dare , who \Iroplell dead on North fxtfenth street Iroli [ the erects of a sun . ' stroll I ' ii- If. " 'i.t'i'flmi .nl- Ftltl'tS'F : . I"ull uul ' \ 'im " - "II , 1hurlnhl. ' . Ni'brtisii&s \'Iur ! Ir. Nc'hru.IHI , WAShiNGTON , A'c. 3.-The forecast for Sunday Is : I I.'or Nebraskan . KansaH-l : high templrnturo during die gay : \'lrtlbll wlnl > .1 For South 1)akutft-Lmghmt Ihower : tal. : 10wCII imy fair ; ( ooleri ; wind becomlnc' ' rmorthorly For Iowa anti , MI .ourl-I''llr : slightly warmer varintalo winds. warmer \arlnlie wlntH. 1.c'III UN'orcl , OFFICE 01" TIm WI.A'rJl n JUlmAU , Orr.aima Aug. 3.-Omnmaha record ot tRm- rainfall . . with time Ilerlturo and rainfal. coml.elt wih ccrremipolmiliimg day ot time Ilut lour years : crrrt'ponclni ) 1 ! : 18:1 1SOJ. iS2. Maximum tpmperture . ! 7G S.'I Si Minimum temperture . . ( 6 6 70 Average temlllrature . . 76 61 72 79 Preclpttaton ! . . . . . . . . .01 . ( ) . ( .0 Condition ot temperature anti Jreehllta- ; ton at Omaha tor'tho day and since March I , lS ! ; : Nurmal : tesmiperatUre-------------------------- . 75 JXCCS tOllel'ature ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Accumulated exca's since March 1 . . . . 18 Normal precipitmitiofl . . . . . . . . . . . Ii Inch 1llcllncy for the day .r. . . . . . . .11 Inch Total precipitation since March 1 lUG Inch.'s Dtflciency sInce March 1 . . . . . 921lnchel llclency L. A. WI 1.1 Local Observer. . " - - - - - - - - - rOLD I AReS ' - QUEEN OF SHEBA Imprssions Made by the Folowcr of the Oonnu Operatic School. . . BAETENS' ' INTERESTING MUSICAL SERIES UUul" eo lu\ ' " Inn , ' ul lire nrCut Artists ul time ' \'urici 'hr CUUIUK Nt."un-lrth..e. 01 ( reIghi- trite ' ! hl'nl'l S"h'cl'cl , The battle royal between the frfeluls or the _ rman and ItalIan schools or 'operalc muic goes on with unabated fervor , and so far as known neither side has gairmeti any signal advantage. Ir Jaetens continues the exponent or the Uerun school In this part of time country , taking up this week Carl Oohlnnrk's "lie lConmtgen von Saba , " which has received the strong endorsement of many I of the world's ablest critics. ' " , ' SrmUA. " N OF GOLD IAIK'S "QUE 0 In Italy , every year , scores or operas arc composed and 11ertormcll which wlher all fade In the lght of the stage lumps so quickly that scarcely their titles or thC names of their composers become known to dilIgent observer or musical c\'enta. In Ger. many , young musicIans anti old , their minds crammcd with theoretical knowledge amid theIr souls filled wIth lofty ideals , pursue ) the witl-o'-the-wisp of operatic production only to learn at the end 01 their labors that theIr scores are condemned to Ilerlletual Imprisonment In theIr writing desks. A few are fortunate enough to gel a hearlns , anti or these a fraction gaIn the good opinion or serlous-mimdet1 aUI expetlencl,1 , reviewers for the press who por- cdvo In the componltons the result or care- tul study of masterpieces and of earnest desire coupled with indications or talents which might shine In some other department of musical creation. About once In a decade n work appear which conquers for itself I the rIght to be heard at all the leading lyric eatablshments or the country and Is by virtue of this fact set down as In artistIc triumph. Unluestonably the standard of jUllgmenl set In Germany Is a very high one I could scarcely be otherwise so long as the country contalnel\ gcnlus of such transconllent powers \n \ this very depatment as Richard 'Wagner. I has little to do with the mater that Waguer'a artistic theories have not been universally accepted : hIs ! most Implacable antagonist did not venture to deny him the possession 01 peerlesa creative force compared with all contemporary composera. 1)r. lanslck of Vienna the leader of the critics opposed to Wagnerlsm , did not hesitate In reviewing "Parsifal , " to say that for I nun at'aner'a age and 'agner's system , his creative power still appeared anlazlng and he , who was able to create mU31cai pieces 01 time fascinatIng , melodious charm of the garden - den sCio and of the energy or the conclulng scene ln "ParsIfal , " was yet In command of a power for which the youngest or Germany's ' composers mIght envy him , and Ianlck , I' must be remembered , has been the enthusI- astc onamploI of young composers lIke Dvorak and others , of whom he hoped that thoy.lb stay the rIsing tide Wagner's popularity with the masses These facts are sIgnifcant when viewed In connQctlon with the career of Goldmark's "lConlger. von Saba , " which has received numerous representations In Europe as wel as In America ( New York Metropolitan Opera house , 1885) ) . We have In mind halt a dozen operas written by admired and able Oer- man musicians , which , within this tme , have received ' a respectable amount of attention atenton at the hands of the German public. Oue has even eclIpsed this work or Goldmark's In the number of performances received ( I ( , refer to Ne sler's "Trompqter van Sakkln- gen" ) , but no new German work has been so generally received as' a decheJ ! acquisition to the operatc'lst as "The Queen of Shmeba. " The reason for this one need not 10 far to seek. In "The Queen of Sheba" are combined - blued more of the clements whIch /0 to malIc up a successful opera than In any new work that has been seen since Verdi enriched the stage with "Alja" unless I be mzet's "Car- men , " which for many reJSOIU must bo given a unique position among later day crcatiotms . The most obvious reason why "The Queen or Sheb : " should bo seen wIth pleasure by I public wearied with the operas of the hurd- urdy Italian list lies In its book. Tholght- ) fully consljercd In this book Is not one of great worth , but In Its handlng of the thIngs whIch give pleasure to the superfIcial observer - server It Is certainly admirable. In the frt place I presents I dramatc story which Is rational , which strongly enlists the Interest - est I not the sympathies of the observers , which Is comparaively new. to the stage and which abounds with ImposIng spectacles that are not only IntrinsIcaly brilliant and rasclnatng. but that occur as necesslry ad- juncts to the story Looked at from Its ethi- cal side aDd conslJered with reference to the sources whence Its elements sprummg It must fall under condenmnatiomi . but this will more plainly appear after Its incidents have been rehearsed. The tItle of the opera would Indicate that the bible story or the visit ' of the queen of Sheba to Solomon had been drawn en for the plot. This I true In a aught degree. The queen 01 Sheba comes to Solomon In the opera and that Is the end of the draft on the scriptural story , so far as she Is concerrmel. ' SUlamlh , who figures - ures In the play , owes her nale but not her character nor any of her experiences , to the canticles whence the name la borrowed The Song of Songs contrlbules a few lines to the p3etry. of the book and a ritualistic serv- Ice relebrteJ In the temple at Jerusalem fnds Its orlgnal : In the openIng verses 01 the slxt-seventh and 1Jlth 113alms , but thiS we have mentioned Is all that the opera owes to the blblo. Solomon's maenlfctnt rplln anti " "voln. . wisdom , which ' contribute - ' certain nno factors Ut the aura of the production , belong to prorane es wel as tl sacred ! history , and I. wi bo found most agreeable to deeply-rooted hn- pre8310ns to think of sOle other than the scriptural Solomon as the prototype for the Solomon of Mosenthal and GOldmark , for , In truth , they make of him but a sorry bent- mentailsi at beet Assell , a favored cour- tier , Is Rent by Solomon to exteDI.greelngs and a welcome to the or ' queen SIeba ! who 's on her way with gifts to vIsit the lng , whose fame for wealth and widom hiss reached her ears In far ArabIa . AssPII Is time type ( a utuilk and watery omme It must be confessed ) of manimood etruglng between the earthly and the imearenly betweJn a gross , sensual passions and pure , exalting love. lie 1 betrothed to Salunmmith , the daughter of the hIgh pr'est , who awaits hil return within Solomon's palace , and leads her companions In songs and glaclnen. ASed meet the queen at Oath , performs Ills ails. sian , and sets out to return , but , exhaust"II by the heat of the tIny enters the forest on Mount Lebanon and throws hhnael upon a bank of mos to rest . There the sound of plashing watEr arrests his ear lie seeks the cause of the gratlful noise and camps upon a transportngly beautiful wOlan bath- Ing. The n'mlll fnllng herel observed , does not cause the death of her admIrer , like lana , but discloses herelr as a veritable Wagnerian Venus. She clasps him In her arms and , he falls at her feet when , frIght- ened by a rustling reed , the beauty escapee. I Aned returned to Jrusllel , anti conscience- stricken , seeks to avoid his pure bride. Solomon hear his story and sets the morrow a his wedding day with StmIammmttii The queen arrives . and when sue raises her veil arrves. vei to give Sotomon th , first glmpse that mortal - tal man has hat of her features Aued recognIzes the Venus of his adventure on I.ebanon. . Bewildered ! , he addresses her and Is hauhtly repulsed. But the queen no less than A8pd , has been smitten . She finds him "anderlng at night In the garden , whIther she had gone to brood over her love anti time threatened Iou or its object on the morrow , and hires him again Into her arms. Before the altar itt the temple , just as Ased is about to hmronotmnce time worth which are to bInd iminm forever to Suianilth , she eon- fronta imlrmm again , on the specious pretext that site brings gifts for the bride , Asat1 again addresses her , Imgain lie is deimied , hvt now tieliriummi hiss seized hIs braIn arid ha loudly proclaIms jima queen as time goddess of his prayers. Time imeople are panic-stricken at time sacrilege anti misaim from the tenmplo ; limo priests cry amiatimeimma ; Sulamith bemoans iset fste ; Solomon speaks words of comfort ; the imgh ! priest intercedes with heaven , and . - . . . - - - - - - - - - the i.ltlIcry toil by hiamul ilanan , the overseer of the i'ataco , oniut to leati the imrofaner to death , CiiA1tIlhi IIA1TIN8 , Mr , Adolph Meyerontortatnett Mr. anti Mrs. Joseph C. hircil af Pittsbmmrg , l's , , F'ri day , Mr. BroIl Is a flume concert temior suit also teaches voice antI theory. Mr. ilreii goes to lemiver for tile health anti mmmmmy Imoasi. lily locate there. Mrs. lireil hiss a beautiful high soprano cmiii hiss been offcreti arm emm gagernermi with the ilostommlamms time coming season , but declined time offer , as she wishes to st3) with her hmusbammd , Mv , hioarti I'ew , lmmlmmsger of thai Cimicago Marina biummi , spent Weilmiestlay lii thIs cli ) ' whim a view of furmilmuiming tIme Marine imanil for time state fair and grammd bali , lint miego. tlations ima1 proceeded too far for this year. Mr.'illIamn If. Neitlhinger , tint' well known comnpoeer anti teacher , was in the city 'l'immmrs tiny , hie was enmtortal.ned by Miss JessIe Ilckinmion iii the altermioomm amid tuy Mrs. F' . 3. , 'ttlm imm time evemminig , Mr. NeIduinger earns probably as munch as amy te&'her , as isle in- commits frommi teaching imlommo Is $1,000 or imiommtim , Mr. Joseplm Gamin gave a plane rectal at C'oitmmnbuus , this state , 0mm Tuesday , Jumly 30. for the bemiefit of St. Mary's hospItal of that city , to a hacked house , Mls hCalkmimamm , the ieadumig soprammo , fromim SI , Loumis , anti Mr. Joseimh hlartomm , Omaima's fine bmsso , besIties sormme local talent , participated 1mm the con cert. Mr. Gamin was tlowmm for mimic selec tiona oral played limo folloing imiagulifleemut lirogrmumn : Itourret' , hi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . Sean Auv'mt to amiti Vuirint omms , Oil 2u , . . lleetlmO'en ilormtmitto Sciii'rzimmilo..Stmiveimimmigemi 'nlsi' , I ) Fint , Op. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nocttmrsme , Op. 21 , No , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ' l'oiommnlse , Oim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Itontiti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . 1.'emmerzitmhem : ( MagIc Fire ) . .Vngmuer-Dresimi Tmtmimmhmauecr Mirch.\ ngner-Liszt - llNtih'S : Sonti , SlIi. Society lii tue Capital City has reached that stage of stagmmatiomm where peolde tire begin- muirmg to talk abotmt what timey wihi do next winter or iii time early fall. There are inn social mnovcmmients of any importamice to record - cord , anti outdoor sports anti excLmrslomms time ommly soinces of time iirosent idle hours. l'oli- tics amid commmiemmts elm time hat sensational eermnumm imave literally taken time field agaimmst receptiomms , social gatherings or even card parties. l'lanms for time conmimig season are beIng discussed by time i'atriarchs , Empire , Pieasammt hour , liavola anti other dancing clubs , One or two new orgamnizatlomis of a slimmilar descrhimtiomm are belimg talked of. Timere is a itroiect on foot to orgammize one wimich will be entirely new anti distInct , nelectlnmg niemmabermu from the climbs above mmaimied , the purpose being to give a email nummiber of dances at time Llncolnm hotel or muommmo other place equally approhirlate. Marrietl lteOPle are taking a leading hart mu this mnovernemmt. Chancellor MacLean hmas genie east , anti will riot returmm until Septemimber , vhmen , vItlm Mrs. MacLeamm , imo will establish his imomne in this Cii ) ' . lie looked at a mmtmrnber of residemmcc'a here , ammtl It is said tie timotmght of taklmmg tIme Masomm Gregg imouse , one of time few houses in Limmcolrm possessing historic interest. This residence , as will be remumembered , was the imommme of Chancellor F'airflold , lie resided in it imp to the tImmme of his departure from Limtcoimm. Mrs. Cimarles N. Little heft for California Wedmiestlay. She was accomnpantetl by Miss Emmnrtma Oimtcnht , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It. C. ' Outcalt. She will ermter time Lelamiti Stain- forti urmiversity , of vimlchm rrof , Little is a nmemnber of time faculty. Mrs. Mary Beecimer celebrated imer 75th blrtimtlay at time resiticrmco of Mr. arid Mrs. Frank M. Rosa Tuesday evenmimig. The outer- tairmmmment was a surprise party and those present were : Dr. anti Mrs. William Knapp and children , Mr. emma Mrs. U.V , licecimer and clmildreim of University l'lace , Rev , and Mrs. II. T. iavis and Minis Libbie L. hod. Thursday Miss Daisy llargreaves gave a spider party on tine lawn. Each guest tel- hewed a strand to time enti anti found as a favor a imamidsommie stick plum , The party was givorm for Miss Clara Baldwin of Cimlcaga , who has been MIss liargreaves' gmnest for sonmo time. Among those presommt were : Misses Elsie , Fawehi , McF'arland , Jessie Outcall - call , Clara Funke , Freda Rogers , Marion and Ituth Bell , A water color portrait of Mrs. Ada M. Illttemubender has just been fInished by a Lincoln rtist , It Is intended for time ccnm- Imig exposition at Atlanta. The portrait will be imung In time wonmen's departnumemmt with otimors representing time professional womemm of the country. A nummaber of East Lincoln young peoiilo spammt'euimmedy atVoodiawn plcmmlcking. Time party comprised : Misses Dora Wittner , Lilile Bowen , Maud Ihanillton , Jennie Pemmt- zer , larker , Gercosnoum ; Messrs. Leon Ilatigely , 0. Bowers , George Grlng , Cliftomm Pratt. Time following outing party left V'ednesday for Crete : Misses Joan Miller , Ida DeVore , hello hluttomm , Anna Moore , Dr. Coo , Mrs. Taylor ; Messrs. 'raylor , Ninier , liuttoim , Olmy Jackson anti Will Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Il. T. Iobblna enitertaimmeti a few intiunmate friemids at dinner Tuesday evening. Those present were : Miss Kate Rowley , Messrs. "V. V. Dabbinms , L , . II , Morse and E B. Fairfield. MIss Maggie Emiglisim imas returned from an extendeti visit to Gnlesburg amid other east. era cities. Mrs. Fl Ii. harbour left Thursday to join Vrot. Barbotir in time Yehlowatomme park. George \V. ilommnell arid ( ammmily are Os- tabhisimeti in a cottage at Milford for time sin no mner. Miss Kinsman of Omnaima Is the guest of Mrs. J. E. Iouglas anti Miss Ilelenm Tuttle. . Miss Simehiloim of Nebraska City Is time guest of her cousin , Mrs. F. IV. Snamyser. Mr. anti Mra. S. If. Binrnhiam will leave for time hhiack hills early next week. Mrs. IY. . Bowm was time vlctinma of a lileasant surprIse party Inset week. Time Knights of l'ythlas hued a tiance at hlurlingtonm beach Tmaestlsy mmight. S. H. Burnlmann imu reimmrnmeml from a hmur- neil business trip to Cimicaga. Framilt Simatfortl of Kearnmey was visiting friends 1mm time city this week. Mr. amid Mrs. C. It. Iruhoir have rcturneti from Lake Osakls , Mirmn. Miss lllanchme Mtmrplmy of Onmalna Is t3'e guest of Miss Lulu ICrone. Mrs. A , F. ilargreaves and Blammeho liar. grooves are at Fairbury. Misses Grace and Gertrude Altken have returned fromn Colorado , Miss Daisy Tuttle will give a concert at Yotmmmg Men's Cimristianm Association hmmihl Miguel 6. Mr. and Mrs. 3. It. Ager have returned from Lake Osakls. Mlummm , Mr. antI Mrs. F' . M. Blisim imave returned from LrJcmm Omtaits. Mmmi , Mia Brtnnmsonm returmmotl Friday of last week from Columbus. \\'Immi ; Allen of Omumaima spent Tuesday in this city , _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ lOil 'lilhi GhhlIA'V iiXhIEmniT _ ( 'hliitunm mlrlggsVihl l'mmt 1mm mm Stringer or PJye-m's , The bartl of managers of time Onmalmo Fair snail Speed association amid time State Board of Agricultmmre met mit time MIllard Fritlay night. Minor detall ifl connection with limo work- tags of the fair wore dlscueed anti perfected - fected , Louis Grebe was ahpairmietl ) chief of police anti empowered to select a force of fifty-five special Itohicesneni to ireaerve law anti order durimng time fair. ClInton II , llriggmu was present and matle a proposItion to time speed asseclationm which If accepted wilt give tire raclumg deparinument the lineal string of fast imorstis in America , Le % ' May of tIme Fisim connnmission said that prepamitiona were going steadily on with time Fisheries exim'blt and timat it will be wimen completed the finest over lucid in the west. Several other stales have mmmade application for spaces in which to make exhibltz , and a number of fish cultivators throughout time state will make private displays of their own , The nmeinbers of time State Board of Agricul- tiara leave for their various homes today. SOUTH OMAHA NEWSJ cccoccccccccee.cccccccccc There is trouble In stove for Chief Urea. miami , anti imtiii of It , if the reports of W' it. l'titrIlc , 3 , 1 \'anmlumsen anti Charles Dttfilo are true. It is nil nirnunt the nmmonmey tttrtmett over to hiowarti and Frammk , the stmmposti rot , . bers of Pat flrosnihan , \'lmcn time ; irisoners s'ero brought down lucre fromit Ommiainmm to atatmti trIal timey hued $1 Id in gohi , which , accortling to time attor. umeys' Ittatemiueuuts , s as to lie ttmrned over to thmcinm vhmcnu tIme suspects 'ere cleareti , Both I ioward aumti Framik wore fOtmmmil not hidtt ) ' numL turmmeil loose , but time lawyers ' % ere over. looked amid Vie McCarty imas time 'mmoney , At- tormie ) h'airlck suys that he vIii comimnmeimco stilt ins time cutmumty court agrtinmst ChIef lireni. ilium tt ) recover tlso mmmonmey cmiii also file cr11. cbs of imimpeacimmmmenmt wIth tine city coummcil , Time imistory of time case is this : Omme ramrmy milglmt umot long ago two nmmaskcei mmmcmi emitereil time roonmu where Pat Itrosnmilmaum slept , at ruuemitl'-foimrthu immmtl Q streets , amid after beat- liii ; imlium over time hientl , stole $ 100 iii gold , % . tiny or two after tvt , mmmcmi vrre orreitteti in Onmahmti for time Aumimaumser.hiuscim robber ) ' anti uero muumspectt'tl ( if time hlrcsumlhmanm job , becatmsts wimeim searcimotl tlmcy haiti a couuitle of luumuilrett miohlars 1mm golti 1mm their hioasesslnmm. After a trial iii Onmnaimmt they vere acquitted anti were tunrmmetl over to tue South Ommmahia liolice. W'hemm time ItrIsoumera emmgagett time attormmeys memmtiommcd to eit'fenil timemmm the mnmoney In nltms. tiomm was ticilvereil to Chmlot itrt'miumami Iiy Jailer liutvey tumttfl the written order of As. statammt Coummuty Attorimi'y'inmtci a. ThIs wan thomas for tine iurose of tnsimig tue mmionmey as i'vitlemtce at time trial. 0mm ( Ito day of thu triaP h'tttrick alleges timmmt ho tolti hlrennatm that hme ( l'atrick ) hmt'hti aim order for time mimetic ) ' , Tumemtla ) ' mmmormmiumg , lueforo court comm. % 'enetl , Chief hiremmnami took tIne mmmomuey omit of court secreti ) ' nut ! wltlmtitmt authority , mmmii remnmaimmeti aWti ) ' all tiny. Charles ltuthie ) spenmt the wimohei forenoon of bat rlay lmtmimtlng fur k iiremmnmnn , but couhti mmot htnitl hlnmi , At 3 o'clock onm this 'rtmesday aftr'rnmoonm tlmo imrisommors svera thschmargc'ti. ! Vie McCarty at onmce lumimpetl Into a buggy ammtl drove , lo'mi Twenmty-fonrthm street towarti Sarp ) county ammtl was jolmueti by hireummiamu boftire lie reacimeit Q street , McCarty canme tmack soon mutter , hut ihremmimuumm thu riot. Mary I loll , one of tlme wit- mmesses for hiowiurti , who ctunme imp fromnm ICmimi. sass City to testify , told I'atrick that Ilreumnan was keeping away so ire would not immuve to arrest Frtumik numiti howard for jail breaklumg. i'at lirosnilman has hIs tale of woe on ceil as ; the smttormmeye. lie l's out imis gold ammtt damns timat le : was tricketi by lhrominman. IJrosnlhmamu says that ilrermummmmm ctumnme to him omit told him that if lie coumith mint itientify the prmsommers as time mmmeri svlmo assiuimiheti iuumtt robbeti iminm Ime wotmiti got 1mb. amonmey amid cia'ckti back , ilrosmmiiman is mint backwartl about nmmak- 11mg tinis statemmmomit , amid nlso says timmmt acttnmg aim tinis advIce lie faileti to iiiemmttfy time hurls. oners emit ! expected mimi ummonmey hack nut naomi as tIme mmmcmi % 'ere iumrmmeii loose , bunt VIe Me- Carty stepiietl iii wltlm an ortier nmnmtl ctrrletl : oft what Comm W55 heft , Clmiet hireuimmamm teils ammotiner story entirely. lie says thmat Ime never know hint i'atrick hiatt arm order for time money mmntll after time menu were thiscimargetl ; that Iitmwartl gave imimmi vritteum amid oral ortlers to ttmrn tIme money over to Vie McCarty , auth lie diii so ; amiti the lawyers commlti io aheatl wIth theIr lawsuits , Au inavuistigatioum would flnmtl hunt all right. I'imrtimerimiore , tIme chIef tlemmletl timat Ime toitl l'at Brosnlhmamu flint If he ouhil fail to itlemm. tify lie would get 1mb. mnommey ammti cimechts back , 3lngIe City ( ossll , , Miss Nellie Greist is visiting 1mm AtlantIc , Ia. Im. Vimlte will spend today with his fammmily at Paimnyra. Mrs. 1) . J. Sullivan line gone to Ilcney Creek , In , , to visit friemmtis. Timoro will ho no mmmormmimmg services at the Baptist chmusrchm timia numorrminig , . Today the Magic City Cycling climb wilt mmmako a run to l'lattsnmmommth. Mrs. Satlie Luuihiow of RetI Cloud Is visiting huer sister , Mrs. Ilenury C. Satmtter. Itev 3. 0. Staples will occupy time limmlpit at time First Baptist cimtmrchi tiri overmlmmg. Today limo South Onmisima Platteieutscimc-r vereln will luicmuic at Sarimy Mills lark. Go to Henry Sautter's , time 16 to 1 saloon. for a cool glass of beer and a firm lunch. 40d Nortim 24th street , ' Next Thmmirsilay tine Lat1ie' Aid society of ' the First Methotlist clmtmrchi will lmave a picnio at Ilanmucomn park. A mnmmnsicaio and panmtomlnruo entertaInment u'iil ho given at Younmg Menu's Inmittitumle imall Timuratlay evenming. Deacoim 0. E. Bruce ammtl'iliamni Ilenmtz will comitluct thin services at thi Fourtlm ward nmIsaion this atternoorm. Rev. C. C. Snmiltlm , pastor of tIme F'lrat flap. tint church , mas beomm cahieti to Masoum City Ia , , to attemmtl a funmeral , 11ev. Dr. C. N. Dawsomm , itastor of the First rtetimotlist cimtmrcim , will itrencim a tern- perance sermon this evening. Commncilnuamm llcmtry Mies has returrueti from a trilm timrotigim western lowe. lie reports time croiis anti stock in excellent commtlition , The electric light commipauuy Is nmtting sIngle carbomi lights iii all the city street lammnps. Timese now lamumims give a light eqtmal to 2,000 candle imower mend will burn all night. A lawmm social wilt ho givcmm at time routitlenco of Mrs. H , Atimertoums 'Funesday mmoxt for time benefit of tIme South Onnalma lmtmslmital. Gooti mntislo vill ito provided amiti every cite in in- vlted to attommd. Time "It L" society of tIme Firu.t l'resby- terlan churcim gave a lawn party at tIme real- denmce of 11ev. ir. Whmeeler last Frirlay overm- lug , which was well atteimded mmnmti greatly cnm- joyed by thmcso Proaenmt. This evonimag at 7 o'clock Miss AlIce lhuventm , the delegate of the Chmrisiimn : En. deavom' society to time. Bostomu convention will rleliver imer report. harry \'eiIs ct Omumaima will lead time mnmeoting. Viola , tine Infant tlatmghmtor of Mr. nail Mrs. W. 3 , Mason , 2219 Q street , tileti Friday rnighmt. Yesteruiay nnfterimoonm time reuumahnms. after a brief service at time house , conthucteil by 11ev. ii , fj. W'imceier , were ucnmt to Ftc- numonit for inmternnemmt. Mommtlay mmlghmt time hoard of Edumcathonm sill numcet 1mm regular momithmly seeslonm , ammil it is ox- pectetl that time ( ifle54tiomm of voting bonmdmr to pay time overlap S1il ito brought imp for conm- sideration again , Somne people timinnk ( list if time question commics imp again it will carry , All day long yesterday anti far imuto thus rmigimt a comupany of mmmcmi watcittil time river ( mini ( lie foot of N street to liehlei'ue lii hope of flmitlirmg thin hotly of little Wihlio Lackey. It was time timirti elay after time cimlltl was mlrownieth , Time river Is still being dragged , Time VtPoinan's Relief corps of time South - Omaima auxiliary to Samuel lennis post wIll organIze on Tunestlay evening mmcxl at Masonic imahi. Mrs flilworthm of LIncoln , presitlemmt of of the \'onmmanI'a itehiot corps of Nebraska , will be present , Alt of time womnien that have igneu'l ' the application are requested to he present. Friday evening Mr. anti Mrs. J. Ii. Van lmmsen gave a very pheasant party at their home , 'rwcrmty-flfth anti I ) streets , in honor of their guest , Miss Baldwin of New Ycrk. Timniee present were Mr. anal Mm-s. J. hiVat - kimis , litirt Lawrence ntl WillIs 'radii ; Miss Guichmrlat , Ella anti Lotm Erlon , Miss Persomna , Miss Alhisonn. Kay hluint , Roy' liralnarti , htalplm lieu , Bert Wilcox and A. L. Sutton. . On.lruimlc , tue Other ShuIggt'.h. Ohflcer Schick last night arroateti usury Loc becaumso lie was druimk , altimoughi that is not time oumly suspicious clrcummmsiaiiCo against him , lb wen also its coimmimammy with mm muon mnaumieti Williams Spot , wins math a broltonm lmemid. Spot also appoareil th be nuder tae lnuiiuemmco of liquor , anti coimid riot give a vor ) good ac- coummi of time nmiurmmer in iv.icim lie received lila Injury. lie ealti that lie lied just comume frame Chicago , anti wiuemm I- r achacti the cmiii of time Unloum l'maciflo bridge ii iot him mmii tmrgU- merit with smomno railroad union over strike tattorss , 1mm lImo course of which mo got slugged. Leo cheinne that ire foummil him groamm. lug at the end of time brltige anti was going burst for a drug store UI ) town witim imlmn on a when hue was arrested , Highest of all in Lcavening Powcr-Lrttcst U. S , Gov't Report Ra1 Baking * &SOUJTEL PJIE