- - , . . . . r . ) . . ' " - . - t1 U - - 'J. . . . U 1/ t IJ"I I ? t \ . n . r " ----r--- . \ " . - . , . . ' - . - - " , - _ _ _ jL I : _ _ _ t- . \ - II - . FJ.'IlJO : OMAIIA DAILY nEJ : SUNDAY AUGUST 4 l8OZ. a , OJAIA DAJr.Y , , 18l. ! - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I itILIIi ? ; CO \ nISSIN REPORT " . - " , . , r Wi Do Rely for the Printer aome Time This We ok , . , - SYNOPSIS or TiE SAME MADE PUBLIC 4 , . 1.'nllrc 01 Cllnt ) . COltllt ( . ( . . to I or- i f " nnrci 'lh'lr 1'llort. IeIn'vd thc , ' \ \ \ 'uric , \\'IIC'hll 111 thc Iliad- t ' IICIN 01 ( lie HlmIJ"lul' , A ) LINCO.N , Aug. 3.-Spcclal.-The ( ) State I t Relief COll18slon today Issued a s'nopsls of Is final retlort The report IB I , to a large exlcnt elf.explanatory and necllB no Intro- duction. Many of the questions which have lately been asked ncerntng the prcscnt work of the commission are answered In the , explanations by Secretary Ludden. The re- port , which will be fel' with the governor , Is very volullnous and ts said to contain an Itemized account of every cent received and " , expended Accompanying this synopsis ts President Nason's special report to the gov- ernor : : "Tht State Hele [ Commission's report , which goes Into the hands of the printer " . durIng the coming week , will show the 01- ' lowing financial exhibit : ] mCI ITS. Cash donatons . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 2j0133 ( Alate : nplrGprllton , , H. H. 13. . . . & , O OQ PremIum on state svarrzLnts. . . . . . . jU 20 Custer county account , refund ot freight . . . . . . actount . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8'OI flhirrnlo county account , refund ot . nurllo trlllht . . . . . . atcount . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 C6 r Hetuml ot freight . . . . . . . . . . : 34 ' Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9tI961 , DSnUHSI. : IENTS. " " \ I'rovlslons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 02 01 , Flour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.1 Z (6 \ Coal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,772 0- , i' TralAportaton , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.161 HI .dL Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rlo $ In freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,627 33 Olcc CXlenpet , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,137 GI Traveling expenses . . . . . . . . . . . 48977 Refund to G. II. Dunton. . . . . . . . . 43 jf ' Exchange on foreign II.ar . . . . . . 1 c , CIPter % ( 'OUlty , l'leClally designated t' ! c0natrJI . . . . IIJeclul . . . ) . . < . . . . . : 0 , Custer county , ppcelll deignnted donatlcn for coal and ! .tunded. . 2t :0 DIII rfunty , legal ervcea. ' . . . . 100 11111 Cash IHltnnce on hand. . . . . . . . . 2.16 2 Total . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79,1I0 (1 "In addition to the above there were spo- clal appropriations as follows : I H T ( . ' P1'S. - ExpAnses formulating senate repott' . $ 320 0 : ExpenSI9 for poMtnge . ' 250 , less 1 ( per cent flpcolnt. Ilostale. . . . 2 . . . . . ! . . 27 c " ' : Expeiues for tabulating Ind printIng - Ing report 'fr. 1e's I per cent. . . C,1 0 t.3 Expenses for ditrlbutlng ot funds \ Expense n. 525. . dlslrlbutng . . . . . . . . . . 1ulds . . . c 0 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,661 50 DISI3UItSEMENTS. Expenses for above npprOIJrlatons , $ 1,067 r 1. Tabulating and printing report. . . I 0 ' Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.61 c " 'fhe fund for tabuntng : and printing the report still remains In the hands ot the I , treasurer of the cOlmlsslon. really to pay i for this work when completed. The legis- laturo alowed , out or the $50,000 aPIJrOpJ'la- ton by the state , $2.00 ( or the carryIng out ot the provIsions of housb roll No 13. Of thus fund I slal amount remaIns un'x- ' pended. "Tho other Items for office expenses WeS - the expense Incurred prior to February 7. when the appropriation by homo roil Ne. 13 . , became available to the comnission all In receiving and caring for the splendid dona- , tons made by other states. This expense I then was provided for by the commls310n outside of the provIsIons made by the legis- lature. "Tho commission realizes that many cri- Ilsms have been made upon I antI its work In the keEllng ot the olle open to so I late a dale , but It was owing to clrcumutances I over " 'llch the commtsslon had no ntrol. I Under the provisions ot the act by which this work was done , certaIn relulremtnts were Illacet upon the commission In sections G. 8 and 9 , whIch have cost the commissIon to date , In ofco expenses , clerk hire , typewriting - r - , ' . . writing , blank books , etc. , nearly $2,000. In the Judgment ot the commission much ot this might have been avoided . but In the wIsdom - dom DC tie legislature the e provisions were necessary , even though they entailed a large amount ot apparently useless work In the olce , anI with the other provisions ot the : bill , mandatory and not optional , the com- i- missIon has been compelled 10 keep Its office I force tabulating and copying reports from . counties , that its books and records might . present the comlletenCs : demandell of It by ; . law. Yet less than twenty cases have occurred - curred where this work 'Ias been ot any . apparent Rval , or where the commission has been compelled In any IflnnO to refer to I , uml all of thee cases were ot minor hat - t portance. But for these requirements the work or the commission could h1vo been endell MIY 15. Then It his been hindered In closing Its beoks In accordance with scc- tons 8 and 9 because county central relief committees were slow In filing their reports as required by section G. "The record presented In the work ot the commission stands In the history ot our coun- try probably without a parallel In the large amount of tonatc supplies and the marked generosIty of the people. The way In which the great sympathetic heart ot the world was stirred In answer to the appeals sent out from various parts ot the state Is simply maryel- OU8. Then when you consIder that nelthor the Stale Relief commissIon nor tte execu- tive of the state lalle an open appeal to the public for supplies , It becomes more ot a wonder. " COUNTY REPORTS HELD DACK. "The commission , In presenting this re- Fume of the work . expected to give not only an exhibit ot the finance . but also an exhIbit - hIbit of the ! UPllles donated , purchased and dIstributed. But some twenty counties . and , . many of them these receiving the largest , - amount of supplies donated have been un- ' / abe : as yet to comll"t : their report to their county board and 10 file their final report In accordance with tie law with the com mis- " 810n. Nearly all at these boards met dur- lag this week and the commission has the promise from the county central relief com- mitees ot a complete report from every county that Is today delinquent. "So far lS the office work Is concerned . alI the county reports that have been fed , the report of the commIssion Is ready for the printer Its report will show In detail every cash donation and from whom received. The distribution ot the $28,703.39 donated funds by counties , and how expended for provisions , : four , coal , garden seeds , transportation . etc. I In lie same lanner the report will show In detail the expenditure ot the GO.OOO appropriated - priated by the state and the distribution by counties ot the lrOVlSloils flour , coal , trans- IJortnlon , elc. I will also a'iow the state and the Places ' In the state tram which donations - nations ot supplies were received. The rePort - Port tiled with the governor wilt show also In itemized distribution ot all the supplies , to cether with their date of shipment and railroad - road stations to whIch they were shipped. The commission has not yet determined Iether It has funds sufficient In the special appropriation of the legislature to Include this item In Its printed rel'ort. I the commls- flon dos not print this itemized distribution there wi be a summary made ot it . showing what and the . amount ot supplies shipped to each count ) . "While not a part of the distinct work of the commission , the report will ale con- tain the distribution ot the $200,000 appro- p. prlal(1 In house roil No. 525 to the several , " counties , and a BUluuarlzc report from each . county central relet commtte of the 11strl- butie'o made by them of the amount appor- ton11 to their county out ot the $200.QOO. " l'm S1JNT NASON'S 1 I'OlT. President Nason of the State Relief com- mission , has submitted to the governor a general report of the work done by the corn- Jlulon lat winter In' superintending the voluntary contributions In succor ot the drouth sufferers . anti directing the eXllendl- turo of the $260,000 appropriated b the Igtslature. Giving recognllon to th ! ) fact that relief to those overwhelmed by disaster In so latKe a portion of the stat would have been dictated as god public policy , t Mr. Nason recall with great satisfaction that It was extended with such sympathetIc , fervor and generous prodigality that the .r colder consideration was quite lost sIght ot. ) . . I\ Appreciation of the kindness of donors In . all harts at the country Is expressed and the , I indispensable service of the r'oads , telegraph - graph and telephone companies In suspending r tariffs on freight and communIcation I. noted , with grateful eniphasta. . The presIdent praises without stint the , \ work of the secretary of the commission ( . fo , hl facility at deviling method and for ' t . ! r' _ - . . , - - - - an integrity Mch i'rot'cteil ' . this commission from Usplclon , Sllcelll Ickuowlchment I. 1111u of the counsel antI . untiring and zealous . the aid exlonlell support of governor alit time Ild to the l'hlanthtolJlc enlerprl by the newl- papers uf the state. : The rliort cnchillns with I review of the agricultural reourcC of Nebraska , Includ- Ing a discussion of the results 10 be IX- Ilected from Irrigation. Time unusual con- ditons last year , It II declared , cannot reasonably be expected again , all the convic- ton I expressed thAt the fulne of the crops harvested and to tie harvested Is a reliable promIse as to thc future. ' JIO , JOS't"s X.lUIgSC'"I , Ir"IClt ; Inl AU'IIt. tC . CCIUIU 8mm leiili' ' lmile ' ' , ru IimMmmlme. Hllllllc''hl ( 1'.IIICrnrl ) hlMnll. FlUlONT , Aug. 3-Speciah-While ( ) laboring under a fit of temporary insanity thIs mornIng Policeman Jake Just attempted 10 commit suicide by shooting. Jest evidently fred two shots , both grazlfg the skull , one on the right and the other on the left side , Just above tbe tmples. Ills InjurIes are not serious , and he wits around the street this morning. This Is the second time that Jest has attempted to lake away with himself , the first time being about three yeal ago. lie Is thought to have become temporarily unbalanced over a love affair. Oscar Brown , a gray haired man about 50 years of age , Is In the county jail charged with criminal assault on Clara Hhlslrom , I girl 7 yeas of ago. The assault Is said to have occurede about 8 o'clock Thursday evening According to the child's story Brown met her on the south sIde and enticed her Into an old barn by offering her c1lHly Mrs. Sands , who lIves Qur by , saw the affair , and ran to the barn Jlrown let go of the child and ran up the raHr01d track. The police were noUled and made the arrest 'estenlay. Uown salll that he was drunk antI Iud no reccolcton of the oc- curence. Polee Judge holmes bound him over to the _ district _ .court. lie u was unable to give halide anti went to sail. The child's father died JUly 4 , from the elects of a dose ot carbolc acId Hay Cunningham , bell boy at the New York , while wresting with a companion tel over a bIcycle near the hotel yesterday breaking both hones of his right arm. Prot. ! ' . D. Davis of Bloomington . Ill. . has been employed to succeed Prof. Heriage at the Normal school. He has arrived In the city , and will take charge of the musical do- partment very soon. I"remon people who are interested In music hall the opportunity of listening to a rare treat at the Normal school this evening. Miss Emma Moeler who has sung In grand opera both In Europe and America , and Mr. Adolph gtgen ot Chicago , assisted b ) Prop. Swihart and lerlage and Mr. Campbell and Miss Marie Ilaas . gave n concert . 4n whIch some excellent classical music was renderell. There was a very appreciative audience pre- sent. sent.11ss Madeline Marr daughter of C. D Iarr ot this city celebrated her fourth birthday - day yesterday by entertaining a large number ot her little friends. The afternoon was spent wIth gaines IO pleasing to the little folke . and at 6 o'clock dinner was served to the guests at little tab1es. There were Ihlrt-elght children present . TOINIS l'lCSIC Al' HIA'l'ltICI1. glnl.lu"lul ( lie Jeml'Mter Mill nt thc' Chnu'nu'lun ( lrommnds . DEA TRCE , Aug. : . - ( pedal Telegram.- ) TIme second annual plcnl' cC "e Dempster Mill Manufacturing company ad employes was held at the Chautauqua grounds toda ) ' . The procession ot stockholders anti em- ployes , headed by the ThIrd City band marched to the grounds , where they were Joined by their families and trlemls. After dinner came time band concert athletc sports , vocal music and toasts , responded to by clergymen anl ( other cItizens. TIle Independent county convention met to- day , with a good representation of dele- gates. Nominations : Treasurer , J. Klein ; sheriff , O. 1' . Ralston ; Judge , W. P. Aspby ; dIstrict clerk Stephen Bull ; countcerk , I ; C. D. Ashcrart ; superintendent ot schols , ' MIss Martha Steven'sen ot Wymore ; coroner , J. I. Gumar ; surveyor . A. J. Iethoud ; chairman county central committee , George Wilkinson. Maxwell was endorsed for supreme - WJ\neon. : Iaxwel \ preme Judge. Resolutions were adonted en dorslng Governor Holomb and Senator Al- len and reaffirming the Omaha platrorm. 11ev. A. B. IcCurdy , paEtor or the FIrst Baptist church , has resigned , to lake elect September 1. I' Is understood he will re- , move to Natchez , Miss. I Burglars entered time Hock Island passenger - I ger depot by a window last nIght and pried Qpen the money drawer In the ticket ofce , but got nothing. 'ho Auditorium theater and public hal has been purchased by Dr. J. W. Hulaker ot Denver and will bo regularly opened next week with a stock company. , . 10)'cl Ccnlu' " IIreltieM. BUTTE , Neb. , Aug. -Spcclal.-Tele- ( ) phone communicatIon Is now established vIa Butte , with Fairfax , S. D. BOYll county wheat Is threshing out fifteen to twenty-five bushels per acre , and lots ot It. 13-months"ohl child ot Paul Today the - " chid ) flanker living northwest of town , was drowned In a wash tub. There was three Inches ot water In the bottom , and when found time child's feet were hanging over the edge , its taco down In the water. Mrs. Willoughby . residing ten miles west of Butte , was severely _ shocked by a lightning ! stroke , In an electrical storm yesterday. Her recovery Is doubUul. D. H. Summers , editor of the Spencer Ad- vocte , who has been serving a thlrt ) ' -day sentence In Jai for assault au Attorney Harrington - rington , was released today. There was no fine , hence Jai service wa unavoidable. The sheriff . though drawing pay as his jailer and landlord , kept him employed In workIng on hIs cellar and about the house. John Koehler , the chief of the band ot cattle thieves , Just sentenced from Kepa Paha county by JudgoKinkaId who escaped capture by the vigilantes , ' has been kept secreted - cretNI by parties In Duto and Spencer , supposedly - posedly interested. I was thought fIrst that the vigilantes would lang theIr captives. Beter counoel pre\'aled and they received seven years. As Koeler Is a pensioner , his capture Is sure. Koehler , with five 'others , left the His a short time back , wIth seven head ot cattle. As they were coming down tIme state line they kept adding sur- repttousl ) ' to their bunch until It numbered over 100 head when Boyd county was reached. They also disposed ot many en- route. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iorgmmn's \'nrrnut StIll iIeil . LINCOLN , Aug. 3.-Special.-State ( ) Auditor - tor Eugene Moore was asked concerning a statement lade by I Lincoln paper that W. H. Dorgan hall received his warrant for 33.- OS.90. . He replied that the story was utterly without foundation and that , under existing circumstances , he should ne gIve up the warrant. Dorlan , lie said. was quite anxious to have hIm do so , and the attorney general had advised him that ho could do so with safety , but he did not teel inclined 10 take any risks. There were two ways open for Dorgan to obtain his warrant. One way by asking for a wrIt ot mandamus from the district court. Time other was to file a bond for the amount , which would be accepted by the plaintiff banks Then Dorgan could get possession ot the warrant and turn the prison property over to the state S'luI'h'r ! XU"'M ul Nt'ws. SCIUYI.lm , Neb" , Aug. 3-Speclal- ( ) Miss Maud Snow ot Hamburg Ia , Is visiting W. W. ileeso's family . The teacher In attendance at the sum. mer school held a social on the lawn of S. N. Whie lat night which was a ple1s- ont affair. _ Twenty-one of the members ot Schuyler chapter , Order at Eastern Star , went to Columbus lat nigh to attend a meeting of the Columbus chapter. \'nlun S.iim.Iu ) ' Sehuul 1'llnC. [ HENDLEY , Neb . , Aug. 3.-Speelal-The ( ) Sunday schools of north Norton county , Kansas , and the southern part ot Furas county , Nebraska , joined In a union pIcnic near Devizes. The ladies' band ot Wlbon- yUle [ urnlshe some excellent music and Mrs. Isln and sister , Miss Austin , ot this place . : rendered several splendid instrumental and vocal selection. . IhlrJ1lrl Gu 'l'hrouJh n Store . YOl , Neb , Aug. 3.-Speeial ( 'legram , ) -The general store of J. arber of Lushlon , this county , was robbed last evening. Quite a quantity of gods were .olen . ThIs I the second burglay that ha occurred In this town In a short time . A reward of $50 II alered for the arrest Of ( lie guIlty partIes , - - - - - TAING UP LNCOtN BONDS I Trouble Over the lat Million Issue Is at End n , . - BEING PAID AS FAST AS PRESENTED l'n ritmera' I.onl . nlcl Trust CUIIn ) I 01 Sioux City Int'r'ltl,1 In thc TrUllnU 0 n-I'ruI'OM"I' Cu 11- Hul City " Incc 'l'ruck LINCOLN , Aug. 3.-Special.-Trle ( ) over lie disposal cf Llncoln's $547,000 refunding - funding bonds appear to be at an end. The I Farmers Loan and Trust company of Sioux City Is now takIng up the bonds as fast R presented The company has made a slowIng - Ing to the finance committee of the city council. I comprises copies of letters wrIt- ten to eastern banks where the city bonds were held , and accompanying the money necessary te take ul' the holdings of those bonds. The company now declares Its readiness - ness to take up every overdue bond as fast as It can be locateel. At one time , however , II looked as If the bonds would have to bo sold over again , ali the contract with Green & Van Duyn , time Lincoln brokers , through whom the negotiation for the sale was made , broken. Palmer L. Clark of Red Oak , la. , has been looking over Lincoln with a view to the establshment of a Permanent race track In , or nea.z , this city. Ho says the town Is admirably - mIrably situated for an enterprise ot this kind and wants to interest local capitalists In the limatter. The foundation for n mile track la , says Is good , r ' natural condl- lens suprb lp 'elt confltlert of abunllant patronage from the state anti nearer sections of neighboring slates. Within a few ( lays he will give more definIte assurance of hIs plans. Clark left for fled Oak today. CITY LIIJ1IA1UAN'S I1EPOItT. The report or the librarian of the city library shows that the average weekly circu- laton ot books for the year was 1,633 , and the largest num1r Issued anyone day 7&8. A marked Increase was noted In the number of books Issued up to time ( line the loca- ton of time library was changed and a slight decrease for he ( line following. In June , 189t , there were 10.38 looks In the library. During the following year 762 new books were added. The reading room Is supplied wih eighty-nine periodicals Ot these ten are dailies , .ono semi-wekly , forty weeklies . thirty-six monthlies and two quarterlies. Two doles , twenty weeklIes and eleven monthlies are donated. Mrs. Sue Knapp Is under arrest at the police station . At noon she was apprehended by Detective Langdon after leavIng a train from Nebraska City on a telephone message ' from the chief of police of that town. She Is wanted for the larceny of dress goods. She claims to be a canvasser for an article ot feminine jplmarel. artcle ! Plarel. Sculptor Currie's model for a heroic statue ot Abraham Lincoln , which Is Intended to adorn the government lot near the post- : ofce , has been ofcialy endorsed bf the Lincoln police force. They marched to the sludio this morning and Inspected the work which they pronounce a true representa- ton ot the martyred president and artistic In finish. They Join In asking nil citizens to financially assist the artist. CHICAGO CRIMINAL TAKEN HO fE. Requisition papers were tOd1Y honored at the governor's offIce for Charles L. Van In- wegen of Chicago who was taken back to that city by Agent Charles H. Haerle. Van Inwegen stole $45 from a vault In the office at a printing company In Chicago , came to Omaha from there went to remont and rounded up In Lincoln without a cent. He gave himself up to the police here , confessed his crIme and would have gone back without a requisition had . he had any money. Mike O'Ken , a prisoner sent from Douglas I county May 9 by JUdge Scot for fifteen years ; for robbery , was found dead In his cell this morning by one of the keepers. The cause assigned by the prison phys\lan Is heart failure. Warden Lldlgh says that O'Keny hall been very despondent ever since his severe sentence . and le believes that thIs , more than anything else , was the cause of death. - Omaha people In LIncoln : At the LInden -W. S. Ielphrey , L. W. Snow. At the Lln- coln-O. II. Osborne B. T. White . William n. Sterling , C. S. Carrier , Walker Morse , D. Kennl'y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 'lglU SEIH'ICE YI'UY I'oon. I'rogr'NM 01 the , 'I'rlnl 01 th.nt.1 CUIIIUn ) ' nt Xc'hrn"I"l Cf ) . NEBRASKA CITY , Aug. 3-Speclal-ln ( ) the case of the Water and Light compapy ' compalY against Nebraska City , a large number of witnesses have testified for the city , theIr testimony all going to prove a very poor water service all a tenure on the part of the company to comply with the terms ot theIr contract. Engineer Hosowater of Omaha will be examined to prove that the plant Is Incapable ot furnishing such servIce as called for In the contract. For the com- any It Is expected experts wi ) testy that 5the Is or the ' - plant capable furnishing servIce - ice called for and that such has been done. The _ case Is dragging _ along very slowly Mid at the present rate will occupy most ot next week. In roundIng up a gang of tramps last night the police discovered a peculiar machine In their possession. I Is a square block ot steel Ix8 Inches , with 0 bolt In each corner and a large sized key hole In the center. I was tried on a sate and by tightening - ening the bolts I was found the knob could easily be pulled out. I Is now In possession ot the police. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' \11 I nt'r'uln I 1IUl ) ' Yct.rIUI" . MCOOL JUNCTION , Neb. . Aug. 3.- ( Speclal.-A ) cal has been Issued asking the different Grand Army of the Republic organizations - ganizatons In the towns and cIte In the counties ot Fillnmore , York , Seward , Homl- ton and Clay counties to send delegates to lc o l , August 10 , for the purpose ot selecting a 3ultable location and holding a district reunion The old soldiers and veterans - ans have come to the conclusion that they pnfer to camp where they can have plenty of shade , lather than a heretofore out on the open .alher and In time brolng ! sun. There Is no place In the state that can offer a more desirable location than McCool The Due Iver park , situated In McCool , through which the Blue winds Its course , Is one of the largest , best and shadIest groves In the state. The park Is owned by R com pan ) ' here , and Is kept up In first class shape There Is splendid bthlng places , good boat- lug anti fishing. McCool being a railroad junction , I Is easy ot access , and its central location makes It the most desirable place to hold reunIons Alhlun 1'IMunnl 11'nUun. ALBON , Neb. , Aug. 3.-Speelal.-Mr. ( ) Frank Cline ot Loup City Is visIting the family ot Joseph Cln ( Mis Lulu Irooks has returned from an extended - tended visit In Iowa. J. W. Quackenbush heft this week for a month's vacation In New England. Loran , Clark & Co. sold Ihelr steam elevator this week to Sheldon & Rorer or Columbus. The new firma Is making extended Improve- ments on the Ilroperty. J. J. Sherlock , the ticket agent of the Union Pacific at this place has been transferred - erred to Kearney. Sumpton of Cedar Rapids suceetds him. N. C. Pratt has sold his extensive law practice here and will locate In Omaha , where his business has been gradually attracting - traetnl blm for several years. Pratt I one of the leading attorneys of the Boone county bar. _ _ _ _ _ _ > . . 'Vihmoi.1 1..11 ut M"rn'uMC. SYRACUSE , Neb" , Aug. 3.-Speelal.- ( ) FIve CUES ot typhoid are reported In and ' around town . three In one family. The new flour mill took In Its first wheat yesterday. mi Is frt load ot , The fruit crop In thIs vicinity Is Immense I arid fruit merchants are having . . their hands I full disposing of It. The 000 County FaIr association has begun . gun active prepuatons for the fair which ts i to be held here September 24 to 28. . 1'0 Uh'hle Halt Count . . O'NEILL , Neb. , Aug. 3.-Speclal ( Tele- gram-Notwlthstandlnr ) the fact that the Board of Supervisors about ten days ago sub mited a propotllol to divide Holt county I Into three counties , the nUitnlel 10 bo known a 1010mb flail IIhlf : , two more petltonl pra'lnl for R division have been flied. One was fled by Stuart and comprIses the same territory and the umo names R the proposed county of Holcombl' other ) cl- tlon was filed by Atkinson , wmich wants part of the territory In the prdpns , 4 1 county of lolcomb and some from foR county , and wants time county named Allalr. Some of time Stuart people are of the oplO lhat the new law 1111 not KO Into elect until August , and though time IJroposlton hal been submitted they wJnted to have the new fletition on fe In CIO the old one was not ' \ l1 These pe- ttons were flied first ond" tMn Atkinson followed next This dIvision - ncht pomlse8 to be a bitter one. , . , IS IX . A 'I'WiIT JCX X 0\\ ' , G'urJ ( ' I Slmamkif Chlc'ulu 101ncl h'er Cl1 n S'rOII Cimmirge . GRAND ISLAND , Neb , Aug. -Spcclal ( Telegrnm.-George ) 1. Shank , who wll ! ! one Ralston , both of ChIcago , Is charged with attempting to load up $15,000 worth of Union Pacific steel rails and ship the lle out during - Ing the night of July 21 , was given a pre- Ilnlnary hearing before Police JUdge Garlow today , and tonight was bounll over to the district court In the sum of $500. SuperIn- tendent Nichols , Headmaster Conner of North Plate ( Cheyenne divIsion ) all Headmaster - master Riley of Olaha ( Grand Island division - vision ) showed that rails had ben brought here last October and were to bo used on branches. President Patrick of an easter road now building , testified to a contract with Shank to furnish 1,000 tons of new and 5,000 tons relay rails . and that ho had como here to ascertain why they were not shipped. Shank and Ralston had urged secrecy though claimIng to have bought time rails. The state alelptedto show that several lays before the alleged attempt was made Halslon In the presence of Shank openly boasted that he would take time pie of rails In dla- pute. I was further shown against Shank that the plan was to load all time rails that night and ship them over the Burlington , and that Shank and Ralston had made a trip up branch roads to find more rails. The defense showed thlt no secrecy was attempted In loading time rails and that Shank had bought them ot Halston. Attorneys for the Union Pacific have tried 10 find Ralston , but were unsucceesful. The complaint was Issue at the request of time Union Pacific receivers and charged Shank with stealing $50 worth of rails. LI'I' nAlY AND ; J.SICU , TI1HAT . Submit Cimnnm.nqumtnpens , , 'I t Ii n " ( ' 1" h.e'rc'"UuJ l'rC/luT SALE , Neb. . Aug. 3-Speclal ( Tele- gram-Tho ) Salem Chautauqua opened 1 to- night , with a prelude , In which the varIous talent engaged for the season took part The grounds have been fled with peoplc. All trains during the day brought passen- gers amid tenter have been hurrying In from all parts ot the counlry. The management - 'agement has telegraphed for 100 additional tents to accommodate the people durIng the coming week. The superintendent of the platform , Rev. Mr. Shield of West Virginia addressed the audience tonight outining the program. The CunnIngham qnlntet ot Clncbmnatl ! . Prot. Spelbrln ! ' trained chorus and the Salem Military " ' blll took part In the program this evening. 'Thero Is an attendance . tendancc of 3,000. I.IT' Irtlu'r. l.oM 'I'hl.ti l'rOI"r' , ASHLAND , ! eb. , Aug. l-Speclal.-L.ast ( ) night eight men from Wahoo . with two new ' seines , came over to catch a wagon load offish fish at night as has been , customary. Acer getting to work In Salts , creek with their seines a man who hall bQen lying on the bank noticed what was gQlng on all sprang to his Leel and called to time lelners : "Gve imme your names and I will have you all arrested - rested In the morning. " , They skipped out and hare not been heard oZ since and the man who was on the bank Is ahead two new seines. , Apples..are plentiful In , thIs locality . at 35 cents a bushel. , Mrs. T. J. Pickett and ' , sQn , James , of 'Vahoo have , returned home. . ' " Mrs Ray of Beatrice Is : Jsnlng her sister , trs. Ayers. C . H. H. Parkhurt ot Crplghon Is visiting the family ot CashIer F. E. Whlo In Ash- land. . land.Misses MIsses Ale and Martha Hutchinson ot Memphis and Miss Anna Selhol ot Lincoln are visiting Mes. N. J. Walternire. Mr. and Mrs. Chickering gave a pleasant tea FrIday evening to Mr. and Mrs. Vi'lmito Mr" amid Mrs. Hugo Wlggenbom and Mr. and Mrs. Shedtl. < A tennis tournament for Cass all Saunders counties . to bo held In AShlall , looks now like a reality. A number ot business men are Interested anti ' have promised liberal sup- port for prizes. Arrangenlens are being made for visiting teams from Platsmouth , Valparaiso and WeepIng Water. Ther arc some crack players In these places who are aching to get at Ashland. - - CnmlllJ1 Ol1m14 ut l ' nlM CI ) ' . FALLS CITY , Neb , Aug. 3.-Special.- ( ) . The campaign was opened heo yesterday by a JoInt debate on the silver question be- tween Judge Ihan Ie1vls ot this city and Hon. William : lcKellhan ot Hell Cloud. By 8 o'elock the big Gehlng , seating 1,000 peo- pie , was fled 10 its utmost capacity and standing room was at a premium by the time the debate commenced , George A. Abbott introduced Conress- Conlress- man IcKelghan and when he arose he was applauded for about halt a mlnue. : When the house was brought to order he opened the debate In a thirty-minute speech. He mode . a few wit ) comimparlsons whIch were loudly applruded. John J. Faulkner Introduced Judge Henls and time Judge spoke an hour and I halt In the interest ot sound money. : tr. McKelghan concluded the debate In a halt-hour speech full ot wit , and he had to stop speaking several times on account ot the applallng made by the audlenco. Ask , ' , ! for usa Ilmjhiti'tihii. NEBRASKA CITY , Aug. 3.-Speelal.- ( ) Late last night I'rot. Ebrighmt by his attorneys - torneys , applied to JUdge Chapman for an Injuncton restraining Governor 10lcomb or his appointee , Proto Johnson from Interter- lug with tIme Ilresent 8uperinteIlent ( Eb- right ) . The petition sets up that plaintiff has been legally appointed superintendent ot the Institute for the 1111 by the board ot trustees , under authoriy of what Is known as the enactment ot February 19 , 1875. Th ; ts In pescetul and lawful possession or the buildings and grounds ' and that he Is responsIble for the ) ro'per care ot same. I further states that force Is abut to bo used by Governor llolcommmb's appointee to get possession ot the buiidlngs . and asks that they be restrained from trespassing or Inter- terlng wIth the proptrty. Judge Chapman , after listening to arguments lot the attorneys today , refused to grant time ' Injunction . nrC"nlcl 11 ti. . : ' % ( 'ln liii DROCK , Neb. , Aug. 3.Special ( Tele- gram.-Arloy ) Ilarney . 16 years old , while ' bathIng this aferoon Ih' . , f tie Nemaha , ventured - tured Into deep wote , and I being un able to swim. was 1ifrowned. Cut- Clt- ton Carr , the only . , came person lar very close to losing his perso\ trying ( to rescue his companion. Expert IYe [ wer , Immedl ateiy notified , and the ibOi1m was soon re- covered. ; I , n'u1 Gnu 1' ) ' < 'E.ut'h. era . CIAPPELL , Neb. , AUpl 3.rSpeclal ( Tele- gram.-Today ) ended I tW9. eeks' session of the Deuel County Teachers ! institute , which has been one IC the most ! Poftablo sessions ever held In this counly. The attendance was less than In former I year on account ot so many teachers lea\nl . this county. The Instructor were l'rof O'Connor of DavId City and Proto Beaver of Wiener . XClko t 1 Couim4j'oiimmhlsts. - NELSON , Neb. , Aug. 3.-Speclal ( Tele- I gram-The ) populist county central committee - too of Nuckols county met hero today . They chore del gates to the populist state conven- 'ton and postponed the calling ot the county convention for the nominaton ot county of- fcer till later In the seaol CnHC 01 , LueIJn , . HASTINGS , Aug. 3.-Speclal ( Telegram.- ) Den Blake , the JG-year.old son of Fred Blake , Is buffering from a very severe attack of lockjaw. About a week ago he stepped on a garden rake and inflicted a slight wound , but paid no attention to It. It I thought tonight that he will not recover. ntn.h 01 is ' \'lu.tle CItigen . WINSIE , Nein. , Aug. 3.-Spetld ( Tele- gram.-Henry Plpgrau , principal owner of the Wlnsldl Roler mit1i , dIe Ilt nl&M. , CHASE COUNTY'S ' FiNE CROP - Yield in Al Lines Will Do Most Abun nt , HEAVY RAINS THURSDAY NIGHT Corn Too Pur A.I'nneecl to lie 'I'uuehecl I ) ' UrCu.h , RICI thc . 'rClllctOl , \11 tie Scue'hlll 1 : 10rmou" , - IMPERIAL , Neb. , Aug. 3.-Spelal.- ( ) Chase county was again visited by a most copious rain , which wet down six Inchcs. Its comIng .S very timely . Whie crops were not suffering any yet , the top of time ground was begInnIng to get dry. Previous raIns have put the subsoil In splendid shape and all that this county will need to make its torn crop Is another rain like last night In about two wceks. ThIs one will fully inn- ture the cane and millet crop , as well as the garden vegetables. Were It not for the rank growth of the grass and weeds all over the county , which saps the moisture from the top of the ground , there Is now plenty of moisture to mature time corn crop. I Is won- dertul how the corn crop Is forging ahead. There are many fields where the yield will be the largest ever had In time county , and Iho late planting that was put In for the purpose ot raising fodder only will , with a contnuaton ot the Ilresent weather anti with a late fall . make good corn. Alhough tIme acreage of crops Is much smaler than previous - vious years , the oulook Is now that the yIeld will be more than will supply home eeds. I The fIrst rain of any conequence for almost two years previous came on May 30 and all ot the present crops were plantell otter that rain. Time farmers feel eonldent the droutim Is over and they are already planning to put out large crops next "ear. ILENDLEY Neb. . Aug. 3.-Speclal.-A ( ) heavy rain tel hero last night amid did the late corn a world or good and helped the early planting out Immensely. I Is also raining some today. GRANT , Neb. , Aug. 3-Speclal.-A ( ) fine rain sQ In here Thursday nIght , lasting about two hours , during which time fully an Inch ot water fell. This Insures many [ arm- era , a faIr crop of corn and potatoes. Some wheat Is being harvested In Perkins couuty , which wIll yield only ten to fifteen bushels per acre. lay will bt plenty this year. O'NEILL Neb. . Aug. 3.-Special.-Time ( ) southern part ot the county was vIsited by a good rain last night , which puts crops In that section In good shape. In the northern part It Is getting pretty Ilry. . Small grin Is the best ever seen In this county. The only trouble Is that on account of the scarcIty of seed last sprIng the acreage Is smmmall . TCRCherM for ' \IMI'r Sehionla . WISNEn. Neb. , Aug. 3.-Speclal.-The ( ) school board completed the appointment at a corps ot teachers for tim Wisner schools for the ensuing year last Thursday. The follow- tug Is the corps : Prof. M. H. Snodgrss of Osceola superintendent and principal ; Mini' Clara Richardson , assistant principal : Miss Kate Keller , second grammar ; Miss inn 13. 'Gratlam ' ot Adel , la . first grommar ; Miss I Bertha Knoll . second primary : Miss Nellie I Gilmore ot Amity la. . first prhnnry. I Ferdinand Schmo'dt reports a yield of fort ) two buhmels ot wheat to the acre trom his farm near town. The Ladies' . Aid society of the Methodist Episcopal , church gave its pastor 11ev. E. W. Erlclson , and wife a surprise party WedneSllay evening on the first anniversary ot theIr wedding. Drs. R. M. Stone anti J. C. Allison of Omaha pertormld a very successful surglca. operation upon Mrs. J. C. McKenzie ot this place last week. Mrs. Margaret Schelr celebrated her 76t'l birthday Monday evening at the home ot her daughterMrs. O. E. Torlerson , Iln Lie circle ot a large number ot friends , who surprised hel' her.Mr. . and Mrs. Ferllnanl Melcher celebrated theIr silver wedding with a large number or invited guests Wednesday evenIng. Miss Agnes Dormann and Messrs. W. O. Sand and Frank Laase . all successrul teachers at this place graduated Thurselay from the Wayne Normal college. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jmley and chilmlren and Mrs. Alice Whie went to Buffalo Gall. S. D. , yesterday to spend a menu In the 11s for pleasure and health. Hev. P. Ii. Hines and famIly are spending a few weeks at Blue Springs , this state. Mrs. I. W. Bowden Is entertainIng her mother , Mrs. William Cocking , and cousin , Joseph Cocking . of Ilnerl Point , Wis. S. Lant went to Dodge this week to locate ! there In the practice of law. A pleasant party was gIven at the home or Miss Cora Rich , northeast of town , last oven- Ing. _ _ _ _ _ _ Teachers nt 'I'eeuimiimeehi . TECUMSEH , , Neb. , Aug. 3.-Speciai.-Time ( ) Johnson County Teachers' institute closed last evening after a very S'ccesstul two weeks' sesstmon . Jefferson Ross , wire and children of Omaha are visiting relatives In this city. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Shaw were summoned 10 Ottumwa . ] a. , Thursday 10 attend the funeral of the lates . brother . . , who was killed In an accident at leuar ItaplS' I Mr. and Mrs. n. T. Stover gave a very enjoyable - Joyable lawn party Thursday evening In honor ot Miss Zelma Slver of Rushvlo , Ill. , who - Is vIsiting In the'city. 11ev. Dr. Barsha and wife [ of Omaha spent the past week In Teeumseh. Or Mason Is on 01 a pleasure trip to Vermont - mont and the Green mountains. Emery Jones , n farmer residing near this city , and Mrs. Asa Emerson an aged lady residing In the northern part of the county have been adjudged Insane and transferred to the asylum at L1ncoln. An Ice cream socIable was given at the country home of "fr. and ! rs. D. B. Buffumin . one mile south ot town by the ladles of the Unlveraslst cburch Thursday cvenlng. The Tecumseh Military band was present and discoursed - coursed some superb music and games on the lawn were enjoyed by all . The Epworth league held a picnic In Dillon & Oeler's park last Wednesday. Visitor were preEent from all the neighboring towns and a very pleasant time Is reported by those that were prese n t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S'nncllJ for 1 ( to 1. PAWNEE CITY , Neb. , Aug. 3.-Speclal ( Telegramn.-ThO ) democratic county central committee met today at the Exchange hotel amid decided to cal th county convention to meet Thursday , August 16 , for the purpose ot nomInating a full county ticket all to elect delegates to the democratic state conventon , to be held at OmaimaAugust 22. Time eom- mlteo Is In favor of free coinage of silver . at 16 to 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I COln'CICon Un' jtrrniigel . HASTINGS , Aug. 3.-Special ( Telegram.- ) The populist central committee met hero to- day for the purpose of namln ! a date for selecting - lectng delegates for the state and Judicial convention . August U was selected l the proper time. The county convention will be held on September H. Itt'iiimbIimiii Ciit'iition Calieti. RED CLOUD , Neb. , Aug. 3.-Speclal ( Telo- gram.-The ) republican central committee of thIs county met here today and called the county convention for p August 19. l.nc.\ iihtl1'I'I'IIdS , The populist city central committee meets next Monday night at Knight ot Labor hail. The Patriotic Daughter ot America will give a lawn Ind literary social at the corner ot Nineteenth and Lavenworth streets Wednesday evening. The first regular meeting ot the Fifth Ward Republican cub will be held Thursday evening August 8 , at 8 p. m. , ot the club rooms . EIghteenth and l.ke streels. . Hev. George Blndley , for a number ot YEars principal ot Weeping Water academy , and now ot Indiana , ' 'II I occupy the pulpit In St. Mary'a Avenue Congregational ehurcb tbls morning. The regular meeting ot the executive board ot the Young Womon's Christian association will be held on Saturday afternoon , August 101 at 2 o'clock , In the Young Women' , Chris- lan association room In The Bee building. On Tuesday evening , August 13 , wIll occur the .gular monthly meeting of the usocla- ton lt 8 o'clock. All mllbeu are url . to J tend this meeUnr , . . , . , . " , . . . . . j " , _ - _ . _ _ . 8.\1 JUAT OAl'MI111 - - - . Janice Strrt 01 h"I"ol Urnn,1 II Olt.tf l'lkr , James Stuart , limo IG''ll.ol.l . eon of a banker ct Madison , was drowned last even lag In Cut Off lako. The accilent occurrtl R few minutes before G o'clock , anti soon afterward the body was found iii about fit- teems feet of water. The boy's parents were notIfied , and are expected to arrive in time city today. Stuart amid a conipanton nanied Roy Morris , who lives at 4626 Dodge street , started out in the aftermioc" "u a saUboat , Shortly bo- tore C o'clock they were in the middle of the lake , about 100 feeL vent of time ice house of the Oniahia ice company , with Mor- na sitting on one stile of the boat , I'rob. ably because Morris' % eigimt tipped it , this boat was partially capsized , MorrIs fell lute time water , anti Stuart iuiatie an attempt to seize imim , The attempt was unsuccetofiml , hilt conipletely overttmruied time bcat , and Stuart was thrown into the water , Morris was able to swini a little and after a strug- she reached the shore. Stuart could not swimmi amid ininiethiately sank. The body was soomi recovered with grap- liling hmooks. It was taken to tIme mmiorgiue. An inquest will be held Monday mumorning at 10 o'clock. It Ia said by residents micar the hake tlmat ( ho boat n which time boys were has been the cause of several necimlemits. It Is a rowboat , which has been fitted with a mast and snub. 1)11A'l'lE Ot. ' .1 , . 5. M'COII3IICIC. ( Sue ( if Omimmi l.n'a liurly .It'relmmimmts nod Frela liters to ( lit- \'tat , Josah ! S. McCormuilck , one of the pioneers of Onmahia , died at lmls roonis , at Fifteemittm and larnam streets , yesterday afternoon. Mr. McCormuuick canto to Omaha in 1856 , amid with lila brother , John McCormick , engaged in the wholesale grocery business. Selling out a couple of years later , lie engaged 1mm the freighting business between Onialma and Salt Lake , commtimiuing until tim completion ef the Union PacIfic railroad. Froimu 1872 until 1875 tie was post and liumlian trader at 1"ort Laramnle , and from 1876 untIl 1878 ho operated a freight line into tIme Black lulls. In 1879 Mr. McCormick retumrmmed to title city , and after that time lie dealt in real estate. For seine months hii health had been very poor. Three weeks ago iue went up to Lake Osakta , Minn. , rournlng ( cmi tinys ago. A few days after lila rettmrmu ho commtracted a severe cold , which ternminated in conges- ( ion of the lummgs amid bralum , causing lila death. lIe leaves a son , harry McCorniick , and a daughter , Mrs. Arthur Remuitngton , both of whiomn reside iii the city. The deceased was a member of tIme Elks , and that or- ganlzation will probably have charge of the funeral. . S. Si113 POUXI ) liliit AUNT. 'i'emmimiie % 'nlf Reimrmm.'il do her Imoimse ii l'ollce Matron Cumiumnimigs , Lena Kruahka , the little girl who usa been in charge of I'olico Matron Cummings for several days , has found her relatives and has been taken to the home of her aunt iii South Ommiaha. Time girl was picked up in the street by time police. She had clothes enough to cover her decently and that was all. She was hungry auutl dirty and gave symptoms of having ( elm whooping cough , She told the matron that sue thought the police ought to get. her aunt amid put her in jail too , because she was so mmiean. She said her aunt had sent her out to find employment. Lena is emily 10 years old and far from bright and the matron did not believe nhie hind been sent out to make her own vay In time world , By dint of persistent search ( hue aunt of time girl was located Friday at ThIrty-third amid U streets in South Omahm. The aunt , Mrs. Markwardt , came to time police sttion , and took Leuia home with her. Sue sai tlmat she U streets ill South Omaha. The aunt. Mrs. and supposed that she was safe In her care umitll Friday , whemi she was notified that Lena was at the pollee station in Omaha , Time DlscoverySu'ed Imis Life , Mr. G. Cailouette , Druggist , h3eaversvtlle , Iii. , says : 'ITO Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life , Was takemi with La Grippe and tried all the pliyaiciauus for miles about , but of no avail , and was given tip and told 1 could not live. Having Dr. Kimmg's New DIe- covery in my store I sent for mu bottle anti began Its use auni from the first dote began to get better , and after usIng three bottles was up amid about again. It is worth its weight In gold. We womi't keep store or house without it. " Get a free trIal at Kulimi & Co.'s drug store. B.mriieI 1mb. Sister to 1)enlli , Agnes , the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. herman Krlmnploiski , dIed yesterday morning from tIme effects of burns received Friday , thien she and a little brother were playIng lm tile yamd. The boy lmad sonic muatches In his liocket , suit llgiiting one of theta , throw it tmpon his sister's dress. Time garment wan almost instantly a mmiass of flames. Time imiothier heard the screams of the child. and running to where she was , smmiothmcred the ilamuies , but not until the girl had been fatally burned. . . 1)1.1 Not Stii' to I'roseeuitc , Lily Madsen has been tllschmargetl by Jtmdge forks. She was charged with havimig robbed or swindled David S. P. D. Iiutchmln- son of South Dakota of a sunall sum of mnomiey. Hutchminson got tangled iii lila stories to the court amid gave somne tips that led tue pohlco to look up lila record , lie took advammtago of ( ho first opportunity to skip , and time charges against the Madsen girl had to be dropped for want of prosecum- ( Ion. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iiuekleiu's Arimi'hu Salve. The beat salve in time world for cuts , bruises , sores , ulcers , ralt rhmeum , fever sores , totter , chapped imands. chilblains , corns , and all skin eruptions , antI positIvely cures piles , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satitfaction or moiiey refunded , Price 25 cer.ts per box. For sale by Kuhn & Co. _ _ _ _ 1'IIItSONAL I'AitAGItAm'iiS , It. W. Grant of Beatrice is at the Millard , Ii. E. Casteel , Parkaton , S. D. , is at time Paxtcmm. It. Hayes is registered at tIme Barker frommi Sioux CIty. Mr. and Mrs. J , D. harris of Lincoln are at the Dellone , First Lieutenant M. J , O'BrIen of the Fiftim infantry Is a guest at time Paxtomi. J. W. lieston , Ed I'erry and C. 3. Wall are Chicago arrivals at time Barker. Superintendent C. G. I'earse of the Beatrice - rico schools was In time city last evening , C. E. Prince and Thmomas It. Sissemi are registered at the Barker from St. I'uuh , Minn. C. It. McCord and wife and Mr. A. N. Dumfrles arc registered at the Barker from St. Louis. Mr. antI ' 2.Irs. fl. N. Wtthineil leave for California today , arid expect to lie gone umm- ( II next spring. Mrs. 0. J. Dougherty , who was hurt emi the CouncIl Ultiffa motor some ten days ago , is slowly improving. Mercer hotel arrivals are : Con Kirk , Ma- pIe River Junction ; C. li. Graham , Council Bluffs ; John Peters. Kansas City ; It. J. Dennlng , Kansas City ; C. Ii. Gleason , WaukeshaUVis. . ; George II , Lyon , Wauke- shau , Wis. If , R , lioughton , Boston ; D. II. hogan , Wallace , Nob. ; 14 , 1' . Cleavehand , liradish , Neb. . Miss Maniie Karmacimle , Plattsmouth ; Miss Annie Stevens , l'latts. mouth ; Ira Mallory , Grand island ; James B. Canuield , New York ; Frank Griffith , New York , _ _ _ _ _ _ Neirs.sksmiis UI time ifot i.la , At the Arca.he-T , I ) , Roberts , SprIngfIeld ; D. Id. Doty , Columbus ; A , Pease and son , tlldiiey , At the Dehlone-J. S. Weaverling. Norfolk - folk ; A. 0. West , Fremont ; A. L. liowen , Lincoln , At the Merchants-A. 0. Falrlield , Illoom. ington : T. J. iirowiullelil , ( Irmunml Isluind ; Max Ileer , Chmalea liurku , North Viattc. At the l'uxton-E , C. Lorton , Nebraska City ; B. IC. Wamnbald , Gothexiburg ; J , 'N. Paul , St. l'aut , At time Barker-William It. Cahill , Grand Island ; J. } 3. Cuilinge , I. . Tarpenning , % Vshoo ; E. If. Monroe , Emerson ; E , C. MilIe , Lincoln 13. 'IV. Kyle , Arlington ; It. f. MUstroVo , Columbus ; 1"ramU I' , iteland , riebramlu. Qtt . , - . . - , . S-- . IE1' T11EIR DEATh IN ChINA - Oclestia ) Antipathy to roIgnoi Leade t Blot and Bloodshed , ONE WOMAN AND FOUR MEN MURDERED t1l W'ere MiNeihmunri's Vinier ( iteM M c ( Im ott is t ilomi rd-S ( mm to I ) epa rt- anemit tlllelmuliy Ntilicd nmmt Aetitni % 'Ihl lie 'l'mukeim sot Ohice. WAShINGTON , Aug. 3.-The State de- partmmment has received a cablegram from Ummited States MinIster Jernigami at Shanghai stating ( hint emma female mmiIesiouiary was woummided amid four missionaries killed it tim. mission of Ku Cimeng. No further detaIls are given in the dispatch sued ( lie place do- aeribed is believed to ho iii ( lie jrovinco of liii l'ehm , far tip on tIme banks of ( hue Yangtao Kiang river , beyoimd time reach of muon-of. war , and about 400 imuilea miorthi of ChmengTui , where the last mmiissiommary riot occuirretl , The State departumicnt t ill take steps iii the hunt- ter at once. MCCII Ai..tlt3lifl ) At' 'I'Iit3 NL1'5. MetIu.ahiatm Himermimu Pears foP lImo S. . fef y or Amneriumuims at Iuu Cimeng , NE'OltK , uug. 3.-An Associated press cablegramui , telliuig of a mmiassacre of Chris- tlamus , including five women , at Kum Cimeimg. created gravest fears at the 0111cc of the Foreign Board of Methodist nilasionaries in ( hula cIty today. The Methodists have a mission - sion at Ku Chieuug. It Is In charge of Miss Mabel C. Ilartiorui. 11cr assistant is Miss v. ii , ltooise. In atlihitiomi to these it I feared two other wommien , Miss Mabel Allen amid Miss Saralm l'cters ate also in time vt. cimmity of Ku Ciusug. Correnpomiding Secretary A. II. Leonard of thid Methmodim't board of unissiomia , who hiss Cieiit considerable ( tune lit Chlmma , saul todayo 'Ium viet' of the fact ( list we have receive..1 rio cablegram froumi Chum , we can only hope for time present. that our people are safe and well , llati mimiy of otmr p001110 becmt niasnacred I am sure timat 11ev. \ \ ' . II. Loch , otir representative and trcaitmrcr at 1"oq Chow , fromui which place the advices were rcci'el , would have cabletl to tin wlthmoumt thmtl'ay. W'c wIll hot commimunicate with Mr. Lach tmnless we receIve word of a imiassacro froimi hi iii. ' ' Miss llnrtforti is a resident of Dover , N. H. , and hues spent several years as a mis. siommary in China. Site 'as sonmo timuio ago pilL in charge of ( hue wommlen'm , work at Ru Chemig. Miss ltose , her assistaumt , came fromus Lakefield. Mtnn. 11ev. Job Gillespie , secretary of time Foreign - eign Board of Missions ot the Presbyterian church , said today that lila church has no missionaries within 250 mmiiie of 11mm Cheng. lie expressed the opimmion that the massacre affected most seriously time Church Mission. sty Society of Engi3nd , 'mthlch establIshed a mmilssion at Ku Chmommg 1817. Time mis- . ston is attached to time Church of Englan& and has two mmiissloa houses there. The ao- cicty maintains twenty-two scimoolmi in the province. There Is also a small church foe lepers in the leper village just outside of ( ito southm gate of time MetlmoJist EplacopaPlom- pound. Itey. E. E. Chivers , secretary of ( hue Bap- (1st Board of Foreign Missloima , said that the Baptists have no missions near time scene of time alleged nmassacro nearer thou ICe Chmiang. which is 250 muilies tlistant. Other mntssions are located at Ki Clung , which Is also about 200 mullen from Ku Cimemmg. ltlO.tIY VOlt A Ii i'l"I' Fill S'1'IIUGGLI3. itl'al 'm'eleiliuLcCuiiiihiulhiel ( S'Ilf \Vmuge Vnr Against ( lie hell. NEW YOI1K , Atmg. 3.-Telephone mnanu- facturers and makers of telephioiue apparatun throughout time United Staten kayo aanget1 for the organization of a strong corporation with a capital of $10,000,000 to enter the field against the hell Telephone company. Time proposed organization , It is said , will tue known as time Eastern Telephone Protective - tectivo associatIon. A preliminary meeting has been held at time Astor house , at which a coniinitieo was appoimuteti to draft bylaws and form a plan of organization. Anmong the manufacturers present were A , F. Stan. icy , J. I ) . Leatimerbee , J , II. Schmoileld , George W. Coy , II. C. Williamson , A. Cimsd- burn , S. J. Tumnbrldge , Janice It. Strong , Ii , Jr. 1)ouglas , Mr. Palmer of Paimner liros. ot Mianus , Conn. , amid Mr. Wetmoro of the Munhuattami Electrical Supply counpaumy of timia city. Assurances are said to have been re- celved from telephone manufacturers in otimer cities , time AntImony Tolepimomme company of Cincimuimati among timouri , that ( lucy are reauiy to bupliort the organization. Time im- imiediate and most import object will be tG protect ( lie umserfi of tolephiotmes mutanumfacturemi by othmers tluaii time Bell Telephone conipamiy. Against tIme latter time companies formnimmg the Eastern Telephone ProtectIve associa- 4 ( ion say they are preparing for a bitter fight. They claim that the troubles of time cormipatl. torn of ( ho fi'iil Telephone comuipammy arise frolil ( tue hatter's immtiunlilation of ( ho tale. piiouw customers. A reduction of rates Is also contemplated , COAL iINI1ltS AitlI JLJI11LAN'I' . VmmgeN of 'I'ui 'm'lioiisimuid tV III 110 3Imu'rlm , ily iu.er.s'li , PITTSBURG , Atmg. 3.-lIotim the miners and operators o this district tlmimmk they have time heat end of the onuproimiisn agreement - mont entered imito yesterday. Time operators are able to fill tlmeir contracts amid time miners are jubilant at time prospect of umniforni rates throughout the dIstrict after October 1. The miminers wIll prepare for en emumergency by strengthening their organization , National Orgammlzer Fred Demnpster started In today for a two months' campaign in tIme district. James O'Conner , Illinois state luresident , arni M. J. ltatcimord ! , Ohio state president , left today for their huomutes. Mr. O'Connor fears that the settlement arrived at hero may have the effect of ctmttimmg tIme wages of tIme Illinois miners. In that state the operators are pay- lug better wages now than are paid hmem'o and his fear is timat when they hear time pay has not been advanced in time l'ittsburg district they will insist upon paying a lower rate until October 1 , Ummtil that date tii Ohio imminers will hot be affected anti th change wilt untloubtetlly be a substantial ad- vance. SlI'I"1'L'mEN'i'S AitlO IS NO IANGL1R. Iteports ( It Viutm.il * irs at heaver Isinsuil W'ere Lmurgel' i3ximgg'r.it.tl. MACINAC , Michi , . Aug. 3-TIme report ( list Beaver island has been swept clean by forest fires nd all time inimahiltants probably 4 burned to death proves to be greatly exag. .3 gerateil. It is true ( lust forest fires are raging on some parts of tIme Island , but so far as known there hma beau no loss of life. Time conimander of time Omiitcd States steamer Michigan , now at anchor lucre , reports that when he left Beaver island Thursday ( ho entire south side of tIme Islammd was covereti with fire. Time lIre hmati been raglmmg since Momuday and hiatl burned to time lake on both sides , time smoke coverlmmg time entire inland. Time Michmi6ami had to anchor off the harbor , awaitimmg any calls for assistance , but as time fire is not thought to hmmiyo yet reached the imopulated portion of ( lie island holmes are emutertained for ( lie safety of time residents. Late reports are to the effect thmat a larga number of cattle wore lost Weuinesilay. Thin j captaIn of a steamer was near heaver isian yesterday and reports timat time lres were nearly all extinguished and the settlements are In no danger. . l'.iulllers % % 'ihi iti''iY ( ' hictter % 'gigcm. 4 YOUNGSTO\VN , 0. , Aug. 3.-CommencIng Monday Amalgamated assocIation puddlera will receivi $4.25 a ton Insteaui of $4 until August 31 , when time advance made in bac iron in July and August will go into effect. This agreenment niade In Pittaburg timia afternoon by James II. Nutt , secretary of the Maiionimmg and Shenammgo Valley Marmufactur- era' association and President ( Isrland of ( ho Amalgamated assoclatiomi. ti4lltiit % 'ill Not 1k' Nle'ul , . . . .9 ELBA , Mich. , Aug. 3-Qovernor Rich , wha Is at bis home here , was asked todays whther the Upper Peninsula militia eormmpanies would be kept at tome from time state en. campmnent next week on account of the mimuers' strikes. The governor replied than not having received any advice. from tti civil autiorities at Ishmiiemning lie does not now feel justified in revokink the order i4 the troops to o to . ( . , . " . . ' . . . '