_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - : _ . . - - . - - - _ - _ _ _ . . I ) . . . j.-- . . - . ; , - - - - - II - " J - . t 7 . . - - - - . - - ' . . _ _ 1 " ' , . , . - , * I. , H' _ " , ' . _ _ , , , . . - - . . ' " , _ _ . 1 . . . . _ . _ . _ . _ _ . . . A - - - - , _ . . L . - . "rUE O.l\AIIA DAILY nEE : SUNDAY , .AUGUS1 4 [ , 1 S9. . & 1 n , . I - - - - - - - - ? . ALL TIE WOUJ \ \ ) A. WHEELNG \ I , Sro Innido'Fact About the Outer Show of Fast Riders BIG MONEY IN TiE - " ' 1MEET" BUSINESS . Tiar ( r.11 :1II y 11. . . ' 1'1 I I rrl"- \\'hlt II. ! Liitu I elnll1re : : Ulllv IUtl Ihl' "HIII I Ir.ezr . . ( grIst Ir c ) I. . Chnl Nlnty-nlne per cent oC bIcycle races during the bicycle furor now at iA height has been a great mystery to the general iuubllc. J haB been EO cxtclsh'c , EO wl'Jespread ul.1 . ' 10 Ilroa'lnugd ' that : 10 other branch ot activiy " " bteuu capable ot coin. Itampefl "Eport" has bl COl' Ilarbol wih It. Amatrur bicycle racing hns Lcel lIke a huge and Intermlmble proccsslon. I would not have looked queer It It only occurred occasionally , like nit annual fete , t * p but to have I JOln on everywhere without atopplng has excite [ feMral curohlty as to where the movIng fbrco comes Iron There are mllonnircs In the country , but ! carccly eloufh to support in ulreliunoratvo sport and hlcnrsa all the Amy of ' young IUlateuu who have been Icuddlng orotund the tracks nil over the country In Ue name of the League ot American Wheelnen , with the understood rutrlclon that they were racing and receiving Prizes In shapes a amatoutr anl rccel\lng Ilrles which they wore forbidden 10 sell or transfer , and hence absolutely useless In a monetary aense. Anyby reading the reports of bicycle races , says tiui' New York Sun . would be InlnedlatclY struck by the continual cc- currenc ot the Ilrolinent ) nam s. I I was Zimmerman , Johnson Sanscr and such every tle and all the time . Were these sons of ' millionaires ? Hal they In' their youth IC- qnlred a competence that they coulll omnse thcmseh' al' adisteurs like the wealthy swells who aiau1 whole le.SOU9 shooting huuiting ? Was there a fuuiti to 111Icons S. , or , , . huutlg . . I , . . I 11M' ( nlt,1 , fmll rlln nil sumnierfornothing ; : ' t - " ; ; . and ; ; ' , i ; ' - on-t ii Iii \ good siandllg I In' I ' the ) mIlkS or "gentemcn" amateurs ? There la suclf on endowment ftintl of a very different nature from what I \Iou\l naturly be sup ) osell In Illocrntl good faith . , The amount of mOley cOli trlhlte to the support ot Iho amateur racing . . blcycl : ts must he very 11lrg . end Is not i. given to thorn. out ot slIJlile love oC seelig the sport go on . or as SltPle emosynary hni.l . , to enahle lively wheel en to retain thlIr ( health by keeping In the open nlr. 11 Is . contributed by the hlc'cl Inallufacturers nnd Is pall ; with . sufficIent clrectless to tire " bIcycle rclnl amateurs In order to keep the sport being and the manufacturing buslneu . ' lively. . Haclng men , \ Ih a few exceptions of gcnuileness , ore In fact professionals , whh > - 1 > llg the protoslolal de\1 'round the stump by taking their pay In various methods . which Is plain enough deception In the face of any honest interpretation of the wont ( aiuiateur . Interll'etalon . but which the 1. ale American \Vhoel- \ men wlnlls at , They make their Ih'ln out of ' i. racing hlcyclcs. They 'Worl hard COl' I , auiil , they get It. " ; : Hoeing Inler the League ot American Wheelmcn Is now conducted on precisely the same lInes as , tire meetIngs of the NatIonal 'rrottiuug asoclatuui. ! Circuit motl are ar- . ranged and the Y.rous teams wlt'l . their , trainers travel from city to city friLl town to towli takll 11art In all the leading races nhd following no cste'nslblo employment hut racing The League of American Whtelmen , when they adopted a classltell system , sup- pled the mcans for maklnK bicycle uclng a business. Every I'adlng manufacturer support " racing tcam of from three to six men each. These men do nothing hut race. for which they are Ilaid a regular salar ) ' . They ore en- gagel In the ! "lrll1 of tie year and sent - south to Ir.ln Tley .SIJoul ICVIrQI l10nths In tire sout . , pflhrlng for the circuit ot races that Ollons' each Y ar- on . Decoration (1113f . After the ordeal , of training they como north , ACr then go throlgh the 1)'stem of booking ' I . like theatrical engagements for the season lke trcupcs. 1vory I racing mrel hu : a manager travel with 'tho t01m and a trainer , " ' 10 trlvel wlh throughout the season. Th : racIng sed son open In May , and terminates late In October > and during tire carlmlgn the teams travel north , east south anti west. BusllCbS now Illys such n prominent pat In racing that even the I'a\ ) promoters bavo been cumllell'l ' 0 accede to tire demands , ot the racing mCn , all In arranging their . ; prlzo Ist have had to substitute gold nuggets - bets nll diamolis for the old-time prbes ot bicycles ami 'medals. In ordcr that tie racing man can convert his trophies Into cash wl1ene\'er hue chooses to retIre or turn profes1'5tial ICacli of Iht leading racing mcn wins every year prizes aggregating In value . A. 4\ . 7lmiiieriiiaii . * train $8.000 ) to $ 15OOG. 7lmmerm:1. who Is one of the most noted racing men . In time world Is said to have accumulated the ii1Iieu of. a smal fortune whie ) racing hHhc IU amatcnr ranks. Walter Sanger . John ' S . ' ' Who are now vro- Johnson and llsrry Tyler fsslonaI . 'UIO also won prl7 s valued at thousalls of tlc'llars. In fact the Ilrl1os of- fHNI at touruments newada's arc all ot n character that can be converted Into cash very rbadily. ' . The 'cadl pure ) aratcur racing man of tel ) ' has Insurmolntable obtacles to owrcomo before ho cmiii hope to attaIn a PositIon In the racing cln world. Slch rIders [ , who can traIn olly iii . the Inttn'alsrtween % their blslnes cccupatons \rtween and are compelled to peraonaly supervise their own Ilrellninary work . arc at a ihis- uel\uliago wih men In the same class who have \ time & are of an efclelt trainer and first trials. A speed clnss trells for practice ) blc'rll cnss rider today communlls a good salary , tire santa as on rXIII'rt accountant or a Ilrl- V.ltl slcr lar ) Fast tlcce rilers art as much In Ikml1t : lS competelt men are for different mnreantlIe Iosltlons. A bIcycle rider mHrantle positons. Is valued aeccrdhrmg to his SllrNI. 'rhe crack racing lel In class U romm'I11 good salaries averagIng from $ .OOO to $ .GOO for the sea- Eon \ oC seven luiolithIi4 while the leaser lights range from $1.100 ' to $1,6O. Tue class I chmcnt Is considered n for- Tlo crowd. The salaries that the men re- ceive ore of varIous amounts. The highest cel\l priced bicycle man this year was Waler C. preell . nul wll0 I Is reported that he re- ceiveti $70' ' a month a prominent whcelman IICorm " 11 a SUt reporter recently that It I doubtful It any ot time cass U men receive juort' than $ tOO per week : thuD local men to- . lori from $11 to $2 : per wMk. . The contract which the manufacturer enters tera Into with the riders Is terminable upon time formucr'l . part at ; week' , , notice. In ad- ditlon to the * alarlel that the men recl'e , diton also customuuary for the leading tourna- cl tuent promoting club 10 bve 10 pay the riders from $2 : to ' :0 to secure their nlem\- \ sruce . When u'eral meets take place upon the same day In dIfferent setona al high a SIOO has been known to have becn offered 10 lea.lnj cyclIng hlght. A , ) II , ' GAU'l'IUN , , . , ' l'ruirtici' of Oereer. hlsi'ti ( " .r . l'rn..tcl' . 11"'h..n" . . . . lun ' 1un 1'rtiuIi-ui * . ' ot the "blcyrle tace" There 11 clue typo i . ' uujoubtcdiy justiflos some of the unpleasant - wbicb 1'blcl uudoubtell ) justnos which te discoverers ef pleasant remllrla with whell ! Ihco\erer ( . ? f' _ this peculiarity In physiognomy have leom. l1ulcl limo : nnOICelw'lt et their discovery , if and t.t , I' tire oxhauitld looliluG face whIch ) been \ ' much too COllWnurlug the f bn : ln very Ilch COllWn \urlug recent \ rn days , and 'X Inplel of t which 'can b : SIe1 In almost rny company of wheet men or wc'rr.en after a hotey , or oven slIer two In the early evenIng. a spin of : a hour or eening. Usuaii ' hhuahme' : ' ] , but sotimcs III : . often Usu.Iuibtl Usu.I\ ! . ritii hips mere ar len drawn arid the begin- ! ( rl \'lth IIs . of dark Iiac1ows under the eyes , and ii. sings < olInler til s. ' Digs \1 \\h oD epreislon of welae's that he. : at conies more proonnced lI Ibe eLteineit : * con rhlul r III'PIICUI , l\s type of .be . bicycle ' face hi'rsbIy : ledlines to cvr-o.erLI'n , some- Iirne2s t Ihl lImIt of healthfulness , 111 safiy , tme . wblh. II always I" siy nlhl.K of lu'Jurlncc. wble I ) $ . . f3FOV.5 hat riding bCI beca peralt".1 In frI - l > yo'd the lImit of'YldCII or tO sense. , } Whereer thll typo of ( mice I l "on . I Is I 1\1. . tlnc-e Ihs lor.1e rUer II turnI' ! ! what I un- . t her irvo eou'lltiens. oe ot the mOlt em"ent Ilr"I'I oo\.lleni. : I cpr . " , . " lhaIca1 , , suil mental ' ephuiWirug . I into a ; hloa' tf aiticf. ! . TI' : worst ' ot warning needs to be 8wleu , In" rtI.utl : . nJ tti . f1.rlnllth Ihpublrn , an,1 I ciaId eult' be emlI.I.1 1) t"nereto Ilultrall , II \ needful. 1111 there Ira eas.i del at bmne tuiire alulo ot the bfeycia h. t.een tolol t1 clloquence ot 11.1.I ! . tb. cuaton ! of which canlot yet . femccId. ! DcclIE tsui vera' NI\y b I made a Tlolent exercls'.DS running , and yet men and women who woulo'no moro think at running a mile It the top of their speed than oC flying will unthinkingly [ use as much Btrcnfth and . lmervus torc . In Cat riding or hill climbing on their wheels . and wonder why they are ao tired after It The expendi- turn at energy which seine Inexperienced rllf indulge In , In what may seem to them only a short ride , Is nothing short ot reckll l. and , 19 almost certain to bjdolowed by cofise- Iluencel moro or less serious Especially Is this aver-exertion foolih In hot weather , \ hll the straIn on the nervous system to resist the enervating effect of the heat I great , anti aiuy fatigue Is doubly exhausting to Hlcao not In proper trainIng for It. I Is not uncommon to see untr.lned boys and young women tin- dertake tasks on their bicycles that In eX- perlenced track ruler would refuse unless ho was In grl condition . ' I Is doubtful If one bicycle rider In ten I I L condition for hud riding . . and " ion women girl and mdile'tled ! men are In- ( eluded the poporton ot those who are under bands by their corltlan at heiIhm anl 8'relgth ' to ride moJerdely I undoubtedly ] much greater. No better Ixerme has been disco'- Ned than bicycling nlunpcrcd with god sense and moderton , ht , none has much greater danger whelJollijy usei or abured - - .i ! SU1.1 : ANt S'I'\I.ISJ. ( (5f tiuitAffei'fvihPa ) ' thl' Sn'\ SI.t Iii Ihl' I' I"I. Two kinds of materials are used at this season for smart bicyclIng stilts . says liar- per's Bdza. Those ot English or Holand linen ore pr \ael for hot days , while others . of tweed , serge or ra\nete arc for un- cert11n wcatihcr. Mohair suits arc dIe Ik.1 as fomethlng between a they are of melium . . w l1ht. Tire choicest'suis Sent to Newport , Lenox and Bar HarbJr have a short skIrt . reaching to the shoe top , covering knickerbockers buttoned \ or buckled jus\ \ below the knee. For Eome of these Iedfern prefers a kilt oldrt with a broad box plust In front In fwulne Hlghlanll fashion while others have tire skirt ! hall < hy gored hreadthis . with the tuhriess at the back laid In two broad 111eats that separate when the wearer Is seated and thus the not crowd tIre saddle. 1bny skirts open and but un down the entire let [ side . hut tailors consider It batter to button them half way down each pnu.r. of the front . as I they t l ) then veryeasily : dropped. The y .ar ! ! , ! ' ( IY , 1 ! : . _ . . sKIrt IS wel IICU Ilruugl011 , nun al UII'I- ing Is om\cl , Nq , rule can he given about width as each sklrl"ls cut amid Itel , to the "earer wih as much , care as the waist ro- ' qulles. - 'he knickerbockers or bloomers mall by experleucrl tailors are nol so full as those worn a year or two ngo although they take time Illuce of all 11etceI . They arc sewed nearly 111.1n 10 a yoke which Is buttoned smoothly . around thc hips antI . expand much fuller over the knee . then are ftherl Just below Into a band Casleled with a blr.ll all buckle 'or 'VII 'bltola. and holes. l'ongee silk knlcllerbocllers are comnwnle for any sik \ of summer bicycling stilt.Viien rough eotch \\0011 matching the skirt are used the knickerbockers arc lined throughout with silk serge or with ( eton salern. slll The jaclel of ueh suits Is In tire prevail- lug shape , With short back full below the waist the fropt.fisiling open , with short revere that front easily closell by a single burton. A nltched trim collar Is preferred sillor collars or an ' capohike affair. to larger nlor colars any lke ar.lr. 'fhe sleeves mu-st be ample enough to go on ror ' those of a shirt-waist without crushing them. them.The drab holland linen suls are preferred with a kilt skirt reaching 10 the ankIe . a rogmy b lpl waist , rind . whlotoPIIlll revers that tailor to the belt. Iegf11fS arc malic to imatchu or are of rUel-colorcd cloth or brown kid 'lho knickerbockers are cf linemi. A white sailor hat and brown chamois glo\es. large of silo and , fastened by four buttons , complelo the suit. 'fho maui seem to be having almost as mitch trouble over their bicycling costumes as the womon. There are hotels It seems that will not entertain men In knickerbockers and they are by no means as welcome In all places In their bicycle clothes a9 with trousers that nail about theIr ankles ant mDllsh shlrls. I Is largely to this crsbleraton of cloUles ? ? that the farlelng ) l\k.for the preservaton 01 the horse and ' thO nuance of some of the old- fashioned mells of conveyance. I men could live and ihovo and transact their business - ness Ivo gel stockings and knickerbockers and women In bloomers or short bhrts ! ' the hl- cycle'8 pregrebs might ho as sure as I has boon wlft. Dut lS It Is t1O formalities ct 1'0 , such as they are , militate gently but frmly against the bicycle . , and though they are not effectual 10 hell I back , they dD make I little for Its restraint. - - " 'NlIn . ' % , NI'lYISTlltN. . , - , \ $ t'uivtd Jor" . $ . etM . n Jot l'u"I' fur 1 \.Ii. . I 1111. A few evenings since a hroncho belonging 10 n \\'omlng ranchman broke loose and after running around town for an hour or two Indo for ForI Rtissehi with hla owner in hot pursuit. After a geol dent ot hazing the horse was capttmrei . when tire ex'.co.\ \ ncler S' . I cd to head I hln back to town behind a wheel. lossllf through the Parade grounds , at the fort the animal leeamo trlghtenCI at several dog which belong at that III act and "tikthg the pace , " started down the real al a tre iriendous rate. the rider holdng [ onlo the rope with one hand Rld guiding the wheel with tire other. B\ery moment the speed Increased and able to hold the pelaIs . he bell ! no longer pe.ll ! . placed his feet 01 the coasters and hed ! on for i dour ihle. The horse had tIre halo and ran close to the wire fence , the wheelman . malug. ing to keep on the outslle , where ho could I ! take the bends In the rOod without daug r. Thin army people notIcing the trouble , hall g.thered In crowds amid were watching than race . from the barrack roofs and other elevated - vated posIL ns. For a mile down the real nothing could bo seen hut n cloud of dust wih aim occasional f\m\se of a hatless rider anll a badly scared broncho as they "burned" tire ground beneath them , Minutes seemed like hours , and the excitement grew more In- tense at every stride. "Stop that hossl 'lop that hess ! " shouted the boy as ho swept by teams and traveler I who had turned , out to let him pass. I Hut mme one came to his resCUe , and the mad race continued unlCamp Culn was reached where the spirited ! anImal seemed In doubt which roan . to take , and . slacking up a trifle , tire wheelmal went by like an arrow. nut I was only for Q seeond , for on reachln the end ot tire string the wheel shot from under and deposited the rider heavily err the . ground , where , after regaining his feet helen lon managed to stop the runaway In speak- lug of the affair afterward the ex.covuurchmer expressed himself as satisfied ] hat ( the present sntet ot pacemaking would soon be revohu- tonlzcd , but as tar a bo was concered he would hereafter confine hlmselt to horseback riding arid leading bicycles with a rope , as he did not consider the now-to ngled machine safe unleu ridden with bit and spur The I'u.'o In Oragop . I all happened a few days ago at the little ' Ore. learn by a town at J'enlHoton , . a we learl press dlpatcb. Two Indians came Into town In the morning and proceeded to vindicate their manhood ly getting drunk. We do not know , relates the New York Tribune It they were bicycle riders , but certainly they were nol mounted al wheels that day but rather un animal called horses These strange beasts , at course , attracted eonsldera- tile attention , but thorn seems to Le 10 law agslst their use on the streets of l'eadietou 10 long f they do not Impede the progress of bicyclists , and the red \ln would have had no dlflculy had they shunned the potent distillation ot the hale bee , hilt this they dil ( not do , slid at about 3 o'clock 11 the ater noun the ) anumel the offensive arid loulled their hones , Ignoring the animals' utter lack of either handle bar or pedals , and bCian riding recklessly about town. They kr.ocktth several women and chlireu off their lcnles ! and eiruhd around I prominent and wealthy \111en ot Ih place a man over 70 ) 'e. : : at age , and an IUYld , nolwlstanding that tire \leablo 01 ( man rng his bull sad : oda upon the sidewalk to avoid thtm They then . espied some cowboys clulll litO town . .lh a mi : herd ot stock anti alter greatly aluorlng thena . finally caused one ( t their horses to kick at the l a'llg eiwboy and PUCtUr' hla torwrd tire. ibis was I ( much and City Marshal ) Ienl EtQP1' 11 out bOlD I" otc and called to surrender. With upon IhelD surende. WiI mocking cries lucy hrct and floade Mt across . this Iralrl ; the .nlmall ! q ! wbltb they ) wra moull d kickng their ' reu heals blah In the air and uttering tb . most frightful snorts . lu ulDI the UIUb CO'lt7 sigma house aD - tbe outskirts ot town , their appearance was so terrorizing that several ell women , Inlt ot the Institution , who were taking an airing . \ere forced to dismount anti lean their wheels against convenient trees. hut the triumph ot the 1\'agcl was abort. They dll not know that the marhal was lbs bet bIcycle ruler In l'endleton and presIdent - dent of the Jumpllg Rattlesnake Jcycle club : but this Wa the caBe. Indied . to his intimate frlenll , he Is known aM "Old Pneu. rustic , " or "SIIrocliet.wheel lean " such II hiM enthusiam for the wberl. The Ind\nl had no ROOntr bounded . away than the Israhal ran back to his amee nun leape.1 on tile bicycle , whIch stead brstle the door. Heldng the handle bar with one han.l , ho drew Iris revolver with the other amid started In pnrsult. ( OC clrs" . .0 unequal a stru- Rle could have blt one outcome. A quarter or 0 mile beyond the alms home he Iame within hailing 11stalce and coiled upon thcm to hall . They 11(1 ( trot do so , ald he wlnfrd ole or them with his weapon . This on threw tip his hanes anal surrendered but the other kept ou. Two IUlllrell yards further the marshal overtook ltinm I'.uyiiig no nllllon to the hoot of the baast . t. the I mia I rode which arl said to have heen flyIng upward of twenty feat brie the air . . ' ufware drew alongside , reached up , seized . the savage by tire shoullcr , jerked him down and threw him Icro s tIre halll bar anti returnee to town , erl\ng [ the olher prisoner bdore him with his horse on thc ruir The 111.lles of the alms house give the mar8hal urine cheers ali the Invalid capitalist pre llted . - - a . so - ; - lull to him. \S'hiii-il'a ( , \ hIitO.ti ) . Xn . ' "II'I\.t .r iii , ' l'nll""I' ' ( 'u'mii' II l-taghuI. A Qorrespotllent of tire New York Tribune contradicts tire report circulated In this country to the effect that I wheelng hall run its course In 1'Ifind. that It had ceasell to be hlonahle arid had become a mere vulgar - gar Pastirire. The contrary Is true. Wheel- lug Is a IIOllar sport which appeals to time ollen.alr Inslncts of the English Ileople I Is not declning In any part at the Unled Kingdom. HClluclon In the prlc of thicels and th - , lmlalv hnpllse whIch Induces all classes to engage Iii a recreation favored by the rich have eXIHln'ed the Interest taken lit tins sport , but thcro are no signs of any abatement In the patronage of the wcalthy and privileged few who orIgInaly IntroducEd I. One dar's experIence In Ilatenea park I will suffice to con\'lnce the most 8keplc:1 observer that there II i rio eluelne In tire sport , of wheeling at least In London , and . moreover - over , that the fashionable cl3sses are not giving 111 a rational form of healthful ox- rclse mlrely because the maSSES have followed . lowell their carlco anti are del ivimrg as much benefit and pleasure from I sri themselves. Thlt Is riot however the emily conclusion that Is forced upon an Amerlcau observer There Is a markcd difference In the liottIrO all manner of ruling between English and American wireeinttemm London rulers , as a rule do not benl over their wheels , hut arc erect In their seats , and the exorcise Is less \'Iolenly conducted thln In Armierica. The women are especially careful . In both re- sects. They are as straight lS arrows and are mor Intent upon riding gracefully than upon having the exciement of hursts of speod. One may stand for twenty minutes In Dater ea Ilrk wlhout seeIng a woman bending forward on her hlcyclc 'fime men are less careful of their 110sture titan the women hut they are more erect than American - can riders and they tko their exercise with less strain and vlotcnce. Time wheels commonly - monly seen are simiar to those used . In 4 tnerica . but slumnirher If anythln , . In can- slructon , and designed for male comfortable riding. Hunnln at modcrate Speed over roads without hollows or ruts they are less liable to wear out or to require rlpalrl than the American machines. . Wheeling accidents are very raro. : ii's 1'rl'i4. XI-\S I. 'SUM or l.h'rl'HI rrUIII'lun. . I'urt. Ur * IiCou.rti'y. ' . ' ' ex-Go\- The bicyclists are h''lnSjto run elnor Russell for preslllnt Qt tie . League of American \Vheelmen. and he says he should be proud of the honor. lie I as expert a wheelman as a horseman. " \ At Rochester , N. Y. . a peculIar action Is about to b2 commencell In time supreme court ns to the result of tire bursting of a 11neu- ttll Sir , , nn a blcvcle rIdden bY a Dulolo man . - who lrA gave - Iris . name nWrailcls Lauer. The tire , It appeared . bad been punctured some Une before amid Lalter-Inserted a rubber plug In the hole. The plug blew-out and hit one Adams In the eys as he was riding In one of the parks May 13 last. Adams asks for $5,000 damages. An ammonia gun for mongrel dogs wi vrove a welcome to whlmen. I.s said to reach tire spot every shot. The cycling craze has struck the cabinet Ia- lies very irani Indeed ali Mrs. L3molt and Irs. Carlisle are the vrlest victims of Is' fur ) ' . lrJ. CarlLlo wears a skirt so does ) Irs. Iamont , but the latter has a little more of a skirt than the former Mrs. Carlisle thInks nothing ot mountng her wheel and ying over the executive grounds for I Ipln. She hI the fastest rider of tIme great path to the 30uth of the white house and 18 a source of anxiety 10 her husband . who Is atraldshe wi fail off 01 get run over. She recenly did the drive before quLte an assomhlafe of people. Mrs. Lament : beats her husband on time whcel. Two Washington lady champlo\s are Mrs. John A. Logan it. . and Mrs. 'fruxton D ale. The latter Is familiar as Ihs lihaine. These two youthful malrou are warranted to get out to Georgetown and back afaln sooner than any of the other young malrons oC the capital. 'hey look very trosh.f1ced amid , laugh a great deal while wheQHng and appear to enjoy I very munich .AI0S 1olmes of Unalla , N , ' , 9. years old . has issued a challenge to any man of hIs ago In tire state to race for any number of rtiihea. ' have Brooltyn's cycle-mounteJ policemen had thllr wheels supplel1 with cyclometers EO their superiors mrioy know hy the dlstauce record the exact amount of pairlnc the men do . 10. The worh19 hour record has just been beaten at Dijon by hesna who has covered thin remarkable distance of 45 Illometers 700 meters , or 28 indIes 620 yards , within the time namoll This I getting very near that thirty mies which some people are already beginning to talk about. A decision of interest to bicycle riders was rendered recently at hirockton Mass , by Judge I fleed whereby W. D. laker of Ea"t Urllge- . water was gIven a verdict for danhges Ind costs against Frank Wlnn of \ho \ Imo place In the sum ot $25.08 for Injuries to DJker's machine by Wlnn'l running Into It. The tel- lmony showed that Baker was riding on the extreme right side ot the road and could not possibly have avoided the collision. [ The curt held a ) bicycle I a carrlue or vehicle and therefore that the section of the Ilblc stat- utes known al the "law ot the road" rendered Wlnn liable because riding au the let side ot the street Bloomers have scored a decisive victory [ In Toronto , ant. The school board ot that city refused by an emphatic majoriy the other day to condemn the "now woman" coa- tumo for bicycling feminine p pedagogue9. OllelllK or the DII Huet 'I'aammsorrow There will 0 Inuale and flying l.ga II the Charles treet bicycle park toniorrow oyen- lng , when the great Ilx-ds'y amaleur race 1 to start verythlng Is In readiness , the seats have all been put In the colossal ampbl- theater , and the track Is u perfect as the most careful alontL can make U , and at Irecsely 8:30 : tomorrow evening Referee . Pot- ter'a ( Pistol will start al pretty : a field ot raCer a was ever seen on an ) truck ; There are fifteen of them and the chase Isb9tmnt1 to be ole of extraordinary Interest , 'fomtahl are ambiloul t . Secure et least a IlrtoJ ot the laurels. The track II very fast and I 18 but reasonable to suppose thaI some records will be ractured Tie race continues throughout the week two hours' riding each evening , and jUdging tram the thousands who have gathered lt the park every night during the past week to watch tbo men In tlulng , I is I sa tl ) that the event will .unlns Inythln1 at tire klqd ever seen brie before , Everybody Is going Many ot Ire ( compet- ton are new muon and timers Is DO telling when a pblH1I will develop . Tlolorrow evening there wi b a grand bicycle parade al an inaugural to the race , all psrtiCii3flts ! being admlUed 10 the park free . Tire parade will form on Capitol eve. mine . betwC1 l'iiteenth and Sixteenth streets , .nd headed by a band o twenty pieces will traverse the fu1o\lnl route : ) to Fit- ttb ; Itreet , south to Douglas . east 10 &Iev- entb , south to Fanm , wet to Eighteenth , south to Harney , eaSt to Sltteenth sauthi 10 Howard , eat to Fifteenth , north 0 Clpl- tel avenue welt to Sixteenth , north to Cum. Ing , west to Twent-rourth. north to Lake cast 10 Twentieth , and south to the Charles street hark . 1 , . ' " ' . ( ' ' ( r4riunm't'r' II nat' . Nut . Clunk . The club will ta\c : its outing at Missouri \'ahley totlay . Irovldln I docs not raIn. The Garrymnodes will accompJIY the club and show the Tourist ball te.irii how to Ili ) ' tire national ! ame. 1"lrr section will leave Omaha at j o'clock and atrake two stops . one at the Golymede club room . the other at Heel's station . The second sectIcmn will seconl scclcl leave tine IUIP hOI\e \ soon after anti Pedal , through to Hecl's. Alter the bal game the , entire party will go < olco the \aler. whcre Mile Host Miller wilt' serve dinner at 12 I o'clock sharll. " . . " : Fred Shella Is rusticating In the wilds of I \yomln ! for two weektn , Charlie Foster slbrttf cn a bicycle trIp throtfh Iowa I'rllay 'm rllg. lalle : Iauawa 13 a favorIte ruin for the ciuhimien . marry going [ -.ver every e\'enlng. The ladles' run tl IrYllgton last Tuesday evening wag one of 'tie 10.1 enjo'ah1e of the , season. Se\cral' ' tdies 1 from the V. I. . c. , \ club accomllllr''le : ( cub en the trhJ Irs. Randall hal th4 'ryil ' , In clurge. Among these who alentcd ' ore : Mrs. 1.1char. lleJ 1omle. Miss ftly ? strol. : lu Thomas , I Miss tulhal , : \9S j I llps. lS9 ! Ogbnmrnr . MIss Cherry Ms : iherla Miss Ierr . Miss Atiilersoii . Messrs. ( , timhcr ; $ . Hohrach , ) Peler. sari Jcsseii . " lDouk. . I.'anchar , Sllw- l'cr , Shella , Toozer Mellon . Lytrehm Jenkins , lass and Iiauor . Captain Smith hiss Issued his August run corals enl wil give the club a chanct 10 try long tours. August I usualy one of tire beit rIding mllths of the ) 'e.r. the seWed slate of the roads and weaher making I so. The list embracps : Thursday ] evening Au. gust 1. Nuca ! Springs ; 8umby.UIust 4 , Missouri Valley . la. . sixty Iles : Tuesday . ovenlng , Myruter 5prlnf. . moonlghl ; Thurs- day evening . lanscom park . business meetIng - Ing ; Sunday August 1. Gainer 111 and Lake Manawa picnic al the lake : Tuesday evenimrg . August 13 , lort Omaha ; Thursday evemtimrg August 15 . Florence take fifteen iies ; SundlY , August 18 , ' k3Iah. fourth annu31 club century , 100 mle8 ! : Tuearhay evening August 20 , Dal8 park , tel mies ; . Thursday evenhmrg August 22. "alrmQII i park hl clmbln contesl. fourteen mie ! ; : Srinmrlay . Augult 25. Ircmmront . seventy-six mils ; 'uoslsy eenlng.UAust 27. OlllJnol run : Thursday ovenln August 29. optional . Sunday ' will he started erly run. runs \ I stalel eH\ enough In the morrmin to avoid riding In tIre morlnl heat ot the ihay . The interest In the mileage contest which cOlmcncel wih the Irst run of the past 10nth has not lapse I In tire least NIne of the rIders arc ted for nut irhace with several others II'cullj chose import their rear wheels The chub register shows hO.'J32 mies 10 ( the credit of the climb : for the month. wIth an average alendanc : of rot-ty. The mIll climbers have nol han their trial as ) lt Three trials . ill he lade this I tirorithi. Mrs. Itandahl. Mis. [ . ' . \clar ruin Miss Hempll' have an equal credit for tue Ilrl7es orerell fattIre lades. [ The following tabulated statemlnt wi tel the tale In figures for those" ho have reached the fifty-miiile marll. This table will be correctCI and Irublietred at the end of each month. 'fhe crcdlls are taken from the club register : Huns Attetirled . . Miles. H. Grmmmtiue. . . . . . . . . . . . Alen.led. . . Mils. 1' . 1..tellon. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 191 1"111 8helll..7 lq:1 : w' . c' . honk. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 III : .J \ P.nlsh. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 191 I , . 1ul.180n. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 191 C. I' : . Jenkimre. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 II 11. F. 10sfor.I. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 191 G. E. BuJPI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 191 H. O. Juck"on. . . . . . . . . . t lS5 H. P. Swohiorla. . . . . . . . . . . . , ; . 181 F. : I Spencu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iii 1".1. lars3n. . . . . . . . . . . . I r 19 G. ( 11 : Hnn ( al. . . . . . . . . . . r 157 C. 11 ' ltussehl. . . . . . . . . . . . r \ n. Ifohirhiack. . . . . . . . . . r 1r \ \ ' . ' , 1'dghrlIi. . . . . . . . . . . r in Alex Mqhton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1\1 . . H. I Jonel. . . . ; . . ; . . . . . . . : r 19 I.'rcel Ouldner. : . . . . . . . . . 2 s Frank Neweuitrb. . . . . . . . . . : larry 1'"lehl..L. ; . . . . . - Ii I. K Hmttht . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7S F' . H. : TrC lnlck.tf. . . , . , . . . : 71 J. h. Bull. ' ' . . . ' ' ' . ' ' . . . . . .3" . 71 C. ; lL 1"ltol. : . . . . ' 1. . . : . . : . . 'i- . , 61 ; Dlvl , lirirdilug. . . . . . " . . . . . . : : 61 Siac. < Knlskl..I.iJ'.3 1 1"- IC . I . . auditor . . . . J . i . ' . . . . . . . Ci 1"1. : Al \\olf. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 2 . , 61 Ii John I howe. . . . . . . . . . . : : Ii Hey H. " 'nlker. . . , . , . . . . . . 2 ! C. E. Barnum. . . . . , ; . . . . . 1 . Howard tlrtrner.h ' ! ) . . . . . 1. I P. I' : . Van enbur ! . ? . ! . . . . . 1 5 W'lihNterimm.s11pf ; , fit . . ' \ 'liea.1 . That there Is an unuual amoult of Inter- est being manifested ' time six-day cycle chas3 which opens le'the Coliseum tomorrow averring there Is not : \hr \ least I , doubt A visit to the track . any evirig lat well ! would have convinced the most skeptical. The leI grandatand which lines nCJrly the entire north , enl of the Charles Si eat Park was crowded with onloolleu every evening watching the riders lrallg and . cheel'lng 10 the echo ovrey hUI'st o speed of any mimer-It. That the track Is fast there Is no Iloubl. Several of tire boys have rl"lhn a Iluater mile In tinny mrecoruhs . which Is going at , the rte of two minutes fOI' a mie , Bert : Polel' rode a hair mile , uarpaced In 1:07 : 2-5. whlo : lcCuloufh ald Iixloy on a tandem mode the hat In 1:05 : . anll. this the frst tune they had ver b"en on the Irack. Iliad they have had a little IU'11lcl oil I and been Ible to have hpld tie pole better , they could have easily cut throe seconds oft their time. Manager Iardls has spared no pains In his efforts to ma\o tIlls the finest bicycle park In the 9vest and lie hiss succeeded ael- mrmtrribly. "We are gain to give limo people bore what they want , clan amlleur racing No fakes go \ \ Rim us. anal . hue racing will he tatter than thuy have ever winessed he- for-o , " says Mr. Mar-die. Some oC the fastest men , In tltrest have tlter ( I , and a hire . ' weell's racing mnray he reasonahly expected A small army or worl11en were \usy all last week putting Ihe fnbhlug touches on . amid the Park wi be In ship shape by to- morro\ evening Ora Hayman I'eturnell to Grand Island his ltonre last e\'enlng , after a two weeks' so- journ In this cl ) ' . A number ot tIre local racing men will go dean to I'-remonl Thursday , where they expect to Cwtlre the lion's share of ) prizes offered In the 'cyclo tournomiient. "Daby" Biss left for Chicago Wedneslay last , after alluslng : Omaha people for sovlral days by riding his twenty-four-pound wheel around the streets gdimrg In swimming at our popular summer resort arid numerous thins nrrichr to the amusement ot all. Dls [ weighs 60t pounds _ _ Hayman anal \ Pixley' dId \ not try for state records Yl'lterlay. as . a Intended , tine Oen- lemel"\ Roadster club beIng unwilling to give up the track , they haing the refusal ot same the balance of the season . Tine meeting was to bo held under the auspices of the As- modeled Cycling clubs , who ate not I lIttle put out about the matter , amid wheelmen wilt remember the Roadster club for theIr suiflsh- ness. - Mr. and Mu. Turner have rocelyed their new C911mbla tandem I Is a beauty , and as the popularity ot thpso machines Is rapidly preaenlu ! Ilelf no doubt \ there will be a number of them II the city before the seaon ) h I over. The August number of Nebrgska's bright and ne\sy little "hlel paper , known a the Western Wheelman out. I Is Ilublllell In Lincoln and deserves ho I patronage of al western wlwelmen , _ _ . BicyclIng la an excellent medicIne for a tired brain anal . dfordered hotly 1ullne. men who can afford , It . anti there are few who Can not . ought to ride. All physicians recoin- mend It 11 a means ofereaslng the capacity for mental labor an4 , \ereaslng new life and energy. I I I one alll IIl1artng and most beneficial exercises , : be practiced with discretion . There Is no need of trying to ride a halt century every iay or even like a streak every titian you go OU\ \ ( or ; coastllutlomral. I I aIs' ' not O'ly an ldejni exercise but I the poetry ot melon , beln ! nearer to flying than anythIng yet f'racthesiied . for nisu . )1td ) Many churches In the But brave provided place where blcyelO.wl \ cared for during church service and they invite Ilebple to come : to church on their wheel . ThIs I a step ' which western churche alive to their opportunities - tuniles will follow . ' A bicycle abed I oPPr. cr talDly not a len aptjofriste appendage tl a meeting house a\o bore shed Th. churches can not SLOp cyclerl front SQnday , riding by nbuklDI theta for , 1 lu their ab. . seneo , but may by h splllY wIn the pros. once ot man ) ' at thteims 1 II a proper to go to church on a wheel A tn a carriage , amid lomctlnes moro coir'enlent Sweaters'lh wide sailor collars IIIgel1 with stripes ot red white or blue Ire the newest wrinkles In that line. Time counts arc wOrn otmtsido the coat . The nl' I\eatcr Is much dressier than the neck-cirokitmg a1lc and I treeplng ! Into popularity . According to time ! IS9G stanlall at speed a mia undcr 2:30 : Is fair unJer 2:20 : good . unler 2:10 : Call. It Is not until two mlnule nble. or better h rCehld that It becomires rllal , } ll\o , 0311. thl eastern craclrjoek . who was thoufht to be alnolt Invincible carl ) In the lea20n , teenl to be hall ) ' out of corrihi- lion. He Is [ now only rUlllnc ecoll and thin . In races In hlch he anart Frank I 'el-Ier. 1-101 ( Xch. ) boy . Is . n tine city . ha\lng arrived cathy last week. lIe I rldini ful ami has been licked ' for a " Irler of thslx"la ) ' race. I" Ullow will he Co- rw tIps to ) ' 0111 racing mcn offered hy one ot our Cast l n who has hail years of experience : Alwas ride with your front wheel slightly Qltslll tire driving / wheel , of the man In front. I ht slows sullcn1) ' this will cnable ) ' 01 to e&C1111 a coilstc'mr. ! I you rule irreide a nun's driving ! whcel ) 'JI art 110\erle In ease a mal frol hehlnd spurts In trout. all If the man In front cuts a corner very cl.t veil may be borell onto the gr.ls cr collide wHh him. Never leek around : I Is I mGt IInnglrOU3 iiatitt . anti serves no good 11t Either listen for tire rush of your opponent's wheels with ) 'onnr head slchty bent er look balk unler your arm. When the sun Is nn your back look out for their Ihallow This will . as a rulc. f1\e you timely notice of n Ihlllen rush. Never slncken olce you tlr into the fnishing straight.'hemr one oases In one'3 slatIrt . elpccI31\ at the emid cf n h'1d run lace , I takes tml 10 get Jonr ! msgaimi . and under tuch clrllrl3lces n rnlh from hehl11 Is almest irresistible. \\'h@n hard Ilreec rememher that your : opponent I probahly quite as much done : s you arc. H then becomes a maier of pluck ; the 1an with the hlf1esl heart \1 v.1mm. No man cnn attain great raring 11slncton wltholt 11luck. When a man Is passing ycnr keep a careful watch. RIders ale ver emit . throl h carelcssneS' to cross too scum , amid . itnrieerr ) ' 01 fU1 : you wi fll LI difcult tD avoid . a collision. t n mal celheratel ) hares or fouls you . It Is your duty to report luau . amid , tire chl\.lrous [ eelnJ which prc\cnt , 80 mnny racinr. men fro , : ' ' ! ting this course Is inn isphaceti'lmorm In I secoll irosi t Ion ap- proachll ! the host corer yen sholid not oh- lethe header , 10 slow too mmmmncia. or sonic enl frol behind ma ) ' com wIth a rush arid net only take your Ilosllon before you can jllP Int your sprimrt but Ilro\ others wih ' 11m. ant eleetual ) ' pocket you. DJn't back-pellal at 1 corner. I w1 upset your steering . all It is [ luch easier 10 get around pedln ! if ' work the rIght or outside especially I you ! oltslde Icg thc hardest. I the corner Is a really inith l otre I often pays hy a slddel. rnsh 10 start \I men In front. sprLllng some sixty cr seventy yards train I. then sbw slghty , droll back and at they swing wllt gprilt h ) on the hriiule. Nothn ! lakes tire pace elf a machIne 'so much as to hllle a corner. \ \ have seen a man who carried out this dodge succcsfuly get a twenty yards' head . before the men wino had heen heading hll an Inrtant before could get going agaLI to catch him. 'he Omaha Dc'cle compan . which has jusl completell one of thc most complete racIng - Ing tracks II the country corer Seven- teenlh and Chartes streets amid where a great amateur race oi'emrs ' up tomorrow mrigirt nnnounces that It II preparing for a wonderul racing carl for state tall wek I null have some of the notable riders [ of the country here and expect to give an nler- talnment that wilt lurass anything ever lt- tempted irere - - - "Uute" Cabann Is reported to be In very bad shape nra . time result of his fall at Ashury park , all 1. 1s a question whether or Iwt tae wil race again thIs season Cabanne shoull have haul up for repairs after the accident at Asbury park , but he peralsted In rIding. le is I sufering tram hrulss and swelling re- ceh'ed on that occasion - The Lcagne of AmerIcan Whcelmen con- tnues 16 , Ilrnlous growthm . about r00 new names betmrg , added to tire memhershlp : list each week " l/pto / the present thin ? the New York dvlblon [ leads the league In new mem- beu. The total Ilnher of new memberl oc- mlt\ ' for tIme weelt enlel , July 19 was ! . making a total memhershlp of : i. H. I Is predicted that before the enl of the present 'eal' the total league membership wilt be over 50000. "The strnger will bt uhhsappohmrted . Iler. maps In the number of bloomerclall whoel- women that he wilt sec In New York , " says the genial Dave O'BrIen who was down at the Ashury parlt meet. "Wlrile not lacking . there are not so many as reports would move one believe. The stranger will . hrowevcr find the young woman In tan colored , short skirt amid leggings , shirt waist arid brown Derby hat , very much In evidence and far more womanly appealing than her sister In breeches many pcoplo tin nk . " r women cyclists wi have the saMI" , dIrectly over the pedals ninth fO high that when the peal Is cown the foot must he bent to reach It , they wi mal6 a much _ moro graccful appearance , This will . of course , make mountng somewhat 10re dlcul but obtrusive. the objectionable lee acton wi bo less Toledo 0. ; Syracumac' , N. y" and Iouls- vlle , Iy. , are after tire National League oC American \\'ireehnien meet ot 18 % . Toledo was first In time field. Its lanufaclmer mayo offered to pro\ide n fund of $10.000 or moro I ncccssar to prollerly carry out the affair. Its centrll location , Is twent- seven railroads and its past record In the pron10ton tf races all entertainment of visitors are all In its fa\'or. Ohio hal never had the natonal meet. Toledo has not been very prominent as a league town since . 1SSS , when I hanlled the Ohio tale meet vtr I ) buccessful ) The fact that the cast has' ' just had the mcel Is an argument In favor ot the west or ot1tiu. Toledo ought to have I , but Ioulavile , wih the best track In the world and n repiiatlon for hospItality second to mione , vilh mayo a strong pull with tire nuationurul asaemnrbiy. It is aiso runnored tirat Cleveland wants tine meet , but this liars hot been conhirineth , It 1mm ahmnotit marvehorna Irow simon will boast of tireir speedy performances until it cornea to thlling'out their entrY for a subsenurent hammdioaievent , Then tlrey BuddemaI re. nreumrber eli about an alleged sinortneisa of a course , thus lnconnipeterrcy of an official , or fail entirely to recall tineir heat tltnro. Chicago Is boasting of tIne Yerkes ide- scope , which , tirey say , will hiring the nmoon within fifty milieu of Srnroketown , A round trip to the nmroon will m ow make just a maica century run for Cinicago wheeirmren , and there will not be so mucbdanger of the riders cut. ting corners , either. "Are liners too rnramiy racing men ? " asks an excinarrge , aeeiirng arm excuse for tire large mruarsber of men without emrgagemnents , No , there isn't itult enough , bnt threro Is a great deal too fliiflV rulers who think tirey are raocrs , when they are mnot , The 1nrgiisti plan of making a man win it lirtz two or three- tunes before ho camr claini it as his property wilt never be ilopu. har iii tsnnerica. Ituders of hrght wjroeia can save their mounts many a strain if instead of die- mounting by the pedal they will simply per- nut tlremqselves to fall gently siniewaya and lanai on one foot , Thin xperlence by the postal rnutluorlties in tine use of wheels by carriers show a saying - ing of 50 irer cant over tire use of street cars , boaldes much better service. The Amerheaji chrampion for tIne season of 1895 is wttimout a question l' . C. flaud of the Cohummibh racing team-mi. Ito conmnurenced the raclnr year arm Juirti 1 , at San Jose , Cal , , and since that date imp to Jvly 23 , hmmchtmsive , bar vonmtpcted in twoulyaix races. Of these lie has worn eighteen , Inriiiding two natiorisi cbaui'ionmsbipa , raum second in thre , third mu two , one of winicit was under a tni ! ilunnil , iiath was declared w race , aird lit the renniannu- irig flare. lie was Ulnininiced , One of three was a two-nub hianthicap at Arabury I'ark , where Jan quit after riding than first nniile , and another was at Bsttle Creek , Mch ( , , July 22 , where ho was pocketed by the bunch. Of those rcea fifteen were salle events anti Ire won thrlrtc'cn of therm. Intring tire season he ha broken four myori&l'a reeorIa , the one anti Iwo.miie comumpetltlon records , and competItion reonds for thio one-quartet and orie-iritho tracks , besl.iea numnrerouns state anti local recoruha. At present he holds thin first inenrtioneai and the two latter , in adihi- lions to tue comnrpetitiomi record for the half- Italian of one mmnlnute flat , nmuiale at Denver last year , 1'cry coamipetitiona record denotes a victory and first posItion iii a race , smith in mio Case 9aB his time recorded for an inter- rmiedlato dLtairce , In this lartictmlsr feature lie excels every rider iii tim ' orld , mrot cx- eeptlmng tmumminermarsn.'ithu the racIng season - son hut half conrulaictod this Is a rcnrmarkabha record , arid as [ haitI is iniproving dully iii his ; nhyalcsl comnuhithon , his perceirtage is liable to be increased its the season athvarices. -p hiu'r I'uuuihtns , . ' .Vuts .V i'rmmPt'al t'J ) . I went into is Cohitnutnmi .av cr1110 drug store laut mmight for a mnmOtiremit's chat t lIlt niy friemiul , the mean ehek , says the Unstoni Record , Tire comuversatiumi wamntleteil into the geimmma custotmier , amid amrany a fuirny yarn of I tin tt lIes turd ' ays of thro meyer were spun. Hut mimic of timoini tuucirc'rl tiiti thnhtmg t saw as I stood threme. A Wonian esantein and asked for it postage statnp , haying too copmere oma has cetmniter iohngerly as sine thinl so. . , My frienil hn3ssed unit a vernnriliinn nbotnriiiartion , amnd sIte saul , "Yes , tiaanrk ynnmt bunt donm't you wrap tip tire goods you soil ? " "Yes , gemnerahly , but not postage starirps as a rule. " ' \'ehi , I wish yeti would put a paper aronnnth thIs stanump , Stammrps are Irorrud to carry in Onili's irncki't. Tht'y stick oI" Anal lInt' lonmg-smmiferImng young minus wrapieh thu ilostase stzmmrmp rip iii ; ' 'flhie haIler , I led it witlu a red string , amid hranaled out tine h'.ircel to lila ctistomnrer witia a snnuiie. 1)iml.ILM .t : I ) CI'N'I'S J Vhin t I ma I m-rest.Ynsu i a , ( ' , , uNluI'rl IllS % 'hrit lIed um t'mis niu .t t' . ' t im lint v& ' . ( laruien fanning inn tue smith Is mnot like nmnuurkct gandemnumilI itt tine couitrtry , hecause in the roirthr yttt rio riot tame yotmr prohnct hub towtu amid hiat'e to stamrrl arronrrail all 110) ' waiting for somrmo one to buy you out at starvation ; nriu'es. Von , our tIre contrary , at Orcirnirrl hlommes : mmii mit other sutttrermt fr-tilt amuil vegetainlo Iroints , take your fr-tilt or vegetables , or itothu , halo town ntuuii laniunerhi- ateiy sluip thenru on fr-nit niiu1vcetnrbhe tr4hmas mmii esiecirmliy ) for thrat nuurirose to tire rort : nnnirkots of Chaicaugo , St. l4uui. New Orleans. Tins is why youn have alwruyas a ataar-kct nmnni aitvaya get time bcst Prices for what you raise. This is onto reasour , added 10 tire fact of iravitrg time richest anal minost fertile ccli iii tire worh.l , that ycnumr land , mis a result of your labors , pays you all tire way front $109 Inn $259 arm micro. Tire United States Cemisus flnalletlmi shows that ii great hnroportinmm of tim vegetables amnil fr-tilt corisurmmid hny lire large cities auiil towns are hirorhunceul fromir 500 to 1,500 mum's atta ) ' fromm throve cities nmnii towan8. inih it is for hula reasoim , too , thmat thaes cult's cmiii lowmns , instesul of hraviang to have rmiiy vegetables in , tireir mampectivo seasons , conlsummro tiremn tIre year r-onaiail , ulrawmn frommr uilfferenrt sectiomrs of tire conmmitmwhirrc the ) ' ane m'nIsed amid bronmghrt niunickli' to mriarkot , This is anotlmer reasomn wit ) ' Orchard Iloannes \uii p4) ' so well nmn tins hnrruiicln of itnuhuistry- it has thic' markets of than cast. rmom-tin anal sountla to macit to uluring tveivo mriontlis : of thro year. After than mrnltis'mmntner ' seas-nun of tire niontin is passeuh tiac fertile somntiu hia still a fresh crop ready for the mirarket. For other Inrteresting ilatan as to Orchrnund llounres addresser or see Gino.V. . Mares , general ngemnt , 1617 F.nrsmarru street , Onmnnira , Ncb. ( in sOtniu. Tire title is tinrrrrnul thrat wniy. It is inonnmnnl to wiun. Innvestlgate thus reglomn for yourself , We wIll slimY it to you. You will laity there. Pros- hen ty rurnth hit'titY ta III a I t ro c t you . No chin tac of faihumre for tue rober , inaihrrstriorms armami. Na t tire hr ellis hr I mr , hrei pa a I I I ire t I uric , nina ] iow'erfnmhii , Count' anna See yourself 'hat thus Irrommniseul land is hike. If It. iiona't suit , uloua't biay. No hot wimnds , no uironmtlrui , no low nuices , no iouig cold w imiters or fierce hiiizzards comufront tIre reslrheurt of Orclnarth homes , 'l'hrer-c is abuiniulant rainfall , cool stiatnmnnors ann mmliii wianter-s. flomnnrteoums crops amid good p m'hces , KIRK'S Eloquent Appq , , Flas Had Ito Ffi-'t- RAIN WATER I1AKER Has Become tine 'l'tilk of tine Country -.It Iltu ; Attnalsicd that Protni- notice Y1ilcht ito Oilier Coin- p05111th Crams burnt Of. READ IYJIAT Ills DESIGNED FOil I tnmn Vater Maker is ann article thuat cain be used for all irouseitohd roqmnhrotuaents. Is especially dernlgmred for liolalliug Inrluited gooula fronmi running or fadhmng ; vhrllo for wasinlnig hiamuanniha or woohanna it Is delIghtful , as one handy puats it , as It prevents tireumr front ralirjnktrtg nina hnrereasea tineir loathing qtuuh- ity and uhinrabIhity. For tine bath italmr Writer Maker iii exquisite. Ashc your grocer for tins great worming conmpoutud and be counvinnced. , , : rH GRET4HuDN. V r ' V ' ' : . ' . f' ; _ ; eeVV. . , etromu ( , Al Ft , c V. , PVA i V ; ti : This extra ordinary Re- ' ComitIpaUosr Dizziness , , Jirvenator is Palling Sen. S It e in o a t , satlorrsNerg'- wondorui discovery or oustwltthhng of the tire age , .t. and eyes ether lrai been Ca- dorsealbytho patla. headinngacleu. .Stroingthons , tub Y.otopo nd and tones the Jtmnerfera. Cintirasysiem , ihmidyan Is i4UdiSn cures purely Vcgo. B a U I 1 I t - , ibho , Nervousness , ifudyami stops rm I art ions , Prematureiess and deyohopc of the it I a. amid veak restores . ' organs. charge in 20 l'ains In ( Ire dftyL thires bsk losses LOST byairiyoz MANHOOD ' night stopped :1 : I J :11i : , , . t , , V quickly. Over 2f4 private endansenuents. l'rematurencsi rm9Csfls Imnotenoy lii lire fIrst stage. it is a syn1poaj otscminst ws'akncsns and barrennesm. II can be LilOlJpOd ira 20 days by the trio o r liudyan , The now discovery tvun.s snada Lv tire Special. itoftho old famousHudson Medical institute , It hat jhnai strongest Yltmtiizer made. It Ia very powerful , but haumiess. 8ohd ( or 8100 a pack. ago orG pskagea ( or f.5.OO ( phalli sealed boxes ) . Written guarantee givemmIpracure. hfeou buy sixhoxesnund are ot entirely curcdefa mom wIll be scat to you free ofali cbargera , Semi' ! for eircuhrursanh teatimonlal. Address JltJlSN MJDWAE INWrITV'rkl , Junction Stockton , Slurkot & , . Pliant Eranacirco. Cash. H A SPECIALTY' pjjIsIJ rlnuaryBo Ondsry or'tesa ttarybyp1raiisermonthy cureul 1mm 1 * to 35 stars. You can be treated at home to , lbesaeprlcuudomegusrsty , ii yutmprcferto OOU2Q hisro see will Contract to pay tutiroad tare soul hotel bills. sail no thargs If w.ZiIloture , Ityou have taker , inner- cury , odIde [ motMsln , mnd .1111 have rbOi arid pains , 3tuuou j'tchusws tin nuoutta , hSor. Thirprs4 k'iiupie. , Copper ( ohijd Hpots , IJleorn on so , prlofhs beds- , little or Evbrowa tslilng out , It ii this $ yphhiltto IiLtl ) l'tlSON thai ci. guarnsnoo lu rose. V's poiteal ibs moat obatt. date casoC Cnn inui1nue tira world for as casaswoesnrn.tcnr. ; ntal , di'osso has always hri'fliotl th.e iakIil nftre SnuCt iniualneol phays'L. Chairs. .nuiwuo cspnts taehinrl our unacnni4t. llnni guu'a.ao' . .a % bin i use tiroo fa asiji IaIs4 GQ ( ' 00 * . JMsi " f b5554K1AUQ , & ThtI DOCTOfl'S COLUMN , v , i. , n. , h'tniia.-ltaut'e a very weak stomach , anl scm i'ia.i exee5sively nervous.'a'haat wcui4 a-oil atheist' ? Take Osatrlno , in teaspoonful doses , three tunes daihy , after meals. Omrco or twice a % voek take a teaspoonful of Nathrohlthic Salta ut a iaahl a trnnnrbher of hot water , omro-iiall tuoitr before breakfast , Cerebrimme , 1st five. drop uloses , three tunes tInIly , It. i. IC. , hlooten.-For the local troubht ycu name , take Tistlne in five-drop doses. three tunics dOll ) ' , 051 tInt' tomugue , for Irvi , lmmonthis , Ounce or twice a w eck tnk a aho of N.atlrrohlthmlc Salts a luaU luour before break. fast , Slecin iii a cool roemat on a hrarul runt- tress with lIght covet irag. Avoid tobacco , spices ama liquor , lhiy , New 'ork.Vra ( carat I use ( or thick. enet sktni on thit' huntn4s ? Tike Thyroithine , extract of tIne thryroitt glanti , inn tlaree-tirop aloecs , thur-co tunes thrriy. ma tine tomugtne , Sirs. .1. N . , . Ctuuun'erutoa. N. V . -\'til yell l'lejre mtmes'rltue at remnn'.I . ) ' f'r liasures of lunar fot. lca-eI ty innrust , itsn5iiflrtiorr , arlsu exu a inn met. ' oUi'muees ? V Take Cerebrlmre , extract of the brain , Itt flve.drup thot's , three tlmrres daily , our tiai tongue , Omnee or twice is week tnikt' a of Ntrtirrohltiuic Salts , hhratfaho Drtmgglsts. (1. N , 0. . , iiutiTaiv. NStato ayrntptomits of khdmrey trouble. Carrllmne , extraret of this hrenirt , is inrobabiy imnahiciteil. . \ \ , T. Phtihlt , hal. I ) . ? .icJ. Iem't. Cci. Chin-rn. ( \ ' . TIlh ANIM.tL EXTIACTS ( iOht ltmlL I ; i-i , I'rnnui I Ita. Iirui mm , ttl3l- II llm i , l-'rni I in' Staliantl ( lord , ( ' .i It. . ll % 11 , i'm'iia I ii , ' hk'niu'f , ' 1'IS'l'1L. , ) % ' , t II lNl , 'I'll iUlj ) % I1 , tov. I PiouS. I'rlee , 'l'wo intiehttims , $ i.C. I.s'I'h&lNmi. A new nmni % 'aluitjie trim -thy ( or ) , ' ' , 1i.SL l tiilh1 h'I1)h1 l'i tlS , _ iOhm M.\t.\lti.tm , .tn-'Fflt"l'iON $ , Nit'lh.r.am. , I4n't l I Ill ) , t'm t i. 10 : s'ii I It On.I''tI II' $ .t i'i'S. Ilnntitnrat ( 'tmmnsitiautrns ; , 'l'or'or of tire ht.wl , naui Inutuct Itnn tat tha 5.ieer. Oa ) CInin , At alt IruagIata , or ( rein Cttl1Vh it I Vt ( 'hi i151 lC. I , ( ( ) , , 4.'mul fer iI Ic'mir I uite , % 'nshrl uugtniu , 1)C , For siu , by IUiiN & CO. , 15th and Douctas , VU.tOX 7A1w PILLS isameanit p4lIItif , Always reliable. 'Saks rio uubrttnuu , , icr 'ttit' by altlruirsimv. $2.00. lentt , 4 , for iVoeari'e&mreoninrd. WIlCOX ht'KCIS'tI.i Ca , as souTh lhuIT1 : [ S n , i'itn b.tUA , , I' , ' . DR. LOBB'SBOOI ( FREE 'lo nil tamtterers or Rrror-sof 1bot ! rind JIite , otirnnatth mnnna , , , 5ttlus.cuotb l'ounrt , 'I'rvat- Its mirth atrI'ui eouiritlentitui. cure guano. tred. ( 'all or-write. 1mm. bOll it,3. Nlluim tii.l'hilti. _ _ _ _ _ _ :5 PATRON IZE HOME INDUSTRIES fly uturcirasing goods mnntho ot the following ehrnaka ( aetorica. It you camr not fluid wirat s-cu want eominuriuanienruo withi tire Irnamnufac. turer-na as to Vinat dcnhon inruidl their goods. Vfll ( ? & ISURLJPtNI , 'i'hI'IX ! ? . BEMIS OMAHA BAG CU , ? .lnnutacturers of all kinda of cotton and buar. iai , bags , cotton ffour sacks amrit twine as spec. .iay , Gli6nC-6l3 S. lIth'St. - J-rIwhrE1t1J.3 , Ca : load ahaiponeat , mada in ommr Own 'retrige. r niter cars. litue Itibbon , Iiite Export , Vienna .xport , and Fammnily thaport , delivered to all parts 01 city. - - - ( J0 1'FJ.'lt'J ( fife , it.i KZ.I Pt ) Il' ! ) lU. COSOLLDTD CQFFE CO , , Coffee floiuster- , , , SpIce Grlmmdcg , 1nnufauctur , era Uernrua , , 1J.nklag Vowtler and Qermnamo hop Yeast , 1411 trod lilt Iiarnsy.sL , Omaha , Ne - V C.Illh1.S(1.v , JfrC DRUMIONI ) CAIlRIAG1 Co. put rubber tires nmnnl bali bearIng axles on their owun make vtititev , and sell us top buggy for uo.oo besties. Vt rite threna. 18th and Itarney , - I"LO (110 , . . V Manufnc'irmrer of Gold Medal Fiour. Black , Lanager , _ _ , FUlxI2uI0l ! : z't CTOIfJJS , -'V OIAIiAUP1iOLSTERiNG COW. iianuactnirer-a of i'arhor Surnhttmre , TIounge , I3lrauurg 'rabuca and 1-'Oidlirg Lueda. 15th UCC Uoyd to Sbaier Sts. V - - : - V 1C1 d'm'J ) CUIL. SOUTffICEANUCOtLCO % , BonmresIo ( and Steam Coal. We have the beaL cl-mice 1601 L'arnramii-t , ' .L'iepironor Ofirco 13.E yntrd , 1766. .1. A. Doe , Gcnoral Mainrager , _ _ _ - - V - V - luox iI'oItu. ' , , DUSTII IA L IRON IVOR K S. Manutactunhnrg timid flepatrlng of li kinds OCn machinery , enginies. punaps , elevators , pnlnthni Itrosea. hrangerri , shaftIng attn cauphimme , 1405 an , ] I 503 llowtrt-l.t. , Onnaara. PAXTON&VIERLING IRON 1VORKS Mamnufacturers of ArchItectum-h Irnui Vor-k. General 13'ounndry , Mlihfl and BlacksmIth Vork , jiangirmecra unit Lontinnctors ( or r'Ir. i'roof hiuiirhings ( lilies anti , vorlts : 11. I' , my. uuni.i So. Ilttr bireet , Onrahra , . - f- M4T1'u'L's , Cfl'.l , ( J10113.'l. . JiIannnacturer ltfrttir-esw , , SprInt Dedz ; Jobbe. I'ctttiici-s stahl i'ifla'vs , N , 11th an NicirQiira 615 , . Onnaha , . _ V.- , , .1 XIIJ-a C1'UIU.YU WlI0Sftt4 l'.s , _ iiii E cEiciiiicoIItNy. ? t5auuUfacturtru of Flaukl 'I3xtractp , litIrirs , Syrunt3 atril 9'Inmea cOmmuprgdnnII Ithuiniae1 ( hypo. 4Qr-priU tablets , pills mtt0 selerrthiho nnaethlcgh nrov. etties. Omuatna. 5iI.\1f10.11. , I , .l7 J0U , MEIESSA ) MIIIEIAL ( WATER CO. , tea So , 11th sO. , Tel. 234 , Med'amua P.liueral \Vuter , Carbonated , Unnequsiied. l'iain ( or tabi. u unusuurpaesed. Ft8flMIflrtW. A1ERICAN DISTRICT 'I'ELEGRAPII , The only perfect prctccthon to property hixomn. lute ' it. Ikat tiaiuug on eartiri flducns Insur. sires ratt. 11.11 Dcuighna.st _ . - - -V ' - = 1 ( VI Yfilt.11I. 1'itJTOUhJV't , . - - - - 4snutaeiurets of Main's nsm4 Itoys' Cltiairi , Paitta , Ilrlrh , , rr.d O-iemohh f.5 S. hum at. . - 2.n , ; : : , - . - J..1 J'flj JiO.5I5. 'iiiFiiiirAihii' : _ i3ox d T" Manmnfaeua-en ( , of nil kinds ctf I'apor losr $ Shelf flosri , $ .iunph. ( aae. , Mailing 'i.abi , * , sic. 9Yv4dimn cliii , sini lenny Cisnn-ly buxti , durgls umrul jewelry boxes. ltl-i Junii-ad. , Oiastra5 ; - _ _ _ _ _ shunT lU'1'i')1l1a'i , _ J. ii. EVANS.--NEBR.SKA BlURT CO. ixelusIve cUeton ahint Iir& mit l1araaru'.alTcl5Dtoft. tg ,