Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1895, Part III, Page 18, Image 18

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F 18 'rJIB ; 01\LAIIA DAILY J1EJ1 I / : RlTNDA"Y , AUGUS'l' 4,1S9. ! . r
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ r , , "
t A ' A Glance Over the Diamond and the Racing
orId ,
- '
- -
1 I111111f fill 11111110' lIrlflh'lf ! 4lrr"lIIlI ,
= 1'he 11I1""llth. 1"11111" 'I'ollr-
alnuunl I-'I'h. . Ilnrsrs . llull ,
( iuI and Dug
tihe history of the turf will bear out the
tatemont that match races are always unsat-
Idaclory and fllsappolnllnl : . < amI In a way ) is.
tory repeated Itself In the recent race at 1'roe-
. purl between Jdm R Gentry and Jee Patchen.
The latter , to be sure , threw a shoe In the
first heat , and that furnished his admirers
with pleut excuse for his defeat nut they
were only grasping at a straw. As It Is every
experienced horseman to ! firmly convinced thaI
Joe Palchen belongs In the second rank and
John n. Gentry and Robert J In the first rank
of pacers The latter horse paced a mile In
2:02 : at Detroit on the same afternoon , and It
Is II great ! pity that he could not have been
at Fret'pott 10 take a third part In the big
event had he been at the three.quarler pole
to come home , with Gentry It Is probable that
the pacing record would now be 2:00 : or within
a second of It. The rate of speed maintained
throughout the first thrce11 Carters ! was something .
thing unparalleled , and the first half In 0:591h :
simply astounded everybody. This heat told
the story and lhe next two emphasIzed It.
Negotiations were pending ! for a three-
cornered race between Robert J , John H.
Oehtry and Joe Patchcn , to be decided at the
Inl1lanapolls meeting which commences August .
gust 12 , but the Hamllu ! declined to enter
their horse , and there Is 10 be no race. Such
n race , however , might bt' arranged later on ,
say at Terre Haute or Lexington , and then
, the public could be satisfied as to the relative
merits of the three greatest pacers. In this
, race the distance flag should bl placed about
twenty , or .twenty.five yards from the wire ,
ana ! then there would bo no opportunity to
lay up a heal , and the drivers or no two
horses could combine against the olher. Under
der such ccmlltlons we would see a first class
contest In every mlle , and a hlppodrome-
what races or this Icfnd generally are-would
bo ImpJsslble.
It Is a noted fact thai , although the great
Axlell (2:12) ( : ) , who was the wonder of the
trainers' world l In his I.year-old : form , has
aired fifteen trotters with records of 2:30 : or
. .bo ter . very few of his gala took theIr marks
In races , and not one of them could be
Called ! a hlh.claes race horse. Indeed they
have showed such little ablllly 10 win that
several writers , going ou the theory that
, like produces lIIef' . have hlntcd that It must
have been Axlell's extreme speed and not
any of the other race horse qualifications
that enabled him to defeat everything he
met. One of his gel , Axtellold , started at
Freeport and easily won the 3-'ear.old trot
defeating ; such good ones as Abnet and
Medlumwood In straight beats ! , and reducing
his record or 2:29\4 : \ to 2:1ti : % . Axlellold Is
splendidly gaited , has a great deal more
speed than It was necessary for him to show
and , above all , Impresses one as being a
race horse. It may be thaI be gets the
hitherto unknown Quantity In Axlell's pro
oncy ! from side dam , Delight , by Starlight ,
but at all events he Is the worthy descendant -
ant or a noble horse
Lovers or the trotting horse did not have
the pleasure of seeing OnolJua and Deuzetla
meet last year as 3-year-olds , when both
flllics won so much money and fame but
they will this season , and the probable reo
suit of these meetings Is already being dls-
I _ CUBSI'd. Onoqlla won a creditable race at
Davenport .a sew weeks ago , but did not
lower her record or 2:11J1 : , because It was
nat necessary. She Is reported to have
, worked ' a trIal mlle In 2:06Y-i : , however , and
If this 'he lrlle her Irnprovt'lIIent over last
year's form Is all that could have bean <
_ wished for. At Tiffin 0. , week before last ,
t 11euzelta took a record of 2:09'1. : , In the
third heat of a winning race , and could have
t trotted faster had anything driven her out.
j Of course she lee Is In IJrllllO condition , and
every race In which Onoqll1 and ' she cOllie
together ought to produce a battle royal
iIIlany horfCmen predict that before the
season closes one of these mares will have
a record of 2:05 : ! : 01' better.
C.\ . W1lIhuns' fOllrlet'n-wtels' ! trotting !
k meeting Is ! In progress at Galesburg and a
t great many horses that could hot win any-
where else have been shllllcd ! there. Such
prolonged affairs . as this Is to be ought to be
; discouraged by all reputable horsemen , IS It
has a marked tendency toward bringing the
sport down on a level with hippodroming
Neither ! Galesburg's population nor that of
any city In the land leas ever yet been found
large enough 10 support such a meeting.
The prlvllcges will bo north next to nolh-
Ing and there Is but one way for Williams to
got his money-oul of the pockets of those
who make , entries with him. The entrance
money " In nearly every race will greatly exceed -
s- ceed the amount of the purse offered , allll this
I surplus joe 10 the far-slghlcll proprietor of
f the lrack. It Is the same as If all tie drivers
"werl III a poker game and they had agreed
j upon Williams as the "Kltly. These races
. : will arouse no Interest whatever and the ma.
majority 1
Mr Williams has done a great deal for 1M
1 trotting horse and his owner , lint his latest
Innovation Is calculated to bring both Into
: ' discredit.
' I . Charles H. Tipton - of IIadrd : : , this state , Is
$ ' handling J fine siring or hones this year.
In the 2:29 : trot at 1'leelwoolI last week VI.
dalla reared and tell backwards , breaking : her
i The well known \ Nebraska Fire , Charles
jot Caftrey hos three new 2:20 : performers to
J his credll.
a IJeuzetta , 2O91y : , Is the fURtl'st trotter of
the Onward fatally , and no one knows \ how
I , much faster she can trot.
i The : old-lime champion , thud \ S , has been
. ( hid to 11'ortlder ' ' ' ' . son of Advertlsnr , , . 216'/ ; .
L agd Waxana , the dam of Sunol
, . F. ' One of the boat new performers this season
m : . Is Beyreuth , 2:21 : , by Stranger lie lidS
: started six times and WOD first money In every
r t race ,
, . _ Iowa comes to' the front with the eensa-
l a I tonal race of the season the tree.for.all pIce
at Davenport where Fldol gained a new reI'
nerd of 2:06y : ! and distanced : Strathberry.
Two fine lIorsPs-Geoqe ; Mark , 2t6 , and
Robert Bonner 2:20Y-wem : driven to death
In the :2O : ! pace at Steubenvllle , 0. , recently ,
: The weather was excessively torrid and the
! . , : race was only finIshed after seven tremendous
1- heals : ,
, , Surest " little Mix stamp ) a fine show or be.
. ; Ing boston out before the runpalgn 1. over
t IIl1r exhibition mile at La Crosat' , when site
" could do no bettor than 2:0IlU. : must have
seemed very tSllle as cOlllllued with Azolo's
, : : :01\-l : \ and l\alllath's \ 2:094 : inn races.
i When completed the race turk III the state
fair sroullIJJ will be one or the very fastest
and very beat In the cOllntry. Some seem to
' If tllnk ! thai the springy ccndilion of the northeast .
east ! " turn will militate against speed , but SUe
1 perlntend..nt SwlJtlt asserts that the drabs
s age system will be so thorough that nothIng
2 hi t .to be feared from this source ,
Dlrectllm has gone ! lame , cud ! IL Is exceedIngly -
t , Ingly doubtful If he will be able to go another
c } ' race this lesson The statement was lIIado
'i ' ( , a few weel" 1I1I'e that he was carrying an
abnormally long too , and thai In the opInion
r of good horsemen thlll would Canso him to
break . down whets ' ' '
given 4 hard race. The .
1 e' x definite cause of hLs lamt.'ni'1IS Is not known ,
' but the lone toe theory has the 0111\ ' \ with the
i' best horsel1lt'n.
Fully 90 per cent of the present trotting
' 4 ' and pacing champions < < were foaled ! In the
w cat. The fastest trotter , the champion
trotting stallion ' and gelding \ , came from this
eti section , The fastest pacing stallicn the I
champion lit haif . mlle tracks , both time and
race records , were foaled west of the Mis
e Ilutl'PI river , Out of Ihlrty.hlo trotters
c with records "t % :10 or better ( prior 10 1895)
n thirteen were " locletl' ' In the section referred
to. Of the IIIY'lonn ! 2:10 : pacers , UtI to
( the close cf 1894. twenty.ftve came from the
great "uti
An abundance 01 excellent cora weather
lays the Western Horseman , II feat putting
the west ea tits highway that leads to pros.
perky . Ooco1 cropa.lllnify UI timel. Every
western man 18 a lover of a hone race , and
when he has money In his pocket he will KO
a. long way to witness a trotting ! , pl\clng or
running race. If the manners of the western .
ern tracks will lee , to 11 that aD Intere ting
program Is furnished , advertise their mepl.
Ingo thoroughly : and put their race courses In
tha best shape possible . there 19 nothing to
present InccesUul / meetings In every county
of ftJwa , Masson , Nebraska , Kansas , Oklli'
h'I/IIa ' / , Colorado , Minnesota and both the Ia- )
kotas. '
The free . tor . all pace at Cleveland last
Thurlday was one of the good old.lIme events
-a horse race on Its merits For jolly Jack
Creery ) 10 take JOI' Palchen and bent the
flelll , with the InvincIble Geers allll itnberl
J In It was a triumph of which ho may well
be proud , It was the fastest race ever paced
aM a great achievement for the horse and
driver who won It. More plums for lire
west , the horse Patchen being a product of
Kansas , while Curry was fit PI known to the
raclns world on u breeding harm nt Suprrior ,
web Patchen will take Gentry nexl.
tzote who captured the gelding champIon-
IIhlp at La Crouc liy trotting a mile In 2:01V& : ,
promises to be the Iclnl-llln ; Iree.for.all horse
of the yea . This horse , one of the blgselll ;
trellers ever seen on a track , wa'1 ' bred al
Palo Alto , but was bought by Monroe : Salls-
bury for $ It OO. This was one or the shrewdest .
est purcha e@ ever made hy the 'Ia@ter of
I'leaaanwn. as Azote nude a glorIous catn-
paln ! ! : In 1894 , and was one or the blgi ; . ; est
money winners or the year. Tubs season : the
son of Whips has been successful In every
start and has done enough 10 warrant tine be-
lIer that the world's record Ls not beyond the
California e\cllng. ! ; \ A mile In a race lu 2:01V :
Is unprecedented this early In the year. Azote
weighs no less than 1,200 pounds ! In racing ,
' \ 'I tin IInlllllllll and 1I1111111..rh''H ,
IIon. John ; ' 1. Thurston and Mrs. Thurston ,
with their two young daughters , are encamped .
camped In the mountainous wilderness near
Hlllley , Idaho , , where they will spend a fort-
nIght or so. Mr and lIIrs. Thurston are
both adepts wit h the rod and reel arlll will
certainly have seine glorious sport with the
trout , while the senator hlmselr Intelllis to
decimate the ranks of the mountain grouse
on elf days. Dr W. J. Galbraith and Olra.
Galbrallh and son , Willie , together with Dr.
p . . X. Conner IInd ) II lIumber of eastern
friends are also fishing and hunting In the
vicinity ot pulley . Edgar \ e. Snyder and
wife anti babies are In the mountains anti
will join the Thurston party aL the above
mount after a brief stay lit Shoshone and a
ramble through tine- lilue lakes cOl\lllr S. .
If . H. Clark and party are In the Yellow- I
stone country and with J. II. \lcConnell : will :
rendezvous aL lIalley later on. I
- I
Squirrels arc Fald to be unusually plentiful :
In the timbered ravines down the MissourI
and some line bags have been brought
III Iecen tly.
The ladles' target shoot at the new Crescent -
cent Gun elnb's meets Is 11 very Interesting I
feature , and several of the fair shots are
developing considerable skill I
Twenty years ago It was unlawful to kill
hawks and owls In the state of Nebraska ,
IInll today It Is perfectly lawfl\1 to kill such
grand gUllle birds as wild fowl and Wilson
snipe at any season of the yeal'
The. Omaha Gun club should take a stand
and suppress the Illegal bane In game In
this city. The chIcken season Is now on ,
that Is the "unlawful season , " and lhls club
should see that the game dealers In this city
are brought up standing If caught handling
the birds Hotel ) keepers should also be
notified to keep hands ofT.
Deputy United Stales Marshal Dill Lld-
Illard , alias "Hattlesnale Pete , " must show
up within lwenty.four hours wlUI that basket
or trout entrusted with him by a Long PIne
gentleman ! ; for the sporting editor , or he will
be unceremonIous ! hauled up before Councilman -
man Saunders and fined for conlempt. See !
A large : : party of Omaha anglers Is pre-
parIng for a raid on Pat Sheehan at Lake
Washington some time during the latter part
or this month.
Joe Sykes and Charlie Coons two Union
pacific magnates , have returned from a few
days with the trout upon Wood river , Jdaho
Young ! : dove shooting Is now at Its height
and the ' 111tllS are plentiful everywhere
throughout'the state.
l'IIhn' whin ! tll ( ' hull C'nIl1 . .
The race for the pennant / In the National
league still continues to be thc race at the
base ball world. The flag Is still within the
reach of any of the first tine teams , St.
Louis , Louisville and 'ashlngton being the
only ones hopelessly In the rear. For two
more weeks the race will be confined . I
fined , to ,1\lnlersectlonal \ duels , east i
against the east and west against . .
the wellt These battles may cut a big figure
lu changing the standing oof tine various
chubs , annul It Is not hUllt'obalJle that tlew
fares will be seen at the tOil of the list. As
It stands now , Cleveland , Plttsburg , Balti-
more , Boston atlll Cluclnnatl , the five leaders ,
have held clear titles lo their posltlmts , while
Philadelphia , Chicago and llrooldYti have en-
JO'I.'II the sensation of abIding In positions
In close proximity , and which may on almost
any day be exchanged with those above
Jacksonville ! bas chased bIg Joe Katz as no
Mercer appears to be losing his grip as a
Joe Kelley , of the naltlmot'es Is accused
of sulktug
Cincinnati has turned IIogrlever over to
Indianapolis ,
The New Yorks already hn\'e won their
s ° u II' ! from Chicago and Louls\'Ule.
Pitcher Killen ot Pittaburg has been laid
up almost seven wee s. He Is still 'onllul'd
to hb foom
Jerry Denny 1'1 now In the hal and cap
IlIIslne In Norwich , Conn , stud doling !
c\'eryb-wall. .
New York inns purchased Outfielder l Butler
It Nashville . 'He Is' tine IC'2llllng oUlflrH : In
the Southern league. l
Tony 'Iullane recently held Detroit down
to one hit alid'one ' Cun. No pitcher ot record
has done boUC this season
Manager Seleo 'or nasIon hopes 10 land
Catcher Dt'rgen of line Kansas City team.
Bergen Is ! a New England boy. dQlng , excellent work as utility
non for "ltlburg , At present he Is filling
Elmer : Smith' fhots In left-held.
lIugh Duffy , ' JlmlllY Dannon and Catcher
Tenney are three ' Dean Eaters who will
enter the matrlmonlal stakes after the season
cloNes , , t '
When the''New'Ybrks : return tonne Doyle
will 1)111) second ! bases Murphy short stop and
Stafford will ,1)0 . to left I field Puller will be
given n rt&l.
Manager NLCol l ot. the Rockrords ins ! \ , signed
Flahert , who' began the season with the
Loulsvllles , lie will' make 11 strong man In
minor COmlan1- :
Outfielder . Lush ot the Rochester team In
the Eastern IMlu has been IJurcha@ed by
Wa hluglon .JOt ' 11.000 : lIe johns the team
after Soplenlbe ) q. .
The WMhlngtoll Slob ; has i orrerp'1a.CharleB
Abbey ! and Catchier Mahoney for either
Clarke , or Shugqr ( , of the Loulsvllles , The
offer was Mlln ! ! > 1 q'Tlthout : ! thanks.
Big Bill I4tgio r I beIng boosted to play
second base , fola.chlcago. Asa Stewart Is
said to be playlug the bag like ; ; a. tired
street car drh'cr' and needs n rcst.
Umpires are pasting \ In their caps Preel-
dent Yount decision which , In rinse ! there
are two 1I111111rell1111l game , alnkes tine ! IIInn
at the plate the b9" " . The other Is only an
Jesse Dnrkalt .or Cleveland hu slumped .
suddenly ) In his ,1Iatllus. Ills average now Is i
below ,400. It'N too bad thaI poor Jesse cannot .
not tilt any harder : most any man In the I
league ! would b'3 tickled to death to hit In
.300. '
Jenes Is the best base stealer and line
liveliest all around player In the association ,
. u none according to the QuIncy Herald.
If t he could only Uting up his batting average
with fewer pop.up's the bIg league would gobble
ble hllll next year
First Dnsenlllll MeVey of Quincy according .
Ing to the tocMord ( Regilter-Oazelte. while
In liquor because engaged In a brawl over the
payment of a t1 ( l bet and knocked out a
Qulnc piumber _ 4p { ' one round. It was tine
brat hit Mac had. made tll several weeks.
There are three ' rtllths In the league , three
Sullivana and three Clarks There are two
Crosses two lt14ps , three "ebeauI , two
Millers \ . two Bannona > > , two Willons and two
AbbeYI. 'filer'III a l.oug and a Lange . a
Doyle o and a .1M.v , . .1Pa'y \ ! and p Dally. a
Donavan IIn4.iMp. ! \ . and a Orlmn anti a
. -
Grlffilh , There are nine Macs anti two O' ! ! ,
and all are doIng quite as well as the only
Helll ) ' .
No one has heard Joe Ielle complain of
hard times , asserts Hen MulCor,1. lie has already .
ready eared $1,200 of his year's salary , and , It
la whlsllered thaI he will spend Rome of It
In the fall on a honeymooning tour 10 the
Bahama Islands ) , or solute other spot where
love's young dream can be enjoyed to the
Omaha III too good a base ball town to re-
n/lI'I ; / out of line prorelBlWRI told \ lonr ; Western .
ern league magnates ! are s&lIslled that with a
tl'Jm worthy of the crank' support anti a
tnanager ; who could \ be trusted the Nebraska
111 tropoll8 will be a boranza to thaI'
Izatlen as well as Its ownl.'l. I would he
dlfficull to convince those familiar wlh the
far Is lust Omoha Is a deld rabbit lown-
Register G.ule.
JhlJy'Slogle , whose golden hair I hang-
tug down hIs back , Is a great little bal
phyer . through ; he olelhne lakes tlA'trou6
CIO- a. In is I I base unner I front way back
and hI generally handles the slick like U
eledgehanuner . Shatter can'l be called
dawn toe often . or too severely . lie Is
I.Illaly nrt.nrh.o to lattOn : of the game
and restrictions slJJulI be put on his actions
I11y Ilk got a great cccption I whln he
CIIHIn bat \hel he struck out wlh s
UIIU ) nn base , hOI'c\'er , one tan shouted ,
"rhat's ; the way he used to do for IS- "
1\"I.t r'Udll'l t' .
Quilcy thought I hall a peach In Mc.
Dougal , says the Quincy herald . That's
where \1 mIssed I. lie's a great big pud-
ding. le was R great pitcher for a minute ,
just like Abbey and Ionch , and others who
cnlO here and pulled our legs for a big
sslary. Then he fell all over himself , and
cannot pitch as well as Caplhler ! , Here were
the boys playing an errorless game , and yet
unable to win because ! the pitcher was a
puddling. And so home they cOle agaIn with I
only one game out of three from the tall- .
enders to their credit , and tine leaders nine I.
games away. I
Tim lursl musl have caught the pugilistic
fever front refereeing so ninny fights . Diy
Botenus , who Is the ChOlplol batter of the
Bsons Miner they broke the world's record at
Franklin I park , annul Is consequently No 1 on
the btlng list , recently had three slrUees
called on 11m by Hursl at Iochester. The
last one lo every unbiased spectator looked
like I rank ball. Bottenus turned around and
was about to remonstrte wih ( the umpire
whel that official suddenly stepped UI' , and
pUltng his hands on Dilly's chest , gave hll a
shove out of the box. J.'or a moment It all.
geared as If Hurst would get It where the
murderer gets the hangntant's lenot , but visa
counsel Ilrt'valled.
The following players have the largest number -
her or put-ouls In theIr respective positions :
Catchers , McGuire of IVashingtcn : Brat base-
men , I.a : Chance of Broollyn : second base-
Ipn , Crooks of \\'ashluxtor : : third basemen ,
Nash of Boston and Joyce of Washington are
tied ; short steps , Jennings' of Baltimore ; left
fielder. . . Selbach of Wlshlngton : center eld-
era. : ! : .
Ieeler of Daltlmore. 1'hrolowing players -
ers have the largest luUb r of assists ( :
Catchers . McGuire or Wllhlnpton , : first basemen .
men Connor of St. Louis : second basemen ,
Lowe or Boston : third ) basemen , Clnglan of
Plttsbur : short stops , Dahlen of Chicago ;
left fielders Selhach of Washington : center
fielders , Van lalren or New York : right
fielders , JeeJer of _ Daltimore. _
The Iut'ratinte 'PPII II ; ' ' ' " rule'
The second annual interstate tournament
at Omaha In singles and doubles will beheld
held on tine dirt courts of tie Dmaha fawn
Tennis club , beginning Tuesday August 20 ,
1895 , and continuing throughout the week.
The doubles will commerce Tuesday , August
20 , al 2 I' m , and singles will be
started as soon thereafter as may ha practi-
cable. The entrance fee In sIngles will be
$1 , and In doubles $2 per team : entries will
close Saturday , August 17. The rules of line
United Slates Lawn Tennis association - I :
atlon shall govern all play. First :
and second prizes will be given
In both singles anti doubles. The i
Omaha Lawn Tennis club devotes $200 ,
for the prizes : First In singles , a valuable
sterling cup ; In doubles ' chafing ! dishes and
olher articles. The plhyers should mal or
wIre their entries and Ilsb the railroad and
tme of their arrival In lend ' city to George E.
Ilaversllck . 630 South Twentelh street this
city , who swill cheerfully furnish ether information -
formation destred.
The outlook Is very favorable for a large
entry of outside players Watdner Moulding
and Mundy , three ot Chlrago's best players
! have sIgnified theIr Intetlo'l of eomlng.
Ianaas City will send tlrt1 or four or her
best players Includhig" Case and Whitman .
I Is expected that fnnetols ! will also send
sore of her best men , probably Wallace and
Cook. The secretary has been In correspondence .
spoudenc& during the last week with Mr.
Terry ' of Duluth and It Is' very probable that
he , with his sister Miss Terry , the late lady
champion or the United Stales , wil be seen
In Omaha during the lournament. The
Omaha cluh will probably be represented by
only two teams at the state doubles cham-
plonslip , held at Grand leland next Tuesday.
Caldwell will play with C. It. Young , while
Austin all Battn as present champions , will
play the winner or the tournament for the
championship of 1f9 . The tournament com-
mitee Is composed of the following entle-
men : George E. Ha\'erslck , S. S. Caldwell .
Austin it. R. . Young , C. S. Cuilingham . De Hay
Xntll'.t ; in ten'Uart. .
On Tuesday , August 20 , the annual tournament -
meat of the United States National Lawn
Tennis association for thl championship of
the United States , In singles , will open at
tutu Newport Casino. It. D. Wrenn who
now holds the cup will meet the wInner at
the "all-comers , " Entries must be made to
Dr. James Dwight , secretary of the assoela
ton , on or bercre Thursday August ] 5.
Matches will be the best three In five , van.
Inge seta f'lay to begin each morning : : a
1030. : In tine tournament and consolation
matches which are open to all players
beaten In tine first match actually played ,
prizes are offered for the winner and runuer-
np. Omaha will most likely be represented
by the attendance or several of the cracks or
the local club.
\ebr ' n " 1.1 I..t Ihnrnerr OIr .
W. II. COPIle , of Bancrof and Kd Sullivan
of North Plate arc In the races al the big
sprinting meet to be held In New York Sep.
: ( .rbel 2 , and will leave for the east In
order to condition lherncefves on August 4.
Sullivan unites from Grand island that he I
In pretty fair shape and hopeful of brea tug
the tape flut. Copple I ; utlenlably one or
the beet men In liar profeuonal ! ranks . and
stands an excellent show for the boner In
the big 100-yard ! prlnt
Qu".lon" n"t . " "Kn'rrl.
WAHOO , Neb. . JUly 2G.-To the Sporting
Editor of The nee : A pitcher stands tac-
lug Ibo batman , just baclc of the pitcher's
plate , with the ball In his hand ready for tie-
livery and draws back to throw , when , In-
stead or throwing to batter he turns ands
throw to first base catching base runner
there In view ot the tact that there II 10
regulation pitcher's plate , but only the worn
and hollowed piece where IL i supposed to be.
Wi you kindly decide In your questions and
answer clumn of Sunday's Bee I the pitcher
makes a balk or . , tf C. R , GOUCIiEIt.
Ans.-I In position yea : If not , no , - and
that the umpire should decide.
COUNCIL ULUFFS . la , JUly SO.-To the
Sporting Editor of The Dee : Please an-
veer In SlInda 's Dee whether two kings In
checkers can win from one king In the
double corners ? Ale In chess when you have
> , queen on 1he board , and work a pawn Into
the king row can you cal for another queen
or must I be for a piece already lost-
Maey M.
. \II.-You should use a typel'rler , ( ( ) .
YLS . , (2) ( ) . A pIece lost
mlAIIA , July 30.-To the Sporting Editor
of The Bet : Will you kindlY state In Situ.
d.W's lee the record for a standing hop ,
step and jump for amateur add , for profes
.ionsls ; A. D. A.
Ans.-Amateur 29 feet 94 ; Inches : profes-
Iional , 40 feet 21lnchos.
FREMONT , July 30.-To the Sporting Edl
tot of The flee : Wi you please give aIt
( t Nebrabka's native biter . with local and
sclentlnc name , and oblige-Mlaa H. . oral-
Ana , It would require a elumn of space.
Coue'l Birds of the Northwest will supply you
with the Information.
STURGIS . S. n" July : :1.-10 : the Sport.
fog Editor of . The Dee : Please tel me ,
through Sunday's paper , what the but time
Is that hut , been made In a str.lsht.away.
hub and hub hose race , the distance being 20
yards and line crt weighing 10 poundd-
Ana.-23 1.1 : Everett Una company . foul-
der 0010. Do not know weight of cart .
SIDNEY , N.b. . July 20.-10 the Sporting
Editor of The Dee : Please answer In Sun-
day's Dee : ( ( ) In game of base : bal hero 10
had a dispute about changing pltclners . I
balm tint the captain can change Pitchers
any time during In Inning or part of al
inning , the other stile chinning that you
cannot chRnge. Who Is right ? (2) ( ) Cdl the
Illrhpr that wu taken out of the tax play
any other ppslton thaI the captaIn may
assign hhu-F . Tobin.
. \na.- ( ( ) You are. (2) ( ) Yes , but he cannot
go In the box again ,
NOITH iIEND N@b. . July 2-To tine
sporting Editor of The lce : In line issue of
Sunday . July 2S , In t tsponsc to an Inquiry
of W W. lichens of this city , you stale the
law classing dogs lenal . .propel'ly3
paned h ) ' the last 1 leglsaUtre ) . I have ex-
alllneI , line laws 5s 11hlshed. and can : find
no such law trill you kindly Inform me
whH section and under which head said law
can be f IH1I. ' Phase answer In next Sun-
day's l'e.- ( JUries S. \owlrr ,
, \nl.-HlnCl' then 'ndJmu'tment of tine leais-
lahlre , the parties here who drew UI the ,
bill loklna c\s Properly , have represented
all along that l1nlubill had passed An ox-
amlnaton of the , , ( nws of IS ! . however , to-
ve11s that thIs \ , , lws . The bill did
not pass .
t I
GRICIiNWOOD , , , , , Neb , July 2S.-TI the
Sporlnl iditoal 1 , of r The BEe : There was
some , IEIHlte 1dl1In ; a decision made Irene 1
SAturday . Thopay" , ! as : A fair batted ! hal
struck the IronIl ; ; In front of the pitcher
and . the pleh lu \ 1 de an attempt to held the
tali ; but I bUunl , , pd out or his hands and
touched tine nn'pl , ' ' and fell to tie ground.
The shortstop rfrbd line bal and threw the
man out at " ( , rlt , Wal the runner out 7
Please "n'er In 'fluelY ' column cr next Sun-
day's Uee , -Guy } ItHlel.
Ans.-Xo. Ie waY a hit.
OMAHA , July 2-To the Sporting dltor of
The le2 : To decide a small bet will you decide -
< < Bmal )01 te-
cille 11 In next Sunnday'a Dee A owes 1
5200 , to be pall on a given date. A takes
said amount to D 01 the given date all II 1-
cent pieces I refuses to accEpt that al0unt
or small Min. fan 1 compel A to pay In
other money , and Ir so , when was such a law
passed 1-A Subscriber.
Ans.-The minor coIns of the United Stales
small be legal tender at their nominal value
for any amount not exceeding 25 cents In
any one IlaYlent , R. S. sec ! : : S7.
O IAlA , Neb. , July 21.-To the Sporting
Editor of 'he Bee : Please state In sun-
day's Dee when a race track Is measured : the
proper dlstdnce from tie pole. This Is 10
decide a bet and oblige-A Subscribet
Ar.s.-Three feet ,
LINCOLN , July 31-To the Sporting Editor
lor of The Bee : Is the seller a dtvtlnct
breed of dogs If not , what , s the mlxtu'e ?
Please quoti nutii rltles . Also , give the dale
or Omaha's coming ! bench show.-H. E I . I. .
Ans.-(1) ( ) The setter Is undoubtedly a descendant -
scendant , In a st'alght line , from tine old
land spanlcl So far os known , the blood Is
unmixed all free from crosses , and tine dog
has been elevated to his present stlul.ld
by judlcloIS hreellln from carefully selected
speclment See Slonehengo LJ\'erack , and
others (2) ( ) September 18 , 19 , 20 and 21
OMAN A . Au ; 1.-To tie Sportng Editor
or The lice : A and n playing ( high fire , 21
points game . , A 19 , D 15 ; A bids 3. U 4 : A
makes high and low B I and game. . Who
pute. Ans.-A. . There Is no reel for any ills.
O IAlA , July 31-10 the SportIng Editor
of The Dee : A and Bare playing draw
poker . and A opens a jcl , pot B ) raises , A
Rtands the raise , drawN one card , carelessly
throls his dlsconl so I turns face up. 1
hs three kings and draw one carl\ After
the draw A . asks B I he noticed that he had
broken pair of jacks ? What was the \ ) ' ? -
. Ans.-A must cal opponent's attention lethe
the carl he Ilscuds at line time he II'aw8.
and lay same aside.
TABLE ROCK Neb. , July 3t.-To tine
Sporting Editor of The Dee Please
Sportng llor : etIto
In your next Sunday's Issue what was Charles
Mitchell's weight at the time be fought
Corhett at Jacksonville , Fla-Comnnercial
Ans.-Ahout 158.
SIOUX CITY July 21.-To the Sporting
Editor of. The Bee : Will you please gl'e me
the address of some firm where I C3n procure
a book containing rules on amateur sports of
all klnds1-H. I. . Tomley Gurretson House .
Ans-Write to 'Jim Sulllvau. New York
City for his book The secretary of the
Amateur union has a desire to keep his
friend In touch with the times , and he has
compiled a book or rules O\'crluIKI , A. A. . U. '
general l rules , A..A ; 'U. athlatic ' rules , archery ,
basket 11. badminton , betting , the new
bicycling rules for 195 , bowls , skiltios . bowl-
tng boxln-A A. U. rules , marquis of
QueensbErry rules , London prize ring rule :
broadsword ( mounted ) rules , canoeing , cricket ;
croquet court tennis , curling , fending foot
ball-Gaelic , Aseoctatlon l : gymnastics , golf
hand ball hlch- and kick , Iocley : lacrosse .
lawn tennis . National Ile association . pistol
and revolver shooting , Inanlruale target shooting .
lnc , lvE bird lhclng. polo ( water ) , Polo
association rules , polo ( rink ) . quolting . racing
-potato , sack > stacle ) ( , three-legS ; dog
racing , pIgeon f'lni. ) rowing , racquets , Shef-
field rules akatidg , snow shoeing shufte-
board , wrestng.olar and elbow , catch-as-
catch-can , Graceo-Holan , Devonshire , side
hold , Cumberland I aUI Westlorelall end
Cross . county rules. Jim has covered . the
field very thorough ! , and every amateur will
appreciate the good work he has done for
Hereafter no questIons will be answered
In this department but those pertaining
strIctly to aport.
OMAILI , July 31To the 'Sporting Editor
of The Bee ; Wi you please answer through
Sunday's Dee whether , there are any Indian
reservations In ! the west now open for set
tiers . and what proceas do you have to go
through to become an owner-Subscrlher ,
AlIs.-Wrlte 10 S. W. Lamoreaux , UnIted
States land cOlmlfsloner , Washington , D. C.
STn01SBUnO , Neb. , July 31-To the
Sporting Editor of The Bee : Wi you kindly
answer the enclosed questions and oblige :
Can a base ball pitcher be changed during a
game , at the end of an Inning ? For Instance -
stance , al the end of the seventh Inning ( or
rather the beginning of the eighth ) we put
the leffil.'lder Into the box placing the late
pitcher on second base anti the late second
baseman In left field I that allowable ?
Can the pitcher be changed during an Inning ?
I'or I lustanee with one lan ont , we put Ihe' '
pitcher In left field and bring the left fielder
In to pitch . Is that alowable-Guy ) W , '
Ans.-(1) ( ) Yet. (2) ( ) Ye .
TABLE HOOK , Neb. , July 31-To : the
Sporting Editor of The nee : Please answer
ly mall to decIde a bet : Give weight of
both Corhett and ltchel at the time they
bad their fight at Jacksonville . Fla , and
. ' . , . .
oblge.-1' f. Edwan9. !
Ans.-Corbett 180 ; Mitchell about Hi8.
A picnic I not complete \vlhout some
Cook's Extra Dry Jmperlal Champagne A
lunch with It Is fit for . the gods. -
A l'IIII'r tin 'I'nn'n.
An "sngel" has appeared on Broadway
says a New York letter lie is I a midsummer -
mer bonanza to the attacheR of hiy hotel ,
a his tips - range from , $10 tQ $20 per day.
At the bar , In the barber hop , and at the
bras-carpeted boot-blacklnf eland he never
lake any change from the coin or bank note
be tellt'f to those who do his bidding
Nearly all hb plain drInks cost hIm $1 , the
difference between the wine card price and .
the amount tendered going : : Into the pocket
of the rIckey mixer lie Is mown as Parka '
of Iblsdellhh and Is sid to have an In-
come or $50,000 a ) 'ea. .
" " '
SWIFT'S - : ' ; PREMIUM - ; !
- 1 - $
Think ot thd'houand8 ot ham8
and bacon that . go out tram South
Omaha daily ! We slect but the
bet ones lor the braud , "SWIFT'S '
PREI ; JUM , " Smoke lightly-
trimmed nlcly.xtra mild-not
salty. No man ' could make them
better .
For Silo by pii First-Clas Dealers .
1'N'NTf ; ' 7
- 'M"
AN ! 01 II N EWSj11
. , .
- --w 1 a ,1. R
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WTTEN ' - - - . _ _
W1L'INSflfrORfMOS . V i
( OLLOR ION \ Tl AR al JOS [
/ ) . .
Young men .
like to dress and they do at
Nicoll'S at moderate cost.
We make special inducements
to young men in our $ I5 ,
$ iS , $20 and $25 suits to
order and give them a wide
choice of , fabrics , including
all the popular materials ,
Our $25 and $30 to order
black cutaway suits ( fancy
trousers if desired ) are such
as would cost you any-
where $ Io additional
Trousers to order , $4 to $14.
Samples mailed .
Garment expresaefr. ,
. 201 51 15th STREET
GHCAGo . sr Louts ,
ST. PAUl / _ 014HA.
Bloomers and Sweaters -
and all ser or cycle clothes will never
start to shrnk i you wash them wit
It makes flannels b utlluly dean without
shrinking Then again It'e the beat and
most refreshing' In the bath tub. None
ether rerrehlng
gte a go.
Palace Office Buiding
f > w 1 + "T 3
- - , .
' 'r
aI ,
F 1 - I
1 TIlE - a
The Bee , . Buidingo SEUVICR
IENU' l"LO01t
DEE BUILDING n'nB n SHOP Fred I. W. CO\DU10Y , Iuler ,
BRE , proprietor , ' H. g. UAMIU LI. , Court Hotundl , Cigars
FIDELITY 'l'nUWl' COMP.iNY , Mortgage and 'olmcco.
WYCI'OPI" , SEAANS & I.NEDICT , ' ASSOCIA'rION , G. M. Natlncr , Hecre-
Itemington ' Typewriters and Suppllrs tlr y ' ,
T'pcwrIerK ! 811IP\9
l"IHH'l' " I"J.OOn.
' ' ' . LADLES' TUItKIHII Jt.11'IJ 1OOHS { .
sup , m , TENINN'j WA IWOI'S l l . : . . I Is' I , 'I' . I'AItDEJC ! , . , Agent Fort WI'ne l : le
1.\sAbIS ( 'OJII'ANY. e. ITAR'1'.l.1N. IUNpertor I' ' inn Insurance ,
C SUlAjCI' : eOl'.ANY. . 00'e. gQII'I'AII.J 1.\1 IN8Ul\NCI SO.
cn \ ' . HCmjCN . , ng.\U & BFCKI.'r : , Attorneys .
' . BQUlU 'rUHIUG1'ON , Attorney-at- . F . W.NIHmO. : : Fresco I ' under .
oJ'OhUN : Dlt. A. K1
DH. KINSI.En , Nose an4 Tlu'oat. UB. IU:10g : ,
, . " 'JID JJ.OOH ,
W. A , WIWSTgn'neal Estate EQUITY COURT , . Room No G.
HUGH MUIt'IIY ! , Conlmctor JOIN \\'AIC'I'.I'I.D Ilnhor.
1. Otce. CO ANg SOl'Ill7'Y OF' NE11' YOm" , M , 1" .
1 STATFS I."I' , . .
D [ ' 0. B . IIOI"I"'lA' . Holler \Ienl.
11 n. ' ' ' . . ' '
; , rlt1C : GIIAN P ASI 1l tI.1 1 AVINJ AND
. . . 'fil' OlA'I' ASIH.lAINP
M R. TRAUFRMAN ! , , Atorney. HiAhO1dT1tiC' \ \ \ lA\INP
! IQUITLOYH ' Ilmmms , Nos. C . ninth 7 , HI.AOOI.ITle COr.\N\ ! TRUST
, I lno,1s joo. ' COI-
. . . . . . . . . , . 110\1 11 t' 1,1"1' f :
hOI W. ieUI.I. \ , \ \ l. SI U.I.\ : Agent. I'ANY t , i'lulladclphta : A. lulKln/ General
, XASON & NASON , Dentists. A. I. . TOWI.E , Agent Southern Callfornle
C' . B. ALLEN ! Alpha Council No 1 1VoodInnprovctnenl . .
men of the 1i'nrld. . OM.\lA I COAL 1'XClNI : , J
JA < lrMH'rlIAI. . LIFE AND ACCIIit. . IIANC11E1' . : . (
IVEimHTJIt : , UOWABD & C0. . Fire In. un. F11MA : I J. DA\I : S , Hmnonpath.
, ' ' . . ' , \ .
suralce PI'NN : M111'UAL 1.I'I : IjHIJ\jll CO.
J. I. , hlLACK. Civil Engineer. ' . ' ,
G. W. SUES : & CO. , 811011 or Patents . . 1 . M. HOPICINH Court Sleaogra bur.
COI'ANY. Percy In. I"oment. . ' ' \'ASIINOTON I.I'I ! INSI'It. \ NC'E : COM ,
C , H. WALWOItTII , Commerclll Trust (0. l'ANY New Yorl ISll.\N1
l"I"IJ ! Jr.OOH.
MUtT HEADQUAU'fEH1 ' \ ' ) ' '
01" Tll l > LAT'n = . DEl'J\H'l'mN'j I
81'1' : I.I'I INSUIAjCI'
1"1' : : I EDI'rORIA i10OAIH . Worcester , IIIMS. : Frank FL larthaI.
IE1 : COIIOSINO itO)1i. General Agent , ' _
( ' . Is . IIEINDOIIFF Archttect . ' ' ' '
I. l'INIOIU'I" , Archiect. MANy F'AC'1'tlitER11 & COi'SUMEt9
1) . R. UO\'EIN:1N1' PJN''JNG ol'FICE , MANUI"AUTlmna . COSUlll
I : , I' JOOOI N , Life Insurancc . O }
f SEYEX'l'l I'LOOIt.