- . - _ _ , . ' . -w = - ' : - - -y - - - - - - - - * w.yF _ : . . . , - - - - - - - - - ' - . - - -u--- - - - ' - -L : : : 17 * ' ' j . , _ - , , , $ : , ' . L 'I ' u ' " - II V -.L . . o. . . " . J t , . j . . . _ - . _ _ _ . - - I , . : . _ _ _ _ - _ a------ r . r . , Tn.rn 01\fAITA D.ATlY n ] EP.AUNDAY. : AU GUS'J. ' .1. 1Sn . 11 I CONDITION OF IAIIA'S ' TRADE - 'I - Some Lines of Goods Moving in n Jobbing Way. COUNTRY COLLECTIONS CONTINUE SLOWw ) " 11111. flf l1t"rt"hnllcl. . . fill tlii' ! SIdI fir Iiri.ir l'rllt"Sult. II Some I.hll' Show Gnill" , 0.t" Lnstenr. . , , "hle showing no general ImllrO\'e/i,1 there are evllnceA of 1 more promlsllg . character to he found 11 the local wholesle market. The cheering reature develop 4 . . 11 various ways , but thc most noteworthy . ore those which embody 01 Increasing con flence 11 the future of bUllnI ' , owing to the alJlence of any perlous crop damage . and the placing ot a larger number ot or ders for goods than I year iigo . I hUl hten found during the week that II great many Lalerl al polntH In the Interior of the state . who have been extremely Inllrtpr- ent are commencing to Ehow Inlerest sum. cleM to Induce them to spek Information al i : * to the > oluel on .mcn'hanlile and the l , variety anti Htylo lt gOOt"l on the market - At the lalle time a grtlt that at caution II I ' beIng , nlnlfestell both 01 the part of buyer and oller. .knd there Is little Ihanco of 11 a nhatement of this ) f."ture ot the trade UI' F ti the rorn crop of the slate hus inattlretL ) or , at 1ea.t until It Is palt all danger of damage. While the taN that the crop ha ' I - . . reih'heil : he I'resent stagl of Ita growth without EerloUt mlphap Is sulclent ( to en- ' ccurago mercholt ! . It 11 not e'ual 10 the : cc Iplcle , restoration of confluence on,1 , no , one I In < lncII ( to buy nny very large stock . of gOJda. nor do Jobbers sI.m Inclined 10 Iluh lalts as hard as Ih ! ) ' mlKht. . A very encouraging feature at the reek . ' Is tlo oecllle.1 . lniprovement In general trade Im\lroVelenl ) conlitonn tu. that \ have hccn heralded from all directions. The commercal ! , IHluKtrlal hnl agricultural Interests . of the country ' ' . arpc ar to be enlhused by 1 the ncourgln ; _ ' plOSpcctR that are before them. The arm ) ' f uf tie unerploy,1 11 becoming 1:1y re . t ouctl In nunutiers. A bustling actIvity Imt has not been presflt In years 11 . rlol.tll I In tno4t all ! ectolj of the country nnl I ' ' capital IIHI labor are harmonizing their dIf . 1erlnces nnll worleln In greater unlKon thai u . In former SIIS0 > S. All this Is I 1 mutter of r ' Jrelt encouragement 10 the hUIlnclK mel I I In this section. al II bespeaks prRIHrl ) ' ' for N"brlka and on active IHslnpss so t Iton al 1 recovery from Ilst seaKoa's crall ) _ } ( allure Is effected. d I"frmers have hal their time fully occu- plel by the hurvetnJ of smal grin and I I , the retail trade In most all Hl'ctons of tin . , I 11- . MuIer11 In cunse'lllce during tll llasl wet.k One of the resuls ot the . mal I _ Hslnlss ( thoing In the country 11 1 contlnu . .1. lee of the plow collections that have pro ynlell for Homo time Ilast. The markltnJ ot the smal Hr.lln crop Is expected to wail Iome relIef In the matter of cohtectionuc . hul I "helher . the effect will he flmcient ) tire , nOlncll 10 bo of Iernttlnt henent remain : to he seen. DTII , SIMSON IN DBY (100lS. I Is a little early In the llun to Ixpecl much of Ih. ' dry goodn tralle. Local Job hers have hepn receiving their new good r Joods and placing them In Hhap anl getting Ihe men out on the u'otd : with S.mllle of th : ' lat wih ! ! . new fall and . winter goodu..lug 10 Ihe heslanc ) ' on the part of merchants 10 plucc errs unti the outcome of the crop Is I better known. Jobbers have not been In o i much ot n blurry 10 start their mea out with sample lne ! of fall and winter geode I , Rll Limb' In the dry goods tine 1 > mther % Quiet nlll . devoid of any very Inlereltn " , , feature August opens with the dry goods markel Iry ! tI In a very Blrong po.llon for plain geode I , oots ref.ortl ( Indicating a generally , oversold con dhllon ! In hell brown and bleachlll niake. COlne colored 100dR are hardly aK wel 1 sittuated. hUI still 11llng 1111 ! are ltrrui . Prlnled cotton fuhrles are very lirun. 'ooln anll worslld goods remain al t about RIlllh' priceI. . " ' 001 blankelK are hll lt firmer Ilrlce ! than n week ] no. WhIle I'rlt'ps on iuuin : ; lel of mnnurlhlld ! J00119 have been ad ) I. . vuneed I Is sulll that the Increased cost nt- . the raw malerlnl9 more than makes tip for th" Incrrasud price of the Inlshcl product 11 other \\'or/Is. If the malurlctuf'rs , ld not hive stock nit haml which . wns pur- ' chnled nt the former low lrlceR , they wool nt lur'sent minces be mannfal.turln good C . nt io. ! ! . ' 1 10"1. I"I' ' CIANlmS IN GHOCI'mJ S. TraIl durIng the Pant well , In Ihl gre I. Jro. I'y line has shown slight Ilpro\'ement over what I wns two "e.I,1 nuo . hut \ I Ices , nol COle up 10 what jobbers would like 10 pee. As 10 the market there have been vcr ) ' few ehnnge anti none of very murh In- . portnnee. Some IluteM of fRrlnncpou goodu. . 11' Ill'l ! are a tril t , . en sIsr . partculnrly t Ot Jooll . CheN has mq'erlenl'I'11 ' a IIJht uleolinu ) . gvaporatl,1 oluricots are quoted r on account of the light crop. ' 'hl tim. let on \'runlS Is In 0 "trnger poslion than a w.I ] , ago. 'fho French Irop ; Is very lIght and French pmutue9 ' have lalel . y heen vurclunul , In this country for export to I"mnol. 'rlui. together with the IJro 4- 1't that the California crop will not he large. hus crenlo more Interest In lhls In ( of drlpll fruit. IAHD"AH TfLA1)l ' FAIn. The hnTlwlre , , trade of the week pURl ha S bee. . . of falrl ' . ' Sr blen I f.uIrIy s.lsfaclor ) character , L though there have \"ln no new develoj ) - ' menll In th . geuteral I u.ltuuution. More or I \ 4 IIJs trailing Is going on all the while In I lusonahlo : and stup\ hines of Jooll . . nothIng - log very rusbln and yet tluc volum" of bURlnes Is latgr Ihun 1 year nno. Soml . , houseK report 11'111 presenl hushlCRK as being fully : per cent larger than a ) 'ear u'ro lt thulu . ttnue . , Th { market Is holding Its own cnl' nl" . plrcn\ ' a"llulrln . 1 little mor1 strength al thc titno. Occasional advances ore 10 be noted. I Null continue 10 nlrne I geol . .1"nl of a t. tenton and are In good demand. , , 'he mr.nufllturN'1 evidently have the 11 riel . t under 10011 control. and un advance of 10 clnls WIR recorded during tin' wel'k. Hope haut advanced % Onts In the coure of the 1'lst few days. . , 't'm0 : U001' AN ) SIOr 'H.\DE. The past wllk hues 1.u rather de\'olll of \ Irle\'stng fl'atures. In I g.nlrul wa ) ' - bUllness may \0 said to have bll'n of n I lomcwhu I routine character. In the pnst ; the fulctorieI4. IH1) ' of which have hen , rl081' ,10\n for the usual July ( lell'uP. ; have rlsumc.1 optratlon . , hut for the mosl part wIth only u few onler . In hand. C COhjVhhJ , I1' ( IJ Al. BOle little time ago mealon was mRll. I In these ( oJulns that lroRI'lcts would 119 10 favor the belief that unthr(11 coal would lie ' . woull ! cheaper this Ilason thun lusl. Nol that the I'uson Is fur nllvaucoll Ihprl Is little room for . doubt II Iu the correc t. ness of Ihls 11..lclon. SII'IIIR of caul at Iaslern points of prolucton , are vet ) ' large and the market In a thoroughly d ! ; . \ morlt'1 ennlttion. From the IH'ollucers' pont ot \111 the market hnl not h.pn 10 . unfavorable In 1 great whlo ns I Is u I ? the prlsent unomeuut. Omaha coal dlllt" have been enabled to I Ii ) In their , tock ' lt a lower Iguro thi itt lest searon. Last year the Ilpolslblly of holding UII prices In the fact of the larle competition was "lmonHlral"d 10 Ihl ft tatsfuclon of local cool IIlnltrK In(1 this year there uppears to he I dbspo4ttc lit among thl Ih'llher" of the trade In Omahu to put minces 10wn to the lowest polnl. I to l'lr.menl'e with. that the state at the ma to Itel will benr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 'ITI ' 11 I.OC.\ ItlT.Tt. Tn.\JI : . ' , : " % ' 111 1'111' " : Irn 11..r..l In 'I . , . \ ( ' 'on ul t h. , 'reuuMi. ' The mil./ummer Ilulet continues 10 hol the rethll trade . ot the city within Its grPI' . The generality of the reports recllvell . from merehanls agree llal the volume of bulneua II light . with here and there a Ii t- ' tie spurt of trade to relieve the 101010n ) ' The retell merchants of the city who i' 111110 wul PaPer are considerably Inte r- I . , ( e.tol in the reported action of ) . ' e.t1 II l'plorlel al'lon the o cahhu I I wail Iml' r tru.I. , \.1'\11 have been re- 'I c.lvtll ilurint ! the IIa8t few dai . . to the . effect thnl the wnl paper trust bath .1 e. rlde.1 10 llu away wlh 18 rebate 1)'slom which has Luet'n In effect for omp tim , 'rhc rhalp has been la the form of lme rp .Iucton of 20 per cent oa the bilk ot tleu 1- tuFt ; that hanihlo only .uch goods a Uf honilo I' Jool. fS urc prolucl',1 , by the f.lclorlll operated \ ) ' Ihe trust. nnrlng the tr t year the amolnl of the r.'halt was only 10 per ccitt. . but I wal rail-esl to " ppr cent two Years ago nt whlth Point I has . rllallll until the I'rts. cut that' . I Is lalJ that the cause 'f the abantlo n- Irtll ff liii' 'Ihalt t h\ the tmu.t ll" that .le L1 . I er could uuot. 1\ ' that 11111. bl Inrule1 10 deal exc'ltuslvely . . dlal ( u'll h'lI ) wih the trust. What effect this netlon wi'l ' have prices ( Iecl n\on wl : upon pll'rs II I10n . 1 maier dltcult to foretell. I BI'pt.T to . .I - be the opInion among 1011 I'tul mtrchanl" I . ' -uIi , UIII this Ileton Is the l.mmoncement of a I , ttrl ( fight between the trust and outslle 1 . laclorls : anll In that case Pmkt5 wilt 1 Leapt apt to drop . 'I'hl trust hal u eapitsi of e " . ( ( ) . )011. ) und b well 111' 1 ' l'al'lal . a . /11' / 2i ' 111011 tIght upon the Indrpenjetut fa C. h tories. nl"lendent . ' . . \Nl.1 UF1W COST MONF.Y. Early 11 the S8alon whll the .horlae In the beef supply of the Nuntr bee to 1lIIarrll there was U 11dln advanc. Ile , . th prices al live cattle and 0 corrt lon . J. InF QI1vnnco on dressed beet. 1.01 a time Ihe tRrk l went nit at a raphl IIBee , but th e acton ot the secretary of agriculture In Inltltnl Rn Investigation as to the tal ' U , brought the advance 10 n sudden hal. h Consumers aPpeareul to realize for th e Irt time butt RI'rlnr Ilpy were " ; "ayln hllh p rices anti they telse,1 , bulnl . beef. The retul was n demoralized market for some tih me. Prices 1111 not ,0 P much lower. tit ut thin demand tell or to such a Ilefrl1 hat no one sfeld to want tit cllt ( Since III time the delnnli has re\'lvld homeC w hat anti price are about nM high aK ever on the choice cutS of Prime , bcef. The \ ply ot choice fat steers I Very Inht At South Omaha there are lhlTI ut a tme when not a single choice load of fat ateetS I ! 10 he . f0111 In the ) 'RrL . ' 'hlre I. any lu.nlt , ) of low Ir.lle meal II bc had and At realonohle "rlcK. There 1M nu relief fl rom pret.ent l'rlcH ' In sight und the proR' 1'lclR l are now that ( 'onHUlerK will have to WII for clllo 10 become more plentiful lua " fore they can expect to secure choIce beef ) eX\pcl p'\re It the Iw Prices ot I year ago. SI. I..uuIs ( a.'uu.'ruui tlttilt. aT , I.oi'1h4 . . 3.-YI.Ot'Jt--liwer extra fT 1.01'11. AUS. -t'I.OII-I"'er ; f ' . $ . ) ) . . . , . exm Innl ) $3.01/3.9 : ; choice . Ztg2.t ! ; WII.T-A.h'anet : early alt .hnrl' buying. 01 IIlnn.1 . by ( ollnl < 1 tfulh II a triter \.I.at .eeln nn,1 reports n 'INUI.t end ott.etwl . . tAlnUI.,1 lnll train other uilnts. 01"1 tuuarket , . I"U < w.l. but .1 HI ( lit nutnlnln their 111\11' a nit Ih"lr sul''lu.n ( w'nknsa hroulh about R me. ItG ipse Ril louver (1nlnS liere ; Nn. 2 l1. ent.tu. GH. . ; , \Ulusl. C8e ; le\I.I1.rl GWe esked l ; De c eruitii'r. 7H.c . till ; May \ 7c ,1,1. , ( ' tit-Weakor throughout the s..lon. the Iorl'.nc \ In wheat hn.lnl no .1'Inllh"lnl .r.'t : spot Iro.lps ' 1.I'r..1 ant hover : No. 2 m laeit. eu.h. 3t'.ce ! : . \ulu.l. 3i'c huh. at1c \ Ikr , ' , S.\I.II.r. 3)c ; l'ruritjer , Z , c ; Mi ) ' . : ' ) ' . c. UATS-\'rlk t.n.t . lowr' II atipuhly wlh corn ; r pnl tower : Nn. 2. c.ti.lu , 22e n.kNI ; . % uaut. 2h4c. ! Spplrmhrr. 211. .hay. 21c II ) ! . . 1tYhc-tluuutted. Nn. 2 oCtered on call at .iHlc 1 , 1.1. 4Ge. east track. . hll h 'L.X " ' Hggi-l.ower ; ; sales 01 two cars upot .r Iot a t $1.Oi. ( 'OIN MEA : . - I. ; : . ' ) . / ! . - n\- , Irn , 1.O' - . P'.t tmnvk & . flIt\S4 : ' . . . others OI\SS SIDS-llmoll ) , $ ' :11..1 : : : n ominal. ItAY-iuui : , ralrc r.motlz.t : nwlnl tn IllP l r'clfpl.Iolr. , \ . Irl'I ' 1011" .t $ .hjS.8O ) , Ilolh t ) ' . 1.O'JUI.0. : new. thl . "h' IOS-Srnlc" anti : llhcr lt 101. . VhlD4iCY-l.2. \ 111$1 IlcAl-Flrunr In,1 higher . . wlh aila or len cnf 01 S3.22'I 01,1 , Ih' " nl $ t.t. . : t4l'ht.Tllt-ltetl II 13.70. wih I.C : bid. IIO\ISIONS-lorl : . .lnl't,1 , ' , ni" " . tO.i24. l.rll I . plnn' Steocu. $ i.S . , ctiohcet % . tiacon . . $ $ h ote.I sluinuhiters. IG. : : longs . IG. . : : ulls $ r.S ! : . .h" ts . $7. 1)ry salt Inputs. t.ov'il l srnUtilera . $ : . . , longs . $ " .3il. , rlh. . $ G.50 ; > u.hiorts . $ t. . . . 1:11. : : 11" -I"lour. . .O bbl. : "h.II , 5.Q' ) Lu. : ( ' ' 1 . t.o ) ) lu. : . . t' . . 31.0 hi.u. CttII'atlN'ru-Ftour. .Q J \hl. , . : wheat 4GOYJ h u. , corn . 21.000 ' lu , ; oatS . 1G ) Lu. ) Coffee )1trl.'t. : 11W YOIIUl. t-'Qli"lh-Ot.tlofla , Olrlp,1 , 1,1wlh t I prh' 10 IKIII. IoU . . /Hd rull,1 INlcrnl ) ' weak , under IIcrl'u.p,1 , rpcolJIH nl Iro- zl tint unlat ftcto T Furvp al nc unl. ' VorlI' . \'I.lhl" $ Ut'pl \ deercapeil. , i"ej ' ' 1"N. Cloici , Iulpl tt n Oct declIne 01 tIIU lounts : S'pti'tn - 1. I . . $ .4 : . S\ot corree. RI ) . GflOnlnl. . / ; : 7. $16.2 Mlil. .I.I' ' ! \ ( 'onIatn , $8. % ftl" ! y ; .alo. . none. Coffee t'tfltl ttt5 'IU\'I. wlh l't\p I , ) taint " l ewer : August . $1 : . : ; h4e1)t..uttter. 1h5.4l5. : : . , Oluhlr. $ . . ! Oqtl..I : : November. I.CO ; Ooe.l. bet Slt ' ° ; Mardu , $ l.h ( ) . The inturicet rtite1 ' In I ' : ( : ant featurelesa : ? ; rl,7iliu r'I \ or ; I Ilht I local t ii. , . tour . wit I. 1.urop.11 : IIml. I. ' " s : I.lncl : . ) cud Imzl rrell.tl . tacreas-it. Itavi . n , I\ncl,1 % t. hit list Ih , ' tilvautee. , hlnutiljuu c , ' Ii. . 10ltLuII dp"lne,1 ! . Irl. SAN'I'0t4. Aug. . -Jltl : goot , average Sanlo . nU' . , : t.eeiuts. 121)1 ' I aj' , Ioot IIMItL'htI. Aug. 3.-tuhlt : I pta lowor. "Ul. 3.-lul I11 ltl ( ) . , \ uug. 3.-'lnn : No.7. UC.80 , exelianure . l ' .l ; tPCeIhtS , 120 ) bags. - ! C' 'iii tout .lzu rhet. NW Oht1.lANH. -COTTOI-Qulet on.1 . .1'"I i ) ' : l oOI unhIlhing. , 7c ; mItilhItug . 6c : iot G'"e ; 11.11 nuhIui.ury . : 1".16e : net lec.lpIH , : : 1 " I .1' . ; I" . . 24 hates ' : 'I.lrls 10 the continent . 2 : ; hales ; .0.'Hlwl.r. G 1 h.II"K ; saleit . COl bales , .Iol , . DI.CSI tales. Nl ; ' YOflh . -COTTON-Ptutiurcs close , NJ\ NJYOHI. AuI. 3.-COTTON-F'nlur ( . 110.,1 Ilnlet eel . . ' . . . ' . . ' . . . .t./I ) : sales. .Inlloo' . n.I I : : t'eIu-u nt. ) . 17.2) ) ; : tnn'h. $ .2UII.I. : , . IG.D ; S"Ilolhl'r. tG9 ; Oclober. 1.0t : Nov&'tuthnr. $7.O : leceun : I er. $ .10 11'1. .1..I ) ; 111.llng I , ulIInd. i'c ; gul' . i'e : sales . : O bah. , ' . . ' , . . . ' " ' H1' , t.OPIH \ttg. .t-CO'l"I'ON-Htrtuly ; null - lung , r 1-\ . : sales . GI3 \aIPH ) ; , receipts . 5i hales ; .hllmlnl. G1 bttl'M ; .Ioek. 1.2N Lnl"H. llhnlll ( , ' : Inrl , ' hth\VAVKEh I . . , . ' :1"'AL'II AUK. : -I.'I.tn-nrlel lelj' . \ : ' ¼ 1'-Maulcet caster ; No. 2 'll1ng. Gc ; No I uorthru ri . ic ( ' OhtN-Mntlcrt dull : No. 3. 42'c. ! uvrs-Mttuhet Iw.r : Na. 2 ihlte. 26e. whie. ltAltl.HV-No. 2. C7tG7e . H\I'-MI.li'l lower ; No. I. lie. 1.cm : l'I-I''lour. 1.70) IbIs : " 'hl. I l,0 bn. : \arlp ' . 2.IIt ) lii. ( 1.:0 Ht1lh'MI'T-FIuur. 4,800 ibIs SUt'AI'NTS-Fllur. .80 1,1 : w heal. 1.0) bu. ; barley , neat' I'ttrln .lnrlu'I" , lfOfl . Aug. : -COHN-Hul . ttnU lower , No 2. 1 ! " ' : No. 3 . 40.c. nnt OA't'g-lrrguinr and tower No 2 O.\IS-ltr"lllnr nlli ( ; white 241 : 2.e : No. . 3 whIte . 24tt2le. 21:0 IYI.nll nnd nominal. \'I'IKY-Flrl ' ; Inlslwt gOods . on the lash 01 tt.22 for hlh wln " . . lthfltl'TH-Sheat I I. 1.2 ho. : corn . 40. : ' ) lu. ; Otis. 1.111 Ii , . ; r'e. none ; bare ! ) ' . 10n . ( HlttPiIINTS-Wlteat. . G' ' ) ' bu. : ( or. . D.2:0 : bu. ; cnls G1.7 : bu. ; rye . none : barley . io bu. Situi'ls . ul huller 111,1 IJJ" : , ( 'lfl'AGO. Mug. 3.-Th. Daly ; ' 'rte lul.Un ; 01 ( inlay lubl.ho. returns trout elgtuty.ttee point 3 plnls ot the stocks ul littler . anti eggs II cold stoma Cast ant W.I. or butter the stuuply ' Ia reporl.1 nt r2.C' ' ) ) luho. Ilulnol 43Cej "UI'II Last I. 'ear. or . ) \ tIthe )1:1' : . supply . Iher" are 8f. ' ) tttts . The to . CleMe 11.15 . Yt.cu 1 Is about 2G p.r ( cenI Inclulin g alt stock nn.1 ! ' 8er I.nl or pr I".1 Inclulnl Im.1. ittocks 01 eggs t'llorl.,1 ut Ol I9.l ! ' ' ) ca.es. nsaln.t GiGi : ) ' ) cases last ) ' ( . Oi 3hiurI.et. R.\ YANN.Hu . 3.-Sill tiT3-Dull : 2..c ; -Slll'-Hul . . 5.1104. . 5i3 1)111 WIIINITON.Ul. 0 3.-H03IN-Flnn I : strulneh , $1.2) ; geol . $1.2 : . HllfITH-I"lrm : mlchln ! 2e : irregutar. 2l" _ . ' ' ' Irrrlulur. < 1'\t-lrl ; $ :1 'Fl'ltl'E'I'lNH-tenIy : ; 1"1. $1.2) ; sofl. $ .G : vl'sln , $2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ SIJI" 'tlutrlei. NlYORK. . , iug. 3.-lJL1t-flaw. fIrur ; fair ucitnin . 2c33c , ; eenImtuaat . D6 Ipsl. iII ! @ [ ' } i Iteitnel. : : ' . \ sl.'a . . fJ etandtrt t'\ 4 t 1Gu11'4C . ; tonfetloteus' \ . 4 r .tCtf4t4c ; t'I joat I , 5 r tr :4c ; cruIteit. : . l.lccc ; 1,0nl..I. 4.f4 1.16e ; gnutuulite1 . I 1.lClc ! ctule . I"uullled. - e ; - el heR. 4 1.IG11 ' c. Ulilth " 'h"n' Inrlu" ( . fl1LIbThI. . \ -WltAT-\nk : No. I h , , ' . ciusli Ce ; . \ Ugust. G ! c ; No. ( I nortluemt m . c.oh. Clr : Aug.ist. G'c : ! 'II'mh"r. 0. nothern. . : 11 : .mher. G e : No. 2 10rlhlr. I'lsh. GH.c ; No. : : lolh"l. IIC : rjlclll. 5iI4 ; to amrive No. 1 liat . tl. 6Sc \ ; No. I Iturtttttn. G 'c. 10. : 111"nllll. i I " t' 'h'lt I tIuu rl.'t. 'tttNNl.t : iOLlH. Alg. 3.-WILFAT-Mirke : . ( Pill , ) ' ; . 'UlOltCt. Gc : ' , ' -\IU'T-furkrt . ; Olcellpl' . C'1& ' . Ou uracic . No.1 luaril. ' G7ljc ; No. I notlh. "tn. Gr..c ; No. 2 norlhern. G : .c. . .rl..11 " 'h.'n' qlllllnll' lI" . HAN 1'lt.\NeiS/'O , . . . ' AUSf. : -WlIF.A'I'-Qulet nll,1 steal ) : I1rr"IIII..r. I.02IIn \ : ) ' . $1,1' ' ) \ . ; lie\\ . seller $ LVIII2 ! ; d leitIt'd. t9it)3 'cnlul. 1.1':1' tIS cnx nJ.:1t ' JIII' of It" n'lflll Qua I I I les tutu Strou . t ; I'"hlt. Vegetables at every knowlI variety can be raIsed 10 absolute perfection , and crops of unany kinds are grown on the SJllle lan d each ye3r. Irish and sweet potatoes In slz anll'leld. cannot be exceeded In the United Siales. rllits of all kInds arc cUlllvaled , and It has been demonstrated that the yield Is 1 large allll the crop profilable. i The mild climate lIItkes shelter for stocle unntcessar ) during' the year . Berllluda grass Indigenous ( to the soil ) furnishes green food at all times anti can bc eut three or four times a yea , , yieldIng at cacti cutting about ODe ton per acre . and when cured Is equal. If not superior . as a bay 10 the famed tlmOlhy of the north Clover Is a most hlxu'Janl , growth antI will compare In 'Ieltl with that of , ny other section of the counl ! ) . . Small grain wheat oats rye and mlllel Ilro\'o profitable crops the yield of each being almost phl'nomenal. They C.III be liar- vested early enough 10 Plant a crop of , ege- tables or corn the sallie year. Corn Is one of the great crops requiring but Ultlo worl . ! wnerally bur Iwo plowlnga ! and the yield II I rrolll iO 10 SO bUiohels per arre. For all furth-I' InformatIon as to Orchard Homes , corrosponll or call on George \ \ ' . , \mes. general agent 1G17 Parnalll street 011I&114. Nt'b. Nothing can stop the move of lIelllers 10 time south-Ihe land of sure crops and paying \rice. Now Is the time 10 In\'elllgile. lJOII't dey -a Ollr I'rostiess Ih'H. What II sUPPosl'd 10 be time only troellen belt In the United States says the New York 1'0tit lies between ( lie city at Los Angeles RIIlI the PacIfic ocean. It traverses the toot- hills ot time Cahuenga range and hUI an eleva. then of between 200 and 400 feet , In breadth It Is PerhaPs three lulles. The lIalers of the Pacific are visible from It and the proxlmlly ot time Decal , baa of CCluree 80melhlng to do 1\ lilt banhhlnK rroHIIi. Uurlllg tllft winter seUOII this tract Produces tomatoes peal , beaus Iud otb'r tender vegetables . aUll aere 111 , imuomt I nOllrl&heJ , I tree that Is p'cllllarl suseptib1e 10 old. Tropical trees may also iL' clIllI\'alcll ; ( with stueceas and In connection with 'hli act II Is Inlcrellllllg 10 know that II IJllrl of the favorite territory has been al'Wjulf'f' by I.QII Angelu for park purIIOlel , and . ItI only a tiuueslion , ot time when the cltI 11tlt'l" the unique IUIlinclion of poue..slllC the only tropIcal park In the l'altrd Slates . Strange tj say only the fluid- \\"Y region of the Cahlleail rolllge Is free from frost , LillI lower part at the valley being occasionally \'hlled. C IMEHCIAL \ AND ) FIN AAL' ' Wheat Lost One Oent Early but Recovered Partly CORN WAS DECIDEDLY WEAKER YESTERDAY If " 'n" \Io.t"I'I , . ( ' , "lIlIlInll I ii , " "f lie 1/TIt "f nil 1.'I.\t..1 : CIIII ( .I..I. tin 4 ( 'r"IUn' " i4ihit "I'r ) ' I. . , , . ChICAGO ! . I.-Wheat ot one time tc t oula ) ' hall lost 1l' Per bu. or its Previous ' c losing 11I'lce. but recovered \ c ot thl ! . It hall h 10 HO to nil eAport ImslK allll did 1O- (0) hu. being reported taken here today for . torelJn account mind phiputment Corn and ellIs lund turtht.'r heavy I'hl1'lnlIIIPII off their already thin \'nltll's. nod at the close. comparcil wllh ) 'ester/laY'fI I1l1ul 'tuotntlonll , curn wus Ic per I bu lower anti oats l1c lower. l I'ro'hm'ions had 10 d11ell" upon RhoI'll to 110 the hu'lnlwhich I'llulled Irlcel , to rally near the close to about the level l at 'estl'rda"s testing 1"IIte . Wheat was weak at the opening and then hpcame fllhlllenl I'Ilroner for 1\ few IIIln- utes Th ' first h'IIII s were ut from t8e to t &t'3c ! ' for S"Itcmh . amid mettle or I1rtl'Cli minutes It haul risen to Gic. At that Point the offerIngs unll sales of uhout 'OO.OOC ) lIu. II II III'omlnent operator appeared to IIll1rm : the t oll'ratorl 'fhe price broke nicatu ! In a' ' fl w inlnutep and after a short effort to hohl l It nhollt the level or the oenllll price , to which It haul / rettmrmued the holtl- crA sought rllrlher relief and 1111(1.11' IInoUler g l'neral rush to throw overboard a JfI'ut'r oath l of theIr hol/llngH. Ueroro 11 o'clocle Seplemher wheat luau decllnl'.1 10 GiI.1C. or II lIttle more luau 1f. below the clue ot ) reterdmty Ot fro'Hh 111'\\ ' " 10 IIC'Ollllt for the 11.1)11 alllllllolllll weakness , there was lIulle. 'I'he Enl''lIsh I11nrleetH were closell. title he. i hug . IL ha ale huol 11 a \ ' 111 IiigIa : nil , a nil Ihl'fl' WIIS nothing fresh in Ihe domosllc sItuation The gurOIH'ltn continental mnrkl'b1 s'ore howe\'er r'ported to he inn ( an" ( hIgher. IIIIPl'041'11 to be hf'call-e of W1 weather the tuI I ' IturOjeOm1 : wlnler wheal harvest beIng In filII \ 1IIII't I1n,1 , the oPplIallccs for tallng I'are of the cut grain being milch Inferior to those In IIRO h"rl' ; Chll'ulto reciptt were : 4 e\'ent-l1ve cared of which se\'elll-ulle were new red 111111 only six of the latter were contract Quullly. : 'lInllea\ nut ulllth received IIlnet-cno carl' uguln4t 163 11 year u"o. 'rite lullli recl'lvl',1 III the Ilrlmar l ) ' western marlels WlIs : Gi.OO'J 1m. . l'OIIIIHI\'I'lt wIth tIO.OOO ! bu on the orr'sl'onll- 1 t og clay of the pr\lou , 'ear. 'rhe WI'I'I.'s clearances of whl'ltt lit and from hollt I CIl.1St : amountell to I.IGIOOO ' ) btm . IIHaln"t' : ' 1.2.000 ( ( hu. on the week previous . The day' l''portH were equal to about 115.000 hu. The I'tIt'ls market clime unchanged for wheat. butt O centlml' ) mlghc'r for floul' Berlin 'tllolell all advance of H. mark1 ArgentIne wheat IIhllll\1clIls for the week were fI6.O t 1m. h . so that the competItion of that country - try umutty now he cOlll'hlercll over for the Hl'IIHon. Ruissian shIpments IIhou1lI1IHP , hI' rl' lucl'd , temporarily at lt'tmst and wIth th"HO reductions the European Import..rlO will have to , Iraw from tills sid , ' . The ) ' made 1blarl today In that direction. 1I0tehlclss h sold 1r.0.IQ bu for eXl'orl. Bal- : IllIIfI"l' t " wIred early In the dmuyI : ' 'trifty thou nnt' hu. of whl'1I1 sold for eXhort allil ' workln on [ 1).000 lIIor < . " The visible SUIII'I ; . which in' creased 2II.OOO bu. last year . Is expected tu f'how II derrl'IIJoe of from 2OO.O 1m. 10 I 3011.000 . hll. on lIOlllhl . After slrllllIg Gic September whellt rl'ach'lI 10 Gi'c , anti cloHt'l1 at from Gie 10 GSc. TIme carll market was weaker again tOtla ) ' Rull very decidedly so Sel'tembel' opened ' atlIe . improved to .12 .c. dropped 10 41c . anll closet al from 1'X.c to 4ic. Mu\ : from 35c declined 10 3t .c. nod closed wltit sellers at 31e. It was a mere 'ollthllla- tloll of the effect of UII eXI''clel1 tutu pendouil I crop. 'I'he clay's receipts wcrn 4O I curs. New York reported forty hoatloadlO taken there for eXllort. Freight room for : : J.IJO bu. wns takel' her ! . Ar/'enllno hlplIIl'nts tor the week were reporlcd al 1,2mOOO bu. ' Oats sold , today at the lowest point e\'er reached In Chicago at this season of thl' year and under , nn ) ' price that has 0\01' been touched III New York ut ally time Culluhy hought III quite a great lIenl of r September nod sold May ot 1\ dlITerellc ' of : nc. . Allvlcl's thl'OlIJ.hout the oats grow : log territory state an en..rl\1ous crOI > In hmrubalde and with the 11111ll'ur welther now prevallhlH II would mil he surJlrlslllir 10 cut another almost equally liS harge . September was oIT red At .iImLc. 1001.1 . up to 21'ic with the corn market declIned to 211' . anti 1':081'11 : at 21c . 'rho provisIon market was affected bythi ! smull run of lmogs 10 start with. Ihen by thl' . I eeakmmeua or corn , and hater by cO\'Pfln of I shorts Owing 10 the lust named callt pork recovered 12 c of the lc decllnl' . ant lard UIIII ribs each rose 5c above the 10Wl'RI ! price they reached early In the session The hog receipts today were only .OOO head nnll for thc week Ii9.GOO head agaltlill t 2.77r. hp"t 011 the correspondIng wpelt of thl' year hl'fore. The next weele 1run of 75.000 head : Is eXIectn : rslllllated receipts for Monday : Wimeat . 1..1 ca"H : corn . & 05 cars ; ol\ls. 25i cars ; hogs , 16.000 head , The Il'ullnr ; futures range rill 10110\\"s : ArtleloA. I IIpt 1. I IIIh. I rI" . I Clan. VlteatN0. J Aug..c:7 : $ OR $ ( 1H1\i OIJT4atl7 81.111. . M" Ga4i34s 1I\J,4 . lIi'c ; ( ; 73.om Ikc. . . . . 70 'Q\Ij 7H' tJ\.f 7O3tt " Corn No. : . A\lI\ . . . . . . 424 42" .UI 4HHa { . iert. " " " . 42@4J' 41M 4U' 4H. & Gcl . . . . 4ti 41)14 ) : m0)4 , 4U Iec . . . . . J\ : : : I44 :14 : a4t ( Mav. . . . . 34' { l5 1\ : : J4 341. CataNo. i. . . . I Attic .0..7 : : : 211i 21\i ! 20)1 ' 21 . Setut . . . . :11. 2Ht 21 2B ( M. ) . . . . . 2tUG:2 2ilh 2Hi 21H : Fork uer bbl , 8l.III. . . 1 jO r. 72ft II GO 1 63 .intu . . . . . 10 au 10 ) 33 1025 10 J1i b.d.IOOlbs . , Sepl. . . . . . 1I 2'0 124 0071i II 121v 0\ . . . . . II .10 IIII U Iii II 173. Jan. . . . . . . 1117J.i II 2'Ji4 0 171i ! II 20 llort Ribs- I'.pl. . . . . I HJh r. l $23. ! Ii 774 r. R21t Oct . mbo-I . Ii in ( ) Ii 11(1 Ii i H5 Ii Hilt Jail. . . . . . . Ii .11i 7 : 4:1 ! " G 423 i lrt.Ot71u\'tnter Cash quotatlemus were patents as . follows $3.2j3.75 : ; wlnlrr Ktrnllhtll. $ . < 1 r3.tO : CPu , lOg lllenl. $ $3.i. I.2 . : 'I'tlall .trntllhl. $ 'i'Of/J.2. ! ; : iaker ) . Zt9)4,2r.O. \\1I1\1'-No. 2 sirimur . GeThtGlhc ; No. 3 sprhut C.o : Nn. 2 1"1.,1. GGT.ftl:7c. : . L'O1uNN ( ) . 2. 4l242c : No. 3 yellow . tttlI2c . OATS-No.2. I\il' ; No. 2 1I'hlll' 2tJC3jc ; No. I alit te . 21fi2k. ltYl'-Nu. : 2. 4Ic IIAltI.I'\-No. : 2 . nominal : No. 3 . 2Se ; No.4. ml lmiah. n'1'i . SI'n-Nn. [ . : I. 112. ' 'l'I:1ICY1'1I Y 1-I1l-:1I-l'rllne. $ : . : . I'ItO\'II-1IONI-I-MI' metric . tier iLl . S .G2Hf ! 97' : Inl"1l. per I' 110. . $6.0i trG.IO ; short rU . . 1I1.It'R < house ) . $ S.7.f.5. : try .Ur.1 .Iwlllliers ( Luxe.\ . $5.G23.3.T3 : short dear aides ( boxed ; SI. . SC.r IrII'G21 , . \\1I11-I1iY-DI.tlllers' finIshed good I. per gal . U.z. The tollolVl'\B" were time r.c.IPI' and ahlpmnent 100011Y : _ -Art.lelc" . Iteeolpl . Sbh'monts. - - - - - VlOmtr bl"8..M. . . . , . . 1\.000 1.000 Wheat UII. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.IIIIU 111.000 ( 01"11 , bll. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13".000 lH.OOO O ll. . loll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:111.000 101llI0ll Eye bll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lI.nUl. ) . . . . . . . haney . but. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.000. . _ . . . . . . . _ _ , Ou the I'r01110) CI1:1Ule tohv tim batter mH- : kel wo" firm : creaunerv . 10'UBe ; d\lr : lua He. ; y-ge , steady ; 11tl1lte. Cheese 7.bTHc. \10\\ ' l'OIlIi ( SI'lI.\.I : , :11.\111\:1-1' UloNIII" QUO'"tlOIN I on the l'rlll..II"11 ( : OIllIlllItll' antI Stulh'N. NJ W YOIll > . Au . 3.-V1.OL'lt-lteceipts . 17.G Ll.b. ; uI'o.l"ls. 10.200 LLIB. : city null patents IUOiI.iO : city anlll clears . 31.O4.13 : lIl1n.toOln \IIIlrllls. $3.i.jl.D. ; llInllBol.1 Lilt-is $3.oJJ3.2d ) ; sulng low grades . $ l.t3i12..3 ; winter patents $ t.5H13.S ; wInter cirrulgiuts $3.4iil.S ; wlllier cx- 1m. . $3.ooti3.oJI ; luler how grmtdes . $2.oofJ'3.00. His flour. quiet ; autpcrtlne $3. : ; 'lO : fattey . S3. fi'3.i . cx . ) 1SNM AI.-Tlull : yellow western U.Oi 1I.IO. WIIJ-A'l'-Itr..elpl > . ID8.GOO bu. : exl'Orl. r6.7) ) 1m. ; ' st weak : :0:0. C red . Thc . : No.1 northern 7Ih" : No. 1 hard , 7lic. Opllon. hall a sharp early advance un genii foreign bu"lnl ant In. 'h'a"'d , , ' . kl ' ( exhrts snd n complete toss unct.r h..u.lIlnK It ) pit Irud"no , who loatleil UI' on tie utah rl. . . assisted II aIjsenc or cash lI..mund nfl rumors that \rg'nllne woo olTrllng whe'\I ned > ; closed , .tioao lower : tlept'niber . 71 5.IGft 73te . . do..ct T2' . ( . ( COliN1I.c.llpt. . 134.3O ) lou. : exporis 79.Q.1Q lu. ; "IHII lII.uk.1 active but weaker . No. 2 . 4fl.c . 01" tlon. sllrror".1 nil time morning fruit hiittldatiot , a. a nlult 01 tine crep news anti om 1l'llIldalloo 1 ( > 1'01'1. ; c"ffd I.UI.o lower ; 13'l'tt'mL r. 4ItJ11c ! dooe.1 41' , . . u.'r-Jutcelpts. : IS.D J bu. : exp"I. 10.60)1) bum ; plot n.II'oIP and w ' .k ; No. % . 2102i\zc ; No. 2 whll3''itl3k. ' . 01\10110 " "dPllllel ) ' .cll\'e. . .111111torr with " . ' " 1. allil 'Io..d10 lower al ' \I" ; tIt'Itemh.l" $ . . ; ) .I1 2.e. Ciabsit % \zc. \-t"lraner : shIllIng 75iH5 ' , good II choice . 9lcWm.o. 1I01' -"ery quiet : 0101. 3Q3c : J'IIelno coast 01 3m" UP . 5119 < . IIIDJ/I-Quld : .ollr..rnla 4ry :1 10 2d II. . , tlte ; Ollh' loa dr ) . IL U to tl : I" . . . IGOI&l' : llueruo . , Ayru .h , . 2i U to U its , . lIe ; 7..xa. dry : t 10 30 lboc. 4tlS 1.IATII.It..III1I : : hemlock sole lIuclI" Ares light 10 IWilVY Wchibla. 23c lIeM. 11.fIle. ; \ 001.l"lnn : . domestic lIe..c" , 1tte ; pulled 3)(0 , e.l'flOViBiONilpet. . dNll. fmuu1ly . . QIUO ; Saint cocci . tUOt/I.OO Lee I hum. li.PUjhT.60 . macked. U.OOftlt.OU ; city extra ( IIIdl4 me. $17.00 tIIll.fA Cut Ititls , . q..I. , : 1'lrkl.tI 1'lIlu. ttnj " . l.ickted ' .IwuIitri $ ti1jc ; 1'kled Ita 10..4UIOc. ' l.art KAI r' wesl.rn .t"'lIl closed ut Ii.'io@ G.4S ; September . 1L4214 : .Uned. Mealy. 1'orl' dull : new m.ls. $ ll.tl4tl.23 , ; family . I l.t01j13,73 ; short clear . $ SI2..obI1.4 C1tCi3Si-ce.4 ' ; IIIIII . larct' 5Slc. small I. . - r . t n'\le % ; pitt-I Akllnll. . etr4I t : lull .kltns , 1 ' ' 111 .I' . I-tb.--Quiet : * ( . \\.Ie'o ' Irl'.h. 121113' ' c. VAT.l.O\--SI-nty , : "lU' $ . 4' . " : ' ' mnll" , 411\ ' $ , 1'1'TltOI.Fl'M-VIIII : ! tni'smusy . l'nlted 1'1".1 % lit $ 1.55 hll. , 1I0 , IN-.lpt ; .lrnlfU'tt owfltan 101:001. I ; 't1b ! 61.57" . " -I TIIII'JlNTINIQul : ' .1ft:1l ' l' . Itll'l--Str"IY ; ,1)rnetrv , , sir to exlm. 4tG.I' ! ; J apan. 3'.fm 114 " . _ MOI.\fIRI tI-SIM.IYIt : IT. Otl..n. . open kettle /TMI ) 10 i 'hnlc. . ZI1:1 . . . l/tT.\I.H-I'I , ti-en. Oul.t suit .I..nll ; MlIthltT1. $ 1114.1)1 ; 1IItIhl'rn ' ] Iruft 14.151. topper , strong ; Ikl"s' I rite . 11 < . 1.-t"I\'IJ .IN'II ; I toke a' triee . $3.3i. : , . Tin 1.11' , ] quiet mini AII.I ) ' . l'OTTON 1-1 JU : O11.-4dIeaity ' . primp crllll . In Iohill. I . 2.e . n"o\lnlll ; r1lml rnlll , I"'AI' . 1II:1c ; nIT ci-ult' , In . .I. . 21. . .UIIIIIIPr ) ' rl law . prlml' . 2 t1i2V1e : ) 'I'IIJw alT -n" ; , " " . . :7(2H.'jhll \ . l iltite . lie ; butter omIto1. ' . : 'I. 0"11.4II'X ' ItI1.111:101' - t"\1I1I1t111 itt 1'ru.I , . nll.1 4llltltlitlOliN till Si lilt' nll.1 F. . mit.l'riutl utee . lnOl-J.'I'lIh stock , per doz. , lOl10t4e . IIl1T'ftll-l'ocklng smock , 7\HISe : choice 10 f ancy . 12'f1l1c ; gathered cn'alller ) ' . lIe ; separator , c reamery . ICe. I.lVI1 : l'Ol'lrltY-II..n. . C. ; roosters ' , 3e : .prlnSf itteltetip . I..r It , . . 1O.IillIx. ; dlll'ko. 7tJk , slrlnltlurk8. . 10e ; tur.r8. ] . 7(18c : geese Gr. "I\1..l'holcl fal. iO 10 100 Ib . tire quoted nl G i7c $ ; large nn,1 , Qft5j . . 4jt4e ' . CIUI.SI : : -\\'I.con.ln full cream lie : TOllnl\ Anuerlcus . lIale : twins . 1I(1Ic ; NeLn..ka and Io"'n , full " .nlll. lee ; I.Il11hurter. 11:0. I. iSo I t rick N' t .lIe : Swt. No. I. 130. T-IIIlonll 1m ) ' . $1 ; midland $7 : low- lalhl. b $ G..J ; llO'W hll- $6 ; r1 stmv $ . : color ninku's the IlIlc\ Oil I oy. 1.igitt bales sell the b.sl. Onl ) ' top gralt's tiring lop rl'u. l'lGIWNS-I'I'r 0' : . $1.1 ) lI.2. ; \ FOIT.1II.rS. . l'OTATOI.S-1Iew : l'ullltOl" choice stock 20 35c. ONIONS-n..rmulu. "r crate none ; Collrornll1. In I sack . per bu. 8icfi"I.OO ; hOllle grown , COtie. OJ.\ luhAN- : , picked . navy $2Z a ; 1.111\1. , b eans . I.rr . lb. . Glia/51 c. CA1Il1.\l1I On ortl" . eatkeo1. l'hc. ' ( .hhHiIiHl'er : doz. bnneh.s. Ie. Oltl-I'N : ONIONS-Per. . doz. bunches . lOe. LtrrlJl'l-l'or tlox. Uri2oc. , \ Sh'AIt.iiUSCltohce. stock on order . 351150c pl'r doz. bUllches. CIJCtllIllI.ItS-On ; : orders :0..35c per do % 1' ! AH-Oo outlet a . tier . ha , . . GItijic. wrmr-o III'\NH-On orheom tier I u. GO@C1C. ' I'\TOII-I-eholco' : ' slock. per .b.lsk.1 crate . r,0q11c. . SIJlIMI SQUASH-Ver doz. . 011 orders 2df IOc. tOe.VATlflM III.ONH-l'cr 1 : tI,1. . rrolr-I. t $2.r.o. W.\I5rI. \ : : I'li'I'1nS-J'er I : - ' bu. G t t"l5 : basket . . SStj tOO . C'\UI.II'I.O\\'I'II-I''r : 11111. . . il'lI1l.oo. l'rIJoIt\-lIolllP jNI'O.lpr dn7. . 3.11l1e. C.\N'I'\I.OlTl'lS-Per tasket 23c. FItUITI-I. q I\ltS - 'lIlIrornhlIu , lie II I' . her heir. 2.oo " 1 "ii'F./ It.\HI'I1I.nItIlI-No dipping . , ocle. I'I.UMS-enlllo'l1ln , Per box . . choice Ilock , I.3niUl..o . ; RO\\Ihern. Ier COst' $1.2. Al.ItICOTS-No .hll'l11I1I' ' IILCk. St1'IIl.IIN l'g.\l.'IlIS-l'l'r .Lu.I'et crate i.q S : " . A 1'1'1I H-CllOlcl' slipping stock bhl. . 12.0 % . : : cooking 81'1. . U.ii2.0t ( 'AI.U'OItNI\ 1'Ilelawfold. : . per box 7ii R : " a'm'htA\'IhHlttthlcs-liiioct CII iltlth : ; 1i4-No Iiiping ; , stock iltipping ' , stock non" GOOHoIHItItIJoH-No : hIJlI'lI\g , ; slock. IIIACK 1tSI ' ItlItll-No ( Bhll."ln& alock. III.AKIII I El ltnllH-N" 1 1 : .hll'plnl .Io'k. OItAI'I'S-I-It1\\1hern stock , tier 8.11 Laskets . 3d filii ( . tnIiftmnli I"'u < p. $ . l1.0. N.C'TAnINI'S-.C'allrornln. : per ease $1.50. ' 1I01'l\1. . 1"IlUIT8. OH.\NOII-I-ehol'e .redlln/ tier bee. $2.0 , MclIlen'aneulI sweel8. $ : .i. . tune ) ' St. 1tlchtacls. ' lIul\e. I\ONH-Jxlra : fancy 10monH , 300 sIze $6. & ) : ; 31)0 11-I1.0. 16.\JII ) /G.5'J. ' 1IANANAH-ChflcO ! large stock per I tUfli $2.2. (12.r.oi ; "willum .Ize hUllchel. $2.UC1J2.23. l'lNt ' I'I'ImPrt 1I0z. . $2. It " ! hSCtLLAuOti $ . FIOS-l"allc . lie ; ell/.Me. Utt13c. 1I0NI Y- < nlllornIA. 11111 > e. MAPLE 8YltUl'-UolI luga . per doz. . $ : ; lII .by. I-gaL cans UJ Nu'rs -\Imonds. 11e ; tnlIsh walnuts . soft- ahl'lIed. 12c : standnrda. : lie ; filberts , ion ; Bnazll nUl. lOe ; pecans SO.Dattuts . raw ' . Ge : toasted . . DATHS'-ln GO to O.tb : boxes , Cc per lb. , : lat ! ! ate. . .lIIali boxes . 1t II5 lb. CItH n-l'url julre , per bbl. . I. : halt hbl. $ :1. IUCI 1'0I'COltN-11I tIme car ea oidera . per lb. . % -e. . . JT1I1FS ANn TALT.OW. HIDES-No. I gm'eep , h , 1l's. 3.c : No 3 green hides 8c : No 1 gl''l1 .alte,1 hldrs . Uc : No. 2 green salted luides 83.5cXo. 1 \ ' ' , collI. 8 10 L 110. , Ic ; No. 2 teat calf 8 10 J. Ib > . 10'(00IC. No. I dry flint httles. IUH ; No. 2 dry flint hides . tic : No 1 lilY .1111. [ hides . 12c , partly cured hid. 4c , Per lb. teams titan fully currd. SIJol'I' : 1'1JI'S-UI : . salle' . l1dl. 25GOe : green salted .hearllnl\'s < short woolrd early skins ) . each 1213c. dry she rlln ; . ( ho.t " obIec1 eltl ; .kill" ) ' No. I. cud . GOlOc , dry .hl'lIrlings < thor tvouheil I 's ' early slums \ ) , No. , each , Ic ; dry hint I : "bnt elogf lCansts adam Neiu-a , , bitteiier , wooh pelts . pt : PoUnd , actual weignc. . Ct3e : dry IIInt Iolloao Rnd N."rlllk" l\Iutlola wOO l \ .IIK. her Jlound actual weight CU6c : dry flint COlomlo LUI'her wool pelts . . per. . > Q jwtl. . llIollw..llht . . . ' 'ilGdr ! ) flint Colorado -rnl1t1 "tn' -\,001 1'1'118 ; per pound . actual weight . ( /6e. have feet cut ott a. II 10 useless 10 may II'elRht on tholll. TAI.I.oAND OltFASE-No. 1 tallow 4tJ C'C : No. 3 ludlow 3' . illc : grease . white A . 4vl ; I'Ac ' : l ' . " . while D. 3c , 1:1"'IIe. 'ellow. 2HI , ; 3c ; grease , IInrk. 2c ! : 01 hutter. % jlXc : bees . wax , rt.ne. 1itf2c ; rough tttlctv. ; I 2e , \S'Of. : UN\\.8lgl.t.'ln. ' heavy. : eIl7. : tine Ill\"ht.8tl" ; I\uarlrr.bloo . 10(112 : seedy . butl.y ulld chatty . strod , : coiled unit lirokcmt coarse , 7j Ic ; coiled nun lu-olcen. tine. CtJSe. WOOL . WASIIIO-J' lurn. 1.0lSc : line . 140 Ir ; 11111 tytistied 16fclsc : blael : . Be ; bucks Cc lag lock 2ftc .d tlIIIIPd. . G. . : ' \ ' York Hr ) ' ( , utilI.Inrl.ef. . NI'YOIIK. . \u& . 3.-ThPJ. . was titHe or no tlI'm\nd oul.ld" or tb' utah order tequireutment rail "I tar tnlHIIII' I t anti nuare ,1I.tallt 1 murk"ls. nnll IIllncllall ) ' the Inll r. Tht' thief request ttis lut dressing 1I0Illroll . cotton Iiianiuetw stud 1I..lIn"l. 'lIIt , ho ' fact oil .puRuna"lp > jWCI.llllcH , 01 whiIcI 1II00leraip I\UanlllicH were caliI'll Illr. IIIruchrl , colu > n . oIloclo1 more IlIqult ) . hy wire IIH a guam , 1 agaInst higher l'rll'eM. 'l'IIt tie 01 tits mlltkl'1 . I. % 'ery IItonK nit . ! I. ncqulrilla greater sltenI" ever ) ' day h..au.e 01 Ihp'l't ) III'omhlp stllll.- t",1 1eItiutt 01 slo"\s. I'rlnllnl cloths \"Cr ) : ' IIrlll but quiet III .c Illume I her ( " , ' 111. S'l'Ol'S1) \ . TI'lId"IIt'y 01 SIteettIntlUtI [ 'YnM In tim C Uirretlllll 01 III1h'r l'rles. NEW YOltL . ( tug. 3.-The tendency 01 8prcu. Iiallon toilny wall III the direction 01 IIlgher prices. HI'It'cllon over nlllIl 'mP 10 hay chanl\"d the current of vIew regarding tItle pal' ' . tlculutly as regards tIme exportation 01 Iold. en :1 : .INI1)"H engagements were not vIewed wiLl any alarm III view 01 the now well aUlh..nlrole , ' ( act that the IlOnd 'lIdl..alp ittis resources or 8uppl upon which II can draw " 10 r..hnlJ1.1rHP thl' trl'a.ut ) . for any loses 10 the 1:01,1 , reserve fun,1 dime 10 shIutn'nts ! 10 Iutopr. : Time 1.II'I'lIln I'rle's were IU'lIl'Ucall unClumg"II , hut II ' , 'ar : liriet'Ii Ha"ur earl sent the stvt't lawn it Irncllon. The general list IVnH nt lIel'I' " .1 and SUllilr l\ulcl'I 1' sold up 10 11. . whIch Ia H.ll'r . cetut above too utIglmts cling wllh II minI rPllcllon 01 . per 1'.1. heaving n net gain or lti : her remit ( Jibe r .lockH traded In IIIUVl'd up notably Chulo ( lit . flock 1.lnnd all,1 , Consolldllh' ( itS . luI In tim C lul" rattling I selling cau..tI n slight rt'.iitior . Cordage I"oll'rrrtl tiuctuat.il , wldpl ) . hr"IIIIIIa 23. . 1'1' cent aol ' .In.lnl \ . Item , 'pnl above thp lwr.l. 'rhe lII"rk1 dO'I'.1 IInu. with I'rl'e. : gtnt'mtuliy , rrolll \ . 10 H. her cl',1 uho" . Iho nosing smiles 01 ) ' . 'aterd. ' . Time "olllll" 01 hu..l- i ascii Ills w..k iioWi , II slllhl IIII'rl''S' over l..sl week and time IrndlnK was more wld'I tIlt Irlh..ll'11. All UII.ollI..1 tune ituwever laiaeie Ixed tIts dealings . and time manteL was lIIalnl 0 : III tlit' hlldH of the himufessinths. : III the cart ) ' o\l..nallonll tI" ging rs I'blIII1'1 unit ke I. I react plI,1 luul'lll' Ih" hllhl'.1 lIgnite 01 Ih. ' yeau' . tim C advance L"IIIII Rtlrllulule,1 by I.\\'oral.lp crot ml- vIces. Liter In time week h' " , ellcoulullln iltOrt 5 01 Ih. whr"l anti rom rr"I' causal n cuing or .nti.oL whl..h ' 110111".1 , ' . , tIttnn . un" 1 . nles lor time Hllort account aflil l a i Irover ' range " of \'IIluo. was e eMtulihiMtel , t rally wus lIIulle III the IInlll dealings IInll tips rhanlH wee , , HIIKhl. except hit lIurllll&'ton _ I. 10\\11 1 per [ cent end RI. PattI "r..r"rr..1 I. up 31.ler ernl. A t cry Large business was dot5 In HIIl\"ar. "hleh was 1II'p,1 solely L ) clIque nall.lllt ulatioll. 'rite'ttfl . erhllt ant " (1oohl ( stocks wpre h"uliht on he strength 01 expl'clrtl tnitjntensttre 01 rnlra utn.lsr limit trunk hums ngr..eau\ont \ and time anlielpilled IIIISf grain CIOJ' . _ 1'h. l'orolnlHhnrt ! mactp Inrl gains on time allnounrrnapnt Ihal IIJr'1'I..n nr r..ll"I\'lIlIlzallon or lh'nlerLur committee \VU oIpehcrl'd peralh' nod Ihot 1\ lIIujorlt of.ole lends mind stocks IM'p isen dctoettc.l witit ' fhe commllll'p , Thpre was sitne proltt lal.k\'hl..h . i'rtugltt about d reaction , hut time . .ltares choacil 1 6 per r..nl higher for tit . auara-ntjpi. . n. Pl'I' cent far tIme Jltl'rerr..1 not 'Yo ppr cent { ' anr the common. The .nnOUI\l..menl by iliut . . ' . .Kpmpnl .r time Tnlle,1 Siatc 1..thrr .mnlitliZthal II new Issue 01 stock 10 Ihp amount ' $ . ' ) . ) ) was 10 I. tunIc , Hcll..1 an IInr\'or..bo. ] . Innupnc" on Ihl' 1..rl'rr..1 stock 01 lie rOIllJlIIny.1 , wloI..h hail , ,1\'aneo,1 , I p'r 1'.111. IIIIl whlrh Lrnli.:3'1n'J"'el'1I1 t ) tI . recovering , Hilpr Cent III tie ( html /leallnllll. The week clo..d with inici' gen t"t ' hh-h'r. 'rho total stiles were 1.5Io : ) Bhare. Time 1.ond 1I.I''et gatlng today tyna 5.3.O1) quiet , . ' Time but : ; 1I I 'jf.\urtl \ e. for pales ' tIme aggre- week waR \llOIII'.lph' aetl\'e'\md'ionerall ( ) ' strong total sates benlll $ \ . ( . /II . 'I I " 't . Time \IIOt. important gaIns were : Iron MoulI' thin guaranteed Is . G crrC1 ; ( Oloratlo llIdlliod ? hr.iti. 3 Jl' . cent ; AIcbi..n . Is. : : Per cent. ; .lIr. ; Northuern lllItu.itj ttrsifl. 1 j4 ptm , tnil i 1 Tennesee I emil trite ( Terjtessee .1I\'I.lnn , 31. per .nl. Kansas ( it ) ' & Ontmmhtm t , iI ttchintl IIt 1" per ecumi anti r Missouri 1 &P e.m ; : . , 3i. ; JI , cent. : Government honb , 'orl".II'II Bnd Ilhhll easier with amulet ] .I $ . / ) ) . slntr Issues were , lnrmant ' the salem hellll : 01\1) 11\.1'10. Th. only sale 01 sll. nr IIl1entl'1I was 120.COO sl Gr. .I' . The New ( omit 'lnlll\'lI'r sims : A mht'creas or I.1)j7.4In the .chano hits I"rll rarrl..1 hy the " associatIon I. time foalure 01 lbs hank .11I1..n.nl. ( Tie ehant III cash hollllnls were unlll1l > rlnnl. Hail [ II not h..1 for th . n\lanIOII ; In marts time reserve would hll\ ! aw..llet1 .0\11. . I thillII' lIke 1,010.1.10. ( A large part 01 this ' gain I unlouhl..lh' , cotta from III" \.rl \ 11I0ve\llpnl. which I. lIIalnlaloPtl In II 'ollln" IlIrlor titan $155 " brett anllelpAI. Large rl'millaneu hll" . al" teen . r..r..h'PlI from sonic or Ihe onll"rn hmitnka , luring time week Time increase III loano. Coating iuntnedIstei' suer thl' ( ultrreat.e 01 time , wf"'k \ rl" . vious . I. not In I. 'X1lsl1 e"I\ hUI lIIonO ) ' . III view or lie lung ' 11I"lIcl",1 .1I\.n. I.'pr ) ' l.mplllllC. .n,1 , shrewd borrowers are quIck 10 take RI\'an'slC' ' nf nfl olunll ) ' which tutsy not oc..r again 'rhe I'ppnrtunlu' ror ( p'di..coumtti front Ihe 'c and south I is plll1 jn.-reulnui and some lance aunts hate h"-n \11.1',1 , wllhln the IW.I few ctU"II. A IIIlIoh.r 01 h.nko laying 1,11' , e"n. tloo 01 lila kind tell " 'rt ' a. I'h'al of time rlo. manl. which \tall extended ( over two wrek. The treasury It tty be "m.rk.I. I. lr l'lIrlnl for ( he business \ hlch II multi b. rolled u.o to 110) In ' ha way cf , Iran.rerlIfund. . h ) ' telegraph a. they are 1'1111..1 lor The ra'cI for Iunlls have shown n. materiel . ehtange . ollltouoh time gold exports have complicated ( h . IIllonllon ( ' t" same extent Time last witimdmawnli ot fund.IIlth \II bleh to se . c 1"\ gall r'1\1I1 ' time trensitry are not r.nr'lr.1 In his .llIt..ml'nl for th . current week. The followIng terre the closIng quolallon. on he l'tIlltllf slorks of the New York exchange t oday I Alchl.on. . . . . . I\ . NOrttuWC'dotui . . . Iulli \.lnI1l8 Rapress . 147 ale t > . . . . . . . 113 Allen T. I llres. . 021 ' ( N. Y. t.nlral. . . lUI" 111. . txlrt.R : . . . . . 11:1 : N. Y. , N. . : . . . . . illI nllllll1loro , \ flimia 04 Olliorlo \ W. . . . . In CalHltla I.aelnc. . 112 Ol"t'.on Iuui ' " " " It Call1lllLonlhrrn. : ! toI"IlI"t'I'OIl I NaY . . . 23 C..nlrall.\cU.o. . . 1t IO' it. I. .i U. N. . 7 :111.S. . 01mb. . . . 21 I\.i pMlno Mail . . . . 2tt ' ' Chicago jlwtt . . 11\11 11',11. I . E . . . . . 11'ij' I ' . II.Q. . . . . . . . IltJtG pIII.bllr. . . . . . ll'.24 ehlenlto ( ltte ; . . . . r.7H iutllttmaui 1'l1ll1eo. 174 COIl8011lItll'l10.\ . . r.7Ji/I'Ultlllall : / . . . . . . . 17" I I. U e. , I.I. . .til ' n. U . W. . . . . . . 17t : olo. Coil . . Iron 71II. . G. W. " ' ' . . . . 42 rotten Oil Cert . . tt ! ' flock 1.1llId. . . 7 ielnwitrti, ¼ liii I , lnt1tst. . I'amtl . . . . . . . . . . . 7t1 Iel. . junk , ItV , 16t ) do Ird. . . . . . . . . . 1211 p. l. (1. put . . . . . 473.i St I'.t thn.tlu't . , , , IlI ( l&C. ' . ( o. . . . . . . 2II thottlO. . . . . . . . . . . . 11(1 lrhe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.14 . ' iOLtttuortt P.miitlo 2 , ' ( tb If&l. . . . . . . . 2 $ 11 tear ltoiluierv. , , , 11411 Port Wmmvtmo. . . . . ' I imot5 'roiutt , Coil & troa ; ttIl 0. Northern old 127 ! T'sat t'aeimle. . . . . . 123 , C , . l. I tutu . . . . . . 1 01)1 ) , I ' . . ti ( 'On ( , utfut , 711 iloekittg V.itley. . , 24)4 ' ( ltmton t'.tcilmc. . . , ll illlnoic toimtu'ul , , hill II. 11. Hxnro4. . . . . . 41 SL 1' . .tm lmttutlt. , tu W , Sb I. . . 'e I' 81 Ic. , " T. nfl . . . . . . , .871)W , SI. I. . , P. tutu. 21 tI Lake itrin . Vo'it 24 * ( Yells ) . 'nIro N'c , . , IllS do pEil. . . . . . . . . . . . : t t'eStcrti titulOti . . Like Simorti. . . . . . . 150 Wiuenlmmiir 3m L 11 , Idt Le.'uthTrtttt . . . , , , . . , ilotitci. . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Lotmtsrllle.'s N , ( Ii3. . i , & St. Ii. . . . . . . . . . 223 * II. , * N. A . . . . . . . . . . II 1).e 11.0. . . . . . . . . . 11)1 Mauubctttamt Comi. . . I 1It : , o. I MeutuulmI&fl. . . . . . 13 N. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 ) Itc'hmgttt : CCitt. . 1023. . ( (2. ii' . & 1. . . . . . . . . . . . 371 * Mte'ourl 1'.ueimlo 37t do oft . . . . . . . . . . . . tI Mobllts .tm Oitto 2-1) 11 . .T , . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 HshiIIeCh'tt , , , 70 ' 1' . A . A , .te N. . . . . . . 24 NtUottal CortaTo. 2 'r. st. L .h IC. C , . . . Nat. CoriIat' ptl , :3 : % do pM. . . . . . . . . . . 14 % N , J. temmtr.mt. . . . . . Ii2t ( ; 5 , l , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii N. . ¼ 'iv , tfct. . . . . . I 3 do mulch. . . . . . . . . . . . 421 * North .tutt. tO. IIL , ,1u Fob. Co. . . . . . I I I 1 * Nortlmet'iu t'LtCIthli. , ' do pf.i. . . . . . . . . . . . I I I 4 No.Pae. pit 18)f St I' . , II. & M. . . . . 113 % 0.1' . . D.tlJ . . . . . . C' . Tin , tUmmi sides of stncLs ( clay were 110.477 etmatci. Immeltithing ; Auut'rlcan Slug-al' , 44.70) : Atehi- l oin. seeiitl nesemettient halt. 3.00 Iiurllngtohi , 6.30' ) ; ( ' , inahlan 2cut tit'rt , , 3,101 ; I 'htit'mtgu ( las , 4 jltl ) ; li.liiling & ( ' . , ttlrfeecllmtg , 3,30) ; line , jti)0 ; m.oimlevhll' & Nashvihhe , l. ) ) ; alisstitrt l'aciiiO 3 , i0 ; ltot'le I.htnit , 7Oe ; $ ( . l'mulmh , Igdti ; iTntt. ( SIat. ' ( ordagc , 1.0) ; W'itcelittg & l.ake 1t'ie , 2,100. _ _ _ _ _ N.'tt ' 'orI. 31 itutey Market. Nfl't % ' YOitI. Mug. 3.-MON'IIY ON ( ' , % Lt.- lusv itt S ( n Cut. I'IIIM II MhhmAN'ril.lI ; I'A1'hlt-tft per rent. mcriIthlNO hX'IIANlH-ittrong. tutu sucttmnl ltttstme5 III hankers' tithe at $4.s9i-f.tit % ( or t letuumtntl , fluid $1.19'O4.S9'3. ( or sixty lays ; postet i 'mitcs , l.tOttfl00 anti 4,1'flhl.o0coninuercIai ; bills , $ I.SS- ) , St t. iit ( 'hltTh hAlt SllXIht-GG. . MflXII'AN lOlI.AltS-i3. S1''l'l IltNtS-1)tthI. It\ I ! ltO ii ltO1)S-Vlriii , ( lOVl'ItNMINT lmOND4-las ) ' ; 1tw Is , rec. , 12B3 ; coupon , 12it ) ; tog. , 113 : coupin , II3L 45 r.'tr. , 12. ; couputi , 112t ; I.e teg. , 9G' ; Pmicitlc Cs of ' 95. 100. Chosing quotations on bonds were as tollowat 17.8 , Itt , tt'1. fleW. i2 .h4 ( . P. tstsul ' 2. ) . , , 104 im.,0. , Is coup.ttuv , 1'22 % U. . ¼ IL. U. 7s. . . . . . 1 l:13 : tJ.t. 0ii. reg. . . . . . . 113 1) . 'alt. ( I , Is . . . , mil4 ILK Cacoup , , 113 lrIo 2de. . . . . . . . . . . 0114 U.S. 4s , i'o : . . . . . . I 12 (1 , It. . ' . 13. A. Ga. , , 103 % U.S. 45.ooltti. . . . . 112 % t ; . it . * mS. A. 7s. , . , 104 U.S. : 'it. rmmm. . . . . . . . . tld'4 ' Il & T. LI. Os. . . . . 111) ) t'aeItlcUaot 'u.S lilt ) dolls. . . . . . . . . 10113. . . Ala , Class A. . . . . hits M. IC. . 'e ' 1' 1st 4e 87 Att. ( lt.ttt It. . . . . . jtlS 10 2c1 .4 , . . . . . . . . . . ( l4 Ala , (1aMs C. . . . . . . Itil liliutmitil Ummloit ( it. , I 10 Ala. ( urrtttcY , ItS N. .1. C. Oumu. ri. . , 117 rI. : Now Coo. 4 itS No. Pac. 1st . . . . . . 117 MlaMottrl ( iS. . . . . . . 10(1 ( do'.itts . . . . . . . . . . 103 N. C. ( Iii. . . . . . . . . . . 123 N. V. Conol5. . . . 3:19 : N , C. 4 $ . . . . . . . . . . 102 do S. F , Pott. Os I 10 % S. (1. tmotttttmti , . , I 4 17(1. . Woit. 1st , 7(4 ( Tetmu , now 't di 01) tit , I' . Cotm'tti is I'.tI % 'i't'ttui. tlL'W tot 0 $ 103 do C. . . I' . IV fri 113k Tetmut. olttil'i. . . . . . . ( it ) Pt t. $ . . 1.M.(1a,5 ( 84 Va , Cemtttmrlt'M. . . , 11:1 : st. SF.i1tli 1011 % tlodofirred It 'l'ex , 1'.tc. hats . , . , , 0:3 : Ateltitoru 44. . . . . . . Sifli. do 2mt. . . . . . . . . . . . i1ttj AIclml4oti 2d A 3:34 : LI. I' . iutt'l of JJ lOuis ( 4tmladSO. 2ilit , 1.11111 WestSltoro 4s. . . . . Bitt r. . & o. ttiitilott .55 80 So. it , IL. . . . . . . . . . . 011 . , . ' . Ill O.hi&N. let' , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stun Vruuueiseo 3iInIniQuuottttioi.s. SAN b't.&NOl11CO. Amtg. ' 3. . . L'iun u3tciit clol- lutg qtiot'tttomtS ( or itiititt St)3.L4 1)1 11 tyica am follows ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t t-Cemittmcky Con 2 Alimlmmt Comt . . . . . . . . 14 i.itiy 1Yitt ( Cotu , , 1 Atities . . . . . . . . . . . . . till Moxicaum. , . . . . . . . . . . iltI hitictier. . . . . . . . . . . 2(4 lolIo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hIeM & lkticttur. . . . Sit tiotmtmt Ithablo. . . . . . IS Borne Cout. . . . . . . . . . It ; Oeotitonttt : Con. . . . i1 ilmuiltotI. . . . . . . . . . . . . Itt Intulr. . . . . . . . . . . 1411 Camolonti . . . . . . . . . I 1) ( ) vornitO . . . . . . . . . . 31 Cuialiummo Colt. . . . . 28 I'olo.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Chottar. . . . . . . . . . . . . lilt Savato. . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Contidince. . . . . . . . . but Seorlioiu . . . . . . . . . . ' 1 Cuti , ( ui . ! Vii. . . . . 201) Sienri Nevada. . . . . Crown I'otut . . . . . . 3d 11ilver 1(111. . . . . . . . 2 l0xcheqtter. . . . . . . . . 1 Silver 1Imm . . . . . . . . It ) tiottid .t Ctlrn. . . . . 1)2 Ummlott Con. . . . . . . . . 47 llama . 's Noreross. . 105 imitm : Cott. . . . . . . . . . . 1 Jtilm'u..2 Yeilowjackei. . , 83 .Ttt'tttc.'l Sliver b ii. , 1 t3.j.5fl11 . , . Iatio I I dolt its , 33 % b4c. Dealts , tultmt , 24e ; ttuleir.s'ti. 3a hiostout Stiui'Ic ( Lui.ttuttlouus. BOSTON. Aulr. :1.-Pall : loammi , L11 I per cOnt ; titan 1Otti4 : , 9')5 Per catit. tflodru : ons for stOcts , tl 015 1 ii itIlttili uburat ' ' A''T. .t11 u . . . . . . . 1834 SVettltmt,1te , , :1. : ' . Mum. 3msar. . . . . . . . . I I 4 % Vt. fllc. 0:11 . . . . . 53 Aol , Surar uttl. . 1(13 1i4IOt1 bl.io . ills 141J hay State Gas 04 Ateittitit 2d 113 % L'eIlTeicltoute. . , 103 % Aloltison 4 . . . . . . . flu5Ion3Atb'ity 911 New Emuriautd (15 112 Ijoetoit & 3laitma 1744 0ot. 1k.ctrio Os 80.4 e. B. & (3. . . . . . . . . . . it % .ithatuuie . . . . . . . . . . . 2-i teltohIltur : . . . . . . . . . . 0(1 ( % l1oiitin , Muntanu 814 lieu. dlectrie. . . . . . . . :1.1 immitto 4 UsLou. . . 22 lllittolt Stot. . . . . . 7 1 Caittuot , k iloola. , 003 Mextc.amt t'otmtaut. . I 2 ( 'enteumtlai . . . . . . . . 1 % N. Y. ¼ N. 1" . . . . . . . . (34 Frammltltmu. . . . . . . . . . 211 Olti Cototmi' . . . . . . . . 1(40 lfcartg , , . . . . . . . . . 21 % Ore. Short t.iuio , 7 O'tcoota. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rtmbbor. . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 % Uiuutcv . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 . tluminn l'acttic. . . . . 334 Tainarac'te..100 % Vontthtcl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7411 WoIV'rlio. . . . . . . . . . lt'v 'y..riz Ihlitil iu Nr.W YoftIt. Aut , . 3.-L'.m titjyi.t ; or , LIt ) 010,1mw tntthli ; $ ' 1 ItiG i I1 hl'ilwe. . . . . . . . . . . . . Opimir. . . . . . . . . . . . imo : ' Coti. Cal. & Va. . 24i1 l'iymuuOiutit. . . . . . . 211 DeailwOotl..Si ) Quicksilver..4 Gomlul 3 Curry. , IC' Qimiak.Uver 1)19 . .100- ) halo .t Norerois 145 Sherra Novtttt ; 35 ilunmtiittak . . . . . . . 1051) Statmil.mr.l . . . . . . . . . 200 trait i4iivor . . . . . . . . 4t ) tlmmlon Jon.(5 ? .Iextcaa. . . . . . . . . . . . CIS Yellow Jacket 33 Otutarto . . . . . . . . . . 700 IL'hilttuut'It.h 'lOtCN. ST. i.OV1il. % ug. 3-Clearings , $2,570,915 : hal : anees , $4t2,3i1 , Money , &Gju ter cent. New Yor1 exctnmigt : , par bid , htAh't'l2ttOhtC. Aug. 3.-Chenrlngs , * 1,131-hot : lcihancc'e. $113,311. Ftc tIme vetk , ei'imnlltgt , $15 , : 175.471 ; iiahaaces , fllidiSCJ. ItO8'ION. Aug. 3.-Clecim-lngs. $ lG,713,395 ; lal tenees , $1,707,133. Fir the week , clearhng , , $ IIG , . 4J t)7 ; Imahmmttes. $ llSB,01C. 1' I lbAulL1'lmxA , Aug. 3.-Clearings , $13.3. . uI ; lahancee , $ i,5it,792. i'tw tini tvek , clearings 7i,23.ttO balances , * 10,130.8(0. NIHYOltI , Aug. 3.-CiearIttg. $1Oi.8,30i ; ltalmnces , 16.724.938. l'or ll week , clearings , $8129l,2ui ; litulancis , * JS,5S2.'II. \'A11hllN0TON. .ttlg , 3.-Today's stateunent 0 r Ihe ronilitlon of the iretsuly shows : Avalmalilt . caslt balimumce , $ ltG.295,203 ; golt reesuve , $107,002,812 I'or..igti lI , utin'lnl Niit's , 1.ONfON , 'ug. 3.-Gil Is qumotcml loiIty a ltuit'ios Ayres mt 233.30 ; Madril , 11.50 ; l.lshtt 23 ; it , i'eersburg , r.e Atiit'nmt , 77 ; Itomos , 101,63 ; \'ienmimt , 103. Tilt ? aittoutit of bullIon gone intl ti' Oark of Inghand on balances today is ( * 0,00 sterlIng. 1tlttLlN , hug , 3.-The weekly imiatenmeqt a : r ( ha lunperhil Rank of ( lertutauty slows the fol lowing t'hmmtngce , as conipitred tilili ( Ito itrevlnu acount : ( 'salt in hand. deermuse , 12,801.00 0 marks ; lrt'tmtmni' : noes. , ieersae' . 400,0) ) tnmrhs : other 'ecutrltles , lacrettee , 7.140,00) marks ; notes in cIrculation , Increase , 16,740,000 marks. G.t3hhlL.ING oN 'i'iio PAN. NestI'i'ie. . . . tIttit Juts Taikem , l'usses. sholi of Sp.'ettluit I sOt''aslil uigc.j , . There is a new form of ganbing tituchu at- fected in clubs autd barroormms nowadays that even time board of trade wIll find It hmard to put a stop to , says time W'aalmittgton I'ost , Every one Is fammtihlar with tite electric famms which , In the past few years , have iroen such a boon Iti torrid weather. They are simoped lIke a propeller. and have four. five or six blades , and are iItCaaetl In wire cages with large apertures. By touelttng a lever at the back time inedible can be started or stOpId at vIil , and to'hile in tutotlon the ye- betty is soniethuing tremendous , ouue wide-awake gemuius not hong ago con. ceived time Idea timat time electric fan could be utliized as aim excellent , means of wooIng time goddess fortune , and put time suggestion itmto oteratlon In this vIse : A six.biaded fati was stopptd and each of its blades niarked with a nuunbcu' , Titemt six slips of paper were mmtarked witlt simIlar nutuberu. and six Jolly fellows drew a slip apIece. Time nuunber on the ship corrntponded to thte nuumtber out one of tit badee anti It. was decided that .tme blade tlmt was nearest time Iteriendic.mlar wire at the bottoitt of tite cage covering the fait t'luen time hatter stopped re'olvlmtg aimou'd wilt the pot. The iattr ( consiated Cf $6 , iut up equally by tIme halt dozen Players. Timett time fun began , Time lever wottid be turned ou and as quickly off , and the fait would. revolve like lightning , slow down , stud stop in itaif a hnhnuta , There was no "kitty" to be fed , as In poker ; no percentage of sithit as in faro , anti no rake- off for the imouse , as in oUter gaInes. ft was a pure luck affair atal flue heaviest loser vae not more than 5 out at flue end of all hour's whirlIng. withie tue excitement had been as imutemtse as the nmost devoted gaumbier could desire. cxt day each one of the six Introduced the elect'Ic fan to 1mb. frleruls itt its new gulhe as a spiutnitig Jetiny anti now ( ito game imas spread all over town. The itt- terest in it Is ) teighteniii a good deal by has' . iii a bktmalc blade wimicit , when It stops at time whitnhtg wire , canatitulee a Jack pot and tie- ceaidtates time itiayer 'lIutting up an extra stake , juit as in poker. So from L ante In brokers' ofuras to o'Iiirilng for coppers bP district messengers the electric lan is being brought Into requisitIon with general hilarity , I O \1k111k1 \ IJVE STOCK h1RKETm R ccdpt for the Wock SilOw Decided Lu- provoincut Over Last. V ERY FEW FAT CATTLE COMING IN % ut : , , , , on 11mti tu 'I'euuIllt ( lit'm llllers liti it it li.iitiiiist rtttiitii' 4e1t'rs I ii l'iiir Iteutliest- unset. 11(111 Il lghiei . . SA'I'L'IU.Y , Aug. 8. Time receIpts today were 1,370 eathit' , 1,0) ) it ogs anti RU sheep , tm uigmuinst 1,2b2 cattle , 1 , 112 hmogs , 101 SIted ) antI It hmorm.cs ) 'cser- ( ti a ) ' , nttd 1173 cattle , 1,805 itogs nod BC smet'p ) o Il Saturdmy of last week. The receipts frotit time lust of ttte year imp t o tlate ahmos' a loss of ISI,281 cattle , 416,711 h ogs , 27,217 sheep mutt 893 horses muutl unties , a s coImtpuirod w'Itlm 13.81. \'FFFli1 : htt'ci'1PTS. : Cmttt1 , hogs. Shed ) . l leccllitp tlt1 week . . . . . 12,013 12,515 1,143 I tecelpta last week . . . . . 11.015 9,821 2.782 S ame week 1191 . . . . . . . . . S,311 G6.G90 1,18 S eine Week 1183 . . . . . . . . . 12,0E. 13,673 2.1119 S une week 11133 , . . . , . , 7.634) 19,31111 2,211 'l'tie rec0ipts of cattle tiurltug tit past t t'eek immivo been lIberal , showing a gtitt o ver tite previous week , ns well its o ver the rorrt'sitoimilltig week a year tutu. 'i 'm , large recellitmt ut time lirt.semlt titmie are d im to the fmtet that time range cmittlt' are c ouimtng forward earlIer thait imsititi.'est. . e m Ne'hrnskmt Is contttbtttimig tii 1mirter s imare of ( ito range cattle comIng to mmmarket a t the Otreselut time' , bmit there have lteott l iberal hIptimeuit front \Vyoming , Colorado u lid I uia Ito. lii spIte of the brealc itt tite market , wimlch * vouItl , imas'e mu teumtlettcy to reilttci' ro- c ellits , ItiOft ? hogs svc'te received this week t hami last. 'the u'oceIImts for time correspond- t ug week at halt year , however , were tnore t han fivu' times nil great. CATTLIO-'l'ite're were not enotmght tat c attle here pttltnlmlo for the dresseul beet t ratit' to cut alty ilgttre In the inutiket , 'Fime g eneral conditions governing time ntarlcet r einnimi unchmauigeil oui Pilet'S ttre lrttc- t lcally steuti ) ' , There . 're tett or ft tioy.oii loads of cows a nd betters ott sale. 'l'lmo tlt'timanth wmts fair a miti time bmlk of tlmt' olTenimtgiu were cleatmed t ilt eanh' . Time ltrlct's paid weru about the s alute its yesteruimi ) ' . Stockers and feeders were in fair requmest f or a Satttniiay , mmnd the freiiii tect'liutt4 c hiangeti hands at abottt stoutly prices. Time itutrket of the htast Week hmn5. itt l rtutyvml's , becti ( if a s'cr' utatltutmmctori' c haracter. ' ( 'lie tlentnumt humus lieett oot1 antI t ime tendelmey of prices upwttrtl. Gootl beef s teerS ita'e ieen lii extremely light tuttititlI' , anti out unaumy tlmtyuu timere have Imot beett e nough itt time 3'ltrtitt to inmuke mu test of the m arket. There Imas beet ) a remutly mtnl for ovt'rytlmlng recei'eil , muntl is it safe to say t hat Pticem cr3 Imow l02Oc Itigimer , Cow s tuff hmts constituted almost one-half of the r eceipts. Time demand , hmowever huts Itet-mi good on every day of tlte nlitl time m arket actIve. ] 'rieeiu Iimu'e grmtdumthh ) ' s tretmgthene1 umumtil tlte market Is full ) ' lSfl' ' 2 0c huIghem' thamm a week ago. In the stocker anti feeder division there lutta been gt'ett : activity. ThtO demmmaimtl fur gooii feetiers Imamu heel ; large , anht nmmytlulng uicsirmth.io . In ihitut l ine imas tact svithm quick sale. 1'rice imuuve ntlvaiiceui 100120c , tumid on tue most desirable nrnndes 23c. Itepresentative aale9 ; iitIt1t' : 111'lIm18. No. Ar. Pr. 103. y. Pr. No. y. Pr. 1. . , . 393 $3 23 l..l13' ) $3 5) COWS. I , . . . 900 1 23 1 . . , . C2i ) 2 0(1 ( 'I. . . . fd.)4 ) ! C ) 1. . , . 80) 1 ii ) 1. . , . 770 2 II ) II 140 2 51) 1. . . . lii ) I 5' ) 1..1O4 I 15 22 tOt ) 2 lii ) 2. . . . 163 1 C ) 1. . . . 53) ) 15 2..1IIO 251 I. . . . 1(0 1 13) 1. . . . 94C 2' . I. , .10(0 2 51 1. . . . 830 1 6. . C , . , , sce. 2 ; s. . . . ( Ii 2 f'S 2. , . . 901 0 6. ) 20. . . , lOt 31) 15. , . , 8(6 2 mo 11. . . . (70 1 73 3.)00 ( 3. ) 2..l0)r. 270 3. . . . 846 1 75 8. . . . 823 35 1 7711 2 71 Ii. . . . CCI I TI 1..1l21) 31 I..lH ) 2'i l..lIOt ) 1 SI ) l..I.O 4) 22. . . . OIH I 75 :1. : . . . 883 1 t ) 7. , , .10) ) 41) 10. . . 1(57 2 75 1. . . . ; t31) ) 2 tI ) C. , , , , Ott 45 13. . . 383 2 80 1 , . . . 850 2 0 . . . . 59) ) 5i ) iiitglts. : I..SIt 2 05 8. . , . 124 2 10 1. , r.n 2 10 S , , . .5i7' .2 15 6 , . . , 51 2 4) 3 7431) 110 0. . . . CC ) 2 21) 0. . . . 693 1 ti ) " , , . , , 701 2 15 nULLS. 1..1251) I 05 1. , . . 670 2 25 l.lOOi ) 2 15 1 , . . . .80 2 ItO 1..1011) I 2.5 2..1031 225 I . , . . 870 2 II' ) 2. . . , 13110 2 21 5..1(51.1 ( 2 35 1..1t14'O 2 01) 1. , . .121) 2 13 2.lO95 I 4(1 ( l..113l ) 2 10 1. . . , (40 5 a' ) 1 lii ) 2 40 2 , . . . 025 2 2 . . . , 103) 2 80 1. . , , 60) - 2 GO I. . , . 160 22' ' ) 11T.\fl11. 2..I120 2 57 1. , . , 9I ) 300 CAI'ES. . 1. . . . 230 1 5' ' ) 1. . . , 170 1 0(1 f 1) 4 00 6. . . . 221 2 71 1. . , , 140 3 00 2. , 125 4 04) 0. . . , ill 2 2) 1. . . . 3311 3 01 140 4 33 4. . . . 194 2 25 1. . . . hit ) S Ct 1. . . , lit ! ) 4 13 1. . . . 2111 2 4' ' ) 2. . . . Ill ) S 25 2 13' ) 4 10 1. . . , 17) 2 31) 1. , , . 13) 3 5' ' ) 1. . . , III ) 411) 2. . . . 9) 2 0) 1. . , . 15(1 3 54) 0 131 1 tO Z.,300 275 3. . . . 1(41 404) STOCKIBLH Mm F'1Efl1flS. I. . , . 80) 2 25 2. . , . ama a oo 19 12 ; 1 25 4. . . . GIl 2 34) 14. . , . 511 .1 00 10. 693 3 25 1. . . . 170 2 35 2. . . . lii ) I Ot ) 21 , 1109 333 1. . . . CC' ) 2 10 4. . . . 7111) ) 3 04) 37 , , , , 105 3 35 1. . . . 77' ' ) 2 54) 7 , , , . 47 * 3 0) 0 1187 3 44) 1. . . . 68(1 ( 2 74) 15. . . . GIG 3 05 15. . , 821 3 4) 3. . . . 020 2 71 1. . . . fIG 3 10 ' 1. . . . 7041 1 10 4. . . . 427 2 5) 3..l03' ) 3 14) 13 Itt 3 4) . 4. . . . 61' 2 S. Ii. . . , 533 3 21) Ii. . , 1045 3 45 Ii. . . . G3 2 it , ) i..I0.tl ) 3 23 12..l0Sl3 a 75 M1z 1liu4 : ANI ) sPnmNfiiltut. : I e' ant . . . . . . . . . . 0) 1 c anti . . . . . . . . . . $ 0 1 c and e. . . . . . . . . . 20 00 1 stringer. . . . . . . . . 32 1) \V1STr.ltNH. il'thlO , I lleuiry Himoddy. No At' . l'r. No As' . l'r. 2 ( 'ttWC..1075 12 34) 1 feeler..1(40 ( $3 0) 22 cows..1041 3 01 19 feelers . .ll'J7 I C ) 77 feeders . ,100I 3 5t ) NhOsS' 8IflXhCO. 7 : cow. . ; . . . . . . . (34 2 l ) Cr. emmlves. . . . . 2211 2 00 4 cmaltee. . . . . 23' ' ) 3 1,44) 1 steer..11712 3 Ci (4017Th 13Al'OTA. . Black hills limeettument Cotimmuxuny , 2 rates..100. . 2 Ci ) 22 etecus..1236 3 15 IIOOH-\Vltim only fourteen ( tesit iciatbu of hog B in lIe ytmrtlu titere were tnt cumouglm on ult' ti : miiak e mimltei : of mu tiiiui ket. 'l'imim t .uciiut tilt icm set him yesterdi. ' rotmi lotted ( oh ; , y , h" lt'i'i mtlmttwint 0 IC su1tane. 'l'itu' iteuti' ) ' and nmtxt't lemhs Cohi mostly itt ( room * 4:45 : ii , $4.55. witim light weigitt at ( room $1.51) ma lId5 anti an asserted himneti a lIght wetgluts at $1.75. lteirei.entahive sales ; No. Ar. Si. . . I'r , No , div. 81t. Pr. 95. . . . . . . .160 343) $4 3' ' ) 83. . . . . . . . 182 80 $1 f.5 Ii . . . . . . . .It ; ; 80 4 35 . . . . . . . . 80 1 55 . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3' ; . . . . . . . . ( I ) 4 55 . . . . . . . . iC ) 4 l'C 3. . , . . . . .I'J ( 15) ) 4 55 . . . . . . . . ' ) lIt 4 43 . . . . . . . . 21) 4 iS : . . . . . . . . . 10) 4 Ii III . . . . . . . . 102 . liii ) 4 Cl 62..2313 . . . 4 45 Ci..8 121) 4 Cl Cs..221 244) 4 5) 73..233 2ti ) 4 03 . . . . . . . . ) 32' ' ) 4 Ci CiASSOI1TIH ASSOI1TIH ) . Ii . . . . . . . .165 . , . 475 tIKlm' $ ANt ) ChILLS . . . . . . . . . . , 30' ' ) 2'lGS. * . . . . . . . . . , . 280 (4IiflhOl'-One Ioumd cf slmt'ej-i was rreelveul on soIl at niiotmt steady orires. t'mir I , . , 'imnI. ' . nati. . . are quotable at ( toil $2.51) to $3.13 ; fall to gui.t tusahermis at frotum $2.25 to $3.10 ; eumitton anul etc sleet , ttt fntiut $1.75 to $2.73 ; good to Cltuutci. 40 I 0 hl.lit. bombs at ( tout $3.10 to $3 , itepreactilally e salt's : No As' . Pr. 15 culls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii ? 82 0) 217 Oregon mixed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3 20 ( JhiltYAt2 ( ) J.LVIO S'I'OCIC , Lively ii'tuimuii.l for ' Ic'a1.'ra-1'rIe , ' ,4 hi'tet' All CJIICAGO. Aug. 3.-Matureul cattle are cain chill ) . s'aree umnul I imet e itt a I lvi' ) ' de&ttm ttd to ir feelIng cmmtlo ( to title tumarl0et , lolL good ( ceder suitable for early ibtlsimlng ate ( , 'a' amiul ( a between. 1"mit attIres timat are good ettuulu sell nltovn $5 toe sellitig reathtly at ( totter Itriec titait titoso of last week , somtte sales altowln an advance of Plc 11cr ioo lb. . . Wt'ster It ruttigers are unusually ( at ammO sell linlaluly s it rermmtrkmubly goml lmriee ; . lrt'sseh , bt'ef tout or a lu , > ing most of timemie eittl' , but casterum Chimp' ? .5 are liking mu few ut thrut. (7ouitunojm rumtmgers or 1' wealtt'nhimg , but deeltumblt , loIs umre stmttgtItt'tmt' ci by time great semreit' of gael mijtIve cat mu. ! ' ciuj cutIe ( and eumlee lumuve iecn intdc : I ti the Inst f'w .1.1) 5 III Itlgiu as ( rot U * 4.83413.14) itt a few itmttttinct's. 'Time 'i'exs cattla recehIuts for time at-etc i-cacti tmtsumtt ( t. I' ) lit'tmii , an Incrrmim of , LOt ) at Cr last w.'c'lc atid mlceremiso of 5,40) at. cotipare.l wilhu ( lie cot f responding week of 11)1 , 'l'In entire eulithy of ( realm SOmI daIs image wa 5 tnirrl ) ' 5,0) ) h iuil. attui , uitlueugti tlto gin ti iti ii , - tim.mtmul ietis nothitmg IV boast ui , IrIi'c ten : t strong lit an uterag' . utliatmee tr 5i hwr It lbs. 1411 ltut'i C tCt'0 aCO in I hue l.'st emslnit cmi. end neauly ommehummif of the week's teesIpi huuuve b..eui rcmItIpmuel ( rout. lmert' , As usuith , chudc lIght wctglmts soiu * the best , anti time elude , . uth4 lit * 3.13. $ nlea seere male of e'nuitnon I ' t'ItoIce light at $ l.0$5.1ntixe'ui anti iututrhcrm I' lttgu. , * 4.33044.80. aimil hme'umvy , $ i,10'Ul.'ji , A wet' lc ago ( Ito Lt'st iigitt oii itt * 5.25 gmnul time it. ' ti Imemtv ) ' at $5.15 , TIp' buIlt or lit , ssle Islut > ' w't .3 tat. $ t.T.i 4. ) ( or iueuui'y rhiqiimg 04111 $1.:34 1.1 1 fur packing ltcugtt. As titt' receipts ( outuy cut sheep tiers riumly abet it IC ) ) iteaul , the ( , 'w uttering , . uvete I'UCil ) ' thu ' - hiOt'ft of at full itricca. . ' .bitlt 51,5) ) imeutl we , rc'eetu'ed tItle We'ck , against ' 6,53 * Itt.t vcek alt 44,50) , ) Cite sOnic We'IC last year. iltmc'emm were sol. tile at $ I.COtJI.13 , mmceorhiuma to quality , aol Ihi ; hitmIs. wets tit'lul mtt $3,004j5.Oh for'poor tm lime it's IOipiurtenit have takc a few Sheet tititi weck u It $3.VtJI.t)0. ) Ileectpt' ; Collie , 10) Itend : eutl'Ci , 10' ) imcAiJ I ' tinge. 4.030 ltcatl ; sheep , 1,50) , ) heath , . St. Iuntis ii * . Stork. lIT 1.OliH , Aug. 3.-'ATTII'-ltec''lpt , , 0 I ) ) itetli : itIttlunpnha , I , * ) temitl , ; uumarket plouv cii Ih 5 itsual light Ilmttufliay Ctihluiy nuid tradina puns at ut.flUt trst'Iut. quottitioss. beef nimI ehhiptn a steers ning * ILV5.fl : buttlucus' stuff. InnimlI log cows , U ! ( t4ti 'I'extai steers range , . ; 51 if 1,2.5 ; t'sws. $ W(13.2.J. 11(111(4Itrcelp'a , 3.00' ) tead , ilmlpnt.nt. , 4. tO imead , market &lOsi better on very Iugtmt lupil ) S . : . lChi.7lI0)o3 : hSCkers , 11.0091.001 lIght , Hi I JItILhtweiptp , 7a ) it nl ; tihlhitimenle. nonej m arket ptu'nnl stm.ltt'es $38ii3.15 ; iutuuutt , $3.13I 5 .30 ; souttl.west sheeP. 82.80013.35 'Vuihi'ulu , ( lrstiti ltrlcet. 'l'ol.itl'o ) , , Lutg. 3.-Vi.'l I lt.T-'tethu r , lower 1 2 , eusim , 7le : , tUgtst , 7I ; $ ei'telmuber , l2hei * h ) eetumhs'r , 7Ii : , . . hS u.'UhlNLuhIve. . lower : No. : , tumlaci , 4l'4ei No , S % . it ii , ' , lit' ; Heit'uimler , 1111. . ( ) , LTiliie , litwer ; Nut. 2 titl'iui , lIe , No. 3 ti 2' ' ) , ' , 8' llenmlt'r , 2.lc. ityL-tiull. N' . 2 , 4)t. 1'l.OL'IOlt u4i'l.Sett : ' , ' ; , - - * ; fuutmtres laser , orloic , c miell. * 4 , Ht'I'tulliu'r nail I l'thu'r , $3 IlL , htlOCl- I I "l's'iit'at , O.9s ) lou. , eel fl 12,040) tn , m ite , ( lWt ) IU. , i-i , ' . 4.005 In. tLhtI1'MI7NTVhmei * , ( .14) ' ) tm. . . , corn 2 fell I. . . iCittistu' . ( 'I ( ; ; 1 ' N11.11 ( 'i'l' * ' , Attic. 3.-CA'rl'l.U. ltt'cehIts , 1T ) itt ti i pttllttielmts , 42' ) Iuuil , 3luirki't PC5t ! ) ' 1n 1i em.tts stcpr , . , 12 ttmfl3,75 ; Texas roes , $ l.lLtt2 10 ; i , t..r , de''rs , $ .t454t5.GO ; amitlm' coo's , Ii.2'uf2 3L n tuek'i aumul feelers , $ f.2'tf1,2i ; h'tlle , $2 m.Oqg 2 . . . . . IIOOL(1-hlec'eiltts , j,9) ) html liuIliumuntuS , 3)5 lS l ent ; ls'et Pt'tI ) ' tuitcr'l ( weak ; tiumlIm of psi's , S I.4404,1)1 ; Itt-si lea , $4.3)tt ) l.a ; Iutehci'rs , SI 359 4 .43 ; uuiteh , * 1.304)1.0) ; Iigitlp , * 1.351)1,70 ; 'fit , k- e ms , 11.13154.39 : ltIg. $ I.304I.S'I. 1111 hgi'-Itet'ei1us : , 1,20) head C , ttipmimeuute , none. lt totthcet ' . Ctomtil ) _ _ _ _ _ _ Siui.'le Iii SilOlu I. Iteenrul sf rt'tt'ttiti ; itt tltu' timtr , iu tneip.mI mtiurtueh , t oe $ aturtliiytUgtmmit 3 , 181.11 ( 'itttie , tinge. SIuc't'h' , H aitI ii Ommmali.t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,318 1,000 * .it ( 'ItiCag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Sn 4,00.3 1,141) ) l mtnsas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734) 1 00' 1 ? o4) i ou. 1.tsI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( A ) 5tx * ) ' 7)J Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,176 3,031 ' I'hliO SlltlclhIS Alt II A l'It' ( uui'i'u.quu. ' P. ' . . 3 ii ri' of httuu'ml Ii Ii , I a , ' * v % 'uvl ( , Time Simakers of Mommtmt l'baumon , * 'imo havti f or OIl 050 beemm a hart of time ltiCtUrestIUo hits o f New York state , are about to obanthomu t heir lmlstoricai town In the llerkit'hmire hills , t o cast aside trathitioums and olti tlumme cuatouns d ttti retitove to itasttires mmclv. Origthially t hmemto Mount Lebaimoit Shimikera were an oft. s lmoot ( rommm time society of Qimakers or Friends , I ti 17 ii' a simmaii biid settled Itt New 'orhc , a bout eevemm tithes frotmu Ahbamu' , itt 1787 a s ettlemuient suns foruumeul at Mount L.elmatmoui , aumul svithmlum a few years eIes'etm otiuer tuettie. m acate Itmul been formed iii New York numil oUter states , Sotite ( hue later Ihmisalohmariea I vere sent West 01)11 four couuimmunitie.t were forhmmeul 1mm Ohio and two in Kemitucky , l'amt of these settiemutents are still in existence , others humuve boon entirely thIsteraell. ; Iltit Mourmt Iebautotm ima rcmtmaineti tIme ' 'hommue" or orlgimmal towtt of time muociety , in tlmeir pettientetits theIr ummode of life is systetttutlc , religious aumd ecormunmlcah , Time following Is timeir geumermul piatm. A Ittlummber of tucreouts , called culiectively a "fauumiiy" or hmousehoiti , are assigited to ucit Imoutte. All thte houtes are built mitter oume patt , dividoil tim rotlglm tIm 0 tttltluhlt. by a 1mm rge tuall , anti 'hay- hug the i000ts ( or tue ntmthe IltL'tuibefa on one sIt1. . of tIme btmlldlmg ; , mmmd those for time fetnatti 011 tilt. ' othmer able , All property is imclil Imt coot- hmmon , atmil es'er' mnetmiber of time immmuSeimold tu'imo itt able to vorhc i etmmployeui. Time set- tlememutm. usumahly carry on some siteciat bratmch of agricultural or rmmaimitfacturittg bitsi. tteas , In wluiclu timey often nttmmit great cx- imertimoas immiul stmccese. The sect received time namuto of Sltakcrs bcammse of limo extroorull- comttortlouus into wiulcim hey throw tltemsciu'ea during tlmt'Ir relIgIons exercises.'hen titey uumeet for religiommmi service mIll amldmess is first given by ammo of thmeir rulers on somto doe- ( ninal suiuject. and themt the wltole coutupaluy formut a cIrcle muroutmut a bauutl of .uttmgera , anti Itt tltttti to time tmmtuslo they go thmrougim a series of extmaordiumary bodily evolutions , dancing , heaplmtg , whmlriing mounul and roUhmti , witit mmiarveious rapidity. 501mb of titelr ummomutbera often clalun to have the gilt of tolmgtteti aumul ltroiiimecy. Titat those strangely coumservatmvo attd at time santo timuto Prosimerotlu people are alive to tue tcnlemicies of the tIume , , that tiucy are Itt touch. with modern Ideas unti watch the mnovemclmt of itnmnigration and stmdy tlto ehautces of success as well as time best of us is evidenced by timoir determinatIon to give up their liresent location , and like thousanda of otlmers In time north alit ! west , seek a place lit time coummirig cotmntry of time imniomi , uauiuely tile great , rich , mmndevelopoul aotttiu. The society has already aelectel 8,000 acres of lummul In tlt .uautlt anti are about to close a tratle for 8,000 acres more , immaking 16,000 acres in all. It Is tuItuply atiotimer straw limit sitoWs time present atni cotimlrmg dhreetlomu that ( ito people of tltis coututry are boumuui to take ill tiueir tuelection of a locotlon to live in , I'Ime sotith is time popular point. Its soil. chilmmate , railroad facIlities , soil mmmmdeveiohtetl capabilities , all attract tIme timltmhclumg. iutteIhi- gent class of settlers. The enquIries re. ceI'ed daily as to Orchard homes , its to. cation amid adratitages. are from time beat class of lOoIle. It hmas advantages tital time thoughtful mann mtmuust appreciate tupon re- ilectiomu. It hmmis good aclmoois already estab. hIslued amid wohi iuialntaincd. Society is PlemtsaItt anti fortumed and extends a welcome to time good citizen tvltost own clummrncter its his warrdlmt for hula lilacs 1mm the comnmumtunIty to which he goes , A mumlhul , erhumable ciitutate and time wonmierfith ProdUctlveitess of the hand all commmbltme to Inako Orchtarul hiomnes a de- slrablo POlltt for location and an investiga. ( loll of its merits can be comtflulimtly mtiatia by any one seekimmu ut permimamient , imrofltable locatiotu for hmitutself anti fatally. Corro. spend or call ithtOhi George W. Ammies , general agent , 1017 Farmtauti street , Ouuuhua , NyU. Siitusil.t' itt ( It. ' Naumue. A gosmlper in time Washaingiomu Post tells the fohtowittg story : "My friend , Mrs. 11- , is one of thmoe good-mmatimred women sviuo are always w'tumitimmg to ummake other people com- fortitimle , She happened to be In time railway station time other duty' when a mmmamt alto knew came In. lie mumulmi Ito was going to i'ittsburg , Now , lt huppetmeil that Mrs. hi"- , whose hius- banul is a director , knew the conductor of th Pittsburg traimm. lie pissed through thi u'aItittg moon. Just thmen and Mrs. II- called to imiimt. 'Comtditcior , ' lmo aiii , 'thIs is tmmy , especial friend. Mr. Smith. lie Is going on your traitm , anti I want you to eimow hmlnt every attemmtian ioaaible. " 'lime coimdtmctor of course alti lie would , but wliemt lie went away Mr. Summitlu tttrned to Mrs. It- with a sickly sumilie. 'I tilt ! intend to go to l'lttabtmrg today , and I Is'mms itt an awful iturry , Itut Ott lbs w'imole , I thumb i'ii wait for timu' IteXt traimt. ' And Ito imandeml thto kind-hearted wonman a all ; ) of Imalmer. It % % 'aa a pass , butt It ivai made out to one Joimes , " 'I'J.e lots-I I liiej , ( 'nt'r. A correspoimdeitl. of the hlrltisli Weekly luad 50010 odd experiences In a coututy council election sante timume ago 1mm a rttral district at Englamid , "rue naumiemm of the candidates svere Mr. hook aimd Colonel hlehiant ] , 'Alt well , ' salt ! a mnan to tno. after I had beem cxltatiatitmg on tIme mmmerita of one of timemn , 'I tloit't know mtathuitug abummt 'Oak , and I don't know ni.thming sboumt 'Ohhand ' , tail lay ' wife's a fluicluwotruan , and so I moran to voLts for 'Ollanmi , ' I RarB Chance ' : -l'ECULTION. . : Aetivit > ' umgaitm Irevalls ill 1103 nmaulcct far SteeLs , , lt'tudn , Uuautu , t.'Otmout tmluul ohmic so- . , i'ttrttl'e , , : l'h'e umtmli ft cc ( o itny rutlilremt otmr Iustlc auth iaily 1mtmhet Letter , deserlhdrmg htw luuu.moit . Phut'eiiiu ) tire 1mm teSt tmmeumtC resmtlu Itt t , mpml tinti : : itan,1ette tmnttlts , . Otmr euuimtttIsIon for buying ittmuh s"lhtuig for : Culelt or oti mlumruGtn of S to 5 per cttit is : Oi.Y I-lb I'i3) ) CitNi. : : E..o.THoRNouncH&co. : Metubeus of New York ( om. : $ tock tIxchatmge , 4 1 .r.a'.w..y. 'e t , Ytr. . , SBtBBPBBBSBBBBI5ppp5.5.B. a . 101o20perrnonth be mtmads by o'ur tttethuod of operating lit QICAIN ANI ) STOI'I'Cki. 1'ospecuua glvmuig full inforination of vet feet systesut tiialIed free. fleaS your buitnsj aimly to , Itnancialiy reagmQnslb&I house. Leek us up. ilA3ll'lP.N V. TIIO3I Co. . GraIn , ittack anti Dctiii brokers. 3 Cliiumttbcr of CouauucrccCiIiCMJO -a FOPTi1i I Tie , .edI.'t ' reoltsofaae , ernie ra II S 51 Ii C 14 levitt Is lhritiit sal H1u.'k be. hat to a Swiss. . Never ass a Lstti the. ibie flaw. lYriti f.m farlCulalI 13mw 1,4 lIst. 2Imny EiiOl , I.lmienltt & Cut. , ill ett5 123 IA 8.11,51. , Oblesga , , . - - ---4 MMalN No mliStem' ( what boeklt On IPCO. TUAIit4I ( Uistlon yout Iuuay imsy isn't 'Ciii . far outs. wltki , , , is HIllY sinS hi XI LAIf'S 1,1) L'OMI'IlT14 , It cheai' , SitltIlmi , miiatdin trumdltm4 itud DICI'INI1l3 .Aii. , MAIlfl-'r ; IlXi'ltlfSsIoNS. It's fuse coil * 5111 teA"it YU srmaetittng , itnoqAj1' i ( 'O , . 233 TraderS flulidina , Citmrsgo. ,