Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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Office , 12 Pcnrl Street. H. Vf. Tlltoii , Matingtir nttd Lessee.
IP , EU Ey EJ EU EU EiJ EJ Eil EiJ EJ ! EiJ Ell 12J
Grand hotel , Council niuffs. Newly fur
nished. Ilcoponcd Oct. 1. E. F. Clark , prop
A marriage license was Issued yesterday to
Hlchard Hushes , aged 41 , and Lizzie Quarter ,
aged 33 , both ot South Omaha.
The Salvation Army , 309 Broadway , are
having a series of special meetings , con
ducted by Staff Captain Cousins.
HeRUlar me = tlng of IJIuffs division No. 27.
Uniform Hank KnlRhti of Pythias , tonight.
All members requested to bo preient.
The watch and chain which was lost by an
Omaha woman at Grand Plaza Monday night
wan plrked up by A. C. liranson , a printer ,
and Is now at The Ueo office.
Arllo Unney , a 16-joar-old stepson of
William Hue , Is able to be about again ,
having recovered from an accident at
Manavva In which he sustained a large cut
on the head.
Lily camp No. 1 , Royal Neighbors of
America , will meet In regular session
Thursday afternoon , Aubust 1 , at 2-30 p. m
A good attnndance Is desired. Laura J
P-N Morris , recorder.
Hahn & Zlmnurll , whom J. J. Shea Is
trying to have enjoined fioni selling liquor
for tome reason or other , have be n served
with a notice that the case will come up for
a hearing In the district court tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock.
Jake Shoupc failed to show up yesterday
when the case of the state against Jack Wil
son , the blacksmith who Is charged with
hurling a pair of tongs at Shoupe's ven
erable head , was called for trial In Justice
Cook's court. Wilson was discharged.
The new Jury list contains 3,018 names of
Council muffs voters. The entire list , from
which the Juries will bo drawn for three
yoirs In the western district of Pottawat-
tamie county , contains 1.731 names. The list
In the east half will not be more than halt
as large.
J. N. Casady , Jr , awoke at an early hour
yesterday morning and found a window bj
his bedside open. Thinking that burglar *
were around , he called for help and fired a
couple of shots In the direction where the
burlar was supposed to be. The neighbors
slumbers were wrecked , but no further
damage was done.
Judge W U. Green was In the city and
held a session of the district court In the
afternoon The tranicrlpt nf the evidence
In the case of Oberholtzer against John T
Ha/en , which was taken last week by Judge
Smith , had alicady been given him , and the
attorneys made their arguments on the peti
tion for a new trial ,
Charles Gregory sued out a writ of attach
ment In the district court yesterday for three
lots In Mullln'H addition. The lots ore the
property of George 1) Wilson , against whom
Gregory has a clalnfof $100. Wilson
achieved fame many years ago as the owner
of "Little Sioux. " who at ono time held
the stale record for trotting.
M. C. Sharpnack and family returned from
a vlslst to Chicago Monday and found that
duilng their absence their home , at 1002
Avenue U , had been entered by thieves and
thoroughly ransacked. The burglars got In ,
through the cellar way and took a lot of
silverware , but Just how much has not been
ascertained. The family failed to report the
case to the police.
A 12-year-old son ot Charles Lacey , whc
lives on Harrison street , had a narrow
escape from serious Injury In a runaway
yesterday. He was driving a two wheeled
cart down Ilenton street when the horse , a
nthcr frisky animal , became frightened ant
ran away , tipping the cart over and throwing
the boy to the ground. He was consldcrablj
bruised , but not dangerously hurt.
Anni Pralor was discharged from Jal
yesterday , having put up with the city clerl <
tl'o amount necessary to secure her lelcase
In a communication to The H e Mrs. Praloi
says : "There Is a mistake about her being ar
rested for selling liquor without a license
the city merely claimed she owed $13 for tin
month ot June , and sent Deputy Marsha
Fowler to notify her that they would llki
, the money. " She says she has not sold an ;
liquor since the fire.
John Wlllemans , who has been engagei
In the lust tew weeks In all sorts of lltlga
lion , when he was not In Jail , was leloasei
long enough yesterday afternoon to prosecvit
the case In which Alexander Chapln 1
charged with the larceny of a horse. Llk
the other cases growing out ot Chapln am
Wlllcmnns' dilllculty , all that was made np
parent was that the two went on a line laig
drunk tOKCth-r , after which the hors
turned up missing. Chapln was discharge
and Wlllemans went back to Jail to serv
out the rest of his sentenc' for drunkenness
A tramp who was determined to get out o
a Kansas City freight train Monday nigh
caused quite a little dlfllculty In the Unio
Pacific yards. A brakeman found him tucke
away In a box car and tried to put him ofl
The tramp seized a brick and struck th
brakeman with It. The conductor then cam
to the rescue , and using his lantern as
billy , smote the tramp over the head BO liar
that the lantern was smashed to smltlierccn
and whole constellations were brought to th
trump's view. Hut the tramp boarded th
train , nevertheless , and rode out of tow
on It ,
Clear vacant lots to trade for tl\\ellln
house and lot with small cncumberancs to t
assumed by purchaser. Good farm loan
wanted. Money ready when papers are con
pleted and title approved.
235 P.'arl St.
Frank Bennlson has gene to Dubuque c
County Attorney C. G. Sauntlers and vvll
have gene to Montana tor a week's visit.
C. K. Cornelius and family of Fourth avi
nue have gone to Ohio for a visit with roll
The Misses Bertie and Clara Troutman 1m
gone to Tu co in a , Wash , , for a month's vis
with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Casady. Jr. , have n
turned from an outing at Like Mlnnctonl
and Minneapolis.
Miss Maymo t.and of Lexington , Ky. , ar
MIES Neoslm Land of Kansas City are vlsi
Ing their cousin , Mrs. M. L. llurliorn.
The Misses May and Ethel Sopsr ha\
gone to Minneapolis to upend a month vvll
friends and relatives at Lake Callioun.
W. Honey , a prominent stoQkman of Cher
county , Neb. , and a charter member of tl
ElKhorn Valley Hunting club , Is In the cl
for a few days.
II. S. Richardson , who has been employi
In the War depirtment at Washington , D. C
trr the past three years , Is visiting his Cou
ell muffs friends.
Mrs. 0 , Hwald Is entertaining at her hon
on Vine street Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and si
of Pasadena , Cal. , and her mother , Mrs. ,
L. Hughes of Astoria , III.
Mlsces Grace and Sylvia Messmore ha
gone to visit their uncle , Hon. D. I ) . DJV |
son , deputy state treasurer , at Des Molnt
They will also visit. Madrid , Ilooue , Grai
Junction and Spirit Like.
II. H. I'ollok received a telegram yesterd
notifying him of the tatal Illness ot I
mother at Knoxvllle. la. He left for th
place yesterday. His brother , from the sta
of Washington , has also started for 1
mother's bedside.
C. O. I ) . 1IHOW.VS
PpeHnl Hnl < H MIINOII Fruit Jam
Pints , per dozen , -fOc.
Quarts , per dozen , 50c.
Half gallons , per dozen , C5c.
BROWN'S , C. 0. D.
$2.50 to Kansas City and return via t
Burlington route. Saturday , August 10 |
Train will leave Main Street depot. Conn
Uluffs. at 10 45 p. m. ; back Monday mornl
In time for breakfast. Tickets and full I
formation at 517 Broadway.
O. M. BROWN. Ticket Agei
Yes , the nagle laundry Is "Jhat goi
laundry , " and Is located at 724 Bronlwa >
If In doubt about thin try It and be convlncf
Von't forget name and number. Tel 157.
lleil Oil a r Ki-nt-o POM In.
Twelve car loads standard rod cedar fen
posts , 10 4o each , by the car load.
The gas company's special prices for ser
Ice pipes will be continued through July.
The Hardman piano wears like Iroa.
They Try ConcliiHliiiiN ullli .Inhii
O'llciiiiu-ll , v\llh Dimlitfiil Ill-null" .
Constable Stevlck , whose erratic actions
have occasioned a good iK-il of gossip during
the lait few weeks , went to the residence of
John O'Donncll , a blacksmith living at 322
Park avenue , yesterday afternoon to asslit
a man named Bulln In effecting a settlement
of a $5 claim he had against O'Donncll. If
the story told by Mrs. O'Donnell ba correcl ,
the trustees ot Kane township will very
likely f el called upon to do something coon
with regard to Stevlck's case.
When Stevlck and his companion knocked
at the iront door Mrs. O'Donnell says
Stevlck was very drunk. He made known
his errand In abusive language , and fright
ened the woman half out ot her wits. She
referred the two men to her husband , who
was out In the stable , and they left the
house. When O'Donnell saw them coming he
knew there was going to be trouble. Stevlck ,
he says , commenced using profane and
abusive language , and demanded a settle
ment. O'DomieU'B Celtic blood began to
boil , and ho ordered Stevlck off the place. In
the scnllle that ensued Stevlck left the stable ,
but O'OonnclI's clothing was badly torn
O'Donncll says he did not know Stevlck was
an officer , and so treated him throughout the
Interview Just as he would any other man
who meddled In what did not concern him.
After ho had put the Intruder out of the
birn O'Donnell looked around for a pitch
fork , but could only find an axe. With that
he aimed himself and prepared to act on the
defensive Stevlck pulled a revolver out of
his pocket and aimed It unsteadily In O'Don
nell's direction , but for some reason or othei
forgot to pull the trigger , and so there was
no explosion. This was fortunate , because
the muzzle ot the gun was only a few feet
from It's victim's head.
Mrs. O'Donnell had been watching the
fracas , and fearing that something desperat
would be done 'elephoned to the police sta
tion for assistance. In a few minutes the
patrol wagon hove In sight , but O'Donnell
refused to ride In It , although he was per
fectly willing to walk to the station. A
compromise was finally hit upon , the black
smith gave up his axe and tli3 constable his
gun , and the former walked to the Jail. H1
remained there for an hour , while waiting
for Stevlck to get a warrant , and as soon
as the warrant was served he was released
on his own iccognlzancc until this morning.
During all the visit Stevlck did not once
show any papers authorizing him to make
the arrest , nor did he have any. He found
he was going to have trouble with his man
and called to a man who was standing near
by to help him. The man declined to mix up
In the affair. When S'.evlck went down town
he filed an Information charging John Dohany
with resisting an olllccr. Mr. Dolmny could
not be found last evening , but the members
of his family , and Mr. and Mrs. O'Donnell
also , state that he was nowhere around when
the trouble took place , so that Stevlck must
have been too befuddled to know.
Store crowded from morning till night.
Thousands taking advantage of this oppor
tunity to secure desirable merchandise at
CO cents on the dollar. Big reductions In
dress goods and silks. All wash goods at a
sacrifice. Hosiery and underwear at greatly
reduced prices. See values offered In laces ,
notions , white goods , gents' fuuiishlngs ,
: gloves and mitts , handkerchiefs , ladles' capes
and wrappers.
401-405 Broadway ,
Council Blurfs , la.
DlNlmrretl Ilnr Tender SiienrM Out n
be-areli Warrant fur bherloek.
° Henry Wagner , who has been carefully
cultivating a reputation as an eminent re
former for several weeks past , had anothei
ee.irch warrant Issued yesterday from thi
court of Justice Vlen for Ed Slier
lock's saloon. The warrant was served bj
, Constables BaUer and Albert ! , and five bar
rcls of beer , a Jug of buttermilk , a bottle o
champagne elder , two bottles of wine , sev
crul bottles of Waukesha water and severa
other kinds of Intoxicants were seized.
This Is the second time within a montl
that Wagner has put his belief In temperanc
. reform Into active eruption. Sherlock en
.e dorsed a note for $100 "without "recourse , '
and It pas ed Into the hands of Wagner
year or so ago. When the tlmo canio to
payment the maker of the note went brok
and Wagner called upon Sherlock. The latte
Immediately pointed to the words "vvlthou
recourse , " which Wagner had not noticed , o
rlso had not understood the meinlng ol
Wagner has had a crow to pick with Sherloc !
ever since , and has threatened to jnake thing
lively for him until ho pays the note.
Ono peculiarity about the case Is tha
Wagner was himself until a few days ag
engaged In the saloon business. As the pro
prletor of a joint he was enjoined under th
old prohibitory law. He failed to nnilerstan
Just what the Injunction meant , an
went right on with his saloon , wit
the result that in a short tlm
ho found himself In Jail wit
a fine of several hundred dollars and a ja
sentence of several months hanging ovc
him. By the grace of ex-Governor Boles h [
was pardoned , the condition being Inserte
In his pardon that he was not to engig ;
In the saloon business , either directly c )
Indirectly , again. Wagner has been employe !
as bar tender at several different place
fe during the last few years , so that the cor
dltlons of his pardon have been violated
When ho first had Sherlock's place searche
a tew weeks ago he was put upon the stan
and under cross examination by Justlc
Aylesworth testified In open court to th
above facts. There Is a strong probablllt
ill that In the i.cxt day or two steps will I
taken to have his pardon revoked.
llimi.lM'.TON 11UUTC.
Itediiced Rule.
nd To Hot Spl'ngs , S. D. , sale July 19 , Aug
It- ust 2 and 23 , one first class fare for roun
ve Triennial conclave Knights Templar , Bo :
th ton. Mass. Sale August 10 to 24.
thry American Pharnr ceuttcal association , Der
vcr , Colo. Sale August 11 and 12.
he National convention Kteley league , Hai
rlsburg. Pa. Sale August 16 to 22.
ity In addition I have on sale Summer Tourli
tickets to various , points In the United Stall
ed and Canada.
Call and get copy ot map and Illustrate
write up of the great Yellowstone Natloni
park. 0. M BROWN. Ticket Agent.
no TenelierN' Inntttiito.
on The teachers' Institute will commence At
A > gust 19 and last two weeks. An attcm
ance of between 350 and 400 Is expecte
Sessions will be held dally at the Bloomi
school building. The following are the li
structors :
H. W. Sawyer , "Methods In Physlolof
and Nature Studies ; " Arnold Thompklns
lay Chicago university. "Pedagogy and the HI
his tory of Education ; " J. B. Knoepler , ex-sta
lat superintendent. "Methods In Language at
ite Grammar ; " M. C. Crosier of Walnut , "Met ;
his ods In Geography ; " W. 0. Davis of Avoc
"Orthography and Word Analysis ; " J , W. \
Laird of Carscn , "History and Civil Cover
ment ; " Robert J. Aley , professor of math
matlcs In the Indiana State university
Bloomlngton , "Methods In Arithmetic ; " .
R Hargraves of Neola , "Reading and LI
era Hire ; " Harriett Blood of Council Bluff
"Drawing. "
N Kluir Tempi-ranee lle <
All ItlKlit.
ell MONROE , Neb. , July 25. Wheeler
ng Hercld , Council Bluffs : Gentlemen Inclose
Hi please find check In full of my first tnvol
Hint. of Wheeler's King Temperance Beer bougl
nt. of you. Your goods are excellent and yoi
nt.oil prices right ROBERT A. V1CKERS
oil _ Druggist.
ed. > The Hajdinan Is full and rich In tone.
XftliiM * Ijlvrry llnru Iluriieil.
J. R. Nevlns' livery barn at 23 North Six
ice street , north of Dolmny'a opera houie , caug ;
fire yesterday morning about 4 o'clock , Tl
upper portion of the building was In flam
when the alarm wat turned In , but the n
department extinguished them In a fe
minutes. The her ei and buggies were In tl
rear part ot the bulMluif , tutllclcntly removi
from the fire to that they were not Injured.
The fire was apparently the work of an Incen-
Ihry. Dan Carrlgg owns the building , which
\\ai very old and shaky , but his less , which
la rmall , Is covered by Insurance , Nevlns
owned a lot of feed and tome harness , which
was destroyed , but not Insured.
r.i ) A
Ucv. S. I * . MrOmiiiM of Xorlli IM-illc
AociM'iN ( liv I'HHtornU- St. I'lnilV.
The vestry of St. Paul's Episcopal church
held a meeting at D. C. Bloomer's office
yestrcTay afternoon to take action with ref-
trcnce to flllllng the vacancy In the church
pulpit. Rev. S. P. McDonald of North Platte.
who preached last Sunday , has made a
favorable Impression , and after a full dis
cussion It was decided that a call should be
extended him. Mr. McDonald was at once
notified of the action taken and stated that
ho would accept the call providing he could
secure the consent of Bishop Worthlngton at
Omaha , and of his present church. Neither
the .bishop nor the North Platte church , It
is thought , will stand In the way of his
taking bis present opportunity of advance
Mr. McDonald Is 31 years of age and has
a wife and three children. Born at Keokuk ,
receiving his college education at Davenport ,
hiving taught for two years at Kemper
hall In Davenport , and taken his first pas
toral charge at KmmeUburg , he Is
thoroughly an Iowa man , with Ideas well
fitted to a western congregation. He has
acquainted himself with the needs of St
Paul's parish and says he Is not afraid ol
making a failure here. He will take up
his residence lure October 1 , and If al
present hopes are fulfilled lll speedly bulk
the church up until It takei the place I
should anmong the churches jif ths city.
Campers at Manawa and Comfort Scekera
Everywhere Have you taken advantage o
the fcreat rocker sale of the Durfee Furniture
Co. ? It lasts until Aug. 1.
None finer than the Hardman Biby Grand
for a Ilriilc.
Constable Sell Hough of Crescent wis l.r
the city yesterday looking for John Mclntyre
a horse trader , who Is suspected of havln
butchered his horse en the hog back bctwee
Council Bluffs and Crescent. The horse vva
played cut and could go no farther Elthei
hoping to spur him to Increased activity o
else wishing to make nn exhibition of pun
cnsscdncss , Mr Mclntyro got out of hli
wagon , pulled a knife out of his pocket , am
hacked the animals head full of holes. Hi
then walked to town , leaving the horse hal
dead. Hough came here and notified Marsha
Canning of the affair. Thinking ho wou'.d b
apt to find the fellow with a lot of camper
east of the city , Hough went out. During th
afternocn Officer Murphy learned that Mcln
tyre had been seen here , so It was evlden
that Hough failed to find him.
* - - -
Read Davis * ad. Davis sells hammock
The only piano worth having , the Hardmai
N nil < I Ship IliilIilorM AN
for a Mount ) .
PHILADELPHIA , July 30. A number <
gentlemen from all parts of the Unite
States , prominently connected with agricu
tural and ship building Interests , met hei
today to discuss plans for securing coi
grcsslonal action In their behalf. Resolutlot
were adopted , of which the following Is tl
principal , and a committee was appointed
see that they are carried out :
Resolved , That ns neither of the tv
great unpiotected industries can reccli
iinv bum-lit from a tariff on ImpoitH , v
call upon onsroA ? ti > citiiblize the proto
tlou Hyst m oy i : .tf uliiji to ngrlcultur
staples tin-l Am--.can chlirlnR the ju
measure of p u'ci'lon ' If which they a
c entitled , a Ions ns iuol < cMci : is the co
- trolling and pnMli policy ol this nation , ai
that tlilti bo done bv an export bounty (
the staples of agriculture mid to tl
American shipping 1 terest In fore'Rii trml
either by u bounty on tonnage or a ditto
Liitlal duty which shall discriminate
favor of American as nsalnst foreign shli :
all to the end that u restoration may 1
brought about of our merchant marine ai
that the Independent land ownlm ? farme
of the nation may not bo driven Into bin
ruptcy and ruin by the competition of tl
cheap land and labor countries ot tl
world .
ir itowu AVII.I. M T nn
Mexico , However , Will I'roNeeule III
for n Violation of Ioral I.IMV.
CITY OF MEXICO , July 30. Foreign II
latlons Minister Mariscal has refused
grant the extradition of Chester W. Rows
the ground Howe Is a mturallz '
citizen of Mexico he comes under the clau
of the extradition treaty with the Unit
States , which declares that neither t
United States nor Mexico Is obliged to su
render Its own citizens , but Rowe gains not
Ing by this decision , as he will non bo trl
for his alleged offense under the provlsl
of the penal cede , which says that certs
offenses shall be punished In accordan
with the Mexican laws , whether the accu '
r person Is a Mexican or foreigner. Prc
ably his brother can be extradited.
ide JI'ST I.1KH Till : M3IIUASICA ST.lTtl'l
r AVlneoiiHlii .Inry IllHiiKreeil O\er tl
l' ' \ Oleomargarine
MADISON , WIs. , July 30. The flist t (
case under Wisconsin's new oleomargarl
< ! law has ended In a disagreement of t :
id Jury. The case was that of the state agali
Corey Brothers , grocers , who were charg ;
with selling oleomargarine colored to i
soluble butter. The product was sold In t
original packages , which were propel
labeled , and the main point was In rega
to the use of coloring matter. The ju
wrestled with the matter for slxtcn hoi
and then gave It up. Another trial will
had at once.
CollfClorn Hate a. ItlKlit til Appi-i
WASHINGTON , July 30.-Atorney Gt
eral Harmon has rendered an opinion
the question of the right of a collector
customs to make , an appeal to the coi
from the action of the board of gene
appraisers. The attorney general holds
st effect that the collector may take an app
whenever. In his Judgment , the rlghti. of I
government require It , but as a subor
nae | of the secretary of the treasury In
bound by the secretary's views In the matt ;
If the secretary Is of the opinion that
appeal should not be prosecuted the co
mlttee Is bound to dismiss It. The case t
der consideration arose over some Impori
currants. Ths board of general appralsi
decided that they should be admitted f '
and the commissioner at New York took
appeal. Later a similar case arose In
Francisco and the collector took an app
on the ground that they were dutiable at I
By rate of 1V4 cents a pound. The secret :
has taken no action , but It seems to be I
Is- general opinion that he will order the app >
ite dismissed.
ndh Lillian Io - Committed Sulclilc.
a , NEW YORK , July 30. The coroner's
iV. quest In the case of Lillian Low , who v
found dead In the woods near Washing
Heights a week ago , resulted today In a v
atA. diet of ulclJe. Dr. Thomas J. Brig :
It- Henry T. Champney anl Mas Amelia K. II
Itts. . sen , who had been arremd on the allegat
of James Low , Jr. . father of the girl , tl
they had conspired to drive Lilian to 1
death , were discharged. No evidence
criminating them In any way was produi
at the Inquest ,
Ice Hooked for lh < > Japaiifxe 'MlMHloi
ht MILWAUKEE , July 30. It Is reported h
ur that Edward C. Wall , ex-chairman of
democratic central committee of Wlccont
will be appointed minister to Japan to s
ceed Minister Dunn. It Is said that bi
Senators Vllas and Mitchell are willing to
dorse him and that his friends are work :
th In his behalf.
ht Jim Hull 1'ONtN HIM StaUe Moiiej
he DETROIT , July 30. For some days J
Hall has been negotiating with "Pane
ire Davits relative to the challenge of i
world he promulgated on the part ot ,
he Choynakl. Yesterday "Hall tent to "Hon
ed John" Kelly at Mount Clemens. } 2,500 ,
part of 'he ' n k in ( ptr ( > t : the proposi
tlon Hall ayn ho tb.nks rmtrc 'money will
be offered by the club at DallH ynd bo will
meet Chtynskl there. (
'romliienl Helendntx nttri-MN | fulfil
In I IniutiTirlne. .
LONDON , July 30. M , Andre has secured
he sanction ot the Swedish Scientific society
0 his billoon project In search of the north
> oto and has received a liberal donation to
ielp defray expenses from King Oscar of
Sweden , Sufficient funds have , In fact , been
obtained and the attempt Is assured , but M.
\ndre naturally desires the approval of such
an authoritative body as the International
Jeographlcal congicis. He explains that M.
Von of Paris has entered Into a contract to
nako the machine of double silk. Ihe cosl
3clng 2,200. The balloon Is lo be capable of
carrying three persons , with the necessary
Instruments , provisions and ballast. It will
tie sufficiently gas tight lo hover In the air
[ or thirty days at a height ot 250 metres.
M. Audio calculates 1.700 to 1 800 cylinders
Illl'd with gas under a picssure of 100 or 200
atmospheics will be inquired for the expedi
tion , In order to refill the balloon from tlmo
to time. Ho believes he will be able to
guide the machine by a fcystem of sails and
1 opes acting as a brake In case of need by
dragging on the earth. The car Is to b ;
spacious enough to contain a sledge , a sailIng -
Ing boat , several weapons with ammunition
and a photographic camera.
Early next spring It Is proposed to erect a
balloon house and after filling the balloon
start on the aerial voyage for the polo in
July , with a fresh south or nearly south
wind. The duration of tha voyage must , ot
course , largely depend on the stiength of the
wind. It might poslbly last only live or six
hours , but M. Andre expects that It wll )
take at least over forty. Thirty days h-
bslleves will suffice for cruising about the
central polor bjsln and taklm ? a complete
survey of It , The return Journey is to bs
made towards the Inhabited parts of North
America and north Siberia. With a wind
of average velocity M .Andre says the bar-
loon can make 19.400 kilometers In thirty
days , whereas , the distance from Spltzbergen
to the Bering straits via the pole Is only
Dr. Wlchman , one of the most eminent
German geographers , In commenting upon
the project says : "The execution of this bold
enterprise may , of course , be materially In
fluenced by many unforseen contingencies ,
the project Is by no means a fantastic one ,
but Ins been naturally and cautiously
worked out In the light of science. This Is
bsst pioved by the fact tint Dr. Elkholm
tha eminent meteorologlbt. who was in
charge of the Swedish observatory In Spitz-
bcrgen In 1882 and 18S3 , has announced that
he will take part In the expedition. "
: IluUi * of Arn > te TnkoH uVlfo. .
e LONDON , July 30. The duke of Argvle was
married to Miss Anna McNeil , formerly a
lady of the bed chamber to the queen and a
cousin of Sir John McNeil , who married the
duke of Argylo's sister. The ceremony took
place at the palace of Rlpon and was per
formed by the bishop of Rlpon , who Is a cou
sin of the bride. The wedding was quiet , ow
ing to the death recently of Lord Colin Camp
bell , fifth son of the duke of Argyls.
Filled for Moliblntv Illder HitKKTurd.
LONDON , July 30 Lord Wodehouse
eldest son of the earl of I imberley , who led
th ? mob that attacked Rider Haggard and
his party at Stalham , while h'c was on Ms
electioneering tour In th& east Norfolk dis
trict on July 20 , and beslegul them In theli
hotel for several hours < until pollc ? from
! North Walsham and other places came tc
their rescue , was today fltiad for his partic- !
pitton In that affair.
Solillei'H Sent ( o
LONDON , July 20. A Vienna dispatch ti
the News says that a telegram received then
from Bucharest reports ttiat the Russlai
Danube Navigation company vessels are wel
he armed and equipped with , disguised Russlai
to soldiers and otllccrs , who lambd on the Bui
garlan shore near Lompalanka , a route tc
Macedonia , In Just the same way that tin
dlipltch of tile Russian'volunteers ' to'fiul
garln began In 1S76. J " , " *
al l're\ented tnfrlelidlj Legislation.
rein ROME , July , 30. In thoChamber , of Depu
in- ties the Italian Immigration question cam
inl up for discussion. Baron Diane , the minis
he on ter for foreign affairs , replying to'Slgno
Imbrlanl , said that the establishment of th
Immigrants' bureau on Ellis Island. Ne\
In York , had been the means of preventing th
) S , poVernmont of the United States fror
beml adopting severe legislation against Italia
ikhe .Not Pound 111 Montreal.
he he MONTREAL , July 30. The report to th
effect that the three alleLed robbers wh
escaped from Ludlow street Jail are In Mor
1) .
treal Is not well founded. Chief Cirpente
of the Canadian secret service authorized th
statement that careful search has fulled t
show any trace o ! them. The soirch wa
. made simply on account of the ? 3,000 revvar
. Found Dead III Jlls Garden.
LONDON. July 30. F. Caldnell , formerly
member of Parliament , who was one of th
_ directors of the liberator societies , and wh
with Jabez A. Balfour also ex-member
ar- , an - o '
Lh- Parliament , and others was awaiting trial o
led the charge of conspiracy and fraud , vva
Ion found dead In the garden of his residence a
Bournemouth yesterday evening ,
ice Held a Cabinet Mi
ob- LONDON , July 30. The first cabinet meel
ing since the general elections was held c
the foreign office at noon today It was c >
pectcd that the speakershlp would bo one c
Iu. the subjects discussed. The marquis c
Salisbury presided and he and all the cablm
, ministers were loudly cheered on arriving z
the foreign office.
hc Ignored ( lie Map MilKcrN.
list LONDON , July 30. The Standard editor
cd ally expresses regret that the corporation i
re- the city of London has Ignored the geograph
the cal congress and says that In continent :
rly countries any capital would have paid sue
ird famous explorers and savants the compllmei
iry of a public reception.
be Culiiiii ItiNiirKcitfH Defeated.
MADRID , 30. The Impcrlales n
a ] . ports that In a fight between Spanish trooi
and Cuban Insurgents In the district i
enon Baracoa , the latter were dispersed with
onof loss ot sixteen killed and many woumlci
of The Spaniards had thirty-one wounded.
MlNNliinttrli-N Reported Sufi * .
In LONDON , July 30. Rumors that all t !
ieal Methodist missionaries In China who wei
the In grave danger are now safe In Shangho
ellIs lias been received. They had narrow cscapi
Is on their way from Chang. Tu
cr. inlertalned
an the !
mi- LONDON , July 30.-JT.hd iflelcgates to tl
uu- geographical congress vt-'efc ; Ibday entertalm
ted at a garden party glven"by Baroness Burdei
ers Coutts , and William Aahnitad-Bartlett-Bu
'ree dett-Coutts " '
San KIIIINIIK' OldeNt''CJtlreii Dead.
teal BURLINGTON , Kan , , .July . 30. Andre
Franklin , probably the oldest man In t !
the west , Is dead here. Il'e 'Hs born In Lan
eal aster county , Pennsylvania , December 2
1791. He was in the Wars bf 1812. Mexlc.
and rebellion. He cast Jil $ vote for Jam
Madison for president ant } had voted at eve
In- presidential election Blucp .yln 1S41 he w
elected a member ot the legislature fro
ton Vanburen county. < > in
Man , IfappiMirx. | )
B , BUFFALO , N , Y. , Jujy.,30tr-Charlcs Bak <
anIon - a business man of Jackson , Mich. , who a
hat rived here with his wife about ten days af
i mysteriously disappeared five days ago. Mi
In- Baker has returned to her parents' home
ced Clinton , la. , after letting the police km
that she Is suplclous that ho had met to
play. They have found no trace ot him.
i.icre Tr > liif to Aiert n NtrlUe.
the PITTSnURQ. July 30 , The directors
sin , the Plttsburg Coal Operators' association he !
IUC- a meeting In this city today. They refus
oth to give any information concerning tho'o >
en- ject of the meeting , but U Is believed th
lng they are trying to devise some method I
which a strike can be averted.
r.Jim Killed Ity it Deputy MnrNliul.
Jim SARGENT , Ky. , July 30. At Coebur
on" W. Va. , yesterday , Samuel May , depu
the United States marsal , shot and killed M
Joe Nash. The Jail at Wise county court hcu
lest Is being guarded to prevent the lynching
bis May.
Discharged Officers Wcro Small Oontributore
to the Police Relief Purso.
Hfldenee Heard liy Council Com
mittee AKiiliiNl OnI'ollee Hoard
VeMterdii ) ( ItliiT i\-l'olIce
men ( u lit ; Heard Today.
Councllmon Saunders , Gordon and Kcnnard
of the city council committee on Judiciary
began tlm Investigation of the Board of Fire
and Police Commissioners under Kmcnt's
resolution yesterday afternoon. A couple
of hours were occupied In listening to the
testimony of a dozen of cx-olllcers , but the
aggregate Information obtained was to the
effect that they had all found themselves
without a Job , and thov unanimously believed
that they ought to bo still drawing $70 a
month for wearing a police uniform , Each
officer was asked why he was discharged , and
each answered that he did not know. They
were all questioned as to whether they had
undergone a physical examination before
their appointment , and how much they had
contributed to the police relief fund.
It was apparently the desire of the com
mittee to make the point that a former cus
tom had been overlooked In not making a
physical examination of the new men and
that the men dismissed had been done an
Injustice by being compelled to contribute to
the police relief fund. In the latter respect
the evidence was that only a couple of the
officers had ever contributed anything to the
fund and they had drawn out more than they
had put In Most of the witnesses asserted
that they had contributed to the fund , but
then admitted that It was only by their
services In selling tickets for the police
Clerk Dooley of the police department ,
who Is also secretary of the Pol co Relief as
sociation , was called on for information rela
tive to that organization. The committee
attempted to bring out the fact that the police
officers who were recently discharged had
contributed out of their salaries to the relief
fund In which they were now deprived ot
their interest. But in this the committee
was signally unsuccessful. Mr Dooley's evi
dence showed that with one or two excep
tions the officers dismissed had never paid
j. dollar Into the fund. During the first year
utter the association was organized the mem
bers had been required to contribute 1 per
cent ot tl.elr salaries But that plan was
then abandoned , and for the past five years
the fund had been supplied by the proceeds
of the police picnics , and by 25 per cent ol
the rewards which were obtained by officers
for the capture of criminals.
M. V. Halter , ono of the dismissed offi
cers , was called to the stand to tell how lit
test his star. He testified to his length ol
service , and said that charges had been pre
ferred against him three times during tin
four years ho had worn a uniform. Then
was no reason In his opinion why he shouk
lie dismissed. He had never contribute ! i
cent to the police relief fund. Ho had ncvei
made a formal demand of the board for i
hearing relative to his dismissal.
Ex-Scrgeunt Slgwart testified that he ha <
l > 2en a member of the Omaha police fore
for thirteen years preceding the presen
month. During that time he hail contribute !
$40 or $50 to the fund and had drawi
$150 out of the fund on the occasion ot th
death of his wife. No charges had ever bee :
preferred against him by the board. Th
witness was asked what he knew In regard t
several of the new men appointed , but state
that he knew nothing about them.
Ex-Officer George W Barnes told a ver
similar story. He had served one year o
the police force and no charges had bee
preferred against him.
Ex-Officers Flint , Storey , Prcscott , Starkej
Mitchell , Her , Jackman and Burr were als
put on the stand , but their statements wer
almost exactly similar to those quoted. Bui
said that ho had had "a sort of an Idea" thE
he was going to go for four years. This \ \ \
because he thought that Chief Seavey had
prejudice against him.
These were all the witnesses'present , an
the committee adjourned until this nfternoo ;
when Ha/e , Kirk and other ex-pollcent
will berallowed to tell what they know. Tl
members of the Board of Fire and I'olU
Commissioners will also bo called in this af
IlllllolN Clllll Meeting.
The Illinois club held a meeting last ovei
Ing In the McCague block and considers
the report of the committee on constltutlo ;
The committee ) was given until Friday evpi
10 Ing to bilng In on amended report. A con
mlttee was appointed to nominate a list
directors and action was taken to bring a
former Illinois residents In Omaha or 01
In the state. Into the club. Many appllc ;
tlons for membership continue to be receive
Another meeting is called for Friday evenlr
at S o'clock In the office of II. E. Col
Dodge and Fifteenth streets.
Vromaii ThliiUn It \\lll Win.
George W. Vroman , president of the ne !
10 San Diego , Pacific & Eastern Railway con
'I pany. Is In the city and expresses his con !
deuce that co-operative railroading , such i
Is contemplated , will be successful. Mr. Vr says he will teen devote his whole tin
lo the project. So far 15,000 shares of $ ll
have been taken without solicitation. Itt
tthe intention presently to hcnd canvass ?
it through the country for subscriptions , ai
when 100,000 shares have been taken tl
I work of building the road will begin.
of Coal Schooner HOCK to tlie Hottoi
et LORAIN , O. , July 30. During a hea'
a" gale this morning the schooner Republic ,
tow of the steam barge Swallow , coal lade
became waterlogged and sank In forty fe ;
of water , two miles off tills port. The ti
Cascade of this port succeeded In resculi
the crew of eight men , who were clinging
the rigging. The schooner and her car
will probably be a total loss. She Is own
by E. Owing of St. Clalr , Mich.
I'rcHldcilt 1'lljoyed u Sail.
BUZZARD'S BAY. Mass. , July 30. Prc !
dent Cleveland , Secretary Lainont and E.
Benedict" spent the greater part of yesterd ;
on the bay sailing. The weather was d
Ilghtful and a brisk breeze from the sout
ms UIIASTI.V cunin.
.Mlnnnurl .Veuro Admltn lit * Murdered
Mm. .1. W. Kaln.
ST. LOUIS , July 30Kinmet Divers , the
colored man who wa * brought here several
days ago from Hannibal , Mo. , to escape
lynching for the outrage and murder ot Mrs.
J. W. Kaln near Fulton last Tuosdty , has
confessed. Ho said he outraged her and
then cut her throat. Divers went Into the
bloody details ot his crime without any
emotion other than to smile at times. He the following story :
"I left home about 9 o'clock In the morning
to look for work I reached the Kaln house
about an hour later. The door was open
and I walked In. The woman was sitting
by the bed , cutting out quilt places. I
asked her If there was anybody there but her.
She tJld no. I asked her to give me the
ring she hid on her finger. She said she did
not want me to liavo It. I then started to
take It away from her , and got It oft her
linger. It dropped to the Moor. I then
knocked her down wllh my fist. She started
to get up. I saw a rope lying on a chair
and tied her right hand to keep her from
fighting me. I then put the rope around her
neck and drew It as light as I could. She
kept trying to fight me and I cut her throat. '
It was only after persistent quo'tlonlng
that ho confessed to having outngcd his
victim. Divers realizes that ho has but a
short time to live and desires to see his
wife and Sheriff Windsor of Fulton. He
fears death at the hands of a mob If taken
back to Fulton , and requests that ho bo
hanged In the St. Louis Jail.
I'opullNt I'll PCISold. .
STERLING , Colo. , July 30 ( Special. )
The Populist , a newspaper of weekly Issue
at this place , and edited by J. W. Van De-
venter , changed hands today. The new man-
ngcm nt will consist of Messrs. W. L Hays ,
editor , and C. M. C. Woolman , publisher and
business mtnagcr.
Tii.i : < iitIMIIC mur.FS.
Secictnry I.nmont has left Glay Gables
for Washington.
President Cleveland's coichnun was
burled Tuesday nt Washington.
Mrs. J. F Mitchell of Chootnvv City , Okl. ,
was muidered .Monday night while it-tin n-
Ing home.
Stanford Duncan , n prominent citizen of
Stlllwoll , Okl. , was found imiidcied flics-
day night.
The New Knglnnd-Cotton Manufacturer
ntooclatlon hns agreed to attend the At
lanta exposition.
A monument to the confcdor.ite doiul was
dedicated Tuesday nt Louisville. The shaft
Is sixty feet hlsh.
Prof Rffnn delivered an address Tuesday
lit the Uhnutiiuqim summer school on fat
Francis and Dante.
The rod mill strike nt Cleveland has been
settled bv an agreement for an Increase of
wages of 5 per cent , to take effect Au
gust 1.
The Brand Jmy at Hannibal , Mo. , Is still
InvistlnntliiK the Stlllwell murder , anil H
Is not expected they will repoit for n VVCCH
or ten days.
The county commissioners nt Denver have
given County Treasurer Wygant until I rl-
day to procure n bond. Hcvuial wealthy
citizens have agreed to sign It.
A tntchel containing i8 OoO counterfcl'
stamps lias been found ut Buffalo. The ;
urn suppoMJil to be the pioperly of the
Bang nrrctted nt Toronto some time ago.
D. F. Barret of Sin Diego , Cal. , win
accused himself of the Knunuel chuul
niurilcrs" , has been roleu > od from J.ill , hav
ing recovned from ills hallucination.
J I' Furnnt , county commissioner of Sum
ner county , Kansas , has been bound over 01
n the charge of selling his vote on the boin
e in the nwaidlng of the county printing con
Antonio Bcnuet , collector of customs n
ieo San Qiii-ntln , Cal. , was shot and kllle
ied Tuesday by .limn Hnrio < do. The hitter vvu
d then shot and killed by Pollcarplo Esplnezt
justice of the peace.
Marry M Stow has sued the city of Chi
taso for $1,000,000 , nlltsBil to be due fc
rnyulty on a method of laying cedar bloc-
paving to which lie claims the title an
vvblch the city used.
The light of Insurance companies to ( >
Inline the bodies of dec-cased poll * y holdei
Is to be tested In the New Yolk couit
rr A cape Involving thl point Is now pemlln
it in the eourt of appeals.
It Is not thought now that any serloi
trouble will occur the I'ottavvatom
Indians In Knti'-as The excitement hi
quieted down , but the sheriff lias not bee
able to mnko the iirrests heMied to.
II. Clay Meiiltt , n Kewance. 111. , jcnn
dealer , was lined $10.000 for having game I
his possession out of season Other cas'i
are pending against him , and If ho Is tlm
the minimum amount for each bird four
the line will foot up fllO.U'jO.
In the primaries In South Carolina Tuc
day to nominate candidate" for the const
tutlonul convention -the conservative dcim
ed crntH generally absented themselves. Tl
leform wing of the paity. headed by Til
man and liby , will undoubtedly control tl
Mrs. Hattle Covey of Jaysvlllc , N "H
eloped with a man named John Kirch in
went to Michigan. Becoming tired ot hi
she leturned to her fanilh A crow
called upon her , and after stripping off h
clothing beat her unmeiclfully and warm
her to leave town.
The bank examiner has taken po > sps U
of the Union National bank of Dnvi
The directors assert positively that f
claims can bo paid In full without apses
Ing stockholders M. S Noah's Installine ;
house was compelled to close on iiccuu
W of the failure of the bank.
n- The manager and actors of the Alcrozi
n11 theater of San Francisco were nil up b
11ns fore Judge Murphy Tuesday for contem
ns of couit In producing the play , "The Crln
nsfl of the Century " In violation of the courl
flue Injunction. The play Is supposed to be
history of the I'mnmiel church murders ,
is Korelirii.
rs The Italian Chamber Tuesday passed
nd vote of confidence In the ministry.
he Troops were called out Tuesday" to qu <
serious rioting In the streets of Lisbon.
The Spanish government has decided
arm the troops In Cuba with Mauser rllk ;
vy A reporter for a New York paper nami
In Vllllard died at Havana Monday of yella )
Several slight shocks of earthquake wo
et felt near Florence , Italy , Tuesday. No sei
ug oils damage was done.
ng The Ameilcnn pilgrims , under the gill
to ai'ce of Rev. William Smith , are oxpecti
go to icach Rome Friday , und will remain
The dowager czarina of Russia , the Grai
Duke George , the czarewltch , whose sta
of health continues unsatisfactory , ni
Grand Duke Michael have started for De
in iu k
C. United States Ambassador Bayard , In i
C.ay Interview , stated there Is no reason to p :
le- excited over the Trinidad Incident. T
- Island Is small and not worth kicking up
fuss about , either for Us Intrinsic value
as a strategic position.
il ,
ed Tliat's what people with poor digestion nro doing everyday. They hayo no
appctlto or If they do Imvo un appetite and e-at what the-y require it deed them
no good , because the stomach does not digest It and the fermenting inns-i of
food bccomns n soureo of disease , of headaches sleeplessness , languor and the
thousand , und ono symptoms of disordered digestion.
! VV
he Stuarts
1C5. -
! 5. ry es Dyspepsia Tablets
im promptly relieve and euro all forms of Indigestion. They Imvo done U in then
sands of cases and will do it in yours Tin : reason la simple. THEY DIGEST IIIB
of All kinds of Dyelnf
nd Cleaning done li
ld the highest style o
ed the art. Faded am
edb stulned fabrics mail
b- to look us
bat good a
at new. Work prompt ) :
by done and dellvere
In all parts of th
country. Bend to
price lilt.
n , o. . < i
ity EJW * , n _ - - „ \ _ _ -iLr t" ! * r ' ' * * " ' ' f- M'rat > rlot
Ir. SwlPSIfcpgs
88 Dmadwtr , near North
fit wtittra Depot , Counc
I' II PnclnMV Midi nn rctlrln * nt nlchl
urn troiiMrtl with tHililti\tluii | pf Hi * nrnrt Am )
nnvnm nml nrnk. Anitkr In tha niurnlni un
rtfrpihiil Ulint ilmll I t kt > ?
Take Ccrebrlne , extract of thp brain , In
five drop doses , three times daily , on the
ItoiiRitt Tnkp Nathrollthlc Ball , twice
week , one-halt hour before breakfast , Uvt
tcupoonitul In n tumbler of water.
U M. 1 > . ri \ rliimlHtntc n n-mrjy for dna
nho turftnt nllh i > lttp.
Take Nathrollthlo Salts , two teatpoonsfulla
In a tumbler of vvaler , one-half hour before
breakfast , twice p.tch week. Use application
ot Ctirhol.itcd Vaseline.
Mm. J. O 1'lilln. My twy nrron ttrrlbly with
oiutip. Takes It In the liottcxt ufuthcr. dm yuu
naiiunn > lilHK Hint nlll help him ?
( live h'm ' one drop ot Cardlne , extract
of the heart , morning and evening ,
MlM 1)V. . I1. , Clevrlnml I hiive hml co-
tntrli nt Ilia limit for n lone time. oth < T l c In
Kixxl healthV III ) ou tell mo of n remedy that
\\lll benrtU miT
Take Cardlno In three drop doses , thrco
times dally. U o Nathrollthlc Salt to regu
late the bowels. Hot bath once a week.
Plenty of air and exercise. Ileport symptoms
more fully.
II M. 1C , PMIn Am r\cc lvely nervous.
Cannot keep Mill Will > on recommend roinc *
thin * to hf'p me 7
Take Ccrebrlne. In five drop doses , thrco
times dally , on the tongue.
W. T. 1'ARKnn , M. D.
I' P All lrtler of Inmiln on tnexllcnl Mitijfctil
illn-cteil Hi the Ooltmtbhi Ch < inlcnl ConiMnv. |
\VaehlnKton , 1' O , will IIP niiuwcrnl free , el'Ur
Iu thine columns or by mall illrcct.
The mo-it wonderful therapeutic ,
discover } ilnce the dnj- -Icrtiior. .
CI-lftiHUlM ! . - - I'rom tlicllril'i.
l-\ir dlse-ascs of the brain und nervous
MIMlUI.LlNi ; , - from the Spinal CnrJ >
Tor epilepsy , l < ocomotor Atnxln , etc.
CAIiniNti - - IVom the llcirt
For diseases of the heart.
TIJSTIM ! , Kor premature decay.
OVAUIM' , For diseases of Women.
THYHOWINI ! . for Ke'iemii and Impurities at
thu blood.
Dote , 5 llrops. Price. Two Drachms , $1.23.
i nitiiicitii : 1'ii.i.s
For Malarial Affections and all Inflamma
tory diseases of which fever Is an nccom >
punlmeiit. Of Inestimable \alun In neural
Kin ; for pick headache u speclllc.
1'rlce , per box of M pills , We ; 100 rills , $3 ,
.NAntoi.nmo SALTS
For habitual constipation , torpor of th
bowels or Inaction of the liver , headache ,
Bu trlo dyspepsia , Intestinal dyspepsia ,
want of appetite , languor and debility. AS
a mild , effective pnieatlve It has no equal.
1'rlce. EOc per bottle.
ALL , DHUOG1ST9 , or
\VfKliliiRlon , I ) . C.
For ealu by KUHX & CO. . 15th &nd Douglas.
tj IVflH Vt
The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience.
/ treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Hrnd. TUroat and I.mifrs : II
oniesot the l/o ! and llur , Fits and Apoplexy ,
Ilriiit IMsuaso , I.lver Complaint. Kidney Com *
plaint , NurioiiH l > cl > lllt > . Mental Dc
iireHHlou , I.OHH of SIuiilioocl , HtiinA
iiuil WcaltiicHH , ninbetip , llrlKht'H U >
IMIKC , Ht Vims' Dance , IlhomniitlMn , 1'aralysls ,
White S < Miliur. Sciolnla , Teve-r SOICB. Turn *
orn ( iiid I'lHtiilii In niiu removed
\vltliout tlic U til To or drnwliifr A
drop oftjlootl. 'Woman > vltli nor
Uollciitc organs ruHturctl to
lit-altli. I > ro | > Hy cured without
tapping. Npe-clal Attention | ( I\UU
nd to l rl\nti ; mid Venereal IMseaucrj
in ofall ItliKln. { C > o to QjooClorlolt for
td nnv Venereal iMHease I cannot cur
ci wltliont > iercur > . TiipoVornisromov oil
cd In tuoor three hours , or no pay. Hemorrhoids
or Piles cured.
ill .1 \VlllBavollfuaiidIiundicdgofdolliira by call *
The mil } 1'lij uliliinrlioi nn li-ll vvluitulll
perHnii ivltliniil iihkltiKti iiucKtlon.
ar ' 1'honn at u illhliinrii Kcnil fur ( Jursllon
10pt lllnnk , No. 1 for nirn.No. 2 for niiinrii.
ne All coirespnndcneo striotly confidential.
t's Xcdlclne sent by oxpreea. Address all letters
R.v. . I'Ais-oi.r : , M. n. ,
Cr.oloBO lOo In stumps for re'Dlv
ell to ZOO
s.ed VV SOAP
Idcd JA6. S. KIRK & COU. . S. A.
or C. li , JACQUEHUUCO ,
Scieiitific Opticians
e'oinplt-te assortment of gold andatccl
pocti'lcs and uyoj hisses , EyuHOY.uu-
[ nod free of i-hanc.
No. S/7 Main Ht. - Council ItliifN
1'rrsldent. Cathltrw
of COUNCIL EU.UFF3 , Iowa ,
ClUilt il , $100,00
Profits , . . . 12.000O
One f > f the olJtil banks In Ilia Ktnlo of Iowa.
We solicit your tuslncsa nml colloctloni. W
pay 6 per cent on time deposits. Wo will t
pleated to ECC und cerve you. '
Attoni y..iu- !
/i.raolCe / | , n the
and Federal Courts. Itooms 30ti-7-B-U ,
cart , Dlock. Council Bluffs. Iowa.
Special Holicas-CouidlBliiifs
Kd Ilurke , at W. S. IlcjinT'ii , t lr.iiJ ! ; ay.
rai'fr TAUM AND CAIII > IN LAND rori
Halo cheap und en tuny temm. Uu > A. llem ,
3'J 1'earl uttfct ,
ixm HAM : on TUAOI : . A riNui.v imio
running horse , with high truck muni , Koo < l
nuKoni for Belling , Aildrrbt or rail at 1J2J
llioadHay. _
i'fl anil I lip Nlntli ( Uriel ilrpul. nn ll'iailwiiy ,
hunch of luelvn r IHIrin Kt > . Finder
ast. leave ut Heo olllce.
huu * In thti Uly. Will t > lltleil up fur ten- '
nnl'x UUP , Now occupied tj Union lukiry C'o.,1
KB Main urcet. Apply to M. J. Kelley , 7U4
lum uod vHu at 71V I'lrat uunue.