TITE OJIAIIA DAUA" lJJ3Il' ! MONDAY , JULY 20 , 18BB. SPEGIRL NOTICES. Ailt rrtlnciiicittN fur llirar > column * trill litnUtii iindl ISino p. in. for llu- < - -nliiK nnit until 8 it. in. ( or ( lie nnil Siimlny ritltlon. lir rvjiiiOHllnw n iiiiin- lirroil phpolc cim lime nntmt-rit nil- ilronHL-il ( n n nuiiitx-rril letter In cure /of / The lire. AIIHUITM NO n till trim CM ! nlll delivered tiiioit jircHi-ntnllon tof tliu chock only. llnlcn , 1 l--c n troril , llrnt liiMi-rtlon , Ic a enl Ilioronftcr. NntlilnR InUen for 1cm tliaii JI.'c fur IIml liiNertlon. Tin-up nilsprllneniciitN inimt lie run < ! > . I SITUATIONS COMPETENT. KXi-nniKNcnu MALE KTEN- OKnplnr nnd clerk want * position Clwxl p-n- man ] lent references. Owns tpypwrltT Art- ilrem U , Ilw. A-M309 30 * ( WANTED OENBUAL IIOtlHEvVOUK , LAUN- itry work cir cooking. prlvato fnmlly preferred. 11-st rrferencns. Call 19I2 Cumins street ' A MXI4 20 * MAI.K HUM * . rWANTEO-1.000 MEN TO WHITE ME TODAY for the receipt ( absolutely fre In plain waled envelope ) which cured mr nf nervous debility , I exhausted vitality , etc. Address C. J. Walker , Jinx 1311 , Kalamszoo. Mich 11-MK3 WANTED-LIVE INTELLIGENT AGENTS IN Omnlm to organize clubs . , f thnto five fami lies f T our famous orchard homes land In cen tral Mississippi. The tide of Immigration Is fo- Inc south , where there are no hot winds , no rnld winters , no blizzards , no crop failures , i Where two or three crojs can bralsid each ' year AV here there Is no such tnlnu ns a rail- ! tire If a man will work onc-hnlf ns hard ns he I rtoes In this country. Cool summers , mild winters - . ters , sure pavlnn cnps of fruit nnd Rnnlen ' truck rlcnest soil on earth be railroad faclll- I tier Geo. W Amfs , general agent 161 , rarnam street Omaha 1 Miri3 JO ) TO tlOO BALAUY PAID BALE MEN FOIl Llcars : experience not necessary , extra Induce- m"nts to customers Bishop & Kline , ' ' ' ,4 , WANTED A svnnn on CJEHMAN CLEUK for dry poods and Krocery store. vVrltc Lock Jlrx 2I , Ncv.niln Grove. Neb 11-1,9 , 8) _ ftiEN ANb noY8 TO niBTiuiuiTn riurtr. lur * ramples of tobacco , mcillclne , etc , f3 < fi to J500 n day ! hustlers wanted ; send 2o stamp. Clrc. Adv. Co , Kan. clly. _ { 0. , j "WANTED , HiU' : , 8ALESMF.N FOn LINE ciders nnd clRars ; salary. * 1W a month and expenses paid. Address Callfornli Cider Co. , ChlLiR < . III. 11-MICO 30" WE WANT A MAN WITH A ROOD , STIIONO team , steady work. W O AlbrlBht Co , N n. corner 16th and Jackson streets 11 Mail 50 * CANTED , A MAN Oil LADY TO THAVEL nnd appoint nscnts balary J50 00 per month Addrcm U 67 , llee 1I-M312 3 LAISOHIHIS AND THAMSTnilS TOH HAIL. . road work In South Dakota. transportation free , work Buarantced. J. Ksberir. lilt 1 r. xAiioiuns roii n & M. RY co. IN WYO- mlnir : work KUanmtecd , free transportation. Kramer & O'Heirn , lllh and rarnam strje ILADIKS WANTING rinsT-ri.Asa . call Scandinavian Y , W. home , 2018 Davenport St. VANTHD. oiiUi ron snroND WOIIK , AND take care of baby 2225 1'arnam street. C 182 AN'lNOl'STUIOUS WOMAN WITH HUSINKHS oxpeiIcnco. must be ladylike and rellned. op portunity for ad\anccment. Addicss U n Il c , C M2t7 30 rou HUNT iiousus. ans , r. ic , DAULINO , BAUKUR nixric. - fi IN Al.b 1'AIITS OrTlinCITY THn O. r. Dixls Compiny , 1555 Farnam D 465 IIOUSIB nr.NiwA , & co , 103 N. ISTH ST D 4C7 it. n. coui co. , LAnnnsT LI T IN OMAHA ! D M463 t-HOOM IIOHSB , rOUNKU 27TII AND Douglas stiects. Inquire 2S04 Tarnam strMt ron IHNT TWO S-HOOM COTTAGES ONU furnished. 802 3. SOth. Modern D 175 20 * KI.IHIANT MODKHN IiniCIC , 116 N 2UT1I RT D 2I2 1 * 8-nooM nousns NKAU man SCHOOL $15. and i3 per month , 2bl5 Capitol a\enue. aenue.D D 203 2 I'NiwiAi.no. cnNrnAiMODHUN T-IIOOM houKi * . rial 5 rooms. 2 unfurnished rooms Tl ard. 221 N. 21. D-2CS-t _ ron HUNT , 1304 FAHNAM ( MHOKATH STA- llonery Co. store ) , 22 feet on Knrnam with 23- foit wlmj on 13th St. Will put In thornuuh repair to suit tenant. C. 1" Harrison , 912 N Y. Life. t2Cj _ rou"IUJNT ! JSIIVKN-ROOM COTTAGE , sui ( hiirles street , with or without barn lnqulr O. N. Clayton , at Wabash olllce , 1415 rurnum street. D MM1 31 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ron ncNT. FUIINISHKD nousn , s UOOMS , on car line , near Hanscom park , bath , IMS , water , etc. , cheap to good part > , AiiKUst 1 to October 1 Inunedlato possession. AiMrexs U 62. Uee olllco. D-M304 30 * roii unvr F uoojis. JXIl DP.NT FUnNIBHKD ROOMS. WITH OH without board. 604 So. 131h. n M8S3-A13 _ jriCKL.Y rUIlNISHnD BOOMS , 804 SO ISTH. 3 ri'IlNlSHKD ItpOMS SUITAIIt.C POIl LIOIIT jiousektrplng or with board. 007 S 25lh A e L M , 031 * OXK rl'HNISIIRD AND TIIUKE UNrilTT nlxheil rooms ; spltindld location ; rent cheap 1704 Capitol avenue. 1J M203 23 * IIOOMS AND IIOAUD. rtniNisiinn sor'tiTtiooM wiru hoard for two ; prlvntc family : na otlior Ixiiml- cr : brat homo comforts. Ill N. 21 > t. Let. Cali fornia nnj VVelmtcr. 1' Wl AND nOAVlD J5.00 PHU WKRK. TA1.1 , nt 8107 DoiiKlnn. I' 1 ! > P A13 ri'ii-sisiiCD nooM. 2321 1M M A 25 * rtJHNlSHED HOOM , WITH HOAUD , ItOOMS. WITH . a , TM3JACT - rt'UNISlIKD UOOMS , 1JOAUD IF 8(0 ( S. 19th. F-M32SM : * rou mvr-sTouis A.MJ ornois. ion UINT IHR < bTortr nuicic in'n ! > 16 Pnrwim tticot This kullulnc Ivn a fl't- nroof cement Infcmcnt. complete etc. , in ItcntlnK fixture , wnttr nn nil noon , ea , etc. Applv nt the ortlec of The He * . 1 HO Ativiv SiriN AND WOMHN , J1 TO 10 A D V.Y AD- drwsa the HnnJy llentcr Co , Wt K > w York I.tfc bids . Omnlm. Nfli. J-47A AOINTS WANTUD TO TAKI : OUDCIIS ron our ielebrutf-1 M DO cuntom | > .ints ; liberal c iu- mtMlont. ClilcnRO Custum Pants Co MS ctli u venue. Clilcngo. J Mil ) 1 I.ADY AOCNT3 AR13 MAKINO VUOM N TC tlO | > r vvptk , at odd liourn. at home , s.lllnc ar nrtlclo renulrvd In every fumllv rartlrulait frco liy aJUruKlnK Ft I aul Chemical & Mimu- fnclurlne Co. . 81. Paul , Minn. J-XI ! 8- 'nii TO un.vr. \VANTii > TO UENT , IS SKPTHMDnU. THN- room ImuBC In good condition , located kttvrerr DouKlnii , Lf ii wn worth , 31st and 40lh > treet < If ilcslmlilt will make c-ro or three > < * nr Irjx-i 1' . O hnx tst , K-a WVNT TO 11HNT AN nLEVATOTl FOP hitndllni ; ear corn In bsl corn nertlon of Ne liraka Addrein with particular * and rent S. J Ul linrd * . Ilex 101. Denver , Coin. Iv l'Jl * SI * TVANTin. UOOM AND UOAIIU FOIl MAr > nnd wife and two children from September I Mutt l' reasonable. Private family preferred Addre U 4 ! . Wee. K-ilW nn.vr.ii , AOUNCY. o. a WALI ACI : . UENTALS. : DUOVVN IILIC. . 1.-MTOJ STOll.YGK. IIKHT STOn QK BUILDING IN OM V1IA. U S . bonjtd watthO'Jit , houiflwIJ icood itarrj for. < t tales. 10U-lli Leavenwurth. M J7I : . FIUNK KWEUS , lll HAUNF.Y STORAGE & WAUUIIOUfeE CM 90 > : Ol ) JiMiti § ti. General ttciu ; and { jina r jinaM WAtTii ! > TO IIUV. WANTHD HOfsn AND LOT MOD15HN lit- prnvemenl * , near Imslnris , that can lx > taught chimp The O , F Davis Co. , 1309 Farnam tiet ron SAM : nouses , AVAOO. > S , IJTC. N IMl'OItTKD hHIITLANU 1'ONIEH , Including Home imall fuuls. A , I , . Ku'llvan , Lincoln Neb. P M1M 30 * A IMNI : fimm.ANn TONY AND TAUT FOU tale. Address It , LI. Crose , Blienandmili la. 1' MJ19 30 * roil 5AL.H MI.SCnM < A.\KOUS. IIAItDvvOOD COMUINATIOff HOa AND chicken fence. Chos. H l.e , 9th and Dnuclai. ? lH3 2,600 TONS OP 1'L'UIi UIVHtt ICR FOIl ffulET J-amoreaux Dros , 3 > )6 S ICih street , Omahn > < Q-.M2H FOIl BAMJ. IIIOH OTlvDB OKNTI.KMAN'8 'M blc > clc , cheap. Address U & ) , IK-e nir.cc y-2 , " : > rou BAt.n. A Fitnsii cow AND CAM * . AT 2851 lirlstul s-reet , Q-M305 23 I CHirilBSTBU'B ENOUSII 1'BNNY- nival I'llln ( diamond brand ) are tlio best ; nafc , reliable , take no other ; nend 4c. Mumps , for particular "llellef for Lidle" . ' In letter by return ins II. At drUKclstn. Clilchratcr Chem ical Co . 1 hllaileliihla. Pa. ChAIIlVOYANTi ) . MIlS. DU If WAHTIKN. CLAIRVOYANT , UK- Table builncES medium : 8th > ear at 119 No ICth. S 4S1 MASSAOi : , IIATIIS , IVI'C. MADAM SMITH , 502 S. 13TH , 2D FIXXJU , UOOM 3 ; niAKnetlc , vapor , alcohol , steam nulphurlne anil ma batlw. T M27G 1 MASSAGE. MADAME DEUNAUD , 1421 DODOB. T M5CJ-1- MUS. DU. I.EON. EI.EQANT MASSAOB AND electric liath I'arlors restful and refrenhlni ; . 412 North 14th ttreet. T M23H 1 MME. IIOWEM. . TURKISH AND BL.BCTUIC baths. Finest parlors In city. 318-320 S nth T M978-29 * MME LAItUE , MASSAGE JJATIIS. 1017 IIOW'D t M992-A1S * TUHICISII IIATIIS. TUUKISH DATHS. ONLY I'l.ACE IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Suite 109-110 , Dee bids LADIES' BATHS. MME. POST , 31914 S. 11TH , I > UHSOAIj. . VIAVI CO. , 340 DEE BLDO : HEALTH HOOK free , homo treatment , lady attendant. U 453 I ! HAAS. KLOIUST. PLANTS. CUT FLOVVErH Ilanquot , hall , resldenoo and grave decorations. 1813 Vlnton street. Telephone 776. U M484 BATHS , MASSAGE , MME POST , SIDVi S 1JT1I. A PRIVATE PAIITY HAS MOONHY TO LOAN on pianos , Jewels , bicycles , etc. , business strictly confidential. Address , 1'ostolllce box 320. U M703 FOIl FIUE AND BUUGLAU PUOOF SAFES , vault work , etc , see or address W. O Temple- tMi. gcn'l ag't , 403 N. Y. Life. U MOT aG CASH ADVANCED ON PUBLIC EMPLOYES' salaries Commercial Trust Co , 419 Bee blclp. PIHVATE HOME POR WOMEN Dt'niNO confinement. IJest of references Riven 3513 N. Mlhptrect. U MCS8 A13 PINE LIVEIIY IIIOS CHEAP. ED nMJMLEV. 17th and St. Mary's ave. Telejihsne 44) . U DOS A14 WAMI.D , ALL , WHO DEStllE I'lIlST CLASS laundry work to try the Eagle I.uundrj , 1TO9 1'arnam street. Ilest Work In the clt > T lc- phonq , 1823 U M3.12 4 * 3IOM3Y TO LOAN HUAIj KSTAT13. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 313 N.Y. LIFE , loans at low rates for choice security In Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city properly , W-4SO MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES THE O r. Davis Co , 1503 1'arnam st. W 487 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 513 N. Y. LIPE W 4S3 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. lO. . Chesney , Kansas City , Mo W 483 CAPITAL. J2.000.000 ; SURPLUS , JCOO.OOO ; U. S Mortgage Trust Co. , New York ; for C per cent loans on city property , apply , to 1'us.ey & Thomas , agents , room ZU7r First Nat. Jlk. bids , W IDO MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Ilrennan , Lee . Co 'axton blk. . \V-491 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL'ESTATE at per cent. W. U.Mclkel , 1st Natr UK. bids AV 492 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Faftiam st W-493 LOANS ON IMPROVED i UNIMPROVED CITY property W. Farnam Smith i Co . 132) Fnrnam W 431 MORTGAGE LOANS. LOW RATES. J , D. Zittle , 16th and Douglas , Oniha W M77010 J2.000 TO J20.000. F. D. WEAD. 18 & DOUOIAs W 333-31 31OM2Y TO LOAClI.VTTiiS. . MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. . at lo\\est rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential , you can p.iy the loan off at any time or In any amount , _ OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN C < T. 30G Bo. ICth st JC-495 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND pianos. Fred Terry , 430 Ilamge blk. X 137 IIUSIMSS J12.00000 STOCK OF MERCHANDISE IN REST tonn In eastern Nebraska , for land nnd casher or uiuUulent , Address S , 29 , care lice liceY Y M934 3 SOLID INVESTMENTS ; I1RICK IlUSINE fi block , water power flouring mill , fine lee busi ness II. C. Alger i Co. , Sheridan , Wjo Y M31S FOR SALE , STOCK OF MILLINERY , REST location In the clt > , good reasons for selling , Addrei.8 at once , T 1C , Dee Y 430 ONE-HAl'.r INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE and abstract business In central Nebraska for sale. T 45 , Omaha Dee , Y M731 A7 FOR SALE A FULL HOLLER CO-DHL CASE n > btem steam flour mill , for sale at a bargain Dullness will require capital U-uxl opening for right man , Address U SO. care of The lice. Y Mm 29 A NCW. MODERN RRICK PLANT. NOW IN operation , with line bed of snalo from which street pavers can bn made , close to railroad , within 7 } miles of Omahn. will be sold at a bargain. 01 a partner taken In , as owner lacks cnpltnL Address U 4S. lies olllce. Y MM3 ! FOR SLE OR TKADtS FOR MERCHANDISE. KOOd store building and lot , also utock of boots , shoes and Kroiorlo * In tounty seat ot 900 ; doing a gocd business. Must sell to go east , AddreM Ilix 26. UriBlcy , NcU Y Mill 24 * HARNESS SHOP FOR SALE AT DAVID CITY Neli , county beat of llutlcr county ; town o : { 500 ; good t"untr > ; good prospects for crops Address r. E. Ilrexlna , David City , Neb. Y M231 1 2 STOCKS nilOCEIIIES FOR SALE. GOOD LO. citlons No trade accepted. ( sXl.uO to UWOtW. Add. U S7. llee. Y 210-29 J100000 WILL 11UY A OOOD PAYING MANU- ficturlng business In Omaha ; reasons for sell. In * . U 45. llee , Y M333 29 * rou i\cn.\Anc. 1 , 00 ACRES OF CLEAR LAND IN GOOD LO- CiiUty In ebraski ( masnltlcent land ) la ex- rhsng fur Impioxed pioperty In Omaha. Th snll Is elegant , cannot be beaten , no sand what ever , Fidelity Tiuit Co. . sol < agent * . 1702 Kur- nam st. GOOD FARM TO EXCHANGE FOR A bTOCK of merchandise , Thornbuig , la. , Ilax 133 K-M2S4 ! " roil .SALK-Itr.Al. IJSTATIJ. DO YOU WANT A BEAUTIFUL MODERN cottage lioms within walking dlnuncu ( rom P , O. I in 1.1 f on * ralUT \ \ have two of their just completed that ur modeU. and we wll < ll them at ttr.atly rtductd prUes an < ! take Ir a IMOlM to tSJO < a lot as part iu > nKnl. Thes * r located on Hurt street , lux ein 01 ; It ( li t. \\JII b < optn SunJjj. Cull and 111' l > it them. Itoinernbir w will tiki j'JU vacant lot ai parl iu muni \\hy w 111 > ou pny i nt on a hfui uml thrr pj ) taxes un vacant proiorty wlitn > uu can maki i' h a deal ta thl * h * lhe A beautiful homes or exit at our ofllci > ' and * nlll b most pl as < d to show tlit.n. 1 rtdtl t ) Tiuit coiujmny. 17C3 I'aruam nrnl. rou SAi.n-niJAi. KSTVTIJ. Continued. FARM I1AROAINS. IOWA OR NE1JRA8KA. ON time Impiov l and unimproved. It F. Wil liams , room 411. McCdKUe block. RE 91S-31 FARM LANDS , C. F. HARRISON , 912 N Y Life RE 773-A10 * AIJSTIIACTS , THE IJYRON HEED COMPANY. RE 49) ISV ) 00 TO J2.000 00 LOTS For IMOM to SOO 00 Now Is the opportunity of n lifetime. vVo have had plated In our hands about fifteen Jots that have sold at from JSOO.OO to $1,00000 each. They arc locate 1 In tin- northwestern portion of the city , on Walnut hill onr line. In the most beautiful and healthful location In tha city , with car line , paved streets , and all modern Improvenientii In theImmvdlatd vicinity , PRICES AND TERMS. > 3 > VOi ) to J4 < 00 > ) per lot. according to location ; IMW per lot cash and balance JlOix ) per nnnth , without Interest , or n reduction of 11 per cent rom price for one-half ca h , or SO per center or all cash. This property mmt l seen to bo ppn-ilati'd. Call nnd IH us show It to > ou o better savings bunk cnn possibly be found lan this Investment , and just the molt d'llghtful 'ac for n home . . FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. Sole Agents. 1102 Farnam St , Ilee Illdg It Is n wise man who makes his Investments hen there nro manv sellers nnd few buyers , It then that they gn the biggest bargains nnd best terms. RE-M22S 31 ,11'ROVED , GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMAHA at prices that will surprise vou , It taken within 2 weeks. J. II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. HE-SCO \ROAINS , HOVSES. LOTS AND FARM ; sale or trade , r. K. Darling , llarker block. RE 493 OMES ON EASY PAYMENTS , BELL AND buy lots , acred , farms. Uarrln llroj. 210 N Y. L RE-G02 ARGAINS , SALE OR TRDAE. IN CITY PROP- crtles nnd farms. John N Frcnzer , opp _ P . . C . IE Ml ( E WILL SELL FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS bargains In Rees Place , between Georgia and Virginia avenues and Mason and Pacific streets , the most desirable part of the city , line nat ural trees , elegant J15.000 00 home now built In this block. k'e will build If parties desire his property will never bo as cheap again. Ve have the cheapest house In the city. Vw , 7-room , bath , cemented cellars , within walking distance of the city , good nclghbor- OOil , 'omo ' In nnd we will tell jou all about It. 'orncr lot on Cunilnt ; street , 43x13' ' ) feet. f jou liavc any nerve come In and make us an ffcr. i feet nn 10th street , close to depot , worth J7.000 000 iVIJJ trade at one-hnlf Us value ' ) o not get scared because we give > ou a chanca to maki > a growing Investment , but be sure to nvestlgntc. Idellty Trust Company , Sole Agents. 1702 Far. n Mi street. RE M2M 31 iVANTEI ) . TENANT FOR 1304 FARNAM. A'anteil to loan out J" , * ) " ) . A'anted , to liorrow jnv ) 8 per cent Vinteil , to liorrow $ " 30 , 7 per cent. .Vniited . to bu > M acres near Omaha. anted , 1C ) at 130 an acre A'anteil 2) ) acres near Omaha iVnnted , business property for 40 acres. IVanted 40 for 32) acres further out iVanted , business property for ranch. 'iit'Ml , f irm for business property twl farm for Georgia Ave propTly. A'anted , business property for lots nnd cash , 'iVnnteil ' lot for JI.OiW cash A'anteil 5t.i ) house and lot for cash. iVnntnl , acreage near Omaha for farm. A'anted , 40 to SO nires for cash A'anteil , J" , 000 lot for cash .Vanted . COO to 801 acres In la ' F Harrison. 812 N Y Life RE-2S4-27 * UIOYCIiRS. M O DAXON , 402 N ICTH. S03 TERLING 11UILT LIKE A WATCH WEST- crn Electrical buppl > Co , 1315 Howard street Ml SEE THE VISIHLE BALL HEARINGS ON Relay bpeclal. Will IJarnum & Bro , 12) N 15th. 503 A. U DEANE & CO. . 1116 FARNAM STREET. iVESTERN BICYCLE & GUN CO. . 2ilG CUMINO. MS OMAHA BIC\CLE CO. BEST PLACE TO BUY blcjcles. sundries and repairs. 323 N. 16th st. M 5S-A13 , GIIATRS AMI TILK3. WOOD MANTELS. " GRATES.4 TILES FOR fireplaces , vestibules and large floors , write for prices Milton Rogers & bons. Omaha C09 COAL. A GOOD THING PUSH IT ALONG , MAY BE the latest slang phrase , but that's just what we're doing with hllERIDAN COAL. 8 000 tons sold In Omaha last sear. We give jou 2 000 Ihs. of the best Wyoming cooking coal for SI 50. Victor While , mgr. , 1G03 Farnam st Tel 127 017 & LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L & B ASS'N PAY 6. 7 , S per cent when 1 2 , 3 years old , alvvajs redeemable. 1701 Farnam st Nattlnger , Sec 519 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on cav Ings Apply to Omaha L ft B Ass'n , 1701 Bee b'.dg. G. M. Nuttlnger , Sec 520 IIOTCLS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W COR. 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. * 522 HOTEL BARKER , FRANK HILD1TCII MGR. 13th and Jones sts , bo Omaha and Sherman ave cars pass the door. AMERICAN PLAN. 75 rooms at (1 M day ; 5) rooms nt 12 00 day. European plan , 50c to (1.00 per day. 315 A.MJ C. E. MORR1LL. PAPER HANGING. HOUSE lgn painting , brick work , plastering , off. R. 1 , Barker blk. ; tel. 735 ; shop 912 N. 24th st.fill fill I'ASTUHAGU. GOOD PASTURE FOR HORSES. } 1 M PER month per head Charles Gans. bt Paul , Neb 150 UMlUHTAICnilS AND EMI1ALMCIIS. ill. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND cmbatmer. IblS Chicago st. , telcphonu M 512 SWANbON & VALIEN. 1701 CL'MING , TEL 1060 513 M O MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EMBALM- cr. 1417 Farnnm St. , telephone. 223. 514 LOST. LOST ST BERNARD RETURN TO K09 Dodge and receive reward LOST 221 27 LOST , AN OXFORD I1II1LE FROM BUGGY between 27lh and Blnnej and 19th and Charlea , Name In bible. Liberal reward If returned 2U5 Cameron or 1619 Howard Lost 269-29 * LOST. A STICK PIN , EMERALD STONE. AT Fort Omaha. Wednesdaj , night. Return to the Ileo ofllte for reward. Lost 237 ! ! KLKCTKICAL SUIU'MKS. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACT- era for electric light and motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Western Elec trical Suppl ) Co. , 1515 Howard * t. till PAWMIUOKUUS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 413 N. 18"ST. 521 MONEY LOANED. CASH PAID FOR OLD gold , silver and clothing. 329 North ICth street. M-27J-A-27 DOTISTS. DR. PAUL , DENTIST , 2)2UURT ST. 523 ACCOU.NTA.M'S. CHAB. II , WALTERS , EXPERT ACCOUNTANT , W2-3 1st Nat'l bank. Tel. IC3i ! . References 976 SHOUTIIAM ) A. > D TVI RWIHTI.a. A. 0. VAN BANTS SCHOOL , MS N. Y. LIFE. . M513 MUMC. AHT A > D I < A. > CiUAGRS. GEORGE F. GELLENDECK , BANJO ANT KUllar traclitr. 1911 Can ktrett. MIDI AOT1ORS. DAMAGED MIHUORE RKhlLVERED 719 N U Ul ifm THE 'GAT AND THE KING. 1,7 , I1V STANI.BY J. "rai ira rnU na na ffa na m na fia na na m na ffa ffaiiaiiaitafiHiMltaMfi lMfillg ] ' ( C'opj right , 193 , by Irtlng Hiclicller. ) "Not ( load yet ? " tht.klng salJ. "No , ulrc. " v r. "Nor 111 ? " "No , sire. " i "Then begone. Of , * tayt" Henry con- Inueil. "Throw the rest ot this stuff into he nre-placo. It may be harmless , but 1 tavo no mind to drink It by mistake. " La Trnpo emptied the cup among the green lioughs that tilled the hearth and hastened to withdraw. H seemed to be too late to make urther Inquiries that night ; so after listening 0 two or three explanations which the king liazarded , but which had all too fanciful an air In my ejes1 , I took my leave and retired. Whether , ho ever , the scene had raised .00 violent a commotion In my mind , or I was already sickening for the Illness I have mentioned , I found It Impossible to sleep , and spent the greater part of the night In n fever of fears and forebodings The responsibility which the king's presence cast upon me lay so heavily upon my waking mind that I could not lie : and long before the king's usual hour of rising I was at his door Inquiring how ho did. No one knew , for the page whose turn It was to slceo at his feet had not come out , but while I stood questioning the king's voice was heard , bidding me enter I went In , and found him sitting up with a haggard face , which told me , before he spoke , that he had slept little belter than I had. The shutters were thrown wide open , and the cold morning light poured Into the room with an effect rather sombre than bright ; the huge figures on the tapestry looming huger from a drab and melancholy background , and the cham ber presenting all those features of disorder that In a sleeping room He hid at night , only to show themselves In a more \lvld shape In the morning. The king cent his page out , and bide me sit by him. "I have had a bad night , " he said , with a shudder "Grand master , I doubt that astrologer was right , and I shall never see Germany , nor carry out my de- Seeing the state In which he was I could think of nothing better than to rally him , and even laugh at him "You think so now , sire , " said I. "It Is the. cold hour. By and by , when you have broken your fast , you will think differently" "Hut , It may be , less correctly , " he an swered , and as he sat looking before him with gloomy eyes , he heaved a deep sigh. "My friend , " he said mournfully , "I want to live , and I am going to die " "Of what' " I asked , gaily "I do not know , but I dreamed last night that a house fell on me In the Hue de la Kerroncrle , . nnd I cannot help thinking that 1 shall die In that way. " "Very well , " I said. "It Is well to know- that " He askoJ me peevishly what I meant. "Only , " I explained , "that. In that case , as your majesty need never pasa through that stieet , you have It In your hands to live forever " "Perhaps It may not happen there In that very st.cet , " heiannwercd "And perhaps It may hot happen jet , " I rejoined And then , imoru seriously , "Come , sire , " I continued , "wlryi-thls sudden weak ness ? I have known jmf face death a hun dred times. " 1' ' "But not after such a dream as I had last night , " he said , with'a gYlmace yet I could see that In was already comforted "I thought that I was plissltlg along that street In my coach , and on a Midden , between St. Innocent's church a nil the notary's there Is a notary there' " "Yes , sire , " I said,1 sonHew hat surprised "I heard a great 'rbir , and something struck me down , anJ 'I'found myself pinned to the ground , In "dafrkncrss. with my mouth full of dust , and'an ) immense beam on my chest. I lay foV a 'time'In agony , fighting for breath , and then my brain seemed to blirst In my head , arM t'awoke. ' " _ "I . have - lud suchTa TTM dream. I sire , " I said , dryly. . ,3o "Last night ? " "No , " I said , "not last night. " He saw what I meant , and laughed ; nnd being by this time quite himself , left that and passed to discussing the strange affair of La Trapo and the milk. "Ha\o you found , as yet , who was good enough to supply It ? " ho asked. "No , sire , " I answered. "Out I will see La Trape , and as soon as I have learned any thing , jour majesty shall Know It " "I suppose he Is not far off now , " he sug gested. "Sfind for him Ten to one he will have made Inquiries , and It vv'll amuse us" I went to the door and , opening It a trlllnr , bade the page who waited send Li Trape. He passed on the message to a crowd cf sleepy attendants , and quickly , but not before I had gone back to the king's bedside , La Trape entered , , Having my eyes turned the other way. I did not at once remark anything I3ut the king did ; and his look of astonishment , no less than the exclamation which accompanied "St Grls. man1" IIP cried It , arrested my attention "St Grls , man ! " he cried. "What Is the matter' Speak ! " La Trape , who had stopped Just within the door , made an effort to do so , but no sound passed his lips , while his pallor nnd the ( Ixed glare of his eyes filled me with fright , and I stepped fornard and crlsd out to him to speak. "Answer the king , man , " I said. "What Is It ? " Ho made an effort , and with a ghastly grimace , "The cat Is dead1" he said. Kor a moment we were all silent. Then I looked at the king , and he at me , with gloomy meaning In ourf eyes , He was the llrst to speak. "Tho , caV to whom you ; ga\e the milk' " he said. " , "Yes. sire , " Ls : Tcape answered , In a voice , that seemed to cpnie from hU heart "But still , couragfe ? " the king cried "Courage , man ! A do that will kill a cat may not kill a man. IlJ you feel 111 ? " "Oh , yes , sire , " iJj Trapo moaned , "What do you fed ? " "I have trembling jtj all my limbs , and ah qh , my God. I 'am ' a dead man ! I have a burning here a paln like hoi coals in my vitals' " Anpr anlng against the wall , the unfortunate nian clasped his arms round his body ami 'mfnt himself up and down In a paroxysm fct sufferlng "A doctor ! a doctorfqHenry cried thrustIng - Ing one leg out o | tid. "Send for Iu Laurens ! " Then , as , . ! . went to the door to do so , "Can you be Bluk > man ? " he asked , "Try ! " , f ] "No. no ; It Is | miv > ssible ! " "But try. try ! wWjdltl this cat die ? " "It Is outside , " La Tfapo groaned. He could say no more * . I had opened the door by this time , and Jounil the attendants , whom the man's cries iad alarmed. In a cluster round It. Silencing them sternly , I bade one go for M , Iu Laurena , the king's physician , whUe another brought me the cat that was dead. The page who had spent the night In the king's chamber , fetched It. I told him to bring It In , ami ordering the others to let the doctor pass when he arrived , I closed the door upon their curiosity , and went back to the king. He had left his bed and was standing near La Trape , endeavoring to hearten him , now telling him to tlcklo his throat with a feather , and now watching his sufferings In silence , with a face of gloom and despondency that sufficiently betrayed his reflections. At sight of the pace , however , carrying the dead cat , he turnai briskly , and we both examined the l > fast. which , already rigid , with staring eyes and uncovered teeth , was not a sight to cheer any one'much l ss the stricken man La Traps , however , teemed to be scarcely an are of Us presence. Ho had sunk upon a chest which stood ngtlnst the wall , and , with his body strangejy twisted , was muttering prayers , whllo he rockoJ him self to and fro unceasingly. "It's stiff , " tha king said In a low volcn. "It has been dead some hours. " "Since midnight , " 1 muttered. "Pardon , sire , " the page , who was holding the cat , said , "I saw It after midnight It was alive then. " "You raw It' ' " 1 exclaimed. "How ? Where ? " "Here , jour excellency' " the boy aniwcrcd , quailing a little. "What ? In this room ? " "Yes , your excellency. 1 heard a not , o about I think about 2 o'clock and his majestj breathing very heavily. It was a noise like a cat spitting. It frightened me. and I rose front my pallet and went round the bed 1 was Just In time to see the c.tt jump down ? " "Prom the bed ? " "Yes , jour excellencj' . I'rom his majesty's chest , I think. " "Are you sure that It was this cat ? " "Yes , sire ; for as soon as It was on the floor It bjgan to writhe and roll and bite itself , with all Its fur on end , like a mad cat. Then It flew to the door nnd tried to get out , and again began to spit furiously I thought that It would awaken the king and I let It out " "And then the king did awake' " "He was Just awakening , your excellency. " "Well , sire , " I said , smiling , "this ac- "You saw It' " I exclaimed. counts , I think , for > our dream of the house that fell and the beam that * lay on your chest " It wouU have bean difficult to say whether at this the king looked more foolish or more relieved. Whichever the sentiment he enter tained , however. It was quickly cut short by a lamentable cry that drove the blooJ from our cheeks Li Trape was In another paroxysm. "Oh , the poor mnn' " Henry cried "I suppose that the cat came In unseen , " I said , "with him. last night , and then stayed In the room ? " " " "Doubtless "And was seized with a paroxjsm here ? " "Such as he has now' " Henry answered ; for La Trape had fallen to the lloor. "Such as ho has now ! " he repeated , his eyesllamlng , his face pale "Oh , my fr'end , thU Is too much. Those who &o these things are devils , not men. Where Is Du Laurens ? Where Is the doctor ? He will perish before our " eyes "Patience , sire , " I said. "He will come. " "But In the meantime the man dies. " "No , no , " I said , going to M Trapo , and touching his hand. "Yet , , ho Is very cold " And turning. I cant the page to hasten the doctor Then I begged the kin ? to allow mete to have the man conveyed Into another room "Ills sufferings distress jou , sire , and you do him no gcoJ , " 1 fall. "No , he shall not go1" he answered. "Ven- tro Saint Gris ! man , he Is dying for me' ' He Is djlng In my place. He shall die here" Still III satisfied , I was about to press him farther , when La Trapo raised his voice , nnd feebly arked for me. A page who had taken the other's place was support ng his head , and two cr three cf my gentlemen , who had come In unbidden , were looking on with scared faces I went to the poor fellow's side , and asked what I coulJ do for him. "I am dying1" he muttered , turning up his ejes. "The doctor' the doctor' " I feared that he was jiasslng , but I bade him have courage "In a moment he wll bo here , " I said , whllo the king In distraction sent messenger on messenger "He will come too late , " the sinking man answered. "Excellency' " "Yes. my good fellow , " J said , stooping that I might hear the better. "I took 10 pistoles yesterday from a man to get him a scullion's place , and there Is nona vacant. " "It Is forgiven , " I said , to soothe him. "And your excellency's favorite hound , Diane , " ho gasped "She had three puppies , not two. I sold the other. " "Well , It Is forgiven , my friend. It Is for given. Bo easy , " I said , kindly. "Ah. I have been a villain , " ho groaned. "I have lived loosely. Only last night I kissed the but'.er's vtnch , and " "Bo easy , be easy , " I said. "Here Is the doctor. He will save you yet. " ( Continued Tuesday. ) Hot weather proves depressing to those whose blood Is poor Such people should enrich their blood with Hood's Sarsaparllla. A 1 I.OAIMTvTir"WIJAI.TH. . oo Much I'lirnilo of tin * Dollar Tlii-ouKlt tin * Ni-vv NIHIIHTM. J wonder If there was ever a time , says the Critic , when the money value of everj'- thlng was so much regarded as It Is today , or a people that t'nought so much of It as we Americans do The English have been called a nation of shopkeepers , but you do not find the price of everything coupled with every mention of It In the English as you do In the American papers. One never sees a simple announcement of tha fact that Mr , Smith proposes building a house somewhere. It Is alvvajs a "million-dollar house , " or a " $50- 001) cottage. " This is not merely In the building trade Journals , but in the news col umns or "society" department of the general newspaper. It wlil be but a little while before our "society" news will bo dressed up In this fashion "Mr Jones , the Chicago multi-millionaire , was married jesterday , at high nocn , to Miss Johnson , the noted Now York heiress , It Is understood that Rev Dr Brown , who officiated , received a $5,000 fee ; each ol tlie ushers wore a (250 pin , the gift of the bridegroom , whose farewell bachelor din ner Is said to have cost him a small for- tuno. After the reception which followed the ceremony the happy pair , having em braced the happy parents , took the 3 p. m train for Washington and the south , wheic they will probably pay a visit at the $1,000- 000 country eeat recently opened by tli < bride's cousin in Kentucky Mr. Jones' $250- 000 steam yacht has been put In commlsslor for the summer , and a trip to Norway U among the > probabilities before the owner re turns to the management of his cnormoui business. The union of the Jones and Jolm- son families effected yesterday Is , from i monetary point of view , ono of the most no table that have occurred thfs season. " I have said It will not be long before thli will bo the regular formula for notices o the weddings of the rlcli ; but It ls > practl cally 'the formula today The readers of i .New York dally of the highest standlnp wcro Informed , on the occasbn of a recen ! wedding , that "the bride's trousseau Is sale to have cost $10,000. " that "a cottservatlvi estimate" of the value of the presents sin received was $700,000 , and that "the wed ding probably cost about $1,000,000. ' Apropos of this same wedding , the pastoi ot a Presbyterian church In Washington ha : been forced to ask the preii to ceaio clr culatlng ridiculously exaggerated statement ) regarding his wealth statements that tend as ho truly declares , to bring religion Use ) into disrepute. When General Sherman illt > one of his eulogists remarked that at hi fireside speculations wer * never heard an ti the wealth of this , that or the other million alre. It wan a compliment that could nebo bo paid to many. Hut than , Slunumi was ; soldier , not a saddler. Starch grows sticky common ponder have a vulgar glare. I'ozzonl'a U the enl ; complexion powder fit for ute. \TPO AP TIP TAIMMI 1\1 t I WP GSOr UILCflElKDALliMi Sketches of the Men Who Became Million aires by the Merest Accitlent. PROGRESS FROM POVERTY TO AFFLUENCE Wni-15 n Million Dollnrx Urnllrnl lij a I't-iiNiuM'liii1 "tlrlKliiw I"- VlllOlllN Of the KIllNtl ItllJH Of ( lie Piiiiioitx lilnlio ( 'limp , No portion of the United Stales has pro duced In the hit fifteen jcars so many acci dental millionaires as the Coeiir d'Aleno re gion of Idaho. Wild and romantic scenery , poiseislng that supernatural beinty which makes , wmelUnoj , Dame Nature's most fan tastic moods , first attracted old Chief Saltoso of the tribes of Coeur d'Aleno long before Iho Argonauts began their Journeys across the pla'ns ' to nnd wealth far beyoml their wildest dreams. Iho savages believed that the abode of the Great Spirit was somewhere In these Kooten.ll h'lls , and they had consecrated the spot on wh ch the Morning mine , the Bunker Hill and Sullivan mine anJ many other wealth producers are now located. SKtj mile * away fiom the nearest point where supplloj could be obtained'relates the Cincinnati Tribune , two prospectors , Tim O Ilourko and Mike Sul livan , were frying their hst piece cl bicon fjr breakfast During two months they had ex- amlneJ almost every ledge en Cabinet moun tain , und they had started for Trail creek. The last c ° nt of their grub stake was gone. They had been prospecting so longthat they had the miners' fever and they felt thatlhcy coulJ not work at any other occupation. When their Indian guide deserted them they had been compelled to turn back. D scour- aged and disheartened , these moody minors sat by their little lire , and as they gazed on the glorious beauty of the Kootenal hills , bathed In the first raj3 ot the morning sun , they felt that they lud reached the end of their Journey. In all thc.r wanderings across valleys and mountalrs the'r faithful little gray pack mule , named "Box , " accompanied them How It happened to acquire the wholly Inappropriate name was since explained by Tim O'llourkc , who sajs they called him "Box" becati'c ho was Hlwaji "on thn square , " meaning that ho was a faithful and Induslrlous muic , never bilky and alwajs willing to work. He was tethered a short distance from the camp fire , and his back was Just visible over n ledge that was between the miners and the excel lent little brute. Their breakfast finished , O'llourke arose and stretched his limbs "HANDSOME TIM " Six feet and two Inches tall , with muscles hardened by n miner's outdoor life , he vvjs known as "Handsome Tim" throughout the whole country Brave ami generous , he had by many acts of courage endeared himself to the few Inhabitants of the mountain district over which he and his Do om friend Sullivan had roamed for jears. Ilrcd upon an Ohio farm , near West Salem , he had re volted from the animal servitude required , and had obtained a reputation us a ne'er-do- vvell. Consequently , when he had aspired to wed the daughter of the richest farmer In the vicinity of his bucolic home ho was promptly refused. Then he went west , nnd gradually became a prospector. . During the winter , when he could find employment deal ing faro bank , he lived comfortably In Spokane , but when spring came even the allurements of $8 for eight hours did not In duce him to forsake his vocation as a pros pector. His companion , Mike Sullivan , known as "Jolly Mike , " usuallj laughed In the face of adversity. It was said of him when , ho fell Into Lake Couer d'Alene one day that his buoyant nature made It Im possible for him to sink. Mike was about 35 jears of age , and had a Celt's fondness for whisky. As the two men started to load their pack mule with a burden that weighed more than the beast himself they noticed that ho had pawed the earth In search of a bunch of ten der grass Sullivan stooped to examine the animal's chocs and blurted out "Howly Moses , Tim1 Will ye7 look at this' " Tim looked , and It was high noon before the two prospectors left the place Then they had staked It out and marked it by per manent buttes and boundaries , according to the provisions of miners ! law. They put up a big card on which was printed in rude characters made with , charred embers , "Bunker Hill and Sullivan mine , Sullivan & O'llourke , owners. " Then they started for Spokane. Dxfrlng the entire march of sixty miles they paused only to eat a rabbit which they had killed , and "Box" probably re solved not to discover another mine If It re sulted In such a forced march , as that. WHAT THEY HAVE NOW. Two months afterward O'llourke and Sul livan were wearing diamonds and "blled shirts" and found It Impossible to exhaust their Income by any ordinary means , Both are now millionaires several times over and less than a year ago they sold the Bunker Hill and Sullivan mine to a British t > jmll- cate for $1,500,000. "Box , " the real discov erer of the property , Is still living He never has to carry any more big loads , for IIP revels In clover on his master's big ranch In the Walla Walla valley A thou sand dollars would not buy this humble little mule , old as he Is , and people say that Tim O'llourke will give "Box" a swell fui cral when he dies This Is why the picture of a little , old , gray mule Is stamped on every sack of ore that U shipped from the Bunker Hill and Sullivan mine. U also accounts for a handsome painting of "Box " done bj no less an artist than Remington himself , that adorns the olllc ? of the owners ot the mine. Meanwhile O'llourke's buckeye sweetheart had forgotten him and married. He ic- turned and the simple country people re garded him as a veritable Monte Crlsto. Ho married a Los Angeles belle , but these who kruw him best say that , with nil his money , ho Is still unhappy Sullivan died a few years ago , after having consumed more liquor than , tnj other man In the west. Tor thirteen years the mine discovered by the mule has pioduced thousands of sacks of high grade silver , and It seems to be practically In exhaustible. The little town of Burke , Idaho , Is named for one ot the most ccccntilc millionaires that ever lived. John M tltirke. now known as "the prince of Coeur d'Al ° ne , " camu west fourteen jears ngo. Ho nnd $1,000 In cash and with that he established a small general store at the town which now bears his name. Generous to a fault , he had seen mu h better days. During the war he fought with I'ickctt. but his loyalty to the "lost causo" ended with the war Gtub stake prospectors were plenty In these daja and Burke advanced goods to almost evciy one that asked for credit The miners , as was customary In these days , contracted with him to give him a half Interest In any mine which they might discover. HK3ULT OF A GHUB STAKE. One day a ragged fallow , who did not oven have a pick or shovel , appealed to him for aid. Among other things that Burke ad vanced him was a gallon of vvhUky , and the friends ot the country merchant frankly tnld htm that ho liaJ thrown his goods uvvay. None of Burke'a Intangible resources netted him any Income , and the sheriff finally lov'cd on the little store Burke was penniless and exceedingly despondent. Just as fortune teemed to hive deserted him forever the old prospector appeared with the whisky Jug full of samples of high grade ore. A hit > \\aa made , and Hurlce and the miner ttarted for the place where the valuable sanipl"a had been found. They named It the -Morning mine , and it Is now vorth $850.000. With the start ho get in this dual llnrko b'aucheJ cut as n promoter of mlnlus ventures , and at one tlmo vvao worth $3,000.000. In 1S90 ho was candidate for governor of Idaho and lout by a few votes , merely be cause" Idaho U an overwhelmingly lepubllcan ttato. Hn U without doubt the most popular man In the Coeur d'Alencs , but ho In an in veterate fara player , nnd this \re ! has duIn- died Ills princely fortune down to about the million limit , nUhouKh ho l usually credited v.ltli iioBiuiiIng ? 'JCOOCOO. The opportunities In thn west for making vast fortunes suddenly have dr-creJiod within the la t ten yean , but J , J. Ilrown of Spokane L ] one of the men who made his pplnro the boom collapsed. 1'ourteun join go h vvat * n country school teacher In Indiana , maklnK $3 ! a month , lie became tired tP rhl'iR "tha Uoi how to about" and went urM. The fjlli ol Spokane ottracted him anl ho homaytciJ1 160 arrcu. on which the city of Kmkifo u v\ ttands. Ho eavv the wolf at II f d r nan ) Y tlmen the first two > rar > . nnd often hid to borrow money to bti ) a s ck of flour. Then the town lir tn to griw After It was tie strojcl bj fire ii 18SD. Um boom camp , unl now Brown Is wa-th $ ROOit.OOO. Ha vvantn to go to PCMWOM. but/M ho Is on unootnpronils Ing dsmccr.it It U Improbable th.it his pallt Oil ambitions will bo gratllltd TAKINV nt TTKH CAUK QV MON'HV. Times haj changed , however , and western pe.pla arc trjlng to learn the lessons of econ omy. An Incident which I witnessed jester * thy Is an apt illustration ot the difference between - tween now nn 1 then. Leaving my mere or le s sumptuous quar ters at the Crazy Horse hotel , I vvilked dawn to the lake , Some distance away fro'n shoru I saw n man In a boat. He was fishing "Who Is tint man7" I Inquired of a native. "Why. that U Jlmmle Graham , who owns the Blazing Stump saloon 1'lvo 5 cars Ago , " continued my Informant , "t'mcs were fliiin , and Jlmmlo , who was making money hand over list , collected all the d'mcs and nickels In town. There was about a half-bushel of thptn , and thrj had been brought In here by tenderfoot Jlmmle disliked to make any clnngp less thin two bits , to ho tied In a sack all Iho nickels nnd dimes and threw them In the lake Since the pra of hard times set In Jlmmlo goes out every pleasant day to fish for that sack ot silver small cdus. which ho would bo glad to have to buy breid with now " This I'luMrjtos the western character , gen erous , but Improvident , and a firm believer In the old adage tint "sulllclent for the day U thu evil thercEf " MJ\V 1IOOKS. MKSSALINA'S DAUGHTHU By Guy Do Maupassant Cloth , 75 cents. Jovvctt & Buchanan , Chicago. This , the last of the late lamented novelist , Is a tslo of extraordinary strength , ti eating a subject of subtle originality. The pithetlo sldo of the very worldly recital of a young 1'jrlslin girl's temptations and struggles Is presented with that cxqttlsitc touch , so true , so iilmplo and so deep which was Matipu- aint's great characteristic. UIPLICTIONS : ON PAUL iiy nmiiy Oliver Glbboi. Cloth 271 pages. Charles T. 1)11- llnglum & . Co , Now York The title refers only to the first of a series of essajs , embracing In the number "Darwin's Origin of the Species , " "Dirwlns Descent of Man. " "Cain Chlco , the Chimpanzee , " "Bourget The Disciple , " "Moses > UgMHIan Kollglon , " and "Electricity The Works of Jesus. " THH STORY OP BESSIE COSTIIELL By Mrs Humphrey Ward Cloth , 75 cents. Mac.Mlllan & Co . New York. The motive ot this now story Is ot a somber sort , dealing with the thwarted avarice of an old farm laborer who has laid up C70 from Ml scanty life's earnings only In the end to losu It throuih the pllfcrlngs of his niece , Dpsulo Costroll , with whom he has , , em\rustcd \ his treasure during an absence from homo. The anguish of the old man Is not keener than that of the wretched thief when she realizes the ruin she has brought upon herself and her stern and righteous husband. The suU cldo of Dcsilo Costrcll ends a book whoso sad ness Is rather wretched than heroic. SIMPLH-IED ELOCUTION By Edwin Gordon - don Lawrence Cloth , $1 Published by tlu > Author , Teacher of Elocution and Di rector of the Lawrence School of Acting , New York. This work contains explicit Instructions or the cultivation of the speaking voice and lesturo. It Is designed for the special use of c.ichors , actors , students , colleges , schools ml all these who wish to perfect themselves the art of expression , to which Is added a lompleto speaker , consisting of selections In octry and prose suitable for recitations. THE UE1GN OF LlJST. By Amos Goth , M. A. Paper. 25 cents. Arena Publishing Com pany , Boston. From Clement Chase , Omaha This Is a satire upon the dnke of Argyll's veil known treatise , "The Helgn of Law. " it Is very clover In parts , and holds up to well-merited ridicule some of the cheap and ommonplace philosophy of the Scotch duke. The writer calls himself "Amos Goth , " and ; > rofesscs to be actuated by the best of ino- Ives In writing this satire. As to this ant , the reader must Judge for himself. THE WAY OUT. By Moses Samelson. Cloth , 12S pages. The Irving Company , New York. The book Is a study of the problem ot iioveity , and offers as the only effective solu- lou of It a scheme of progressive taxation , 'ar more drastic tnnn the Income tax law tvhlch the supreme court has declared to bo n Its essential features unconstitutional. Tha author la a pronounced and uncompromising ndlvlduallst , holding that "the first princi ple and great end of all Just government Is o provide for the best good of all the people ple " Ho maintains that In the progress of science and the arts , Invention Is continu ally Introducing economies ot human labor , and as machines do more and more ot man'a ivork masses ot workers are left stranded without emplojment and without the means of sustenance hopeless human wrecks , a scandal to civilization and this Is bound to npread under the regime of capitalism. STUDIES OF MEN By George W. Smalley. Cloth , 394 pages , $2.50. Harpsr & Brothers , New York. I'rom Megeath Stationery Company , Omaha The greater part ot these sketches ap peared originally In the New York Tribune , but the accot'nt of his visit to Prlnco Ulsv ; narck , widely commented upon at the tlmo ot Its publication , U a reprint from Mr , Smallcy's paper In the Fortnightly Review. These sketches In the author's facile and racefn style , aru delightful pen-pictures of the conspicuous leaders In the political , Itcrary , theological , educational and scien tific world of England , Germany , Franco and the United States. It Is very pleasant renil- ng which Is offered ot such men as Cardinal Newman , Mr. Balfour , Lord Ilosehery , Mr. Parnell , Lord Tennyson , Sir William Har- coart , Mr Sptirgeon , Prof. Tymlall. Mr. Pioudo , Lord Randolph Churchill , Prince Bis marck , Preside1 : ! Carnet , the German em peror , Sir Edward Burno-Jones , William Walter Phelps , Oliver Wendell Holmes , George William Curtis and others. PAH FIIOM THE MADDING CIIOWD. By Thomas Hirdy Cloth. $1.50. Harper & Brothers , Now York From Megeath Sta tionery Company , Omnha. With the exception of "Toss , " none of Mr. Haidy's novels attracted so much attention "Par Prom the Madding Crowd , " which has no.v b ° on n popular l-ook for some twenty year/ / ) . It Is a superb story , and well de serves the dainty and attractive dress which the publishers have given It 'Iho fromls- , plcco depleting the village of Weatherby U Inttrestlng , but mure Interesting still Is the map of 'Wessc.x In n new preface Mr. Hardy cxplilns how he cur.e to use the word " " "Wessox WHAT THEY COULDN'T. By Pansy. Cloth , 4JI pages , 12 mo. Lothrop Pub lishing Company , Boston. In "What They Couldn't" Mrs. Alden has struck on rvon deeper vnln than usual , and the violl Is rich In Interest ami hopefulness. It Is primarily a home story but of a homo tint is full of cares and wairles , loosely constructed end with no underlying purpose cave tint of selfishness and the desire to keep up appearances on a strnlncd Income. How the spirit ot E ( > lfJ olp , hasod on Christian thinking 'H'd ' Christian living , came at last to take the place of solflshnRis and extrava gance Mr * Alili'n well tollii In tier rustfiniary practical , helpful and uplifting v. y. TERMINATIONS By Henry James Cloth , $1 25. Harper Si Bros , New York , From Mcgfath Stationery Company. Omaha. . "Terminations" is the comprehensive tills under which four stories by Mr. James are grouped. The first throe , at least , have ap peared bcforp , two of th m In the Yellow lloolr. Perhaps It I * partly bt > rau o thuy. deal , as U suggested In thn title , with the last ilay.s ot the llvos with which they are concerned , but there h an undertone of ex haustion behind the cxqultlto manner to which Mr. James has accustomed his readers. They touch life In a somewhat morbid anJ fantastic fashion , and leave behind them an Impression o ! nn overworked and llft-lnsi at mosphere. Tlu-re are certain grand out lines In "Tho IVntli of the Lion , " and spasmodic brilliancy of "The Coxon PunJ. " < Vhtn Daby vr.n sick , wo gave her Costorlo. Whrrt eho vros n Child , shq cried for CVutorlA. When she Irtcnmo JlJie ! clun to Outorla. * lT.Cn : h9 bad Children , sbo gav th m Castorl * . I