THE OKAITA DAILY BEE : . JULY 2r . 1S93. SPEGIRL NOTICES. AilvrrtlnniirtiM for Ilicie oolmiun trill IIP ( alien until lililto p. ni. for 1)ii ) oviMihiK anil until H p. in. for tlio tiuiriiliiir unit .Hnnilnv cilllliin. Ailvi-rllxiTH liy r < * iii < < Htliirr n niiin- licrc'il clicc-k run linvituimrrtN nil- < lrcxNiil to n initiilH-rril Irftrr In pnro of Tin * lice. AIINIVITII HO nililri-KMi-il will ! > < ilfllvi-ri-il upon iirrnrntntloii of ( lie clipc'k mil- . Iliili-N , 1 l-"c n word , llrxl liiNcrtlun , ! < n uortl li T < . | if < iT. Nntlilntr tiiUfii for ICNN lliail ii.'c for tlrxt liiHcrtlon. Tlicm * nilv - rtlNiiiiiit iiiunt IIP run ciiiiMi-i-titl vly. . AVA.vrr.n-MAi.n HUM * . WANTBD-l.noO MEN TO WRITE MR TODAY for Ihe receipt ( abinluti'ly trf * . In plain dented envelop * * ) which curf-d me of nrrvoui debility , * xhau t l vllnllty , etc. Aridrens C. J. Walker , Rnx in. Kalnmimoo. Mich. n-MlC.1 WANTKD l.IVK. INTELLIGENT AGENTS IN Onmlia to rennlr.n clubs of tlireo to live fami lies f r our famous orrlmnl horn's land in central - tral Mlcilsnlppl. The tide of tmm'gratlon U RO- InK south , where there nre no hot wlncln , no rftlrl winter * , no blizzard * , no crop failures. "Wliero ( wo nr thtee crops can be rnlwM each yenr. Where there I * no such thin * nil u fail ure If n in MM will work one-hair as Imrcl n he does In thli country. Co"l nummem , mild win ters , nure mylni ? crops of fruit nnd jfirclen truck. rlche t neil on earth , lieit rallrond faclll- ( leu. deo. W. Amti , Bcne nl agent. 1C17 F.irnnm street , Omahn. U-M7W IM TO 1100 BALARY PAID SALEHMEN FOR cljrnrs ; expcrlenco not neceK ary : extrn Indure- m nts la custom'Td. Illsliop & Kline. HI. Ixiulii , Mo. n-M130A20 * _ _ WANTIOI ) , A BWKDK Oil HRUMAN' CI.KllIC for dry c"ids nnd Rrocerv store. Write I < DCK lltix 2lg , Newinnn Oroyo , N'eli. 11 179 2) ) I.AIIOHKItB KOH 11 fk M. UY. CO. IN WYOMIng - Ing ! worlc Kimruntecd ; free trnni"iortntl' | > n. Krn- mer fc O'llearn , llth nnd rurnnm tretM. H-m 24 _ WANTKD , nKIJAllhR YOfNO M N TO TAKR chnrBtf of lirunrli olllce. S' liS. ' ) ' ) psr month nnd percentnRp of fnles. Heference and J300.00 rash required. Aililrom Ilex H7 . St. .Iiv Mill. Mo. 11-M20J WANTMD , K.VPKIIIKMCED SIIOH BAI.KSMKN to ell n speclnlty shoo posiiecslntr rare in rlt tn the retail trade. Addims IVrfectlon Shoo CO. . Lynn. Mass. 11-MS)7 ) 25 IVA.Vl'lSD Hl'.I.I' . \VANTKD-A OIIII , TO DO GHNKKAI , IIOt'Hi- : work , family of flve. Apply 1IU1 South ! 8th slreel. C a'3-25 BTKNOOIlAl'HKUB TO INSl'ECT THK NKW model Smith 1'rrmler before buying. C M100-27 IiADIKB WANTINO riHKT-CI.ASS C.IHI.S call Scandinavian Y. W. hem , 2013 Uavrnp it C 1VANTI3O. Oinb roil SHCOND WO11K. AND take cart1 of bnliy. 2223 Kurnain street. WANTID , A IIKKINMD , MII'DM--AOHD AVOM- nn , ntnblU'U.i to advanee , to Minnase u depart ment Address IT 41 , Ileo. C MIS'J 28 FOR HKM' 1IOUSI2S. IIOUflKB , V. 1C. DAUI.1NO , IIAIIKKU I1I.OOK. IJ-4C3 HOt'BKB IN ALL PAIITB OPTIIRCITY. TIIU O. V lavl Company , 1.101 Karnain. D 150 I1OIISMH. IlKNHWA. & CO. . 103 N. 15TJI ST. _ ] _ _ _ _ _ D-107 II. K. COI-K CO. , luVnClKST LIST IN OMAHA. S-llOOM HOUSR , COUNKTl 27TH AND Blreets. Inquire 2SOI Karnam strei't jioitT-nooM iiorsH NKAII moii SCHOOL , JI5.0) per month. Inquire 2G1G Cupltol u\e. > D 875-23 _ 1612 CAP. A VK. . 7 UOOlia. INQflHK 2318 CAP. Jive. _ D 201 20' _ FOIl IlKNT TWO C-IIOOM C'OTTAaES. ONK furnished. S02 S. SOth. Modem. D-175 23 * iiKvr KiiiiMSimn noons. \VANTRD--LADY UOOMMATH , II Ins rooms. 2H2S St. Mary's. 13 G12-Jy2 * FOR DENT PURNIHIIED ROOMS. WITH OR without boaii ! . Oil Ho. 13th. K MSSO-A11 mU.MSIIl'.l : > HOOMH AMI I1OAHI ) . NICRLY rt'IlNISIIED SOt'TH nOOM WITH board for two ; private family : no other Iwinl- ers ; brat horn" comforts. Oil N. 2Ist , bot. Cali fornia nnd Webster. V 901 IlOOM AND HOARD $3.00 PEIl WKKIC. CALL at 2107 Douglan. ! " 1M A13 VOIl IIHXT UM'MJHXlSIIUD HOOMH 2 . SUITES OI' LAIIOK HOfHKKKKPINO rooms. S-OJ per room ; rof.n. 1019 So. 20ih 0-1B3-2S FOIl HUNT STOHRS AMI OFKIOK.3. FOR RENT THE 1-STORY IIRIC'K RCILDINO , J10 Farnam Ftrcet. This build njr has a fire proof ccnu-nt basement. c-'inpleti1 ' steam hcatlnt ; tlxtures , water on nil lloois. gns. etc. Applv nt the ornee of The Il-p. 1 019 AKn.VI'S WAXTISll. J1I3N AND WOMEN , K TO JIO A DAY. AD itress the Handy Heater Co. , 531 New York Life bldtr. , Omulin. Net ) . J 474 ivANTBl- ) ENHHC1KTIC MAN Oil LADY to travel nnd appoint ncents ; "alary. J.V1.O ) per month. AdJirk.1 U U , Dec. J M9SS-2ii * AOENTS WANTED TO TAKE OUDEHS TOIl our celebrated tl , " ) custom pantn ; liberal rom- mlh > > lon.i. ChltuKu Custom rants Co. . 'J03 St.i nvcmie. Chlcaso. J M21)31 HL'//.AIlD'S HAY ALL TOIIN TP. C.HOVEI has returneil with n net full of il h. IS lUlie ? ore In tha net 2 llshen In cnch mesh. How did they [ jet theie ? There nre blue llsh , llnnnn bnudlt' , cod nnd rnillock , nlso clubs nnd suckers , niover I * kicking about the mickcis. Ort this lattot rrnzu In puzzks. Very hnnds m nnd or nnmentnl. All are puzzlcil. from the 8 rnblnei ottteers ilnwn to the masses , lllu money to nKonls nnd dealeis. Sample prepaid l > v mall Jj cents. J-Ma.Hi 2i WA > ; THD TO n ISXT. WANTED , 1IOOM AND HOARD KOU MAN nnd wife and two children from September 1 Mtiht be -anonnble. . Private family preferrfd Artdress 1T 42 , llee. K M191 ! _ TO KENT , IN HKPTE.M1IEU. T 1-3:7 house In condition , located l > etwt < 'n DoUKlns , Leiucnworth , 31st nnd"40ih street If ilmlinhli' will make or tluco year Iea " Aldrcf3 ! P. O. Ilex 686. K 3 D ) _ WANT TO RENT AN P.LEVATOll KOI ImiidllnK ear corn In test com rectloit of Ne liruk'.jn. Addiess. with jartlcalars and rent , B. J. Illclmiibj , Ilex lil ) , Denver. Colo. K-M2I2 Sl HUXTAI. AfiI3\CV. O. a. WALLACE. RENTALS. 311 11UOWN RLK , L MIOi STOUAOH Ht'ILDINfl IN OMAHA. IT. S , pov. liondi-d warehouse : bous.'hold KOoils stored lowest rale. . 1013-1013 L-'uvenworth. M 470 sron.un : . 'v N usw : i si n A a N i : \ M-473 J'ACirl ( ' STORAUR & wvRKIIOlJSC CO. . SO : 910 Jones nts. Qenerul stonige nnd fonvnrjlnir ' M-I7S AVAXTII > TO urv. A HAMMERLESS. DriL'llLIMlARREI.LEO tthotiun. Adiliess U M , ll'-p. N--9t'ii-21 AVANTP.D. TO I1UY A PIANO SEN7D CASI prhe lo U 1 . Hoc. N 20.1 SI' AYANTEIl. HOL'SENI > LOT. .MODERN 1.M pr > vcni'iitK. nntf bin-lnirs , thnt nn be IMMIK ! chcup , Tlw O. 1' . Davis Co. . l.Vi Furnan > jln- < " roil SAM : HOHSI : > \v.vco\s : , KTO FHTEEN IMINillTIM ) S1IKT1.AND 1-OXIEH. Incliid OK nomu iniall f.i.l . A. I. Sullivan , Lincoln , Neb. P Ml ? ; so- Vou HARDWOOD COMIIINATION HOO AND chkki'ii f ncr cha . R. ! . - ! < . 9th and roil SALE. A NEARLY N13VY UPRIUIIT pmn ' , at lill Dodgn utreet. QMHS 20 * FORHALK. A LAItlill HALL'd w N. S4lh et. , Houth Omaha. _ Q--M : Si TONS 67 * I'URU RIVRR'lWK moriMUX Uiu . . 3HC H > ti t-l. Omitlm. > USfii.IAMOK'S. : ' MOUNT HOPE Cli'-KTKRY Itf ATTUA rnN < ; itei rvctl attriiUoiK kliualpt un n t ut fill i' . - \uHnii. norlliwral purl of Omaha J'rl.-cs li cult thv tlnin uiul lerinn rn < r. Pav l n < ad nearly to tal'V and trnn i > ornti'm 11 the rounds very won. Cull n Ufic-it at Sil S 'ii'li ' ' f ith itrcfl. In Wllhnell block , or plmnf 1-11 , end lit MlU call and take > ou oui to l < > < . 11 M , * . ; CI.A1HVOYAXTS. MUH. till. II. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT , RK- Untile Inmlnofs medium : 8th year nt 119 No. 16th. B 4SI pnoi-r LIIOY : ] TIIK ORRATEST CLAIR" V'iyant nnd dead trance medium living. 17IJ Capital -nue. . Sp.tlsfactlon guarnnteed or no pay. All in trouble cull. H-M2I7 27 * MASSAC313 , IIATIIH , KTC. MADAM SMITH. SOZ S. 1.TTH. ID FLOOR. ROOM 1 ; magnetic , vapor , olchohol , uteuni. ulphurlne nnd ten baths. T Ml23-27' MA8SAOE , MADAME HERNARD. 1I21DOD(1E. _ MRH. DR. LEON. El.ROANT MASSAOR AND electric bath Parlors restful nnd refreshing. 412 North 14th Mieet. T M37t-2i * M"M1 HO\V13LL , TPRKISH AND ELP.CTRIC b-itlis. Finest pjrlors In city. 318-320 S. 15th. T M078-M MME. LARUK. MASSAOR IIATIIH , 1S17 IIOW'D T-M992-A1S * 119 NORTH 1STH ST. , ROOM 5 , I1ATI1S. SElect - lect missngc by nn cxp rt. Annu from ChlcnKo. T-M119-27 * TUHKISII IIAT1IS. TURKISH I1ATHS : ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Suite 109-111) . Uee bldg. 135 LADIES' I1ATIIS. MMR. I'OST. 319H B. 15TH. n-3HSO.\AIi. VIAVI CO. , 3(8 ( HER I1LDO. : HRALTH HOOIC free : home treatment ; lady attendant. U IS3 IJ. HAAH , FLORIST. PLANTS , Ct'T FIX > WRRS. Ranqtiet , h.ill. residence nnd grave decorations. 1813 Vlnton street. Telephone 770. U M484 I1ATHS , MASSAGE , MMI-iTrOST , 315Vi S. 15TII. u-ir. PRIVATE PARTY HAS MOO EY TO LOAN on plnnos , Jewels , bicycles , etc. ; business ulrlctly cunlldentlal. Address , Postolllce liox 320. U-M702 'OR FIRR AND RtTIUILAR 1'ROOI' SAFES , vault work , etc. , sep or nddresi W. O. Temple- tcii , gen'l ng't. 403 N. Y. Life. U MOT 116 'ASH ' ADVANCED ON PIJI1LIC EMPLOYES' Hnlarieu. Commercial Trust Co. , 419 Uee bldg. RIVATK IIOMK FOR WOMEN DPRINO confinement , llcst of references given SCll N. ZSIh street. U MCS8 A13' INR LIVERY R1OS CHEAP. ED IIAHMLEY , 17th and St. Mary's nve. Telephone 410. U 903 All SAN YO1T WRITE SHORT STORIES , NOVELS , poems or newspaper articles ? Entertaining writers can make bir o wages ; experience not necessary. Address , with stamp for terms , Manager , box 41. Council IShiffs. U MISS 28 MOXIiV TO I.OAX UI3AI. KSTATI3. IWHONY IX > AN & TRUST CO. . 318 N.Y. LIFE , loans at low rates fop choice security In Ne braska nnd Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W-ISO .IONKY . TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. DnvlB Co. , 1503 Fnrnam sL AY 487 ITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 615 N. Y. LIKE. W 48 ? : .IKE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. O. Chesney , Kansas City. Mo. W-1S9 CAPITAL. J2.000.000 ; St'RPLUS. JCOO.OOO : V. S. Mortgage Tiust Co. , New York ; for C per cent loans on city property , npply to I'nsey & Thomas , ngenta. room 207 , First Nat. P.k. bide. W 19D MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAIIA real estate. Brcnnan , I ovc & Co. , Paxton blk. W-191 IONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE nt 0 per cent. W. ll.Melkel , l t Nat. Ilk. bids. W 492 HONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam st W jai LOANS ON IMPROVED K UNIMPROVED CITY property , W. Furnnm Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W-491 NVESTORS' DIRECTORY CO. . 10 WALL ST. , New York , offer nny part of 100,000 eastern In vestors' names , who have money to Invest ; Just compiled , Write for particulars. W-M3S1 .Iy25 MORTOAOR LOANS. LOW RATES. J. D. Xlttlc , IGth and Douglas , Omaha. W M770 A10 2.000 TO J20.000. F. D. WEAD , 10 & DOl'OLAS. W 933-31 MOXI-3V TO I.OAX CIIATTI3I.S. MONEY. TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , hoi-He * , wagons , etc. , nt lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential : you run pay the loan off at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 So. IGth st. X 405 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND plunos. Fred Tern' . 430 Rnmge blk , X 197 CIIAIS. ; . $12.004.00 STOCK OF MERCHANDISE IN REST town In eastern Nebraska , for land nnd ciuli or equivalent. Address S. 29 , core Uee.Y . Y MSN 3 SOLID INVESTMENTS : JHUCK Ilt'SINKSS block , water power Houring mill , line Ice busi ness H. C Alger & Co. , Sheridan , Wyo. Y M18 FOR SALE , STOCK OP MILLINERY ; I1EST location In the city ; peed reasons for Address nt once , T 16 , U e. Y 430 ONTMIALP INTEREST IN REAL ESTATJ und nlwtrnct business In central Nebraska , for naif. T ? 43 , Omaha llee. Y 11731 A7 3 STOCKS GROCERIES FOR SALE. GOOD LO- entloni. No trnd-j accepted. 1804.00 to ll.filM.n Add. U S7. Dee. Y M174 25 FOR SALE , A FULL ROLLER CO-11I1L. CARE system steam flour mill ; for sale nt n bargain , lluslnehs will icqulre capital. U < n\ \ opening for right man. Address U ( i. care of The Uee. Y AJ173 29 WANTED , PHYSICIAN TO LOCATE IN A town of 300 Inhabitants ; must c'Hiie reborn- mrnded. CVill on or address , II. U. Waldion HennliiKton , Neb. Y 181 21 WANT13D , A PARTNER WITH J3.000 ; REST paying business In Omahn. If you liavo cauli Investigate. U 40. Uee. Y U4-2.1 * Jl.nno.00 WILL 11UY A GOOD PAYING MANU- f.ieluilng buitnrsi In Omaha ; imsnn-t - for sell- Ing. U 43 , Uee. Y Mli 7 2 > > ' FOR SALE , FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMIS- slon , well established , good line cus- tomeiH. best location In city. Addu > s nt once U 44. Uee. Y Ml''G ' 27 A NEW , MODERN HR1CK PLANT. NOW IN operation , with line bed of hali > fiom which street pavers can be made- , close to lallroad , within 73 miles of Omaha. "Ill be sold at n hnrcaln , or n partner taken In , us rwner lacks ciipltiil. Address U 4S , llee olllce. Y M2"9 ! WANTED. PARTY TO F6lN ME IN" THE meiclmndlpe brnktp.ige biiFiness. I have line custein connectluns. Address U 4'J. HIM * . Y Mili 20 * FOR SALE. OR TRADE FOR MERl'HANDISE. good store building und lot , also ytok of boots shoos anil groceries In county seat f 9ml ; doing n gi > od business. Must Fell to go fast. Addreri lljx 2ii. Gieeley , Neb. Y-.M2I4 29 * rou FOR TRADE FOR MERCHAND1SU. CLEAR , sholce Impioved farm In eastern N'cbtntU.i. For imrtirulurs address Guurgu W. Huttmi. I'olc- rldge. Neb. y.M9-.i-2r iTfrXI ACRI'S ) OF CLEAR LAND IN GOOD IXJ cullty In Nebraska ( innKnllirent land ) lo ex- i-lunge for Improxed uioiieity In Uniuha. The poll Is tlegnnt ; cannot be Urn ten : no sand \\hat- i'\er. Fidelity Tiutt Co. , tole uj."i.nta. Ku ; i'.u- nam t. 7.-WS-29 FINE STANDARD 11RED MARE. ROADSTER , und side luiggy tu eschango for real oMate. U 41 lire. X-.M193 25 CIEART " IMPROVED ( JKNTHAI. KANsTs lands In corn belt to exchange for choice Omaha l.niperty. . H 43. 11 . X. M13I jj TO KXfllANOK. A NEW , MODERN C-ROOM voltage , t-aat fiont. neur Hanscgm purk. for modern bnu * of t > rumns ; will par caih differ ence. II. H. llai.ltfiCo. . , /-c / building. Z-M1W 20 FOR EXCHANGE. IMPROVED FARM IN HURT county. N'-hrarkn , for J1,0"O.i in (5u > ) .co in inrrcliandUe or cuttle , balance on time ; Klre full ikittlcurura. Aldr.- U 17 , llee i.mce. /-M21J * FOIl SAMS nn.ll , KSTATH. IMPROVED . \it35-N LANDS NKAII OMA1LV at prices that will urprlfe you. If tnkt-n within i ttofKs. J , H. Sherwood. Ui N. Y. Life. RE-500 UAROA1NS. HOUSES. LOTS ANU-KARM : ult or tradt. F , U. Darling , Duiker block. RE 499 HOMES ON KASY PAYMENTS. 8KI.L AND buy U > U , acre * , farm * . Unrvln liro. . . : io N. Y. L. . UK-sas IJAItOAlNS. HALK OR 7IIUAK. IN CITY PROP. ertlrs and farms. Jchn N. Frnuer , I'l'p ' P. O , ni 101 S5ALE-I * ACRia OXJD FARM LA.\ III railein Nftnu-Ki , terms. J > ) .oo ra h. bnl. anc long tlino , per c nt , Tli O. F Davis Co. _ " ' AUSTHAITH , THE I1YHON RKED CXMp"\NY. _ RE4tf I'ARM LA-NPS , C. K. HARRISON , SIS N. Y Llf. HK 77J-.VIU * KOU MALI : HI : VL X ) YOt' WANT A lIKAITIFt'Ij MODERN cottiiRc home wlttiln walking distance from P. O. . Inside one mlleT We have two ot thrm Just i-ompleted that are modoM. nnd we will i"-ll them nt Krrally reduced prices and take In n 1500.0to ) S ) .O ) lot as part piym nt. These nre located on Hurt street. Just east of Mil street. Will be open Sunday. Call and In- pect thfm. Hi-member wo will lake you vacant lot as part lavmcnt. Why will you nay rent nn n IIOUM and then n > taxes on vacant property nhen you can make ucb n fl nl in thliT & -f tliem- beautiful home * or call at our omce nd we will be most pleaseil til dhow them. Fldel'ty ' Trust company , 1702 l-&rnam stro-t. 'ARM RAROAIN'S. IOWA OP. NHllRASKA. ON time. Improved nnil unimproved. R. K. II- Ham * , room 411 , McCaRUc block. RK 9..8-3I VANTKD. llO.Ort ) 1'I.ACi : TOR CASH. Ynnlnl , $3,11110 plnce for cash. Viinteil , ili ) plnre for cnrti. S" ntc-il , Jl.noo lot for rash. Vnnteil , Inwn farm for IlHnjcom Placa liouie. Vunte < l , $0,000 hotipe , mortgage and caah. Yanteil , M acre * near Omaha for cash , Vantnl , 15 acres miir Omaha for caa'.i. \'ant"il. to lonn out $ S.o nn farm. A'linteil , to Ixirrow $ ' ) ) nt 8 tier cent. Vanled , to borrow on farm , $ S' ) . iVanteil , SO ) to aw acres for cash. Ynnled. Ifii ) acres for cash. Vnntnl. to IKIITIIW $ ) nt 7 p"r cent. Yanted. liuRlnes.i property for farm. Ynntnl , 80 acres In Suunilers county. Ynnteil , Omaha prnp.Ty for Iowa farm. Yantecl , Ixis Anseles for Omaha property. Yantnl , ranch for lnnlnera propfity. C F. Hnirlson. 912 N. Y. Life. m-ZH 2 V HPr.iNllI > INVKSTMHNT : THIRTY ACRKS adjoining new tnte fair grounds nnd clocn to Klmwnod park , only $37i.W ( per acre.1T r.0 , ire olllce. RK ill 2.1 * MAXTKI.S , CJHATUS AMI TIM-JS. YOOn MANTKLH , GRATKS , TILUS TOR fireplaces , veMlliulcs nnd lame floors ; write for prices. Milton Rogers & Soni. Onnihn. 509 Hl/II.UI.VC & I.OA.V ASSOCIATIONS. SHARKS IN MUTUAL 1 , . ft U. ASS'N PAY U. 7. S per cent when 1. 2 , 3 years old , always redeemable. 1701 Furnnm St. Nattinger , Hec. 513 HO\Y TO OiT A HOMIJ OR SKCIMIK ( JOOD Interest on Having : * . Apply to Omaaa I. . & H. Ats'n , 1701 llee bldff. O. M. Nattlnger , Bee. AMI IIL'II.DKIIS. C. K. MOKIlIIjU PAPER HANQING , HOtJSK PRII | palntliiK , Irtlek work. plaaterlnK ; off. R. 1 , Darker blk. ; tel. 733 ; shop D13 K. : ith st. 511 COAL. , V GOOD THINO ITHH IT ALONG , MAY UK the latest slanK phrase , but that's Just what we're doing with HHKR1DAN COAL. 8UU ) ( ons sold In OmuliH last year. We clve you 2.00C Ha. of ( he best Wyoming conking coal for $4.50. Victor White , mgr. . 1605 Karnam nt. Tel , 127. G17 TAKH.V UP. TAKI3N UP A Ilt'CKSKIN' PONY , \VKIOIIT about 700 Ihi. ; branded on buh hind legs. Owner can have same ut Louis Jensen's , lk-n- son Place. 163-24' rASTUHAUK. GOOD PASTURE FOR HORSKS. Sl.OO PUR month per head. CharlcB Huns , St. IMul , Neb. IX ir.MlKIITAKKIlS AMI KMIIALMIJUS. H. K. HURKKT. FPNERAL D1RKCTOR AND embaltner , 161S Clitcaeo St. , telcplmne 80. S12 S\YANSON & VALIKN. 1701 Cl'MlNG , TEL 10 < W. M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND I3MI1ALM- cr. H17 Farnam st. , telephone 225. 514 HOTKI.S. AETNA HOfSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day oreek. . HOTEL RARKER. FR INK HILDITCH WOR. 13th find Junes sin. ; tib. Omaha und Sherman live , cars pass the door. AMKRH'AN PLAN. 75 rooms nt $1.5'J ' day ; 6) ) rooms at $ ! .00 day. Kuropean plan , OOc to $1.00 per day. 9tS ( i-'ouxn. 1-TUND-THAT THE NO. 2 SMITH PREMIER -Is the best Improved typewriter In the market. Found M100-27 ACCOV.VTAA'TS. CHAS. E. WALTERS. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT , 202-1 ! 1st Kaft bank. Tel. 1C3C. References. References.S7G S7G JJ1-3XT1STS. DR. PAUL. DENTIST , 2v2) UlIRT ST. D23 KI.UCTHICAI. Sri'PLII'.S. ELEf'TRH-AL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACT- ois for tleclrlc llffht and mnt ir plants and nil kinds of electrical construction.Ved.ejn E'ee- trlcal Supply cv > . , 1515 llowaid st. G1D SHOHTIIAM ) AMI TYI'UWHITI.VG. A. C. VAN BANTS SCHOOL. C13 N. V. LIFE. MilS MLSIC , AUT AMJ LAXOUAGKS. GEOHGE F. GELLENDECK , I1ANJO AND guitar teacher. 1811'Cass street. MIO'J 1IUSIM3SSOTICI3S. . DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVKRED. 713 N. 16. 521 PAW.YIIUOKKIIS. H. MARO\Y1TZ LOANS MONEY. 413 N. 10 ST. F'tl RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves i 1HJRL1NOTON & MO. RIVER. lArr.vss Onmha Ifnlon IJepjt , lutli & Masun tila. jUniaha Uciuur Express U:4a.iin : : Hills. .Mont. 4:1'uget Snil. lix. 4w5pm : IJtnver Expu-as 4:01uin : 7:0opm..Ni-biuska l ocal ( except Sunday ) . 7:45uni : 8:15am..Lincoln : Lueiil ( exct-pt SunUaJ..l | : < 0ain 2:45pm..Fast Mull ( .lor Lincoln ) dally. . . Louvni IC'HICAOO , UL'RLINGTON Ac y.l.Vrrives" OinaliaiL'nlun depot. IQih & _ Musoii jSts. | Unianq 4:4ipm : . . .l. . . . . CltiiagoV8illjule..7717. . . . . azjOairi i:00.iiii : Chicago Express 4:15um 7:5Upn : > . .Chicago & tit. Luuls Express. . 8miam : ll:35am : Poclllc Juntioii Local 5Wpm : t Mall. . . , 2:4ujin : Loaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. lrAUL. , Urf\7s OinahaH/nlonJ vpot , loih _ & Mnaon Sts , | Omaha CCOpm : ClilcaBO Llmliud .TrrVTMri ! Hauam . . . .Chicago l'nircs ( ex. aun. ) . . . . 5jpfn : Leaves JCHICAOO & NORTlIWlCrfT'1 ' \rrjvej" ' ' OnialiaU'nlun DI-IK/I , lutli _ aiaayn au. | Onulm 10:40am : Eastern Express/ . . . . . . .r cr3)pnl ) 4:2tvm : ) Ycsllhulcd Limited U:2iXim : C:55am Mo. Valley Local 10:3pm : Si45pm Omaha Chicago ijpeclal. Leaves I CH1CAG 6"R7 Oinaliiil Union Depot , loth tc Mason Sls. | Onmha EAST. ll:20am : . .Atlantic Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . 5:35pm : 6:2Jpm : NlKlit Ex-press 9:23am : 4:40pm " . . . .Chicago Vestlbuled I.lniltea. . . . ijjpm \VEST. 2 _ _ ( i:4pni..Oklabcma & Texas Ex lex. Sun.10:3am ) : 1:40pin Culomdo Limited , 4i : pm Leaves I li. ST. P. . M. & O. ( Arrives _ OmahaDepot. ! _ 15th nnJJVel > ' . | Uinaha 9 :2am. : . . . Nebraska Passenger ) . . . . " : 4:10pm : . .Sioux tflty Express ( ex. Sun. ) . . ll:53am .St. I' ul LlmlleJ Leaves' ! K. I3 & " MO. VALf.nY"'ATFlves Omaliai Depot. 15th and Webster St . [ j.inalia " "JTlOpni. . . . .Fast Mall oiij Express . 4 :55pnT : : ; 10pm.iX. ( Hat. ) Wyo , Ex. lex. Mon. ) . . 4:5Jpm : : jini , . , 'orfoiU Exprenn ( ex , ) < ium EilOpm . . . . . .St. Paul Expregj. , . , . , . , . , IO:3Sam : ' ' " " Leaves I K. C. . ST. J , & C. K. " ; Arrive * OnubalUnlon Di'pot , 10th & 11 son Sts. | Omaha 9:50am . . . .Kansas City Day Express. . . .6JOpm : :45pin .1C. C. NlKbt Ex. via U. P. Tran. 6OUani : MISSOURI PACIFIC ( Arrlvei Omahal Depot , 15lh and _ Webster Sts. | Oinalu 10:4'.im : ' SI. Louis Express G:00am : V.lOpm St. Louis Kiprexa ( :0\pm : :30pm Nebraska l x-al ( ex. Sun. ) a00am ; Lfavei't HIOUX CITY & I AC1PIC. Omahai Depot , 15lh anj Webster Bis. ' _ _ Lravcs I SIOUX CITY & I'ACIFfc. 'Arrives OmahalUnloii IViiot. l'lh & Musan St . | Omaha Sioux City Puucutier , 10:25pm 6 : l m. . . . . SI. Paul Limited UJipia UNION PAClVltt { Arrives ' OmalmlUnlun Depot. 10th It M sea St . | Omjhit Krarucy Expms , . . , . > :00nm : . Overland Flyer . 3)0um : l.-0jpm.ll * fcu & Sir nub'B Kx. ( ex. Sun.UdOpm ) : ( Wpra . . . , , . Pacific feipmu . , , . .10Uuni ; itSpin ; . Fait Mall . . . 4iOpm L < - vci 1 WAIIASH RAILWAY. lAr-lves OmalutLTnlon jlvpol. IQlti & Mason Bit.I Omalia ' . . U Louis Cannon Uo.ll. . . lil pm J Sm S S HSSSiS SXS Si S I 5 * Stamps Inclosed for Reply. > 1 BY HOWARD V &iraTOTWiV'E - ra-TOTW/iV-'E ! ( Copyright , 1S95 , by Irving Itaclicller. ) CHATTKYt I. THE JOV OF"DEATH. lly tlio accident of my-prcsence In the New Holland hotel at the 'mdrtiont when Holman Brand , the broker. mH Ws strange fate , anil by my acquaintance with the detective In the case , I obtained a knowledge of It which should enable me to add something of In terest to the accounts already pubUilied. Mr. Brand , It will be remembered , was of the flrn oJ Brand & Avcry , with ofllces on Pine street , near llroadway. When the New Hol land was opened , a little more than a year ago , the llrm ostabllilied a branch office there with nn cntranc ? from avenue and an other from the main hall of the hotel. I was passing through tlie ha.l when the outcry.consequent upon the sudden death of Mr. Urand rose discordant above the blendIng - Ing voices of the great house and the busy street. There were some hundreds of people within sound of that cry. and all of them , I venture to say , stood still , as 1 did , arrested In Uielr various pursuits by the transcending Interest I of death. For there was that In the alarm I which meant death , and no ono could mistake It. Immediately a boy with a scared face rushed out of the broker's office Into the hall. 1 Catching sight of an elderly gentle man 1 who chanced to be directly before the door , the boy cried out : "You're Dr. Dell , ain't you ? They sent mo to find a doctor. " "I am Dr. Bell , " was the reply. "What's wrong 1' "Mr. Brand's dropped dead , " replied the bo } ' . "I saw him do It. " Horror at the occurrence and pride In his share of It seemed to be contending In the youth's mind. I have observed the same phe. nomcnon In many persons of mature years , Including myself. We think better of our- "They sent me to flrtfl a. ilnrtor. " selves when calamitytakes ; us Into her con- 3dence. Indeed , I have ; seen a man saved from suicide by the flew 'Interest In himself that came from his chance witnessing of a distressing catastrophe. Dr. Bell ran Into the broker's olllce , and I , being conveniently infer him , followed close upon his heels. Otherwise I should not liavo gnt In. for a policeman who had en tered from the avenue immediately closed the door communicating with the hotel and de nied admittance to all' save those who could e a better reason for desiring It than Idle curiosity as I could not. A tall young maiv had Just locked the street door , end was then engaged in pulling up the shades. Almost the whole of the front of the office was glass , and already there were a hundred people looking In. There were not mcro than half a dczen persons In the office besides those -wflio' have been mentioned. Two of Uieth were evidently employes. Another I recognized as Harold Brand , nephew of the broker , and his ass'st- ' ant in the management of the olllce. The othsra seemed to bo players of the stock game. The nephew stcod beside a chair In which sat Holman Brand In an attitude so natural that I could not believe him to bo dead. Ills handsome face , framed in abundant gray hair , showed not a trace of pain. On the con trary. Its expression was eloquent of happi ness. He was as one transfigured. If the bliss of heaven had been revealed to him In the moment when his soul put off Us earthly verture thus and -otherwise should the mortal part have echoed the rapture of the spirit. Dr. Bell had hurried to the dead man's side , but after a few seconds spent In the ordinary tests' he had stepped back. When I turned to him I found him gazing upon the corpse with an Interest equal , to my own. but of a different nature. It was a scientlfit ex periment to him. The Impressive silence was broken at last _ by Harold Brand , who asked If there was any hope. "None whatever , " repllel the physician. "Ho Is quite beyond recall. " "It was terribly sudden. " said the young man , with a shudder. "Have you any Idea what was the cause ? " "I have a very distinct Idea. " paid Dr. Bell : "but It will bo hard to get legal proof of it. " "Gnat heavens ! Do you suspect " "Poison , " said the doctor , gravely. "There Is every Indication of It. " "Impossible ! " exclaimed Harold Brand. "You must ba mistaken. " "DM you see your uncle eat or drink any thing Just before he was stricken ? " "I remember that ho drank a glass of water , " There was the ordinary water-cooler In a corner of the omce. Dr. Bell walked up to It and smelled the glass which stood beside it. "I can detpct nothing here , " he said. "However , the glass should be saved for examination. " "Leave It there , " said the policeman. "I'll see that it isn't disturbed. I think Coroner Robertson will be hero In a few minutes. He has been notified , and he lives near. " There was a pause , and then at Dr. Bel's ) request Harold Brand related the circum stances of his uncle's death. They were very simple. He had been In the office about an hour , and had dictated some letters. Then he had written one. It lay sealed before him on his desk. I glanced at II. and read the address : MARGARET. BRAND Cornwall.4N. Y. " Dr. Bell also glanced , "at It. "A relative , of cour Oy'Mip'sald. "I never heard of herreplied Harold. At this moment the , porpner arrived. The tall young man whom i .tiave mentioned as having locked the streqll door and iraltal up the curtain admitted Dr. Hob- ertson. Then he turned and to my graat surprise I saw that "He was Horace Pre- Children Cryfoi Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry foi PRcher's Castorla. ChnjdffenCryfos ! ? 2ther's Casloria. HICY'LiS. M. O. UAXOtt. 4)2 N. 1CTH. M3 STERLING I1UILT LIKE A WATCH. WEST- cm Electllcul Supply Co. , 1J15 Howuiil street. C04 SEE THE VISIRLK HALL IlKAItlNCd ON Relay Special. Will Uarnum & llro. , 12) ) N. 15th. A. U DEANE ft CO. . lilt FARNAM STREET. 6/7 WESTERN UICYCLK & GUN CO. . ! 416 CUMINO. ws OMAHA U1CYCLE CO. , REST PLACE TO IR7Y bicycles , sundries ud repairs , 513 N. 16lh st. M-SiS-AlJ LADIESI CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYroyal - royal Pills ( diamond brand ) are U.ti best ; safe , reliable , taka no other : sent 4o. itampi , for pirtlculars. "Relief for Ladles. " In letter by return mall. At druggists. Chlchmter Chem ical Co. . rhUad-lphla. . ble. I lia < l not seiyi his face before nnil had not recognliou his ngtiro In the single Klancc which I hail cast upon It. Ho hail a wonderful gift of making himself In- consplclous. na I had previously remarked. He detained the coroner a moment l > y the door , and there was a whispered conference , at tlie close of which the coroner came forward nnd said : ' I must request all of you except Dr. Uell and Mr. llrand to step Into ths inner office for n monitnt. " Two of the gentlemen present protested against 'detention , but on being assured that the time would be > very brief they yielded and walked toward the room des ignated by the coroner. Meanwhile I hail made my way to Treble's side , nnd had hurriedly begged him to save me from the loss of so Interesting a spectacle aa the prjllmlnary Investigation of this remarkable case was sure to be. "Certainly , " he said , In a voice audible to the coroner ; "there Is no objection to your remaining. " Turning to Howard Brand , he asked for further details of the broker's death. "He had Just called to Walter , " said Brand , referring to the boy who had run out In the hall of the hotel , as I have described. "He told him to mall n letter. Suddenly he half arose from his chair , nnd then fell back. He did not cry out. but only uttered a faint sound like n sigh , but rather of contentment than pain. " "U'ho was It that screamed ? ' " "lld you hear anyone ? " "Yes ; I was Just passing the door. " "I think you must have heard the boy. He was frightened , of course. " "Xo ; It was some one else. Was It you ? " "Perhaps I did. You tee , I ran to his sldo and lifted his hand. It fell back life less. Titen I think I cried out In terror. But I had forgotten. This terrible affair has nearly driven mo out of my senses. For Instance. I have not oven asked who you aie. nnd by what right you question me ? " "I am n detective , at present In charge of the case , " repllul 1'reble. "Nov.- about that letter. It Isn't stamped , I perceive. " "That's strange ; I saw the stamp In. his hand. I remember that he took It out of a letter or his desk. " 'You were watching him ? " 'I was waiting until ho finished with his letter. I had something to say to him. " "And this was the letter which he took the stnmp from ? " said I'reble , taking one from his desk. It was addressed In a feminine hand to Ilolman Brand. "Yes , " responded Harold. "Do know " ' ' you Its contents ? "No. " "Perliaos we would better read IL" "Why ? What bearing can It luve on the case ? " "I will show you. If my theory Is correct It plays a considerable part In this tragedy. " Ho put his arm about tlie neck of the dead. and , with his 'nands , very genty : forced the Jaws to open. "Look ! " lie cried. We all pressed forward ; and we saw , upon the tip of the dead man's tongue , one of the larua postage stamps of the Columbian pat tern. "Poisoned ! " exclaimed the coroner. "That should make the case clear. The writer cf that letter Is the murderess. " Ho took the letter from the envelope , and read aloud , as follows : "Holman Brand : Why do you not answer my letters ? I have written three and you have not answered them. We are destitute. I care nothing for myself , but my mother whom your brother married In affluence and has left In beggary Is dying for want of proper nourishment and the medicines which her il'ness demands. Whatever you may have believed nt tlie time of that marriage , surely you will not let her die in this way. when so small a part of your vast wealth would save her. " At this point the coroner patisd. "The remainder of ths letter was evidently added at a later period , " said he. showing It to the detective. "The writing nt this point changes. Jt is "lurried and nervous. " " 'I will force you nt least to answer this , ' " he continued reading. " 'I enclose stamp for a reply. Can you believe me that thl < s stamp costs we more than I can nfford ? Do you know what such poverty as that means ? You dare not , for Bhame'a sake , refuse to answer me , though It be that we can expect nothing from you. ' It Is signed 'Margaret Brand. ' . " "Can It ho " possible , the coroner con tinued , "that so good a man as I know your uncle to have been allowed his brother's widow and her child to suffer like this ? " " "I know nothing about It , " said Harold. "He never mentioned them to me. " "That letter , " said Treble , pointing to the one which the broker had written , "will probably enlighten us on that point. I would suggest that you open It. " "I hesitate to do that. " responded the young man. "It is addressed to her. Yet In such a case It Is necessary , I suppose. " He tore open the envelope , and read ns follows : " .My Poor Child : Before you receive this you will have had such help as money can give. Your letter , four days delayed came to me this morning. I Instantly telegraphed to Mr. Edward Morton of Cornwall one of the best of my friends. Yon will have seen him before you get this , and will have found out for yourself that I could have sent no better man to you. He has doubtless ex plained so far as any one can explain li the mystery of this wretched affair. I have "Ho Is quite beyond recall. " never received your letters. I did not know where you were. My last Information was that you nnd your mother were In England nnd comfortably provided for. I have tried to flnd you. but vainly. If I could have done so you both would have had n home with me. I am childless nnd alone , and you would have been R thousand times welcome. So far from cherishing the old resentment i have long repented of my behavior In regard to my brother's marriage. If thcro Is to be forgiveness It must come from your mother ] not from me. "Tho money which I think you grip so tightly will bo yours and hers some day. For years , while I have prosecuted my fruit less search for you , my will has named you for the bulk cf my fortune. But all these matters may bo left until we meet. You will wonder why I have not come to you myself. There are excellent reasons , whlcl you shall soon know. My friend will bring you to me you ami your mother as seer as she can be moved. I wait with Impatience to hear when that will be. It U not that I will make a homo for you , but that you wll make my desolate house a home for me , by your presence. Till then , good-by. My love to both ef you. " "ThU la most extraordinary , " said the core ner. "Can It be that this unhappy girl had learned about the will , and had tent poison to the man who would have done so much for her ? What do you flnd there , doctor ? " This last question was addressed to Dr Bell , who , during the reading of the letter , had not been Idle. As sisted by Treble , he had removed the stamp from the mouth of the murdered man , snd had placed It upon a blieet of paper. Then ho had made a secom and much more careful examination of the body. "There Is but cne point so far , " he replied to the coroner's question. "Tho stamp ex hales a faint perfume a moat unusual odor extremely agreeable. It can be noticed alsi about the lipa of the dead man. " "delothanla , " exclaimed the detectlre. "I li a potion dijcorereil snd named by i German chemist , who seems to have known more chemistry than Greek. He meant the name to signify 'The joy of death. ' " ( ConcluJed Friday , ) ft SOUTH OMAHA NEWS 8 hccocccccccccoocccoccoccccS Interest In the lIcCnrtjr-Dawnon Incident , which was noted In the papers some weeks ago , has , been revived by .the British minister at Washington writing to the governor of his state , asking for further details of the affair. At the time when the vice consul at Chicago cage complained to Governor Holcomb , Vic McHarty went down to Lincoln to see the governor , nnd the result was that ShorllT lohn Drexel was ordered here to Investigate ho alleged assault. In all the talk and cor respondence Vic Mccarty's side of the case ins not been printed. Here It U , ns given o n Uee man yesterday : "Thoro were four of us coming Into South Omaha In a rig when vo run against the O.nsson gang camped ust over the Douglas county line. I made some crack nt them nnd got a good , hot reply. All of us were drunk. Paddy Burke , the tough of the Dawson crowd , dared me to get out of my wagon and fight , which 1 did , und Burke knocked me down three times. After getting up I ran and got a club , but > y this time the fight was general , nnd we all had a round up. Brennan came down 'rom South Omaha nnd arrested us , though iio had no right to do so , aa the scrap was in Sarpy county. After laying In Jail twenty- four hours we were turned loose , as no com plaint had been filed , the authorities having 'ound out that the fuss was over In Sarpy. ! went down and made up with the Dawsons and they moved their camp down to my place , where they stopped for five or six weeks. It was while at my place that Daw- son's daughter and Burke were married. When the outfit wanted to go to Alliance I procured $19.30 worth of transportation , be sides giving them $20 In cash. 1 think they want to bleed us out of n little money , but they will not get nny more out of me. " The report of Chief Brennan was similar to McCarty's statement , as was the report made y Sheriff Drexel to Governor Holcomb. When he prisoners were discharged from police court the complainants were directed to go lo I'apllllon and swear out warrants , as tlie IrniiUen fight had occurred in Sarpy county. Instead of doing this the Dawsons went to he McCarty homestead to live for awhile. Clili-f Smith Hcflnri-M HliiiHi-lf. Fire Chief Fred Smith wants nn ordinance passed through the city council providing 'or the monthly Inspection by the lire de- jartment of all cellars nnd area ways In the jtisincss part of town. Therenre any num ber of business blocks , grocery stores , drug stores , etc. , where all of tlio old boxes and other rubbish Is either dumped Into the cel- nr or Into the area way. A spark from u clgir stump , cigarette or a lighted match : hrown through n grating would start a jig fire. Chief Smith has several times lotlfied some of the offending parties to cleat- tip , but no attention has been paid to the notice , and now Smith wants an ordinance passed providing for a penally In case thr notice of the tire chief Is disregarded. City ( iiiNxlti. Tonight the South Omaha Cycling club will make n run to Florence. A Tlnkerton detective has been loafing around town for a couple of days , and quite a number of people are looking rather un easy. The Royal Neighbors of America will give an Ice cream social Friday evening at the residence of Mrs. Frank Hobbcck. Twenty- first and K streets. C. C. Stanley has just purchased a fine pedigreed St. Bernard pup from the Shlllen- berger kennels nt Alma. Neb. The pup Is a fine one and will be entered at the com ing bench show. The electric light company has completed Its line of poles on Twenty-fount ! street , from Q to A streets , a distance of two miles , the large number of people wanting Incan descent lights in their houses caused the company to go to this expense. THEY CAVT I.OUATK THIS 3IOXKY. xiuu'MH CoiniiiiiiHllrlillM Coliditlll1 to Scni't'li for ( .lllMnlimr Pni-kiiKTi'- The money package , containing $0,000 in currency , which was supposed to have boon stolen from the Pacific Bxpress company's omce on July 10 , still remains a missing quantity despite the fact that ever since the robbery detectives have been working on the case. Some circumstantial evidence has been discovered which tends to cast suspicion on two or three different men In the employ of the company , but nothing positive , has been found to implicate any one of them. More over , not a trace of the lost money , the prln- clp l object of the search , has so far been dlfacovere'1. Ono of the suspected persons Is the driver who is supposed to have brought the package to the express office. His name is Beseley and he lives at Twenty-ninth and Dodge streets. Yesterday morning Detective Byrne ot Buffalo , n detective of the United States Express company , the company which the loss will fall , and who has been working on the case ever since the money was missed , caused n search warrant for Beseley's prem Ises to 1)8 ) Issued out of Justice Harriett's court. The detective was accompanied by u number of officers to Beseley's house. The occupants waived service and the premises were at once searched. The house was thor oughly ransacked , the outbuildings were ex > anilned and a quantity of ground was dug over , but not a trace of the package was dis covered. The express officials refuse to make a state ment about the robbery , the progress that has been made toward finding the lost package or the thief. From what they do say , however , it Is safe to say that little , If anything , more than was known within two days after the robbery has been discovered. IlllH V'llMVITN III ri-ofllKloil. B. B. Hay , residing at 3912 North Twenty- eighth avenue , has one of the most beautiful flower gardens in the city. Mr. Hay Is 80 years of age , and this season ho has de voted most of his time to the cultivation of flowers. Mr. Hay has thirty-seven varieties of four-o'clocks. ' _ _ PIHHO\\I. PARAGRAPHS. H. Gebhart of Philadelphia Is In town. W. A. Searles of Fort Madison 'is In the eitv. eitv.Mr. Mr. Kd Terry li registered at the Barker from Chicago. Mr. lly Henney of Fremont Is registered at the Barker. Dr. J. Mmison of Maquoketa Is among the Omaha visitors. George W. Aiken of New York Is registered at the Merchants. A. J. Bates Is registered at the Barker from Wymore , Neb. B. II. Stlnson Is registered at the Barker from Cheyenne , Wyo. W. II. Hush of Tlttsburg is among the latest eastern arrivals. Joseph Murphy of San Francisco Is spending a few days In Omaha. William U. Cahlll Is registered at the Bar ker from Kearney , Neb. C. 13. Cust and John Brennan are regis tered from Arlington , Neb. , at the Barker , A party of school teachers from Mls lsslpp ! are at the Dellone. They arc : Medames Walker , Rogers , Miss Love of Aberdeen. Misses Becton and Jennings of Water Valley.T. J. Lyles and A. T. Stovnll of Okoloiia , M. Rose of Aberdeen , Silvers of Jackson , J. H. Huston and M. 7. . Webb of Clinton. They are enroufe home from Denver. At the Mercer : II. II. Foster , Minneapolis ; II. C. Itimcll , Lincoln ; H. 0. Knos , Philadel phia ; II. T. Colegrove , Chicago ; J. D. Niter. St. Louis ; C1. Kirk , Boston ; C. W. Stevenson. Fremont ; J. Memlelson , Albany , N. Y. ; Mr. Sackett. Weeping Water ; 0. M. Kandall , New man Grove ; S. H. ICTrley , Arlington ; R. G Marsh , Now York ; T. II. Skepworth , jr. . St Louis ; L. B. Kelbownc , O. M. Clement , Chicago cage ; L. M. Fltzhugh , Cincinnati ; J. M. Buck Holdrege ; C. D. Rogers , Kansas City ; It. Ulcorn , Grant , la. ut tlio llod-lx. At the Mldljnd : J. Murray. K. T , Wright , Lincoln. At thu Taxton : F. L. Harrlt , Lincoln ; Al frcd Hazlett and wife , Beatrice ; MUa ICniina Cdwardi , Lincoln. At the Merchants : W. II. Akers. Lincoln F. J. Snyder , Wuhoo ; J. H. Healey , Ogalalla C. 12. Casey , Tawnce City ; William Henry , Mead. At tbe Dellor.o : Dr. T. 13. Stack , Arling ton , S. W. Stall , Tekanuhi William McColl Grand Island ; N. N. Ostertand , Blair ; A. B Mutz , Auburn , C. K. Greek , Genoa ; G C , Powell , Wyoming , J. W Holllmiuesl , Oak- Und , j HYPNOTIZED THE BLACKSMITH Slaglo Discovers How Easy it is to Bo Mistaken , THOUGHT THAT HE HAD BEEN ASSAULTED llllMU'O SlllMMMl ( hilt 111Plllllllllll I * O-vii l-'iico nnil Then 1'llclii-il IlliiiHcIf lulu ( Ini < lrri-l I'lro- lllfll'M Flllllln .Il Matt Slagle , a Thirteenth street black smith , Is wondering what Induced him to ittock himself down nnd pound his head Into a Jelly und then throw himself Into tha street. The bl.ickpir.lth called nt the police stn- iton the other day and exhibited n cholca collection uf cuts and bruise ! ) about his face and head which he claimed to have received at the hands of Tank Hoyrot nnd I/on Beyers- dorf. Ho told how Beyrot had visited Ills shop nnd had refused to go when asked to do so. Slaglo mild ho was nfrnld ot Hoyrot , who had threatened to whip him on former occasions. When Beyrot refused to leave Iho shop Single started after him. Boyrot refused to go and assaulted Slagle , knocked ilm down , choked him and tried to blto off nn ear or two. Then , to make matters worse , [ leycrsdorf came In nnd held Slaglo while Tank plugged hint In the face until he got tired. That was the story which Slagle told when 10 went after his warrant , nnd he repeated it yesterday when on the witness aland n the trial of Tank nnd Deycrsdorf. But the story was tint corroborated to any nlarm- ng extent. Slagle had three witnesses , and ; hey nil had a different version of the affair. The evidence offered was to the effect that ileyrat had started to leave the shop when Jlaglo told him to do so. Slaglo tried to hurry him out , knocked him down and was lolng him up brown when Beyersdort rushed n , pulled Slaglo from his victim and waa ilmsclf chased from the place by Slagle , who lad armed himself with n pair of red hot : ongs and was anxious to clean out the neigh borhood. ludgo Berka decided that the wrong man iiul been arrested nnd that Single was the fellow who had done all of the fighting worth .aklng Into account. noun THOI ni.i : it i\.sii.v AV. IllN Many OrilHorN Call t'liuii llliu lit ( In'lly .lull. Trouble Is piling up for W. 1' , Henshaw. who was arrested Tuesday charged with having attempted to boat his board bill at the Victoria hotel. The proprietor of that hotel has a bill for $12 , and a grievance agnlnst Uenshaw , who not only refused to pay tha bill , but acted very Insolent about the mut ter. Another charge was made against Hen- shaw by a man who had Icuned him n few dollars on the representa tion that Henshaw was a traveling sales man , and was authorized to offer the com plaining dealer a healthy discount on a bill of goods which he wanted. Yesterday William Dutts , a Sixteenth street saloon keeper , called nt the station and v.-anteU to know how ho could get $12 that he had given to Henshaw on n check which had been thrown out by the bank ns worth less. Mr. Uutts was allowed to have an Interview with Henshaw and the prisoner offered to fix the matter up. He did not have any money , but he would give Hulls two Union Taclflc passes , one from Omaha to Ueatrlce and the other from Omaha to Jules- burB , In place of the check which the bank had so strangely refused to honor. Railroad passes were better than Henshaw's check to Butts and he agreed to settle his claim ac cording to the offer. Henshaw asked the oillcers to give him the passes and he would scratch his name from them nnd substitute the name of Mr. Uutts. Sergeant Ormsby and Jailer Marshall had overheard the propo sition and called Henshaw down. Sergeant Ormsby refused to allow the passes to bo changed In that manner and notified the Union Pacific odlclals of Henshaw's atlempt to sell them. Henshaw will be given a hearing today. Ills friend , J. W. Eller , has been retained to defend him. FUMS KOT IX TIIK THKASUHY. Pulil Flri'ini'ii I.ookliipr fur ( In ? Mim AVIio Ilnil ( lu > CiiHli. There is a shortage In the accounts of the Omaha Paid Firemen's Benevolent as sociation , and Kd Hamsher , secretary of the association , Is the only man who can make good the shortage , and ho won't. There are eighty-eight members of Ihe association , the object of which Is to provldo a sick and death benefit fund for members of the paid flro department. The dues are- $1 a year , and the association pays a death benefit of $400 and a sick benefit of $5 weekly. Hamsher , who has been a member of the flro department for about six years , has been secretary for the pasl year , ami his bsen charged with Ihe duty ot coilefltlng the dues from members of the association. Under the rules of the organization , the accounts of the secretary and treasurer shall bo checked up by a committee the first of each year. At the beginning of the present year there was a row In the association over another matter , and tha committee to do the checking was not appointed. Some time ago a call was made for a report from the secra- tary. Hamsher asked for further time In which to get his report ready. The request was granted , but before the time came for the report Hamsher had been dismissed from the service. Tha officers of the asso ciation then Bought a report , and secured a partial one , which showed that Hamsher had collected more money than had been reported to the treasurer , Charley Sailer. The shortage Is now about $175 , and Ham- sher's books are In such shape that exports will he required to untangle them. Ham- slier Is reported to have left the city. The association will meet this evening to decldu upon further action In the case. CAt'CHT TIII3 Ct'ltllSTOM- : , You n K'liIllilcr . Tlirinvii nnil Si- rlmlNl.Y Iiijill-ril. Last evening John Hell , an A. D. T. mes senger boy , wag severely hurt by being thrown from his wheel ch the Tenth street viaduct. Ho was riding north on the Incline between the slrcet car tracks. Just before ho arrived In front cf I'axlon & Gallagher's building a car approached frcin Iho so-ilh , In order lo get out of the way ho turned off the IrackP , and Just as ho cleared them his wheel slipped and ho was thrown. Ho ttruck the pavement and the curbstone \vlth the left side of hU head and body and wan rendered unconscious. A number of clerks who were on their way home and passing over the viaduct at the time nollccd the accident and went to the Injured boy's assUtinre. They carried him Into I'axton & Gallagher's office anil rendered such nsalslanco ns they were able to give , and a dcctor was summ-ned , The physician discovered lhat the most eerlouH Injury sustained by the boy waa a bid urulsd on the left hip. lie also had a bruise on the left side of his head and his right wrlit was sprained. Doll wai removed In the pa * trol wagon lo his home at 2902 Uecalur street. ( 'lirlxdilllN In ( lie Oii > n Air. Tomorrow evening the Young Men's Ohrli * tlan araiclatlons In the vicinity , consisting of tlm Omaha , the northwest branch , South Omaha nnd the Council Illuffu branches , will hold an Informal conference on the lawn at Iho residence of A. P. Tukey , Twor.tylxlh and Chicago streets. The general thcmo of the conference will be , "How to Win Men ? " Hev. Dr. liyles of England will open the cnnforcnco with a brief address of twelve minutes. He will be followed by many men who are prominent In Iho Young Mon's ChrUllan association , who will tpuik briefly and lo the theme. The boards of directors and executive com mittee nf all these nnoclatlonn and branches are expected to be present. Any member of the association who would like to at tend will ba very heartily welcomed. The Invitation Is extended generally , This con ference U the flnt of i series which vrlll bo held In Ihe open air and will come oft In the next three month * . The delicious fragrance , refreshing coolness and toft bos Jty Imparted ( o tbo tkln by I"oz- zonl'a I'ovdcr , commends U to all ladles.