g 2ccccccccccccccccccceccccoo EDITORIAL SHEET. OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.PA05 17 TO 20. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNINGJTJILY 21 , 1895 TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. | li In spite of the hot weather Hayden Brothers continue to sell goods ( § j at prices that no others can touch Read these wonderful prices. I1 : > * * o Dress Goods. Wo iiro still crowded for space in this mammoth department , and In order to olitnln liwe will have to .Inaugurate an other gigantic sacrifice sale for Monday. The prices we quote for this sale nru less than the cost , of manufacturing the. floods , not to speak of the cost of ma- let-lal. So don't fall to Inspect the goods offered In this department. as It will bo ono of the chances of a lifetime. 2,500 yards all wool Cliallls , worth 4Sc to C'Jc 25c 1,500 yards lialf wool Clialllcs , wortli 29c lOo 38-lncli all wool Serge , wortli 50e 2uo 3S-lncli all wool Henrietta , wortli ISc 25o 38-Inch Novelty Suiting , changeable ef fects 50c 10-Inch all wool Storm Serge 30c 50-Inch silk warp Gloria , all colors ex cept black C9c Black Dress Goods. 40-Inch black Serge , nil wool 25c 4fi-lncli black .Serge , all wool 39c 40-Inch black Urlllantlne 39c 40-Inch pure Mohair 4Sc 4fi-Incll all wool Henrietta 37c 4n-lnch all wool Nuns' Veiling 29p 27-Inch black wool Moreen 45c 40-Inch black Novelty Suiting 47a IC-lncli all wool Crcpon 30c Some Silk Specials For Monday Printed India Silks , only 15c yard Solid color India Silks , only 15e yard Japanese Wash Silks , only. . . .Ifie yard Swivel Wash Silks , 50c quality for 25c yard Cheney Bros. ' Printed Indlas..25e yard Black India Silk 27 In. wide..Me yard 25 Pieces yard wide Percales , Monday 6c yd. New soft stripes , all colors French Percales lOc yard Fine lot of stripes , any color , and figured Pique lOc yard Finest H2-lnch Madras Ging ham lOc yard Finest . ' 12-Inch Scotch Xephyr and Gingham . ' . . . .10e yard Imported H2-inch .laponetie.,1c ! ) yard Satin striped ( 'hallls lOc yard H 1-inch I Hrnlty fie yard Scotch Lawns , fast colors T5c yard Colored Swisses , 25c , ! t V6c , fiOc grades , all Ific yard Beautiful India Lawns , now selling for lOc yard Black lace Grenadines , were HOc. now , . . . 15c yard Black wash Challls , with col ored figure fie yard Aprong checked Ginghams Hl.c , fie and 7 c yard Hlg assortmi'iit dress style Gingham fie yard New Prints , reds , blacks , blues and summer syles , all fie yard Good Calico. In light or dark coirs , Monday H' , c yard In the Ladies' Realm We are making prices that almost paralyze. $1.I5 ! will buy a LADIKS' ORGANDY DRKSS ; colors , blue and white ; pink and white , and back ! and white ; full skirt with deep rutlle. really worth $4.00 $2. ( ! ! > Is the reduced price of a hand some Organdy. In tints of brown , green and blue , crush collar and bows ; this Is less than the price of manufacture. $4.45 At tills price wo offer a Swiss Organdy , trimmed with ValoncenneH lace and satin ( A PKHFKCT GKM ) ; colors , bine. corn , heliotrope and pale green. This dress Is well worth $ t.50. ! KVKHY LADY should come and make a selection or send for ono. Laundered Waists at il'.ic ' , ( Hie and OSe. These are closing prices. WHITK LAWN WAISTS , $1.10. $1.48. $1.0S and $2.25. These are the very latest novelties of the season. , Come ami get ono of our ladies' Dressing Saequos from $1.10 up. Sale on Sheeting For Monday One more sale on Sheeting at the fol lowing low prices 4-1 Bleached Sheeting 'I'/jO , fie ( I'/jC ' 42-inch Bleached Sheeting7Vj 45-inch Bleached Sheeting o fiO-lnch Bleached Sheeting lie 8-1 Bleached Sheeting 12 > C-o -l Bleached Sheeting Hfc 10-1 Bleached Sheeting ISc 4-4 I'nbeached ! Sheeting.t'.c : { , Ac , fietic fi-4 Unbleached Sheeting Sc n-4 Unbleached She.etlng lOe 8-4 Unbleached Sheeting 12c S-4 ) Unbleached Sheeting 12V-.U 10-1 Unbleached Sheeting . . . . ' . 15c Canton Flannel. . . .H'&c , 4c , Re , and Se Shirting fie and So Best Shirting lOe Ticking ( PA1 , 7l/.c , lOe and 13c ' r Linens On Monday we will offer some un heard of bargains In our Linen depart ment. We will sell tine Imported Damasks - asks for less money than you can buy domestic goods elsewhere. The following is a bird's-eye view of the many bargains we will offer In this department. Unbleached Table Linen Ific Kxtra line quality , r.ti . Inches wide. . 25c A beauty , C > 0 Inches wide ! Wc A 72-Inch bleached and unbleached 50 < j A tiS-lncli German double Damask. 05u R S Napkins , all pure linen , worth 7."c. . . . . ' . .1' . . . ' R5o 11-4 Bleached damask Napkins , worth 51.23 OOc Cotton Crash Toweling HHC All linen Toweling 4c lS-lneh all llneu Toweling 71c { ! IS-lnch Twilled Toweling. . . .r ; . . . House Furnishing Goods If you want Crockery now is the time to buy. Cups and Saucers , regular price fie each l'XC ; Pie Plates , regular price Itfie per set 12c Tea Plates'- regular price 45c per set IRc Dinner Plates , regular price COe per set ISc Soup Plates , regular price G5c pel- set : 20c Largo square or round Nappicr or Vegetable Dishes , regular price 20c each fie Chambers , regular price 40c each. . lOc Wash Howls and Pitchers , regular price $1.00 eaeli 25e Slop Jars , regular price $1.50 each. ( ! 2c Bed Pans , regular price $1.25 each. SUc Fruit or Sauce Dishes , regular price 'We per set 12c Baker , regular price lOc each H'/tc Decorated Toilet Sets , regular price $5.00 $1.59 100-piece Decorated Dinner Set , regular price $15.00 $1.05 Flannel Department Outing Flannels at , per yard .IV c Ontlng Flannels at. per yard fie Outing Flannels at , per yard 7'.c Outing Flannels at , per yard lOe Shaker Flannels at , per yard Re Shaker Flannels at , per yard Sc Shaker Flannels at. per yard lOc lid-Inch all wool White Flannels at per yard 25c Fine White Summer Flannel at per yard 27Vic White Wool Flannel at. per yard.2V&c Summer Skirt Patterns at , eacli..25c New designs in Summer Flannels suitable for dressing gowns , etc. , per yard Illle Remnants will bo full of bargains for Monday. Remnants of Organdies. Duck Suit ings , plain and fancy colored . Mulls , Percales , Shirtings , 40-inch White Lawns and fancy checked and striped white goods at one price , per yard Re Notions .for Monday .lob lot Ladles' fancy handker chiefs He P.eautiful Indies' fancy bordered I Inndkorehfofs 5c IJIg drive In 12c , 15c and ISe Handkerchiefs lOc The new lace edge Handkerchiefs. . 15c Ladles' Fancy SHk Belts Hfiu King's best Spool Cotton , full 200 yards , warranted perfeot for ma chine' use. only - 2e Fine Combs 2e Heavy rubber Combs fie Special Sale on Hammocks. No. 1 , a beauty , full size , only. . . . 70c No. 2. a dandy , with pillow , only.$1.00 No. I ! , solid colors , deep fringe and pillow $ l.fi7 No. P the NeXv Idea , worth $1.75. only $1.18 No. O , the Now Idea , wortli $2.00. only $1.48 No. M. the New Idea , worth $2.35. only $1.78 AVe otter the Now Idea Hammock at regular wholesale prices to Introduce it , and guarantee It the best made. Sale on Stamped Goods Stamped Doylies , with skein silk ntachcd , silk alone worth fie. only 2i c 2 spools of elegant Crochet Silk. . . 25e Stamped and tinted Covers.10e. 12c , 15c Stamped linen Scarfs and Splash ers , only IRc Stamped Pillow Shams , pair 12K-e IS yards Silk Floss for fie All silk-Windsor Ties at 15u Jewelry Department. r 00 Belt Huckles , worth .15c each..lOc r.OO . Shirt Waist Sets , worth 75c 25e Belt Pins , worh 25e lOc Sterling Silver Shirt Waist Sets ; worth $1.25 49c Sterling Silver Cuff Buttons , wortli $1.50 4f e Sterling Silver Thimbles ; worth fiOe.lSc Silver ware on special sale this week. Quadruple plated Butter Dishes , Plckel Casters , Sugar Bowls , Cream Pitchers , Syrup Pitchers , Dinner Casters , Tea Pots , hand en graved and latest designs ; worth $ : i.OO , choice $1.43 The lowest prices on line Klgln , Walt- ham , Hock ford , Columbus and other American Watches. Ladles' and Gents' Gold Stiffened American watches ; worth $ Ladies' and Gents' Gold Filled Hunt ing case watch , warranted to wear 20 years line Klglu or Walthatn works ; worth $25.00 $12.fiO All high grade adjusted watches at linlf Jewelers' prices. I3YKS TKSTKD FRiM : Watch and clock icpairing at reduced prices. Mid-Summer Millinery We have maife a thorough and sweep- In : ; reduction In our Millinery u mill inery stock HO vast and well selected that there's no comparison to be had. And now that wo cut the prices down ihcru'il be more ladles In our Millinery department than ever before. A lovely Untrhnmed Hat for f , " , . . . lOc A treasure iu a Trimmed Bailor. , , .40c Great Clearing ; Sole of Men's , Boys' ntid Children's Clothing Our Clothing linyers In the cast are making provisions for fall. This means that .Summer Goods must be sold out ut once. To sell rapidly wo have cut the prices deep. This Is a chance for you to save some money on Clothing. Men's Suits Men's Stilts that have la-en selling well and giving wood satisfaction at $5.00 , are now $3.75 Men's ail wool Cheviot Suits reduced from $0.00 for this clearing sale to § i.7ri An excellent value. Tiie above suits arc In round corner , sack and square corner styles. The line of all-wool f'asslmere and Cheviot Suits that we have been show- Inn at $10.00 was considered by clothing buyers one of the best values in Omaha. They are nevertheless included in the general mark-down and you can now take your pick at $7.50 In the $7.50 suits yon will also llnd Mack and gray clay worsteds that have been selling at $ l.'l.fi ( ) . These suits come In square corner , round corner sack or frock styles. The materials are the best , the llnish , lit and workmanship cannot be surpassed ; $7.50 will buy you hero as line n suit as any one could wish. Prices have been cut on light weight coats and vests. We have a largo line of them now In Alpaca and .Serge , light and dark colors , at $1.00 , $1.00 and $1.75. Boys' Long Pants Suits Our stock of these goods Is far larger than any of the other-Hues. To Insure rapid .sales and a quick- cleaning up oP then ) , wo have had to put ail of them that have been selling at $ : ( .75 to $5.50 In one lot and marked the price at $1.7 , " Not one of these suits at $1.75 can be duplicated elsewhere at Jess than $ .1.00. They an ; neatly nm'Ie and iinlshcd and of tine material * iiftllght and dark colors. The sixes rnti from 12 'to'rlU years. ' ' Kticc Pants Suits Large assortment of Knee Pant Suits The "leader" now is our ifH.50 suits. marked dowi to , ' $1.2.1 Sixes 4 to 14. This is a genuine bar gain. Huy your Clothing now ; buy it at Hayden's. It means' money to you. Bedspreads. We find on looking over our stock of Bedspreads that we have a surplus stock of odds and ends of different brands. Some of them are slightly soiled. We must dispose of these/ goods at prices far away below the orig inal cost. These goods comprise the leading brands of crochet , Marseilles , etc. If you are needing a Spread ex amine these goods before purchasing. In. addition to the above we will offer on Monday some of the following : 1 lot of Crochet Spreads , slightly soiled 47c 1 lot of ( 'rochet Spreads , slightly soiled ( illc 1 lot Crochet Spreads , 10-4 , sllghty soiled , ! )5e. ) 1 lot Crochet Spreads , 10-4 , sllghty soiled , $1.25 1 lot colored ffU ; Crochet Spreads 75c White Goods. SPKCIALS FOR MONDAY You will find In this department tlm largest and most complete line of Pique , plain and checked Nainsook , Dotted Swiss , striped and checked Lawns , Dimities , etc. Head carefully the following list of bargains for Monday. Plain Pique Ifie , 25c , 30c , ! 5c Fancy Piques * 2Se , HOc , H.C , 45e Checked Nainsook fie. 7 > XiO. lOe , 12 XtC. 15e , 20c Striped and checked Lawns and Dimities 7U.C , 10c , 12'.4e , Ific , 20c You will also llnd a large and varied stock of patterns In these goods on our remnant counter at one-fourth of the regular price. To Piano Seekers Who Are i 5Earnest. We can prove to aiiycarnest seeker after agood Piano at small cost that we are offering the best-values to be ob tained either in Oi\nha | \ or any where else. We liniidle 25 or HO different makes , i every ono of which Is placed 'commercially In the class where li- properly belongs. Kvery Piano we sell is'guaranteed to bo exactly as represented pr money re funded. As we are thomnly house In America handling all the llrst class Pianos made , we do an immense busi ness In STRICTLY llfOJI ( JRADH PIANOS and are constantly taking In exchange Pianos of medium and cheaper grades , which oftentimes are only slightly used , and In many cases ns good as new , but which we offer at extremely low prices. Before buying any Piano get our prices on the Chlch- erlng. Steinway and Knlilx\ NKW PIANOS TO RHNT. Pianos moved , tuned and repaired. Toys All Dolls at cost. C ' ' , ' Iron Wagons at cost. Iron Velocipedes at cost ' Iron Tricycles at cost. SPKC1AL SALL' ON RIBBONS. Fttrititttre. 50c . dud o < a > p < en We have Just bought a lot of lounges and pouches from an Omaha , factory recently failed. Vhese are bought at a very low price and we offer them this week at prices usually paid for such goods by retail _ dealers. Couches In Corduroy , Plush , Tap estry and Leather at $7.r.O , $ S.50 , $ ! ) .50 $10.00 ; line leather couch , hair top ; polished oak frame ; legnlar retail price $40.00 ; our Price $25.00 Hed Lounges at $7.00 , $ S.OO , $ 'J.OO , $10.00 In carpet plush , and birch. Parlor Chairs , oak frames , polished upholstered in brocatelle , tapestry , etc. . spring edge , regular retail price , $ 1.00 ; our price $2.50 Polished Oak Hocker , cane scat , arms ; line largo rocker , regular price , $1.00 ; our price $2.50 Drugs. Spirits of Camphor , per pint 50e Imported liny Hum , per pint 50c Commercial Hay Hum , per . . . . ( ) Distilled Kxtract Witch Ilaxel , per gallon DOc Distilled Kxtract Witch Hazel , per pint 20e Distilled Kxtract Witch Hazel , per half pint 12c ] ? ed Hug Poison ( corrosive .subli mate ) per pint 25e Creen Olive Oil , per pint 25o Yellow Olive Oil , per pint Hfic Hesublimed Olive Oil , per pint 50e Patent Medicines Paine's Celery Compound , per bottle tle ( We Hood's Sarsaparllla , per bottle (15c. ( Ayer's Hair Vigor , per bottle 0 > 5c Scott's Kmulslon Cod Liver Oil , per bottle < ! 5e Pears' Glycerine Soap , per cake lOe O7.omulsion , per bottle 85c Plnaud's Kau de Quinine , per largo bottle 75e Plnaud's Kau de Quinine , per small bottle 45c Hawley's Unique Curline , large S5e Hawley's Unique Curline , small Ifie Murray and Lanmaii Klorlda Water.CiOc Munyon's Hemedies , small 2c ) Mnnyon's Uemedles , medium 40c Munyon's Hcmedlcs , large . . . . . . . . .85c Prescriptions tilled accurately with the purest of drugs and at the lowest possl- ble'prlce. * Hardware. AVe are headquarters for "Binders' Twine. " Have several grades from 5e per pound up. Also a full line of Harvest Tools. Host Scythe and Snath , only ( Ve ) ( Irass Sickle , only ' 'i5c Scythe Stones , only fie I lay Forks , only 4to ! ( Sraln Sacks , each ISc--Oc Lawn Mowers only $2.fjO Lawn Sprinklers , only H5e up Builders' Hardware. In tills line we have no competi tion. Host Wire Nulls , per 1jog $2.20 Him Door Locks , only 7'(5 Mortice Door Locks , only 7 > c Mortice Door Locks , In sets lilc 7.r > c Mortice Door Locks , in sets. . . 40e $1.00 Mortice Door Locks , in sets. . 50c If In want of Builders , Hardware call to see us ; we will save you 50 per cent on name. Guns , Revolvers , Fishing Tackle and Sporting Goods. cHest Host Loaded Shells , any make , kind or gauge , per 100 , only. . . . $1.25 Flobert Hllles , only $2.00 Winchester Hepeatlng IMlIos $10.00 Single barrel breach loading Gun8$5.fiO Double barrel breach loading Guns $0.fX ) Catrldge Belts , only 25c Cartridge Bags , only ! i.r > c Hunting Coats , only $1.00 Game Carvers , only 25c Hase Ball Goods - A good Bat Ific A good Mitt 23c A good Ball * . Jfifl A good Musk , 20c We also carry u full Hue of Spauld- ing's goods ut Wholesale prices. . „ ' , , . - Hot Weather , Hot Prices llnydcn Bros. Butter , Cheese , Meats , I.nril , Htu It's a fact this weather would make any one hot. Head these prices , think over them and get cool. Butter Krosh Country Butter. . . . 7e , He , lie Our Fancy Separator 15c , 17c , 1Se ) Meats Pine Corned Beef H'V.c ' Pickled Pig Pork 7' ' e Pickled Ox Tongue ll'/e Any size you want In strictly sugar cured No. 1 1 lams , only lOo Lard 20-pound can of good Lard $1.20 It-pound pall. * best Lard , Hex , Silver Leaf or Calumet 27c 5-ponnd palls 4tc ! Cltecso Fancy Brick Cheese 10c Fancy Swiss Cheese 12'X-c ' and 15o Fancy Full Cream lOc Llmberger 4e Young Amerieao 12Vie Muscatel fie Crackers Fresh Soda ( 'nickers Re Fresh Oyster Crackers fie Very nice ( linger Snaps 7Vic Oatmeal Crackers lOe Graham Crackers lOe Fish Columbian lied .Salmon 71Xe ; Nice Mackerel 5c White Fish 5e Good Cod Fish 5c George's bank white and pure Cod Fish , only , . . . lOc Carpenter , Machinist and Blacksmith Tools. 2-foot Carpenter Hides He Best carpenter Steel Hammer 50c Double Iron Smothing Plane , ' ! 0c Double Iron Jack Plane. . . ' " 15c Carpenter .Squares , from 25c up ROc Padlocks go at lOe 25e Padlocks go at fie A good Hand Saw , Only 45c Knives and Forks , per set , only. . ! 15c Fishing Tackle. AVe carry every thing In Fishing Tackle from a Fish Hook to a Split Hamboo Hod at half regular prices. Tennis Goods. $5.00 $0.00 and $7.00 Tennis Rackets go this week at $1.)5 ! ) each. Here Is a bargain. Grocery Department. Big cut in prices makes living easy. Monday we will sell good Flour for ( sack ) fiOe Bakers' Delight Flour ( sack ) 75c Pure Snow Flake Flour ( sack ) . . . . 85e Minneapolis best XXXX Flour ( sack ) $1.00 25 pounds Granulated Sugar ( coarse ) $1.00 21 pounds Granulated Sugar ( line ) $1.00 i Big Cut on Canned Goods. . California Table Pears ( extra ) flc Jan Boston Baked Beans fie Oil Sardines ( Imported ) He 2-pound can String Beans fie 2-pound can Sugar Corn 5c . ' { pound can Tomatoes 7Vic 2-pound can Preserved Strawber ries 7Vc { 2-pound can Preserved Raspber ries 7'X.o . ' 5 pound can Golden Drop Plums. 12Vic . ' { -pound can Table Peaches 12Vie , ' ! -pound can Snlder's Tomato Soup 12'ic ' Pure .Jelly , per pail 20c Read These Prices. Pure Corn Starch Klastlc and all other Starches , package 7c Sliced Pineapple , In large cans. .12'X-e ' Baker's Premium Chocolate , cake 17c 177(1 ( , Soaplne , Pearllne , etc. , pkg. . He Granala ( breakfast food ) pkg lOc All kinds Laundry Soap , bar 'lc ii-pound bars White Castile Soap ( Imported ) 19c Snpollo fie Columbia River Salmon , can./ . . . , . lOc Condensed Milk , can . lOe 1 pound Shredded Cocoanut , bulk. . 25c Dry Hey Yeast , cake Ic Dried Fruits. Now 1805 crops hnvo Just arrived. We will sell new California Apri cots . , Oc New California Raisins Hi/fcc New California Grapes , ' ! c New California Peaches SVte New California Pears 7'Xjc New California Blackberries Tide New California large Prunes flc New Kvaporato Apples Ho New Pitted Cherries 10o Imported Currants oc Imported Kwoet Plcklei } , quart. . . . 17o Imported Kugllah Phew Chow , qt Ifiu Imported KngllRh Mixed Pickles Pickles , quart IRc Medluin Pickles , quart . . . Oo Grated Iloico Radish , bottle DC