TTTE OjNFAIIA DAILY 3I.EE : S&jjTURDAY , JULY 20 , 1805. SPEOlflL NOTICES. Afltertlii'irirnts far UirM rnltitnn * nlll tin litkrii tttlll JJJI3O p. m. for Din rvenlnc nd until H | > . m. for the uiornum mnil Sunday trillion. Ailftrlltern , by rcqrrsttng n numbered he It , inn Imre mini cm ntldrmned tn n butnbrrcd letter In rare of 'I Im llee. An * lw r no ndtltfMcd nlll be > tlrlUcrnd upon | locntntlmi of tlie clicrk only. Kntcs , 1 l 2c a nurd , Ilrnt Imcitlnn , lo n word licrinflcr. hothlng tHhon for lim limn 2Bo lor llmt liitrrllun. 'i hcso udvrrtlncriiciits nin > t inn rmnecu- thely , SITUATIONS WANTED. ANY ONE WHO WANTS A HOOD EXPERI- eneed house Klrl npply to OKI N. 23th St , In basement. A-961-13 * _ _ WANTED , POSITION AS COACHMAN , WITH private family ; RooJ references. Aililrrxi V 18 , Hep. A M ! S Jl * WANTE1) ) flA3LE HELP. WANTED ? 1,000 KF.M TO WRITE ME TODAY for the rcctlit | ( abrnlutely free. In plain sealed envelope ) which cured me of nervous debility. exhausted vllnllly. etc. Address C. J. Walker , nox 1311 Kalamnioo. Mich. _ n M463 _ WANTED ? MAN ON SALARY TO TAKE OR- d rs In city. If succemful will receive ad vancement. Apply after 9 a. m 1516 Dons- INTELT.IOEN'T AOnNTS IN WANTED. LIVE. Omnhrx to oruanUo clubs nf three to five f inlli ! > s for our famous orelianl homes land In central MIs-lsMppl. The IMe of ImmlKratlon Is coins south where there arc no hot winds. no coM winter * , no HIzznriK no crop failure" . Where two to three crot can he railed enrn year. Where there Is no Mich thine as n fail ure If n man will work one-half as hard at lie does In thlt conntrjr. Cool summers , mild win ters. sure pnylnR crops of fruit and Harden Irurk , richest soil on rarth. best rallrnnd facilities. n-o. W. Ames , general nitent. 1617 street , Omaha. _ II MIM _ SALESMEN TO SELL PETIT LEDGERS , HILL reRlsters nnd other fperialtles t merchants by sample ; Mile lines. Model MfR. Co. . South ' Ilend , Ind. M-M871 _ WANTED. "SALESMEN TO SELL OPR'LEAD- Init brands of clears , First-class term to hustler * : no drones need apply. Addr - s Hum- boUlt ( 'iRar Co , , Cincinnati. O. It M9I3 82 * WANTED , MAr ? " lV ATJOl'T ! ' . TO SH YEARS of ace. Rood nddrcst. character onu naults. that tins Irnil Home linowlwlni > nf commercial rcporllnR. Pfrrnunent position If satisfactory. _ _ MAN cooicTwmi GOOD REFERENCE. JM.W ; 3 tenrnntern , JW.OO : pharmncy porter ; 3 farm handi. Canadian olllce , 1522 UouKlns. 11 M089 81 * THAMSTiniS ON UAII-llOAI ) WORK IN Mouth Dakota ; free transportntlon. Krnmer > v O'Hcarn , llth and Karnnin streets. 11 M987 20 * i-Ar.our.iiH rnn n. & M. nv. r-o. IN Init ; $1.40 d.iy ; fn-f transportation. Kramer O'lli-arn , lllh and Parnam nlnH-t . WANTED. MEN WHO WILL WORK KOR J73.00 month s.ilary or lnrRC rnmmlrMlon , relllnK ROT'S bv rtnnipli * lo denies. Experience unnecessary. Write u Household apeclatty Cn. ( .j ) ( 'ln- rlnnatl , O. H-MS82 50' WANTED , EXPERIENCED .SHOE SALESMEN to sell n specialty shoe poswesulnc rare merit , to the retnll trade. Address Perfection Mice C . , Lynn , Mass. H-M)8i)31 ! ) ) * WANTID. oooi ) MIN ron NI\V A Inif novelty ; exclusive t rrltmy , pxid t.ilni ? for rlKht men. Address \V. I * ScjBw1 WANTED I M-ALli HELP. WANTHD. IADir.B TO SKM. THH VAV'.n ? tafe protector ; perfectly harmless ; absolutely reliable ; easily adjusttd. sells at slKht ; s"na for terms. Addrens Dept. 7 , 1-a I'rojse Spe- clully Co. , Ia Cros eWls. _ 1910 2t _ . WANTfiTA OnilMAN OIUL AT2C331IAnNn\ stn'et , Mrs. Allen Koch. C-MOCj 81 _ WANTID-A "ami. TO DO oiiNnnAiHorsi : . ivorlt , family of live. Apply 1C01 Kouth strei't , C 8.3-2 JTOH KKNT HOUSES. UOUSi : * . K. K. 'DAHUNO. HAUKKIl HI.OCK. U ( ti5 IIOOSi.S IN AM. PAKTrtOFTHE CITY. THE O P. Davis F ° mpany , IMj Farnam. D 4C8 iiousna. UKNAWA' & co. . w : N. ISTH ST. - LJ 4 C7 H. E. COU-TCO. . LAUQEST L13T IN 6-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. 1913 DODOE. FOR RENT. FLATS NEWLY PAPERED ANT cleaned , northeast corner lllh nnd Hownri ! streets. Fifteen dollars n month. Inquire rooir Sit , First National Hank building. D 7U-SJ roil RENT. FIVE-ROOM COTTAOES. 1408-11 North Kd street. Eight dollars per month. In quli * room 311 , Flint National Uanl : Imlldlnc. roil RENT TWO 6-ROOM COTTAGES. ONT furnished. 50J S , 30th. Modern. D DOfl-21 * COTTER RESIDENCE. LAROE OROUND9 IS5I Sherman Avo. V. D. Wead. ICrh am Douglas. D-SC1-19 S.ROOM HOUSE. CORNER ETTH ANT Douglas streets. Inquire 2iDI Fnrnum street. M iiorsn NIJAII IIIUH SCHOOL , JIS.O ) psr month. Imiulro 2ul6 Capitol a\e. _ 1 ) 075 2't * roll"IIKNT. . lo-nooM iiot'sn. 1:21 nonan ull imidfrn Improvements. Inquire next door or 1318 Farnam. Samuel Hums. I ) M893 21 rou iiKNT , roun "iTooMsi CITV WATP.H , \eiy convenient nnd cheap ; ! 6.0) . Ill N Kt. ICB IVKNT : HOOMS. WANTKD , LADY HOOMMAT11. Ing rooms , 1026 St. Mary * . _ li-612 Jy 58 * AND UNFUKNISHi : ! ) . 221 N , IPth street. _ i : M < 5i rou UINT , FI'IJNISHRIJ IIOOMS. WITH 01 without hoard. C l S. 13lh. U-MS89 A13 KICK FIIIINISHUD IIOOMS ron i.ioii' housekeeplnK. 1H2 South lllh. i-S07-21 U\liai3 NICKI.Y FtIKNSHin ROOM W1TI alcove , modern , for 1 or 2 ladles or man am wife. In n prlva" to family. Inferences. S13 a Mth street. 1M950 SI HOP.SIKIIPINO nooMs. CONVKNIKNT Uicup , cool , larce lawn , 2211 St. Mir ; > ' . I PUNISHED ROOMS AND BOaRI IOCKL.Y FL'TlNISIIKD SOUTH HOOM WIT ! board for two ; private famllj ; no other boaid rrs ; best home comforts , CH No. 21st. bet OUIffirn'innd ' Webstur. _ F 9 UNFURNISHED n6CM3 fo IlENn OF i.Aiian noi'siiciii'iN : : ( rooms , JiOO per room ; left ) . 1019 So. l0th. O-30S-21 * 1 ClIIJKMT a'1' AND OFFICK ; Kbit IUNTTIIB 4-s-rop.Y unicic HUII.DI.NO 910 Fainam street. This liuilJIni ; hat a lire prcof ctment basement , complete steam heal Ing fixtures , water on all lloor * . gnu , etc. Ac ply at the olllce of The Her. 1 910 I'pK HUNT. KUtST-CIwVSS THUKE-STOU' and banement , brick store buIUlnK. No. 1003 Fai iinm etreet. Suitable for any kind of builncs Ileasonnblc lermi. Inquire room 811 First Nn tlonal Hank bulMlmr. I-7D-22 AGENTS WANTED. MKN AND WOMiN. Ji TO JIO A DAY. AD dress the Handy Heater Co. , Ml New York I.If bldtr. Otmlia. Neb. J 47 < \VANTii > . AN nNKltaiTTIC MAN OR I.AD' to travel and appoint agents , nuliry , $ M.iO ( i > t mnnth. Address U 19 , llee. l MOjSIC' AC1KKT.SM.VTC1 : lioiTDAILY. MAU\7iiXP ! Invention , llelalhi "J cents ; S la a sold In i linuv Samiile rn.ill'd free. Forsiiee & Mukln Clm Innatl. O. J Musi : ) O. Q. WALIJVCU. HENTALS. J1S UHOWN III.IJ I.-M7M SToltAGE. JIUST STOUAOG IHI1LD1NQ IN OMAHA. H. f cor. Uwded warehouse ; haunehali ! yood > stored U it rates. 101M015 l e venVTorth. > 1 478 jjTonArsnTi nTvNic KUEUS. uu HAHNEY. . M471 1'ACIFIC 8TOnA"aB & WAnEIIOUSG CO. . W ill > Jono kts. General ttoraso and forwardlui M m Z" WANTED TO BUY A NEAT HOMK NRAU I'lllSY M. K. CHl'llCI ami tha best house that can l > u had south ft 11.009 cash , and some acre tracts cheap ft cash. 1 < \ I ) . Wcad , ICtli and IkMiKlas. N-9CO TOR S ALE HORSK3 AND WO JN ! FOR BAI.K. FINK CAliniAQR TRAM ; OIM.D ! ( , r ct mates , J'ouns. Bentle. no-d travel * rs. Address or call on Dr W , II. Jnlllnw 409 Fa.ton block. Omaha. Neb. r MS Jl FOR JIA11DWOOD COMClXATIOX chicken ffnci. Chis. 1C L c. Slh nj ttaug * i _ _ _ _ _ . . Q- " > FOR AAI.K. WIU. HKI.I , AT BHKiUFK'S HAL July JO. 1S9S. 10-Jur e ixravr tructiun enc'Jio , i licit. Inquire Win. ix. IM and S-J ! l o Omaha , < jj : NO SOAP WILL DO THE WORK HALF 50 WELL A5 R&-7 & & * ONETRIAL WILL PROVE THIS FACT. . SOLD EVERYWHERE. MADE BY THE N.K.FAIRBANK COMPANY , CHICAOO. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Continued. incuniTins FOII SAI.K. Ve have a number of first mortgages In amounts o' 1500 to 13,000 nt C'/j to 8 per cent far talc. None but gilt edged securities bundled. Call nnd nee us. fidelity Trust Company , 1701 Farnam St. O 587 31 'OK RA1.F , . OOOD l-AMILY MILK COW. D nnd Hamilton. : Q MC58 MISCELLANEOUS. IOt NT HOPK flOMKTKHY Itf ATTUACTINO desorvcJ attention ; eltuateil on n Imiutirul ele vation , northwest part of Onului. Prices tn milt the tlinen nnd terms * ertny. Paved niMrly to Rule , nnd tinn < i > ortnllon tn the Kriiuhdq very soon. ( * all on ngcnt at 21 South 15th utreet. In AVIthneil block , or "phone Hll nnd ho will call nnd take you out t' > s lots. BI.IM - ' H-M3S3 23 CLAlKVuYANTS MUS. on. H. WAimnN , CLAIRVOYANT , an. liable business tjiodiuin , ttn year at 119 N. ICth. . . iiATHb. XTO. MADAM SMITH. 602 S. I3TH , 2D KI.OOH , 11OO.M 3 ; rnnKnetlc. Miiior , alcohol , steam. ulpliurlni > and tea L.uha. T M874 2' ' ) ' _ 113 NOHTH 15TH ST. . IIOOM 5. 11AT1IH. 8U- lect innsKice by an expert. Anna , from ChlcaRO. T 903-20 * _ MASSAGE , MADAME IIKKNAUU. 1421 UODCin. T M369 1 * MRS. Ull. I.KON. KI.KCIANT MASSAC1I3AND electric bath. Pallors restful uml refreshing. 412 Norlh14th utrcct. T M872 _ MMIJ. IIOWUI.I. , MASSAOK. TPUKI3II AND electric baths. Finest parlors In ell jr. 318-320 H. 15th , 1 MlltS fj MMi : . I.AHUU , MASSAGE AND 11ATIIS. 1C17 Howard. T-MWJ AW TUKXibH BATHS. TURKISH UATHS ; ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusl.'cly for ladles. Bulte 109-110 , Bcu bide. LADIES' BATHS. 1IME. POST , 319V4 S. 15TH. PBBHONAl * . VIA.VI co. , J4S nnn DLDQ. ; HEALTH HOOK free ; home treatment j lady attendant. U483 13. HAAS. FLORIST , PLANTS , CUT FLOWERS. Jlannuet. ball , residence and grave decorntions. 1813 Vlnton street. Telephone. 770. U MIS4 BATHS , MASSAGE , MME. POST , 319W A PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO LOAN on plnno , jewel * , bicycles , etc. ; business ttilctly confidential. Address. PoatoOlce liox 32C. U M703 FOR FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES , vault work , etc. . see or nddreai W. G. Temple- ton , Rcn'l. aB'.t. . 403 N. Y. Life. U MC 7 a8 CASH ADVANCED ON PUBLIC EMPLOYES' salaries. Commercial Trust Co. . 419 llee llldff. U SI733 PRIVATE HOME FOR WOMEN UlSRINQ confinement. Best of references Blven.3jr.IN. 2Sth street. U M863 A15 * FINE LIVERY RIGS CHEAP. ED 11AUMLEY. 17th and St. Mary's avr. Telephone 440. U 903 a-lt ASTROLOGY ; KNOW YOUR DESTINY : YOUR future sclentltliMlly foretold ; explanatory cir cular mailed free. Prof. Mncdnnald , ustrol. ogcr. Box SIS , BliiKhurnton , N. Y. MONEY TO LOAN KEAli ESTATE ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 31S N.Y. LIFE , loans ut low rates for cholco security In Ne braska and Iowa fatnu cr Omaha city property MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davla Co. , 1505 Farnam St. \ \ 4 7 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 515 N. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON' or boueht. F. O. CUesney. Kansas Cltv-.fMa CAPITAL. J2.000.000 ; SURPLUS. JOOO.OOO ; U. S. MortBaKe Trust Co. . New York ; for 6 per cent loan * t.n ttty property opr > ly to Puaey & Thomas , agents , loom ZJ7 , Flrat Nat. Ilk bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan. Love & Co. , PaxUmbN _ . MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at C per cent. W. B. Meikel. 1st Nat. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Fainm. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , US ) Fnrnam. INVESTORS' DIRECTORY CO. . 10 WALL ST. , New York , offer any part I01.0 eastern In vestors' names , who have money to Invest ; Juat compiled. Write for particulars. MOHTGAOE LOANS. LOW RATES. J. D. Zlttle , 16th and Douglas , Omahn.fl J2.000 TO WO.COO. F. D. WEAD , 18 & DOnOLAS. W 959 31 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , htries. vraeons. etc. . at lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; nrlctly confidential ; you can pay 'ho loan oft at any time ur tn any " " " " " ' ' 'OMAHA ilORTQAQK LOAN CO. . 30 tij. ICth Kt. . X-1M MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND Pianos. Fred Terry. < S ) Ratneo Mh. X 49 ? BUSINESS UHANOBS. tl..COO.Of STOCK OF MEHCHAND1SE IN BEST town In eai'.ern Nebraska , for land and ca : t o - equlva.cnt. Addrcm S 21) ) . care Ue ? . M > EOLID INVESTMENTS : BRICK BUSINESS water power IliurlnR mill , fine Ice bus- ! nets. H , C. Aleer & Co. , Sheridan , W > o. Y M313 FOR SALE-STOCIv Of MILLINERY ; BEST location In the city. Good rea on for illlne. Address atjmce. T 1 . Ifcc. ] t l3i _ ON1 > 1IALF INTEIIF.ST IN REAL ESTATE and ntmtract business In central Nebraska for ale. T 13. Omaha , Be . Y M7SI A7 FOR SALE. COMPLETE FIRST-CLASS SE"T DeOelte's eystern abstract bonk * Adams county , Neh. , with 'J ) yean' established business ; full Information and prlco given. Adtlreu box 7tw , HuiUnsi. Neb. Y M7M il FOR"SALE. "ONI : OF THE BEST LOCATED Br eery Korea In Lincoln. Neb. ; dung ROOI ! oitli i.uilni-H : about Jl.mO ) Moclc. Address W. Iloi-IJM. Lincoln , Neb. Y M 91 SJ- FOtt EXCHANGE. I HAVE THREE OR FOUR OOOD FARMS 1 want to exclmnse for horse * . H. J. Ruthnell. Omaha. Neb. Z-MTCT Sl FOirTllADE FOR MERCHANDISE. CI.KAH rholctt Improved farm In eastern Neliraslcu. Far particular * adJrcas Oeorce W. Hutton , Cole , r Idgg. Neu. Z-M8M WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR FINE 7-ruoui house and lot ues.r pontottlcf. In Council iruffs ? Address. V IS , Bee otllce. X-M-977-U MERfUIANniSE OR HORSES WANTED TOR NM > rnska fnrrn Unil , < SJ and 1CH m-ivii. 1) . ] | Crol > tton. Neb K M 7 > FOS BALK KEA1 , KSTATE. AU8YKACTB. THE UYRON ItEKD COMPANY , KE-43J P.VP.M LANDS. & F. HARRISON , > 1J N.YI - fl FOIl SALE lihiAL , ESTATE. Continued. IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMA1I.1 nt prices that will surprise you , If taken vvlthlr \\eeks. . J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. RE 100 BAROAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARM sale or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker block. RE m IIOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. Srtl.L ANt buy lots , acres , farrnn. Qarrln Bros. , 713 N. Y. L RE-5M FARM BARGAINS , IOWA OR NEBRASKA , Of time , Improved nnd unimproved. It. V. Wll Hams , Room 411 , McCague block. RE 838 3 BAROAINS , SALlToirTRA DE7N CITY PROP cities and farms. John N. Frenzcr , opp. P. O RE SOI AT A BARGAIN. CORNER LOT , PAVE ! street , 3 cottage * . C , 7 and 8 rooms each , brlrl basement , \vater and newer tonenctlon , In bes residence portion , monthly rental ( U. Apply b ; letter to Jean Schons , CIO Bee building. RE 311 Jy23 SNAP. 5-R. HOUSE AND LOT , S , E. . MM. F D. Wead. IGth nnd Douglas RE ! > 62 19 SNAP I1AROAIN. Owing to business engagements * taking me froi tlio city , the following llr t-clam rental incipertlc are offered nt n sacrifice price , nnrt all occupied. nt'SINES.S PROPERTY. Thp snperl ) cornei ut ICth nnd Cnsa , SS feet o ICth , fronting east ; 20 feet on lOtlr , fronting cast truckage. RESIDENCE PROPERTY. 0x132 anil C houses , IStli nnd Iz.uil , 23x120 an cottnge , 11114 N. 27th street. Any or all nt hard time prices nnd terms t suit by owner. . C. Hobble , SOI N. ICth street. RE-M985 20 BUILDIKO&LOAN ASSOCIATION , SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & B. ASS'N PA' C. 7 , 8 per cent when 1. 2 , 3 years old , alvvax redeemable. 1701 Farnam st. Natttnger , Sec 51 ! ) HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECFRE OOOI Intel est on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & II Ass'n. 1701 Bee blJg. O. M. Nattlncer. ft c E1CJTCX.E3. M. O. DAXON , W2 N. ICTH. 603 STERLINQ BUILT LIKE A WATPH. WEST ern Electrical Supply Co. , 1515 Howard street ; 0i SEE THE VISIBLE BALL HEARINGS O > Relay Special. Will Barnurn Bro. , 120 N. 15th 503 A. L. DEANE & CO. . 111G FARNAil STREET 507 WESTERN BICVCLE & GUN CO. . 2110 CUMlNO .MS OMAHA BICYCLE CO. . BEST PLACE TO Bl'1 bicycles , sundries nnd repairs. S23 N. ICth st MSSS A 13 MANTELS , GRATES AND TILES WOOD MANGELS. ORATES. TILES FC > I fire places , vestibules and large floors ; write fo prices. Milton Rogers & Sons. Omaha. 609 CABJPENTERS AND BUILDERS C. E. MORRILL , PAPEH HANGING. HOUS1 sign luilntlng , brick worn , plastering ; off. R. 1 Barker blk. ; tel. 723 ; shop SU N. 2Uh St. 5H _ COAL. A GOOD THINO PUSH IT ALONG , MAY P.I the latest slang phrase , but that's juit nlia vvu're doing with SHERIDAN COAL. 8.003 ton sold In Omaha last year We give you 2.0T Ibs. of the best Wyoming cooking coal for Jl.i Victor White , rnsr. , 1C03 Farnam Et. Tel. is ; 517 PASTURAGE. GOOD PASTURE FOR HORSES , J1.00 1'El month.per head. Charles Cans , St. Paul , Net 151 OABPET CLEANING. CHAMPION STEAM CARPET AND RP ( Cleaning Works do their work the best an cheapest. 718-20 S. Hth St. Tel. C55. U. S. Q Kulin , manager ; Patrick Wan ! foieman. 220 Jy 20 UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS II. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AN ] embalmer , IMS Chicago St. , telephone 9) . 512 SWANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUMlNO , TEL 107 513 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALM er. 1417 Farnam St. , telephone 223. 511 C. W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER , C13 S. IGTH SI 513 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. CO11 13tlr and Dodge. Rooms by day or xveelc. 5J2 _ HOTEL BARKER. FRANK HILDITC1I MGR. 13th nnd Jones EIK. ; So. Omaha and Sherina nvc cars. pass the ilnnra. AMERICAN PLAN. 7" rooms nt $1.00 day. 00 rooms at 12.03 day. European plan , 50c to Jl.O ) per day. 010 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACT ors for electric IlglH nnd motor plants and a kinds of electrical construction. Western E'ec flrnl Supply Co. . 1515 Howard st. 510 DENTISTS ! THE INFIRMARY IN CONNECTION WITI the Denial college at Twelfth and Pacific stre l Is now cpen , where those deililng to hav teeth extracted can have It done free of chart and all other work ut merely cost oi ninUrla 729-21 DR. PAUL. DENTIST. 2020 I1URT KT. 523 FOUND. FOt'NI8TUAY " HORSE. i.iailT jears o'd , scar on left shoulder , welcht 9V ) lt 801 Fnrnarn. Found 974 21 * ACCOUNTANTS. E. WALTERS , EXPERT ACVOtTNTANl 202-3 1st Natl. bank. Tel , 1CM. Referen-es. 976 SHORTHAND ANi > TYPEWRITINC A. C. VAN BANT'8 SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LIFT M-JU MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. GEORGE I1. OELLENBEC'K. BANJO AN guitar teacher. 1H11 Cass street. M 103 BUSINESS NOTICES DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED. 71D N. H 511 PAWNBROKERS. II. 1IAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. It OK. II Tilt ONLY SPECIALIST WHO TUKATg AU. PRIVATE DISEASES , VfcaknoM andt crtl MEN ONLY Itrury rare kitar years ID Omalu. IU-o fra * . NUB. MUNYON PJU.YED FOB , A Prom'iunt Divini , " * Invokes God's Blessings on tin mjmnt Profess , Ho Ucclirrd thn jtSjjuVcilloi nreVorth Their \\ Quid. Ucv. W. E. Androvys , , qt WcstfUld , Mass. , writs : , | "I wlah lo add my , testimony In favor of Munyon's Homoeopathic Home Ucmcdles to lie mass that has already been published. I have used the Cold Cure , Dyspepsia Cure , Nerve Cure and Headache Cure In my tain- ly with satisfaction. These remedies are worth their weight In gold. In my family they liavo cured the worst cases of cold In 1110 day , and dyspepsia of seven years' stand- ng was cured with three vials of the Dys pepsia Cure. I have had very severe head- iches , which were driven away In half an lour by the Headache Cure. My wife suf- lercd greatly with sleeplessness , and one vial of Nerve Cure gave her perfect relief. I sincerely pray God's blessing upon the pro prietors of such valuable remedies. Munyon's Stomach nnd Dyspepsia Cure cures all forms of Indigestion and stoinnc'.i troubles such as constipation , raising of food distress after eating , bloating of the stomach , lalpltatlon of the heart , shortness of breath and all aflectlons of the heart cawed by In digestion. It soothes , heals and Invigorates stomachs that have been weakened by over eating , or where the lining of the stomach has been Impaired by phlslc and Injurious medicines. Price , 23 cents. Munyon's Homoeopathic Home Remedy Company , of Philadelphia , put up specifics for nearly every disease , which are sold by all druggists , mostly for 23 cents a bottle. Those who are In doubt as to the nature of their disease should address Professor Munyon , 1503 Arch street , Philadelphia , glv- ng full symptoms of their disease. Professor Munyon will carefully diagnose the case and glvo you the benefit of his advice absolutely Tree of all charge. The Remedies -will ba sent to any address on receipt of retail price. A full line of MUNYON'S REMEDIES , On band. Mailed on receipt of price. .t J'i\FOLI > CO. , 1408 Faraam Street , Opposite Paxton HottL OMAHA. NEB. SenrJes&SearlBs SPECIALIST j. All forma of Blood au \ Sliiu UlMia oi. Soros. Spun. Pimples , Scrofula , Tumnr < . Tetter. iCc/oma mid IllooJ Poison thoroughly cloansaJ fiom the system. CATARRH , Throat . , Limps. Liver. Dyspepsia 'ikTrouWui ' cured by spujlal .w'coursu f I rc.itnioriu ( VITALITY WEAK ) made . B - rtuli to builnera or Itudy , severe mental train or griir. SEXUAL EXCESSES In middle life or from Ui eftfct * , of youthful follies , all field readily to our n V treatment for leu of r troubles If oat ot city. Thcuiandj Ssirlis/ * ) " Dr.SuarlJi & / , RAPIDLY WEARING COMPLEriON Cfolglrton Thenor ! Almost Hourly for Uc- cuprncy : by tlrn Public. Within ten days thfe Interior decoration ol the new Crelghton theater will bo completed the upper part of the auditorium having beer finished yesterday. L > ast'jiight a fevy friends pf tlte electrician wer 'prj cnt to'witirfsa'th ! lighting of two of the four domes In the new homo ot the drama In Omaha and the effcci was decidedly artistic. Klectrlc .llshts art set well within the circular openings , throw- Ins steady rays-upon the mural tints , whlcli have been judiciously selected. Cven In tin midst of rises of scaffolding the Impresslor rnado was highly satisfactory. The domei have a wonderfully clear atmospheric tinge the tropical shrubbery painted In balcohj effect with the blue of an Italian sky In the tipper part calling forth enthusiastic ex clamations fromithose present. Sixteen hundred electric llphts will be usei ! In the theater , COO In the audtorlum propel and COO of these will he hidden from view of the audience , placed , however , In such manner as to give the softest and mosl pleasing effect possible. The system of 1 Kht- InK. Judged from the little exhibition of lasl night , cannot fall to be popular with the pub lic , rnd will be a delight to tha patrons ol the Crelghton. . Free admission to Courtland beach. .VII , I'.t It.l(1 K.I J'/IS. J. H. llalrd of Chicago Is at the Murray , D. Shlnn , Jr. , of Dsadwood Is a guest cl the Dellone. J. E. Roquet and wife of tirand Island are Paxton guests. AlejanJra Davlz of San Salvador is stop- of the Mlllard. Mr. P. J. DoUen Is reglst.rel at the liarkei from Kansas City , Frank H. Ames of San Francisco Is stop ping at ths Mlllard , C. n. Prince of St. Paul , Minn. , Is regis tered at the Darker. Mr. J. W. Modesltt Is registered at ( lit Barker from Lincoln. Henry H. Moller of Washington , D. C. , li a guest of the Mlllard. C. W. Cahoo , a South Omaha stockman was a guest ot the Arcade. L. G. liloiso and wife are registered ai the Barker from Chicago. I ) . J. Sinclair of Nebraska City , postoffls ( Inspector , 1s at the Dellone. Governor Holcomb registered as a gucsi of the Paxton hotel lasL.evenlng. Hon. John C. Watsoh of Nebraska Cltj registered with the Mlflard last evening. Fathers E * J. McLaughlln and P. Leahy o Clinton , la. , have registered at the Mlllard G. W. Phelps , a stockman of Ohlovva , one W. H. Thurber of Edgar have registered a' ' the Arcade. W. n. Fountain , one of 'Frisco's most ex tensive fruit Growers Is making tin Darker his hcadquarf.6rjj1 ' } Illchard Meredith , Gi-'jlart Stlcphen , E. L Warren , Thomas Ness > , ' "Calumet" Jock am Jenk Uoon are Chicago pl'dnlo with the Mur ray. _ _ _ _ - Mrs. T. F. Fitzgerald'/ ' wife of the coas agent of the Tc-xas Pacific Railroad company Is In the city. Mrs. Fitigerald Is the slste of U. W. Richardson. . , ut- Judge Hopewell camJo'dAwn from Tekamal last evening to hold qc'aty * , Hurt county h left In the midst ofm , ( harvest which fo abundance of the yietdlcf small grain wil exceed anything for tWftity-flve years past he says. Haln might db.s'fime good , but thcr Is no suffering for It. , At the Mercer ; E , IlirBtt \ , Chicago ; Lieu tenant W. W. HarncyjiUtfrt Nlobrara. Neb. Mr. Ilatfleld , Kansasf Ottyr P. H. Kulter Philadelphia ; H. S. Brft'itej Philadelphia ; W N. England , LincolnP.T ; ] C. Wallace , Jr. Herman ; H. E. Gates. OWcago ; F. I ) . Hlg Elnbotham , 'Frisco , . " ( Jit. 0. n. Swlngley Beatrice ; L , H. Beason , Portland , H. C. Me Donald. Kansas City ; I. W. Grover , Chicago M. II , Beck , St. Louis ; George Snyder , Uex ter , la. firbriiikarii ut HIP Hotel' , At the Mlllard Lester Ellis , North Platte Ell A. Barnes , Grand Iiland ; Judge Hope well , Tckamah. At the Merchants John Comstock , Oak ; I H. Battles , Stella ; C. H. Tulley , Kuthvllle ; II C. Outcalt , Lincoln , . At the Paxton W. J. Lamb , Lincoln ; J. H Ilothwell. Crelghton ; A. D. Gustln , Kearney Benton Maret , Lincoln. AU the Dellone William Murr. Grand U tana ; E. G. West. Oothenberg ; 1C. W. Me Crann , South Omaha ; F _ Currle , Whitney , At the Arcade W. A. Thomai. Fairfax ; r D. Denncy. Fremont ; II. D. Kelly , Norfolk Urlas O. Bryan , Valentine ; II. G. Mauon Chadron. The delicious fragrance , refreihlng coolnes ; nd soft bsiu'y Itarartej to thp kn ! by Pcz onn rowder. comas -air It ti rl' Ii1lc . ( Copyright , IS93 , l > y Irvlnn Ilachellcr. ) I got up about 7:30 : , and , after dressing lastlly , went down stairs. Phillips had not appeared , and I hesitated awhile as to whether I should awaken him , deciding finally In the negative. Mary , of course , did not leave her room. At last the clock struck 9. I went up to the detective's door ami listened. Evidently he was not moving , so I knocked gently at first , then more decidedly , but without response. Finally I ventured to try the door , only to find Miat It was locked on the Inside. I now began to pound vigorously , listening from time to : lmc. until at last , thoroughly frightened by the persistent silence , I put my shoulder against It and forced It open. Phillips \vas lying on the bed , apparently In a heavy slumber , although the daylight was streaming through Mie window. His lips were parted and his cheeks seemed slightly flushed. I spoke to him and laid my hand on his shoulder. Then I recoiled with sudden horror. The man was dead rigid cold as stone , and hod evidently been dead for many hours. The shock of this discovery was so greit that , for a few moments , I was utterly unable to think connectedly. Little by little I begin to realize the full extent of the calamity , and regret for what seemed to mo the extinction The man was dead. of our best hope to learn the truth as to my brother's murder was mingled with a deeper regret that the strain of my Interests had boon the last straw to break down an over worked and useful life. Pervading all was the consciousness of a possibility too horrible to contemplate. There was nothing to do , however , but notify the authorities , and , be fore the day had passed , the house was again thronged with coroner , physicians , constables and jurymen. The body of the dead detective was exam ined. Ho had evidently prepared himself for bed as usual ; his clothes were laid carefully over a chair , and he had passed away In his sleep apparently without a struggle or pang. I breathed a sigh of heartfelt relief when the Investigation disclosed no evidence of violence lence , and the verdict was rendered accord ingly : "Death by heart failure occasioned by exhaustion and overwork. " , My broth6r's funeral had been set for the following day , and I confess to something of a mental struggle as to whether I should at once acquaint the local authorities with Phil lips' discoveries. Skldmore , the village con stable , was the last to leave me , and , as ho did EO , he took occasion to Intimate that the solution of the murder had been pretty ac curately arrived at , and that without the aid of "no hlghfalutln * city detective. " "What do you mean ? " I asked quickly. "Oh ! nuthln' much , " he replied. "Only we've found out that that there feller Ralph was seen a walkln' up th' road In this direc tion 'bout 5 o'clock that mornln' . " "Who saw him ? " "Dllly Gough. I reckon he don t know much but he knows enough not ter be fooled on a feller that's bin 'round here as lone as Ralph has. " With this parting shot , th ? local Hawk- sliaw took his departure , leaving mo Incon siderably pertutbed at bis Information. 1 had begun somehow to feel satisfied of the Innoccncs of the young collegian. A knlte thrust was the last method a man like Him would adopt , and It seemed to me to bring the crime closer to the Italians with whom my brother had quarrelrd. Whether this Impression originated within myse It or whether I felt unconsciously that Phillips conclusions were tending l"thatlj'rec'10" ' ' , ' j , , ( deny that do not know. Still. I could not testimony was very material this last bit of cumstantlal evid-nce To be terial as cl , Gougb was hardly half-witted , Ullly rure but as he constable said. He know Ralph well enotiRh not to be mistaken on a ques- to state that Immediately I have inrgoiicii ' had of Phillips' death I discovery upon my Sanford - Superintendent naturaly telegraphed ford and thatT by Ills directions. Inspector attend the Inquest Htisom had come up to ' mak * arrangements for the removal of the body to New York. lie had had little or othlnl to say during the proceedings , and I had left him In the room occup ed by Phillips , while I saw the constable to the ' ° As'I turned back Into the ball Mary was descsndlng the stairs. Her face was agitated and I surmised at once that she must have overheard Skldmore's parting remarks , a surmise which proved to be correct. "What did that man say to you ? she asked , coming close. I told her In a few words , Intimating , as I did so. a hardly felt doubt as to the reliability of Hilly Cough's statements. " "He was perfectly correct , nevertheless , she said , after a short hesitation. "I went ' Jack by appointment out about 0 o'clock to meet ment and to arrange to go away with him. I met him on the road and he walked as tar What did that man say to your' ' as the Rate with me. It was almost C o'clock and Jack went back to the village. Hedli not come even as far as the house , and know he could not have killed father. A for your New York friend , who was trying t flx It on him " "Mr. Smith , may I have a few words wltl you at once ? " came a voice from the italn My niece ttarted at the sound and dartei Into the library. "Certainly. Inspector , " I answered , "Can I trouble you to come up here ? " I mounted the stairs hastily , and Hanson drew me Into the room , closing the door be hind us. Ilia face was more than serious. "Here Is a sealed letter addressed to you , ' be said. "It Is Phillips' handwriting , found It tn the eicretolre. " Utterly astonished at this new developmen I took the envelope from him and median Ically'opened U "Pardon me , " I said. Then I read as fol lows : "Dear Sir Realizing that my life mus terminate very shortly , I take occasion t commit to writing n brief summary of the discovered facts as to your brother's mur der. der."Ho was killed by a ktilto thrust Inflicted from bchlml over * the right shoulder. This happened In his own room or , at least , In the house , and the murdpror was a man admitted by appointment. The charred letter ' In the prate was doubtless the'communica tion asking for the appointment aud must have advanced stroiiR reasons to obtain ono nt such nn hour. Let us suppose that It came ostensibly from ono of the railroad Rang nnd olfered to disclose , for n consider ation and tmilcr conditions Insuring secrecy , the directions Riven by some otTlcer of the company to his subordinates to delay the work and to harass Mr. Smith as much as possible In retaliation for Ills persistent hostility. Your brother , feeling as he did , would have been only too glad to Ret such Information on any terms , so ho destroyed the letter , as was doubtless stipulated for , rose , dressed , admitted his alleged Inform ant secretly , took him to his room , vvai stabbed , partly undressed and dressed again , carried out while It was yet dark nnd placed or thrown Into the cut , care bring taken that his skull 'should be fracttlred as to apparently account for death. Then the murderer , having wrapped up the garments through which , the knife passed , took them away with him. Much of this Is In the nature of a recapitulation of facts you already know. H Is the simplest thing In the world to sec that the murder was not committed by your niece , your serv ant or by Mr. Ralph. The flrt could not have carried the body to the railroad cut , and neither of the others could have ob tained an appointment at such nn hour , llnlph , moreover , would never have used a knlfo , though I admit that , assuming the local theory of nn early morning walk , a quarrel and a blow on the head , things would look very black for him. On the other hand , Anderson's clumsy He was merely an Ignorant man's way of trying to bring to Justice ono whom he bd'cved Jad murdered his master and whom you and Miss Smith were shielding. - "Let me now go a step further than we have gene together and add that It Is per fectly clear that Mr. Robert Smith was kllHd by an agent of the Mafla In revenge for the Insults ha offered that society. This theory not only supplies nn nmplo motive , but It also accords fully with the method of killing and the overwhelming evidence pointing to a deliberately planned assassina tion. Moreover , every first-class detective must be familiar with the fundamental prin ciples of the great secret organizations , and the o of , , the Mafia make It certain lan guage such as your brother used would hnvo Infallibly marked him as n victim. The work was not done , however , \ > y any man with whom Mr. Smith lud rver been In communication , much l < 'ss ha I trouble. The rule Is that , after death has bjsn de creed by the branch before vvhlaht } \ case Is tried , notice Is sent to some bra tch lo cated at a distance , one o [ vhoso member ? an entire stranger to the matter la then I-E- lected by lot to act as executioner. Srme member , then , of the Mafh was 'lun'jtless ' In the gang that heard your VirjtVr's tirade , made report of his words , nnd the r ° sult fol lowed. "Now let me Inform you of a conclusive pleco of evidence which om > of those chances against which no criminal can guard has placed In my hands. Otherwise , the task ol detection would bs well nigh hopeless ; but , as It happened , your nleco and Mr. Ralph were walking along the roaJ very early Ir the morning nnd met the assassin comlnc from the direction of the house with the tell tale bundle under his arm. Mr. Ralph would doubtless recognize him again. Miss Smith has recognized him. Add to this the facl that the man Is half Italian by birth , and spent much of his early life among the peas antry of Sicily , and I consider that I have sufficient evidence In hanJ to cause tils arrest "Thoro nre reasons , however , why such n proceeding Is Inadvisable , and why a dlfferenl course will serve the ends of Justice almost equally well. As you know , I tried by overj moans In my power to- avoid an assignment to this case , but , seeing the finger of fate In my being compelled to undertake It , I tie- termlned that my professional standing al least demanded that I should pursue It ex actly as I would- any other , by the same means and to Its logical conclusion. I do nol think that I allowed myself to be Influenced by any knowledge not coming to me as an Investigator , and the result shows that a clever offender can rarely be a match for an equally clever detective. Whatever else 1 may have been , my reputation ns a conscien tious and able official remains without spot. "Finally , I have , by the use of a vege table palton known only to a very fovv person ! In Sicily , administered Justice and avenged the hvv. Should you ask how a man of mj Intelligence , education and calling could leno himself to such an act , I will only fay that 1 was a wild boy of 15 when I Joined the Mafia and that disobedience to Mi commands mesni certain death. Then , too , you muU remenibei my Italian blood , and that we do not look al some things as do the northern races "JOHN PHILLIPS. " There Is little more to tell. When Inspecioi Ransoni had road the above paper wo boU concluded that It ought not to bo made publli unless necessary to clear an Innocent man nnd that contingency did not arise. My dls. closure of the knife wound and the testlmonj bearing upon the tlmo nnd place of the mur der , together with my niece's relation ot tin causes and details of John Halnh'a move ments , served to divert suspicion to semi one of the Italian workmen and there , wltl the aid of the police , all cluen were lost Ralph was discharged and , several yearslater married iJiy niece. I will only add that I have told you thli story to hasten the fllRht of anxious hour : and relying upon you as gentlemen to regard gard the facts related as strictly confidential Do you not think mo Justified In calling 1 "A Remarkable Case ? " ( The End. ) . . .A"01,111 ! ? tory. ' ' > ' A " "r/Qulller Couch , pntltlei The Mowing bourcc , commences Monday. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Repaying of Klrrrinuri Avenue Tloil lip ro Another Wrck , A special seislon of the city council wa held last evening to ( correct a technical erro In a bonJ ordinance which was passed at i previous meeting. The ordinance was drawi under the provisions of the old charter am the bonds were designated as "gradlni bonds , " Instead of "street Improvemen bonds. " The change was made and the nov ordinance wa : passed. City Engineer Hosewater was granted i leave of absence for four days. A resolution was Introduced by Saunter authorizing the property owners on Shermai avenue , between Nicholas and Locust street to remove the old wooden blocks , as the con tractor was ready to repave the street. H urged dial the property owners had not ye finished paying for the present pavement ain ought to be entitled to the blocks. Severs members objected to the proposition , and th resolution was laid over under the rules. He's a "De.ul Hard MUM. " "Jack the Hipper , " alias "Tho Terror o Cripple Creek , " Is In the city , and at tin present time Is reposing quietly In the clt ; Jail. Jack reached the city just four duy ago , and In that great stretch of time h has succeeded In being arrested only tbre times , but he Is still game. On the first occa Blon he started In to show the good peopl of Omaha bow they Irrigate In mining town : and , to speak literally , he wan a howlln , success. The next time he wanted to snot the conductor of a motor train how to rui the train , and because he was not allowed t do to he undertok to clean out the car. Borne .what subdued by the rebuffs Mi entrrprUIn spirit received la the bip of arrests , J c ! BO far condescended to lower his dignity ate to solicit small loam trom various citizens 01 the streets list night , liecauie these request were not kindly received Jack started out t show the people again , but before he ha Kone very far be was gathered In by a blue coat. FAILED IN THEIR MISSION Meeting tbtit Did Not Bring Atont Any Results , GRAIN DEALERS SEEKING LOWER RATES They Meet ulth tlrn OlllclitU u * tire Hull- rends nndVrrn Clvcii In UrrdPi-stnrut Hint the Prrirrrt ItiitcVcro Sot Kxcrsslro. * Oraln ratjs arc now the subject ot con siderable anxiety on the part of country tlcaleis living In tlic northwest , west unit south parts of tlio state , ami n commtttca of Intcrcstril Jealors waited upon the frelplit representatives of the Union Pacific , Hurling- tun ami Klkhora ycstcnlay , headed by Jack MacColl. vvlth a view to sccurliiK lower rate than at present prevails. The com- mlttfo of grain men contended before tha freight olllclals that under existing tariffs there was a dlscrlirrThatlon which shouU bo removed In order that the farmers of Ne braska might realize on their crops to somo- vvlmt balance the total failure ot last year and the partial failure of Is93 , They showed that the riUe on grain was nearly twice as much as on live flock from many ixilnts In the state , and contended that this dis parity was against reason. The railroad people answered those argu ments by showing that as grain was a com petitive commodity , the rates wore made to meet all possible contingencies that might arise , not only In handling , but In shrinkage In transportation. That the present rates were tnado at a time when the price of grain was much lower than It now < j , and trom present Indications lower than it In likely tn go this yoar. Under these comiltiuns , the railroads felt that the dealers had the bcit of tlio situation. All of the freight representa tives scn stated to the committee that no onu line would feel like taking the Initiative In making still lower rates , but that all ot them would be willing to go Into conferoncu with a view ot concerted action , should It be thought desirable to make the changes In the tariffs suggested. While the com mittee was not successful In the object ot Its visit , so far as could be learned , assur ances were given that no road would hold out for present rates If U was shown that pres ent rates were excessive. rno.n TIII : II.UMCOAU [ Sront Crop ll ? ld llcportod from Along Mu t I.lnei hi I ho Stnto. Never has Nebraska presented so many lavorablo conditions as this year. Within lie confines of Its territory , which embraces 70,855 square miles , or 49,187,200 .acres , there Is only a strip of country soventy-flvo mlles eng by fifty miles wide that has not bcn sufficiently well watered , and this strip Is mainly along the IJurllngton railroad , from Fairmont west , following In some sections the valley of the Illuo river , touching the counties ot Klllmoro , Thayer , Nuckolls , parts of Franklin and bore and there the countlcj along the southern tier vest ot Franklin. Rven In this trip ot territory rain lias fallen In siifllclent quantity In some sections to as sure magnificent crops , while territory aJ- lacent to this well watorcj strip has received but little. Gcorgo W. Loomls of the Burlington has jecn a close student of the weather for many years. He has long been Identified with the material Interests of HID company ha repre sents and he Is authority fur the statement that the yield of email grain In this stnto this year will exceed by thousands of busheU any former year In tlio history of the com monwealth. "In some sections the yield will bo little or nothing , but In others It will base so vast as to completely offs3t the non-produc tiveness of ccrlaln sections and places on the right side of the ledger a magnificent show- Ing. The early corn Is made. No more rain Is necessary , whllo the late corn Is In the pink of condition. So heavy Is the small Brain In some sections that twice the quan tity of twine Is necessary to bind the sheaves and I am told the Implement dealers ot Omaha are on the jump to meet tie ! entirely unexpected demand for twine to run the self- binders. "While we are destined to have a great movement of grain , the movement of ran go cattle promises to be equally as great. The grans on the great ranges has never been so good , and already the packers ot South Omaha are feeling the first effects of tha range movement. Ordinarily the transporta tion of cattle from the ranges does not com mence before August 15 , but we will be In the thick of fie cattle business by that time this year. Montana and Wyoming are already sending the best of their live stock cast , con siderable of the northwest stock coming Into South Omaha instead of going via St. Paul as heretofore , the opening of the Durllngton line Into Mcntana being largely responsible for the changed conditions. " The Burlington Is not alone In the joy ot a great year for crops , for the Elkhorn and the Union Pacific alike rejoice In splendid prospects , and a season of unexceptional activity. The Rock Island and Missouri Pa cific are preparing to meet the active demand for cars , General Manager Truesdalo of tha former road having given Instructions to division superintendents to move cars need ing repairs to the shops as rapidly as cir cumstances will permit. And on the heels of this order , which means an Increate In shop forces , comes the following from Chlot Train Dispatcher Haln of the Hock Ibland at Kalrbury : "A half Inch of rain fell at'Fair- bury and at St. Joe an Inch , following tha Nelson and Colorado line as far west as Phllllpsburg. The rain was a good ono and at 11 o'clock It Is still raining. This Insures the early corn without another drop of rain and putt laio corn In as line a shape as possl- Imllvrny Nolm. Government Director Coombs Inspected tha Union Pacific ubops yesterday under the cbapsronage of Assistant Secretary Colonel T. M. Orr. The Rock Island Is handicapped by wash outs between Mosco and Downey on the Iowa division. Inquiry at the local ofllco brougbt the Information that No. 1 was eight hours late , and No. C Indefinitely late yesterday , Kred Schmidt of the llurllngton city ticket olllco has been promoted to the position ot city passenger ag nt at Denver , vice A , Jack- Bon , resigned. It Is not thought the plactt thus made vacant In Omaha will bo filled for some time. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul will try the Sunday excursion Idea by running u special from Madrid anil Intermediate points to Omaha and Council Blurts. The rate trom Madrid will bo $2 for the round trip , and graded at other stations on a like basis , GOVERNOR HOLCOMB'3 VISIT Ho Come * to I.onk Into AfT.iIri at the In- tltirto for tlio DIMf. Governor Holcomb and his private secre tary , Denton Marct , crrlvoj In Omaha last evening and are stopping at the Paxton. During the evening the governor was the recipient of calls from a number of promi nent business men aud professional men ot the city. He has como to Omaha for the purpose ot Informing himself upon the situation at the Institute for the Deaf. The governor has an oppolntment to drive out to the Institution with the superintendent. Prof. Glllesplc , at 8 o'clock this morning , Ho will not only look Into the work which the Irfinates are doing , but will also examine the buildings and make an estimate of what Is needed In the way ot repairs. The legislature madu appropriations for repairs and for ah addition to the buildIng - Ing , over which work the governor will have general charge. Ills visit at tills time Is to enable him to act with personal knowledge of the matter Governor Holcomb anil Secretary Maret will be In Omaha the grt-ater part ot the dty , returning to Lincoln on the afternoon train. Traltlnc ll.irry lluttou. Several day * go Harry Hutton , a 13-y r- old boy of Madrid , la. , tired of a monotonous existence in a civilized village and bled hlin- mlf ; further west In search of the home ot thjj noblr > red man. Last nlgbt his father traced him to thla city , but detectives were unable to find him , The boy was cen here two days ago , but since that time baa dis appeared