Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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All Speculative Markets Were Very Dull
and Closed Unchanged ,
tVenthor Continued Fnyorable for the
Qronlne Corn Crop Bml the Crowd
Wai Inclined to Soil In the Ab
sence of Other Inllucncei.
CHICAGO , July 19. All the speculative
markets worn very dull todny and closed
without much change from the Inst
tegular quotations of yestcrdny'H ses
sion. Whcnt averaged weak , although
He higher In the end. Corn wns
ur.tiblo to regain the loss It made
na soon ns the market opened and IB > 4c
lower for the day. Oats braced up In
the end and recovered Uc decline made
earlier In the day. Provisions are a shade
higher for lard and ribs and a trlllo lower
for pork.
There wns neither frost In the northwest
nor war In nulgarla , nnd with those sen
Rational plums left out of the bulls' camp
they did not relish It. Where there had
been n possibility of freezing temperature
In the night rnln had fallen and the Uer-
lln wheat market , which , according to nn
Antwerp telegram , was excited and higher
yesterday afternoon , was quoted 1 mark , eric
ic , lower per bu. this morning. September ,
Which closed ycstciday nt GC'c , sellers , and
was quoted worth GOlic on the curb after
the regular session , opened nt from CGHc to
CGUc today. After hanging aroung these
prices for about half nn hour It broke
below GGc , nnd quickly dropped down to
CiiViiC. Traclo was us light ns It had been
nil week. Cudahy threw the weight of hlr
Inlluenco on the bear side of the balance
nnd It was his selling which chlclly con
tributed to the decline referred to above.
The figures of the day's movement nt the
principal markets of the country were for
the bulls In regard to the receipts ut the
primary markets and against them In the
matter of the Atlantic seaboard clearances.
St. Louis received 100,000 bu. , compared with
233,000 bu. on the corre pondlng day of last
year , nnd Toledo , whoso receipts are at
jnesent being chiefly dm wit from Chicago ,
cot 40,000 bu. , against 14C.OOO bu. a year ago.
The total quantity received nt the five larg
est winter wheat markets In the west wns
210,000 bu. , compared with f.Gl.009 a vear ago.
The exports from the four principal Atlantic
seaports amounted to only about 109,000 bu.
In wheat and Hour together. No new light
was thrown upon the extent of the damage
to spring wheat In the northwest. The
I'arls market was quoted u shade higher
nt the close and llerlln had recovered the
early decline. There was some business
done also In cash wheat and for shipment ,
the aggregate of which was lf > 5,000 bu. A
firmer feeling , which prevailed near the
close , was ascribed to the last nameid In-
Iluence. September rose to GGH-c , and cloecd
nt GGc , or ! c above yesterday's closing
Corn was very dull and also weak all
forenoon. The weather continued favorable
for the growing crop , nnd there being noth
ing else of Importance early in the day to
Influence the local crewel they were for the
most part Inclined to the selling side. In
the last half hour of the session It became
known that n good business hud been done
In cash coin for shipment , and partial recov
ery of the early decline occurred In cense
quence. The opening for September was nt
from 43c to n shade over that , and after
touching 4lo It declined to 43' < .c , but once
more , about the close of the se slon , It got
within 1-lCc of 44c , nnd the general trading
price In the end was 43fcc.
Only n limited business was doing In the
oats market. Early In the session prices
declined , nnd the feeling was weak , due to
liquidation. A reaction occurred later which
brought the llnlsh to a point about even
with yesterday's close. September opened
nt from 22Ytc to 22l4c , sold up to 22c , de
clined to 22Vio nnd closed nt 22VJc.
The provision market was featureless , ex
cept In the matter of thn small movement
of hops. The opening prices were the high
est of thej day. but n subsequent break In
pork was partially recovered , leaving that
article only 2' e lower than It closed yes
terday. Lard and ribs each closed Z'c
higher for the day. Today's run of hogs'
wns 11,000 head.
Estimates for Saturday ; Wheat , 2G cars
corn. 225 cars ; oats , 175 cars ; hogs , GOOC
The leading futures ranged as follows ;
Article i. [ O nil. | inch. I Law. I Clou.
\VhentNo. 2
July 05 E4' ' < OEClllfiM
Sept. . . . . . . OH' , '
Dec OSh 07 4 'u H
Corn No. 2. .
July 434 43
Sept. 4n ; * 44 44 ?
May SO
Cats No. 2. . . 43mi
July. .
Ee-pt mi
us ?
Pork ucr bbl
July 10 07M
Sept. . . . in 85 10 sr. 10 70 10 77H
Jan 10 07 } 10 70 1U 05 10 07k
July '
Sept 0 37K 0 40 0 86 fl' 37 !
Jan 0 27 > . t ) 'JO 0 27 ! 0 27M
Short Ulus
July. . . . 0 13
11 i0 ! a an 0 10 ! 0 22 >
Oct. 0 ! ( ) 0 ! ! 0 0 20 0 20
Jan. . B C''U J2Ml B G2 C U2 >
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOl'R Easy ; winter patents , J3.2uiff3.73win
ter stralKhls , J3.0003.40 ; sprtnir patents , J3.7JJ
4.00 ; spring straights , J2.90Q3.23 ; bakers , Jl.OOi
WHEAT No. 2 sprlnc. C5QCSc ; No. 3 spring
nominal ; No. 2 red. G.jTC33ie.
CORN No. 2 , 43c ; No. 3 yellow , 43'c.
" T. 23 c ; No. Z white , 2
. .
IlYC-No. 2. 4Cc.
1IAIIL.UY No 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 40c : No 4
FLAX SK13D No. 1 , J1.3I.
TIMOTHY KKEH-I'rlme , $5.75.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , Jio TOJflO 75
I ard 100 Urn. . . rlbi
, per . IG.27l4ir3G.30. Short ldM
loose : 'tG.12l4W6.lS ; dry Tailed shoulders 'iTied
J5.MIJ5.62',4 ; short clear sides , boxed , JO 50ff6 C"i4
WIIISKY-Dlstlllcrs1 nnUhed Eoods , per gal !
The following were the receipt ! and. shipment
today :
Clotlng Quotmloin oil tha Prlnulpal Com
lucidities nrut Staple * .
NEW YOHK. July 19.-FIOUn-necelpts. 19 20
bbls. ; exports , 1.700 bbls.j sales. 1,300 pkgs. ; mar
liet lower , but the decline falls to oxclte In
creased business. Winter patents , 3.G3a3. ; win
ter straights , | 3.W J3. 5 ; Minnesota patents 13 50
S.75 ; Minnesota bakers. 12.9083.30. Rye lloui
' up'rllnc'
COItN MIIAL More active ; sales. 900 bbls
< -l'w ' western. 11.0961.11 : IJra'ndywIn'e. J2.90 L '
. . the
- - - - - - - - froi
rains In the spring wheat belt , lower cable * an
nn absence of war news , moved stupidly within
narrow range until 2 o'clock , when early selei
c ° rr ? e- ' " . " . " 5 ! l . " " ' .advance that le
wiles , 400 bu. futures and 248.000 bu'stiot
active , but lower ; No. 2 4S'ic In elevator ;
titloat ; ye-lowWo f. o. b. allont. Optl.mV iol
off under liquidations Induced by nne crop pro
pccts and a larger movement , partly recoverr
on e > purt buy.ns and c'osel unsettled. Janua y t
Se net loss. July , closed 4S'c ; September , 4SVi
. - . ? ' " ' . ' V. : October , closed 4sic.
lIAY-FIrm : shipping , la.OOC7M : good
choice. .00tj9.00.
1IOPR Steady ; stale , common to choice , ol
Sfi&cj 1S94 crop , Sfrta ; coast , old , 3tf3c ; 1894 cro
&u9c : London market , steady.
1IIDK8 Klrm ; wet tailed. New Orleans , t
lected , 45 to & > Ibs. , nominal ; Texas , svlrctf
CO to 60 Itis , , nominal ; Iluenos Ayres , tlry , jj
21 lt > s. , Sic ; Texas , dry , 24 to 30 its. . 1:013 ? .
IBATHiU--Srrongi hemlock sole. Iluem
Ayres , llclit to heavy weights. TSc ; acid , 21
WOOL Firm ; domestic fleece , 1862So ; pulle
IOW J 4o.
IH'TTEn Firm ; weitem factory , 8 < JtIc. !
CHKKSKt-Klrmer ; large , Ctf7fic ; small , H
SUc ; recalpti , 8.5S5 pkgs.
taOS Steadier : state and Pennsylvania , 1JU
14Hc ; recrlpts , ( > 7 pkgs ,
TALLOVV-Weak ; city , 4B4iiCi country , 4U
4Uc. as to nuallty.
PHOVI8IONS lleef. quiet ; family , li.04O13.E
extra mets. I8.00U8.60 , beef hums , JIS.T&WIS.O
packed. 9.MtfH-Otfi city , extra India me , 117.
Jf 18.50. Cut meats , llrrn. pickled bellies. 17.00
7.75. ' iMrii , steadier , western steam closed :
IC.C006.tt4 ; city , J . :5 : ules. 123 tierces ; optloi
ale July closed at IS.W nominal ; Septerntic
? 8.70 nomlcilj rtnncd , ttc 4y ; c aUaint ,
A. , > ? .30 ; compound , IS.OO. Pork , dull but ttttdlcr |
lalei" , 1W bbls , , new rness , II2.25O13.00.
I'OTATOEH piilft And st adl ri Lone Island ,
II ; Virginia , ll.WaZ.2S.
ItlCPHKn.lvi . domestic , fair to extra , 4UO
C'ici Japan , 394Uc.
I'KArllKH-Carrler , McTJ2.00.
APPI.EH-Per bhl. , ll.Wfl.75.
WATKIl MiUN8-$8.00tJl .00.
MUSK MBI.ON8-tl.0004.VO. . . . .
MOLARHKSSleadrj New Orleans , open kettle ,
( rood to choice , 29ffJOc. . . . . .
HOSIN Htralneil , common to gooJ , tl.6o91.CO.
Ttmi'RNTINi-Q.UI t ! 2S W > , iC. . . . . .
I KTHOLni'M Unll'il closed at tl.52 bid ! r -
fined. New York , t7.C > ; Philadelphia arid l fllll-
more , t7.40 ; Phlladelphlu and llaltlmore , In bulk ,
2..i iO Ibs. Ki'titfmher copper at J11.25.
COTTON HKBH OII/-Somewhat weaker ; yellow
butter grades , 2Sc nominal ; prime crude , 2Jc ; off
crude , 21 J22c ; prime summer yellow , 2Cc ; off
summer yellow , Zo'iQKHc ; prime summer white ,
Condition of Tr.ulei nnrl yuoUtlojs on
Htuplet IIIK ! I'nnbr t'roiluco.
EGOS Choice stock , lOfilOUc.
WTTER-Pachlng stock , SflS'io ; choice to
fancy , lOfflJc ; ( fathered creamery , 15c ; separator
creamery , ICc.
LIVE POULTRY Hens , CUI7c ; roosters , 3c ;
spring chickens , per Ib. , Iigi2c ; ducks , 7c ; spring
ducks , lOc ; turkeys , C07c ; Reese , BC.
VI'AI < Choice fnt , 70 to 100 Ibs. , are Quoted at
$ < iTC'ic ; large nnd coarse ? , 4S5',4c.
CHEESE Wisconsin full cream , 9c ; Young
Americas , Ilij > l2c ; twins , HSlZc ; Nebraska nnd
Iowa , full cream. 10c ; LlmhurKer , No. 1 , lOc ;
brick. No. 1 ,11c ; Swiss. No. 1. 13c.
HAY Upland hay , J7.60 ; midland , J7.SO ; low
land , J7 ; new hay. J3..V ) ; rye straw , 13 ; color
makes the l > . Ice on hay. Light bales sell the best.
Only lop crudes bring top prices.
PIGEONS Per do * . , fl.OOi31.KO.
Estimates by the Washington department mnke
the acreage devoted to tiotatoes In 1S34 aggregate
name 2,73,000 acres , with an average yield per
iicre of C2.3 bu. , ngalnst 70.3 bu. In 1S93. No es-
tlmates were made between the years of 1S88 urm
18M , Inclusive , but the annual average for the
nine years ending H88 , wns 7C.3 bu. , and for the
ten years preceding this period It was given at
87.7 bu. per acre. Thus the yield last year l
( imposed to have been 25.4 bu. less than the
average from 1870 to ISS0. The nrea covered by
last year's crop was estimated at about 83.000
iictes mote than that of Ihe years previous but
the crop was about 2,21.0,000 bu. less. This year
the nvernge Is given at 107.9 per cent of tlmt ot
last year , Indicating an area of 2,954,272 ucrcsj
21C SW more than hist year , and about 330.003
more than 1S93. Out of n total crop last year ot
170,000,000 , as rail mil ted by the government.
New York , Michigan , Pennsylvania nnd Ohio , In
order of production , turned out about 70,000,000 ,
leaving 100,000,000 raised principally In Mn'rif. '
Illinois , Iowa , Wisconsin , Indiana. Missouri i nd
Knnons , In order of production. Uuotatlons ;
POTATOES New potatoes , choice clock , 30 ®
ONIONS Ucrmudn * , per crate , none ; California ,
In sacks , per bu. . 8'cfiJl.oO ; home crown , 60 75o.
OLD 11EANS Hand picked , navy , J2.20 ; Llmft
benns. per In. . B'.StJMic. '
CAltllAan On otders , sached , l'401ie. ?
RADISHES Per do/ , bunches , 15e.
OREEN ONIONS Per doz. bunches , 15C.
LETTUCE 1'cr doz. , 15Q20C.
ASl'ARAOL'S ' Choice stock on orders , SoO&Oo
per doz. bunches.
< -UCUMIlER8 On orders , 35T40c per doz.
1'EAM On eirders , per bu. , < Xfr7c. )
STRING DEANS On order , per 14-bu. basket ,
50c TOMATOES Mlrslsslppl stock , per 4-basket
crate , SJSJfOc ; B to 10-cuse lots lo SO. " .
SUMMER SQUASH 1'er doz. , on orders , 2JSf
W'ATERMELONS-I'er ' doz. , crated. J2.5033.00.
GREEN PEPPERS Per bu. , fl.00gl.50.
WAX HEANS Per IJ-bu. backet , 50c.
CANTALOUPES Per basket of one and a half
to two doze-n , Me.
CAULIFLOWER Per doz. , 40i43c.
CELERY Home grown , per doz. , 0c.
RED RASPBERRIES Per 24-qt. case , JI.SO.
PLUMS California , per bux. choice stock , J1.50
( | 2.00 ; southern , per cnse , ! 1.2.M1.50.
APRICOTS No shipping stock.
SOUTHERN PEACHES Per 4-basket crate ,
APPLES Southern , pr VS-hu. box , j:04)c : ) ;
bbls. , J2.00ft2.50.
STRAWIIERR1ES Choice shipping slock , per
cose of 24 qts. , J2.50.
CHERRIES Washington , per 10-lh. box , J1.130
1.25 ; home grown , per 24-qt. case , J2.50.
GOOSEUERRIES Per 21-qt. case , J2.00f2.23.
IILAC1C RASPHERRIES Per 24-qt. case , J2.75
BLACKHERRIES Choice stock , per 24-qt.
case , J2.00fl2.2r. .
GRAPES AlKansas stock , per 24-qt. case , J2.00
lff" " > '
ORANGES Navels , per box , J3 ; choice seed
lings , per box , J2.50 ; Mediterranean sweets , J2.73
03.00 : fancy St. Michaels , none.
LEMONS Extra fa/icy lemons , SCO size , JC.000
C.23 ; SOO size , JC.23flC.DO.
HANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch , J2.25
' { 22.50 : medium size bunches. J2.00tf2.25.
PINEAPPLES Per doz. , J2.
F1OS Fancy , 13c ; choice , lOI3c.
HONEY California , 14J15c.
MAPLE SYRl'P Gallon Jugs , per doz. . 112 ;
Illxby , 5-gal. cans , J3.
NUTS Almonds. 14c ; English walnuts , soft-
thelled. 12c ; standards , He ; filberts , lOc ; Drazll
nuts , lOc ; pecans , 9c ; peanuts , raw , Cc ; roasted ,
DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes , Co per Ib. ; fard
dates , small boxes , lOc per Ib.
CIDER Pure juice , per bbl. , J3 ; half bbl. . J3
} RICE POPCORN In the car. on orders , per
Ib. , 2V4c.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , S'ic ; No. S green
y i
hides. Ho per Ib. less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , 23@GOc :
/ green sailed shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ,
i each , ril5c , dry shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) ' No. 1 , each. BfilOo ; dry shearlings ( short
wooled early sklns > . No. 2. each , 6c ; dry flint
Kansas and Nebrca butcher wool pelts per
i nound , actual welgnt , BQSc : dry Hint Kansas and
Ntbraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual
weight , 4Cc ( ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool
i pelts , per pound , actual weight , 4&6'ie : dry
Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per pound ,
actual weight , 46o. Have feet cut off , as It Is
useless to pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow , 4'i ®
4'lc ' ; No. 2 tallow , 3',44f < o ; grease , white A , 4W
4Vlc ; grease , white 11 , 34c ! ; grease , yellow , 2iiP
Jc ; grease , dark. 2Hc ; old butter , 2ff2'ic ; bees
wax , prime , 17 20c ; rough tallow , 2c.
WOOL. UNWASHKU-FIno heavy , 6Sf7o : nne
llght,89o ; quarter-blood. 10U12c ; seedy , burry
and chaffy , 8J9c ; colted and broken , coarse , 7j
PC : celled and broken , line. CffSc.
WOOL. WASHED Medium , 1501Sc ; nne. 14O
ICe ; tub washed , IGSJISc : black , 8c ; bucks , Co ;
tag locUs , 2@3c ; dead pulled ,
St. LouU Market.
ST , LOUIS , July IS.-FLOUR-Dull and without
out material change ; quotations are for new
Hour , old ranging 15 T25c higher ; patents. J3.408J
3.50 ; extra fancy , J3.30S3.IO ; fancy , J2.90@3.00i
choice. J2.6W2.75.
WHEAT Had an exceedingly spiritless openIng
Ing , ns there were no decided Influences to worli
the market , the few trades exhausting the orden
that were on hand. There was a rally later In
the seslson , but not much Improvement. Th <
cI08ii was hteady for futures and lower for spot
? ; aflp.11' cash > 64"C ! Juy64' | c n-'ked ; August
C4IJC bid ; heptember , 65 lc ; December , C3c.
Corn openetl with a downward tendency thh
morning , weather conditions being favorable
After selling oft VJc the market rallied and re.
covered this lops , closing easier than yrsterday
No , 2 mixed , cash , 4Sc asked ; July , 3l'c ! bid
Hepternber , 40ic ; . December , 30c bid ; May , 32V4 <
OATS Dull and weaker for futures , without
much decline ; trading light ; spot grades stead ]
to llrm : No. 2 , cash , 24V4o bid ; July. 23Uc bid
September , 22'ic asked ; May , 25Vic bid.
RYE Weaker ; No. 2. cash , 44c.
FLAX SEEI > SMit | salable at J1.25.
GRASS SEEDS Timothy , steady , J3.00ffl3.10 fo
August delivery.
1IRAN In demand ; east track , G4c.
CORN MEAL J2.0002.05.
HAY Strong ; demand for choice timothy bu
little higher : J10.004fl5.00. this side ; prairie
choice , scarce and In demand , J7.00fl8.50 , thl
( side.
IIUTTER Fancy , strong and scarce ; separate
ctrarnery , 17c ; fancy Elgin. 28c.
EGGS Slow. 8c.
r LEAD , llrm : sales , six cars , at J3.15. Speller
Cl four cars. J3.55.
c. PROVISIONS Pork , standard mess , jobhlnn
in 111. Ii nl , prime steam , J6.10 ; choice , J6.2C
ij llacon , boxed shoulders , J8.37 ! : ; longs , 50.0(5 ; rib :
a I0.874 ! ; shorts , J7. Dry salt meats , boxed shou
rs ders , J3.C2Vii longs , $6.37Vi ; ribs , J6.50 ; short
ft JC.75.
y. RECEIPTS Flour. 3.000 bbls. ; wheat , C.OOO bu.
, corn. 5.000 bu. ; oats , 14,000 tu.
SIHPMENTS-Flour , 4.000 bbls. ; wheat , 7.CO
bu. ; corn , 11,000 bu. ; oats , 6,000 bu ,
ic I.lverpo il Murlcpts ,
ild LIVERPOOL , July 19. WHEAT Spot qulel
18rd but steady ; demand moderate ; No. 2 red wlntei
rdat ( s 2d ; No. 2 red spring. 5s 7'i < l ; No. 1 liar
at Manitoba , 5a 7d ; No. 1 California , 5s 1H < 1 ; future
opened quiet , with near | K > sltlons Ud higher nn
. distant positions unchange-d ; closed steady , wit
: near and dlntant positions > id higher ; buslnri
'O. Kit about eeiually dlstrlbutetl ; July , 5s 2'Jd ; Augusi
. Slid ; SeplDinber. 5 3d ; October , is 3'-id ; Nc
vember , 5s ' .id ; December. 5s M. Ofl.
IT. CORN--Spot ( Inn ; American mixed , new , 4s if
IT..c ; futures opened quiet , with near and distant poi >
"ins 'id lower ; closed quiet ; July unchaner
and other months Ud lower ; business heaviest o
early positions : August , 4s 3 d : Se-ptember , 4s Zc
October , 4s ! Hd ; November. 4 Zjjd ; Uecembei ;
to 4s 2d.
* FLOUR Market dull ; demand poor ; St. Lou :
Id , fancy winter , 7s Cd.
PROVISIONS llacon. steady ; demdrid model
atr ; Cumberland cut. 28 to 30 Ibs. , 3ls Cd ; shoi
ribs. U Ibs. , 31s ; long clear , light. 31 to 45 Ibs
33s Gd ; loner clear , heavy , 55 Ibs. , 32s ; short dee
to backs , light , 18 Ibs. , 33s Cd ; short clear mlddlei
heavy. K Ibs. , 563 Id ; clear bellies , 14 to 18 Ibs
32s. Shoulde-rs , squure , 12 to 18 Ibs. , 31s. Ham
short cut , II to 1C Ibs. . 43s. lleef. extra Indl
mess , 77s 6d ; prime * mess , 41s Id , Pork , prlrr
fd. mess , line western , (7s Cd ; western medium , 50
Lunl , dull : prime neste.-n , 32s 3d ; rellned , I
palls. 33s W.
10 CHEESE Finest American colored
, , ne\
SSs Cd *
UI US Cottonseed oil. Liverpool refined , 17s &
iO Linseed oil , rellned , 21s 3d. Petroleum , reflnf
iOM '
M ; 'REFRIGERATOR nEEF-Forequarters , 3K <
00 ; hindquarters. CUd.
r.M HOPS At London ( Pacific roast ) , t : .
OW The recvelpts of wheat during the past thri
OWHt day * were 182,000 centals. Including 37,000 Ame
ns lean. The receipt * of American corn during tl
past three day * wer * IC.COO centals , Wtuth
IE - -
roln a (
Falling Off in General Trade is Neither
Unexpected Nor Discouraging.
NumorotiR Advances In Wagei but Strikes
Uroir In Importnnco nml Numbers Ao-
cumulated Order * Imluco Iron fur
naces to Forego Summer Kest.
NEW * YOUK , July 19. n. Q. Dun & Co.'s
Weekly Review of Trade , which Issues to
morrow , will say ;
The week's news Is not entirely encourag
ing , but Is nil the more natural because
there are signs of midsummer dullness.
Wheat prospects are not qulto so gcTod as
last week , but still there arc lower prices ,
ns corn nnd cotton have been lowered. The
exports of gold and the less favorable treas
ury returns for July arc not unexpected and
mean nothing ns to coming business. There
Is a perceptible decrease In the demand for
most manufactured products nnd the actual
distribution to consumers naturally
lessens In midsummer. Much of the
recent buying was to anticipate
n rise In prices , and such purchases fall off
when prices have ripen. There are still numer
ous advances In wages , but strikes grow more
numerous nnd Impartnnt. In part because busi
ness was unusually large In the first half of
July , a quiet tone meets reasonable expectations.
The heavy bank failure nt Montreal does not
nffuct finances here and Is paralng there with
less disturbance than was f carrel , Gold cxporiB
for the middle nf July , when crops are beginning
to move. If not meant lo affect slocks , can nt
all events have only a speculative significance.
Wheat has declined 2 cents for September ,
c.irn 1 ! $ cents nnd cotton l',4 cents for spot.
Western receipts of wheat , not half of last
yenr'x. exprera disappointment at prices , while
exports for the week of nlKiut a quarter of lust
year's and for three weeks only 2.82S.022
bushels. Hour Included , ns against 7,046,207
tmthclB last year , show that foreign dealers are
not regarding the sltuntlcci with anxiety. Nor
elo Iltltlsh accounts Indicate any anxiety about
cotton , while efforts are reported by some of
tha American mills to sell part of the stock
taken some months ago , which apparently ex-
ceciH their needs for the year. If unfavorable
ID Homo speculators , there are cheering Indica
tions , for It Is belter to have fair crops than to
get high prices for what remains.
Orders have so accumulated In Iron products
that some ) works fAreso the usual summer rest ,
and eastern furnaces arc teen to begin blast ,
which will add ubout 5,000 tons weekly to the-
production. A few quotations have advanced
gray forge nnd eastern liar , while bessemer pig
Is a shade weaker nt Pittsburgh but the averages
of " 'I ' Prices Is 1 cent higher for the week
and 28.3 percent higher than on February 1. The
strike of several thousand miners In the Mar-
queue region may have Important consequences'
i ronucers of nonbes emer ore have sold largely
T , . . , ture nt t > tlcefs so low that they cannot
add lo the cost of production nnd oilier mines In
the northwest may be affecte'd. Minor metals
are stronger , with sales of 4.000,000 pounds ot
Clipper at 11 cents for lake , nnd tin very firm In
spile ot a large visible supply.
Wool advanced In the llrst half of July nn
average of 1 cent for 101 quotations of domestic ,
by Coales llros. of Philadelphia , and Is now 7
per cent higher than a year ago. Sales naturally
lessen , being 7.U80.000 pounds for the week
against an average of over 13.000,000 pounds fet
each of the two previous weeks , but prices nre-
sustained by O rman nnd French buying In thei
London market. Manufacturers do not puppori
the ; advance , nnd are buying only for Immediate
needs , but holders , who have taken for weeks
past several times the quantity consumed , are
Cotton mills continue to enjoy a large business
and several have advanced wages this week , but
some strikes of considerable Importance nr
threatened or In progress. The weaker tone for
the material does not ns yet affect the price *
of goods.
Failures for the week have been 236 In the
United Slates , against 230 last year , nnd thirty-
nine In Canada , against forty-four last year.
Aggregate 'if Huslncis Trnnsieoteel by the
Associated Ilnnkn Lust Weolf ,
NEW YORK , July 19. The following table ,
-complied by nradstrect's , shows the total .clear
ances at the principal cities and the percentage of
Increase or decrease , as compared with the corresponding
spending week last year :
Evidences of a Ueneral Revival Mon
id RUrUeil Kven Thau In Previous Weeks ,
SA NEW YORK , July 19. Rradstrect's tomorroi
, will say : All the previously reported favornbl
O- Industrial and commercial features are continue
this week , the endurance of the revival In demand
. mand for Iron and steel , the further advance
ril In price * of the same and additional Increases c
on wages of Industrial employes , being the moi
1 ;
r , significant. Merchants at almost all the large
cities are preparing to send out travelers , un
ill until they begin to exhibit results no exact est
mate of how the fall trade will open can lie pre
rr- pared. At this time the outlook Is regarded s
irt highly favorable. At Roston , Philadelphia an
llalllrnore , among- eastern cities , note-worth
at gains In sales of staples are * announced. The e >
* . panslons of Industrial activity at Chicago , H
- . Louis , Louisville and Cleveland stimulates th
distribution of merchandise staples genernll ]
Ha Country buyers are present In unusually tare
ne numbers.
Iteports from southern cities show further In
In portunt gains this week , being more marked tha
Inw In a like period for months before. Country mei
w , chants In South Carolina are much encourage
with the crop outlook , as the elrmnnd Is fa
and prices tend upward. Like reixjrts come froi
Auxusta , and In Trxas cotton buyer * have begu
to make their presence felt. The delayed pu ]
ment of surar bounty check * trade In rl
Louisiana sugar district. The volume ot trat
IB smaller at Jacksonville.
ee Pacific coait advices are that the Cntlforn !
er wheat crop I * threshing poorly , but In the nortl
erh western spring whe-at state * the prospect * for
let crop are of the best. The total yltld of cor
country will ( robt&ly exceed even prevloi
large croo views. Exi > t-is of whcnt flour In-
eluded ns wheat ) , froii lip United Blnten And
Montreal thin week ftirflunt to only I.65Z.CKX )
bushels , the smallest similar tolnls since tlmt for
the first week In Juner-lUl. A week ngo the ng.
gregale exported was 2,317,000 bushels ; one year
ago It was 1,873,000 bushels , ) two years ago 5,077 , .
000 bushels , and three > Vaij ago II was 2,716,000
bushels. , , ,
llrarlsh Pre itir on OMncnr Share * link
Little ) Apprccliililo l-ffcct. .
NEW YORK , July IJ.-i-ltradstreet'd ' Financial
Review tomorrow will , say : llcnrlsh pressure
upon the Industrials has furnished most of the
activity In a very dull1 tnnfkct. Success In this
line of action has , however , been less pro-
naunccd than In the preceding fortnight nnd
the creation of a large short Interest has be
come nn embarrassment to the bears. WlUle
crop reports have been very mixed , their gen
eral tenor Is favorable , nnd the pruppect of
an enormous yield of corn was never brighter.
This , with the Increases of railroad earnings ,
compared with the periods of strikes and busi
ness depression last year , makes the holders
of rnllrund securities very slubbotn and the
efforts of the bents ha\i > failed lo produce any
liquidation In the granger shares. The mnulpti-
Intlon has mnnlfcstly had fur Its object n de-
prexslon which would i-nnble short lines to bo
covered , and on all declines stocks have been
wanted by Ihe professionals. PervcrU'd views
of the situation here find expression In thn Eng
lish financial press , which falls to appreciate
thu extent to which the free silver ngltatlon Is
losing ground The one factor which has fuvoren ]
thri bears wn Ihe continued strength of ex
change * rates , although this wns of little prac
tical bciifflt lo the shot t . It Is believed tlmt
the appearance of some future drawings against
shipments of grain and cotton lo be made. In
the autumn Is the beginning of a movement
which will depress CMhangc below the gold
_ _
K u gn go me nt eif a Million In ( Joltl for Ex
port Not u Factor.
NEW YORK , July 19. The engagement of
Jl , 000.000 In gold for shipment to Europe tomor
row wns not a. factor In the share speculation ,
although efforts were made by the bears to use It
aa n barrier upon values. It teems to be nc-
cepted by the street that all danger of heavy
gold shipments has pasted for the year , and that
Die trade conditions arc such ns to render It ab
solutely certain tlmt the supply of sterling bills
ahull Increase from this time forwnrd. As nn
offset of the gold shipment nnd po slbly by rens n
thereof , the sterling exchange market nss-umed nn lone and slightly lower rales were made.
In the stock market the trading wns very dull
nnd the short Interest was mote cautious In Its
operations than during the past few days , putting
out shorter lines nnd coveting eiulckly nt the llrpt
sign of dnnger. It was only In the InduFtrlnl.i
that any wide movement was made , and the
Munr old cliques which haM * been working the
market during the \\eek did the manipulation.
The llrst pales made were slightly lower , and
Consolidated Gas broke 3'.i ' per cent. LeaJher
preferred was sold down 1'4 per cent on the V -
posed l sue of new tteick , arid Chicago Gas wns
roU on orders fremr the llrst nnd receded ? i per
cent. Sugnr , which had yielded U pr cent In
the early trading , found rendy support fmm
amOng- the traders , and on good buying rose 214
per cent. A general nppreclatlon followed on the
Industrial groupr Consolidated Gas nnd Illinois
Steel told up 2'i per cent. Chicago Gas 2',4 per
cent , nnd Leather pieferred 1V4 per cent. Shortly
after 11 o'clock Sugar fell Hi per cent on real
izing sales , nnd there wns n sympathetic reaction
on its sister stocks , ranging up to 1 per cent In
Tennessee Conl and Laclede Gas. The coal shares
at this time also developed weakness , the rest of
the railway section being neglected.
In the early afternoon speculation wns Irregular
on very narrow changes. Shortly after 1 o'clock
a raid was made upon Lead , based on tha failure
of Ihe directors to act In the dividend question ,
and a decline of 2',4 per cent resulted. The rfst
of the list was without Important movement until
Ihe last hour , when Tvnnescec Coal gained li
tx-r cent from the lower -point and Sugar nnd
Leather preferred moved up 1 per cent. Lead
rallied ; per cent. At Ihe close the market was
dull , but llrm , prices In the main , however , being
lower than In the final fale-s of yesterday. Uonds
were quiet and Irregular rtftd closed In. the main
lower. Sales aggregated Jl,150,0i > 0.
The Evening Post's London cablegram fays :
The stock markets today were dull. The affairs
of the Ualkan penlnsiila < ! aused some uneasiness.
Consols were lower ; Americana were dull to Hat ,
with continental selling. All the papers have >
nlres Indicating gold exiSorts , which depressed
the market , though there. Is no conllrmntlon ot
large shipments here In the bewt quarters. Lake
Shores and Readings \\ere strong. The Lehlgh
Valley loan prospfctua. I * J-xpected tonight , with
the details as already stated.
The following were the closing- quotations 0'
Ihe lending stocks of the' New York exchange
today :
' AtchlBOii 12H Northwestern t'P '
Adams Express. . . 14fl dould 1411
Am. Express 11U N. Y. 101)5 ) $
Baltimore . ! -Ohio. 03 N , Y. &N. E 41) )
Canada Paclnc. . . , 05 Ontario & W
Canada Southern . f'H'4 Oreon Imp > .
Cemtral Pacific. . . . lt > > Oreioiiai ; - - 88
ch a. fc Ohio O. S. L. i U. N. . . .
Chicago Allan 157 Pacific Mall
C. , B. " P. D. A E 8Jt
Consolidated Gas.'M Pullman Palaca. . 172
C..C. . C. &St. L. . . . 46 ! < Ke.-ullnr , .
Colo. Coal St Iron. H R.G.W. . . . . : . . . . : . I'm
Cotton Oil Cert. . . . 2G R. & . W. Pffl. , 43
Delaware ) Is Hud. _ . _ . Iloclt Island 71ji (
Del. . Lack. .V W. . llil'i'St. ' ' Paul UHH
4i > H | do pfd I'J-'Hi
' ' ' -
Dfcc.'p.'co. ! . . ; ; ; ] W ( St P. i. Omaha. . . . 3l' ! <
Rrle . ' < dopfa 117S4
do ntd ' Southern Paolllo. . 24
Fort Wayne Kl ! > S icar Hennery. . . .
R. Northern ofd. . . I'-'J Term. Coal Jc Iroa.
C. k K. I nfd UljH Texas p.ielrte
IloctelnjVaUay. . . 25 T. AO Cent. ufd. . 18
IlllnolH Coiitru. . . t'R ' Union Paclnc. . . . 12 <
St. P. .VDuluth. . . SO U. S. Exnrens 41
K. & T. ptd sin. VT. St. L. 4P '
Lalco F.rlo & We : ) ' . -Mi 4 doofd ! ! ) ! <
dopfd 4 Wells Pareo E < 107
LateeShoro 14'J ! Webtern Union. . . .
Lead Trim 34 Whcolruir k L. E. . 1UH
Louisville .It N. . . . C ! ) do nfd
L. AN. A H f M. A : St. L
Manhattan Con. . . lim O. .V R. O
MeuiDhln&O 16 G. E 3D
Mlchlean Cont. . . Olt's ' N. L. BU
Missouri P.iclflo. . 3'Jlij C. P , til 37 ! <
Mobile Is Ohio. . . 2t : < oa
NashvllleClnt. . . . CS RVATi O 2a
National Cor.lazet. 1 T. A. A. A N. M. . . . 2e
Nat. Corduga pfd. 11 T. St. U&K.O. . . . e
N.J. Cnntrnl 100H dopfd 14L
N. Jt W. pfet 13 S. K. B. 14
North Am. Co. . . . OH dopfd 41M
Northern Pacific. . Am. Tot ) . Co 10H > 4
No.Pac. pfd IRMi dopfel 112
U. P. . D. JkQ SI P. . M. i M
second assessment paid. offered.
The total sales of stocks today were 1C7.143
shares , Including : American Sugar , 68.COO ; Bur-
llngton , 12,700 ; Chicago Gas , 26,300 ; Lend , 6.COO ,
Reading , 16,800 ; St. Paul , 4,500 ; Tennessee Coal
and Iron , 4,700 ; United States Leather , C.700 ;
Wheeling & Lake Erie , 3,300.
Orer Onn Million of Yellow Metal Will CJe >
on the Ktrurln.
NEW YORK , July 19. W. II. Grossman &
Uros. , coffee Importers , have ordered Jl,000,000
In gold from the United States subtrcnaury for
shipment to Europe on board the steamship
Etrurla , which sails tomorrow. Nesslage , Colgate -
gate & Co , will ship J50.000 additional gold by
the steamer Etrurla tomorrow , making In all
for this tlrm 1150,000. According to Messrs.
Grossman , the firm had reluctantly decided to
ship the gold. They had , the-y nald , at the re
quest of their bankers , deferred the remittance
for three weeks In the hope that the nite for
sterling exchange might decline , but they could
not wait any longer , Messrs. Crossrnan de
clined to say at what rate they had been
offered exchange , or what they would save by
shipping gold. They declared the hitter couhl
not possibly be ascertained until the extent of
the abrasion of the gold they procured was
leurne-d. The cost to them of laying the gold
down In London was less than It would be tci
some people , because their banking oecnts In
London did not charge them any com
mission for handling It. Their agents
in London receive a commission for
accepting for them South American drafts
drawn on their account , and ns the gold was
remitted to cover these drafts Ihe cost of hand
ling It was consldeml as .Included In that com
mission. Some slight concession. It Is Bald , wai
offereel lo Messrs. Crbisman this morning b >
drawers of sterling exchange , but It waa then
too late- , the firm having Already made all their
arrangements to ship the gold.
N w York AiiMioy Murke * .
Easy at 1 per cent ; last jepn , 1 per cent ; closed
STERLING EXCHANGE Easier , with aclua
business at J4. WiCI.W for demand nnd J4.iSe4.S !
for sixty days ; posted rales. ant
4.90We4l. Commercial' bills. J4.Mfl4.68U.
GOVERNMENT I1QNOS Steady. State bonds
slight request. Rulhoad Ijonds .heavier.
Very Little Ohango in Becoipts as Ocm-
parad with Last Week's Figures.
Few on Sulo Find Ready Inkers , but West
erns lluvo n Hard lloir to Moo
lluci Active nud It'chor
Alt Day.
SOUTH OMAHA , July 19.
The receipts of live stock today were 1,691
cattle , 2,121 hogs , 311 sheep and 89 horses ,
as against 1,804 cattle , 3,246 hogs and no
sheep yesterday and 1,407 cattle , 1.G76 hogs
and 352 sheep on Friday of last week.
Vor the week thus far there were re
ceived 8.S07 cattle , 12,131 hogs and 1,0-15 sheep ,
as against 7,178 cattle , 12,432 hogs and 053
sheep for the same five days last week.
CATTLK There were a few fairish nntlVc
beeves on sale and the market was about
steady on anything desirable. Some 1,170-
Ib. steers brought $4.GO , and other loads less
desirable $4 and $4.20. The natlvo beef
steers changed hands early.
The market on western steers was not
quite so active and It seemed a dllllcult
mutter for the buyers and sellers to come
together on a trading basis. There were
some right good range steers among the
offerings. \
Desirable cows and heifers sold about the
same as yesterday , but the common and
medium grades were weak.
Good feeders were In very fair demand nt
about steady prices. Light stock cattle , and
especially those on the commonlsh order ,
were slow and lower. There are some cat
tle of that description that have been In
the yards a week. Heprescntatlvo sales :
No. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2 10SO J3 00 . 970 J3.75 19..11M 14 0
2..1CKW 3 ? 3 1. . . . . 973 3 80 19..1207 4 20
4. . . 1193 3 r.O 10. . .1154 3 SS 10. . . .1170 4 60
1. . . 1010 3 73
. co 1 00 C. . .1043 2 15 . . 928 2 DO
. RCO 1 25 3. . .1016 2 15 . .1035 2 DO
. 7ca 1 25 4. . .1037 2 15 . . 890 2 DO
. 850 1 CO 14. . . S25 2 25 . . 930 2 DO
. 9M 1 65 . , 9M i Si . . 981 2 DO
. 913 1 CT. . . 775 2 25 . .1135 2D5
. 9.V ) 1 73 3. , . . SMI 2 25 8. , . .1025 2 S3
3. . , . 910 1 75 3. . . S23 2 25 3. , . .12CO 2 60
C. . . . 41 1 75 4. 2 25 1. . . .lOM 2 GO
12. . . . 910 1 75 1. . 980 2 25 " . . 893 2 CO
5. . , . 90S 1 R.1 1.R. . . 807 i 25 13" . . 877 2 CO
4. . . . 917 1 K 3. . GS3 2 23 1. . .1050 2 65
3. . , . 950 1 SI 2. . 935 , ,2 SO 23. . . 9S3 2 65
3. . . . ! % 1 S3 12. . 958 2 35 , 13. . .1072 2 70
9. . , . 99G 1 90 8. . R45 2 35 19. . , 955 2 70
* > .1103 2 00 1. . 900 2 35 19.C. . . .1234 2 75
5i ! ! . 778 2 10 1. .11CO 2 40 2. . . 940 2 75
c. . , . 900 Z 15 12. . 830 2 45 1. . . 950 3 00
i. . , . 00 2 15 .1043 2 DO 1. . .1160 3 10
5. . , .1073 2 15 . .IOCS 2 DO
. 4GO 1 00 1. . , KO 2 CO . . 42' ' ) 2 25
. 331 1 85 1. . . 470 2 00 , . 400 2 25
. ric 1 90 1. . , G90 2 00 2. . . . 7CO 2 40
. CIO 2 00 4. . 490 2 00 1. . . . G05 255
. 530 200 6. . , S4G 2 00 3. . , . 40C 2 75
. BSO 1 75 . .1223 * * 1. . . .1210 2 30
.1000 2 00 ! ! ! i24o 2 25 2. . .1055 2 31
. 870 201) . . .1400 2 23 .1315 2 3)
.loco 2 00 . . .134' ' ) 2 25 2 ! ! . 995 2 J5
. 940 2 10 , . .1015 2 21 1. . , .1130 2 55
.1220 2 20 . . .1390 2 23 , . 110 2 35
.1275 2 23 . . .1430 , .142J 2 40
.1070 2 25 . . .1420 . .15TO 2 DO
, . 990 2 25
230 1 S3 1. . . . 2'0 2 50 1. . 210 4 0)
1C3 200 3 00 4. . 197 4 00
320 2 00 3 00 2 ' ' 1CO 4 00
2SO 2 23 , 313 3 25 i' . 190 4 00
,237 2 40 I. . , 100 3 25 i. . 210 4 00
334" 2 60 ' , 390 3 DO 2. . SCO 4 00
, 140 2 50 , 23"i 3 f.O 1. . r.o 4 00
s r.o . 3. . , , 290 3 75 1. . 1H ! 4 00
, 270 2M 1. . . , 160 4 00 1. . 210 4 23
, 935 2 40 10. . . 570 2 90 3. . . 956 3 10
1. . . , C90 2 40 9. . . f,72 2 90 13. . . 873 3 10
3. . . . 716 2 DO 1 t * 7DO 3 00 3. . . 713 3 10
4. . . , C03 2 C5 ' " e.50 3 00 3. . . 900 3 15
2. . . . 3.S5 2 C5 4. . 762 J 00 64. . . 882 3 15
, 612 2 70 8. . . 6G 3 00 17. . . S12 3 17 Vj
ill ! , KO 2 75 10. . . 470 I 00 3. , . 85 } 3 20
i. . . , C-IO 2 75 D. . . 661 3 00 33. . . 939 3 V ,
3. . . , 510 2 80 2. . . 7.5 3 00 20. . . 903 3 25
16. . . , we 2 80 11. . , . 760 3.00 6. . . 871 3.2-1
, 710 2 80 9. . ; . 844 3 05 21. . .1102 3 3'
4 763 2 80 2.,1000 3 10 4. 923 3 35
30. . , . 736 Z SO 6. . . . 733 3 10 13..1034 3 CO
3. . . . 426 2 85 17. . . . 814 3 10
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 steer 790 $3 no 2 steers 1013 J3 DO
2 steers 1235 3 DO 17 steers 1120 3 DO
1 steer. 1040 S DO
Gunnell & Sllllsen.
54 feeders. . . . 1032 3 40
Mlllsdale Cntlle Co.
6 cows 993 2 DO 44 feeders..1075 3 C5
J. II. Nelse.
25 steers 1131 3 55
C. II. Tully.
4 cows 1030 2 D3 6 feeders..1091 320
17 cows 915 253 1 calf 110 3 DO
Hnro & Kroger.
1 feeder 1210 2 DO 33 feeders..1053 3 D5
15 cows 939 2 CO
O. W. Jones.
1 steer. 890 2 DO 2 feeders. . . . 780 2 75
4 heifers . SG3 2 CO 18 feeders. . . . 902 320
lien Swanson.
5 heifers. , C70 2 03 1 Bins 920 3 00
13 c&h. . . . 620 2 55 C.feedcrs. . . . 7S1 3 2 }
gwan Land and Cattle Co.
24 cows 1005 3 23
HOGS Orders for llslit hOKS were again liberal
today , and most anything that could tt" on four
lees weighing from 160 to 200 Ibs. met with quite
ready sale. The trade opened active at an ad
vance of from Do to 10c. and the most desirable
of the llBht hOKS weia teen plcjtcd tin. Oood
llKht hogs Bold at from 15 to Jo.Oo.nllc there
were some rlsht wood loads of light welglits ,
there weie some very common , but they all sold.
Shlppera offered as high as 5.10 for a sort of
The 'market on heavy and packing hORu was
rather low at only steady prices. No one seemed
to want the heavy weights very badly and the
trade- was a draff from start to finish. In the
end , however , the offerings were about all taken.
As high a from J4.90 to 14.95 was paid for the
best heavy hogs. Representative sales :
No. Av. SX Pr.
D7 213 . . . 4 8714
34..238 80 4 W >
14 186 SO 4 90
36 221 120 4 SO
. . . . . . . . 4410
62 334 4 W
61 2M 4 90
DC 2C ( ! 4 90
19 200 120 4 90
C5 283 40 4 90
9 240 4 ! ' 0
142 223 SO 4 90
72 22C 320 4 95
8 211 4 95
12 261 4 95
70 202 ICO 4 95
D7 210 4 95
75 ICO 5 00
37 185 5 00
68 217 5 00
28 171 5 00
C8 208 G 00
84 192 ICO G 00
70 224 160 5 00
81 209 40 5 05
81 1J3 40 5 OG
2 215 425
1 120 00
SHEEP The few sheep here today sold' readily
at very satisfactory prices. Representative sales :
No. AvI'11
60 natives mixed S6 J3 00
S3 natives mixed ' . . .94 300
20 native wethers | S 3 to
20 native lambs < 650
There W Not a Very Lorco Demand for
CHICAGO , July 19. The cattle receipts
today were fair for Friday , being esti
mated at about 6,500 head , Including 1,500 Texnns
und about 400 Wyoming rangers. There wns not
a very large demand , but the limited supply
kept prices from weakening " and quotations
stood about the name us "yesterday. A few
cattle were of extra fine quality , but the bulk
consisted of common to medium grades. The
best drave of Texana waa sold at J4.10. Western
rangers sold at from J4 to J4.50. Native steers
sold at from J3.40 to JC and cows and bulls at
from J1.60 to J3.I5.
In hogs prices had another rise of lOo per 100
Ibs. today , as only about 13,500 fresh and ac.
cumulated hogs were offered for sale. Aa usual ,
thlpper * were the best buyers , and the few
light hogs went off like hot cakes. The offer
ing" both heavy and light , were soon disposed
of , the best light weights raechlnR J5.65 , or 20o
higher than was paid for the best heavy , bales
weie made of heavy at from J4.0 to J5.35 , goud
tuts at from J4.W to J5.20. light weights at from
J5.10 to J5.65 and pigs at from J4.0 to J5.
Sheep are now In active demand at from J2
to Jl DO for common to extra , with the bulk of
sales'of natives , which comprise Ihe bulk of the
offerings , at from J3.25 to J4. Fed Texans have
sold at J3.65 and grass Montana 82-lb. sheep at
from J4 to J5.16. For yearllntfB there was de.
mand at from J4.60 lo J4.CO. Tire advance on
western sheep ha * been as much as from J1.2J
to Jl.W In two weeks , and It Is likely to bring
N , W , HARRIS & GO ,
165-165 Dearborn-st. , Chicago. I
13 Wall-it. , New Vork. 70 State-it. , Boston ,
rtVEottsUt od field. Corrtipendouot BoUctUO ,
In big iuppllce. Pprlng Inmbi have been offered
In largo numbers , nnd nales urn now madii at
from J3 to J5.60 for poor to choice , nice lots
selling nt from IS to IMS. The sheep offered
today wcro wet nnd trade was very slow.
Receipts : Cntlle , C.OOO hendi calves , SOO head !
hogs , 11,000 head ) thtcp , 7 , X > head.
M. l.attls I.lvo Stuck .Mnrxnt.
ST. LOP1S , July 19-CATTLE lUcelpln , l.SM
head ; shipments , COO head : market strong and
active , and drmand exceeded the supply ;
shippingnnd expert steers , JI.2JiffS.7Si light
Ing. good butchers nnd dressed tieef slee'i , J3.i5
3.20 ; common steers , J3.0093.50 ; stackers and
eders , J2.5094.00 ; cows and mixed lots , n.on'if
.50 ; Texas and Indian steels ranged J2.75ff4 2.1 ,
ut tmift of the s.ilc were nt J3.2J1/3.75 ; cows ,
iclfers and mixed , j.2.- > ; f.1.25.
HOaS Receipts. 3,100 head ; shipments , 1.70J
lead ; market strong again , with n demand ex-
> < Mhm' the supply and prices 5c higher ; butchers ,
1.30(15.40 : packers. J1.MW3.25 ; light sold Hush ,
'lilt the heaviest J3.30 5 4 < ) .
SHEEP Receipts , 1,600 bend ; shipments , none ;
mrket about steady for sheep , bill weak and de.
lining fur lamb * ; native sheep , 12.7503.63 ; lambs ,
; 3.W)05.00 ) ; Texas sheep. J2.Mlf3.50.
Nctv Yiii-.t l.lvj > lou < Mnrhiit.
NEW YORK , July U.-'llHEVES-Recelpls.
! ,07 head ; sales , 43 cars ; dull , 100 lower In
tcers ; dry cows , steady ; yards not cleared ;
latlvti steers , grass and corn fed , poor to good , i
4.10G5.33 ; fair 'sllllers , J3.10W6.15 ; stags nnd
xen , J4.0iW4.7B ) ; bulls , J2.20i2.35r ( [ dty cows ,
1.MJ73.3 : , ; European cables quotu Arnrrlean
tecis infjllc for dressed weights ; refrigerator
icef , 7a9ic. ! No exports todny ; tomorrow , CIO
'cevcs ' and 3.JOO iiuarters of beef.
CALVES-Recelpts , 804 head ; on sale , 80 cars ;
'low ' and n > trifle weak ; veals , poor to choice.
4.00JJG.60 ; buttermilk calves , J2.50W3.25.
SHEEP AND LAMIIS-Recelpts , 3,113 head ; on
sale , 4,100 head ; quiet but steady ; pens cleared ;
iheep , poor to prime , J2.r.OfM.23 ; lambs , common
o fair , J4.001I5.37i4 ; no good or prime offered.
HOGS Receipts , 3,100 hcatl ; steady ; J5. 00 8. 1.00.
Kntixiii City I.lvo .itni-k.
KANSAS CITY , July 19. CATTLE Receipts ,
i.SOO bend ; shlpmenlx , I'.MW head. Market nctlvc.
strong ; Texas steers. J2.00JJ3.C3 ; Texan cows , 12.00
{ 72. So ; beef fleers , J3,7:03.50 ; native cows. Jl.\
( | ; stovkcrs and feeders , J2.503J4.35 ; bullfl , Jl.b'j
HOGS Receipts , C.300 head ; shltiments. 2.04
tend. Market strong to lOc higher ; bulk ol
ales , Jl. 95H5.05 ; heavies , J4.9fl < ii'5.05 ; packets ,
, t.W 5.10 ; mixed , JI.S-003.10 ; light. J5.OOSTJ.17i4 ;
Yorkers. J5.10f5.17',4 ; pigs , Il.7off5.00.
BIIEKP Receipts , fOJ head ; slilpments , 7,703
head. Matket steady.
Stoclc In
Record of receipts nt the four principal mrukctfl
'or Friday , July 19 , 1S95 :
Cattle. Hngs. Sheep.
South Ornnha . . . 1,5 ! > 4 2,121 311
Chicago . 6.000 11,000 7,000
Kansas City . ( ! ,2K ) 6,300 SOO
it. Louis . 1,500 3,100 1,500
Totals . 14,291 22,521 9,611
toffee .MHIKOI.
NEW YORK , July 19.-COFFEE-Optlons
ipeni-il Bt idy at an advance of G to 15 points ,
uled quiet to llrm , sellers being scarce , and
L few local shorts wanting to cover on the half
) f the advance at Havre and fair watehouso
deliveries ; cloned quiet , at 15 to 25 points net
advance : sales , 2.50 } bags. Including July nt
J14.45 ; September , J14.75 ; October , J14.5oS14.fO ,
nnd December , ! U.7WH.7.r ( > ; closed January , ill. CO
O14.70 ; Kehruniy , J14.G04 ? 14.75 ; March , JU.Wij ) > ; July , SU.MttH.CO ; August , Jll.70 < in4.75 ; No.
vember , J14.7014.SO ; December , J1I.70S14.SO.
SKt coffee , Rio , < iulet ; No. 7 , J15.50 asked ; mild ,
quiet and steady ; Cordova , J18.25ffl9.00 ; salts ,
none. Warehouse deliveries from New York
yrsterday , 7,264 bags ; New York stock trxlny ,
243,772 bags ; United Stntes stock , 356,531 ; nllnnt
for the United Statcx , 133,000 bngx ; tola ! visible
supply for the United States , 489,631 bags , against
365,671 bags last year.
SANTOS , July 19. Quiet ; good average Pantos ,
J13.60 ; receipts , 7,000 bags ; stock , 200,000 bags.
HAMBURG , July 19. Quiet , unchanged to U
pfg. higher ; sales , 1,000 bags.
RIO , July 19. Steady : No. 7 Rio , JI3.rn ; ex
change , 11 3-16c ; receipts , 5,000 bags ; cleared for
the United States , 8.000 bugs ; cleared for Eu
rope , none ; stock , 162,000 bitgK.
HAVRE , July 19. Opened quiet , W higher ; nt
12 m. , dull , unchanged ; at 3 p. m. , dull , un
changed ; closed nulet , at Vit net advance for
the day ; sales , 2,000 bags.
Wool MtirUrt.
ANTWERP , July 15. Seventeen hundred b.iles
weie offered at the wool sales today , of which
80 were withdrawn. Prices were steady and tin-
changed. Following are the sales : lluenos
Ayri'H. 63C bales , at 2Q7d. Montevideo , 259 bales
nt Sfili'.ld.
HOSTO.V , July 19. The Ilostrn Commercial
Ilulletln will ray tomorrow of the wool market :
The lK > om Is checked for the present at least ,
though Michigan has sold nt 17c this week , the
highest llgurcfl touched since the recovery began.
There Is n smaller attendance nnd the quieter
fjrte of trade In the woolen goods market Is
echoed by the diminished numberof buyers.
Prices are , however , quite steady , nnd the mar
ket Is well supoprted by sales , still above the
average. The boom has lasted Just four weeks
nnd Uoslon has said In these four weeks over
38.000,000 pounds of wool. New York's total
sales lo Ute .llvo weeks of 1S94 were 41.000.000
pounds. The sales of the week tire 1,650.000
pounds domestic and 2,091.000 pounds foreign ,
against 7,477,000 pounds domestic and 8.8S1-
000 pounds foreign last week and 3M3,50 < ) pounds
domestic nnd 223,000 pounds foreign for the'same
week last yenr. The sales today show an In-
creoKo of 20.349.ES9 pounds domestic ruid 35,634,630
pounds foreign from the sales to the same date
In 1S93. The receipts to date show nn Increase
of 20,707 bales domestic nnd an Increase of 123,803
bales foreign. _
Itnttlrunrn Untln .Mnrkrt * .
BALTIMORE , July 19. FLOUIl Weak , un-
ehnnged ; receipts , 4,000 bbls. ; shipments , 4,000
WHEAT Quiet ; spot and mtnth , CCHSCCHc ;
August , 66CC6c ; September , 67 f , < R671'ic ' ; De
cember , 70Viffi70Vic ; receipts , 62,000 bu. ; stock ,
310.000 bu. ; sales , 118.000 bu.
CORN Quiet ; spot nnd month. 48iM9n ; Au
gust , 4Po naked ; September , 48Uc asked ; re
ceipt * . 17,000 bu. ; slock , 252,000 bu.
OATS Quiet nnd steady ; No. 2 while , west
ern , 32S33'C ' ! : ; No. 2 mixed , 3030'.4c ; receipts ,
11,000 bu. ; stock , 96,000 bu.
Cotton Mnrkft.
ST. LOt'IS. July 19. COTTON Quiet ; no sales
reported ; middling , 6ic ; receipts. 124 balers ; ship
ments. 233 bnles ; Block. 18.519 linrles.
NEW ORLEANS , July 19. COTTON Quiet :
middling , C 11-lCc ; low middling , 6 5-16c ; good
ordinary , 6c ; n l nnd gross receipts , 20 bnles ;
exports to Great Ilrltnln , 5,318 bales ; stock , 99.920
"NEW YORK , July 19. COTTON Quiet ; mid-
dllng. 7c ; net receipts , 7 bales ; gross , 10 bales ,
exports to the continent , 1,309 bnles ; forwarded ,
2 bnles ; sales , 147 bales , all spinners ; stock , 191-
274 bales.
_ >
New Y.irk I rv Oootli M-irker.
NEW YORK , July 19. Agents have ndvnnced
the prices of Edwnrds & Warren cambrics ' ,4c.
There has been n wider Inquiry for brown nnd
blenched cottons , an tha sellers are not plentiful
for dellevrles after August. Flannels , blankets ,
dress goods nnd spring woolens were In better
demand , sales and order. Printed fabrics < n let
ter Inquiry and more business doing. Printing
cloths tltm. with sales at 2 15-1Cc.
FALL RIVER. Mass. , July 19. Printing cloths
firm , with 27628 , plus 1 per cent bid ; no sales
reported ; manufacturers waiting for further ad
vances. _ _
Milwaukee Mnrkoti.
MILWAUKEE. July 19. WHEAT Steady ; No.
2 spring , C7'ic ; No. 1 northern , 70 > Ao ; September ,
CORN-Easy ; No. 3 , 47',4c.
OATS-Steady ; No. 2 white , 2C'/jC ' ; No. 3 white ,
1IARLEY Wenk ; No. 2. 47',4c.
RYE Higher ; No. 1 , 63'.4c.
MlnneuK | > lls IV'lieitt Market.
MINNEAPOLIS , ' July 19. WHEAT Ensy ;
July , 64jc ; September , C3c ; December , Ctftc ; on
track. No. 1 hard. C6'.4c ; No , 1 northern , 61ic ,
No. 2 northern , 64ic. ?
FLOUR Steady ; llrst patents. J3.5003.90 ; second -
end patents , J3.3083.70 ; first clears , J2.90ff3.00i
second clears , J2.45 ; export bakers , $2.4f3.CO.
. 8rr * r MurUet.
NEW YORK. July 19. SUGAR-Raw , steady ;
fair refining , 2e ; centrifugal. M test. 3'Sc ' ;
Fales , 1,312 bags , U6 left , S'4c. ' ex-
chip ; 552 hags molanffs sugar. S3 test. 2 9-16c ;
80 tons Muscovado , M test. 2 0 landed terms.
Refined , ftendy ; No. 0. 4 1-16ST4'ic ; No. 7. 3H81
3 11-lCc ; No. 8. 3 15-lCT4'ic ; No. 9. 3U04 1-lte ;
No. 10 , 3 13-1604c ; No. II , 3 ll-16 3Tic , No. 12 ,
Children Cry foi
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfoi
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfo ;
Catcher's Castoria.
lloitnn .Itnok ( JtiointlaiM.
nosTON , July lo.-\ill ( loam , a 33 per cent )
time loans , 2' < 3X percent. Ulotlnr prieoi to
locks , bondi.ind trrlnlnsharoi :
I'rorlu Al rl > ts.
PKORIA. July U.-COIlN-Markct dull , lowert
No. 2. 43\c ; Is'o. 3. 431ic. '
OATS Mnikot dull , easy ; No. 2 white , 230
25'io ' ; Nn. 3 while , 2l'4ff2t ic.
WlllSICY Marltet linn ; ilnlthed goods , on th
basis of J1.23 far high wines.
RMC'ICII'TS-Whfttl , 1.100 bu. ; corn , IS.OOl ) til. :
oats , 4J,7.-iO bu.
SHII'MKNTS Wheat , 600 bu. ; corn , 1,500 tu.i
oats , 80,000 bu. ; barley , 700 bu.
Killl'm Cltjr iMiirUetH.
lower ; No. 2 haid , Clc ; No. 2 red , CC'u71c ; re
Jeclcil , D2r55c.
POIIN Kuay ; No. 2 mixed , 39c ; No. 2 whit * .
39'4c. '
OATS-QuIctj No. 2 mixed , 23B2l'Sc ' ; No. 1
while , ZSc.
'lrrl cn Wltpat ( Jtiotiitlon * .
December , Jl.OO'.i ; cleatcd , 62,000 centals.
1'limnct it > nir .
1JOSTON. July 19. Clearings , J13,72J.C01j bal
anci-s , JlfOC,260.
1IALT1MORI' : . July 19.-Clearlngs , J2.202.C30J
balances , $310,063.
riULADUI.IMIIA. July 19. Clearings , J9.S53-
413 ; balances , } 1D58,954.
ST. l.Ol'IS. July 19. Cleailngs. 3DDS 210 ; bal
ances , 1507,212. Money , Dfifi per cent. New Yorlt
exchange , 2.1c discount bid.
WASHINGTON , July 19. Today's statement of
the cnndllton of Ihe treasury shnws : Axnllablo
cash balance , J190.D04.3CO ; gold reserve , $1"6SM,735.
CHICAGO , July 19.-C1 arlngn , )12K4Ki4. ( Money
rates unchanged at 4ft4Vi Per rent for call Inana
and fifiS'li ' per cent fur cumineiclal paper. New
York exchange , 2flc premium. Sterling exchange ,
pouted rates , M.90i4.9'j. ! |
NiW YORK. July 19. An easier tone prevails
In the Meillng exchange market today , and tha
actual business rates nave Iwn reduced ' , i per
cent on both long and shott tills. The loweilug *
of lates by the Ixmdnn syndicate houpes Is un
doubtedly due to the Intention to ship H.diM.uoO
Sold tomorrow. Although this gold has bcni or-
eicd at the gubtieasury , II Is possible that It
may not tc sent , owing to the lowering of ex
change rates. dealings , $ b7,7CU'G ' ; balances ,
rorolgn Unuiicnil AITiitrs.
HKIIMN' , July 19. Exchange on London , eight
days' eight , 20 maiksH pfg.
PARIS , July 19. Three per cent rentes , 102t
Ho for the account , Hxchaugu on London , 25t
15',4c for checks.
LONDON , July 19. Gold Is quoted nt Ilucnoi
Ayres ut 248.00 ; Madrid. 14.DO ; Lisbon , 6',4 ; Kt.
I'elersburc , DOj Alhens , 77 ; Rome , 104.47 ; Vienna ,
! f
Tlio great popularity of our
celebrated Klniball Piano IS
being closely ptialied by tlutt
brilliant Hallet & Davis piano ,
and the Whitney , and the
Hinsc , all of which are llrst-
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Wo rent , sell or trade Iliein.
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Room 4. N. Y. Life Bldg. , Orauhn.
Ilranch offices at Fremont and Columbus. All
orders placed on the Chicago Hoard of Trad * .
Correspondents : Schwartz. Uupee & Co Chl-
CfcKO ; Hchrelner. Flack & Co. , 8U Louis. Here *
to First National llant Omaha.
MARGIN' No matter what booklet on spec ,
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S. SELLERS , M. A. ,
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Forfllrls. The highest Intellectual advantages. A
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The Great Military Scliool of the West.
Also NIEDftlNaHAUS HILL for Small Qoys
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Catalogue address
J.KS//tf MAKMAHUKIS , - T Hu'-ot Afo
The Icftlng school In the Roulhwrrt l > the ictionl you
deilre FamoiuuMrollcge I nrlrcly HrficrnUhL-O ,
) llandtomefiO-pigolllutt. catalogue. Open * Kept. 4.
COLUMBIA , MISSOURI. tf.ra. Luella Wlloox 9t. Clolr , president.
\Vhta In doubt wlitl la ut hi Ninroui DcLlllrv , I.on of Seiull Poorr ( In either
MO. lmKK acy. Atrophy. VnlcoceU tnj other e kne e , from > ny < iuw , uta
Seiiot fill . iSrilot ( tieacil n < l fall iitui ( lulckly rcitored. If neglected , tuili
-jr- . . . . . ttouUe re ullf r llf | , Milled inywhere , e led , ( or | | | 4U > ie for | s o. WltU
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