Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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A delicious drink of ice cold rZce CraarcTL Soda , .
A delicious drink ot ICQ Cream Soda 1'reo
Wild Cherry Phosphate.
with every purchase of 50o or ov r.
, Necessity--TOUT OppOt > tttllity The greatest upheaval of values ; ever known other bargains will
be as nought in comparison come to us we'l save you money no matter what others may advertise and our bar
gains are always a little bit the best especially so tomorrow.
Florida Water , Irtrjjc bottles iT.c
I'.ny Hum 'l" > c
Witch Hazel 1"
Hoot lU-cr We
I'oz/.onl's Powder -u !
Tetlow'H Ooscniner " ( ) c
'JVtlow'H Coii ) | > U Mon r > ( ; i
Talcum Powder 10c
Atomlzi-r 1c ! )
HiiUormllk Soap :5c :
Illco , Palm , TtirklHh Hath , Klder
1'Mowur , IJiitturcup r'c
Ciitleura lllc
Pears' rnweiited ic
C'uHtlle , larse bars ; - " - '
Whisk IlrooiiiM 10c-17e
Coat's Thread , half dozen " " '
( Mark's Thread , half dozen " > c
Puritan Pins Tc
Capital Plus > e
Hook Pins fx-
Family Plus | c
1 down bunches Ilnlrplns To
1 ! pakaces Ilalrplus lc
Darning Cotton lc
Invisible Ilalrplus , \ \ boxes 10c
Assorted Hairpins , box fie
Illack Pins , 2 boxes Gc
Kid Curlers , bunch 10e
Safety Plus c
CurlliiK Irons 3c Jc-.r > c
1'ntent Curling Iron Ific
Aleohol Stoves - >
Hooks and ICyes -c
Hone eVelvetecn , yard 12c
Hone Facing , yard l-"e
Dress Shlels c
Dress Shields l-
Dress Shields 1' ' >
Feather Hone , I ! yards " 3c
Latlli's' Side Supporters ISe
Children's Side Supporters llie
Twin Stays
Horn Hone Stays 10c
Steel Stays We
Hoot Iteer c
Hoyal Tooth I'owder fie
Brown's Camphorated Dentifrice. . .ISe
A'asellne c
Uoyt's Hublfoam lOc
Wash Goods
Fine Challis 2c.
Best Prints 2c.
Echemo of the New City Government Kot a
a Brilliant Ono ,
Soclul Kvll Attructlnc tl > o BilnlstcrV Atten
tion mill tlio 1'ollco Aio Pvizlcil ns
to the Moium of C'liiitrollliiB I he
I.mvless Characters.
LINCOLN , July 19. ( Special. ) Following
the election ot the present municipal admin
istration In Lincoln a certain district In the
western portion of the city was set apart as a
so-called "reservation , " wherein the social
evil was to be concentrated and confined by
the authorities. Now nearly every preacher
In the city has delivered a blast from the
juilplt against the attendant disorder which
spreads-nil over the city , the storm center
being , however , on the "reservation. " But
all the ministers In the state cannot do as
ihuch toward depriving the "reservation" of
Us attractions as it 1s doing Itself. It Is fast
becoming known as a place to avoid. Rob
beries are of nightly occurrence , and the
victims fall to prosecute for fear of exposure.
So flagrant are these nightly outrages within
the limits of the little Sodom that fears have
been expressed by parties closely Identified
with the administration that the "business"
of the "reservation" will be destroyed and
ultimately wiped out by the boldness and ra
pacity of the very denizens who look to the
great public for custom. These "holdups"
have averaged from $5 to $500 within the
past month. One of the earlier victims ap
pears to have been a councilman. Since his
misfortune the victims have bsen many and
the "reservation" Is fast acquiring a reputa
tion only equalled by Hell's , Half Acre In
Chicago and Cherry Hill , New York.
Ono of the sldo lights of the great Dorgan
penitentiary plant muddle Is the case of the
Western Manufacturing company new pending
in the district court of Lancaster county.
This concern now avers in an answer flled
that there Is no need of a receiver to wind
up its affairs. The company op3rates several
of the plants at the penitentiary. Several
weeks slnco It gave a number ot chattel mort
gages to various parties and closed down.
The Lincoln Savings bank later began action ,
alleging fraud In the giving of these mort
gages and asking for a receiver to look after
the Interests of all creditors , of whom It
w s one. For a first defense the company
says that the bank Is nothing but a contract
creditor of Welch , and that the only suit
that can be maintained Is one against him
nnd that agiltist the company the bank can
have no tight. It further urges that the
atock claimed by the bank was assigned to II
by Welch as security for the debt he o e < l
the bank and has never been transferred on
the books ot the company. The charges of
fraud are categorically denied by the compiny
'The manager of the company , Welch
who was recently examined by the attorneys
in the cite , was askfd to produce the books
of the company. He said this was Impossible
as they were locked up In the safe at the
company's olllce at the penitentiary , and no
ono had the combination but the bookkeeper
who was out of the city and his address un
known. Evidently the bink would like a peep
at the books , which the company seems
equally desirous of preventing.
At last the hearing on the application tea
a receiver for the Lincoln Call has bean
definitely set -for next Wednesday. Judg
Holmes will listen then to arguments and
Today thn deputy county judge was trying
to find out whether Timothy Grogan owe
the Fitzgerald estate or the estate owes Tim
otliy. Tl > ? complainant was on the statu
and compelled an admission from a w lines
that ho had neglected to account for the pro
ceeds of certain tales ot farm produce , pro
sentlng In evidence the checks given by th
purchasers and endorsed by Grogan.
Free silver enthusiasm received a black
Crockery and
100-plece Dinner Set , decorated. . . . $ . " .08
Decorated English Toilet sets $1.03
Teapots , like cut 25c
Helluned Dippers -lc
' .Telly Clarscs , per doz 2lc !
Mason's quart Fruit .Tars , each ( ie
Mason's % gallon Fruit Jars , each. . . .Sc
Yellow Nappies , each lOc
Yellow Bowls , like cut 2Sc
Unhandled teacups and saucers , each.2c
White Granite Slop Jars COc
4-piece table set glass 2r > c
Individual Salts , each lc
Handsome Vase Lamp $1.20
8-Inch Berry Dish , each lOc
Hotel Goblets , each 5c
ye In Lincoln last night when the "Temple
f Silver Knights of America" failed to or
ganize as per schedule , announced during the
iast week with considerable beating of torn
ems and twanging of hurdy-gurdys. There
re forty odd names on the charter list , but
he owners of the names failed to get to-
ether. H Is claimed that another meeting
111 be held one week from tonight.
Tom Hlckey will appear In a local Justice's
ourt to defend a charge of assault and bat-
cry , preferred by George Scott. It appears
hat the other evening Scott attempted to
vatch the acrobatic performances at Burllng-
on Beach from a coign ot vantage for which
o coin had been paid by Scott. An attache
f the grounds sought to dislodge him. Scott
ecllned to evacuate and became abusive ,
lanager Hlckey took a hand In the matter
nd subsequently a fist , following which Scott
ailed for the police. Hlckey says ho will
ave Scott arrested for trespass and also for
sing abusive language , calculated to pro-
oka assault.
Miss Lottie Wheedon has returned from awe
wo months' visit In the east.
Mrs. D. J. Jones has returned from a visit
f a month In Chicago.
Miss Laura Iloutz has gone to Huntlngton ,
Ore. , to visit friends.
Mrs. H. T. Ogllvle left yesterday for Ogden ,
Utah , to visit her parents for two months.
Dr. Dayton , Dr. Stmtnonds andV. . N.
lehlaender will depart next week for a tour
of Europe *
Mrs.V. . E. Weber and daughter Eva of
'corla. III. , are the guests of Mrs. E. Aylwln ,
at 1313 S street.
Miss Grace Cassell. who has been the guest
of Miss Henrietta Hollow bush for the past
wo weeks , has returned to her home at
ackfionvllle , 111.
Mrs. F. L. King ot Hastings , formerly
Miss Lulu Green of this city , is In the city
enrouto homo from tlio Lake Geneva Young
Women's Christian associationconference. .
At the Llndell : W. A. Storey. H. R.
Gould. Windsor : J. W. Goodhard , Lincoln ;
J. C. Davidson , A. W. Jeffries , C. S. Car
rier , Fred J. Sackett , Walker Morse.
Corn In t-ilorulia | Condition nnd Small
Grain Iliirvoulns I'rozr.Mtini ; Kiplillyi
CHADRON , Neb. , July ! -SpecIal ( Tele
gram. ) Another slight rain occurred here to
day. The crop prospects are now quite good ,
and another good rain will Insure a large
HASTINGS. Neb. , July 19. ( Special. )
This morning about 8 o'clock a very heavy
storm passed over this city. In less than a
half hour over an Inch of water fell. A ter
rible electric storm accompanied it , but so
far no damage has been reported.
HOLSTEIN , Neb. , July 19. ( Special. )
This section nas been especially favored by
rains this summer. Holsteln had consider
ably more than was really necessary. Last
Saturday afternoon and night two nnd one-
fourth Inches fell , coming down gently , and
all going Into the ground without washing ,
and yesterday forenoon It rained for nearly
four hours , about one and one-half Inches ,
and all golne Into the ground. The small
grain harvest Is on and many binders are
being sold. Barley , wheat and rye making
fully three-fourths of a crop ; oats making
about forty bushels per acre. There has never
been a finer prospect for corn , and the crop will
certainly be very large. The early corn is
now made. Most ot the fields will hide a
man , and the corn Is In silk. The late rains
will fill It out well and help the last planting
of corn. Farmers are all In good spirits.
UARTLETT , Neb. , July 19. ( Special. )
Rye harvesting Is In progress. Small grain
of all kinds Is the largest crop Wheeler
county ever had. Corn Is a little backward
NORTH PLATTE. Neb. . July 19. ( Spe
cial. ) Reports received from southern Lin
coln county today are not very encouraging
Crops In the northern part of the county are
In much better condition , while cropi under
Irrigation never looked better. The Lincoln
County Irrigation association Is offering cash
prizes for train exhibits to be taken to thi
state fair , and Indications point to a large am
splendid exhibit being collected.
ASHLAND. Neb. , July 19. ( Special. ) W
I ) . Trainer brought to town today a cample o
oats from his farm , the head of which meas
urel seventeen Inchei In length.
NEBRASKA CITY , July 19. ( Special. ) A
light rain fell last night In this section. Thl
Insures the- corn crop , which will be ver ;
Urge , „
F.URBURY , Neb. . July 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A succession of good showers during
Dress Goods.
15 pieces of the very lluest French
Organdy , In navy blue and black
ground , with small colored llgure ,
regular OOc quality , to be closed
out at ( yard ) 13c
'JO pieces of French Hatlste , latest
designs In Persian patterns , dark
ground work , has been soiling at
. " "e , to be closed out at ( yard ) . . l-'X-c
12 pieces of Imported cotton Crepou ,
in colored silk stripes and checks ,
latest designs , has been selling at
fide per yard , to be sold at lOc
10 pieces of Summer Pllsse , in light
ground work , with dark stripes
and figures , latest and newest de
signs , has been selling al l-/jC. to
be closed out at ( per yard ) ' 1'XsC
The balance of our Dotted Swiss to
be closed at just half the former
price l."c , SJOc , " "c and I"c !
Table Linens.
? 2.K ) Napkins , extra size 91.50
i5'.50 Napkins , big size $1.7(5 (
tfl.OO Damask 7."c
" . " ) ( . Damask r > 0c
fiOc Damask ; ! 5c
Just received , an elegant line of
Damask Covers.
ltg ! size Covers , worth .fn.OO $ ; i.OO
Large size Covers , worth $ ; j.50 ? 2.00
and ? 2.50
Keep Cool under the
Shade of
Our $1.50 White Parasols for. . . . flSc
Our ? 2.r 0 White Parasol for $1.75
Our $ : ! .00 black silk Sun Umbrellas ,
with Dresden and silver trimmed
handles ijil.50
Your choice of our fine white and col
ored Parasols at naif marked prices.
10 past twenty-four hours have thoroughly
oaked the ground and greatly benefited the
orn and hay crop.
DEWITT , Neb. , July 19. ( Special. ) A fine
aln began falling here this morning about 2
'clock. The corn was suffering for rain , but
ow looks fine and the farmers are happy.
EXETER. Neb. , July 19. ( Special. ) A
oed shower of rain fell about 2 o'clock.
FREMONT , July 19. ( Special. ) Agrlcultu-
al Implement dealers report an Increased
rade during the past few weeks. Several of
ho largest and latest Improved threshing
nachlnes have been taken out Into the coun-
ry this week and will soon be at work In
he oat fields. Farmers are busy harvesting
ats and expect a crop up to the average.
GRAB OIICHARD , Neb. . July 19. ( Spec-
nl. ) The heaviest" rain In two years fell
lere last night. It commenced raining about
2 o'clock and continued until 7 this morning ,
'he small grain Is lighter than It has been
or years. Wheat Is yielding from ten to
wenty bushels to the acre. Potatoes and
all garden gevetables were mostly killed by
he drouth. Everybody Is jubulant over the
BLUE SPRINGS , July 19. ( Special. ) A
Ight shower fell here this afternoon , moisten-
ng tlio surface of the earth. Harvest Is
over and threshing Is being done. Wheat
yields from two to fifteen bushels and oats
If teen to twenty bushels per ncn. The
hermometer has Indicated 95 to 103 de
grees for several days.
YORK. Neb. . July 19. ( Special. ) A nice
hewer fell here yesterday , greatly refresh-
ng crops In general. Harvesting has com-
nenced In earnest.
SHELBY. Neb. , July 19. ( Special. ) Dur-
ng the last four days of hot weather corn
ms made a tremendous growth. It has not
urled in the least and the. abundance
of subsoil moisture would nourish It through
a long dry spell. The mercury has
ascended dally above 95. Fanners are tak-
ng advantage of the fine harvest weather ,
and many of the large fields of oats have
jeen reaped.
BEATRICE , July 19. ( Special Telegram. )
This section waa visited by a fine rain
larly this morning. Corn Is looking well.
GRANT , Neb. , July 19. ( Special. ) Three
nches of rain fell last week In Perkins
county. Two Inches of rain fell here Sat
urday afternoon.
MINDEN. Neb. . July 19. ( Spfclal. ) A
lieavy thunder and rain storm struck this
ilaco this morning , and between a half and
three-quarters of an Inch fell In thirty min
utes. Considerable harvesting Is being done ,
and the yield Is reported fine. Corn Is doing
so well that some people are talking of put
ting a tight fence around the fields and a
roof over them , and calling H a bin.
ELGIN. Neb. , July 19. ( Special. ) Elgin
anJ vicinity Is busy harvesting one of her old
time crops. The oats and wheat are very
good. Oats are threshing out seventy and
eighty bushels to the acre and some will go
quite a good deal more. Corn Is looking very
ftno and promises to make a good crop. Al
falfa sown this spring Is doing remarkably
Hard lUlns lu Iowa.
MALVERN , la. , July 19. ( Special. ) A
hard rain net In about 9 o'clock last night and
continued at Intervals during the night.
About one and one-eighth Inches fell during
that time. It will interrupt the wheat and
oat harvest some , but is more than balanced
by the benefit It will be to corn. Oats and
wheat are turning out big fifty bushels of
the former and twenty-five of the latter to
the acre , Is what a large number of farmers
are reporting.
TABOR. la. . July 19. ( Special. ) This
place was visited by a soaking rain last
night , which continued to fall until morning.
This was timely , as the surface was quite
dry , and the heat ot the past few days was
Intense , telling upon vegetation generally.
Rye , oats and spring wheat are being
thrished. The yield Is excellent. Indications
for all products points to a heavy crop.
BURLINGTON. la. , July 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A tornado visited this icctlon at an
early hour this morning , doing thousands of
dollars worth of damage. Buildings were un-
nwffd and parti ) * demolished. The streets
and lawiu uero mans of broken trees , shut
ters and outhouses. Lightning struck sev
eral buildings. Great damage Is reported
from the country , cropi anl orchards suf
fering. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ScTfn Ilitrnon Killed.
ELMWOOD , Neb. , July 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) During a severe storm last night at
Tay Richards' , six miles from here , coven
horses were killed by lightning.
Ladles' Fast Hlack Hose with colored
tops ; former price 2."e 15c
Our 18e Ladies' Fast Hiack Hose at..He
Our : : "ic Hoys' Hleycle Hose at tOc
Our 2r > e Chlldretis' Gau nibbed Hiwe
at loc
Ladles' Hells ; formerly sold at 12',4c ,
four pair for -5c
Ladles' Vests with fancy crochet front
two for 25c
Ladles' Gauze Hihhi-d Pants in all
sizes at 2."e
Ctitldrens' Pants In small sizes at..lUsC
Ladles' Silk Vests In pini ; , blue and
cream color , former price 75eISc
Ladles' Lisle Thread drop stitch hose ,
former price KOc and 7" > c , for Sat
urday pnly 2oc
All our summer ties that have been
selling at 20e , l"c ! , ISOc , to close. . Ific
50 dozen Imported tilack ' , hose ;
quality for ; ITic
Saturday they KO at 15c
Four pair to a customer.
ItalhrifiKan Underwear must fo ; 25e
quality for If5c
HOC quality for 20c
All wool Underwear , summer qual
ity 75c
Fancy Shirts , with collars and cuffs
attached 3r c
100 dozen unlaundered Shirts , regu
lar OOc quality , Saturday at 23c
All Straw Hats go at one-third price ,
duett's Collars and Cuffs in latest
i . < i
1 ' .
Mess for Which Dick Jenness Bargained at
Lincoln Seems Spoiled ,
Plan of H Printer to I'rovlilo Himself with
n I'upcr nt a Comity Scat In
n Neir Comity does
LINCOLN , July 19. ( Special. ) Hon.
Richard H. Jenness , editor ot the Atkinson
Graphic and member of the famous Douglas
county delegation In the last legislature , Is
up to Ills eyes In trouble , and is going to ap
peal to the supreme court to help him out
and establish him firmly In the rights for
which he fought In the legislature.
Mr. Jenness was elected from Douglas
county to the legislature as a labor candidate
on the republican ticket. He was prominent
In local labor circles , and was elected by a
big majority. While in Omaha Mr. Jenness
was employed as a printer , and as the advent
of machines had greatly reduced the chances
of employment for printers , Mr. Jenness had
his eye open for a job. He was In the legis
lature but a short tlmo when the desired job
loomed up , and took on tangible shape. There
was a printing outfit at Atkinson that was
looking for an owner , and votes were wanted
In the legislature for the repeal of the valued
policy law and for the state depository law.
At the tlmo Mr. Jenness was chairman of the
house committee on insurance. While these
facts may have had no relation , it Is a fact
that the announcement that Mr. Jenness
would go to Atkinson Immediately after the
adjournment of the legislature was almost
simultaneous with his decided stand In favor
of the repeal of the laws named , and of
other measures In which the combine was
deeply interested.
To carry out the plan further , Mr. Jenness
introduced a bill in tbo house , which was
passed , and goes into fffcct August 1. The
bill provides that a county may bo divided ,
and new counties formed on a petition of a
majority Instead of thrfcrfiftha of the legal
voters. Mr. Jenness , , flevpted 'much of his
tlmo to secure the passage of the bill. For
Its adoption he tlei up with the other mem
bers of the Douglas -delegation on the A. P.
A. police bill , to wlilch'JiVs was originally op
posed , and made a number of combines that
resulted in the passageof the bill. His plan
was to divide Holt .county . Into four equal
parts' , to bo called Adatr * Fountain , Elkhorn
and Holt counties , leaving O'Neill the county
seat ot Holt county and tnaklng Atkinson the
county seat of Adalr. ' ; wlj.h Mr. Jcnnosj and
his Graphic doing bfipu > ess on the ground
floor. Ewlng was to bq the county seat ol
Elkhorn , and no slto decided upon for the
capital of Fountain couniy.
Things were coming' Mr. Jenness1 way In
carriages , but therc a a disastrous liltcli
In the proceedings wboa.tho matter came be
fore the county board .at Holt county. Mr ,
Jenness and his followers presented a plan
asking that the proposition to divide the
county be submitted on the lines already
described. But the commissioners did not
see it that way and adopted a plan of tlteli
own. The board submitted a proposltlor
to divide the county Into three parts , to lx
known is Holt. Elkhorn and Holcomb conn
ties. And where did Mr. Jenness land In thi
division ? The east line of Holcomb county
proposed , passes just west of At
kinson , and leaves Mr. Jennesa am
Atkinson on almost the boundary llni
of Holt county. In1 the. same county with thi
deadly rival , O'Neill , the county seat. Enlnt
Is directly on the dividing line between Hoi
and Elkhorn counties and the entire proposl
tlon is calculated to drive the Iron into tut
soul ot Mr. Jenness , In the flght over thi
division of the county members ot the count ]
board came to blows and a general riot wai
narrowly averted. '
Editor Jenoesi declares the action of thi
county board Is rotten and alleges fraud o
the worst tort in the preparation of the petl
ill Basement.
Purity Flour , sack OOc
Wtishbnrn's Superlative , sack ? 1'JO
Cream Flour , sack ; ? 1.1M
Gold Modal Flour , sack $1.15
Enslo Hraml Condeiibod Milk , for.L'oc
Full Weight Condensed Milk , -I for. . 'Joe
Salmon , can DC , 1 lc , lc ! )
Sardines , oil , It cans for lOc
Mustard , can o'/fcc '
Ghocoltitt1 , Anchor , per lb ISe
Tomatoes , can r c and 75c
Corn , can 5c ud 8c
: > -lb. can linked lieans SVC-c
Pineapples -le
Haislns -le
I'ruos _ 7c
Apricots TI/JC
White Ileleltrope . . . .
White Hose
Crab Apijle
Ocean Spray
Arabian Hreezes
15c Batiste 5c
JKne Satines 6c.
Best ( ? ) Percales , lOc.
Ions for the division proposed by the board
Ie is at present In Lincoln threatening to
mve the supreme court open the matter up
again and Investigate the charges of fraud
n the petitions.
Plans for the Addition to the Solilleri1
Ilnmn Adopted.
LINCOLN , July 19. ( Special. ) The Board
of Public Lands and Buildings today accepted
ho plans and specifications of Architect G.
E. McDonald for the new addition to the Sol
diers' and Sailors' home at Grand Island.
The amount appropriated by the legislature
for the purpose was $12,000 , which was se
cured by the persuasive eloquence of Repre
sentative Harrison of Hall county. This ef-
ort was made Immediately following the ap-
iroprlatlon to purchase the Mliford sanl-
arlum for an extra soldiers' home at Mliford.
and it has quite generally been supposed that
the Grand Island appropriation was a part
of the Mliford deal. Architect McDonald will
receive D per cent of the $12.000 for his plans.
The board will now proceed to advertise for
bids for the erection of the building , according
to the plans today adopted.
A profile of the survey through two coun-
les of the Iowa , Lake Superior & Gulf rail
way was received today at the office of Oil
Inspector Kclmlsten , who la one of the di
rectors of the road. The same profile , or
rather n duplicate of the same , was filed with
the county clerk of Gage county. The line
surveyed runs through Gage and Lancaster
counties , beginning at the southeast corner
of Gage , nnd extending , so far , to Bennett.
It takes In the towns of Panama , Adams ,
Virginia and Liberty. At no point does the
survey deviate more than three miles from
an nlr line. The work has been prosecuted
under direction of A. G. Allan , chief engineer
of the company.
State Auditor Moore has sent to Clerk
Sackett of Douglas county the following no-
: lce of assessment :
LINCOLN , July 19-Clprk of DouglaH
County : At a meeting of the State Hoard of
[ Equalization , held nt thp cnpltol on the
third Monday of July , 1893 ( present , the
Hovcrnor , auditor nnd treasurer of stnte ) ,
the following rate of tnx wns agreed upon
for the year 1895 on tlio total valuation as
returned per your abstract of assessment
now on Ille In this olllce :
Total valuation . . .
Levy In mlllx. Amount.
ripnornl fund . S.OOi ) JH2 S4I.2S
Sinking fund . O.C25 li.Wi C6
School rum ! . 1.0i 5i&i .26
University fun.l . 0.37S 8.417.W
Institute for Feeble Minded fund. O.K't 2.812.6J
Relief funJ . 0.123 2.S12.U
Total . 7.2 lira ic.r.i
The nbovo amounts will be charged to
Douglas county upon the books of this de
partment. When the tax list la footed
plcabo certify the amount of state , funds
thereon to this olllco on blank enclosed.
Work of Thlovn at I'liittumouUi.
PLATTSMOUTH. July 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) W. G. Simmons , a resident ot the
Second ward , reported the loss to the police
today of a pair of gold earrings nnd seven
yards of silk dress goods , their value being
$18. A neighbor was suspected and his house
was ransacked by virtue of a search warrant ,
but the investigation was fruitless.
David Burby , an employe of the B. & M.
shops for several years , died last night as the
result of a surgical operation.
Judge Chapman passed on the case of Ellas
Sage against the city of Plattsmouth , and
rendered an opinion In favor of the plaintiff.
Sago's property was taken Into the city limits
by the council without his consent , and the
Judgment of the court annuls the council's
action nnd releases Sago from the city taxes
assessed against him.
< ontriictrcl for Tour lrlitc ! < " .
BEATRICE , July 19. ( Special Telegram. )
The Boanl of Supervisors adjourned this
evening after a nine days' session. Kour more
Iron bridges were authorized to be purchased ,
beslles the fifteen already contracted for.
The board will meet again August 20 , two
days before the date fixed by the county
clerk as the time for a special meeting for
the purpose of dividing the county Into seven
districts , casting 16ls for membership under
thn now supervisor law. There was some
talk among the members early In tne session
about resisting the law.
nt Aililunil.
ASHLAND , Neb. , July 19. ( Special. ) The
residence of I. J. Plckett waa robbed last
night. It Is occupied by J. J. Plerson , travelIng -
Ing salesman for the Colorado Fuel company.
Plerson was robbed of his pants , $40 In
money and two watches.
The residence of Wayne Russell was gone
through last night and a silver watch stolen.
Kniull ISItiza at Shulby.
SHELBY , Neb. , July 19. ( Special. ) The
residence of N. B. Snapp , two miles west ,
was , burned yesterday and most of the con
tents consumed. Snapp was at breakfast
when ono of his neighbors rushed in and told
him his house was on fire. The building
was soon destroyed , as a strong wind was
blowing. A defective Hue was the cause.
iB DeitrojH < iriln.
WEEPING WATER , Neb. , July 19. ( Spe
cial Telegram. ) During the storm last night
lightning struck Borne stacked grain , the
property of Mrs. Charles Bates , burning It.
Will Rice , living east of here , set flro to
some stubble to kill chinch bugs ; the wind
changed and set fire to fifteen acres of
stacked oats. _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
Mudo an I'.fTnrt to K c | > r.
NEBRASKA CITY , July 19. ( Special. ) A
man named Long was arrested this morning
by Sheriff Hubbell on the arrival ot the train
from the south. When near the jail the pris
oner made a break for liberty , but after a
short chase was overhauled and landed In
AKE none of the pretended substitutes for Royal
Baking Powder * Royal only is Absolutely Pure ,
K 3 5S3K tS t
Sweet 1'otuto Hum.
Three Urge sweet potatoes , one and one-
half pints Hour , pinch salt , one and one-half
teaspoonfuls Royal Baking Powder , one pint
cream. Boll potatoes tender , rub them very
fine with cream. Sift together flour , salt
and powder ; add to potato preparation ; mix
Into rather firm , smooth dough ; form Into
rouid ) pieces size of small egg ; liy on
greased tin ; bake In hot oven twenty min
fccotrh HUort Ilreait.
One and one-half pints flour , one-third teaspoonful -
spoonful salt , four tabUspoonfuli sugar , four
tablespoonfuli butter , one teaspoonful Royal
Baking Powder , three eggs , one teacupful
milk , one teaspoonful extract orange. Sift
together flour , sugar , salt and powder ; rub
in butter cold ; add beaten eggs , nearly all
the inllk aud extract , mix Into smooth dough
On Saturday we will offer another choice lot of Ladies' Laura
dcred Shirt waists worth 750 and Sc ,
at only 25c each ,
Limit one to a customer.
$1.25 and $1.48 Shirt Waists 75e.
Embroidered White Lawn Waists , worth $1.98 , $2.25 and
$2.50 , will be sold Saturday
at $1.48 each.
Our entire line of WR A PPERS will be plr
on sale Saturday in two lot ? ,
Lot i at
All wrappers worth
up to $2.50 will go
in this lot at $1,25
Lot 2 at
& 1.9 : each
The balance of our
stock of wrappers
go in this lot , such
as lawns , perca
lines , dimities and
sateens , all new
and choice pat
terns , i n c 1 uclingf
white lawn wrap
pers , worth from
$2.75 to $3.75 ;
choice of the lot
Saturday $1.98
Ducking Skirts ,
This $3 75 Wrapper Saturday extra wide , Satur *
All our Silk , Moliair and Mareen Underskirts
at actual One-half Price.
without much handling. Flour the board ,
turn out dough , roll with the rolling-pin to
one-quarter Inch In thickness , cut with knife
Into shape of small envelopes , lay them on
a baking tin , wash them over with remainder
of milk , lay on each three large , thin slices
citron and few caraway seeds. Bake In
moderate hot oven twenty minutes.
Cora Mnrcli tnirUom.
One and one-half pints flour , one-half pint
corn starch , one-half teaspoonful lalt , one
tableapoonful sugar , one tablespoonful lard ,
one teaspoonful Royal Baking Powder , one-
half pint milk. Sift together flour , corn
starch , gait , sugar and powder ; rub In lard
cold ; add milk , and mix Into smooth , tlrm
dough. Flour the board a little , turn out
dough , give a few quick , vlgoroui kneadlngi
to complete smoothness. Set It under cloth
ten minutes. Then roll It with rolllng-pln
jail. Ho was arrested on suspicion of being
a counterfeiter , but was afterward released.
Tom Houlihan , charged Nwlth robbing a
man named Dally .from Perclval , la. , was
yesterday bound over to the district court
under $500 bonds.
A fiult ; Cuau < ontlnnod.
BIG SPRINGS , Neb. , July 19. ( Special Tel-
ograui. ) The criminal assault case hero has
been the absorbing topic of the county slnco
the arrest which occurred Wednesday night.
Glllard denied that ho had been Intlmato
with Miss Pollso , the girl In question. The
preliminary trial was hold this afternoon and
the defense asked for nnd secured a continu
ance because of a lack of witnesses.
rrfl I'lnul ( Itiltty.
PAIHUURY , Neb. , July 19. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) William Henry and Louis Zimmer
man were arraigned before County Judge
Moulton and pleaded guilty to tlio charge ot
murdering Postmaster Graham at Bower on
the night of Juno 4. They were remanded
to the county jail until the September term
of court. _
York J'lonniT llu.iil.
YORK , Is'cb. , July 19. ( Spsclal. ) William
Japhet , an old soldier and prominent Grand
Army of the Republic man , died Wednesday
and was burled under the auspices ot tbo
Robert Anderson camp , No. 32 , yesterday.
Mr. Japhet had for a long time been a resi
dent of York county. Ho was 72 years of
age. _
Txatrr l.ncry IJiirn llurncil.
EXETER , Neb. . July 19. ( Special. ) J. T.
Powell's livery barn was burned about 4
o'clock tlilfl morning. Thro was no llvo
stock In the barn at the time. Three or
four buggies were burned. There was $000
Insurance on the building. It in supposed to
1)3 the work of an Incendiary.
Injured by u Iloi4 c.
ELMWOOD , Neb. , July 19. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) Today while William Cockson , resid
ing two inlL'3 from here , was repairing his
binder , one of the horses became tangled In
the lines , and giving a lunge , fell on him ,
severely bruising him In the back.
Fnnornl of .Inlin S .Murphy.
CHADRON , Neb. , July 19. ( Special
Telegram. ) John S. Murphy , city attorney ,
who was aclJentally killed by an overdoio
of morphine at Crawford , was burled at this
place today. The funeral was largely at
tended. _
Cleveland llni n NAIIIU fur the llaby.
BUZZARD'S BAY. Mass. , July 19. l're l-
dent Cleveland's third baby has been named
Marian. _ _
European expositions have awarded their
premiums to only one American champagne ,
j Cook's Extra Dry Imperial. Try It.
exceedingly thin , cut with round cutter , prick
each cracker with fork , lay upon slightly
greased baking tin , wash oyer with" milk ,
bake in hot oven toven or eight minutes.
When cold , store them for u e.
( Lrucliom ,
One quart best Graham flour , one table *
spoonful sugar , one-half teaspoonful tall , one-
half teaspoonful Royal Baking I'owder , two
tablcspoonfuls butter , little more than one-
half pint milk. Sift together Graham , sugar ,
salt and powder ; rub In Unl cold , add milk ,
mix Into mnooth , consistent dough. Dour
( the board , turn out dough , knead well five
, minutes. Roll with rolling-pin to thickness
' of one-quarter Inch ; cut with knife Into small
i envelope-shaped crackers. Bake In rather
I hot oven with care ( as they burn readily ) ten
, minutes. Handle carefully while hot ; when
I cold store for use.