8 THE OMAHA DAILY KEE : I THURSDAY , JULY 18 , 1895. WHY THEY WERE DISMISSED Lost Tho'r Stara Beoum Tha ; Were Ohronio Agitators ! HOWARD HEELERS IN UNIFORM W\NTED Chief \Vhllo To'U Why Ho Itooom ntmited that Certain Policeman He Ilroiipe.l from Ilia force tiointmiloner * iziUln : | Jtlie Itcatoiii for Tliulr Action. A great hue and cry lias been raised In certain quarters by the recent wholesale dismissal of officers and patrolmen from the police force and n concerted effort has been made during the past ten days to create popular sympathy for the men who were summarily dropped from the police pay roll. While everybody concedes that the com mission Is only carrying out the spirit and purpose of the recommendations of the grand jury last winter , the mayor and police com mission are being roundly abused for fear lessly Aulng M'.clr duty. Incidentally every removal and appoint ment Is charged up to The Hoc and Us editor , who In a sort of bogle man to not only the howling dervish gang , but all of the other howlers. Chief of Police White was seen at his office this morning and expressed his reasons for reorganization of the force as follows : "I recommended the discharge of these men for good reasons. They were fired simply because - cause they were chronic agitators and dls- organizers whose dismissal was for the good of the service. Mr. Uosewater has never , either directly or Indirectly , sought to Influ ence me In the discharge of the old men named or the selection of the new ones. I am not subservient to Mr. Rosewater , or any other newspaper man , In attending to my duty as chief of police. I linvo been doing considerables Investigating on my own hook since I came to Omaha and I have ascertained from reputable citizens , If you pleise , that the men dismissed were too much Interested ID politics to make good policemen. "It makes no difference to me whether a man Is an A. I' . A , a Catholic , nn Infidel , or a FIJI , If ho Is an agitator and political jawsmlth he has got to give , up his star. I don't propose to have ward politicians In uniform. I don't Intend to have officers attending political meetings In uniform unless they are called there to preserve order. I don't pro pose to have the station turned Into a nur sery for politics , and I don't propose to nllow men going out on their beats with hatred In their hearts for one another. There has been too much disorganizing , too much backcapplng , too much horse play among the police here. Politics and the police must and shall be divorced. Policemen have a perfect right to vote , 'tis true , but they have no right as policemen to hold curbstone cau cuses In uniform and allow politics to Inter fere with their duly. The policemen of Omaha under my administration are networking working for anybody except the people o Omaha who pay taxes and pay salaries to policemen to preserve the peace and dignity of this city. I won't allow either politics or religion to Interfere with their duty as offi cers. The records prove that I have not been Influenced by the men's politics or their religion , or Mr. Ilosewatcr , but by their pernicious activity as agitators. I Intend to put the police force of Omaha on a metro politan basis , and I think all good citizens will uphold my action. " VIEWS OF COMMISSIONERS. Mayor Bcmls It Is a Ho for any one to assert that I was Influenced by Mr. Hose- water or by any political preference In selecting new policemen and discharging others.Mr. . Uosewater had referred the boajy td the record of Haze , which was looktd "Up , and after duo consideration my vote to dismiss Haze was prompted by tin result of that Investigation. Mr. Hosewatei lias never sought to control any appoint merits or removals on the force. Commissioner Smith said : "I have voted In the affirmative and with the majority In each Instance except three for the removal ! and appointments on the police force. I dk so without solicitation of Mr. Hosewater urn In fact he has never sought to Influence m In this respect. I believe In sustaining tli chief In his desire to reorganize the do purtment. " Commissioner Tlrown I never was ap approached or requested or in fact In any manner directly or Indirectly communlcatei with by Mr. Hoscwater or his friends re- gardlng the appointments to or removals froir the police force. Commissioner Deaver Viewed from a con uervatlvc standpoint , the necessity of polio reorganization has been apparent for semi time , for the good of the service generally Mr. Hosewater has never sought to dictate o control the appointment t > r removal of men o the force , with the possible exception c Haze , whose record rather sustained the sug gestlon. The commissioners , or father a ma jority of them , have voted to Improve police service on their own responsibility and have no occasion to regret an action which was taken for the Interests of the citizens of Omaha who believe In separating police and politics. CONCERNING NEW MEN. This Is the official list appointed July 12th , according to the record In the office of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners : Carl L. Madson Horn In Denmark. Ago 20. Recommended by William A. Grant , Joseph Darker , Halfdan Jacobsen , Sylvester Veblc , J. D. Crcger. Harry McCallcy American born. Ago 20. Endorsed by P. M. Back , E. E. Howell , H. P. Drexel , Albert Schall. C. II. Wlthnell. John F. Rector. American born. Age 37. Recommended by Norman A. Kuhn , J. C. \Vhlnnery , George C. Wallace , R. I. Dean , S. K. Spildlng and A. P. Tukey. Carl Carlson Native of Sweden , age 29 , naturalized. Endortcd bv D. Clem Deaver , I' . E. Flodman. John Steel , T. A. Mcgeath and Leo Ilclsey. J. II. Gibbon * American born. Ago 30 years. Recommended by E. W. Lee. A. A. McClanahan. P. A. Tucker , W. A. Smith and D. II. Goodrich. Albert A. Keysor American born. Age 31. Recommended by J. L. Ilrandels & Sons. Thompson , Hetden & Co. . Hayden Bros. , Emll HrandeU , Continental Clothing company , S. P. Moiso Dry Goods company. James Gorman American born , ago 22. Recommended by J. A. Ffaher. T. J. Car- mody , J. T. Ilrown , Hobart Williams , J. J , Connelly. Vincent D. Lilly American born. Ago 24. Recommended by 13. W. Leo , J. A. Connor. W. A. Rebert , W. R. Sliaughnessy and Wil liam Gentleman. Qeorga Dlake American born. Trans ferred from fir department , where he bad been In active service for fifteen years. John Starkey American born , Recom mended by John C. Davis , John Rush , Adolph Meyer , Max Meyer and Dr. J. W. King. A. C. Rauney American born. Age 33. Recommended by Richardson Drug company , McCord , Ilrady & Co. , Steelo-Smlth Grocery company. M. E. Smith & Co. , G. H. Hammond mend company , Allen Ilros. , Paxton & Gal lagher. Meyer & Raapke , R. ninghani & Son. U. Caramello- Native of Italy. Natural ized. AKO 27. Recommended by F. M. Youngs , F. S. Devor , E. M. Illrch. William Quintan and W. T. Kelp. Jay S. Ronk American born. Ago 28. Recommended by James Stephenson , S. A , Collins , J. J. Gorman , F. A. Tucker , W. A , Smith. P. M. Tobln Native of Ireland , naturalized , age 26. Endorsed by P. H. Carey , Frank E. Moores , C. E. Squires , James Stephenson and Maurice Sullivan. James Cravens American born. Age 38. Recommends. ! by Den B. Wood , Duff Green , P. E. EUasier , J. Hush , Frank Murphy. P. D. Murphy American , born In Ne braska. Ago 24. Recommended by W. J , Mount , J. N. Frenrer , P. C. Hcafey. P , Sbarkey and C. J. Smyth. M. II. Gentleman Canadian , naturalized. Ago 25 , Recommended by O. W , King. F. B. Johnson , P. O'Malley. John Power and John Groves. Joteph II , Hengon Amertran , born in Omaha. Age 24. Recommended by G. F , Eltaner , John Baumer , John Ruth , W. A. Green and Henry Pundt. Frank Percy American born. Age 38. Rec ommended by A. B. Hunt. W. H. Hunter , A. J. Webb , E. W. Simeral. T. J Fitzmorrls , Martin D. McMahon American born. Age 7 , Recommended by R. R. Sutherland , J , M Kenney , C. B. Havens , John M. McGowun and George E. Dertrand 8. K. Colllne American , born. Age 32 . 4- riccommnnded by J. H. HunRate , W. Slovern , J. 0. Urexol , P. H. Uavla ana S. J. Mont gomery. P. II. McLarmnn American born. A e 37. Itecommcniled by I'eter Eluasser , Dr. E. W. Lee , T. J. Honors , J. 0. Cowln and Harry P. Detel. According to the foregoing , which can be verified by reference to the original applica tions on file In the odlca of the pollco com missioners , twenty-two men have been ap pointed to fill vacancies on the pollco force. Of this number nineteen are native born Americana. The blanks which an applicant for a post- tlon on the police force fills out , contains a number of printed questions wnlch must be truthfully answered. There Is no Interroga tive pertaining to the religion or politics of the applicant. Each aspirant for a policeman's star must have five tcpiitablo reference1) or endorsers. Of the twenty-two men recently appointed to positions on the pollco force , five are Catholics , sixteen are Protestants , nnd one professes no religion. The total number of applicants for positions on the police fores , ( lied for these vacancies , wns 200. Of this number ninety candidates were examined. Mr. Ilosewater did not recommend the ap pointment of any of these , either directly or Indirectly. Milt lli\VY : , MjUOUIIII FIIKI.I.NO Hun llnrnfdrd'x Acid l'hn pliiln. : It produces healthy activity of weak or disordered stomachs th.it need stimulating , and acts as a tonic on nerves and brain. AIAAV ItlMsUNb T.IAT M1OUI.IJ He ( nrrrully < 'oini < lpr < t bjr Thrno Who Are .Soi'klnir n Ni'vr Locution , Central Mississippi It must bo borne In mind has these distinguishing characteristics lat are of great value to the settler ; that Is 3 say : Fruits of all kinds grow luxuriantly and In bumlanee. Krults fresh from the vines and ees arc gathered eight months In the year , 'egetubles can be had fresh from the garden ivelve months In the year. And while often the pastures In Illinois nd other western states are parched and rlcd and farmers are compelled to haul ater for their stock and feed them from the rain fields , our pastures are covered with rcsh , green , natural grasses and all cattle re fat enough for beef. It Is not only the aso this year , but I have found It so every ear slnco I came here. I have never seen necessary to feed stock In tlio pastures nd nowhere Is water more abundant than i this section , making It one of the finest lock countries In America. We can raise any cereal or product that an be produced In any of the northern or , 'cstern states nnd a great many other lilngs that they cannot produce. I have teach trees three years old from the seed hat have borne- this year from one peck to half bushel per tret- , and I have bearing rape vines three years old from the cut- 'ngs. Another great advantage Is that we have Ircct railroad communication to all north- rn nnd western markets , furnishing cheap ransportatlon for vegetables , fruits nnd roducts of the truck farm. We have lines o eastern markets and we are close with hroitgh transportation to the southern and least markets , which are the best In the Jnltcd Slates. As a mild and delightful climate this Is iiirpassed by none , not being as hot in sum mer as northern Illinois , and seldom , If ! \-er , docs the mercury reach within 10 do- rees of zero In winter. People suffering , vlth consumption , catarrh and bronchitis nd other throat and lung troubles find nl- lost Instant relief and In many cases permn- ent cures , while scarlet fever and diphtheria ro unknown here. I would say to young men seeking homes who nre unable to Invest In the high priced lands In the north and west , come south ivhero you will find Improved lands close to good markets for less than you can buy a 'lomestead and Improve the raw lands on the 'rentier , where you arc compelled to hau. high priced lumber nnd fuel a long distance o Improve the lands for which you hav paid more than you can get farms nil ready nnd fenced , with wells supplied with pure fresh water , comfortable houses , orchards and beautiful forests at the very door , which afford fuel and good range and shelter for stock. In the west they are exposed to the bleak winds and bllzzerds , with frequently no other shelter than a barbed wire fence to pllt tho-wlld winds and storms. Here a man will find the comforts of life prepared for him ns soon as ho arrives , where he Is free from such pests ns flics , mosquitoes , buffalo gnats and green herd flies , such as he and his stock have to contend with In the north and west. He will also find agreeable and desirable neighbors , willing and ready to promote his Interests In every way , and close to good schools and churches , Instead of living on he vast prairies , with hero nnd there an occasional house In the dim distance. Hcason for yourselves to the actual od- i-antages offered you In this Orchard Homes region. Investigate , look over the land , or ganize In clubs of two families or more. For all Information address Geo. W. Ames , General Agent , 1617 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb , rnAit.nAcr.imc > i. ASSOCIATION. At Denver Aucuit 1 ! ' , I , 1HU5. For this occasion the Union Pacific will sell tickets at the rateof one fare for the round trip from Mlso.ur ! river terminals to Denver , Colorado Springs , Manltou and I'ueblo. Tickets on sale August llth and 12th. A. C. DUNN , City Passenger and Ticket Agent , 1302 Far nam street. Hot Siirlnc , Miutli Uiikntn. Wind cave , largest and finest In the west. Inquire 1401 Farnam street. BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING Several Weighty Subjects Ulsciusoil anil 1'hmlly UUpajod of. Chief of Police White occupied a seat as a member of the Board of Health for the first time yesterday. Ho was Introduced to the members and the Insjectors present by Mayor Demls. He listened with as much equanimity as possible to the highly edifying dlscussfons for which the board has become famous. The first weighty subject that demanded consideration was the request of a citizen of thn Seventh ward who wanted psrmlssion to put In an earth closet , Instead of making connections with the sewer. This matter was dUcussnJ In a statesmanlike manner for nearly an hour. At length It was decided that the subject was too Important to be thus quickly disposed of , and another consideration was postponed until the next meeting. Property owners complained that the street sweepers were dumping their refuse on va cant lots In various parts of the city without first obtaining permission from the owners. A resolution was passed In which the Hoard of Public Works was requested to co-operate with the Hoard of Health In arranging for a satisfactory disposal of the accumulations of the streets. Dr. Towno reported that there was a seri ous prevalence of typhoid fever. There had been ten cases reported since July 1. He recommended that the people be urged to boll their drinking water and not to use ICG water for drinking purposes. Much of the Ice was said to have an unsanitary flavor and the water could be coole.l Just as effectively by placing the Ice In contact 'vlth the outsldo of the pitcher or Jug , Inbtenl of putting It In the water. A resolution to ask the city council for an appropriation for the purpose of cutting the weeds on vacant lo > was referred to the cotlncllmanlc members of the board. Tlie council will bo asked to provide for a system of fees to be charged for certified copies of } he records of the Hoard of Health. Protect Yniir < hllilreu. Mothers would do well to atomize their children's throat and nasal passages morning and evening \Uth Allen's Hygienic Fluid a positive preventive of all contagious diseases , such is diphtheria , scarlet and typhoid fevers , smallpox , bronchitis , etc. It has a pleasant , aromatic flavor and Is perfectly harmless. A Futrdviiiitniei Offered by the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , the short Iluo to Chicago. A clean train made up and started from Or ilia. Daggage checked from residence to destination. Elegant train service and cour teous employes. Entire train lighted by electricity and luted by steam , with electric light In every berth. Flneit dining car service In the west , with meals lerved "a la 1.1 carte. " The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. dMIy from Union depot. City ticket ofllce , ISO ! Farnaiu street. C. ' S. Carrier , city ticket agent. Found Plenty of Men Who Were Anxloui to Bite. ROUSER WORKED THEM ALL ON THE CHECKS Hostilities Are Again Declared In the Country Around bheoly unit the Old rullih Troubles Are Once Muro lle- vlvcd und tovcrul Arrests Mnilo. II. Houser Is n smoother swindler than ! ie pollco thought him when the first reports ere received. Ho passed bogus checks on tanfleld & Co , and the Globe Clothing corn- any Monday evening after banking hours nd got nwny with the profits of his work , bout $20. before the olHcers could get action i the case. Vigorous search in Omaha. South Omaha nd Council Bluffs failed to locate he forger and yesterday another crop f his victims appeared at the police sta- on with their tales of woe. On Monday veiling Uouser went Into I'rlsman's cloth- g store and made a small purchase , offer- g In payment a check for $3. He received Is change , $2.85 , In good coin and Prlsman as the check , which was drawn on the erclinnts National bank. The check was irown out this morning and the case placed n the hands of the police. I'rlsman had hardly left the police station hen Charles Gooder came In and wanted o bo put onto the process by which he ould get $15 that he had given Houser , who as known to him as E. Cohen , a collector f bad debts. Houser , or Cohen , called at coder's place of business nnd took a con- ract to collect some bad claims. Ho gave ! io name of E. Cohen and had printed : ards , giving his office ns 320 North Slx- eenth street. On the card wns printed In ed letters , "Hemoved to New York Life ulldlng July 15. " Gooder gave the col- cctor a bunch of claims and ho went out. le returned on Monday and reported that o had made collections amounting to $11. lo did not have the cash , but had accepted check for $25 , made payable to E. Cohen nd signed by H. Houser. He explained hat he had secured the paper In the course if the day's work and asked Gooder to : ash It , retnlnlng the $11 due him ns the esult of Cohen's efforts ns n collector. Gooder had never hoped to see that $11 gain and ho paid Cohen $1 commission and gave him $11 In change on the- check and i-oted him a crackerjack In the collection Inc. Inc.Mr. Mr. Cohen , alias Houser , Is still missing. IINIWII ; : > THU roi.isii oiiuiun WAK. Chitrgcs ntiit Counter < liurRes Miido by the liilurrMfHl runic * . The Polish Catholic church troubles have broken out In a new spot , or several new- pots rather , nnd yesterday the police court had the appearance of a hall on n Pulaskl nnlversary celebration. Half a hundred 'ollsh women and girls , dressed In their holiday attire , were at hand to tell all they now nnd have heard about the trouble that 'ather Karmlnskl had with some of his neighbors on July 5. Father Karmlnskl Is charged with having assaulted Martha Engler , Ignez Heptowskl Is accused of having used abusive and pro- "ano language , Mrs. Joseph Herarzwlskl Is charged with having assaulted Martha Eng- 'cr , Agnes Henarzewskl Is said to have used obscene language , and Mrs. Rakowskl Is In jail for disturbing the peace. The others are simply witnesses. The stories don't agree at all , but the pre ponderance of evidence Indicates that there ivas a row. Father Karmlnskl says the fol lowers of Bishop Scannell have tried to make his life a burden. They congregated in front of his place , and he went out and told them to leave or he would make It warmer for them than It was on the day before , or some threat of that kind. Then they had him ar rested for assault. The girls swear that they were standing on the corner talking when the reverend father came out and called them dirty pigs and pushed Martha Engler off the sidewalk. There are fifty versions to the story , and Judge Berka will pick out the ono that suits him best when the returns are all In. Think They llnvo u Mre 11 tic. Jack Wills has been arraigned In police court on a warrant charging him with arson. Detectives have been at work and have found a man who saw Wills Jump out of the Union Pacific car Tuesday morning. Just a few seconds before the flro was discovered In the baled hay , with which the car was loaded. The complaint waa sworn to by Twamley & Sons , the owners of the hay , which was partially destroyed. The police claim to have further evidence that will connect Wills with the large number of fires that have occurred recently In the hay cars on the tracks north of the Webster street depot. Wills will be given a pre liminary hearing today. Always patronize the home article. Spe cially If It's better. Cook's Extra Dry Im perial Champagne has no equal , ll.vVDK.N liittlS. llnrgnlns In Every Department on Thtir- duy. WAISTS , WAISTS , WAISTS. We are determined to lead the race In the sale of ladles' waists to the end of the sea son. son.On Thursday morning we will pile the garments high on our 2 special bale tables. 39c and C9c for laundered'waists. . And J2.G9 and $2.95 for silk waists. These waists are the very latest materials and styles , and are less than half the usual price. LAWN DRESSES. Thursday morning we will sell an elegant lawn dress , full skirt , with 10-Inch ruffle and stylish waist ; colors , blue and white , pink and white and black and white stripes , usual price $4.00 , Thursday , $1.95. And two other lines at $2.C9 and $4.45 , that cannot be found In Omaha at double the price. GREAT INDUCEMENTS IN MIDSUMMER MILLINERY. Not a single Item of our Immense millinery purchases will be carried gver. We are making special prices to Insure their com plete sale while seasonable. Everything new and fashionable In summer millinery on spe cial sale. HAYDEN HROS. Cliaiitnrqiin Lake Excursion * I'.very Duy. Hound trip , Chautauqua lake tickets , good until October 31 , are- now on sale via the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railway. Handsomely Illustrated descriptive book , with any Information desired , will be sent on ap plication. H. P. Humphrey , T. P. A. , Kansas City , Mo. ; C. K. Wllber , western passenger agent , Chicago. CALIl OltNIA OK TICXAt Via the Santa IV Haute. For lowest rates on tickets and best ac commodations call on cr address E. L. Palmer , P. A. Santa Fe Route , Room 1 , First National Bank , Omaha. Ladle * . If you have the rheumatism or neuralgia , any kidney or uterine trouble , are emaciated or have superfluous flesh and your doctor orders baths , before going to the expense of a trip , try out baths. You can have Turkish or Russian , medi cated , vapor , electric , sea salt , sulphur , Mer curial , oil rubs and hot milk baths. Attendants first class. Massage by an educated masseuse. Ladles' Turkish baths and physical culture parlors , 109-110 Bee building. DIED. MAHONEY George , youngest Fen of T. P. nnd Nelllo Mnhoney , died July 17th. nge 4 yra. 10 mo. nnd 4 days. Funeral Thurs day , July 18 , at 3:30 : o'clock from residence , C24 So , &th St. to Holy Sepucher ! cemetery. KHUTTI Charles I * , aged 65 , nt residence. 1109 South Thlrty-thlrd street. Funeral from residence , Friday , July 19 , nt 4 p. in. , to Forest Lawn. Friends Invited. BORN. | Kt'H.V-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn a daughter , July 17 , H25. BOOTH SIDEttB UP IN/ ARMS I'rotrst Agulutt Kri > irlnr One nn.l Not the Olhtr VlMilnrt. The viaduct question will not down , and the members of the cltjr council who repre sent the southsldersiare having no end of trouble. For the past year the Sixteenth street viaduct has been sufficient to keep them busy trying to satisfy the demands of their Impatient constituency , and now that the final arrangements have been made for repairing that structure , their attention Is occupied by the Indignant expostulations of the Eleventh street property owners. The latter seem to think that they have een misled In some way. They have been ssured that tbe Eleventh street viaduct mat er was In the courts , and that nothing could ie done until a decision was rendered. But lioy observe with angry suspicion that the ouncll has been able to take measures to epalr the Sixteenth street structure , and "ley are asking why nice , fresh bated bread liould bo dished up to the Sixteenth street eople while they are compelled to be satls- ed with the legendary stone. The Eleventh street viaduct his bsen prac- cally closefl to .he public for the past three ears. At first only vehicle traffic was sus- endcd , but In Decsmbcr , 1894 , the struc- ire was closed entirely , thus Indicting a naterlal hardship on the dwellers south of "ie viaduct. For more than a year past the matter has been allowed to rest , while the ty has vainly endeavored to obtain n de- Islon from the courts by which the rall- oads could be compelled to repair the struc- ure. Suit was originally brought In United talcs court to secure an order directing the ecelvers of the Union Pacific to take steps o repair the viaduct. Judge Cornish , as naster In chancery , decided that no suclr rder could properly be Issued until .a similar trder wns obtained against the B. & M. Then " : io city went Into the district court with an ppllcatlon for a writ of mandamus to com- iel the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy rnll- oacl to do Its share toward repairing the laduct. The railroad contested the right f the court to Issue such a writ , nnd the iase Is now In the supreme court. The evl- 'ence has been submitted , but the Judges ave not seen fit to hand down their opinion. In the meantime the south side residents ave waxed wroth and they assert that their nterests are not being protected. Councilmen - men Lcmly , Gordon and Kment represent this cntlment In the council , and they do not .esltato to declare that the city Is not likely o get nn opinion soon. They assert that he railroads are playing a waiting game , nd that this policy la being aided by some if the ofllclal representatives of the city. Some time ago Back introduced a resolution * hlch provided for the appropriation of 5,000 to repair the Eleventh street viaduct , 'his was with the understanding that the xpenso was to be charged to the city and hen taxed up against the railroads , according o the provisions of the charter. The resolu- lon was referrei to the committee on via ducts and railroads , of which Bechel Is halrman. A vigorous effort Is now being made to iccuro a favorable report from the committee n this resolution. H Is urged that the city might Just as well have a law suit to collect he money ns to spend nn Indefinite period n court , while the viaduct Is allowed to re main closed. Chairman Bechel Is quoted as "ncllnlng to this opinion , but the legal de partment of the city government Is strenu ously opposed to such procedure. Assistant City Attorney Cornish says thai f this action was taken the entire work ol the past year would bo lost. If the city should repair the viaduct the railroads couk jo Into court and show that the repairs de manded had already been accomplished am ho suit would be at once dismissed. Then ho city would be compelled to begin all over again , and there would be no telling how nany years the railroads' ' couU delay the col- ectlon of the money. Mr. Cornish received : i letter from the clerk of the supreme court the other day which stated that the man damns case could not be reached before the September term. Then there were aboul forty criminal cases awaiting consideration , and It would bo October 1 before the city case could be taken up. "Now thut a decision Is In sight , " tald Mr Cornish , * 'I believe It wouldi be iv ry foollst for the city to do anything else than wait So far the city has had all the advantage In : ho fight In the courts , and by waiting a few nonths longer we can have the question settled for a'l ' time. I am confident that the city will win , nnd then the council will be nblo to proceed at once. " In Ynnr Illood Is the cause of that tired , languid feeling which aflllcts you at this season. The blooi Is Impure and has become thin and poor That Is why you have no strength , no appe tite , cannot sleep. Purify your blood with Hood's Sarsaparllla , which will give you an appetite , tone your stomach , and Invigorate your nerves. Hood's Pills are easy to take , easy In action and sure In effect. 25c. WILL PLEAQE BICYCLE RIDERS. Ordinance Introduced to Keep Deposit * Hut of tlte Mreetn. The street department has always experl cnced a good deal of trouble on account o careless citizens who have discovered tha the street is a very handy place to deposl their accumulations of glass , broken china old wire and other refuse. Now that th system of cleaning the streets by hand am day labor has been adopted an effort will b made to make examples of some of thes offenders. In pursuance of this purpos Councilman Saunders has Introduced an ordl nance which makes It a misdemeanor to de posit any glass , china , nails , Iron , crockery tacks , wire , steel , tin , zinc , copper or othe metal or any sharp piece of stone on nny street , avenue , boulevard or alley belongln to the city. The punishment Is a fine of no less than $5 nor more than $100 for th first offense and for any subsequent offens a jail sentence of from one to thirty day may bo added , I like my wife to use Pozzonl's Complexion Powder , because It Improves her looks and I as fragrant as violets. Should be Looked Into. THOROUGH INVESTIGATION REQUESTED. A BOLD'ASSERTION. Ever since Prof. Koch startled the world by promising' to cure consumption with the Koch lymph and lib'Complete failure to do eo , the people have been looking for some discovery which would prove an absolute , certain cure for that-dread disease. Over a quarter of a ccnturjriajjo Dr. R. V. Pierce , chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surrjical Inctitute. put in a claim for a medicine , which he had discovered nnd used , m his extensive practice , that would cure ninety-eight per cent , of all cases of consumption when token in all its early staros. Tune has proved that his assertion rrss based on facts pained from experience. His "Golden McdicaUDUcovery " has cured many thousand people ; -in all parts of the world , nnd Dr. Picrco irivitcs all interested to send to him for n free book which gives the names , addresses and photographs of many prominent people who have willingly testified to the marvelous curative proper- tics of his "Golden Medical Discovery. " diseases , also Asthma and Catarrh , that will be mailed by the World's Dispensary lied- kal Association of Buffalo , N.V. , on receipt of nix cents in stamps , to pay postage. Consumption , na most everybody knows. Is first manifested by feeble vitality , loss of ctrcngth , emaciation ; then local synip. toms soon develop , as coucA , difficult breathing- bleeding from Junes , when investigation proves that tubercular deposits - posits have formed in the lungs. It is earnestly advised that the " Discovery " be taken early and the latter stages of the disease can thereby be easily avoided. To build up solidjJesJi and strength after the nrip , nncumoria , ( "lung fever " ) , ex hausting fevers , nnd other prostrating dis. eae3. It hcs no equal. It does not make fat Jlke cod liver cil and its natty cow. pound * , but , solid , uhaleionirjlafi. JIOSYOVS TRIUMPH , The Fight Agaiist Disease , Poisonous Drugs and Old Fogyism , Declared in His Favor , tr. J , llnumor Tells the Story of I1U Suffer ing mill Cure. Mr. J. Ilaumcr , 42 East Twenty-first street , layonne , N. J. , says : "Eighteen months ago was so crippled with rheumatism that I ould not dress myself. I tried all the decors - ors In Bayonnc. but they gave me up as lopelcss. I also tried numerous preparations , tut failed to find any relief , At last I leant of Munyon's Rheumatism Cure and be- rati using It. The effect was marvelous. I mproved at once , and found that less than wo bottles were sufficient to cure mo com- ) letely , as I have not had a twinge of rheu- natlsm since. " Munyon's Rheumatism Cure 1s guaranteed o cure rheumatism In any part of the body. \cute or muscular rheumatism cured In from no to five days. It never falls to cure sharp , hooting pains In the arms , legs , sides , backer or breast , or soreness In any part of the body n from one to three hours , It Is guaranteed o promptly cure lameness , stiff and swollen olnts , stiff back , and all pains In the hips ind loins. Chronic rheumatism , sciatica , umbago or pain In the back spcoJIly cured. Munyon's Homoeopathic Homo Remedy Company , of Philadelphia , put up specifics for nearly every disease , which are sold by all Inmglsts , mostly for 25 cents a bottle. Those who are In doubt as to the nature of their disease should address Professor itunyon , 1503 Arch street , Philadelphia , glv- ng full symptoms of their disease. Pro- 'essor ' Munyon will carefully diagnose the case- and give you the benefit of his advice ibsolutely free of all charge. The remedies will be sent to any address on receipt of retail price. A full line of MUNYON'S REMEDIES , On hand. Mailed on receipt of price. TltKAI.OK . l'Jx FOl.lt CO. , 1108 Fuinam Street. Opposite I'axtoD Hotel. OMAHA. NEU WASTING DISEASES WEAKEN WONDKH- fully bccnuso they weaken you slowly ! gradu * ally. Do not ullow tlili waste of body to mnka you apoor , flabby , Immature man.Health , strength ami vigor 14 for you whether you bo rich or poor. The Orcat lliulyim Is to be lnul only from the Hud son Medical Institute. This wonderful discovery wns miuleny the specialists of the old famous Hud son Mcdlcsil Institute. It Is tlio strongest nnd most powerful vltnllzcr made. It Is so powerful tliat II Is simply wonderful lion * harmless It Is. You can got It from nowhere but from the Hudson Medlcnl Institute. Write for circulars and testimonial ! ) . Tills extraordinary Ilcjnvciiator Is tlio most wonderful discovery of the nge. It has been en dorsed by the leading scientific men of Europe and America. HUHYAX Is purely vegetable. JIUJIVAX stops preinatureiiCRS of the dls cliarRO In twenty days. Cures LOST SIAX- JIOOI ) , constlp.itlon , dizziness fulling sensations , nervous twitching of the eyes and other parts * Strengthen ! ! , Invigorates and tones tlio entire system. It Is as cheap ns any other remedy. JIUDYAX cures debility , nervousness , cmls- fllons , and develops and restores weaU organs. I'alns la tlio back , losses by duy or night stopped quickly. Over 1,000 private Indorsements. I'reraaturoness means Itnpotency In the first stage. It Is a symptom of seminal weakness and barrenness. It can be stopped In twenty days by the use of Hudyan. Hudyan cosjs no more than any other remedy. Send for circulars and testimonials. TAIXTr.n IH.OOJJ-Impuro blood duo to serious private disorders carries myriads of sore- producing germs. Then comes sore throat , pimples , coppcrcolored spotsulcers In mouth , old sores ami falling lialr. You can save a trip to Hot Springs by wrltingfor'BIood Hook'to the old physicians of the HUDSON IHP.mCAIj INSTITUTE , Stockton , SlnrUet and Kllti Hit , , SAN" FltAXClBCO , CAI , fie Largest piece of GOOD tobacco ever sold for the money thlchiitrr1 * KnxlliU IHurnoml llran ? . PILLS Urlxlnul anil Only tirnulne * AFC , alwaj * rrlllble. LADICK aik iglil for OfcAiXrrt fWu Via , MC { Brand hi Itrd ami ' . ' "M meltllio itaxrf. iralctl wllti blue rltUio. TaLe naulhcr. Ktfttte rfanycroua mltdfu. IIOMJ ami imitation ! . M Urafftiitti or seed 4r In tttmr * fur imrlleultri , trttlioooUti tu "Hrllcr for 1.ait"lxl'ittr. t ; rtturt : ' Mull. KyiUO Tr tirr.ool.li. > IMpir Chltlioler fbcmlcul Co. . Mrxll.onKq ii . < , Ctld bj .octl l > ri > tlili. 1'lillcilm. . ft. \V lend lh murTflons French Komc.ly CALTHO8 fiHnud n local guarantee thitCALTIIoii * III RTOI > I > l > rh > rcr . Eulolon * . C'lfflK Np < .rmatorrhrA \ arleor le and IIF.bTOUU I. .t Vtcor. Ust it and fay ifsatiifieJ. Allrtii.VON MOHL CO. . H lt iDtriem * [ tnti , rUrlaMll , Cklo. EDUOA TIONAT. . Kenyon Military Academy , Gambier , O. 72nd year. TLIs old and remarkably successful rcbool provides ( borough preparation for college or business , anil careful bupervlalon of livaltii , habits anil manners. 11U much the oldest , largest anil bent equipped boarding icboql fur boy * lu Oblo. Illustrated catuloguo sent. lllEli ( trade KiiKll'li " "I ClMtlcnl Hchool. Literary tin II Art Coulx-- , ( ( lim.-.lu uiluilU tu W llr > ly , hltllUi " . . . , . . . . _ . . y" lr ii' < i. i L tiflilrlil > .l j..L i * tll&lJr Quito recently wo begun cuttliif ; prices on shirts. It yielded turtg- nlllccnt returns. Precisely In nccordutico with our object. We don't want shirts this season at least What we wt.ixt Is a new supply for ' , * ' next summer > As we said , we sold anile it number of all crudes , but the bulk In cheaper qualities like the carpenter * and the slmvlncH we accumu lated quite an amount odds and ends of the COc and 7r > c qualities. Take your choice tflduy for il'u' apiece. More for a sweep out than to sell. These 7J5c laundered 1'ercale which wo reduced to ftOe have been copiously called for but we have a oed many yet to sell. The $1.00 kind which we cut down to 7i"c ( either collars and cuffs attached or loose ) are hery yet , certainly not as many , but enough for a few hundred people who wants 'em. A c od many of those Imported cloth shirts which we sod ! at ? U.OO at early season have been cut down to Si/Jo. Still at that price but you must call quick if you care for a real good thlnff. Whew ! What a tremendous amount of soft unlaumlcred shirts wo have here. It reminds us of the magic sceptre In the fairy queen's hands. Anything you call for Is sure to appear. v , ' ' OUR again in the east making Selections of the newest and brightest things shown in the Furniture and Car pet trade. We have a few odds and ends in our Furniture department which we will ' close at cost. Straw Mattings down to Sc f per yard. Alaska Refrigerators at cost ' Jewel Gasoline Stoves are the only abso ute safe stove on earth , and we are sole [ agents and sell them at the same price as ) thers want fo Home Destroyers. If you have anything to buy in the way of Furniture - OR Carpetings just remember that we lead tl procession in Style and Low Prices. a Are You Car-Sick When Traveling ? Car-sickness is as trying to many people as sea-sickness. It comes from a derangement of the stomach. A Ripans T abide is an insurance against it , and a box of them should be in every traveler's outfit. Ttlptm's Tabulea : Bold by dniggtati , or by mall If tlio price (50 ( cents a box ) IP cent to The 111- pans Chemical Company , No. 10 fipnice it. , N. Y. DEIEDDI : EDUCATIONAL. MARMAOUXE MILITARY INSTITUTE The Great Military School of the West. Also NIEDRINQHAUS HILL for Small Boys , Unsurpassed Advantage * ) . Investigate before selecting a school. For " ' ' , o ttUdrosu Swot AlfA > -A DAUGHTER OR WARD TO EDUCATE- The leading ( Ctinnl In the Fnulliwoit l the school joa iletlre , Kainouinldcolltge Kntlrely Hcrnrnlilicd. I Handsome SO-pige Illuil , catalogue. Uponi Kept , 4. COLUMBIA , - - - MISSOURI. Mrs. Luolln Wlloox St. Clolr. President. JRYA EXACT SIZE PERFECT ! * TUB MERCANHLE IS THE FAVORITE TEN CENT CIGAR. Bet ealo by alt First Class Dunlunr. Manufactured by tbo F. R. RICE MERCANTILE CIGAR CO. , Factory No. u04 , BL Loula ,