Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    G TJTJ2 OMAHA DAILY m n.mrHSDAY , JULY 18 , 1895.
Wheat end Corn Opened Strong and Ended
IlnmoM of Until HIiltimeiiH siml l.luernl
Short Helling Factors In the O r'
Trade Hot IVInilt tn Nebraska
CHICAGO , July 17. The wheat and corn
/nnrkcta todny opened stronR nnd closed
weak. Compared with the Until quotations
of tlio day before wheat Is ic , corn % c nnd
oatH Ho lower. Provisions were moderately
active nnd lower.
The brcnk In wheat was the result of the
absence of export demand , rumors of gold
shipments and liberal Bhort selllnR. The
trade In wheat was of the same local pcalp-
Ing character as was reported of It yester
day. Orders from outside were as scarce
as good crop reports. The crop conditions
Influenced the first transactions. After thai
Bhort sellers became the governing Influence
and sat severely down upon the spirits ol
those who might otherwise have been buyIng -
Ing wheat. To odd to the troubles of th <
spring wheat , the weather bureau reported
light frost probub'.o In Minnesota tonight.
The receipts were much lighter than at the
corresponding slme a year ago. The New
Tork people are becoming Impressed by the
Inferiority of this Reason's winter wheat nnd
are buying'old No , 2 red In Chicago , whlcli
will bo shipped In duo course to help brine
up the average they expect to have tc
linndlc from this season's crop. They nr <
buying tbo cash grain here at a discount ol
IVic per bu. under the price of the Scptem
bcr future nnd selling the latter tignlnsi
their purchases of the snot grain. Receipts
nt Minneapolis and Dii.uth wrre 121 cars
compared with 23C carloads on the corrc
spending day of the year before. Chlcagt
received forty-five ears , forty-two of then
being new and only six oars of the latter Ir
pprlng contract. The exports from the At
lantlc seaboard were again disappointing ! ;
light , amounting to only -18,1)00 ) bu. , of whlcl
19,000 bbls. worn flour , from the four prlncl
pal Atlantic ports. I lverpool nnd contl
ncntal markets Improved somewhat , prob
ably due to yesterday's firmness here. Sep
tember opened unchanged nt fXc , and nfte
a bulge to CS'io ' dropped Ic , nnd hunp nbou
from C7'/iC to f 7' , c during the latter part o
the session. In the absence of any order :
from the outsldu the local short sellers wen
able to supply nil their neighbors win
wanted to buy. There wns some shor
wheat nftcr the orders had nil been filed ur
That was the cnuse for the weakness In th <
end. September , after selling at CSc , de
dined nnd clowd nt C7Uc.
The corn pit was divided In opinion 01
the reported damage from hot winds In Ne
braska nnd Kansas. Early In the sessloi
the dnmnge wns apparently taken seriously
but later on It received very little credence
Frost wns nn Item In the Influence befor
noon , which caused May to jump ytc. Th
drcllne In the prleo of wheat near the clos
was adversely affecting corn nt the snm
time. The lowest prices of the day wer
prevailing between the last morning bel
nnd the final closing slgnnl. The rnngp li
September was from 40V4c down to 4VJc
with WKC the prevailing price nt the closi
In May the range wns from 38llc to 37
nnd the closing price 37'.4c. Receipts today
109 cars.
In oats the business was only of nn ordl
nary character. The tendency of the specu
latlvc market was toward easiness nnd lowe
values were found , although In the earl
part of the session n slight advance wn
scored. Fluctuations were ruled prlnclpnll
by wheat and corn. September opened a
23Uc , sold up to 234c , down to 22c , nn
closed nt from 23c to 23' , c.
Provisions opened firm nnd n trifle hlghei
In sympathy with the early strength I
wheat and corn. The.y became weak , re
vlved nsnln nnd finally closed nt n sllgh
decline In pork nnd lard , but n trifle hlghe
for ribs. The closing price of Septembe
pork wns { 10.70 , against $10.8. on the da
before. Lard Is now J0.30 , against JB.321ye -
terdny , nnd September ribs are JC.l7'
ngnlnst $ .12V4 nnd JC.15 yesterday. Th
dny's receipts were 10,000 hogs.
Estimates for Thursday : Whent , C5 can
corn. C50 cars ; onts , 125 cars ; hogs , 15 , < X
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were ns follows :
FLOUR Weak ; winter palents , $3.233.73 ; wli
ter straights , $3.00J3.40 : spring patents , J3.7 ;
4.00 ; sprint ? straights , $2.SO3.3 ; bakers , $1.K ! )
WHEAT No. 2 spring , 66T63c ; No. J sprln
nominal ; No. 2 red. 6Cif66Vic.
CORN-NO. 2 , 4r.t4i ; > uc : NO. a yellow. KQKU
OATS No. 2 , a's-c ' ; Nof 2 white , 2702So ; No.
White , 26Hi 27c.
IIV13 No. 2 , 4Sc.
11ARLEV No. 2. nominal.
FLAX SEED No. 1. $1.53.
TIMOTHY HEED-prlme. $5.75.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bl.l. . , $10 6" ! >
10.73. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $ e.2if6.22H. Short rll
sides , lm . . $6.05 6.IO ; dry sallwl shoulder
l xed , CV&6E > Xc ; short clear sides , boxed. (
WHISKY-DlsllllerV finished goods , per ga
Ht'OAR Cut loaf , unchanged.
The following were the receipts nnd shlpmcn
today :
On the Pro liia i oxoha-iro toJiv ihs butter nn
Kci \ jw muady : croHinery. I0aim < o : dairy , 10
16C , t a , Btoidyj UH'12c. Che HO. 7U5 at. !
Clotlnu Quotation * oa the Principal Co : > nnit stnple .
NEW YORK , July 17.-FIOl'R-Recelpts , 12.7
bbls. ; exports , 4,300 bbls. j gales , 13 90) pkgs , ; wl
the exception of spring patents , which we
weaker to sell , lh < > maiket was generally steai
but unchanged ; city mill patents , 4.50 4.70 ; cl
mill clears , Jt.15ffll.20 ; Minnesota patenls , | 3.6 ;
fv , * , . " " ! " " ! " , 3.00 < iT3.35 ; winter extir
J3.O ) } d.S5 ; wlnler patents , ll.Ksn w win I
straights. W.50W3.85 : winter low Vfailes \ *
3.00 ; spring low grades , ll.90S2.4J. Rya | iu
Julli uperilne , I3.WU4.00 ; fancy. | 4.05ei.25 ; sal <
Itilils ,
CORN MBAiv-Rleady ; sales , 400 bbls. ; yelle
wwtjrn. ll.cpoi.11 : lirnndywlne. J2.90.
\\lIbAT Ilrcelpts. 10.JX ) bu. ; Sales , 3.615.CO ) t
futures and 2,00) bu. sput. Spol maiket du
No 2 red. In sloie and elevator , 71c ; afta
71ic ; f. o. b. , 72Hc : No. 1 northern. 74Xc. i
llverml ; No. 1 hind. 75c. delivered. Opllons
lei Monday were stronger on higher rabies , pi
diet ons of fron In the northnnt and n bulll
weekly bureau report , gradually eased off , I
coming decidedly weak In the afternoon under lo
sales nnd abw-nce of cash demand , closed -Vffi
lower : May. 76J4Cn'ic , closed 70We ; July , 79 ? ;
' August , 70J4c ; Brutrinuer , 71 S-lCfiiJMco ' cliu
'Li.r.C:730aT77ri-.7lk7d ! : ; &
. , - . .
9 ° 'lSi ' J 'f' ' ' ' ' * 10I':0' ' ' bu. ; exports , 61,000 bi
tales , 30,000 bu. futures nnd 2t.O bu. si i | PI
dull ; No. 2. 49Vic : elevator , 51c. Optlomi nd\nnc
caily on frost Inlk , but were sulueeiuently wi-i
eneil by wheat and closed jo lower ; July , cli't '
49Vic : September , 50Vi4T51 c , ckbcd 50Mc.
OATS-llecelpls. S6.700 bu. ; exjKirts , 60,000 bi
sales , 115.UOO bu. fuluien und 92.0UO bu. sinit , Hu
mixed firm , white e > asy ; No. 2 ewt * . 2jic ; No
white. 3Sc ; No. 3 wlilte , Jlc ; track , whits we
ern , SIHOiSc. Options ruled dull anil fratureli
FEED quiet ; biun , 77CiOc ; mlddllngi. KOM6 :
city feed. & > ' . i
lS8UppnR ! 0-wli7-M ! ooa
HOPS Steady ; slate , common to choice , o
Slflcj 1894 crop. Cfl9c ; coast , old , SC&c ; 1S94 cr
lidei 1-ondon market , rteady.
DKS Firm : wet failed. New Orleani ,
lectrd , 45 to 65 Ibs. , nominal ; Texui , select
LO to CO Ibs. . nominal ; Ilurnos Ayrea. dry. 20
14 lb . , 21c ; Texas , dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. , ltflJe.
LKATHER-StronK ! hemlock sole. llufi
Ayrc . IlKht to heavy Wflghts , 21c ; ucld , 2tUfj
WOOL Firm ; domestic tleece. IbUSSc ; imll
W 24c.
PROVISIONS lleef. quiet : family , $12.MJTU
extra me . JK.i ' , xW ; lieof hams. llfc.7tiln.
parked , I'i.Wtl ll.l ; i-lty , extra India mrt . tli
( /1K.6U. fut meuli , Item : plrklid bellies , 7 < f
pleklnl hams , 9'v ' < . I ird , ( | Uiet ; ralr * . 25) Her
.at $6.65 ; city. Pork , ileudy : Kites.
l.til . ; new mess , 12.:5ilJ.W ; family , $111
1S.OO ; hort clrurs. $12 MbU.&i.
TALLOW Weak ; cty : , 4CtUci country ,
C < SC
llf'TTBn Klrmj w tfrn factory , Sllie.
CHIJKSK Fliliifr , Urge. 6 7 ic ; < mall , Cl
IWo. reeclptt. S.MS pkg .
EGOS Dull ; receipts , 7.W7 pkgs.
1OTATOK.SOulrt and iUadl ri Lone Ida !
Virginia , tl'lStft.IS.
at tl.U bid ;
nnnl. New York. $7 M : PhllarUlnhla nnd tlaltl-
more , $7.10 ; Phlladdphln and llalilmore , In bulk ,
U jijt
ilOSIN Rtrnlned , common to good , J1.MJJ1.60.
RICE Hlcndv ; domestic , fair to extra , 4'iO
CVJei Jnpan , 3-7404WP.
MOLASSErt Qiilel ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
C ( id to etiotcf , 29fi32c.
1'BACIIES-Carrlcr , tOcfl 2 00.
APPLES > > r Mil. ,
WATKIt MKI/JNS $ S.Ortl8.00. )
MfHK MELONS-J1.00H4.00.
MKTALS Copper , ttrong ; brokers price , lOKc ,
Lend , strong. Tin , nrm ; straits , $14.20 ! plates ,
nulfl. Cpelter , quiet ; mles on 'change , 5 tons
ptxit tin nl $14.20 ; M tons Aucurt tin at $ ;
10 tons of AUKU l tin at $11.23 ; 25.0.W Ibs. Veptem.
ber ropper nl $11.
COTION8KBO OilInncllve , wllh U'.lm.ottml
variations In prices ; prime cnidf , 23c ; off crude.
21f/22u ! tirlme summer yellow , 26c : off FUmmer
yellow , lv.4 ? 23 ie : yellow butler grades , 2iCSc ;
prime summer while , 30c.
Condition of Triiile unil ijiiotitlan on
8t : > plo nnil Knnor Pr.i'lucn.
The market on packing stock Is n little firmer ,
though other grades of butter remain nbout
The poultry market Is not so strong as It
wan , the demand for this week having been ot
a rtither Indifferent diameter.
The veal market Is also easier. Themarkel
has held up really better than could have been
expected. Live calves at the stock yards broke
several days ngo. Quotations :
EGOS Choice stock , lOc.
IIUTTER-Packlng stock , 8flS'c ; choice to
fancy , 1012c ; gathered creamery , 15c ; separator
creamery , 16c.
LIVE POn/TRY-Heni. 6 < 4fl7c ; roosters. Sc.
spring ehickens , per Ib. , 1lfll2c ; ducks , 7c ; spring
ducks , lOc ; tuikeys , 6fc7c ; geese , 5c.
VEAI. Choice fnt , 70 lo 100 11 * . , ore quoted al
6fi6Hc : large nnd coarse , 4I5Wc ,
CHEESE Wisconsin full cream. Jc ; Young
Amerlciis , llf12c ; twins , llH12c ; Nebraska nnd
Iowa , full cream , lOc ; Llmburger , No. 1 , lOcj
brlek , Nn. 1 , ! ! < ; Swiss. No. 1 , l c.
HAY Upland hay , $8 ; midland. 18 ; lowland ,
$7.60 ; new hay , 6j rye straw. 15 ; color mnkes
the price on hay. Llg'.it bale * cell the best.
Only tup grades bring lop prices.
PIGEONS-Per doz. , $ l.f JI.50.
POTATOES New potatoes , cliolce stock , 35 < fi
ONIONS Bermudas , per crate , none ; Callforna : ,
In sacks , per bu. . & 5ciI.OO ; homo grown. 50W75e.
OLD IIEANS Hand picked , navy , (2.20 ; Limn
beans , per Ib. . 5'/i i5i c.
CAII1IAOE On OldeiK. sacked , 1'iftlc.
RADISHES Per doz , bunches , 15c.
GREEN ONIONS Per doz. bunches , 15c
I.ETTfCE Per doz. , irf(20c.
ASPARAGt'S Choice stock on orders , SSfl&Oc
per doz. bunches.
CUCUMIIERS-On orders , 357IOc per doz.
PEASOn ciders , per lu. , < WSi75c.
STRING HEANS-On older , per V4-bu. basket ,
TOMATOES MlKdsslppI stock , per 4-bnsk l
crule , 8.4(00c ( ; 6 to 10-casc Ills 75SOe * .
HUMMER SQUASH Per doz. , on orders. I5fl
( Oc.
Oc.VATERMEt.ONSPer doz. , crntrd. J2.50S3.00.
OREKN PEPPEHS-Pcr bu. . fl.00 1.50.
WAX UEANS Per ' ,4-bu. basket. uOc.
CANTALOUPES Per basket of one and a ha I
to Iwo dozen. 50c.
CAt'LIFLOWER-Per doz. , 40f24Jc.
CELERY Hume grown , per doz. , 40c.
There seems to be no end to Ihe supply o
southern plums. Everylwuly receives ihem li
spite ? ef the fact that the market has been lov
nnd a good many commission men have beei
discouraging their shipment.
There were practically no berries of any consequence
quence In the market yesterday.
The supply of California fruit Is very light
1n fact , the market Is almost bare of every
thing except peaches.
A circular has been received announcing i
meeting of the National Apple Shlppem aosncln
tlon on Augusl 1 nnd 2 nl Chicago. The asxocla
tlon has for its objecl the dissemination of new
hearing on the business nnd the correcllon o
abuses , etc. The olliccrs are ; President , C. C
Hell , Hoonvllle , Mo. ; secretary , H. W. Snow
Chicago ; vice president nnd Ireasurer , John C
Moignn , Lakeside , Mich ; chairman exccutiv
committee , C. H. Williamson , Qulncy , 111. Quo
tntlons :
RED RASPRERIUES Per 24-qt. case. JI.50.
PLUMS California , per box. choice stock , J1.K
02.00 ; southern , per case , 11.25 1.50.
APRICOTS No shipping stock.
SOUTHERN PEACHES Per 4-bnsket crate ,
S0c $1.00.
APPLES Southern , p > r4bu. . b-ix. 3J4)c ; )
bbls. . $2.00 2.50.
CALIFORNIA PEACHES-Per box. 90c j$1.00.
STRAWllERRIES-Cholce shipping stock , pel
case of 21 qts. , $2.M.
CHERRIES Washington , per 10-11) . box , $1.155
1.25 ; home grown , per 24-et. | case , $2.50.
OOOSEHERRIES Per 21-qt. cnsc , $2.0032.25.
IILACK RASPBERRIES Per 21-qt. case , J2.7
ItLACKDERRIES Choice stock , per 24-qt
case. f2.00 2.25.
GRAPES Texas stock , per 4-basket case , tl.l
- '
The hot weather has livened up the lemo
trade. Local houses reported mall orders n
large yesterday , some of them being for good
ordered shipped by express. The Increase In ih
demand will have n tendency to tone up th
market. Quotnlloris :
ORANGES Navels , per box , 13 ; choice seed
lings , per box , $2.50 ; Mediterranean sweels , $2.i
03.00 : fancy St. Michaels , none.
LEMONS Extra fo < icy lemons , 260 size , $6.00 (
6.25 ; SOO size. $6.2566.60.
I1ANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch , $2.2
C2.50 ; medium size bunchps. $2.0utf2.25.
PINEAPPLES Per doz. , $2.
FIGS Fancy , 15c ; choke , 12fl3o ; California
bags , 7c.
HONEY-Callfornla , 14@15e.
MAPLE SYRUP Gallon Jugs , per doz. , $1 !
Hlxby. 5-gul. cans. $3.
NUTS Almonds , 14c ; English walnuts , soft
shelled , 12c ; standards , lie ; filberts , lOc ; Ilrazl
nuts. lOc ; pecans , 9c ; peanuls , raw , 6c ; roastee ]
DATES In CO lo 70-lb. boxes. 6c per Ib. ; fan
dates , small boxes , lOc per Ib.
CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , $5 ; half bbl. . $3.
COCOANUTS Per hundred , $4.
RICE POPCORN In the ear , on orders , pc
Ib. , 3V c.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , i'c : No. 2 greci
hides , Sc ; No. 1 green salted hides , 9c ; No.
green salted hides , Site ; No , 1 veal calf , 8 to 1
ilis. , 13c ; No. 2 veal calf. S * .o 15 Ibs. , lOftlOUc
No. 1 dry Hint hides , 12fl4c ; No. 2 dry flint hide :
12c ; No. 1 dry sailed hides , 12c ; partly cure
hides , HO per Ib. less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green sailed ? each. ! ; { J60c
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ]
each , G 15c , dry shearlings ( short wooled enri
skins ) ' No. 1 , each. 5@10c ; dry shearlings ( shoi
wooled early skins ) . No. 2 , each , 6c ; dry flln
Kansas and Nebr _ a butcher wool pelts pc
pound , actual welgnt , B8c ; dry flint Kansas an
Ntbrnska murrain wool pelts , per pound , nctur
weight. 4ft6c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wo
pells , per pound , nclual welghl , 4&0'Jc ; dr
flint Coloiado murrain wool pelts , per poum
actual weight , 466c. Have feet cut off , as It I
useless In pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow. 4U (
4'4c ; No. 2 tallow , 3',4 f4c ; grease , while A , 4 <
lie ; greafce , white 11 , 3'4c ; grease , yellow , 2 ? (
3c ; grease , dark. 2Vfcc ; old bultcr , 2tl2 ! c ; bee :
wax , prime. 17W20c ; rough tallcw , 2a
WOeL , UNWASHED Fine heavy. 6@7c ; fin
Hehl.SiWc ; quarter-blood. 10812u ; seedy , burr
and chaffy , SI9c ; celled and broken , coarse , 7 (
9c : celled nnd broken , line. 6JSc.
WOOL. WASHED Medium. 15ClSc ; fine. 14l
16c : tub washed , 16lSc ; black , kc ; bucks , 6 (
tag- locks , 2S3c ; dead pulled , 5@6c.
Pust Week Ilus Witnessed a Fnlllne Oft I
Actual lluslnen ,
BOSTON. July 17. The American Collon ar
Wool Reporter says : The pnsl week has wl
nessed a falling off In the actual business nccon
pl'shed In the feur p Inclpal market * In this coui
try In wool. Although the general strength ar
character of the markel Is fully maintained ,
suggesllvc Indication of a iwrmanence In valui
la embodied In the fact that continental buye-r
who have h retofore held out In the hope tin
English nnd American buyers nt Ihe I ndi
sales had eiulte "Illled up " nnd they might hai
Ihe advanlage of a lempornry decline , have bei
active purchasers during the past wck. Th
may be regarded as n good Indication tli
higher prices have come to stay nnd thai tl
manufacturers must accept Ihe situation as It I
The speculative tendency heretofore noted In Ne
York , Huston nnd elsewhere bus lost Its vlg
nnd ttude has settled down to a bu lneslil
LONDON. July 17. At the wool auction sal
todny 15.518 bales were offere-d , of which 900 we
withdrawn. The utlendance was large and the
was an active demand for the American nccoun
Following arc the sales In detail :
New South Wales , 441 bales ; scoured , EdfJ
3V4d : greasy. 5HWW. Queensland , 2.H60 bale
scoured. SdWls Hid ; greasy. 4id ls Vid. vi
torla. t > 27 tmles ; scoured , 6dfils 6Wd ; greasy , 4V
ills. Soulh Australia , 978 bales ; scoured. 5id
Is 'id ; grrn y. 3Hii6V4d. Swan Itlver , 379 bale
greasy. 6fmd. New Zealand. 7,840 bale
scoured , txlfjls < Hd ; greasy , 4'jtll'I. ' Cape
Good Hope and Natal. 275 bales ; scoured , ( % il
Is 2Hd ; greasy , 6Vjf6id. |
ANTWERP , July 17. The second day of tl
wool auction sales openeel firm and active , wl
I.MO bale * offered , of which W ) were withdraw
Following are the > pa > s : Itueiios Ayrrs. 373 bal
at 2 > ifi6V4d ; Montevideo. l.Otl bales at 3'e6'.id ,
Coffi < .MiirUet.
NEW YORK , July 17-COFFEE-Opened d
at unchanged prices to 5 points decline ; rul
active and nominal , but advanced 1315 pollen
on scarcity of sellers , again easing off under u
satisfactory rabies and slack spot market , closl
dull at unchanged prices ; sales , 1,000 IUIKS , I
eluding : August. $14.50 , October , SH.WffH.
Spot coffee , Rio , dull and nominal ; No. 7 , $15. :
mild , quiet ; Cordova. Ib'Hfl'Je ; sale * , SOO lu
Mnracatba ; H" ) bags IluacarnmaiiKa ; 600 bags
Quaynv , p. t. Warehouse deliveries from N >
York yesterday , 5,677 bags ; New York stei
loilay , 263,251 , bags ; 1'nltt.l Stales stork , 373 ,
bags ; nlloat for the United States , 134on ) hoj
total visible for the United States , 507,833 bai
agnlnst 337.5S6 buim last year.
SANTOS , July 17. Quiet ; good average ft
tot , nominal ; receipts , 12,000 bags ; stock , 20 ,
HAMIU'RG , July 17. Quiet , unchanged
Vt 1'fK. higher : sales , 4,000 bags.
RIO. July 17. Steady ; No. 7. Rio. $13.65 ; i
11 3-16c ; receipts , 4,000 bags ; cleared
the United States , 7.X > ) lines ; cleared for
1,000 bags ; slock , 172.000bags.
HAVRE , July 17. O | > ened dull nnd unrhang
Ytt lower ; nt 3 p , m. , unchanged ; clewed quiet
ilt net decline for the day ; sales , 6,00) bags.
Until Milprunntt UulinporlHlit.
NEW YORK. July IT. The Evening Post si
of today's gold shipment , the amount of whl
It places at $70.01(0 ; It r.i3 taken out of I
subtreasury on assay chtcks..Men meant tt
they put as much EOld In th * neanury as tti
drew out. In banking circles the shipment M
declared to tie a picayune matter that would I
have the slightest effect on the situation ,
I thouch It was generally belUved the chltt cbj <
In inaklns the ( hlpmtnt w to nffect lh ttock
market. _
Trend of 1'r.cM In Sectirlllot'nt Uiwnril |
NEW YOrtK , July 17-The trend of prices on
the Stock exchange today wni upward. The bulk
of Ihe 'transactions wns In the Industrials ,
which dominated the market. The foreign trad
ing wns llRht. Sugar lid In the transactions.
There wns heavy bu > lriK In this stack by a bull
clique , which frightened the shorts nnd mum * !
n slinrp advance in the shares. A scntcily of
Leather preferred certificates wns n factor In
the covering movement In that slock. Tobacco
nnd DIMIllInK moved up In syinpalhy with their
sister stocks. In the railroad Kioup , St. Paul
nnd DurlliiKton ihownl most nctlvlly , the resl of
Ihe list belnK comparatively neRlectcd. rlpecula-
lion wns Kenerally dull , bul soon Iwcame strong
nnd advanced from ' 1 to H I'er ' cent. LenlMer
preferred , Tobacco , Chicago Gas , Lake Bhore
and Tennefsee Coal lending. Define 11 o clock
realizing sates brought about n rencilon up to
14 per cent. In which Ihe same slocks were mrsl
imporlnnt. . . . .
The downward movement wns checked before
midday. The prices advanced during Ihe Ilisl
two hours of Ihe afternoon , the gains reaching
up to 2V4 PT cent , with Tennessee Coal , Chleiigo
Gas , Hugur , Minneapolis & Ht. Louis fecund pre
ferred , Tobacco , lnkc Krle * Wcftcin , New Jer
sey Centtul , Leather preferred , Oenernl Klectrlc
and Colorado niel In Ihe van. Aiound delivery
hour Ihi'ic were realizing sales , which broke
Lenlher prefened 2',4 ' per cent , Tobacco 1 per
cent nnd other shares n fraction , but some oPTlie
specialties made sharp declines , Including Great
Northern preferred nnd Starch llri-l preferred 3
per cenl , imd Rvunsvllle & Terre Haute 4 per
cent. In the final rales there was n rnlly In th
Kdiernl lift , nnd the maikel closed steady to
llrm. Trading In bonds continues light , bul
values are wfll m.Jntnlned. The sales today
were ll.Sl.l.O'K ) .
The livening Post's London cablegram says :
The stock inniket was neglected today. Amer
icans were dull. Other marketi were s'-n'ly. '
Drown , Shipley & Co. will lc ue $6MO.ii > 0 Lehlgh
5 per cent bonds on Friday. The Ifsue price Is
in. , . There" Is likely to be n rush for ihcm.
Mines iKiom slendlly. Wesl Australia Issues are
coining Intu favor. .
The following were the closing quotations of
( he leading stocks of the New York cxchanue
today :
The total sales of flocks today were 220.3'JO
shares. Including : American Sugar , 58,600 : Amer
ican Tobacco , 13,330 ; Atchlson , 4,700 ; Uurllngton.
IV.'OO ' ; Chicago Gas , 40,600 ; Distilling & Cattlc-
Vedlng. 7.600 ; Genfrnl ICIectrle. 3.70) ) : Reading ,
MOO ; Rock Island , 3,100 ; St. Paul. Iti.lOt : Ten
nessee Coal & Iron , 14,300 ; Leather preferred ,
12,700 ; Wheeling & Lake Eric , 3,000.
New IforK .Vonoy Mnrl t.
Sasy at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; close'
At I.tier cent.
PltflMK MERCANTILE PAPI3R 3 4 per cent
STERLING EXCHANGE Dull , with nctua
business In bankers' bills at $4.00 for dcmam
and $4.89f4.K > 'l ' for sixty days ; posted rates
J1.SW4.90 and t4.MVi@4.91 : commercial bills , $1.81
GOVERNMENT 11ONDS Steady ; stale bonds
dull ; railroad bonds , firm.
Closing quotation ! on bands were as follows :
Kncllsli Gold Scnrce In New York.
NH\V YORK. July 17. Dealers In forelp
money and bullion report the muiket practical
bare of IlnglliOi gold sovereigns. Boverelens wei
quoted this moinlng at M.6J each , one of tl
highest priced ever recorded. The gold In a so'
erelgii Is worth I4.S6.65. and early this erase
could be obtained by the dealers at aliout 14.R
Within the natt ten days , however , the suppl
has practically run out , owing : to heavy demam
from tourliti. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
riimnclii .Noteib
DOSTON , July 17. Clearings , 117,050,951 ; bt
ances. 11.861,377. .
DAI/TIMORE. July 17.-Clearlngs. J2 , 32,5 (
balances , $205,313.
NEW YOIIK. July 17. Clearings , 3I45 , < :
balances , 107,511SiO.
PHILADELPHIA , July 17. Clearings , 113,37
(77 ; balances , 11,713,240.
BT. U > UI8. July 17. Clearings , 51,1(6.272 ; bs
ances , IIS6.458. Money , 566 per cent. New Yo
exchange , 25c discount bid.
CHICAGO. July n , Clearings , I1U14.C
Money , eaty at tijl',4 per cent for call loans , a
SG5V4 per cent for commercial. New York e
change , 20c premium. Bterllng posted rates ,
H.90V4 and ll.SSti.
I'orelcu riimnci t Affairs.
BERLIN , July 17.-Kxchanpe on Ixindon , elg
day * slKht , has advanced to 20 mnrka 4Sli pfe.
PAUIH , July 17. C'lo : Three per cent renli
lOJf I2a for the account. Exchange on Londc
I6f 17Ho for checks.
LONDON July n. GeM Is quotud at nuen
Ayre today at 250.50 ; Madrid. 11.60 ; Llsbc
I ; St. Petersburg , M ; Athens , TI ; Rome , 104. '
VUnna , 103.
- ?
Fair Run of Onttlo biAy raot.'oilly BO Qoid
Shippers T.iUc Mont of , ( Ho Hogs UfTcrcd nt
About 5 L'cnU A < ljiiiML ! Mitrliut Slow
on llcuvy Hug * nnil l'rlco B
Cents Lower ,
WEDNESDAY , July 17.
The receipts today were 1,811 entile , 2.SIC
hogs and 275 sheep , as against l.SCI cattle ,
3W ! hot ; ? , 344 sheep and 53 horses yesterday
und 1,1W ! cattle , 3,31' ! hogs und no sheep on
Wednesday of last week ,
Lr the week thus fur the receipts are
0,4011 cattle , 0,761 hogs and 731 sheep , as
against 4.CSI . cattle , 7.C3S hogs and 147 sheep
the Mrs ! hnlt of lust week.
CATTLE There was u fair run of cattle
again today , sixty-eight loads being rcporteJ
In the yards , UH against sixty-eight yester
day und forty-seven loads on Wednesday of
last week.
The market , like yesterday , was bare of
beef steers , there being very few head on
sale good enough for killers. The few that
were here weie not very desirable for the
dressed beef trade , and there wua very
little upon which to base an estimate of
the market. The prices paid for whut there
was here were nbout steady , there being no
material change from yesterday.
Cows nnd heifers were In liberal supply ,
and the bulk of the trading was In that
class of cuttle. The most desirable of the
offerings sold readily at ubout steady prices ,
but the maiket was a little easier on the
medium stuff. As u whole , the market wns
fairly active and the offerings were cleaned
up In pretty good season.
There was a good showing of stockers and
feeders In the yards and there was a good
speculative demand. Desirable cattle of this
description sold freely at fu'.ly steady
prices. The continued favorable outlook for
the corn crop Is causing an Improvement
In the demand for stockers nnd feeders.
Yesterday thirty-four cars were shipped out
Into the country. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Fr.
1 710 $3 00 5..1144 $3 65 2..1165 $3 80
1..12JO 3 00 24..1127 3 75
1. . . . 810 100 1. . . . 810 200 C. . . . 741 250
3. . . . ! -63 150 2..1043 200 2. . . . 745 250
1..1030 150 5..1020 200 4..1U7 250
1. . . . 930 165 23. . . . 700 205 12..WO 2 f.5
1. . . . 790 165 2. . . . 775 210 2) ) . . . . ! S 2 f.5
1. . . . 800 165 2..1015 215 12 970 2 6 }
1. . . . 870 175 I..1150 215 9..1040 20)
1..1110 175 I..1110 215 1..1150 260
1. . . . 630 175 9. . . . 902 2 li 4 > . . . .89S 260
2..1010 175 1..1110 225 5. . . . 874 260
5. . . . 85S 175 9..1010 225 6. . . . 8S3 260
3. . . . 9.13 175 2..11CO 225 . . . . 870 260
1. . . . 70 ( ) 175 1..1030 225 1..7W 26' ' )
1. . . . 750 175 2..1000 225 1. . . . 930 260
1..1070 175 2..KM ) 225 I8..SC6 265
13. . . . 776 185 4..1112 230 13..1013 265
2. . . . 910 1(5 37. . . . 7CU 220 19..1031 261
3. . . . IKK ) 1(5 34. . . . Ml 235 ir.107S 2 61
1. . . . 890 200 1..10CO 240 18. . . . 8C2 270
1. . . . 750 2 00 1. . . . 78) ) 240 13. . . . 98(1 ( 270
1..1020 201 . , . . Ml 240 58. . . . 915 270
2. . . . 940 200 1..112.1 240 4 1027 270
3. . . . 953 200 3..1UH6 250 2. . . . J.95 275
12. . . . 970 200 5. . . . 792 250 12. . . . 1029 2 M
' , . 790 200 11. . . . M7 260 2..10SO ' 3 m
. .733 SM 2. . . . 990 250 2..11G ) 315
. . 42C 1 75 4. . . . 462 2,10 4. . . . 5TO 2 21
. .503 200 2. . . . 4H5 210 2..610 233
. .426 200 2. . . . 6.V , 2'2) 3..790 250
. . 5Jfl 2 10 4. . . . 652 2 25
1..1250 210 4..1222 225 2. . . . 02) 230
1..1250 215 1..111) 223 3..1220 233
1 1320 220 2..IS ? ) 2 25 2..1253 233
3..12.-.2 2 2i 1..1010 2 M 1 ( .51 240
1..1260 225 1..1110 2,25 1. . . .10.10 . 240
1..14..0 S 23 . . . . ! > 0 2,30. , 2..930 240
" . .1116 223 5..10(2 ! ( 210 2..1010 2 4D
. .1450 223 1..1230 2 SO 1..12W 243
1..1730 2 40 2..1613 2 5
2..1053 2 50
1. . . . 230 200 1. . . . 210 350 4. . . . 170 400
1. . . . 330 SOO 1. . . . 270 2'JO 3 210 235
3. . . . 228 200 ] . . . . S60 2 ! (0 ( 1. . . . 170 425
1. . . . 230 200 I' . . . . lOfl'SW 1. . . . 150 4 2-
3 , . . . 366 2 40 1. . . . KO 3 ( K ) 1. . . . 1FO 4 . ,0
1. . . . 360 2M R.21S 3'13 , . . . ' > S 4'50'
) . . . . 160 3 60 . . . . ' * - *
4. . . . C67 225 12. . . . 823' 3 0) 16. . . . 911 3 2"
2. . . , "CO 2 M ) 10. . . . 750 300 10. . . . 950 325
1. . . . 620 250 1. . . . 620 300 5 841 333
1 6Mi 260 17. . . . 6'I3 ' 300 2S 912 340
1. . . . 690 263 43. . . . RSC 300 14. . . . 872 340
2. . . . 750 275 14 638 300 3. . . . 89 $ 343
1. . . . 430 275 1. . . . 6TO 3 00 14. . . . 9M 34. )
1. . . . 640 275 16. . . . 741 300 10. . . . 912 340
0. . . . 570 2 5 12. . . . f07 300 5..1010 343
7. . . . 723 2 SO 62. . . . 814 310 11..11129 3 ( .0
7. . . . 49S 283 10. . . . 761 315 ] 5..ilk7 3 6T
0. . . . 451 213 1..11IO 325 2..930 365
6. . , . 5'JS 290 1. . . . 820 323 4..1174 370
2. . . . 420 290 Itf. . . . 980 3 2. , 4..12S2 370
t , . . . . 618 293 3S. . . . 941 3 23
1 milker $20 0
1 springer 250
1 c nnd c 25 0
1 c nnd c 270
1 c and c 300
1 sprlngsr 30 ( i
James Forbes.
1 cow 950 $2 20 1 cow 1020 $2 SO
1 cow 1010 220 2 cows 1275 3 m )
3 cows 935 2 20 13 heifers : . . . . 918 3 00
3 cows 9.V. 2 20 37 heifers 983 3 23
1 cow 1000 2 25 2 feeders. . . . 910 3 33
1 cow WO 2 63 3 feeders. . . . 903 3 33
Scows 1020 280 4 stecis 1237 410
1 caw 9CO 2 W )
Woodruff Tiros.
1 cow 1080 225 26 cows 8SS 270
1 cow 1050 2 25 12 cows 912 2 70
1 slug 910 2 2"i 4 cows 1012 3 00
2 cows 1150 2 35 5 feeders. . . . 958 3 40
E. R. Uassclt.
2S feeders. . . . 935 3 40 27 feeders. . . . 931 3 40
II. L. Graves.
2 cows 935 175 11 cows..r. . . 524 240
41 feeders. . . . f > 58 3 23
J. II. Event.
Scows 9 < r. 240 22 feeders. . . . SS53 10
1 cow 1070 3 00
John Honey.
3 feeders..1056 3 40 1 feeder 920 3 40
2 feeders..10SO 340 10 feeders..1016 340
1 bull 1160 220 Scows 1020 245
1 cow 1240 2 45 2 cows 855 2 45
1 cow 920 2 45
J. W. I/nngfellow.
25 c nnd h..940 2 K
J. L. Dnlrd.
1 cow 940 2 23 50 feeders. . . . 005 2 90
J. C. Wood.
20 mixed..1066 3 70
George 1'easley.
4 cows 907 2 50 13 steers 1014 3 15
A. Sterling.
8 cows 1050 2 65 1 steer 1190 3 25
1 steer 1160 323 17 Fleers 12S4 383
HOGS The shippers took the lend again toda :
Iherc l > elng liberal orders for light weight
ruder the Influence of nn active demand ar
light offerings the market was a shade to I
higher. Good light hogs sold nt $ I.85J4.95. Tl
offerings of light hoga were cleaned up In she
Heavy nnd packing hogs were not In so good el
mand nnd the market 'was slow. The prlc <
paid were weak to 5o lower. Representutl' '
sales : . .
No. Av. Sh. Pr. > No. Av. Rh. Pr.
4 263 . . . $140 I /SO 233 . . . $480
4 212 . . . 440 | / 79 2.12 120 4 SO
32 1W . . . 450 J 1S6 , 215 . . . 1 0
1 330 . . . 4 50 I / 0 26.1 160 4 80
12 213 40 4 60 I \ 68 218 80 4 (0
2 213 . . . 463 iO 236 . . . 4 M
2 230 . . . 465 37 220 . . . 480
8 288 . . . 465 55 241 160 4 SC
76 S32 210 4 65 62 227 80 4 8C
22 291 120 46" , 64 224 . . . 4 8C
5 266 . . . 470 35 153 SO 4 8 (
71 223 240 4 70 81 201 240 4 M
SI 211 520 4 70 65 250 120 4 SC
80 101 160 470 " ' ' 190 . . . 4 V
80 247 80 470 73 219 S3 481
72 285 160 1 70 51(1 ( r. 41 228 120 4 s ;
80 231 210 475 rtk | 3 231 . . . 4 S !
41 247 160 4 75 Y I .2 203 40 4 Si
2 390 . . . 475 \ ft 19S 80 4 K
CS 220 160 475 * -10r,3 197 40 481
CO 255 240 475 till I 89 163 120 48.
61 243 40 475 lu JO 103 200 48 !
61 238 120 4 75 23 263 . . . 4 81
77 211 120 475 , 202 . . . 48 !
20 221 . . . 4 75 " 86 257 160 4 K
66 if ! . . . 475 111.177 213 120 4 W
HI 193 440 475 | t i 19 152 . . . 491
4 262 . . . 475 , . . ' . . . 205 80 4 9 (
51 18.1 SOO 477 < 4l-'W 194 . . . 49 (
14 226 80 480 76 203 160 4 ( <
71 203 120 480 69 212 SO 4 * (
56 241 . . . 480 ,72 207 40 491
55 226 80 4 80 68 180 40 4 9 :
84 222 40 4 80 62 184 80 4 91
72 220 SO 4 80
' 3S ° 4-
1 * " " 2WPIGS. " -
i ire . . . s w . i 100 . . . s v
9 91 . . . 320
BHEUP There were no sheep offered on t
market today , the two loads received IxHnB bill
direct to a local packer. Prices are nominal
steady. Fair to choice natives are euotable
$2.50i(3.W ( ; fair to good westerns nt IJ.25R3.I
common and stock sheep. il.7C02.25 ; good
choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs , $3.00 5.50.
New York l.l Ktnck .Market.
NEW YORK , Jdy 17. HEEVES Recelpl
3,218 head ; on sale. 3 rare ; market very tloi
medium to prime steers , lOOltjc lower ; coin mi
grass cattle Z5c higher ; rows and heavy bull
steady ; light bulls osier ) about iev.n cars unrc
at the close ; grass and cornfMl , poor to prim
$5.75li5.W ; choice , $5.60f35j:0 ; common to ee >
' tillers. II.C01i5.S2'i ; na and oxen. $2.05 j5.S
bulls , $2.00SJ.25 ; dry cows , I1.60C3.60. Europei
cables quote American etitrrs at loftimc , dress
weight : dressed beef. SUOlOc. Exports toda
S29 beeves and 2.J49 quarter * of b * f.
SHUEP AND LAMItS-JNttlpt * . . ! $
sale. 9.SOO head. Phceti , In fair detnnnd , but
'Hi'.c loxvpr ; lambs , fairly nttlvi * nn.l nearly
steady ; only 700 head unsold ; thfcp , poor lo
prime , J2.'WMS ( ; lambs , rotnmon to guoxl , M.OOO
6.0j ( no prime or choice here.
lllKJH-ltccclpts , 6,913 head ; matkct nrm at
i.tvi : vf
Prices Acnlu r.ulcdVenk Hxcept for
Uoilrnlilo OITorliiirt.
CHICAGO , July 17.-In entile prices ngnln
ruled weak except for dc lrnblc offerings. The
supply of common grades wus Increased by the
numerous lotn left o\er last nlclit , but there
was not an oversupply of choice fat beeves , nnd
such lots sold readily at strung prices. Droves
sulc ! ! < cntty choice In quality to sell at J3 and up.
ward are not any too numerous nt the prcrcnt
lime , and much of the buying Is done botnecn
Jt nnd 15 , while common steers sell at ftom
J3.35 to JIM , and co\\s al fiom 11.75 lo C.f.O
for canning lot * , and from JJ.75 lo Jl for medium
lo choice lots. Veal calves were plenty nnd In
active demand nt sleady prices , with rales ul
from J2.50 to JJ.,0 , clilclly nt 14,75 nnd upward ,
The tecelpts of entile today weie nbout 3,000
head , nnd trading wns falily active at un <
changed prices , strers being in demand nl fiom
11.10 lo J4.25 for common grnrseis la good , fat
lots. Seventy-five cms of western rnngc cattle
arrived fiom Montana , Including seven cnrs of
rpayed lielfers. These cattle did not sell so
readily ns the > received on Monday nnd sellers
called prices l,1c lower.
Today only nbout 16.000 hogs were received.
As lius Ix-cn ihe case for several days Chicago
packers weie holding back , their purchases belnn
largely confined lo hogs Intended for the fie h
meat trade. This resulted In n further decline
of 5c per 100 Ibs. In heavy hogs , while Unlit
weights moved up 5c on n good MilpplnR diMiinml.
Heavy hogs mild nt an extreme i unite cf from
J4.60 lo 55 ; common In choice mixed from JI.SO lo
J5.20 , nnd llghl weights ill from JI.I5 ! to )5.3i.
The liogs offered were ns jtood In quality n
those usually lecclved In midsummer , and tha
sales weie largely nl from J5.10 to JV15.
Not more than 10.000 sheep nnd lamlis nr
rived here todny. There win nn active deirnnd
nnd prices were stronger , Inferior to exttn I.e
Ing qtintnblo nt frrm SI. 75 to JI.50. The nfTerliiK
consisted largely of natives , which sold rhlellj-
nl frnm J.l.r.0 to J4.10. A noteworthy FIu. | . ' -
thal of 210 head of p'-lme ! i2-lb. western th | .
nt Jt.15. Spring Inmbs weie plenty und wni ! ,
with sales nt fiom J3.25 to Jo.CO for poor lo
HKC'EIPTS Cnlllo. 12,501 head : calves , 1,101)
head ; hogs , 16,030 head ; sheep. 10.000 head.
First Shipment eif ttio Seiisim Hrliigs n Vrijr
MttlKfiiftetrjr Price.
The Montnna cattle shipping season wns most
auspiciously opened on Tuesday , when practi
cally the flrsl rnngo cattle from that'country this
year found n ready sale lo it local packer nl
$4.25. The cnllle averaged 1,342 Ibs. , nnd , while
a well bied lot of beeves , they were not ns fat
nor us hard as the Montana cnltlc that are to
follow them will be. Abundant rains made the
grass rank , and , while the caltle on the innge
fattened rapidly Ihls year , the early shipments
lire bound to be a lltlle git-en. This was n
good , big price for these caltle , however , nnd
will doubtless Induce lots more of the Montana
stockmen to ship their cattle heie. The III ft
range cattle of Ihe season sold < n Chicago for
$4.50. and Ihey weie choice , and Ihat Is Ihe high.
e t figure yet reached there , so Ihnl when a ship
per from Ihe west can pave 500 miles In distance
and twenty-four him is In shrink it will be leadlly
seen thai Ihe new It. M. extension to Hillings ,
Mont. , will be of vast benefit both to the cattle
men of lhal state and Ihe South Omaha mnrkei.
'livse cattle were fed In the vicinity of Hillings
nd were loaded at tint point. Samuel Church
ns the shipper. They were loaded at 12:43 :
. in. Sund.iy and made ; the tilp of over 900 miles
n less than two days , Including n stopover foi
eed and rest. This WHS fust freight schedule
line , but regular Block trains will beat this \jy \
evcral hours befoie the season Is over.
St. I.OIIIH llv .Moult .Mxrkct.
ST. LOUIS , July 17. CATTLE-Reeelpts , 4,100
ead ; shipments , 2,400 head ; market steady , with
I good elemand , and all grades were free-ly
nken : native beef nnd shipping steers nmtje
4.Wi4.25. with the bulk of sales below $5 ; light
teem , $3.23OT4.00 ; slockers and feeders , $2.50ff
.00 ; cows , J2.25i'3.25 ; fed Texas Fl er , range
.1.604.25 : grass teeis , $3.0033.50 ; cows , $2.00 { ?
HOGS Receipts. 3.400 head ; shipments 900
leael ; markel strong nnd 5c better ; light weights ,
old even with heavy ; butchers' and Yoikers
jrought J5.00ft5.25.
SHEEP Receipts , 2.700 head ; shipments , none ;
miultet flrcng for good grades ; nallve muttons ,
2.5003.23 ; common , tl.755J2.23 ; lambs , range
4.25Q5.25 ; southwest sheep , } 2.00 < f3.00 | ,
KIIIIKKS < .lty l.'lie took.
KANSAS CITY. July 17.-CATTLK-ReeelptB ,
.600 head ; shipments , 200 head : market ptejdy
o shade lower ; Texas sleeis , J2.43ii3.75 ; Texan
* ows , $2.00f2.60 ( { ; beef steers , J3.DOfi3.40 ; native
cows , J1.50W3.40 ; stockeis nnd feeders , $2.00Jf4.40 ;
bulls. $2.00.2.S5. |
HOGS Receipts. 4,400 head ; shipments , 1,300
lead ; light Heady ; others weak : bulk of sales ,
I.SOW4.95 ; heavies , $4.S5fi)4.80 ) ; packers , $ I.Eflfi 4.9.1 ;
mixed. $4.70JT4.90 ; light , J4.73 < S3.00 ; Yorkeis , $4.90 < a
. ( ; pigs. J4.23 ( < J4.83.
SHEEP Receipts , 1,100 head : shipments , 500
head ; maiket steady to lOc lower.
Moric In MClit.
Record of receipts nt the four principal markets
or Wednesday , July 17 , 1895 :
Catlle. Hoes. Sheep.
South Omaha 1,811 2,846 275
Chicago 12,500 16,000 10,000
{ uncas City 6.600 4,400 1,100
St. Louis 4,100 3,400 2,700
Totals 23,011 20,646 14,073
St. LmiU e ; < Mier l Mirkor.
ST. 1,01'IS. July 17.-FLOUR-DU11. without ,
material change ; eiuotatlons on new flour ( old
5fi30c higher ) "as follows : Patents. J3.55fl3.65 ;
oxtra. fancy , J3.30Jf3.40 ; fancy , J2.904i3.00 ; choice
WHEAT Showed nn advance of ! { c nt the
opening on n gewd demand , followed by a rice
if % c additional ; later , on liberal offerings , de
clined Hie. became unfilled , bul closed rallier
> asy ; No. 2. cash. 66 < < iC6'tc : July , 63Tic ; Seplem
> er. C6i4 < ? 66jc , ; December , 6.Hc ( asked.
CORN Reports of damage by hot winds sent
September up Ic early and the new crop options
tdvanced , though not so much , but on predlc-
: lens of rain and cooler weather In Ihe wejrt
he upward movemenl was checked , ihe clerffe
> elng firm ; No. 2 mixed. ciiHh , 42c ; July , 4H Ci
September , 42c asked ; December , 31tic nskedj
May. 31iic asked.
OATS Futures strong early , but wenkenlnn
Jnter. Spot etiong nnd higher. No. 2. cash ,
i5o bid ; July , 2Jc bid ; Seplember , 22c nsked ,
May , 23 lc.
RYE Steady , 47c.
FLAX Easy ; July. $1.20 l-id.
CORN MEAL $2.002.03 ? bid.
HRAN-Easier : east Irack , $6.30.
GRASS SEEDS Timothy , steady , $5.10 for de.
HUTTER-Firm for choice grades , which nr <
scarce ; separator creamery , 16ft 17u ; fancy Elgin ,
EGGS Steady S'ic. -
HAY Quiet , but firm : choice prairie being Ir
demand : prairie. $8.60010.00 , this side.
LEAD Qufet. steady , $3.12',4.
SPELTER-Dull. $3.46.
PROVISIONS Pork , standard mess , $11. Lnrd
prime steam. $6 ; choice , $6.13. Itacon , bnxec
shoulders. $6.37'/i ; longs , $6.73 : libs , J6.87'4
shorts , $7. Dry salt meals , lioxed shoulders
J5.62Vj ; longs. $6.37V4 ; ribs , $6.50 ; shorts , $6.75.
RECEIPTS Flour. 2.0CO bbls. ; wheat , 4'J.OOO bu.
corn , 2.000 bu. ; eiats , 9,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 30W
bu. ; corn. 23.000 bu. ; oats , 17,000 bu.
llv rioi ! Markets.
LIVERPOOL. July 17. WHEAT Spot steady
demand poor ; No. 2 red winter , 5s 2Hd ; No. 2 rei
spring , 5s 7'4d ; No. 1 hard , Munitutm , 5s T,4d
No. 1 California , 5s 2d. Fulures opened firm will
near nnd distant positions Jd higher , nnd closet
firm with near positions Uftld higher and dls
tnnt positions > ; d higher : business nbout equal ) ;
dlsttibutrd ; July , Cs 3d ; August , 6s 3ld ! ; Septem
ber. 6s 9d ; October , 5s 4',4d ; November , 51" 6V4d.
CORN Spot dull ; No. 1 American mixed , 4
4V < d. Futures opened firm nnd unchanged , nn
closed firm , with August and September > <
higher nnd other months unchanged from las
nlghl's closing : business nlmut equally dlutrlb
uted ; July , 4s 45id ; September , 4s 3d ; October , 4
Slid ; November , 4s Hjd ; December , 4s 3d.
FLOl'R Dull ; demand poor ; St. Louis fnnc
winter. 7s Bel.
PROVISIONS Bacon , steady : demand , good
Cuml > erland cut , 28 to SO Ibs. , 34s ; short ribs. 2
Ibs. , 8Cs 6d ; long clear light. 3S In 41 Ibs. , 36s
long clear , heavy , 55 llm. , 32s ; hlioit clear backs
llghl , 18 Ibs. , 33s 6d ; short clear middles , heavy
55 Ibs. , 32s W ; clrnr bellies , 14 to 16 Ibs. , 32
shoulders , square , 12 to 18 Ibs. , 31s. Hams , shor
cut. 14 to 16 Ibs. , 32s. Heef. extra India mess
7Ss 9d ; prime mess , 6ts 3d. Polk , prime mest
llnu western , 57H 6d ; prime mess , medium , ( X > !
Uinl. dull ; prlmo western , 32s 3d ; refined , I
palls. 33s 6 < 1.
CHEESE Quiet , but steady ; demand , model
nte ; lineal American colored , new , 58s fid.
RUTTER Finest United States and good , nDinl
TURPENTINE Spots. 21s 6d.
PETROLEUM Refined , 6'Jd.
HOPS At London , Pacific const , MOs.
REFRIGERATOR HEBF Hind quarters , ! iO
Hire < roi ComlltloiM mill Prospects.
Inn Talmage's Bon writes of the rice cro
under date of New York. July 15 :
"We hand herewith present condition of nn
prospect for the rice crop In respective stain
It cannot as yet be said to be assured , as cor
tlngencleH may arise which would curtail prnn
iwd outcome. If , however , there should l > e
continuation of previous favorable clrcumstaneei
will give * a result fractionally In excess of 189
Estimated yield , 10,600,000 bushels treble amour
grown prior to the war und double that of an
year since.
"North Carolina Under contrary conditions Iti
crop got a late and poor start. Plant has mad
fine growth In the past month and promise no1
better than expected. Estimated yield , 200,0.
"South Carolina Along the Cooper , Ashepex
Combahee nnd Ponpon rivers every clrcumstanc
conducive to the prosperity of tha plant. Acn
age larger than last year and a liner crop , hot
as to quantity quality , confidently looke
for. Further north , Pedee , Snntce , Waccama1
and Illack rivers , chances much less fnvonibh
Fields under water during almost entire montl
at March , April and May. Only by use , t
powerful steam pumps could any land be drulne
sufficiently to be seeded early. Few having- sue
facilities , planting was generally delayed unt
June , and with llmlled time work was performe
In n crude und Imperfect manner. Home fearln
blight by early frost , decided nol to plant at al
the result In latler section will he two-lhlrt !
average. Estimated yield , 850.000 bushels.
"Georgia Condlllons fine ; well advanced , cor
lldnrlnff 1st * start. Only doubt expressed Is I
regard to the fat * of May rice , and there :
inre than usual , when the Mrils utrlko It In
( ( it-Miilier. nxtlnmtcd yield , 450,000 liuctu-U.
"IjfiUiHlnnn-itlvor crop iiroiiilnlng nnd will
renily exceed luct year. 1'ncler heavy nnd til-
nst ri.nlihui'iiB ruins th pant month , planta-
niim ahaiiili.ned an too e.\pennlvc | torotlc , or
i-rnuse rrnily to die , have come to life iiKaln
Mill unexampled vigor. The flock Is gitnO , tnll
ml heading heavily , but grills lank nnd product
\Hl bo mine seedy on the nveraite than ever
> efoie. Other nnd southwest ( Calr.islcu ) parlslieji
1 Hi * , mnln state , crop never looki-d better nt
ils period. Acreage finctlonnlly laiger than 'lift
limner > cnr of 1S92. Rnlnfnll abundant , hence
Piovldetu-e ciop. ' us well us Irrlxuled , ndvanr *
ig laplilly. Eaily planting heading llnely nnd
radically u * unil : later , vlK roun nnd give *
me proinls , ' . Some grass , but us a rule lleldit
re fnlily el' > an ; lalnir plenllful und cheap. E tl-
lated jlelil. 8,000OW btlHllels.
"Texas , Florida , Alabama nnd Ml sl58lppl-
3ood progress , but the first named only of com-
lerlcnl prominence. Esllmated yield , 500,000
ushi'Ia. _ _ _ _ _ _
Iliiltltiiiiro ( Irulli .Mtirkols.
I1ALTIMORE. July 17. WllKAT-Sttndy ; spot
nil munlh , CSiC8V4c ; August , 6SliCSllc ; Scptem-
er , COKfiUlUc ; December , 72'i ' 72'ic ; sleamer.
No. 2 red , G3@G3Vic : receipts , 4U.373 bu. J stock ,
J.1,105 bu. ; pales , ItC.OOi } bu. ; southern wheat , by
ample , G9Q70c ; southern wheat , on grade , Cl',4
ftlSk- .
ftlSkXRN Dull ; fpot nnd month , 49V4c bid ; Au-
ust , 491jo asked : September , f.0c nsked ; receipts ,
.8,149 bu. ; shipments , 13.3.5 bu.i stock , 268,675 bu. :
southern white corn , WQ.'lc ; southern yellow , 53
OATS-Steaily ; No. 2 white , western , 3232'.4c ' :
No. 2 mlxiHl. 30tf30Vic ? ; receipts , 2,776 bu. ; ship-
mentfl , COO bu.
Migur 'MHrlirt.
NEW YORK. July 17.-SUGAR-Raw , firm ;
air refining , steady : HiUs , 1COO tuns Muscovado
nt 274c. cx-Khlp ; and loilay Mill cargo Cuba cen-
rlfugal , second half July shipment. 95 test , nt
% c to epeculate ; 70 hlids. Muscovndo , spot , 2Tc ( ;
9 landed. Refilled , quiet ; No. C. 4 l-16i(4V ( c ; No.
, 3 15-lCSJ4Vfe ; No. 8. 3 15-ldff4'i.c ; No. 9. 3Hfi >
1-lCc ; No. 10 , 3 13-16J4c ; No. U. 3 ll-16fT3T < ic :
No. 12 , 3 9-16 j3 > ie : No. 13 , 3 tc : olt A. 4 l-16fP
4-Hc ; mold A. 4 Il-16ir4c ; standaiil A , 4 5-1CW
4VjC : confectioners' A , 4 6-lCi(4'c ( ! ; ; cul loaf ,
\-l61tb\ic ; crushed , 5 I-16 i5'ic ; iviwdered. 4HW
4 15-16o ; granulattd , 4 T-lb4Hc ; cubes , 4 11-16
? 4Tic.
I'oorln .MurUet * .
I'EORIA , July 17. CORN Firm , higher ; No. 2 ,
% c ; No. 3. 43Uc.
OATS Slow : No. 2 white , 25U T2Cc : No. 3
vhllc. 25V4frr ic.
RYE Dull ; nominal.
WHISKY Firm ; llnlshcd goods on the basis of
1.23 for high wines.
RECEIITS Wheat. 2.400 bu. ; corn , 12,750 bu. ;
oats. 50,001 bu. ; rye , COO bu. : barley , none.
SHIl'MENTH Whent , 3,000 bu. : corn , 6.750 bu.i
oats , C6.250 bu. ; lye , COO bu. ; barley , COO bu ,
Co'ton Mtirlct't ,
NEW ORLEANS , July 17. COTTON Quiet ;
middling , 6 ll-16c : good ordinary , 6c ; exports
coastwise , 24 bales ; sales , 2,400 bales ; stock ,
105.913 bales.
NEW YORK , July 17. COTTON Steady ; mid
dling , 7c ; gross receipts , 17 bales ; forwarded. 17
.ales ; sales , 7CO bales , all cplnnets ; stock , 195-
919 baled ; total today , net recelpls , 334 bales ;
stock , 38.1.472 l > nles.
ST. LOt'lH. July 17. COTTON Steady ; sales ,
" 89 bales ; receipts , 47 bales ; shipments , 117 bales ,
stock , 18.C77 bales.
Sew Y.irX IJrv Goi > ilJ Murkor.
NEW YORK , July 17. With n large number of
buyers the demand was less vigorous than war-
ranled by ihe numl or of purchasers presenl.
There was more or less Inquiry , however , for
staple and colored cottons nnd autumn special-
leu , nnd some new. business wns done In each.
Gcod makes of four-yard sulllngs arc selling nl
4'fcc. There wns a good Inquiry for three-yard
Irllls. 1'rlnttiiB cloths quiet nnd firm nt 2T4 bid
and declined. .
MllVrutiken MurK < M .
MILWAUKEE. July 17. WHEAT Firm : No.
2 spring , 67ic ; No. 1 northern , 72l4c ; September ,
CORN Scarce nnd firm : No. 3. 4SJc.
OATS I Uglier ; No. 2 white , 27ic ; No. 3 white ,
27 > 4c.
HARLEY Weak ; No. 2 , 47V4c ; sample on track ,
47140 ? ! Sc.
UYU-Steady ; No. 1 , S4'Sc.
Knn u clty ; JlnrKets.
KANSAS CITY , July 17. WHEAT Higher ;
No. 2 hard , 62ti64c ; No. 2 red , 655f,0c ; rejected ,
CORN Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 40f40V4c ; No. 2
white. 40V4ff41c.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 24' , c ; No. 2 white ,
Mlnnenpolls IVIiciit .Market.
MINNEAPOLIS , July 17. WHEAT Easier ;
July , CCc ; September , 64Ji64Kc ; Hocrniber , C6c ;
on track , No. 1 haul , 67',4c ; No. 1 northern , Wiu ;
No. 2 northern. 65ic. Flour , steady ; llrst pat
ents , $3.GO13.Sj ; second patents , J3.40ft3.C5 ; llrst
clears , $2.90(13.00 ; second clears , { 2.45 ; export
bakers , J2.45ffl3.0fl.
liuliilliti ul .M rli < - ' .
DUUJTH. July 17. WHEAT No. 1 hard , cash ,
6SVio ; July , CSVSc ; No. 1 northern , cash , C7 ic ;
July , 67 ic ; September , CS ic ; December , 6714c ;
No. 2 northein , cash , C4ic ; to arrive , No. 1
hard , 6S',4o ; No. 1 noithern , CSUc.
'l'rl coVlicit Ou tulli > n .
SAN FRANCISCO , July 17. WHEAT Quiet ;
December. tl.OOHi * ln > ' , J1.0CV4 ; new seller , 93e ;
cleared , 143,980 centals wheat ,
1)1(1 Net Knoir III * llrlilo'i Mnmo.
Chicago Inter Ocean : Morlts Coop r , until
yesterday , never knew the name of his be
trothed. He culled at Marriage CkiU Salmon-
son's desk for a license , and , after pUclng his
signature to the affidavit , he was asked the
woman's name.
"Why , It's Annie. " lie said , without hesi
"Annlo what ? "
"Annie , Annlo why , I did not know thai
I had to know her last name to get mar
ried to her , " he replied.
"You want to marry her , an.l you do nol
know her surname ? " cald Mr. ! > } linonson
"How long have you known her ? "
Cooper said he had known hla l-ri
but six weeks. Mr. Salmonson tolJ him U
go to the girl's house and learn her las
name If he wished to marry her. Two houri
later Cooper returned with the Intii'-mutioi
that her name was Kosenthal. and that sin
was 30 years old. Ho then secured the II
cense. _
ItepMIInc n Slander.
Chicago Tribune : "Have you anything ti
say concerning this charge of boodllng the ;
are bringing against some of your ussocial
aldermen ? " asked the reporter.
"It Is utterly absurJ , " replied the Incor
ruptlblo aldernmn from the 'Steenth ward
his face mulling with righteous Indignation
"No self-respecting member of the clt ;
council would ever sell his vote " and h
brought his list down harJ on his desk "fo
the paltry , miserable , pitiful , contemptlbl
little sum of 11,0001"
INSTRUMENTS placed on record July 17
finmuel Mortensen and wlfo to Andrew Top-
penljerir , w W. lot 13 , block 4 , Campbell'D
add I 1.00
II F nnd Theodore HnlWr to J J Hulltr ,
lots 2 and 3. bl < Kk 63. Florence 1DQ
IVltz Mueller and wlfo lu R B KnglUh ,
lot 7 , Mueller & It's add
Special master to J K Flack , lot 2 , Flack'a
subdlv 21
Kama to New England Loan and Trust
company , lots 8 , 9 , 10 , block 8 , lotn 12. 13.
14 , block 6. lots 15 nnd 16 , block 6 , lots 8
to 11 , block C , Thompson & Q's add 4,87
Total amount of traiufers J 7,6 !
can be made by our method of operating ; ii
GRAIN AND BTOCKH. Prospectus Blvlns ful
Information of perfect syttem mailed free. Sem
your business only to a financially rcsponslbl <
house. Lo ( k us up.
Grain , Stock and Ilond Ilrokers.
3 Chamber ol Commerce , CHICAGO
ny purchnshiff poods made nt the following
Nebraska factories. If you can not nnd what
you want communicate with the matmfnc-
tureia as lo what dealers handle their coed .
Jt.lOS. lIUltLAl' .i.\Tt TtriXK.
Manufacturers of all kinds of cotton and burlap
lap bags , cotton flour sacks and twine a ipec-
laity. 6U-616-618 S. llth-St.
Ca. ' load shipments made In our own refrigerator
rater cars , lllue Ribbon. Elite Kxport , Vienna
Export , and Family Export , delivered to all
parts of city.
Coffee rtonsters , Pplce Grinders. Manufactur
ers German Uaklng Powder and German Dry
Hop Yeast , 1411 and 1416 Hnrncy-st. , Omaha , Neb
put rubber tires and ball bearing axles on their
own make vehicles , and sell a top buggy for
$50.00 besides , \\rltc them. IStli and Hurney.
Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour.
C. E. Illack , Manager. Omahs ,
Manufacturers of Parlor Furniture , Lounges ,
Dining Tables and Folding Ucda. 2Sth uve. ,
lioyd to Shuler Sis.
1CK .1X1) COAL.
Domestic and Steam Coal. We have th be t.
Olllc ( ? 16O1 Farnam-sU Telephone : omco 373 ,
yard , 1766. J. A. Doe , General Manager.
Manufacturing nnd Repairing of all kinds ol
machinery , engines , pumps , elevators , printing
preses. hangers , shafting and couplings 1404
and 1403 Howard-st. , Omaha.
Fire Hydrants , Water nnd Gas PIpe , pecli\lj ,
Holler Fronts nnd Fittings. Street ry. car
wheels. Architectural Iron works. Ollcc,307 ( 8.
IGth-st. , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Architectural Iron Work.
General Foundry , Machine nnd lilncksmlth
Work. Engineers and Conlraclors for Klra
Proof Ilulldlngs. Olllce nnd works : U , P. Ily.
and Bo. 17th street , Omaha.
Manufacturer Multresses. Spring Dcd > ; Jobber
Feathers and Pillows. N. 14th nnd Nicholas
Sts. , Omahu.
Manufacturers of Fluid Extract , Elixirs ,
Syrups and Wines , compressed triturates hypo-
dermlo tublels , plus and Dclenllllc medical nov
elties. Omaha.
100 So. lllh St. , Tel. 264. Medcssa Mineral
Water. Carbonated , unequalled. Plain for table
use unsurpassed.
KtdllT irATtJIl , FIIIR XKHl'lUR.
The only perfect protection to property. Exnnv
Ine It. Itcst thing on earth. ) Reduces ln ur-
unco rates. 1S04 Douglas-sU
U 1'r.UA LL 1'AHrOKIKlt.
Manufacturers of Men's and Hoys' Clothing ,
Pants , Shirts und Overalls.1202-212 S. 12lh it.
Manufacturers of all kinds of Paper lloieg.
Shflf nance. Sample Cases , Mailing Tables , etc.
Wedding cake and fancy candy boxes , drugglil
niiil Jewelry boxes. U'08-10 Jones-it. , Omaha.
Ixcliiflvo cuttorn ihlrt tailors.
1515 > 03.
Tclcphono 1030 ,
Grain. Provisions Jk , Stocks
Iloom 111V4 Hoard of Trade.
Direct wires to Chicago nnd New York.
Correspondents : John A. Warren & Co.
Room 4. N. Y. LI To Hltlt ; . , Onmlm.
Ilranch offices at Fremont and Columbus. All
rrd n placed on Ihe Chicago Hoard of Trade.
Oirrcvpomlenu : Hchwarts. Uupce & Co. , Chl
ci.bu , t < chrclner , Fluck U Co. . Ht. Loul . Ittfcr
to rlrst National lUnt. Onmlm.
MAUOIN No mailer what booklet on ipec *
Ti nik.n ulallon yuu may have rr d
VJV. . 4.V..1'1 ou"lllcl1 " NUW n4
IJXPLAIMJfOMPI.UTi | : . It cli-nrly explainm
l.mrKlll trudlnic and DHl'lNCH Al.l , MAItKBT
IJXPIIMBSIONH. lt' free and wilt teach you
tunielhlnir AllIIOUAST & CO. . II TrmL'-H
BuildlDf , ChlUCO. .