Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 1U K T11TKSDAY , JULY 18 , 1805.
nosR\VATiit. norron.
i t ur i
IT.nils or BttnariutTiOM.
Dally Tltn tWllliout Sundny ) , OMO Year I J M
P.illy HIM ) orul HuniJny , Ono Yetir 1J J
filx Montd * , * W
Throe M.inllw ' J *
Bunday Uoo. one Yenr - J |
KMuriTnjr Hoc. Ono Y ir ' JV
Wttkly lireOitt Yen- tj
Omntm , Thp life HulMlitjc. . . . . . c , .
HoulH Omnhn. singer 111k. . Corn T N nnd 21th Bti
Connrll llluir < . 12 I'ofirl atrwt.
Chlcuco Olllcf. X17 Chnmb r of Ponim re. .
Ki-w Ytrk Haunt * . 13 , 14 nn < l 13 , Trlbum llulldlng.
Wa lvlr ton , 1107 K Bticpt. M. W.
roniR8I'ONDKNCR. (
All MmmunlnitlT.i rcl.iHns to < " * * ' nlvtl , . .
torlal mailer ! i 'UlJ ' Ix. n.Mruwixl ! To the l.cllloi.
nr.--.mnss i TTF.iia.
All Ininlnxii | . . | ifm nntl r < -nilljnp-i ( , MtraUl lw
ndilrofMil to T i llf PuMI hln Compnny.
nn.l . ! onice "r1' ' * " lob
Omnhn. IlirtfK rlic-kn ; i .
b mnd pavnWo 10 thn orrti-r of the company.
rt'nMBltlNOCOMl ANY.
T/IR _
il Ju'cM'n ! "YoriinK > M
Not * at
Dnlly nvr
Sumlnr- oKOrtOK n. TZHCHUCK.
Sn-orn to Wore m" nn.l . jubucrlbcil In my pres-
tliut tliu frrc Bllvcr debate ftul
fipei'illly wear linolf out.
The loutf dlHtnnco silver di-bato cham
pionship la uow boln contested at Ohi-
AVontlcr If Messrs. Ilnrvey nnd Ilnrr
ever stop to think of the poor debate-
bunleneil people.
Wheii Lincoln sets lo the end of hei
own purity crusade It will be time for
It to mix up In Omaha's police affairs.
The railroads of Nebraska shrewdly
saw to It that they came In for their
Bharos of the decrease In state valua
It bpfjliis to look as If the late repub
lican tidal wave were Just reaching EUR-
hind , having changed , however , In the
Interval to a unionist wave.
Wo move that Councilman Thomas
bring In n report of his own on the con
iiccttou of the comptroller with the de
falcation In the city treasurer's olllce.
Nebraska democrats are eagerly
awaiting the reply of Secretary Carlisle
to the numerous Invitations to visit Ne-
braka and Instruct the faithful In sound
If there are any other prominent pub
lic men who would not bo president of
the United States If they could they
should not be bashful about letting the
people know It.
Both llorr and Harvey ought to have
known one another well enough to know
that neither can Induce the other to al
ter his opinions on the silver question
at this late day.
An easy way out for Comptroller Ol
son Is to follow the example of Treas
urer liolln by sending In his resignation
to the mayor. Hut Mr. Olseu Is not ot
the resigning kind.
Hen Cab'o says President Cleveland
would not run again If nominated.
That ought to settle It as well as an
announcement from Mr. Cleveland di
rect. 15ut It won't.
The state warrant shavers are rub
bing their hands In glee at the shrink-
nge In the state assessment and the
prospect of a constantly Increasing state
warrant Indebtedness.
Tip to this date the city council hat
not had a statement of the exact short
age In the city treasury which Mr
liolln's bondsmen will be called upon tr
make good to the taxpayers.
The organ of the Pharisees calls ti
halt on police reorganization , but It re
mains as mum as an oyster on the con
splracy to convert our public school sys
tern Into a sectarian political machine.
Spain thinks the United States Is tin
generous because It Insisted on having
the Mora claim paid. Wonder If Spall
would have remitted any of Its Jusi
dues If It had been the creditor Instcai
of the debtor In the case !
The treatment accorded the stralgh
democrats In the meeting of the fr
silver democratic state committee I :
hardly calculated to bring the straight :
and the free sllverltes to the support o
a foredoomed party local ticket.
The points made by County Clerl
Sackett In his supplementary report an
more confusing and misleading than tin
original report. His comparisons of pe
capita relief and savings at the pee
farm do not compare .becatise they an
not comparable. One set of figures rep
resents one system of doing bnslnes ,
nnd the other set another. If his claln
of great savings at the poor farm eve
last year Is correct there must snrel ;
have been waste and extravagance las
year by the man who still remains a
superintendent. The per capita llgure
are mere Jugglery. In the llrst plac
reduced per capita relief cost may rer
resent lower prices or poorer diet o
both. lu the next place per capita cos
for feedingli.OOO people Is natural ) ;
less than for feeding fiOO people , t
discussion on that line would bo profit
less. There have been without ciuestlo ;
many reforms and Improvements mad
by the county commissioners during tli
last few years and The Uee has neve
hesitated to give credit wherever din
lint the poor farm management nnde
a ward heeler like Oeorge Slryker , wli
spends the greater part of his time o
street corners or In saloons , could b
materially Improved upon.
\\-itnir \ \ UK in/.n K.I// ; .
Ono of the propositions which Mr.
Harvey says he cxiiccts to make good
In hlx discussion with Mr. Herr Is the
oft-repeated and as frcunently dis
proved statement of the free allverlleft
( hat the act of 187 ! ! , dropping from the
coinage the standard silver dollar , was
surreptitiously passed. H happens that
Mr. Herr has given this matter a most
thorough investigation and Is there
fore fully equipped with the Informa
tion necessary to show that Harvey's
l > roposltlon has no substantial founda
tion , or to put. It more plainly. Is ab
solutely false. Mr. Herr published the
result of his Investigation In the New
York Tribune some time ago , conclu
sively showing that not only was the
act of 1S"1 not surreptitiously passed ,
but that few pieces of legislation have
received more attention from congress
than .the so-called silver demonetization
law. The simple truth Is that the act
of l.ST.'t was prepared previous to 1S70.
having been drafted at the suggestion
of Mr. Hontwell , secretary of the treas
ury , and It was submitted to congress
with an elaborate report from John .1.
Kiio.v , deputy controller of the cur
rency. Financial experts In every par.t
of the country were consulted regarding
It and thousands of copies of the bill
were sent broadcast. It was considered
In committees of both branches of con
gress and was discussed on the lloors
of both the senate and house. After
having been before congress almost
three years , encountering very little
opposition , It became a law , receiving
votes of the senators and representa
tives of the silver-producing states , be
cause at that time it In no way affected
adversely the Interests of those states ,
silver In 187 ! * . being more valuable un
coined than coined. The history of this
measure Is a matter of record , accessi
ble to everybody , and the persistence
with which the free silver men adhere
to the claim that the law was surrepti
tiously passed Is , to say the least , not
creditable to their candor. Mr. Harvey
will fall to make good his proposition
to-the satisfaction of any fair-minded
The Argentine Ilepublic , notwith
standing its financial dlllienlties , has
made extraordinary progress in agricul
tural production during the last two or
three years , and as It Is only at the be
ginning of its development promises
to become the most formidable com
petitor of the United .States In the
world's grain markets. Last year the
southern republic was a large exporter
of wheat to Europe , and while this year
the expectations regarding Its shipments
of that grain have not been quite real
ized , owing to the fact that the last crop
was not tlrst rate In quality , still ti con
siderable quantity of wheat went from
Argentina to Europe , and as the im
proved price led the wheat growers of
that country to Increase the area of the
grain Argentina will probably export
more wheat next year than has ever
been shipped from there.
Hut the farmers of the Argentine lie-
public are not confining themselves to
the production of wheat. They are
also raising corn In large quantity and
it is said that millions of bushels of this
cereal will be exported to Europe out
of the surplus of the fine crop harvested
this year in the La Plata valley , one ot
the most fertile and productive regions
in the world , .lust how large an amount
of corn Argentina will have for export
is not now ascerfainable , but whatever
the amount it will reduce by so much
the demand on this country , which has
already fallen to very low lignres , and
also have the effect to lower the price
for that grain.
The formidable character of the com-
letltlou of this rapidly developing
; ountry , the area of which Is about
one-third that of the United States , la
inly beginning to be realized by the
farmers of this country. The agricul
tural producers of Argentina enjoy
some advantages which ours do not ,
chief among these being cheaper laud
and labor , while they avail themselves
of all the most Improved appliances in
farming. Ono of the largest Items In
the trade of the United States with Ar
gentina has been agricultural imple
ments. It Is commonly supposed that
most of the farmers of that country an
natives , but such Is not the case , the
rapid agricultural development of the
country being duo to the Industry , en
ergy and enterprise of Europeans. In
all future calculations of the world'-
grain supply Argentina will have to be
considered as a very Important factor ,
THK cntcuit.iTHix I'KH CAPITA.
There has been a decline during the
past year in the per capita money clrcn
hit Ion of the country. It Is now , ac
cording to the last statement of tin
treasury , .fr..Ot ! , against $21.150 at tin
corresponding time In 1SOt , a decline ol
$1.M. : The people who advocate inllat
tug the currency , by the free coinage
of silver or any other method , argm
that the country Is suffering from wan
of money , and that there can be no bust
ness activity or general prosperity untl
the supply of currency Is largely in
creased. The amount they usually In
slst upon as needful for business Is $ . " > (
for each head of the population , bn
as they cannot logically make this tin
limit they are quite willing to inakt
the amount per capita greater than this
for upon their theory the larger tin
supply of money the greater will be tin
business activity and the general pros
It is noteworthy , however , as refntlnj
the theory of'the inflationists , that tin
decline In the per capita clrcu
latlon is coincident with a rise li
the price of a number of important artl
e-es of commerce and a marked Indus
trial revival , demonstrating again tha
it is not so much a matter of the suppl ;
of currency as of the condition of con
lidencc that conduces to business ac
tlvily. As has been repeatedly polntei
out , the great trouble with the Inlla
tlonlsts is Unit they Ignore altogethe
the very -Important part that credit
play In the transactions of busbies
It Is asserted by one of the ablest o
writers on currency that credits , or cli
dilating de'btH , now const I In te about 0
per cent of the currency or clrculatlm
medium of the great mercantile conn
| tries. According lo the latest report o
IP comptroller ot the currency , the
otal deprsltrt of all the banks In the
tilted States footed up S-UUO.OOO.OOO.
llhough their entire stock of specie
ml paper money was.but $0811,000,000.
'he difference represented cre'dlts , and
hcfe credits given to borrowers are
onnted as money of equal value with
pecle and notes , and ordinarily they
CTVC equally well * the needs of the
ommunlly. Taking these bank credits
ito account It Is shown from the
gures of the comptroller's report that
hey amounted nt UK- time the figures
vere obtained to fully ? ( ! ( ) per capita
f the population , In addition to the
mount of actual currency pe > r head.
Since then the credits have tindoubt-
dly been very considerably expanded ,
ertalnly , it Is safe to say , to an extent
vhlch more than makes up for the $1.31
ecllne In the per capita circulation ,
lanifestly any consideration of the
uestlon of the supply of money which
oes not take account of the colossal
ystem of credit Is Irrational and In-
dcintato , and no one who will glve this
ystem its due consideration will urge
hat the country Is suffering for want
f money. Indeed , the rates of Interest
vould seem to show that rather there
Perhaiw with the continued Improve-
nent of business there will come a
uslliable ( demand for an Increase of
Irculatlon , and when that is so it will
e met without any disturbance of the
xlstlng monetary system. It Is not
U'eessary to have recourse to the free
olnage of silver or lo any other intla-
ionlst method In order to provide for
uch a contingency. Meanwhile the ob-
lous fact Is that the circulation Is sulll-
lent for -the present requirements of
he * business of the country and will
irobably continue to bo for some time
o cohie , the amount of Idle money In
he financial centers being still large.
run rrr AMI > run
The management and control of the
Utah's of this county are vested in a
> oard of five commissioners. These
ommissloners each draw ? 5 per day , In-
hiding Sundays , for their services and
ire presumed to devote their entire-
line and energy to the responsible du
ie's devolving upon them. It Is their
irovluco to supervise the finances of the-
ounty , designate the depositories for
he county funds under the law , pass
ipem all claims , lay out. roadways , build
> ridgcs , administer the relief of the >
oor , provide for the keeping and care
> [ ' paupers , Insane and criminals , fill
'ounty ' appointive ollle'cs , canalize as
sessments , fix the tax1 levy and guard
he county's Interests In general.
The records of the olllclal transactions
of the commissioner : ; are in keeping
ind under the care of the county clerk.
That functionary makes reports annu-
illy to the commissioners. As a matter
> t general Information The Hee has
given publicity to this report from year
o year and made ; such comment as the
ontenls would seem to suggest. The
ast report , covering nearly four col
.iinns , was published a few days ago
> ver the name of Kred .T. Sackett ,
ounty clerk. This report embodied illl
the receipts and disbursements of the
ounty for the year ending July 1 , ISsKi ,
ogether with comparative exhibits of
% aeh department for a term of years ,
with capsules of self-laudation sand
wiched in between. All through this re-
iorl Mr. Sackett assumes to himself the-
ntlre credit for the alleged retrench-
.iients and reforms which the board of
. 'ommlssioners has effected within the
> ast four years. Mr. Sackett makes the-
eport a personal farewell address to tin-
voters of the county with parental ex.-
lortatlons and 'Warnings.
That County Clerk Sae-kett views the
live commissioners as so many files on
lie great machine for which he assumes
to play the part of wheel is evidenced
by his uncalled-for resentment of crltl-
ism which only concerns the managers !
> f the county's business and not their
clerk. With the same propriety the cltj
clerk might undertake to take up the
cudgels for the city couiicil or some city
olilcer whose claims of economy should
lie called In question. The trouble with
Mr. Sackett is that he regards hlmsell
as the special guarellan , not only of al'
the affairs of Hie county , but also of the
courts , the school board , the Hoard ot
Klre and Police Commissioners and Hit
whole city.
Only twelve counties in Nebraska In
creased their tax valuation last year
This may be in accordance with tin
facts , but In the seventy-eight countle ;
there Is little excuse for a decrease Ir
assessment when it Is notorious that al
previous valuations were ridiculous ! ;
low. Wo shall never have a Just am
equitable system of taxation until the
letter of the revenue law Is carried om
and every piece of real and persona
property on the tax roll Is listed at Us
actual market value.
Only a shrinkage of twelve ami i
quarter million dollars In the ; assessee
valuation of Nebraska as returned bj
the various counties to the State He > are
of Equalization ! There will evidently
bo several of the appropriations madi
by the last legislature to meet whlcl
there will be no money In the treasury
before the bleimlnm expires.
Alwnyn for ilm I cut ,
GlobeDemocrat. .
The republican party has always ben 1
favor of the bfxt money known to the civil
heil worlil , and It Is not at ell likely eve
to endorse any other kind , directly or in
directly. _
The Olil IUIMKIH ( J.unr.
Kansas City Star.
Tha old "soaks" of Indianapolis have hi
upon the device of evading the Nlcliolso
liquor law by the formation of clubs. Tlii
game has been worked In Ivan ass ( or flft'oe
yearn. It ! Is doubtful whether the cblld ba
yet been born who will ever witness th
operation ot a successful plan to keep whlik
fiom persons who really want It.
Er-Prmll nu In
there U some truth In the re
port that Uenjamln Harrison would accef
a Eenatorshlp If It were ottered him. An e :
president , Andrew Jackson , who was as bl
a man Intellectually as Harrison , though m
BO well balanced , went to the senate , on
doubtless ho would have done good servlc
had he lived to nil out his term. An ei
.president , John Qulncy Adams , a head an
shoulders bigger Intellectually than Harrlsoi
added greatly to bin reputation by servlco I
the house of representatives. Four year
ftrvlco In the presidency gives a man
knowledge and a prestige which would cor
tribute greatly to bis usetulness In cor
gres * .
t n/i-o.s y nr cvif/ii.
i _ _ m
New York \VrrfM1 ( leiipral Campos wants
to RO home , fht job ut suppressing the
present Cuban 'MiMllon ' It one that ho has
not been able tO't' ' > pe with , nlthough Spain has
honored his rJq'nlMtlons for reinforcements
with about 30'Jcr ' | < cent moro men than be
has asked ( or. 'Meantime another Important
relnorceatcat ( ' ( or i the patriots has been
landed , '
Olobe-Democrntr No wonder Campos
wants to be rcrillWK There Is no chance ( or
glory ( or a Srnnlrh commander In Cuba
under present conditions. It Is evident that
Spain mint trnillnnniuch larger army to the
IslanJ than It haj tjioro now or than It seems
at present willing , to send It she Is to put
down the rebellion.
New York Advertiser : Having failed to
quell the Cuban insurrection by civilized
methodi of warftrc Sp.iln Is evidently re
solved to turn s.'vage. In her maUnnant ef
forts to rivet iiioio tightly upon Cuba the
shackles of tyranny she proposes to ( all back
upon ferocity nnl butchery. General Campos
has ordered that all Insurgents who are
captured shall bo Instantly ahot. No mercy
Is to IK shown In a ( Ingle Instance. The
order Is as positive and sweeping as It Is
bloodthirsty and Inhuman.
Philadelphia Press : This Is a revolution
of so much strength that practically the en
tire Spanish army Is needed to put It down.
And yet men are to bo shot because they
cheers to take part with the men who fight
against Spanish mlsrtilo and oppre'slon. The
Cubans have much moro to light ( or than
Imcl the colonists who fottpht In this country
against Oreat Drlialn In 177C. Spain should
b ? rompellel to conduct her war on modern
methods. Hutcherlng revolutionists after
she has caj turcd them should not be per
Courier-Journal : What will the civilized
world have to say about the barbarity with
which the Spanish now propose to treat th
Cuban Insurgents ? Field Marshal Campos'
order that all captured with arms in their
hands shall ba shot U simply the authoriza
tion of unlimited massacres. It has been
but a ( aw months since civilization was
shocked bv the new * that the victorious
Japanese Indulged in three days o ( slaughter
at the capture o ( Port Arthur ; and the luster
( or blood In Armenia has called out the remonstrance -
monstrance ot Hie great powers. But here
Is sanction o ( asiasslnatlon made by the
representative o ( one o ( the oldest Christian
nations on the globe.
rmisux.i.1. , i.voriiKKinsn. .
The Harvoy-IIorr debate Is a needless pun
ishment ( or a perspiring and deen3eless pub
One of the ( ads o ( New York's mayor arc
hot sulphur baths. They are sup-jrrliiuus.
His pace Is hot enough.
Hon. Thomas Urackett Ueed keeps abreast
o ( the procession. Ho has shaved his mus
tache and mastered a bicycle.
The death of a ( ew more rich admirers of
lenry George will make his progress from
poverty comparatively easy. An Englishman
recently willed him a snui ? sum.
At Zanesvllle. 0. . where he Is on the
editorial staff of ths Courier , lives the oldest
'elcgraph operator In the country , famos I ) .
loge. Mr. Urrsa learned telegraphy In IS52.
JuJge Parker of the Indian Territory dis
trict Is touching the popular cord with great
regularity. He lies Just sentenced six perrons
'o be hanged Oetcber 1. The record of Judge
i'arker Is unapproachable.
"Wo were Doming cast on the I'nlon
'aclftc when pur train was dclaysd at
Mojave , Cat. , " says , a story writer In a
Chicago paper. Jlodern geographies should
be included In Its lift o ( prizes.
Prof. Otto Lugger. , the state entomologist
of Minnesota , says that In Chicago county o (
that state there arc 400 grsshopper killing
machines , locally known as "hopper dozers , "
at work , and tfoy are killing 8,000 busheh
o ( gras hopicrs a'fay.
A Brooklyn man announces the discovery
of an antiseptic gas'- which will solidify a
body and make--It OB white as marblj. It
the discovery should ( come up to tin claims
It will enable , people to substitute real
statuary ( or closet skeletons.
A medical authority In Philadelphia affirms
that humanity shortens Its lle by too ( re-
quent applications cf.soap and water , ami tliat
the combination Is MO1 per cent worse than In
ternal baths or bbozei Weary Waggles and
Ilitsty nhoilea arc completely vindicated.
But ono retired Justice o ( the supreme
court cf the United States Is living. He Is
William Strong of Pennsylvania , who Is now
In his SOth year. Judge Strong Is the oldest
public man of national prominence In the
United States , and la as halo and hearty as
either Bismarck or Gladstone.
A large quantity of Ink will bs shed
presently over Japan's treatment of Chinese
at Port Arthur. Colonel John A. C'dcittrlll
circumstantially redites the stories of awful
atrocity and shows that the nutliir of the
bloody romance was not a participant In the
scenes described. Creelman has the floor.
It fa not generally known that Senator
Quay cf Pennsylvania Is an accomplished
French scholar. Ho reads the language as
readily as ho does English and get3 all thp
litest novels published in that language tram
hU bookseller , while ho lus an extensive ac
quaintance with Dumas , Hugo and other
authors In the original.
An Kp'clom r oT IIC
C'lilcii ! > Chronicle.
The English rowdies who hooted and yelled
at the Cornell crew on the Henley cours ?
were not guilty o ( a mere rowdy exception
to Kngllsh manners In general. A mob
composed o ( the same class assailed Sir
William Harcmirt and his wife In the streets
at Darby on election day , and polled them
with ro'ten cabbages. English civilization
U several dcrrres behind that which prevails
In the backwoods of the United States.
Tim rnsiliii ; of mi Jsvie.
S.'oux e'lty Journal.
There was no occasion ( or the republican- )
to reintroduce the subject ( prohibition ) Into
their platform. They did wisely to leave It
The democrats it they choose ran try to
reopen the old case on the old line , but they
will not have public approval , and It 1s need
less to add that no effort they can put ( orth
will succeed.
The campaign In Iowa this year will'not
be upon "stale Issues" that is , It will not
be upon "prohibition. "
A l > cffiun r on n Vitcntlon *
Chicago Toae.
Pending the "settlement" Mr. Taylor will
enjoy his vacation In Chicago , spending Ills
( ? ) money ( reely and taking- life an It comes.
He asks to be let alone , a sort of shrinking
modesty which Is entirely natural If not
altogether commendable under the circum
stances. He axprciied a similar wish while
he was swiftly flitting through Cuba anJ
South America , but , unhappily. It was nol
respected. Therefore , , in withdrawing from
the pleasure of Mr. Taylor's society and in
contemplating the , dellcuto contlderatlor
Ekown by the pAJpIe'p ( South Dakota , tht
truth of the hoihely maxim Is Impressed
upon the mind : When you steal , steal big , '
For this will liuifW a Vnmpromlsc , a "settlu-
ment" and a vacation' In Chicago , the mosl
famous and desirable1 ( if summer resorts ,
Tim ChiiutiHiii | Y.ichts.
The Valkyrie bi''nrJloubtedly ' a very fasl
yacht and she ban htiaten both the Allsa anc
Britannia with eate.Uiiotigh In one race sin
was beaten by the Britannia. If the crttl
clsms of English lupers are to be relied upor
the Valkyrlo shown the very deect wlilc !
was supposed tO'I ' attach to Defender-
nainely , that her1 ; great sail area Is no
counterbalanced bytm ( hull below the wate ;
line. U la not jjtiinarkable therefore tha
Lord Dunraven ts.Jipplug , ( or light breezes
and with this hope-ln , , vlew has chosen carl ]
September as the time for the race. Bu
whether In light or heavy breezes tin
owners ot Defender have good reasoi
to believe that she will beat the Valkyrl
and that this finest product of yacht buildliii
skill Is a world beater.
InefFct'.va Fire of thi Cuineso Forts no
Loagor a Mystery ,
Coiniiiniiditiit of lliB fort I'lot * for Its
Downfall nnd OMTIM MU Infinity by
bulcul n ; lluforo the Vleuirl-
OUH Invader * .
SAN FRANCISCO , July 17. The ease with
which the Japanese captured Port Arthur
during the recent war with China is ex
plained to some extent by an article in ths
Japan Gazette , which nrrlvcd on the last
steamer. According to the Gazette , the com
mander of the Chinese forts " 'as a natlvn ot
Japan' , who had acqmied" favor lu Chinese
com.ells through a long residence In the
Flowery Kingdom , and Intentionally caused
the shots from the guns to bo misdirected , so
they would ( all short o ( the Japanese war
ships. Having betrayed bin adopted land for
the laud of his birth , the disgraced com
mander appeared before the victorious Jap
anese generals , acknowledged his treason
and committed sulcldo In tholr presence
The article continues :
When Port Arthur was attacked by the
Japanese army and navy the latter , after
getting within suitable range , optned fire
on the ( orts near the coast. The batteries
on Hwang Chin answered from heavy guns.
These were the strongest forts at Port
Arthur , their armament being four Krupp
suns of no teas than thirty centimeter
caliber. These squadrons , approaching
within range of such ordnance , expected a
terrible cannonade and were not a llttl ?
astonished by the weakness of the Chinese
resistance. It Is true that thny opened lire
upon the ships , bul their shells always ( ell
short othe mark. The sailors supposed
this ( allure to be due to the lnerior gunnery
of the Chinese and greeted each shell as It
dropped Into the sea wltn loud shouts of
derision. The officers , however , were
puzzled by a performance to them Inex
plicable , Inasmuch as they knew that the
artillery In the ( orts , whatever the faultlness
ot Its handling , could not possibly lack
force. Meanwhile the celebrated naval sta
tion of China was stormed from the landside -
side and the defenders of the fort on Hwang
Chin were either killed or taken prisoners ,
their retreat having been cut off by the
When the officers that defended the tort
Hwang Chin were brought before the Japan
ese generals one of them , apparently an
olilcer of distinction , stepped forward and
thus addressed the generals : "I was the
commander of the forts , but now , that I
have incurred Irremediable disgrace 1 should
like to ask a special favor , namely , that I
be permitted to commit suicide In your
presence. "
Such a request was not only contrary to
the ordinary habits . f the ChliiMp , but.
what was far moro svprlslng , It was con
veyed In perfectly correct Japanese. One
of the officers to whom the captive had ad
dressed himself asked him where he had
acquired the Japanese language so writ.
The prisoner replied that he was originally
a native of Hlgo , whence hs crossed over
to China many years ago. Subsequently , by
some chance , he attracted the attention of
Viceroy L.1 Hung Chang , who gradually promoted -
meted him until at last ho was appointed
commander of the forts. After making the
confession thu officer Insisted upon com
mitting suicide , notwithstanding the re
monstrances of the Japanese generals.
Making a profound obeisance he sat down
and slew hlmeelt according to the strict
canons of the Japanese samurai. The
ofllcers were much struck by his manly con
duct and caused the remains to be Interred
with due ceremony.
II , KS ,1 2lXAXUlJ'.lt JIISItilSLK
llonr n 1'rtclllc Count Nnpnloon 1'Inyrd n
Smooth Omni1.
SAN FRANCISCO , July 17. II. Walto of
Massachusetts has brought suit against the
city of Santa Cruz In the United States dis
trict court to secure the payment of $22,650
In bands which fell duo this year. The city
refused to pay the alleged Indebtedness on
the ground that the bonds were practically
utolen. A year ago the city desired to refund
$ : ! Gu,000 In outstanding bonds for the purpose
of securing moro tlmo and to this end the
new bonds were placed In the posseiglon of
Walter Stanton , who gave a bond for their
return , executed by the American Debenture
company of Chicago.
The Amerlcin Debenture company failed
In August , 1891. and Stnnton shortly after
ward went into Insolvency , having first hy
pothecated the Santi Cruz bonds on his pri
vate accounts. Instead of using them for tak
ing up the eld bor.ds , which ho agreed to do.
Thio suit will determine the val'dlty of over
$3fiO,000 of like bonds , all o ( which are held
by receivers or Innocent purchasers , who re
ceived them ( rom the custodian appointed by
the city ot Santa Cruz.
1IUD1S Iff i'Uf.LMAXa.
Important Arrests Mmln by Custoiiu Uf-
llcciM nt Detroit ,
DKTIIOIT , July 17. For a long time past
Iho customs officials have suspected that
Chinese were being smuggled across the bor
der from Canada In sleeping cars. The sus
picion was verified late last night when some
Important arrests wore made on a Wagner
sleeping car which had just crossed the river
from the Grand Trunk railway and was being
switched to the Wabash road. Division
Superintendent Chamberlain of the Wagner
company entered iho car , accompanied by
Special Treasury Agent Wood and Inspector
Carney. The ; onductor , Frederick H. Lin
coln of Buffalo , and the porter , Charles
Mackln of Chicago , were obliged to psfmit
the suparlntendent and officers to Inspect the-
berths , although they protested there was a
woman In the state room. In this compart
ment were found four Chinamen with Herbert
Johnson of Windsor , who has a record as a
smuggler. Johnson , the conductor and the
porter were f rested and with the Chinamen
went to jail , ' .i default of $1,000 ball each.
rduliu'a ( lovcrnor Will the Iti-piibllcnn
Party Uowu K.tsy. .
PORTLAND. Ore. , July 17. Governor W.
J. McConnell of Idaho is in the city enroute
to Ycquinl bay. Speaking about the pollc >
of the silver men , he eald : "Tho friends ol
silver will not force the financial Issue ir
the national republican convention next ycai
further than to secure a declaration In tht
platform that the nominee of the party shall
elga any measure that passes congress thai
not only affects the financial system of th <
country , but also the pensions of soldiers ol
the rebellion , the building of the Nicaragua :
canal , the annexation of the Hawaii Islands
and other Issues of paramount Interest to tht
country. The Individual who heads tlu
ticket Is ot llttlo connequcnco lo me as long
of course , as ho is a sound proleutlonlst. 1
don't care what his views on the financia
question are so long ai he stands on th (
platform of the party end that platform con
tains the declaration wo propose. "
Will rroscrute ItnnU Olllclnlf.
SEATTLE , July 17. The depositors of thi
Merchants National bank are preparing to begin
gin criminal proceedings against the offlclah
and arc raising funds for the purpose. Thej
clJlm to have abundant evidence and will prc
ceed under a state law making It a felony to
banken to receive deposits when , they knov
the bank U Insolvent.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
ite itd
i ,
I'ltlKST.1) Al'Tl'M HlftlWr 31ATX.
Thirty of Them rotlllnn ttie Pope for lll
Nnw YOUK , July 17. Important news has
icen received In this country trom nn Ainer-
can churchman nuw In Homo concerning
he resignation of Bishop Matz ot 111 ? dlo-
ceio ot Denver , Colo. , which Is now pending
before llio propaganda. According to this
authority a stronc petition has been entered
n Homo from tlio priests of Iho diocese ot
) enver , asking ( or the rtnsons why Dl&liop
Matz'a resignation oUouid bo accepted with
out delay. The signatures arc headed by the
Icar general ot the Denver ( V.occse and com-
irlso those o ( every ofllcor cit the dlocoi > ,
every member of the blaliop's council and
every diocesan priest.
The petition sets forth the- condition ot the
llocese and points out the Incapacity of
Jlshop Matz lo administer It clUier tern-
lorarlly or spiritually. The same authority
"ays that before the reception of the pell-
Ion at Homo the Idea was current there
hat the only opposition to Dl hop Met/ arose
HMUEO of nationality , the bishop being a
German. This Idea Is dissipated by the pc-
itlon , as it Is signed by German , French.
Irish and Americans ; In ( act , It Is unanl-
nously signed by the priests o ( tlie diocese
regardless of race. Tlili Is said to be the
Irst time In the history of the church In
\mcrlca that a body of priests has risen up and requested the pope to remove n
) Ishop because ct his Incapacity In all par-
The letter addressed to the pope by the
leiwer priest' Is said alto to request his holi
ness to send some disinterested pcrsuii to
) cnvcr to Investigate 1'ic allegations set out
iy thn priests against Bishop Matz. It Is net
cnown what action will be taken on cither
the resignation of Bishop Matz or the letter
ot his priests. A JIEAWXI.V F.IICI.
Mexican * Kicltcd OVIT nil AlloRort Worker
of Mlrm-lrs.
ALBUQUERQUE , N. M. , July 17. Looking
Iko an animated picture of the Christ ,
ted with performing acts on a par with the
nlracies o ( the son o ( G'od , Francis Schlader ,
vho claims to have been until two years ago
a shoemaker in Denver , has set wild the
Mexicans of the territory Just to the south ,
of this city. They are hailing him as a
special disciple , sent from heaven direct to
them to give sight to the sightless , hearing
to the deat , and to relieve them of all the
dl casns to which the flesh is heir. Today
10 is followed by hundreds ot Mexicans and
Indians whop ray ot him that he touch their
lands and cure them ot their ailments ,
lepresentatlves of the best Mexican families
are Imploring him , o enter their wagons or
.ako their horses nnd go with them to their
ionics to cure those who are afflicted there.
The man goes , ho says , whither his master
directs , and for the services he performs he
will take nothing. At Peralta , Jesus Ala
Volasquaez , who Is said to have been totally
jllnil for three years , sees since he touched
this man's hands. Juliana Sodlllo , who has
not moved her arms for sixteen years , was
working In the fields yesterday. Scores of
similar stories are told. At Scdlllo , where
"clilader stayed during eight days , a watch
was put upon him day and night , and It Is
asserted that he ate no food and drank but a
lew swallows ot water.
Hlortrlr Lnroinnllvo u SnrreM.
BALTIMORE , July 17. All possible ques
tion of the power cf electric locomotive No. 1
ot the Baltimore & Ohio railroad to pull the
heaviest trains through the Batlc tunnel was
disposed at today. With the tremendous load
ot twenty-fix freight cars , all laden to their
utmost , and two largo kccmotlves , the electric
monster pulled through the tunnel thl.3 mornIng -
Ing with not nearly all the power on. This
; est of the locomotive was the most Important
that has yet been made. The load pulled was
at .east 2,800,000 pounds. The two steam en
gines , which wore attached to the train. Joined
their forces when the electric locomotive was
detached to take the train on Its Journey
Hnilrnvnrrni Viewing I lie S'nfry. .
PORTLAND , Me. . July 17. Sixteen hun
dred Christian Endeavorers , Including the
Ohio and Missouri delegations , arrived here
this morning from Boston on their way to the
White mountains. In Wllllston church a
arlef service wp.s held , at which Rev. S. F.
McCauley of Ohio presided. Neal Dow , upon
being Introduced , was greeted with a tumult
of applause. He spoke tor ten minutes , his
romarlcH being confined principally to wel
coming the Endeavorers to the city. At
noon the delegates led ( or Mount Washing
ton on a special train.
Kmhezzlril from thn Sclilllz Company.
KANSAS CITY , July 17. Herman L. Muel
ler , local agent of the Schlltz Brewing com
pany , was arraigned this attornoon In court
on a charge ot embezzlement , preferred by
the company's traveling auditor , J. H. Mon-
scliot. The complaint states that the amount
embezzled Is only $1,000 , but this Is only ono
Item In the charge that may be brought. It
f understood that the amounts ot which ho
ias delrauded the company will aggregate
between $10,000 and $15,000.
I'rlntrr Killed by Trainpn.
FORT WAYNE. Ind. , July 17. Harry
Bowdln , a Pennsylvania printer , was killed
by tramps at Bucyrus at 10:20 : last night
and his body placed upon the tracks wHiere
It was struck by an engine and decapitated.
Bowdln had received his monthly pay a fejv
hours betoro the murder and It Is believed
that the crime was committed for the pur-
posa of robbing the man.
J'ltli n. JIl.OUMRIi ,
Cliy Slat : The bleyclo girl don't
vote , It li true , but Mr. Harrison was well
nwaro of the Inlluoucc they cxort over young
men who do. : Ex-President Harrison
denies that lie snld that he always regretted
he didn't have n iun when he taw a bloom-
cicd bicyclist chewing num. Of courio Iho
ox-president didn't Bay It. Ho Is too H nsiblo
n man not to know that such a combination
U proof against n gun.
Buffnlo KxpriMs : It was hardly worth
while for General Ilnrrlion to deny that
ridiculous yarn about women who rldo bicy
cles anJ cliew gum. Of course Ito never said
what was attributed to him. The general's
daughter , Mrs. McKce , and her son both
rldo wheel * . Mr , Harrison , far from dls-
llklng to BOO women awheel , readily recog
nizes the benoHts and propriety ot It.
Chicago Chronicle : On the bicycle ques
tion Harrison was reported to have said that
ho "always wanted lilt gun when he saw *
bleyclo woman in bloomers chewing num. "
ll now denies having made this remark ami
offers us proof the ( act that his dnuiihtcr ,
Mrs. MrKec , has bought a wheel. Your
Uncle Benjamin possesses an Innocent gulla
and a noncommittal r.raft that cause envy
In Heed and despair In McKlnloy.
Chicago Tribune : Ho does not bcllovo
that a woman hurts her chances of getting
married by rldlug n bicycle , nor when ho so i
ono on a wheel chewing gum docj he long
to have a gun In his hands so as to shoot her.
It Is announced als > o In nn authoritative way
that member. ! of Iho cx-prcUent's family
use the bicycle. Thus it will bo seen that
ho occupies a position o ( guarded neutrality.
Whllo ho Fays he docs not halo the bicycle ,
hn docs not say that ho admlrca It.Vhllo
ho docs not use one himself , arc HI.V-
oral In the family , whether with or without
hl approval ho docs not say.
K.MIJ.l.\r. I.I. \ US.
nptrolt Free Prrssr Kilty I wouldn't tell
my ago If I wcro 30 , ns SIlss I'nhstover says
she In.
Jane ( scolllnglyl She doesn't tell licr nge.
Chicago Post : "ThereIs one trouble
with the average man who Is nrdiltpct of
his own fortune , " remarked HIP philosopher.
"And what In thnl ? " urkeil the student.
"Ho trips to build tht ; upper stories be
fore bo has complotpil the toundullons. "
Harper's Ilouml Table : Mother Frank ,
whnt Is bilj- : crying about ? Frank 1 guess
because I took his cake and showed him
how to cat It.
Yonkcra Slatpsmun : Wheeler ( who lias
just bouglit a blke-"Do ) you think HIP hi-
oyclo has como lo stay ? Sprocket Well ,
a good deal depends on whether you paid
outright for it , or got It on llio Installment
Now York World : Nlbbi What n perfect
poem the counl's rich wife Is ! Ulbbs Yes ;
tin.- count Is Hie only man I know of who
can make poetry pay him thirty thousand a
Puck : Lea ( sadly ) I don't know what to
do with that son of mine. He'.i bcpn two
ypar.t at thp medical college , and ntlll keepj
at Iho foot of bl clusi.
Perrlns ( promptly ) Make n chiropodist of
Chicago Record : "Mamma , Jlmmlo
Watts put a pin In the now teacher's chair
today. "
"And then whnt happened ? "
"Nothln' ; Jliumlc says ho used to be a
book agent. "
Philadelphia Inquirer : Instead of for
mal ballots In that pi ejected poker congress
votes should bo taken by u Hbow of hand. .
Yonkera Statesman : The hammock Is
always brought out In the summer , vihtn
every one's experience lends him to sup
pose that It was built for the fall.
Tloston Globe : "Po you bellevo the the
ory that character Is determined to some
extent bv what wu eat and drink ? "
" 1 do. "
"Then a person who drinks Base tea 19
likely to develop Into a philosopher , I sup
pose. "
Chicago Record : Bootblack DIs ycro
business la mighty hard on mo eyes.
Customer Oiryour e > cs ?
Uootlilaok Yes ; yer nee I puts ? ech a
dnzzlln' shine on dc chocs It hurts 'em.
Plttsburn Chronicle : Mrs. 8niiKK Do
you SPP those two people making love lo
each other ?
Mr. SnngffS Yes.
"They arc deaf mutes. "
"Well , thev struck mu as being unspeak
ably happy. "
Philadelphia Record : Judge You nro
charged with stealing a quantity of rallri'l '
Iron. What have you got to fiiy for your
self ? Prisoner Well , judge , I got d rheu-
matlz , nn' somebody told me I might euro
It by taklu' lion ,
WaslilnKtnn Star.
It's just when your words grow warmest
That the ling on her neck alights ;
It's just at the tlmo when you're hardest up
That the shop man for money wrltea.
It'a Just nt the critical moment
The greatest embiirrasHiiionls start ;
It's just when you don your trousers new
That you're caught by the sprinkling cart.
l/7-OA' . ' / .
TlUtIK.1C' /
Snmervillp Journal.
She stood upon the bathing1 bond ] ,
So exquisitely fair
That strangers murmured : "She's a peach- !
As they beheld her there.
She stood upon th shlnlnp sand ,
Itlglit In the public eye ,
And gentle breezes Hoftly fanned
Her , as Ihey wandered by.
She stood there , proud an King Canute ,
And did she never get
Into the waves ? Oh , no ; her bathing suit
Was far too line to wet.
aware that we are
having the most
sweeping clearing
sale Omaha has ever seen ?
The most sweeping in
scope , the most tempting in
price reductions. A positive opportunity
for bargains. We have just taken an
other slice off of the already low price ,
and we now consider the present values
on our clothing absolutely absurd.
They can't last long the way they
are no11so don't hesi'tate or you wili be
too late.
on straw hats still continues.
Any straw hat in the house Men's ,
Boy's and Children's at just one-half
[ f you want the Money , we'll Trade Back ,