THE OaLAJIA DAILY BEE ; IllTjUSD AY , JTJL r 18 , 1895. 3 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. I COUNCIL II LUFFS. OFFICU , - - NO. 12 PRAIIL STUniiT Delivered by carrier to nny rnrt of the city , i II. W , TILTON , Lessee. TRI.nPlfONnS llu lne * ofTlce. No. : night nil tor. No. 22. ! / / . % Ult .1II.MWH. The Royal Neighbors' social has been In definitely postponed. Buy your cigars , plpea , tobaccos anil canes in Grand Hotel Cigar store. Grand hotel. Council Bluffs. Newly fur- nlnlicd. Reopened Oct. 1. E. F. Clark , prop. Harmony chapter No. 25 , 0. K. S. , will hold their regular meeting this evening at Masonic hall. George Cavln , Earl Beaidsley , Arthur Ko.llno and Fiank Zurmnehlen begin camp ing at Manawa today. A free entertainment will bo given by the P. 0. S. of A. and the P. O. D. of A. nt their hall over 101 Main street this even ing. ing.A A marriage license was Issued yesterday to J. W. Tidd , aged 33 , and Ella Sprague , aged 32. the former of Sioux City and the latter of Lincoln , Ntb. The Masonic Mutual Savings and Loan as Boclatlon commenced a suit In the district court yesterday for $1 046 on a note signed by her nnd her husband , Joseph Hradshaw. Mr. fi. T. Gilbert of this place and Miss Viola Baxter of Afton , la. , were married at the home of the bride on July 10. They will be at home to friends at 802 Avenue H , after July 23. Johu Barhyte hns been appointed by the mayor to take charge of the chain gang. Mr Harhyto was deputy marshal and day jailer for several years , and his appointment will meet with universal favor. O. E. Bcswlck has recovered from the effects of Mi recent fall sufficiently so as to lie able to walk about. Several bones were broken In both feet , nnd one of his knees van dlnlocated by a sixteen-foot fall from a Ecaffoldlng. Unity guild will give a social Thursday rvenlng nt the home of Mrs. A. B. Cook on Vine street. Friends cordially Invited. The Kiilld will hold Its regular meeting Friday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Madden , 115 I'lerce street. Flora Keffer commence ! a suit In the dls trlct court yesterday against Reuben Keffer for a divorce and the custody of their two children , 17 and 15 years of ago respectively The cause alleged is that her husband do Eerlcd her In 1893 without Just cause. Dorothy G. Shepard , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shepard , died yesterday after noon , aged 1 year and 10 months. The funeral will take place from the resldenc , 208 Btutsman street , at 4:30 : this afternoon. The body will be burled In Walnut Hill ceme tery , Rev. Simpson officiating. The street commissioner has been given another Job. He has been Instructed by the council to take a walk all over the city and hunt out and destroy every Russian .JJilstle Inside the city limits. Anybody that nan any thistles they want to get rid of please leave word at the marshal's office. There will be a carnival at the First Bap tist church this evening at 8 o'clock. Martha bnil George Washington at home , Japanese quarters , a gypsy tent , minstrel singers , ex tracts from "Uncle Tom's Cabin , " Aunt Ophelia and Topsy , fine music , Ice cream , cake , and a good time for everybody will be features. Admission free. There have been some wholesale arrests nf common carriers within the last twenty- four hours for failure to take out the neces sary licenses. The city ordinance requires the license to be taken out July 1 , but a number of express and hackmen have kept putting off the day of reckoning until It lias gotten them Into trouble. A fine of Eiveral dollars will be added to the full cost of the license. "It Just took me thirty-eight minutes from the time I stepped aboard the electric cars In Omaha until I was In the Grand Plaza at Manawa , " said an Omaha man last evening. "That's pretty nearly real rapid transit , and that's the way the trains are running now. With such train service Omaha people don't need to complain about difficulty in getting to Manawa. and what a reward for the effort It IR to get there these hot nights. " A tourist giving his name as George F. Cullen was found yesterday afternoon lying under the trees in front of the General Dodge place on Third stret. He was a suf ferer from consumption and heart disease nnd he was on his way to Denver from his home In Chicago , having been told by a phy sician that he might prolong his life sev eral years by going there. He was hardly able to walk or breathe on account of his malady. He was given a place to stop at the city jail and will go on his way west ward this morning. Four hundred people boarded the Manawa motor at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. A train of five coaches had been made up ex- pressely for the Elks from Omaha , but they did not arrive until 2.30. If they had the ciowd of Omaha and Council Bluffs people driven out of the cities by the Intense heat and waiting at the depot would have been so great that they could not have reached the cars before the entire train was filled up. The train thirty minutes later afforded them ample accomodatlans. During the afternoon and night the movement of the crowd to ward the lake was uninterrupted and un precedented. _ Flro and tornado Insurance written in beat companies. Money for farm loans at low rates. City property for sale or trade for farm lands In Iowa. Lougee & TOAO ! , 235 Pearl St. MIS3 Lilian Bell of Ashland. Neb. , Is In the city , the guest of Mrs. F. T. True. Misses Mary and Nellie Qleason left yester day for their future home In Salt Lake , Utah. Rev. Alfred Knoll of Modale , la. , has been visiting friends In the city for the past few days. days.O. O. C. Garven and wife of St. Louis are visiting their brother , J. J. Keith , on Fif teenth avenue. Miss Marie Case of Fort Madison , la. , Is In the city , the guest of Mrs. Albright on Soutb Seventh street. Mrs. C. M. Scott and daughter have re turned from a visit with friends in Ottumwa la. , and Aurora , 111. Miss Nellie Smith left last evening to spend vacation with her uncle and aunt In Ulkhart Ind , , till September 1. II. Btnnett , formerly at the head of th < r Inspection bureau of the Insurance companies doing bus ness In southwestern Iowa , now spe clal agent of the Fire association of Phlladel phla , has been spending a few days In tin city. _ The electric fountain at Manhattan bead will be Illuminated each evening from S.3 ( to 9 and 9:30 : to 10. The steamer LlbertS will connect vlth all trains to and fron Manawa. First boat will leave Manhattar beach at 7 a.m. to accommodate the campers ors at Manhattan beach who wish to catcl the early morning train to Omaha. Iteil Cpdiir fenre I'ontf. Twelve carloads standard red cedar fenci posts , lO ic each , by the carload. _ A. O.VERTON. lliirllnuton Itouto Kxrurtloti To St. Joseph and return Aug. 4th. $1.5 ! round trip , il.CT. O. M. Brown , TKt. Agt. Hardman pianos , Council Bluffs. 103 Mali St. _ I * Kmrrhie Ini no ? John Emerlnc , who has had a heap of troub' on his hands In the last year , has been con fronted by a new problem. Yesterday hi sister filed an Informat'on charging hlh will Insanity , i nd he wa : brought before th commlrsloncrs yetttcrdiy afternoon. The mem bers of the family testified thit he waa de cldedly Insane , but the man himself said h waa the victim of conspiracy and family per secutton. His examJnat'on by the com mUiloners was not altogether talUfactory and It was decided to Keep the young nu where he could be observed for a short Unit He Is consequently In the county jail. Read Davis' ail. Davta sells hammock cheap. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The gas company's special prices for serv Ice pipes will ba continued through July. Ten days' sale of wall paper nnd house fur nishlngs at the Boston store. Hardman planoi , Omaha , 113 N. ICUu NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Omaha Elks Enjoy Their Annual Outinr at Lake Manama. WOUND UP THI DAY WITH A BANQUET Large .Number Present and tlio I'rojrnm Was Diversified KnouRh to Sutlifr the Cnnlng ( or I'lcmuro niul Novelty. The Omaha niks had thrlr annual outing at Manhattan beach last night , and It Is not sti etching the matter a particle to cay that It was the most pleasant time the lodge has ever enjoyed. All afternoon the steamers brought little groups of members , all bent on having a good time at the expense of no matter how many buttons. After arriving at the beach It did not take long for the water to claim Its own , and for a full hour there was Imminent danger of the lake over flowing Its banks from the displacement of the water by so many fat men. While dls- poitlng his fragile form among the breakers , Doc Haynes tan his great toe against a hard object which later on proved to be a beer bottle full of poetry. Several tears were shed , more on account of the emptiness of the bottle than the pithos of the lines. W. J. Colvan of New York , agent for a metropolitan refrigerator company , under took to show the wild westerners a few Coney Island tricks , and It Is a mere streak of luck that the cororer doesn't have to sit on his case today. He had been telling the openmouthed - mouthed Omahans how he had swam five miles at a stretch In the ocean one time , and had conveyed the Impression that he was no smill potatoes when It came to aquatic sports. He got beyond his depth and began to call for help. Sergeant Tom Ormsby of the Omaha police force heard him , but thought he was joking and advised the other fellows not to be fooled. Suddenly It became apparent that there was no fooling about It , and there was a great effort made to rescue him. Ho was finally pulled out , hair first , by Vandecar , and after he had been Industriously rolled the last trace of Manawa water was removed from his In terior. A foot race by the slim fellows was run George Mills , alias Spike Hennessey ; George Perrlne , Charlie Potter , Tom Ormsby and Jim Alnscow , each of them weighing between 220 and 250 pounds , lined up for the contest. Potter coughed up three tomato cans In his mad anxiety to have his nose counted first , but the superior sprinting abilities of Mr. Hennessey enabled him to win the prize , which was a large pie. The Irish reel danced by Beech Taylor , president of the Globe Loan and Trust vOm- pany , Steve Larklns of the Colorado Coal syndicate , and Lloyd Jones , president of the Frank Ramge company , was a pleasant and Instructive feature. None of them had danced the reel since they left the "ould sod , " but no one would have ever dreamed It. Spud Farrlsh and Manager Burgess of the new Crelghton theater did a very neat Job on a tight rope stretched from the bath houses to the top of the toboggan slide , and the afternoon sports would have terminated very pleasantly had it not been for a slight accident. The rope broke and both men were dumped Into the water. Neither , however , fortunately had any conscientious scruples against water , and the accident caused only a temporary cessation of the festivities. Billy Paxton , Jr. , and Henry Phllbln , In n song and dance , wound up the Intellectual part of the ceremonies , and then the banquet was served In the pavilion. Manager Hulett was everywhere , looking after the Interests of the cuests. The following is a partial list of the appe tites that were in evidence about the banquet tables : W. B Taylor , Frank Barrett , A. H. Drlpga. Spud Farrlsh. M. Kelly , By Smith. Lloyd Jones , F. Klmblc , Tom Ormsby , Lew W. llaber , Kd P. Mueller , S. J. LaRue , G. O. Rohm , C. M. Bartlctt , P. II. Phllbln , A. S. Brlggs , H. Muentcrferlng. W. A. Paxton , Jr. , George T. Mills , C. W. Rohrstron , T. K. Sudborough , A. J. Hunt. II. J. Shurl , W. J. Burgess , Ed Brandt , D. M. Chamber- lln , J. H. McTague. M. 0. Maul , A. L. Frank , Lew Rever , George Vandecar , W. A. Wallace , Hodder , James Alnscow , nd Alns cow , diet Hulett , H. K. BurK3t , Tom Mul- vl'illl , Doc Haynes. In the absence of the exalted ruler , B. M. Bartlett , Biggs Taylor officiated as master of ceremonies. The toasts wo'e shnrt and enthusiastic , the songs were loud and rand- some , and when the last Elk lelt at mid night several cracks In the titmosuhere v ere plainly visible. Milluininer Ilnrgmini Ilonton Store. $1.00 crochet bed spreads , 7Be. $1 50 Marseilles spreads , 98c. 33c and 39o Turkey red table damask re duced to 25c a yard. All wool French challies reduced to 25c a yard. Big line of wash goods In lawns , dimities , jaconets and Swiss at 9c a yard. D'autlful line of dimities at 12'/2c a yard. 25cephyr glnghamS , 17c a yard. 25c quality ladles' tan and brown hose at 19c a pair.FOWLER FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , Council Bluffs , la. Council \Vtll Taxe a Jnnnt. The members of the city council will leave this evening for a brief visit to St. Joe. The party will Include all of the memebers and perhaps Mayor Cleaver. The object of the journey Is to ascertain whether or not some work done on a creek that runs through the Missouri town , very much In the same manner that Indian creek meanders through Council Bluffs , will afford any suggestions applicable to the control of our own stream. The St , Joe creek has been changed from an open creek Into a closed sewer , and It Is for the purpose of Inquiring Into the-plans and cost of the work that the aldermen will undertake the journey. It has long since been an ad mitted fact that thd only way to solve the problem presented by the big , unsightly anil unhealthful ditch that w nds hrojgh the heart of the city Is to enclose It in solid brick walls , It would not be necessary for the aldermen to go to a neighboring city for this solution but the question of regulitlng the flow ol water In storm periods is the gravest pfob- 1cm. This Is said to have been successfully solved by the St. Joe engineers , and It Is mainly for the purpose of looking Into this feature and noting the construction of the dams that the aldermen will make the visit City Clerk Phllllpps wrote to the city clerl of the Missouri town yesterday morning ad vising him of the contemplated Invasion. At C. O. I ) , lirotfii'i till * Week. 21 pounds fine granulated sugar for | 1.0 ( 1 pound Battle Ax chewing tobacco 15c 1 pound smoking tobacco 15 ( Columbia river salmon , per can lOc Tomatoes , per can g ( Corn , per can C ( 1-pound can Price's baking powder 35 < Rainwater Maker , per box 21 < Root beer , per bottle 7 ( 1-pound package gloss starch , per pkg. . . S ( 1-pound package corn starch , per pkg. . . S ( Breakfast oats , per package S < Quaker oats , per package 9 < Ue'.aiul's soda , per package 7i Screen doors , l',6 Inches thick , any elzi you want , for 65c. Adjustable window screens for 35c. Ice cream freezers cheaper than ever. Wi are overstocked and must unload them. And new potatoes at lOc a peck at BROWN'S C. 0. D. Onlv line of Vlmiy Lettari. MONROE , Neb. . July 16 , 1S93. "Your Wheeler's King Temperance Bee goes like hot cakes. Please ship me Imme dlately two barrels W. King Temperanci Beer. " ROBERT A. VICKERS , 18 Druggist. Manufactured only by the G. R. Wheele Brewing Co. , Wheeler & HerelJ , wholesal dealers , Council Bluffs , la. r- Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that goo. . laundry , " ana Ik located at 721 Broadway If In doubt about this try It and be convinced Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157. Good wall pnp'er , 2 c a roll , at the Bos ton store. g Held to the ( Iriind Jury. In Justice Cook's court yesterday John ani Jennie Miller , an unsavory pair of colore creatures , were held to the grand Jury t answer the charge preferred against them b a barber named Belyh , whom they csniplre to rob of $245 $ In cash. Jennie got the mone whllo Indulging In a hugging match with the white barber and John shared the spoils with her. The woman wag held under $500 and the man $300 bonds. Both were locked up In the county Jail. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Himi.INdTON HOUTi : . Itrdnced Itnte * , To Hot Springs , S. D. , sale July 19 , Aug ust 2 and 23 , one first class fare for round trip.Triennial Triennial conclave Knights Templar , Bos ton , Mass. Sale August 19 to 24. American Pharm"ceutlcal assochtlon , Den ver , Colo. Sale August It and 12. National convention Kecley league , Har- rlsburg , Pa. Sale August 1C to 22. Toronto , Ont. Sale July 15 to 24. Charlton , la. Sale July 19 and 24. In addition I have on sale Summer Tourist tickets to various points In the United States and Canada. Call and get copy of map and Illustrated write up of the great Yellowstone National park. 0. M , BROWN , Ticket Agent. No Innr for Viicntlon. The Industrial school , which lia" ! been doing so much good under ths dlrtullu.i of Rev. Henry DeLong , has dlshindod dur ing the summer , but Mr. DpLong nnd hi * wife find no time for a vncutlo.i. In t.ilk- ing with some of their frljivls thay fird that an opinion Is abroad and that the work of looking after the sick nnd .iumMigs should go right on during the summer the same as any other time of year , nnd as they are willing to back up th5lr opinions with good hard cash the poor will still find their friends at the old stand. "Since. . May 1 , " says Mr. DeLtnp ; , " < iur house has been a homo for thtrty-lho per sons for from one night to two wei'ks. Old men unable to work , trying to reach reh lives at distant points , have rt'iis the bell after 10 o'clock , saying , 'We have no place to sleep , and have had nothing to eat all day. ' We have said to them , 'Come in.1 and have given to them such as we had. Young men away from home for the first time , fining themselves among strangers and unable to get work , have called with a rote from some pastor or business min , arklrg my assistance. I could not refuse them when I thought of the time when I was a boy in Council Bluffs In the " 10s , " hungry and almost naked , without a friend on eaith that I knew of. "One old lady of 84 years , whoso only daughter had Just died , leaving her without a home , was trying to reach frlsids In Ne braska City. Through the klndntHS of Mr. Swearengen , overseer of the poor , we se cured transportation for her. "Uvery day children who are hungry come and have their wants supplied. "In addition to this we have furnUlied clothing to a large number of per'o-is , aril Mrs. DeLong and myself have \lstert many- sick and destitute families. "But sadder than all are the cases ff the unfortunate girls , of whom wo have had several since the 1st of March. I will nut attempt to describe my feelings as I have looked upon these outcasts of eoci"ty : nnd see despair written on their faces , while "the other fellow" Is perhaps mads wel come to some home and permitted to steal the affections of another angel gill , as pure as the driven snow. " The Standard only second to the Hardman. Hlg Corn. Go on the excursion to St. Joseph Aug. 4th and see the big corn in the Missouri Valley. Nothing like It anywhere. Why miss the opportunity of seeing the beautiful valley. At no other season of the year does It look so pretty. Large fields of corn and sniaH grain and the beautiful orchards make a pretty picture , and you can get a nice ride of 12S miles and return on a smooth , straight and level road and tec all these beautiful things for $1.50 by buying a ticket for the Burlington's grandest excur sion on the above date. Special sale of fine shears. Fine button hole scissors about half price. One-third off on all shears and scissors and heavier re ductions on our stocks. These are both the Dungan stocks and our own. Sale one week only. Cole & Cole , 41 Main street. The Hardman , the piano par excellence. CllAUPWX COKHKlI'it DirOKCK Al/JT More Unntiglncr Testimony AgiilnU the I'uclllBt Hrouj-lit Out. NEW YORK , July 17. There was another hearing today before Referee Jacobs In the suit for divorce brought by Mrs. Ollle Cor- bett against James J. Corbett. Miss Marie King , a member of the dramatic company with which Corbett traveled , continued her testimony as to the relations between Corbett and the woman known as Vera. Miss King related instances of a display of affection as the company was traveling In a railway car. At Corning , O. , she had seen upon the hotel register the entry " "J. J. Corbett and wife. " It was agreed between counsel that if the referee's report should be In favor of the plaintiff alimony should be fixed at $100 a week. Adjournment until July 2C was taken In order that testimony might be obtained from the west. SHOT O.V.E Of U1S imi > T FJtIE.MS Trrrllile MUtake of a Man Who Had n llnndv ( inn. BRAZIL , Ind. , July 17. This city Is greatly wrought up over a probably fatal shooting af fray which occurred last night. Hon. George A. Knight , one of the best known lawyers In the state , while sitting In his home , heard a noise In one of the upper story rooms. A search was made and a gate was heard to shut on the outside. Mr. Knight saw a man disappearing In the darkness on the sidewalk He shot at him and was horrified to find that he had fatally wounded his best friend , John Wehrle , county clerk. Wehrle Is still alive , but the bullet pierced his abdomen and the physicians have little hope of his recovery. OAKI'ET Mir.l.S 2O VLObE JiUH'X Ten Tliounnd Men Will Thereby Da Glut of I mployment. PHILADELPHIA , July 17. The striking Ingrain carpet weavers decided not to accept the manufacturers' proposal to continue work at present wages until December 1 , after , which It was promised they should have the Increase demanded. When their decision was announced to the manufacturers the latter de cided to close their factories About 10,000 people will be thrown out of work. linen Not Kxpect to Meet Ilurrlion. , BUZZARD'S BAY , Mass. , July 17. Presi dent Cleveland stated to a representative of the Associated press today that the report that he contemplated a trip to the Adlron- 0 Jacks shortly and would be there at the same tlmo as ex-President Harrison was Incorrect. He said nothing Is further from his thoughts than such a trip and that he expected to re main at Gray Gables for some little time. The president Is In excellent heal'h and spirits and Is evidently enjoying his rest thoroughly. Mrs. Cleveland and the baby are doing well. Trunemro Jnilge 'luxes nVlfo. . MEMPHIS. July 17. Judge E. S. Hammond mend of the United States district court for the western district of Tennessee , was mar ried at St. Mary's Episcopal church this morning to Mrs. Margaret Wllshlre. The ceremony was performed by lit. Rev. T , F. Gallor , assistant bishop of Tennessee. United States D'ltrlct judge Charles D. Clark ol Chattanooga acted nt best man , and the bride was given away by Senator Walthall ol Mississippi. Itudproclty n llein'nlscence. NEW YORK. July 17. A special to the World from San Salvador says : Discovering that the decree Imposing Import duties on certain articles from the United States wat not being strictly enforced the government has reissued the decree reminding collector ! that no reciprocity now exists with that country. Well Knntrii Liquor Dekler Fulcldr * . HOT SPRINGS. Ark. , July 17. Thomai Radcllffe. a well known liquor dealer of tlili city , and who Is extensively known through' out the country , committed suicide yester dny morning by shooting himself through tb > hsad. Mndlinu'M Miininer 8ehool. MADISON , Wi . . July 17 , The attendant at the Columbian Catholic school , the west' ern Catholic Chataqua , Is better attendee than the most sanguine anticipate ! and everj Incoming train brings Its quota of visitors. FOREIGN CHOP CONDITIONS Consular Reporta ELow TLoj' Are iu the Main Very SMALL GRAIN 13 ESPECIALLY GOOD Knclnml nml franco A\onn \ Have Stiffereit by Ail t erne WouthorVlillo nud Austrln Are Ahovo the AvoniRO. WASHINGTON , July 17. The general ag ricultural conditions In foreign countries are reviewed In the report of the department for July. It Is shown that over a large- part of Great Urltaln Insufficient rnln interfered with the general prospects for an excellent har vest. The effect of the partial drouth Is felt with particular severity In middle and southern England. Tlio wheat Is reported In several counties as lets than half a crop , with oats and barley practicaly spoiled. In the grazing counties the hay Is reported as of fine quality but deficient In quantity. The haymaking season has been early and plen tiful rains coming now would result In good second crops of clover. In Scotland all pros pects are reported gooJ. Reports for the other Important countries are as follows : Franco Tup unfavorable weather condl- ons have resulted In premature blooming f the wheat and diminished prospects. The heat crop Is estimated from a poor aver se with a falling off of 41,000,000 bushc'.s. . will be remembered that the whit area as somewhat diminished In the autumn , and . Is certain that this year s crop will not e sufficient for domestic needs. Meslln , ye and oats are reported as up to the av- rage. Germany The weather has been more fa- orable throughout Germany than In France , he detailed report from May of the Imperial tatlstlcal bureau showed the expectation of reps of wheat , barley , oats and hay to be etter than the average , but rye was under 10 average. The weather In Juno has mod- fled the expectation of the May forecast , routh having characterized the entire month i many parts. The wheat crop Is now ex- ected to fall below the average to the ex- ent of G to 30 per cent. Austria-Hungary In Austria the June eather has been entirely propitious and BO cneral a recovery has been made of all ce cal growths that a good average Is confl ently anticipated. In Hungary the wheat rep has not done quite so well and Is ex- ectcd to fall below that of last year from ,000,000 to 8,000,000 bushels. Spain Heavy rains and floods early In line denuded large areas of the then stand- ng crops and Inflicted considerable Injury enerally. But the prospect now Is for an verage crop. Italy An average crop IB now assured. Russia All authorities predict a bountiful arvest , particularly In the southern dls- rlcts , which supply the export wheat to the Hack sea ports. Here the condition of oth winter and spring wheat Is consider bly above the average'and the prospects f the rye harvest are reported as better Imn at any previous period In thirty years , 'ho outlook for a corn' ' crop better than he average is universal. North Africa The harvest In Algeria and Tunis Is completed and Is reported as above he average From the best evidence attaln- ble the wheat harvest is believed to ag- ; regatc about 40,000,000 bushels. iJSTi i\Tis ON THI : i.vcoain TAX Vet ns Originally I * i e < i Would Have Pro duced ST OOOOOOO of Itevmmc. WASHINGTON , July 17. The Internal revenue bureau has practically completed the vork of recording and scheduling the returns received under the Income tax1 act and very soon will be ready to begin the work of re- "undlng the amounts paldbefore the law was declared unconstitutional. y < The applications o refund , however , are coming In very slowly. No classifications to determine the occupations of the taxpayers or the lelatlve amounts paid by each state or section of the country have been made thus far , but judg- ng from repeated handling of the returns a tolerably close estimate of some of the principal deductions which will bs made ater can now be stated. They are , how ever , only approximations. From the returns made ! t Is believed that 'ully ' one-half of the number of people s\ib- lect to the tax made no return whatever , and : hls proportion Is believed to ha even greater n respect to the amounts of the tax nvolved. The aggregate of the returns made represent about $15,000,000 of tax and hence about $30,200,000 , It Is calculated , would have been collected if all who were subject to the Lax sent In returns. It Is also estimated that the first decision of the supreme court ex empting rents and receipts from bonds from the operation of the act resulted In the lo s of fully $15,000,000 , so that had the act re mained as It originally stood the total re ceipts from this source , according to esti mates now made , would have approximated $45,000,000 , and even $50,000,000. As to the proportion of the tax which would have been borne by each section of the country only a rough estimate can now be made. The returns , however , seemed to Indicate that New England and the middle states would have paid about two-thirds of the whole tax and the western and the southern sections each about one-sixth of the whole. TAV.KKD O POLITICS ON HIS TIUP Secretary Laniont Speak * Encouragingly of the Condition * In the Writ. WASHINGTON. July 17. Secretary Lament - mont said today he did not talk politics and did not see any politicians during his western tour. tour."I "I was not hunting ghosts , " said he , "though I am told some were about. My trip was purely a business one and I had neither Inclination nor opportunity to meddle In poli tics. About the only people I saw were the military people. " "You observed the condition of the country through which you passed ? " "Yes , enough to see that It appeared pros perous and promising. The railway men whom I met told me the outlook was very favorable for great prosperity. They are about the only ones I had an opportunity to talk with on the subject , and I presume they are about the best judges , I could see the country was as green as our eastern lauds and the rail road people told me the crops were In an un usually good condition and gave promise ol the beet results they have Juid In that country for some time. It was said the whole coun try was experiencing a renewal of prosperity and that the people were corttcnted and sat isfied with outlook. All'tb ? cropa are In the best possible condition iSnd the reports from the various sections of ( he pountry Indicate a great product for the year1. The railroads arc all providing for an immense amount ol business. The president1 of , ype of the roads told me they were getting , rpjidy to haul 75- 000,000 bushels of wheat on his road. All this , they said , Indicate ) ! general prosperity and contentment among weitern people. " IMCU1T WHIP OdMlllpks FOR JUIA , Applet anil Pcuchci llnve Nuflared Greatly In .Many Stutef. WASHINGTON , July 7- , The fruit croi " bulletin of the Agricultural "department foi July shows a material decline in condition The report Is summarized as follows : The condition of apples hag been materially lowered - ' ered since the report of June. Losses hav < been especially marked In some states whlct have already low conditions , viz ; The New England sta'es , New York , Pennsylvania Michigan , Wisconsin and Minnesota. In tin I'ledmont region the outlook Is dec'dedly mori favorable. In Missouri and contiguous state the decline hai been light , not above 3 pei cent In any case , but the conditions are no quite aa high as in the orchards. On thi Pacific coast conditions fell about 11 per cent but the prospects there are still good. Fros at time of bloom , subsequent drouths am heavy droppings are the main causes of tin Impalrel prospects. The peach crop returns are also unfavor able. Georgia and Connecticut alone of thi leading commercial states have a higher per centage , the former having moved up to 100 a gatr of 1 per cent ; the latter declining ti 80 from 91 New Jersey has lost 12 point and now stands at 73 ; Delaware , 13 , standlni at 70. Maryland has advanced from C3 to 66. The condition of Virginia , 69 , Is lower than In Juno by 13 point * . Michigan has prospects of less than halt a crop , while Ohio Is 22. lowest of all. In California the condition figure declined from 88 on June 1 to 75 on July 1. Frosts have done much dnmago to the grape crop , and especially In the more northern belt anl central wcit. \VIIOI.ICSALI : I-.VASION oi' bTA n ; T.\XI > Aleinptili Corporation * Ocnjr tlio Itlglit of Tennosoe to Assn < Them. WASHINGTON , July 17. The Memphis tax cases were filed In the United States su premo'court yesterday in an assignment of error In the decisions of the supreme court of Tennessee. There are twelve of the rases , there being one each on account of the city of Memphis and the county of Shelby , against the follow Ing named Institutions : The Planters Fire and Marine Insurance company , the Home Insurance and Trust company , the Mer cantile bank , the Mechanics Savings biuk , the Memphis City bank and the Dank of Com merce. These concerns all claim Immunity from taxation on account of old charters granted to United States companies of which they have come Into possession and some of which are never utilized by the companies to which they are granted. The state denied the existence of the Immunity claimed In all the casea and brought suit to compel the pi/- inont of taxes such as arc required to be paid m other property. The claims run back for everal years and they aggregate several hun- red thousand dollars. The decision of the 'ennesseo ' supreme court was favorable to the ate. OPE WILL NOT t IIANOC IIH VlUtYfe ocrco Agatimt Knights of Pythtittl \ Not lie Modified. WASHINGTON , July 17. It Is stated au- horltatlvely that no assurances have been given to Mgr. Satolll that the papal decree egardlng the Knights of Pythias would be oconstdercd with a view to Its modification nd possible annulment. The authorities ere do not recall any visit toy a member f the Pythian order from Galesburg , III , nd certainly nothing was stated to him to ndlcate that the decree would be vacated , or hat the vacating : of It would even be con- Idered. On the contrary , all advices re- elved by Mgr. Satolll show that the sub- ect Is settled for good. As there was some elay In putting the first decree In operation , iwlng to discretion vested In the bishops , a econd , was promulgated requiring the decree .0 be Immediately and fully put In operation V special case arose In Fall Hlver , Mas ; . , hero the circumstances were so exceptional hat Cardinal Gibbons took the papers to lome with a view to securing an exemption lit this , It Is explained , does not Indicate ny purpose to consider a modification of the ecree Itself. iix HAS NOT MAIM ; UP IIKH MIND into Department Knowi Nothing New nf the Morn Clnlni. WASHINGTON , July 17. No official con- rmatlon of the decision of the Spanish cabl et to pay the Mora claim has yet been eached at Washington. According to the ipanlsh practice , the ministry , who form a ouncll similar to the British council of state , sually refers such cases as the Mora claim o a subcommittee for determination , and It is lelieved here that the decision referred to In he cable dispatches are really only that of he subcommittee , which has been considering his particular claim. If the full ministerial iouncil approves the report of the full com- nlttce It Is not absolutely necessary to await .n appropriation by the Cortes , which could , ot bo had before next winter , for the mln- stry may In urgent cases make an "acurdo 1 , vhlch Is similar to a Ilrltlsh "order In coun- II , " and thereby provide for the payment of he claim. llHcredltltiininrHt onctriilne Algr. O'Conml WASHINGTON , July 17. Among high ec clesiastical authorities here nothing Is known concerning the reports that Mgr. O'Connell of the American college at Rome would be assigned to an Important post li the United States. The reports as to Mgr. O'Connell are regarded as vague speculation. Thus far no word concerning him has been communlcited o Mgr. Satolll , who would be the one most Ikely to know If any change of Importance were about to occur. Dividend * on llrouoii llanlcs. WASHINGTON , July 17. The comptroller of the currency has declared dividends In favor of the creditors of insolvent national banks , as follows : Thirty per cent. First Na tional bank of Texarkana , Tex. ; 20 per cent the Washington National bank of Tacoma , Wash. ; 5 per cent , the Chemical National bank of Chicago. CnlU for n Hunk Htatemenr. WASHINGTON , July 17. The comptroller of the currency has made a call on national banks for reports of their condition at the close of business , Thursday , July 14. Iowa Po tinater Appointed. WASHINGTON , July 17. ( Special Tele- gram. ) T. W. Argo was today appointed postmaster at Woolston , Jefferson county , la. , vice D. W. Shelley , resigned. Kxtenitiil Leave of Aluencu flrnntod. WASHINGTON , July 17. ( Special Tele gram. ) Lieutenant Colonel Merrltt Barber , assistant adjutant general , granted twenty one days extended leave. r.i.Aria ins mrr. Queer Legal Proceeding Kenortcil to by an Intrn t\ SIOUX CITY , July 17. ( Special Telegram. ) An odd legal proceeding has been com menced at Doon , la. , a small town near here , as a result of troubles between Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Scott of that place. The couple were married last night , but have not lived hap pily together. Hecently Scott determined to leave his wife and packed up preparatory to doing so. Mrs. Scott concluded that she waste to be deserted and secured an order of court restraining him from leaving. The case can not be decided until the next term of court and In the meantime Scott will remain virtu ally his wife's prisoner unless he violates the order directing him to remain with her. Lnlmr I oniniU'lontir'ii Hrport. DCS MOINDS , July 17. ( Special Tele gram. ) Labor Commissioner W. E. Oble- ness has filed his biennial report with the governor. He. deplores the Insufficiency of the law which gives him the power to com pile statistics and no means ob obtaining this information. In the state but twelve factories have filed reports with the commis sioner , and the Individual reports are far below what they should have been. Nine hundred and thirty-eight of these were re ceived from Polk county , where the commls. stoner could personally secure them. He will recommend to the general assembly that If no power Is given to the commissioner the office should be abolished , as It Is practically worthless now. Fight nt n Clinrch Meeting. SIOUX CITY , July 17. ( Special Tele gram. ) Sloan , a town eight miles south ol nere Is greatly excited , over a fight last night at a revival camp meeting at that place In which several people were quite badly hurt. It nppepars that the evangelist In the course of his remarks became so personal that about 100 members of his congregation left the tent where he was preaching. This aroused the Indignation ol the few who remained , and they went out to expostulate. The crowd respond with a shower of rotten egggs and a rush , In which the tent was corn down and number of people ple considerably battered. The fight wae finally quieted by a posse of special con stables sworn In for the purpose. lllc Plant Thruatttncd with UMtrnctlan. DCS MOINES , July 17. ( Special Tele gram. ) The big plant of the Liverpool and Oes Molnes Packing company came neai going up In smoke at an early hour tlili morning. The fire was confined to sectlor 5 of the smoke house , located In the centei of the plant. The firemen kept the fire Ir the one building and the big plant was saved. The damage was about $2,500 , full ] covered by Insurance. llerlfled AcHlnxt the Hoard , KCOKUK , la. , July 17. ( Sp'chl Telegram. Judge Burk today decided the case of thi College of Physicians and Surgeons agalns the State. Board of Medical Examiners li favor of the college and ordered the Issuanc of certificates. It was held that the board' declaring the college not lit gnod standing was Illegal , nml because Scroggs had an In * tcrcst In the result , the board's action was arbitrary , without evidence and unfair. It Is also held that Secretary Kennedy had not a vole In the board. The caic hai excited deep Interest , ns the college li the oldest west of the Mississippi. The board has given notice of appeal to the supreme comt. l'ri > oniMllnc Agnlntt nn Attnrner , SIOUX CITY , July 17. ( Special Telegram. ) An unusual proceeding was commonc'd here today to debar W. 11. Levy , n local criminal lawyer , from practicing In the courts of this state. Levy was admitted In South Dakota but came to Sioux City about a year ago. The state law permits attorneys fiom other states to practice within Its borders so long as they do not establish a residence here. When they do they are required to satisfy the supreme court that they are qualified for admission to the bar of the state. Levy has never made this showing , although It Is claimed he has established a residence. At the application of a number of prominent at torneys he has bcccn suspended pending an Inquiry Into the case. If It Is decided ngaliift him Levy will appeal to the supreme court. The procedlng Is the first of the kind ever tried In this state. _ llonTj" Mold III Hurley. JEFFERSON , la , July 17. ( Special Tele gram. ) The first reports from threshing show bailey yielding fifty bushels to the acre. Oats now harvesting will ga fifty to seventy-five bushels. The quality Is fine. MALVEKN , la. . July 17. ( Spechl Tele gram. ) This has been a corn-making day hot' without hot winds. Thermometers re gistered 93 In the shade. Corn Is maturing rapidly , fully two weeks earlier than usual ANITA , la. , July 17. ( Special. ) Yesterday was the hottest daj of the year heie , but crops were not hurt. Stenographer * Aumiclalloii CEDAR RAPIDS , In. , July 17 ( Sp ° clal Telegram. ) Tha State Stenographers associa tion today elected ofllcers for the ensuing yeir as follows , : President , C. A Hawkins Leon ; vice presidents , Fred Hiibli , Gainer , Dora M. Thomas , Fort Dodge ; F M Van Pelt , Des Molnes ; O. Ileman , Otltaloosa , secretary and treasurer. Miss Jebsle Uetsack , Newton ; librarian , Carrie A. Clarke , Des Molnes. A number of papers were read at the meeting held this evening. t tir Sutler Klllril. CLINTON , la. , July 17. ( Special Tc egr m ) Charles Blckcrt , a Northwestern car sealer was instantly Killed In the yards here this morning Ills body horribly mangled Ho was 30 years of ago and high In Masonic and Odd Fellows circles. He leaves a wife. , Ninall HHZO | Nt'nr Anltn. ANITA , la. , July 17. ( Special. ) The house on the S. Moore farm , three-quarters of a m le from town , occupied by G. W. Slater , was burned this morning. All household goods on the first floor were saved. lleavr < Jwlo In AVmtern Michigan. DETROIT. July 17. Specials to the News from St. Joseph , Btnton Harbor and other points In the fruit belt , western Michigan , report a terrific gale early this morning , leachIng - Ing n velocity of seventy miles an hour. Many smull buildings and forest and fruit ( rets were blown down and thousands of bushels of apples , pears and peaches blown from the trees A heavy sea Is running and much anxiety Is felt for small boats A sharp lookout Is being kept along tno ! shore.'HlL llltlKl-S. The third annual jewelers' convention Is In session at St. Louts. Fremont C. White , n private nt Fort Sim Houston , Tex. , committed suicide Wednes day. day.Edward Edward Yeno , viho nvovvs himself a Cuban i evolutionary journalist , has landed at Ual- tlmore. The Jury nt Trnvcrso City , Mich , hns re turned n verdict of not guilty In the Curtis murder case. A small excursion Fteamcr WHS cnp-lzcil nt Mnzomaiile , WIs , and Mlbs Nellie Kerr was drowned. Prof. Walter A. Edwards of the Rockfonl , 111 , public schools has resigned on account of a cut In his salary. Mavor Petit of Kcnooha , WIs. , has called on the State lio.inl of Arbltiutlon to settle the strike at that place. The two Amciicnn ' Itlzons , Vnrgas nnd Hulz , under nrrest nt Ilavnnn , have been relented on ugieeliiB to leave the Island. The assignees of Potter. Lovelnnd & Co. of Boston huvo filed a bill of discovery lor $3,000.000 against J. V. Furvvell & Co. of Chicago. Elaborate preparations have been mode nt Columbus , O. , to entertain the Young1 Poo- pie's Christian union of the Presbyterian chuich , which meets theie on the 31st. The Hte.imshlp St. Louis on her next trip will be given a trial to ascertain whether the bulldtis are entitled to a subsidy under the provi lens of the naval subsidy net. Arthur News.m , formerly a m.iglstnito of the Island of Trinidad , has been arrested nt Brooklyn , charged with embezzling $250,000 belonging to estates entrusted to his caro. Alt ore trains nt Islipemlng have been abandoned nnd all work In the mines stopped except to keep the pumps runnlni- . Three thousand miners tire out ou the strike. Central Mississippi. The Garden of the World ! Summers Cool-llKinlersMildl Mtnn temperature 12 to G < 5. Average rain , full W Inches. No long tohl winters. No litlRhttilf ; licit fumtnoii. No lillzxnrds. No drouths , rreo fuel. Good \\ntor. The earliest markets In the country. Tlio ben prices for fiult nml Kntden tiuclt. Twenty notes properly \\orked ulll innko > ou more money uiul innkn It rnslcr than tlio best ICO acres In thee t or north , The tltlo hni tuned towards the couth , the land of quick' e t ntul surest results \\lth the least rifle and labor. Ono half the uoik you do licio will brliiK you four tlnu-i the results In thlt wonderfully ilch countu ; there Is no such thing UK failure. The people nre filcndly. the climate delightful mill healthy ; railroad facilities llrst-oliisH , inul ( ho whole country bids and pays for what sou tal'o Tattle run out the whole > enr ntul do will nml two to three crops can be rnlsod each year. Particulars MS en on application ; correspon dence solicited Fariiiun St. , Oiniilin. Nub. Searles&Searles bP UI ALISTS All form's of Blood an 1 Shin DUoase" , Scores , Spot ) . PiinpUn , tkrufulu , Tutnorv 'letter , iX'iumn nnd Hloo I Poison thoroughly clotuisoJ from thosystuni. l.ADILS Ktvon curoful iirt xpocliil nttcntlnn for all thulr nmny pccullur nil- RaH. Throat Vbr. Dyspepsia . Troubles cured by spools ! f'courtuof tro.itinoiiu A/PAW l\flPI\I ( VITALITY WKAK ) mixclo WC/\lv IVIHIM B0 iy too close applica tion to Linlneta or iludy , overs muntal train or irUf. SEMJAL UXOnssUS In middle life or from ib eftectii of youthful follies , all yield readily to our n w Ucatnwnl for Ion of trouble * If out ot city. 'lhcu aniU cured ftt horn * by eortv-.pon.linc * . 1-410 I'urn.ini , oiiutlm. Anb. "CUPiBENE' Cures the effects of Eelf-abusc , excesses , emissions , Impoicncy , vnrlcocelo nnd consu- . Ono dollar a osix for $5. For sale by TI1H C1OOD- MAN DRUG CO. anonan : p. SANI-OIID. A.v. . RKIKMAN. President. Cashier. Of COUNCIL BLUFFS. Iowa CnpitU , SI 00,00 Profits , . - - 12,0000 Ono of the oldest banks In the state of Iowa. Wo solicit your business and collections. W pay 5 per cent on time deposits. We will b * pleased to see and serve you. C. B. JACQDFJIN & CO. , - Scientific Opticians Complete nsinrtmciit nf gold nnd steel spcctiulcu mid eyeglasses , Kycs exam ined free nf charge. No. ' ' 7 Main St. - Council IlIiifN. Special Notices-Council Bluffs CHIMNEYS CLEANED ; VAULTS CLEANED. LM liurke , at W. 8. Homer's , 133 Broadway. FUUIT FARM AND GAUDCN LAND TOR eale cheap and on easy terms. Day & Hess. 19 Pearl street. roil RAL13. A NKAULY NEW N1NIMIOOU house , with barn , cistern , city water at hous * and barn , fruit , nice shade trees , on a ntcely Graded lot 50x225 ( cet , for 12.300 00 , two-third * cash. 8S I'erln uvcnue. Council muffs. for Infants and Children. " Cnstorla hso well adapted to children that Castorla curt. * Colic , Constipation , I recommend It as tuperlortoany prescription Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , KrucUitlon , ] known to me. " H. A. ARCHER , 51. D. , KI1U Worms , gives tleep , aud promotes dt Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. V. pestlon , Without injurious medication , "Tho UKO of 'Castorla' Is so universal nnd 'Tor several years I Imvo recommended ] Its merits so w ell know n that It becms n w ork ' Castorla,1 and shall always continue to do of supererogation to endorse It , Tew are the KO , r.s it has Invariably produced beneficial Intelligent families who do not keep Castorla results. " vrlthui cosy reach. " " . TAUDEE , Jt. D. , CARLOS JliUTYN , D. T > . , 125th Street and TtU Avc. , New York City. New York City. THE CENTAUR COMPANY , 77 MenttAY STUFET , NEW Yens Crrr. If so it Is to your Interest to select lint Pain DO which puts off the necessity of rep.iiuting for the longest period. The paints iniintifactured YOU by the HEATH & AIILLIGAN MFC * . CO. fill this requirement. They have been sold for the past PAINT ? forty years nnd have won the distinction of bc ing the most durable and economical. ' DRUG , PAINT DAVIS' AND GLASS HOUSE Carries the most complete stock of Drugs , Paints und Glass in Council Hluffs. Call or write for prices or color cards. COUNCIL DLUFF3. STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Pyelns and Cleaning done In the highest style of the art. Faded and itulned fabrics made to look as good us new. Work promptly dona and delivered In all parts of tin country. Bend for price lut. O. A. MAOHAff. 1'raitrlotoft Brimdwsjr , near North * western Depot , Council lllutts. lows. TO. IU.