TITE OMAHA DAILY 3T | = } fi ; TJTTTtSDAY , JULY IvS , 1895. ANOTHER GIFT FOR LISCOLI Yesterday's Game Wont to tlie Bucks With out Any Opposition , ONLY NINE ERRORS IN THE OUTFIELI Omntm'n IlyrliniifM Held I.lko nlltlil MCI Uurli ; Hninmrrrd Hard Jilmftpr ( lots a I.cclnrn from the Al On Ilnll rinjrtng. Uncoln , 17 ; Omaha , R. De.i Mcilnc ? . IS ; Bt. Joseph , 4. Itookfoid. 2 : gulncy , 1. Now York , 3 { St. Louis. 2. Chicago. 12 ; Philadelphia , 7. Cliiclnnutl , 12-li ; Boston , 1-1. Cleveland. 13-0 : Baltimore , 0-3. Petrolt , 11-9 ; St. I'aul , C-0. It'dlnt'npolls , 7 ; Milwaukee , 4. Terre Haute * , 4 ; Minneapolis , 3. Or.ind llaplds , 23 ; Kansas City , 10. The came of ball between Lincoln an Omaha yesterday afternoon , so far as Oman goes , was unworthy of description or com mcnt. The outfield work was one of the moa wretched exhibitions crcr seen tipsn allege profeeilonal grounds. Lincoln played gooi ball , an she always docs , and won the tyim as she pleased. Iluckerlno lifted Gragg on of the box the moment It leoked as If h might get pounded and put Freddy Ilarncs li his place. Darby , however , was allowed t pitch the game out. Iluckerlno "knows h ! business ; ho wanted the game and took n chances In losing It , which he couldn't hav done In a hundred years. Manager Me Vlttlo had a little conversation with Shade after the game , and It Is a certainty ths Shafferwill either play better ball , both li the field and nt the bit , or he will be soi adorning tlm bench without pay. Shaffer ca Play gold ball , and hn will either do It o not play at all. Score : OMAHA. All. 11. BH. SH. SB. PO. A. F m . Ulrlch. 83 . ShnfTcr , If. . . . f. 1 2 0 0 2 1 Hutch , 21) C 0 3 0 0 4 2 Inks , Ib G Iohmnn , c. . . . 4 Nntmss , 3b. . . 5 Miles , it 4 Darby , p 4 Totals . . . .40 8 14 0 0 21 12 LINCOLN. AB. n. im. sn. sn. ro. A. Hill , 3b 5 I ) 3 Kennedy , m. , 3 0 1 O'lirlen , Ib. . . G 1 11 Van Huron , If 3 0 2 Kbrlght , ! b. . . B o n Spoer , c G 0 3 Sullivan , rf. . . 4 0 2 Holly , as G 0 0 CirnsK , p 0 0 0 Barnes , p 2 0 0 Toliils . . . .37 17 18 1 1 27 23 Omaha 220000121 Lincoln 04230020 - ! Karnod runs : Lincoln , 9 ; Omaha , 3. Two base bits : O'Brlen. KhrlRht , Sneer. Three base lilts : Single , O'lirlen. Homo runs Inks. Double plays : Holly to O'Urlen t Speer (2) ; Hutch to Inks to Lohman. Struc ] out : Uy Darby , 0 ; by Darnes , 3. Ilaso 01 balls : . Off Darby. 7 ; off GraiR , 1 ; ol IJarnes , 1. Panted balls : Lehman.Vlli pitches : Darby. Time : Two hours am twenty-live minutes. Umpire : Mr. Ward. PAUV1N THIIEW TUB GAMR. DES MOIN'KS. July 17. ( Special Tele Brain , ) Unlike yesterday's game , the con tcHl between the lei Molnes nnd St. Josepl team.1 ! today was one of the worst hippo dromes over seen on these grounds. Parvli made no attempt to pitch , and the fielder did not try to support him. He wan tnkci out of the box In a very damaged condltloi after ton runt bad been made with twi men out , and Alberts finished the game The score Is lame In showing one error fo the visitors nnd consequently so man- earned runs for DCS Molnes. Score : Des Molnes 0 0 0 1 10 0 4 0 0 1 St. Joseph 0 00100102 Hits : Des Molncs. 11 : St. Joseph , 9. Er rors : Des' Molnes , 2 ; St. Joseph , 1. Horn runs : Alhorts , Thron-base hits : Purvis Moliler , McCarthy. . Two-base bits : noacli Orinin. Struck out : Ily 'noach. 7. nase on balls : On Uonch , I ; off Parvln , 4 ; ol Alberts , 2. Hit by pitched ball : Ily Albert ? 1Hulk : Parvln. Stolen bases : MuFar lahd , Purvis ( .1) , McKlbbcn , GrlHln (4) . John son , Ilrehtor. Sacrlflce hits : McVlcker Holmes , McFiirlar.d , Hlckey. Double plays Hlckey to Mohlcr to Purvis ; nonch ti Hlckfy to Purvis ; Mohler to Holmes to Pur vis. llntterles : Hoach nnd McFarlaml ; Par vln , Alberts nnd Jones. Time : Two hours Umpire : Mr. Hums. Attendance , 200. QtTINCY DIIOPS ONE. QUINCY , III. , July 17.Speclul < Telegram. CJulncy and llockford played another clos game today. It was a pitcher's battle , am the visitors were luckv In getting : a hi when It was needed. Score : Qulncy 000000010- - Uockford 00010100 * Hits : Qnlncy , 4 ; Ilockford , 5. Earnei runs : Qulnoy , 1 ; Rockforil , 1. Two-has- - hits : Ling (2) . Errors : Qulncv , 3 ; Ilockforrl 3. Hasp en balls : Off McGroevey , 2 ; fit Horton , 3. Struck out : Hv Mcareovey , 1 ; b' Horton. G. itatterlcs : McGreevoy and Ito land ; Horton nnd Snyder. Time : One hou and thirty minutes. Umpires : McDougn nnd Dolan. JACKSONVILLE , 111. , July 17.-Specla ( Telpprnm. ) PooHa-Jacksonvllle game post poned on account of rain. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. P.Ct Peorla 61 40 21 C5. Lincoln C2 39 2.1 f.2. Omaha , . OJ 3 28 G4. Den Molnes 62 31 23 Gl. Qulncy 62 31 31 DO. Itockford 63 27 1C 42. SI. Joseph 63 22 41 31. Jacksonville 63 22 41 31. Games today : Lincoln at Omaha ; St. Jo n < > ph at Des Molnes ; Peorla at Jacksonville Rockford at Qulncy. U.VMRS or .Tiii2 > NATIONAL I.ICAGUI New Ycirlt llnnt * St. l.ouU l y the Alii o ! .Mr. llonry O'Dny , I mpTo. ST. LOUIS , July 17. Today's game wa the beat that has been seen here this sen son. While the Giants won , the complain against the umpire was very pronounced W , Chirlce , llrst baseman , was struck by i ball In the first Inning nnd had to retire Captain Doylu succeeded him and nppearci nt llrst for the first tltno in many weeks nig lloger Connor of the Urowns notltlei Chrl Von Oer Ahe that ho had conclude ! to retire from the diamond. He has be ormo dissatisfied with his work of late Score : St. Louis 000002000 Now York Hits : St. Louis' . 9 : Now York , 6. ErrdSs St. Louis , 2 ; New York , 2. Earned runs St. Lout * 2 ; New York , 1. Two-base lilts Stafford , Wilson. Three-base hits : Connor Stolen bases : Ely. Down ] , Lyons , llrown Wilson , Fuller. Double plays : Davis ti Stafford to Clarke , llaso on balls : Off Ger man , Gr off IlreltenMeln , 1. Struck out : H' German , 4 ; by Hreltensteln , 1. Hatterles lireltensteln and Miller ; German and Wll son. Time : Two hours. Umpire : O'Day. . KEDS WIN A PA1H. CINCINNATI. July 17-Tho lleds woi two Kami * In succession today by hnrd bat ting at critical times. The second gam was called at the end of the eighth Innlni on account of darkness. Attendance6,80 ] Score , first game ; Cincinnati 0 11800011-1 Boston 000100000 Hit * : Cincinnati , 10 : Uoston , 6. Errors Cincinnati. I : Uoston. 2. Earned runs : Cln clnnatl. 10. Two-base lilts : Smith. Foremai (2) . Ihree-baso lilts : Hogrlover. Parrott Tucker , Homo runs : Itogrlever. Stolei bases : Hey , Miller , Ewlng. Double plays Nash to Tucker. Flrut ba > ou bulls : Of Foreman. 2 ; off Sexton. 3. Hit bv pltche. ball ; Ily Sexton. 1. Struck out : Uy Fore man , 5 ; by Sexton , 1. lotteries : Foromai and Murphy ; Sexton nnd tlyan. Time : Twi hours nud ten minute * . Umpire : Jtvne : tjcmx1 , second game ; Cincinnati 01020010 Boston 0 0000010 Hit * : Cincinnati , 12 : Itnstoti 9. Krrors Cincinnati , I , IJoston , 1. Earned runa ; Cln clnnall. < ; Boston. 1. Two-have hits : Par rott , HwUvfr. Vaunhn , Ithlnev , I'ucker lUniion. Stolen haes : Latham , llnv , DutTy Double plays : Duffy to Oanzol. nrst basi on balls : Off llhlnes. 3 ; err Stlvetts. J Struck out : Uy Stlvetta. 3. Dntterlcs rthraf * and Murphy ; Stlvettn cn > | Itvnn Time. One hour and tlfty-Ilve minutes. Um pirn : Jemc. BALTniORK HADLY IlKATKN. CM'JVKI AND. O. , July J7.-Clcvplant tcok fwo more frames from the IJuliltnor ? : todcy , Tlio Unit cramti was a aiuKglBf matolv.Vllitoii ana Clarkcon both belni kr.ocVeu out of the box. dimmer won thi came with a home run drive in the eighth which tirtted four runs. Poml's wlUlne * : In the second game , combined with lh < timely hitting , g v the homo te m n vie torr. Itay called nt the end of the sev cnth Inning on account of ilarkncap. At tendince , 4,100. , Score , first gamn : CleirldniJ , „ 00101037 i : Ualtlwora o 0 0 4 3 0 1 0 1- ! lllti : Cleveland. 10 ; Ualtlmoru , 1J. Kr rorst Cleveland , 1 ; nnltlmore , 3. Earnei runs ! Cleveland , G ; Baltimore. G. Hnse b errors ! Cleveland , 3 ; Baltimore , 1. Lef on banes : Cleveland , 1 ; Baltimore , 7. Ban on balls : Off Wilson , 2 ; oft Knell , 2 ; of CSarknon , 1. Slrtick out : lly WIlMti , 1 ; b ; Knell , 2 ; by Esper , 1. Homo runs dimmer Three-base hits ; Oleaon , Carey. Two-ba i hits : McKean. McAleer (2) ( ) , lllake. Knell McOrnw. Oleiison. Stolen.bai"e.i : O'Connor McGraw , Keeler (2) ( ) , Jennlnrs , Kelley. Wlli pitches : Wilson , Knell , Clarkson. Passei balls : Clark. Uatterles : Wllcon , Knell am dimmer ; Clnrksoit , E. per , Clark and Hob Inson. Umpire : McDonald , Time : Twi hours nnd forty minutes. Score , cecum ! game : Cleveland 211002- Baltlmore 0 020001- Hlts : Cleveland , 6 ; llnltlmoro , 8. Errors Cleveland , 3 ; Baltimore , 1. Earned runs Cleveland , 1. P.ase by errors : Cleveland , 1 Baltimore , 2. L ft on bases : Cleveland , J Baltimore , 7 Fir t base on balls : Of Cuppy , 1 ; elf Prn'l. 6. Struck out : B ; Cuppy , 4 ; ! > . I'M' . S. Two-base lilts McKean , Jornlnir15 olen bases : McGar (2) , make , M-.r / nVld pitches : Pond Batteries : Ct : ; > pv a'-1 f.'inin ' r : Pond am Hotilnson. Ump T- " . M.-Uonald. Time : Om hour ami llfty-llv } mln-Jtf . UNCLE ANSE UADLY HURT. CHICAGO. July l"-'fhe Co'.ts won todn ; In the fourth Inning , . cjrng ! an even dozei runs on two girt * , two errors and ten hits They also made live In the first half o the seventh , but the game was then caltei to ennblo the Phillies to catch a train APHOII was hit just over the heart by i swiftly pitched ball the last time at bat nn < It Is feared was seriously Injured. Attend nr.ce , 2.000. Score : Chicago 0 0 0 12 0 0-1 ! Philadelphia 0 30220- ' Hits : Chicago. 13 ; Philadelphia , 10. Er r .rs : Chicago , 3 ; Philadelphia , 3. Earnei runs : Chicago , 3 : Philadelphia , 3. Two-basi hits : Dahlen , Thornton , Thompson. Sacrl flee hits : Anson. Stolen base : Lange Double plays : Dahlon to Stewart to Anson Struck out : Ily Thornton , 3 ; by Taylor. 3 Passed bulls : Buckley. Base on balls : Of Thornton , C : off Taylor , 4. Wild pitch Thornton. Hit with ball : Turner , Anaon Batteries : Thornton nnd Donahue ; Taylor Buckley and Clements. Time : Two hour : and fifteen minutes. Umpire : Keefe. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. P.Ct Plttpburg 68 40 28 5S.i Baltimore Kl 37 25 r.S. Cleveland 71 43 31 GS. Cincinnati 69 40 29 GS. ' Boston 64 38 23 M.\ \ Brooklyn 65 37 29 66. Chicago 75 42 33 GG.i Philadelphia 6T KS 30 G3. : New York 60 31 32 Gl.i Washington fi'J 23 SB 39. ' St. Louis 72 21 4S 33.1 Louisville 63 J2 G3 IS.I Games today : Brooklyn at Cleveland Philadelphia nt 'PlttsburK ; Baltimore n Cincinnati ; New York at Louisville ; Ilostor nt Chicago. SCOHKS OK TIIK W.-iVrBltN MJAd UI ! Joe Cnnlltllon and .l.ick I'lckott Play n Onin" Tcijretlicr nt Detroit. DETROIT , July 17. In the first game th < home team won by bunching hits In th ( first and eighth Innings. In the llrst Innlm of the second game Plckett kicked vcrj hard on a close decision nml was ordercc out of the game. A general wrangle en sued , and the visitors refused to play miles : ho be continued In the gamo. Umpire Can Ulllon waited the required time and thoi declared the game forfeited to Detroit , 9 to 0 Score , first game : Detroit 40000106 0-1 St. Paul 0-0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 Hits : Detroit. 14 : St. Paul. 14. Errors Detroit. 2 ; St. Paul , 4. Batteries : White hill nnd Twlnehnm ; Jones nnd Boyle. TEUUE HAUTE , 1ml. , July 17. Score : Terre Haute 0 1 0000210 ' Minneapolis o 00 t 0 0 0 0 2 i Hits : Terre Haute , 8 ; Minneapolis , 6. Er rors : Tcrro Hiutto. 2 : Minneapolis , 0. Bat terles : Nopa iind Roach ; Healey am Strauss. GRAND RAPIDS , July 17. Score : Grand Rapids 72102092 fi 2 : Kansas City OHIO' 0000 2 li lilts : Grand Rapids , 27 ; Kansas City , 12 Errors : Grand Rapids , 1 ; Kansas City. 10 Batteries : Jones , Potty and Moran ; Hast Ings and Bergen. INDIANAPOLIS , July 17.-Scoro : Irullanapolls 6 00100001 ' Milwaukee 0 11011000 Hits : Indlannpolls , II ; Milwaukee , 12. Er rors : Indianapolis , 2 ; Milwaukee , 3. Bat terlcs : Damon anil McFarland ; Rettge : and Bolan , STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. P.Ct Indianapolis 6 > 41 24 Gl. Detroit S 38 30 M. : Kansas City 67 37 30 Go. : St. Paul f,7 , 33 32 62. : Milwaukee 6' ) . 33 33 G2. Minneapolis 65 2U 3tl 44. Terre Haute 67 27 40 40. , Grand Rapids 70 27 43 38.i No games scheduled for today. GAAIKS OK TIIK I.lVIiUY AMATKUKl IIufT.ilo Soldiers from Fart Itnlilnion Kasll ] lto.it Al'lnnco. ALLIANCE , July 17-SpecIal ( Tele , gram. ) The Alliance-Fort Robinson bal game was played on the homo dlamoni today , and the Alliance boys would be glai had the game never been played , The dart complexloned soldiers from the fort slniplj eat 'em up. Score , 20 to 8 , In fn\-or of th < colored boys. Batteries : Preston am nueohener ; Jefferson and Burns. Umpires Messrs. Detzhold and Chase. DUNLAP. In. . July 17.-Speclal ( Tele gram. ) Ilase ball enthusiasts here are will tonight. The Balrd , Dean & Co. tenrr went down to Woodbine today and won c gnmo by a score of 8 to 10. There has beer considerable rivalry between the two teams nnd over 100 citizens went down will money to put up on the homo team , bu the mayor of Woodbine forbade any bet' ting. The Wllcox & Drapers play here Sat. unlay and Sunday. DAVID CITY , Neb. , July 17.-(8pecla ( Telegram. ) David City scalped the WahO ( Indians before a largo array of witnesses today. This makes a total of twenty-elghi frames that David City has played thli year , nnd she has lost but six. The brll mint playing , as the score will show , wai on the part of David City. Her batten played ball all the time. Bell's cxcellen work as short stop nnd Smith and Lovo'i fieldingcame near causing- the nmphlthea tr roof to take wings. Wnhoo sent up r train load of shoutcra on a special , bu there wan no sale for torches after th < game. Score : Wahoo 010000001 : David City 0140 20 0 2 i Hits : Wnhoo. C ; David City. 16. Errors Wahoo. G ; David City , 2. Home runs : Smltl of David City. Struck out : By Clark , 4 ) ) v Cook , G. Batteries1 : Wahoo : Clark am Hall ; David City , Cook and Crelshton. Um pire : Ed Hall , mayor of David City. BOONE. Neb. . July SpecaI.-Uoon < ! ) < and Loretta crossed bats at Boone today- Score. SO to 8 , In favor of Boonc. CHEROKEE. la. , July 17.-SpecIal.- ( Chcrokco and Storm Lake met on the bal diamond. It was a one-sided game froir the htart , Cherokee winning with case Score : Cherokee. 23 ; Storm Lake , 3. HOOPER. Neb. , July 17.Specla < ! Tele gram. ) Great game nt Hooper. Cralt ugalnst Hooper. Score. Jr. to 18. In favor o Craig. natterleCralp.Stflnghans and Cnrk ! Hooper , Tlllman and Rtbertson. Struck out By Strlnchnns , 18 ; by Tlllman. 12. HASTINGS. Neb. . July 17. ( Sp.-elal Tele gram. ) Hastings played n match game 01 Uxll today with Arapahoe. The vlnlton wore In the lead In thu first thren Innings with our boys close upon them. The garni % ? as a decided victory for our boys bv c score of 12 to S. Owing to Fomo mlsunder standing with the eeore Ict-opei nothing further thor can bo found out than that Hastings wins thn game. COLUMBUS. Neb. , July 17.-Speclal.- ( % \ nhoo won yesterday's gains' by her fir" Molding. Shj got thrcQ urns on n lost ball Score : Wnhoo ( i z 2 1 1 0 0 0 I II Columbus J 0 C 0 2 1 0 0 0- I Uatturlrs : Rennet nnd Hull ; Kleffner am Corbett. H Mt I allU IIIIH Toilnv. The wholcralo houses of the city wll close at 1 o'clock this afternoon , that the employes may have on opportunity of golnp to the ball same. The proceeds of thli Kanvi will b rhared with the Omaha Fall and Speed association. Ejan ; will b In tht box for Omaha nrxl Klmorer for Lincoln As theje are th < star twlrlers of the team ; a nice K.11110 may be expected. The teams Omaha. Position. Lincoln Inks Flrt O'Urlcr Hutchlnson Second Kbrlch1 Nattress Third HII Ulrlch ShortEtoj ) , , . HoKliiRgwortt Shaffer Left Van Burec Single , Middle Kennedy Ml' ' * " night Sulllvai ISsan Pitcher Klmerei Lehman Catcher Spcei The game will bo called lit 4:13. : Bal trains le-we Fourteenth and Sixteenth am ! Howard at 4:03 o'clock. TVimiMrhVlll ll \o it Trim. TECTMSEH , Nob. . July -Spcclnl.V- ( - Tecumseh has now got a base ball as o.MH- tlon. Loveis of the game hero have organ- Uod a stock company mid the merchant' nnd pu' lic generally have agreed to con tribute ( o the support of n good team. Al n meeting cf the association Al TowilxenO was plfctC'l ' iiroaideut : R. P. IJoylo , secre tary ; C. IX Plcreo. trcnaurur. ana J. II Hltclicrn'k manager. The pre.--nt home elul will now bn Mrongthenea with n few ml- nried men. The zecretnry de lrs corre- fli.nnder.ca with dlzoncaged. umateui player * rn i iH ( > > iiii H ili" ' i" i r' ' REGATTA OP THE IOWA A , R , A , Great Things Fxptctad from t'ao Cominj Knees at Clear Lake. SIOUX CITY AND DUBUQUE AFTER BLOOI Crown f.-oin Them Cities Looking for tin lllshrit Honors frdnr Rapids .Menus liusliiftn Ottumwn After the I'rlr.cs , CLEAR LAKE , la. . July 17. ( Spcclal.- ) On the 23d and. 24th of this month th < eleventh annual regatta of the Iowa Amateui Rowing association will be held here. Tin regatta will consist of the following events First day , Junior single , Junior double junior four ; second day , snljr single senior double and senior four. The racci will be rowed In heats , the best two Ir three , a quarter mile and turn. This plai has been found much more satisfactory thai the old mile and a half course , be cause the whole race Is In con tlnual sight of the spectators. Fcl lowing are the officers of the association President , E. L. Kllby , Ottumwa ; vice presl dent , C. S. Argo , Sioux City ; secretary , E. S Phelps , Ourllngton ; commodore , J. N. Llnd say , Dubtique ; executive committee , lion E. E. Mack of Storm Lake , Will Hull o ] Cedar Rapids , E. C. Currier of Sioux Cltj and F. A. Uuckman of Council muffs. IIC' sides the athletic feature of the races UK social phase will not be overlooked. Prcsl dent Kllby will take with him the Schuberl Mandolin club of Ottumwa nnd there wll be a male quartet from Dubuque , and ! ! ! formal hops , with concerts and serenades or the lake In the evening , will give socletj plenty of amusement. The courao Is sure to be good this year whether It blows from the leeward or wind- ward. Three or four courses have been sur veyed on different parts of the lake , to thai the races will be rowed on the days sel and at the hour. The transportation ta- cllltles are ample for any multitude , so thai the management Is able to promise the spec' tators a good view from any course whlcr. . has been laid out. Last year a furious gal < blew two days at Storm lake" and the race ! had to be rowed on the south side of th < lake. The transportation facilities were In adequate and consequently a great many people did not see the races , but at Cleai lake there are enough large steamers ani enough hacks and wagonettes to transporl 5,000 people easily. SIOUX CITY'S HOT CREWS. Undoubtedly the hottest contest will hi between Dubuque and Sioux City. Slou > City will send a senior four , Junior four Junior double nnd.junior single. The sonloi four will be : Blood , bow ; Clay-polo , Saw yer ajul Dell Fosse , stroke. The Junior foui comprises Gunsell , bow ; Holmes , llarkei and Martz , stroke. Hlles and Blood will pul the Junior douhlo and HIIca the Junior * ln- glc. The senior four Is exactly the sami four which won the Junior and senior events at Storm lake last year. It has been dolnf splendid work , rowing In the best form o ] any crew that has ever loft Sioux City The Junior four got In a shell together foi the first time on the 9th of July , but have been rowing night and day since , llllei rowed In the Junior double last year nut as defeated , but Blood has taken the plnci of Howell and Is a larger and more muscular - lar fellow nnd will put up a fast race. Hlla : will nlso try- his fortune In the single. Pos- slbly Tredway , who Is captain of the win ning Yale varsity crew , will bo entered Ir some of the events. The Sioux City people will not turn out so large a crowd as last year. C. S. Argo Is the moving spirit among the Sioux City people and he thinks the Argonauts will bo strictly In It Dubuque will have a senior and Junbr four , The Junior four 1s composed of -Alderson bow ; C. Relnlrled , J. Scripture and 'H. 0. Kohnleln , stroke. Thls 'ls a better Junlbi four than Dnbuqne hail laat year , and If Cedar Raplda or Sioux City beat them they will have to row very hard. They are all good , hcsky , athletic fellows , and have baen rowing together constantly for two months. The senior four will consist of Ed M. Healy , bow ; Fred B. Smith , W. C. Norman nnd J * R , Lindsay , stroke. Lindsay rowed with the bit four of Mollno when the Sylvans smashed all records Into smithereens. The senior four ha ! been handicapped from the fact that they have been compelled to try two or three dif ferent bowmen , but Healy Is doing tha work very well at present. Healy rowed In the 1891 regatta at Spirit lake. Smith was the stroke of the Junior four last year , and If tlit other men had been ns good Sioux City would not have won out. Norman was In the Junior race at the state regatta in 1891 , and is atlll a junior. Possibly "the Dubutjuoa will put In a double or single to add zest to the races , but are not counting much on that. A fair crowd Is expected from the state of Dubiique. They will take tholr male quartet and a del egation of rootcrg. A large number of young ladles expect to be members of the party. CEDAR RAPIDS AND OTTUMWA. The Cedar Rapids contingent do not say much , but , as usual , they are going for blood , Their long suit Is the "sweep , " and they have won the Juniors and seniors In all the regatta : for ten years , except the last , when they had no entries. The Junior four this year is composed of C. n. Whelpley , bow ; W. L. Phlpps , J. H. Dessert and Percy P. Smith , stroke. They get off like a piece of trained lightning , and have the reputation of keep ing up the gait. All of them are old oarsmen , although none of them have ever contested before for a race. It Is expected that the old senior four , whose names will cause Sioux City and Dubuque crews to almost fall out ol tha shells , will enter at the last minute , to make "that event Interesting. Cedar Kiplda will also enter a junior double , John A. Reed and H. W. McCullough. Both of tlieie gentle men are old oarsmen and have their coata covered with medals that they have won In "sweep" events , but have never done any work before In scull'ng. They will test the mottle of the other crews. Burlington does not expect to enter any crews , although she gave a very respectable rtgatta on the Fourth of July and has good material. Possibly at the last moment they may be Induced to enter. Ottumwa will enter for the Junior single either Ocorge S. Rico or J. F. Dings ; for the Junior dflUble both of those gentlemen ; for the senior single. H. A. McCullough , and possibly the senior double by Messrs. Kllby and Mc Cullough. Kllby is the fastest sculler that ever graced an Iowa regatta , and McCullongh won last year's junior single and the junior double with Gus Lyon , showing an unusual amount of nerve. The boys are all In pretty good shape , and any who bjat them will have 'o row all the time. S. A , A. O. URCJATTA AT S.UtATOOA Op irns It.'irrn Kxi'lto Allied Intemt ( Set- line IleiiTV fill Two KvrnK. SARATOGA , N. Y. , July 17. Moro than the uxiial amount of betting upon nmatcu : rowing matches In being done today , the opening day of the regatta of the National Association of Amateur Oarsmen. Most ol the money rs placed upon the results of the senior uight-oarcd race and the scnloi double sculls. In the eights the first Bo hemian Boat club of New York will meel the Minnesota Boat club of St , Paul ami the Triton Boat club of Newark. In the double sculls Van Vllet and Bnltz of ttu ViJfper Boat club of Philadelphia , winners of la t year's event , will meet Fred Haw kins and Nagle of the Harlem Rowing club , Hawkins Is nn old Saratogan , nnd many ol the local sports are backing him heavily. The decision of the regatta committee tc llavi ; the races nt 3 o'clock this afternoon. . Instead of this morning , gave all the oars men u chance to li.-ivi ! a practice spin dur ing the forenoon. The sun , which hud been ob.'cured uy clouds , came out about an hour before the time for calling the first race. A brisk wind prnng up about the same time , which roughened the surface of the lake considerably. At a few minutes of 3 the atnke Imat.s went put In position and the rtrTen' * boat signalled "all reidy. " The Btory of the day Is that of several oxeltln ? contests nnd one record breaker nnd teaiillfu'lt * rowed racatv > Intermellit0 dphts. The winning crew , tha Wachusetl Uoat club of Woneeter. Mass. , made the mlle and n hiiH in 7 3Vt. or three necon.li better than the prevloun best record , made l y the Trltona of Nwwark , N. J. The crews entered wt-ro the Wachusott of Worcester , the Eureka * of Newark anil the Montrose neat cluV 1 * . r tv firt ! eighth cf n mllti the thr ii cri' > . were on even terms , nil rowing n forty itrcke , Comlncr to the quar ter , the ) Montiose eight pulled Into the En- roku'a water and gave them their wash , practically putting them out of the race. Up to the mlll i seemed ns If the rnco be longed to Jtoi/rfk'1 , but after that the Wn i-husetts , wlth' elean , telling stroke , slm ply furted their boat , Inch by Inch , pas their ilvnlH , nnd nt n mlle and a qunrtc there \VH n pMiupm- clear writer betweei them. To thcui ( | of their coxswain th rnontro'ijj men M-fnrdod , nr.u within twent ; yF.rus of th < Yfi Uh they Imil lapped th nose of their bffrtt over the ster of Wn chusetts , nnd were still crawling up. Th nose of the Wnchusetts had barely clenrei the line when lUii'iaiontrofe boat touched It The race wnsjw6il-by a third of a length. In the pair oared contest , the Perinsyl vnnla crew was the first to catch the water At the quaritr .the Pennsylvania's lei slightly , and Just beyond the llatr the To rontos began"'t6"steer ' badly , while ttu Pennsylvania'svw < ro leading , but at tin turn the Toronto * were ahead , followed b ; the Pennsylvania one nnd one-fourth pec ends later. At the mile nnd eighth , the To rontos had Increased their lead slightly nni were rowing n long , sweeping thlrty-elgh stroke. Entering the last eighth , the Penn syivanla crey tried to cpurt , but could no while the Torontos. Increasing the stroke ti forty , erossed the line winner by about tw < nnd a half boat lengths. Time , 9l : < > . In the Intermediate four-oared event , nl three crews caught the water together , tin wlnnlpegs leading slightly. Both the Wlnnlpegs and the Txcelslor steered out of the course. At ( ij quarto the Wlnnlpegs led slightly , rowh.1 , n cleai stroke , while the Metropolitans splashed At the turn the Wlnnlpegs nnd Metropoll tans turned together , but the former begai to draw away. The Metropolitans tried t < hit It Up , but failed , the. Wlnnlpegs crosa Ing the line by two nnd a half length ahead , with the Excelsiors several length ! behind. Time : 9:0.1. : The races tomorrow will begin nt ; o'clock and will Include the finals In sin gles and the senior eights and fours. Re suits : First race , senior slnples : First heat , T A Ramohr , Toronto Regatta club , Toronto first ; Fred Hawkins of the Harlem club o : Now York did not finish ; Ryan of the To rontos did not start Time : 10:12. : Seconi heat , senior f > lnglen , John I * . Hackett , Ra Portage club , Ontario , first ; Fred Sresser Ves-per Rout club , Philadelphia , second ; R McKay , Argonaut Rowing club , third Time : 10:01'fe. Intermediate four-oared shell : Winnipeg Winnipeg , first ; Metropolitan , New York- second ; Excelxlor. Paterson , third. Detrol did not row. Tlmo : 9:03. : Pair-oared smells ( final ) : Toronto , Toronto first ; Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , second Time : 9IB. : Intermediate ejght-onred shell : WapchU' ' sett , Worcester , Mass. , first ; Montrose. second end ; Eureka , Newark , third. Time : 7:33lj : UKFENDttll STARTS FOR L \ KCI1MO.VJ Hope of American Vnnhtsnicn on the WRJ 10 I'cr Proving ( Irniind. BRISTOL , R. I. , July 17.-TMQ yachts De fender nnd Colonta sailed for Larchmon today. Defender Is complete In every detal except the berths for her crow , nnd thosi will be finished In a day or two. Cnptnlr Nnt Herrosholt did not sail on Defender , bu will leave for Larchmont by rull this after * noon. Captain Hank Halt waa In clmrge of tin yacht , with half of Defender's crew , tin rest being aboard Colonla. The hour of tin start was known to but few , and only : few saw the hope of American ynchtsmoi ns he wn * towed outside. It was the In tentlon of Captain Haft to go as far in Newport In tow , ns the weather wns verj thick and the breeze light. An hour nftei the yachts started there arrived from Bostoi by train n new gaff and boom for De fender , which will be placed on her nfte ; she returns from Larchmont. probably tin latter part of next week. The boom Is III feet long , and the gaff , seventy feet li length , Is solid. ' It"was said that Defendc ; would cn-ry t < hollow gait. The galT Is 'on : feet longer than De.fe.nder now carries , ant with the addition of new Halts being pre pared , it Is calculated that the speed o the yacht will be greatly Increased. Captali Herreshoff will sail Defender In the race : off New York ? NEWPORT. . R. I , , July 17. Tins yachti Defender and Colouia. In tow of the. tin Hattle 1'ulmcr. . arrived from Bristol todaj nnd dropped anchor , off the torpedo station The weather was foggy anil a light rail wns falling. Captain Haft stated that hi did not expert to : start for Larchmon until late this afternoon , N LONDON , July 17. The Times announce ! this morning tl\fit Valkyrie HI sails for New York on Saturday. The flag of the New York Yacht club w i today , raised over pefcnder. nnd a large American yacht en.ilifn wns displayed nt th ( stern , the syndlcatu having taken forma possession of tha bo/it / , SUOOTKUS MAK'INO < ; eon SCORES T I _ _ _ _ _ . ! -r-.l Opening Day fit the ( Inidron Tonrtinnionl n < I rout Miecem. CHADRON. Neb. , July 17.-Spcclal ( Tele- gram. ) The second annual two days' tour nament of the Chndron Gun club began hero this morning. A strong south .wind prevented any remarkably good shooting nnd made the straightaway and left-quar tering birds very dllllcult. The afternoon scores were better , the wind having sub sided. A number of visiting sportsmen are In the city attending the shoot , nmonfi them belner Mortimer , Jesurun and John Morton of Douglas , Wyo. : Doc Flick ol Rapid City , S. D. ; T. J. Thompson , E. J. Bristol , W. 1' . N. Scrboseka , B. 1C. White and Doc Sheffner , W , n. McQueen ami Dave Connors of Hay Springs ; A. Morse and T. F. Franks of Merrimnn. Numerous others are expected tomorrow from the Black Hills and the eastern parl of the state. American association rule ? govern the tournament. Five trapi nnd the rapid fire system are used. All en trance moneys nro divided Into four purses and aside from this there Is over 5300 In ndded prizes. Today's score : First event , fifteen singles : Winner , Wil son , with 15. Second event , fifteen singles : Winners , Wilson , It ; Thompson , 14 ; Morton , 14. Third event , fifteen singles ; Winners , Morton , 14 ; Ellenwood , 14. Fourth ovcnt , fifteen slnglei : Winners , Wyman , 14 ; Flanders , II ; Boyd , 14. Fifth event , ten singles and three pairs ; Winners , Wilson , 15 ; Thompson , 15. Sixth event , fifteen clnglcs : Winners , Iloyd , 15 ; Thompson. 15 ; Flanders , 15. Seventh event , fifteen singles : Winners , Hovel , II ; Kllenwood , 14. Eighth event , twenty singles : Winner , Bristol , 13. Ninth event , fifteen singles : Winners , Boyd , 15 ; Ellenwood , 13. Tentli event , nlno live birds : Winner , Wyman , 9. J. W. Boyd won first prize for the best nverngo on the day'q shoot , with a score ol 131 killed , and Morse took llrst prize for the lowest average , with a gcore of sixty- four killed. Among the Clindron shooters who participated were J. W. Bovd , Ira El- Innwood , R. Flanders. H. M. Wilson , A. L. Erway , Fred Runt , Ed Eacon , Ed Abbott , W. L. Hltehcook , J , U. Wymun. Tomorrow will bo the big day of the tournament , which o far has been a success beyond the expectations of the most sanguine , cii\r. KAi'ius ci.un CVCLINU MKKT Nice Program nf KHCC * Hrlnrs Out Homo Tue-olli-nt VprrtJ. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. . July 17.-Speelal ( Telegram. ) Four thousand people at tended the bicycle track meet of the Cedar Rnplds Cycling club here this afternoon. The day was a perfect one nnd the races were nil co ! e and exciting. Results : One mlle novice , run in two sections and final , was won by , 1-3. L. Jackson , Cedar Rapids ; W : Oiirtftfrk'Cedar Rauld ? , second : W. N. aillam. V\r/ttJrt / , third. Time : 2:23 : 4-5. Quarter mile npaii.i run In two sections and final : Charts 3 , Bell. Cedar Rapids , wen ; George J. I. , Kraemer , Des Mo'.nes ' , second ; Fred C. , SWvens , Ottumwa , third. Time : 0:33 : 2-5. | J ' ' One mile. Cedar1 Rapids Cycllnjc club championship : JCzrl Jackson won , Arthur Coylo second. 'Clip1 2:33. : Half mile open ; 1'rrd Stevens , Ottumwn , von ; R. D. Upl.6n. Clinton , second ; T. H. Citmmlngi" , Martirgo."third. Tlmo : 1:08 : One mile , iKivs'imdur 16 , handicap : Willie Hanrlght , Cedarj Rapid ? , won ; Harrv White , Cedar RjpiJnecond. | . Tlmo : 2:3' ) 1-3. One mlle open ruii'ln sections nnd final : George I. KraCmer.jDes Molnc.i. won : Ar thur Coyle , Ceifar"ftnplds , second ; T. H. Cummlnprs , Marengo.-thlrd. Time : 2:32 : 2-5. Five-mile hanilWaft ! ' Arthur Coylo , Cedar Rapids , won ; Ril.uWpton , Clinton , second ; E. II. Streeter. Cedjir Rapids , third ; Harry White. Cedar RTfniifs. fourth. Time : 12:13. : Half mile condilillon : Chnrles Wilson , Cedar Ranldn , JHnn.1 , Purdv Sutton , Ana- moan , second. Tim ? : . 1:12 1-5" . tirk-t. All who rare tp gee a good game are re quested to be on the grounds of the Omaha Crteket elub nt 2:10 : p. m. on Saturday next , when the first eleven of the club will play ngalnst eleven other ? . In view of the facl thnt thfl tlmo for the Mlnnofnta and Sioux City cricketers to pay their return visit If not very far off ; the Oinahas cannot get too much practice. ' inn TiiMlvrny it Hni-ep o- , SIOUX CITY. July 17.-SP3clal ( Telegram. ] The Rlver tdo Boat club tendered a recep tion last nlsht to Ralph D. Tredway , the newly elected eanlntn of the Ynlo 'varsity crew and a member of the tlnb , Tr dway was slven a llfo membership In the organ- i'i tlon. AUDI her 1 w.iVumlr , CRESTON , la. July 17-Special ( Tele gram.-Fml ) lirrKha'fr , nn rimtcur bey. ! cla rider , n'a'lf n n:1 ! im"r > jl p 3rd thH 'iK Iln re vi nl n > > vftnll" : ro-xl - ' in U'Cf. Th f T. , r c rl was M.is , NO COMPLAINTS OF TURFMEN Dwjer Satisfied with Their Treatment ol Him While in England , PRESS WAS NOT SO CONSIDIRATE Denies that Ho lint Broken nlth itockpy ami 'Irnliu-r Ciunpball llui Nut Yet l.'oclited Upim Ills Courjo. NEWMARKET , July 17. Mlclmel P , Dvvyer , In conversation with a representa tive of the Associated press today , said lit expects to sail for New York eaily In August with his trainer , Hardy Campbell. At the same tlmo he ndded that the reports cir culated as to' his giving up hln training ntuhle hero nnd changing his jockey nml trainer wore unfounded. Mr. Dwycr has not arranged his plans for 1S98 , and It Is probable he will dispose of his horse , Harry Reed , before leaving1 , Richard Croker , referring to nn article In Truth attributing some comments of the American press upon the nllcged treatment of American horses to "cracked brained drivelers who are Ignorant of the whole subject , " Informed a representative of the Associated press today that he had no fault to find with his treatment on the English turf , his only complaint being ngnlust the InMilred articles In certain London papers. Slmms. the jockey , expects to riile In the United States In the autumn nnd will leave for Now York IIH soon us his arrangements are completed to prosecute the newspaper which originated the story of his having driven a horse to death lu a race against tlmo from Newmarket to Cambridge and back again. The Evening Standard , commenting unon the appearance of Michael F. Dwycr's Don Alonzo at NeWmnrket today In the celling pinto for nil ages , says : Don Alonzo looked better than the last time he appeared , but ho was not becked like one of the Amer ican good things. His uppenranco In the p.iddock ; clothed In a b"go white sheet , was uncanny , and reminded one of an equine ghost. _ GOOD CROWD AND SO "Mi : 1'lMi ' H.tClNfi ( Jranil Circuit Mentlng nt Saglmuv 1'rovlng SAGINAW , Mich. , July 17. The third day of the grand circuit races at Union park was n great one. There wnu nn attendance of 6,000 people , a good track and good sport. The 2:3.l : > pace for 3-year-olds was a great contest between Theodore Shelton and Ar thur / / , nnd was won In five heats by Shelton. In the 2:25 : trot Letltlo. reduced her record from 2:27'i : to 2:18H. : In the bicycle races Sangflr made three miles In GGU > 4 , the fastest American race track record. He aluo marie a half mile In 1:1 : m , and Tyler made a mile In 2:04 : 1-5. In the 2.3 : pace for 3-yoar-olds , purpc $500 , Theodore Shelton won the first , second nnd fifth heats. Time : 2:19Vi. : 2:13 : , 2:13 : , Arthur L won the third and fourth bents Madeline Pollard nnd Mls3 Dodqo were distanced. In the 2:23 : trot , pnrso J'-.O'X ) , Letltla won In three straight bents. Time : 2:18 : , , 2:1SX : ; , , 2:20. : May Flower was second nnd Roetta Soup third. Vlllleis and Fltzroy nlso started. In the 2:10 : pacing , pursue $2,000 , Paul won the third , fourth and fifth heats. Time : 2-ODVi. 2:12 , 2:12 < A. Qulnette won the first and second heats. Tlmo : 2:03V4 : , 2:00'i. : Co- bridge was third. Ethel A , Moonstone , Suslo G , Ella T and Atlantic King also started. _ I ovonuo rinro tlm Tnlnnt it Full. ST. LOUIS , July 17. Rainy weather nnd nn Indifferent card drew only 1,50) people to Fair Association park today. The bet ting was lively nnd the latent suffered. The dump of the day was In the fourth race. Disturbance was a favorite at 3 to 2 , and several others were played at short odds. Revenue opened nt 'M to 1 , and re ceded under desultory betting to 10 , closing nt 12 to 1. Revenue lay In the ruck until well Into the stretch , when he came nut nnd .won as ho wished. Track heavy. Re sults : First race , three-quarters of n mile : Jen nie Harding (5 ( to i ) won , Jardlno (7 ( to 1) ) second , Marchaway (10 to I ) third , Time : 1:19. : - , Second race , five-eighths of n mile , purse : Utopia (3 ( to 1) ) won , Laura F (3 to 2) sec ond. Lesseman (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:01. : Third race , one mile : Strathmoath (1 ( to 2) won. Foundling (7 ( to 1) ) second , Flora Thornton (2 to 1) third. Time : 1:16. Fourth race , seven nnd a half furlongs. selling : Revenue (10 ( to 1) ) won. Mopsey (15 ( to 1) second , Probasco (7 ( to 1) ) third , Time : 1:38 : V4 , Fifth race , mile and n sixteenth , selling : Bull Ross (2'i ( ' to 1) ) won. Prince ( I to 1) ) second end , Aunt Jane (50 to 1) third. Tlmo : l:52'b. : < iirrnl llml I'liren Wluninir Mimntn. KANSAS CITY , July 17. The feature of the day at Exposition park was the riding of Carrol. Out of four mounts ha brought In three winners and came In third on the fourth. Three favorites won and the other two events were won by n heavllv backed second choice and a 4 to 1 shot. The track was In good condition and the Kport first class. Attendance good. Results : First race , four and a half furlongs , for 2-year-olds : Blanche Keern (4 ( to 1) ) won. Hnttie Thayer (3 to 2) second , Hill Powell (2 ( to 1) third. Time : 0:53. : Second race , five nnd a half furlongs : Gateway (5 ( to 2) ) won , Arthur Davis (10 ( to 1) second , John P (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time : l:101J. : Third race , six and n half furlongs , sellIng - Ing : Little Nell ( even ) won. Monk Over- ton (3 to 1) second , Elmo (50 to 1) third. Time : 1:26. : Fourth race , seven-eighths of n mile , sell- li'g : Collector (3 ( to 2) ) wnn , Josephine (2 ( to 1) second , Virgin (10 ( to 1) third. Time : 1:31. : Fifth race , five furlongs : La Gartln (3 ( to 1) ) won. Gus Strauss ( S to 1) ) second , Thur- man (23 to 1) third. Time : 1:01. Alltnnen Menting Cloned , ALLIANCE , Neb. , July 17.-(8peclnl ( Tele gram. ) Today closed the three-day racing meeting under the auspices of the Alliance District Fair association. The city has been filled to ftverfiowlng with vIMtorB and every one Freaks In the highest terms of their treatment while hero. The events today won Interesting In every particular and some of the finest racing- over seen In this country was wltneccpd. Results : line rf.lU trot or pace , nnd repent , purse $150 : Defendlno won , Vcrnn B second. Both heats the same. Tlmo : 2.1Hrj ! , 2:37 : 3-r. . Made up running race. 2-year-olds , purse J10U , winner tnklni : crtlro purse : Entries , Maud Pickles , Lillian Iiiitscll nnd Pick wick. Pickwick won. T'me. 1:511 . Match running inoe , purse $75 : tirnyneck and Kid Elmore , Kid won. Time : 0MV. : . Novelty raee , one mile dat-h , purse $100 : Captain Hardy won , Cl.ow Chow second , Dr. Brlggs third. Time : 1:52U. : Consolation race , quarter mile dash , pur ! $125 , six entries : Jack Halo llrst. Steel second end , Pomp-ay third. The management ex pects to have another meet this fall. IrunmatttT Itim Omit Itnoe. CINCINNATI. July 17. The best race of the day at Oakley track was a handicap at a mile and an eighth , won by The Iron master in local record time , 1:51. : Had the rae been half a furlong further the gray here Vorhels. who was coming strong at the finish , would have won. Fablu , the winner of the last race , was backed fron 30 to 12 to 1 at post time. Results ! First race , selling , Hvo furlongs ; Slra bertha (4 to 1) won , Lalla Rookh (7 to 1 second. Fretful (7 ( to 6) third. Tlmo : 1:02'A : ' Second race , purse , seven furlongs : Leh man ( I to 2) ) won , Vassal (13 ( to 2) second Meddler (10 ( to 1) third. Time ! 1:87. : Third race , selling , five furlongs ! TI Lark (3 ( to 1) ) won , Daisy Bolnnder ( f > to 1 second , Princess Royal its to 1) third. Time Fourth race , handicap , mile and at eighth : The. Ironmaster (3 ( to 2) ) won. Cro vns. o (2 ( to 1) ) second , Vorhels ( G to 1) ) third T'me ; 1:51. : Fifth rnee , selling , one mile : Fabla (12 ( to 1) ) won. Elmer F (6 to 1) second , Glorlnm (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time : Il2'i. virr.v CUTS in.it M\KK MUCH iowii : lown SldiMTlirHer NrRnilntM I In Jnnrr Mlle In ! Il-l | 1.1. NEW YORK. July 17.-The mldsumme meeting given by the Driving club of New York opened today at FIcctwood park Owing1 to recent rains the track was dead but fast time was made nevertheless by como of the heat winners. The lown mare Vein , starting for the first time this sea son , won the 2:18 : pace with great case , cut Ing her record to 2:1I' : < and showing nblllty to RO In 2:10. : The field In the 2:25 : clas. was the largest that was ever started In n race nt Fleetwood during the twenty-llvi years the track has been In existence. Re suits : 2:18 : class , pace : Veta won In three straight boats. Time : 2:1IV4. : 2:15 : , 2:14V4 : Charley P , Attractive , Highland Lassie Jim Harris , Happiness , Little Barefoot , > AI len J , Lucre nnd Oenevlevo nlso started. 2V : ) class , trotting : Coyan won In three straight heats. Time : 2:26V4. : 2:20W : , 2:23 : Colonel Uppert , Wood Chief , Hannls Bios soni , Laura McGregor , Edith Rose , Stormy Mist , Cordelia , Cherry Craft , Wllmar Aleppo , Alverna , Way-burn , Jesse Yearnnce Arlgal nnd Lady Harrlyon also started. 2:2T : > Haas , trotting , unfinished : Nutshel won the third nnl fourth heats : Tlmo , for Hussar , Tom Scott , Billy Ackerson , St. Al- bans. Kathleen , Little Wonder , Duplex urn Fred Ensign also started. t liitriit DrHHlni ; Light. NEW YORK. July 17.-Thc attendance was light nt Aqueduct today and again a poor card was made absolutely unattrac- tlvo by scratches. Results : First race , clx furlongs : Stoncncll ( f > to 2 won , Buck Knight (6 ( to 1) ) second , Marsha (3 to 1) third. Time : 1:18. : Second race , five furlongs , selling : Impo sltlon (3 to 1) ) won. Volley (4 to 5) ) second King T ( S to 6) third. Tlmo : 1:05. : Third race. Aqueduct handicap , mile am a qttarter : Eagle Bird (7 to 5)won ) , Sir Francis (9 to 5) second. Time : 2:11. : Fourth race , one mile , selling : Mirage ( to 1) ) won , Ablngdon (15 to 1) ) second , Cha rmlo ( li to 1) ) third. Time : l:4r : > V. . Fifth race , six furlongs , selling : Fran elecan (8 ( to 1) ) won , Bona Venture ( I to 1 second , Eufelda (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : l:201i : Six race , mile nnd a half , over six hur dies : Chevy Chape ( S to 5) won. Prlmu (5 ( to 1) ) second , Alaho ( G to 1) ) third. Time 3:50. : _ N'or I'nvorltn In Front , SAN FRANCISCO , July 17. Not n single favorite won today. The first race wns n BUI prise , Haiiford selling nt 15 and 20 to 1 Results : Ilrst race , five nnd a half furlongs , sell Ing : Hnnford (15 ( to 1) ) won , Little Bob (3 ( to 2) ) seeoiid. Regal (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : lU7- : Second rnee , one mile , selling : Tuxedo ( ; to 2) ) won , Autell (9 ( to 5) ) second , LconatUF (7 to 1) third. Time : 1:11 ? ! . Third race , five furlongs , handicap , 2-year- olds : Dor Gam (7 ( to 1) won , Veyagu ( S to 1) m-fond , Edgcinont (2 ( to 1) third. Time 'Fourth raee , five nnd ft half furlongs , sell ing : Nervoso ( n to 2) won , Frondeur (4 ( to 1 second , Sport McAllister (2 ( to 1) ) third. Time Fifth race , five and a half furlongs , handi cap : Bernardo (3 ( to 1) ) won , Imp. Ivy (3 ( to 1) second. May McCarthy (2 ( to 1) ) third Tlmo : 1:07 : > ,4. _ I'rtvnrlN'S V > rp All Penten. MILWAUKEE , July 17.-Favorltes were beaten at State park In each race today. Results : First race , five and a half furlongs , for maiden 2-year-olds : Dr. Huger won , King Dance second , Highland Fling third. Time ; Second race , mile nnd nn eighth : Fred die L T won , King Bora second , nrnhmn third.- Time : 1:56. : Third race , six furlongs : Emporn won , Captain Brown second , Belle Yoho third. Time : 1:15. : Fourth race , one mlle : Saldlvar won , Lidy Rose second , Fakir third. Time : l:43'/i. Fifth race , seven furlongs : Ga con won. Lnmoore second , Ulnter third. Time : 1:29\2. : \ l'iKt Si , l. u ! IlnHil ? to Open , ST. LOUIS. July 17. A. F. Ullmnn , presi dent of the East St. Louis Jockey c'.ub , stated tonight that the track on the Illinois side of the river would be reonened Imme diately after the closing of the races here , provided there Is nn anti-foreign book legis lation In Illinois. If the Illinois authorities become antagonistic , however , the track will be closed at once , ns wns done In Chi cago. _ Ilrnknulcrr HncHii In , l4ll. MILWAUKEE. July 17. D. M. Hogan , the first bookmaker arrested nt State Fair park , has been held for trial under $2,000 bonds. Ho declined to pivo the bond and went to Jail. It In reported that the book makers will retaliate by arresting the members of the Civic Federation who bcught tickets on the races to secure evi dence. _ Hun Almir.D Ilnn Third. NEWMARKET , July 17.-In the selling plate for horses of all ages today M. F. Dwyer'H Don Alonzo ran third. There were llvo runnors. Mr. Lebaudy's Royal Favor was first and A. W. Cox's Son and Heir second. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ InJ iMPtlcin en I tut. Kilir StnmM. INDIANAPOLIS , July 17. Judge Gillette of Lake county today perpetuated the In junction granted ngalnxt the Roby race truck. This closes the track for a year nt least. _ ' Pmliln : ; 1'r.fi light Arr imrt'iiienit DALLAS , Tex. , July 17.M the Corbett- Fltzslmmoni fight headquarters an order was received for 250 $20 seats. It was ac companied bv n check for $ ri,000. The con tract for building the Texas Coliseum will le awarded tomorrow morning. It linn been ilelayed u few days on account of several 'lolayed ' bids , which deserve consideration. It Is nald that Governor Culbcrson has moro liberal views upon the question of prlzo lighting than the attorney general , nnd that ther Is not n lawyer of much standing In Te-aa who hhs read up on the subject who agrcccs with Mr. Crane In his conclu sion or his citation of the facts , Aflnr .MiiAiilinY. NEW YORK , July 17. George Lavlgno today lsued a challenge to Jack MoAullffe of Brooklyn , the champion lightweight pugilist , to meet him for the championship hcnors. If MeAullffo does not care to meet Lavlgne the latter offers to meet any man In the world at 133 pounds before a i expan sible club. _ ( round IllllUnU nt Shelby. SHELBY , Neb. , July 17.-Speelal.-A ( ) match game of croquet was played yestcr- Jay between Rlnehclmcr and Fozzard of No Fear of the Stirgeons Knife 1 If you fiiilTer from nny form of piles or rectal trouble tho. . . , \yill euro you without detention from business , without pain and at trilling expense , The safest , most extensively uswl pUo euro on the market. At druggists soc. and $1.00 or by mall prepaid from CO , , KLBION , RESTORE LOST YIGOR vlul to uc for Ncrvout DcHHfy , Lots rf Seital Powtr ( In cither , y. Atrophy. Vrktx to an * I ether w knfht4i , fiotii any taute. ute feeime I'm * . Drtint chnkc < l ami full * inr 'I'llUy ' rcir > te I , If n zKie < t , u h irci w iftult fatallyMiile4aij h r , & 1til # fof $ ixaj | Aboir.t fo | j-w. Witti Ml It Jn to curt c-r rafu < | th ---v A * ! r < - i SI1EUMAN & McCONNELL DHUQ CO . . 1013 Dod o Btreut , Omaha , Nob. City nnd Inks nnd Kc-cbattRh of this place. The Katno wn close and IntcreHtlntf and was won by the homo players. The visitors have recently defeated Ourprlaa twice. _ I'rod I'frffrr ( Jopn to N > w Ynrlc. UMMSVIhUJ. July 17.-Kroil Pfcffor Is to become n "Cllnnt" ami In-ildo of u week ho well be wcnrliiK the uniform of the New Yorkors. Negotiations for his release from tht Iiil > ylllrs iav boon Kolnir on for soma Ump , ami when the eastern team arrive * tomorrow the final nrrnnRcmcnts will t > made. Charles Dohler of tinl.oiilavlll r ub mill todays "yes. l-'rrd Is Kolittr tfl Ntw Jork. I lun't miy what the j > i-lco will be. llostrlctlons placed by HIP league liuv * boon re-moved nnd 1 think evcrythliiR will be HntlMfnctory. " It was p.lso learned thnt the Now York ! off o red $1,000 for Clark. ThP offer was con sidered by the Ixuilsvlllo directors. President Ityrne of Hrooklyn Is believed to be HIP only objector and the New York imiKnatcs hope to sot him In line befor * lonu. _ _ VI' MtSSH > tl HK < > . Y. iuruolt & ( o. A l < n I to Toll What I llcy Know About Tlipm , CHICAGO. July 17. John llrooks nnd OcorKe 1) . Hullcne , assignee of Potter , Lovell . & Co. of Uoston today filed a bill of discovery against the firm of J. V. r\r- wcll & Co. of this city , asking that the firm he compelled to account for Jl.SIO.OOO of securities which It Is alleged were fraud ulently transferred on the eve of the assign. meiit of Potter , Lovell & Co. In August , 1S90. Potter , Ixjvell & Co. were utock brokers , with n capital of $100,000 , and at the time of their failure they had assets ot $2,000,000 and liabilities of $1,000.000 , A few days before the failure , It Is alleged In tha bill , securities valued nt $5,000.000 were taken from the firm nnd secreted. Potter , Lovell & Co , did a brokerage business with Harwell & Co. , and John V. Knrwell was a stockholder In the firm of Potter. Lovell & Co. from January 1 to August 27. 18'JO. It Is alleged that before the failure the firm fraudulently appropriated $500.000 of other people's money and pledged $500,000 more. H Is claimed that the Karwells were COR- nlzunt of these transactions. It Is alsoallcgod that the transfer of a lurgo number of secur ities was made to the firm of Farwoll & Co. nnd that J. T. Thumasoro , a partner of John V. Karwcll , carried these securities out of the state of Massachusetts. The suit was filed In the United States court. Ilo.ivy Kill 'i tit I'corln. PEOHIA , III. , July 17. The rainfall this morning was the heaviest known In forty years. In ten liours It was 3.7 Inches. Think of the thousands of hnms nnd bacon that poout from South Omaha daily ! Wo uelcd but the bcstonos for the brand"SWIFT'S PREMIUM. " Smoked lightly- trimmed nicely extra mild not salty. No man could uiako them better. For Sale by all First-Class Dealers. SWIFT AND COMPANY , SOUTH OMAHA. NEB. AMUSEiM hlNTS. ) iJ R0 ; ( BSLW RAILWAY Sunday , July 21. Cheapest excursion rates ever o f red. Arc a scientific compound of medicines In tended to build up the Nerve Struuturo nnd restore to the whole body all of Its normal Junctions. YOU NKHn THKM' OKCAUSR THKY ARI2 A NKRVK TONIQ ffhoso work Is beneficial nnd lasting. Price , $1.00 per box ; U for $3.00. Sent by nnil. f you nro KcttlnK nervous nnd can't sleep ind don't care whether you fa to your nenls or not. You need them If vou are rocs and Irritable without any vlslblecnune > r If suffering with any nervous disorder , 1513 DODGE ST. , ! d Door West 1 . O. , Onmlm. zoo SOAP JAS. S. KIRK & CO. . U. 8. A OK. IVJOCREW tftiir. ojir SPECIALIST ITUO THIXTBAU , PRIVATE DISEASES , Wtwknon and ffortl Ulldldcriof MEN ONLY ICrorr cur * KUnrtnt c4L tjttn In numb * . I look Vrorn. I * lh 4 : K rn * QUA MA. MKU. Notice In ( oiitr.iotorn , Healed bid * will lie rocelvad by the undsr. lirne'l until noon of the Oth day of Aucuut , K35 , at Marlon , la. , for tile erection of the r-w Methodist churuh In Marlon aa per lanv and ipecllk-ulloiu now on file with : J. locate at the Farmers and Merchant * t.ito bank In Marlon , la. , and at the officn t Hell & Kent , ur.-hltrctit , at Council Muff * , laThe rIKht la hereby reserved o reject any and all lilila , J. W , UAUOHMAK , 'halrman ' of Uulldlna Committee , Marlon , la ,