THE 01MAIIA DALLY BEE : TTRDNESDAY , JULY 17 , 1895. MAN WITH A PECULIAR 1IAS1A Ho Gave the fire Department Many Ho' . Buna. CHARGE THAT HE INJ3YS BURNING HAY Arrcitcd nnd Locked In Jxll I'encllnc an lnve llc lu > " l.ovcru' ( Jimrret thnt indetlllhcmt : DloocUliotl , Vet It I.undcd lloth Turtle * In Jail. The police think they have a full-fledged pyromanlac In Jail. For several weeks the fire department has been kept busy running to fires In the loaded hay cars on the Elkhorn tracks north of Nicholas street. There have been some twenty alarms from that locality and ten cars of hay have been totally destroyed. The Nebraska Hay company has lost three cars ; A. O. Knapp , three ; Mr. Butler , two ; Mr. Twamley , one , and the Omaha Bridge and Terminal company , two. Yesterday morning at about 9 o'clock one of the assistant fire chiefs drove past the office of the Nebraska Hey company an3 the clerk In the office called out and asked If the de partment was coming down In order to keep up Its record. The words had hardly been spoken when flames shot up from a caret ot hay belonging to the Omaha Bridge and Terminal company that was standing on the track near by. Prompt action save ! the car from being destroyed. One of the clerks In the office of the Omaha Bridge and Terminal company had seen a man coming from behind the car Just before the fire was discovered mil so notified Mr. Glbbs of the Nebraska Hay company. Glblis ran to the car and met Jack Wills , a black smith , coming from the burning car. Glbbs seized the min and paid , "I want you. " Will offereJ no resistance and was turned over to the police. He was charged with being a suspicious character and will be held pend Ing an Investigation of the case. Since the arrest a number of men employei by the different hay firms say that they have seen Wills hanging around the hay car ; almost dally , and that his presence In tin vicinity Is usually followed by a fire In tin hay. _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ WAiixmt HUNS A o.x ins i.ovn Shot Hole * Into the Niijlit Air to Test lie AtTroUoin. C. N. Warner and Fay Thomas bad ono o those old time lovers' quarrels Monday night It attracted the attention of the police an at one stage In Its progress promised a Jo for the coroner. Warner Is a clerk In the employ of an Eas Omaha factory and Fay Is Just a slmpl maiden of 30 years , short on beauty and Ion on love. She hns two fellows and It cam to a showdown as to whether Warne or his rlvaU was to be given a per mansnt monopoly of her affections. She an Warner had been out for a good time an had returned about midnight to the girl's room at a Dodge street hotel. Fay had been gloriously entertained ana so expressed her- nelf and then Warner took his cue and played high from a long hand. He de manded that the other fellow bo tossed off at once. Fay demurred. Warner was de termined to bring matters to a focus. If Fay would not cleave to him alone he would not bo a sister to her even , but would go out and puncture his anatomy with a few holes , caliber 38. Fay wasn't ready to give up her other fellow and Warner took her to his bosom , pressed a few warm kisses on her marble brow and bade her a tearful farewell and passed out Into the night. Fay sat down on His foot of the bed and waited for the pistol shots. They came , two of them. Then the girl let out a collection of hysterical yells that roused the neighborhood and brcught the police. Sergeant Whalen and Officer Monroe hur ried In the hotel and found the girl. Slit told her story and bepged the police to gel bcr lover's body that she might weep over It. Th : officers found Warner very much allvo and he and Fay were given apartments In the city Jail. _ _ MKIlCIIANrCAUOIITON IIOUU > CHI ? 'K . Tali ! Mono ; to n Mini Who Iliul No Dnnk Account. At least two merchants In Omaha paid tribute to the smoothness of a bogus check fiend Monday evening. About C o'clock In the afternoon a well dressed young man called at Stanfield's bar ber supply bouse on Dodge , street and ex pressed a desire to Invest In a razor. He mads the selection of a $3 article and pre sented In payment a check on the American National bank for $9.25 , payable to H. Houser and purporting to bo signed by the same man. It was after banking hours anil Mr. Stanfield made some Inquiries as to Jhe Identity ot ths purchaser. The man said that his name was Houser , that ho was an attorney In the New York Life building , that lie had been busy In Justice Smith's court all the afternoon and had neglected to draw money from the bank earlier In the day. He bad made the check for $ 'J.25 , because he needed $6 for another purpose and would have car fare left. , Mr. Stanfield accepted the check and gave his own In change for $0.25. Mr. Houser tben decided that as matters were coming pretty easy ho would try the game on a little larger scale. He went Into the- Glebe Clothing store and bought light undenyear to the value of $2 and nave In payment a check for $15. This was ac cepted , after the lawyer story had been told \vlta slight variations and Mr. Houser was given $13 In good money as change. Both , checks were thrown out by the bank this morning and the police are looking for Mr. . HousPr. Mr. Stapfleld has stopped payment on his check at the bank and hopes to get out of the deal with only the loss of the razor _ Hml llecn Ihiro'n Aitlntnnti. Asa K , LeonoTd Is not a brilliant success n a detective. He was employed by Henry P. Haze , late chief of detectives , and as signed to the duty of arresting and con victing the men who were suspected ot operating gambling resorts. After some time Billy Ebcrtole was arrested on the complaint of Leonard , charged with running a crap Joint. Tim case was called last week , but Leon ard's testimony was not ot the convincing kind and Judge Berka gave the state until yesterday to get additional evidence. Mr. Leonard was on band with three young men , who were supposed to be ready to swear that they had seen the crap game In full blast at Eberscle's place , but when the boys went on the stand they swore that they bad never played In the place , bad never sen any one play tbcro and did not know Leonard from a crow. Assistant County Attorney Day gave up In disgust and the case was dismissed on his motion. _ _ _ _ _ _ Hold fur Ammtiltln ; Meillock. Swan Bergner was arraigned In police : court jesterday charged with luring as ! saulted George Medlock on the night ot July 13. Dergntr could not speak English anil was Informed of the charge against him by an Interpreter , a young woman who was In the court as a witness In another case. Ho In dignantly denied the charge and laughed merrily whtn the Judge aikpd him If he could give bonds In the sum of $1,000. In default of ball Bcrgner was cent to Jail to await a hearing. Mr. Medlock positively Identifies Berguer as the man who committed the assault. Mr , Me'llock's ' condition Is yet very critical and Bergner may have to an swer to the charge of murder. JiKlBo Could Not Decide. James Jo'-cs and Otto First , two bright boy * , were given a hearing yesterday on the charge of disturbing the peace. It all came about over the breaking down of II I ) ohm ma's wagon , The boya awore thai they simply wanted to help the man fix hit wagon and It wasn't their fault at all II Bohmme got Into a fight with another fellow and loat a singletree ind a hitching itrap , Young First tald that he might have a vragor of hit own tome time and tie would bo glad to have the boya help htm fix It It It broke down , The evidence ot the boys was ai straight at a dl * and left the Judge In dotibl u to his duty In the caie. He vdll give bli decision this morning. Nearly reryone needi a good tonlo at thli eeaion. Hood's Sartaparllla It tlo one tru WHAT THIS SOUTH WILL HO For the Intending Ketllcr In Central Ills * nlMlppl The ( Innlrn of the Hoiilli. To the man looking for quick returns on the money he Invests , this Is the region. With equal facility cotton , corn , oats , peas , pota toes and fruits of all kinds can be success fully grown and marketed. Garden farming Is easy and profitable and railroads bring the great and paying markets of the east , west and south to your doors. Dairy farming and poultry raising ore equally profitable ventures for those who embark In that branch of In dustry. The seeker after health here finds an atmosphere of unquestioned physical and moral purity. A temperature ranging from 30 to 90 degrees the year round. The cer tainty of never being Icebound or snow-Im prisoned. Beautiful drives along roads lined the magnolia and laurel , or along hillsides green with the health growing pines. Horticulture and orcharding have risen Into prominence In the past few years , the suc cess of these engaged In these Industries at tracting Increased attention. New orchards are being planted and nursery men report an unprecedented demand for fruit treesi. The possibilities of agriculture In the Or- chaid Homes region cannot bo easily exag gerated. For example , It Is perfectly practl cable to plant a crop ot potatoes In December or January , harvest the crop In May , plant corn on the same ground , followed by pota toes In August to bo harvested In October , leaving the so'l ' free for cabbages until Janu ary again. The fall crop of potatoes , by the way , Is Invariably superior In quality to that of rprlng. The early varieties of sweet corn can be grown In perpetual succession ami marketed from May to October Inclusive. The following record will be of Interest as tending to show what a carefully kept accsunt shows as to garden farming product and the money return : 1 acre In boots , turnips , kohlrabi , net return . . . ! $10000 1 acre oats , 51 bus. , at fiOc 32 40 1-16 acre shallot ! * , 23 bus. seed bulbs nt $1.00 10000 3fio pquuro feet of beets , net returns. . 10 ft ' , < nrre kohlrabi nnd other truck 133 OT 1-10 ncre bulb onions 15 O , i aero shallots CO 00 5,500 cabbages nt Co to lOc ench.\ . . . % aero beets sold for SO OC 4i ncre grapes , net return C3 OC 1 acre otita cut for dry forage , fol lowed by two crops of grass esti mated nt 5 tons Such figures as these show the actual re sults that can bo obtained from a small piece of Orchard Homes land. For full Information apply to Geo. W. Ames , general agent , 1C17 Farnam st. , Omaha , Neb. Don't delay ; organ Ize into clubs. PUTTING aHEfirlw JUDGMENTS. I'oor I'arni Lot I'lirchnBorn I'mlilng Their I lulnn Agiilii t HID County. Within the last few days nearly $30,000 o judgments have been secured against th county of Douglas by purchasers of the pee farm lots. Hardly a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for some weeks past has been held at which additional Douglas county pee farm claims have not been filed. Some o the claims , It is said , ate barred by th statute of limitation. It will be known In short time Just what the amount of the In debtcjness Is , as the county clerk has re celvcd Instructions from the commissioners t make a report upon the sums due. In th meantime the holders of claims upon wlilc suit has been brought have been rapidly re duclng them to Judgments. In each case i stipulation was entered at the time of th appeal of the Kellar case to the suprem court permitting tbe various cases to abid the outcome of this suit , which was made th teat. The judgments taken In the last fe\ days are the result of these stipulations an are In favor of M. J. Goad , $5.003.88 ; J Whalen , $ G45.32 ; M. M. Coad , $22,712.73 , an L. B. Wright , $844. It Is still an open question with the holder of Judgments whether or not to try the el feet of a mandamus suit to compel an addl tlonal levy for the purpose of liquidating th judgments. The levy made for this purpose enl amounts to $60,000 , which will wive out but portion of the sums due , and while eac Judgment , If ajlowed to run another year will draw Interest , It Is given out that th holders of Hens would prefer their money t having only a Judgment. The county commissioners maintain that I making an annual levy , which brought th county levy up to the limit allowed by law , they did all that could be required. They doubt If a mandamus suit would lie against them. Protect Yutir Children , Mothers would do well to atomize their children's throat and nasal passages morning and evening with Allen's Hygienic Fluid a positive preventive of all contagious diseases , such as dlphth'erla. scarlet and typhoid fevers smallpox , bronchitis , etc. It has a pleasant , aromatic flavor and is perfectly harmless. If you ha-e the rheumatism or neuralgia , any kidney or uterine trouble , are emaciated or have superfluous flesh and your doctor orders baths , before going to the expense of a trip , try our baths. You can have Turkish or Russian , medl- cateJ , vapor , electric , eea salt , sulphur , Mer curial , oil rubs and hot milk baths. Attendants first class. Massage by an educated masseuse. Ladles' Turkish baths and physical culture - ture parlors , 109-110 Jen building. MRS. ISH AND HER DAILY TRIPS Qucitlon of Who Will Pay the Itllli ot the Uuiird U In Doubt. Mrs. Ish Is causing ] no end of trouble and worry to the court house officials. Her dally trips for a constitutional are taken under the vigilant eye of Moses Steerman , who has been detailed for this work by the sheriff. Thus far Steerman has had to ad vance every penny for the street car rides. He will present his bill to the commissioners. What will become of It Is a matter of conjecture. While none of the commissioners have any objection , BO far as heard , to remunerating Steerman for the duty ho has been detailed to perform , some complaints have been heard concerning Judge Scott's connection with the affair and statements made by him recently that he was running the court house and that ho Is above the county commissioners , will not tend to quiet the affair. Steerman says that he Is losing no sleep , as Mrs. Ish has promised to have her father pay him. The peremptory order of Judge Srott as to the meth'od In which Mrs. Ish must exorcise was made without consulting eltber the sheriff , whose prisoner Mrs. Uu Is , or the county commissioners. A Few \ilvantuee * Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A clean train , made up and started from Omaha. Baggage checked from residence to destination. Klegar.t rain service and courteous employes , nntlro train lighted by electricity and heated by steam , , with electric light In every berth. Finest dining car cervlce In the west , with meals tervcd "a la carte. " The Flyer leaves at C p. m. dally from Union depot. City ticket ofilce , 1604 Farnam street. C. S. Carrier , city ticket agent. 'Great Yield ot Onli. Yesterday W. I. Klerttead drove out to his Douglas county farm , and upon 'his return ho brought with him a sample of oats from' his forty-acre field. In this field the grain stands five feet high on the average , the heads measuring from eighteen to twenty- four Inches. Mr , Klc'rstend states that the oats will c-Kstly yield 120 bushels to the acre. They will be ready to cut the last of thla week. lu many ot the fields. Mr. Klcrstead says , that the farmers have 'finished cutting their small grain and that the yield will be simply enormous. Regarding rain , ho says that It Is not needed aR tbe ground IB very moist. Farmers now need dry , hot weather , and plenty of It , to mature the corn crop. Choir lloj § lu Camp. The choir boys of St. John's Episcopal church are taking a week's outing at Han- thorn's lake , a few miles north ot Council Blnffi. The twenty-five boys are accompanied by a number of the men ot the choir , all under the direction of Hev. Charles H. Young , an experienced camp manager. Choirmaster Norrlv U studiously cultivating the acquaintance ot a floe , but very young prospective choir boy , Just arrive a at hli ONLY WHAT WAS EXPECTED Holding of the Court No Surprise to the Attorneys , SHORT LINE DECREE A FORMAL MATTER It mil Ho R I.ont ; Time lot Kra tlie Kernel Will llo Taken from Unilor tlio Pro tecting U'lng of the Union 1'lie III c System. General Solicitor Tlmrston of the Union I'aclllc said that the granting of the decree prayed for In the Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern case at Portland was expected by everybody connected with the company , the appeal which Mr. Snow prayoJ for being entirely formal and of right. "Before sale of the property Is consummated , " Bald Mr. Thurtton , "undoubtedly similar decrees will be askeJ for from courts In whose Jurisdic tions the property lies. This will take some time. Then , again , the reorganization committee will have to get together and tmlto what now seems divergent Interests upon some common basis. This done , a Company will have to be tormca for the pur chaEO of the property , anl finally this com pany will come Into court exactly on the same lines as represented by the American Loan and Trust company ; the first mortgage , with the defaulted Interest , will have to be paid before the new company can succeed to the control of the property. " Even In the outline It Is easily seen what contingencies may arise to defeat the purpose of these seeking to dismember the Union I'aclllc , and as one wlso head remarked , "there are a great many holes In the skim mer. " Before the dreams of those antagonistic to the present management of the Union Pa cific are realized It may be that a plan of reorganization will be decided upon In which event the wrangle over the property will cease. It Is quietly Intlma'cd that In the reorgan Izatlonof the Oregon Hallway & Naviga tion company now going on the Union Pa cific will not be so completely out In the cold as under the present management , and that It will be very easy to takeIn the navigation company , should congrets look favorably on the new proposition which will be presented to It next winter for Its en dorsement. ' MILL. TUHVT AL.1. 1'OINTH AI.IKi : Union I'll c III c Sues No Itrnson lor the Utrt Kick. The equalization of I'ates on the Union Pacific to certain points In Montana and Idaho , effective today , will occasion nn ad justment of rates on certain commodities to Utah common points. Salt Lake people , who but a very short time ago were content to accept all the good things which the Utah reduction brought about , are now crying "wolf" again and they see In the reduction of six weeks ago the mailed hand of the Union Pacific aiming a blow at their Infant Industries. At least that Is what Salt Lake's newspapers say. At Union Pacific headquarters they say 1 Is preposterous to suppose that the "Over land" will benefit one community at the expense of another , but on the contrary al parts of Its line must benefit equally. One thing Is evident , the Union Pacific Is determined to Increase its local business I possible , realizing that herein Is found the greatest revenue for the company. "Should the Pennsylvania lines refuse to handle a single pound of through freight on Its line consigned at Its terminals to other lines , Its local business would prove of sufllclent Importance to pay all fixed charges and still retain ai ample sum In the treasury , " remarked i Union Pacific official. * 'It ' ihas been some , what of a policy to sacrifice local for througli business , but since the segregation of so many Important branches the manageinen realizes the necessity of building up Its own territory , and to this end rates are being reduced and additional fast train service pu on. " The movement of westbound freight con tlnues enormously heavy , In marked con trast with castbound traffic , and recent re ports for June show a marked Increase ovei the corresponding period of last year. Oill clals , however , look for a good eastbound business during the early fall , Indication pointing to the belief that 1835 will prov one of the big years In Union Pacific history C.KMCKAL. MANACK t 'lOUNK ItKMt Sudden Kml of n l-onc nml llrllllnnt Hull- way iiirerr. SAN FIIANCISCO , July 1C. A. N. Towne. second vice president and general manager of the Southern Pacific , died this morning at his residence In this city. Vice President Towne had been In his office all day yesterday and until 5 o'clock trans acting his usual business. He spent last evening at home and retired In good spirits , but at 2 a. m. complained of violent pains In the stomach , supposedly Incident to Indiges tion , from which he suffered. A physician summoned applied remedies which seemed to afford relief. Symptoms of congestion and hemorrhages followed. At 4 n. in. Tonne complained of a violent pain In the heart and fifteen minutes later he was dead. When he was In New York five years ago Towne had la grippe , which Impaired his heart action. Since then he has had several similar at tacks , but lately has been In excellent health. VIce President Towne has been In rail way service since 1S55 , when he began life as a freight brakeman on the Chicago , Bur lington & Qulncy. Since that time he has successively held the positions of conductor , station agent , yard and trainmaster , assistant superintendent of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy at Chicago , general superintendent of Chicago & Great Eastern , abslstant general superintendent of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy , general superintendent of the Central Pacific , general manager Central Pacific , second end vice president and general manager of Southern Pacific. OKI : VT IIAKVIST roil THE Silo of Knilciivor Uouptmt Itciulu In CallIng - Ing HII Agent * ' Mcotlne. As usual the return portions of Christian Endeavor tickets arc demoralizing the east ern market and a meeting has been called In Chicago of railroad officials to talk over the situation , and If necessary reduce the one way rates to offset the rates made on these returning portions by the brokers Into whose hands they gravitate as If oiled. "This reduced ticket business Is one of the hardest problems with which the passen ger agent has to contend , " said General Pas senger Agent Francis. "If all roads would simply say to Grand Army men , Christian Endeavorers , Baptist Young People , Knights Templar and other big bodies , pay full fare on the railroads , the brokerage business would be knocked higher than Gilroy's kite. But many roads Insist on reduced rates and con sequently business la demoralized. , "The Joint agent In Denver for the National Educational association prevented a demorali zation of easlbound rates by rigidly Insist ing on all conditions under which tickets were granted. The Joint agent Idea la very old In the railroad world , having been In existence as long back , as the old Colorado pool. It may be a little cumbersome , but It certainly prevents rates from going to smash. "So far I have not heard of the Denver market being demoralized on account of the returning portions of these tickets being manipulated by scalpers. " MUfourl Pacific Hardly Is one road through with changes In the personnel of Its employesthen another road * bobs serenely up and proceeds to move bis men about. Monday the Union Pacific surprised the public by changing the head of the city ticket office. Yesterday word was received at Missouri Pacific headquar ters that H. B. Kooter , contracting freight agent , bad been appointed commercial freight an passenger agent at Salt Lake City for the Missouri Pacific vice B. V. Derrtb , Iran * . ferrtd and that John McNaughton , chief clerk In the office of Assistant General Freight Agent Phllllppl would succeed Mr. I Kooier on the street. Both ot these changes I are promotion ! for the men mentioned tnd Jjisife J20SIU& BP sf MWVJ mi * allb the Gould system. It IB thought th * changes will not take place until August 1 , when Mr. Kooser expects to. lake up his residence In the Mormon city. lulls not UccliUil who will succeed Mr. McNaughton oil the chief clerk's desk. H , U. Kooser came toitht Missouri Pacific from the Baltimore * , 'Ohio'years ago , the last seven years having -.been connected with the Omaha office In the capacity of traveling freight agent and contracting agent. Mr. McNaughton came to ) Omaha about three years ago from Atchlson , where he v/as con nected with the Mlstourl Pacific In a simi lar capacity to the one which ha will leave August 1 for the higher piaee. llim.Ul.M ) UP A NUTV It.VIMV.VY SYBTUU cnator Ilrlco Ituck ot n Hie Deal In Ohio. CINCINNATI , July 1C. The report about cnator Brlce securing the right of way trough Lima for a new route paralleling the Inclnnatl , Hamilton & Dayton between this ty and Detroit creates no surprise here. Vlth the Cincinnati , Jackson & Mackinaw , rice has a parallel line alrcidy on the west de of the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton. y acquiring the Ohio Southern he secures nether parallel line considerably east of the Inclnnatl , Hamilton & Dayton. He recently ought from Congressman Sorg the Middle- own ft Cincinnati , which Is the connecting ilk for both of his northern routes , with 10 Cincinnati , Lebanon & Northern for en- ranee Into this city. U is stated that rice and his associates have control of the Inclnnatl , Lebanon & Northern , which has cry valuable terminals In this city , although t Is at present only a surburban road. The aluable ground along Eggleston avenue , for hlch the state recently compelled the Penn- ylvanla railway to pay a big sum , Is used j transferring between the yards of the 'ennsylvanla company and tjiose of the Cln- Innatl , Lebanon & Northern. U Is the pinion of railroad men here that Brlce and Is associates want these roads running north nd south as feeders for a new cast and est trunk line , of which the recently pur- hased Plttstnirg , Akron & Western road Is o bo a division. It Is claimed that the iolumbus , Samlusky & Hocking and the tellalre , Zanesvllle & Cincinnati roads , which ccently passed Into the hands of receivers , re also to bo secured as feeders for the Brlce and Thomas trunk line between the 1st and west. ' niillriiiril tint Mxln of it liuilroail. CINCINNATI , July 16. Judge Taft today verrulcd the. motion to ret aside the sal f the Toledo. Ann Arbor & Michigan rail- ray to U. C. Martin for ? 2C27,000. The ale was confirmed. llulliviiy NiitcK. Colonel J. A. IJont of the Canadian Pacific nd Pat Humphrey cf the Short Line are In : own. The Colorado delegation of the Daptlst Young People passed east via the Union Pa : lflc last M&nilay. Conductor W. II. Harding'of 'the Union 'aclflc , and wife , have gone for a three mouths' pleasure trip thrcugh the southern and western states. H. R. Hltchlc anil Oeorge West of thf > Northwestern went Into Chicago Monday night n company with a. deJegatlon of Baptist Young People enroute to Baltimore. The Union Pacific has been selected by the National Pharmaceutical association as the olllclnl line from Kanso , ? City and Omaha , o the national convention at Denver. Knights Templar are commencing to whee nto line for their pilgrimage to Boston In August. The commaoiicrles of California Montana , Idaho , Utah aqd Colorado \\lll go east over the Union Pacific and pass through Omaha. J. N. Merrill , general agent of the Burling ton , at Atlanta ; Miss Loula Merrill , W. T Savage , western representative of the Plan ! system at St. Louis , his nl.ece Miss Allle Perry of Cannier , Ky. , were In the city yesterday , returning from a tvso weeks' trl | n Colorado. White here they were enter tained by Mrs. E. "Porter of Burt street. M licli > 'trniellnr. Whether on pleasure bent , or business , take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs , as 't acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys. , liver and bonels , preventing fevers , lieadaches and other forms of slckners. For sale In f 0o and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. ISRAEL FRANK INTERVIEWED Ivlmlly Consent * to Unhoanm Hiiinolf nnd ( ilvo Op nmiin Cnncprnlnc I.ocwl lulien Israel Frank , city meat Inspector , butcher by trade and politician by Inclination , kindly permitted himself to be Interviewed yester day on several topics of lively local Interest 'There Is one thing that The Bee has said that I will vouch for as ture , " ball Frank. 'When The Bee says that Its editor was not responsible for my appointment as mea Inspector It says It exactly right. There have been a lot of fellers who have tried hard enough to get me out of my Job , but they found that I could rustic up plenty ef votes to keep me In every time. "Tho Kory that I had anything to do wltli the fight made on Miss Arnold's re-election In the school board Is way wrong. I dldn' have anything to do with that at all. Why , her own brother-in-law will tell you that that I didn't do nothing against her. But am going to get after her. She goes to al of the schools where the children of rlc ! people are found and stays away from tin EChooU that poor people's children go to. Shi spends an hour in the fine schools and flvi minutes In the poor ones. When she doe this again next fall I am go'jig ' right to tin board and have her discharged. "No , " said Frank , "I haven't mixed In tin fight against Superintendent Marlile. I don' know him , and I don't know anything abou him. But then he might as well go. H sits up In his office dressed In his bes clothes and don't do nothing. Why , he won' have nothing to do with us fellers. There1 ! no use getting a superintendent of school from out of Omaha , anyway. If I had any thing to do with It I'd see that an Oman man got the place. " HESPELER ESTATE IN COURT Itilutlves I'lBlitliiR f r Property Left to btrpion. The contest over the will left by Emll B. Hcspeler has been transferred to the dls trlct court. The whole Hespeler family Is mixed up In this fights The estate , while not worth a great deal tot money , has started a bitter quarrel. Aoilepson was left every thing by Mrs. Hespeltr , five sisters and u brother being forgoUett : One of the sisters holds a $4,000 Judgment for damages from a personal encounter bdtiwen her dead sister and she Is not particularly Interested In breaking the will. TTlio others have suc ceeded In getting a Jndshient , allowing George Hespeler , the stepsoni > o.tly his mother's per sonal property. From -this he appeals. Mrs Hespeler willed to hlmaHOO acre fruit farm In Missouri , and ho dtwlrbn to be heir to her real estate , as well m > .to her personal prop erty. DISMISSED SE3BBN POLICEMEN Commission nt Onciis FltU of lln Viicanclci wllli Naw Mm. At the special meetUK of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners held yes terday afternoon the following po licemen were dismissed from the force : B. M. Arnold , A. A. Bebout , F. D. Mitchell , D. W. Her , S. E. Flsk , A. L. Jack- man and S. D. Osborn. The board then made these appointments to fill five of the vacancies : A. A. Ilanney , J. F. Rector , Phil M. Lannan , George Blake and John Gibbon. Commissioner Smith voted with the ma jority with two exceptions. Mr. Strlckler Indulged In his usual negative vote. The changes take effect at once , Blake was traniferred from tbe fire department to po- llco duty. Kplrlt LHko-UkoboJU Good board $6.00 to $10.00 per week. DIED. HAMimiGHT-Carrte w. , daughter of Charles 8. and Mary L. Hambrlgbt , aeed 29 years. Funeral private. EDICT AGAINST DR , MARBLE Not ift Favor with Its Howling Dervubes of the Order , COUNCIL 125 DECIDESII\T \ HE MUST GO Action of n Mnjorlty of Members In the Hoard of Kdncnllon Controlled by the Lciidom of the A. 1 * . A. Order. The prospect that Superintendent of Schools Marble may be turned down by the action of the radical American Protective association element In the Board of Education Is a sur prise to most of the citizens who arc Inter ested In the schools. Dr. Marble came to Onialm ono year ago , backed with a national reputation as an educator and the most flat tering recomendations from the leading edu cational men of the United States. So con vincing were these recommendations that he was elected almost Immediately. Ten out of fourteen votes were cast In his favor , those who voted against him basing their action on the plea that the election of a superin tendent was too Important a matter to be so hastily disposed of and that Its 11 mil con sideration should be postponed until another meeting. Dr. Marble was first considered as a suc cessor to Mr. Fltzpatrlck at the suggestion of Mr. Fltzpatrlck himself. Fltzpatrlck wrote to Dr. Marble , Informing him that he was about to retire from the Omaha schools and asking If he would be a candidate for the position. Dr. Marble replied In the .affirmative nnd was then requested to come to Omaha , which he did. Ho was met by Colonel Akin , Clinton N. Powell and A. P Tukey of the Board of Education and they vero joined nt the hotel by Thomas , lurgess and Babcock. During the next hree or four days nearly every member ol he board was Introduced to Dr. Marble nnd 11 were convinced that ho was the man or whom they were looking. He was recom mended In the most flattering terms by VIcholas Murray Butler , president of the National Educational association ; John W. Cook , principal of the State Normal school f Illinois ; Superintendent of Schools Max- veil of Brooklyn ; William T. Harris , com- nlssloner of education for the United States government , and various other men of equal landing. Added to this , he was most varmly supported by Senator John M. 'hurston , who had formerly been one of Dr. larble's pupils , and by the mayor and mmerous prominent citizens of Worcester , Muss. , where he had served as principal and uperlntemlsnt for twenty-six years. AKIN'S TRIP TO CHICAGO. The result was that Dr. Marble was electe at the next meeting of the board to serve 'or the balance of the year. At that time ome of the members who are leading the opposition to his re-election were among his varmest fcupporters. During the ten montlib hat Dr. Marble has been at the head of the Dnialia schools his work lias been generally commended. Aside from his connec Ion with .ho schools he has delivered a number of addresses , both In Omaha and ether No- iraska cities , which have attracted much at- ' : entlon. It was known to a few who were 'amlllar with the workings of the board that one or two members had taken offence be cause some of their suggestions relative to ho conduct of the tchoo.s had not been car- 'led ' Into effect. It was not generally known , however , that the question of Dr. Marble's e-electlon was considered at length at a meeting of council No. 126 , which was held only a day or two ago. Consequently the action of the members who are said to be controlled by the dervish protectorate Is easily explained. While no decision was reacheJ Monday night , the dervishes assort that Dr. . Marble will be undoubtedly deposed at the next -nectlng Marble had seven Votes out of thlr'tc'n prct- snt. while e.lght votes were necessary to elec' . 3f ths two members who were absent Jtcv. Jramblett is admitted to be opposed to Dr Marble and President Akin Is also counted on to give the casting vote igalnst him. President Akin was proinln ntly concerned In bringing Dr. Marble to Omalu. but it IE now said that his desire for th.- support M council No. 125 for the offlce of district court clerk will be sufficient to bring him Intc Ine. Mr. Akin has recently been in Chicago and It Is stated on good authority that hi nlsslon was to secure u successor to Iir. Marble. So far this has proved to be n llfllcult task. A number of men suppossd to be available have been sounded , but thc > were not hankering after the Job. It ni.d been generally understood that tin I.PW HI- perlntenilent would be exposed to join th. . dervishes and this opjrr.-'d to make fu-ii clats men steer clsar of such a comp'-o- inlsjng position. Colonel Akin emphatically denies that his trip to Chicago had any con nection with the choice of a superin tendent of schools and states that so far as lie knows no successor to Dr , Marble IIBH been decided on by his opponents. When asked what reasons were assigned for Dr. Marble's proposed dismissal , he said that he had heard It said that Dr. Marble did not have the peculiar sort of ability that was v.anted In Omaha. It was thought that lie hail been so long connected with eastern schools that he did not have the "helpful" Influence on the teachers that was needed In Omaha. It had also been said that he was growing too old. Colonel Akin averred that the members who had voted against Dr. Marble were undoubtedly actuated by the purest motives , and that In case he was not re-elected there would be no lack of candl dates for the position. Ten Tlicnmiml Mllnn or Thirty , It matters not which , may subject you to sea sickness on the "briny deep. " Whether you are a yachtsman , an ocean traveler , out for a day or two's fishing on the salt water or even an Island tourist In feeble health , you ought to be provided with Hosteller's Stomach ach Bitters , a valuable remedy for nausea colic , biliousness , acidity of Hi ? stomach malaria , rheumatism , nervousness and sick headache. Lay In an adequate supply. VlHlini the Interest Wit * I'snrloui. A usurious rate of Interest paid at the rate of 61 per cent per annum has cautui Fllmore Conrad and his wlfo , Matilda , to file an answer to a foreclosure brough' by D J. Adams on their homestead , objecting to the legal proceedings being taken Courai alleges that he borrowed $100 of Adams In January of 1891 , giving a mortgage for $151 One hundred dollars was all he ever got on the loan. This he says he icpild with in terest. In September. 189.1 , Conrad ielhie > that be was Induced to tlgn another ecu tract , which he afterward dlscovettd wa another mortgage on his nomestead for $109 This time , Conrad claims ho wan deceive ! respecting what be was doing. Ho wants the Instruments set aside and his hotneiteai cleared. NONE BETTER MADE POUCH TOBACCO No Chemicals PUREST and BEST No NERVES QUAKINQ No HEART PALPITATING . No DYSPEPTIC ACHING ftW I I-DYSPEPTIC NERVOUS Quito recently we boptn cuttlnc prices on shirts. It yielded nlllcent returns. Precisely In accordnnco with our object. We don't want shirts this season nt least What wo want Is a now supply for next summer As wo saltl , wo sold ( julle n numlier of all crmkw , but the bulk In cheaper < niulltlos like the carpenter and the shavings wo accumu lated qulto an amount of odds and ends of the COc and r > o < ] ualltlcs. Take your choice today fur lifn ; apiece. More for a sweep out than to sell. These 7."o laundered 1'orcalc which wo reduced to fiOc have been copiously called for but wo have a need many yet to sell. The $1.00 kind which we cut down to Too ( either collars and cuffs attached or loose ) are here yet , certainly not as many , but enough for a few hundred people who wants 'em. A wood many of those Imported cloth shirts which wo so'.d ' at ? 'J.OO at early season have been cut down to ? 1.1X5. Still at that price but you must call quick If yon care for n real jood thins ; . Whew ! What a tremendous amount of soft unlaundered shirts wo have here. It reminds us of the magic sceptre In the fairy iiueen's hands. Anything you call for Is sure to appear. Ttilf Rront VcRctfililt flouol a fmiioU4 rrpiipb. physician , nlll qulukly L-urcMmof all ncr. votis or ilisciws of the generative nrEiinn , Mich a * . Lint ManliciKl , Insumnla , r < ilnalntho JiHCK.Scmlmil KinlssluiKKorvnui l > < > tillll\ , 1'ltnploi. Unfliit".i ; to Murry , izlmu : < ilnK Dniliix , Vnrlcm-plc n i C'ons'.lnatlon. 11 utopi nil | O SM by ilny or nlKlit , I'IPVPIIIS quick * , „ „ . II < FI of Ultclmrco , w hlcn If notrhppKPd Ipndi to Hppnniitorrlirpii KII < . r-rrn nil thohorrortof Impotdicy. 'UIMln.Mrluumi.5thollvcr : , tit . AND l\r I L. klihic.VHnnil tliPiirlnnryorKftitBol ullUnpurltlcs. C'DPIOKNE trenitlipnsnnd rc'torpfifurmtlwp'.ljorijnnii. Tlie ri uson iiiinBrc'n kru not cured by J ) rlori If bpouuie ninety per cent nro tronblpd wltV aim III * . CUl'iniCNE In tin-only known rpt.iidy to nironltliout mi otH-rntlun. fcnoiptnlmcml A wrlttpcicimrHnti'pRlvpnandinonpy rptnnu'd If six IICIXPA ( loon not clluct u licriunuuutcur T.plxliirl.VOO.byinnll. Bend for rKEKrhculnrnnil tiBtlmonluls. , * r .x - < > f T'r tr1i.\r ! ' ' > . .i > .o. lloxZOTG.Sanl'rauclscoCnl. FOR SALE BY GOODMAN DUUG CO. , Are You Car-Sick G When Traveling ? Car-sickness is as trying to many people as sea-sickness. It comes from a derangement of the a stomach. A Ripans Tabule isan insurance against it , and a box of them should bein [ ] every traveler's outfit. Rlpnn's Tnlmlcs : Sold by drugRlets , or by mall If the price (50 ( cent * a box ) Ir sent to The Ht- pan Chemical Company , N'o. 10 Spruce t. , N. T. Encznnni DCDDDI IL No Holler. No Steam. No KiiKliirt r. 11EST I'OWEIl for Corn und Feed Mill * , llnllns : Jlay , Running Separators , Creameries , & 0. OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary or Portable. 1 to 120 H. P. 8 to ! ! 0 H. I . Fend for Cntuloiiie , I'rlcva , etc. , dfscrlLIni ; mirk to bo done' Chlcaco,245lakeSt.- THE OTTO GAS ENCflNE WORKS Omatia , 331 Ko. 15th St. < 5i AVuliuit Sfi. , PIlinAIlKMMIl V. 1 A. D 0 C T 0 B Searles&Searles SPECIALISTS. All forms of Blood nn I SUin Dlscasoi. uros , tipou. I'lniliK's , .Scrofula , Tmnor- . . 'lollur , Ke/oinu aiitl llloul I'oison thoroughly clounso 1 fiom tliokyitum. LADIbS Klvon ciirnfii , ana special attention for all ilit-lr many peculiar all- lnCATARHH , Throat uti ! : * . Liver. UysuuiiiU toulilcs cured by apodal ourse of triMtinonk . . - . * nnrrKI ( VITALITY WBAK ) liimto WEAK MEN ill uy too clumj appllca- wnlTPFeYour troublef If out ot olty. llicuiaod. "KllllriirM * t home by corw r" vlinc . Onmlm. Neb. Enallrti ninmond Tirana. ENNYROYAL PILLS llltln t.nJOlilr ( Jcnulnt. ' l tor raad la Itrd ind Col I oul Ulo\ Ibotti , ie loJ wllu Hue lltlion 1 H no other. Kifult dtnftrtut t li\l \ Hani ml ( mitaffont. Al L > | ( , . or l > 4 4o. In .unipi t-tr pa'tlculBrf , tiktlnumUU aa * "Ittll" for I. itli . " ' > ! ' ' . b' rrlurn Hull. ll > . < IOUT < ; tlaiool li AM < Mj < \ .11 U H Uniiltu. WARNING ! It than come to our knowledge that cer tain persons In thU vicinity have been Im- poslriK upon the public and the trade by HclllriK and offprint , ' for sale a certain no- called temperaiiro bevernKO of their own manufacture under names similar to and likely to be mistaken for "hops Cheer , " a name which we have adopted is ; a trademark - mark for our pure , non-nlcoliollo English ale , manufactured exclusively by UH at the uiMresa given below , and of which trade mark , when used In connection with bever ages , we are the polo owners and proprjo- tors both by user and by registration In the Patent Olllco of the United States. Wo therefore warn all dealers that any goods offered for gulo as "Kopa Cheer" by others than our agents are not genuine , and give notice that nil portions who Khull manufacture or * ell , or offer for talc , erIn In any manner deal In , any bcvorucea under the name of "Kops Cheer" "Kops" or "Cheer" or any colorable Imitation of that name , unless the name are obtained from user or our agents , will be prosecuted for viola tion of the trade-mark laws arid sued for Infrlngmcnt. R. WHITE fit SONS , Proprietors of Kops Company , Fulhani. Ixindon , England , Sole Manufacturers of Kops Chfer. AL.VW J. BUT/ . Bole Im- j > ort r , U lUv r Bt. , Bloomers and Sweaters \ and all sorts of cycle clothes will nevef : start to shrink if you wash them with It makes flannels beautifully clean without' shrinking. Then again it's the best and. most refreshing in the bath tub. Nona * other as good. AT YOUR GROCERS. RAWORTH & SCHODDE , CHICAGO , EDUCATIONAL , ILLINOIS . CONSERVATORY. ' I n t .Tittructli.nInallcleptrt. menu or } hi > lcilfltu < tjr , Flo * Art * . Elocutlou , Lanv ' Lta Ado. K , A.MUSELM liiNTB. BALLOON ASCFJSIOH With Parachute Ixaps ; Each livening. 1 Tight Rope Walking , Trapeze Performances , Contortion Acts *