G TIIJS OMAHA DAILY JBEJiiirff UESDAY , JULY 10 , 1805. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Broke on Vigorous Short Billing but Recovered the Decline , REPORTS OF CROP DAMAGE NUMEROUS Corn Wni Only Moilcrntely Actlro Hlnve Hpecalntom HUTU Itacnino Afriilil < > f B l > - tembnr IJenU Now ItiiOncss NOIT Sceki Moro llemoto Delivery. CTTICAOO , July IB. Wheat , after a of I'/ic ' on vigorous short selling , took cowage - ago from thu bad ciup reports unil u liberal vlxll/lo Occrcnsc today and closed nt nil ad. vance of lUc for September. Scptcmbei corn closed ? o lower , September oat UIP changed , and provisions show slight loss ? * The morning papers gave prominence te eoino reports of damiiKe to spring wheat That started the price up from W.tc at th ( close on Saturday to from U7u lo tXtfaC nt tnt opening this morning. The higher of those quotations was realized for only two 01 three 6,000 bu. lots , but a good deal changci hands between the prices of Tic and G7'ic In half an hour f rom the start the price had declined to C5 } c , and not until the vlsl We supply statement was published , ehow < Ing a decrease of 2,1:12,000 : bu. for the week did the price show much capability of re cuperatlon. Kvcn then It only recovcrei about ? ic per bu. before It wan again smoth ered with more short wheat. A general dla belief In serious damage to the spring wheat crop wan the feature of thu newi tl-at Incited the selling. The reports froir the winter wheat country continue to be ol u very dlHhearlenlng character , as has heut characterizing them for such a length o time. Toledo letters say they do not ex pcct to gel any wheat there this year fron Indiana and will have to depend on llllnoli and Ohio for supplies. The reports fron the two latter platen do not turnlp-h th < hope Of much wheat being procurable then cither. The foreign mat Uets were all quotei lower at the opening , ana tin- cloying cable grams were of a similar character. Liver pool declined 'Ad ' , Tails 15 centimes to I ! centimes , and iierllu ! > i mark. The visible supply now amounts lo 41,317,000 bu. , com pared with K,15IXKJ ! bu. a > ear ago , am Ki.325,000 bu. at the comondlng | period li Ik'j3. The world's shipments are fall Ing off. They are estimated a iibout 2W)0l ) W bu. for last week They hac been running at fron 9tt , COO to ll.OW.OuO bu. for about threi months pievlous. Should the Ituslan am Argentine shipments keep dropping oft pro portlonately for a few weeks , Kurope wll have to bid openly for American wheat , In stead of having 2.0 < jO,000 bu. thrust upoi their unwilling hands weekly , as It Is nov being made to appear. After Ihc early de dine to 05c there was a recovery ti GC-c. and several times It fell and rose be twccn 81'.4c and We. In the latter half o the session some reports from the northwes were received which convinced the crowi of more serious damage to spring whea than the Minneapolis people were wllllni to admit. Cmlahy's brokeis , who had beei perslMe t ecle ! 8 at anything over C6c , foun more buyers late In the chiy than they couli supply , and when their Htock of short whea was exhausted the price of September she up rapidly from around ffi' c to CSUc , am closed nt G7c. A trade In May wheat wa made nt " c. With the exception of quite a heavy poll Ing by Schwartz-Uupce , the oats markc was almost entirely without features. Th aforementioned llrm disposed of about 400 , 000 bit. of May. The tone of the marke was about steady. At thu opening a sllghtl ; firmer feeling was noticeable. Later on i decline followed , and prices closed abou steady. September started at 23'Ac , sold t < SS'/ic , back to 23c and ended at Sl'&c. ' Corn was only moderately active ani weak. Speculators have become afraid o the September deal , and all new buslnes now seeks a more remote delivery. le cember and May are not favorites wit : short sellers. Several times today It wa almost Impossible to trade In Septembe without discounting the 'nominal markc price from Vic to % c per bu. The brllllnn prospects for new corn was the governln factor. HecelptB wore 190 cars and with drawals from store 455,000 bu. Argentine es ported 728,000 bu. of corn last week. Estimated receipts for Chicago tomoi row are 250 cars. The visible decrease 911,000 bu. . and now amounts to 6,882.000 bu against 31,982,000 bu. < i year ago. The mat kct was'strong near the opening1 , Septembe selling at from IC'.ic to 4Gc. It declined t 43c , but firmed up In sympathy with when near the close and rested at 45c. May dc dined < \c. \ Provisions were dull and easy , but m particularly weak until near the close , whe a drive was made at the markets by shot sellers. It failed as regards wheat , bu caused pork to close at a loss for the da of lOc , lard and ribs each ZVfec. Estimates for Tuesday : Wheat , 140 can corn , 250 cars ; oats , IbO cars ; hogs , 12x , head. The leading futures ranged as follows : Cash quotations wore as follows : FLOUR-Wenk : wlnlcr patents. $3.23ff3.75 ; wh tcr straights. $3.0003.40 ; spring patents , $3.73 4.00 ; bprlne Btralghts , $2.90U3.25 ; bakers , $1.90 'WHEAT No. 1.spring. CC % C9 > ic ; No. 3 sprUii nominal ; No. 2 red. CCHcJUGftc. COHN-No. 2 , 43Uti45'ic ; No. S yellow. 45 C45Hc. OATS No. 2. 23 c ; No. 2 white , 27G2Sc ; N S white , 23',4 l27c. HYE No. 2. 4Sc. HAHLEY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , nomlna Ko. 4 , 39c. FLAX SEED-NO , i. $ i.34 ? i.35. TIMOTHY SEED Prime , $5.85. I'HOVISIONS Mess polk. IMT bbl. . $10.92'/4 ' 11.05. Ijiul , per KK ) Ibs. , J0.30SC.32V4. Shoit rll Hides ( loose ) . $6.07'ifiC.10. Dry salte.1 shoulcle ( lioxed ) , $6.50C6.CSV4. Shcirt clear sides iboxed WHlSKY-Dlstlllers' rtnlshed goo-ls , per cal Thn follow Ing were the receipts nnd shlpmen toilay : Ontha Proliiot tixchanro lodav the butter mai Jet was llrm : creamery. lOaillWe ; dairy. 10 ICc. KKKB , nrm ; HHJliTc. Cheese. 7StJo ! . NK\V YOKIC CIKNUUAL MAUICET. Closing Quotations on the Principal Com inmlltlcs unit Stnilni > . NEW YOUK , July lS.-FLOrit-Ilrcelpts , 21 , . | bbla.j exports , 11,200 bbls. ; pales , 27,000 pkKU. Mn ket weak and lower to sell at tln-t , but harden towards the close. Exporters bouKht bukem nacks nt throUKh rate from m Us ; clly ml.I pa oul J4.70tjf4.90 ; city mill clears , JI.151TI.25j Mlnnc'o patents , J3.6503.80 ; Minnesota bakers , J-UOiKC wlnlcr patents. J3.85tfl.oO ; winter straight ! , $35' 3.85 ; wlnler exlrns , J3.00W3.40 ; vvlnler low grade J2.20fl3.CO ; uprlnir low Kradcs , Jl.90ff2.l5. II n'iri.v.ull.l'"l ! > , < 'rllnf'1 3-k ° < HOO ; fancy. JI.03G4. : > JXIIN MEAIQulel ; m\r \ . 200 bbls. ; yellc WHEAT Itecelpls , 7.4W bu. ; exports' , 2,400 In Bales , 12,730 bu. futures nnel 8,000 bu. spot. rUi IrreBUlar : No. 3 red. In store nnd elevator , 70J , nlloiit. , TUlo , . : f. V o. . b. , 72 > ic nlloal ; .ivr. 1 norlhei delivered ; No. 1 haul , 75'lc delivered. O ttons sold off under lower cables , a dltpoxlllon discredit the crop scarei about spring whei email reduction In the ninuiint allont for Euro nnd large Indian uhlpmenis. and finally recover on northwest buying and lenewed demand a closed l c higher. Sales Inrludixl No. 2 red , Ja uuiy , 73 7-16 75c. climed at 75o ; February. 74 > ; 760 , closed at 76e ; March. 75 6-lC 77c , closwl 77c ; July. NUWllUc. closed at 71Uc ; Augu KmifilHc. clo l at 714c ; Hrptrmlwr , C3Un7 clced at 71'ic ' ( ; October , 70\c. closed at " 0\c : 1 ccnilMT. 71 5-16r74\c. ( ( clownl at 7IUC. CORN HeceJpU. KW.100 bu , ; cxportH , 75.800 bt sales , 3M.OOO bu. futures and 41,000 bu. spot. S | market Irregular ; No. 2 , 50c In elevator ; tic a 6IUo f. o. b. afloat. Option * broke sharply afi openlne under fears that the Chicago Septeml deal had gone through , but later rallied on t reduction In the visible urp'y t.nl tynifathy wl wheat und cloMHl nt SUHc lower ; July clotvd 49Tic ; Auguiit , 49H < T50c. cloted at Wo. OATS Receipts. 130.700 bu. : exporli. 2,700 In sales , 115,000 bu , niturett nnd Ott.OM bu. spot. Si market quiet ; NO. 2 oats. : sbN2Sic ! ; No. S dell ered , 29Uc ; No. 1 ouli , :7'ic ' ; No. t white , K' ( No. 3 white. Sl\f. track white , ] 3ii'3lc. Optl market was dull and featureless , rlotiing u changed to HO higher ; July closed at ! 3Uc ; 8 < tember , 27Hr27 io , closed at 27Uc. FEED Quleli bran , HdbOc ; middlings , SOQSI city fee.1. Nfi'JSc. HAY-FIrm : uhlpplnff , H.WC7.WJ good Iholre. $ * .OOC .00. jjovasteady ; it te , common to cholc * old. ; Set 1(94 rrop. MJOc ; const old , 20tc ( 1S9I crop , IO > c ; Iiomlun tnaikft , Blmd ) * . 1IIDEH I-'Irm : net tAlt * < l , New Ortcnni , e- I re I nl , 43 lo K lli > . . nominal ; Toiim iclecled. W to Wt \ \ * . , nominal ; Durnoi Ayrei , dry , Vt to 24.1bf. , SOHci Texas dry , 14 lo JO Ibs. , 123130. LEATHEH Blnnig ; httnloek * c\f \ , 1lu nct Ayres , light lo heavy weight * . Stc : ncld , : l > ig2lc. WOOtf-FIrm ; domeitlo fleece , U02c , pulled , 20O14C. PROVISIONS-.llief. quiet : family , $12.0flCU.M ; extra mfM , J8.c flS.M ; beef hums. $ ll > .OOai5.W ; packed , $ u.5ujill.OO. Cut mentfl. steady ; pickled belllcii , $7. < MUT.S9 ; pickled ohouidtrs , $ ( ; pickled hams , $0.50. l.inl. dull niul lowci i western steam closed at JG.kOOO.M'.i ' ; clly ul J0.10 fiC.lS ; Krptfinb r closed at JlCi'.i nominal ; refln d , sleajyi conlintnl , $7.10 ; S. A. , $ " .35. Pork , steady ; tales , 4W bbl * . ; new mess , JlZ.fOl/U. : ! ! family , $12.50 OUGOi shott clear , JI2.WU16.00. IlUTTEH-Uiil'l ; weflrrn dairy , OOUc ; western cteairery , IZiflTc ; westmi factury , SIJI2Vic ; El- clns , lc ; Imliailoii creamery , liauc ; slale dairy. lliJIC'.tc ; stale creamery Uc. ( . | | | ; iSi-l''lMci : , slalo IHTKC , f.OT Jc. iICS--lul ! ; icvelpti , 7.51J pkgs , POTATOES-tlulet nnd slmdlcr ; Lone Island , $ : ; Vlrclnla. $1.50ii2.25. ROSIN HttnliH-d , common lo good. ll.CSni.C9. TALLOU' Wcak ; clly , 4Uc ! country , 4Hc. PETROLEUM United clcifed $1.52 bid ; refined New York , $7.Ci ; Phlladflphln n d llalllmore , ; . ! ' ) ; I'hllndclplila nnd llultlmorc In bulk , $5.10. rl'IllMINTINIl-Qillet. 2S02S'iC. 1UC11 Htcniily ; domestic , fair lo cxlrn , 4'.40 ( Ui'i Japan , 8i4'Me. | MOLASSES Quiet ; New Oilcans open kettle , good to choice , 290320. PEACH EH-OaiTler , $2.73fT3.00. WATEHMELONS Per 100. $10.00fl2'.00. ' APPLES Ilnrn-l , $ lTOifi2.00. FREIGHTS To Liverpool , quiet. METALS I'lc Iron , firm ; soulhern , Ill.fiOnH.OJi northern. $12.00fJ 11.00. Copper , slrong ; brokers price. $11.7.1 : exchange price. $10.90. Lead , slrong ! brokers' price. $3.1214 ; exchange price , J3.30. Tin , nrm : straits. 114.25. Plates , market llrm. Speller , steadv ; domestic , $3.SO. with unimportant COTTONSEED OIL-IrmcllvP. portant variations In prices ; prime crude , 23c ; off crude , 21B22C ; prime summer yellow. 2Cc ; ofl summer yellow , 25HM2.c ; yellow butter grades , 2702Sc ; prime summer white , SOc. OMAHA OINIUAI. : .MARKET. Condition of Tnulo im.l ( Juotntlo II on Stapln mill fnnc/ Pro men. The week opened with n quiet market on most all lines of country prnJucu. The demand was light and values , for the most p.irt , remained Inllonary. Quotation * : EGCliS Choice flock , lOc. lirTTEU-PncklnB Block , 7H < QSc ; choice tc nncy , 10012c ; gathcicd creamciy , 15c ; separntoi Tenmery , IGc. LIVE Pori.THV Hens. 7G71ic ; roosters , 3c prlng chickens , J2.00C3.50 per doz. , or 14S15c pei b. ; ducks , Su ; tpring ducks , lOc ; turkejs , CJjP.'c ; pese , 5c. VKAI Cholc fnt , 70 to 100 Ibs. , are quoted nl ( He ; laige nnd course , 4tj75 < , ic. CHEESE Wisconsin full cream. Oc ; Younp AmeilcuK , llSI2c ; twins. Iltl2c ; NebrnsVa one ovva , full cream , lOu ; Llmburgcr. No. 1 , lOc brick , No. 1 , He ; Swiss , No. 1. 13c. HAY I'plnnd hay , JS ; midland , IS ; lowland , 7.50 ; new hay , JO ; iye straw , J5 ; colur makes he price on hay. Light bales sell the best. Only top grades bring lop pi lets. PlOEONti Per doz. , Jl.WOl.M. VEGETAI1LES. A flesh car of Mississippi tomatoes has ar rived on the inaiket. T.ie low pi Ices touched ast week have had the natural effect of re- luclng shipment * , und the muikel , ut u good nany points , has reacted. Quolntlons : POTATOES New potatoes , choice stock , 40 { We. ONIONS Bermudas , per crate , none ; California n racks , per bu. . Jl.00tjjl.10. OLD HEANS-Hand picked , navy , J2.20 ; Lira : beans , per lb. , 5i ; < U5' c. CAIIHAQE On orders , lCc. RADISHES Per dor. bunchea , 15c , GREEN ONIONS-Per doz. bunches , 15e. LETTUCE Per doz. . 15G20c. AHPAHAOUS Choice clock on orders , 35350. . per doz. bunches. CUCUMHERS Oil orders , 35J40c per doz. PEAS On ordem , per bu. . 75c. STRING 11EANS On oidtir , per ' ,4-hu. basket , 50c. TOMATOES Mississippi stock , per 4-baske' ' ciale , SCiT'JOc ; 5 to 10-c.ise Ion 75WW. HUMMEK SlJUASH-Per doz. , on orders , 25tJ ) c. c.WATEnMELONS Per doz. , crnlrd , J2.5083.00. OUEEN PEPPERS-Pcr bu. , J1.00S1.50. WAX HEANS-Per ' ,4-bu. basket. EOc. CANTALOfPES Per doz. , J1.00S1.23. CAULIFLOWER Per doz. , 40iJ > 45c. CELEHV Home grown , per doz. , 40ffMc. FRUITS. The berry offerings were light yesterday. There weie n few sliuvvlH > rrles und blackberries , ) Ut they were mostly soft and not suitable foi shipping out en oreleis. The supply of California fruit on the markcl yesterday was not large. In fact stocks were iretty well cleaned up. ljuolnllons : HBO RASPI1ER1UE3 Per 24-iit. case , Jl.oO. PLUMS Cullfornlu , per bux. choice stock , J1.6C [ 12.00 ; southern , per case , J1.23O1.50. APllICOTS California , cholco stock , per box , J1.50. SOUTHERN PEACHES-Pcr 4-basket crate , 10cj | 1.00. APPLES-Soulhcrn , p-r ' ,4-bu. box , 3ff4)c ? ) bbls. , J2.00i2.50. CALIFORNIA PEACHES-Per box. 90cJ1.00. STUAWIIBUIUEM Chuico shipping sluck. p i casu f 24 < | l ; . . n.TS. CHERRIES -\VnslilnKlon , per 10-lh. box , J1.15J 1.25 ; home grown , per 24-qt. case , J2.50. ( lOOSEIIEHHIES Per 2ltt. . case , J..OOS2.25. IILACK RASPUEURlEa-Pcr 24-qt. case , J2.7 ( JiS.OO. IILACKDERRIES Choice stock , per 24-qt , case. J2.XH&J.25. GRAPES Texas stock , per 4-basket case , Jl.l TROPICAL FRUITS. Two cars of California oranges arrived yester day. The fruit was mainly seedlings und Medl lerranenn sweels , with 11 few Australian navels Quotations : - ORANGES Navels , per box , J3 ; choice seed lings , per box , J2.50 ; Medilerranean sweets. J2.7 B3.0D ; fancy St. Michaels , none. LEMONS Extra fiuicy lemons , 300 size , JC.OOS i.23 ; 300 nlze , J6.25fG.60. ItANANAS Choice laigc stock , per bunch , J2.2 ! fi2.50 : medium size bunches. J2.00tf2.25. PINEAPPLES Per doz. . J2. MISCELLANEOUS. FIGS Fancy , 15c ; chot.e , 12S13c ; California , bags , 7c. HONEY California , 14(315c. ( MAPLE SYRUP Gallon Jugs , per doz. . J12 ' lllxby. 5-gal. cans , J3. NUTS Almonds , 14c ; English walnuts , toft , shelled. 12c ; standards , lie ; Illbcits , lOc ; Ilrazl nuts , lOc ; pecans , 9c ; peanuts , raw , Co ; roastedi 7c DATES In CO lo 70-Ib. boxes , Go per lb. ; fart dates , small boxes , lOc per lb. CIDEU Pure Juice , per bbl. , J5 ; half bbl. , J3. COCOANUTS Per hunched. J4. RICE POPCORN-In the ear , on orders' , pei lb. . 3Sc. HIDng AND TALl4ow. HIDES No. 1 green hides , li'/ic ; No. 2 greer hides , 8c ; No. 1 green sailed hides , c ; No. : green sailed hides , S'.ic ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 1 ; Ibs. , 13c ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. lOinnUu No. 1 dry Hint hides. 12014c ; No. 2 diy flint hides 12c ; No. 1 dry bulled hides , lie ; partly curec hides , He per lb. less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Gryen sailed , encli , 23COc green sailed Khearllng8"i ( < hort wooled caily skins ) each , 5U15c , dry shearlings ( short wooled earl skins)1 No. 1 , each , 6W10c ; dry shearlings ( shot wooled early Hklns ) . No. 2 , each , 5c ; dry flln Kansas und Nebr. . w butcher " wool pelts , p pound , actual welgnt , SdjSc ; dry Hint Kansas nni Nebraska murinln wool pells , per pound , uclua weight , 4M ( > c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wo < polls , per pound , actual weight , 4jClic ; dr Hint Colorado murrain wool pells , per pound ucluol weight , 4C6c. Have feet cut off , as It I ureless to pay freight on them. , V AN' " MV , Bllurac , MUln , * ,7U , Ulll UUIlUr , lEtll wax. prime. 17f20c ; rough tnllpw. 2c. WOOL. UNWASHED Fine heavy , CW7c ; fin light , 8S9c ; quarter-blood , 10812o ; seedy , burr nnd chaffy , 8@9c ; celled and broken , coarse , 7cj 9c : cotted and broken , line , CJJSc. WOOL , WASHEI > Medium , 15 lSc ; fine. 14j ICe ; lub nnshed. ICfflSc : black , fcc ; bucks. 6c lag locks , 2fi3c ; dead pulled , 5iUCc. cr < ifTr Alnrk t. NEW YORK , July in. COFFEE-Optlon opened barely steady nt 6R10 polnls decline ruled Inactive } and nominal , with prices feature less and the spot market neglected and causin , a weak undeilone ; closed dull nt 5Jf23 jxilnt decline ; sales. 500 Kigs , Including : March , S14.50 December. $14.55 ; January. JH.(0tH.M ; Fehiu ary , JH.l'.fiH.i : ; Match , $ ! 4.30Itl4 40 ; July , $14.3 ( Til4.4i ) ; August , J1MOS1H..VI ; September , $14..V.l II.CO ; Oclober , J14.65ftl4.75 ; Niivember. $14.50 14.CO ; December. $ l4.UOil4.GO. Spot , Rio , dul and nominal ; No. 7 , $ I5.2. > ; mild , market quit and easy ; Cordova. 118.2JU19.0U ; uulos. 700 bag Murnrnllio nt $19 for good Cuciila. Worehous deliveries fiom New York Saturday , 6.3J3 b.ign New Yoik stock today. 2S. ' , U27 bags ; I'nlle States slock , 274,120 bags ; nllo.it for the Unite Slates , 129,0110 bags : lolal visible for Hie Unlle Stales , 50J.120 bugs , agulntl 340.0U ) bags lui year. SANTOS , July 15. Innrtlve ; gnod nverag Santos , nominal ; recelpls , 14,000 bags ; sloe ) . 177 ) bags ; clwued July 13. 4,00 > ) bags. Weekl report : Inacllve ; gor l uvernge , per Id kilos , nt reported ; sales during week , .Vi.OO ) bags ; shit mrnls to the United States , 5,000 bags ; stoci 177.OCX ) bags. . HAMBl'BO. July 13. Quiet. U pfg lowei sales. 3,000 bags. RIO DE JANEIRO. July 15 Nomlnal ; e > change. 11 7-lCd ; receipts , 7 , < "W bags ; cleared fc the I'ntled Slates. 2.u > )0 ) bags ; cleared for Europe none ; stock , 1TC.OJO lags. Weekly report : Non Inal : exchange stunduid , not quoted ; exchange 11 3-lCd ; receipts duilliK week , 40,00ii Uigs ; shir nunts to the United Stales , IS.ixM bags ; utocl 17,000 bags. Hnlttmorn < ! r ln , < lnrkrl > . BALTIMORE. July 15. FI/1UR Dull ; r celpls , 10.524 bbls. ; shipments , 5,193 bbls. WHEAT Dull and lower ; input nnd montl 66 ifGG'ic ; August , CGKJfGG'S.c ; September , 67 i C7Sic : steamer. No. 2 red , eiSGGlUc : stock , 1S1 3S.S bu. ; sales , 120OoO bu. CORN Quiet ancl easy ; spot. 49 } ; f30c ; montl 'Ai asked ; August , 49Uc aoketl ; Septptnber , 49 } nsked ; receipts , 14,584 bu. ; shlpmenls , 4,283 bu Block. 231,170 bu. ; sales. 13.000 bu. OATS Easier : No. 2 whit * western. 32S32'.4. . No. 2 mixed. 30 30Hc ; recelpls , 12,581 bu. ; stoci 93.0O bu , HYE Quiet , firm ; No. i , 52c. Nrvr Y.-rk Dry fiooili Market. NEW YORK , July 15. There was quite on B around Inquiry on Ihe part of new buyers , bi only a moderate business resullcd , though mn orders were good , particularly for flannels ai blanket * . Clothing woolens were looked aft with much Interest , and the placing of orde for spring made good progrnis. Print cloU were llrm and declined with a moderate buslne In odds at full rates. Wool Murkct. LONDON , July 15. At the wool auction rale today 15.107 bales were offered , of which bales were withdrawn. An excellent a sortmei of the better grades was put forward. Thei was a brisk demand at full price * . Following tut Hid Mice la dtUUl Ntw Boul V l , .202 balet ; scoured. CMflls < 4 < l leaiy. IH8M. Queen land , I.01S bnle ; courr l , . Vlctoilu , l. (0 ls ; tcoured. 5 id2 < . ureasy. CpllHd. Rmth uslralln. 293 bales ; irea y. 4fi9 > 46y. Swan , lver , 4JO balciii couriVl.HHd ; greflsy , 4UW 4 . NBW Zealand. ,2S7 bales ; ( CUUMN ! , CV4dM id I ereasy , ID'.id. Cape of Oood Hope nnd < nlnl. 1.5C7 bales ; scoured , 8V4d ls 3d ; grcoey , STOCKS ANU BONDS. peculation In Hccurlllcs Yeitenliir Wat IlimettleU on Kni'ill NEW YORK , July 15. The slock speculation ndny was unsettled on n small volume of busl- eos , but the main tendency was In Ihe dlrec- lon of a lower rnnge of values. The trading vu left nlmott entirely In the hands of the pro- osslonals , nnd the movement of inlets was mostly mechanical. In the early dealings the > ears made a determined drhe against Sugar , Tennessee Coal nnd Leather , breaking these ? locks and causing a general reaction. The epresslon was of brief duration , except In Chi- ago Clas , which conllnued lo move downward mil 11 n. m. , scoring a decline of 1 per cent , with a subsequent rally of tt per cenl. On the emoval of the prersuie from the general list here wns n recovery In Tennessee Cmil of 24 ! per cent. Sugar and Leather preferred 1V4 Per enl , Tobacco 1 per cent nnd the oilier thurcs n rnctlon. Toward noon Tobacco developed narked weakness In n decline of 2'i per cenl , ugnr lost Tt per cent , nnd In the subsequent enllngs Chicago Ons fell I'd per cenl , Lr ither ireferred l > i ptr cent nnd Dl'tllllng H per rent. The railway list was to u gnat extent neglected , \n Inquiry pievnlled for coalers ancl New Jersey Central anil Rending Improved 1 ; nd 1 per ent , respectively. Private advices reporting amage to the spring wheat were largely instru mental In the general tone of depression. Spec ulation was still unsettled lit the close. Trad- ng In hinds was light , the sales aggregating nit $1,304,1X10. The Inactive mortgages were ealt In more largely than of late und consider- bio strength was shown In these Issues. Oregon gen Navigation collateral trust 5s trust receipts gained 4 per cent. The Evening Pojt's London cablegram says : The election excitement checks business. Even mining shares are comparatively Idle. Bui the one Is generally Mcudy. Americans were neglected nnd dull. There was evident selling rom New York , but this was believed to be nirtly done lo lifted exchange , and therefore lid not greatly affect this mnrkel. The Brazll- nn loan Is $ I > ,000 , < KIO , at & per cent. Tnc Issue irlcc will probably be k3. It will come out next 'rldny. The following were the Closing quotnllons ol he leading Blocks of the New York exchange od.iy : cx-dlv. The total sales of storks today were 204,10' ihares. Including : Amcrlnui Sugar , $1.600 ; Amer can Tobacco , 19,30) ) ; Ilurllngton , 13Xi ) ; Chlcag < Gas , 17OiK ) ; Distillers and Cattlefeedlng. 19.&H ) Heading. 19,900 ; SI. Paul. 13.900 ; Silver certlll cutes , 21,0 < ; Tennessee Coal nnd Iron , 13,900 [ 'nlled Slates Leather , 4,000 ; United Stntci Leather preferred , 13,70) ; Wheeling & Lake Erie 3,800. New Vork Moin-r .Murket. NEW YORK , July 15.-MONEY ON CALI asy at 1 per cent ; last loan. 1 per cent ; closed I per cent. P1UMI3 MERCANTILE PAPER Klrm. will iclunl business In bankers' bills nt J4.K ! ) < J4.'Jn. ( for demand nnd $4.S9f4'.W,4. for sKty days posted rates. J4.89ViJf4.90 and J4.90HO4.91. COMMERCIAL 1IILUS $4.88cr4.SSU. SILVER CBIlTIKICATES-C7ciC7Uc. GOVERNMENT 1IONDS Klrm. State bonds Ight demand. Railroad bonds , firmer. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : Irlmilic ! lotei. l . HOSTON , July 15. Clearing * , J13,1G8,557 ; bal uncea , 11,633,714. HALTIMOIIE. July 15.-CIearlnB , J2.107.20 : balances , 131)8.103. ) NEW YORK , July 15.-Clearlngs. C9,733,7W balances , | 6,4,743. PHILADELPHIA , July l-CIearlngs , J8.021 403 ; balances , 11,434,330. ST. LOUIS , July 15. Clearings. $4,434,864 ; ha ! anceg , I4I7.C2I. Money , 5 < | G per cent. Ne' ' York exchange , 25o discount bid. CHICAGO , July 15. Money at banks plentlfi at 4ff4H per cent for call loans and W5V4 i > < cent for commercial paper. Clearings , 114tnl 261. New York excluinte , 35c premium , tilei llns , ponied rain , t4.SKHaC4.t9H. Foreign rinnuolul AfTutri. BERLIN , July 15. Exchange on London , day * ' sight , 20 marks 42'-i pfK , PAIHS. July 15. Three per cent rentes , 10 ! 20o for the account Exchange on London , 21 15a for checks. LONDON , July 15. Gold Is quoted at Uuem Ayrea today at 249.EO ; Madrid , 14.50 ; Llsboi 01175 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Libjral Run of OaHlnJfor the riret Day GOOD , FAT STtERSfARE STILL SCARCE f General MnrkotVn * 'QCen Cents I.owor Only iiKht : I.tmeMot ll'oK Which Sold at n 5 Cent AilVHIioc , ttio Illglicnt 1'olnt for'Jibine Time. MONDAY. July 15. The receipts today consisted of 1,733 cattle , 70S hogs , 115 sheep and 101 horses , ns against 632 cattle , 1,571 hogs , 214 sheep nnd 3 horses on Saturday , and LOSS cattle , W2 hogs nnd 123 sheep on Monday of last week. CATTLE There was a liberal run of cat tle for the llrst day of the week , there being peventy-onc fresh ( loads reported In. There were several bunches of westerns In the yards and some natives , but good fat cattle were not In largo supply. The condi tions were favorable for a decline , there being liberal receipts and lower prices quoted from other market points. As n re sult , the buyers here set out to pound the market , and while some salesmen thought they did not have to take off anything Hit general market was luc lower. There was nbout the usual supply of cowf and heifers on sale , there being twenty tc twenty-i ve loads. The most desirable oi the offerings sold at about steady prices , bill the market was generally lower. btockors ami feeders were In large supply and several good-sized bunches changed hands. The market was In pretty good shape for a Monday , the demand being rea sonably active. One large bunch brought J3.20 , and the bulk of tin- sales were nt $3.1 * (1(3.50. ( ( Representative sales : HEEF STEERS. N ! ° - AVA l\r \ ; NoAv - 1 > r- NoAv - l'r- } . . . . 430 J3 M 1..12JO J3 50 3..13SC J3 73 a' ' ? 50 7..10(12 35D 12..1103 445 ' 10'H ' ) 300 4..1115 3 CO IS..1103 443 1..10CO 300 37..10i6 370 43..1074 450 COWS. 2 880 150 1. . . . H70 2 2 > 5..1012 275 2. . . . MS 175 33. . . . ilj ! 24' ' ) 19..872 275 2..1025 183 2. . . . < t.V , 240 L. . . 970 275 1..1(180 ( 20) 1..1010 260 12. . . . SJ7 2m 2. . . . ! > 15 200 6..1uc 260 17..995 300 3. . . . 1020 200 2. . . . ( Ac ) 250 C..10.Vi 300 2. . . . 04) 200 2. . . . K15 2 [ 0 25. . . . MO 303 1. . . . ! ' 10 200 C. . . . 941 250 111..1145 315 1. . . . 810 200 3. . . . VJ3 260 10..1137 320 . . . 81 203 21. . . . O'.l4 2 C3 4..1097 323 3..1033 2 13 1. . . , 8.0 2 75 HEIFERS. 2. . . . 400 200 8. . . . 61)2 ) 210 25. . . . 76" 2 Co 8. . . . 437 203 15. . . . G25 215 1..1070 300 HULLS. 1..1330 200 1..10M 223 1..1030 260 ' 2j ! ; 215 1. . . . ! ' 20 225 2..1370 2 GO ! : : : : ! $ IS 3 : : : : ! 18 1-18M 27 ° STAOS- i..mo273 OXEN. 1..1CCO 300 1..2ia ) 300 CALVES. 2. . . . 330 250 1. . . . ICO 300 1. . . . Iff ) 423 11. . . . 347 2 70 ] . . . . NX ) 3 05 1. . . . 190 4 25 1. . . . 330 300 1. . . . 270 4W 1. . . . 210 450 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 32. . . . 743 270 1. . . . 470 295 8. . . . 820 313 3. . . . 690 275 10. . . . 742 300 7. . . . 612 315 4. . . . 570 280 3. . . . SW 300 149..1005 320 19. . . . CC7 290 22. . . . 57J 300 55..1UM 335 8. . . . 531 290 1. . . . 740 ? 10 23..1039 350 MILKERS AND SPRINGERS. 1 cow nnd calf . . J23 00 1 cow und calf f oo 1 springer 25 ofl WESTERNS. NEItHASKA. J. F. Hraddock. 1C slecrs il&2 J3 65 ' John Itullcy. 44 slecrs 1211 3 90 90Wj Locke. 1 cow 990 260' 17 slecrs 1125'I 55 9 cows. . . . . . . 917 2 75 i George Shndbolt. . H cows 105G 2 ; o l ! ) feeders..1220 3 55 19 feeders. . . . 949 3 55 D. .Webster. - Scows S54 310 10 rteers 965 360 C stceis 1128 3 50 5 steers 1104 3 50 WYOMING. Frank llenton. 2C cows 839 225" 75 cow a fC3 2 Gel 1 bull 1C10 230' C cows Ml 285 .1 feeder. . . . . . 830 2 3D 8 feeders..1031 3 50 q „ SOUTH DAKOTA. 2 bulls. , , . 1515 2 or. 4 sir , , llg/U20 , 3 00 1 caw.\.1011) ) 285 44 feeders..1699 343 II. tlrooklleld. 6 cows 1048 300 45 Ulcers..1133 375 W. Ilrad'lock. 9 cows 834 290 21 ntecrs..1150 3 GS 8 covvs 953 290 J. H. White. 7 cows 1043 3 W 2 steers 1035 3 80 4 cows 1140 3 00 13 steers 1201 3 80 II. F. Smellier. 1 heifer 1070 323 26 feeders. . . . 1073 363 19 feeders..1132 355 15 steers 1100 373 19 feeders..1036 3 65 HOGS Only eight fresh loads were reported In thi ; yards today , not enough to make a maikct. vIth BO few on hale Ihe packers did not attempt to do muih , only one or two houses buying any thing. The shippers picked up a load or two nnd the trade was over. The prices paid were n strong 5c higher than Saturday. One load reached J3 , the highest point touched In a long lime. The most of the miles were at J4.8564.95. Representative sales : No. Av. Sli. Pr. .No. Av. Sh. Pr. C6 200 120 J4 73 12 240 . . . J4 85 5 250 40 473 8 287 . . . 483 8 216 . . . 480 6 251 . . . 485 29 201 120 4 SO 4 330 . . . 483 57 157 . . . 4 85 77 229 280 4 90 tt > 217 160 483 75 259 ICO 4 ! > 0 64 271 1GO 483 . 42 2CI ICO 495 C2 225 120 485 78 ' .226 . . . 600 SKIPS ANP CULLS. 2 170 .40 300 ' 4 147 . . . 350 PIGS. 3 SO . . . 3 00 SIIEEIVThere was one load of commonlsti grass westerns which sold readily nt a eood llrm price. Ilepresentnllvo sales : No. Wt. Pr. 115 Colorado mixed 84 52 25 CIIICAliO LIVE 3TOOU. la Cattle Hityers Took Advantage of the Hie Run to F.I re o Decline * . CHICAGO , July 15.-In cnltlc buyers took nd. vantage of the blp run today to force a decline. The few choice natives were In demand at stead ) prices , but other kinds were dull nnd from lOc tc 15c per 100 Ibs lower , wllh prospects that a gexx many common cattle would be left over. Gooi catlle , choice enough lo se-JI above 35.50 , nnd the bulk of the sales of naltvc steers to dressed bec : firms nnd shippers were nt from JI.25 to J5.50 common lots selling around J4 nnd grass cattle a from J3.30 to J3.90. Great numbers of cows were offered , and while the extreme range of prlcei was from J1.50 to J4.25 , pales were motly at fron J1.90 to J3.25 , prices ruling from lOc to 15c lower Hulls Hold at from J1.75 to { 3.60 and veal cnlvei weru firm nt from J2.25 to J5.50 according to iiual ity. The etoiker and feeder trade was fair n from J2.25 to J4. Texas cattle were steady for tin best anil about lOc lower for others , the offering ; consisting chiefly of graspers nnd common fee lots , Today only aliout 21,000 lings were received , one m t more than 2,600 were left over from last week Chicago packers again bought rather sparingly but eastern shippers took hold fieely nnd th' ' supply was largely disposed of early In Ihe day prices ruling slrong to So per 100 Ibs. higher Sales were made of common to extra heavy hog at from J4.70 to J5.30 ; mixed lotit from J4.90 ti J5.20 ; light weights from J4.83 to J5.25 ; pigs fron J4 to J4.85 , nnd culls frijm J2 to J4.C5. They soli largely nt from J5.05 to , J" .20. There was excellent demand for pheep of th right kind and prices for ouch were strong nnd li some Instances at nn.advance. Common to extri choice nocks sold nt trvm J2 to JI.60 , the to ] pilee higher than on Saturday. There were torn fancy lambs held nl $6. RECEIPTS Cattle , ' 17,010 * head ; calves , 50 head ; hogs , 21,000 head ; sheep , 12,000 head. New Yor.i lyn'Ktock ( , AlirUot. NEW YORK , July 'U. REEVES Receipts 3.SO ) head ; active , 106 higher ; generally all sold nntlvo steers. poor t ' prime gross fed and con fed , J2.23I&4.25 ; Inferior1 to good stiller ? , JI.40J 6.40 ; oxen. J3.23C4.30) ) rfrj ) cows , J2.00fl3.00 : Eu ropeun cublen quota American steers at 10145 ll',4c , dressed weight ; refrigerator beef , SftiSSVic no expoits today. ' * ' .SHEEP AND LAMJIB Receipts. 17.000 head sheep , active , U < ( Uc higher ; lambs , slow an sllghlly easier , except for lop grades ; sheep , pee to prime , J2.40ij4.05 ; lambs , common to choice J3.50if6.25. > 1J' HOGS Receipts. 8.IW , ihead ; firmer at J5.40cj 5.75. _ . | . . - . o fit. l.oulH I.Ire ' Slock MitrUet. ST. LOUIS , July * > :5.-CATTLE Receipts 3.400 head ; shipments , l,50o head ; market shade lower within the , range ; native beef nn. . shipping Fleers , Jl.0dli5.40 ; light steers , J3.25 ( 4.00 ; stnckem nnd feeders , J2.50fl3.00 ; cows t2.OOO3.40 ; fed Texas steers , J3.50tQ4.lO ; frai steers. J3.GO3.50. | : HOGS Receipts. 2.000 heed ; shipments , 90 head ; market active nnd lOa hlulier ; heavy J5.10 < 35.25 ; packers. J4.90iI5.15 ; light void clos lo heavy at J4.95S5.20. SHEEP Hecelpts , 300 head ; shipments. 10 head ; market nrm for good grades , poor stuf not wanted ; natives ramie J2.00G3.50 ; Iambi J3.50 ( < 76.KI ( ; southwestern , J2.00Q3.00. ( Stock In .H necord of receipt * at the four principal market for Monday. July 13 , ISM ; Cattle. Hogs. Bheti South Omaha . 1.7SJ 700 11 Chicago . , . . " . . . H.OJO 11. OK ) 12.110 Kan as City . . . . . J.'OO 2.2M 4,20 SU Louts . . . 3,4'0 ' Z.OOO 20 ToLtls . . 29.833 23.8M 16 i Cltr Ll ° htnnk. KANSAS CITY. July 15. CATTLE-necelpli 7.700 head : shlpmenti , 1,000 head : best cow iteady , other entile weak to lOo lower : Texa sleers. $3.00B4.1B ! Ttxa cowl , $ J.OO t.95 ; bee iteen $4.25fi .00 ; native cowl. $1.5063.05 ; slock era and fced.ra. j.W 4.JO ; bulls. $2.yOa.SO. HOGS Ilecelpti. Z.200 head : ihliiments , I.OC bead ; market atrinj too higher ; tullt at ealci J4.fWC5.00 ; heavies. JI.DOff5.OOi packers. USfiQ 5.05 ; mined , J4.80fU4.0n , lights. J4.70U4.S5 ; Yoik- trs , JI.I' ( (4.M ; pg | , J4.flotl4.8o. SHEEP IteciMpts , 4,200 hend ; shipments , none ; market steady and tlflOc higher. Liverpool Market * . LIVERPOOL. Jluy 15.-WHBAT-Spnl quiet , de mand poor ; No. 2 red winter , Ss 2d ; No. 1 red sprlnir , 6s tUd ; No. 1 hard Manitoba , ! s 7d ( No. 1 California , 6s l'id. Futures opened rnsy with near and distant positions 'id lower , closed firm with near positions unchanged to Ud lower and distant positions lid lower , business nbout auallj > dlntllbutcd. July , 6s 2U'l ] August , 5s 2 < id ; Sep. tember , 6s 3d ; Octolier , f * SHilj Augusl , 5s 2Vid ; September , 6s 3d ; Oclober , 5s 814d ; November , 68 'id : Uecember , 6s 44d. ! CORN Market slrady : American mixed new , 4s 4d. Futures ox'ned | steady and unchanged , closed steady with near positions ' .ilfVid lower 3Udi August , 4s 2',4d ; September , 4 2id ; October 4s 3'4d ; November , 4s S"4d ; December , 4s 3d , FLOL'R Market dull ; demand poor. 81. Louis fancy winter , 7s Gd. PROVISIONS Ilacon , stcndy ; demand steady ; Cumberland cut , 2S lo 30 Ibs. , 31s ; short ribs , IS 11. . . . , Ms M ; long clear , light , 38 lo 15 Ibs. , 33s ; long clear , heavy , f > 5 llw. , 32s ; short clear backs , llghl. 18 lb . . 33s ; Hiort clear mlddlfs , heavy , 65 llw , , 32s M ; clear bellies , 11 lo 16 Ibs. , 33s ; Munilders , square. 12 lo 18 His. , 31s : hams , short cut , 14 to 16 llm. , 43s M. Hecr , exlrn Indln mess , 7s I'd ' ; prime men" . Gls 3d. Pork , prime mesn , fine vvt'slern , 32s Gd ; tellned , In palls. 33s. CHEESE Quiet ; demand moelcrnte ; finest American while , new , S8s Gd ; llnesl American colored , new , &s Ol , Ul'TTnit Finest fnlled States nnd good , nominal. Oil , Turpentine splrlls. 2Is 9d. Linseed oil , 21s .1. Petroleum , refined , SUd. RErillGERATOR REEF Forequarlcig , 3Hd ; hindquarters , CU'l. ' HOPS At London , Pacific coast , 2. St. LonU 4 > i > neril Aturkut. ST. LOl'IS , July 15.-FLOrR-Ilull , wllhoul muierlal change ; quotations on new Hour ( old WfSOc higher ) us follows : PnlenlH. J3.55iT3.Gr. ( ; extin fancy , J3.30tfl3.40 ; fancy , J2.90M3.00 ; cliMce , J2.C.VU2.73. WHEAT Active nnd unskilled ; opened nrm and advanced IVic within u. few mlnules , bill noon declined Hie , beriimn unsettled , but did not recover until Intc , when there wan a sharp advance ; cash lower ; No. 2 red , G4'4c ' ; July , GG'.c bid ; September , GGHc bid ; December , G Hc. CORN lJull , without much change dining the early hours , during which wheat fluctuations were few : closed lower for cash and higher for futures ; No. 2 mixed , rush , 41'.4c ; July , 41',4o ; Seplember , 42Hc ; December , SIVjC. OATS Dull , wllhoul change In price , but cliolng firm ; spot lower ; No. 2 , cnh. 2lio bid ; July. 2lc ; Seplember , 23JJc ; May , 2Cc bid. RYE No. 2. cash. Me bid. 1IRAN Lower ; C3efiG3'4c. east track. CORN MEAL-J2.ooiii2.05. FLAX SEED 11.21 for llrst half August. HAY Timothy , * 12.C < > ( M&.0 < > . this side ; J12.75 613. < H > . east linck ; prulrlc , J6.00fl5.00 , this side. EGGS Steady at ! > ! 4c. WHISKY-J1.23. LEAD Steady ; 21 tons desilverized , J3.12',4- Sr ELTER Finn nt J3.47i. ! PROVISIONS Pork , standard me s. Jll.37',5. ' , Lard , prime sleam , JG.07'4 ; choice. JG.22',4. Ilacon. boxed shoulders , JG.3714 ; longs , JG.50 ; rlhs. ! G.k7U ; shorts. J7 , Dry milt meats , Iwxed ( houldem , J5.C2H : longs , JC.37'ii ; ribs , J0.60 ; phoits , J6.73. RECEIPTS Flour. 3.000 bbls. ; whcal , 87.000 bu. : corn , 1.000 bu. ; oats , 33,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 7,0iO ( Milx. ; wheat , 6,000 bu. ; corn , 37,00 bu. ; oats , 16OVO bu. < nt ton Murkeil. NEW YORK. July 15.-COTTON Rlfndy : mid dling , 7c ; gross recelpls. 305 bale * ; fc > rwarded , 237 bales ; mles , 700 bale * ; spinners , 308 bales ; slock , 197,783 bales ; lotal today , net receipts , M2 bales ; exports , to Great llrltaln , 191 bales ; stock , ISO.MiO luilex. NEW ORLEANS. July 15. COTTON Qulel ; middling. G ic ; low middling , 6 ic ; good ordi nary , G l-16c ; ncl and grots receipts , 335 bales ; sale * , 100 bales ; stock , 105,780 bales. ST. LOl'IS , July 15. COTTON Quiet nnd steady ; middling , G c ; no sales reporled ; re ceipts. 92 bales ; shipments , 302 bales ; stock , 18- 700 bales. Ml Cur .Mnrker. NEW YORK , July 15. SUGAR Raw , steady ; fair refining , 2T4c ; centrifugal , 86 test , 3ic : sales , 712 Ions Muscovado , 89 test , nt 2"4c , and 7.C35 bugs centrifugal , W teM , at bienkwatcr , at 2 6-lGc. c. nnd f. ; reflnfd , qulel ; No. 6 , 4 MGHHUc : No. 7 , 3 15-lG 4'ie , ; No. 8 , 3 15-lCtJMitc ; No. 9. STiSJI 1-lGc ; No. 10. 3 13-lt HMc ; No. 11 , 3 ll-lGtffSTic ; No. 12. 3 9-lCtff3 ic ; No 13 , 3le ; off A. 4 l-lGffl4Hc ; mold A , 4 ll-lGjNTic ; standard A , 4 6-lCff4',4c ' : confectioners' A , 4 5-15 ( f(4VjO ; cut loaf. 5 1-lCQiV.io ; crushed , 6 l-lGW5Uc , powdered , 4H4 15-lCc ; granulated , 4 7-lCi4Hc ( , cubes , 4 H-lGtif4c. Peorln Market * . PEOR1A , July 13. CORN Market quiet , easier ; No. 2. 44c ; No. 3 , 44'.ic. OATS Market dull , easy ; No. 2 white , 2Gg27ci No. 3 white , 25'.sST25c. RYE Market dull ; nominal. WHISKY Market nrm , lower ; finished goods on the basis of JI.23 for high wines. RECEIPTS Wheat. 1,200 bu. ; coin , 30.000 bu. , oats. 65.000 bu. ; rye , COO bu. ; barley , 700 bu. SHIPMENTS Whcal , 4,200 bu. ; corn. 11,250 bu. . oats , 84,550 bu. ; rye , none ; barley , 3,600 bu. Milwaukee * Sl rKt < t . MILWAUKEE. July 15. WHEAT Higher ; No , 2 spiing , C8c ; No. 1 northern , 70',4c ; September , CS'ic. OORN-l'nchnnged : No. 3 , 48c. „ OATS Easy ; No. 2 vvlllte , ' 27'ic ; No. 3 white , nominal. HARLEY Nominal ; No. 2 , 4Sc ; sample , or track , nominal. RYE Lower ; No. 2 , 54c. VUlblo Mlppiy of Urnln. NEW YORIC , July 15. The visible supply ol grain Snlurday , July 13 , as compiled by Ihe New Yoik Produce exchance. Is na follows : Whom , 41,258,0)0 ) bu. ; decrease , 2,201,000 bu. : corn , G,8S2,001 bu. ; decrc-ni-e , SCJ.OOO bu. : onto , 5G32t > 00 bu. : de crease , G34.000 bu. : rye , 132.000 bu. : elccrease , 11,000 bu. ; barley , 61.WO bu. ; deciease , 19,000 bu. Knil'ii" < : lty .Mnrkctu. KANSAS CITY. July 15. WHEAT Steady ; No. 2 hard , GljC4c ; No. 2 red , C4ijG5c ; lejectcd , 5255c. | CORN Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 40840ic ; No. 2 ' OATH Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 23'.ii324' ' , c ; No. 2 while , 2Sc. Allnnenpolls Wliout Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 15. WHEAT-July , Duliith Wheat IMiirkct. nULUTH , July 13. WHEAT Weak ; No , 1 haid , cnth , GSc ; July. C9'ic ; No. 1 northern , cash , GS'Jc ; July , GS ic ; September , CGHc ; December , Jii'ic ; No. 2 northern , cash , GSljc ; to arrive , wheat. No. 1 huid , G'JHc ; No. 1 northern , CbTic. UiitclniKiii Kounil Murdered. CLEVELAND , July 15. The dead body ot Patrick Cooney , who has been employed as night watchman In the yards of the Cleve- and & Plttsbure Hall oad company , was found In the river early this morning. The dead man's nose had been crushed In , his front teeth lud been knocked out and the body bore other evidences of assault. It Is sup posed that Cooney was murdered and thrown Into the water last night by a gang of robbers - bers < No'eel California ) Pioneer Dead. FUESNO , Cal. , July IB. Cornelius Yager , one of the most noted of California's pioneers , died hero last night. lie was born In Ken tucky In 1811 and was connected with some of the most prominent families In that state. When an old man he learned ho was an heir to property In Germany valued at $50.000,000. The money was left by some relatives and now lies In the Dank of Hamburg awaiting settlement. I like my wife to use Pozzonl's Complexion Powder , because It Improves her looks and Is as fragrant as violets. Unpritrrdenteil Ualnfiill In Trim. DENVER , July ID. A special to the Times from El Paso , Tex. , says : The rainfall the last few days has been unprecedented In this part ot the country. . Santa Fe trains arrived tlirco days late owing to washouts. The Texas & Pacific tracks for ten miles near Blf Springs wcro under water yesterday. The roads are alt straightened out today. There 19 a Hood In the Illo Grande river. Allrccil lloocllcra tint on Hull. CHICAGO , July ID. The alleged boodlers , Aldermen Martin and Kinkier , furnished ball today. The chief surety for Martin IE James O'Leary , proprietor of the Itoby Racs Track association. O'Leary Is a son of Mrs Catherine O'Leary , whose lamp and cow are credited with starting the great Chtcagc fire. Ilo scheduled $75,000 worth of prop erty. SWEET SAVORY SATISFYING I SWIFT'S ' PREMIUM J ' : Think of the thousands of hams r r and bacon that KO out from South r Omaha dally ! Wo select but the best ones for the brand"S\VIFT'S TREMIUAI. " Smoked lightly trimmed nicely extra mild not salty. No man could make them better. For Sale by all First-Class Dealers. SWIFT AND COMPANY. SOUTH OMAHA. NEB. GOJ3OUTH. GO SOUTH No Drouths , No Hot Winds , No Floods No Heated Terms. No Blizzards , No Cold Snaps , No Long Cold Winters , No Crop Failures. Central Mississippi The Most Equable Climate in America. The great fruit growing and vegetable raisinq district of the South. A soil that raises anything that grows and a location from which you reach the markets of the who'e ' country. Your fruits and garden truck sold os the ground and placed in Chicago , St. Louis and New Orleans markets in 12 to 24 hours. In this garden spot of America , 20 TO 40 ACRES properly worked makes you more money and makes it easier than the best 160 acre farm in the west. Garden products are a wonderful yield and all bring big prices. Strawberries , peaches , plums , apricots , grapes , pears , figs , early apples , in fact all small fruits , are sure and profitable crops. Two and Three Crops Can Be Successfully Grown the Same Year. Timber is abundant Lumber is cheap Fuel costs noth ing Cattle are easily raised and fattened Grazing is fine all the year. year.CLIMATE. . Is heal'hy and delightful ; land and $ ea breezes and cool nights. The mean temperature is 42 to 66 degrees. The average rainfall is 56 inches. No extreme of heat oc cold ; sufficient rain for all crops. NO PLACE ON EARTH Offers greater advantages to the intelligent settler. One half the work you now do here will give four times the results in this wonderfully productive country. Twenty to forty acres in this land of plenty is enough to work and is sure to make you money. Uo the work and the re sults are secured ; there is no such thing as failure. The people are friendly , schools , churches , newspapers , are plenty ; railroad facilities fine and a soil whose richness is unsurpassed , all invite the enterprising man who wants to better his own condition and that of his family. The most carefully selected lands in the best fruit and garden sections we now offer in tracts of ten to forty acres , at reasonable prices and terms to those who wish to avail thenselves of the wonderful resources of the country now attracting the great tide of immigration. Full particulars given upon application. Correspon dence solicited. GEO. W. AMES , General Agent , 1617Farnam-St. , Omaha , Neb PATRONIZE Dy purchaslnp goods made at the following Nebraska factories. If you can not find what you want communicate with the manufac turers as to what dealers handle their goods. H.lUSi , JIUKLAr A.\D TIIM.VK. BEHIS OMAHA BAG CO. Manufacturers of all klnda of colton and bur lap bags , cotton ffour sacks and twine a spec * . C14-616-G18 . . laity. - - S. lllh-St. OMAHA BREWING ASSOCIATION. Ca. ' load shipments made In our own refrigerator rater cars. Blue Ribbon , Elite Export , Vienna Export , and Family Export , delivered to all parts of city. COFFIH ! , Hl'lCK.1 , H.lKlXtl 1'UII'JtKlt. CONSOLIDATED COFFEE CO. , Coffee Roasters , Spice Grinders. Manufactur ers German Baking Powder and German Dry Hop Yeast , 1414 and 1416 Harney-et. , Omaha , Neb UAItltlAOES , K'l'C. DRUHMOND CARRIAGE W. put rubber tires and ball bearing axles on their own make vehicles , and sell a top buggy for $50.00 besides. rile them. Htli and Harney. fl.lt UK. S. F. OILMAN. Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour. C. C. Black , Manager. Omaha. t'ACTUniKti. OMAHA UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers of Parlor Furniture , Lounges , Dining Tables and Folding Ileds. 2Sth ave. , Boyd to Shaler Els. 1CK AXlt COAL. SOUTH OMAHA ICE AND COALCO. Domeitlo nnd Steam Coal. We have the btit Orfllco 1CO1 Farnam-st. Telephone : Olllco 373. yard , 17C6. J. A. Doe , General Manager. / O.V H'OltlCfl. INDUSTRIAL IRON WORKS. Manufacturing and Repairing of all klnda ot machinery , ent'lnts , pumps , elevator * , pilntlnn preen , hanger * , elm flint and couplings 1406 and 140S Howard-it , , Omaha. PHOEHIX FOUNDRY CO. Fire Hydrants , Water and Das Pipesspecials. Holler Fronts and Fittings. Street ry. cai wheels. Archllectural Iron works. Olllce,307 3. 18th-st. , Omaha. PAXTON & YIEHLING IKON WORKS. Manufacturers ot Architectural Iron Work. General Foundry , Machine and Illackimlth Work. Engineers and Contractors foe , Fir * Proof Duliainus. Oftlce and works : U. P. Ity , and 80. 17th street , Omaha. JIATTJtKSSKS , CUTJ , CltlllH. L. G DOUP , Manufacturer Mattresses , Spring ; Deds ; Jobber Featlicrs and Pillows. N. llta and Nicholu Sis. , OmsJu. . . . . . . - , - i PATRONIZE Ily purchasing goods mndo nt the following ; Nebraska factories. If you can not find what you want communicate with the manufac turers as to what ( lenient luuidlc their goods. THE MERCER CHEMICAL COMPANY. Manufacturers of Fluid Extracts , Elixirs , Syrups and Wines , compressed trlluratcs hypo dermic tablets , pills and scientific medical nov elties. Omaha. 3llXKlt.il. WATKIt. 'M'IHEHAL WATER"CO ! 209 So. Hth St. , Tel. 254. Medessa Mineral Water Carbonated , unequalled. Plain for tabl * use unsurpassed. K1HIIT n'ATUll , J-'lltK KKUVIGK. ' AMERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH. The only perfect protection lo property , Exnm- Ino It. Ucst thing on earth. ) Reduce * Insur ance rates. 1301 Uouglas-st. Ul'l.ltALL I'AISIOHIKS. KATZ-NEVINS CO. Manufacturers of Men's and Hoys' Clothing , Pants , Shirts nnd Overalls. 1202-212 S. 12th it. 1'AI'UK JK XKH. THE OMAHA PAPER BOX CO. Manufacturers of all kinds of Paper lioies. Eliill Hoxes. Sample Cases , Mailing Tables , etc. Wedding cake and fancy candy boxes , drugclit and Jewelry boxes. U'08-10 Jones-it. , Omaha. K1I111T F Exclusive custom etilrt Uillors. 1515 Knr.iam- . . Telephone 08. 10 to 20/per month can be made by our method of operating In GRAIN AND STOCKS. Prospectus giving full Informallem of perfect system mailed free. Send your buslneva only to u financially responsible house. Ixick us up , IIAMl'DRN F. THOMAS S CO. . Grain , Stock and Uond Urokers , 3 Cliamrio r of Co m nt.it C1ICAOO JAMES E. HOYD. J. W. DEAN. Telephone tO.lu. BOYD & DEAKf OMAHA , NEH. COMMISSION Grain. Provisions < fc Stocks Itoom HIM Hoard of Trade. Direct wires to Chicago and New York. Correspondents : John A. Warren & Co. V. V. SMITH ( Tel. 1308) S. M. STANFORD F. P. SMITH & CO. OR A.IN and PRO VISI ON9 Room 4. N. Y. Life mUg. , Ottiuun. IIranch oincea at Fremont and Columbus. All orders placed on the Chicago UourJ of Trade. OiircHpondenls : Hchwartt. Dupce & Co. , Cht * cl o ; Kchrelner , Flack & Co. , BU Louis. liefer to First National IJanlc. Omaha. MAIIdlN No mailer what booklet on spec * TIIAIIIN'Q ulallon you may have read wntl . .Jr. . . . . . . . . for cms. which Is NEW ana HXPLAINUI ) cOMPLirri * . It clearly explains ) margin tradlnK and DEFINES ALL MAUKETJ EXPHEHKIONH. It's frcu and will teach you something. AllllOaAST & CO. , U Tradem Uulldlov , Chicago. , -