Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1895, Image 1

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Defeat of Hnrconrt in the Derby Div'slon
L Takes the Heart Out of Them ,
London Times Expresses the Ifope that the
( , ' cx-I.lbornl Leader In the House Will
rind n DUtrlct that Ho
Can Carry.
LONDON , July 14. Sir William Vernon
ilarcourt'B detent In Derby was the sensa
tion In political circles tonight. It Is admlt-
Icd on all sides that the liberals are begin
ning to feel very badly. Of 110 members
thus far elected , ninety-six are unionists , ten
liberals and four Parnellltes. Eight liberal
Beats have been captured by the unionists
nnd Iho radicals have captured one union-
Isl teal , that at Perth. As far as outward
appearances go , the cltcllons are causing ,
llllle excllemenl In London. T1iere > are a
few Idlers in Slrand , where Ihe Graphic dis
plays a representation of Lord Salisbury and
Lord Rosebery climbing ladders to Indicale
the course of c'ectlon returns.
The moral effect of Sir William Harcourt's
defeat will be great , as even the most san
gulno conservative did not expect a liberal
majority of 1,900 to be converted Into a
unionist majority of 1,100 While Sir Wil
liam Harcourt fared to badly , Hon. A. J.
Balfour , the new first lord of the treasury ,
who Is to succeed Sir William as leader of
the House of Commons , nearly doubled his
majority In Manchester After the result hail
been announced In Derby at midnight , Sir
William Hurcourt , with his wife , drove to
the liberal "headquarters and made a speech ,
saying he- had been defeated too often to be
either elated If successful or depressed by a
defeat. Bui he did nol wish lo conceal Ihe
magnllude of Ihe defeat which had fallen
upon his colleagues and himself. Sir Wil
liam Ilarcourt'B defeat Is general atlrlbuted
to the prominence which he gave to the local
veto , or local option measure.
The Sunday Observer ( unionist ) points oul
tliat yesterday's return of unopposed candi
dates are as significant as the result of con
tested election Seventy-six beats had been
handed over to the unionists vvlthoul a fight ,
while the liberals were allowed to retain only
five uncontcsted seats The M'arnelllte tolal
of unofficial relurns has been Increased lo
four by the unconteslcd election of John
Daly , from Limerick , Thus the McCarthy-
llea have yielded wllhout contest a seat
vvlhlch they were In actual possession of
Judged both by the result of the contest and
the numbers which the radicals had allowed
to go by default , there can bo bul llllle doubl
of Ihe final resull.
T. P. O'Connor's Sun says thai yeslerday's
resulls were a keen disappointment , but that
It does not follow by any means that the
& whole country Is going against them
"The substllullon of a popinjay like llie
marquis of Lcrnc , " Ihe Sun goes on to say ,
"for a politician so esteemed and a man of
science so honored as Sir Henry Roscoe \n \
discreditable to Mancliebter. "
Tomorrow llfly more seats will bo decided ,
Including many In London.
The Times this morning , In Us comment
upon the election , says that the first batch
of conlebts reduced the radical majority to
half at a. single blow. The more strikingly
Important Incident of Saturday Is the cru h-
ing defeat of Sir William V. Harcourt. The
unionists will throw themselves v.ith re
doubled ardor Into the struggle which hao
already been crowned with encouraging suc
cess. The opposition will bo scarcely able to
shake off the depression caused by the wholly
unexpected defeat of their loader. The Times
proceeds with the hope thai Sir William
Harcourl will find anolher seal , as the un'on-
Ists-vvlll be sorry to miss his presence from
the HOUEO of Commons , ot which he is an
ornament ,
The article dwells upon the fact that the
liberal unionists have gained three seats and
says these gains sufficiently vindicate the
Vitality of the liberal unionists and the value
of the close alliance they have entered Into
with the conservatives. It concludes that
there is the strongest motlvo and encourage
ment to make the most of the present oppor
tunity , which , If rightly used , may enable
them once for all to sweep the home rule
Imposture out of English politics.
The Dally News , the liberal organ , says of
the elections "A closer examination of
Saturday's figures makes them less discour
aging than they would seem. The result
In Derby surprised even the local torl ° s
Sir William Hurcourt and his colleague
were floated out on beer In other constitu
encies the efforts of publicans and brewers ,
with the alliance ot the militant section ol
the clergy , contributed largely to the same
result. There Is plenty of cause for the
lories' triumph , but there Is little cause for
liberal dlscouragemenl and none w halter
for despair. We are used lo a bad begin
ning. There Is nol a step of liberal pro
gress which Is not taken over the stepping
stones of defeat. "
The Chronicle ascribes the liberal defeat
In Lancashire * to Ihe scandalous misrepre
sentations of the government's policy on the
Indian cotton duties which were made In
f 't leaflets sent broadcast through Ihe country.
The Chronicle says"We congratulale Iho 3
unionists upon having drawn first blood at 3t t
the empire's cost. They have played anti-
Imperial and antl-nallonal games for votes
of liberals and have failed to win two feats ,
owing In pome measure to the action of the
Independent labor party and the socialist
federation , who gained no result for them
selves. Their polls were small and con
temptible "
Iho Standatd , the conservative organ , see
In the result a remarkable testimony to the
growth of conservative sentiment In the
large towns. Archbishop Walsh wrote a
letter , which was r ° ad In all the Dublin
churches yesterday asking for prayers thai
the spirit of dissension may be banished , am' '
that the only prospect of the country Is
national ruin and disgrace if an end is nol
speedily put to the feud ard dissension ;
which an ? going tar to make li eland a byword -
word throughout the wet Id ,
The Times says' "The unopposed re
election of Daly fiom Limerick is a signifi
cant reminder of Ihe sentiment which ani
mates all sectlomt of the Irish nationalist !
and antl-P.arnellltes , " The Tint's then pio-
ceeds lo recite the clntges upon which Dily
\vas convicted. "Tits election , of course , " li
Bays , "nas not meant seriously , bul only In
tended as a demonstration of sympathy will
n dynamite' pan lot and a hostility to British
law. Both parties know lhal a convict uidci
sentence Is not capable of being elected i
member of Paillament. The debate , how
ever , when the Hous * takes note of Dily i
election , will affcrd the subdivisions cf Itltl
nationalists and their British allies an In
terestlng opportunity lo txprcfs'lliclr opin
ion on palrlotic felony. "
Afler dealing with wliepulllng and clerlca
influence's , Iho Times concludes as follows
"American journalists , meanwhile , appear ti
bo beginning to learn what the foice of pop
ular election In Ireland Is ami art bent ci
conveying the useful Infoinutlon to tliel :
fellow cltlz ns ' .
\mci-liKii 1 loiif lo .1 1 pan ,
' TACOMA. Wash , . July 14 Ed Adams
Eons , wholesale commission merchants , an
nounced yentcrday that they Imvo received at
> 6rdcr from the Japan government for la.Ofli
tpni ot Washington flour , to be used by thi
army. Sample lots ot 100 barrels of sevcra
kinds were ordered and will be shipped Tucs
day. Tha order amounts to over 150,000 bat
rola. The flour U to be shipped between nov
and fall , and mott i > f It will be made here.
' Trriel Dlncil nt the Pnlarr.
COXSTANTIXi5Pt.n. July 14. Unltd
States Minister Terrel dlnel at the pahc
yesterday and afterward had. an audience\vl * !
Iho sultan. .
. , Cnhlnet frills In dillt I mleil.
" LONDON , July 14 Advices to tus Tim'
from Santiago , Chill , are lhal the cablne
ba acualU ( eceUd through the ualo
of nil the branches of the liberal party. The
Balmacedlsts will not he represented In the
ministry , but will support it. The conver
sion of the currency Is proceeding without a
hitch , lately $1,000,000 having been con
verted , which Is nmpla reserve to satisfy
any demand , _ _ _ _ _ _
Native * A in In in for tlio Ircnty Power * to
Mnkn Home. Different Arrnrignnient * .
VICTORIA , I ) C. , July 14. Ths steamship
Mlov.era brought Australian advices to June
22. News was received from Samoa at Auck
land , June 19 , which was to the effect that
the natives were again In an unsettled state
preparing for a big con\cntlon to decide on
peace or war. It Is stated that certain
Etiiopeans are seeking to stir up trouble ,
with the hope that the treaty powers maybe
bo compelled to take torn * measures of more
practical benefit to the country than the sys
tem of government created by the treaty of
Uerlln News has i cached Sidney of the
capture and murder by the "head hunters"
of the Solomon Islands of the crew of the
trading cutter Amelia The crew were gath
ering copra and were ambushed and mur
dered The cutter was then looted and set
on fire. The wreck wont to pieces on the
rocks Ample evidence of thei crime was-
found and soms effort will be made to punish
the natives.
The Now South Wales Parliament Is con
sidering a hill to not only restrict Chines ?
as at present , but Japanese and Kanakas as
IiiHiirgtMitH lupturo n Town.
NEW YORK , July 14 A special from Ha
vana tells of a most daring raid by the Cuban
rebels upon Andalusa. The town was taken
by surprise Mayor Vlgo was killed , the
town hill was burned and the archives carried
away. It is said that prisoners of war have
been shot. The Insurgents claim that phy
sicians of Santiago do Cuba have left that
city to join Maceo.
PiirltlniiH ttli lir tied Qulotlr.
PARIS , July 14. The fete of the republic
was celebrated quietly throughout Franco
today , this being the anniversary of the
fall of the Dastlle Pre-lilent Katire rev'ewcd
fto gnrlson at Lcngcharops. Var ous p trlot'o
societies made a demonstration before the ,
statue of Strasburg , but this was conducted
In an orderly manner.
l"rt nch in Mexico t elcurnto
Cm' OP MGXICO , July 1 The Trench
celebration today was observed generally
heie Most of the Trench business houses
and residences were d ° corated with hunting
and tonight were Illuminated , as also the
public buildings and plazas.
inln Aurets to l' y Up.
MADRID , July 14 The Spanish foreign
and colonial ministers have finally agreed
to the Immediate pajment of the Mora In
demnity , which was recently demanded by
the United States through Minister Taylor.
T.irun TO vjjsjor A JIONLY.VOOX
Mnn U ho Uin Once onilemncil to Han ) ;
flurried In Denver.
SAN TRANCISCO , July 14. The wedding
of Dr. J. Milton Bow en , to Miss Mary Bird in
Denver , May 17 , Is announced. The news has
been kept secret until now. Dr. Dowers a
few years ago was tried and convicted of the
murder of his wife and bentenced to hang
Henry Benhayon , Mrs. Bowers' brother ,
charged that his sister had been killed by
her husband to secure $15,000 Insurance.
After conviction he remained In Jail nearly
two years , pending a desperate legal fight In
his behalf. Then came the suicide of Henry
Bonhayon , the principal witness , who left a
confession completely exonerating Dr. Bow
ers. Benbayon said he himself had com
mitted the crime , Intending to get rid of
Bowers also , and obtain the life Insurance.
loiter a man named Dlmmlg was arrested
and tried for the murder of Benhajon. The
theory was that Benhayon had been murdered
In the interest of Bowers and that a forged
confession had teen placed by the body. Dlm
mlg was acquitted and Dr. Bowers was then
dismissed. It was shown In the trial that
Bowers had been very attentive to Miss Bird
and had promised to marry her six months
Before his wlfo died.
in our FOK A A an
Thinks KxUtlnc OrKunlziitions Not tnpible
of Moitlnc Prenent Conditions ,
TOPEKA , July 14 Senator Peffer la out
for a new party. In a letter just published ,
he says : "A now party must be formed , but
there la new work to be done work that the
other pai ties' are not willing to do a new
party fresh from the people , a party made up
3f moil of courage equal to their convictions
But it will bo built on a foundation deeper
and broader than 'free silver' or 'b.metalllsm , '
for these terms express nothing that reaches
the core of the troubles which confront us
Its motto will he something like th's. 'Let
the people rule. '
"Its platform could properly be short , plain
and responsive to the needs of the times and
could safely be constructed on six pillars :
" 1. Get the people at work ; pay them for
what they do.
" 2. Away with landlordism.
" 3. Out with the transportation monopoly
" 4. Down with the money power.
"E. Up with the people.
" 6. LIve the republic. "
AID TO Tin ;
Tarty from I.nmlor ICenily to Oo Out After
Marauding Imlhins
DENVER , July 14. A special to the News
from Lander , Wyo. , says- Word has been
sent from Lander to the settlers in Jack
son's Hole that If needed a party will organ
ize here , composed of fast riders and good
shots , to assist In enforcing the game laws
against tlie Indians the same as they are
enforced against the whites There Is much
Indignation expressed , here because ) the In
dian agents permit these roving bands tu
come Into the country and wantonly destroy
the game , and It Is openly said that If the
practice Is continued the settlers will arrest
and If necessary Kill the Indians.
Drowned liy thn Capftlzlnc of n Yacht.
DETROIT , July 14 A special to the Free
Prc ! > 3 from South Haven , Mich. ; says : This
afternoon Mr. II Tlttswcrth took his new
yacht Artist out for her trial trip in com
pany with the builders , Messrs. Coates and
Sttllson. When about four miles north ol
the harbor about 4 o'clock a squall itruck and
cipMzed her The life-saving crew went out
Immediately and soon after the tug Mcflure
but the yacht was so fir awaj that the men
were all drowned before the cre\\ could reach
them All tint could bo found was a cap
which proved to have belonged to Mr Still-
eon The reason for the bait sinking sc
quick ! ) was the fact that she had n great
amount of b.illnst , width could not be shifted ,
and that being new. thcj had not as jet pa !
In any air cms to buoy her.
OlynipU Illii iirtiir 'limn Kin cicd.
SAN TRANOISOO Julj 14 The official re
port of the llnnl trial trip of the United States
steamer Olympti has reached the Navy de
partment and I lie eltlccrsi who constituted the
board of Inspectors liave each been furnished
an approved copy signed b ) Fee clary IIrbrt _
The resul1 of the 'rial Is granting to the Fee-
retary. v ho doubted whether tlie Olympla
could make twenty knots tteamlng under nat
ural draught. Tlu r'ack cruPser made within
two-tenths a Knot cf this speed during the
recent trial in San'a Barbara channel fcr four
hours. With ordlns iy steam pressura ttu
cruiser n.ade nineteen and eight-tenths knots
with ease. The displacement was 970 tons
greater than on the- trial trip for acceptance
from the csutrat-tors.
Old Tune Tlrcut Illikr Ilr.xl.
CINCINNATI , July 14. A Commercial Ga-
retle special from Sandutky says : Gene
Johrson of Ham Rice , and once a famouf
circus bareback rider , died In the county In-
flrmar ) here yeitcrday. He walked here Iron :
I'emiiylvanlj a feu days ago and was taker
tick and seat to the luftrwiry.
Sassoun Massacre the Outgrowth of a Well
Matured Scheme ,
Petroleum Accumulated In Advance to Aid
la lint-nine Dwellings anil Cremating ttio
liodle * of tlia Victims Orders Issued
for tlia Destruction ot Mocllkan.
VAN , Armenia , May 21 ( Special Corre
spondence of the Associated Press ) The
Sasoun massacre , It would appear , was one of
the most carefully planned outrages In his
tory. The ev'dence ' of this Is circumstantial
only , but It Is alleged It Is conclusive Dur
ing the months of June , July and Augtnt pre
ceding the Sassoun massacre , the Kurdish
chiefs In the country surrounding the Sas-
ioun region , and particularly the districts to
he southward and southwestward , were ap
arontly unusually busy in gathering up the
icattered warriors of their tribes for an in
aslon of the Sassoun region. In July and
Vugust enormous quantities of petro-
cum were shipped from Erzeromn
Moosh. This petroleum ta'i'e orlg-
nally from Rusla , and to gr = it
, vaa the quantity brought over the mountain
oads that it was a subject of remark to very
many persons. For a time it lotkeJ as thcugh
othlng went-over the road between Erzeroum
nd Moosh but petroleoum It Is a fact Moosh
oes not use a great quantity of petroleum
.lerself , nor do her merchants sell much of
t to the surrounding country. In the villages
; andles of sheep fat oil are used for light1"
iVhat Moosh wanted with those countless
ans of petroleum was a mystery.
But the mystery was a mystery no longer
after the Sasscun massacre , for that petro-
, eum was used to burn the houses of the Sas-
, oun villages and to cremate the bodies of the
wretched villagers who fell victims to the
awful butchery. In burning the houses the
etroleum was thrown upon the woodwork
n generous quantities and set on fire , with
, ho result that everything that could burn
went up In smoke. In cremating the dead
he bodies were In many cases placed be-
ween layers of wood and built up Into a
sort of funeral pile. The entire mass wa
hen saturated with petroleum and set on
It Is charged that living men were cremitnl
n the same way. But this * aj a. merciful
way of putting the unfortunate creatures tr
death , in comparison with tortures Inflicted
upon many others
The massing of troops near the Sassoun
region , and particularly at Moosh , was car
ried on for some time before the beginning
of the massacre , in order that everything
might be In readiness according to the pro
gram said to have been carefully made out
at Constantinople
Several weeks after the Sassoun massacre ,
t Is claimed , orders were sent from the
palace at Constantinople for the massacre
of the inhabitants of Modlkan , a district
ylng to the south and southeast of Sas-
soun , but when it was seen that an Investiga
tion of the massacre at Sassoun was Inev-
table , the order. It is eald , was recalled
and Modlkan was not molested , except In
the ordinary course of the persecution gen
eral in all parts of Armenia.
In the city of Van at this moment there
are 500 young men sworn to give themselves
as a sacrifice to Turkish butchery In the
hope that the attention of England may be
more strongly called to the desperate situ
ation of their people. The Armenians can
not accept anv scheme of reform which
does not have for its fundamental principles
the absolute control of the European pow
ers Unless Europe controls the reforms
there will be a massacre of 20,000 Christians
n the city of Van within three months
The Armenians themselves vslll bring this
about rather thin be cist adrift by their
fellow Chilstlans of the west There Is no
language quite adequate to a description of
the real condition of Armenia at present
Men are beaten and murdered and women
are assaulted by Kurds and Turkish soldiers.
Woe and want and despair nnd death stalk
abroad In this beautiful land that was mice
a part of the garden of Eden The Inhab
itants of Van are living on the brink of a
mifsacre from day to day
By the transfer from Van to Constantinople
of the advance guard cf the Armenian revo
lutionary movement , captured In the village of
Tchlboukla on May 19 , the Turkish govern
ment has taken a decisive step toward quietIng -
Ing public excitement In the eastern part of
the emp're The governor of Van , Bahrl
i'asha , . has , during the week , added several
Interesting facts to the alleged confession of
Harry Williams , leader of the captured band
According to the governor , Williams has con
fessed that the revolutionary party which ssnt
him to begin the revolution has 3,000 rifles
In Trlente , Austria , which will be ( .hipped
to Armenia for the use of the patriots at the
earliest opportunity. An interesting Incident
of Williams' confession , as made public by
Bahrl , Is the fact that he Is not a Br'tlsh sub
ject at all , but Is a native of the Caucasus
region ot Asia , and strangely enough of the
very district in which Bahri himself was
Leaving out of consideration entirely the
second revolutionary band across the Persian
border. It Is an undeniable fact that the Arm--
nlan situation was never at a more critical
Your correspondent jesterday met the rep
resentative of a fourth revolutionary party
with agents In Russia , England and America
The headquarters seem to be In America
where a party newspaper Is published and
revolutionary funds are collected This agent
Is a Russlan-Armen'an , and he holds- strong
views on the situation The fourth revolu
tionary party has brought no guns to Arme
nia nor does the agent say he has any arms
hidden In the mountains The party's princl.
pies , however , are of the most radical and
advanced sort.
fourteen CUM IMIril t'p
WHITE SULPHUR. 0 . July 14 At 11 30
tcdaj a bad wreck occurred at White Sulphur
on the Big Four , resulting In the wrecking of
fourteen cars of whisky , feed , tobacco and
candles , amounting In value to $75,000 Dick
Hurley a mouHer of Cincinnati , was killed
The cause of the accident was the burning of
a Journal , the car leaving the track after It
had plowed the earth for a mile. A number
of trimps are supposed to be under the debris
Work trains from Springfield and Dslaware
are at work.
IiiilunorkhlpliiKit Mrillclna Mint.
WICHITA. July 14 In the Caddo Indian
district It has been raining steadily for a
week. The rain , coming as It does , after In
cantations of Squirrel , an aged and decrepit
ludlin , who claims that the Great Spirit has
given him the1 power to make rain , has driven
the Indians Into a frenzy They have gone
wild over the magic art which Squirrel clilma
tu pofsess , onJ they are worshiping him as a
I'rofcxnr loirntrnil Died In tlio Hnrnees
COLUMBUS. O , July 14. Prof. Norton S
Townseml of 'he Ohio State university , who
has held the chair of agriculture In that In
stitution ever since It was founded , died at
his hrinc In this city last night In ISIS ,
when a Tijember of the loner house of the
Ohio legislature , he cast the deciding vote
which tent Hon. Salmon P , Chase to the
United Stite-s senate.
'look fun llosi-s of Medicine nnd Died.
WICHITA. July H. Danny Smith , a 9-
year eli ! boy , whoso parents live at Clear'
water , died today after taking ten doses ol
medicine at one time. The boy's father , tc
Induce htm to swallow the medicine , had of
fered him a penny for every dose he took ,
The boy started la to win a dime.
a An : i.vvu , UIIUKVIIKS A C/I.IACK
Christina Undcivorcrt Held No Special
Services Vettortlitr.
BOSTON , July 14. The program of the
Christian Endeavor today Included work only
for the visiting clergymen. Tfte local minis
ters In general gave place to those who had
come from other localities to attend the con
vention , and It Is doubtful If ever In the his
tory of Boston Its pulpits were supplied with
such eminent preachers. To the more than
50,000 members of the Ydung Men's Interna
tional Christian Endeavor the day came as a
literal "day of rest. " The energetic young
men , and men who , ever since the conven
tion opened , have been given but little respite
from their labors in caring for the many vis
itors , appreciated the change , ml the strang
er * , wearied by continued concessions , seemed
glad to bo able to attend service In the local
ity In vvhlch their headquarters were. In
stead of having to undergo the crowding
necersary to get to tent meetings and the
Mechanics hall session This dl'trlbutlon of
clergymen was so plannel that the de'egatlon ?
quartered In the suburbs could attend worsh'p
In their district
Several delegations , located down town em
phasized their Ideas on thq matter of Sabbath
observance by meeting yesterday and passing
resolutions pledging themselves not to use
the street cars or other conveyances today
As a result , the streets. Just prior to the com
mencement of regular church services , were
thronged with men and women wearing
Christian Endeavor badges , proceeding on fo t
to the most convenient churches They
had already begun the day with the usual
G 30 a m prayer meetings at their various
headquarters , but In contrast to their custom
on other days there was no singing on the
streets as the delegations passed to and
The clergvmen who spoke today are among
the most eminent In this country and the list
also Included many distinguished preacher"
from abroad. In many cases the sermons
were upon the Christian Endeavor movement
and Its results. With 50,000 Christian En
deavorers In thl city , besides the regular
church goers every church was filled
Tomorrow Is the last dav Sessions will
be held In the tents and In Mechanics hall in
the morning and evening A noon-day rally
will occur In Faneull hall , and the afternoon
will be devoted to plJgrlmages about the
_ _
Aged Cltlzrn of South Diikntn Fulls In
Un'quo Attempt * nt f > if | Dcurnc Ion.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D , July 14 ( Special )
William Bell , aged 75 , living near Beulah
this state , has within the past six weeks made
two determined attempts to commit suicide
On June 4 he took a rope and jel'mbsd ' a lad
der set up ngalns.1 a tree and kvas In the act
of slipping a noose around his ; ieck after tie-
Ing the rope to the tree , when the ladder
slipped and fell The rope slipped from the
old man's head letting him fall to the ground
and rendering him uneoiiRcloui A few davs
since he took n stick of glanl powder , and
going to a secluded spot , lighted tlie fuse and
deliberately lav down upon It . He was clo e
to the water of a stream , and eslc-Jlated that
should the explosion not lie enough to kill
him the force of it would throw him into the
water and drown him. Ho e\ftdantly concluded
tint the fuse had gone out ind slatted to
rise to relight H vvlien the , eiplosion took
place. Strangely enough fie vas , not very
terlously Injured. He given as his reason for
attempting to take his own Ufa that he has a
ringing In his head , which he fears annoys
others. He Is evidently demented and will
be taken care of.
_ I *
Know tithing of tlio
I ) . illt Ir Wat All OtHr.
NEW YORK , July 14 The steamship Nor-
mandle , from Havre , which arrived UJday ,
had a fire on boatd during the passage. It
was at 7 o'clock on the night of July 9 The
passengers were all at dinner and little was
known until the next day Of tb.3 danger
through which they had passed Smoke was
first been Issuing from the starboard alley
about midship Seaich was nnde foi the
source of the fire. It was found to be In s
compartment In the lower hold about mid
ships , whera was stored cases of goods
hides and skins It Is supposed to have ic-
suited from spontaneous combustion among
the oily hides. The fire appaiatus was ai
once brought Into use and twelve lines of
hose poured hot water Into the compartment
Volunteers were asked for to go to the seii
of the file and learn the exact condition o ;
affairs The whole crew volunteered to a
man Ten were selected , The water had
nearly reached the celling when the ten volun
teers reached there They reported the condi
tion of affairs to Captain Deloncle , who or
dered the waterflow stopped During this
time few of the passengers knew what was
occurring. Iho fire was out at noon 01
July 10.
bvi'1'i.r oFtiUHA HAein
Attempt to btrlctly Knforco the Siintln )
I.tvv In Noiv Vork n I'liic- .
NEW YORK , July 14. The resurrection of
the Sunday law by Judge McAdams had the
effect of only sllghlly checking Ihe sale of
soda and mineral waters by druggists and
confectioners of the city loday. Possibly one
such place In every Iwenty made no attempt
to sell. One in every four sold only to regu
lar customers , while all the resl sold to every
one who wanted to buy. Patrolmen recehed
instructions on leaving their station house
to make no arrests in such cases , except on
complaint of those who had purchased drinks
and wlbhed to have Iho seller arrested There
was no disposition on the part of the buyers
to make complaints , and as policemen In
citizens' clothes who were on excise duty were
not Instructed to gel cases against the soda
wa'er sellers , the sellers were not Interfered
Two Alleged Mnrilerers lynched ,
CAMDEN , Ark. , July 14. About 12 o'clock
last night at Hampton , twcnly miles east of
here , Iwo negroes were lynched by seventy-
live men Two weeks ago a white man by the
name of Martin was killed by three negroes
Two of them were arrested and confined In
Jail A mob gathered several mights ago , but
were persuaded lo desist. "List night there
was another galherlng and gtvenly-five de-
lermlned men marched lo Ihe Jail and de
manded the surrender of the murderers. It
was useless to resist with but a handful of
men to summon to aid In defending them , so
Ihe keys were surrendered , . , Tfcp culprits were
carried lo a neighboring/orct and hanged
The men were not masked and made no effort
to conceal their identity * Two years ago a
race riot occurred In this county The ne
groes greatly outnumber the' whites and
further trouble Is expecled.
iv : ins HoubtR the ttcorgnifxatlon Mory.
DENVER , July 14. Ex-Governor Evans ,
through whose efforts the separate receiver
ship for llie Union Pacific. lenver & Gulf
raliroad was secured , alter reading the
Omaha dispatch staling Uiat the Union Pa
cific reorganization committee contemplated
a move which would again place under one
management the Union Pacific road and all
its branches , expressed the opinion that therb
was no reorganization committee , as thai
committee was dissolved last year vvlien It
failed to submit a plan upon which the vari
ous roads could be brought into one combina
tion As matters now stand , he earn , con-
pitss Is the only body that can take any
steps ,
Inilt itlni ; the Uhltechiipol Mnrilri.
ST. LOUIS , July 14. A white man took
the life ot Ella , alias "Kid" King , a negrets
28 years old and a dissolute character , at a
late hour last night. The woman , whose ab
domen was ripped , died at the hospital BOOD
alter reaching there. Tonight Charles
Schllct , a white man , who Is Bald to
have lived with the King woman In Kanias
City , was arrested on suspicion ot having
committed the murder , which "he strongly de
nies. Just before the crime 'van committed
he was heard to say he would get eveu for
being robbed ot CO cents.
Oyo'one in Ntr'h Dakota Oomcs Near
In nigh to Terrify Its Occupants.
lotlicrnnd Her Unity Tnkcn Cplnto tlio Air
Hinl Dropped lov\n Aguln Unhurt
bctornl PITKIIH Seriously
MINNEAPOLIS. July 14 A special to the
Tribune from Grafton , N D , says : A cyclone
t O'Donnelson , six mil's northeast of here
s reported at 4-45 o clock this afternoon. It
vas about three rods wide. At a school
louse nearby people were at church and
icard It coming It first struck a large ma-
hlnery shed , lifted that up , turned It com-
ilotsly around and dropped It five rods away
n a grove. It wai full of machinery , which
\as twisted out of shape Turning , It took
be windmill off a barn and twisted the
barn. It then struck the house five tods
way. The house was a large , square , two-
lory flame on a brick foundation It lifted
his hous In the air , whirled It around and
et It fall The- building struck on one cornet
nd went Into a thousand pieces
There vveie five persons In the house Mrs
\'elson was sltllng on the poich with a
> aby In her aims Wh'n In the air she
Iroyped the baby and was can led thnty
cet Both weie uninjured A 12-year-old
girl named Peters was badly hint Her leg
vas broken and fdie was injured Internally
She Is not expected to live The lilted man
vas carried 300 feet and dropped In a grove ,
vhere for a time he remained unconscious
le Is badly hint , but will recover The
ervant girl was badly hurt about the feet
and back Mr Nelson and several children
\ rc attending church In Grafton
Three miles east a farmer named Knudsen
lad the roof taken off his house , and th ° re
s undoubtedly more damage done East of
it'ie reports come In that the grain Is badly
Puo Men Supposed 10 lluvo llccn Ktlleil
II ivc S mo ! ' < en I ounil.
HACKENSACK , N J. , July 14 Between
40,000 and 50,000 persons visited the scene of
he ruin and devastation at Cherry Hill to-
lay. Some of the unfortunat's whose homes
vere wtecked sat about during the day
vondcrlng what was In store for them
lackensack and the other towns have re
sponded promptly to the call for aid made
> y ths people of Cherry Hill. Committees
lave been organized In several of the towns
The most Important is the one here Prompt
measures , were taken and between th
amount subscribed and that gathered li.
> exes at the ruins of the village there is
now enough money to keep the unfortunates
n food for a few days. VIt.tu In the ll bt
of day the destruction appeared more coni-
ilete Everywhere in the path of the Ftorm
veis lulns The tangled heap of ruins by
he railroad track told where the depot v.etu
to pieces That pile of wreckage showed
where a house had been thrown down ard
hat one wheie a barn had been razed by
he wind The leafless trees that withstood
he strain of the whirlwind gave the appeal
mice of midwinter. On two sides , a& viewed
Irom the center of the town , there wert
binlo of gieen but where the storm swept
every thing wag bUck'and bare.
Thr e wers killed In the torm. The two
Polish laborers reported killed by the fall
of the barn In which they had sought shelter
are alive in the hospital here. Thev aie
Andiew Sautel and Anton Hoffman. Sautol's
I ft leg , right arm and nose are oroken erd
Ills body Is covered with bruises The 'ead
are Conrad Frlederman , the Ahrens bby
and Anton Fischer. Mrs. Ahrens was also
Injured , but will recover. Edgar Cblnock
the doctors think , will die. His tkull Is
fractuied. He rec3vored consciousness for a
short time today , and was able to recognize
his mother , but relapsed in a short time and
Is now thought to be dying Chirles Cole
the Paterfcon man who was driving through
Cherry Hill when the storm strirk , was
treat d at the hospital last night and today
was removed to his home in Paterson Willie
Frledeiman , son of the dead man , was rlso
removed from the hospital today None of
those Injured In the disaster , with the ex
ception of Chlnock , are likely to die Thohc.
who remained at the scene last night haO
their wounds dre = sed where they were found
by the doctors who hurriedly drove into the
village after the storm.
During the early part of last night the
owneis of the wrecked dwellings sat about
them guarding their ruins , but later a patrol
was formed , which guarded the streets
Many of the homeless women and children
were transfened to Woodbridge , where they
received shelter. Today active means were
taken to afford them relief and homes.
In addition to the. wreck in Cherry Hill ,
almost every house along the river from that
place to the river edge was damaged to some
extent. Many had their chimneys blown
down , while the roofs of other houses were
badly started The buildings blown down In the
village of Cherry Hill were valued at about
It000 ) , but this Is but a small part of the
actual loss , without taking Into consideration
the loss of life or the injuries to scores who
were unfortunate enough to bo In the path of
the storm.
The -villages of Woodhaven and Union
Course did not present that desolate appear
ance today that might be expected after the
destruction and terrifying experience cf yes
terday. As but one death resulted from the
Etorm , and all the Injured are doing well , the
effects of the great blow has not been felt
as severely as In Cherry Hill , The total loss
In a direct way has been estimated at about
$100,000 , but this Is not taking into considera
tion the damage to crops.
Jl'mo to Ilrrulc t'p the VVhlnky Trust ,
PEORIA , July 14 The owners of the land
on which are located the Monarch distillery
and the Mound City distillery near St Louis
have made a formal demand on Receiver Me
Nulta for possession of their property and a
cancellation of the lease , which they say Is
void on account of the recent supreme court
decision II J Qreenhut , bon of ex-President
Greenhut , declared that this week others of
the lessees would make similar demands
> ono ot HIP Passenger * tTern Hurt.
DALLAS , July 14 In a wreck on the
Texas Pacific near Handley today Engineer
Al Homer and Fireman John Devlne were
killed No passengers were hurt. The fol
lowing were injured J E Fitch , express
messenger , rib broken , and Mall Agents Oscar
Sloan and M Swift badly bruised. Only the
engine , mall , express and baggage cars left
the track ,
PrlftonrrK I'Hkeu ( Hit nud Whipped.
LOUISVILLE. July 14. A special to the
Courier-Journal from Booneville , Ky. , says
Three prisoners confined In the Owsley county
Jail , charged with adultery , were taken out
by enraged citizens on the night of the Cth ,
and , after having been soundly thrashed ,
were returned to Jail Cora Pace , colored ,
Mary Hunley and Lewis Stuart are the par
Lament on IIU llnturn Trip.
DETROIT , July 14 Secretary of War
Lament and Mrs. Lament and General Brooke ,
commander cf the Department of the Da-
kolas , pasted down the Detroit river this
afternoon enroute to Washington on board
the steamship Northland , General Russcl A.
Alger. Don M Dickinson , General 0 , M. Pee
and others made a brief visit to the secretary.
CclrbrTieil the I'all ot the UaUlle.
ST. LOUIS , July 14 , The anniversary ol
the fall ot the Bastlle was celebrated today
by the French , residents ot St. Louis In a
big fete at Terrace park. An Immense
crowd turned out and enjoyed a good pro
gram , made up mostly of music and ad
dresses , until rain Interfered thU afternoon ,
Docks ot thn > otr lork Central Ainu on
I'lro hut There In Hope of Sitvlng Them.
LEADSTONE , N. Y. July 15 At 1
o'clock the largo passenger steamer Clbola
of the Niagara Navigation company , plying
between Toronto nnd London , was dlscov-
eted on fire. Efforts to extinguish the
llames were Ineffectual , and the steamer was
cut loose from her mooring and allowed to
drift down the river. She Is a total loss.
She cost about $250,000 At 2 o'clock the
steamboat dock and freight shed ot the
New York Central are on fire. The extin
guishing apparatus of the town Is not ex
tensive , but It is thought the fire will be
confined to its present limits.
t'ltlil.K THOVin.l.S H1. < .OMI.\I ACUTK
Ihrcatn of Assiinsinatlnn Indulged In by
the Opponent ) * of thli-f llullet.
EUFAULA. I T , July 14 The latest de
velopment In the Creek dual government Is
the refusal of a large number of the council
members to attend the extra session ot that
body , called by the alleged chief , Bullet to
meet at Okmulgce on the 17th H Is ex
tremely doubtful If a quorum will be present ,
ind , If there is not nothing remains for the
"Juliet faction but violence , which lias been
lonstantly threatened during the past t > c\eral
ks There Is now talk of assassination of
he rump olllcers , but few expect the threat
vlll be executed The milk In the whole af-
'alr Is the $200,000 payment which Is being
elnyod by the present trouble Great prcs-
ure Is now being brought to bear upon the
lullct faction leaders by the business men of
ho nation to desist and let the money bo
> aid out , as the merchants have advanced
eavlly on head rights and are suffering for
heir money Both sides are represented at
A'ashlng.ton and are making a fight there for
ho guardlan'lilp of the Creek national funds
t now looks as though the Bullet faction will
ese , as United States Indian Agent Wisdom
ias espoused the cause of the other side and
he merchants and business men are using
II their Influence to quiet matters and bring
bout an early payment of the money to the
leople ,
! .IT11OLIG bVllOOf , Ol'
tlshop Chattnrd I xtomli ( Ircntln ? to the
TeiicherR lit Denver. v
MADISON , Wis. , July 15. The Columbian
Jathollc Summer school was formally opened
iy Its president , Rt Rev. Bishop Messlmer of
Green Bay , this morning , In the presence of
he largest concourse of people ever ass'inb'el
n any of the local Catholic churches. Pon-
Ifleal high mass was celebrated by III Rev
Bishop Messlmer , assisted by Rev. P J
Danhey of St. Paul as deacon ; Rev Daniel
Lynch of Bralnard , Minn. , as sub-deacon
lev. Father Hoian of Fieeport , III , as assist
ant priest , and Rev. F B Knox of Hurley
Rev. J M Naughton of Milwaukee was maser -
er of ceremonies , and his assistant was Rev
I A Mann of Notre Dame Rt Rev Bishop
3hattard of VIncennes , Ind , preacheJ the
lermon. Bishop Chnttard spoke of the public
chcol and said that it was a member of the
Catholic church who first concclvel the Idea
of a primary school. He bade the association
of teachers who have been In session at Den
ver godspeed and wished them every suc
cess The summer school students are be
Innlg to arrive.
ThofiO Which Are Still llnrntng Not I.lnh'c
to Do Much UamiiRe.
GRAND flAPlDST MfcETJiily 11 * Special
o the Democrat from points in noithern
Michigan sho\v that a light rain fell along
the Muskegou rlvsr and extended noith to
iadlllac. The rain nearly covered the pine
section and further damage from forest tlrc
s not anticipated north of Manlstee rivei
Flics are ieporl ° d at many points , but as
these are In hardwood fore&t the damage will
not be great. The loss from fires in the great
potato growing section Is 1 gut , compared
nlth that from drouth At Petosky several
prayers for rain were offered and at 9 o'clock
the sky was overcast and the faithful be
lieved they were about to receive a favoiable-
TRAVERS CITY , M'ch , July 11 New
forest fires have sprung up near Torch Like
and Cedar Run Though no valuable prop
erty Is threatened , the fires are scattering In
many places. 1'rofen OH to Moot.
DENVER , July 14 The ninth annual con
vention of the Association of American Agrl
cultural Colleges and Experiment Stal'ons will
begin In this city on Tuesday morning an 1
remain In session until Thursday night It Ir
expected that about 200 delegates will b
pretent representing almost every state In
the un'on. ' The ques hn of ch nting the name
to "An Association of American Colleges foi
the Advancement of Agriculture and Mechan
ical Arts" will be considered , Pipers 01
pertinent topics will be read by T F. Hunt
of Ohio , II. M. Hayes ot Minnesota , W. W
Cookc of Colorado , J. B Smith of New Jer
sey , H. P. Armsby of Pennsylvania , W , It
Lazenby of Ohio and Roy Stone , Department
of Agriculture , Washington.
SIIJB lie. Didn't I hlnk It \\IIK ro itlcil.
KANSAS CITY , July 14 News of a double
tragedy at Bean laW Platte county , this
state , was received here tonight TheoJorc
KIrkman was shot and killed by George Mae-
chcl , and later In the day Maeclicl committed
suicide. Both men were from Kansas City
They weio employed by a local Ice company
and lived In a shanty near the lake Maeclicl'b
story was that before getting out of bed thU
morning KIrkman took down a gun and they
began fooling with It Maechel finally wrested
the weapon from his companion Not know
ing that It was loaded , he pointed the gun at
Klrkman's head and pulled the ttlgger KIrk
man was almost Instantly killed as he lay
in bed This Is the story that Maechel told
when he surrendered.
< * FsctMlavu Dlaappc irtd.
ST LOUIS , July 14 George J Porter ,
president of the Security Loan company No
2 , Is mlbsliig. The concern went Into the
hands of a receiver last week. Though the
company's last report showed aesets of
nearly $ u8,000 , Iho tecelver finds that tlie
assets arc practically nothing. 'I he com
pany had agents thioughotit the Mute aiK
is known to have distributed at least $ JO-
000 worth of stock In St Louis , Moberly
Kansas City and other cities.
Olrlii I'ptot Ilia Hunt.
CLEVELAND. O , July 14 Two girls
named Flora Gideon and Mary Tomascli
cousins , who accompanied an excursion from
this city to Chlppewa Lake , were drowned to
day by the capsizing of a row boat. The
girls went out rowing with Adolph SchwarU
When they were quite a distance ftom the
shore they tried to exchange < .its with each
other , and the skiff vvjs LVcrturncJ , Schwa tz
clung to the boat and was rescued , while bin
companions sank at once.
Diver Recovered 11o llodlei.
LAKE GENEVA , WIs. . July 14. The lake
was smooth this morning and the di\er liai
little difficulty In reaching the launch Ult
patch , which lies in 10S feet of water. Afte
being In the water about two minutes he
came up with the body of Rev. James Hogan
the prleot who was Orcwned last Sunday
Next trip ho uuccc-ciUd In bringing Dr J , C
Hogan , a brother of the prlcjt ThU nuke
three ot the elx lost whoso bodies iiave brcn
lltnh Democracy for I'rre Silver.
SALT LAKE , July 14. The third annua
meeting of the territorial democratic socle
ties was held here yesterday. Many women
took part In the proceedings as delegates
The declaration ot principles which wa
adopted affirmed undying allegiance to III
democratic parly and declared for tlio fro
and unlimited coinage ot cold and silver a
the ratio ot 1 to 19.
Omnln Indian Celebration Winds Up in
Gold Blooded Killing.
frank I\TIIK : | 1'iirsucn Gcorgo I'nrhcr ,
Against \\liont Ho Hail n Urmleo ,
nnd ShootR Him In Hie Hack
In Jull.
PENDER , Neb , July 14. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The drunken orgies that have char
acterized th" celebiatlon on the Omaha In-
dim reservation since the Cth of July ter
minated last evening In a murder.
Indian Agent Wlllltm II Beck visited the
separate camps on the Omaha agency last
Thursday for the exprc s purpose of expell
ing white men and otheis who , It Is rumoied ,
were selling hard elder nnd whisky to the
Indians. Ho found upon Investigation of the
btrrels In the different stands that nothing
but c'dcr was being sold , and decided not to
stop the sale of the popular diluk. During
Agent Beck's visit to the Omaha camp ho
was acco.npanled by eight Wlnnebigo police ,
aimed with Spencer rifles. Before leaving
'aptaln Beck detailed four of his Indian po-
Icv to stay on the Omnln giounds and pre-
cr\e the peace This action was distasteful
o the Omaln Indians , who claimed that It
as not necessary to employ Wlnnebigo In-
lans , and tint order would be preserved by
icmbcrs of their own tribe Invested with
l\ll authority 'Ihelt piotests were of no
vail and the four Wlnnebago police re
No sooner had the captain left the cclcbra-
on grounds linn the Wlnnebigo police com-
icnced to make the rounds of the hard cider
lands nnd paid frequent visits to the numerous
) ootleggcrs who were peddling beer and
hlsky. It was not long until they had bccomo
tore bolstuous than those whom they were
upposed to keep under control. Yesterday
ftcrnoon one of the police , Frank Ewlng ,
lecame so dangerous by the lee o manner in
\liich he was handling his loaded rifle that
ohn Pitcher , a half-breed Omaha , was com-
cllcd to dispossess him of the fire-arm and
> lace It In the hands of one Wlckersham , who
tas conducting a stand on the grounds , for
afe keeping En Ing dechred he would kill
n Omaha Indian before he left the camp ,
nd wanted his gun Upon promise to behave
nd leave the grounds peiceably ho prevailed
ipon Wlckerslmni to let him have his rifle.
S'o w > oner had ho gained possession of the gun
ban ho made the second threat that ono dirty
Omaha would bite the dust and started In
lurstilt of George Parker , who was leaving
imp for another It Is thought Ewlng had a
grudge against Parker , who seemed to an-
Iclpato trouble and mounted his steed and
tarted to Idavc the grounds. Ewlng also
nounted his pony and darted after his victim ,
le gained on Parker steadily , and when about
wo miles from the main camp ho p'anted ' n
wllet In the small of Parker's back , killing
ilm Instantly.
The murderer was soon captured by Charlea
Snyder , United States marshal , James Black
bird and Joslah Fields , two Omaha ? , who
vanted to turn hint over to the Omaha In-
Hans , but the good couiipel of Snydcr pre-
alled , and he was brought to Pendcr and
) laced in the county Jull.
ICoyn Putin Cnnnty lloctilntom tn Pursuit
of H llnnil of Thieve * .
BUTTE , Neb. , July II ( Special Telegram )
Some excitement was created last night bf
a report which reached here that a band of
vigilantes , armed with rifles and revolvers
and under the leadership of Captain Burns ,
the redoubtable Key a Paha county regulator ,
had passed Just south of Fairfax In hot pur
suit of a band of rustle-s , who had made away
nlth a bunch of about sixty head of cattle.
The rustlers had been camped at a point In
the neighborhood of Spencer , Neb , for the
last week. Two former rebldents ot Spencer ,
John Keeler and a man named Zoadland , are
< -ild to be Implicated In the stealing , and the
attic were picked up at dlffeient points along
Llie state line as far west as Chciry county.
The band of vigilantes numbers fifteen men
and is bound to get the cattle , and the prob
abilities are that some of the rustlers will bo
roughly dealt with Sheriff Stiindlford re
ceived a postal from the sheriff of Cherry
county the other day , offering a reward ot
$1GO for the arrest of the men who stole the
cattle belonging to ono Webster , who lives on
Snake creek in that county , ami whose cattle
arc among the bunch near Spencer
The vigilantes went through yesterday
afternoon and must have arrived at the camp
about dnrk last night. It Is learned that the
rustkrs' camp Is situated on the Sioux reser
vation , and if a lynching occurs , which is
quite probable , i < o action can bo taken by ths
Nebraska authorities , as the territory Is still
under the Jurisdiction of the Department of
the Interior.
This forenoon another delall of the regu
lators followed In the wake of Captain Burns
end his band , and they now hnvo a sufficient
force to capture every one concerned In the
I.M TIO > S ( iOIM ; Hri'.ADII.Y ON
Indian Pollen llnsy DrUliiR Bottlers from
\\lnnibiRo IttHerve.
PENDER. Neb. . July 14 ( Special Tele
gram ) Captain Beck evidently proposes to
make a clean sweep of evicting the Illegal
settlers on Wlnnebaga og i cy Ian IP. Seventy-
five armed police removed four families last
Friday , and ten Saturday With hut one ex
ception the police liavu met with no resist
ance. Settler Stevenson stationed himself In
his house with a shotgun and defied the
police Had not Stcvtnson's friends and
neighbors cometo the rcscuo and took the
gun from the old nun borne ono of the police
would probably liavo been killed The police ,
with the aid of William Mary , a white set
tler , took Stovenson'a goods and machinery
and left him nothing but the bare house.
Trouble Is looked for Mondiy , as quite a
number of the settlers declare they will fight
before they will lose their homes and crops
and bo turned out with nothing.
Diiitli of mi IlllimU { ntigreomun.
VANDALIA , III , July 11 Fiederlck Re-
maun , lepresentatlvc for the Eighteenth Illi
nois congressional district , died today at his
resldenrc In this city He had not b'on well
for some time btfore entering Into the can
vass last fall After the election , accom
panied by his wife , bo went to Colorado
with a view of ticiipciatlon. On liU return
trip he took a heavy cold , which resulted in
an attack ot grip. He was confined to Ills
room scveitl weeks , and finally got out , took
a relapse , and was never again able to leave
bis room Mr Remann wns elected last fall
as a republican , defeating Lane , democrat.
He was an active member of the ( liand Army
of tlio Republic nnd Iris for yeais becu piom-
Inent In politics In his district.
Kiimniirl Ilnptlst Church Itoop neil.
SAN PRANriSCO , July 14. Emanuel Bap
tist church was opened for woiehlp today
for th' ' first time since the bodies ot Mlnnlo
Williams and Blanche Lament were found In
it The ben Ice wax conducted by Hov J ,
George Gibson , the tegular pastor No
stiangers were admitted except Jy raid in
vitation Only the lower part of the church
was used , the gallery leading the belfry
vvbero Blanche Liinont' body was found
being closed There wan no reference In
any of th1 prayers , addiesses or tenuous to
the crlnien which made the church notori
ous. Several pollremen weie pr ont , but
there wan no den ot disturbance.
Mr * . Sirvemo i Viin'ar * H Hclnpm
BLOOMING TON , II. , July U. MM , Vc !
Prrsldint PtRvrntun had a nt'jpse thU after *
noon uti'l was very 111 for some time. She !
reported mush better tonight.