8 TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE : BUN DAT , JULY 14 , 18f)5. BOSTON STORE'S LATEST IDEATe To Eqll Out Every Dollar's Worth Summer Goods and Sell Them Quick , WE BEGIN A CUT PMICE SALE YThoro Trlcci , Vntiicn nnd HurRitlnii Kun to fcvcry Kxtreino-.No I'rlcc Too Small- No llnrgalii Too ( Irrut 'lo Clear Out Siimmur Cloodi. BICYCLES 01VKN AWAY FRRE. Tuesday wo will give away another bicycle ( this will make the third ) . Do your buying at thi Boston Store , and you may get one also. 23G WASH GOODS FOR 50. Thousands of yards of pllsses , crepes , fig ured llnerts , Jaconets , ducks , percales and French sateens , In great variety of patterns , light and dark colorings , many worth up lo 25c yard , go In our basement at fie yard. $1.25 BLACK DRUSS GOODS 4'JC. Fine black brllllantlncs , Franch Henriettas , serges , woven novelties , waterproof serges , albatross and double width silk grenadines , all worth up to $1.25 , In "dress goods depart ment nt 49c. 75c quality of light and dark wool challles go at 25c. $1.25 SILKS , 500 YARD. All the odds and ends In the highest grades of fancy taffetas for waists and dresses , two-tone Gros do Londre , In all new designs. Cheney Bros. ' 30-Inch Japanese silk nnd plain satins , all worth up to $1.25 a yard , go at 50c. Thousands of dozens of ladles' black and colored silk mitts , 25c quality , at lOc per pair. $1.00 quality of Milanese silk mitts at 25c per pair. Thousands of silk belts with fancy buckles at 15c each. Trilby heart belt , with pure silk belting , DSc quality , at 39c. Thousands of yards of wide and narrow French Valenciennes and platte val laces suit able for trimming all kinds of wash dresses , go at 2V4c and fie per yard. 50 different styles of wide and narrow em broidery go at 5c a yard , worth up to 25c. $2.00 SILK UitfURKLLAS , 9SC. 26-Inch paragon frame silk serge and gloria Bilk umbrellas go at 9Sc. worth $2.00. $1.00 LADI12S' WAISTS , 2IiC. All the ladles' wash waists , with laundered collars and cuffs , go In the basement at 25c. $1.50 LADIES' WAISTS , 50C. All the ladles' high grade , newest style wash waists , with C.Ura large sleeves , worth $1.50 , go at COc.BOSTON BOSTON CTORR , OMAHA , N.-W. Corner IGth and Douglas. Attention , Oinnhii l.oil < < No. 18 , A.I ) . V. \ \ . The funeral of our late brother , George Watt , a member of Union Pacific lodge No. 17 , will take place on Sunday afternoon , July 14 , from the late residence , 30th and Pinkney streets. Members of this lodge will met at Twenty- second and Cumlng streets Sunday at 1 p. m. and attend In a body. A full attendance is requested. R. A. MCLAUGHLIN , M. w. Attention , \ . O. U. W. The members of Union Pacific lodge No. 17 , Ancient Order of United Workmen , are requested to meet at Wolf's hall , 22d nnJ Cumlng streets , at 1 o'clock sharp , Sunday , July 14 , for the purpose of attending the fu neral of our la'.o brother , ticorge Watt. All sister lodges of the city are Invited to turn out with us. F. L. OTIS , Master Workman. H. YINGLING , Recorder. A. O. U.V. . Picnic. Next Saturday , July 20 , the fourth annual picnic of U. P. lodge , No. 17 , A. O. U. W. , will be held at Bcllevuc. The train will , leave union depot at 9 o'clock a. m. , and o .charge of 50 cents will be made for the round trip. A list of thirty-two Interesting contests will bt had , with valuable prizes for the wln- Vier In each Instance. The A. 0. U. W , . bind No. 17 , will furnish the music. Tickets can lie procured on the train or from any one o ! the following committee of arrangements : O. Hoclnnan , SI. G. Edwards , H. Ylngllng , William Turner , J. G. Gross , Charles A. Wagner and F. L. Otis.o Attrulli.il . ( . U. W. All members of Patten lodge No. 173 are requested to meet at Wolfe hall , Twenty- second and Cumlng ! streets , Vm Sunday , July 14 , at 1 o'clock sharp , to attend the funeral of our late brother , George Watts , ol Union Pacific lodge No. 17. George Lohlelu Master Workman ; W. Taylor , Recorder. 830.75 TO IIAMLMOIU : AXU ItBTUIt.V. Vlu fin Turlington llonlr. Tickets on sale July 15 and 16. Good to return until August S. Three dally trains Omaha to Chicago 9:50 : a. m. , 4:45 : p. m. and 7:50 : p. m. All making c'oo connections with the Chicago-Baltimore lines. Ticket office 1321 Farnam street. Ll.llUM. If you have the rheumatism or neuralgia any kidney or uterine trouble , are emaclatei or have superfluous flesh and your doctor orders baths , before going to the expense o ia trip , try our baths. You can have Turkish or Russian , medi cated , vapor , electric , eea salt , sulphur , Mer curlal , oil rubs and hot milk baths. Attendants first class. Massage by an educated masseuse. Ladles' Turkish baths and physical cul ture parlors , 109-110 Jieo building. UAI.r I'M HI' : TO Halt Faro to Ilnltlnrire , II lit Faro to Haiti- more. HALF PARK TO BALTIMORE. I Monday and Tuesday , July 15 and 16 , via the Northwestern line ; through cars and sev eral other things people want , t CITY TICKET OFFICE , 1101 FARNAM ST These tickets are good on the "limited' No , 2 , as well as other trlans. Conrtlitml Ili-aoli Note * . The weather the past week has not been what the beach management desires at all If Manager Arthur could \nake the weathe to order he would have the evenings so warm that all Omaha would swarm to Courtland for a breath of fresh air. The cool evening BO far this season have been very unfavor able to the beach , and only one evening ha been warm enough to cause people to flock to Courtland In large numbers. Today Mnio. Celeste makes two balloon as censlons and parachute leaps. La Burn also gives trapeze , contortion and tight rep performances. _ Hot Sprint" , South Dahotn. Quick time via Northwestern Line. Nrhr.m'ia'ii l'roin | > rltc. Now that splendid crops In Nebraska ar assured beyond a doubt , the publishers o The Nebraska Farmer , Lincoln , Neb. , hav decided to commemorate this Importan event by publishing a large special edltlo of their journal August 1st , devoted to "en silage and fodder. " Thlt Issue will be used i extensively In their subscription campaign at tho"ntate and county fairs and will affon advertisers an excellent 'medium througl Which any article of merit may bo brough before" the best people of Nebraska and ad joining territory. All who are contemplatln placing any advertising should bogln at once or with this special Issue , and all order ! with copy for advertisements should be sen In enor before July 25 , 1S95. For advertls Ing rates or for further particulars writ them. Their' 'special altalta edition , Aprl f , ' 95 , was most favorably commenced on b the agricultural press ot the country and highly nppreclated by thoie Interested 1 and familiar with this most popular and va ! uable forage plant , and It Is the Intention o the publishers to make this Issue of Augus 1st , It possible , even more valuable than th alfalfa special. Copies of either edition ma be hod , postpaid , to any addreai , at five cent per copy , while the large supply holds out. Samuel Burns , 1318 Farnam , announce the arrival of an Invoice of Imperial Carls bad dinner eels per steamer "Fulda , " a ? lS/fG , formerly $30.00. $ Cart ! 9t Thnnkf. _ ifra. Jolm "McQavern wishes lo thank he many frlcuda for the klndnets shown durln ( he alckueia and death of her husband ; epe clal thanks to the 0. K. ol A. Falcon tliojrcles. Are you going to ride a wheel ? Yei , th gold crank Falcon , becauie It la a bird. F M. Rumll , 313 So. 15th St , NEW YORK STORE The Great Bonkinpt Sale Still Continues This Week COMMENCING TOMORROY/ / MORNING Ve U'lll Continue to Il.tva on Snlo the Will- lam K Helm Stock of Dry ( looiU , Notion * uml ( lent1 I'urnlililiiB ( lomln Thoiu- HUils of Other Articled , The following Is only a few samples of our prices : KINIJ WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT. 12VjC dimities and lawns , light and dark colors , GVfcc yard. All our fine pllsses , worth 25c to 33c , 12 < c. Dress ginghams , neat patterns , worth 12c , > c yard. MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. Fancy bosom dress shirts , worth $1 , 69c. Men's half lisle shirts and drawers , worth 7Gc , 3Ic. ) Hlack and ton baldrlggan hose , regular 25o kind , Klc. Men's outing flannel shirts , worth SOc , ISc. Hoys' waists , sizes from 4 to 8 , worth 35c , 15c. SHOE DEPARTMENT. Ladles' dongola Oxfords , patent tip , worth $1. COc. Ladles' tan Oxfords , In square and pointed toe , worth $1.50 , 9Sc. Lidles * Jullottes In black and tan , worth $3 , $1.75. LADIES' UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. Jersey ribbed vests , worth 15c , 4c. Richelieu ribbed vests , ccrue lisle , worth GOe , 2Sc. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. Lot of black hose , worth 10c , 4c. lOc and 12c hose , In all sizes , 5c. NOTION DEPARTMENT. Hair pins , two bunches for Ic ; pins Ic a paper. Kino combs , Ic. Garters , > 2c pair. lOc curling Irons , 5c. Finishing braids in al Ipatterns , 5c a bolt. 100 yards of spool silk , all colors , 2c. NEW YORK STORE. N. E. Cor. 15th and Dodge Sta. OPI'ICIAIi MOTIUB. II. V. 1' . V. DelpgiloH mill I' , lomlt Knroilta to Ilit'tlmnrr. Members of the state transportation com mittee can be found Monday , July 15 , at the NORTHWESTERN LINE TICKET OFFICE , 1101 FARNAJl STREET. Call then and secure your railroad tickets , badge and accommodations In the through special car. The entire state delegation leaves at 5:45 : p. m. Monday , from the Union Pacific depot. CHARLES E. MORGAN , Transportation Leader. TVo bar a'ns of Oimha ari to be h d onU at Falconer's. See ad on 5th page. o CAMPOUN'l.Y Oil TU.V.V-J Yin tlio * nntu I'n Itonto. For lowest rates on tickets and best ac commodations call on or address E. L. Palmer , P. A. Santa Fo Route , Room 1 , First National Bank , Omaha. Try a case Schoennofen's Export or Edel weiss beer. II. Rohlff , wholesale dealer , tel. 877 For genuine bargains attend Falconer's half price sale. A l"v \ ( ! vint < iic4 Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A clean train , in ado up and started from Omaha. Daggage checked from residence to destination. Elegant rain service and courteous employes. Entire train lighted by electricity and heated by steam , with electric light In every berth. Finest' .dining car cervlco In the west , with meals served "a la carte. " The Flyer haves at C p. m. dally from Union depot. City ticket omce , 1504 Farnam street. C. 8. Carrier , city ticket agent. Hamilton Warren , M. D , , magnetic electlc physician ; health restored and again ready for business. 119 N. l th St. . room 2. Read Falconer's half urico sale on page 6. o IlLf.ll. FORGAN Mildred , Infant daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. George Forgan , on the 9th lust. HA'/.KL Daughter of Mr. Charles and Mao Mack. Funeral will bo held at the resi lience of her grandparents. Mr. James S GHllnm , Sunday nt 2 o'clock. Friends nre Invited. Dubuque , In. , papers please copy. The bargains of Omiha are to be had only at Falconer's. See ad on 5th page. llnltlmoro and Ketiirii.J Tickets on sale July 15 and 1C , erie fare for the round trip. Call at CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC ticket offlce , 1602 Far nam street. Cheap one way rates to Texas July 15 to 25. Read Falconer's half price- sale on page 5. HUSTLING FOKOTHE POSITION. Omco of Sidewalk linpoctor Will Not He Abolllliccl Muny Want tlio Job , The Board of Public Works has refusei to consider the resolution of Street Commis sioner Kaspar to do away with the services ot the sidewalk Inspector. Members base their action on the claim that the ofllcc Is created by charter and that Us powers cannel properly bo delegated to any other person On this ground they assert that If the In spectorship were abolished and the work re latlng to special taxes done by some one else tile levy would bo invalidated. In view of the decision of the majority n the board , Mr. Kaspar has withdrawn his resolution , and at the meeting next Friday ho will name some person to' succeed Urban B Balcombo , the present Inspector. The action of the board In deciding to con tinue the ofllco has produced a lively gather Ing of forces on the part of these who aspire to the posl.tlon. Mr. Balcombo Is not partlcu larly anxious to surrender his salary to a successor and his friends arc working tc secure his rcappolntmcnt. Ono of the mos active hustlers for the Job Is Patrick Ford but In view of the fate of Mlko Lee Frl day. It Is suggested yiat ho had better change his name If he expects to bo In the race fo confirmation. S. L. Boyd and J. W. Furna are mentioned In connection with the position and candidates arc likely to multiply during the week. Concerning John Mriiaveni. The death of John McGovern at St Bernard's hospital nt Council Bluffs las Sunday morning removed one of the few remaining men who passed an entire life time as a citizen of Omaha. Mr. McGovern was born In this city 37 years ago and liac been prominently connected with Its bust ness Interests. Up to the time of Jils deatl ho was a member of the firm of C. I ) Havens & Co. and until his health began to fall about thrro years ago he took ai active part In the linn's business. At tha time a stroke of paralysis compelled him to abandon active business pursuits and tli Intervening time was largely spent Ir traveling. Recently his condition became alarming and the most faithful care couli nut save his life. His funeral was held a 9 o'clock Tuesday morning from St. Peter' church and n large concourse of friends one relatives united In paying their last trlbut of respect. The Catholic Knights o America , of which order deceased was t valued member , attended In a body. Mr McGovern leaves a wife and one child , wh reside at the family residence at 220 Nortl Nineteenth street. liny Will Ai-copt. Attorney Day lias accepted th position o assistant attorney general , and expects to g to Lincoln tomorrow , when he will nie hi bond and qualify. He says that the appoint ment was a total surprise to him. His wlf being absent be coujd not ttate uba.1 his ar rAUKmenU might be with refeVefiCft la mov ing to Lincoln , though h Inteudi continuing hl connection with the firm of Gregory , Day & Day , of which ha has bein a member fci sever years. Ha came to the city eleven yeart ago from the Iowa State Law school , ol which be U a graduate. For genuine barealnt attend Falconer's half price tale. NTIHtlttTIM ) FACTS AllOUT OUCIIAHO lutiiri \ \ lint They Will 1'roduco nnil Acttinl Kiprrlrnco Slum * Thar Are Cnpiule Of. The following Is an extract from a letter n regard to Orchard Homes lands that will 0 of Interest to many : "The first year 1 grew cabbage's at the rate of 20 tons per icre , and no finer heads ever went to mar- tot than Koine of them were. The same vear I grew peanuts at the rate of 200 bush- Is per acre ( an average Virginia crop IB less han SO bushels ) sweet potatoes , 300 bushels > ( ? r acre , tomatoes , 300 bushels merchantable rult nnd a * much more that was not strictly alable. The second year , Irish potatoes , 50 bushels per acre , spring crop , and fall rep yet to dig. I measured several stalks f corn this year , the smallest of which was 1 feet and the tallest 13 feet high , each icarlng two well developed cars , none of vhlch were less than 12 Inches long. Early urnlp beets grow to weigh an average of % pounds each and 24 Inches In circum- erenco for the largest measured specimen. One-yecr-old peach trees cet last January and February and cut back to about three eet high , are now eight and nine months fem the setting , 7 to 9 feet high , well ) ranchcd , vigorous , full of fruit buds and ooklng strong enough to bear a full crop next year. They won't be allowed to , of ourse , except a few specimens. "To further show the capacity of this soil and the climate as well , take the results of this season on a small patch on which n va riety has been grown. Understand that these nre not estimates nor guesses , but carefully recordsd measurements , dates , amounts , etc. , ier acre : January 1 , planted Alaska pens , Meld 200 bushels. April 1 , planted Irish po- at03S , yield , 365 bushels. June 20 , allowed crab grass to prow , potatoes having been dug and nothing else ready to go on the ground ; yield , two tons of hay equal to the best tim othy. August 2C. Irish potatoes planted again , and by October 20 new potatoes of good size ready to cat ; they arc a good stand , very thrifty , nnd promise to outyleld the spring crop. None of thtse four crops was doubled up , but each one was gathered complete before the land was put In prcpara- .lon for the next crop. When the potatoes are dug ( November ) onions can be set at ho rate of over 10,000 dozen bunches to the acre , of which the yield should bo ttro- thlnls of the amount set , nnd worth In the northern markets In March , when they can easily be made ready to pull , from 10 to 30 cents per bunch , less freight , commission , and packages , about 3 to 5 cents per dozen. As I have often stated , while paying crops of corn , oats , cotton , etc. , can be nnd arc raised on this Orchard Homes lands , still t Is pro-emlnsntly suited for garden farm ing and fruit raising. There Is not a vege table and but few fruits known to the north- rn gardener and horticulturist which cannot e grown In greater perfection and more abundantly here , and the list of what can tie grown here and marketed In the north at high prices Is a long one. If you can raise fruits and vegetables where you are , come here and sso how much better you can do. You can get a batter home for yourself here and get It sooner and easier than any where I ever heard of. Your children will have just as good educational chances here as anywhere. You can grow crops here twelve months of the year Instead of six. The south Is now the spot for the Intelligent man to go and the people of the west recog nize that fact. " For further data address George W. Ames , 1C17 Farnam street. Omaha , Neb. Correspondence solicited. Or- p.mlze clubs of three to five families. The tide han turned toward the south. Investigate this wonderful country. Spirit Liil < n Okolmj' . You ought to be there today , with your family. FOR CHRISTIAN OUNO MEN. Good ThliiRH that Ar. ' tn Store for Associa tion McmlicrK. Plans for the summer outing and camp of the Young Men's Christian asosclatlon boys are progressing rapidly. The camp will be located at Hclman's lake , fourteen miles from Tekamah , a lake twelve miles long , and where It Is said there Is the best fishing In the state. Every convenience for camp life Is supplied. There Is good swimming and good water. The lake Is safe from squalls , and any dangerous elements to the boys' . The dates for the parties are set for the juniors , July 30 to August 8 ; for the seniors , the older members of the association , August S to 17. All members of the association In the city and vicinity are Invited to Join the party , and may secure Information In refeY- ence to tlia same upon application to the Eeretary. The expense for the entire ten days , Including railroad fare , boat hire and everything , Is but $10. Things are swinging on at a lively rate at the association field at Twenty-eighth and DDdge , and during Mr. Cook's absence ' 'on his vacation In the east for three weeks , Mr. * Haven and Sir. Mayne will have charjje of the park-with the assistance of subcommittees tees , on various sports. Many men who were taking their exercise In the gymnasium are now exercising at the park. The gymnasium will bo open during the summer on Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday evenings , and bo In charge of voluntary assistants. There Is qulto a little class of business men In the gymnasium from 11 to 12 o'clock dally. On Saturday. July 27 , there will bo a novel game of base ball at the Association field be tween the fat men and the lean men. C. A. Goss will captain the fat men's nine and George R. Gllmoro the lean men. Frank Moores , C. A. Star , A. P. Tukey , and other men of size and standing will play on the fat men's side. Secretary Ober Is still hobbling around with the help of a cane and wearing his foot In a plaster cast. The sprain to his foot was more serious than at first thought , and It will bo a month before ho Is able.'to walk , but he Is able to get back and forth to hU office. The bicycle run on next Tuesday evening will be to Courtland beach. A number ol bicyclists will meet at 6:15 : Monday evenlns and go out to the fort to attend the band concert and dress parade. "Men , " the association publication , Is dis continued for the summer , and will not ap pear again until September 0. The Item which has been published gener ally by the press , reporting a petition from the secretary and directors of the San Francisco Young Men's Christian as sociation to the city council of that city pray ing that the wearing of bloomers and knick erbockers by the female cyclists of that city ba forbidden , was a hoax and a forgery and has much exercised the association men ol that city , and , as well , provoked a good deal of merriment about the country. PROPERTY OWNER3 PROTEST. ( ontrml thnt It Is a HitriUhlp to Comply with the Tenui ot an Urillimnco. Street Commissioner Kaspar Is Insisting or the observance of the ordinance which pro hlblts driving over the curbing In order to gel Into an alley and there Is a prodigious protesl from a few wealthy property owners win consider It a hardship tm\t they should be compelled to construct driveways Into tin alleys , adjoining their property , as Is con templated by the ordinance. " ' A great many property owners have bridged over the difficulty In the past by construct ing a sort of apron of boards , by whlqh the ) were enabled to drive over the curbing. Thli apron acted as an obstruction to the guttei and during heavy rains It was a source ol considerable annoyance. Commissioner Kas par has begun war on the nuisance and tin sidewalk Inspector Is busy serving notices ot more than thirty property owners In tin down town district. The enforcement o : the ordinance Involves some expenditure or the part of the property owners and some o : them have called at the ofllco of the Boarc of Public Works to Inform the members tha they are a set of rascals , to Inflict such i needless hardship. But the notices are stll on their way and It Is promised that the ] will be backed up by legal action unlesi their terms are compiled with. Do Not l.lku Chief Uhltu'i Order. Residents ot the French row In the burn district have sent the mayor an appeal foi fresh air. They protest against the order Is rued by Chief White , requiring the doon facing the streets to be kept closed and th < window curtains drawn. They claim th.li V.'rill'J V > ? uienclursble- during the hot weathei and liuvc signed a petition , asking the mayoi to have- the order revoked , The womei agree to refrain from soliciting trade froir the doors If they are allowed the privilege of keeping them open during the hot weather It IB likely that a macadamized road , 10 ( feet wide , running along the lake shore fron to Milwaukee , will be begun soon. < lr < i lriCS lp Vet. O. K. Scofleld must -cloio out all summer goods to make room. > for the Immense stock of furs and cloaks that will arrive In Sep tember , to do this 'hoi'dms Inaugurated the greatest sale Omaha has ever known. Ladles' shirt waists thnt have cold at $1.60 , $1.75 and $2.00 each/ choice ot all for 50c ; ladles' embroidery trimmed drawers , worth up to 7Cc for 29c a. 'pair ; ladles' muslin gowns and drawers , beautifully trimmed nnd worth up to $1.25 each1 ; ' for 50c ; ladles' com- brlc gown nnd skirts , elegantly trimmed and worth up to $2.60 each , choice for 76c. Scofield's store was thronged all day yester day with buyers who knew the value of the goods offered. Some came again with refilled purses , and many were the favorable comments heard on every side. Silk waists , lawn suits , duck suits , silk and wool suits , wrappers , spring capes , all must go and will go quickly. Will you ba nno of the fortunate ones ? Then buy this week at O. K. SCOFIELD'S. Paxlon Block. N. B. No goojs delivered , exchanged oren on approval. The prices are too low to ad mit of U. KAUFFMAN LEARNED A LESSON arty to a .Suit In Which llo Took No I'nrt. Judge Keysor decided a case yesterday which will hereafter make parties keep a sharper lookout than they have been doing when they see their names used n connection with a lawsuit. Charles Kauffman of South Omaha ivas taught this lesson by reason of a re- ilevln action which was begun In the sumner - ner of 1893 In his name for the purpose of obtaining possession of a frame dwelling 'louse ' valued at $300. It appeared from the testimony that A. W. \dams of South Omaha , as a consUble , made a levy on this bouse to satisfy n Judgment of $218.87. An attorney at once rushed Into Justice Levy's court and obtained replevin wpers to get the nouse away from Adams , bringing the action In Kaufman's name. The jecullar part of the case lies In the fac ( that Kaufman declares that he knew nothing of this procedure , but August Hanuso testl- led that he was Kaufman's best friend and business adviser and authorized these legal steps. At any rate the case worked Its way nto nn Omaha Justice shop , when the de fendant made a motion to have the case dis missed because the attorney lacked authority for bringing the case originally. Instead of dis missing the case the suit was sent to dis trict court , as the Omaha Justice concluded the house was too large lor him to handle. Affairs continued to run along In the district court until last fall , when the defendant walked Into court one day and finding Kauf man absent , took a Judgment against him by default and proceeded to Issue his execution to get back either the house or Its value In money. Just at this turn of affairs Kauf man concluded that he must enjoin the levy on the house or he would be out several hundred dollars for having been made a plain tiff In n case by mistake , instead of one Sear ) , who. It Is claimed , was the party who should have prosecuted the replevin action. The Justices all testify tlist Kaufman wit * kept Informed of the progress of the lawsuit but Kaufman maintains that he thought the ) were all the time talking about an appeal bond. The court holds that Kaufman woke up too late In the day to do himself any good and dismisses his Injunction against the levy of the execution against him. L'UMSIlMUNr THAT U1U NOT COUNT Hurglar Duly Convicted Hscapcn with u l.i ht Jail XrntciiL'i- . Neither Ralph HIggins nor Charles Rhodes think that the way of the transgressor Is particularly hard. HIggins , especially , has nothing to complain of concerning his treat ment in-the criminal branch of the district court. He now walks the streets of Omaha after having been jointly Indicted with Rhodes forx burglary , who , as his pal , was convicted by twelve men sworn to try the case Impartially. June 3 Rhodes was placed on trial for bur glarizing tbe saloon .of Fred H.jKruso , and convicted. The criminal Judge set the ver dict aside and gave Rhodes another trial. He also said that he could get out as soon as he gave a $1,000 bond. The release of the court was granted on the technical ground that the sun might have been up half an hour or so before the time when the bur glary could have been committed , though the state claimed It had proven to the Jury's satisfaction that the burglary was undoubted ly committed In the saloon at midnight , or thereabouts. On July C the two young men were taken before Judge Scott , who made a new Journal entry allowing them to get away from the charge of burglary by plead ing guilty to stealing $ C worth of stuff. They were given thirty days In Jail. So the matter stood until yesterday , when Hlgglns got off free , Inasmuch as the court made an order sentencing him to the city Jail for five days , the date of his sentence to begin July G. It Is stated that HIggins won the Judge's at tention by complaining of being sick , and was released on this ground. Inquiry at the Jail revealed the fact that In his confinemen' for several months past he had never been sick or asked for medicine and had never complained to the doctor. Rhodes , however , who Is still In jail. Is a weakly consumptive. Kereivor for tlio I'aul Plato. The Paul flats , located on the corner of Nineteenth and Chicago streets , are to have a receiver. Rents are coming In at the rate of about $220 a month , some $2,500 of taxes ara due , and Paul , by his action , so Judge Keysor finds , evinces no Intention of keeping the property Insured. Somebody will b8 made receiver. W. F. Havemeyer , ths first mortgagee , asked for the appointment to pro tect a $37,000 mortgage that he has upon this block. The total Incumbrances Is not far from $60,000. This case was but a short time since taken to the supreme court , when the appointment of a receiver was refused "pro forma , " and remanded for trial. The district court now appoints a receiver. The case will at ones go back to the supreme court to ascertain whether or not a receiver should have been appointed. The appeal bond was fixed at $6,000 , to cover the proba ble waste during the two years more which the case Is expected to be In the supreme court. rVmlltori Unit tin * llnnk. A complicated suit was before the equity court yesterday , growing out of a mortgage on Omaha land , Involved In a suit of the Peter borough Savings bank against A. W. Pierce. It was made to appear that the bank had an assignment of the mortgage It was attempting to foreclose upon , but Instead ot filing it with the county clsrlc , It had filed the as signment In Its vault. ' In the meantime the Klmball-Champ Investment company became financially Involved a ad the creditors at tached a deed to this : ame land which the Klmball company bid.vbcomo possessed ot although It had previously given an as signment of the mortgage on the land to the bank. In the equity court , by reason of this fact , the creditors ouioe out ahead ot the bank. AppraUcnirnt K IUMIIR llnilintiirbrd. Judge Keysor laid llown the law In the case of confirmation > ot sales while passing on the case of Simpson against Magln. Property In this suit'was appraised at $4,000 and It was at once attacked by the defend ant , that the valuation was too small , affi davits on each side tidng filed , the plantlff's side swearing that.tthe amount was very liberal , and the defunilant maintaining that It was Inadequate. .Judge Keysor said that In these times he waaiaware that every man set his own price on real estate , and he would not disturb tlie-sworn return of ap praisers unless fraud could be shown. He failed to find any In this case. Time When Minute * Counted , In the foreclosure suit of Cassldy against Archer an attack was made against the appraisement. About the middle of April the sale was held at 10 o'clock In the morning , and Just five minutes after It had started , Archer reached the clerk's office with a mo tion to tet aside ( be appraisement because It was too low. Archer , so Judge Keysor decided yesterday , was five minutes and a fraction ot a second too late , and his mo tion was held to be no good. He should b.ave filed bis motion b tore the sale started. The Coining Human. New York World : "Ah. Jial" Adam emlled sltmincantly. "This morning we had morning. At 12 m. we had noon. What Is bound to come at the close of thlB nlxth day ? " He gazed nt the gelling sun. "Why. Eve , of course. " The feeling stole over him that one of his rlba ml flit be a - THEY WILL TARRY IN OMAHA. Ohio nnil Indlnim Men ( lolnc Out on n ' \\cMcrn Trip. Former residents of Ohio and Indiana now In Omaha arc Interested In the excursion ot the Householders' club , under the auspices ot the Cincinnati Enquirer , which will visit this and other western cities next month. The attention of Commissioner L'tt of the- Commercial club has been called to the contemplated visit of the 300 cxcurMo.ilsts and he will bring the subject of entertain ment up at the next meeting ot the execu tive committee of the club. The trip will cover 3,780 miles. . The sojourn of the excursionists In Omaha will be from 4:05 : p. m. , August 20 , until 10 o'clock the same evening. Commissioner Utt believes that Ittould be an excellent Idea to charter two rpeclal motor trains and give the vlsftors a. plimpse of the city. In the evening n reception will doubtless bo given nt the cl ID rooms mil the freedom of the city extended the vlbltors wlille In Omaha. The excursionists arc mostly newspaper men of Ohio and Indiana. TICKETED TOWARD THE COA8T Conlltlcnfo .Men Itathcr Travel Than Kr- intlii In .lull. Jackson and Tlionia ? , the two smooth young men , who were sent up for thirty days for confldenclng Albert Sheriffs out of $5 , are on their way west , the Jail sentence Imposed by Judge Ilerka having been re mitted by the mayor. The young fellows were nervy enough , nnd after being released they walked down to the police station , gave a detective or two the laugh , and then started for California. Mayor Bemls set aside the Jail sentence on representations made by the young men that they were anxious to get out of the city and to their homes In California. They both had tickets for the coast , and told the mayor that they were going back to their homes and would stay thre. The chief of police entered no objection to the discharge of the prisoners. He was convinced that they were- bid characters , but as there was no charge against them on which thy could be pun ished by more than a Jail sentence , he was quite willing to get them away from Omahs at the expens ? of remitting the line Imposed In the police court. IVrll of \\licnt\romnii. . "I had a strange experience last even ing. " "Well , what was It. " "I was walking across the street Just nt dusk when some person on a wheel plumped Into me I bounced up , mixed with the rider , and walloped him soundly , when " What ? " It was a woman In knlckerbock- trc. 1IRE DESTROYED THE PLANT. llultillntr of thn ( Irnnt I'ltTlng Company lliirnpil to the ( Irouuil Tlio asphalt plant ot the John Grant I'nv- Ing company , located at Eleventh and Nicholas streets , was nliuost completely destroyed by ( Ire nt 11 o'clock yesterday , Deb Glider , timekeeper for Mr. Grant , had been nt work In the building and wan just leaving It when ho saw smoke Issuing from n cupola on thereof and almost at the same time discovered one of the huge smelting ket tles on fire. An al.irm was turned In and the department responded promptly , but It was IOD late to save the building. The losa will reach $1.000 on the building and machin ery. and may exceed that amount as the machinery may have suffered moro damage than Is anticipated at this time. Mr. Grant carried $3,000 In Insurance , having cancelled a $2,000 policy on the plant but a few days ago. The building will bo rebuilt In order to protect the machinery. A FORTUNE IN FOOD. Nearly n Million Amusi-d liy the Keeper of it < limp ttr taiinint. From the bill of faro printed below Pat rick Dolan has amassed a fortune of $300.- 000 In New York City. One-third of this amount Is Invested In real estate. The bal ance Is In cash , which could be got together within six hours. Kitty-four thousand dollars lars Is drawing Interest In eighteen different savings banks. He has $3,000 In each bank , which Is the limit accepted from a single depositor. Yet when ho started a llttlo cof fee and cake saloon In a basement , says an exchange , thirty years ago , he only had $20. Here Is the menu from which this fortune has been made : Toffee ntul rnkcs . 10 Milk toast . 10 Compel liec-f . 10 Oyster pit's . 10 liollixl ham . 10 Oyntrr U'\v . 10 1'oik ntul brans . 10 Oynti'ra raw . 10 I'lrklcil tWKUO . 10 TCNI . G Two lx > llftl CKKS . 10 Coffee . ti 1 Irani nn < l milk . 10 1'les . ft Dry tunst . 10 Ciullora . 5 About 1SSO Dolan moved out of the Inse- inent Into the little store overhead. Here ho had room for only six tables. He nude money from the day he started In business. Uolan made friends easily , but was never theless Independent. He has never used the credit system In his lunch room , spot cash on delivery having always been his rule. Dolan has often had to pay as high as 75 cents a dozen for his eggs , yet he never charged his patrons more than 5 cents apiece. "It's enough , " he says. "As amoral thing , I can buy my eggs at from 18 to 23 cents a dozen. I nnke a good profit on them. Why should I bleed my cusiomers Just because I get the tough end of the steak once In a while ? " 1 CUT III PSICE ON All our silk waists will bo sold at a big reduction $0.50 and $5.50 waists for $3.87. Sorao broken lines that were $4.00 and $3.50 , for $1.87. White waists that were carried over from last sum mer ; $1.5O and $2.00 waists cut to SOc ; $1.00 cut to 25c. Misses' waists , 75c , $1 and $1.25 , all sizes , for 38c. See the children's Mull Caps wo are selling for half prico. A line of white dresses for 3 and 4 years cut one-third the pric ; Mrs. J. Douglas , near 16th Street. si ? Buys the best $4.00 Tan Oxford that has ever been offered in this city. There is no "string" catch to this offer. We have all sizes and widths , A A to D , and it is our regular $4 shoe. Your gain is our loss in this particular case. Don't buy till you see this bargain , then you will. / / T , P. CartwrigM & Co. , Shoes Shined Free , 16th and Douglas Sts' fcOtiN ? * Therejt > true economy < * in attending our great 1 July Clearing Sale. 1 It means a saving of nearly half on every purchase. The 1319Farnam 99-Cent Farnam Store. Street. HARD LUCK II AD FOLLOWED Oliver Think * llo llx Unit 1'ovr ( looil Thing * of Thli World. , Ocorgo Oliver was at the police ( tatloa yesterday looking for medlcirl attendance * Hovns tmdly crippled up nnd toU a story ; of wandering nnd hard luck that had fol lowed him during the past two years. Ho left Denver during the panic In 1S93 nnd Imil been hunting for work ever since. Ho thought ho had n gooj place n few weeks ago when ho hired out to n contractor to work on a big building that wng being erected nt Ames , M , Ho fell through the llaor the first day and Injured his knee so badly that It will be Impossible for him to do any work for some months. Ho was cent to the city ] physician for treatment , , In London thcro Is a street collection fort ono benevolent Institution or another on al most every Saturday In the year. i Thp iH'fjImior should have every fiu-lllly thrown In his way to become prolli'leiit. There's every modern im provement worth Imvliii : In the Klmball plano-and It stays in tune longer than any other. We sell It or rent It , and will apply the rent on the purchase price if yon rtVcMe to buy , A. HOSPH , Jr On ( otirtlund Lake , Omaha. find Every Night This w LEA PS by Hmo. Celeste and Prof. Le Burn ) . . - * Phrenology Freo. - Prof. Q. Morris will slvo frro 1-auioa ft\ Woman's Club rooms over Liiiaton Store on thp evenlntts of July 1C , 17 , 18 , 19 nnil 10 IIIx topld Tuo iluy evening will be "Love , Cuuitt > Mi | anil Mnrrlngc. " Ladles nnd Kentlemci : onmlnea : free In public nt close of eacii lecture. 1'rlvato examinations SO cents cnch nt nxini Cl ) Sliccly block from 10 n. m. to 0 p. in. each < l.iy. w , Are a scientific compound of medicines I ft * tended to build up the Nerve Structure QIUJ icatore to the whole body nil of Its norm functions ) . YOU NERD THEM HHCAUSB THKY AH13 A NKIIVI3 TON ! whose work Is beneficial and laatiiiir. Trice , Jl.OO per box ; 0 for $3.00. Si nt btf mall. i If you nre gettlnK nervous nnd can't sleep and don't care whether you po to youti meals or not. You need tliom If you are cross nnd Irritable without any vMblecausQ or if Buffering with any nervous disorder 1513 DODGE ST. , 2d Door West 1 . O. , Omaha * July Special Rcuulnr $200 Sideboard , July Special $125.00 .Inly Special On all kinds of Furniture. Chas Shiverick & Co * "For EYES that arc weary And pocket book sore , You will sure find relief If you come to our slue , " We have the best Optician iri the city. The Aloe Peiifold Co. I.RADWfi SCIHNTIFIC OPTICIANS. . 1408FarnamSl.f Opp. I'wlon ' Hotel' '