Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1895, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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Omaha Loses at St. Joseph Just as Oho Won
the Day Before.
After Two Men Were Out the Saints
I'ouudcd Out Knoilcli Ituiii toVlu
the Uiiino DCS Molneit lie *
feiiti IJiicolu Again ,
St. Joseph , 9 ! Omaha , G.
Rockford , 11 ; Jacksonville , 9.
Dei Mollies , 7 ; Lincoln , G.
1'eorla , 1 ; Qulncy. 3.
Philadelphia. 9 : St. lyjuls , 4.
Brooklin. 4 ; Plttsburg , 1.
Cleveland. 3 , New York , 2.
Boston , 15 ; Ixjtilsvlllc , 2.
Cincinnati , C : Washington , 3 ,
Baltimore , 8 , Chicago , 4.
Minneapolis , 13 ; Indlanniralls , 12.
Kan as City , 6 ; Detroit. 4
St. Paul. 9 ; Ornnd Rapids , 0
Milwaukee , 9 ; Terre Haute , 7.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , July 13. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The tables xvere turned today and
the.Saints defeated the Omaha boys by a
score of 9 to 5 , the same score by which the
home team was defeated yesterday. The
Saints put tin a good game today , while the
visitors lacked energy and could not hit the
ball at critical times. Up to the seventh
Inning the Saints were unable to find Car
rlsh , with the exception of Seery , who
In the fourth Inning drove the sphere over
the right field fence. After two men had
gone out In the seventh the Saints lit on
to Carrlsh and pounded out four runs and
secured four lilts , nnd repeated the same
thing In the eighth Parvln allowed the
visitors only three lilts in the eight In
nings and two runs that were scored came
In after a chance to retire the side. In the
last Inning the visitors found the ball and
hit It for three doubles , two singles and
three earned runs. The features of the
game were the hard hitting of the Saints ,
Jones' flno throwing to the bases and
Staple's flno fielding In center field for the
visitors. Umpire Burns was considerably
off todiy. Ho cut Shaffer out of a safe hit
over the third bag by calling It a foul.
Score :
AB. II. BH. PO. A. H
McCarthy , cf
Marcum. Ib 5 1 1 fi 0 0
Seery , If 4 2 1 v3 0 0
Jones , c 5 1 1 8 G 0
McIIale , rf G 2 2 2 0 0
arlllln. ss
Alberts. 3b
Rlchter. Ib 4 1 2 G 0 0
Parvln , p 0 ) ) !
J _ J J j J
Totals 37 9 9 27 11 2
AB R. BH. PO. A. E.
Ulrlch , 21)
Siagle , cf 1 1 1 G 0 0
Nattress , 3b
Shaffer , If
Inks , if ) J 1 1 10 0 1
Paco. rf
Lehman , c
Miles , ss
Carrleh , p
Total 32 1 1 27 1 1
St. Joseph 0 00100440-9
Omaha 0 00002003 G
learned runs : St. Joseph , 7 : Omaln , 3
Two-base hits : Mnrcum , Alberts , Rlchter ,
S'.agle ( Omaha ) , Pace , Miles Lett on bases
St. Joseph , G : Omaha , 4. Homo runs :
Seery. Sacrlllcu hits : Ulrlch. Nattress.
Stolen bases. Mcllule , Ulrlch. Double
plays : Jones to Rlchter First bise on
balls : Off Pnrvln. 2 ; off Carrlsh. 4. Hit by
pitched ball : Ulrlch. Struck out. By Par
vln. 7 ; bv Carrlsh , 1 Wild pitches. Car
rlsh , 2 TimeOno hour nnd llftj-eight
minutes. Umpire : Mr. Burns.
PEORIA , 111. , July -Special ( Telegram. )
Peorla Inci eased. Jier Ipad today by de-
t" ur0nln - " * i l _ . > nmi cxrlt-
inK Kami ; . Hanson pitched u line game
for Peorln. The batting xvas light on both
sides , particularly Qulncy Score :
Peorla . ' . 0 00030100 4
Qulncy 0 1 0002000 3
Hits : Peorla. 7 ; Qulncy , G Eirors :
Peorla. 3 ; Qulncy , 2. Earned runs ; Qulncy ,
1. Stolen bases : Flynn (2) ( ) , McCormick.
Bases on balls : Off Hanson. 2 ; off Mc
Dougal. G. Struck out. By Hanson. 4 ; by
McDougal , 4. Sacrlllco lilts : Roland Bat
teries : Hanpon nnd Dugdnle ; McDougal
and Boland. Time : Two hours Umpire.
Mr. McGlnnls.
nOCKFORD. III. July 13 ( Special Tele
gram. ) Schrtarti xxas hit hard today nnd
underxvcod xxna a puzzle In all but one In
ning. Corbett , late of Clinton , la , made
hli tlrst appearance In left for Rockford.
Score :
Rockford 0 13
Jacksonville 9
Hits : Rockford. 18 , Jacksonville , 9 Er
rors : Rockford. 4 ; Jacksonville , 3. Earned
runs : Rockford , 7 , Jacksonville , G Two-
base hits : Holland (2) ( ) , Trubj , Snyder ,
Kreig , Belt , Katz (3) ( , Caruthers , Devlnney
Three-base lilts : Taylor. Krelg , Holland.
Saerlllco lilts : Kllng. Bases on balls. Off
Schwartz , 2. Struck out ny Undcnvood ,
2 : by Schwartz. 5. Wild pitch : Underxvood.
Uatterles : Schxvartz and Bolt ; Underwood
and Snxder. UmpireMr. . Wilson
LINCOLN. July 13-Special ( Telegrani.-
An Inexcusable miss of a llttlo pop up In
the ninth by O'Brien lost the came for Lin
coln. The total abstainers also played In
good luck , n little scratch hit netting two
rims In the sexonth. Letcher'H line lleldlng
rut off sevcial long hits. Lincoln Is badly
crippled and had to play nn Inllelder und
Ditcher In the outfield. Score :
Lincoln 1 G
Des Molnes 7
Hits : Lincoln , fi : Des Molne * . 10. Errors :
Lincoln. 8 ; Des Molnes , 4 , Earned runs-
Lincoln , 2 ; Dps Molncs , 2. Two-bnso bits.
McVlcker , Kennedy , McFarliind (2) ( Struck
out : Hill. Klmmercr. McKlbben (2) ( ) . Bases
on balls : Off Roach , G Hit by pitcher :
Sullivan , Ebrlght. Stolen bases : Kennedy ,
Ebrlght , McFarland. Trallley (2) ( ) , Sacrlllco
hits : Kennedy (2) ( ) , Klmmerer. Passed balls :
Traffloy. Batteries : Gragg nnd Sullivan ;
Roach nnd Trafiley. Time : Txxo hours.
Umnlre : Mr. Ward.
Played Won. Lost. P.Ct
Peorla 59 39 20 60 1
Lincoln 59 36 23 01.0
Omaha 51 31 y 570
Dos Molnes 69 32 27 61.2
Qulncy rw 20 .W 49.2
Rockford 53 21 3i ! 40.7
Jncksonxlllo U > 22 3S 3S 7
St. Joseph GO 21 39 33.0
Games today : Omaha at St. Joseph ; Des
Molnes nt Lincoln ; Qulncy nt Peorla ; Jack
Bonvllle at Rockford.
CleTotan'l lilt lml ! Clurkn Knnugh In Onr
liming to Win.
CLEVELAND. July 13.-Cloveland found
Clarke's curves In the eighth Inning today
nnd xxon the gnrno , Attendance. 3.000 Spore :
Cleveland 00000003 * 3
Now York 100100000-2
Hits : Cleveland , 10. Now York , 0 Errors.
Cleveland , 1 ; New York , 1. Earned runs ;
Cleveland. 1 : New York. 1 First by errors :
Nnvv York. 1. Left on bacos : Cleveland. 6 ;
Now York. 4 First on balls : OfT Young ,
2 : off Clarke , 1 Struck out : Bv Young , 1 ;
Uv Clarke , 1 Threo-baso lilts : Davis , Sac-
and Zlmmer'D ; Clarke and"FmeY Time :
One hour nnd forty-live mtnutou Umpire :
ST. LOUIS. July 13The Phillies had It
all their own xvuy todav mid made up for
yesterday's drubbing. The vlslturs batted
Stuley all oxer the grounds , making six
runs In the first Inning Kl'slngor succeedei
Stalcy and did good xvork , but ho could not
ratch up on the lead thu Phillies had am
the Browns lost the third game of the
series Attendance , 2.0M. Score :
Rt. Louis 0 00010300-4
Philadelphia G 9
Hits : St. Louis. 12 ; Philadelphia. 10. Er
rors : St. Louis. 2 : Philadelphia. 2. Eained
runs : 8t Louts , 3 ; Philadelphia , 7. Two
bane hits , from , Hallmun 'Uiiee-bno hlu
Cornier Stolen bases : Hamilton (2) ( ) , Hul
llvnn. Coolex1. Double plays : Ely to Qulnn
to Connor. First bane on balls : Oft Taylor
S Passed balls : Miller. Batteries : Staley
Kissinger nnd Miller ; Taylor nnd Clements.
Time : Ono hour nnd llfiy minutes. Urn
DlresJevne and Murray.
riTTSBl'RO. July 13-Cross' homo run
In the seventh saved the Pirate * from a
shut out. Brooklyn hit Hawlcy at the rltiht
time , xvhllo Plttsbura's lilts \\eri scattering
Attendance , 4.2UO.
Pltubunc ooooooioo-
Urooklyn 0 03000100 4
Hits : Plttsburg , 1 ; Brooklyn. 7. Error * :
Plttsbunr , 1 : Brooklyn , 1 F.arn-xl runs.
. 1 ; Brooklyn , 2. Tw I se h.U : ,
CrossThreebase hltm Griffin. Home run : 1
Crosst Sacrifice hit : Grimm. Stolen bases' ! I
Orlllln. Tredwny. Double plays : Daly to '
Lnchancc. Itaso on balls : Donovan , Hten-
zel , Orimn. Hll by pitched boll : Berkley.
Htruck out : Tredway , Daly. Batteries :
Hawltrv and Merrltt ; Gumbert and Grimm.
Time : Ono hour and thirty-five minutes.
Umpire : Kniello ,
LOUISVILLE , July 13-The Bostons batted -
ted Cunningham oil over the field today ,
while Nichols was quite n puzzle to the
home team. Collins' fielding was n feature.
Attendance , 3GfX ) . Score :
Louisville 0 201)0000 0-2
Boston G4001302 * 15
Hits : Louisville , 10 ; Boston , IS. Errors !
Louisville. 4 ; Boston , 3 , Earned runs : Ilos-
ton. G. First base on errors : Louisville. 2.
Left on bases : Louisville , 7 ; Boston , G First
base on balls : Off Cunningham , 4. Struck
nut : Hv Nichols , 1. Three-base lilts : Long ,
Duffv Two-base hits : Bannon. Nash. O ° t-
tlnircr. Stolen bases : Duffy , Clarke ,
O'Brien Pns eil ball" ! Tenny , 2. Batteries.
Cunningham and Wnrjior ; Nichols and
Tennx1. Time : Two hours. Umpire : Mc
CINCINNATI. July 11 Errors were ac
countable for all but one of the runs scored
todax Attendance , 4.COO Score :
Cincinnati 0 0031100 * G
Wn hlncton 101100000 3
Hits. Cincinnati , S : Washington , 8 Er
rors Cincinnati , 4 ; Washington , 4. Earned
runs : Cincinnati , 1. Two-base hits : Mc-
Phee. Miller , Mercer (2) ( . Sacrifice hits-
Maul. Cartxvrlght. Stolen bases : HoxSel -
barh (2) ( ) . Double plays. Smith to Exvlng.
MeOuIre to Glasscock Flint ba o on balls
Oft Dwyer , 1 ; off Slnul , 3 Struck outBy
Uwver , 1 ; by Maul , 1 , by Mercer. 2 Bat
teries Dwycr and Murphy , Maul , Mercer
nnd McGulre. Tlmo One hour and fifty-
five minutes Umpire : Galxln
CHICAGO , July 11. Superior piny In the
Held , better bace running and opportune
hitting by the Champions gave them nn
easy xlctory oxer the Colts today Terry
Ditched a Mood , steady game after the llrst
milng. but Mt team was unnb'o to help him
out by u little batting. Attendance , 12,000
Chicago . . . .102000100-1
Baltimore . . . . 50020001 0-S
Hits Chicago. 10. Baltimore II Errors.
Chicago , 4 , Baltimore , 2 Earned urns : Chicago
cage , 3 : Biltlmore , G. Two-base hits : Me
riravv , Wllmot. Homo runs Dnhlcn. Sto.
en ba es : Jennings , Kelley Double plays
McGrnw to Gleason to Carey Struck out.
Bv HofTei , 4. liv Terry. 3 Base on balls
Off Hoffer. 2 ; off Terry , 2 Batteries : Terry-
ami Donohue , Hoffer and Robinson Time :
Two hours und fifteen minutes. Umpire :
Plaved. Won. Lost. P.Ct.
Baltimore tf 3H 22 r.2 1
Plltsburg < W 40 28 ( W 8
[ toston m 33 2" TvS 3
Cincinnati G4 37 27 G7 8
Chicago 71 4(1 ( 31 RR3
Cleveland 63 39 30 G6.B
Philadelphia G2 31 28 Gl 8
Brooklyn 63 3 29 GI.O
Mew York G3 11 32 49 2
Washington GS 22 31 37.9
St. LouTs GS 23 4- 3.1 8
LoulSX llle G2 \i GO 19.4
Games today : Washington nt Cincinnati ,
Bnltlmore at Chicago ; Brooklyn at Louls-
SLOIIS : : or THI : wKsrur.x LIMCUI :
Ktiniift Cltv II ills Detroit for Ono tlninr
by Hotter llittlnir.
DETROIT , July 13 Prnnklo Peers xxas
hit hard today at times xxhen lilts made
runs. Fielding on both sides xxai magnifi
cent , but the home team could not bat
right. Score-
Detroit 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4
Kansas City 0 0120021 * G
Hits- Detroit , G ; Kansas Cltv , It Errors
Detroit , 0 , Kansas City. 0 Batter'es Pear1
and Twlncham : Hastings and Uergen
INDIANAPOLIS , July 13 Score :
Indianapolis 003G1000 3 12
Minneapolis 10314121 -13
Hits Indianapolis , 18 ; Minneapolis , 17
Errors- Indianapolis , 8 ; Mlnneanolts , 4
Batteries : Cross , Fisher and McFarland ,
Healy and Wilson.
GRAND RAPIDS , July 13 Score :
Grand Rapids . . 000000000 0
St. Paul 2 50000002 9
Hits : Grand Rapids , 8 ; St Paul , 8 Er
rors : Grand Rapids I ; St Paul , 2. Batteries
teries- Petty and Campbell ; Pepper nnd
TERRB HAUTE , Ind. . July 13-Scoro :
Terre Haute 3 0001000 3 7
Milwaukee 00031320 * 9
Hits : Terre Haute 11 ; Milwaukee , II. Er
rors : Terre Haute , 1 ; Milwaukee , 4 Bat
teries : Nops and Roach ; Baker and Boland
Plavod. Won. Lost. P.Ct.
Indianapolis r > 2 30 23 G2.9
Detroit G5 3fi 29 55.4
Kansas City Cl ST. 29 51.7
St Paul l 31 30 52 4
Milwaukee G5 31 31 523
Minneapolis G2 21 3 ! 45 2
Terre Haute G3 2 > 3S 397
Grand Raplda 65 25 40 C9.4
Ottmes today St. Paul nt Grand Rapids ;
Milwaukee nt Terre Haute.
Two-Third * of the Unmc nt University
Park VViVerr < : < > oil.
The University club boys added another
scalp to their string yesterday afternoon by-
snatching the Broxvnlos of Waterloo bald-
headpd The name under xvhlch the husky
farmers travel xvas too much of a hoodoo ,
and although they shoxved thnt they knew
how to play ball the hoodoo dragged them
Into the dirt and they xxere mangled.
The game started out xvell and continued
sn for six Innings. In the first half of the
seventh the hoodooed lads ware put out on
three pitched balls , Roenflcld smacking the
first ball that xvas pitched and fly-Ing out to
Gregg. F. Mohatt also chose the first ball
ho got nnd xvent out easily from Lawler to
Abbott. Dmiton. too. swatted the first ball
Laxxler gave him nnd Mow out to Robinson
This pretty bit of plax- was the climax and
both teams took a tumble for the remaining
Haves , xxho caught for the college lads ,
wns dKihlpd bv a badly split finger on his
left hand , and this explains his passed
halls. He really should not have plaved.
The umpiring xvas done by Buck Keith ,
nnd his decisions , particularly those on
bases , xvere very Impattlal and fair. Score :
AB. R BH. SB. PO. A. E
Hayes , c 5 3 3 0 4 3 1
Robinson , m
Abbott. Ib 6 2 4 1 17 0 0
MoAuliffe , 21 G 2 3 0 1 2 0
McKclvy. 3b 6 1 1 0 2 2 0
Tellen , If
Lawler. p G 2 1 1 0 8 0
Clarke , ss
Gregg , rf G 1 2 0 1 1 0
Totals 49 19 21 G 27 19 1
AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A. E
F. Mohatt , m. . . .
Denton. If G 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wheeler , ss nnd
Jampson , c 5 3 2 0 2 G 1
Smith , p K 3 3 0 0 G 0
Plckard 3b
Hem. 2b 4 1 ' 1 1 4 3 _ '
J. Mohatt , 11 > 5 0 0 0 12 0 1
Roenfleld. rf
Totals 42 12 U 1 27 5
Unlx-erslty 320001 G 8 0 19
Waterloo 02000204 4 12
Earned runs : University. 8 ; Waterloo , 4
Tvvo-baso hits ; Hayes , Robinson , Abbott ,
MoAuliffe. Jellen (2) ( ) , Lawler , Gregg , Jame
son , Smith , Plckard Throe-base bits : Rob
inson Abbott , Smith (2) ( ) Double plays-
Wheeler to Heln to J. Mohatt. Struck out.
Bv Lawler , G ; by Smith , 1. Bases on balls-
Olt LnwlPr , 1. olt Wheeler , 1. Hit bv
Ditcher : By Lawler , 1 , by Smith , 2. Passed
balls : Hayes , 4. Jameson 3 Wild pitches-
Law ler , 1. Jameson , 1 Tlmo : Two hours
Umpire : Mr. Keith
Mi i * l'.rn . Mln nt I nut
The Motz ball team , under a new man
agement , met the A K. Jetts aggregation
nt Hascall'M park.yosteitlny afternoon. The
features of the game were the playing of
"Dad" Cluik , pitching of Trobv and all
mound xvork of the Metz team Score1
A. K Jetts 0 00213000 G
Metz Bros 21000007 * -10
Hits : Metz , 15 ; Jctts. 7. Errors : Metz. 4 ;
Jotls. 9. Double plays : Fnrrell , unassisted
Struck out : By Troby , 14 : bv Gutting , 6.
Txxo-buse hits : Tlcknor. Clurk , Hennlson.
Irlyli. Three-base hits : Small. Batteries :
Troby and Small for Mntz ; Gutting and
Logan for Jetts. Umplm : Dave Shannahan.
XX rilnir | XVntrr Uln .
WRKPINO-WATER , Neb. , July 13-Spe (
cial Telegram ) Weeping Water and Man-
ley played ball hero today. Score ;
WeepluT Water. . . 40000014 * 9
Mauley 120001000-4
Ratotrles : O , Cogllrer. W. Cogllzer and
Stoner ; George Cook. G. Johlnon and C.
Andrus. Umpire : Holland ,
Mtrlliv UprpHlril liv Cnlilmlitu.
COLUMBU8. Neb. July 13. ( Special. )
The Shelby Uu sustained a pcvero defeat
nt the hands of the Columbus nine , xvhlch
Included several players from other towns.
Thn ccoro vvns " 3 to 8. A game will be
played xvlth Central City tomorrow.
JMrrlmu Uoiildn't Il llo d.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , July 1J-Special (
Telegram ) In t.e ! second innlnc today
Mcehan of Burlington was ordered imt of
the I game for using abusive language , but
refused i to BO , nnd the game wns given to
Cedar ( Haplds , 9 to 0. As played out. the
game resulted :
Cedar Rapids 0 01200400-7
Burlington 0 2204000 * 8
Hits : Cedar Rapids , 14 : Burlington , 10.
Errors : Cedar Rapids , c ; Burlington , 1.
Batteries : Breslo and Fox ; Welmer , Lynch
nnd Mesncr.
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Lively J'rnctlce Mntch Uetxrecn .Members
of Iho Oin-Um < > uli.
The gnmo yostord.ay afternoon was be
tween 'txxo teams chosen by President F.
A. Kemp and Sub-Captain Percy B. Ford ,
The result xxas a "Victory for Ford's aggre
gation , and was due In no small measureto
the batting of MCPSM. Francis and Ford.
Mr Francis' 27 , Besides being the highest
score of the day , was the outcome of some
fieo hitting. Mr Ncale's bowling for the
winning side was one of the features of the
For the losing side , Messrs O. 11.
Vaughan , F H Marshall and W. Vniighan
all batted xv61l , while the tirst named gen
tleman was as effective us ever with the
1 he long stopping of Messrs. Kemp and
Brothchlo for the losing , nnd of G O. Miles
for the xv Inning side , xvns n'.l that could be
desired. Below are the scores In detail :
O. H Vnughan , b Neole , . . IS
J C Doyle , run out 2
W. R VnURhan , o Taylor , b Neale 10
F H Marshall , tun out 9
C' Hill , b Neale o
F. A. Kemp , run out 0
J Bowman , b Taylor 0
F Sheplmrd , not out 1
D Brotchlo. h Neale 0
K Strinper , b No lie 0
A D Robb , b Neale 0
Dr Young , b Neale 2
Extras 8
Total GG
J Fiancls , run out 27
R. W Taylor , b Doyle 0
H. New. b Doyle 2
.1 C. Neale. b Doyle 2
S Ileth , b G. Vaughan 0
A Patullo , b G. Vaughan 4
P. B. Ford , c W. Vaughan , b Doyle. . . . 10
G. Hurst run nut 1
J. Douglas , b Doy'c 1
O. O Miles , not out 1
J. O Innes , c Brotchiu , b G. Vnughan. . . 4
.1 Jones , b G. Vnughan 3
E\tras 10
Total C3
CI1H1911\NS WHIP THi : SOLl > Iiif *
V. M. C. A. Wind ii O.imn nt Fort Onmhi In
t nrrmtlc Stvln
The Young Men's Christian association
club went out to Fort Omaha yesterday and
succeedsd In carrying the soldiers Into
camp with runs to spare The blue coats
were decidedly oft In their fielding nnd xxere
outplayed at ox cry point Young xvas In-
xlnclblo and he'd the soldiers down to
three singles The Christians hit the ball
hard and their Melding was clean and ef
fective Score.
K H O A K U It D A n
T Trnll. 31) 1 2 1 1 fi Russell , ss. . 0 0 1 5 C
all I my , Ib I R 11 o o l > ubui > , c1 . 2 0 K 3 0
l.iuirlo b. 3 2 1 2 1 < ; , ] . - If . 0 1 1 1 1
I ) Trail , c 1 1 0 1 0 -Imn'hnn , 3b 1 1 1 . ' 1
Piinkh'or , rf l l no ollluhlliz p n o n I
YOUIIK p . . 2 2 0 r olMcdling , II ) 0 n B 0 0
Spilnste Ifl 1 l n l llmlei , of
Knelt u'r , FS 1 n 2 2 2 Helm , 2li . . 0 0 1 n I
Injlur , ct 1021 o Raymond , rf 1 0 0 0 1
Totnl . . .1712i'll5 4. Total . . .G 3211511
Y M C A. . . * -11
Tort Omaha . . 5
named runs' Y M f * . A. , 4 , Port Ormlw. 0
Two-bine hits l.nurlo 1) . Tinll TliiPC-lni = f
hlH I.JUiie Snrrlflco lilts I'linVimuwr Molt n
lus Tiinkhouser Young , KnkKerlhickfr. 1 >
Trail Pprlnpat ? , Shnnnnlmn Uuliury. Klrst Imic
ra halls. Oft YnuiiK 2. off Ilublltz , 1 Hit by
trtclior liy Younx. 3. li > llulilltz. 3 Htiuuk
nut llj Ynunz , 5 , b > Ilublltr. 1 Double ilu }
Taylor to Sallsbuiy Time. Tno hours
Athln'hft Iliivn n Nrtr 1'nrk.
The Athletics haxo been presented xvlth
now grounds on Fifth and Leaxenxxorth
streets by John Emen This Is now without
a doubt one of tlio llnest In the city , since
It has been fixed up. Among the many Im-
prox-ements on It Is the erection of a giand
stand to seat the spectators Tlio Athletics
would now like to hear from any nlno In
the city , nnd xvlll open up thl.s afternoon
with the Need MoresJ. The players xvlll
line up as follows :
Athletics. Positions. Need Mores
McDonald Catcli Logan
Whiting Pitch Lynch
Woods First O Connel
McCnnn Second Hlnchy
Mahoney Shnrt , , Jlvan
Foley Third Hayes
Stlne I eft Reason
Frlck Middle Halay
Sommers Right Mason
rnnllllnn I'oniltir * Hlkliorn.
ELKHORN. Neb , July 13. ( Special Tele
gram ) Colonel Edgar Howard's aggrega
tion of ball lessors from Papllllon ate the
Elkhorn team today , blood raxv. Owing to
an accident sustained before the game. E'k-
horn's pitcher xvns disabled , but xvent Into
the box , nevertheless. What Papllllon did
to him Is apparent by the following score
Elkhorn 0 6 .1 1 3 1 2 5 0-21
Papllllon G 0 Oil 5 0 G 4 30
Two-base lilts : E.khorn , G ; Papllllon , 3
Three-base hits : Papllllon , 1 Home runs
Elkhorn , 1 , Papllllon , 4 Passed ballsCal -
lely , G , model. 2 Bases on bolls : Off Al
len , 4. oft Beorllne , G. Struck out : Bv
Allen 10 ; by Beerllne , 4 Left on bases
Elkhorn 2 ; Papilllon , G Batteries- Elkhorn -
horn , Allen nnd Callely ; Papllllon , Beerllne
and Blodel. Time : Two hours and forty-
five minutes Umpire : Mr. Ferguson.
Id'i Umv ' < Conil'ic rhnmptons.
IDA GROVE , la. . Juy 13 ( Special Tele
gram. ) The local ball club defeated the
crack nine from Onaxva on the Ida Grove
diamond In a close contest yesterday , the
score being 12 to 10. Messerly was In the
box for the visitors , nnd the Idas pounded
bis curves and InshootH at will. Sacquety
pitched a peed game for the Idas , and If
the fluid would have given him proper sup
port. It would have been almost a shut out
About 3V ) xvltnessed the game. A game
will be played here next xxeek xvlth Blen-
cce , and also Wall Lake Before the season
Is over Ida Giove expects to defeat most
of the clubs In northxvestern Iowa. They
have no hired players.
Mrn'ton U on hr ( Inn linn.
STRATTON , Neb. . July 13.-SpeclaI.-A (
game of ball xxaa played hero ycHterday'bc-
tvxeen Trenton nnd Strntton nines. S-oie
Ticnton , 10 ; Stratton , 11. Sir icc out : Bx
Ihomns , 5 ; by Burney , II. BatU'i.'p :
Thomaa and King for Trenton ; Burney' and
Williams for Strntton.
\ ITCli' i ) OHIIIO ut I onUrlll .
LOUISVILLE , Neb , July 13. ( Special
Telegram. ) Louisville defeated Greenwood
here today by a score of G to G. Rclchart's
bomo run xvas the feature of the game
Batteries- Wood and McNealy ; Cole nnd
Stephens. Umpire. Schneider. Attendance ,
W. I ) < ) o to I IIP Vnllry.
The Wllcox fi Draper base ball team xxlll
leave Council Bluffs for Missouri Valley at
11 a. m The boys nro In flrst-clns.s trim
und are confident of winning with ease.
leachrrs Vltlt C h'yrnnx.
CHEYENNE. July 13. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Two hundred members of the Na
tional Educational association visited Chey
ennn today , and were met at the depot by a
reception committee , headed by Mayor Mer
rill The xlsltors were taken In carriages
to Fort D A. Russell , the capltol building
and other places of Interest In the city.
They were particularly Interested In the state
Institutions presided over by women , these
being the ofllce of state superintendent ol
public Instruction and that of the governor ,
which latter , during the absence of the gov
ernor from the state. Is In charge of hU
daughter. Miss Alice Richard : . The visitors
left this afternoon.
npiii In n ll-iivr lnnmo Suit.
CHEYENNE , July 13. ( Special Telegram )
In the United States federal court today
the Jury disagreed In the cato in xvhlch Annie
Callahan xvas suing the Union Pacific rail
way company for (20,000 damages for the
death of her husband.
In the case cf the United States against
Donald McDonald and others for Illegally
fencing government lands , the demurrer of
the defendants to the complaint xvas over
ruled and they were elxen thirty days In
which to answer ,
S'x to llniig In One. Day ,
FORT SMITH , Ark. , Julj13. . Mary A.
Klttenrlnx. George Wathlngton Frailer am'
Richard Calhoin xv ro sentenced In the
United States court today to hang October 1.
They all took their sentences courageously.
All three xvere convicted In the United States
court hero In June for the murder of Andrew
J. Klttenrlng , husband of the woman , In the
Indian territory. On the same day Frank
earner , John Allison and Ell Lucas are to be
Buffalo's LUt'io ' Scooter Adds Anothar
Championship to His String ,
' ' ' '
Severe Slonn illrcnk * Over the Trirk ! 'c-
fore tlio I'rcr Viiin U Kmlml nnd.
Torcci fc'iirrriU ' Spculnl l > cul
Over ao Momliij.
ASBURY PARK , N. J. , July 13. None of
the people who attended what was to haxo
leon the last day of the L A W. meet will
forget the weather conditions of this after
noon In tfie middle of the day It began to
rain , but cleared up before 1 o'clock , nn3
xvhcn I he afternoon racing began the sky was
perfectly clear. The "bikers" had started
from their several handicap marks In the two-
mile race. The thunder clouds were dlrvon
ever the athletic grounds and streaks of
forked lightning darted hither and thither
among the clouds The spectators still kept
their seats , while the rlJera iped around the
track In a hurry As soon as the race was
over and the winners of the first Hires place ?
announced , a feaiful storm broke out. The
pieces of frozen ram which fell on the roof of
the grand stand and the canvas-covered
ble-ichers xvoro as largo a < quarters The
track , Infield and
surrounding ground wore
completely flooded , and the hospital tent , as
well as the dressing tents , were ron oicd use-
in3 , i soon as lhe storm cleared off the
ollic als ncrcod to postpone the final racj for
the two-mile handicap , as well as the winners
of championship races and trials against time
until neit Monda > afternon , in the majority
or the contestants signified their Intention of
staying over to take part In the events.
x\hen the trial hrats wore begun this mornIng -
Ing and the contestants In the two-thirds-
mlle contest took two minute and seven sec
ends to cover the distance , the Judges do-
cUed to put u time limit on all the following
heats In the open events. Mile , open , class
U , was won In an unsatisfactory matinei by
Coulter. The
qtiarter-mllo championship was
won by Eddlo Bald , whose work this week
has stamped him aa the American class B
champion. Hald McDonald , Zulglei and
Jenny were the starters On the back Me
Donald wont to the front , but on the turn
Uald made a dashing tprint tt-nt put him over
the tape n winner by a yard before McDonal' ,
with Jenny third The professional two-mile
lianllcap was the last to be run before the
storm broke up the meeting. Rumford won
by seventy-five yards' , but Baker's win of
second place was a very popular one.
The day's races of the annual meet cf the
League of American Wheelmen began with
the two-thirds mlle , 2 33 class trial heats
The men la the first heat were called to the
start at 9 " 0 o'clirk. Kosutts :
Two-thirds mile 233 cla 3 , llrst man In
each heat to qui'liry. First heat xxon b )
LOUH ! _ Huntei , New Jersey A. C. Time ,
-,0i 2-o Second heat won bv C L L aihfr-
bury , Balllmqrc. Time , 1 48 Thlid heat ,
none of the six contestants quillfled , as
they finished beyond the tlmo limit Time.
J 07 Fourth Hent xVon bv Charlc M Ert7
Nexv prk Time , 1-13. Filth hent , xvon by F
B Eorelhoff , Bioukiyn Time. 1.18 1-1 Sixth
heat , none qunl Hal Tlmo. 2 01 3-6 Sev-
11 th heat , xvoii byi U S Palgp , Brooklyn
Time , 1-492-5 t Eighth heat , none quail tied
Ono mile , oppn xvlth pacpmak rs , class B
r.rne limit of 2 ! j First and second men to
qualify for finals First heat Harley Dax--
tdson , Bradford , llrst ; Frank J Jenny.
Utlca , second Time , 2.20 3-5 Second heat
A D Kennedy , Chicago , llrst , E C John
son. Clox eland , , second Time , J 111-5 Third
heat Ray M < fl > n ld , New York llrst. J.
Prod Barry , Syracuse , second Time , 2:28 :
Tourth heat. , C it Coulter , Toleco , first.
Aithiir anrdlHur , Chicago , second Time
Ono mile otfen , < ( lass A , time limit 2-45.
mst man In each I/eat / to qualify for finals
First heat : Hort Rlpley , Ncvxark , llrst ; F.
? ' , , XVrfyt' ? Hackensack. second. Time ,
2:31 : 4-5. Secondr Ji at. C. L . Lpatherbury ,
niltlmprn first ; CJ..R Undorhlll , New York ,
second. Time. 2.C3 Third hull : Ray Davv-
EOn. Now York , A C. nnd Fred Focll ,
nuffalo. rode a dead heat Time , 2 11 1-5
Fourth heat : Tom Butler , Cambrldgeport ,
first : W A Rarbeau , New York , second
No one qunllllcd Time , 2:52 : Flf h h at : C. M.
Ertz , Now York , llrst ; Wallace Owen ,
Greenwich , second. Tlmo. 2.39 1-5 Sixth
limit ' : H. E. Caldwell , Manchester , first : E
" Murray , Syracuse , second. Time ,
second. Time. 2 41 3-5 Ninth heat : J M.
Baldwin , Paterson , first ; H. K. Roe ,
Patchoeuc. econd Tlmo , 2:11 : Tenth heat-
II P. Mosher , Harlem , first.W. E Tonseler
Rockxille. second Time , 2 37.
Quarter-mile , national championship ,
clnsips A nnd B , winner of each heat to
auallfv for final First heat xvon by Frank
Jennv I'tlcn time 31 1-5
, - Second he-it xvon
bv Chailes Murphy , Brooklyn , time , 372-5.
Third heat won by A. W Porter. Waltham ,
time 30 Fourth heat xvon by M F Dirn-
berger. Sv racuse , time. 3fi 4-5. Fifth bent
xvoi bv Ilnv McDonald , Now York , time ,
U seconds Sixth heat xvon bv A D Ken-
nedv. Chicago , time , 31 1- " , Seventh heat
won by Charles L Earl , New York , time ,
T > 2-5 Eighth heat xvon bv Otto Xelgler ,
San Jose Cal , time , 31 1-5 Ninth heat xvon
by E C. Bald , Buffalo , tlmo , 37 1-5
At 2-35 p. m. the men xvho qualified this
forenoon In the first race were called to the
startinc line. Results :
Two-thirds of a mile , 2 33 class , time limit
1:50- : Charles M Ertz , New York , nrst ; U
S Palgo , Brooklyn , second ; Louis Hunter ,
N J. A. C. , third Time : 1.50.
One mile open , with paccnnkera , class R ,
tlmo limit 2:35 : ; pacemakers May and Siun-
ders on tandem' C. R. Coulter , Toledo ,
llrst ; A. D. Kennedy , Chicago , second ; Fred
Barry , Syracuse , third. Tlmo : 2 OS
One mile open , class A , time limit 2:4i : ,
final heat , paced by Stow and Davov : C.
L. Leatherburv. Baltimore , llrst ; H E
Caldvvoin Manchester , tecond , W. G Doug
las. New York A C. . third Time : 2-111-G
Half mile handicap , class A , scml-flnnl
first men to ride In llnals First heat xvon
bv John O'Hnlloran Jeisey City (73 ( yards ) .
Time : 1 OS ; recond heat xxon bv F S Sh'nn ,
Lakewood (50 ( yards , time , 1.02X , ; A C
Oreen , Greenwich won this heat , but was
disqualified for lookingback. . Third heat
won by C W Krlck. Reading ( scratch ) ,
time , 1033-5 ; fourth he-it won by J A
Baldwin , Paterson , N J , (23 vards ) . time ,
1.05 ; fifth heat xvon by Charles Spencer ,
Baltimore (30 ( yards ) , tlmo , 103 , sixth heat
won by George W. Ruppert. New York (30 (
yard * ) time. 10.13seventh heat xvon bv
William M McCutcheon. Cresent W C . (33 (
vinls ) , time , 1 01 2-3 ; eighth heat xvon by
U. S Paige. Biooklyn. time 1 03 2-5
Quaiter mile , national championship ,
clashes A nnd B semt-llnala. FlrM heat ,
Ray McDonald , Now York , first. Frank J.
Icnny. Utlca. second Tlmo : 0 31. Second
boat. K C Bald Buffalo , llrst. Otto Xelglcr
San Jose. Cal. , second. Time 0.31 1-5
Half mile , handicap , claps A , final. J M
B-ildxvln. Pater'o ! ! (23 yards ) won : William
W McCutc-heonTiiCresent W. (33 yards ) ,
second ; Charles Spencer. Baltimore (30 (
yards ) , third Time : 1 M J-G
Quarter of a < imiM national championship ,
class A and R.iftml : E C. Bald , Buffalo ,
'won ; Roy MoDonnld. New York , second ;
Frank J. Jenny * . Utlca , Uilrd Time
0-32 2-5 r
Two mile. handicap , class B. special first
flva men In each Hheat to ride In finals-
First heat , Omsk's A. Church , Chester.
Pa. . ( GO yardsjllrst ) ; T A. Calluhin , Buf
falo , ( I1 * ) yards/ ) second ; D Saunders , IJos-
ton , ( ICO yard.1 , UJlrd : T A. H nurnett ,
Plalnlleld ( fcOVjnrtlp ) . fourth , W. Decardy ,
Chicago (110 ( ykiVIMf flfth Tlmo : 4 31 Second
end host. B B Bird. St Paul (150 ( yards ) ,
llrst ; Bald , Buffalo ( scratch ) , second : 43
C Leonard. Buffalo , (120 ( yards ) , third. E. C.
Johnson , CleveUflu ( SO yards ) , fouith ; J
Coburn. SyraiW. ' . ' ( ISO yards ) , fifth. Time :
4-50. Third heHI1. A. D. Kennedy. Chicago
(80 ( yards ) , llrBt. < tfl H. Callahan , Buffalo
(1JO ( yards ) , stjpfliifll J. F Barry. Syracuse
(120 yards ) , thicjl.(4F. ( H. Allen. Springfield
(8) ( ) yards ) , fourilif It C * . Johnson , Cleveland
(100 ( yards ) , imn Time : 4:331-5. :
Two mllt > . professional race : R. H. Rum-
ford. Chester , Pa.r (210 ( yards ) , first ; Con
Baker. Columbus O , ( scratch ) , second , P
J. Berlo , Boston(30 ( yards ) , third. Time :
Owing to a heavy thunder storm , accom
panied by a fchovver of hailstones as large
around as a quarter of a dol'ar , followed by
a downpour of rain , the final of the two mile
handicap , class B , was postponed until next
Monday afternoon , xxhcn the other special
laces xvlll le run off.
Nitlnniil < In nit Xlf-n' .
The Associated Cycling clubs met at Y
M. C. A. hall FiWay evening to arrange the
line of work for different committees on the
national circuit blcvclo meet to bo held October -
tober K and IS. This xxIII be thu ciclliiR
event of the jear , and If n $5.000 prize list , a
fast tra > k ntid an army of hustlers xxlll
mak It to , Omaha'H M > nrt loving peop'e
xxlll HOP n serlflft rf thn fullest rni ea
exer run en N liratUi soil There x\lll lie
cash for tin prifloials pla'i i and dla-
mrnda for tt" > r's B men nnd medals ,
cups and Elory fir the pura white amatoura.
Ilcdurcd rntes will be In effect on nil rail
roads nnd evening entertainment will bo
provided for all visitors to the city.
Attorney ( Irnrrnl Crnno 1'utn n Dninpcr
on I IKHplr.l * of thn Driul ( lime.
QALViSTON , Tex , July 13.-A special to
the News from Austin , Tex. , nays : Attor
ney General Crane today completed his
opinion on the prlxo fight. In response to
Intorj-ogntorles propounded by Mr. Gllle ! plo
of Dallas , TOT. Ills opinion Is lengthy nnd
goes Into details. While nothing has been
given out In regard to the iwsltlon taken by
the attorney general on this subject , from
the general condition of things nnd xxhat
can 1)0 gleaned about the statu house nnd
hotel lobbies It Is said that Attorney Gen
eral Crane's opinion upholds the statute
pa sed In 1S91 prohibiting prize lighting , de
spite the fitet that this statute Is full of In
congruities and very defectlxe Hoxxexer ,
the opinion xxlll Ira glxen to the press to-
mot row. It Is sucgested here \y \ lawyers
that the proper thing for Dan Stewart to
do Is to get up n prize light t omowhere In
the state ami Imxo ilio laxv tested before
"Pompadour Jim" nnd "Lanky Bob" get to
gether Judge Pollldexter oil" of the most
eminent attorneys In Austin , expresses the
opinion thnt the lnxxxlll stand the legal
teat , but n large mijorlty of the mo t promi
nent attorne > s In Austin ill ( Tot with him on
the subject. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l.frnilT Ulh , ii 1 1 lot Toilin
HUISrnU U. I , July 13-Captnln Nat
HerroshofTs face xvorc a satisfied look this
morning xvhen he conducted Messrs. Van-
del but , Iselln and Morgan , members of the
Defender syndic tte aboard the vneht and
found that his workmen had practically
completed their labors on Defender and
that fhe x\ould bo re.idy to sail for Nexx-
port betxxeen 4 nnd R i > eloek , In company
xvlth Vigilant It Is HUely that Defender
will be tinned over to the syndicate today
On the run to Nexx port , Defemloi xxlll go
under ensv pall , and Sunday xxlll be glxen
a trial xxlth Vigilant olt Newport.
< nr < M nr lln > llUltn Shoot
LONDON. July 13 In the Prince of
Wales' competition nl Blsley the following
xx ere the scores nt 200 yards range of the
Canadian rlllemon : Armstrong 43 ; Simpson ,
43. Boxllle , 43 ; Trick , 41 ; Morris. 11 ; Spear
ing , 41 , Wynee , 41 ; Hurt , 11 ; Mitchell. 41 ,
Uolstron. 10. Nutting , 3S In the contest for
the F.lcho shield , SOO , 000 and 1.000 yards ,
the scores xxere as follows : l nglnnd , 1.50J ;
Scotland. 1,179 , Ireland , 1.44J La t join
the spores x\ero : Scntlaml , 1 , ( > 27 , Ireland ,
1.G22 ; England , 1,619 Hngland has now won
tlio shield sixteen times , Ireland clexen
tlmca and Scotland sex en times.
ItrltiitinUi ntnl Hiitrt \\ln
HUNTHIl'S QUAY , July 13 Allsa nnd
Biltannla started this morning In a race
ox'er a fifty-mile course ftoni Wainyss bay
under thn nu plecs of the Roxal Westein
Yacht club of Scotland A moderate south-
xvest breere xvns blowing and Allsa soon
hud a good lead on her onnonent In the
nice for 20-rnters , Mr Howard Gould's
Niagara beat I > uehnrlP , Xlnltn and Dakotab
The folloxxlng are the times of the big
vnehts nt the finish. Brltnnnla ( xxlnnei ) ,
C.OI:22 : ; Allsa , 5:12 : 05
Tennis I nnlrat at Itrllntiif ,
BnLLKVUi : . Neb , July 13.-Speclal ( ) -
Tlio return tennis contest bctxvecn Spring
field nnd Bellexue xxas played nt Bellevue
Friday afternoon Sprlnglleld won the doii-
l > lo , the core being 7-rt , C-3 , 6-1 The sin-
irles stood 5-3 , 1-6 , C-7 In fax or of Bcllex'ue
Besides the contestants. Messrs Swain and
Calhoun. Springfield xxns represented bj
Mr Hamilton , JMIss lllule , Airs Wallnei
nnd children. _
l.livttiMl Illhr Poml l'rnin\"nil \
MILWAUKin. July 11 Chicago nnd Mil
waukee are to be united by nn elex'ated bi
cycle road. Work will begin as soon as the
right of xvny Into th tw > clllc- , has been
obtained. The plan Is to construct a xvooden
elevated rend sixteen feet xxlde The
through toll xxlll be onh ten cents Its
projectors predict that It xvlll be patronized
bj 20,000 bicyclers per week.
Krinptnt XXIII IMiln Illintpir.
SEATTLE , Wn h , July | -Jack D mp-
bey , ex-champion mlddlexx eight , x\as In the
city today enrouto to his home In Poitl rd
H * lliitly denied the reports ciroitiite-l )
' ertlng him to be In a st ite of complete U-
billly. Ills only plan for the lulmo Is to go
1'iinie and hide himself as mii'-n as i-oyslble
from public gaze nnd comment.
llnirnrdiis Ili-nts 1'nur.
VALPARAISO , Intl. , July 13 In a black
bird match at Hillside park this afterroon
for $100 n side , Cantuln Hosirdus lu t " "
birds out of 100 to 77 out of SO by four local
bporls. _
Clirr Tsonl Dnfrnts Sum.
CHICAGO , July 13.-C B. Neel today de
feated his brother Sam for the right to
contest the xxestern championship with Sam
Owners of Many Mills Meet at St , Joi >
unit Combine.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , July 12. ( Special. ) The
owners of cement and plaster mills who have
been In session In this city for several days
have formed a trust by which they Intend to
raise prices In the future. An Increase of
business Is expected and the mill owners laid
plans for handling the trade Prices haxe
been cut heretofore among the mill owners
until they claim the profits have been xerv
The meeting xvas attended by fixe of the
owners of tbo largest mills In this section
They were : J. M Blckle of Hope , Kan. : H
O. Fowler , Blue Haplds. Kan ; J. C. Birch ,
Wymore , Neb ; A. E. Winters , Blue Rapids
Kan. , and J L Baker , Hot Springs , Ark. It
Is understood that other mill owners ro <
represented In the meeting haxe agreed to
stand by the prices fixed by the combine.
lEriort of ( rlmtrmli Unenrthril.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. . July 13. ( Special. )
Sheriff Andrlanc has discovered a hiding
place for the criminals who escape detection
In this city , and the mysterious disappear
ance of many of them Is explained Sevenl
caxcs have been found by him In the lilufi >
northwest of the city In a region known as
Dug Hill , and there xvas evidence tha * the
c&xes had been Inhabited. The fugitives > iide
In the thick growth of xvlllows near the i XT
when pursued. The hills In the xlclnlty of
the caves are Infested by tramps.
( nilIMS Open llriiilqimrtorn In ? t rr York
NEW YORK , July 13. Tomas Estrada
Palma , recently selected as the head of the
Cuban revolutionists In the United States and
other foreign countries , Is In Nexv York to
make arrangements for opening headquarter-i
In this city. His first act x\as to appoint
Gonzalo do Qucsuda his secretary , thus con
tinuing him In the office which he held under
Palma's predecessor , Jose Marti. Mr Palma
says he xxlll retain lila residence In Central
Valley , where his prhato business Interests
are situated , but that ho will spend the
greater part of the time In this city , directing
the affairs of the revolutionists. In his ab
sence Quesada xvlll haxo full charge of the
headquarters of the revolutionary party ,
rr.artlrln ; l < mi ? Disunion Signnllln ; .
DENVER , July 13 A detachment of troops
xvlll be sent out from Port Logan Monday
morning for a test of long range heliograph
signalling between a station which xxlll be
opened dally on top the Equitable building In
this city and stations located by the outgoing
party , enrouto to the summit of Long's peak
After reaching Long's peak a dally practice
Is to bo made , commencing at 9 o'clcck In
the morning , and xvhllo at Long's peak
flashes xvlll bo watched for from Pike's peuk
Enroute from that station to Pitts , a short
stop will be made In the vicinity of Gray's
peak and a station opened. Captain J. L
Fowler will have charge of the party.
You UK IVnplrt ( 'lirmeiun Union Klrrtloii
BOSTON , July 13. The forenoon session of
the Young People's Christian union conven
tion In the church of the Unity today was de
voted to the election of olllcon , which re
sulted as follows. President , Hex- Elmer J
Fell ; secretary , Rev. Harry L Canflcld ,
treasurer. MUi Lizzie II. ( loMthwalte , all cf
Massachusetts James Stevens of Pennsyl
vania , Belle Mclhift of New Hampihlre , Flora
P Brown of Indiana , and Harry M Fowler of
Ohio , xvere elected as the executive board ,
r'ontoil a 111 ? Illoclc of lloniln.
DENVER , July 13. The president of the
Colorado Fuel and Iron company today con
firmed the report that bends to the amount
of $2,000,000 had been dlspjsed of. He ald
the bonds were first luueJ three yeari ago ,
when the coniolldatlon took place , but owing
to the panic no successful effort had been
made to sell them until quite recently. Im
provements will be made In the steel xvorki
at Pueblo , which will bo operated to their
full capacity
Grand Stand nnd Quarter Strotcb at tlio
Fair Ground Well Pilled.
Sttvon llcntu Traveled In Hotter Tlmn 2:30
Nine IJnco * llroujtlit Oft XXIthout
n Hitch or u < Iitr l.\rn with n
l.uto stnrt.
The roadster meeting at the fair grounds
yesterday afternoon for the benefit of the
state fair fund was a splendid success , there
being something like 3,000 people In attend
ance. The commodious grand stand was xvell
filled , a largo number of the occupants being
Indies , while the quarter stretch was a jam
of vehicles. The Second Infantry band xvas
on hand and rendered n well selected pro
gram between heats. The Judges were J. J
Gibson , Ed Johnston nnd George M. Swlgert ,
the latter also acting as startor. Luther Tate
and Martin Brown xvere the marshals of the
afternoon , and after the races once began
they were- hustled through with commendable
promptitude. There was something like an
hour's delay In gittlng the horses In the In
itial event to the post , owing to the late
at rival of the score card man , H. Meyers
There was little delay after ho had reported ,
however. Starter Swlgert sending the different
llclds off with little ceremony.
The first on the card was the 1 30 trot ,
hilf mlle heats , two In three , xvlth scve-n
itarters Summary
Flaptall , C. E. Mnrrell 1 1
Ladv Arlington , J H. McDonald 2 2
Robert J. W. II Gould 3 3
Kid. W C. Cole I 4
Daisy S , S S Sene G ds
Nellie Gay. Charles Jeffreys G G
Thunderbolt. E B. Hurt 7 6
Tlmo. l:2J : > , , 1:28 :
The second event was the 2-year-old trot ,
nllh fours tartcrs Summary-
Soy niour Sptaguo O C Metcalf 1 2 1
Mollle M. C E Morrpll 3 1 2
Royal Queen , W H. Sweonoy 2 3 3
Sprague , Ed Wllmot 1 4 4
Time 1.W4 , 1 "i , 1.27'i !
Tlio third race was the 1.25 trot. Sum
mary :
Dock , Dr. Christie 2 1 1
Einlc S C N Siltglxer
Victor N , C. K Morrell 6 I ) 2
Hairy , J. T. McDonald 3 3 G
Mart P L Markell 4 G 4
Bell Dell , C K Skldmoro G 4 3
Time : 1 18 , 1.21 , 1.20.
The fourth race xvas the 1.25 pace. Sum
Tied Star , Andrew' Murphy 1 1
Maud K , T. H. Lyons 3 2
Possum , f E Van Court 2 3
Neb. C T Smith 4 4
Time. 1.19. lJi :
Th fifth racn was the 1.20 trot. Summary
Pride I > 1 Cndahy 1 1
Charley S. William Snyder 2 2
Billllunt Chief. Dudley Smith 3 3
Silas. A. C. Foster 4 I
Time 1 19'i , 1.19.
Iho sixth race xvas the 1-20 pace. Sum-
it a ry
Oklahoma , W J Hughes 1 2 1
Ben C F Reed
White StopklngH. J J Purcnpllo 3 I 2
Tell , W. C Prltolmrd 4 3 J
Tlmo : 1.21. 1 17 , 1 20
Ben was placed fourth for fouling Okla
homa nt the wire ( turned Into Oklahoma and
in Injury narrowly averted ) ; an accident.
The sex-enth race was the 1.15 trot to blko.
Lady Helen R. Kunatli I 1
Kitty Bird , Hnrrv McCormick 2 2
Dinah , Dock Plckard 3 4
HIM dell. C W. Edwards 4 3
Time : 1 17'4. 1'16.
The eighth race was the 1:15 : trot to blko
ir cart Summary
Banoch. W. K Mullen 1 1
Rose M , Muldoon 2 2
Tlmo : 1 21H , 1:20. :
The ninth race xvas a match pace race.
Cnrtpr McGregor , J , K. Eqor 1
Canary Bird , Dave Lewis 2
lork y nincklln ( liven n Henry 1'lnn ur
MTrr < ir Chin
ST. LOUIS. July 13 The week closed at
Association park with a series of accident
and surprise. Long races ruled and the
crowd attracted amounted to 0,000 In the
lirst race Disturbance , a heavily played G
to G favorite , with Mncklln up , was pulled
and left at the post. The Jockey xva ? given
the heaviest line of the meeting by Starter
Chin. In the fourth race , xvben reaching
the quarter pole. Equator , with A Barrel ,
fell , breaking his leg and severely Injuring
his Jockev. The horse xxas shot Immc-
dlatclx- . The two mile lace , the fifth event ,
was the chief feature of the day Service
made p'aythlngs of his company from
start to finish Canny Scot broke down at
the half in the second mile and Is probably
permanently Injured
The last i ace wau the dump of the day ,
Mrs liradMinw. a 12 to 1 shot , vxInning over
a big field nnd Frank Farmer , a red-hot
favorite Results :
Flist race , purse , selling , seven furiongs
Irsie O (3 ( to 1) ) won. Mop oy (8 ( to 1) second ,
Davesac ( GO to 1) ) third Time : 1 2Si
Second race , for 2-yeai-old ? , five and n
half furlongs : Utopia (5 to 1) ) won , Paskola
(4 to 1) second , Nicholas (8 ( to 1) ) third
Third race , mile nnd a sixteenth , purse
L'mla ( oven ) xvon , Mollle R (12 to 1) second.
Miss Gallop (20 ( to 1) ) third Time1 48'fc
Fourth race , one mile , selling' Rochefort
(4'4 to 1) xxon. Adjuster (8 ( to 1) second , Mc
Donald (7 ( to 1) ) third. Time1 ll'i.
Fifth race , selling , two miles : The first
mile was run In l'44Vi , the horses passing
the post with Service six lengths ahead of
the ruck Second mile. Service (1 ( to 2) ) won.
Janus < -V to 1) Eecond , Rapldan (5 ( to 1) )
third Time : 3-33 ! .
Sixth race one mile , purse , selling : Mrs
Bradshaw (12 ( to 1) ) xvon , Frank Farmer ( J
to 1) ) second , J. A. Gray ( JV4 to 1) ) third.
Time : l:43Vi.
Onn of 'Ilirin lo orl by Sulllo Cl quot
In nn Kuy Cullop.
CINCINNATI. O. July -Tho attend
ance nt the Oalvley races today was the
best of the meeting , except for the fourth
and the opening day. The grand stand was
almost filled with ladles. Three top-heavy
choices , Salllc Cllquot , Henry of Nuvarro
and Sir Piny , rather spoiled the Interest In
three events Salllo Cllquot astonished
everybody posted on racing by making
the four and a half furlongs In 0 G1V4 , gal
loping It beats the record for the local
tracks. Ace fractured another local record ,
winning the Hotel stakes , seven furlongs , In
1:26 : VTho best race of the dav In exciting
Interest xvas the hot finish of The Ironmas
ter , Merry Monarch und Tonts.
The Oakley association opened today ten
stakes for the full meeting , to cioeo August
10 Summaries ;
First race , four and n half furlongs : Sal
llo Cllquot (3 ( to G ) xvon , Aurexolr (4 ( to 1) )
second , Mabalaska (9 ( ( o 2) third Time ,
Second race , purse , one mile : Henry of
Navarro ( even ) xvon , Orlnda (5 ( to 2) ) second ,
Lehman (10 ( to 3) third Tlmo : 1:40 : J
Third race , purse , live furlongs : Blr Play
(1 ( to G ) xvon , Petrarch ( i to 1) ) second , Kirk
(3 ( to 1) ) Ihhd Time I 02U-
Fourth race. Hotel stakes , n Felling stake ,
seven furlongs : Ace (5 ( to 1) ) won , Caesarian
( C to G ) second , Leo Lake (3 ( to 1) ) third.
Tlmp l'2G'i
Fifth rnee , selling , one mlle : Ironmaster
(3 to 2) ) xvon , ' Merry Monarch ( j to 2) ) becoml ,
Toota ( S to 1) ) third. Time : 1-4P-5
Sixth race. Belling , sex en furlongs : O
Cox (20 ( to 1) ) won. Meddler ( i to 1) ) second ,
Alonzo (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:2S. :
'rntrlnn Mxrrnil thu Itniln ? .
NKW YORK , July 13 Scratches "polled
n fair card "of Brighton Beach today , and
txxo of the races xvere practically ruined
The mot promising luco XVBB tlm fourth. In
which Dorian WUH down to mcot Lovcdal
.ind Stephen J , but was nonurlicd That
left but two horses In , and the former vv.ia
a warm favorite , although both were hnav-
lly backed , nnd the layers of oddn had good
books , for the odds varied xvlth uch min
ute. I/ovfilul won hondllv enough at the
nd. 'Iho llmo XVOH olllclally given an 2 08 %
Morris carried off the llr-ft three races , but
madn little monoy. Only throe were Ifft In
the fifth race , xvlth Ed Kearnov the cholc-e ,
and ho xvonvllh great enP. Humiliation
First race , selling , nno mile ; Paladin ( S
to G ) won , tntegilty (5 ( to 1) ) second , Mar
shal (2 ( to 1) ) third Time : llli. !
Heconil race , Rlnlng Generation iUken.
six furlong * : liileiinUnlon ( S to D won.
Volley (20 to 1) ) Keroml , Premier (5 ( to 1) )
third Tlmn : 1 13'j ' ,
Third race , mile nnd a sixteenth polling
Gutta Penhn (1 ( to 3) ) won. Corn Cob il to'l )
second , Watchman ( S to 1) thil I Time :
I W ,
Fourth race , mile and n MUirUr. Loved it
(3 to G ) won , Stephen J ( ' 'vouj moril
Tim * : 2 OS4.
Filth race , an * mile : Ud Kearney ( I to
3) ) won , Sir Francis < 3l& to 1) ) second , Fii9l-
leer (5 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : lt .
Sixth race , handicap , Ktpeplprlm o , full
course : St. Luke (2 ( to 1) ) won , Chevy Chaao
(8 ( to 1) ) second , Lizzie ( S to 1) ) third. Tlmo :
Hunt Iliiy for Ihn llonkles ,
KANSAS CITY. July 13A rtcail heat bs-
twcen Euna nnd Tonsprlng In the tlfth race
xxns the event of the dty. The race xvn ono
of thn mettles ! of the meeting. Four fn-
xorltes , H second cholco and n 12 to 1 shot ,
Olencoe. carried oft the money In the dif
ferent oxents. It was a hard day on the
bookh-s. Track good. Attendance , 4,000 ,
Results :
First lace , llve-clghths ot n mile , selling :
OlPtieoe (12 to 1) xvon , Pantile R (3 to D sec
ond. Carter AndciHon (20 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo :
I'l'iiti. .
Second rnc-o. live-eighths of n mile : Camden -
den ' 3 ( o D v > f n , Blllle Travis ( , l to 1) second ,
C.prtrude (4 ( to I ) third. Tlmo : 1:05. :
Thltd i nee. five-eighths of a mile , nclllng :
Postbov ( oven ) won , Bltd Dobsoti ( G to 1) )
second. Dora May (15 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo :
1:01. :
Fourth rape , three nnd n half furlongs :
Rattler (3 to 1) ) won , Gold Dust Cl to 1) ) sec
ond. Itoy ( .1 to 1) ) third. Time : 0:1 : : .
Fifth race , seven-eighths of a mlle , t-cll-
Inir : Euna (3 ( to 2) ) and Tetisprlng (3 ( to 1) )
ran a dead heat , putse divided ; Collector
( If , to 11 third. Time10. : ! .
Sixth rnee seven-eighths of n mile , sellIng -
IngVlrglnlte ( I to 1) won , Ed Glenn ( I to
1) ) FOfond , Major Dripps ( S to 1) ) third. Time :
Omul tlnri'- * but Pour Time.
SAN FRANCISCO , July -Tho talent
met the usual Satin day Wntetloo today ,
only one fnvotlto xx Inning. The program
xvns ono of the best of the mooting , many
hluh class hoises contesting , but the tlmo
made throughout was slow There will bo
no races Mondav. Summnrlps ,
First race , live nnd n half furlongs , til
ing Reno (4 ( to 1) ) xvon. Dolly M (9 ( to 2) )
second. Arne (1C ( to G ) thlid. Time 1 OS
Second race , six furlongs , oelllng Nelllo
0 (9 ( to G ) xvon , Cnrmel ( II to G ) econd ,
May Day (6 ( to 1) third. Time 1 1S14
Third race , live nnd n half fin longs , sell
ing Crawford d" to 1) ) xvon. Sir Richard
( H to 10) t-eeond. Myron (7 to 1) third Time :
1 ns
Fourth race , mile and n fuilnng , handicap :
Thotnhlll (1 ( to 1) won , Mr Jingle (2 ( to 1) )
second Fllrtllla. ( S to 1) ) hrrrt Tlmo 1 IM' ,
Fifth race , two miles , eight huidles. han
dicap : Mere (9 ( to 2) ) xvon. Espor.uico (3 ( to 1)
second , Mcstor (1G ( to G ) thlul. Tlmo. 3.49 < i.
.Week of 1'iiftt Itiirlnir Kndnit.
DETROIT , Mich , July 13 A xveek ot
exceptionally fast trotting nnd pacing , most
of xvhlch AX an of n close nnd exciting chai-
acter , closed at Windsor this afternoon.
Today's results :
2-10 pice- Judge Swing xvon In straight
hiats Tlmo : 2 10'i , 2 ten , . 2 OS'i. Jewell.
Sl.sle O , Whirligig , Angle D , Vltello. Fleet-
xxood and Direction nlio started
2.18 trotting BlaUe xvnn In straight heats ,
Tlmo 2.15'i. ' 21P4 , SIS' * Chloc , Chrysal-
llto Bouncer , Emma Wllkes , .lav Re s , Su
perior Girl , Lulu Stanton and Sidney Mc-
GreKor also started.
2 SS paelng Major lint xxon the third
fourth and fifth heats Tlmo : 2 14'4 2 17 ,
2 17 1. Billy T xvon the first nnd second
heats In 2 1GU , 2 l.VJ. Maud Poll ird Muplo
Leaf , Perfecto , Roxlo T , Carrie N , Erza
May Muiphy' , Logan K , Easter Gill and
Sunlight also started _
PiMiiiltvK llxit thn Call.
MILWAUKEE , July 13. This xxas another
faxorlto day nt State park , and the hor.'es
ran well to form The largest crowd for
the week , G.OOO , xvas In attendance. Summa
ries :
First race , flvo and a half fuilongs Hes
ter (7 ( to G ) won , Fay Belle ( I to 1) ) second ,
Sublto ( even ) third Time : 1 as
Second race , SPXIMI fill longsEmpern (2 (
to G ) won , Imp Hillerton Lass (4 ( to 1) ) Fee-
end , Blaze Duke (2 ( to 1) ) third. Time. 1.28.
Third nice , six furlongs- Miss Rowctt (4 (
to 1) ) won , Pisa (8 ( to G ) second , Llssmoto (8 (
to G ) third. Time1 HVs
Fouith race , mile nnd a sixteenth : Aunt
Llda (2V4 ( to 1) ) won. Folly ( G to 1) second ,
Lester (8 ( to 1) ) third Tlmo : 1 IS.
Fifth race , ono mile : Miss Young ( l.Xo 3) )
xvon , Mlfcs Norma (214 ( to 1) second. Imp.
Sam Lewis ( G to 1) ) third. Time. 1 42.
( Icun ot thn I ii < 'ro o .Meeting.
LA CROSSE , WIs. July -Tho race
meeting closed xvlth great xvcathet Dlrec-
tum xvent nn exhibition mile In 2 OC'i , the
second quarter In 29si. This Is the fastest
mlle trotted this year. Summaries :
2:40 : cla s. continued from Friday : Duaor
took txxo heats , Fannie Holman two , and
the race Best time 2:1G : > . Bob Acres
bad a sunstroke , but managed to reach his
Three-year-old pacers , S.OO clas * . purse
$500. Arthur L xvon the llrst , third and
fourth heats. AdHlon the second Best
time bv latter. 2.WJ : by xvlnner , 2.1"14.
Jack Allerton , Sol B , Rex B , Flora Dow ling
und Chlnchbug also started
2.13 trot , purse Jl.OOO. Klsmath won the
first , third nnd fifth heats ; Miss Nelson the
second nnd fourth. Best tlmo : 2:09' : Boo
and Commodore Porter also started.
lion. J. II. llrttntmn 1'ntnllr HI.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. . July 13. ( Special )
The Bid news has been received here that
Hon. John R. Brennan of Rapid City , one of
this state's railroad commissioners , who Is
at a Battle Creek sanitarium , cannot re
cover. There Is a tumor of the bowels be
sides other complications. Mr Brennan spent
several months at the sanitarium and re
covered sulllclonlly to return home. He de
cided to lough It for a time and so went
down to his cattle ranch. There he got to work
on a big Irrigation ditch xvhlch needed atten
tion and ovei worked and was can led home.
Ho was returned to the sanltnilum and all
hope of his recovery has been abandoned.
Mrs. Brcnnan has gene to Battle Creek.
Dnnlen lloyrntt ( onvlct M.idn ( Inmln.
ST LOUIS. July 13 After three days In
national convention the furniture dealers
of the United States adjourned today , to
meet In July , 189G , at New York City Be
fore adjourning the association adopted reso
lutions pledging Us members not to buy or
sell furniture manufactured by convict labor.
The furniture dealers also adopted a resolu
tion pledging themselves to refrain as much
as possible from patronizing a manufacturer
who sou direct to a consumer.
In li > vel l > lllih Mine.
RAWLINS , Wyo. , July 13 ( Special Tele
gram ) George F. Davis and a party of Union
Pacific engineers are hero surveying a spur
to Iron mine , two miles north. The Iron
company Is now shipping 100 cars of ore per
month to Denver miiclters , xxhlch xvlll be
more than doubled when the xpur Is com
pleted. The Iron , It U claimed , runs $9 per
ton In golj.
For all Use
Blemishes SOAP
To Be Seen
Because of disfiguring facial blemishes
is ( lie condition of thousands upjpn
thousands who live in ignorance of
the fact that in Cuticurn Soap is to
be found the most effective skin puri-
Her and beautilier in the woild , as
well as the purest and sweetest for
toilet , bath , and nuisery. It is jo
because it strikes at the root of all
complexional disfigurations , viz. : the
tot nlnpltn. LUelih i < 1 , r > ! tnA oily ! tln , itil ,
nnith lianil with hiKleM | nalli. < Jiy , ilin.and fill-
ins I air , and kimplc bibblemltiici It ii
hminhont I'm wivU 1'iitliT Dm * anil
Chum , trorp.i Huln I'rup * , , liotion ,
If 1 1 ml , mill HIT. inTvon niolh < tr
knew lie coinforl , dreacth , nd Y.Ul'
" ) InCiitlutrit Aiill-raliiriHutrri ,
l' ey Miiill never lw without them. In
t i box Llults lot WOUMU uuidit