Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1895, Page 15, Image 15

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Jolliers jn Most AH Lines Export on Un
eventful Week.
Dry Goncla Jobber * Uocldc to Iteninln In
llualnrss llurdwnru I'niiplo ilulil Tholr
Atinunl Mcetlnc Cboiip Coal
for Next \Vlntor.
In many respects business In a JobblnK
way has been featureless ilnrlnt ; the past
mx days , but tit Urn same time the general
Bltuntlon has rumulned moat fuvornble. Crop
reports from nil sections of the country
tributary to thla market have been of un
cncotiraBliB character anil business men
iryiernlly arc feeling great confUlencu In the
future of trade.
Information gained from country mcr-
chnnts seen In the market during the post
three or four days , concerning business In
their respective localities , waB of a ilecltl-
ctlly cheerful nature. The answers to
these Inquiries would generally Indicate a
fulr retail trade In the country and splendid
prospects for the future. Merchants are
running very close to bare shelves on all
lines of goods and there Is un apparent
determination on the part of retailers to
follow the hand-to-mouth policy in making
purchase ; ! for the balance of the summer
season. Jobbers report that their customers
uro buying little outside of the Htaplu linen
of merchandise , for which tnero Is a more
or loss steady demand , and that they will
take othnr merchandise only ns there arises
un absolute iicct'HSlty.
Home of tliu country buyers who have
bfien Interviewed complain of the tightness
of money In their localities and are dis
posed to pluco the blame upon the large
city banks. They claim that their local
banks In many canes havu been letting out
muncv on fill in crops , us a large yield Is
nrnctlcnlly assured , but that tlie country
banks can get little or no iiBslstunco from
the larger Institutions In the money cen-
tcra and that their operations nro conse-
uuently limited. An easing up In the pres
ent scarcity of money Is expected to re-
Hiilt from the marketing of the crop of
Hmull grain which Is being harvested ut the
iiroscnt time. As a result of the scarcity
of money In the country , collections gener-
nllv arc slow and. If anything , worse than
they were thirty to sixty days ago.
Dry goods Jobbers were not expecting a
very heavy demand during the past week
and In every Instance their expectations
were fully realized. The retail trade In nil
sections Is pursuing n very conservative pol
icy. Where they must buy , merchants are
doing so as sparingly ns possible , and put
ting off the ordering of any great amount
of merchandise until they know more about
the requirements of the fall and winter
trndo. The dry goods market continues
Ilrm In mot all linos. On nearly nil classes
of cotton goods values are much stronger
than was the case a week or ten days
mro.The market Is firm on brown and bleached
cottons and In leading descriptions of coarse
colored cottons.
Printed cotton fabrics nro Ilrm In both
Btnplo and fancy lines , but In ginghams
tlin tone of the market Is not quite so
HtroniSo far ns may be Judged from
nresqnt Indications It .would not seem un
reasonable to anticipate a continuance of
the present strength In the market.
The advance of 2V < - cents to f. cents In th
nrlro of wool has canned still further llrm-
IIPRS In the market for woolen goods.
The most Important event In the drj
goods Held so far ns the local trade Is-
oonrurned Is the announcement that the
Kllpalrlck-Koch Dry Goods company wll
remain In Omaha until another year , ni
least. I/ate In January the Him notlllei
the trade that It would wind up Its Jobbing
business and leave Omaha at an early date
It had on hand nt that llmo a largo stock
of.irooilH . which It commenced closing ou
as rapidly as possible. In disposing of the
snrlnc and summer goods It has been most
Hiiccnssfiil. so much so , that It has practi
cally nothing left. As to the fall and win
ter goods It was expoc-ted that It would be
nblo to Hud a customer who would take the
whole stock. In this the company has beet
dlsnnnolnted. and In consequence haw de
elded to remain In business until January 1
when the least- expires on thebuilding. . Mr
Kllpatrlck and three buyers , \V. H. Koenlg
James Ulslt and W. I1' , llnxtor , are no\\
cast selecting goods that will give n com
pinto stock for the fall and winter trade
While the company will be In shape to go
out of business on January 1 , the lates
move Is generally Interpreted In the Jobbing
district to mean that the company wll
continue on In business should the presen
mitondld outlook for trade bo realized
Omaha has always been short on dry good
houses and the determination of the Kllpat
rick-Koch people to remain Is a matter o
no little satisfaction In the Jobbing dls
Thn grocery jobborH have been busy dur
Inir the period under review. A gren
mnnv small orders liave been coming li
which IIHVO ki > n all hands well employed
but the aggregate has been rather below
what jobbers would like to see It.
The market on most lines Is Ilrm , will
the exeeplT""i of Hour and oatmeal , whlcl
have cased off In sympathy with the do
cllno In the grain market.
In California evaporated apricots there
has boon a further advance of Vs cent am
It Is understood that unite a number of carp
of ISO I fruit have recently changed hand.
on the coast nt fancy prices. The crop I *
certainly very much short of last season's
but It appears to bo the universal opinion
among members of the trade that the grow
ers are making n mistake In not accepting
reasonable prices , ns the outlook wui never
more promising for n large crop of other
kinds of fruit. Consumers will take the
fruit that Is nearer at hand and let "cots'
nlone If the price got too high. So far nr
the canned article Is concerned some pack
ers have withdrawn prices entirely.
It U reported that the Delaware pack o
tomatoes will be very light. Some packer ,
will not can nny at all , as owing to the low
prices prevailing In the spring they wonl <
not make contracts with the growers. It If
now too late to secure supplies , ns the acreage
ago Is very small , owing to the Indlfferonci
of canners at the opening of the spring sea
son. .
Salmon canners wore expecting a larger
than usual this season , owing to the
Rack run of Hsh that set In about June 1
As u result , the market became rather de
moralized and there was n strong Inclina
tion to cut prices. About the middle o
the month the run suddenly fell off and
It Is now estimated that there la u short-
nsp of 00,600 to 100,00) cases.
Ituslncas In the hardware line has beci
fairly good during the past week. In fact
BOino operators express surprise at the
number of orders booked. Representatives
of the Jobbing houses who have been ou
over the state speak enthusiastically of the
brilliant prospects and confirm statement1 !
previously made ns to the light stocks car
rled by the retail trade.
The hardware market for the week Jus
closed has continued Ilrm , but with no
material change In values quoted. How
ever , n good many manufacturers have
withdrawn from the market and nro re
fiiPlng to make future contracts , which of
Itself Indicates a stiffening market.
During the past week the members of the
Mississippi and Missouri Valley Hardware
association have been holding their nnnua
meeting at hake Mlnnctonku. The asso
ciation embraces practically all the Jobber *
In the Mississippi and Missouri valleys
north of Qnlncy and Kansas City. It has
been In existence for the past eight or ten
years and has for Its object the correcting
of abuses and the advancement of the best
Interests of the trade. In no sense Is It n
trust , nor does It attempt to regulate prices
For several years past they have held their
annual meetings nt Lake Mlnnetonka urn
the meeting : ; partake somewhat of the na
ture of an outing. Omaha's representa
tives at the meetlne are W. S. Wright of
the Hector & Wllheimy company and II. J
Leo of the heo-Clarke-Audreesen Hardware
company.COAI * WILL IJR t.OW.
There Is n very good prospect that an
thracite coal will bo n.i cheap tills fall ns
It was lust season. While this may be verj
gratifying to consigners It Is not at all to
ihe liking of the owners of coal mines and
ooal roads. It Is claimed by the producers
that the past six months have been the
"most unsallsfnctory ever experienced by tin
coal miner ; " . The tonnage mined has been
larger than for nny previous half year
while the average of prices received for
the coal has been almost ; m low , If not
lower , than ever before.
The report from Nebraska City to
the effect that the distillery ub that | H > lnt
will bo titnrled up again In the near futun
Is not K.VCU much credence by members-of
the trade at this point. These who are
supposed to l > c Well Informed as to the
( TiiIrs of thfl defunct Distillers and Cattle-
fftcders mist claim that the affairs of the
trust are In the hands of the court am
that no one can say when It will be possi
ble for the houses to be started up again.
IlliUammer Quirt VrnvatU Among OmilinV
Hoti.ll lloiitF *
The retail trndo of Omaha has. durlnp the
past week , experienced the dullness usua"
Rt this reason of the year. H U the mil
nimnitr .quiet brought about by the
infavornble condition of local business en-
ernrlsew. Crop prospects may be a good
collateral upon which to base confidence In
ho future of business , but they arcof
Ittlo avail In helping the present retail
rado of the city. A good many people
nro out of the city , spending their money
away from home , while n good many others
are nt home , but without money to spend ,
owing to the scarcity of work.
While them Is some divergence In the re-
xirts of leading retail houses , none of them
Inlm Jtlmt business has been good. The
H-st that can be said Is that It has been
nliout up to expectations far this season of
ho year. One dry goods merchant paid
that his sales for the past four weeks were
only $3UO behind the corresponding period
of last year , while another largo house re-
oortrd thn acernirnte business for the past
month ns smaller than ever before.
Consumers only buy what they nbso-
utelv need and n reduction In the price
Iocs not appear to offer much Inducement
'or them to anticipate their wants. A dry
L'oods denier remarked that ho put out
Ires * iroods and cut the price In two In
the middle and customers passed them by
without hardly n look.
The clothing trndo Is nnlet and the same
can bo said of the boot and shoe business.
An amusing feature of the retail drug
trade Is the demand for the oil of lavender
that has sprung up during the past two or
three weeks. Some druggist In the east
who was long on oil of lavender , published
n. few linn * In n. nauor to the effect that the
oil BtmiyiM about a room would drive away
the house fllo.i. This nrllele has been copleJ
bv papers all over the country and the re
sult has been nn enormoiM demand for the
oil of lavender. New York papers men
tioned that local druggists In sonic localities
have been unable to secure enough to fill
the demands of their trade. The Ilee , In
good faith , published the same receipt for
scaring away Hies and druggists
have been kept busy filling orders for oil
of lavender. Jt now turns out that Hies
really like the odor , unless It Is very strong.
and then It does not have nny more effect
upon them than would any other strong
smelling drug. _
It ( un No l.ongar He Mndo and Sold nn
( Irtuili.n llnitcr.
On August 1 there will go Into effect the
act passed by the late legislature concernIng -
Ing Imitation butter and cheese. The new
law prohibits the sale , within the state ,
of Imitation butter anil cheese colored to
represent the genuine article and compels
hotels and restaurant keepers who UPC the
Imitation goods to display cards announcing
that fact. Imitation butter may be manu
factured for .shipment to other states and
colored to represent butter. O'.eo that has
not been colored may be so'.d within the
Many states have adopted similar laws ,
with the object of protecting the dairy In
dustries and ut the expense of the manu
facturers of Imitation butter. Wisconsin ,
Missouri and Nebraska are among the latest
to pass laws restricting the sale of the
The manufacture of Imitation butter Is
one of the Important Industries of South
Omaha , and for that reason the going Into
operation of the new law Is a matter of
considerable Importance. The Cudahy
Packing company has been n heavy manu
facturer of that product. The Swift and
Hammond people have handled Imitation
butter nt this point. They do not manu
facture It here , but they do at their Chicago
B. A. Cudahy , manager of the Cudnhy
Packing company. In speaking of the sub
ject , remarked that he anticipated that the
new law would affect the business of Ms
house to the extent of the salei of oleo
laat season , which amounted to sr.0,000
pounds. That would bo equivalent to cut
ting off about 8 per cent of the product.
The new law will allow the sale of uncolored -
colored butterlne , but It Is doubtful If there
will be nny demand for that class of poods.
Without any coloring matter butterlne re
sembles lard In appearance , and consumers
have not been educated up to a point where
they will use white butter. There may ,
however , be some domnnd for uncoloretl
oleo , and the Cudahy Packing company will
try to sell It In that form. Mr. Cudahj
said that there had been a good deal of ad
verse legislation In regard to oleo. and the
output of the different manufacturing es
tablishments had fallen off very materially
during the past year. Butter had also
been very low , which had helped to re
duce the demand for Imitation butter.
According to the report of the commis
sioner of Internal revenue at Washington
there were manufactured In the Tnlted
States during the eleven months ending
June 1 , 1,300.000 tubs of Imitation butter
The output of the previous year amounted
to 1.T23.4&0 tubs. While the fact that there
has been n large decrease In the output Is
, i matter not at all to the liking of the
manufacturers It Is the subject of no smal
imount of rejoicing among the butter men ,
who point to It as nn evidence that legisla
tion in the different states Is proving ef
The butter men In Omaha are feeling
elated over the going Into effect of the new
law In this state. W. 13. Hlddell , who has
been In the wholesale butter business In
this city for a number of years , remarked
"All licenses to sell oleo expired on June
30 , and ns they cannot be renewed excepi
for a year In advance the retail dealer ?
have not taken out new licenses. As n
result the butter men are now receiving
about all the benefit that they will go
when the law actually goes Into effect
The absence from the market of butterlne
tins Increased our sales of butter. Tin
sales are three times what they were n
month ago , but It has not advanced the
price. Omaha receives more butter thai
she consumes , and the surplus has to be
shipped on east. In times past , when but-
tcrlno was sold to a very largo extent on
this market , the local consumption of gen
uine butter dropped down to u very low
point and the great bulk had to bo shlppoi
out again. Country butter comes In here
and n certain proportion Is sold to the re-
tall trade at from 12 to 14 cents , and the
balance , as It Is not In shape to ship , has to
be sold to the packers , nt from 7 to S
cents per pound , and they put It Into tubs
and ship It east , where It Is known on the
market as 'Indies. '
"With butterlno out of the way the retal
trtdo Is able to take a much larger proportion
tion of the receipts , which means a much
smaller proportion of the butter that has to
be soM to the packers. This In a saving
to the farmers of the state of from 5 to b
cents per pound , and at the same time the
consumer Is not paying nny more. The
oleo people claim that their product Is the
poor man's friend.
"During the pasfwlntcr the trade bought
hutterlno nt Wl/i cents per pound and sole :
It ut retail at " 0 cents per pound , as a gen
eral thing. With butterlne out of the wn >
they would have bought butter at IS to II
cents and have Bold It at 0 cents , go that
oleo , ns I look at It , Is not the friend ol
the poor consumer , but of the retail mer
chant , who can make a much greater profit
from handling the Imitation than the genu
ine article. I believe that 'Nebraska has
used In the course of n year as high as
JiiO.OOO pounds of oleo. It takes a good
cow to make IN pounds of butter In a sea
son , and It Is doubtful If the common Ne
braska cow will average .over seventy
pounds of butter. You can figure , then ,
that oleo In this state has been shutting
out the product of 5,000 to 7,000 cows. II
you take Into consideration the labor of
caring for and feeding that many cows.
and the manufacture of the butter It would
look ns If the new law , while It might be
Injuring one great Industry , was In reality
protecting a far greater Industry. "
S t. I.ouU GiMior.kl M
ST. I.OIH3. July 13. KI.Ot'n-Dull. without
material clmiiKe ; emulations on new Hour ( old
33W300 lilKlieri aB followH ; Tntem * . J3.5r.ft3.Gr. .
nxtra fancy , J3.3083.40 ; fancy , J3.W ! 3.W ; choli-e ,
Wll HAT Declined ? iu cnrly on free Belling ,
clewing after M-venil Hinnll milieu nt the till-
torn , with seller * of firptrmbor 2'i | 2Mc ln-luw
yesterday. No. S viuh , Ulc ; July , ClUc ; Si-p-
IcnilxT , CITi'uWo.
COHN After nn easy opening , the market ml-
vnmtM nearly Ic on short XHII.MK In OICIK | | and
clniimt nft > > r u ilrclltx * . wllli rHIern Utt'ir ln'l.m
yrMtrnUy'H closliiK : No. 2 mlxcil , caul ) , 41c ;
July , 41c ; September , 42V c.
OATS-HtrniiKt-r earlier , weakening later , cln.t-
lim nl > nt Hi" same ni yiMlrnluy. Sxit. | tlrm : Ni\ .
1. casli. Sic ; July , J3o tilj ; September , MUc ; > f y ,
HVIJ In y ; No. : . on track , nominal.
l-OHN MiAIJ2.fl'l 2.03.
1I11AN Klrmt emit trackKicked. . 6.V.
KJ.AJC HKKD-H.iUWu at JI.JJ for July Bhlp-
miMit unit for August ,
nitASS SKKDS Tlmolliy. quotable at JS.IM for
August ; other ptHsln , nominal.
HAV Hull ; choice erndcx Timothy , firm nml
ourcr. JILWyLVO1) ) ; past ulilr ; prairie. J7.MC9.S9.
UiU null- ,
KOflst-Stoaily : SV c.
I.IIAIw-IUill ami rnsl r ; iitlluis and asking-
JXISV , nml IID Imyprx.
HPCI.TKII Hull ; $3. $ < 5.
rnr > VIKlONS-IVi ! < . xtnn.lnnl n . as , Jll.M ,
loirtl. | irlmt > steam. K.M ; rhnlco , JV ll.icon
l > xi > i | utimiM'T ! ! . 10 .37'.i : lone * . Jfi.73 ; rlba , J1.87 ;
uliortx. } 7 , Dry mil men In. hnxitl nhnuMr > i .
J.1.G2H ; linen. JG.lT'i ; rlha. > $ ! " : nhortii , JS.7.1.
HWRIITS-Vlniir , l.OH Mils.rlirat. . 4T.OW
Ini. : corn. 2.0 < - > l > n. ; oatx. l.'i.ilm liu.
HllirMUNTH I'lMir. St lililn. ; wli a , 1IW >
Lit. ; corn , P.'WO ' Lu. ; oat , 7,004 l < u.
.Mtltvmik'n MnrUvlv '
MIIAVAUKKK. July IX Wll BAT Ixiwer ; No.
tmr\'Hng. \ W.jc ; No. 1 nr.ntn-in , 7lc ; Hoplember ,
VoilN-Illitlirr ; No. 3. 4c.
/ > AT < Hauler ; No. 3 whit" , ST'.tc : Nu. 3 while ,
'lUni.KV ' Npmtnnt ; No , J. 4Sc. Sjinjile on
track. n mlntl. :
r.YU-Hlilier : No. 1. Sl'.jc. '
Knnini I'll ? .Mnrkctn.
KANSAS riTV. July ll.-WIJRAT-QuUl ; No.
! Ii4nl. Cfjfl'tr ; Nc. S roO , CHfCSc ; lejevicj ,
OU.N ' , Qlu hlslier ; No. I inUeO. 4 < Hjc ; No.
; c higher ; No. : m'.ieJ , JlVio ; No. I
luii > . tic.
Fears Recovered fnm Their Crop Damage
Bcaro Yesterday.
Corn Mill-hot Was Stron ; for September
nmj Firm for May lrin-.inil for Oat *
Vint Vary Limited with
I.Itlit Offerings.
CHICAGO , July 13. The bears recovered
from their crop damage scare nnd pounded
I'.ic off the September option. Corn closed
ic higher for September ; September oats
closed unchanged and provisions finished
ut declines.
The fact of gold shipments having com
menced was taken advantage of to knock
the price of wheat down on the curb before
the opening , ami on the regular board the
market was uguln knocked off Its bull stilts
bv the cold slugging of two" of the operators
on the bear side. The crop reports were
very conlllctlng , ranging from stories of
sensational damage to promises of unusu
ally big yields. Such were the reports from
which wheat traders here hud to inukc their
minds up , and while they hesitated Cudahy
and Lyon appeared to be giving carte
blanche to their brokers to sell September
wheat. Foreign markets were Ilrm. A pri
vate cablegram said great heat was pre
vailing In and wet weather In France
was Injuring the crop of the latter country.
Receipts here were Cl cars. Minneapolis
anil Duluth got 9t cars , against 149 CUM u
year ago. Argentine shipments for the
week were 720.WO bu. Kxport clearances for
twenty-four hours were equal to 9Soii * ) bu. ,
Including Hour. The opening price of Sep
tember wheat was from B7io to C7ic , and In
about llvu minutes It had appreciated to
t.SMiC. Fiom that time the price tended
downward , nnd In the end the depression
produced by the persistent and heavy sell
ing on account of the speculators already
nnmiMl became aggravated and the lowest
prices of the day were current about the
close. September declined to from 6C',4c to
( XrHie and closed at GGVic.
The corn market was strong for Septem
ber and firm for May. The llrmness In
May was entirely duo to the nervousness
Imparted to It from sympathy with the ad
vance In September. The latter was gov
erned altogether by the efforts ) of the
shorts to got out of nn awkward predica
ment. Inspired by the line prospects for
growing corn , there has been created a
great shortage In September , that month
being the only active future for which
there were buyers. Now the sellers are
wishing they had sold further ahead. Sep
tember opened from 457 > c to 45ic ! , Irre ulnly
to 47V4c , nnd closed at 40' c , nn advance of
aic for the day. There are some bad reixjrts
coming In from the west regarding the ef
fect of heat and n message irom 1'lalnlleld ,
111. , said the thermometer Ktood 90 In the
shnde nnd corn was suffering.
The mnrket for oats was very dull , with
llttlo stuff to be had , and hardly enough
orders to take up the few scattered lots of
fered. September started nt ! % c , sold up
to from 'Xc to 23c , down to IH'Ac nnd
closed at from 23Vic to 23iic.
A strong opening in provisions was fol
lowed by a drive nt the market by the In
terest which Is selling short wheat , corn ,
oats , pork , lard and ribs. Prices , compared
with the closing of the day before , showed
declines as follows : In pork , lOc ; lard , 2He ,
and ribs , ftc.
Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat ,
SO cars ; corn , 190 cars ; oats , 200 cars ; hogs ,
20.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Artlolov ( 111:11. | Low. | Cloix
WlfeaiTNo. i !
July C4M cr
Sept. . . . . . dim
Coin No..1. .
July 4.W
Sepl 43H 4U > 6
May SU ! ( MH SUi !
lalsNo. ' . ' . . .
July S35
May U7 20M 1OM !
I ork cor bbl
July 11 on
11 3''K 11 4'- 11 05 11 ! -
July o no
Sept U 45- 0 45 U II5 u -10
Short KlbB-
July. . . . o 10
Sept a. U 35 U 1C Oil )
Cash quot.'itlons were n follows :
I-'LOUH Winter patents. J3.2103.75 : wlntei
straights. J3.00ff3.40 ; spring patents , .1.73 4.00
spring straights , J2.UOR3.25j bakers' . J1.90y2.30.
W11KAT No. 2 spring. G5foGSc ; No. 3 spring ,
nominal ; No. 2 red , G5ifrC3U.
COUN-No. 2 , 43i f 6Vicj No. 3 yclbw , 43fi >
OATS-No. 2. 23&c ; No. 2 white , 27Vi 23Uc
No. 3 white , 2Cfl27c.
RYK No. 2. 49c.
I1AKLKV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3. 40c ; No. 4
FLAX SKKD No. 1 , J1.35.
TIMOTHY SKKB I'rlmo. J5.85.
1'ItOVIHIONS Mess porle , per bid. , Jll.OOijJ
11.121i. Lard , per 100 His. , J0.32i. ! Short rllis
sides , loose. J6.10i6.15 : dry salted shoulders
nxeil , J3.50iS'5.C2l/4 ; short clear sides , boxeil
. . , . . .
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per eal.
The following were the receipts nnd shipments
today :
Ontha Prolusj 0x0:1170 : to lnv ths butter mar
ket wai steady ; creamery , l:41ll ( : > < c : dairy , 103
Me. EstB , firm ; lluilKc. Cheese.
Clonlnc Quotation ! on tlio Prlnulp t Cam-
module * unit Staple * .
NEW YOIIK , July n.-FLOL'R-Recclpts , 14,300
bbl . ; exports , 5,600 bbls. ; sales , 3,000 pkgs ; nrK
lected and rather easy ; city mill patents , J4.704J
1.90 ; city mill clears , JI.15G-4.23 ; Minnesota pat
ents , J3.G5ft3. 0 ; Minnesota lakers , J3.0 > ! ? 4.40
winter patents , J3.830i .00 ; winter straights , $3.50
3.S3 ; winter entras , J3.0093.40 ; winter low grades
J2.2003.COt spring low ( Trades , J1.IW 2.I5. llye
Hour , dull ; superfine , J3.8001.00 ; fancy , Jl.034.23
COItN MKAL < ) ulet ; sales , 200 bbl . ; yellow
westeni. Jl.orxfd.ll ; llrandjwlue , J2.SO.
WHKAT Itecelpts. 21,300 Lu. ; sales , I,030 , X1 bu
futures , 1,000 bu. | K > t. HIH > I InacHvo ; No. 2 red
In store nnd elevator , 70e ; , * 71c ; f. o. b.
72'ic ulloal ; No. 2 northern , 7IKc. Options rather
UUlet nnd demand Irregular within a mnull rumte
the tendency , however , belni ; ilownwiird , owliiB to
weak llerlln ailvlces , forclun selling , fair Argen
tine wheat shipment ! nud lesa dUjwaltlon to
credit the repyrts of damage lo spring whrnt ;
closed nt HWiC liwer , July closed ut 70Hc ; An.
KUat clnseil 71if I September. 71 3-lCtf7ie , closed
IIHes October , 72 72Sc , closed 72 e ; December ,
7JiiW74V4c. clni-ed 73Hc.
L'OUN Itecelpts , TJ.CUO bu. ; exports , 71,100 lm. .
nles , 150ViO bu , fulures , 8,000 bu. siMit. Hpol
dull ; Nn. 2. f > 0o In elevntor ; MHo nlliKit. Op-
lions opened utrady. advanced cm a run In of Sep.
tenilwr slinrlB at Chlcutu , and fluted Ilrm at Ha
net advance ; July closed nt 50\c ; September ,
.OKOoIUc , closed 5lic ! ; October , GOi.ffJlc , closed
OATS HecelpU , 20.600 bu. ; sales. 2-.000 bu. fu.
lures , 35.100 Lu. spot. Simt held hlKher ; No. 2.
JSUc In elevator ; No. 3 , 27fcc : No. 2 white. 33JJ
W.ic ; No. 3 white , 32V4c ; track , white , 32',4e29V3e ,
Options gathered atrrnKth from com , but Inckeil
activity ; eliwcd Kc higher ; July closed 27 > ic ; Sen-
temlier. 27tic.
1IIIAN 7J jSOc ; mlddllns , 80C85c ; city feed ,
HAY Firm ; thlpplng , t6.0)e7.50 ) ; good to
choice. JS.OOSW.OO.
HOPS Quiet ; state , common to choice , old.
3fi5c ; 1 > 4 cmp , Dyjc ; Puclllc coast , bid , 3ij5c ;
IS'.M , Cfi''u ; Ixmilon market Hteuily.
HIDES Firm : wet Balled , New Orleans , so-
lecled , 45 lo 65 lb . , nominal ; Texua selwted ,
M lo 60 Ibs. , nominal ; lliU'nua Ayres , diy , 20 to
24 Ibs. . Mtfee ; Texas dry , 21 lo 30 ll . . lj/13e.
LMATHI-nt-Slruni ; ; hemlock BJ | . ' . Ilueuoa
Ayr.-s , light lo heavy weights , 2.'c ; ncld , 'IhOSIc.
WOOI , Firm ; domestic lleece , isysic ; pulled ,
2D f24o.
PROVISIONS llcef. nulet ; family. J12.00fi-13.SO ;
extra mrss , JH.klCf8. & ) ; beet halm , J19.OJfn9.50 ;
packed , ji.5"HillJ : . C'ut meaU. steady ; plckleu
hellli-s , 7.0i r7.M ; plcKle < I nioulder ) , ; pickled
hams , J'.i.)4iH.7J. ) --ml I weaker : wmtern sti'.irn JO.G ) ; saloj. 250 tlrrcrs at J6.GO ; i-lty , JiuHf
ii,12 > i ; tulles. 1L'5 tli-reen ; opllun Bales. K70 nonil.
nul ; rtllneil. meady ; fuullnenr. J7.05 ; Soulli
American , J7.35 ; comt ound. 15. Pork , qulel ;
a.ile , none ; new me * * . J12.5otrU.25 ; family , 113.W
fllKH ; short clear. JIJ.S'KfliOO.
lllTTUIl < Jul.'l ; wcvtirn ilalr > ' . eiSe ; western
creiuvrry , 12i(17o ; uoslfi i farlory , kfrliUi" KI-
glna. ITc ; Imltutl'in roaiii r > , HOlle ; male dairy.
lUMS'tvlatc rrcnmery , lie.
i.'IIiKSV-lJll : ; state , large , tttVUci small , GU ; : imrt nklmii , 2 H5c ; full skim * . m 2c.
r.tKiS Sluidyveitrrn fietih , U' tinHc ; re-
celpu , 4iG.t pkgs.
TALIjDW Weak ) cltj4ijc ; counlry. 4le.
PUTItOLr.l'M-Uiilln ) cloxiHl J1.C2 bid ; rellne.1
New Ycr ! < . J7.C5 ; Philadelphia nml llalllnmre ,
J7. < 0 ; Phlladrlpliln and ll.illlm.orc In bulk , J5.10.
ItOSIN Steady ; drained , common lo good , Jl.U
TIUtlK TlN - < } ulet : 2S1j21Uc.
HlOC-Sliiidv ; domeulle , fair to extra , 4'O
New Orleans open kellle ,
; < ! choicer.itr32i \
.MI' I Pie Iron , nrm : southern , Jll.&Of ?
14.00 ; northern , JI200il4.0' ' ) . Copper , strong ;
Imiki-m' tulce , Jlo.73. Lead , Htnvig ; brDkers *
prliv , J3.12 . Tin. dull : strain. Jll.lOft
H U ; plater , tlrm. Speller , dull ; domestic ,
IMTTON SKI-IP OIL-Slow : prime cruda. tic :
alt crude. 2ti22'-i prime summer yellow. 2Sc ; off
xuminer yellow. 25ir25Mc ( ; yellow butler gruden ,
2C 2 c * ; prlnio lumnier white. We. Markic.
NEW YOHK. July 13.-8UOAU-Ilaw. steady ,
fair roftnlns. 214 c ; rentrlfiiRal , IN ! test. lUc ; Mien ,
( .100 I K ronirlfuiral. K f l. S 5-16cj refined ,
utmdy , No. C. l-WMUc ; No. 7. 3 li-lf < M'.lCi Nc
J , 3 1J-1SU4UC ; Nc. t , IKtM 1-lOc ; No. 10 , 3 13-lt
O4e ; No. 11. 3 H-16OJTrl ft5. 12. J 9-16 < M\c ; No.
3 , Jc ; off A. 4 l-ie * 4XiC mold A. 4 ll-lM4c |
standnnl A. 4S-t61IIHci ( rrmffrtlnnen' A. 4 5-l
4e ; ciit \ < nt , 5 1-IMfSH't crushwl , B 1-lMfSUc.
powdered , 4\n | VS-lScj cumulated , 4 7-16&ISC !
cubes. 4 ll-16tf I'ic. i i
Conillllon of Trutlo'mqil Quotations on
Stnplo null l'ucProduco ,
There lia * been a mucll 1 > etlcr feeling on the
market during the past Jew d.iy * . The general
tendency of price * hn bc h > on the side of linn.
nes nnd the demand hH ; liA'ii quite good. IJ'ia-
lotion * ! " ' '
EOU3 Choice ttock , 40e
IlltTTKIt Packing took. j 7i.4ifjSc ; choice tn
fancy , 10flI2c ; galhercd creii'tncry , 15c ; separator
creamery , 16c. - - _ .
LIVE POl'LTHY-Hen * . 7ff7'ic ; roosters , 5c ,
spring chickens , J2.00 t3.50 per doz. , or 14lfl5c per
Hi. ; ducks , So ; spring ducks , 1213c } ; turkeys ,
Gif7e ; geese , 5c.
VEAL Choice fat , 70 lo 100 Its. , nre quoted at
CW7c ! large and coarse , 4if5Vfcc.
CHEESE Wisconsin full cream , 80 ; Younn
Amerlcui , Ilfl2c : twins. H l2c ; Nebraska and
lown , full cream , lOc ; Llmlmrger , No. 1 , lOc ;
brick , No. 1. He ; Swiss. No. 1 , 13c.
HAY Upland hay , JS ; midland , JS ; lowland ,
J7.50 ; new hay , J8 ; rye straw , J5 ; color makes
the price nn hay , Light hale * cell the beat.
Only lop grades hrlntf lop prices.
PIGEONS Per do * . , J1.0J5JI.50.
The potato rr.atket I * lower. Inquiries n * to the
market for potatoes are commencing ti > nrrlve
from different sections nnd the Inihcntloni nre
now that there will be u largo crop1 In thla
tale. Ttie high prices that prevailed last year
atlmulated planting.
Home Brown onions nn > commencing to nrrlve
ou the market nnd the feeling la a little easier
on California * ti > ck.
Quite a good many cantaloupes have been re.
celved from Tcxu * , but mostly in poor condi
tion. -
Them Is practically no demand for the early
vegetables. Mich n * string nnd wax beans , top
onions , radishes , etc. , nn moit all localities now
have n home supply. Quotations :
POTATOES New potatoes , choice stock , 40 ! )
ONIONS llermudas , per crate , none ; California ,
In Hacks , per bu. , Jl.00til.10.
OLD 1IEANS Hand picked , navy , Ji.M ; Lima
beana , per lb. , 5ti f5V6c.
CAIIIIACIE-On orders , * < ttlc.
HAOISIIES Per doz. bunches , 15c.
QUEEN ONIONS Per doz. bunches. ISe.
LETTUCE Per doz. , 154f20c.
ASPAHAOPS Choice stock on orders , 353Wo
per doz. bunches.
CUCUMIIEU.4 On orders , ISftlOc per doz.
1'EAS On orileis , per bu. . 75c.
HTUINO 11EANS-On order , per H-bu. basket ,
TOMATOES Mississippi stock , per 4-basket
crate , 8" > T90c ; 5 to 10-case loM 75W.
SU.MMEH SQUASH Per doz. , on order * , 25fl
WATEHMELONS Per doz. . crated. 12.60(73.00.
OUEEN PEPPEHS Per bu. , J1.00W1.50.
WAX 11EANS Per H-bu. basket. 50c.
CANTAIAJtiPES Per doz. . J1.0O91.25.
CAl.'LIKLOWKK Per doz , 40i45c.
CELEHY Home Brown. i > r doz. , 40J50c.
A car of Texas peaches arrived yesterday. The
fruit was not large , hut of lietler flavor limn the
eaily California varieties that have been coming
HO far this season.
There are almost no berries on the market that
can be shipped out on oiders. The season foi
raspberries and strawberries Is practically over.
Southern plums have been plenty nnd cheap for
Homo days. Even the butter nnd egg houses
have been receiving them on consignment.
A few Washington chert les nre arriving , but
the supply Is uncertain.
Ill most of the northern and eastern stalest , es
pecially , n decided shortage Is visible , nnd In
many countries certain VHilelles aie a complete
fu lure , judging by leturns from upward of 3,0)0
correfpondenls of the American Agriculturist.
While It Is not such nn off year In apples n ' 93.
everything points to a yield much below that of
last year , although there Is yet lime for excel
lent development. Peaches and pears nra quite
promising In certain states \vheiu largely grown ,
nnd the south and California have alicudy mar
keted considerable quantities. Cane berries und
small fruits generally were cut down seriously
by' spring frcsls , many of 'them ' having lieeii pre
viously wenkMieil by Ihe severity of lusl winter.
This , In fact , proved very trying to young or
chards In all northern stnle-s , and many of them
were winter-killed. ,
The apple outlook In the maritime provinces
and In Malnu was unusually low July ] , due tc ,
the cold weather followed hy drouth , and sug
gesting that the exportable surplus tjuiy be much
below lhat of last yean In olher parls of Ne\\
England apples promise a fair crop , allhough the
young fruil has diopped badly. Small fruits
make a better sho\\lngr v
In the noddle state * , generally Is the s.imA
story of wonderful pronilse je.irly , only lo be fol
lowed by n quick relapse. ' That nature Is well
able to repair what seem * * Irrepaialile Is proved
by the wonderful manner In which the fruit crop
has been developed Hlnce a change to better
weather. The advent of rainfall in late June
changed tlfe * deficiency In molMure lo a position
of rapid growth and development , which Is doing
much to place the pro pet-ls jin u fairly sullsfac-
lory plane. However , this Is nol high. Apples ,
pears nnd plums gave " promise July 1 of little
better than two-thirds "ijf 'ft"crop In New York
state , and returns' from'many counties Indlrntft
only half a tr p. " ' Pennsylvania : find ihc state *
Immediately t-outli escaped the frost * In thcli
full severity , but cold and raw wlndi did some
damnge. ' Ohio has had "plenty of rainfall re.
cently , but In man > ' sections It came too late
ti > help fruit , with the poorest showing In grapes ,
berries and cherries.
The south has come to the front as never be *
fore , while the croV of California Is rather abov&
than below an average. Although curly th-
propped for the next crop of oranges on the
Pacific coast I * promising , while Florida is re.
covering from List winter's freeze. Quotations.
HEt ) HASPIlEliHIES Per 24-qt. case. Jl.oO.
PLUMS California , per box. choice stock , J1.6)
© 2.CO ; southern , per case , Jl.25Ifl.50.
APHICQTS California , cholcu fctoclc , p r box ,
SOIITHEUN PEACHES Per 4-basket crate ,
APPLES Southern , pr W-bu. bjx , 3 Q4c ! ;
bbls. , J2.OOIi2.50.
STHAWIIUHUIUS Choice shipping Block , per
case of 24 ill. . . J2.75.
CHEHHIES Washington , per 10-11) . box , J1.15 { } >
1.25 ; home grown , per 24-qt. case , J2.50.
noOSEIIEHUIES Per 24-qt. case , J2.00ff2.25.
11LACK UASP1IE1UUES Per 24-qt. case , J..75
ULACKHEUniE3 Choice stock , per 24-qt ,
case. J2.00S2.25.
OHAPES Texas- stock , per 4-basket case , $1.15
OUANGES Navels , rwr box , none ; choice seedling -
ling * , per box. J2.50 ; Mediterranean sweets , J2.75
ifi.OI ; fancy St. Michaels , none.
LEMONS Extra fancy lemons , 300 size , J6.00 ®
0.25 ; 300 size. JG.25SfG.50.
HANANAS Choice large aleck , per bunch , J2.2J
02.50 ; meillum size bunches. J2.00tf2.25.
PINEAPPLES Per doz. , J2.
FIQS-Faney , 15c ; chol.e , 12l3c ; California ,
bag * , 7c.
HONEY California. 14015c.
MAPLE SYHUP Gallon Jugs , per doz. , J12 ;
Uliliy. 5-gal. cans , J3.
NIITS Almonds. 14c ; English walnuts , eoft-
ahelled , 12c : alandards. Ho ; filberts , lOo ; Ilrazll
nuta , lOc ; pecans. So ; peanut * , raw , 60 ; roasted ,
DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxfs. Co per lb. ; fard
dates small boxes , lOc per lb.
OIDEH Pure Juice , per Mil. , J5 ; half bbl. , J3 ,
COCOANUTS Per hundred , Jl.
KICK POPCOHN In Hie ear , on ordcra , per
" /1 ° '
HIDES No. 1 green hides , liVjC ; No. 2 crcxm
hides , 8c ; No. 1 green salted hides , ! ) c ; No. 2
green salted hides , 8'ic ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 15
Ibs. , 13c ; No. Z veal calf , S to 15 lb" . , lO lOVt" ;
No. 1 dry flint hides. 12yilc ; No. 2 dry Mint hide * ,
12t ; No. 1 dry salted hides. 12c ; partly cured
hides , lie per lb. less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Oreen stilled , each , 25O60c ;
green salted ahearllngs ( short wooled early skins ) ,
each , Mric. dry ahearllnga ( short wooled early
akin * ) ' No. 1 , each , 610c ; dry ahearllngs ( short
wooled early No. 2. each , 6c ; dry Hint
Kansas and Nebja butcher wool pell * , per
pound , actual welgnc , CflSd ; dry flint Kanaaa and
Nebraska murrain wool iielfs , per pound , aclual
weight , 4&Cc ; dry Mint Colorado butcher wool
pll * , per pound , actual.weight , 4W6Vic ; dry
flint Colorado murrain wool pells , per pound ,
actual weight , 4W5c. Have ; fe t cut olT , aa It Is
useless to pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND GUEASE-No. 1 tallow , 4UO
4Vvo ; No , 2 tallow , 3HW < c ; grease , while A , 4tf
4Uc ; grease , wtilu I ) , 3V c , grease , yellow , 2HM
3c ; grease , dark , 2He ; old butter , 2U2V&C ; beea-
wax. prime. 17fi20e ; rougliAtallow , 2c.
WOOL , UNWASHED-MA * heavy. C 7c : nne
llght,8B ! c ; quarter-blood. ' 10012C ; seedy , burry
and chaffy , SfrSc ; rotteiUjjU-liroken , coarse , lit
9c : celled and broken , fine. fiflfSc.
WOOL. WASHEI > Mrfaluiti 15lSc ; Hne. 14O
IGo ; tub wanhed , 15W18iM l > Wtck. Ha ; buck * , 6c ;
las locks , 2&3c ; dead DifllW./itCc.
Golit Slilprncnts Did Njt ) Jlavo Any Effect
nn Security larxut.
NEW YOHK , July 13.4j1v > flay18 gold shipment ,
the llrst since the goYeVin'nent bond Issue ,
had no effect on the atotkiimrket. . The trading
wna dull. The railway IIJ was negleolej. Tf.oigh
the few sales were at n allglit"ioncesslon from last
night' * closing Hgures , juji eil depression wni
ahown In the lndustrluIsHnWi ) toward the end o (
the llrat hour th gran5 rs _ and other rniway :
hures recedeil sharply , yitf Decline wo * 1 % per
cent tn Sugar , and Chicago sold I'.J per ccnl
lower , and the granger * Ti' .J1 * per cent. During
the laat hour of tradlryfjAh.e. market received
ome support , and Sugar advanced ! , per cent
Chicago Ons 1U per cen ! Smlhe rest of the list
a fraction. In the final W&n Mugar nnd Hubber
were told freely and yleldc-l 1 per cent each , liui
the market wn * generally Ilrm nl the close. The
net reculla generally dlscUmi * lonse * . the leader *
being Sugar , Hiir rent , und Hubber , I per cent.
During Ihe week njit-curMloti was rnoderalel >
active , but 'unsettled , Tbi Industrials were Ihe
leader * , and under lieu\"y hear pres ur develope,1
a marked depression. ChU-tiKO Ga > made a ( llghi
fractional gain at the bfglnnlnK of the week , but
aubaequently receded 7 % per cent , to 12K. At the
low point tln > stock wiu absorbed freely , causing
a rally to 57U. Subsequent reallzntlona aent the
price down lo 5Hj , but a recovery to f.6',1ru >
made at the close , restricting the net lo * * tn
3'i per cent. Sugar Ird oft ( n the early operation *
with an advance of IH per cent. In thn later
trading , however , n recession wn mad of 1'i | w > r
cent , to lOiV. . Tha break wa * utlrlbutcit lnunj : !
la clique manipulation. The final wile win within
a fraction of inn lower polnl , and 5Ti per cent
belovr laat Saturday' * llKUie * . Tha government
crop report wa regarded favorable and In-
djicxd lirlak covering by the ahort * . which * nt
SI. Paul and llurllneton to the brat figure * of tli
year , Suluequent realization * and report * nt
crop damaue reunited In liberal veiling. The vreek
cloved ta-ely firm. Lut will ) pi ice J gene ally | jwoj
limn on last Saturday , The aggrvgate * alrs were
1.W1.7W ahares. and in alolka were dealt In
Speculation In bond * today waa drvold ot
feature * , the Mies belnit StUOflo. Th bond trad.
Ing of the wr k w * fulr In volume. Th * nU
were J4.441.0i > ) , nnd 251 bond * wire tradeil In.
The I'lnaneter ray * thl wrrk : Ths atatfmenl
nf tha nnclMed Iwnk * nf thl * city for the week
ending July 13 , 1895 , l the first In week * to rdion
n contraction In loans , Ihe net decline belnn
li,512,7' ' . The acgregatc volume , lion ever , Is still
far above the average , The fnlllnc off wii * not
unexpected since the business Unnsacted on the
Stock exchange during the week has
l > * * en much lighter than mual. nnd the
demand for funds haa Iwn less. One
year ngo loan * were declining regularly
week by week , while deposit * were piling up
atmdlly , ami while limna wern then nearly ! li , <
000.000 | o than dt'poilts , tlie difference now Is but
JM.OOJ.Ofli ) . In other wonls , loan * were then over
J21.000.COO less than nt pnwnl , and deposit * were
over JS.OCO.OiW higher than the amount * now held
by the New York banks. A ve y clironnn algi , even
though It tuny be due lo temporary cnu r , Is the
stoppage of the movement of mon y from the
Interior to thl * point. A large percentage" of
trade balances must have been cancelled long
since , but money apparently wns sent here for
the small Interest It would earn. Ixist week' *
shlpmcnl * were les * than $1.000.i ) , nnd report *
from different centers show that tintrndo Is
active enough to requlie nil the banks can fur-
nl h for Ihe purpose. Talk of higher money rate *
In New York still continue * , but Ihe oullook does
not warrant n prediction of much of an advance
just at present ,
The following were the Closing quotation * of
the lending atocka of the New York exchange
today :
The total sale * of stock * today were 105,30)
shares. Including : American Sugar , 34,900 ; Atcb-
Ison , 2,200 ; llurllnglon , 3,000 ; Chicago Gas , 0,000 ;
Distilling nnd Catllefeeding , 8,800 ; Kansas K Txas
preferred , 1.900 ; Heading. 2.500 ; St. Paul , 6,900 ;
Tennessee Coal nd Iran. LGOO ; ITnUed State *
1/enther , 2.200 ; t'nlled States Leather preferred ,
2,300 ] I'nlted States Itubber , 3,900 ; Wheeling &
I.ake Erie , G.5W.
New York .Money .Mnrket.
Nomlnally , ISlHj per cent.
STEULINO KXCIIANQK Dull but firm , with
actual business In banker * ' bill * at Jl.Wl.rO'/ ,
for demand , nnd Jl.8 ! > < rfl.8 ! > ' / , for sixty day * ;
posted rates. Sl.ft9i.ifrl.20 and Jl. ' . > 0'ifi)4.l. ) ! )
" "
boVEHNMENT HONDH-Firrrr. State bond. .
Inactive , llallroad Itonds , Ilrm.
Closing quotations on lionds were ns follows :
CHH'AOO. July 13.-Clearings. J1,839.0OO ;
total for tliR week , JWKI9.000 ; corresiwiidlng
week last year , J72.350,0 0. Money , easy , rules ,
4U-lii per cent fyr call loans and Sfl.'iVi per cent
for commercial paper. New York exchange
premium. Sterling , posted rules , J4.90H04.tOVi ,
I'orrlen Unnucliil Aflalrj.
IIEHLIN , July 11. Exchange on London ,
eight day * sight , 20 murks 40Vi pfg.
PAHIS , July 13. 2 p. ill. Three per cent rentea ,
102f 20o for Ihe account. Exchange ou I-omlon.
25f 15c for cliecks ,
I/3NDON. July 13. Otild la quoted at Uuenoa
Ay res. 215.50 ; Madrid , II.W : LUhon , 27ti ; St.
" tcri.buiB.'W ; Athena. 77 ; Uome , 101.47 ; Vienna ,
Kiislaml' * Who t Crop Tlirmteneil.
IXNDON , July 13. More ruin la needed or lh
wheat crop will tn the * mall t on record. In
the wheat market buslnens has lxn quiet and
price * lower. The redureil quujillty alloat him
been nullified by tncreaaed stocks In the l'nlle.1
Klngilom. The rnirket lia * lieen wrakrnril by
tha decline In American trade and I * now v < * ry
low , Parcota were quiet ; red winter whrut ,
prompt delivery , wa quoted lit 25 * ( H'l. H | > ot ,
dull. In inuizo there wn * llttlo doing at M
decline. Ual Icy wua Heady , Lilt quiet. OdU
Receipts for the Week Bliow a Slight Gain
in Numbers.
Cattle Tr.ulo Devoid of Interesting lrent-
urcn , Hut Show * biiiuo strength wltli
( lootl Itnimml llcic htlll on
I hi ! Up ( it u do.
SOUTH OMAHA , July 13.
Today's receipts of live stuck constated of
M2 cattle. 1,571 hogs , 211 sheep nnd 3 horses ,
ns ugalnst 1,407 cattle , l.tTTt ! hogs , 3. > 2 sheep
nnd li horses yesterday , nnd G'JJ cattle , 2,9tM
hogs nnd no sheep on Siiturdtiy of lost week.
Since the ilrst of the year there has been
a decrease. In the receipts nmountlnir to
183,219 cattle. 302,216 hoes , 23OJa sheep and
1,203 horses nnd mules , as compared with
the eoiTcspondlns period of 1SOI.
Cuttle. HOBS. Sheep.
Uccelpts this week 7,710 13.99J 7U7
Itecelpts last week D.tWO 12.3SO l.MI
Hnmo week ' 91 1G,201 M.S7I 1.620
Same week ' 9J 11,186 ICU&I 3,919
Sarno week ' 92 9,915 35,078 l',121
rATTI..K The cattle mnrket of the past
week hns not been entirely devoid of In
teresting features. The market on fat cattle
has , perhaps , attracted the least attention ,
owing to the small number of beeves offered
for sale. Not only have the fat cattle been
In llsht receipt , but the few coming have
not been of very good quality. On Tuesday
there was a pretty fair showing of cornfed
steers , nnd several hunches brought Jo.OOJf
5.15. Aside fcorn that the best price paid
for n full load during the week was 11.75.
On most days of the week there were
hnrdlv enough fat cattle to make a fair
tent of the inurRet. As It was , prices did
not show much change , values on desirable
fat steers remaining strong , while common
und shltmlng stuff was easier.
Cows nnd heifers have beej > coming In
quite freely nil the week , nntl the market
on that class of stuff has had a steady up
ward tendency.It Is safe to say that the
week closes with the cow stint 2Tc higher
than It was six days ngo. In mldltlon to
the market being higher. It has been active
nil the week , and the arrivals of each day
have been picked up quickly.
Stockers and feeders huvo been In pretty
gootl demand nil the week , nnd everything
received has met with ready sale. Values
have remained about steady nil the week ,
Today's market did not show any ma
terial change. There -were only twenty
loads of cattle of all kinds in the yards , as
ngalnst forty-seven yesterday. At least
half of the cattle hero were cows and heif
ers. There-was a few fairish steers In the
yards , which sold at steady prices.
Cows and heifers were In active demand
nt strong prices. The buyers were not long
In effecting a clearance of the yards.
There were very few stoekers and feeders
on sale , nnd In consequence trade In the
feeder division was dull , llepresentatlvo
sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
} 700 J2 75 4..1032 J3 DO 4'J..10711 ' J4 (55 (
J. . . . 9. > 5 27. . 2. . . . G60 40) ) 20..1019 475
1. . . . 720 3 00 2. . . . 795 4 00
1. , . . S50 1 IW 3. . . . 913 210 1..1100 2 GO
2..9S ) 150 3. . . . M3 210 W..801 26' ' )
3. . . . 1)33 ) 1150 ! > . . . . KM 225 9..850 205
1. . . . 810 1 C5 1. . . . 670 225 1..1030 2 G >
S. . . . SIS 1 B.- 2..72225 IL.l.iSSSM
3. . . . 916 175 1..11130 L' 40 8..10SS 273
1. . . . ( iW ! 185 1..I050 240 30..D74 275
2. . . . SW 1ST 0. . . . 93S 240 5..10.10 285
1..720 1 S5 10. . . . 852 24" 35. . . . 9S2 305
C. . . . 972 2fli ) 4. . . . 870 250 6..112) ) 310
1. . . . SIM 2 l 2. . . . ) 250 II..1074 323
' ' ' ' " " * " ° J 1""WJ ! ) 3 3j
2' . . . lOUO 2 10
3. . . . 433 2 00 7. . . . (130 ( 2 25 5 . . 702 2 CO
1. . . . 650 200 I" . . . . CIO 225 1..CW 275
2. . . . COO 210 S. . . . GOO 22.- 2. . . . 470 310
1. . . . BID 211) ) 1. . . . 410 235 2. . . , 035 310.
1. . . . 4CO 2 SO
1. . . . 980 210 2..1000 225 1..1GGO 240
1. . . . 750 215 C. . . . 730 225 4. . . . 830 240
1..1220 215 1. . . . 970 235 1..80) 240
1..1210 215 1..1170 235 2..1310 240
1. . . . SUO 220 1..1000 235 1..UKO 260
1..1370 220 2..1360 2 4J 1..1I10 270
1..1330 225
1. . . . 2SlJ'2 40 1. . . . 140 400 1. . . . 150 400
2. . . . 208 300 2. . . . 233 400 1. . . . 200 425
1..360 325 1. . . . 210 400 1. . . . 200 4W
2. . . . 150 3 75
2. . . . 400 275 10. , . . 901 , 3 00 1. . . . 870 320
7. . . . 450 275 3. . . . C26 310 20. . . . 9133 35
8. . . . 572 290 4. . . . 707 310 18. . . . S73 350
19. . . . 542 3 00
1 springer J22 00 1 e and c J21 00
1 milker 220) 1 tprlnger 2140
1 c nnd c 8.1 00 1 c and c 30 00
1 c und c 2 ? 00
E. M. Eldred.
2 cows 950 J2 10 23 cows 974 J2 95
1 cow 880 2 25
L. P. Smllh.
7 cows 104 ? 210 15 cows 957 2 SO
1 cow 1010 2 25
K. Schl.itcr.
1 cow 92" " ) 280 I cow 1051 2 RO
2 cows 810 280 2J COWH. " . 834 2 SO
HODS Every one wanted a few hogs this
morning , both packer * and shippers , and Ihe
consequence was a Rood , actlxe mnrket at nn ad
vance of u strong 5e. It was tne light IIORS ,
however , that experienced the most Improvement ,
nnd they wild right up with the heavy weights.
One load of choice IlKht welKhts touched f 1.1)5 , the
top price of HID day , while the test heavy here
touched J 1.8714. The great bulk of all Uie hogs
Bold at from J4.75 to J4.80.
The week opened with hogs selling nt from
J4.75 to JI.97'tho hlRh point of Ihe rriunth no
fur. Durlnp the two days following the market
broke rapidly , hogs Kelllng on Wednesday at
from Jt.50 to J4.73 , with the hulk at from JI.CO
tn J4.G5. During the lalter half of the week the
market hat * been gradually recovering the loss ,
but It Is not yet back wheie It was ut the com
mencement of the week. The demand hax been
good all the week , both packers und shippers
being on Jhe market , The most. Important feal-
urft of the trade during the week has been the
narrowing down of the lunge between light and
heavy weights , until they are practically Rolling
at Ihe same prices. llejiremMilullvc gules : /
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 430 . . Jl ! W CO 193 200 Jl 75
1 320 , . 4 50 M 22i ) . . 4 77U
4 250 . . 4 OS 67 211 SO 477' , ?
5 334 80 4 GO K3 22U 120 4 TA
S ) 234 160 460 2 2)1 . .480
2 190 . . 4 ir. ) 190 80 4 80
5H 268 1GO 470 f.'J 214 40 480
7 338 . . 4 70 7fi 2(5 201 4 80
40 1M 80 4 70 75 22) 120 4 KO
20 193 40 470 74 222 19) ) 480
78 232 200 475 31 224 . . 480
74 183 80 475 M 261 ICO 480
82 220 1GO 4 75 73 23i ( .0 4 SO
37 207 40 475 fO 195 12) 480
75 222 2SO 475 72 244 4) 4 H
JO 2IG 320 475 07 211 8) ) 4 F5
80 211 120 475 71 271 12) ) 4 MV
3G 222 . . 4 75 G2 207 40 4 S7Vi
69 200 120 475 5J 200 . . 495
2 IT. . . . 2 M 1 330 . . . 275
1 220 . . . 201 t 270 . . . 30)
1 , 140 . . . 200 8 213 200 300
1 160 . . . 200
12 94 . . . 300 31 114 . . . 3 S5
2 115 . . . 350
SHEEP Th two loads of sheep received
changed hundx readily ut a strong price. Itepre-
xentallvc ualeu :
No. . Av. Pr.
20 culls u ; J2 oo
220 mixed natives 6) 260
Prices Warn Steady Throughout the Lltt
with Light Duuinnd.
CHICAGO , July 13. It was a characteristic
Saturday's maiki.-t , cxily about 0,000 head of
all kinds of catllo belntf received. Prices were
sleady throughout the list , common to extra
native steers being quotable at from J3.00 to
J6 , and prloca generally cloved about the uam-
as on hut Saturday , except for coaise. heavy
and grassy cattle , \\litch have di-cllned on an
average from I06\"to 15c. DIxtlllcrH' cattle have
been offered In largo numucis , und lots averag
ing 1,181 to 1.4GI His. have. Lrniijht fiom J5.3" > In
J5.&rk Exponent have cnnlliied their purchases
largely to limited nunibem of light wolKhl
steer * ut from J5 lo J5.25. such ax uin handled
by Ihe dmtsed ln-cf tiude , nnd heavy In-i'vcs
have thereby suffered. Cows are feeling heller
than u week aKn and desirable kinds Hhow n
small advance , A Kile of a few extra eawx nnd
helfera Is made now und then nt fiom Jl in
J4.50 , but comparatively few veil an liltll as J'.G. * >
nnd Ihe sales are mostly nl from J2 In J3.50. .In
ferior cunning lots veiling for fiom II. . " . ' ) to 11.7.1
Hulls sell nnyHheru from Jl 75 tn J175 and veal
cnlveH ure wanted nt J5.21 til J5..V ) for poor ti ,
chalet * . StocKcrs nnd fedecrs uro more native
than luit week nt from 12.25 to II , the country
demand having Improvi-d very nulU'uuhly. 'IVxai
cattld are ulrndy In IL Irlllo higher than a VOL | .
ago , iho receipts consisting largely of eranHt-rr.
Ttinns were selling from 75o to Jl per l' ' His ,
higher than a year ago ,
Ttjday'ri hog m.nket uas blejdy , OH only u1 * > ut
5.000 weie received , and the cnllru numlier of
fresh and stale lion * on nalii did not exceed IIOw
head. Tlieie WUH a caod cantcrn nhlpplng do-
maud , but packer * were holding lurk a > id
small as the supply wns It wax morn than milll-
clent. I'oinmou HI ejtrn IIOCH ifM at fiom JI.GO
lo 15.25 , mixed ut finm Jt.Sn In JJ.15 , and IlKUt
welKhU at from JI.U to fUi rale ! wur
largely at from 15 to J3.IO , Prices were about
too lo\\er Ihnn u week ago ,
Hhrep wrio Heady and KOul aviTJUed i'-a pr
100 Ibii , hliher than u wtt-k 1110 , Iliorn b Uig un
active demand , Infeilor to uvtru sheep were
salaMo at from JI.50 tn wllh SS-lli. y ar-
llnvx ut fl.bO. l imbM wrro held at from J3 In
J'l.&l for rulls to choiceIlorks , thn bulk of tha
gmi.1 onen bringing from JI.75 to J5.00 , iJtrnbs
IIHVW deojinud from & ) n In 75u within n week.
Het-elpls ; Cattle. fi.OOO head ! rulvi'X. CO head !
hug * . B.OO' ) head ; lin'p. 3,000 bead.
'rit . Ixiiilf Lire HIIIOK Market.
BT. WUI8. ) July l-CATTLE-Recelpts , 0
hend ; shipments , l.f > liond. Market sternly
nrm. Nittlvp drcvml bwf and shipping- ( > . . _
ntniti * J4.oiMW.SOj light steer * . Ji.ISJrl.OO : utookrr *
nnd feeders , JJ.5nn3.60 ; cows , rnnire. JJ.WTM.IOf
fed Tex Mreis. J3.W4.M.W ; grass meers , JJ.004J
J.SO ; cow ! . J2.001f3.eO.
HOOS HeoMpls. 1.500 head ; shipments. S.4M
head. Mnrket strong , H > < nvlci , J5.Wif5.lSi pack ,
crs. II.75VJOJ ; Hint. JI.75U5.00.
SHEEPUecehils. . 400 head ; shipment * , none.
Market nil for lack of supply ,
Knitn * City l.lvo Mtoolc ,
KANSAS CITY , July 13.-CATTLE-Rfcclptii.
700 head ; shipments. 1,700 head ; nmikel ilrndy
for l * sl ; ulheis weak , lOo lower ; Texas Meer * .
JJ.CMM.IO ; Texns cons , J2.1W3.20 ; lu-ef stc r > > ,
JJ.9WS.GO ; native rows , ; snookers nnd
feeders , Ji.101M.S5 ; bulls. J2.001f2.S5.
HIH1S Hocrlptn. 3.100 hmd : shipments , l.COt
head ; market steady ; bulk of sale * , JI.S5tM.95) )
henvles. JI.yvrT3.00 : jvnckers , JI.8Mt3.00 ; mixed ,
JI.SOV5.UO ; Kiilus , } l.7iifl.W ; Yorkcia , Jl.SJif I.Sdj
pigs , J4.C5ff.SO.
SHEEP Itevt-lpls , 1,300 head ; shipments. 301
head ; market steady.
Stock In Slcliu
Record of receipts nt the four principal nmrkcti
for Saturday , July 13 , 1SI5 :
South Omaha 512
Chicago 5.000
Kansas City < 4) )
St. Ixmls 9
Totals . 7,1M 10.971 4,9 li
Dry UooiU .Market.
FALL HIVEH , Mass. , July U. The print
cloth market has hern Ilrm all the neck at 2' c.
lluyers have displayed n desire to Undo nt the
market price and the denmnd has been good nnd
strong , Mnnufndurcrs are Itxiklng for an ad
ditional 1-lGc advance , anil have generally ule-
cllrrnt less. The recent advance to 2o has tan
Appearance of lielng a healthy nnd natural one ,
due to a dcmnnd for gtuds and not much of u
stiK'k In Ihe hands nf the buyers , or rnRiigrd
iihiiul. Manufnrtutctx appear lo livllove th. * de
mand has curried prices as hlKh ns H will. They
ant In , u condition tn wait lorinethliig , nnd
( hey are walling. Owing to the Ki'lU'iul dlsln-
rllnatlon to necepl bids , the sales wen * light.
The sales of regular were all made by tint" mini ,
nnd most of them nro to he made. A majority of
the goods Hold are to be made , and the deliveries
are rim throiiRli December , Ihe sales lielng In
small lots nud deliveries drawn out. There wnrt
an Increase In the slock , falling nearly nil In
regular. The market Is Ilrm at 25,0 , Messrs.
UemliiRlnn liml Davol furnished the following
statement : Production for iho week , 22).oou )
pieces ; deliveries , ! ! > .H.OiV ) pieces ; stock ( ctlds.
S'J.OOO piece * ; DI-G4 * . 55.DM plecM ) . ISl.O'X ) pieces ;
List week's stock , I32,0i pieces ; sulex ( oilJs , G4-
Oiit ) pieces : GI-CIs , 11,000 pieces ) , NJ1.000 pieces ;
spot , 2ii.i > k ) pieces ; ftituies. 64 000 pl i-es : salcj
for weekly delivery , July , 1IVWO pieces ; August ,
lOO.ii'O ' pieces ; Seplemln'r. i',7i i ) pli-ees : October ,
lli.OOO pieces ; November , 13,000 pieces ; December ,
10,100 pieces.
NEW YORK. July 13. Agenlx report nn ad.
Vance In Ihe price of Clifton Arrow and ( llend.tU
four-ytird sheeting t > f Uio eiuh , or to 4fco ! nel.
The printing cloth matket WUM quiet but Ilrm nt
2jic ! bid nnd declined for 61 siiu.ireVldo and
RihHl In more request aiid 4e hid and declined for
Cl-xiuarc | , ssu-lncli. The market for cotton goodi
was qulei , with the shipments on the former en-
gaxementx of Ihe fullness of Iho reporls. There
Ix more doing In spilng welRht dnlhlng wool
Rpifcls , nnd agents me prepailng samples for
next week. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Itifft'H .Miirknt.
NE\V YORK. July 13.-COKFEE-Opllons
opened quiet nnd unclmiiRed and i tiled generally
weak under local pressure In the nbtenct * of all
outsldo i > peculntlon , while European entiles wet a
featureless ! nnd HIP news from Ilraill not reassur.
Ing ; closed dull nl unchanged prices ; sales , 1Z.
liags , Including : July , J14.50 ; Sepleml > or , JM.70) )
Divemher , JI4.IW. Spol coffee , Itlo , quiet ; No.
7. JI5.25 ; mild , quiet ; Cordova , JlS.25ffl'J.OO ; gales ,
Warehouse deliveries from New York yesterday ,
14.181 IIIIKS ; New York stock today , 2110,510 bags ;
United Slat stock. 37l. ! ! > 09 bags ; nlloat for tha
United Stales , 118.000 lugs ; total vlslhle for the
rnltetl Stales , 4'J7WJ hags , against 311,255 bag4
last year.
SANTOS. July 13. Nominal ; good nverago
S.intox , not quoted ; receipts , 13,000 lugs ; slock ,
C'J.OOO IIHRS ; Hanlox markul sleady.
HAMIIt'Ild , July 13. tjulct ; U PfB- lower !
sales , 5,1300 bugs.
HAVRE. July 13. Opened quiet , unchanged ;
dosed quiet , unchanged ; sales , 2OO ) IUIKS.
RIO DE JANEIRO , July 13.-Dull ; No. 7 Ulo ,
not quoted ; exchage , 11 5-16.1 ; receipts , 3,000 bags !
cleared for Ihe I'mted Stales , 1.000 bag * ; cleariM
for Europe , none ; stock , 171.030 bags. Itlo prices
and maikct not quoted owing to rlw In ex
change ; dented from Itlo July 12 , 0,000 bags.
Cotton Market.
NEW ORLEANS , July 13. COTTON Klrm ;
.middling , cy4e ; low middling , 6c ; good ordinary ,
C 1-lGc ; net nnd gross receipts , 110 bales ; exporln ,
ci > aslwlne , 113 bales ; salea , ! W bull's. ; Hlock , 100-
453 Imles.
NEW YORK , July 13. COTTON-Steady ; mid
dling , 7 l-16c.nel nnd gross recelpls , 42 hales ;
sales , 878 bales , all spinners ; xlork , 1 ! > ,317 bales.
Total today and consolidated net receipts , 493
bales ; expoitx lo Creat llrltaln , Kmncc and 111 *
continent , none ; stock. 1S4.72I ) bales. Kutureit
closed Hti-aily : pales , 5lr 00 bales ; Jnniiiiry , J7.05 ;
I'Vlirunry , J7.10 ; March , J7.15 ; July. J4.73 ; August ,
Jii.SO ; Septemlier , J6.S5 ; October , J6.HO ; Nnvemher ,
JK8I ; December , JG.M. Spot cloned xteudy ; mid
dling upland. 7 1-lCc ; middling gulf , 7 0-16o ;
sales , S5S bales.
ST. LOUIS. July 12.-COTTON-Qulet nnd
sli-ady ; middling 6 > Jc ; sales , 70 bales ; receipts ,
91 hales ; shipments , 113 bales ; Htock , 18'JJO bales.
\\nol IMitrket ,
LONDON July 13. At Ihe wool auction xales
today 15.0GH bales were offered , moelly gleasles ,
of which 8 * ) bales were withdrawn. Tlie Ameri
can and home buyers were the op-
crulors. New South Wales , 3,176 lulcs ; scoured ,
SlfcdWls Id ; ureasy , 4W10d. ( Jueensland , 1.317
bales ; scoured. lOdiils Id ; greasy , 4idOd. Vic-
lorla , 2,537 bales ; M-ouied , liXIWls 6Jj greiisy , 3H
CflW. South Aiistiallii , 247 Imlcs : ucoured , 7 C
lid ; greasy , OlHiOVid. Swan Ulvcr , 870 bales ;
scorned. 10H1M ; gieany , 4iifi7d. Tasm.inln ,
2,095 Imles ; scoured. IDRIld ; gn-asy , 4W lld.
Nuw.ealand. . 4.050 b.ilrs ; ucoiired , S.1W1H 41' d ;
greasy , 4iirlOd. Cape of ( iond Hops and Nnlnl ,
SI bales ; scoured , Olidtfls IV-jd ,
Itnlttmorn ( Ir.illl .Mnrliots.
UALTIMOHE , July H. KLOt'U-Klrm. un.
chnnged ; receipts , 10,122 bb'.s , ; uhlpmt'lits , 67 bbl > . ;
salex , l.COO Llils.
WHEAT rnseltled ; spot nnd month. GSft68l4c ;
August , GSiSCSiJc : Septemher. GSWC'Jiic : steamer.
No , 2 nil , G3jfC3Viie ; receipts , 46,711 hu , ; ship
ments , 53,200 bu. ; Ktm-k. H3,3G1 hu. ; sales , 133.0i
bu. ; southern wheat , by rurnplc , GUif70c ; southern
wheat , on grade , MW'iV.
COHN Klrmer ; tpot , WliCTSIc : month , GOlM )
hid ; AUKUKt , fiO'.ic nski'd ; September , file nslwdj
receipts , 4'J,401 bu. ; shipments , 17.113 bu. ; slock ,
: JC.C3 ; hu. ; sales , 1.000 bu. ; southern white coin ,
51O > 52c ; southern yellow , 5'Jf/53c. /
PEOUIA , July 13. CORN Firmer ; No. 2 , 45iic }
OATS-5julet ; No. 2 white , 2ftO26Hc ; No. S
white , 2S'i 26c.
HYE Dull and nominal ; new No. 2 , 4c.
WHISKY Firm ; finished goods , on the bail *
of JI.24 for hlKh wines.
HECEIPTS Wheat , 4,800 bu. ; corn. 15,050 bu. ;
oats , 42,700 bu , ; rye , nom- ; barley , 1,400 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 1,800 hu. ; corn , 18,200 bu.J
outs , 32,750 bu. ; rye and barley , none.
Uulutli Wlient Mnrket.
DULUTH , July IS.-WHEAT-Wenk ; No. 1
hard cash , GWc ; July , GSlJc ; No. 1 northern ,
cash 67 c ; July , C7c ; September , 67'lc ; De
cember , C7',4c ; No. 2 northern , cash , Olrjc ; No.
3 northern. Mftc ; to urrlvo. No. 1 haul , C8V4 ;
FLOt'U Stea'dy ; ll'nil patents , J3.G" < jr1.9) : 'sec
end palenta. J3.4J tf3.70 ; llrst dears. JJ. lf 3.00 ;
uecunil clears , Ji.45 ; exirnrt K-ikers , JS.'Jj 3.oo.
AIIiincninll * IVheilt .Market ,
July. > ! 0c ; on truck. No , 1 hard , CGjc ; Nu. 1
tioilhcrn , C6c ; No. 2 northern , C5c.
Trltco Wheat Onotatlnm.
December , 99 ? c ; new ueller , SJ'.ic ; May , Jl.05c.
t , . * * * < ' ( *
Activity again prevails In the maikct for
Slocks , , Itomb , Uruln , Cotton und oinei1 ; 2
ctirllle * . *
We mall free tn nny nddresi our Hook nnd ;
Dally Market L tler , descrlbuit ; how mo lent
speculative Investments result In rupld und ;
hund.iome pronts.
J Our commission.f"r buying and s-lllng for ;
cash or on margin of 3 to 5 per cent la j
Members nf New Yoik Con , Stuck Exclnnge. J
i * 41 llroiiilway , r > xorK , J
500 Bushels Grain I $2.50
5 Sharas Stocks | MARGiH
Cnvrciipondriicu vollclted und agent * wanted.
ruKinbpolllan Commlkiloii Co. , Omaha Hide. ,
( 'lik-ugo. 111 ,
10 to 20/per monfii
can be mad * by our rueihod of opcrnllps In
( IltAIN AND STOCKS. Pronperlux giving full
Information of perfect system in.illrd fruiSen < l
yi.ur liuslnc-'s only lo a financially ri'sponnlbl *
houic. Itk in up ,
Urnln , Htot-k und Ik < nd IlrokTH ,
12.1 Clmmrier of Commerce , CHICAOO
On fi cent Biartrlna. Heal , aafeat nd mon prollttbl *
met hod. Margin from f up. Hond t a. for tha
lnt on Irbtl 'i month * lix * . ( JnrreK | > ndnta wauled
( Hio-mnilulmi. AddrnMJ , A.HIMH JtCO , , llroker ,
USN nmockKxci | .iiK . CUIc ( O.
' ' " "
MA IO1 | N No m ller'"wJiat" kl t nn rneo *
TtlAniNIl nlntlon yuu rimy lmv wl a1 }
for outg' * llltm ' NlW Bn' ' '
HXPl.AINIil ) - '
c-OHPLin'E. It ilearly explain *
marKln trlidlng und DKFINCH ALL MARKIH *
EXPHP.SSIONS. Il'a frrr and will Uocli you
* om lhlHB. AllllOflAST & CO. , 21 T iil (
HuUdlne , '