THE OMAHA PAJLY BEE ; 3ppITDAY , JULY 14 , 1895. _ Copyilglit'd , UOS , by 8. II. Ornrki-tt. CHAPTER XXV. CONCLUDED. Hut suddenly , even while wo execrated Black MacMlchacl for that cowardly r.ifthod of sighting a shot at a foe's back , wo know that we would have done as he , would have quartered the land , could we , for the sport of shooting the man he named. "Mardroclmt ! " he said , rlklng from the rocks and running down to 'he water , that utlll looked clear with Its sheen of shimmering diver. Yea , If the man lying on his face were Jladrocluit , 1 would have held It no sin to have done the same e'en to his hack. I thought of all I had heard of this sly , wicked Informer , who even the worst of the perse cutors despised , as Kate McOhle had de scribed him In the fight * io had had with the lasses when they had discomforted him so blithely. Then It was a spirit of revenge which led him to seek the cave In the face of the cliff above the loch , to 1)0 quits with Malslo and Kate McOhle. I , too. would have shot him behind while I stopped hid be hind the hags. With n low cry of dismay MacMlchacl called back to us from the water's edge that this man after all was not Madrochat , but only one favoring him. And then , as we saw the poor creature lying there shot In the back , I believe we even would have taken our comrade at the throat , now that again the cowardice of the shot scorned apparent , like that of the soldiers I had seen shooting n poor maukln a lad that ran from them. I believe that we should have come at once to an open rupture had I not remembered the prudence I gained during the last days. Our unwelcome comrade knew the country , how to hide , to run low , the lore of hill and dale ; where the heather was thickest ; spots for hiding among the moss-hags. Wo had found these traits upon our short acquaint ance while we hasted along the way on that near Impossible errand. For how could we two , with but one un willing retainer , who had a name bad enough for treachery , ever expect to free Anton Lenox or his daughter , Malsle ? liy what trick of wit or any cunning could \\c arrive at It ? I confess as we ran over ths hills to reach a point ahead of them I saw no way at all. no hope of doing aught. For It appeared to me that Malslo was lost forever , and , for getting all my good Scot training , I cursed the mlEchanc. , as I would not and should not have cursed , I deem , even at a like mis chance having fallen to rny own mother's lot. It was as It had been when Sandy cared not so much about th > others , because ho knew that Jean Hamilton was cafe , who was his wife. Malsle had come to me like Jean to him ; although she was a winsome , quiet lass , she could have had the greatest man In all Galloway had she but willed It. I thought of her coming each day to me , when hidden under the roof of the \\tll liousa ; of the little Maisloln the adventure when my father's horse , Gay Garland , had saved both our lives , I would we were again In a like plight together with me alonr to aid. And hero we were running over the hills daft and fey , only with Instinct keeping something , my chance to solve our puz zle. zle.As As we ran on I was sick of the heart , cursing my folly In having gone > to the con venticle of the United Societies , In having left her alone with Anton Lenox on his back he whom they never would have took , allvt at least , If he could hava held a sword , for not until I had heard the story afterward did I know that even In the sheer extreme of Ills weakness he could find strength to fight his enemies when rage prompted. You see how the matter had turned me mad , and yet Wat Gordon of Lochlnvar was In almost equal bad way. And as we hasted lie Aked me if I remembered tha head of his father falling in the snow that night of his gallantry with the Lady Wollwood in Edlnboro' town. I told him I never could have forgotten that grisly thing , nor the creatura I had dreamed or saw I never can be sure came out to bury It while 1 was In hiding. "I told you that night you were a man , Will , " said he , "when you were strong In the bonny fight. " I knew that ho meant that I should not be disheartened , but ho would not have been In better spirits had It been Kate McGhie In Malsle's stead. And then on the Instant Black MacMlchael called back : "Hist ! I knew wo should find them In time If It be they ! " And then we , crouching low , as he had Cone , looked down on the highway , which we Ji ? f 1 vi I crk-J to her through the dark. had run In on again , and there below as the road turned by the burn , I saw again that great man , my brother , Alexander Earlstoun , followed by some 300 men of tha Covenanters , returning from the conference of the Seventh Thousand. As I started to run down to In tercept hint to tell all that had happened , Black MacMlchael pressed my arm , "Ay. mou , they cast me out , and I can Join none of them , " I thanked him for the good service ho had done me In showing me the strong hand thai could help me in my need , even the hand ol Sandy Gordon , my brother. In an Instant Wat of Lochlnvar and I had ittoundod Sandy by seizing his bridal rein ; while he exclaimed at what we told , of the witch mother of th4 idiot. Gash Gabriel , hiv ing ID all likelihood told Mardrochat where Anton Lenox lay , hid In the cave In the face pf the bill , .and , how that sly spy , remember ing that he had sworn revenge on Malsle ni ] Kate Mcflhle- for their bravery and their taunti , had sought the spot out. We only could Imagine the rest , even the wont. Bui on the other way , down that very road , were tte dragoons who led her and Anton Lenox , ber father. And then , my brother , the great man In i lorelgu hat and coat , whom I bad ( rown t < respect that very day , hearing him speak from the Session Stone , smote his thigh with a malediction. I know the Almighty 'orgave. And then , we telling him he must lusten should we carry out our plan and free the prisoners before Anton Lenox should be near Edlnboro and the headsman , 10 distributed his men , who near all knew : he ways of the hill , scattering them over .ho slopes In the hidden spots and those on mrses along the bosky edges of the burn. In such wise were wo put that we had been iblo to have surprised a much larger force than that we awaited. Presently as we lay , I with my pistols lield ready to pick my men , we heard a voice shouting a ribald refrain. "Hoot , a cavalier song ! " one of ours said. Others voices took up that ditty , steeped with the jollity of a soldier's freedom. We knew afterward that they were full of drink that they had had at the Inn that stands half way on this road to the Claclmn of St. John's .town. Presently they came , two by two , their war rattling above the sound of their voices. The man by my side whispered that we had been right In our conjecture earlier In the day , and that It was Lag's Dumfries troop of renegades. Presently there came a horse with a lass , and straining my eyes to be In truth sure , I saw she was , as Wat and I had thought , Malsle Lenox. I rose up at the sight , maddened , I know- well , nnd let fly a bullet that took the roy- sterlng blade that led the party In the groin , so that he yelled as he had not seen but had felt the dell. At the Instant white puffs of powder rose from both sides of the burn , while- Sandy led his horsemen from their hiding In the bosky hollows. They must have Imagined us many more < H c , w * r \ " % - * & ' Suddenly she laid her head on my shoulder mil began to sob bltteily. than we really were , for they scampered away right and left , to and fro , each think ing of his own skin , and forgetting those fallen In their tracks. "Malsle ! " said I , at her bridle rein now. She had been struggling with tha llttls horse that had his nerves tingling at the fearsome noises. "Oh , Will , " said she. Then was I fearsome of that bonny face , so pale and distraught with what she hail undergone. She reminded me In some way ot the girl bairn who was still and grat not so much as the boys before James John- stone's cruelty. She was not , after all that had happed , the same lass that had so re cently the luxuries of the great house of Dalmaghle to minister to the great sickness of her father , Anton. Hut I cared not a whit. Distraught as she was , I again had her safe In charge before all that crew of dying soldiers and exultant membrs of our own. Hut she was looking hack the road by which they had come. "My father , " said she , "who never was taken before and Margaret ! " Her heart was with thm , as I knew well , but I tried to encourage her with stating what we would do to deliver her from this salr perplexity , Sandy , returned from the pursuit , now dismounted by his bast's side , his foreign hat In his hand , out of respect for our lit tle friend , Malslo of the Lenoxes. And then , talking , she found at last how to explain that her father had Interfered since he was captured In behalf of a little ofllcer hey , who had been set on by two others of that disordered array. Anton Lenox , weak as he was , and after the stern fight he hat of yesterday , had been overcome and ther bound to a horse's back and sent on by the other of the two roads , Malsle thought , which forked near the Inn where they had loitered. When she had explained this and that she thought a greater party followed , with which It would be utmost folly for us to attempl contention , and , after all her regained self- possession , she broke into BODS , as , after all she was but a lass. "Poor Margaret ! " said she. "Poor Mar garet ! " Hut Sandy , who listened , said : "Hoot , toot , be of guld heart , lass. " He declared that he would be after the party that had Anton Lenox , but that he would leave three to escort Malslo and myscl to Tonoskln In the wilds. Wat of Lochtnvar would een stay with Sandy because he smelt the fray. And aftei all the Indignities he had suffered he was no In very truth so unwilling to lift his hand In the fight against Charles Stuar.t. who hat belled his Inheritance as King o' the Scots. All this dfd not indeed take all the time 1 have needed to put It to paper. Yet we were ns It was , deliberating all too long ; for sud denly we heard the tramp of many horse : down the road whence the others had come. As the hoot clank sounded down the roac Sandy urged us to hasten In the other direc tion. tion.I I was sore put to it that It was my need In order to help her we had rescued to leave him , my brother. I had no other way , bu yet now I would that I had not ; that I hat stayed to see him In the guld fight , striving as only Sandy Gordon of Earlstoun ever could ! Oh , that I had stayed to keep him from being taken ! Hut my duty was plain. I had no other no tion In very truth save to accompany Malslc Lenox nad not to leave her again In such a plight as I had before. So separating we rode each to his destination. Gradually Malsle's self-control returned and she had told the story ot all that hai happened while we had been at the conventicle of the Seven Thousand. "You had scarce gone , Will , " said * he "when Margaret and I saw a face peering out through the bushes. I screamed in m > horror , for It was that ot the great black robber which ( topped us , as Kate told you on the way from Barmoehle. " "Mardrochat ! " said I. "Mardrochatl" "Yes , Mardrochat , the py , was he , Will whose wicked face peered at ui. He knew that he bad ui affrighted , that we bad nc help near , and he remained there hid , glow I ering at us , while we knew not what to do And tbioj u Urjd p Uat lilng , bo gavj i I- \vlilitle , when out of the woods a dozen men came running toward in and repeated a cry raised by Mardrochat , 'Make the lassies show up the whlg's hiding place. ' They had been told that It wa a cave on the braw surface of the beetling crag , but their knowledge of the location was not more certain than this. The exact ipot they bade us tell , and frighted u again with threats of all kinds of dire things. We toUl them they could find out for theiulelvcR It there wcTe" such a place" , but , as for us , we would say neither yes nor no. " "When they had brought us by force to the face of rock and copse where , as you know , the cave l , " Malsic went on , "they asked us again and again to take them to the whlg's hiding place. When we refused they uttered the most horrid threatenlngs , swearIng - Ing what should befall us. But they were not able at all to shake us , though we were but two maids and at their cruel will , and they were not able to find the mouth of the cave In that mile of tangled galry face. . "So the cruellest and fiercest of all , the great , stark , black-a-vlsed man whom they called Mardrochat , that same that stopped us by the ford when first we fled from Bal- nachle " "Oh , cursed Mardrochat , " I cried ; "wait till I come'to a settlement with you ! " " " "all is settled "No , said Malsle solemnly , and paid already with Mardrochat. So they threatened till they were weary , and the night was coming on. Then Mardrochat turned about to his gallows' thieves : ' ' handed ? Let 'Must we go back empty me try my way with the lassies. They shall tie complaisant to tell where the old fox lies , or else suffer that which shall servo us as well. " "With that ho came near and put his hand upon mo In the way to hurt me. Notwith standing , with all the might that was In me , strove to keep from crying out lest my 'ather should hear , which they counted on. ! ) ut , as God Is witness , I could not. Then , the fear being upon me and the pain of a woman , I cried out In my agony , as I had never before done In this world. " "Oh , tlirlco accursed Mardrochat , die not till I meet thec , " I cried again , beating my lakcd hand upon a rock In the Impotence of iatc. iatc.Malsle Malsle went quietly and evenly on with her : ale without heeding my anger. 'But when I cried the third time in my extremity , like a lion out of the thicket came ny father forth , springing upon them with tils sword In the gloaming. Never was there such striking since the world began. He struck and struck , panting and resting not , roaring In anger , till they fled from the face of him. And the first that he struck was Mardrochat he that held me , and the blood spurted over me. Thus It was , " she went on calmly , "my father clave him to the teeth , and he fell forward on that which had bten his face. Then plucking his sword to him again , my father swung It hither and thither like lightning , and pursued them over the moor as a ( lock of sheep Is hunted on the hill. And he smote and slew them as he ran. My father did that all alone. But alas In the valley , though we knew it not , there was a troop of horse encamped about a flre , the same that ye halted and took us from In the midst of Enterkln. Now , my /ather , running and smiting blindly , tripped over a halter and fell headlong In the heart of them. Thus they took Anton Lennox , who had never been taken before. They took us maids , also , but the dragoons being officered by gentlemen , there was no more 111 tfsage. Now , though he had killed the Informers and spies , the soldiers liked my father none the less for that , despising those whom they employed on such service. Hather they gave my father honor and not dishonor , as one that was mighty at their own trade. And to us the babe-faced officer was both kind and courteous. " "Is It not a noh'.e th'ng ' , " she said musingly , "to have a father that will render up his life for you as If it were a little thing ? " But I thought within myself that he need not have given It also for a peony-faced officer boy. But I uttered not the word aloul , lest I should be shamed for ono that had not the true root of the matter In him , which , Indeed , I had many a time suggested might prove to be the case with myself. ( To lie Continued. ) TO r.vir/f. Written for The Tlce. Yaaye , gifted , from the reiilm of pound , Thou lendest music with a gentle hand Along the winding ways of harmony , As one , who , knowing best ; lovcst the most , Yet masterful In all. Thou , having sounded well expression's depth , Speaks to no sinful ear , no selfish soul ; Hears no one message on thy siren string Of love , faith , beauty , fame , or dark de spair. Yet holds them all nnd more In mighty grasp , Within the chord control. The young heart hearing feels a vague re gret , A longing wake where satisfaction slept , A mighty upward Impulse aa desire Mounts upon aspiration's tireless wing. The old remember still within thy lyre Hreathes that they wet not of , Suve ns experience , lighting nil the past , Benches athwart to gloom to where faith's star Burns bright , eternal set. MRS. IK N. SHUMAN. Nebraska City , July 8 , 1895. AN AMERICAN LEGEND. Don't K'rk Up a Fuss Un'.est You Know You Am ItlRlit. Once upon a time , relates the Detroit Free Press , an eminent citizen entered the office of a gas company and threw down the month's bill ho had received that day and shouted "Now , by the beard of my father , but I am wrot'n and want gore ! " "Anything wrong ? " kindly and sympathet ically queried the young man at the win dow. dow."Wrong "Wrong ? Wrong ? Can you not read ! Can't' you get that sum total through your young and Innocent head ! " "Of a surety I can , sir. I see by this bill that you are charged with 50,000 feet of gas at $1.50 per thousand , for the month ol August total , $75. Prithee , sir , but whj this fervldness of speech ? " "I never burned that gas ! " "But the meter , sir the meter makes nc mistakes ! However , I will summon here the secretary , who Is a man ot more fluency of speech than myself. " "Why this kick , my dear sir ? " kindly asked the secretary as ho appeared. "Because of the size of that bill. " "Hut you must remember that last month was a long one. " "Hut I was away on a visit and my house was deserted. I did not even burn ono foot of your Infernal old gas ! " " 'TIs passing strange , " quoth the scretary. "I will summon 'nenco our president , who hath the knack of unraveling strange things. " "Man , hath thy better senses left thee ? " severely asked the president as ho looked out upon the kicker. "Hath news of war or the excitement of politics turned thy head ? " "Not by a jugful ! How could I burn youi gas when my hou&e was b'nut up ? " "Prithee , sir , no one says you burned the gas , and no one denies that your house was shut up. This bill Is simply for the leakage that always takes place in the house when the family Is absent. 'TIs but a trifle , and If thou art Inclined to raise a great rev , and - " "Oh ! no ! no ! no ! I simply did not under stand. U looked like highway robbery. Youi explanation Is not only satisfactory , but here Is the cash and I beg your pardon for mj unseemly conduct ! ' " And he counted down $75 , shook hands all around and wished them peace ant ! prosperity , and his shadow had scarce ! ) turned the corner when a woman came Ir and said they mlcht take thex shoes off hei feet before she'd pay the outrageous bill ol $1.75 they had sent bythe same mall. \Vnrkpd. . Harper's Bazar : "Miss Harkaway , " said Dolllner ; "I suppose you have seen the statement In this week's Gazette that we are engaged to be married. " "Yes , " said she. "I saw it. " "Well , I wish you to know that I had nothing to do with that announcement , and I have written this letter of dental. " "Oh ; I wouldn't sent It , " said she , naively , "What Is the use ? " "But It Isn't true ! " "That Is EO , but It Isn't Impossible. DC you know that paper contains a great many valuable hints ? " And he took the hint. In Oilier Dayi. Times have changed since the days of long ago , when one church member went to an other with this offer : "I know you are very busy , Mr. II. , but I will take your little boy to the circus for you , It you cannot go. " "Not much ! " responded Mr. II. , warmly , "not much. I have been waiting ( even yean myself for this boy to be old enough to take. You go borrow a boy out ot the family where they've got more than one , " . . . . . " ' - 'V TRAINING THE' , , 'ELEPIIANT ' i it a 1 1 . A Most Unruly and Dangdrom Pupil for Teachers to I&mlje. CRUUE IDEAS ABORBD fiV MACHINERY ji [ in _ TIio Allntlo Itoafit Q ltiS | T aclnbla Uinlcr Compulsion Ittnvnr'tn tlio ( > 3utl , Punishing tlui II ail w Murkd Value of Minw ( Copyright , 1 3. by S. S. McClure , Limit xl. ) Only Asiatic elephants are capable of re ceiving much Instruction , and In the Bar- num herd , numbering twenty-four , there Islet lot one of the African variety. The most illfllcult trick an elephant Is called upon to do In the circus ring Is to stand on his head. Of the twenty-four In .ho Barnum show there are only three that mve learned this difficult feat. They are 'Uabe , " "Lena" and "Columbia , " all young and females. Doubtless with great pains and patience the older elephants and some of the males might also be taught to stand on their heads , but It would bo a long struggle. When the trainer , George Conklln , has an elephant to break to this feat ho begins by chaining the animal's front legs to strong stakes , and then fastens other chains to the hind legs below the knees , the ends of the chains being connected with a block ind tackle attached at the top of the build ing. When all Is ready a number of men era a pair of horses are set to work hauling on the tackle , and the elephant's huge hind- cumrters nro literally hoisted Into the air until the force of gravitation and the re straining power of the front chains bring him Into the required position. Of course the animal when treated thus for the first time Is thrown Into Intfcnse rage and fear. She trumpets fiercely , thrashing the ground trouble doing It , I tell you , for he fought like a devil. But he didn't make a noun. ) , not a trumpet or n roar ; he Just buckled down and fought until the whole place shook , Well , wo finally got him stretched out so that he couldn't move at all except to thranh his big trunk form ono side to another , nd we took good care to get out of the way of that. Honestly , It was a pity to sec htm lying there helpless but game. I wai sorry fur mm when I thought of what In would have to take before wo got through with him. There was nothing else to do , though , as far as we knew. It was a case of his life against ours , and the only way to get along with him was to make him give up. So the men armed themselves with stakes , sledges , pokers , pitchforks , hot Irons , axes , every , thing you could think of , and formed around old Chief In a circle though the clrcU had a gap In It , you can make up your mind , where his trunk was thrashing , Then we began on him ; kept it up hour after hour all through the night. I tell you It was an awful Bight From 10 o'clock that night until the next morning without any let up. that elephant took his medicine and never whimpered , never gave up , never squealed. He died at 8 o'clock In the morning , and ho died game. When I saw the last struggle come to tin end , the last quiver die away and the big body all torn and tortured lie still. I tell you I felt as If a crime had been committed And I was mighty glad It was over. I didn't believe the old boy would give up anyhow , he was too good an elephant for that. " PUNISHMENT NOW. Mr. Conklln paused a moment in his re cital. Then he went on : "And the worst of It all was that all this suffering was unnecessary. If wo had only known It. You see our Idea was that the only way to save the elephant's life was to make him own up that ho was beaten , and the only way wo knew of to do that was to make him suffer until tie squealed. If he wouldn't squeal , then ho had to die. Since then I have found out a way ot bringing fierce elephants to their senses without pushIng - Ing things so far. I never found It to fall. Why , there's 'Old Fritz. ' the biggest ele phant In the herd , who tried to kill me every day for three weeks , and was In such a mur derous mood that no one dared to go near him. Now he's all right , you see. Look at him ! You wouldn't hurt me , would you. Fritz ? Come up here , old boy. There , see with her trunk and straining at the chains. Sometimes the chains are broken In the violence of the struggle , but more often the stakes are pulled out of the ground. Fifteen minutes at a time Is as much of this severe exercise as It Is considered safe to put upon an elephant . She Is released and given two or three hours to recover herself. Then the chains are mads fast aglln , the hind legs once more lifted .Into the air and the elephant brought Jback ntd the position de- elred. Four or five UnfeteA'Uay thiyoperatlon. Is gone through with , "apd eve y time the same struggles andv resistance are encoun tered. Once entprod , upon , the task Is never abandoned u'rittl the elephant has learned the lesson , although six or seven weeks are usually necessary to success. By degrees the elephant grows accustomed to standing on her head , and allows the chains to do their work more willingly. 'Al last comes the day when the keeper can make her roll forward and lift her hind quarters Into the air merely at a word of command'and perhaps with a prod with the elephant hook. The remarkable memory possessed by ele phants shows Itself In 'the persistence with which they stick to a certain order in the tricks they do , once these have been thoroughly learned. For instance , If Conklln should give a wrong command to his ele phants while they are performing In the ring , the chances ore they would disobey him and execute the order which should have been given. If , for example , he told them to march when .ordinarily he would have told them to waltz , they would go ahead and waltz , refusing to do the march ' except In the us ual order. CRUEL PUNISHMENTS OF ELEPHANTS. When an elephant becomes unruly he must ba brought Into subjection at any cost , and unually no half-way measures will serve. Indeed , many elephants , when fits of rage have taken them , have been thought so hope- les of reform , so given over to the deslro to kill , that the only course open was to kill them. Thus the famous "Tip" In Central park was put to death with an agony of poisoning a few years ago. In this way many elephants have been simply murdered. George Conklln declares that it Is only In very rare Instances that It Is really necessary to kill an elephant. "We used to think , " said he , "that the only way to deal with a bad elephant was to tor ture him until ho squealed , which meant sur render. And I am sorry to say that many ' ' lie I AN ELEPHANT FOHBHEAD FIUTZ. good elephants have on this principle been tortured to their death ; because their keepers knew no better. Fully hatr the elephants that are taken with these bursts ot frenzy will endure any suffering that can be put upon them rather than show the white feather. They will let you drive hooks and spears Into them until they are covered with blood ; they \ylll let you-burn them all over with red hot irons ; they will let you beat them , Ehoot them , do anything to them , but they will not give up ; you can't make them squeal. And It you persist in this kind ot tor ture you will surely end by killing the ele phant. It's an awful thing the way keepers used to torture elephants to their death ; It makes me shudder to think of It , "I remember several years ago , when old Chlet went mad and tried to kill several of the men. He was a big , fine elephant , ono of the best In the herd and the quickest to mind In the ring. But he seemed to be so dangerous that something had to be done , and the order was given to break his spirit or kill him. We got a gang of men and went to work about 9 o'clock one night. First we chained the big fellow down by his four legs , using bloqk ajid tackle , and wo bad some some'l 'l ' how lie lifts his trunk. He's as docile as the baby elephant , and yet I wish you could have seen him a couple of years ago. "Wfiat did I do to him ? I chained him down Just as we chained down 'Chief , ' but I didn't use hot chains on him or spears or axes , only clubs. I got two gangs of twelve men each , and kept them clubbing him for a couplet of hours. I had one gang club him until they were- tired out , and then let the other gang lay on ; 'and .to on. 'Fritz' never squcatid while they we're clubbing him , he was'too game for1 that-Oils ; rage was up und he would have let them torture him to death , just as 'Chief did , without showing the whltejfeather. ' But that wasn't my Idea ; I didn't , want to make htm squai that day. So after the men had clubbed him for two hours I loosi'ned the chains and let him get up , but kept Ihe chains on the forelegs. The next day h'ls body was so sore from the clubbing that the slightest touch caused Intense pain. Afterhe , had been left alone for twenty-four hours his rage was calmed a little ; and when we chained him down the next day and the men begun clubbing him again he squealed within five minutes ; he couldn't stand any more clubbing on that sere hide of his. The result was we had old 'Fritz's1 spirit broken without doing him any great harm. Now there Is not a more obedient elephant In the whole herd , Is there Fritz ? The keeper patted old "Fritz" tenderly on his big trunk , which the elephant curled up In a half affectionate and half respectful way , as If he appreciated the good turn which had been done him by breaking his spirit on an Improved plan. ELEPHANTS EASILY FRIGHTENED. In view of their enormous strength and size , it Is remarkable bow .easily elephants are frightened. If one of the little circus ponies is led past the elephants as they stand In their quarters every one of them will begin to move about uneasily and show signs of nervousness. It is worse still If a dog gets Into the quarters and runs among them , while a sheep or a pig coming near them will set the whole herd shrieking- and trumpeting as if some terrible danger threat ened them. A mouse , perhaps , will throw them Into greater panic than any other ani mal , Whether this fear compelling power of the mouse Is due to the notion In the ele phant's mind that the little creature might run up his trunk or whether It Is to be ac counted for In some other way. Is a matter for zoologists to puzzle over ; but the fact of the fear elephant keepers know. It Is remarkable how little sleep elephants need. Two or three hours a day are usually sufficient for their rest , and even this small amount Is often taken standing. Indeed , when traveling on the railroad the elephants are packed so close that there Is only room for about half of them to sleep lying down. Those that He down first gain the precedence and the others are of necessity obliged to sleep standing. Hut even In the winter quar ters , where they all have plenty of room to lie down , several of the herd usually sleep standing , merely leaning their big bodies against the wall and sinking Into slumber. They seem to like this way better. THE MOST VALUABLE ELEPHANTS. African elephants , In contrast with the Asiatic , are rather stupid and of little use In the circus ring , slnca they are almost unable to learn tricks. They-are more Im posing , however , In a circus procession , be ing taller and longer , and havuig thinner legs and a high arched back. The famous "Jumbo" was an African elephant. To get the greatest height an Astatic elephant , like a horse , is measured at the shoulder , but an African elephant Is measured In the middle of the back , which Ls considerably higher than the low-placed neck. An African ele phant has only four toes on each foot , while an Asiatic elephant has five , and the head of an African elephant Is much narrower and more peaked than the head ot the Asiatic. Elephant trainers have an easy , and , as they claim , Infallible method of estimating the height of an elephant without the trouble of precise measurement. They simply meas ure the circumference of cno of the forelegs at the toes , and the result multiplied by two gives exactly the stature ot the elephant at Its greatest height. An ordinary elephant Is worth $3,000 or $4,000 , but those that have received special training are much more valuable , "John L , " the boxing elephant , for inctance , would bring $5,000. and "Dick" or "Fritz" at least $0,000 Mr. Bailey would not part with the little 3-year-olti "Baby Ruth" for less than $2,000 A still higher price would be demanded for "Columbia. " the one elephant born In this country that Is now living. "Columbia" was born of "Babe" and "Mandy" fifteen years ago in Philadelphia. There was another ele pliant born In this country at Bridgeport Conn. , and named after that city , but It diet several years ago of water on the brain. The body Is In the Bridgeport museum. CLEVELAND MOFFETT. The lluliny South. All eyes ara now turned to the south. You can't afford to fight long , cold winters am hot , dry summers , and take chances on crop failures when you are sure of a good living and of making money on Orchard horn landi. Particulars on application ; corre spondence solicited , George W. Ames , ten eral agent , Omaha , Netu . , i . i < ia i. OUR . .BUYERS. . 'Are again in the east making" ' of the newest and brightest' things shown in the Furniture and Yet trade. We have a few odds and ends1 ' our Furniture department which we will1 ' at cost. Stnnv Mnttiiigs down to Sc ' per yard. Alnslui Refrigerators at cost I Jewel Gasoline Stoves are the only abso ute safe stove on earth , and we are sole [ agents and sell them at the same price as , .thers want fo Home Destroyers. If you have anything to buy in the way Ftmiitttre OR Carpetiiigs just remember that we lead the procession in Style nnd Low Prices. THE PASSING OF THE HORSE Oaniagas Propelled by Motors Seem Des tined to Succeed Him. fHL RECENT EXPERIMENTS IN FRANC ) ctulln of the Mcclmulain , Mttunor of Gcn- enillni ; I ho 1'invur und Uthur Keut- ur n Popular In I'iirl iuil to Invuilo This Country. "Thero Is a splendid carriage team gentle , ntclllgcnt , spirited travelers and without a ilemlsh. They are noble animals. To enow them well Is to love them. " The speaker was an eminent Omaha citizen eated behind a handsome team of Kentucky horoughbreds. It was the morning of the 'ourth of July. Bands were playing , crack- rs exploding. There was a riot of natal In on every side , and the gentleman ex pressed a natural anxiety lest the horses hould became unruly. The animals cemed to understand that It was a day for nolso and walked through It with becoming Ignlty. Their behavior provoked the cx- lamations above quoted. "Good horses , " ho continued , "have not educed much In value. The common grades lave , becausa the demand has enormously de- reascd. Yet I fear a like fate awaits the > ettcr grades. It U Impossible to preJIct vhero the development of electricity will end. f a man had prophesied ten years go that electric motors would sup plant the honse ; and cable cars he \tmld \ have been classed as a lunatic. 3ven five years ago , when the Omaha street railway people were discussing means to check the competition of the Mercer motor Inc , an ofllcer of the company expressed the opinion that the rolling stock would be worth- ess except as lunk. A'et within a very short > erlod electr'clty ' superseded the horse an ! ater banished the cable. Indeed , the devel opment of electric power U so vast that we no longer marvel at Its strides. The electric ocomotlvo la no longer an experiment. It s not unlikely the same power will event ually be harnessed to the carriage. " The melancholy fears expressoJ by this ad mirer of the horse art } well founded. It t * conceded on all sides that the bicycle has iiiulo alarming Inroads Into the livery busl- less , materially diminishing the demand for iori'63. ' Hut the bicycle Is not aa serious a menaceto the usefulness of the horse aa ho application of mechanical power to car riages , which has undergone elaborate te , ts n France. The tests have excited world wide Interest and are regarded as the be ginning of a revolution in road locomotion. Electricity and petroleum were the rival powers In the competition , and liberal prlzw were offered , the largest , 40,000 francs , being 'or the best four-seated vehicle. The dls- ance covered was from I'arls to Ilordcaux and back , about 737 miles. About twenty nvcntors competed. The best time was something less than forty-nine hours , an average of nearly fifteen miles an hour. The speed record was ina e by a two-seated pe- rclaum carrhge. Omnlrusos , Victorias , bug les ) and bicycles were among the competl- on. TUB FAD IN PARIS. A horseless carriage at first In the streets of I'arls was looked upon as a freak. It was a good deal more of a curiosity than ; railway train ever was to the Chinaman , wh ooked at It In astonishment and said : "Nc lusheo , no pullee ; go alleo pamce. " There was absolutely no way of seeing how tin thing went. It must be remembered that ho horselefs carrlago Is not a steam pro islled vehicle , and It leaves not the slightest : race of Ita means of locomotion visible There Is no noleo such as steam Invarlobb makes , no exhaust , no .waste , no smoke , n' cinders. The thing seemoJ Incom prehonsible. The passengers on the earlier Parisian horseless carrlagcr seemed to move by some en chantment. They sat there doing nothln- biit directing the movements of a vehlcl that seemed to go by Itself. The earlier trips of the new carriages werr attractive to the Idlers , and many a "cocher" received orders to follow and see how lonp the curious thing went without having tr stop for fresh supplies of fiid. Many n Parisian horse got weary In these attempts. The new vehicle swept down the Rue de Hlvoll , out beyond the Mnsee du Louvre and then returned up the hill at the Champs Elysecs , and the more the horses followed It the more tired they got without In any way solving the problem as to where , when or how the curious affair got Its power. It would bo difficult to find anything more simple , easy and graceful In appearance than a horseless carriage. The first , second , third and fourth prizes at Paris In the Dordeaux race were won by carriages propelled by one kind of motor. The engine that furnished the power 1 powerful , light , and .has no such Incon- venlence * . as steam , but it has one disad vantage which steam has not , and which the best brains in Europe have long been vainly trying to do away with. This slight Inconvenience la what Inventors on thin side of the water are now going to try tc eliminate. PRINCIPLE OF THE MOTOR. This motor , which has met with mud success In Its adaptation to launches In thli country , produces Its power by a nerlen o explosions conducted In a cylinder or hoi box , and brought about by the mixture , at t certain temperature , of air and gas. Thi down utrck * of. the piston draws a current o : W - " - V y y * i lot air Into the carburetor attached to the notor. The temperature of this current creates the generation of vapor from gasoline ) contained In the carburetor , and the mixture of vapor and air Is drawn out of the carburetor Into the cylinder. Between the carburetor and the cylinder a cold air plpo' a attached to the suction pipe , which In" opened or shut by an admission valve. It iceds a certain proportion of air and vapor. .0 secure an effective explosive mixture , and jy opening the admission valve more or ess , the proportion of this mixture Is regu- ated. The upstroke of the piston forces the explosive mixture Into a platinum tube nt- achcd to the explosion chamber on top ot the cylinder. The platinum tube Is heated by a small lamp , the culy fire used. It Ignites the explosive git > , thus creating at sudden expansion of It , which forces the piston down again. The second upstroke In [ he cylinder exhausts the expanded gasea through an exhaust pipe opened by a vulvd at every second stroke oiily. Tli6 exhaust plpo Is opened at the rear of the carriage and the motion carries any dlsagreeabld odors away from the occupants of thu vehicle. ] The objection to this motor is the fact thai to start It one must turn a little crank q half dozen times Instead of merely openlnu a lover or turning a tiny wheel , as one would do to start a steam engine. To do away with ; the necessity of turning this crank to glva the Initial start Is the problem , for this ; motor has no explosive force on hand rev iiulrlng a safety vavle , as has a uteairi engine. When a motor of the kind Just described Is shut oft It Is practically deadt1 There can bo no effort on Its part until a1 half dozen turns of the crank have sucked' In a mixture of gas and air to begin a ncwi series of explosions In the cylinders. * The efforts that have been made acrosrf the water In doing away with this disad vantage of having to start the machlna by giving several turns to the crank may , bo appreciated when It is said that in the largo motors of this kind , the engines of say 100-horse power , the start Is obtained by the use of several smaller engines. Qt course It would bo futile to attempt to start by hand a large engine , but the largo englno will not budge unless the Initial Impetus Is first given to It. Tilts' Is obtained by a scries of sometimes three smaller engines , the smallest of which Is not too largo to bo started by hand. This smallest englno then starts the next larger , and thatIn turn sets going the malti motor. It remains to bo seen It this clumsy and roundabout ar- rungcment cannot bo Improved upon la America. SOME OF ITS ADVANTAGES. The more one looks Into It the surer ha becomes that the next fad In America la going to bo the horseless carriage. One ot the objections to as well as the pleasing feature of the bicycle Is the work It takes. ' This may seem paradoxical and Inconsistent 1 There can bo no doubt about It , the average human being likes , when he Is not actually Intent upon hard work In the way of exer cise , as easy a time of It as- can be devised for him , and there are few exercises mora popular than driving. The main difficulty with driving Is that It costs too much. There Is just the right amount of exerclsa about a good carriage ride for the avcrago human being. You sit there In a comforta ble wagon or carriage , and the horse doea the rest. Now , horses are expensive ani mals , and require knowledge and care to make them give a reasonable amount ot pleasure In return for the capital Invested , The pleasures of driving have long been lauded , and the happiness of the gentle exercise of long outings In country lanes In the open air , with only enough exertion and mind effort required to keep the thing from becoming monotonous , have been praised In the highest terms , but now comes an exercise fully as beneficial as the ordi nary driving , and having many of the ad vantages over It that the bicycle has over human legs. One of these ls the ability , to travel long distances. Everybody knows ) that one objection to walking Is the fact that when one has gone far enough to begin to get anywhere he Is tired out , to say , nothing of the journey home again. The thing Is tiresome and monotonous , because * It lii Impossible to have change of sccna without too much fatigue. With a liorso it Is much the same. Of course , one can go much further afield with a hone than It ' 10 were afoot , but to go on a really long journey , as things are now , when a trip of half a' dozen miles out In the country hardly means more than a change ( if city , < trects , horses are of llttlo use. With a. horseless carriage one may go , not half a dozen miles , but half a dozen score Ot miles and return In time for dinner , un- fatlguod. with no fears of a lamed pet or a vet's" bill. Iluy It and try It If you want a delicious wine with a beautiful bociuet Cook's Extra Dry Champagne. JULY SPECIAL. Reduced to $8 and $10. CHAS. SHIVERICK & CO. July Special on All Kinds of Fornituio. '