Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE : S&kTUHDAY , JTJ.LY 13 , 1805.
Now Ho Eogrcts Having Climbed Into the
Editorial Apple Tree.
Atlmlnllter * n Severe Heating to n Man
\\ho Inflated Upon lIclhB I'ntnllmr
irllli I'ropcrtjr tlmt Wm
hoi Illi Own.
John McCrcary has a coachman who ban
worked ( or him for several years. Mc-
Creary ought to know the coachman when
lie sees him , but he failed to recognize the
Juliu when that Individual reported for duty
this morning. Ulg Dan Ilonln , the muscular
editor ot the Hallway News and Nebraska
Democrat , Is carrying his good right hand
In a tllng , and In explaining how he became
disfigured throws considerable light on
the cause of the change In facial appearance
of McCreary's coachman.
Honln has been In St. Louis for some time.
He lives near the McCrcary residence. Honln
has a fine blue grass sward In front of his
house , and has an apple tree , loaded with
choice fruit that Is fast ripening In the July
sun. McCreary's coachman Is a connoisseur
In the matter of apples , and the McCreary
horses like a change of pasture occasionally.
So , during Honln's absence , the coachman
began a series of foraging. He sampled the
apples and found them good. Mrs. Honln
protested and was laughed at. The horses
were picketed on the Honln lav. n , while the
coachman climbed the npple tree and helped
himself. This proceeding was repeated a
number of times , and when Honln came
home a few days ago he was told of the
coachman's trespass and of his Impudence.
He doclded to get oven , and ho did.
Shortly after daylight yesterday morning
Honln found a man In Ills apple tree. He went
out and engaged him In conversation. The
poacher admitted that he had been In the
tree before , and that he had fed the Mc
Crcary steeds on the Honln lawn. He was
then asked to leave the place at once. He
haughtily declined to act upon the request
Honln Insisted , and repeated his request a
third time. Coachy was obstinate and Im
pudent. Then the row commenced. Honln
caught coachy under the jaw and knocked
him out. He did not want' to take nny
chances , so he halt ! his adversary up with
ona hand and punched him with the other
a few times for luck.
At the end of the first round the coachman
expressed a willingness to leave the place
nnd was released. His promise was not
made In good faith , and as soon as the Honln
grip had been loosened the coachman re
turned to the fight. He wishes now that he
had not done so. The second dose was worse
than tha" firsthand the bruised and battered
Individual who groomed the MeCreary steeds
this mornlnp was but a wreck of his former
self. Honln Is somewhat disfigured , but 1 :
still In the ring.
Thief Touches the Choir Hoys for Their
Hard luck has marked some of the choir
boys at St. Mathlas church , 1423 South Tenth
street , and a couple of them at least , are
mourning the mysterious departure of some
Last Sunday James Stephenson , Jr. , col
lected $17 for his father and tucked It away
In a pocket on the Inside of his coat. The
young man wore the coat and went down to
the church , where he sings In the choir.
Upon reaching the church ho hung his coat
In the vestry room , donned his gown and
Joined the other singers. After the close of
the services Stephcnson went ba k to the
vestry room after his coat and discovered
that the money had taken flight.
Gerald Somert"sings In the SU Matthias
choir and ho was also a victim to the ex
tent of 75'cents last Sunday night , the money
having been taken from his coat while It
was In the vestry room. It Is a mystery how
the thief got Into the room , as the outside
door was closed and all of the windows
bolted. Officers of the church liavo Instituted
an Investigation and hope to locate the guilty
If Iln IIiul III * FrliMitl'H Nnme.
Thomas Thompson came In from Qrlswold ,
la. , Thursday with $8 In his vest
pocket and showed up at the po-
Hco station yesterday morning with
an empty purse and a tale of woe. Ho
had sat on the railing of an arcaway on
Tenth street and had engaged In a talk about
the crops and the Iowa political prospects
with n real nice looking young fellow whom
ho had met on the street. He had a real
pleasant talk and was sorry Miat ho did not
get his now friend's name. Ho was more sorry
on that point yesterday morning when he found
that his pocket had been cut and his money
taken. If ho had only known his friend's
name and address he could have given the
police some Idea as to the perpetrator of the
crime. The matter Is being Investigated.
Just W hnt'H Needed
Exclaims thousands of people who have taken
Hood's Sarsaparllla at tills eason of the year ,
and who have noted the success of the medi
cine In giving them relief from that tired
feeling , waning appetite and state of extreme
exhaustion after the close confinement of a
long winter season , the busy time attendant
upon a large and pressing business during the
spring months and with vacation time yet
ffcr some weeks distant. It Is then that the
§ building-up powers of Hood's Sarsaparilla
are .fully appreciated. It seems perfectly
adapted to overcome that prostration caused
by change of season , climate or life , and
while 'It ' tones and sustains the system
It purifies and vitalizes1 the blood.
MU l lipl | Agricultural stHtl'tlci.
The agricultural report of 1894 shows that
In Mississippi all branches of agriculture ) car
bo successfully carried on : Wheat , bushels.
27,000 ; corn. 23.817,000 ; oats , 2,249,080 ; pota.
toes , 642,453 ; hay , tons , 135,480 ; peanuts
K bushels , 41,185 ; cotton , bales , 1,154,725. Tnt
number ot sheep was 415,585 ; wool product
1,038,186 pounds ; rice product. 67C.C46 pounds
tobacco , 162.430 ; number of horses , 164.250
mules , 150,860 ; meat cattle , 859,174 ; swlnt
1,557,208 ; the butter product was 12,998.631
pounds ; honey , 382,560 ; beeswax , 21,962 ; tin
number of domestic fowls was 5,631,784 , am
the egg product was 11,393,498 dozen.
"From these figures , " said Mr. George W
Ames , 1617 Furnam street. Omaha , "It will hi
Been that In Mississippi general farming
planting , stock raising , sheep husbandry
dairying , bee culture or poultry farming li
successfully carried on. When you add ti
this , however , fruit growing and truck farm
f- Ing the question Is settled that there Is roon
for all branches of agricultures The lattci
branches of agriculture , " said Mr. Ames , "frul
growing and truck farming , are engaging tin
attention of the money makers and yield tin
quickest and best profits. "
VlltllhOll Uttll the [ Jew $ J tl > Ul.
Street Ccmm'stlcnar Ka > par has now got hi
gang of street sweepers thoroughly organize !
, and Is much pleased with their success. H
has forty men at work and they are sufflclen
to cover the entire city. He says that th
men nro all taking hold of the work encr
getlcally and that the Improvement In th
general condition of the streets Is alread
noticeable. Not only are the streets kef
cleaner than they were under the old syston
but numerous suburban streets that wer
never cleaned are now being kept In firt
class condition.
Distinguished cooks ot the world use an
aJvlsa the use of Price's Baking I'owder ,
Mnn Aniiliiit llorir.
Ths racing matinee will be called at
o'clock this afternoon , and In addltlo
to the regular features which have bee
advertised , there will be a one rnlle raci
In which Ned Ueadlug7"tli9 soldier'cycjlsi
will ride against Adam Thompson's trottci
Arne , _ _ _
L'luiutftUfjuM Lnko Kxounluni Kiery UN ]
Hound trip , Chautauqua lake tickets , goo
until October 31. ore now on sale via th
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern rallwa ;
Handsomely Illustrated descriptive book , wit
any Information desired , will be cent on ai
plication. II , r. Humphrey , T. V. A. , Kanei
City , Mo. ; C. K. Wllbcr , western passengt
cent , Chicago ,
Cllft KnlrrprUr.
Over 100 useful articles to select from.
There can be no mistake and no disappoint *
ment , as a gift l certain with every purchase.
See the splendid line of souvenirs and gifts
now on display.
A big line of fancy stamped linen and duck
goods , elegant tinted doylies , two for Be.
Largo center pieces , stomped , 5c.
Fancy tinted table covers , 16ct
Knitting silk , two for 25c.
4S yards silk floss for Gc.
12 yards elegant linen lace 8c.
The best and cheapest hammocks In the
country. A full sized , fancy striped , only
70c.A full sized fancy striped with pillow ,
only $1.00.
The nobby hammock , solid colors , with
deep fringe and pillow $1.57.
We have eight different styles.
Come early , 5,000 books by the best
authors In the country ; choice on Satur
day EC.
25 envelopes for Ic.
6,000 boxes fancy paper envelopes to be
sold at lOc per box , worth 25c.
We announced a great sale on butter and
neats and by reading these prices you will
: hlnk It so.
A fine lot of country butter Just received
will be sold at 7c , 9c and He. There Is not a
pound of It but Is fine. Come In and take
gome home.
Sugar cured No. 1 hams , 9 > ,4c.
Salt pork , G' ' c ; pickle pork , 7c ; Boston
long cut limns , 7c.
3 pounds lard 19c.
Orchard Unmet Ontrnl MlMUnlpnl.
A recent letter from a settler on land ad
joining our Orchard Homes lands , In speak
ing of the town , two miles distant , says :
I think this section offeres greater Induce
ments than nny other portion of the south.
Our place shipped last season 7,000 to 8,000
hales of cottcm , and of fruit and vegetables
from 2,000 to 3,000 cases a day ; this ship
ment of garden truck and fruit will be
largely Increased each year , as the northern
men who come In here are all turning their
attention to this branch of Industry. We
have good graded schools nine months of
the year. We want all the Rood settlers
you can send us ; there Is room nnd a wel
come for them. We raise almost everything
that we need and what we have to buy
costs but little ; fuel costs us next to'noth
Ing. "
Parties of three to five families are
wanted for this growing section , where care
fully selected fruit and truck farming lands
can be had nt low prices and on easy terms.
Organize a club ! Full particulars on ap
plication to.
GEO. W. AMES , General Agent.
1C17 Farnam Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
orrici.u , NOTICE.
If. Y. P. U. Icloif to mid friend * Knrotitf
tn Itu'tlinnrp.
Members of the state transportation com
mittee can be found Monday , July 15 , at th
Call then and secure your railroad tickets ,
badge and accommodations In the through
special car. The entire state delegation
leaves at 5:45 : p. m. Monday , from the Union
Pacific depot.
Transportation Leader.
Hot Sirlncr ( , South IhiUotu.
Cheap rates limit 30 days. Inquire 1401
Farnam street.
TnxpnyrrH I'nllml to Protest.
The city council met as a board of cquallza
tlon yesterday to hear protests against the
plans of assessment on a number of small Im
provements. Kment was elected chairman
and as no protests were In evidence an ad
Journment was taken until 4 o'clock , when
the board reported on the plan
of assessment for grading Twenty-sixth street
from Hickory street to the south line o
Scully's addition ; Twenty-third street , from
Dodge to Davenport ; the alley between Twen
ty-fifth avenue and T I city-sixth street and St
Mary's avenue and Half-Howard street ; curb
Ing and paving Chicago street , from Twenty-
third to Twenty-fourth ; Twenty-eighth ave
nue , from Dodge to Davenport streets , and the
paving on Ersklne and Corby-streets.
Belts with with large buckles of oxidized
silver are very much In vogue. Dr. Price's
Baking Powder , the housemother's best ally ,
Is always honored and sought for.
Union I'Hclflc nmployei Kick nt ; on llm
Hcnvy Trulm Now llplng Hun.
Th ° re Is considerable dissatisfaction ex
pressed among the employes of the Union
Pacific over the heavy trains sent out by the
operating department , but kicking seems to
avail but little. "It's too late to kick , any
way , " said an engineer yesterday. "We
should have kicked long1 ago , but we allowed
the. matter to go by and now It Is too
late. "
"It's all rot to kick , anyhow , " said an
other engineer. "The days of kicking have
gone by. The Union Pacific has excellent
equipment , and the only thing to do Is to
pull trains through. That's what I do , and
make the best of the situation. "
Business Is picking up on the Union Pa
cific , according to this engineer , and within
a month he thought all the old equipment
of the company would be actively In service
once more. There Is considerable movement
In cattle from the west to Kansas City , as
well as to Omaha , and from the round-ups
taking place In Wyoming , a big movement
In cattle Is anticipated next winter.
The U. S. Government Tests
Show the Absolute Superiority of
Royal Baking Powder.
( Data from the latest Official U. S. Government Report en Baking
Ptwders , Department of Agriculture , Bulletin 13 page 599. )
OYAL is placed first of the cream of tartar
powders ; actual strength , 160.6 cubic inches of
leavening gas per ounce of powder.
t i | Every other powder tested exhibited a much
lower strength than the Royal , the average being
33 per cent. less.
Every other powder likewise showed the presence
of alum or sulphuric acid.
The claim that this report shows any other powder of superior
strength or purity has been denounced as a falsehood by the
y ' Government officers who made the tests.
i ,
ayi > cc 9C5s ti272 i2S9C23 ?
Qmliniu Mulllni.
One quart Graham flour , one tablespoonful
brown sugar , one teapoonful salt , three teaspoonfuls -
spoonfuls Royal Baking Powder , one egg , one
pint milk. Sift together Graham flour , sugar ,
salt and powder , add beaten eye and milk ;
mix Into batter like pound cake , muflln pans
well greg3 d. two-thirds full ; bake In hot oven
fifteen minute ? '
Iq kl. -
One and one-hairplnti flour , one-halt teaspoonful -
spoonful talt. two tableipoonfuls sugar , two
tcaipoontuli Royal Baking Powder , two tablespoonfuls -
spoonfuls lard , three eggs , one teaspoonful
each extract nutmeg and cinnamon , three-
quarters pint milk. Sift together flour , talt ,
sugar and powder ; rub In lard cold ; add milk ,
beaten egg * and extracU. Mix Into dough
loft enough to handle ; flour the board , turn
out dough , give it quick turn or two to com-
B. T. Mono Dry Uoodi Co.
July clearing sale.
Bargains from every department for to
morrow's ( Saturday ) sale. All summer
; oods must go , cost or no cost. The fol-
owlng arc only n few sample ! .
The ones wo have sold all along for 39 c
tomorrow you can buy tliem for 15c.
The $1.00 quality white parasol , 98c.
The $2.GO quality white ruffled parasol ,
The $3.00 quality silk sun umbrellas with
Dresden and silver trimmed handles , $1.50.
The KOc quality of 40-Inch wool cheviots ,
27c yard.
The 35c quality ladles' fast black hose ,
double heel and toe , 2 pairs for 35c.
Ladles' crochet neck summer vests , 15c
value , CUe
.Men's hose , double heel and sole , 35c
value for liic.
Men's 75c value negligee shirts , 42'Ac.
Men's nnd boys' straw hats at 14 price to
close. *
Men's balbrlggan underwear , luc garment.
Butterlck's August patterns and publica
tions now on sale.
\ ! ' ' < ivnnt > iini
Offered by the Chicago. Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A
clean train , made up and started from
Omaha. Baggage checked from residence to
destination. Elegant rain service and
courteous employes. Entire train lighted by
electricity and heated by steam , with electric
light In every berth. Finest dining car
cervlco In the west , with meals served "a la
carte. " The Flyer leaves at G p. m. dally
from Union depot.
City ticket olllce , 150 1 Farnam street. C.
S. Carrier , city ticket agent.
Vln tlio Mtnlii I'o Itotltn.
For lowest rates on tickets and best ac-
ccinmodatlons callon or address E. L.
Palmer , P. A Santa Fo Route , Room 1 , First
National Bank , Omaha.
iUoiitcoiuory Prlcm.
Soda , etc. , all flavors , 40 cents per case ,
seltzers , elder , root beer , ginger ale , etc. ,
quarts , $1.00 per dozen.
Newport , It. I.
The most charming seaside resort In Amer
ica. You can enjoy bathing , boating , fishing
and yatchlng. The cliff walks and ocean
drives are Incomparable. You can engage
rooms of Charles W. Squires at the Mlllard.
WARREN P. LELAND , Proprietor.
HALF F.UtUTO U.VLllMOlti : .
Ilnlf rare to Hnltlm-tro , H.ilf Pnro to Itulti-
Monday and Tuesday , July 15 and 1C , via
the Northwestern line ; through cars and sev
eral other things people want.
These tickets are good on the "limited"
No. 2 , as well as other trlans.
Speclnl New KiiKtitml Incursions.
Via the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern
railway , August 19 to 25. Tickets will be on
sale via the above line at one fare for the
round trip. The only route via Toledo and
Cleveland and along the southern shore of
Lake Erlo almost Its entire length , through
the beautiful Mohawk Valley and the Berk
shire Hills , or via Albany and Hudson river
boats , If desired , or via the St. Lawrence
river and through the White mountains. Stop
over allowed at Niagara Falls nnd Saratoga ,
and on the return at Chautauqua lake. A
splendid opportunity for your summer vaca
tion trip. Full. Information on application
B. P. Humphrey , T. P. A. , Kansas City , Mo. ;
C. K. Wither , western passenger agent , Chi
Met with U Pecnllitr Accident.
Jack Colter , an employe of P. L. Cotton ,
met with a pecullaraccldent yesterday morning
while engaged In hoisting' Ice to the third
story of the building occupied by Klrsch-
braun Bros. , at 1209 Howard street.
Colter was on the Ice wagon and was pullIng -
Ing the hoisting rope. The huge cake ot Ice
had almost reached the third story window
when the hooks slipped and the cake fell.
The falling ice struck on the wagon wh c ,
and was badly smashed up. A huge sllvei
from one corner of the cake struck Colter
In the side , pierced through between hl5
ribs , and Inflicted a serious wound. He was
removed to his home , and medical attendance
summoned. _
"Be.'t and purest" report all chemists
"Best I ever used. " the verdict of countless
women of Dr. Price's Baking Powder.
llourd of 1'nlillc Work * Discharges Ono of
the liKnortom. '
The Board of Public Works met yesterday
afternoon and appointed John Yerek as sewer
Inspector to succeed Mike Lee. Street Com
missioner Kaspar offered a resolution to dis
pense with the services of a sidewalk Inspec
tor. He urged that there was no use for an
Inspector at this time , and It was a useless
waste of money. The other two members
voted "no , " and the passage ot the resolu
tion was defeated.
Contracts were let as follows : Grading
Thirty-fifth avenue , from Farnam to Dodge
street , P. II. Mahoney , 10 cents per yard ;
grading Mason street , from Twenty-second to
Twenty-fourth street , Alfred Bralnard , 7
cents ; grading Thirty-fifth street , from Dodge
to Davenport street , P. II. Mahoney , 9H :
plete Its smoothness. Roll them under thi
hands Into round balls size of small egg ; laj
them on greased shallows cake pan , put verj
close together. Bake In moderate oven thlrtj
minutes ; when cold sift sugar over them.
8 n cur l.licult.
One and one-half pints flour , pinch lalt
one coffeecupful sugar , two teaspoonfuls Roya
Baking Powder , one tablespoonful lard , twi
eggs , crje-half pint milk , one teaspoonful ex
tract nutmeg. Sift together flour , salt , sugai
and | ! owder ; rub In lard cold ; add beater
eggs and milk ; mix In smooth batter as foi
mufflni , drop with tablespoon on greasec
baking tin ; lift sugar over tops ; bake In ho
oven eight or ten minutes.
llrauUy Huuoa.
Proceed ai directed for wine sauce No. 2
substituting brandy for wine.
Auk to Ilnro n 1'lineili Morlgngo Set
Aililr nnil Dloldrnl Void.
Two score of the laborers who worked for
the Phoenix Foundry } company up to the
time of Its failure I Salt March have gotten
together , appointed a trustee , and bgun an
action against the proprietors of the foundry ,
charging fraud and deceit In the method of
dealing with the workmen. The district
court has been asked to set aside a chattel
mortgage , which the foundry people placed
on the plant , that the wurkmen may levy an
execution on the proptirty.
Beginning last December , and continuing
for several months , Thomas Bryden and
forty-one other workmen' labored In the
Phoenix foundry , accepting promises Instead
of pay , unit ! the collapse came. Ths foundrj
people placed on record a chattel mortgage
for $10,000 , covering all of the plant , and
Ivon to the National Bank of Commerce ,
he workmen allege that this mortgage was
rawn three months prior to the failure , but
y fraud and deceit It was kept off the rec-
nls and from the knowledge of the laborers ,
"he foundry , It Is aveired. completely and
bsolutcly failed , and the laborers thereupon
lected Bryden their trustee to collect $4-
OS.22 ot claims for wages. In April this
. -as reduced to Judgment , and an attempt
nade to collect the debt by levying an cxe-
tutlon on the foundry plant , when the bank
topped In and Infoimed the sheriff that It
e touchid the property he proceeded at his
erll. The laborers claim they will have
o means of getting their money unless the
: ourt grants an Injunction , forbidding cither
he bank or the foundry company from
Isposlng of the buildings and tools and
ettlng aside the mortgage on the ground of
n Intent to defraud creditors.
A temporary Injunction has been granted.
llollnlll FlRlit thn liulr.
When It convenes next fall the district
: ourt will be asked to decide whether or not
lenry Bolln , ex-city treasurer , by his ac
Ions some weeks ago , gave grounds for the
wringing ot attachment suits by his creditors
'or the recovery of debts. Among the num
ber of creditors who thought that there was
good ground for this proceeding , and who
verretl that Bolln had absconded from the
tale of Nebraska with the Intent of de-
raudlng his creditors and had been fraudu-
ently contracting debts anil had conveyed
way property to cheat his creditors , was the
Midland State bank.
On June 18 the bank , on these grounds ,
: iad an attachment levied on certain real
estate to realize on three promissory notes ,
iggregatlng $3,075. Bolln takes exception to
he allegations of the bank , and has an
nounced his Intention to combat the allega-
lons. He flies a motion asking a dissolu-
ion of the attachment.
TroulilfH nf the , luy Helm.
The heirs of George Jay , In spite of the
adverse decision of th ? court , which was
n favor of the Missouri Pacific Railway
company , declaring that the appointment ot
he administrator by the probate court was
not good , are still fighting the case.1 They
claim that one week ago a fraud was psrpe-
rated upon them by the railway company ,
n that the company appeared in court and
obtained an entry of Judgment of which
hey had no notice. In the Judgment , an
order that the estate pay the costs was
made. The Jay estate has had a great deal
of trouble In court. A woman calling herself
Mrs. Jay first had letters of administration
ordered. She has been declared a fraud.
Then Ralph Gaylord was declared admlnls-
rater , and he absconded. The last admlnls-
rater appointed , the court says , was ap
pointed too late to do the estate any good.
Si'rl | ; I.iikf-Oknb'ijl.
Hotel Orleans Flnel Reasonable rates.
If you have the rheumatism or neuralgia ,
any kidney or uterine trouble , are emaciated
or have superfluous flesh and your doctoi
orders baths , before going to the expense of
a trip , try our b.iths.
You can have Turkish or Russian , medi
cate : ) , vapor , electric. ea salt , sulphur , Mer
curial , oil rubs 'and hot milk baths.
Attendants first clars. -i
Massage by an educate ! masseuse.
Ladles' Turk'sh baths anil physical cul
ture parlors , 109-110 Ber building.
This poor old man Is tryliiK
to enjoy himself , but ho can't
pot tlmt horrible sound out of
his liuml. Get your neighbor
to buy or rout n Klnilmll 1M-
nno , my friend. It's music Is
always sweet , uo mutter who
plays It.
S A. HOSPE , Jr.
The Balmx'South !
Land of Plenty
No H6fl Wiiids
Cool summers nndimlld winters
two nnd three cropn raised a year.
Free fuel. Ulch imnds. Fine rail
roads and the butt shipping facil
ities bring the .1 markets of the
whole country to your door. Work
nnd this land y loins > ou abundant ,
never falling crops , that bring big
prices nnd you Itia-e- something to
market nil the year through.
Central Mississippi
well watered , good roads , friendly
people ; never falling returns from
the richest poll on the globe. The
tldo of Immigration Is turning to
wards this wonderful region. Twenty
acres there with any Hort of care
pays you more money than the best
ICO acres In the west. Stock runa
out all the year and you can raise
vegetables every month In the
twelve. Garden farmne nnd frut
raising are making more money for
the northern settlers now than they
ever made before In their lives
with double the amount ot work.
Peaches , plums , pears , strawberries ,
grapes , persimmons , early apples ,
nprfcots In fact all small fruits are
a profitable , never falling source of
revenue. For full particulars ad-
dree ?
GEO. W. AMES , General Agent ,
1617 Fnrtinm St. , Omaha , Nob.
Professor Munyoa's Great Work Among
the Suffering.
Illi Mnillclnet Are MtirvrU In the IVny of
Cure * .
Mr. George Lodge , the well-known real
estate dealer. Third nnd Federal streets ,
Philadelphia , Pa. , Is not only one of the most
prominent real estate brokers In the city ,
but la the general malinger of the new un
derground system of electrical propulsion ,
which Is designed to supersede the overhead
trolly. Itend what he says :
"Ever sluco 1SGS I have been n great
sufferer from sciatic rheumatism. There
were times when the excruciating pain nearly
drove me Insane , and I was practically help
less. Upon a friend's advice I uas Induced
to try Mlmyon's Rheumatism Cure. After
taking a few dcses the pain left me and 1
have not hud the slightest symptoms of any
return of the" disease. I have recommended
this remedy to several of my friends , who
have also oeen cured. "
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure Is guaranteed
to cure the rheumatism In any part of the
body. Acute or muscular rheumatism cured
In from one to five days. U never falls to
ure sharp , shooting pains In the arms ,
? gs , sides , back or breast , or soreness in
ny part of the body In from ono to three
ours. It Is guaranteed to promptly cure
ameness , stiff and swollen joints , stiff back
i ml all pains In iho hips and loins. Chronic
hcuniatlsm , sciatica , lumbago , or pain In the
iack are speedily cured.
Aliinyon's Homoeopathic ) Homo Ilcmedy
'ompany , of Philadelphia , put up specifics
'or ' nearly every disease , which are sold by
11 druggists , mostly for 25 cents a bottle.
Those who are In doubt as to the nature
f their disease should address Professar
tlunyon , 1B03 Arch street , Philadelphia , glv-
ng full symptoms of their disease. Profes-
or Munyon will carefully diagnose the case
md give you the benefit of his advice nb-
olutcly free of all charge. The remedies
ill be sent to any address on receipt of re-
all price.
A full line of
On hand. Mailed on receipt of price.
IIIVAI.OI- - ' . - . CO. ,
1408 Faiuam Bti et. Opposite Paiton Hotel.
Cures the effects of
self-abuse , excesses ,
emissions , Impoiency ,
varicocelo and consti
Gallon. Ono dollar fi
ox , six for $3. For
sale by TIIR OOOD.
MAN nnua co
the representative organ of the hotel interest ,
read at nil the principal of the ninety thou
sand hotels , rcataurnnts and clubs of Aniei-
Icn. nnd largely In Europe.
Is now publlslllnR A LIST Of THE BEST
PA PUIIS adapted for hotel advertising. ( The
hotels of America expend SIX MILLIONS Or
DOLLARS ANNUALLY with the newspapers
It Is now publishing a complete list of nil Sum
mer Itctort lli.tela classified , and places among
the very llrst thu United Suites umt tin
Grand Union , Saratoga ; the Hotel Cham-
plain. Clinton county , Lake. ChnmnliHn ; the
Hotel nreslln , Lnk < > HopntconK , N. J. ; the
West End , Long Itrnnrh. etc. , etc.
It Is the only paper publishing nil about hotels ,
Including Bummer and Winter Resorts.
Send 10 cents for SUMMER EDITION , or ordet
of American News company , or at any hotel
or of nny newsdealer.
Tlis Hotel Register and Tourist Agency Head
quarters for all hotels , rates , inline and gen
ernl Information
street. New York.
Wuakncu and Focret
ISrerr cure guaranteed.
XO years' experience.
8 years In Omaha.
Dook lrre .
I * tli k FariiBiu St . ,
amend Ilmna.
Original end Only Genuine. A
erc. alwtyi rrUt ! l . LAOIC * tik 4\
Uruiflil for CAkAu r < AWliA IliaV \
mend Brand ID Itcd > nj Hold nmtllla\Vrt'
Iboiri , irtled wltb blua ribbon TaLe VK
no other. Xtfuii < fnn0 roui itilHKuv
lloni and ( mllalloni At Dtuitliti. or itnd 4r.
IB itamii for particular ! . le.llQionlils ml
"IlelUf for l.uillcm" In Iftdr , t > jr return
f ? Mnll. lO.OOO Tittliuoolali A'ama Itoptr
r 'hlclu t rt'hcmlcnlC1o.Mu < ll i > nHQUiii > ,
Soldtj all Loci I Urucillll. I'htlOlla. . ! * & .
Wo lend the mnrvrlnni Trench
ItcmeilCALTHOO f rvo , mid n
local guarantee that C'ALTiioa ill
KTOI > ItlacharcroAKmlxlani ,
CUUK Kprrinntorrura.t arlcocvle
and ItKHTOHE l.o.l \ Igor.
Vie it and pay i/talisjed.
JUdrcs. . VON MOHL CO. .
Rola Amortein leat , llntlaD&ll , Lhlo *
Lake ,
And Every Night lliis Week
LKAl'S by
Mine , CeUste and Prof. Le Ilurno.
Harcourt Place
Seminary , Qambier , O.
Forfllrli. The hlgheit Intellectual advantages
beautiful and comfortable home , a bountiful table
mid careful attention to all tlmt pertains to good
bmlth , thorough mental training , r nned manner )
ad tae best general culluru. Catalogues eut.
High itrade EiiglUli and ClwilolFtliool Literary. M
sic. Jsrtrourvw l-trtlfral * admit , lo Welleily. troll
Valiar , lt.lluljuk . U * . LltUUUrrl..4a.k..i.lW
Men's Hose
Warranted fast colors.
750 would be cheap enough.
Ladies' Muslin
Underwear ,
Beginning Saturday , July 13th.
From the Cheapest to tiie
25c Garments at 113 c
50c Garments at 25c
75c Garments at 37ic
$ 1.00 Garments at 50c
$1.50 Garments at 75c
$3.00 Garments at $1.50
Dry Goods Department
"Health Insurance"
is as necessary as life insurance , It
means reasonable care and occa
sionally a little medicine not much.
A Ripans Tabule is enough in
most cases.
nipnns Tabulen : Sold by druggists , or by mall
If the price ( GO cents a box ) Is Kent to The Rl-
Iiii n Chemical Company , No. 10 Spruce at. , N. Y.
When In iloubt what to use for Nervous DeUllty , Lou of Seiuil Power ( In either
ei ) . Impotency , Atrophy . , Viricocclo . nJ other wealtncttei , from ny came , uio
Seilne I'llli. Draln the.kc.l ami full vlj-or quickly restored. If ntKlected , such
. troul let result fatally. Mailed anywhere , sealed , for fi.coi 6 boxes for fs oo. With
Hcsult in 1 weeks. ever ) } j oo order we tflvc 2 lri > al tuatintee to cure or refund Ilia mono. Aildrcsi
BIIEKMAN & HcCONNELL DRUG CO. . 1513 Dodge street , Orunlm , Neb.
No llollrr. No Nteuin. No
BEST 1'OWKIt fur Corn und 1'cod .Mills , Doling
Jliiy , Huunliitf BoparutorH , Croumcrlos , Ac.
Stationary or Portable.
I to 120 H. P. 8 to CO II. P.
Bfnd forCatalouue , Price" , etc. , descilblne work to bo dona.
Chicago , 24 $ lake St. StTHE OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS
Omaha , 321 So. 15th St 33d < k Walnut Htm. , I > 1I1LA1)KI.I > IIIA. 1 > A.
The Great Military School of the West.
Also NIEDRINGHAUS IHLL f or Small Boys.
Unsurpaised Advantages. Jiivestluutc before selecting a school For
Catalogue address
.Suvtot Hriiars , Afo
The leillng tchool In the . Pouthwr it lithe ichool 7 .
de lre KaniouiolJcollege. Kntlrely ICrrurnUbeO.
) lUuokomc aitptgu Illuu. catalogue. Upcnibept. 4.
COLUMBIA , MISSOURI. Mrs. Luella Wlloox St. Clolr , President.