Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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"Wheat Was Strong Again Yesterday on
Hoports of Damage.
Corn Win Very rirm for Soptrmlior IIMII
U'cuk for Mny Drllvcry I > lur or
Tr.uloTn tha Covering
of ShortB ,
CHICAGO , July 12. Wheat wns strong
again totlny on reports of dnmngo to spring
wheat nnd light receipts nt winter wheat
markets. Seventy-live thousand bu. of red
winter wheat wns sold here for shipment to
millers In Ohio. An advance of another lc-
nlnco yesterday wns the consequence. Corn
advanced lo per bu. for September nnd de
clined 4e for May delivery , nnd oats closed
V4c lower. Provisions were weak In the
end , notwithstanding light receipts of hogf.
The wheat market opened very strong nt
from B7c to C7c for September , nnd It
toolc only about fifteen minutes continuance
of the opened "push" to get the price up to
CSc , or G } e per bu. recovery from the low
est point It touched so recently as on Tues
day. All the reports of threshing returns
continued the worst which has been said
for thorough destruction wrought by heat ,
dry weather nnd Insects In the winter wheat
country. Fairly liberal deliveries of winter
wheat were looked for ns soon us threshing
should get fairly under way , even If thc
crop was small , but there has now been
ample tlmo for the farmers to get their
wheat In , but It does not come , and It now
appears that no matter what may be DIP
outcome to the spring wlient , the deliveries
ot the new winter wheat nre likely to be so
umall as to secure n weekly reduction In
the visible supply until new spring wheat
Is ready for delivery. Farmers have
had their wheat ready for n month , and
yet the aggregate today received ut bt.
Louis , Kansas City , Toledo and Detroit was
only IW.OOO bu. , compare' ! with 19J.OOO bu. nt
the same places a year ago , nnd the crop
at this time last year wns only beginning
to be threshed. The foreign markets worn
higher. Liverpool was up lV4d at the open
ing , Paris 10 centimes mid llcrlin from 3
tnatks to 3U marks. The London Times es
timates the condition of the wheat In the
United Kingdom at 70.3 on nn nren of 'M per
ctnt smaller than that of the year before.
Kxport clearances were small , only 89,000
bu. of wheat being reported from the four
principal Atlantic ports. Chicago received
fcrty-nlno cars , thirty-one of which were
new , and eight of the latter were No. 2
red. Minneapolis nnd Duluth reported scv-
cr.ty-four car loads , ngalnst 187 cars on the
corresponding day last year. The early ad
vance to GSKc wns followed by n downward
reaction to ( I7Hc , but fresh buying gave It
another upturn to around G8',4c , all these
lluctuatlons occurring between the opening
and 12:15. : The news of dumape from the
northwest was stilllclently convincing to
keep the market llrm In the afternoon at
from GSc to GSVic. More posltlvcness was
given to the later dispatches , which also
gave details of the extent of the country in
jured nnd general opinion was by that time-
more Inclined to a belief In considerable
damage. The seaboard reported no demand
for export , nnd Baltimore said new wheat
receipts were increasing without nny out
look for the stuff. Thc latest trading was
at CSVic.
Corn was very strong for September nnd
wcnk for May delivery. The feature of the
trade was the covering of shorts , which was
sulllclently gencrnl to accomplish without
other assistance or Influence , thc advance
referred to. The weather conditions were
perfect for growing corn , and thnt pre
vented Mny from joining September In
the advance. The demand for cash corn
was choked off by the advance In Septem
ber. Hecelpts were 178 cars. Atlantic clear
ances were 115,000 bu. only. September
opened ' .W higher nt 44e , rnnged from
46V4c to 4C4c , and closed nt 4j-ic. ! }
Oats were featureless. The market did
not respond to the firmness displayed In
wheat and corn. September ranged from
23'ic lo 23Hc to 23iic. and closed nt 23'fc.
Small receipts of hogs had only a very
limited nnd tempornry Influence on provi
sions. They canned an advance In pork In
the llrst ten minutes of the session to $11.5 , " ) ,
ns compared with Jll.sa1 at the close yes
terday. After that the price tumbled to
$11.1214 , and then recovered to tll.2i - at tin-
close. Lard rose 7 ! c at the start , dropped
12Hc , afterward recovering 2V4c , leaving : the
day's decline at 2',4c. ' Hlbs pursued a simi
lar course to the others , gaining 7&c shortly
after the opening , dropping 15c , and then
recovering "He , recording 5c as the day's
loss. Liberal selling on the hard spots
coused the easier feeling.
Estimates for Saturday : Wheat , CO cars ;
corn. 250 cars ; oats , 215 cars ; hogs , 0,000
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were ns follows :
FLOUHVeak ; winter patents. J3.90W4.20 ; win
ter straights , t3.4003.90 ; spring patents , Sl'JOil
4.23 ; spring straights , J3.10ffl4.00 ; bakers , J2.10W
WHKAT No. 2 spring , C6 4G605c ; No. 3 spring ,
nominal ; No. 2 roil , CCfj67'/c.
COHN-No. 2 , 45'i043c ; No. 3 yellow. 4314 ®
HYK No. 2. toe.
EY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 40c ; No. 4 ,
FLAX fiEED-No. 1 , 51.33.
PHOVISIONH Mess pork , per bbl. , Jll. 20011. 30
Ijird , per 101) Ibs. . J0.3JOC.37',6. Short ribs , sides !
l"k ! ! , 'MSOtSO : dry suited shoulders. Inixeil ,
J5.C08T5.C2W ; short clear sides , boxed. J6.73fjC 8JU
WHIBKY-DlBUIlera1 llnlihed goods' | ier Bal"
Jrh'e _ following were the receipts nnd shipments
On the Proluai oxchanro to lav tha butt-jr mar-
et was nnn : creamery , 1)4IO ( ! < 2 : dairy , 103
14c EKB , tlrm ; ll 12c. Cheese. 7 * 6X.
uotation ! on thn Prlnelpil Coai-
nioilltlet unit SlaplcK.
NEW YOnif , July 12.-FLOt'Il-Hecefpt . 17.fOO
libls. ; exports , 18,900 hbls. ; sales , 28,200 pkgs. ;
steady , but demand still unsatisfactory. Offering
nt old prices with bids lOo under. Exporters
nfter good linkers In pncka ; city mill patcntB ,
UC004.0 ; city mill clears , H.13O4.23 ; Minnesota
patents , W.65B3.90 ; Minnesota Lakers. $3.003.40 ,
winter patents , J3.83 I.OO ; winter utralghts , J3.00JJ.
3.85 ; winter extras , J3.00fi3.4l ( ; winter low grades.
I2.2003.00j spring low grades , J1.90O2.IO. .Southern
1 dull > Hye "our > llu11 and euBy : * nl < 1" ' 30 °
Irregular ; No. 2 red. In store and
elevator. 72Kci ntlont. 72 > 4c ; f. o. I. . . 7U.c nlloal
No. 1 northern , 73 ic delivered. Optlnns were
Roverntd largely l.y crcp news to lay , wiitah , being
very uncertain , nmde the market decldi-lly Irregular -
regular , although strong cables nnd reports of n
lilg export tnule inspired
a cloi-lng buying move
ment that left prices finally lUe up for the day.
ilany believed the damage stories about sprlnit
wheat were purely Imaginary ; July closed at
' = : Augu t. "OUCTHic. closed ll\ict September
71 6-16072' ' < 4c. cljs..l 72Hc ; October. 72H 73c
close. ! 72 c ; December , 71 1M6074HC , closed
74l > c.
COHN Hecelpts , 44.000 bu. ; exports , SO SOO bu
dales , 40' , 000 bu. futuien. 45,000 bu. spot. Spot
( lull ! No. 2 , 50o In elevator ; tic nllont. Optlona
were nuvnncoU easy by heavy buying on Ih *
strong cash situation at Chicago , declined undei
large car lot estimates and finally rallied wild
wheat nnd closed lUUlHc higher. July , 43flSOc
closet ! S9c ; September. 9iji5lUc , closed GOWc.
OATS Hecelpts. 20.400 bu. ; exports. 1.000 bu.i
ea\e \ , 1W.WO bu. futurfs am ! ( O.OOu bu. | , SK > |
market dull ; No. 5 oats , 27Kc ; No. ! , delivered
iS'.ic ; No. 3 oats. JO'.jc ; No. S white , 33fi3JUci
No. 3 white. 32Uc ; track , white western , 3ffS9c.
Option market waa tmall a to business and nun
row a to fluctuations and closet ! unchnnged tc
Uo lower. July , closet ! 27Hc ; Kt'plfinlxr. 27'ifl
S714C. closeil 27HC.
- StronKer ; ihlpplntr , JS.WC7.50 ; good tc
choice. JS.OO&-9.W.
HOl'fl Dull ; state , common tn choice , old. Jfl
EC. 1IDI , SRS'.ic ; I'uclllc const , 3V5c ; 1894 , C.09C
London murkvl. ttrady.
Hll'IC.HHtronn ; wet wilted New Orleans , se
lected. 45 to U Itis. . nominal. Texas , selected. K
to CO Its. , nominal. Human AyrtM , dry , 20 tu 24
Ihs. . 4Hc. Texas , dry. 24 to 30 It * . . 12tT13c.
LEATHER Mrm , hemlock tote , lluenoa Ayrrt ,
S3c. ncld , imsrtlc ,
1'HOVIHIONS Hfcf. ( teadrj family. J3.50aiJ.BO ;
extra mem , JS.OOVS.50 : packet. J9.50 H.OO. Cul
tnrat * . firm ; plcklrd belllrs. I7.0. I rd. itradlrr
tl rc i
at JC. 2K. 'C OS ; ii.OOfi .lU ; KiM.'emlx'r closed
Hi KttVi , nominal ; rellnKl , hlKher : continent ,
$7.W > ; R. A. , J7. > ; compound , JJ Si. I'urk , ulciidy
nnd demand KOOU ; > alr > , i.ouQ bbl .
VOOInrnii domestic llcvcc , lS 2Sc ; pulled ,
IM'TTTH-MtPftdyj fiictory , ifric. ' |
KCJOH-KI. nrt ) ; ' mi rcniuylvnrila , lUSfl
13o ; ir-Hpls. 4,312 pUnii.
TAl.IjOH' Acll\e , loner ; clly , 4Uc ! toun-
I'ln'ltOLnC'M Strndlorj United closed nt JI.Cl
METALS I'iK Iron , flinii soulhein , JH.50flU.00i
lu.rlhprn. $ I2.O ) 14.W. Copper , film : cxclmnRe
price. | 3.30fl3.32',4. Till , quirt ; Slrnilf , 114.10H
I1.15 ; plates , llrm. Hpeller , dull ! domestic , J3.57'i '
COTTON Hini : ) OIIInnctlvr : yellow buttci
nUes , ' . ' 7j28c ; prime summer white , COc.
omllllon nt Trnde iinil ( Juot tli > M nn
Stuplo und fnnor Pro-men.
The eRi ? nmrkct is Him nt auotntlons.
Chlckenn are scarce nnd nro selllnR renillly
t prices hlRher than those prevailing a few
ays HRO. Quotations :
KUdS Choice stock , lOc.
WTTEU-l'acklnR slock , 7c ; choice to fancy.
i012c ; gathered creamery , 15c ; separator cream-
ry , 16c.
LIVE POULTHY Hens , 7',4c ' ; roosters , 3e ;
irlntf chlckeno , $2.00 3.50 per doz. , or 14H15c per
> . ; duckK , be ; spring ducks , 1213c ; turkeys.
77c ; Reese , fie.
ViAL-Cholce fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , nre quoted at
S7c ; InrRo und coarse. 40SV4C.
CHEESE Wisconsin full cienm , Co : Younn
.merlcas. ll 12c ; twins , ll J12e ; Nebraska nnd
ma , full crenm , lOc ; LlmhuiRer , No. 1 , lOc ;
rick , No. 1 , He ; Swim. No. 1. 13e.
HAY Upland hay. J ? : midland , J8 ; lowland ,
7.50 ; now hay , JG ; rye straw. J3 ; color makes
IP price en hay. LlRlit hales sell the best ,
inly top Krmlis hrltiK lop prices.
I'IClEONS-1'er doz. . -
The 'market Is pretty well cleaned up on
omatoes. The low prices quoted recently np-
ir to linvi- shut off shipments to some ex-
int. Quotation * :
' OTATOES New potntoes , choice stock , 630
ONIONS llemudns , per crate , none ; California ,
i Eucks. per 1m. , J1.10.
OLD 1IKANS Hiinil picked , navy , $2.20 ; Lima
eans , per Hi. , 5',4J5'.4c. '
CAllllAC.i : On orders , lo.
KAIilSHItt 1'er doz. Lunches. 13o.
nitKKN ONIONS I'cr doz. Lunches , 150.
Lirrrrcu-1'or. doz. . i ; soc.
ASI'AHAGL'.S Choice slock on orders , SSQBOc
er doz. Lunchrs.
Cl'CL'MHKHS On orders , SiSTIOc per doz.
1'KAH On onlcis , per Lu. . 71o.
HTU1NO 1I1IANS On older , per H-Lu. basket ,
Oc.TOMATOKS Mlmlsaippl stock , per 4-baskei
late , S..iiiSOc ; 5 to 10-case lota 75OJOO.
! U'MMl-il SQUASH Per doz. , on orders , 230
OC.WATBHMRI.ONS 1'er doz. , crated , 2.Mffl2.75.
C1HKKN l'I-i'l'iUH 1'er Lu. . Jl.OOfflHO.
WAX III3ANH I'er ' ,4-hu. Laski-t , Wo.
CANTALOtTI-IJS-I'er do ? . . * ! 2Sll 81.
( Ari.lKI.OWKU I'cr doz. , 40S45C.
CKLKHY Home Krown , per doz. , M073c.
There were not many berries of any kind on
he market.
Tiude umons the fiult houses was lather
.ulet yeaterilay , nnd theie WUH very little of
ntercst to Le Kalhered on the street.
According to the 1'iirtlunil ArKU , yield of
he aipe | ! orchards In the Kennfhoe valley tills
ear will not exceed more than one-half n
rop. It Is what Is called "an off , " nnd
hat. considered with the cold weather ex-
leiiencfd Just na the Lutls were opening , goes
1 hinir way In nccountltiR for the short crop.
The Hnldwln crop Will he particularly Unlit ,
ten Davis apples are Invoked for about half a
rop. while varieties , as pples , klnes , BreenlnRs
nnd russets , may bear a two-thirds yield. Thou-
ands of the Hen Davis and Stink's trees ale
lelng set out this spring , however , and the
Krowth of the Maine fiult belt goes on. Quo-
atlons :
HMD HASI'UEnitlUS 1'er 24-qt. case , J4.50.
1'LUMS CaMfoniisi , per bux choice stock , Jl.GO
fi2.00 ; southern , per case , Jl.OO.
AI'lllCOTS California , choice stock , per box ,
SOtJTHKHN I'CACHES I'cr 4-hasket crate ,
,1 , UOW1.10.
Al'l'LlIS Southern , p-r ii-Lu. bix , 354lc ;
ibis. . 2.00i2.W.
CALII--OHNIA 1'KACHKS-I'er liox , OOcBll.OO.
STHAWIIKHHIKS Choice shipping 'stuck , per
use uf 21 qts. , 12.75.
CHEHHIKS Washlnitton. per 10-1L. box. J1.2' . ,
ionic srown. per 24 ill. case , $2.50.
OOOSHHHUHIKS I'cr 24-n.t. case. J2.00B2.23.
I1LACIC HASI'HEHIUKS 1'er 24-qt. case. J2.75
HLACKIlRnniES Cholce stock , per 24-qt.
nse. I2.onfi2.2r > .
OHAPnS Texas stock , per 4 basket case , J1.23
? 1"r' ° '
CHANGES Navels , ner box , none ; choice seed.
IHKS , per box , 12.50 ; Mediterranean sweets , 12.75
JJ3.00 ; fancy St. MIchaelB. none.
LEMONS Extra lemons , SCO size. SG OOffl
S.25 ; 300 size. 16.2306.50.
HANANAS Choice Inrcc stock , per hunch , J2.25
JJ2.W ; medium size Lunches , ! 2.00ij2.25.
1'INEAI'PLES-Per doz. . > 2.
FIQS Fancy , lo ; chol.e , 12flI3o ; California
> ai3 , 7c.
HONEY California. 14@15c.
MAI'LE SVHl'I' ( lulloti Jugs , per doz. , J12-
JlxLy , 5-gnl. cans , J3. '
NUTS Almonds. He ; EnRllsh walnuts , soft-
helled , 12c ; Btnndanla. lie ; lllberts , lOo ; Hrnzll
nuts , lOc ; pecans , Sc ; peunuts , raw , Co ; roasted
"c DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxfs , Co per Ib. ; fard
dates , small boxes , lOc per Ib.
CIDEH Pure Juice , per bbl. , J5 ; half Lbl. . 13
COCOANUTS I'er hundred , 4.
HICE 1'OPCOHN In the ear , on orders , per
b. . 3Vtc.
HIDES No. 1 green hds ! , SV4c ; No. 2 preen
hides , So ; No. 1 preen stilted hides , tc ) ; No 2
; reen salted hides , 8',4c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15
bs. , 13c ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibx. , 10H10'i.-i
Vo. 1 dry Hint hides , 121140 ; No. 2 dry Hint hides
2c ; No. 1 dry sailed hides. 12c ; partly cured
ildes. ' ,4c per Ib. less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green sailed , each. 250GOc-
Rfecn salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins )
each , Mi lie , dry shearllnRH ( short wooled earlv
rtdns)1 ) No. 1 , each , 610c ; dry shearllnRs ( short
vooled early skins ) . No. 2 , each. 5c ; dry flint
( ansns and Nebr : . a butcher wool pelts pfr
> ound. actual welRiu , 6j8c ; dry Hint Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual
velRht , 460c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool
lelts. per pound , actual weight , 486iic ; dry
lint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per pound
actual welRht. 4S6c. Have feet cut off , as It I
seless to pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND ClHEASE-No. 1 tallow , 4UIL
4Hc ; No. 2 tnllow , 3Hif4c ; crease , white A , lira
IUc ; Rrease , white It , 3',4e ' ; Rreasc , yellow , V > M
3c ; Rrense , dark. 2Hc ; old butter , 2 ( ( 2iic ; bets-
wax , prime. 17fi'2ic ; rough tallow , 2c.
WOOL. UNWASHED-Flne heavy , 6 ? > 7c : Hne
ilRiit.SWSc ; quarter-blood , 10il2c : seedy. Lurry
and chaffy , fcijiSc : celled and Lroken , coarse , 7 ®
9c : cotted and broken , tine , 65I8c.
WOOL , WASHED Medium , 1501Sc ; flne , 14 { }
; < > ; tub washed , IGUTlSc : black , be ; bucks , Co ;
tnfj locks , 2j'2c ; dead nulled , 5jGc ,
St. I.oilli ( Seiiur > ! .MurKdt.
ST. LOUIS , July 12.-FLOUH-Dull and un-
chanRetl ; quotations on new flour ( old 25WSOc
higher ) as follows ; Patents. > ; extra
fancy. J3.30g3.40 ; fancy , J2.90Q3.00 ; choice , 52.C5
WIIKAT Stronger cables and bullish crop nd
vices from the northwest and soulhwest put tin
maiket up this mornlnir. The crop nnd wenlhcr
news. followlnR yesletday's stiff advance , influ
enced the LuylnR , early In the- day , of consider
able for long account. Later a denial of dam.
nse in the northwext came In , yet the close wns
above yesterday. No. 2 red , cash. CGc ; July , C7c ;
AuRiiHt , CGTic bid ; September , G7'.4o asked ; De.
cember , G'Jc bid ,
COHN A stiff advance this mornlnR , ns sellers
were scarce and buyers urgent , September LelnR
Hnally bid up IHc above yesterday's clnse , with ,
out bidders being able to get any. Spot Rindes
also hlRher. No. 2 mixed , cash , 40V4C bid ; Julv.
40ic bid ; Seplemlier , 42 > jl2 > 4o bid ; December ,
31He bid ; May , 329ic.
OATS An Improvement of Hff'4c wns made In
future * this moinlng on the stiength of other
maikets and t-cnrclty of sellers , but later became
easier ; No. 2 , cash , 23c ; September , 23ltiT23'ic
May. 2C',4c.
It YE SlronRer , with a better Inquiry ; No. 2
offeied regular on call , 43f(46c.
HAHLEV Nominal.
KLAX SEED-Snlable at J1.22 for July shipment
nnd Ji.21 for AuRust delivery.
OHASS SEEDS Timothy , for August delivery ,
salable at 15.15 ; others unchanged.
COIIN MEAL J2.05 2.10.
HIIAN Strong nnd higher ; packet ] , east track.
HAY Timothy , llrmer , J11.5011.53 , east side ;
prairie , llrm. with demand for choice nt jf.OOfi
9.00.'thin side.
EGOS Firmer , with fair demand ; S'.Sc.
WHISKY $1.25.
LEAD Quiet ; sales nt J3.12'4 ; bid , $3.15.
SI'ELTEIl-Dull , nominal ; J3.45 ,
PHOV1S1ONS Pork , standard mecs. J11.C2H.
Lard , prime steam , JG.20 ; choice , IG.32 < 4. Huron
iHixeil shoulders , JG.37',4 ; jonRS , JG.75 ; ribs , JC.ST'i ;
sliorlx , J7. ry salt meats , l xnl .shoulilers ,
J5.62W ; lonits. JG.37'/4 : ribs , J6.M ; shorts. JG.75.
HECE1ITS Flour , 2.0X1 bbls. ; wheat , 75 000 bu
corn. 2.000 Lu. ; oats. 18,0)0 Lu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 9,000
Lu. ; corn , 10.COO bu. ; oats , 9.000 bu.
Coffee MiirUor.
NEW YOHK. July 12.-COFFEE-Optlons
opened dull and unchanged , ruled generally up
under pietsure and Indifferent cubit * . No foi-
elgn oulrrs , und slack rpot demand ; average
of New York unusually higher , giving advan-
tngtt to ruaslers and Increasing weakness ;
closet ! sleady ut unchanged prices lo 10 points
decline ; rales. 7,230 bags , Including : July , ill.W :
August. JI4.65 ; September , J 14. TOd 14.73 ; Oct .her.
114.8)014. ) fc5 ; December. J14.71 ; January , J14.55M
14. OS ; February. J14.5i ) < 714.M ; March. JI4.50JJ14.6) ;
July. J14.45U14.0 ; August , J14.C3MI.70 ; Septem
ber. J14.7n T11.75 ; October. JI4.S3ni4.90 ; Novem
ber. JH.70JHI.W ; December , JI4 MT(14 75. SiKit
coffee. Hlo , matket dull nnd nominal ; No. 7.
115.25. Mild , market Inactive nnd easy ; Cor
dova , J18.25 ; rales. l.SOJ togs Maracallio ; 403
bugs Central American , all p. t. Warhouse
deliveries from Xtw York yesterday , 7 , ) bags ,
New York stock t"tlay. 2W.OOO finKs ; United
Stairs Block. 371.211 bags ; for the United
Stales , 156 00 > ) bag * : total visible for the Untied
Stales , 507,211 bugs , against 335,142 bags lutt
SANTOS , July 11 Market quiet and nom
inal ; good average Santos , not quoted ; receipts ,
l.OW bugs ; stock , l56.Uk ) bags ; receipts at Santos
are curtailed by the Mock.
IIAMIU'UU. July I ! . Market steady ; alv > ,
7.0W bugs.
IHO Di : JANEIUO. July 1 ! . Market steady ;
No. 7 , Hlo. J14.10 ; exchange , MM ; receipts. B.uoi )
IMKB ; cleaml for the Unltetl Sutrs. 7.UOO bags ;
clearrd for Eunp * . 1,000 IUIK > ; stock , 171 , (
biiK ; clenrrd July 11 , B.OOO IIUKH.
HAVim July It Market opened Uf higher !
at 13 m. . dull nnd unchanged ; nt 3 p. in. , dull
and unchanged ; closed dull anil Vf higher for
the Aiy ; lalen , 3,000 tags ,
Mmiclieitor Tcxtllos.
MANCHESTnil. July It Cloths In Improved
demand. Yarnn , ijuUt auJ
Oonsorvativfs Fenr that R'aotionarj Effocls
May Do Much Harm ,
\Vnol Alio ' "ontlnum Upward nnd S.ilr * Am
Largely In KXOCM uf l onuumptliiii Mini-
ufiictiircru I'cxr I'rudiivM C'lintiut Do
NEW YOUK , July 12.-R. Q. Dun & Co.'s
Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will
say : A business flood , so strong and rapid
that conservatives fear It may do harm , Is
out of season In July , but the seasons this
year lap over and crowd each other. May
ftosts and fright ? , it Is now evident , kept
back much ImMness that would naturally
have been finished before midsummer , and
the delayed accumulation of one season
gets In the way of efforts to begin another
on time. Hut the volume of business , how
ever , It may be assured , Is remarkably large
for the month , oven In a good year. The
exaggerated fears about crops have passed ,
the syndicate Is believed both able and de
termined to protect the treasury and the
time draws near when the marketing of new
crops will turn the national Imtancc of trnile If
Hppculatlon dues not hlmli-r. Tfic week luis been
iiutntlu fur n nirmitiunnl full In wheat of P
nutnble for a m-nvatlonnl full In wheat of S
cuits , thoiiKh neither ncconls nny lmer | > rctntkm
of the iiulte dlsri'Knnleil government report. Til *
sudden ilrirji In prices WIIB tllc result of Fpecu-
Intlve rather thun cimmierclnl Influences , though
expoitB wen- not half a * hirne u hint > eur ,
lMr.i7.C4S buxhels ( Hour Incluiletl ) from Atlantic
ports for two weeks of July , njmlnxt 4Siiiiri !
bush li * InKt > enr , Imd their effect , nB well us
western letelpts of 1.D37.474 bushels , iiKiilnst
2.1j5,8IS bushels last year. The reports Imllcnte
nn enormous crop of corn , the largest grown , U
weather fnvom , but the price Is only U cent
lower thnn n week neu ,
Cotton Jms not changed , though speculation
still turns wholly on prospects , recnnlless of
enormous stocks curried over. Kuropenn manu
facture liiKS , hut here It Is satisfactory.
The weekly output of Iron wu 171.194 tonn.
having ripen 1.1.97U tons In June , nnd where fur.
inces Imvi' gone Into operation since July , th *
iiitput rose nnd has put Into operation many
iililltlonnl works nnd Ihero Is n lush to buy
icfore prices further nilvnnce. Influential manu.
'ncturers are sending out warnings that the ripe
niay easily be more , nnd prices In fact hnve nil.
anccd nenrly C per cent In two weeks , but nre
0 per cent lower than In October , 1594. The tie.
uanil for structural lion Is enormous , including
1,000 tons for No. 2 Hroadn-ny , und ns much
nero hero nnd ns much In Chicago on smaller
inlers. llossemer pig hns advanced to J14.W nt
'Ittsburg nnd wire nails to Jl.ia. higher than Ir ,
Ictober. 1S92 ; grey foige to $11.20 , structural
learns to Jl.W und nncles to $1.3. . . Copper Is
llffer at J10.70 nnd lead $3.37 , but tin Is slightly
nwer nt 14 cents.
Wo61 Is still advancing , with enormous salen ,
2,714,000 pounds for the week , and In two
iveeks of July , 20,497,614 pounds , ns against 11-
'SC.r.W ' In the same ueeks of HPI. As the sules
re about four times the weekly consumption , U
expected that the market In essentially specu
lative , but the rise nbrwid has set the country
ablaze , so thnt western holders are nsklng even
'ilgher prices thnn heretofore. Hut buying by
nest manufacturers Is nlrendy nffected , nnd nt
he prices now nsked for wool some nmnufnc.
urers nre doubting whether a corresponding
nlue for goods can be realized. Labor contro-
'ersles In woDlen mills have genernlly resulted
ugalnst the workers , nlthough some ndvn.nce In
ivnges has been obtained , but n strike of carpel
weavers nt Philadelphia Already affects several
: housand nnd threatens to Include n Brent many
more , an nilvnnce of 7'4 ' cents being demanded ,
while the market for poods Is so ilull nnd weak
'lint manufacturers mturally refused.
Cotton goods continue active nnd strong , will
comparatively little dlfllculty ns to Inl or. The
northern mills have tnken little over 100.000 bales
'n the past three months , since cotton wns br
ow 7 cents , but with cotton bought cheap for
five months ahead , they arc able to do a good
Failures this week have been 2C3 In the t'nlted
itntes. against 247 last ycnr nnd K In Canada ,
gainst 49 last year.
Aggregate of lnolne s Tran < note ( ! by the
Aonrlntcd Dunks I.nut AVeek.
NEW YOniv , July 12. The following tnble.
compiled by Urndstreet's. shows the totnl clear-
nces nt the principal cities nnd the percentnge ol
ncrense or deciease , na compnred with the corre
pending week last ycnr :
CITIES. Clearings. | Inc. Dec.
New York 633.1S9.C21 40.5
Chicago ltlS.fiS4.OVS 42.3
loston 10S.699.S76 24.8
hllndelphln 7S.222.G77 E.O
it. Louis 2C 9S3,3i2 : 11.7
Kan Kranclsco ? > . . 12.737,212 4S.r ,
laltlmore 1C.S70 19 1.8
Ittsburg 17.C2S.311 14.2
Cincinnati 15U24..r,0
Kansas City , 9.993,491
New Orleans 7,361.04fi ' 3.4
luffalo R.3S5.276 27'.2
Milwaukee 0,092,600 30.2
Detroit 7,091,143 16.0
Louisville 6.297.2M 1.5
Minneapolis 7,379.670
Omaha 3Sr,9,707
'rovldence 5.G01.7UO
'leveland .tG7.f,92 2S.7
'Houston ' 4S10'j9i | 1S.C .
< t. I'aul S..2 .
) enver 2.62S.2JO 19.1
ndlanHpolls 9 'J71.i24 13.9
Columbus , O 3.96i.7 ! < X ) 1' '
"Inrtford 3.622 , G58
llchmond 3.679,101 15.4
\Vnshlngton 2.093,2 < 5 2.9
Dallas 1.90G.U33 10.5
St. Joseph 1.357,000 26.2
'eoria 2,171.626 12.5
Memphis 1.G5S.724 14.5
ortland. Ore 1 481,3SO 40.5
lochester 1,441.744 15.2
New Ilnven 1.9)7,472
Kavnnnnh 1,914,146 42.5
Sprlngtleld , Mass 1.751,090 23.8
" .Vorcester 1.375.683 3.7
'ortland , Me 1.4C2.70) ) 2.8
Atlanta 1.211 87G 19.8
'Port ' Worth 1,112.1.316 3.1
A'nco 1,041,264 4.4
Syracuse 1,181,919 26.3
Des Molnes , 91)9,751 )
Grand Itaplda (119.SCI (
Srattle 558.858 16.7
owell 873 976
Wilmington , Dei. . ' 769,237 3.8
Norfolk , 1,130,452 3.2
Kloux City 497,719 9.1
I.os Angeles 1,045.097 M.O
Tacoma ' 653.884 47.4
Saginaw , Mich 47cccr 1.8
Spokanf 461.SSC 76.9
Jacksonville 340,001 25.4
Lincoln 320,713 ' ' 24.7
N w Iledford 42 ,704 'ii.'i
Wichita 306 15.0
lllrmlngham 300.909 16.6
Topeka S22C33 i.r
Lexington. Ky 4C2 ! )7i 3.5
ll'nghampton 4Vi OK 18.8
Hay City , Mich. . 441,611 43.5
[ all Illver & 02.777
Akron. O 297,765 21.1
\Sprlnglleld. O 21M4li 40.3
'Canton ' , O 2JO,3.iS 43.9
'Sioux ' Kails 1,4.909 49. f
Fremont , Neb 70.708 24.7
Hastings , Neb 67.8S1 37.0
Chattanooga 203.77 22.8
'Kargo ' 193 .V 91.9
Nashville 1,236 5 38.1
Galvepton 8.2
Salt 1-ake 1,295.376 41.9
Sci union 616 306 23.4
Helena Ml 930 ' ' 4.9
Knlnmnzoo 274.72. ' 'ii.'i
"Little Hock 290f2D
Totals , United Stntes. . $1 1M.243.MO 29.r
Exclusive of New York Wi.105 073 1'J.O
Montrfnl ! $ 15204,840 42.01
Toronto G.65V30.1 1.6
Halifax 1,437,2-5 I 12.
Hamilton 813,524 2J.C
Winnipeg- 903.8 % 4.1
Totals $ 23.0TC,76S 21.9
' "
Not Included In total.
Not Included In total because of no com
parlwn for last year.
Troilo fonitltlons l'nvornllo unit Outlook
fur the I'liluro I xrnlliMit.
NEW YOHK , July 12. Ilradstrect's tomorro\
will say : At the close of the second week I
July the condition of trade genernlly remain
practically unchanged , although commercial nn
industrial activity nt many points continues mor
conspicuous than usual at the midsummer bea
eon. 1'rlces generally continue strong , exception
llng among the cereals , hog products , coffee nni
lead ; while , ns significant as anything else , ar
the exceptionally favorable outlook for trade I
the fall nnd the encouraging prom'se for th
wheat und corn crops throughout the centra
Uf t anil northwestern sinter ) . Kxports of wheni
Hour Included as wheat , amount to 2,317,00) bunh
elg thl week , 2,000,0'ti buthels lant wreek
2,377,000 butheU In the second week of July , 1KI4
4.134.0UO bushels In that week In 18'JJ and nn com
pared with 2,583,000 bushels In the correspond
week of IkSJ.
At Atlanta sales of hardware are Inrgcr , ) > u
thot > of dry goods , sheen and groceries nr
smaller. Nw Orlmns report * only n fair vol
uma of buslneu , leci thnn expected. At many o
the cities throughout the went end northwes
merchandise markets point to dullness Inclden
In the Nrn half of July , though at nil point
the oulluok for fall trade 4s reiurted good. A
Chicago the volume of liu lnr > U reported
heavier than expected nt this time , Collection
arc good and the condition of Iho market I
Kt. Louts , Kan an City and Omaha all rrpor
a fair volume uf business , prices hardening an
un unexcrptlonatly favorable crop outlook. O
the I'acINo coast trade continues favorable. Th
construction of the San Valley rallrou
In accelerating business In many directions. Kaf
trn wluat engagement * at San Kranclsco lea\
that port bare of tonnage. I'orllanJ , Ore. , re.
ports propcctn of n Road fnll trade nnd Improve.
Hunt In the salmon
ii uiviiw : :
omloii Still Declineto Do Much Trading
In HtocKs.
Ni\V YOI1K , July 12.-H ntMrcet's financial
cvlcw tomorrow will says While the umler-
one of speculation In the stock market linn
leen strong throughout the week , there has
icen n continued nhsenco of public QT foreign
ntcrcst , nnd trading has bfen almost entirely
irofesslonnl In character. Thin hna given fur-
ter opportunity fur benrlsh manipulation , nl-
loush , snvc In a few InVtnnccs , the net re-
ull seems to be only n taiiKlblr Inciense In
ic shoit Interest. Thc fnct that Iiondon tnki
0 part nnd senna unwilling to Interest Itself
1 American stocks Is nn unfavorable fentuic
f the situation. Hallnnil authorities nt the
est are encouraged with the outlook for heavy
uxlncss as so < n ns the crops Ix'gln ti > move ,
I'hlcngo ( las continued to be the chief object
f Interest. There \\as a fill tin r decline early
n the week to f.2S , from whlc'.i there wns n
illy tu C.7H. Sugar was also manipulated with
Igor , the. price ailuinrlng to 114 , only to liu\e
sharp decline to lii"i,4. American Tobacco
as strong. In railroad stocks the features
ave been the grangers , which weie strong
n account of short covering. Indue d by thc
rep report. After thli Improvement , ho ever ,
10 fresh outside buying appeared , and eomi ;
cavy lines of shoits ueiu ngaln put out ,
of QuIil for Sliiiiinrnt Cntuo <
Milrh Serious t'oiiiincnt.
NKW YOIIK , July 12. U wns fortunnte for the
ull contingent In the block market thnt the nn-
ouncement of an engagement of J230.000 gold
or shipment tomormwfls not made until after
lie close of business on the exchange. Had It
ieen known thnt the llrst bleak In the lines ot
he syndicate wns iilmut to be made theie would
ndoubtCMlly have been n flurry on the board In
vhlch vnlues inlKlit have suffered seriously. Thc
imount of gold to lie exinirted becomes impottanl
y reason of the fact of It Ix-lng the llrst gold
hlpment since the bund syndlcnle conti acted to
rcvent the exportation of gold. Membem of the
yndlcnte decline to expiess nny oinnlon on tha
Slinie speculation was Irregular nnd unsettled ,
lie IndUHttlal stocks being most piomlnent and
> uulng im dvirc h n. There was gene al buy.
ng of the railroad group , nnd sonic showing
alns on the day. Near I o'clock n drive WIIB
lade against sugar , which yielded 1 % per cent ,
he general list giving way a fiactlun and
lllnolB Centinl to 2 % per cent. An upward tuin
VIM then made under the leadership of Chicago
las , which rose 2 per cent , Lacledc Oas ad-
iincing 2 % per cent nnd Tobacco 1 per cent.
'anadlnn 1'aclllc Jumped 214 per cent to 60 on a
ash sale and fell off to 59 ivgulnr. Sugar In th
ast hour rallied 1 per cent. Distilling sagged
o 2'i per cent , a decline of 1 per cent. The mar.
< et closed firm. Hallway nnd miscellaneous mort-
ages were ( julet and llrm.
The following were the closing quotations of
he lending stocks of the New York exchange
oday :
tlchlnon IflH U. P. . D. AG C5
Adnnib Kxpresi. . . 147 Northwestern HO
Alton. T. U CII doptd 144
Am. ExpresH lli ; N. Y. Central "
Knltlmoro A Ohio. ( I2K N. Y. AN. E 4HH
Canada Pacific. . . fi7 Ontario AW 17 <
JanadK Boulhoru . M * < Orrron Imp. 11 .H
Ccnlrall'aclhc. . . IKS * Oreiron N r _ 20
Iht-B. ft Ohio ' . ' 14 O. S. L. It U. N. . . . ( ! ! <
3hlcieo Alton 1 7 PaclHaMall VII
' I' . D. A K VIIfH
Ih'lcavo Gas BG1 * I'lllaburir 100
Consolidated Gas. H' " Pullman Palnco. . 172
C..C. . C. A SI. U. . . 45H H. G. W 17
Colo. Coal .V Iron. H R.O. W. Pfd 43
lotion OH Cert. . . . "fl Rock Island 71 <
> A Hud. . 130K St. Paul
Del. . Lack. AW. . . 10.4 do pfd 12m
3.AR. . O. pfd St. P.Hi Omaha. . . .
> . AC. F. Co dopfo 1H ! 4
Erie Southern I'.iolfla. . 14 !
do ptd 22 Snr.-ir Iloflnery. . . . 10S
Port Wayne . . . . Hit ) Tenn. Coal A Iron. 37H
J. Northern ufd. . . IV"till Texas IMclHc 12k
C. AE. I nfd . . . . till T. AO Cent. ufd. . 1IH <
locking Valley. . . 21' ' .Union Pacific. . . . . IS
Illinois Control. . . (18 ( 'U. a Express 41
it. P.ADuluth . . . V'H W. St. L. A P H ) <
K.A T. pM. ; IHU do Dfd. .
Lake Erie & WOHJSM WcllaFairoEx. . . 107
dopfd 4 U'e.ttcrn Union . . 01
Laku Shore 147 Wheeling A L. E. .
id Trust 34 do nfd o.iMj
LoulBvlllo&N. . . . ! > W M. A St. L 20
! * , A N. A K ( O. A IU 0 16
Manhattan Con. . . 111)4 O. E 3UU
MeniDhls&C in N. L -JHK
Michigan Cent. . . . ll)0 ) ! { C. P. A I SH
lllssourl Pacltto. . 3. ii rtopfd DO
Mobile A Ohio. . . 2i : > i _ J. AT. 0 2
< . . . OH T. A. A. A N. M. . . . a
National Conlitifa 1 T. St. U AK. C. . . . 0
Nat Contact ! Dfd. " 4 dopfd l' >
N. J. Central 102 S. R. K 14
M. A W. pfd 14 dopfd 42K
orth Am. Co. . . . Sf < Am. Tob. Co 11J1
lorthern PaclHc. . 4H do pfd 113
No.I'ac. DfA 18W St P. . M. A M
Thc totnl sales of stock ? today were 235,2S5
shares. including : American Sugar , 78.900 ;
\merlcftn Tobacco , 9.000J llurlln km. 6.6flDj Chicago
cage Gas , 38.700 : Distilling and Cattlefeedlng.
4,900 ; LaClede Gas , 3.000 ; Long Island True-
Ion , 3.100 ; Heading , 22,800 ; Bt. Paul. 7.000 ;
Southern Hallioad , 3,3W ; Tennessee Oonl &
ron , 3,30i ) ; t'nlted States Leather , 9.700 ; t'nlted
states Leather preferred , 13,700 ; Wheeling &
Lake Erie , 4,700.
Nr\v Vork Money .Market.
< asy at Hil',4 rer cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ;
closed at 1 per cent.
STnHLINQ EXCHANQIO Ahout steady , with
actual business In bankers' bills at Jl..tOWI.l'OU
for demand , and at S4.MTiiT4.S91 < i for sixty days ;
wste < l rates , J4.9HU74.90 , nnd $4.90's04.91. Com
mercial bills , J4.S8iif4.8SVJ.
OOVKUNMKNT nONUS Firmer ; state bonds ,
moderately active ; railroad bonds , llrm.
Closing quotations on bonds were na follows :
J. S. 4 , reif , , new. 124 O. P. Isn of 'UJ. . 101
U. S. 4H 124 D. AR. G. 78 . 116
U.S. fis. rcr I ) . AR. G. 4s .
II. S. 6scoup Krlo 2ds . 07
U.S. 4s , resr O. H. AS. A. Us. . . 104
I ) . S. 48.conn G. It AS. A. 78. . .
U.S. 2a. rut II. AT. C. 5s .
Pnclflc Da of ' 05. ino clodi . 1U8
Ala. Class n 107 M. K. AT. 1st 4s. . R7H
Aln.CI.-iis c II 7 do2d 4 . . 02
Ala. Curreaov . . . 117 Mutual Union Us. 110
Ln. New Con. 4 * . . ns N. J.C.GBII. Aa. . . . llfiH
Missouri til 100 No. I'.ic. lats . nan
N. C. Os 12S do''di . 101
IN.C. 4 104 N. W. ConBols. . . . 141
3. C. nonfimd 104m do S. P. Deb. S . 10HH
Tenn. new net 0 . 004 R. G. West. IBIS. . . 77)4 )
Tenn. new sot 6s. ior. St. p. Consols 7s. . 12C.4
Tcnn. old ll tiO doC. A P. W 5s. IKK ,
tVa. Centuries. . . st L.AI.M.GOU. 5. R2
dodofcrrod St.L.AS.P.Gj'l.l. ( 108H
Atclilson 4s Tex. Pac. Ints . H
Alclilson 2d A. . . , 29H BOH
Cn nnd a So. 2d % . . . 1D7H U. P. iHtsof MI3. . .
L. A N. unitlcd 4s. Went Shore 4s . 105H
O.K. AN. iHts . . . 111 So. R H .
bid. t offered.
Boston Stock ( Ji
DOSTON. July 12. rail loans. IS33 P3r cent :
lime loans , 2 4 per cent. Clostnj pnojs for
tocUs , DO 103and mtnliu aharai :
ATT. AS. P HIM Wi-st End pfd UO 107U \V0Htlmrn.KIec. . , . 30
Am. Suyarpfd. . . . 100 W. Elep. Dtd. e : <
Uav State Gas OU Edison Rice 1118 , . IHO
llellTelephoiie. . . . 1074 Atchla in 2ds 20
rtoBtonAAIDan ; . . 24 Atchlson 4a 7li ! <
Uostoii A Maine. . . 174 Sow ? : nilaud Us. . 113
C. II. A U Hi ) \Vla. Cent. Ibts. . . . 5.1
Fltchburz HO Atlantic 17
Gen. Electric. 30 ! ? Dutte A Boston. . . 18
Illinois. Steel 72 ICaluirel.V Hocla. . i"JO
Mexican Central. . 12M Centennial
N. Y. AN. E 40 Prauklln 10
Old Colony 170 Kearnarire 1K4
Ore. Short Line. . . O'i Oaceola 34
Rubber 404 Qiiincr 1104
Snn Dleyo o TamarncK 140
Union Pacific l : < Wolverine
WcntEntl 724
Snn Fnnnllo ) Uiutn'i ' ruat
SAN FRANCISCO , July 12.--The oH3lll clos-
IIIK quotattonii fur inlnlnx stoslcs tolly word au
followH :
Alt 11
Alpha Con H Kentucky Con . 3H
Annes 30 ' r.-fU.v Wash. Con. . H
licst A Uolcher. . . . 62 Mexican . 70
lloillo Con 21) ) Molio . 6
Uulltoa 10 \fcnint Diablo . 15
Bulwcr Con tK'Pl'Icntal Con.r. . 21
Caledonia. Ophlr . 145
Challenge Con Overman . 20
' '
Chnttar 08 Pbtosl . 42
Coufldenco 05 51
Con. Cal A Va. . . . . 27S Hsirplon . 4
Crown Point 40,1 hk'rra Nevada til
Kxchoquor o Silver Hill
Could ACurrv 44. . Union Con 34
IIuio A Norcross. . 145 -itnhCon . 8
Julia. 2 Yellow Jacket 40
Silver bus. UOT < * fl7rf.'l'lMxloindolUrJ ,
Bifcc. Drafis , lijut.2Kaim < ur.inhb. .13.
An nsfehsment of 25c per share has been levied
on Oplilr. -T
NB'.T Yo-t > tni VE.iJ mutlou.
NF.W YORK. July 12-TIr V following arj tin
cloBlnir minmrn io.\tiq'Mi. < nl
nulwer 5 , Ontario
Choler 00' ' ( JpHir 140
Crown Point. . . . . . . 35 i Pkinouth . 20
Con. Ca' . A Va. . . . 205 Quicksilver. . . . 275
DeadwooC 05 yiHcksllver pra..HKU
Gould A Curry. . . 33 Hlorra Nevada. . . . Ul )
Ilnle A Norcrois. . 1X0 Sjandant SOO
llomentalto II'OO Union Con 30
IronSllvur 30 Yellow Jacket. . . . 40
Mexican. DO
London Htooc IJuomtlout.
LONDON. July 12.-1 P. m. cloiln i
Cnn. PaolUo 674 St. Pnul com . 70) ) <
Eric I OH N. Y. Central . 101.
Erle'jds 01) ) Pennsylvania. . . . cnii
III. Central 1U1 oil
Mexican ordinary. ' 'UU Mox. Cun. now 4 Cat ;
HAH B1LVKH SO' d per ounce.
MONEY U per cent.
The rale of discount In thu open market fo
Bliort bills Is U per cent ; three months' bills
( itl'J-16 per ce-nt.
I'orrlgn I'lunnrlal Affulrs.
IlIinLIN , July 12. Exchange on Londan , elgh
dajb' sight , 20 marks 4Vi P'g.
1'AHIS. July 12. 4 p. m. Thr e per cen
rente * . 102f 22V4C for the nccount. Ilxchange on
London. 25f 15c for checks.
LONDON. July 12The amount of bullion
gone Into the Hank of Ennland on balance to
day In I10,0 < X > . Gold at Hvunos Ayres. 245.50
Madrid , 14.IX ) . Lisbon. 27U : Bt. Pelertburir , K )
Athens , II ; Home , 104.47 } Vienna , 183. . „
Receipts Show a Slight Gain in Quantity
but Ncno in Quality ,
UciilemViint Sell * Quickly nt
Ouoil I'rlcci HOBH Open Active utid
Higher , lluilng Htroni ; nt
Tui riuurof ,
PUIUAY , July 12.
IU'cclits | today were 1,407 cattle , 1.CT6 IIOKB ,
52 phccp and 12 IIOIPCS , n nfjaliist 1,088
nttlc , aOS7 IIOBS and 51 Bheep yesterday ,
and 1.1S9 cattle , 1,677 hoga and no sheep on
'rlday or last week.
CATTLE Theru was a plight Rain In the
ecelts | of cattle tin compared with ycslcr-
lay and a week aio. At the pn'mc time
hero was no great Improvement In the
lumber or quality of the beef steers on
ale. Cows and feeders constituted the
great bulk of the arrivals.
There was u few fiilrlch little native steers
md some western Nelmiskas. A two-load
) imch of little cattle sold at Jt.CO and some
lenvler cattle nt $1.63. The market was a
Ittle stronger than yesterday on anything
hut suited the buyers.
In cow stuff there was a peed active mar-
tet nt strong prices. A few cows brought
° toVr.1 Ule bl"k ° f thc FulL'8 w"rc
roni $2 ? .
„ Tlcro ! 'ns , qul'F ' a seed many stockcrs on
H ' 'l,0'1 ' ' sol(1 llt nlout ) tllc Slllne ell
llepresentutlve sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No Av Pr
20) )
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ft )
i" iJi ! l5 . " ! H'8 2 r . . . .1043 2 m
. . . . 20 1 S.1 1. . . . 7M 2 21 13. . . . W1 2 Ci
} " M' 1s" 8. . . . W2 240 C. . . . SGI 2 C5
1. . . WO 20 , ) C. . . . Ml 2 4J 8. . . . 973 2 f,5
1..1110 200 1. . . .11(70 240 28. . . . 012 270
. .1MO 2 7.'i
. .1U60 273
. . ! )2 ) 290
. .1IXB 300
. . . , . . . . .1130 300
4. . . . 010 200 I. . . . WO 2M Il..llli7 303
1..1000 200 1..1170 2 f,0 1..1170 310
3. . . . 023 200 1..S50 250 1..10K ) 310
. .1S10 323
1. . . . CIO 1 f,0 D. . . . 468 2 IS 2. . . . 500 223
1. . . . 510 175 2. . . . 70 215 1. . . . 400 225
1. . . . 500 2 00 4. . . . B30 2 IS 2. . . . 610 2 33
{ . . . . 430 20. > . . . . 510 22.- , 1. . . . 0 2 TO
1. . . . 4C2 210 I. . . . MK ) 223 2. . . . 730 300
I. . . . 4SO 210 . . . . 674 223 1..6.V ) 340
C. . . . 49j 215 2. . . . 5)5 ) 225 1..CSO 340
I. . . .1630 210 1. . . . 690 230 2. . . .710 240
1. . . .1400 215 1..14IO 230 2. . . .1(45 ( 240
1..14'K ' ) 215 2. . . .1015 235 1..16XO 240
1..13M 225 1..HWO 233 1..1440 240
3. . . . 7C6 225 1..1600 235 1..1M ) 2 f.O
123 4 00
2GO 4 00
145 4 25
173 4 25
170 4 25
160 4 & )
C55 J3 15
713 3 15
670 3 13
7S2 3 20
43,1 3 25
725 3 23
6CO 3 23
600 3 23
h7G 3 30
S76 3 30
SSS 3 30
708 3 33
H. Ashworth.
11 cows 921 J2 no n calves 238 J3 00
J hefers 540 210 H str. tig..1231 325
6 heifers 748 2 4 * 14 feeders. . . . 932 3 30
3 feeders. . . . 630 3 00 2 steers 1G10 4 25
Hay State Live Stock Company.
Scows K,2 2 ( > 0 1 feeder. " . . 710 300
43bulls 1320 205 7 feeders" : : R78 315
79 cows S27 2 13 C cows 1000 3 23
19 heifers 632 223 12 feeders. . . . 710 345
33 cows. S64 235 17 sleers . . . . 1000 3 S3
2 sirs , tig..1290 260
8 cows S20 2 03 4 sirs , tig..1227 3 25
1 i > ! ! ! ! ! ! ? 25 i sir ! tiKi43o ! ! ! ! 325
Scows MS 2 SO 6 Sirs , tig..1362 325
2 heifers 425 240 1 sir. llg..H50 323
1 sir , IIR..1S90 260 2 calves 210 350
1 sir. tig..1200 260 1 calf 190 350
1 feeder 400 275 1 cillf 2SO 360
1 feeder 550 3 20 2 calves 195 3 60
1 fWder 700 320 1 steer 1300 3 05
1 sir , tig..1430 3 25
W. L. Mills.
1 cow 970 275 2 feeders..1023 333
11 cows. 8S7 290 II feeders. . . . S94 335
J. H. Monnhnii.
1 cow 820 185 R cws ft hfs.1006 280
2 COWS 910 2 SO 1 slcer. 950 325
5 cws & hfs. 5C2 2 SO 1 steer 1140 3 SO
25 cws & hfs.1001 280 20steeis 10SC 380
1C cws & hfs. 923 2 80
O. II. Margraves.
1 cow 990 1 75 2 feeders. . . . 785 3 35
1 cow 10SO 200 1 feeder 840 335
1 cow 900 2 00 1 feeder 970 3 35
1 feeder 930 275 C steers 1180 390
21 sleers 904 280 C steers 1132 390
2 feeders. . . . 710 333 1 steer. 1050 390
2 feeders. . . . 960 335 1 calf 300 40" )
1 feeder 970 3 35
HOGS While there were about the same num
ber of hogs on sale ns were here on Friday of
last week , there were only about half of the
number on sale yesterday. The quality of the
hoRS on an average was not very extra , but there
were some right Rood loads.
The market opened with a good active demand
and Ihe offerings were mostly all taken early In
[ he day. Thc market was 60 and In some cases
lOc higher. One load of Rood heavy IIORS , foi
which only J4.77'4 was bid yesterday , LrouRhl
J4.85 today , or lOc more than yesterday's best
sale. Light hogs sold us high as J4.SO , but mostly
at JI.70If4.75. The shippers had liberal orders ,
but they could not get the hogs to fill them.
Heprcsentatlvc sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Fh. Pr.
69 228 240 J4 55 C7 190 SO J4 70
25 2SO . . . 4 63 39 524 160 4 70
68 20S ICO 4 53 21 191 40 4 70
2 213 . . . 435 67 211 SO 470
1 3CO . . . 465 19 278 SO 4 70
C 253 . . . 4 65 10 240 . . . 4 70
18 214 . . . 4 CO 63 237 120 470
29 301 40 4 60 4 2CO . . . 4 70
1C 170 M 460 73 220 120 475
16 170 SO 4 60 C2 25S 80 4 75
103 145 . . . 4 CO 73 20D 120 475
81 . " 218 ICO 4 C3 fill 250 240 4 75
1C 201 . . . 2 Co C2 207 80 4 75
13 UK ) . . . 463 . CO 250 120 475
17 181 40 465 71 213 . . . 475
18 225 60 465 C3 24S W 4 CO
40 247 40 465 8J 185 120 480
37 110 240 403 69 227 . . . 4 SO
110 214 440 470 C8 2GO fO 4 SO
3 ! ) 181 40 470 63 273 SO 4 S3
67 196 ICO 4 70
4 207 . . . 300 1 230 . . . 400
SHEEP There were two loads of sheep here ,
hut they weie consigned direct to the local
packers , and were not offered for sale. The mar ,
ket Is nominally steady. Fair to choice native ?
are quotable at from $2.60 to J3.60 ; fair to good
westerns at from J2.23 to $2.75 ; common and
stock sheep at from J1.75 to $2.25 ; KOCH ! to choice
40 to 100-1L. lambs at from J3 to $5.60.
I'rlcei ( or Cattle Killed Stronger and at a
Kdclit Advance.
CHICAGO , July 12. In cattle only about 4.BOO
head were received today , nnd with , , a fairly
active general demand prices ruled stronger and
from Be to lOc better In a number of Instancet
for choice beeves. Inside and outside prices foi s.c rs wire nlout thc Fame as those quoted
yesterday , and only a few cattle were choice
enough to sell uround (3.50. Ilutchers' nnd can-
ners' stuff , calves , dockers and feederv were In
fair demand at unchanged prices.
In hogs not more than SOW we. e received to.lay.
but those left over from yesterday Increased , the
supply to 12dUO head. Early In the day therr
was u demand fiom shippers and speculators nnd
prlceji moved up from 5c to lOo per 100 Ibs. Sub
sequently the buying bvcamo very llKlit , und as
city packers held back the advance was all lost.
The top price of the day , tJ.27'i. was paid by a
"scalper1 for a drove of extra choice 195-lb. lions.
being 2'ic higher than choice heavy sold for.
Sales were made of common to choice heavy nt
from (4.75 to (3.25. mixed at from (1.80 to (5.1S ,
light at from (1.80 to'(5.27'A , and pigs at from
(5,10 to (3.20 , heavy and light weights veiling
clot.ely together. A good many hogs were left
The best lambs early In the week gold nt (6.10 ,
but since then prices have declined fully 40o to
600 per 100 Ibs. Sales are now made at from
(5,60 all the way down to (3 for common lambs ,
ulth the bulk of the sales at from (5 to (5.50.
Khcrp , unlike lambs , were stronger , und aver-
uied from 15o to 23c higher. Hales WLTH nt an
cUmne range of from ( I to (1.50 for liifeilor ti
extra Hocks , prime ewes selling at (3.75 , nnd
chrtcc wethers nt from (4.25 to (1.50. Compara
tively few sheep were choice enough to tell nlHivt
J3.C. . , fed Texnns selling at from (3.23 to (3.60
while commoner TVxanx went at from 13 to (2.U
Montana , Orrxoii und western sheep found pur.
at from (1.90 to (3.50.
Knnin * City l.tve Mock.
KANSAS CITY. July 12. CATTI.E Receipts ,
G.COO head ; shipments. 2,7uu head. Market Heady
In KtnmK : Texas ru-rrp. : ( ? ( . 13 ; Texas cows ,
(2.2o i3.10 ; beef teem. ( a.404. 3.60 ; native cows ,
( I.23C.3.83 ; mockers and feeders , (3.00(14.35 , bulli ,
ilOOB1Receipts. . 4 , "CO ht-a'lj ililpmentf. 300 hend ;
Market lOirTx : hinder ; bulk of sales , J1.75W4.W.
lKftvU . ( i.SUt(5.W ( ; packer * . JUS83.Wj mixed ,
4.70C4.J3 ; lights. (4.7501.90 ; Yorkers , ( l.85lf4.Mi
> | K * . (4.M < f4,7& ,
HltEEI' Receipts , 1,200 htadj tlilpmcnts , 700
lend. Matkrt ttronp.
Now York l.lro Moo1 * MurUnt.
NEW YORK , July 11. IIEEVES Receipts ,
3,800 head ; opened slow , but slightly higher ; closed
ncltvo nnd llrtn ; native * teers , corn nnd grnns
ed , poor to good. ( I.M i5.50 ; ordinary strikers ,
4.82'4j ' ! oxen , (3.75(4.25i ( bulls. ( J.ftHlS.'iS : dry
ows , (2.25C2.75 ; European cables quote Amerl-
an steers nl 10'4ffll > ic ; refrigerator beef , P'SW
HP : no exports today ; tomorrow , 721 beeves nnd
, OSO quarters.
HliniJP AND IAMI S-Recolpts. 6.100 liends
lirep , dull , lower , except for top grades ; lnmb ,
low , UJfiic lower ; about 1,0(0 held carried
over ; sheep , Inferior to good , (3.60 4.80 : lambs ,
iimmon to choice , (3.BOjf3.67'4. '
HOGS Receipts , B,2yi ) head ; easier , at (3.300
St. l.nuiK l.lvu Stuck Alnrkoti
ST. LOtMS , July 12. CATTI.E RccHplB , 2,500
leml ; shipments , none ; market llrm nnd top
Hides brought full prices ; native dre seil liecf
nd shipping steers ranged tl.WflS.40 ; light sto-rs.
3.401(1. ( On ; slnckers nnd feeders , (2.BOT3.50j cows ,
2.40H3.40 ; fed Texas steers , (1.5WI.50 ; em UK
leers. (3.00fT3.r > 0 ; cows , (2.2,1f3.W.
HOGS Receipts , 2.MO head ; shipments , noncj
narket lOo higher ; heavies , (3.00W5.15 ; packers ,
I.60H5.10 ; light , (4.70 5.iO. (
SHEEP Receipts. 2,0"0 hend ; shipments , none ;
narkel llrmrr ; tMd natives In demand nt (2.75(1
.50 ; lambs , (3.6Mi3.S ; souths vxtcrn sheep ranged
(1.S303.20. _
Muck In Mclit.
Recoril of receipts nt thc four principal markets
for I'llJny , July 12 , H93 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Onialm . 1.400 1.676 352
Chlcng . 4,300 8,000 T.OOi City . B.fflO 2.COO 2.000
St. Loula . 5.600 4,700 1,200
Totals . . 17,100 10,870 10,332
Liverpool Mxrkrts ,
LIVERPOOL , July 12.-WHEAT-Ppot quiet ;
lemund | H ir ; No. 2 led winter , 5s 2d ; No. 1
nllfornla , Bs 1'iil. ' Kutuies Iipeiuul steady with
near positions lit higher nnd dlstnnt position 1'id ' ,
closed llrm , with near positions l i < l higher and
llstnnt positions IMilM higher ; business aluul
qually distributed ; July , Bs 2d ; AiiKUsI , Es 2'id ,
' 'eplember , EH 2d ; Octnl r , Es 3'iil ; November ,
s 4d ; December. 5s 4'id. '
CORN Spot stendv ; American mixed , new ,
s 3d. Kulurrn opened steady , with near ) iosl-
Ions U'l ' hliher ; and the distant positions Id
klgher ; closed strong , with near nnd distant
losltlons 2d higher ; business heaviest on earl )
insltlons ; July. 4s 3' id ; August. 4s 2Ud ; Septem-
> er , Ifl 2'ld ; October , 4s 2'id ; November. 4s 3'id ,
lecember , 4 3Vsd.
KI.OfR Dull , demand poor ; St. Ixiuls fnncy
vlnler , 7s 6 < 1.
I'ROVISIONP Ilncon. steady ; demand poor :
'umberland cut. 2XH30 Ibs. . 32s 6,1 ; short rlt" .
2S Ibs. . 33 ; l ng clear , light. 3SUI. , Ibs. . 33" ;
eng clear , heavy. 55 Ibs. . 32s ; shoit clear b.icks.
Ight , 18 Ibs. , 34 ; short clear middles. B3 Ibs. ,
33s 9d : clear bellies , n-THO Ibs. , 34s. Shuill-
lers , s < | iiare , IS'jllt II' ' " . , 31s. Hams , short cut ,
14(718 Ibs. . 44s. Diet , extia Indln niexs , 7Ss 7d :
irline mess. 61s 3d. Poik. pi line mt-ai. line
western. 57s Cd ; tine mixllum. B"s. I 'iid , dull ,
> rlme > \ extern , 33s ; retlneil. In palls , 31s.
TALLOW Klne N. A. , nominal.
CHEESE ( Julet ; demand p ir ; finest Ameri
can , white , new , 38s 6d ; llnest American , colored ,
new , 3Ss 4d.
lll'TTER Klnest Unltol Slnlcs nnd good
OILS Spirits of turpentine. 21s 9d. Petroleum.
ellned. Rliil. Unseed oil. 21s 6d.
REFRIGERATOR HEKF Korcquarters , 3 ; d ;
ilndquarters , CVi'l ,
HOPS At London ( Pnclflc crnst ) , t2.
The receipts of wheat during the past three
lays were167,000 centals , Including 6,000 Ameri
can. The receipts of American corn during
he past three days were Bl 400 centals.
Weather unsettled.
Wool Mnrknt *
LONDON , July 12. At the wool auction sales
oday 16,000 bales were offered , of which 900
vero withdrawn. The selection Included some
excellent clips. America Iwught freely , but the
ontlnentnl demand was listless. Following arc
he sales In detail :
New South Wales. 6,323 Iviles : scoured , fdT
sSlid ; greasy , 3 ; ( i9Ud. Queensland , Z.OS4 bnles ;
ci in red , Sd&ls "id ; greasy , 4j9d. Victoria ,
,221 bales ; scoured , 6'/dIls 3d ; greasy , 4',4dTls
d. South Australia , 1,646 bales ; scoured , 4'4dff ' (
s Id ; greasy. 4fiS'.jd. ' Swan River , 854 bales ;
enured , 94f11 < id : greasy , 3'Jlif7lJd. New /.en-
and. 2.C03 bales ; scoured , lO'l-ddls 4d ; Rrejsy.
\5illil. Cape of Good Hope nnd Nntnl. 470
lales ; scoured. HdtVls 2' d ; greasy , 4Hff7d.
ItOSTON , July 12. Thc Iloston Commercial
tulletln lll say tomorrow of the wool market :
Never has there been such n sustained demand
'or wool. This Is the third successive week of
icavy sales , the total this week belnR within
few thousand pounds of the record. Iloston In
ho last three weeks has sold over Sl.ono.OU'i
bs. of wool. OJIP house sold 1.0 < KfOO ) Ibs. of
\nstrallan this weak. There has been an nd
anco of 2c per Hi. on fine wool this week. Tcr-
Itory delalno Is nt 35c to 3Sc , nnd choicest nt 4".c
clean. The advancn Is now 25 per cent from
he lowest point. The saleH of the week nre
7,477.nOO Ibs. domestic and 3.884,000 Ihs. foreign ,
against 6,890.000 Ihs. domestic and 3,772.000 Ibs.
brelpn last week and 1.840,500 llw. domestic and
40,0f ) foreign for the same week last year. Thf
sales today show nn Increase of 19,183,389 IDs.
lomestlo nnd 33,671.600 foreign over the same
late In 1S93. The receipts to date show nn In
crease of 14,123 bales domestic and 120,490 bale ?
'orclgn. _
' 'niton Mnrknl.
middling. 6ic ; low middling , 6c ; good or-
llnary , tt ll-16c ; net and gross receipts , 17 hales ;
exports , coastwise , SO bales ; Kales , 100 bales ,
stock. 105.375 bales.
NEW YORK. July 12. COTTON Eiisy ; mld-
lllng' , 7'Jc ; net receipts , none : gross. 1,423 bales ;
'orwarded , 149 bales ; sales , 240 bales , all spin
ners ; stock. 197.175"S. Cotton futures closed
" : > areiy steady ; sales. 27,600 bales ; January. (7.05 ;
' ehruary , (7.10 ; March. $7.16 ; July , (6.80 ; August.
:6.S1 : ; September. (6.SC ; October , $6.91 ; Novem
ber , (6.95 ; December , (7.
ST. IXJI'IS. July 12.-COTTON-Qulct ; no
sales reported ; mlddllnc. < 'ic : receipts , 16 bales ;
shipments , 302 bales ; stock , 18,992 bales.
Milfitr Market.
NEW YORK. July 12. fil'OAR Raw , market
Inn ; fair refining , 27tc ; centrifugal , 90 test , 3Uc ,
< aU , late yettciday , 5,430 bags centrifugal , 90
ei-t , In port , at 3 > , Jc , ex-sh p. ; today , 59'Jajs r < "n
rlfUKal. 96 teht 3VSc ex-ship. Rellned , fa r.y ncllve ;
Vo. 7 , 3 lu-16 4V c : No. 8. 3 15-16 < & 4 > , iiC ; No. 9 , 3T4JT
4 l-16c ; No. 10 , 3 13-16S4C ! Nl ) . 11 , 3 ll-16fl'3'c. (
No. 12. 3 9-163 > ; c ; No. 13 , 3 , c ; off A , 4 l-16i >
4Hc ; mold A , 4 ll-161f4Ttc ; standard A , 4 B-16fl
4',4c ; confectioners A. 4 5-16W l',4c ; cut loaf , 5 l-lf.
[ f3'Jc ; crushed , 5 l-16iff5'ic ; powdered , 4yifi
I 15-16c ; granulated , 4 7-16fi ic ; cubes , 4 11-lCc.
Ponrln Miir rtH.
PEORIA , July 12. CORN-Market higher ; No.
2 , 45c ; No. 3 , 44l/iC.
OATS Market quiet , steady ; No. 2 while ,
28U < r < 27',4c ; No. 3 white. 36437c. |
RYE Market dull , nominal ; new No. 2 , 4.ic.
WHISKY Market film ; finished goods on the
basl of (1.24 for high wines.
RECEIPTS Wheat. 3.000 bu. ; corn , 54.750 bu. ;
oats. 83,000 bu. ; rye , ( iOO tm. ; barley , 1.4UO bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 600 bu. : coin , 17.230 bu. ;
oats , 58,750 bu. ; rye , none ; barley , 700 bu.
llnUlinnre ( Iriiln Miirl lH.
HALTIMORE. July 12.-FLOUR Quiet nnd un-
chanecd ; receipts , 6.500 bbls.
WHEAT Unsettled nnd higher ; i-pot , month
nnd August , 68ii5(6bHc ( ; September , 69'ijC9- ;
receipts. 37,936 bu ,
CORN Dull ; spot , 49U5J50c ; month , 49'ic ' ;
August , 49V c ; September , 49Ho ; recelp's , 25,100
bu. ; shipments , 9,000 bu.
OATS Firm : No. 2 white western , 32ViQ33c ;
No. 2 mixed 30li < fI31c ; receipts , 7,000 bu.
RYE Dull ; No. 2. Blc.
New York Dry Goods Market ,
NEW YORK , July 12. The volume of business
wns of better proportion than on nny previous
day of the week , while on nccount of the formei
purchases the forwunllngsere of the fullness of
late reports and many deliveries are behind time ,
lluycis nre present In goud force nnd many new
ones ar - scheduled to be here next week , when
more life to the market Is looked for. Printing
cloths firm nt 2 ! < , e bid nnd declined.
MILWAUKEE , July 12. WHEAT Firm ; No.
2 spring , 67'ic ; No. 1 northern , 72fec ! ; Septem
ber , 69c.
CORN Higher ; No. 3 , 474c. !
OATS Unchanged ; No. 2 white , 2791c ; No. 3
white. 27'4eS7Vie.
HARLEY Unchanged ; No. 2 , 48c.
RYE Higher ; No. 1 , E4c.
MlnneiipolU Whcnt Mnrket.
July , 67c ; Septtmber , 63H65V4C ; December , 67c ,
on tinck. No. 1 hard. 68140 ; No. 1 northern ,
67y4c ; No. 2 northern , 66c.
FLOUR-Hlendy ; first pitents , (3.50113.90 ; second
end patents. (3.30f(3.70 ; llrst clears. (2.9fliJ3.UO.
second clears , (2.45 ; export bakers , (2.45Q3.00.
Knnsiia City Markets.
KANSAS CITY. July 12. WHEAT Market Ir
regular ; No. 2 hard , 61il62',4c ; No. 2 red , 65c ;
rejected , B3c.
CORN Hi2c higher ; No. 2 mixed , 39@40c ; No.
2 white , 39V44i3954c. . . . . . . , .
OATS Market steady ; No. 2 mixed , 21o ; No. 2
white , 28c. ,
'ITIico Wheat ( Jiuitiitlon' .
dull ; December , (1.00',4 ; cleared , 81,600 cenlaln.
I'lnnnctnl .Notci.
DOSTON , July 12. Clearings , (16,19:1,601 ; bal
ances , (1,622,235.
RALTIMORE. July 12. Clearings , (2,204.547 ;
balances , CI7.475.
NEW YORK , July 12. Clearings , (93,980,670 ;
balances , (7,467,156.
PHILADELPHIA , July 12-ClearlnBS , (11,867-
715 ; Imlancea , (1,614,935.
ST. LOUIS , July 12. Clearings , (4,238,272 ; bal
ances , (437,408. Money , BiiO per cent. New York
exchange , par hid ,
WASHINGTON , July 12. Today's statement of
the condition of the treasury shows : Available
cash balance , (191,489,451 ; gold rt erve , (107,2o9-
CHICAGO , July 12. Clenrlngs , (15.357.000.
Money , easy ; rates , 4O4V4 per cent for cnll
loans and &iJ&H per cent for commercial pap-r.
New York exchange , 15o premium ; Bti-rling.
posted rates , J.Wi < j4.69.
165-165 Oearborn-st. , Chicago.
(5 ( V/all- . , New York. 70 Stmtc-tt. , bostc-
C1TT , COtJUTT , I I / \ K I r V C
SCHOOL WATER and I ! | \ | 1 I xl I 1 * * t
i.THaR * inGH GRADE LJ \ * / I N I / K-/
Boixbt at > d Boll. Correspondence Bolieltcd.
Receivers and the Union Pacific Douy the
Jurisdiction of the Oourt.
Ititninr AUoln Olrculittlon tlmt Neitotlatlotn
ATO I'eiiitlnir for a Sjttlomeiit with
the American I.unn uiul
Trust t'oinp.iiij.
I'OHTLAND , Ore. , July 12. The Hnal
loarlng of the OrcRon Sliort Line and UtuU
Northern foreclosure cnse wns taken up In th
Unltctl States district court today. Zcra
Snow , counsel for the receivers of thc Sliort
Ino nnd Union 1'aclllc system , denied tha
urlBdlctlon of the court. The arguments ot
: he lawyers who spoke this afternoon were aa
to whether the mortgages could bo fore
closed and the road sold for failure of the
first mortgage bondholders to pay Interest
on the consolidated mortgages. It Is said
u oulsldo circles that the cnse Is likely to
be transferred to St. 1'nul to be heard by
Judge Sanborn. H Is also stated that ne
gotiations arc pending between the Union 1'a-
clflc and the American Loan and Trust com
pany looking toward a compromise.
* _ _
CUlm They 4'nnnni iiiilp | Their Cnrs in
Itripilrrit In thn llnio Allowed.
\VAS11I.NOTON , July 12. The Interstate
Commerce commission granted a hearing to
day to the representatives of the receivers of
the New York , Lake Krle & Western Hall
way company on their petition for an exten
sion of time within which to comply with
the act of congress requiring alt railroad com
panies engaged In Inletstnto commerce to
equip their cars with grab Irons nnd hand
lolds by the 1st of July , 1S95. .Mr. Samuel T.
Conklin , attorney for the Krle road , presented
the grounds of the petition. He said 7,000
cars had been equipped nnd the work had
jeen pushed as rapidly ns possible , but that
another year was necessary to complete It.
John W. Cloud , secretary of the Master Car
liulldcrs association , said ho believed that up
to date between 50 and 75 per cent of the
cars of the country had been equipped as re
quired , but that to take out of service at ono
lime all the cars not so equipped would ma
terially cripple Interstate tralllc.
Mr. Alfred K. Drown , second vice grand
master of the Brotherhood of Trainmen ,
created a stir by his talk. Ho asserted that
there was a great lack of uniformity In both
the size and location of hand holds. Ho
: hought the railroad managers should adopt a
uniform system and submit It to practical
nen. He suggested that there had been sulll-
clent time for putting the law Into effect and
said that If a railroad company had posted
an order which had not been compiled with
by the employes for two years the result
would bo different from what It had been In
.his case.
The greater part of the afternoon session
was devoted to the presentation of petitions
from roads other than the Erie , to be con
sidered as parties to the application for an
extension of time. Mr. Cloud , on behalf of
the Master Car Dulldcrs association , pre
sented fifty-five letters , authorizing him to
represent as many roads In asiclng this exten
sion ,
Mr. Morrlsscy stated during the afternoon
that the trainmen would not object to an
extension of thc time until the first of Janu
ary next If they could have assurance that
the roads In the meantime would devote their
energies to a compliance with the law. The
chairman announced that the commission
would take the petition for extension under
Dlsclnlmor of Having Cut the Now York
Unto Miiilo ( iooil ,
CHICAGO , July 12. The Texas Pacific
road has satisfied the Missouri , &
Texas ofllclals that It has never made a
round trip rate of $40.25 from Dallas to
New York , as reported yesterday , and the
threatened rate war among the western roads
seems to have passed over.
The Iloston terminal lines hava taken
action that Is extremely unpleasant to the
western lines. They declare today that on
whatever Christian Endeavor tickets they
extend the return limits It will be ex
tended only to the gateways of the western
roads , and not under any circumstances
nto their territory. This Is contrary to
all the arrangements of the western roads ,
and IB bound to cause them no end of an
noyance and trouble. Chairman Caldwell
of the Western Lines Passenger association
lag taken up the matter with the Iloston
terminal lines and may secure a reversal
of their decision In the matter.
Nothlnc In thu Urlo rut.
Traveling Passenger Agent Ilranch of tha
Erie lines said yesterday that the report
of the Erie cutting rates to thc Christian En
deavor meeting at Uoston was made out of the
whole cloth. The dllllculty arose over the
Imlt on certain tickets , the "Soo' line In
sisting upon giving a longer limit than had
been agreed upon. The Erie proceeded to pro
tect the business , protesting the while against
any such underhanded methods. The connec
tions of the "Soo" line , however , settled the
matter by refusing to accept the tickets If
any were Issued with an extended limit and
the whole affair was squelched at Us very In
Miller Appointed to Sucoonil Oriif.
CHICAGO , July 12. W. J. Miller has
iiesn appointed general passenger agent of
the Pullman company , vies Mr. Gray , de
ceased. Mr. Miller has been the assistant
general passenger agent of the company
[ or the last live years.
I like my wife to use Pozzonl's Complexion
Powder , because It Improves her looks and U
as fragrant as violets.
Think of the thouBiimle of hams
and bacon thut troout from South
Oniiiha daily ! Wo select hut the
btiHt ones for the brantl"S WIKT'S
I'HEMIUM. " Smoked llKhtly-
triinmcd nicely -extra mild not
salty. No man could make them
For Sato by all First-Class Dealers.
JAM US 13 , HOYD. J. W. DEAN ,
Telephone I O.It ) .
Grain. Provisions & Stocks
Uoom 11114 Hoard of Trade ,
Direct wires to Chicago anil New Vork.
Correspondents : John A , Warren & Co.
ff P. SMITH ( T l. 1318) ) 8. II. STANFORD
F. P. SMITH < S CO ,
Room 4 , N. Y. Ufa Bld . , Omaha.
Ilranch oillcc-s at Kremont and CuluinliuB. All
crderB placed on the Chicago lloaid of Trade.
CnrtoiKjnilcntu : Hchwurlt , Uupte & Co. , CM *
a ii. Hchrelner. Flack & Co. . HI. Louli. lUfer
to First National Hank. Omuhu.
MA 11(1 IN Nu muttcl MIK. uubi.el : UD Jec-
iijii > is'n ululluo ) w.u luur have rcaa nd
i viiii tiin l"f uur - "l'i ' ' NUW uoa
1.XPLAINi ; .
( ; oin.i4u'rii It cltarly eiplaln *
liuuiiu trading and Uii'INis : ALL , ilAUKUT
lJXl'ltiHtilo.Nd. it's free anil will leach you
. ARUOQAliT & CO. . U Trader *