Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE O EAHA PAILT Iflgfgt SATUKPAY , JULY 13 , 1805.
His Work at St. Joseph Yesterday Good
Enough to Save the Qamo.
lilt Mr. HtultS ! for a Dozen SnfM nml 1'lclil
with Great Accuracy ' < Molnes
Uiir ntn Mnr ln Quito
Hnnilll ) .
Omaha , 9 ; 3t. Joseph , C.
Jlockford , 9 ; Jacksonville , 0 ; forfeit.
DCS Molncs , 9 ; Lincoln , 3.
Peorla , 9 ; Qulncy , 2.
Hi. Louis , G ; Philadelphia , 1.
Louisville. 4 ; Boston , 1.
Terre Haute , 7 ; Milwaukee , I.
Minneapolis , 6 ; Indianapolis , G.
Detroit , o ; Kansas City. 5
St. Paul. 17 ; Grand Haplds , 12.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , July 12. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) The Saints lo t today's game through
rank errors and Inability to hit the ball with
men on bases. The game was long and tire
some , and the article of ball the Saints put
up was 1 Stultz was on the slab for
the home am and was hit hard and often
The visitors secured twelve hits and a totil
of twenty bases off him. Darby , who occu
pied the box for the visitors , was well nigh
Invincible up to the last Inning , when he let
down and allowed the Saints three hits and
two runs , which they earned In one Inning
Darby got wild and hit two men and gave
two bases on bills , which /nrced In one run
The visitors played with snap and ginger ,
and showed the spectators they had come life
In them , while the Saints played Ilka pall
bearers. Second Baseman Hlchter was In
jured early In the game and had to retire In
favor of Slagle. Features of the game were
the playing of Pace In right field and Miles'
hard hitting. Score.
AB. R. nil. PO. A. E
McCarthy , m 0
Story , cf G 2 1 0 0
McIIalc , c 4 6n
Marcum , Ib 3 6i
Grinin , ss 4 i
Alberts , SI ) and 2b. . . . 4 3
Jones , rf 3 0
Hlchter , 2b 2 0
Hlagle , 3b 1 0
StulU , p 4 0
Total" ! 31 B C 21 17 !
AH. H. nil. TO. A. 13
IJlrlch , 2li :
SlnBle. Cf 5 1 2 3 0 (
Nattress , 3b G 1 1 1 0 (
Shaffer , If 3 2 2 2-0 (
Inks , Ib 3 0 0 5 0 (
1'nce , rf 4 0 0 6 0 (
Lohmnn , c
Milt * . ss
Darby , i 3 2 1 0 1 (
Totals 30 9 12 27 5 ' .
St. Joseph 2 00001002 !
Omaha 10022301'- !
Rarned runs. St Joseph , 2 ; Omaha , 2
Tvvo-ba p hits- Miles (2) ( ) . Shaffer. Stoler
bases : SlaKlu ( Omaha ) (3) ) , Lehman (2) ( )
Shaffer (2) ( , Inks. Ulrlch , Griffin , Alberts
McCarthy. Double plajs Stultz to Grlinr
to Marcum first Inse on balls Off Stultz
I ! olt Darby. 0 Hit b > pitcher Dnrb > ,
Qrinin , Mcllnlc Struck out Hv Stultz , G
by Darby 4 Passed bills McllKlo , 3
Lehman , 1 Wild pitches : Stu'tz , 2. Time
Two hours. Umpliu. Ml Hums
"LINCOLN. July 12. ( Special TelCBrnm ) -
FlBKemelci's pltchliiB was too inurh for thi
Rbrlght crowd tndny. Klmme'er was Iniidei
on frequontli. hut Kouerally after chance1
had been Riven to retire the side Hotl
teams fielded coarsely Ward was sick , am
Ardrevvs and GraRK started to umpire , bit' '
their decisions provoked too much controversy
vorsy , am ] Will Turner , a local umpire , wen
In. Score :
Lincoln A. 0 20000001 ;
Des Molncs . . . 12200202-
Hlls : Lincoln , G ; De Molnes. 12 Rrrors
Lincoln. 7 ; Des Molncs , ( J Gained runs
Des Molncs , 1 Two-baso hits : Lett her
Purvis. Three-base hits : RbrlBht , Ken
nedy , McKnrlund Struck out. Kennedy
Van Huron , RbrlKht , Klmmerer. Tralllcy
McKlbben Sicrlflco hits : McVlcker (2) ( )
Stolen bases : Klmmerer , Lotcher Hasei
on balls : FlBBemeler. 3 ; off Klmmerrr , 2
Passed ballSullivan. : . Wl d p'tches. ' KIs
Kemolcr. Left on bases' Lincoln , 9 : Do
Molncs. 8. H.itteilcs : Klmmerer and Sill
llvan : KlKGemeii-r nnd Tr.illley Time
Two hours Umpires. Messrs. Andrews
GrnBB and Turner.
PROHIA. 111. . July 12 ( Special Telegram
Peorla took Qulncy Into camp this after
noon to Uu" > tune of 9 io 2 The home tcan
had everything Its own vvny all throuBli
Score :
Peorla 130000221-
Qulnty 020000000
named itinn : Peoil.i , u : Qulncy , 1. Two
base hits : Thomas (2) ( ) , Haller Three-lug
hits ; Dolan Stolen bases Fischer , Hen
nett , Collins , Fan ell , McVoy , Armstrong
McCormlck. Struck outHy , 7
by McGrecvev , 8 Sicrlllce hits Trancl'
Tlasea on bnlls Ily Thomas Hattorlo"
Ti.omaM and Collins ; McGieevpy nn
Holanil. Time. One hour and fifty minute :
Umpire : Mr McGlnnls
ItOCICrOHD , 111 , July 12-Special ( Tele
Brain. ) Today's same was the most remarkable
markablo ever played on the home ground1
With two out In the ninth Inning nnd th
score 17 to 8 In favor of Hockford. JacV
sonvllle , by n combination of hits and ei
rors. brouBht In runs cnoutrh to tie th
Baine. but Jacksonville left the Held at th
end ot the InnhiB. because of a rullnB thn
a ball hit under thn fence and blocked vwi
not a home run. The BIUIIO was Klvcn t
Ilockford by Umpire Al Wilson. 9 to i
Caruther.s protested the pnmo Dolan nn
Bonier wore both batted hard Score :
Ilockford 300135014-
Jacksonvllle 011123000 :
Hits : Hoekford. 15 ; Jacksonville , 15 R ;
r6rs : Hockford , G ; Jacksonville , 8 H-utei
les : Dolnn and Snydcr ; Sonler and Helt.
Plavpd. Won. Lost. P.C1
Peorla GS 3S 20 u ;
Lincoln CS , " , ( " . 22 ( U
Omaha 59 31 25 G7
Des Molncs GS 31 27 H
Qulncy CS 29 > 29 GO
Ilockford S3 2 35 40
Jacksonville C9 22 37 37
St. Joseph 50 20 39 31
Games ted ly : Omaha nt St Joseph : D <
Molnes at Lincoln ; Qulncy at Peorla ; Jacl
Bonvlllo at Hockfoid.
Lonuvllle riny * Another Keniarkub
< lnMir , Ocfuntliiir llnttnn.
LOUISVILLR , July 12.-The Colonels kc ]
up their brilliant playing today , nnd tl
UostoiiH narrowly escaped a shut out Tl
fleldlnp of Collins nnd Duffy was of tl order Attendance , 2,300 Scor
Louisville 000301000-
Hits : Louisville , 7 ; Iloston , 10 Error
Louisville , 0 ; Hoston , 3 Rarned runsBo
ton. t Klist base on errors : Louisville ,
Left on bases ; Louisville , 6 , Hoslon , 7. Kir
on balls : Off Si-xton , 2. Stiuck out I
WoyhlnB. 3 ; by Sexton , 5 Two-baso hit
GetlliiRer. Hamion (2) Stolen bases : Clark
SliUK.ut , Uanuon. Double plaB : Collins
O'Hrlcn to Splos ; We > hiiiB to O'Hrlon
Spies. Passed halH : Tennoy Hattcrle
Wejhlmr nnd Warner ; Sexton and Tenne
Time : Two hour-1 Umpire. McDonald.
ST. LOUiH. Julv 12-The Hrowns mopp
the earth with the Phillies In a game th
was Intel toting and nt times excltlr
Hreltenstcln's marvelous plfhlnir Uept t
vlsltoia tufMng. to thnt they wore coi
pUUely nt ea Aucud.xico , ? ,0 < )0. Score :
St. Louis 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 .1 -
Philadelphia 01 CO 00000-
Hlli : * Si Louis , 0 : Phllrdplphta , 4. r
rora : St. Louis. 1 ; I'h.lidelplilu 1 Run
runs : St. Louis , 2. JMIli U-hihli. U Tw
base hits : Dovvil Stolen bases : Coolcy , n
Connor. Mlllei , Lent > , Tutnei. Flint be
nn hnlto : Off Lnmpi10 ; Off Ilroltcnste
1. Btruck out : Hv Lampe , 1. H.itlerii
llreltfinlelii und Miller ; l.uniim und Hue
ley. Tlmo : Onn hour und ilflv-llvo ml
utea. Umpires ; Jevno Murray.
Pl.ivcd , Won. Lost. IM
Haltliiuiro S7 22
Plttshm , ; G7 40
Iloston M 31
ChlcaBO 70 41) ) 30
Cincinnati Kl
Cleveland CS 5)
1'ulladolnhla Cl 28
HrooKlvn & 23i
New York , 2 31 : i
Wellington 57 J2 85
Rt. 1-onIs . , . fi7 S3 II
Loulavlllo Cl 1 ! 49
aamo * toiliiy : New York at Clcveln
Itrookhn nt I'lttsburK. WiiKhliiKtoi nt C
clmiatl ; ] t.mtoii nt I julavllle , Haltlmoio
ChlcuRC , Philadelphia nt St. L-aul ; .
lubnr Mln u T--ht < I-IIIP.
CX10N. Nub.r July Tt-
Krnm ) The most Interesting frame of base
hall of the Reason % vas plnycd here this nft-
ernoon between Trtbor , In. , nnd n picked
nine of Union. Splendid work was done by
both Fides nnd the scores ran neck nnd
neck throughout the game. Score , 10 to 11
In favor of Tnbor.
Terra llnntn Urn ecu Up Long l.'nnURli'to
Win from MlhTHtiker.
TERHE HAUTE , Ind. , July 12-Long
checked hbj team's career down the tobog
gan today long enough to give Larry
Twllchell's crowd a chance. Hits and er
rors were even , but the home team had bet
ter luck In bunching safe drives , Score : „
Terre Haute 0 7
Milwaukee 101)120000 ) I
Hits : Term Haute 11 ; Milwaukee , 11.
Errois : Tcrro Haute. 3 ; Milwaukee , 3.
Batteries : Goir nnd Heath ; Stephens and
GRAND RAPIDS. July 12-Score :
Grand Haplds 3-12
St. Paul 0 2 fi 8 0 0 0 1 -17
lilts : Grand llnplds , 1G ; St. Paul , 16. Er
rors : Grnnd Haplds. 11 ; St Paul , 2. Bit-
terlus : Stafford and Campbell , Jones , John
son and Boyle.
INDIANAPOLIS. July 12-Score :
Indianapolis 5
Minneapolis 1 * 0
Hits- Indianapolis , 8 ; Minneapolis 14 Er
rors IndlnnniKjllH. 4 , Mlnnenixjll * . 6 Bat
teries : Fisher and McFarlind ; Frazer and
DETROIT , July 12. Score :
Detroit 0 00100302 6
Kansas City 0 00000122 G
Hits Detroit. 12 ; Kansas City , 12 Er
rors Detroit , 2 ; Kansas City. 1. Batteries.
Gayle and Tw-lnchnm ; Daniels and Bergen.
Plnycd Won. Lost P.C't
Indianapolis Gl 31 22 B3 9
Detroit Gl 3 < 1 28 C.63
Kansas City 03 34 29 f0 !
Milwaukee 04 33 31 Gl 6
St. Paul 62 32 30 Gl 6
Minneapolis 61 27 31 411
Ttrrc Haute 62 2T , 37 40.1
Grand Haplds 65 26 39 400
Games today. Mlnneipolls at Indianapolis ;
St Paul at Grand Hnplds ; Milwaukee nt
Terre Haute ; Kansas City nt Detroit.
Unlvernlly ( Ilibt. . Waterloo.
This afternoon the University Base
Ball club will play tlie Waterloo club at
University park , Twentieth and Miami
streets. The Waterloo boys have played , a
number of games this season and have lost
but ono or two. The two teams will line
up as follows
Waterloo. University Club
F Jameson catch Blttenirer
Wheeler pitch Lavvler
Molmtt llrst b ise Abbott
Hoenllcld second ba e McAullff
Heln shortstop Crelgh
Pltkard third bae McKelvv
Dcnton left field Jellen
Campbell center Held Robinson
F Mohatt right Held Clark
Game called at 330.
" olcllc-r < anil ( lirlstlnn .
Members of the Fort Omaha nnd the Y.
M. C A base ball teams \vlll cioss bats nt
3 SO o'clock this afternoon on the Fort
Omaha gipunds
The plajers will line up like this :
Fort Omaha Position. Y M C A.
Duberry Catcher D. Trail
Bublltz Pitcher , > ' " "
McGlnnls First Salisbury
Trapper Second Laurie
Russell Short . . Knickerbocker
Shannahun Third J Trail
Geode Left SprlngatP
Hnsler Middle Funkhouser
Shea Right . Taylor
Solinjlirn Otilcln ril.
SCHUYLER , Neb , July 12 ( Special Tele
gram ) David City defeated Schuyler here
this afternoon In a game that clearlv dem
onstrated thnt Schuvlpr Is outclassed bv
the Davids , although Schujlei's team played
peed ball Score :
Schuyler 0 00104200 '
Divld City 7-11
Earned runsSchuyler , I ; David City. 14
Two-base hits : Van Doosor Three-base
hits : Stewart , Klmmell , Evans , Smith ,
Lowe. Un es on ball" Off Ktnimoll , 1 ; ofl
Cook. 2. Struck out. By Klmmell.r : by
Cook. G ISittcrlcs. Klmmell and Palmer ,
Cook nnd Helnhnit Time. Two hours Um
pire. C M. West.
I IllllH'llPlI IlltR.
CRDAH HAPIDS. In. , July 12. ( Special
Telegram. ) Cedar Haplds could not toucl
Nichols until the sixth Innlnfe , and ( he vis
itors won bec-aiise theviwere more lucky Ir
bunching their hits Score :
Cedar Haplds 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 1 1 I
Hurllnston 1-V
Hits. Cedar Haplds , 7 ; DutlliiBton , 10. Rr-
ror-f Cedar Hnplds , S ; Burlington , 10
Hatterlcs : Illsley and Fox ; Nlcho'.s nnd Mes.
Hull 1'ltivnr Ilii't nt Yurlr.
YOHK , Neb . July -Special ( TelcBram !
The Yoik city ollicInU nnd the lallroai
men of this city plajed a same of ball ai
this placp today Score Cltv. 29 ; Hallroad
ers , 11. In the the fourth Inning J. F Stein-
Inugh , who was plajliiB with the rollroid
ers. In making the run from llrst to aeconi
biso ran Into Carpenter's knee , who was
on spcond base brcaklnB n rib nnd finctur
luff another. His condition Is quite serious
Strniii l urj llt-tilft llmtliih.
STHOMSnUHG , Neb , July 12 ( Specln
ToleBram ) StromsburR defeated Heulah It
a Bood same of base ball here toJay. Score
17 to 8 Batteries. StromsburR , Olsan
Peterson and Olson ; Ueulnh , rincey am
rincoy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hilly O'llrlMi , lnln llnrlc.
LINCOLN , July 12 ( Special Telegram ) -
Hilly O'Hrlen , formerly with Omaha , hai
signed with Lincoln and covered llrst today
Cole was laid off to get In shape.
Daintily delicious results follow the u e c
the moat perfect of leavening agents Price'
Cream Baking Powder.
HAS AOT A riur x.tnau KSTATI
I Innl Report of the Lnto MHJ llrooklyn'i
SAN FRANCISCO , July 12 The publl
administrator has rendered his final accoun
of the estate of May Drookyn , the actres
who committed suicide In this city a yea
ago on account of the death in New Yorl
of Frederick Lovccraft. her lover. Beside
$62.50 , the estate consists of a gold wntc
and small fob chain , a breastpin , contalnln
a miniature , a small metal box containing
breastpin , anil , a small paper cutter ,
banjo , five shares of the stock of the Thotnr
son Hydraulic company of Newark , N. J
value unknown , and some books and papers
A draft for $400 drawn In favor of th
deceased , In possession of the Crocker Wopl
worth bank and with the Garfleld bank c
New York , Is In possession of the admin
Istrator appointed In New York. The enl
heirs of the deceased are her brother , \
Crocker , anil May Crocker , a niece , both c
whom live at Hosseau , County Wexferc
e Ireland.
rw/sr s.n.TKit rut :
4 KiiRllihuinn Urine * Urnvo I hnrgoi Again *
1 nil . \nirrlrati .Syndicate.
BAN FRANCISCO , July 12. Charlf
Wheeler of the law flrm of Garbcr , Holt ,
it nishop has sailed tor British Columbia an
y Alaska to obtain the deposition ot fifty mr
, with regard to the "Baiting" of the famou
Bear's Nest gold mine The depositions vvl
be used In connection with the suit biougl
last year by A. C. Henshaw of Londoi
England , against John T. Trc-fdvvcll , Jamt
Treadwell , C.M'taln James Carroll , M. V
Murray , N. A. Fuller of MlchUan an
George J. Smith , to recover $145,000 froi
the defendants. Ho alleged that Miey ho
negotiated the sale of the Bear's Nest gron
ot mines on Douglas Island. In Alnsk
through gigantic frauds ; that they had coi
spired to make the sale by placing goli
bearing rock from the rich Treadvvell mtr
In the worthless Dcar'b Nest group and t
treating the core from n diamond drill wit
chloride ot gold to suggest the presence i
valuable ore.
I'rcvlivtrrluii llnapttul M > ifT *
The board ot trustees of the Prusbytorlt
hospital held an ndjourned mcctlna at tl
hospital luht , night , at which u full medic
staff was Hrcted , as follow : Attendlr
surgeons. W. O Henry und O. C. Alllno
a&iihtants , A. B. Somers nnd A W. E
minion ; con ultlHK surgeons J. p. Lord in
.G J. K. Sumpjerij.HttendliiB' physicians. W , i
.1 Hrldge- and F. K. Coulter ; concu'llnK phii
,1 oliinu. IL M , McCl.inrnhan nnd OrurKo T
' " " " " " " " "
ile'ri" : ByiiccvloKlVli" ! } ! ' "t'rurnmHr ai
RwlnB Brown ; olKtatrtclann , Chniles lion
water pud J _ . _ H. Vance ! , nervous "
! 0 8 K. Spaitldlnir flnd Hobort Ullmorer e-
iia und ear , 1) . C. Dryant and J. C , l > enl e.
I'vru .MxkliiBVnrlUo 1'rrpirutloiK.
ni NE\V YORK , July 12. A special to tl
nt World front Lima. Peru , a > a the ministry
war has admtltcd for bids for 4,000 un
forms for the army. This U retarded ai
sign nf coming war with tome neighbor.
Adds the Two-Thlrcs and the Hnlfto His
Liit at Asbury Park ,
Sirnnhrough of Denver I.iiiuU the Unit
Ml to Nov'co ' M > KrcuriU Hrokcn In
the UIICM .Mike Dlrnhcrger
Ititlm n Slow Mllo.
ASUUHY I'AUK , N. J. , July 12. This was
an Ideal day for blc > cling and the sudden
change from the depressed weather of yes-
erday was thoroughly enjo > ed by the army
of wheelmen , who own seven-eighths of this
own. The attendance during the trial .heats
at the Athletic grounds this morning num-
; cred 3,01)0. There were several spills during
he morning , but the most serious one was
he fall of 1' . I ) . White on the stretch In the
bast heat of the half mile national champion
ship for classes A and I ) . He was carried
on a etretcher to the hospital tent , but was
able to mount his wheel again In the after
noon , and won a heat In the one-mile open
race.The event of the day was that of the half-
nlle national championship , open alike to class
\ and B men. An unusually large field of
entries was disposed of through a tedious
series of trial heats. When the final heat
was called the four to line were Hald , Me
Donald , Murphy and Little Zelgler , the latter
all bindaged after his fall of yesterday , pre
senting a sorry spectacle Bald took the JbiJ
n 'the start , followed by Murphy , with
/ialgler and McDonald trailing. In the finish
Dald set the pace , McDonald alongside , and
just at the tape the latter made a phenomenal
lump and landed ahead of Hold over the tape
Tne audience cheered McDonald , but the
ludgcs gave the decision to Dald.
The two-thirds mile open class B event
was a six-man affair , Bald , Gardiner , Mur
phy , Porter , Coulter and Jenny qualifying
Bald had the pole and In the start took the
cad In the back stretch of the List lap
Murphy climbed to the front and at the turn
still had the lead , with Bald and Gardiner
abreast. Bald cut for home and came In an
easy winner , Murphy a length behind and
Porter hanging on.
Fifteen men qualified for the final of the
two-mile special class B handicap , but these
Included none cf the cracks except Coulter
and Johnson. In the professional mile event
handicap Conn , Baker ana Silvio made their
first tipponraiice as "profs , " and as the >
entered late in the game hod to go back to
scratch Sllvle gave up In the second lap
but Baker made a came fight until almost
the finish and then crossed the tape sitting
up Stewart , who started from the 150 yard
mark and had been saving himself through
the race , Jumped for the lead at the end and
won by a length
The best time of the day was made In one
of the class A events , the 0112 mile open
when little Tom Butler won in 2.08. This Is
a track r-.cord for a race
The track record was broken three times
today Bald did it in 2 OT 1-5 Dirnberger
lowered It to 2 01 , but It remained for "Zlm-
mle" to further lower it. After the last race
on the program had been decldeJ Arthur
Aust came out and was greeted with cheer
after cheer He was paced In his trial by a
quad. When he had traversed the llrst third
cf the mlle the watches registered 0 39 1 5
seconds The two-third mark was reached
In 1 18 and he crossed the tape wh'"h markel
the mile In the excellent time of 1 57 4-5
This la only four-fifths of a second slower
than the fastest mile the champion ever did
and that was accomplished In the Veldo-
dromo Seine , Paris , The experts say that
the track here Is several seconds dower and
are lend In their praise of Zimmerman's feat
The meetings of the committees appointed
by the League of American Wheelmen anJ
the Cycle Board of Trade on-loil tonight. Mr
Joseph McKee of the cycle board , In an Inter
view tonight , raid"Tho Board of Trade
has endorsed and ratified the rules of the
League of American Wheelmen. They als <
agreed to take an Interest In Increasing the
league's membership , and think they car
doublu it within twelve mcnths. They als ;
have Indorse 1 professlonal'sm under the Juris ,
diction of the League of American Wheelmen
and will encourage professional racing This
agreement goes into effect Immediately. Ir
my opinion , class B will be abolished anc
professionalism will take Its place. There
will bo but two classes , amateurs as In clas :
A , as at present , and professionals. "
The trial heats thismcrnlng resulted as
Half Mlle Novice , Class A First heat
n W. Svvnnbrough Denver , llrst , H. L
Ruth , Hlverslde , second ; Bcnnlu Turnen
Century , third Time 1 19 3-5 Sccom
hent. Alvln B Wise , Harlem , llrst : W r
Kckhart. Keyport , second , John O'Hallcrn
New Jersey Athletic club , third Time
1.U2-5. These men will start In the finals
Two-thirds mile open ( special ) class B-
Tlrst heat , K. C. Bald , Buffalo , first , Angir
McLeod second Time 1.42 3-5. Second heat
A. W Porter , Wnltham , first , H.irrv Divld
son. Bradford , second Time 1 40 2-5 Thin
heat ; Charles ilu-Thy , Brooklyn , llrst ; A 13
Kennedy , Chicago , second. Time 1.44 4-5
Kourtli hent : Arthur Gardiner , Chicago
first : 13 C. Johnson , Cleveland , second
Time 1 48 4-5 Fifth heat. C II. Coulter
Toledo , llrst ; F. H. Allen , Syracuse , second
Time 1.40V Sixth heat : Frank J. Jenny
Utlca , first ; Charles H. Callahan , Buffalo
second. Time 2 OJ 2-5.
Ono mlle handicap , class A , In bents , th
first two In each hent to quiillfy for th
final * Kirdt he-it : H. G Winter. Tonn
vvnnda. 30 jards , first ; J. M. Baldwin
Pnterson , CO yards , second. Time 2:19 : 1- '
Second heat : 1C 13. Schmidt , Utlrn , 8
yards , first ; Nat Hoe. Patchogue , 110 > urd
second. Time 2.13. Third heat : Chnrle
Spencer , Baltimore , 30 yards , llrst
J. Hairlson , Anbury Park , 20 jard
second. Time 2:13 : 3-5 Fourth heM
P C. Hoyt , Bridgeport , 30 yards , first ; 1
K. Hook , Patchogue , 100 yards. secoivJ
Time 2 11 4-5 Fifth heat : J. M. Oahuc
Bloomflcld. 100 > nrdn. first ; Louis Huntoi
N. J A. C. 80 yards , second. Time 2.1J
sixth heat , C L Lcathr > rburR , Baltimore
20 jards , flr. t ; Oscar Hcdstrovv , Brook
I > n , 40 yards second Time 2-1-
Seventh hent F A Fall , Buffalo , 40 yard'
first. P H McCnll , Denver , 63 yards , second
end Time 2:20 : 1-5
Half mlle national championship classe
A and li , first man In each hent to quullf
for finals First heat won oy Arthur Oardl
ner , Chicago , time 1:23 : 3-5 , Hecond hea
won by Charles Murphy , Brooklyn , tlm
1 33 1-5 ; third heat ! > v A. W Porter , Wai
tham , time 1 19 1-5 ; fourth heat by Bnl'l
Buffalo , time 1:37 1-5 ; fifth heat by H I !
Steenson , Utlcn , time 1 35 , glxth he-it by A\
r Slmirm , Washington , time i l46 ; nev
pnth heat bC H Coulter. Toledo , tlm
1-31 4-5 , eighth heat by Hay McDonald. Nei
York , time 1 20 , ninth he-it by Otto /olglci
San Jose , Cal , time 1'25 3-G.
In this last heat Frank White of th
Liberty Wheelmen , while coming quickly o
the outside on the home stretch , mUstd hi
pedal ami fell heavily He was carried on
stretcher to the hospital
An adjournment was then announced untl
2 30 this afternoon
Two mile handicap , class B. first fiv
men In each heat to qualify First heat : C
A. Church , Cluster , Pn. , 140 jurds , firil
A. H Barnett , Plalnfleld. 210 yards , seconi
G , Siunders , Boston , 2(10 ( yards , third ; (
T Karl , New York. 210 yards , fonrtl
Hnriy Dnvldnon. Bradford , 120 yardM , lift )
Time 4 29 Second heat : Angu McLeoi
Biadford , 200 yards , lint ; n. P. Leonan
Buffalo. 150 yards , second ; L A Silvii
Port Hlchmond , 140 yards , third ; Monl
Scott. Plalnfield. 180 jards. fourth : I'red 1
Iluhmford. Chester. 270 vards , fifth Tlm
4-31 3-5 Third heat , P. 11. Coulter. Tolcdi
70 yards , llrst. A D Kennedy. Chicago , 1
yards , second. W J Helfert. Utlca , '
jards. third. F II Allen. Springfield. Ji
jnnK fomth. L C Johnson , Cleveland , ;
yards , llfth Time 4:13. :
When the racing was resumed this aftei
noon at 2.30 o'clock the grand covere
stands , as well as the open seats , wet
crowded with people , fully half of whom wei
ladles. The weather was excellent and tl
spectator * and cycl'sts ' were happy Hosulti
Half mile , novIce , class A , tlnal : 1
W Swanbiollgh. Denver , llr t : Alvln 1
Wise. Hal-Inn second ; W. K. Hckhnrt. Ko ;
port , third. Timu : 1.1C 2-5.
Two-thirds mlle , vpeclul , elasa II. Una
13. C. Bald , Buffalo. llr t ; Charles Murph
Brooklyn , tiecond : A , W. Porter , Walthar
third. Time. 1:41 :
One mile handicap , clans A , final : W. .
Brown. New York , W yard it. first ; Louis I
Hunter. N. J , A. C. , 0 yards , second ;
M Baldwin , Paterson , CO yards , thlri
Charles Spcncer.Ilaltlmore. 80 jords. fourt
Time. 2-Sl 2-5 There were fourteen atartet
Half mile , national championship , clasi
A and B , scml-Ilnals : First heat Chart
Murphy , Brooklyn , first : H. C Bald , Buf
falo , swornVthur ! ) Gardiner , Chlcnco ,
third. Time ! U Ji'li. . Second heat Iltty Me-
Donald , New } ork , first ; Otto Xelglcr , San
Jose , Cal. , second. Time : 1 21 1-5.
Quad race against time , one mile ! Messrs.
CnllHhnn , Butler , McLeod nml llagserty ,
time , 1 60\i ! McsUs. Seaver , Ulthcn ? , Mayer
nncl Coburne , tlmr , 1 53.
Half mllc'.lJortUonal championship , final :
R C. Hald , Hurralo. Mrst : liny McDonald ,
New York , second ; Chnrles Murph > , Brooklyn -
lyn , third ; Otto Xrlglpr , San Jo cCnl ,
fourth , TlmtA 1Q1 1-5. This was n splendid
race for a quarter , although slow running
time. The four men took It eusv for half
the dl tnnco nnd then McDonald spurted
npil the othnrsovvent nfter him. At the
llnlsh the ( our were not twelve Inches
np.irt. HnldHvWby about an Inch.
Two-mile lntndli.ip , class H , special , final.
Fifteen men mm 11 lied nnu thpy all stnrted.
Charles A. ClnlVCh. Chester. Pn. , HO yards ,
won : Harley Davidson , Bradford , 120 yards ,
sprond ; Monte Scott , Plalnlleld , 1 0 > ards ,
third ; F. H. Allen , SprltiKlleld , 109 > ards ,
fourth. Time : 4:23 : 2-B
One mile , open , with pacemakers , class
A , trial hents , llrst man In pach heat to
qualify for llnul First bent ( J. Bert Hip-
lev , Newark , nncl C. H. Henzel ran a de.ul
heat. Time 2.D1 1-5. Second hent-H. G.
Winter ? , Tonrtwnnda , first ; o H Munroe ,
Cohops , second Time : 3.10 4-5. Third beat
C L. Lontliprbur > , Haltlmore , llrst ; Cl. H.
Umlerhnll , Now York , s-econd Time. 3.002-5.
Fourth heat F 11 Stow , Sprlngtlpld , first ;
W. A. llnrbeau. New York , npcond. Tlnip :
3:12 Fifth heat-Tom Butler , Boston , llrst ;
Pharlps M. Rrtz , New York , Fpcond. Time.
102 2-5 Sixth heat Harry K Caldwell ,
Manchester , llrst. C Hoofer. St. Paul , second
end Tlmo. 2 ! 1 3-3. Seventh heat W. G
Douglas , N Y A C. , llrst ; Charles Spen-
pcr Haltlmore. second Time3'15 Rlirhth
hent-F D White , Liberty Wheelmen , first ;
L a Hoppe Liberty Wheelmen , ( .erond-
Time 3-2J White Is the man who was hurt
by falling In the last heat of the half mile
nitlonnl championship this forenoon. Ninth
heat U. S Page , Brooklyn , llrst. JM
Baldwin , Pntprson , second Time3 21
Tenth hpat John T Beam , Hlvonddp , first.
H K Hoe , Pitchosue. second Time :
3.17 4Rleventh heat-H P Mosher , Har
lem first , W R Tenselpr , Hotkvllle , second
end Tlmp 3 15 Spml-flnals , first nnd second
end men qu llfv for llnnls First heat H
0 Winter" , Tonaw.indn , first , Tom Butler ,
Denver , second , D MpKnv , third Time
T 28 ,1-Ti SPCOIH ! lu > at II. P Mosher. Hnr-
Inm. flr t , John T Beam. Hlver-Ide , second.
W. O Douglas , N Y A C , third. Time
1 11 3-5 Final- Tom Butler , Boston , tlrst ,
H. O Winters , Tonawnnda , second ; H P.
Mosher , Hnrli'm , third Time- OS
/ , paced by n quad , made the
mlle In 1-57 4-1
M F. DlrnbciKer of Buffalo , paced bv a
quad , went u mile to break the track rec
ord. He accomplished this by going the
distance In 2 01
One mllp professional handicap : Alva
Stpvvnrt , Hldlfj Park , 1BO yards , first ;
Oeorce Guttler , Boston. CO yards , second ;
.Inv Riton , Rllz.ibeth , 30 yards , third : H. H.
Humford. Chester , Pn. , 110 yards , fourth.
Time ; 2.12 2-5.
Dr Prlct'j Is the true and tried sentinel
holding the bridge of health against Injurious
alum baking powders.
Z > /A CO I/AT .1II/J7J Til KM KUX ,
Penny ( nplnred the Ucenn Wave
Millers Xflrrii Hard Itttcr.
NEW YORK , July 12. In splto of th'
number of scratches In the Ocean Wave
stakes today at Brighton Beach , there- was
an cxcillent race and fair time. The favorIte -
Ito was Hugh Penny , and Wernberg had
a good following. ' The flag fell with Farny
Louse In the lead She did not hold It long ,
for Wernher and Hugh Penny shot past
her , making th ! first quarter In 24 tccond *
The two liad ouj to the half mlle In 4SV4
seconds , when We'rnberg began to falter , and
as he turned Into the stretch Discount
passed him and WiallEnged Hugh Pem-y ,
but the McCflfferPy gelding was too much
for the son of Duoeher , and thus tney fin
ished In the fast time of 1 .14Vt.
There was nn excMIent race In the second
between Llttlo DorrlU , Shakespeare a I'd
Perseus. They ran In that order to the
hsad of the { .tretch , when I'eiD'us made n
play for the lead. At the last eighth he
had Shakespeare beaten , and tlvn he tried
Little Dorrltt until he Eiicc ded in poking
his head In Irolit at the line , with Shakes
peare half a length behind , all ridden out.
In the opening race Long Brdgt : was llu
favorite and won In a very hard drive , with
Hawarden second Applause w is the choice
In the third e.vVht and won ejslfv , with
Bcmbafcette seco'ml. The foriher vAn heavllj
backed by1 hlt > owlier , Plttsbifrg Phil. Sir
Excess was a strong favorite In the fifth
with Dey del Carjeres second choice. Stone-
roll took the lead , but the other two fol
lowed and In the stretch left th ? mar > , Sir
Excess winning easily. Summaries-
First race , one mile , selling : Long Brlilnc
f3 to 5) ) won , Hawarden ( G to 1) ) second
Golden Gate (20 to 1) ) third. Time : 1 43 V6
Second ruce , five furlongs , gulling : Percent
( S to 1) ) won , Little Dorritt (4 ( to 1) ) second
Blmkespeuro (4 ( to B ) third. Time : 1.03
Third lace , six furlongs : Applause (3 ( tc
6) ) won , Bombarettc (10 ( to 1) second , Han-
well ( B to 1) ) third Time- 15V4
Fourth , race , Ocsan Wave stake , six fur
longs , selling : Hugh Penny (3 to 5) won
Discount (10 ( to 1) ) second , wcrnbetg ( - to i ;
third Tlmo 1 14" " .
Fifth race , one mlle : Sir Excess (3 ( to 1
won. Hey del Caueres (2' ( < . to 1) ) second
Stonenell (100 ( to 1) ) third Time. 1-41'i
Sixth iaee , mlle and a furlong , selling
Mirage (7 ( to G ) won , Llttlo Tom (5 ( to 1) sec
ond. Uagle Bird (3 ( to 5) ) third Time. l.G ! > %
I'uMiritrs 1 1 > i < I ft I nil Our.
KANSAS CITY , July -One tracl- -
record was tied , taday at Exposition park
and the time for the first race , three-quar
Urs of a mile , was the fastest for the dis
tance during the meeting. But ono favorite
won today , the other races being taken bj
long shots In the llrst race Hnrdln. 10 tc
1 , won. Nellie Casteol , 5 to 1 , won the third
but two horses were left nt the post , Slrocl
and Hobroy. There was much dlsapponlt-
tr.ent over this , as It was thought Slrocl
would have won There will be u specla
race tomorrow. The distance will be thre <
and one-half furlongs for sprinters. lloj
and Gold Dust are favorites In tonight' :
hatting- . Attendance today fair. Trail-
fast. Summaries-
First race , three-quarters of a mile , sell
Ing : Harclln (10 ( to 1) won , Kansas Girl ( II
to 1) ) second , Lltt'e Nell (2 ( to 1) ) third Time
Second race , live-eighths of a mile , 2-year
olds : Ida Wagner ( even ) won , Mndonni
( G to 1) ) second , Bill Powell (4 ( to 1) ) third
Time : 1OI'4.
Third race , nlne-sliiteentlm of n mile , fell
Ing. Nellie Cnsteel (5 ( to 1) ) won , Dick Laf
IliiRton ( I to I ) second , Green Prevvltt ( G t <
1) ) third Times 0 r,7.
Fourth race , seven-eighths of a mile , sell
Ing Josephine (3 ( to 1) ) won , Pony Bob (7 ( t <
1) ) accond , Momus U to 2) third. Time
1 31
Fifth race , eleven-sixteenths of a mile
"oiling- Gateway ( I to 1) ) won , John P (
to 1) second , Mlfs Addle (12 to 1) third
Time : 1:10 : _
" ( imul 'I hlni " I'mmiMl | ) nt I'onrly.
ST. LOUIS , July 12 The event of the
day nt Fair Association park was the llftl
race , a handicap , In * which Linda was th <
"good thing" and Llselc was well hacked a
8 to 5 Llselg and Amelia May did the run
nlnfr , and closed nn oxcltlm ? llnlsh ono two
Linda was n pooi third The dump of tin
day was In the fourth race , when Mercuiy
a 1 to 2 shot , heavily played , was beaten Ir
Brazes , at 3 to 1 , , Mercury was considered i
sure winner and. A.jriled n lot of mono ) u
odds on In , the first race Guilt thrcv
Jockey J Thorntfih , Injuring him so badl ;
that ho may die In the second
Turbervlllo wis thipwn from Judge Dubolsc
but not serlouslymjrt Tinck fast. Sum
marles. 3TV4
First race , iWllili ? . si * furlonga : Issle (
( r to ft ) won , Charles P (5 ( to 1) ) second , liar
Wallace (10 ( to 1) third Time 1.1S
Second race , four und a half furlongs
sellingWllllnm Duki , jr. (7 to G ) won
Surcingle (30 ( to 1) second , A II C (60 ( to 1) )
third Time : 0 5fi > i.
Third rnce , six nml a half furlongs , for
3-vonr-oliH : Imj ) . Star Iluliy ( H to 1) ) won ,
Magnet (0 ( to 5) second , Imp. Vigor (15 to 1) )
third Tlmo : 1:21 :
Fourth race , ono mile * Itrnros (3 ( to 1) )
won. Mercury (1 ( to 2) ) cepoml , Viola Knight
( M to 1) ) third. Time : 1 I1\
Fifth race , one mile , handicap : Ll-eltr (1 (
to 5) won , Amelia Mnj (7 ( to 1) ) second ,
Linda (6 ( to C ) third. Time : lllVi. :
Honor * Dlvldocl at Onltloy
CINCINNATI , July 12.-Flrst choices and
nonfa\oritcs equally divided the honois nt
Oil.ley today. Thorpe ntut Perkins each
rode two winners. Prince Carl , the favorite
In the handicap , was evidently sore. He
finished last Summaries :
First rare , selling , six furlongs The Win
ner (4 to C ) won , Sir Dllke (7 to 2) second ,
Hondo (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1.15'4. '
Seeond race , seven furlongs , puise : Sissy
Knot ( to 1) ) won , Minnie Baxter (4 to 1) )
PPCI nd , Noah ( S to 1) ) thlid Time 1 Z >
Third race , purse , live and n half furlongs :
Montelth (4 ( to 1) ) won. Hldkel ( G to 1) ) sec-
cud. Frances ( J to ( i ) third Time 1 03 %
Fomth rare , handicap , mile nnd three-
Flxteenths Voorhees (3 ( to 1) ) won , Cievasso
(5 ( to 1) second , Hny S (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time :
Fifth race , selllntr , one mile- Captain
Dr.ino (9 ( to 1C ) won , Peahody 14 to 1) ) second ,
Oaklev (7 ( to 2) third Time : 1 11V
Sixth race , selling , fcven furlongs Strath-
rot (2 ( to 1) ) won , Orannan (3 ( to 1) ) second ,
Ductor (9 ( to 1) ) third Tlmo 1.2S
11 cut * IluIlT Iln > ken
LA CHOSSH , WIs. . July -The fifth day
of the races was hot nnd the track fast.
Azote's mile In 2 07VJ establishes a new-
world's record for geldings In a race
against time Summaries.
Pacing , 2 30 class , Jl.oooBilly Stelnman
won the first hent , Hachel the second , No-
v-ird the third , Hosillta the fourth Othei
starters. Nehola , Bed Leaf , Ithurlel , Hippy ,
Jr. , Bell Orr , Mendollne , Bnrlcnot , Lucy
Gordon. Ashburton , lied Strath. The best
time was made bj Hachel , 2 1IV4
Threo-venr-old trotting , 2-27 class , SVXV
Mls Kate won the first , second nnd fifth
heats Medium Wood won the third nnd
fourth Xtelllte also started Best time ,
2 19V , , by Medium Wood
Fice-for-nll trotting. $1,000 Azote won li
thice straight heats , Fantasia second ,
Phoebe Wllkes third Time , first heat
2 07VJ
Trotting , 2 10 class , $1,000 Fniinlo Holmnn
Bob Acres , Marie S each took a he-U. Best
time. 2 20. Arclo , Orphan Boy , Muld B.
Hed Willow also started. Postponed until
Siivnt tlm first for tin' I.But.
MILWAUKEE. WIs. , July 12 The best
race of the day was the last , In which Fred-
dlo I , T won after a llnlsh that was hard
from the front of the stretch Hook also
won n good race from Hed John Attend
ance , 1,500 Summaries.
First race , seven furlongs : Outgo ( fi to 1) )
won , Weola ( C to 5) ) second , Uncle Dave (20 (
to 1) ) third Time. 1 31
Second race , live furlongs- Buttress (20 ( to
1) ) won , Old Man ( fl to 1) ) second , Sir Archei
(6 ( to 1) third Time 1 U-)4 | )
Third race , seven nnd a Inlf furlongs
Xaldlvar (3 ( to 2) ) won , Anna Mays (7 to 10) )
second , Sir George (10 ( to 1) ) third Time
1 3GV4
Fourth race , Blx furlongs- The Hook (6 (
to 5) ) won , Hod John ( i to 1) second , Helen
Wren (5 ( to 1) ) third Time 1 15
Fifth race , mile nnd twenty yards- Fred
die L T ( i'-fj ' to 1) ) won , Fakir (2 ( to 1) ) ec-
ord , El Heno (3 ( to 1) ) third Time : 1 43 .
I.otrifrpil the C'micr Svet.-riirlnnK Ke < nrcl
SAN FHANCISCO , July 12 The llrst race
vent to nn outsider Inatallator ran seven
furlongs in 127 , lowering the California
recotd Summaries :
First race , live furlongs , soiling , 3-j ear-
olds Little Bob (5 ( to 1) ) won , Ike L (9 ( to
G ) second , Ledalla (11 ( to G ) third. Time
1 Oiv4
Second race , selling , five fuilongs , 2-year-
olds. Don Gnra (9 to 10) ) won , City Girl (9 (
to 1) ) second , Sprj Lark (15 ( to 1) ) third
Time 1 OF > 4.
Third race , seven furlongsInstallator
(10 ( to G ) won. Ainette (10 ( to 1) ) second , Chnr-
mlon (6 ( to 1) ) third Tlmo : 1 27
Fourth race , six furlongs , handicap Ber-
mrdo (9 ( to 6) ) won , Duke Stevens ( JO to 1) )
second , Homa (7 ( to 2) ) third Time 1 11 %
Fifth race , ono mile , selling Ilenuii (16 (
to 5) ) won , Head Hunner (10 ( to 1) ) second ,
Jerortio S (5 ( to 1) ) third. Time 1.41.
< Hiiltnl CHy Ilnidttcr lull Mntltu-o.
LINCOLN , July 12.-Speclal ( Telegram ) -
There weie four events at the meeting of
the Hoadster club at Lincoln park this aft
ernoon A peed sized crowd was in attend
ance nnd F i : Pnrkington was starter
The first entry for 2-year-olds , pace or trot ,
v\as won In Nellie B In 3-11 Lnlmsco second
end Blanche L third In the 'i 40 trot or
pace , Buckeye \von In 2-39'4. Kittle Aber
deen second , Nora Mack thlid , Husslan
Princess fourth Daikey won the 235 trot
or pace In 2 3S , May Day second , Crlsalto
third In the 2.22 class trot and pacn there
wore four starter. , hut Sam Luttrell was
drawn after the second heat , leaving Su
perintendent vvlnrer In 2 2I'/S , Ethel H .sec
end , Almudeen third.
Grrnt lirltiiln W on thnrtip.
LONDON * . July 12In the shooting nt Bis-
ley today for the Kaloper cup the rifle
team representing Great Britain won with
u score of G38 to blS for Canada and 59f for
Guernsey. 'Hie Individual scoiea of the
Canadian men were us follows :
2X > CO ) 6M
Nnme. jiis. > iK > d Total
Ilnvlllp 1) u 17 6i >
Jlltclinll 82 3) IS 81
Uufsi'ii si 2 ; n "i
Milcrr II 2l > 1C 72
Snrlnff | 2-i 31 S4 81
! ln > liurst 28 SI 27 ' <
Simpson 2 ? 3) ) 1 70
Holston 31 i ! 2b 81
Il nnioinli-il bv thn Profeah ,
COLUMBUS , July 12. The summer meetIng -
Ing at the Columbus Driving- park closed
today The two trotting races- - were not of
a high order. The blejcle races were a dis
appointment. John S. Johnson nrd Harry
Tvler started In the two mile race , John
son winning In the very slow time of 4.28V4.
In the half mlle open Johnson won In 1.12V * ,
with Pat O'Connor second nnd Tyler third
In the mile handicap Pat O'Connor , with
75 yards , was llrst , A. E. Welnlg , with 100
vards , second , nml T > ler , scratch , thlid.
Time : 2:2114. :
riilnl I innreit thn favorite.
DAVENPOHT. la , July 12 On the
Davenport mlle track this afternoon , Fldol
won the free-for-all pace , going the second
heat In the Bens-atlonal time of 2 03Vi. Fldol
won the second , third nnd fouith heals
Tlmo : 2 03U. 2 09 % , 2.01 $ Strathberry. the
heavy favorite , won the first heat , hut was
distanced In the fourth Time : 2.00Vi W
W. P , Constman Queen McGregor and FlyIng -
Ing Jib also started
Dr. P-lce's Is the subtUnce of purity and
leavening strength. Other baking powders
are but weak shadows.
> rol llrcitlinri Uln I llo Oonll < .
CHICAGO , July 12In the tennis tourna
ment today the Neel brothers defeated
\ < "aro and Scudder , 7-5 , 6-3 , 6-4. This was
the championship game , and the Nccla will
pliy at Narrngnnjett Pier against the win
ners of the eastern tournament.
l.arnoil VVin from 1'nnte.
NIAGARA , Julv 12 The final In the al
comers of the Canadian tennis champion
ship meet was won bv Limed , middle
states champion , who defeated Footo ol
Yale In three straight vets today.
Itlnl coil Tlirmvi l'upll tr
tonight defeated Haptlsto of St Louis In a
wrestling match at Engllsh'n opera house ,
throw Int ; his man easily three times In an
Ohanco for the focrotnry of the Treasury
to McctFreo Silver Democrats ,
CiilU Attention to the Split In the 1'nrty
In Nclirusku mid < \nk < that llo I HCO
the Declaration * of the
ItryitnUiiR. .
It Is Just barely possible that tlic adminis
tration nt Washington doesn't fully under
stand tlic situation In Nebraska , as regards
the democratic party. It this Is the case , It
Is purely the fault of the administration Hut ,
KoIiiR on this lopothcsls , and u tiling to
Incur the same snub thn late congressman
from the Tlrst Nebraska district underwent
when his letter to the head of the adminis
tration at Washington was Ignored , the chair
man and secretary of the democratic Htatc
central committee have undertaken to set at
right what Is undoubtedly a misapprehension
ojj the part of the finance minister of the
administration aforesaid. To bo sure , when
the Invitation to come to Nebraska was sent
to Mr. Carlisle o\cr the signature of 13
Martin , the secretary of the treasury con
clude ! that he was In touch with the simon-
pure bourbons , and so said he would seri
ously consider the Invitation to be present
and speak at the convention called by Mr
Mai tin. On learning of this mistake Mr C J
Smyth hastens to correct the secretary of the
treasury , and also to hold out to him the
unusual privilege of debating national finance
with MrV J Urvnn , It Mr Carlisle will
only defer his trip to Nebraska till such time
is the true democrats of Nebraska shall
meet .it the call ai the committee presided
> ver bj Mr. Smyth Ills letter In full reads
"OMAHA , July 12 Hon. John U Car
lisle , Secretary of the Treasury , Washington ,
I ) . C 1) ) ar Sir We understand that you
have been Invited toIslt Nebraska and de
liver .in address at the convention called
to inset at Lincoln on September C next. It
> ou have been led to believe that your In
vitation came from the regular democratic
organization we desire to Inform jou that
Ilia convention to be held on September
5 was not called by the democratic stats
committee , but by a bolting organization
formed last September by a few delegates
who withdrew from the . .tegular democratic
convention under these circumstances
"The convention had been regularly called
and had b ° en regularly organl7od ; the state
central committee , Instance we now
address > ou , had been selected by a vote
of the convention , esch county participating ,
the chairman of the commute * had been se
lected In the same way ; the platfoim had
been adopted In the same wa > , Hon. W J.
Uryan had been nominated for United States
senator In the same way , Hon. Silas A. Hoi-
comb had been * nominated for governor In
the same way , when thirty-six of the 660
delegates In attendance bolted , formed a
convention , nominated a ticket and selected
a state committee , which committee , assum
ing to represent the democracy of the state ,
his cillcd the convention to which jou hive
been Invited
"The organization formed by the bolters
and presided over by Mr. Kuclld Martin at
tempted to have Its candidates put upon the
official ballot as the regular democratic can
didates , but the secretary of state decided
that the bolters had no right to speak for
the party , and the suprtmo court of this
state subsequently refused to Interfere with
the secretary's decision. The bolting candi
dates were finally placed upon the ticket by
'petition * as 'straight democrats , ' while the
nominees of the regular democratic conven
tion were recognized as the nominees of the
democratic party of this state. The bolting
candidate for governor , nominated and sup
ported by the Martin organization , received
only about 7,000 votes less than 4 per cent
of the total vote cast
"Hy direction of the regular democratic
organization In Nebraska , wo hereby extend
to joti a cordial Invitation to attend the reg
ular democratic convention , the date ot which
will soon 1)0 fixed , and engage In a joint dis
cussion of the silver question with lion W J Mr. Ilryati was the unanimous choice
ot the last democratic state convention for
United States senator , being supported even
by the bolters before they withdrew , and
receiving on the preference vote 80,000 , as
against about 41,000 received two years before
by the democratic candidate for governor ,
Hon. J , Sterling Morton Our convention
adopted as pirt cf Its platform the following
plank'Wo favor the Immediate restoration
of the free and unlimited coinage of gold and
o'lver at the present ratio of 10 to 1 , without
waiting for the aid or consent of any other
mtlon on earth , ' and Mr , Drjan stands ready
to defend that pesltlcn. As you are the rocog
nlzed leader of the gold standard forces In
the democratic party , we trust you will find
It possible to accept this Invitation and thus
give our paoplo an opportunity to hoar this
subject thoroughly discussed
"Chairman Democratic State Central Commit
, Secretary"
Costliest Ingredients and perfect blending ot
all Its elements , make I'rlco's Cream the
Ideal baking powder of the century.
Ho Tillers the Onicor * at the Hlntlon Intn
III * Cnjifldnnrn to Homo Kxlnnt.
"Married life Is n hell. I will Jump Into
the river some day and end the mslery , "
exclaimed C. P. Selman , as ho was walked
Into trie police station.
This conclusion was reached by Mr. Ssl-
man as a result of a setto with hla.wlfe ,
which occurred last night. When ho went
to him homo , which Is at 1S1C South Eigh
teenth street , he found his wlfo absent. She
had gons to church , but Mr. Selman did not
think no , 'ami when she returned home he
gave emphatic expression to Ills distrust.
He accused her of several thing : , and
finally began to pitch all the furniture out
of th house. Mrs Selman objected , and
then Mr. Selman decided to make things
lively for her. Her screams summoned a
neighbor , who hunted up Ofllcer Her When
the latter arrived ths house presented tht
appearance of having been struck by a minia
ture earthquake.
Mr. Selman claims that the whole matter
Is simply a case of the worm that turns
His present wlfo la Mrs Selman No 2 und
ho says that whenever he buys anything for
his little daughter by his first wlfo the
second wife very forcibly objects He claims
to be able to prove by witnesses that un one
occasion she chased him out of the house
with a butcher knlfo and that he saved lila
scalp only by the phenomenal sprinting
powers which the occasion suddenly devel
oped In his nether extremities ,
< iolil hxporl * llniiniod ,
NEW YOKIC. July 12. Gold to the amount
of $250,000 has been engaged for shipment
tomorrow by Messlage , Colgate & Co
I U. S. Government officially reports 'ROYAL
I I Baking Powder superior to all others in leaven.
I e e iibg strength. ( Bulletin 13 , Ag'I Dep't , p. 599. )
Johnny CiiKr , .Soiv r.ntcluml.
One pint corn meal , one pint flour , one-half
cupful cugar , one-half teaipoonful salt , one
tableipoonful lard , two easpoonfuls Hoyal
Halting I'owd ° r , three eggi , and one amT one-
quarter pint ! milk Sift together corn meal ,
flour , sugar , salt and powder ; rub In lard
oM ; add beaten eggs and milk ; mix Into
firm , smooth ba'ter , pour Into square shallow
cake pan. Hake In rather hot oven forty-
five minutes.
Alurnrthr Illicult ,
Three pints flour , two tableipoonfuls sugar ,
one teiipoonful itlt , one and ant-half tea-
ipoonfuli Hoyal Hiking I'owder , four table-
ipoonfuU lard , two tabl'jpoonfuli caraway
seeds , 2 eggs , olio pint milk. Sift together
fljur , sugar , eatt and powd r , rub In Urd
cild , add feeds , Intel cggi and milk ; mix
Into smooth , flri.i dougj. Hour the bord.
turn out the dough , give It a tow quick , vigor
ous kncadlngs , roll out to thickness of one-
quarter Inch. Cut Into biscuits the size of
pudding eaucer , prick with fork , lay on
Kreaied baking tin , bake In rather hot oven
fifteen minutes Store when cold.
( loldcn Johnny CnUc.
Cook | n steamer and pulp fine one flno grain
squash ( Hubbard Is the best ) , thicken one
pint sweet milk with the squash pulp until
the consistency of rich cream , sweeten light
ly with white sugar Take three parts In
dian meal , one part but flour , the quantity
being sufficient to make usual Johnny cake
batter. Add about two teaspoonfuls Royal
Baking Powder , one-half teacupful raisins ,
one teacupful currants , one pinch salt. A
little good butter v.orked In when pulping ths
squash Improves ti.s cake.
< irnnun
One quart flour , one-half teaupoonful salt ,
three tablespoonfuls sugar , two large teaspoonfuls -
spoonfuls Hoyal Halting Powder , two table-
spoonfula lard , rind of one lemon , grated ,
one teaspoonful extract cinnamon , four cggt ,
and one pint thin cream. 81ft together flour ,
sugar , ualt and pov.J-r ; rub In lard cold ; add
beaten eggx , lemon rind , extract and milk.
Mix Into nmoolh , rather thick batter. Hake
In hot wnflk'.lron , serve with sugar flavored
with extract of lemon
I'ti nllnr'f
1 pint flour sifted with 1 teaspoonful Hoyil
Making Powder , a llttlo tall , ono PRU , mix
with on" pint sweet milk , beat well to n
batter , and bake quick In buttered "dem"
pans already hot.
hi.ft Shell Crabs ,
Fry In butter or lard.
Tins troubled no for 11 ycnrs. I lmv
taken four bottles of Hood's Sargnparllla
nnd nm perfectly cured. I think Hood'a
Barsaparllln lias no equal , nnd believe t lint
ninny who arc In poor health nnd have
hrcomo discouraged , would ho rcatoredto
good health if they would only glvo
Hood's Sarsaparllla
I. Astorla.Orn
Hood'g Pills e V.Vei .
Disn.\8ns WKAKKN
fully bccnUHo tlicy winUon ) ou slowly ,
idly. Do not nllow thin wnsto of lioilyto innks
youapoor , llnMiy , Imtnnturonmn lIcuHli.otrciiBll :
nmllsorli for \\licllicrjon Ijo rich or poor
Tlic Ortnt Hud } nn Is to be Imd only from the Hud
neil Ilctllcul Institute. Tlil.ioiiilcrfiil discover ;
w as miulo liy the siwrlnll ts of the old famous Hud
son Mcillchl Institute. It Is tlio Rtronircst nml HIOM
powerful vItillzor mmlc. It Issopowerfnl thnt H
Is simply wonderful how harmless It Is. You cnn
Ret It from now IITO lint from the llmhon Mcilluil
Institute. Write forrln-ul irauud testimonials.
Tlita ertrnardlnnry Itejuveiiitor U tlio most
wonderful dUcovcryof tlio nge. It lini been en
dorsed liy the lending silcutlllc men of Uuropoauil
HUD VAX 11 piiroly vCRCtnble.
lIUnY.VX etopi preiiinturene s of the dli.
rlmrco In twenty iln > * . Cures I.OST Si AX-
IlOt ) I ) , constipation , dlzzlnrss , f illlng si nsntlaiis ,
nerv oils tw Itclilntf of the eyes nnd oilier parts.
brcngtlicn ( , hivlgorntra nml tours tlio entire
BjMfm. It hmclieii > n.snny oilier remedy.
JIUDVAX cures debility , nervousness , cmls-
slon * , and develops nnd restori'i weak organ * .
Tulns In tlio back , lovct by d ly or nljjht stopped Ov cr 2,000 prlvnto Indorsements.
I'remiiturencvi menus Impotrnoy In tlio
stage. It Is n sjinptoin of nrmlunl wrnl.ucsa nnd
burrennrg * . It can bo stopped In twenty nn ) s by
the USD of Hud ) nil. lltuljnn cosia no more Hum
nny other remedy.
Genii for circular ? nml testimonials.
TAIVl'KJI m.Oon-Impuro blood dno to
serious prlvntndliordorsrnrrles mjrlndi of nore-
prodiicliiBRPrms 'Ilienconira orothronlplniplc i ,
copper colored pot , ulcers In inoiilli , old sores nnd
falling Imlr. You cnn sivon trip to lint Hprliifn by
writing for 'Blood Hook' to the old plij slclnns of the
Stockton , Market nnd r.llSin , ,
All forms ot Blood au 1
Sliln DI'Oisoi. Sores , bpou.
I'linples , Scrofula , Tinnor-i.
1 otter , Iteroim and llloo I
I'o'&on thorotiRlily cleanse 1
f i oni tlio system.
S IjADIbS given careful
vTxnmi attention for all
their many peculiar nil-
. ' 1'h roat
Imiiii" . Liver. Uyspopili
'v\ViTroublu' < cured by spoulil
' , \ \ \ * course of treatment.
\AtfAtr IVIPIM (
WtAK lYltIM Ha by lee olosu nppllua-
tion to Lunlnera or itudy , severe mental
irkln or wlif. SEXUAL nXciUHaES In mldcll *
of youthful foil ci. nil
lire or from lw e ect
rl"il r adliy to our n w treatnwnt tor lou of
troubles If out ot city , lite man J
I ot horns by corral > n I. nc * .
Dr.ScarlBS &
itlaryHyphillBpemmnontly cured In U to
B35 dnTB. You cnn bo trcntcd at liomo fat
B tlio same price undorsaiue Runranty. It
Iron prefer to come hero wo nlU contract
' to pay rallrourl laro nnd hotel bill" , nnd no
cbnreo.lf wo f nil to cure. Hrou have taken inor-
curjindldo potunh , and ellll have nchta end
, Mucous VatphcH In mouth , Horn Throntt
'luiplcs , Copper Colored Spot * , Ulcvra on
tny purl of the bed r , llulrorKyobrow * falllnf ,
out , It Is tills Hyphllltlo ItLOOI ) I'OISUN thai
uopuarnntco to pure. Wo ohclttliamnst olxtl'
data CIIHOS and clinlloiiKO the world for
rano wo cannot euro , -ihli dl-enno lina nlwny\
balllod tl.n Hltlll of the most cnilnf ntpliysl-
clan * . 3fiOOOOO capital bohlnU our uncondl-
lional irunrantr. Absolute nroorn ont nModoi.
Rpplicntlon. AddroM COOK ICKMKUY CU
S07 JtlnsonJ'v Xernnlo. CU1CAUU , IIX.
Look 'Handsomerin
* f %
Ask Your dealer/brnwm
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. . U. S. A
It that coma to our knowledge that cer
tain persons In this vicinity have been lin-
poslnK upon the public nnd the trade hy
Holllnw und offering for ealo a ceitnln HO-
called temperance ImvcrnBO of their own
manufacture under nurnos to und
likely to bo inht.ikcii for "Kopn Chper. "
a namn which wo IIUVB ndoiitpd us n trade
mark for our pure , non-alcoholic HnKllHli
ale , manufartun-d exclusively by us at thu
iit'drets Klvuii below , nnd of which trade
mark , vvhrn iinod In connection with bevcr-
imos , we nre the Hole owner * nnd proprlu-
tora , both b > user and by ri-clnlrnllon In
the Talent Olllce of the United Hliiten
\Vo llitrofote warn nil dpiiloro that nny
iroodH offered for Halo as "Kops rhcur" by
others than out titicntH are not cenulni ; .
and Klve notUo thnt all persons who Hhall
inanufacturu or t > ell , or offer for Haln. erIn
In uny manner < Jf al In , any hevorawes under
the name of "Knp * Cheer * ' "Kops" or
"C'hcer" or an > colorable Imitation of that
nurno , uiiltsu the same arc obtained from user
or our agents , will bo prosecuted for viola
tion of the linde-mnrk lnwa und nuod for
liifrltif fnont
Proprietor * of KOJIH Compnnv , Fulham ,
I/ondon. IliiKHind , Role Mnnnfac-turcrii of
Kops Cheer ALVIN J HUTfiolo Im
porter , -21 UlvcrWI , Chicago , III.