.JfJMH W * * . * lMM 6 THE OaiAITA DAJXY BEE : .FBIDAY , JULY 32 , 1805. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bears in Wheat Were Unable to Follow the Government Crop Report. THAT CEREAL WAS WEAK AT THE OPENING Ilullotln on drain's Condition Wa the UoitiliinUiiR liillncnca In Corn far it Short Time , Itut thnt Vint Forgotten L'urly. CHICAGO , July 11. The beans In wheat toduy wore urmblc to follow up the gov ernment crop i opart by a Btnnsh In the price. September Is Iftc nbovo yesterday'B close. Danineo to spring wheat , sniull re ceipts nnil some revival of Inquiry for east ern consumers wcro the icasons for the day's advance. Corn rose Ic , oats. closed " , ic higher nnd provlstona made most gultm. Wheat started \vuuk , and for hall nn hour It looked an If the bears 1md re newed their Icapo of the market. At the end of that time , however , the crowd hud como nround to look more critically at the bears' presentment of the position , and did not for very long accept the bear ish construction which wns at fit si be- Ini ; based upon yesterday's government re port. It Vtns BOOH tccoRnlzed that the knowlwlKO now possessed of datmiKe to a considerable extent of spring wh at In the northwest filnco July 10 was nn. additional Inducement to embrace the Ions side , nnd a majority soon began to embrace It. The damage reports were again numerous , nnO wete , many of them , somewhat fcnsntlonul , Dulutli llspntches reported un Immense bus iness done there yesterday In cnsh wheat to go to n miller In a good wheat raisins county In this state. Cniler such stimulat ing news , the market became quite buoyant No attention was bcntowed upon the forelsr market quotiitlons or the export clearances or anything else which on ordinary days Itilluencc the prices. Llveipool opened weal * nnd ' , { > d lower , nnd declined another pennj per cental , but the one fact of damage tc the spring1 wheat crop dominated everythlm and prices continued soaring- until about halt nn hour from the close. September wheat had risen from Cl',4c , the lowest prlct It sold nt near the opening , to GT-&c. and c few minutes from the close It was bilngliu Chicago received forty-one cars , am the totnl receipts nt Chicago , St. Louis To'.edo , Detroit and Kansas City \voro onlj 72,000 bu. , nnd IJiiluth receipts were Hi cars , compared with 101 earn a your ago Exports of Hour and wheat from Atlantli ports were 210,000 bu. The government re [ tort wan the domlnat Ing Influence In corn for a Hboit time ncni the opening , but that was till forgotten It half nn hour. The fnct tlmt the presen commercial stocks * are rapidly dlsappenrlni. nnd that the prospect of replacing ngalt from the old crop Is very slight , becann the ruling factor , although the new croj futures were also slightly affected In sym pathy. Today's receipts wore 170 cars am the shipments 470,000 bu. The total receipt ! nt the primary markets were 117,000 bu. , am the shipments from the same G07.000 bu Kstlmatcd reclpts for tomorrow , 190 cars At the opening from 43c down to 42r wen current for a second , nnd thence an advanci began which took the price up to 4l' , < .c , nm from 4lc to 4l'ic , and was current at thi close. The early market for oats was falrl ; nctlve and prices lower , selling off Ic on i steady decline. The weakness was causei mainly by free selling , in which Ctulahy am Shirley Martin figured prominently. Late the market rallied and recovered the earl ; loss. Shorts partook freely of the llbcrri nfferhiKP , nnd created the upturn. The In Iluanco ot wheat ami corn was also felt li the advance. September started at fron 23' c to 23Uc. fell off to 22 < < .c , t-old up tl Wfc again , and closed with that price bid I'm visions benefited somewhat from tin small run of the grain markets , nnd closet with nn addition of about 7 ! c to yester day's ( iiiotntlotis for pork , while lard am ribs gained lOc each. Kstlmatcd receipts for Frklnv : Wheat , 3 cars ; corn , 190 cars ; oats , 1K > cara ; hogs 10,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows ; Articles. I Opan. | IH h. [ Low. | OloTP tNo. 1 ! Scut July Ofi C2T tJWJ ! ' Dec OOJ C'UJt lit ) ? Corn No. U. July. 4'JM 44 42H 44 Kept ; .4i : 42H 44 Hh May [ ill Mi CalHNo.2. . . July 2.1K 2M < 23Ji 6opt 22t < 23 > l May SOU'S H 27h Torkperbbl July 11 2 SepL S3 11 IS 11 35 InnUOOlbH July 0 H5 Sept U 42) ) 0 ; I7 ! 0 45 Short Rlb - July. " ' ' " n 'jo Bi-M 0 22U "li'v'u" U 'M Cash quotations were ns follows : FLOUR Weak ; winter patents , J3.00WI.2-J ; win ter straights. J3.40t3.00 ; spring palenls , J3.n W4.25 ; spring straights , J3.104.00 ; bakers , J2.105 3,00. , .WIIFAT N ° ' 2 TrlnB. 65HG6S ; c ; No. 3 sprlnc 61c : No. 2 red , 651i CC"ic. CORN No. 2 , 44 iB44'.4c ; No. 3 yellow. 43H 41'.ac. OATS No. 2 , 23:3T4e ; No. 2 white , 27',4jr2Sc No. 3 white , 20USt27'tc. RYE No. 2 , 4Sc. 11ARLEY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 41f4tc ; No. 4 nominal. KLA.x SEED-NO , i , ji.ss. TIMOTHY HEEI ) Prime , J5.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork , i > er bbl. , J11.2..011.3 Ijxrd , per ire Ibs. , J6.35ro.37i,4. Short ribs side ( Uwse ) , JG.20ilU'5. Dry salted shoulders ( Imxedi | 5.50iif.37H. Short clear ildes ( loxed ) , J6 7JU6 ( SI'S WHISKY Ulsllllcrs' nnlshed goods , per gui ! The following were the receipts and shipment today : . - - - ; - * u * . . . nro tolav the butter mar- Jet way llrm ; creamery , loalUJO ; dairy , 10i 140. E es , Btcady ; ll 12c. Chceae. 7 } < bii. NKVV VOltli UENKR.VL M.VRKEr. Closing Quntiulom on the Print-lull Co.u- NEW YORK. July ll.-FLOUR-Recelpts , 17.3' bbls. ; exports , 18,500 bbls. ; gales , 20,700 pkgs. steadier nnd a little more active ; wlnler when offered slowly , but pprlnij patents still presse for sale ; clly mill palenls , J4.COtfl.SO ; clly ml clears , Jl.16ftl.26 ; Minnesota patenls , J3.C503.K Minnesota bakers , J3.0003.40 ; wlnler palenls , J3.i f4.00 ; wlnler slrnlghls , J3.00ff3.85 ; wlnler extra : J3.tW3.40 ; winler low grades , J2.20if3.00 ; uprln low grades , JlWffl2.40. ) Southern flour , dull , Ily n ' , , tl"l.I'n1.e'lyi..8'llPa.-c ! ! > W8- Options , after declining on the crop report an lower private cables , turned suddenly strong o heavy covering nnd continued to advance all tl afternoon , being helped by unfavorable repori Irom the northwest and rumors of u big expoi ' , / ! ; " ' ' . ? ' , , " Duluth ; closed H.BlHc higher : MIIJ .CW78 7-I6C. closed 76Hc ; July closed 70o ; Ai RUit. C7iff70 ? c , close.1 70'tc ; September ' Kl'i 71 MCc , closed 71c ; October , CD'iti71 lc , clo * . Ttft'.A. lllbAi > . t. . . 14 If TWnii ' . * * * . _ * _ . V * Opt ons , afler Iwlng depressed by the ciop repo rallied actively In an effort to cover shorts an cr-ncrally ulionc all day. with the help nf llKht movement nnd Rood cash demand nt 11 west , nnd clnxed lUe lilRher ; July cloted 48' ; . AUEUBt , 47U f4SV4c , closed 4 < tHc ; Hepiember 47 > i } c. closed 4aVic ; October. 47VW4 'ic. clo 43HC. S3c. Opllon market was very quiet all d.'ty , bi Meady with corn , and cliwed 'ic ' higher' Ju closed 27Uc ; September , 26 > itr27iic. cliwed 27Ue. "hU"lnK > llOl'fi Dull ; state , common la choice , old 3 Cc ; ! S"Jt. 5i/k'ic ; 1'acltlo coast , JlfJo ; 1SJI lyj. . Ixinilon markel , sleudy. HIDES StnmK ; wet falteil New Orlean . lecled , 45 to t > Ibst. , nominal ; Texas , selecte > l , to CO Ibs. , nominal ; lluenOH Ayres , dry , 20 to IbM. , 4Hc ; Texan , dry. 24 to 30 Ibs. , IJfflJc. LEATHER Firm ; hemlock sole. Uuenoa Ayre 83o ; acid. 21V4 : ic. WtKl < Firm ; domesllo fleece , 2SC2So ; 1'HOVISIONS Ileef. sleady ; family , J3.W4J1S.5 exlra mes , JS.OOijS.W ; imcket. J'j.HOll.c Cut menu. llrm ; pickled bellies. J7 1 l.ird , stca'Jy ; neitein steam closed at J5.65 a kn 7W tic-rcm nt J6.57H ; old. | wckUKe , clt 10 ; Heplember cloned nt J6.7S , nomlna ( leady , I'ork , oleadler ; italtt , 4JO bbli new mes . Ji.M 13.i. llt'TTBIl Dull and easy ; western creamer itil7c ; ElKlns , rJc ; slate dairy , lltJ16Hc ; ta cri'.nnery , 17c. 17c.Ensy ; slate , large , C 7Tic ; smal Eaas-8lently ; stale and Pennsylvania , H015 receipt * , 7.H5 pUgn. TAl-LOW-laull and weak ; city , 4itf4Scj ! coui try , 4HO4Hc. rim tOLEl'M-Steady ; United closed at Jl. 1)1 d. MITfALS-riif Iron , firm ; soulhem , Jlt.MCU.O northern. J12.OuO14.00. Copper , itrongt broker price , JlO.UHi xchong price , tl9.MS10.SS. Lea Urnnu ; exrlmnije price. J3.30. Tin , tiulel ; straits , JI4.lonil.lfi. I'lates , quiet ; tpelter , dull. COTTONSEED Oil/ Slow ; oft crude , nff summer yellow , 2M)27c. OMAHA OKMIRAL MAKKKT. Condition of Trade nnd ( Jiiotntlo.is on Slnple nnd 1'unar I'roiliico. The egg matket It ft llllle nrmer , owing to the light receipts. Poultry Is In light supply , and Ihc market firm. Quotations : EOGH-Cliolcc stock , lOc. RUTTER-Packlng fclock , 7c ; choice to fancy , 10012c ; gathered creamery , 15c ; separator cream ery , ICc. LIVE POttLTRY-lUns , 7'.ic : roosters , 3c ; rprln * chickens , J2.00y3.5per doz. , or 14c per Ib. ; ducks , Sc ; spring ducks , iQ13c ; turkeys , CW7c ; geese , tc , VEAICholce fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , nre quoted al Cf(7ci Inrg * and coarse , 4iiT5Hc. _ CHEESE Wisconsin full cream , Se ! Younp Americas , Ilftl2c ; twins. llSTUc ; Nebraska ami lown. full cream , lOc ; Llmburger , No. 1 , lOci btlck , No. 1. lie ; Swiss. No. 1. 13c. HAY fplatid hay , JS ; midland , J8 ; lowland , J7.50 ; new liuy. J6 ; ryp straw , J5 ; rolor makes HIP price on hay. Light bales sell the best. Only top groihs bring lop nrlcts. PIOEONS Per doz. , Jl.OW.SO. VEGETAIILES. POTATOES New potatoes , choice slock , C5J 75c , ONIONS Hemudas , per crate , none ; California , In racks , per bu. , 11.10. OLD JJEANH Hand picked , navy , J2.M ; Lima beans , per Ib. . 5'iSVic. CAllllAOE On orders , 2c. RADISHES Per doz. bunches , 15c. C1REEN ONIONS-Pcr doz. bunches. 15o. LETTL'CE Per doz. , 15(20c. ASPARAGUS Choice stock on orders , 35350 ; per doz. bunches. ClICL'MIlEHS-On orders , 35ft40c per doz. PEAS On orders , per bu. . 75c. STRING IIEANS On order , per 14-bu. basket , SOc. TOMATOES Mississippi stock , per 4-baskel crate , 8o4iWc ! ; 5 to 10-case Ion 75JfiO.1. HfMMER SQUASH Per doz. , on orders , 253 WATERMELONS Per dnz. , crated , J2.5082.75 , C1REEN PEPPERS-Pcr bu. . Jl.0081.50. WAX DEANS Per li-liu. bai-kft , SOc. CANTALOUPES Per doz. . M Wtyl 50. CAfLlKLOWKR-Per doz. , 40ff45c. CELERY Home grown , per doz. , WflToc. FRUITS. There were n few white Texas grapes on Ihc market yesterday. The market wns not very largely supplied with berries , there being only a few stuiw- berrlos nnd blackberries. There were no larp. berries of any consequence , nnd It was hard tn 111 ! orders. The market Is pretty well supplied with Cali fornia peaches. ( IPUIKP K. Kellogg of Newcastle , Cat. , will have n car of Ids fruit on the market today , mainly peaches. Quotations : RED UASPIIERRIES Per 24-qt. case , JI.50. Pl.t MS'idlfdin n , per bux. choice stock , J1.5 : { J2.00 ; southern , per case , J1.50. APtllL'OTS Cnllfotnln , choice stock , per box , Jl.fO. SOUTHERN PEACHES-Per 4-basliet crate , APPLES Southern , p > r li-bu. l > x , 3@4'c bills. . J2.00H2.50. CALIFORNIA PEACHES Per box. JI.OOW1.10. STRAWIIERRIES Choice shipping stock , pel case cf 24 qts. , J2.75. CHERRIES Washington , per 10-lb. box , J1.25 home grown , per 24 qt. case , J2.50. OOOSE11ERRIES Per 2l-it. | case , J2.00JJ2.25. 1ILACK RASPllERRIES-Per 24-qt. case , J2 7 03.00. BLACKHKRRIES Choice stock , per 24-ql , 'nso ' , J2 0 < Vi2.25. ORATES Texas stock , per 4 basket case , JI.2 01.50. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels , per box , none ; choice seed Ings , per box , J2.50 ; Mcdllerrnnenn sweets , J2.7 W3.00 ; fancy HI. Michaels , none. LEMONS Extla fa cy lemons , 360 size. JO 005 0.25 ; SOO size , JG.25BG.50. IIANANAS Choice large slock , per bunch , J2.2 ! 02.50 ; incdlmn size bunches , J2.004J2.25. PINEAPPLES Per doz. , J2. MISCELLANEOUS. FIGS Fancy , 15c ; choLe , 12ffl3c ; California bags , 7c. HONEY California. 14SJ15C. MAPLE SYRt'P Gallon Jugs , per doz. , J12 lllxby , 5-BMl. cans , J3. Nt'TS Almonds , 14c ; English walnuts , soft shelled , 12c ; standards. He ; filberts , lOc ; Ilrazl nuts , lOc ; pecans , Sc ; peanuts , raw , Co ; roasted DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes , Cc per Ib. ; fan dates , small boxes , lOc per Ib. CIDER Pure juice , per bbl. , J5 ; half bbl. , J3 COCOANt'TH-Por hundred , J4. RICE POPCORN In the car , on orders , pei HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES No. 1 green h.des , S c ; No. 2 greet hides , 8c ; No. 1 green salted nldcs , ! ) c ; No ' green sailed hides , 8Hc ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 tn 1 " bs. , 13c ; No. 2 veal calf. S to 15 Ibs. , lonioUv" S'o. 1 dry flint hides , 120140 ; No. 2 dry flint hides 12c ; No. 1 dry called hides. 12c ; partly cuio ildes , " 4c per Ib. less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Gretn sailed , eacli , 250COe green sailed shearlings ( shoit wooled early skin-i ) each , 6t15c , dry shearllnKB ( short wooled earl skliiB ) ' No. 1 , each , 5 < 0 > 10o ; dry shearlings ( ehor wooled early skins ) . No. 2 , each , 5c ; dry llln Kansas nnd Nel > i\ja butcher wool pelts pel Dound , actual welgnc. 688c ; dry "flint Kansas am Nbraska murtaln wool pelts , per pound , actua weight , 4&Gc ; dry flint Colorado butcher woe 'lelts , per pound , actual weigiit , 4ff6' > .C' drs lint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per" pound actual weight , 4CCc. Have feet cut off , as It li useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow 4V.fi 4lic ; No. 2 tallow , 3V4 j4c ; greasp , white A. 4ji 4lic ; gicase , white II , S'.Jc ' ; grease , yellow , 2AJj 3o ; grease , dark , 2V5c ; old butter , 2JJ2'ic ; bees wax , prime. 17JT20c ; rough tallow. 2c. ' WOOL , UNWASHED Fine heavy , Cf7c' fin' light.S3c ; quarter-blood , 10fil2c ; seedy , burn nnd chaffy , ki9c ; celled nnd broken , coarse 7s 9c : celled and broken , fine. 6ffSc. WOOL. WASHED Medium , 1501Sc ; fine , 14JJ lOc ; tub washed , IBIflSc ; black. 8c ; bucks , Cc lag locks , 233c ; dead pulled. Ml'Cc. IRON TKADK CONTIMJKSj TO l.MPROM Heavy Inroad on Unsold Stucki .Made I.iu .Month. CLEVELAND. July 11. The Iron Trade Revlei this week will say : A further heavy Inroa on unsold stocks of pig Iron wns made In JUJH iccordlng to Western Pig Iron association return and while another minth will show qulle nn In crease In producllon Ihc recent resumptions hav not yet told slronely on Ihe column of acllv capacity. The fact that even under the latet advances buyers of foundry Iron nre still tryln to make puichases beyond time limits set b most producers would Indicate that the advanc has not , yet expended Its force , and that four dries me getting woik lluil are making ihei more nndy lo fill nt current prices than the were lo buy In 100-lcn lols four monlhs agr 1'ho eastern Pennsylvania advance of close to I a ton , bringing the Lehlgh Valley Iron lo basis of J12.50 for No. 2 X foundry nnd urn forgo to 111.60 , was an Index of aclual condition the withdrawal of southern competition throug the takl g up of product for several month ahead and the engagement of the capacity of a eastern furnace for from sixty to ninety dayi ahead. liessemer Iron , Inking Hie average of tli week's sales , Is fully 50 per cent higher than I the preceding week. Several Docks of met ! were. Bold In the latter portion of last week n J13.25 In the valley. A later BaleIs reported n J13.50. Consumption In still plainly In excess c production and the tonnage of finished steel I all forms shows no signs of relaxing. The bl let market Is becoming more conspicuous by th nbsence of sales. There are few buyers an fewer sellers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UIIAI.S SPUiULA TORS HAVE A IUCI Information Concerning the Crop Ilepor ( liven I'nvurltot In Advance. NEW YORK , July II. There was much kick Ing among the grain men on the Produce ex change today over the leakage of ihe crop re porl. Insiders. It Is alleged , ore about twenty four hours ahead of thu rank nnd file c traders In getting the report , or at least figure so clobely thai they work on R practically sur basis. A prominent broker who Is Indlgnan at the alleged tips fr < m Washington came hit possession jesterday noon of figures on Ihe cor dlllon of tprtng and wlnler wheat , said to hav eome direct from Washington. Ho had rt eelved them through a friend , and refused t give the names or figures , but to assure tli doubters that ha had a sure tip the figure were placed In an envelope , signed with th slgnatuies of two brokers and put away. Thi morning the figure * were compared with 111 olilrl.il conditions tent out In the crop repori On spring wheat the tip wns 101 , against 102 , government llgures , and t.ie winter 05 , agalnt 15.8 olllcl.il. The significance and Imporiiitic of this will be apparent when It Is stated thii the ntkt local guessers yesterday were for cor dlllons of ! > ' . ' .S and 7J.5 for rprlng and wtntei It was raid the nnrthwtsl nUo had a stralgf Up on the government report , for they wei heavy sellers In this market yesterday. Coffee Murker. NEW YORK. July ll.-COFFEE-Oplloti steady at unchanged prices to 10 points di dine. Ono house did aWt all the buying , nn supported the market ugalm.t tie : weak Euu IH'HII and lndlffeent : llrujlllan advices ; close qulel at unchanged prices to 10 points net di dine ; sales , 7.00J bags. Including : March i J14.55 ; July. HI.GO ; September. 114.75014.8) ; Oi tober. J14.80 ; December. 'Jll.75. Spot coffei Rlt > , dull und quiet. Mild , quiet and rasj Cordova. Jli.25jilD.liO ; eaten. 1.000 bags Rio. Nc 8 , spot , at Jll ; 2.OV ) bags at J14 ; 2.0W bags Man calbo and 1 000 bags bugs Central Ameilcun , | t. Waiehoute derllverles from New York ye : let day , 10.U77 bags ; New Yolk slock. 87ti2J Lavi 1'nitMl States nock. 379.932 bags ; allnat for In t'nlled Slates , 131.000 bags ; total visible for th fulled States , 510,932 bags , against 3C0.8SO baj la t year , SANTOS. July 11. Maiket quiet ; good aveiat Santos , Jll.GO ; receipts , 10,000 bagi ; stock , I6S.IH HAMIH'RO , July H. Market quiet and ui changed to U pfx. higher ; sales. 8,0obags ) , RIO DE JANEIRO , July ll.-Miirket Inactive No. 7 Rio. not quoted ; exchange , 10 13-16e ; ri cvlpts , 5.0O ) bags ; cleared for Ihe Untied State 9.000 bags ; cleared for Europe , none ; etocl 173.1)00 ) bags. HAVRE , July 11 Market cptnrd quiet an unchanged to Ut lower ; at 12 in. , barely stead und > . f lower ; at 8 p. m. , barely steady or unchanged ; closed quiet at HI lower for tl day ; rales , 6,000 bags , Fore-1 nil I'liiiiucml Affairs. RERLIN. July 11. Exchange on London , elg ! days' eight. 0 marks , 40ij pfg. PARIS. July H.-The weekly ktulemfnt of tt Ran ! ; of France , Issued today , shows the fo lowlnff changes , as compared with previous ai count : Notes In circulation , decreased , 8.075 OOOf ; cold In hand , decreake , 7.775.0W ; bills dl counted , Increase , 36.Sia.OuO ; silver In hand , li crease , 5S75OOOf. Three per cent rentes , lu ; 224c for the account , l.ichanto on Londoi Z5f 15o for checks. IX3NDON , July 11. The weekly statement i the llank of England , tuued today , shows tl following , * * couipartd with tht previous & count ! Tolal reserve , decrease 826,000 ; cir culation , Increase , 363,000 ; bullion , decrease , I4C3.C32 ; oilier securtlles , Increase , 18,000 ; other deposits. Increase , 2,692,000 ; pubtlo deposits , de- cress" , 3,794,000 ; notes reserve , decrease , ,13- 000 ; government securities , decrease , 90.000. The proportion of the Hank of England' * reserve to liability , which last week was 69.47 per cent. Is now 69.10 per cent , ( lold Is quoted at llurnos Ayres at 245.50 ; Madrid , 11.50 ; Lisbon , tt'i : St , Petersburg , 50 ; Athens , 77 ; Rome , 104.47 ; Vienna , 103. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STOCKS ANU I1OND9. Crops U'ern the Chief I'nctor In the Specula- Hun In lull way Securities NEW YORK , July 11. The crops were tht chief factor of the speculation on the rnlhvaj list on the Stock exchange today. Private nil vices from the west were dltectly conlrary to th < terms of the government report , which fore , shadowed nn unusually heavy corn crop nnd n good spring wheat crop , The bears used the un * favorable rcjiorts lo depress prices and sue' ceeded In forcing down the grangers and othei slocks of Ihc railway group , desplle the fnci that the pessimistic views received no conllrmiv lion from uninterested sources. The Industila section was manned by cliques of professionals who arc In the control of these stocks for tin present. The speculation was In the main In tin hands of tradeis who are now chiefly brars. Tin foreigners bought early and became sellers later , but the opeiiitloiiH did not affect the market tt any appreciable extent. At the opening a. firm tone pervaded with Chi. cagn Gas selling up 11 per cent , and the othei stiickt traded Ui n fraction , except New England which broke 2T4 per cent. 'Hie grangers wen s ion attacked and gave way H to U ppr cent Chicago Gas selling off \ % per cent ; Mlssotir Pacific 1 per cent , nnd Sugar and Tobacco , : per cent , llefnre midday n slight rally took t downward turn , Leather , preferred , recedlnt 314 per cent ; Sugar , 2i ! per cent ; Chicago GUI and Tobacco , 1 per cent. At the lower flgurei there wns covering of short conttncts. nnd i general Improvement In prices followed , whlcl extended tt only n frncllon. The market cloFCi firm , but at a general decline of I'.fc to 2',4 pel cent on the general llnl. The sum tolnl of tin sales In the bond market wns but Jl.OSO.OX ) , tin smallest day's business for some time. Specula lion was firm , but there nre few changes of noli In prices. The Evening Post's London cablegram soys : There wns no diminution of the activity li Knlllrs , but the oilier markets were quieter , Americans were very steady In tone , nnd t u variation * In prices we'e slight. Atchlfon was exceptionally good. Canadian Pacific relapseO nearly n dollar on reallzatli ni. The coin am ! bullion In the Hank of England decreased 401.- 000 this week , although only 67,000 was the IIPI rtntiic of gold for the week , viz : Two hundred thousands Ibs. to the Cape , 100,000 tn Cull' s'nntlnople nnd 110,000 received from Australia and 13.1,000 In bats bought. The following were Ihe closing quotations o he leading stocks of the New York exchangi oday : The total pales of Block today were 273.00 shares , Including Sugar , 33.300 ; Tolwcco , 0.300 HurlliiKton. 19.100 ; Chlcano Gas , 43,000 ; DlBtllleip 8.0i > 0 ; IxnilHVMIe & N'aclnllle. 8,000 ; Mlshourl I'n cllle , 8,2X ( ) ; Uendlnu , 20.000 ; Hock Inland. 0,2 * ) St. Ixnibi & KomliwpHtern preferred , 4.100 ; HI I'aul , iCOT ; Houlhern llallroiiil nicferrcd , 1,400 Tennessee Coal , ! iMO ; United Statfa I.eathei 8.301) ) ; Leather prcferied , 9,100 ; Wheeling & Lak Erie , 6.900. Xow Vork iM < m < 'Y JMMrlcrr. ' 11. MONEY ON CAM NEW YORK , July < - Eaay at Hi 114 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent cloeed 1 per cent. I'llIME MEUCANTILE PAPER 363V4 pe cent. STEIU.1NG EXCIIANGE-Klrni. with actua business In bankers' bills at H.VJSI4.S9'i for de mand , and t4.89K4.S9U for sixty days ; jioste rates , l.ilft4.89V4 ! and J4.90ff4.90V4 ; commerclu bills , l4.KQt.ESU. SIL.VKH CERTIFICATES C7U467-C. GOVERNMENT HONDS firm ; state bonJi dull ; railroad bonds , llrm. ClasrnB quotations of bonds wcro as follows : rinunclul > uios. ROSTON , July 11. Clearings , 118,178,703 ; bo ances , j,008,102. HALTIMOHE. July 11. Clearings , JJ.007,20 balances , JI6S.707. PHILADEIJ'HIA , July ll.-ClearlnCs , 10,8JS. I balances , J1.367.43S. NEW YORK. July 11.-Clearings , J108,325,80 balances , JS.025,748. ST. LOUIS. July ll.-Clearlncs. JI.541.M4 ; b ances , 1511,670. Money , 6 0 per cent. New Yo ; exchange , par bid ; offered at S5o premium. WASHINGTON. July H. Today's slalement the condition of the treasury shows ; Avullal cosh balance , 1191,518,361 ; cold reserve , 1107,113,1 : CHICAGO. July H. Clearings. J16.678.K Money , easy ; rales , 4fj'i per cent for call loa and Mr5(4 ( per cent for commercial paper. N < York exchange ftl par. Sterling , ponied rail OMAHA LIVE SJOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Fall Eaok to tlio Low Notches Ouco Moro , EViRYTHHG OFFEND SOLO WELL - * . General Tune of IhoMarket flood but Sup ply Too Miurt to Aruuao Urcnt Inter est Shliion | | lilt Up the * HIIR I'nco. THURSDAY , July 11. The receipts today were LOSS cattle , 3,081 hogs nnd 51 sheep , ns ngalnst 1,280 cattle , 3,312 hogs nnd no sheep yesterday. CATTLE The offerings of cattle , all told , were thlrty-nlno fresh loads. Cows und heifers formed the great bulk of the offer ings , there being twenty to twenty-twc loads of that kind of cattle In thu yards , There was also quite a sprinkling of stack ers nnd feeders In the ynrds , und uftei deducting the stock cnttlo nnd cow stuff there wns not much left In the way ol beef steers. There were n few fairish little steers on sale , which brought about steady prices , but there wns nothing very choice , nt leasl nothing of any consequence. Among the offerings of cows and heifers were some pretty good cuttle. The markel was very active , and everything offered was taken before the middle of the fore noon. The prices paid were a little strongci than yesterday. Desirable feeders were In pretty good de mand , nnd the trade was reasonably active , The prices paid were nbotit the stime IK yesterday. Several bunches of feeders brought $ :1.00 : < y3.CO. Representative sales : iiiHTUKHS. . HOGS The. shippers WCTP the peoplp today ani they net a lively pace that was hard to follow The market opened with' the packers blddlnj about steady prices , but the tradlnc on thnt b-asli was limited. The rlilppera showed up with llbera orders and commenced pIcklnR up desirable load' ' ut qulto a lively rate. The packers came t < the conclusion that they wauled IIORS worse that was Indicated by their first bids. The result wn < un active market at an adavnce of fully 6c The Improvement was greatest on the light mlxei loads. In some rases common llKht hogs soli lOo higher. The hogs were all sold and wclghcc up early In the forenoon. The best heavy hoes here sold at JI.75. the cam. . as yesterday. The light and medium weigh hogs brought J4.C5S'I.70 ' principally , as ogalns J4.eOjT4.05 yesterday. The shippers took ahou 1,200 hogs out of the 3,000 on sale , lleprcaentatlvi sales : No. Av. Sh. IT. No. Av. Ph. Pr. 1 2CO . . . Jl 40 42 224 120 J4 03 4 402 ( D 4 43 74 2JO KO 4 03 09 192 240 4 f,0 SS 182 80V4C3 42 1CS ICO 450 8S 20rt 160 463 3 2SG . . . 4 SO CO 20' . . . . 4 Co 4 280 80 4 50 72 200 210 4 65 0 243 . . . 4 50 K 2T , fO 4 65 3 32 ! . . . 4 60 CS 228 200 4 03 18 247 240 4 C5 213 177 280 4 C7V G 270 . . . 4 C5 71 219 10J 167V 6 2S8 80 4 53 CO 191 40 4 C7V 2 310 . . . 4 U ) 74 210 210 4 C7' 1 220 . . . 4 60 87 210 200 4 70 5 190 . . . 400 70 231 200 470 10 303 . . . 4 CO 7 , .232 . . . 470 5 230 . . . 4 CO 72 220 80 470 ! ! 219 160 4 CO C3 230 210 470 57 223 ICO 4 CO 74 22 ! ) 40 470 52 173 . . . 4 CO 07 210 40 470 32 193 UO 460 5S 248 . . . 470 11 213 80 4 CO 91 203 320 470 2 270 . . . 4 CO 07 203 40 470 S3 190 240 4 6214 M 232 SO 4 70 92 193 280 4 03 74 210 200 4 70 G3 2lO 80 4 05 81 202 120 4 70 CO 211 80 4 03 C3 180 . . . 470 67 223 200 4 C3 CB 201 80 4 73 tA 223 . . . 4 C3 75 261 SO 4 75 76 192 280 4 03 - 70 218 ICO 4 75 CO 221 ICO 4 CJ SKll'S AND CULLS. 1 180 . . . 323 1 400 . . .x403 1 220 . . . 350 TIGS. 3 120 . . . SCO -G 103 . . . 400 SHEEP There was only one ynall bunch o lambs In the yards which met with ready sale a Hteady prices. Kalr to choice natives are quotabl ut fiom J2.CO to W.50 ; fair to good westerns a from J2.25 to J2.75 ; common and stock heep a from J1.75 to J2.25 ; cowl to choice 40 to 100-11 lambs at from 13 to (5.50. JU-prcs-motive sales : ' No. Av. Pr. ' cull 70 J300 M native lambs 61 6 00 ( JI1ICA.UO LIVE oTOCIv. Ill Cnttlo There ( Vim it Strut g Market n Keceipts Were Snnt , . . CHICAGO , July 11. Iji cattle there was stronger market lodajf , , pg , only about 8,000 hea were received. Sales ) \ ; ( a basis of froi J3.30 to (0 for common to extra native Bteei weighing from 930 to l.C , ' ( , llia. , with sali-a largel at from JI.23 to J3.50 ; .fj'atljo choice enough to g above J5.10 moved orc it-i'lily , and many of th transactions were ut ; fin u,4uvnce of lOu per 1C Ibs. llutchers' und cannufi' tuff WHS In good ilf mund at stronger prices , , qows Felling at froi 11.75 to Jl , chiefly at fr.wa , VI to $3.25 , while bull brought from J1.73 t ? J3.7.S ; veal calves wet once moic onflolrt ipood demand at froi iilentlful . , not many , ( , uJjUig below J4.25. Fa ! activity chaiucterlzeil ufnft gtocker and feede branch of the market lit' unchanged prices , salt ranglne at from J2.CO tinj4.a Texas cattle arrive lo the number of ubouti.l.VvnJ head , maklnx nearl 10.000 received ea far IV | ) ) week. They were I good demand und advanced alwut lOe. The llri northern runne cuttle of the een on made the : uppeaiance , there brlllM' if 'train ' of sixteen cat from Wyoming. Tbeyb.w.-re told early iin brought good prices , tli.jjjiuyllty being Very goo for BO early In the season. Bheep receipts Ml U'U.lo about 8,000 hea today. Sheep , stronger un a active. Lamba ngal comprlvrd a large pait < > f the supply and surfere a fuither decline of lOc. als ranging ut froi S3 to JO , with transaction * chiefly at from JI.75 I J3.75. Sheep were In iU-nuout ut from II.W I JI.75 for Inferior , at from 13 to JJ.40 for comnio tn medium , and at from J3.0 to JI.13 for good I extra westerns : fed Tean , J3 to J.CO. Only about 10,000 hog arrived today , but tli supply was nearly 34.0UO , as u large numb < remained over last night. Chicago packers wei fair buyers , and as there was un active easier ahlpplng demand for choice hogs , prices wet strong and at from 5c to lOo per 100 Ibr. hlght than yesterday' * closing isolations. Hule wei made of common to choice heavy hogs at froi J4.70 to J5.15 ' ; mixed lota at from 14.SO I ii.Ou , and common to choice amortrU light at froi J4.75 lo JS.10. The bulk of the hpga ( old ut froi 14.90 to JS.Oo for htavy , juid at from J4.93 to J5.I " : Cattle. 8.WO head : calves , l , o head ; hogs , 16,000 headihetp , 8,000 head. Unn u City Live | < > rk. KANSAS CITY , July ATTL.E-necclpti 2.7UO head : shlpmenls , 1.300 head. Marke steady to strong ; Texas iteeri , J2.S01J3.8J ; Texa cowu , J2.00 i3.e5 ; beef steers. J9.23U5.CO ; natlv cown , J1.65U3.80 ; etockera and feeders. JJ.3H 4.15 ; Lulli. Jl. & 23.00. . HOGS Receipts. 1,600 head ; shipment ! , 1,4' head. Market strong .to lOo higher ; bulk c aUi , Jl. iQUS ; iuavlU. Ii.00a4.si ; ; packtn I.eOftl.MH ; mixed , JI.COC4.SO ; light * , J4.M34.80i Yorker * . J4.70fT4.80 ; pUs. tl.IOtJI.C5. HHEEI' Receipt * , 2.104 head ; shipment ! , none. Ilest steady ; others weak to lOc lower. tit. l.ouli Llvo Mliicw MnrKet. ST. 1XJUI8. July II. CATTI.R-Recelpts. 3.W lead ; fhlpmenlB , i.DOO head ; miukel llrm ; natlvi rcf nnd shipping n leers. II.OOU5.W ; Until stret -1.23P4.00 ; stackers and feederw , J2.5033.50 ; co\\ J2.S502.30 ; fed Texas steers , J3.WI.23 ; Rrns steers , J2.75Q3.25 ; cows , J2.KU3.00 ; calves , J5.00 { 8.00. HOGS Hecelpts , 2,700 head ! shipments. 2,6 lead ; market fc higher ; heavy , J4.W35.03 packers. J4.rOQS.OO ; light , J4.M l.t > 0. SHEEP ItecelpU , 1,000 head ; shlpmcnls , r& lead ; market strong ; best grades , 15c better ; nit Ive steers , J2.MU3.40 ; lambs , J3.M5J3.2j ; no south vcstcrn oftercd. NIMV York l.lvo Moc' < .Market. NEW YOUIC , July H.-IIEEVES Hecclpts , 00 head ; none on rale ; European cables iiuoK American strern nt lOHflll'ic , iliessed weight ; efrlKcrator beef , M.ifillHc ; no exiwrls today. SHEEP AND I.AMIW-llecclpts. 6.COJ head ; sheep , trllle slow , but Meady ; lambs , very brl.'li and 'HTlte higher ; sheep , poor to ) > rlme , J2.10Q 4.00 ; lambs , common t" choice , > 4.62 < l(6.Di ( ) . HOGS-Hecelits | , 3,101 head. Market Mork In MKIC ! , neord of receipts at the four principal market for Thursday , July 11 , 1893 : Cattle. HOIT . Sheep South Omaha . 1.0S8 3.087 5 Ihlcago . 8,000 10,000 0,00 < unsus City . 2,700 2r.PO 2.1 ! St. Ixiuls . 3.CO ) 3.10) 1.20 Totals . T4,7S8 2I.CS7 12,33 St , l.uuln ( luiicr il Muruot. ST. I.OU1S. July 11. KLOUU-lxwer , will small domettlo Irade ; iiunliillotis on new Mom are ( old 2.H/30C hiKher ) . as follows i Patent * l1.fufll.C3 ; extra fancy. P3.30S3.40 ; fancy , J2.9I t(3.0ii ( ; choice. J2.C35f2.,6. WHEAT SomethlnK of iv fcrnmble lo bu ) nnd large omounls for pale opened I ho mailu-i stiong , but u letup In the buying nnd un III' crease In ihe selling POOH wtakem-d prices , nm hey declined I'.tc. l-'rum Ihls they rallied. nn ( Inally sold up over 2c. closing strong ; No. : ed , cash , tli ! < ( Clc ; July , Ci c ; September CO'ic. ' I'OHN Oovernment'H confirmation of repirti of u big crop , with weak nnd declining ilomcslli narkets , reultetl In nn early decline of Ic Later the maiket became Rttong on flrmci cables and clo eil higher ; No. 2 mixed , cash TJlic ; July , 4lc asked ; Augusl , 4Utc ; Septcm ber , 30Jc. OATS Heporls of Hie government , showing r big ciop , together with early declines In othei narki-tB , caused n falllni ; off of ? c. Then was n. reaction later , and the close was linn No. 2 cash , 24' < ic ; July , 2lc ; September , 2-l so Oecember , 30c. UYE Ituyers scarce ; holdlnR off for lowei trices , pales , new. No. 2 , track , 47c. COIIN MEAI J2.05iif2.10. IIHAN Slvndy ; C4c , casl track , for regular ! 5c asked. KLAX SEED-J1.21'4 for July shlpmenl , nm it.S ) fnr August delivery. GUASS SEEDS Timothy for August deliver } quoted nt J5 ; other pecds entirely nuinlnal. HAY Firmer unit higher for choice grades llnothy , J9.50014.25 , east plde ; prairie , choice ias ready taliat J0.5089 00. this side. EGOS Steady ut 8c. WHISKY Jl. 23. LEAD StronB nnd In demand ; sales ut J3.12 ! ! { J3.13. Si EI.TEU-Tull nt J3.43. 1'HOVISIONS Pork , s'lindnnl m "S , Jit. 75 Lard , prime steam , $0.20 ; choice. J0.32H. llacon boxo.1 Bhouldeis , J0.37 < 4 ; longs , JC.75 ; ribs. JO.S'Vi Hhotls , J7. Dry salt muts , boxed phoulders l5.li2'/4 ' ; Ions ? , } ( i.37'i , ; rllw , J6.60 ; shorts , J0.75. HECKIPTS Flour , 2.00) libls. ; wheat , 5CCK > bu. ; corn. 11 , 000 bu. ; oats , 11 OH ) bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 9.0UO bbls. ; wheat , 6,00 < bu. ; corn , 10,000 bu. ; oats , 10.000 bu. Liverpool .Murkctn. I.lVEHPOOL.July 11. WHEAT Futures openci easy , with , near and distant positions V d lower closed steady , with near positions l'481'.iid lo e and distant positions IVid lower ; business nbou equally distributed ; July , Cs Ud ; August , 6s 'art September , Cs Id ; October , 5s l'4d ; November ' > 8 2d ; December , Cs ' ,4d. COIIN Spot , bleady ; American mixed , new 4s 2ljd. ( Futures opened dull and unchanged ; clot-ci steady , with near poslllons ' .id lower und da ! lant positions Uff % < l higher ; July , 4s Hid ; Au riUHt. 4s 'id ; September , 4s "d ; October , 4s id November , 4s l',4di December , 4 lljd. FlXJl'll Dull ; demand poor ; St. Louis fane ; winter , 7s Cd. PROVISIONS Hacon , quiet ; demand poor Cumbeiland cut , 2S to 30 Ibs. . 32s ; thort ills i8 Ibs. , 33s ; long clear , light , 3S to 43 Ibs. . 33s long clear , heavy , 53 Ibs. , 32-j ; short clear back ? light , 18 Ibs. , IHs ; short clear middles , heavy , 5 Ibs. , 32s ftl ; clear Ijellles , II lo 10 Ibx. , 34.s. Shoul ders , stiuare , 12 to 18 Ibs , 31s. Hums , 8 ort clear , 1 to IGllis. , 44s Cd. Hu-f. extra India meps , 7Ks 9d prime mess , ClH 3d. Pork , prime mess , line west ern , 57s Cd ; line medium , COs. Lard' dull iirlme western , 328 9d ; refined , In pall" . 34s. CIIKESI1 Qulel ; demand poor ; finest Amor lean while , new , 38s Cd ; tticst American col jred. new , 2Sa Cd , III'TTEK Finest United Stales and good , norn Inal. LINSEED OIL ICs 9d. PETHOLEl'M-Ileflned ' , 81. llEFUIGEUATbU 1IEEF Forcquarlers , 3ld hlndquarlers , C',4d. HOI'S At London , Pacific const , (2. ' Iliiltlaiuro llrmti MiiPKetn. HAI.TIMOHE. July 11. FLOUH Dull anil un changed ; receipts , 9,800 bbls. ; shipments , 1,30 bblH. ; Kales , 1MJ bbls. WHEAT rnsettled ; spot and month , C7jC7'ic August , G7I < i7' c ; September. 6fCSUc ; stenmc No. 2 red , C4JT 4'/4c ; receipts , 20,852 bu. ; HhlpmenU ItH , i > ) bu. ; etock , 120.0W bu. ; sales , 70,000 bu. COIINQuiet ; fpot , 4Sff4Sl/1c ; month nn AutciiHt , 47140 bid ; September , 48f48l4c ; lecelpte 23,221 bu. ; shipments , 8.C02 bu. ; slock , 177,457 bu. fall's. 14,000 bu. OATS Steady : No. 2 white , western , S2VHf33c No. 2 mixed , 30Vi I31 ; receipts , 19,301 bu. ; shir mentK , CO bu. ; stock , 95.800 bu. HYE Inactive ; receipts , 234 bu. ; slock , 0,14 bu. _ Wool Murko' . LONDON , July 11. At the wool auctions toda ; 15,782 bales were offeicd , of which 700 wen drawn. The ntsortment was varied und bid ding more nctlve. Americans operated freely New Souih Wales , 2,633 bales ; scoured. 6ViU { Is 2d ; greasy , l iiSVid. Queensland , 1,893 bales scoured , 71,4dflls ' ,4d ; greasy. 5 > ,44l9Ud. Victoria 2,159 bales ; scoured , 4ilfils IVid ; greacy , CUiilltl South Auutialla , 601 b.iies ; scoured , tilfila Riensy , 4fi5V4d. Swan lllver. 816 bales ; scoured USllVid ; greasy , 34iti7V4d. Tasmania. 82 bales giea y , ifi8Hd , New Zealand. 4.152 bales scoured. 7dila 2d ; greasy , 4VsW10il. Cape o Good Hope nnd Natal. 2,205 bales ; scoured 10',4dJls 3d ; greasy , CflSVfcd. _ ! pur MurUer. NEW YOHK , July 11. SUGAR Haw. firm sales yesterday on cat go centrifugal , 93 test 2 5-10c ; and 2,340 bags molasses sugar. 83 ton at 2 5-lCc , nnd today 35,139 bags centrifugal , 9 test , 2 5-lCc , and freights , .11 hhds. nnd 24 bag : Mupcovndo. 89 test , at 2Tc. ( Hellned fall ly active No. 7 , 3 15-16f4',4c ; No. 8 , 3 15-16(4Vc ( ; No. 9. 3S 4 1-lCc ; No. 10 , 3 13-lCUIc ; No. 11 , 3 ll-lCT3'tc ( No. 12 , 3 9-104j3ic ; No. 13 , 3He ; off A , 4 1-1C5 4Hc ; mold A , t ll-lC0Wc ; standard A , 4 5-ld 4'.ic ; confectioners A , 4 S-lCiiHVic ; cut loaf , S 1-1 { (3Vic ; crushed , 5 l-lCJ5'4c ; powdered , 441 4 15-lCc ; granulated , 4 7-16&4c ; cubca , 4 11-lCc. 4 o.ton AlHrUdl , NEW YOHK , July ll.-COTTON Sleady ; mIO dllng , 74c ! ; net receipts , none ; gross , C73 balee exports to the continent , 4,800 bales ; forwarded 271 baleti ; sales , 1.740 bales ; eplnners , 740 bale : slock , 190,115 bales. NEW OULEANS , July 11. COTTON Quiet middling. 0c ; low middling , GHc : good ordlnarj 0 1-lGc ; net and gross receipts , C65 bales ; salei ICO bales ; slock , 18,131 bales , ST. LOt'IS , July 11. COTTON Sleady ; mli ! dl'.ng , C c ; sales , 33 bales : receipts , 110 balei shipments , 814 bales ; stock , 19,273 bales. Poirla MurUrtK. PEORIA , July n. CORN-NO. 3 , 42140. OATS Steady , firm ; No. 2 while , 27 27V4c ; Ni 3 while , 2 V4(204c. RYE Dull ; new nominal ; No. 2 , 43c. WHIS1CY Firm ; goods on the busts of Jl. : for high wines. RECEIPTS Wheat , 2,800 bu. ; corn , 24,000 bu oats , 100.000 bu , ; rye , COO bu. ; barley , none. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 3,000 bu. ; corn , 7,500 bu oats , 120,250 bu. ; rye , none ; barley , 700 bu. New Ynrk Drv ( inmtx MnrUrt' . NEW YORK , July 11. Many buyers present more Inquiry ; manbuslnets djlng , many good short In deliveries and larger sales are the fen tures of the market. The prices for wool an cotton fabrics are firmer all around. Illeachc cottons In much Improved demand , prices llrrr Garment manufacturers arc Ihe larger dealer for bleached goods. Printing cloths firm u 2ic ! bid and declined. MtliVHiikro .MnrxHCi. MILWAUKEE. July 11. WIIEAT-Lower ; N < 2 spring , C7c ; No. 1 northern , 71V4c ; Septcmbe O7'ic. CORN Firm nnd hlfihcr ; No. 3 , 47c. OATS Firm ; No. 2 white , 2Sc ; No. 3 whit nominal , DARLEY Nominal : No. 2 , 4Sc. RYE Steady ; No. 1 , 53',4c. AIliuiL-apulU ITIifiit Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 11. WHEAT Flrme July. C5c ; September. C3HlG34c ; December , C3 C63He ; on track , No. 1 hard. 67V4c ; No. 1 norll ern. C6tc ! ; No. 2 northern , C5V4c. FLOUR Easy ; first patents , yt.WS3.tO ; secor putcnls , J3.30tt3.70 ; llr t cleats , JJ.W03.OOi fcecor clears , J2.15 ; export bakers , J2.4W.OO. Dulutli iruln IMarKot. nULUTH , July 11. WHEAT Higher ; No. luud , cash , 68 > 4c ; July , CSTlo ; No. 1 norlher cash. CS'.4c ; July , 68c ; Beplember. 65Hc ; Decer ber. 67Vic ; No. 2 norlhern , cash , C5V4c ; No. nurlhern , COUc. _ liHiimn City .Markets. KANSAS CITY. July ll.-WHEAT-Qulet ; N 2 hard. C1062c ; No. 2 red , G2j6lc | ; rejected , Me. CORN Hteady ; No. 2 mixed und white , S8c. OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 24c ; No. 2 while , 27 TrUce Whuitt Cluotatlom. SAN FRANCISCO , July 11. WHEAT Qul and steady ; December , Jl.OOU- Allirrt Illucu loniiuUtcil Sulclilo , FAmnuilY , Neb. , July 11. ( Special.- ) The jury In the Inquest on the body of Albe IJlaco returned a verdict finding that 1 came to hla death from a pistol ihot wour Indlctctl by his own hand with suicidal Inten He left no letters or papers , except a menu randa Riving hla wife's address and son small debts. At the last term of district court Jud { Hush allowed the attorneya tn the Vv'llllan murder case $200 fees each , but the count commissioners cut the amounts when the audited the bills to (100 each. The attorney have appealed from the award of the comtnl slonera to the district court. NEW ERA IN RAILROADING B , & M , System Preparing to Conform tc the Uniform Automatic Coupler Law. CHANGE WILL INVOLVE MILLION ! Cars on Moit Kouds Will lluvo to IIo En- Inrcetl or Lowered In Order to Moot the .New Sltuir- tlnn. LINCOLN , July 11. ( Special. ) Davlil Hawksworth , general superintendent of tlic mechanical department of the II. & M. rail road , Is In town , lie has given orders tn have all freight cars of that Una prepared for the era of uniform automatic coupler : to conform to the new federal law , which goes Into effect next year. This law fixes c uniformity In the height of all cars above the tracks tun In the United States. Ily this uniformity cars on one line can bo coupled to those o ( another without endangering the lives of switchmen or brnkcmen making the connections. The Lhirllngton 1ms about 40- 000 freight cars which are all too low. The work of raising them to the height prescribed by the law will' bo one of considerable mag nitude. The Jenny automatic coupler Is the one adopted by this company. By railroad men It Is considered one of the best and safest for the men. INTERESTING HEUNION. For the first time In Its history the family of W. V. V. Uoaglaud participated In a re union. It was accompanied last evening by the saddest of surroundings , the aged father , who Is an octogenarian , being at the time upon a sickbed , from which but slight hopes are entertained of his recovery. There nrc nine children and they have never met before In family circle , the oldest having left home before ( lie youngest was born. The list In cludes JJjy Captain H. V. Hoagland of thr police force ; J. S. Hoagland of North 1'lattc ; Richard Hoagland , county Judge of Oandy , Logan county ; \Vllllam Hoagland of Cflllcn- der , la. ; Mrs. Sarah Tunnsll. Verdon , 111. ; Mrs. It. II. Loughrldgc , Griml HUnd ; James W. Hoagland , Mrs. George Ilagley and Miss Sue Hoagland , all of this city. Mr. and Mr ; Hoagland celebrated their golden wcddlnp In this city about five years ago. They have lived In Lincoln about eleven years. The Rock Island Railroad company desires to connect and unllo Its raid north ol the city with the Omaha & Republican Val ley , but the receivers of the Union Pacific , owners of the road , will not Join them. Ths Lancaster county court Is asked to appoint appraisers to condemn the right of way and to help get them what they want , INSIST ON A DISCOUNT. The First National bank of Lincoln , the Union Savings bank and Thomas Ryan hold three policies , one- for $2,000 In the I'hocnl.x of Hartford , one for $1,000 In the Insurance Company of North America , and one for $1.000 In the Pennsylvania Fire of Philadel phia. Issued March last on the foundry of George Downing , which was completely de stroyed by lire April 4 last. The companies decline to pay the policies. Suit was brought today In the district court. The companies make no claim of any kind as a defense for their refusal to pay , but as sert their willingness to do so If the policy holders will accept a discount of 10 per cent. Although the May term of district court adjourned sine die at 2:35 : o'clock yesterday , and will not convene until September , Judge Holmes will hear the C.W1 receivership case some tfmo next week. Tomorrow afternoon the Lincoln Roadster club will give Its first matinee at 2 p. m. at Lincoln park. There will be a 2:30 : pace , 2:40 : trot or pace , 2:35 : trot or pace and 3:00 : pacing race. LINCOLN LOCAL NOTES. Some time since Henry Smith , a young man , was sent to the penitentiary for bur glary. His mother ja now trying to secure the assistance of the county attorney In get ting him removed to the insane asylum. Ac cording to her story Warden Leldlgh says the boy , who was always regarded as rather queer , Is Insane. The case of the state against Charles W. Cockrell , on the charge of embezzlement preferred by Thomas Halley , Is ended nnd the accused was this morning discharged by Justice McCandless. Mrs. J. D. Woods , wife of the county clerk , left today to visit In Omaha , accompanied by her daughter. A very pleasant social was enjoyed by the young people of Holy Trinity church at the residence of J. II. Harley last evening. Mrs. H. 0. Rowlands and children have gone east for the summer. Rev. John.Doane and family departed yesterday for Ohio on a vacation. Mrs. Reason Welch left this afternoon to visit for several months at Cadiz , 0. She was accompanied as far as Chicago by her parents , Captain and Mrs. J. E. Hill. OMAHA PEOPLE IN LINCOLN. At the LIndell : John Garrow , W. D. Pruyn. Windsor : D. N. White. Lincoln : H. Van Iluren and wife , John F. Hopkins , C. E. Yost , George II. Lyons , R. L. Met- calfe , wife and child , H. G. Harte , H. D. Lockwood , S. H. Orchard. NOTES F110.U TI1K bTATU I1OU8H Lincoln County I'oople A lc Aid to Avert Mnrviit lim Mill tia Import Ion. LINCOLN , July 11. ( Special. ) Governoi Holcomb has received the following petition from a number of citizens of Lincoln county , dated Moorfield , Neb. : "We , the undersigned citizens of Lincoln county , state of Nebraska , do hereby petition your honor to provide some means of rellel for the destitute of this part of Llncolr county. As we have had no kind of alt : since about the 1st of May , many are no\\ destitute of the necessaries of life and imisl have help Immediately or starvation Is In evitable , having no possible means of obtain ing food for ourselves and families until we can harvest a crop and dispose of the same. ' The Deer Creek relief committee signs tht petition with the added statement that It be' lleves the contents to be true. Accompanying the petition Is a private letter from E. E Smith , giving examples of cases of dcEtltu tlon. The governor referred the communtca tlons to Secretary Ludden , who says tha there Is sufficient In the treasury for theli relief and will Immediately send out a ton o flour. Deputy Secretary of State Evans sayi that the signers of this petition are all gooi people and reliable. Hut he does not bellevi there Is any destitution In Lincoln count ] that the authorities cannot relieve If the pco pie will only let their wants be known. Hi is of the opinion that they would prefer t < receive aid from the state and from a ills tance than from the county In which the ; reside. The following thirteen counties have no yet sent In their abstracts of assessment tc the state auditor. They are due on the 1011 Inst. and the Hoard of Equalization meets 01 the 15th : Hoyd , Drown , Davis , Douglas , Fur nas , Gage , Hooker , Keith , Kcya Paha , Lan caster , Nance , Saunders and Sheridan. Adjutant General Harry and Major Feche will tomorrow Inspect company A , First regl ment , Nebraska National Guards , at York George W. Martin , orderly sergeant compan ; A , has been elected captain of the compan ; to succeed Captain Lundeen , promoted to hi Inspector general. From York General Ilarr ; and Major Fechet will proceed to Strorns burg to Inspect company D , Second regiment Second Lieutenant . R. Fitch , company H Second regiment , Tekamah , has resigned , tli resignation being accepted , and an electloi will be ordered. In regard to the Increaelni number of resignations , one reason ascribe ! Is the rigidity of Inspection under the preien regime In the state. Major Fechet seems t bo one who believes In strict discipline am also that soldiering , even In the state militia Is far from being child's play. Will Kiilurco the 'lurch U'orki. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb. , July 11. ( Spe clal. ) Carl Morton , manager of the Arei Starch company , left last night for Chlcagi with plans and specifications of an adJIHoi to the present large plant In this city fo approval , If satisfactory work will teen b commenced on an addition to the east Bl'Ie c the preient buildings. It will bo a three itory brick , 127 feet by 135 feet and whoi completed the capacity of the plant will b about treble what It now la. This will neccs eltate the employment of a large number o new men. It li also reported that the dls tlllery , which has been shut down for torn * time , will open again wltu A large force about November. Frank nnd John Abies , giving their ago * ae 10 and 21 years , claiming to be ( ram Lin coln , were last night found guilty of petty larceny and given twenty days In Jail , They , In company with two girls , Kdlth Garner , aged 17 years , o ( SI , Joseph , and Laura Hooper , aged 18 years , of Lincoln , wore ar rested , charged with robbing the house ot It , Mcyerhott and taking about $6 worth ot clothing. No charge was brought against th girls nnd they were released and will bo lent homo by the authorities. The dltllculty between the members of the firm of Ixindca & Krcbs has been settled out of court by Landcs purchasing his partner's Interest , assuming the Indebtedness and con tinuing the business In his name. Oil ASK COUNTY CHOI'S AUIJ UUUD I'rmpccts In tlmt Srrtlnn of tlio Country Are I'.xrrllriit. IMPERIAL , Neb. , July 11. ( Special. ) A drizzling rain began falling In Chase county early yesterday morning and has con tinued nil day , fully one Inch of water having lug fallen , The rain was most timely , as the ground was becoming quite dry again and crops wcro beginning to suffer for wnnt of moisture. The crop outlook for this county Is dally Improving' . There will be n quarter of a crop of small grain , and with a late fall fully half n crop of corn. Wlillo the corn was late In planting it has made good and steady growth. Had the spring rains been two weeks earlier the crops of this county would have equalled those of 1891. as there have been ample rains since. The potato and vegetable crop will be abundant , and more than supply nil wauls of the county. All kinds of vegetation Is making most wonderful growth. Tha graes on the prairies nnd ranges Is rank and as fine and good as ever known In the county. Stock of all kind Is In splendid con dition. The people feel very much encour aged , and those farmers who remained hero and went to work In the spring nnd put out crops will raise nn ample sufllcency to meet all their needs during the wln'.or and start themselves out with plenty for next spring's work. From present prospects there will be enough raised In the county to fully supply all home wants. Drnliil frnni Oscnr tlrlnc- EMERSON , Neb. , July 11. To the Editor of The Hee : My attention has been called to a special dispatch from Ponder , published in The lieo on July 4 , In which the follow ing statement appears : "An Incident In connection with the Win- ncbjgo land lease * came to light today. It Is to the effect that bribes have been given and taken at the agenoy for the procuring and securing - curing of leases on favorable terms. Oscar Bring , a man of excellent reputation , made an aflldavlt to Inspector McLaughlln to the effect that In order to secure a lease at the agency on favorable terms ho had to pay $150 to the clerk In charge ; that ho gave Ills note for this amount , to the clerk In addition to the amount ho paid the Indians. " I desire to state that the above Is not true. I never made any such aflldavlt to Inspector McLaughlln , nnd never gave $ lf > 0 In money or a note for that amount for any such pur pose. Neither am I aware of any bribes having been given for the purposes ot secur ing leases. Your correspondent should bo moro careful about writing at random , and should confine himself to farts. OSCAR BRING. AsKombly Concert ut , rntr. CRETE. Neb. , July 11. ( Special Tele gram. ) The assembly concert tonight wna one of the most enjoyable exercises of the session. Miss Chandler nnd Miss Cifford were both encored repeatedly. Miss Chand ler will return to Chicago tomorrow. Dr. Holmes nlso leaves. The floating Indebted ness of the assembly , nmountlng to $1,200 , has been liquidated without the aid of the receipts of this session , which will consid erably more than pay out the expenses of the year. Tim Srilcwlck Set * t'm Kite. LINCOLN , July 11. ( Special. ) T. E. SedE- wlck , secretary of the republican elate cen tral committee , desires to set right the erro neous Impression that the committee generally favors a date for the republican state con vention between August 15 to 25. On tha contrary , he says that the consensus of opin ion If for a date between September 15 and 30. He Is of the opinion that the conven tion will be called to meet September 25. 01 iso County liupnlillnniK. IJEATRICE , July 11. ( Special Telegram. ) The Gage county republican central commit tee met this afternoon. Tuesday , August 13 , Is the day fixed for the county convention to nominate a county ticket and to select dele gates to the state and Judicial conventions. The primaries will be held the Saturday pre vious. There was a full attendance and the meeting was enthusiastic. I'eiitrlco 1'liysiclun llrntl. BEATRICE , July 11. ( Special Telegram. ) Dr. M. W. Walton , one of the leading physi cians ot this city , died this afternoon from the effects of a stroke of apoplexy received Tuesday evening. The deceased was pres ident of the Gage County Medical association , and was beloved by all who knew him. Ar rangements for the funeral services have not yet been announced. Kfiornry County's Hurt-cut. MINDEN , Neb. , July 11. ( Special. ) Har vest has begun In a slight degree here. There will bo a good yield. Corn Is very full , oven better now than In July , 1894 , when .tho hot winds killed It. Farm property Is In greater demand than ever In Kearney county. The county and district Woman's Chris tian Temperance union convention will con vene here July 18. t > odili' < l atVrat I'otiit. WEST POINT. Neb. , July 11. ( Special. ) Charles Snygg and Miss Mlnnlo Anderson ot Cumlng township were married today by Rev. John Peterson , pastor of the Swedish Mission church. The contracting parties are among the most wealthy and prominent ot the Swedish farmers , and their nuptials wcro attended by numerous friends , U' yno i annijr's < irc-ut Crop. WAYNE , Neb. , July 11. ( Special Tele gram. ) Crops of Wayne county this year will bo fully 50 per cent larger than a normal crop. They never looked liner tl.an now. JULY SPECIAL. Reduced to $8 and $10. CHAS. SHIVERIGK & CO. July Special on Ail Kinds of Furniture. JAMES K , OYD. J. W. DEAN ; Telephone 103" , BOYD & DEAN OMAHA , NBU , COMMISSION Grain. Provisions < te Stocks Room IHVi Hoard of Trade. Direct wires to Chlcnuo ami New Yorlc. Correspondents : Joint A. Warren & Co. I ? P. SMITH ( Tel. 1J08) ) B. U. STANFORD F. P. SMITH S CO. GRAIN and I-'HOVieiONS KOOIII .1 , N. Y. Life lildu. , Ottiulm. llranch ofllces at Fremont and Columbus. All orders placed on the Clilcuuo Hoard of Trad * . ' 'urrcrpondents : tichwartt , Dupee & Co. , C'hl * chco ; Kchrelner. Fluck & Co. , tit. Louis. lUttr lo Flrit National Uanlt. Omuliu. M AIIQ IN No inutlcr win : uooiuel on ppcc- ulullon you may buy * read ( tad "r outs , whlcti U NUW na eOMI'LETE. It cUurly plttlu tradlOK and DEFINES ALL MARKET StilONti. ll' trto and will tench you < omethlne. ARIIOQAST A CO. . II Trader * lulldlnt. Chlc jto.