Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1895, Image 1

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Great Triplicate Oonvcnt'on ' in Bjston Is
Well Under Way.
. *
Addrciip of Welcome Dcl'voro ; ! by Promi
nent 1'cople IinniuiiKb Iroivdi of
Young ChrUtlnn Workers Assem
ble llcnciuh Uanuplex.
BOSTON , Xlasa. , July 11. All Boston has
in. resounded with the enthusiasm of the great
r army of young Christians now within
her gates. The splendid welcome
that today was officially extended
to the 03,000 delegates to the grand
Christian Endeavor convention has gladdened
their hearts , and tonight three magnificent
divisions of the multitude praised God In song
and prayer. Even the Immensity of the en
thuslasm that prevailed today at the mam
moth meetings In Mechanics' hall and the
two great tents , Wllllston nnd Endeavor , was
exceeded tonight by more mammoth gather
ings at the tame places. Every address do
llvcrcd this evening was ot Importance and
Interest. At the Xlcchanlcs' building Rev.
Francis E Clark , D D . of Boston , founder
and president of the society , delivered his
annual address. The address was also real In
Tent Wllllston by Rev. T. II. McE\van \ , Ph
1) , and In Tent Endeavor by Prof. James
Lewis Howe of Lexington , Ky. Thus It was
heard by 29,000 people , for In each of the
tents the Endeaverors were 10,000 strong , and
In Xlechanlci' building were gathered 0,000
more. The story contained was one of suc
cess that exceeded hopes almost audacious lu
their extent , and It evoked the utmost en
thusiasm , which was expressed In such hosannas -
sannas as modern Athens lias never heard
before ,
The meeting In Tent Wllllston tonight was
perhaps the greatest of the three. The ad
dress by Rev. H. Cornwall drew a great
crowd , and an address by Rev. Ttunls Hain-
Iln , D. D. , of Washington , wha o tjubject was
"Washington , 'OC , " was n very strong
effort , while Mr W. II Pennel of Washing
ton , D , C. , spoke In Tent Endeavor on the
same subject. Addresses by Dnlght L
Moody at the Xlechanlcs' building and by
John G. Wooley , the noted Chicago temper
once lecturer , who spoke In Tent Endeavor
on "The Christian En leaver Ve'sus the Sa
loon , " were also great attractions.
" The choruses , too , at all three meetings
surpassed all that has been > et attempted In
M- music since the meeting began. Eight hun
dred singers were Included In that at Xle
t clmnlcs' hall , and each of the tents had a
quota of not less than COO Gancral Secretary
John Willis Bacr of Boston presided at Me
chanloi' hall. General Treasurer William
Shaw of Boston led the meetings In Tent
Wllllston , and Trustee Rev J. Z. Tyler , I )
D. , of Cleveland , directed' ' affairs In Tent En
The denominational rallies held this after
noon In twenty-seven churches , halls and
tents were attended by thousands of dele
gates belonging to the twenty-seven dcnom
Illations represented at the convention Xlore
than 100 clergymen and laymen spoke at
these meetings on almost as many subjects
The principal rallies were the Baptist , at
Tent Endeavor ; Congregational at Tent \VI1-
Union ; Presbyterian at Mechanics' building
Disciples of Christ at South End tabernacle
Cumberland Presbyterian at Union Congre
gational church ; Xtc'hodlst Episcopal at Pco
] ) lo's temple ; Reformed Church of the United
States at First Presbyterian church , an !
United Brethren nt Park Street church
These meetings were led respectively by Rev
H. V. Vedder , Chester. Pa ; Xtr W. II
Strong , Det'oT , Xllch. ; Rev George B Stew
art. D D , Harrlsburg , P.i ; Rev Allan B
Phllpot , D D. , Philadelphia ; Rev. R. W
Lewis , Xlerldlan , XIIss ; Rev. Wallace XIc
I Mullen. Philadelphia ; Rev. Henry T
Sprangler , D D. , Collegovllle , Pa. ; Rev T
H. Shute , Dayton , O
After the big convention meeting of the
forenoon hundreds of the delegates held noon
day rallies throughout the clt > In the
churches and halls , In vacant lots , on strcel
corners and wharves , In the big markets and
factories and In missions and largo rctal
stores they gathered and offered prayers for
the benefit of the thousands ot tellers who
heard them. The largest ot those meetings
were held In historic Fanoull hall nnd the
Bromfleld Street Xlethodlst Episcopal i.
In the hall 700 wlilte-frocked market men
joined them In the familiar liynuu sungs by
the young ladles The services there were
led by Rev J. Wilbur , chaplain of Albany
N , Y. The BromflcU street church Is In the
center ot the retail business district and the
services there were so well attended that an
overflow meeting In the vestry was necessary
Rev. Francis V. Smiley of Denver , Cole ,
presided at the main meeetlng and Rev
Seth K. Mitchell of Cambridge , Mass. , led
the smalllcr gathering.
Twenty ladles and gentlemen wearing the
badges of the eoclcty entered the gallery o
the Stock exchange at noon. The traders a
once abandoned business and facing the gal
lery , with uncovered heads , earnestly sung
"America. "
u 1 Six thousand five hundred enthusla's
tic Endeavorcrs crowded the lent Endeavor
& Crimson and white streamers waved nl
over the tent , the bunting being draped
from the great center polo of the tent. Flags
and colors of all nations Interspersed the
streamers and aided by their variety the
grand scene. High above all the tla'gs of
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
the stars and stripes floated. Upon the
platform at the extreme end ot the ton
the grand chorus ot 000 and the speakers
and prominent members of the society were
seated. Before the time for the opening
of the set vice arrived the chorus and dele
I gates spontaneously started an Endeavor
hymn. Other songs followed , and the music
was almost continuous until Rev. T. E
llreckloy , D.I ) , of Now York opened the
meeting accordinc to the program , by an
Bouncing the first Iiymn , "Onward , Chris
tlan Soldiers. " At the conclusion of the
hymn Rev. W. H. Albright or Boston rcai
a passage from thn crlplure ana then. asU
Ing for the earnest co-operation of all the
delegates In the opening session , called for
the testimony of delegates For Illtcei
minutes from all parts ot the house catnt
words of praise the Almighty and goot
tidings to the Endeavor society XIr
Breckley was forced to announce the ncx
number before all who desired had testified
Ho called attention to the banner which
bung over his head Inscribed : "For Chris
and the Church. Welcome , " and exhortec
bis hearers as they raited their voices to
bear In mind that they should never forge
to work for Christ and His church.
The h > mn of welcome , written for the
occasion by Dr. S. F. Smith , the author o
"America. " was Sung , and then XIr. Rreck
ley Introduced A. J. Crockett , president o
tbo Boston local union , who welcomed the
delegates In behalf of the Endcavorera o
The welcome of the city pastors was ox
tended by Rev. 1) . XI. Knccland , D.D. . o
Boston ,
In behalf of the state of Massachusetts
Lieutenant Governor Woleott then wel
coined the delegates , and Rev. J. II. Bar
rows , D.D. , of Chicago responded to tht ,
nelcomc of Massachusetts and Boston In
behalf of the society and the delegates.
Rev , J. R. Oheeseman of Cleveland , 0.
read tlm annual report of the secretary
John Willis Baer of Boston.
Tbo seislon then adjourned.
As the throngs were pouring Into Ten
Cndeavor they were greeted by routing eongs
which were given under the direction o
Percy S. Foster of Washlcgton , D. C. , and
when Chairman Rev.'J. Z. Tyler of Cleve
land stepped upon the platform toe vat
eeatlns capacity was tested to Its ulmoi
limit , fully 10,000 I'ersoni ' being present
Alter tinging the hjmn "Bringing In th
Bheavei , " Rev.V. . B. Mllllgan ot Alle
ghany read a selection from the scriptures
Inking Matthew 6 to 13. thi vast congrcga
tlon joining In the ruponsci. Rev. Dr. Hard
Inc. ( tneral secretary of the general missions
Offered prayer and the Hamilton Institute
quartet ot Virginia rendered several selec
In a graceful speech Chairman Tjlcr then
Introduced W. II. Pennell of Washington ,
the first person who signed the active mem
bership pledge at the Wllllston church , Port
land , Xle. , on February 2 , 1881. XIr. Pen
nell extended a hearty Invitation to the En-
deavorers to bo present In great numbers
In Washington In 1896.
The annual report of President Clark was
read by Prof. James Lewis Howe of Lexing
ton , Va. , and was greeted with so much
enthusiasm that several times the reader
was forced to wall for the applause to sub
side. The hymn "Blest Be the Tlo that
Binds" was then sung , after which Chair
man Tyler Introduced John V. Wooley of
Chicago , who spoke on "The Christian En
deavor Versus the Saloon. " XIr. Wooley's
address was frequently punctuated with spon
taneous bursts of applause , cheering and the
waving of handkerchiefs , prompted by the
speaker's caustic characterization of the liquor
In closing the session , the delegates rose
and sang "Onward , Christian Soldiers" and
the benediction was pronounced by Rev. G.
W XIcLukley of California.
Tent Wllllston contained fully 0,500 people
when the exercises opened there , Rev. Mr
Waylani Hoyt of Xllnneapolls opening the
devotional exercises. Rev. Asher Anderson of
Xlerlden , Conn , conducted the spiritual ex
ercises , which followed a nymn of welcome
written by Rev S F. Smith and sung by the
choir of 1.000 voices.
President Charles E Allen of the Xlassa-
chusotts delegation presented the convention
with a gavel and block and after a compll-
icntary speech of thanks by the chairman ,
corgo W. Coleman of Boston , vice chair
man ot the committee of nlnetj-flve , male an
ddress of welcome for the committee The
ddrcss of the city pa'tors was given by Rev
S. Gumbart , D D. , of Boston In behalf
f the city. Alderman Sanford welcomed the
elcgates. Rev. D. N Paige of Leavenwor h
fan , In response to the vords of welcome
welt on the Christian Endeavor movement
n the west , which Is growing rapidly.
Gilbert C Kelly of Owensburg , Ky , urged
'ml ' the Endeavor movement ba kept before
ho public that its good doctrines might be
arncd by all After short addres es by Rev
Valter H Brocks of Washington , D C , G C
'ower Ferguson , Ontario , and XIIss Cora B
leckford , Blddeford , Xle , the annual repor
f General Secretary Baer was read by Rev
elm Barstow of Xledford , XIass. , as follows
"Every useful wheel must have Ha hub
3very hub , to bo u eful , should have Its
vhcel. Figuratively cpcaklng , Christian
Endeavor Is a useful wheel , certainly Boston
a the Hub As wo are In the Hub let us turn
he wheel upon Its axis , and from the hul
lew Its revolutions Its circumference
quals that of the globe , nnd Its spokes num
icr thousand , ? upon thousands. Each jea
ho circumference of the Christian Endeavo ;
\hecl widens , each vear thousands of spoke !
are added Last year our wheel was strength
sned by 7,750 new societies ( or "spokes , " I
, -au please ) This Is the largest Increase fo
my one year sines the "wheel" commenced
evolving , fourteen yeare ago.
" 'Spoke' after 'spoke' passes our vision
rapidly In this whirl of Inspection , In all
11,229. Of these I 712 are from other lands
the United Kingdom heading the list with
2 045 , which figure Includes ISO from Wales.
112 from Scotland and 53 from Ireland Aus
tralia now has no less than 1,509 ; Africa , 30 ,
Hilm , 32 ; France , C4 ; . India , 117 ; Japan , 59 ,
Madagascar , 93 ; Mexico , 25 , Turkey , 39 , West
India Islands , 63 , and so on until every coun-
Iry Is represented , save five , Italy , Russia ,
Iceland , Sweden and Greece.
"And now the 'spokes' from the Dominion
ot Canada come Into view. Ontario , with her
remarkable growth of the last jear , lead"
with 1,993 ; Nova Scotia , 388 , Quebec , 2C4 ,
New Brunswick , 152 ; XIanltoba , 15C ; Princj
Edward Island. C2 ; Asslnlboia , 53 , British
Columbia , 40 ; Alberta , 15 ; Saskatchewan , 5
In all , counting 5 In Newfoundland , 3,103 , an
Incrase of 1,223 during the past year.
'And now our view from the 'Hub' dis
closes the balance of the wheel , all bearing
the familiar colors of the 'stars and stripes '
Pennsylvania Btlll leads with 4.139 ; Ne\\
York next with 3,822 ; Ohio , 2,787 , Illinois ,
2,440 ; Indiana , 1.7C2 ; Iowa , 1,663 ; Xlassachu-
sstts , 1,309 ; Kansas , 1,217 ; Xllssourl , 1,133
Xllchlgan , 1,082 ; New Jersey , 1,045 , etc. In
all. from the United States , 33,112 , as against
28.C06 last year. "
The meeting adjourned at noon.
Xlcchanlcs' building has contained big gath
erings of all descriptions , but never held so
many representatives from all parts of Amer-
lea , as vvell as from foreign lands , as as-
sembled there today for the convention of
the Christian Endeavor. Hundreds were un-
able to gain admission to the auditorium ,
which held 15,000. The stage portion re-
served for the speakers was occupied by one
section of the chorus of nearly 1,000 voices
This chorus started songs of praise long be
fore the convention formally opened and con
tinued the hymns until President Clark op-
pcarcd on the platform.
The advent of the founder and leader of
the Christian Endeavor movement was a sig
nal for the outburst of tremendous applause
which continued several minutes. At 0 30
o'clock Presldelit Clark called the conven
tion to order with the gavel presented to
him by the Salem , Ore. , Christian Endeavor
Rev. Smith Baker of East Boston led the
devotional exercises , and then President
Clarke appointed the buslne.-s committee
Secretary J W. Baer , Rev. P. W. Ilarwood ,
Wisconsin ; D. R. Kelly , California ; W. II
Leads , Washington state ; XIIss Lottie Wig
gins , Ontario.
Dr. S. F. S Smith's hymn ot welcome was
first read In concert , and then sung with a
will Rev. Albert H. Plumb , D D . of this
city , welcomed the delegates In behalf of the
Boston pastors.
At the close of his address Governor
Greenhalgo was escorted to the stage. The
audience greeted him with the Chautauqua
salute , thousands of handkerchiefs being
waved from all parts ot the hall as he took
his seat.
lion S B. Capen , chairman of the commit
tee of ninety-five , then made the address of
welcome In behalf of the committee. Presi
dent Clark Introduced Governor Greenhalgc
Again the company broke out Into applause
and cheers , while his excellency bowed
acknowledgement. He welcomed the dele
gates to Massachusetts , saying among other
things : "It Is not of material wealth this
state boasts , but of our superior Ideas and
Ideals. In the name of the commonwealth
of Massachusetts , I welcome you from what
ever state , territory or county you may come
You are all welcome with the welctme of the
great heart and soul of XUssachusctts , After
you go your sunshine shall remain with us so
long as life shall last. " At the close of the
governor's remarks , Dr Clark requested the
entire audience to shout "God eave the com
monwealth of Massachusetts , " which It did
Rev E. R. Dile , D D , of San Francisco ,
whom Dr. Clark called a "loyal Xlethodist , "
then made the response In behalf ot the board
of trustees of the United Society of Chris
tian Endeavor. After the ladles in the audi
ence hid rung "Throw Out the Life Line , "
Secretary John Willis Baer read his annual
report ,
An hour before the meeting of the evening
opened In Mechanics' hall 9,000 persons
crowded In the auditorium and at 7 15 an
overflow meeting , In which over 2,000 partic
ipated , was being held In front of the build-
Ing. All the doors ot the hall had to be
closed , and not even delegates were admitted
after 7 o'clock , Several beautifully rendered
hymns , | n which the chorus ot 1,000 and all
the delegates raised their voices , echoed
through the convention building before the
opening hour , and the enthusiasts were still
singing when , at 7 30 o'clock General Secre
tary John Willis Baer stepped forward under
the bell-like sounding board and called the
delegates to order. After a brief greeting
Secretary Baer Introduced J. Xllssel of Derby.
England , who led the opening Service , at the
conclusion of which W. H H. Smith of
Washington , D. C. , Invited the United to-
clcty to the convention of ' 9C , which Is to be
held at the national capital.
President Clark received a grand ovation
when he advanced to the speaker's desk to
read his annual report. President Clark
said :
"Judged by all standards It Is no Immodest
statement that the Endeavor movement Is a
success. An organization which In fourteen
( Continued on Second Ttge. )
Jonv ntion of the National Association at
Denver Now in Full Swing.
Superintendent .Marble of the Onnlia City
BeliooU Delivers Ono of the l.cii I-
lug Addrcsien ot the
DENVER , July 11. The general subject of
: he papers for the morning session was "The
Duty and Opportunity ot the Schools In Promoting
meting Patriotism and Good Citizenship "
George II. Xlartln , supervisor of schools of
Boston , Xtass. , spoke on the subject , "New
Standards of Patriotic Citizenship , " and In
the course ot his address said :
"Tho practical question I * , shall this senti
ment of patriotism be allowed to expend
Itself In mere effervescence , or shall Its
energy be transmuted Into uwful work ?
Shall men and women be ambitious to bo
themselves fathers and mothers rather than
sons and daughters of revolution ? In a
word , shall our people be willing to live for
their country while they are waiting to die
lor It'
"To bring about this change will necessi
tate new standards of patriotism. We must
move from the fifteenth century to the
twentieth. Instead of class distinctions cm-
bodied In the law and customs we must see
legal , social equality. And we must see that
a great , Independent nation will not have to
fight over the old battle , but meet new ene
mies and call for new weapons.
"When we have come to know what these
new enemies are vse shall realize that the
work of patriotism is no longer a struggle
with principalities and power ? , but against
spiritual wickedness In high places.
"Our work , therefore , In the education of
the young for citizenship , will be three-sided
Wo shall need , fire to got beneath Its manl-
fes'atlons of patriotic emotions In the past
to the essential and underlying principles
Next wo shall need to show what are the
peculiar perils ot our country today , and ,
third , wo must teach how these enemies are
to bo mot and conquered ; In other words ,
how the old spirit must manifest Itself under
the new conditions It Rill bo our business
to teach that our foes are of our own house
hold ; that Idleness , Intemperance , luxury and
extravagance rnav destroy a people , that a
venal ballot and a corrupt judiciary may
throw down In a night nil the bulwarks of
good government "
Joseph Baldwin of Austin , Tex , treated
ho subject of "Patriotism of the Southland. "
Ho said the peo. le of the south rejoice today
.hat the lost cause Is a Iwt cause. The great
nuestlon In the south Is the lifting up of
the colored race to citizenship and It was
being done He spoke in defense of the
whites In res'rictlng the political rights of
the black. ' .
A. P. Xlarblc , superintendent of schools of
Omaha , Neb , read a paper on "The Ethical
Element In Patriotism , " a synopsis of which
'allows :
"The word patriotism Is derived from a
rcot that signifies to protect , nnd In Its
secondary seine , to feed. To protect nnd to
provide are the fundamental Ideas of patriot
ism. This protection was at first exercised
by the patriarch or father of the family ,
with the growth of families this funda
mental Idea was extended to the tribe or
us ; nnd , after further extension. It em
braced the several peoples of the same origin
and language ; till , finally , It has come to em
brace great nations with a common Interest.
"With the spread of civilization this Idea
of patriotism has taken n broader meaning
From families of Individuals or races we
now consider families of nations ; and what
at first embraced only people of one family
now embraces humanity. The original Idea
was essentially selfish In a narrow sense.
Gradually It has broadened , but has been , nnd
still Is. essentially selfish. The extended
notion of patriotism has gradually become
more altruistic , ai.d Its further development
will still further develop the altruistic Idea
Already there Is a community of educated ,
enlightened , broad-minded men , whose
patriotism embraces the whole world of man ,
while holding a warmer place In their hearts
for the country In which they live. It Is the
duty of schools to cultivate this broad , all-
comprehensive patriotism. "
At the forenoon session the nominating
committee reported and the following officers
were unanimously elected :
President , Newton C. Dougherty , Peorla ,
111 ; first vice president , Nicholas Xlurray
Butler , New York City ; second vice president ,
XIrs. A. J. Peavey , Denver , Colo. ; third vice
president , W. H. Bartholomew. Louisville ,
Ky. ; fourth vice president , L. C. Schaeffer ,
Harrlsburg , Pa. ; fifth vice president , W. N
Sheats , Tallahassee , Fla. ; sixth vice presi
dent , Henry Sabln , Des Xlolnes , la. ; seventh
vice president , E. E. XIcElroy , Portland , 0. ;
eighth vice president , C. G. Pearse , Beatrice ,
Neb ; ninth vice president , Henry R. Pet-
tlnglll , Lansing , Xllch. ; tenth vice president ,
D. II. Halsey , Oshkosh , Wls ; eleventh vice
president , T. B. Lewis , Ogden , Utah ; twelfth
vice president , Estello Reel , Cheyenne , Wyo. ;
secretary , Invln Shepard , Wlnona , Minn. ;
treasurer , Ir C. XIcNelll , Kansas City , XIo
Directors- Alabama , F. XI. Roof , Birming
ham ; Arizona , T. D. Comstock , Tucson ; Ar
kansas , Junlus Jordan , Little Rock ; Califor
nia , Earl Barnes , Stanford university ; Cole
rado. J. H. Van Sickle ; Connecticut , George
B. Hurd , New Haven ; Delaware , A. N. Raub ,
Newark ; District of Columbia , Z
Richards , Washington , Florida Oscar Clute ,
Lake City ; Georgia , Otis Ashmore , Savannah ,
Idaho , F. B. Gault. XIoscow ; Illinois , John W
Cook , Normal ; Indiana , D. K Goss , Indian
apolis ; Iowa , F B. Cooper , Des Xlolnes ; Kan
sas , John XIacDonald , Topeka ; Kentucky ,
James XIcGlnnlss , Owcnburg ; Louisiana , War
ren Esstmon , New Orleans ; Xlalne , F. C
remand , Dover ; XIaryland , K B. Prettyman.
Baltimore ; XIassachusetts , Ray Greenhullng ,
Cambridge ; Michigan. S E Whitney. Detroit ;
Xllnnesota , C. B Gilbert , St. Paul ; XIIssls-
slppl , R. B. Fu'ton ' ; University of Xllssourl ,
John R Kirk , Jefferson City , Montana , John
M. Hamilton , Xllssoula ; Nebraska. W. H
Skinner , Nebraska City ; Nevada , J E
Stubbs , Reno ; New Hampshire , C. C Rounds ,
Plymouth , New Xlexlco , Charles E Hodgln ,
Albuquerque , New York , Charles R. Skin
ner , Albany ; New Jersey , J. M Ralston.
Asbury Park ; North Carolina , Bennett S
Medes , Raleigh ; North Dskota , L. B. Avery ,
Xlaryvllle ; Ohio. W. J White , Dayton , OkU-
homa , D R. Boyd , Norman , Oregon , J. II
Ackerman. Portland ; Pcnnsjlvanla , Charles
Degarmo , Suarthmore ; Rhode Island , Horace
S. Tarbell , Providence , South Carolina , D. B
Johnson , Columbia , South Dakota , George
Smith. Vermllllon ; Tennessee , H. C. Prltchctt.
Huntsvllle ; Utah. W. R. XIallne , Salt Lake
City ; Vermont , Alfred Turner , Rutland ; Vir
ginia , E. C. Glass , Lynchburg ; Washington ,
F. J. Barnard , Seattle ; West Virginia , Rob
ert A. Armstrong , Xlorgantown , Wisconsin ,
D. I ) . XIayne , Janesvllle ; Wyoming , A. L
Putnam , Newcastle.
The papers were discussed by W. II. Bar
tholomew , Louisville , Ky. ; C. B. Gilbert , St.
Paul , Xllnn. , and J. R. Preston , state su
perintendent of Mississippi. All agreed that
the battlefield was not the place
for the display of the truest pa
triotism , and that one ot the first
duties of the teachers was that of Incul
cating love of home and native land. School
house patriotism was uniting all sections ot
the .nation.
lha morning session closed with the sing
ing nf "America" by the audience. InMhe
afternoon the departments held sessions at
the difference churches and school buildings.
The following distinguished educators read
papers *
Kindergarten W. L. Tomllns. Chicago ; R.
C. Gregory , Trenton. N. J. Elementary
J. W. Rice , New York ; James XIcGlnnis ,
Owensboro. Ky. Secondary O. S. Wescott.
Chicago ; Edward L. Harris , Cleveland ; B. C.
XIatthews. Newark. N. J. Higher W. H.
Frazer , Toronto ; Richard T. Ely , University
of Wisconsin.
Music Thomas J hruon , Cleveland ; II. E ,
Holt , Boston ; Herbert Orlpgs , Denver ; W. F.
Townsend , Pueblo ; N. L. Glover , Akron , O.
Manual and Industrial Miss XI. A. Plnney ,
New Haven ; S. H. Pratt , Carlisle , Pa ,
Child Study William L. Bryan , BloomIngton -
Ington , Ind. ; XI. V. O'Shea , Xlankato , Xllnn.j
Carl Barnes. Stanford university
Herbert Club Frank XI. McXIurray , Buf
falo ; Bahlns Dale , Ann Arbor ; Louts H. Gal-
breath , Wlnona , Xllnn ; I ) . L. Klelile , Xllnne
apolls ; F. W. Parker , Chicago ; L. 11. Jones ,
Cleveland ; W. S. Jackman , Chicago.
Pi of. W J. Whltcinan of Denver , with
a class of fifty llttlc children , entertained
the various departments with an exhibition
of chorus work.
At the evening session Vice President W.
[ Bartholomew occupied the chair. C. W.
ardcen presented the report of the com-
ulttce on necrology. It was ordered
Prof. Joseph Le Conte , University of Cat-
'ornla ' , read a paper on "The Effect of the
lieory ot Evolution on Education. " "The
lieory , " he said , "has changed our whole
'lew ' ot nature and man and modified phll-
isophy and the methods of education By
racing the highest to the lowest grades of
nlmals , the fauna of today back to early
lerlods , the fully developed man back to the
; ell , and comparing the results , we have re-
iclved all our knowledge of biology XIan ,
iody nnd soul , came from lower animal life
\'othlng comes all at once , but everything Is
> y growth. The theory that man has fallen
'rom ' a state of perfection Is dlsproven by
volution. The Ideal man Is In the future ,
nd society Is only the means of achieving
t , and to this end the Interests of the In-
Ivldual must be subordinated to those of
; oclcty. The ascetic Idea that there was n
ioparotlon between the pure soul and tht
mpure body Is denied by evolution H sub-
irdlnates the physical to the spiritual , j
ncourages both , the combination
Irength to one and refinement to the other
W. L. Bryan , University of Indiana ,
Bloomtngton , Ind , read a paper on "Science
nd Education. " He said it was hard to
iet science or any other good thing wholly
nto the schools , but there was liopo so
eng as men as the ono who preceded
ilm were working In the cause
The Colorado Educational association
n reception to the vlsltlm ; teachers at the
Brown Palace hotel after the convention ad-
DENVER. July 11. Publishers and rcpre
K ntatlvos of leading educational papars In tlr
United States who ore attending the National
ducational convention , have organized the
iducatlonal Press association. The purpose
of the association Is fraternal fellowship and
acquaintance , mutual protection , united
strength to advance educational principles
The association elected A W. Wlnshlp , the
veteran editor nnd manager of the New Eng
land Journal of Education , president ; Wil
liam G. Smith , editor of School Education ,
secretary , and Gcorgo P Brown , editor of
the Public School Journal , treasurer. The
next regular meeting of the association will
be held In February at Jacksonville , Fla.
iniori. mjr 10
laptnln Anderson I.oso.i n ( J mrter or a
Million of Ilia Mother' * Money.
KANSAS CITY , July ll.-Captaln R. B.
Anderson , who at one time was one of the
most prominent traders on the Board ol
Trade , has been missing- since last Tuesday
and It Is believed he has committed suicide.
He left his boarding house Tuesday night
telling the landlady ho was going out for a
walk , and has not been seen since. Three
letters were found In- his room. One was
addressed to his mother In Eastport , Me
another to his landlady and a third to a loca
commission firm. The letter to Mrs. Ander
son was mailed to her without being opened
The letter to the comnilFsI , company statci
life had become a burden to him and that he
had decided to pommlt suicide. The only rea
son given In the letter for his contemplated
suicide was the fear that ho might lose his
mother's ' money In unfortunate speculations
Captain Anderson came west about twelve
vears ago from Eastport , Xte. His mother Is
reputed to be an Immensely wealthy woman
and It Is alleged he had lost many thousand
of her dollars In eastern speculations. IT
was her only son and she never rcfusjd to
supply him with money for his ventures. I
Is sta'td he lost $50,000 by the failure o
a Boston bank , and also lost heavily In At
lantic steamship stock. Anderson Is said to
have po sessed $300,000 In his own right atone
ono time , but most of this he lost through
the wrecking of a bank In San Francisco
some time ago. So far as known he has met
with no great losses ot late which might In
duce htm to end his lifts but it Is supposed
that the remorse caused by having lost $250-
000 of his mother's money in speculation In
the last ten years was more than he could
Mr * , ( .lies Acquitted of Complicity In Her
HulMnd' Munlor.
DEADWOOD , July 11. ( Special Telegram. )
One of the most sensational cases that ever
troubled a Black Hills jury was brought tea
a close this morning by the- acquittal of XIrs.
Glle * , charged with the murder of her hus
band a year ago or more In the vicinity of
Belle Fourche , near Deadwood. Circumstan
tial evidence had been gathered against the
woman until the weight of It seemed almost
overwhelming. In fact , two weeks ago on
the same evidence William Davidson was con
victed and sentenced to serve his lifetime In
the penitentiary. The argument to the jury ,
however , was of such a convincing nature
that the twelve men had but little difficulty
In arriving at a verdict of not guilty. The
decision In XIrs. Giles' case will undoubtedly
result as It should , In the discharge of David
son from the penitentiary.
It Is now gravely felt that Giles was a
victim of the prejudice of cattlemen against
farmers. Giles hid settled on the land over
which the herds ranged and seemed the fore
runner of the agricultural army that was to
drive out the range cattle That Giles was a
victim of a cowboy's shot now seems cer-
taln. _
O. O. DuvU of Kmt I'cm lilnapptam with
Ton ThuiKnml InH | I.
DES XIOINES. July 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) It was learned late tonight that C.
O. Davis ot East Peru , a small station on
the Chicago Great Western railway not far
from.Oes Xlolnes , has disappeared with about
$10,000 In cash belonging to depositors and
stockholders In the Citizens bank of that
place , of which he was the proprietor , presi
dent and cashier. J B Jlanshavv and XIr.
Coons of East Des Xlolnes lose $1,500 and
$4.000 respectively. Davis vvas last seen In
this city July 5 , when he drew several
thousand dollars from/one of the banks here.
The capital of the East Peru bank vvas only
$15,000. and It Is In the liands of receivers.
Davis is a slender man with red hair , wears
glasses and goes flashily dressed. He had
not been In poseslon ot the bank long.
rovciiif nun AXtu > JN vnix.iion'x.
IllooUy Ilittlo Iletncen < elpstlals L'mlcit b }
the 1'ollcr.
DENVER. July 11. Shorjtly before noon
today a large number of policemen were
sent In a hurry to the Chinese quarter In
response to a riot call. Al > ou' twenty China
men were doing battle with axes , knives ' ,
clubs and stones , but on appearance of the
police wagon they scattered and sought hid
Ing places. Sam Lung Wa , proprietor of an
opium joint , vvas found with severe wounds
on the head , which may cause his death
He had been struck with an axe by My
Gow , a business rival , whose place had been
raided by the police and who believed the
raid had been made at the Instigation of
Sam. The other rioters were the followers
of these two leaders , Xty Gow has not yet
been caught. } _
Hlmr liny Uroirnnl.
C \SPKR , Wyo. , July 11. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) The body ot Walter Blackstone was
found In the Platte river itxteen miles west
of here , Blackstone la the son of Xlrs. S. A.
Blackstone of Blair , Neb. , and fcr the last six
months has been herding sheep for R. H.
Rhelnholdmatz. The coroner's jury returned
a verdict of aclcdental drowning.
French Newspaper Writer Takes Advantage
of the American Representative
lls Itenmrks Were of an Inform I liar-
nctor anil Ho llelleved Ho Mu §
Talltlng Only to a Prlvalo
PARIS , July 11. The Figaro this morning
nibllsbes a statement from Hon. James B
fusils , the United States ambassador to
France , In vshlch tbo latter says : "The fact
s now recalled to my memory that Secretary
Vlgnaud Introduced XI. Rentier to mo on
.May 13 , not as .a Journalist , but as a writer.
According to my custom , 1 had a conversa-
lion with him , but I certainly did not authorize
ize XI. Routler to publish ! ! . Ho did not tell
me ho had any such Intention , and If he had.
I should have taken the necessary procau.
tlons Indeed , I should have forbidden him ,
as would hive been my duty , to divulge any.
thing of our conversation. I did not use the
language he attributes to mo. and I do not
understand why XI. Routler thought ho hid
the right to Invite mo to discuss delicate
questions of International policies "
The Estafette , discussing the matter , says
"It would not require many such Incidents ,
espec'ally In view of the effect vvlilch It pro
duced In Spain , to lead to sarlous complica
tions with the United State ? The fault rests
entirely with the United Stales which by
carrying out the application of the Xlonroo
doctrlno to an abuse nnd by the ubiquity of
their Intervention disturb the European ni-
ticnsi and Injure In the end their most legiti
mate Interests , ' '
Ulnlmor Tavlor Kxpl.iliiH the Fait * About
tint llOHiln Intnrvlou.
WASHINGTON , July 11. The Spanish gov
ernment again cabled XllJi'ster Depuy Uelome
this morning presumably concerning the Inter
view of Ambassador Rustls. As the minister
Is In Boston , the cablegram was forwarded
to him there. While nothing definite can be
learned as to the nature of the dispatch , the
belief Is entertained that the Spanish foreign
olllce Is entirely satisfied with the prompt ut
terances given by the United States minister
at Madrid jestenlay concerning the Inaccuracy
of the Eustls Interview as reported. Minis
ter Taylor also took occasion to assure the
Spanish authorities of the friendly attitude
of the United States This appears to do
away \vlth everj thing Spain could take cb-
Jectlon to , and the cablegram to Senor Delomo
doubtless withdraws the Instructions previ
ously sent him to Investigate and make a
suitable protest If the facts warranted.
Will I'rlnij In No Hill on tlio 'ichool OUOK-
t'on Until .limitary.
OTTAWA , July 11. The government this
evening made Its promised announcement of
policy In the matter of the Manitoba schools
H Is a rcafflrmatlon of Us first stand to not
bring In a bill re-establishing separate schools
In Manitoba until the next session In January
and after consultation with the Manitoba gov
ernment. As a result , Hon. A. R. Rangers ,
minister of agriculture , a French-Canadian ,
has resigned. The rumors that Qulmet and
Caron , the other French ministers , had re
signed proved unfounded. Hon. XIr. Laurler.
leader of the liberals , moved to adjourn the
house as a vote of want of confidence , and a
debate began , which will last several days.
There Is thought to bo llttlo prospect of the
government being defeated , as all the French
conservatives , with three or four exceptions ,
are content with the government's action.
Town I lurried by liiHurcents.
HAVANA , July 11. The Insurgents ac
knowledge that they lost even killed and
wounded In the skirmish near Parallta. The
nsurgents , who were under command of
jarzon , have burned the town hall near
Mlnas Ma Iqulrl , province of Santiago de
uba , and killed the mayor of the town ,
Joaquln Vago and several citizens , who took
part in the defense In the action recently
fought between the troops under thecom -
nand of General Navarro and the Garzon
! > and of Insurgents , In addition to Garzon
being killed , the insurgents lost twenty-five
killed and wounded.
Captain General XIartlnez de Campos has
eft Moron , In the province of Puerto Principe ,
with the cavalry forces of that district , going
In the direction of the city of Puerto
* piln Will I'll ? tint Morn < lilill.
XIADRID , July 11. Senor Sagasta , the ex-
premier , during the course of an Interview
lias declared that the liberals would agree
to pay the Mora Indemnity damages sus
tained by the Spaniards during the war of
secession and provided the Cortes agrees to
vote the credit necessary.
El Liberal , commenting on the situation
In Cuba , today says that the United States
has loyally performed Its international obli
gations so far as the Island ) of Cuba Is con
I'npu AnprnvrR of ( illiboiiK' I'l tnfl.
ROXIE , July 11. The Observator Romano
publisher today the text of a papal brief ad
dressed to Candlnal Gibbons and approving
of the projects he submitted to the pope dur
ing his stay In Rome , especially the convoca
tion of a eucharlst congress In America slm
liar to those held In Europe , and an ample
educational program of philosophy , letters
and science for the Catholic university o
Clilnoio I/tun Ite.idlly TlUen.
BERLIN. July 11. The subscriptions to
the Chinese loan opened this morning am
closed almost Immediately , owing to the fact
that a much larger amount was promptly
subscribed for than will be needed. The
average allotment Is expected to be Vi to 1
per cent of the amount applied for. The
loans will be quoted on the bourse tomor
special ICenort on tbo Itcernt ( old Snap In
f iljn nlne MutHn.
SIOUX CITY , la , July 11. ( Special Tele
gram ) A man despatched by the Sioux City
& Northern railroad to Investigate reports
of damage by frosts has returned. Ho says
that In Nebraska and south of Perkins , In
Iowa , no frosts were felt. North of Perkins
the leaves were slightly touched , but no
damage done to crops. South of Doon corn
was quite severely nipped. Farmers think ,
however , that with a late fall there will bo
the usual jield. In South Dakota and Minnesota
seta corn suffered slightly on the low lands.
Small grain Is out of danger. Wheat and
oats will be harvested In two weeks and
much barley has already been cut.
ItrporlH of MUCH Initltiillom.
LINCOLN , July 11. ( Special Telegram )
Governor Hoi comb has , so far , received th
semi-annual reports of State Auditor Xlooro
State Treasurer Hartley. Superintendent Ab
bott of the Lincoln Insane asylum , WarJe
Leldlgh of the penitentiary , and Commandu
Wilson of the Soldiers' and Sailors' home a
Grind Island. It Is expected that all tlies
reports will be in by July 15. They dhow
In the main , the ratio of expenditure ot th
legislative appropriation for the six month
ending July 1.
Secretary of the State Banking Bean
Tovvnley has received numerous application
for the first bank charter under the nev
banking law. He has replied that no favor
ItUni can be shown In this matter , and Urn
the chatters will be lesuedi on a just an
cqultabln t > The numbers can only b
uied as reference , but there appears to be
keen dedre among bankers to possess th
first charter undtr the new law.
THVtiT AFF.illtl HOll VI'
Some .More I.ttely Development * Are Agiln
I.ookpil Tor.
CINCINNATI , July 11. Receiver XIcNulta
of the Whisky trust held n conference here
today with his counsel , Mr. Dovson of Chicago
cage and Matthews & Cleveland of Clncln-
natl , Levl Meyer of Chlcigo and Judge Shra-
der of Cincinnati , attorneys for the reorgan
ization 1 committee , and Thornton Hlnkley. at
torney t for the resident distillers and distrib
uters. Afterward a petition was filed In the
United States court for the sale of the Con
solidated Hobirt & Mattox dlstlllerlo * . the
same as the receiver lias recently filed In
the United States courts of Illinois , Indiana
and Minnesota. Judge Taft. after the entry
was agreed upon , gave till next Monday at
10 n. m for due notice to nil creditors when
there will be a hearing nnd the entry made
In the petition the receiver sa > s he has
had presented claims for $172,730 for dam
ages fcr breach of contract , and that all of
the amounts of $72,730 for rebates will bo
Meanwhile the distributers hive been much
excited , although they had no general meet
ing ' today , as expected , when some of them
were with Receiver McNulty last night. The
distributers siy that until the officers ex
plain their position there will be no spirits
bought of the trust They protest against
the receiver repudiating the rebates to which
they were entitled under contracts. They
siy that the iccelver cannot prove that
claimants for contested rebates purchased
goods from outside parties While the re
ceiver was with the attorneys till afternoon
the distributers expect a conference before
Is departure at which an animated dlscus-
on Is expected.
General XIcNulta and his attorney returned
o Chicago tonight. General XIcNulta and his
ttorney , J K. Boyesen , held n conference
Ith representatives cf the twelve dlstrlbu-
ng houses In this district this afternoon , and
djusted all gr'ovances to the apparent rails-
action of all parties concerned. Attorneys
ioycsen and Mayer explained why It was
ecessary for Receiver XIcNulta to flic a b U
f exceptions to claims filed for distributers'
Receiver XIcNulta stated tint claims for
abates would be paid to original distributers
nl their successors In business. It was
greed to verify these claims by having the
Istilbutcrs make sworn statements to a set
f printed questeions to bo sent them , which
uestlons the attorneys are to draw up
'hoso questions , when answered and sworn
o by the claimants , are to bo sent to the
icarcst master commissioner In chancery
nd his decision Is to bo a basis for settle-
nent There was also a request for lower
ales for spirits , which General XIcNulta said
o would consider.
A a tier .txn .i.v OLD MH > ,
Irntnl nml Unprovoked < rlino of n Now
\ork I x-Unnvlrt.
WATERTOWN , N. Y. , July 11. A young
Irl , 1C years old , was murdered and an old
ion fatally wounded by an ex-convict at
lhapel Hill , near Lowvllle , Lewis county ,
ast night. The victims ot the assassin were
Ilnnle Ingersoll , who lived with her brother ,
Eugene Ingersoll , and Nicholas P. Strife , n
arm hand In IngersolPs employ The mur-
[ erer Is John Hoch , aged 30 , who was con-
dcted of attempting to murder a young
voman In Denmark , Lewis county , several
ears ago , and who was sentenced to seven
/ears at Auburn. Two years ago ho rc-
-clvcd an absolute pardon from Governor
'lower and since that time has lived In
nrious parts of the county. He met .Miss
ngersoll this spring and became Infatuated
with her , but the girl would have nothing to
say to him. Yesterday morning Hoch diove
rom Lowvlllo to Chapel Hill , but the girl's
jrother Eugene ordered him a\vay and he
drove to his half-slster'a home for dinner.
Jrlvlng back to Lowvllle , he bought n
Winchester rifle and cartridges. Late In the
evening Hoch sneaked Into the Ingcrsol
> arn and when Miss Ingersoll passed with n
pall of milk he llrcd , the ball lodging In her
icart. She fell dead. Strife was following
.ho girl and the murderer fired a second
.line , the ball entering Strife's left side
Strife ran In terror and alarmed the house ,
aold. Hoch made for the woods and escaped
This morning the sheriff found Hoch hiding
at a farm house. He had told George Graves
the owner , the story of the crime , threaten
Ing death to him If ho said a word. II
showed fight to the officers , but finding re
slstanco useless ho put a revolver to hh
lorehead nnd fired , fracturing his skull
Strife may die. It Is expected that Hoch wll
XOIIJSi AUK SUItltOVSltBlt 71 r Vl'tlS
Two Small Village * VVIptxl Out nntl tl
Inlmliltiinta lloiiipluin
GRAND RAPIDS , Xllch. . July 11. Train
on railroads due hero early last evening
not arrive until after midnight , having been
delayed by forest fires at various points alon
the line. On the Chicago & Eastern .Michigan
road the little towns of Wallln and Clary , be
tween Thompsonvllle nnd Travers City , hav
jeen entirely wiped out and the people have
taken refuge at Thompsonvllle. The wire ,
are down and full particulars are not obtain
able , but passengers arriving here report tlm
no llvea were lost.
On the Grand Rapids & Indiana the vlllagi
of Xlorley Is threatened. Fires have been
raging along the track all day between Xlor
ton and Mancelona. The summer resort Oden
Oden , above Petoskey , Is surrounded by for
est fires and when last heard from was In
danger of being wiped out.
DETROIT , July 11. A special to the Fro
Press from Thompsonvllle , Xllch , , says : Wai
lln Is uterly destroyed. Ono hotel , one store
saw mill , warehouse , coal kiln , 0,000 cords c
wood and about twenty houses are burne <
People are without clothing or food. On
child Is missing XIany were overcome b
the heat The people are being cared for a
Thompsonvllle , Bendon and Travers City.
It 1.1 AIL tUKfiirUHK IHStLKH * 31KK
tttomlunco IA > ot an Largo us Hart lice
ST LOUIS , July 11 The National Assocla
tlon of Retail Furniture Dealers began It
fourth annual session today. Owing to a mis
understanding as to the date of the meetln
the attendance Is not as large as was antic
pated , but by Friday morning a full gathoi
Ing la expected.
The session was called to order by Pres
dent A. J. Conroy of Cincinnati , with flft :
mombcru present. After roll call Actln
Mayor Charles Nagel made a short addres
of welcome , and the body at once entere
upon the transaction of routine business and
revision of by-laws and constitution.
During the session the question of manufac
turers selling directly to consumers In com
petition to the retail trade will bo given con
siderable attention. Officers will bo elected
Friday to rervo the ensuing year.
I Ire Mnrli ( I from ( Insnllne Hlovi *
DENVER , July 11 A special to the Re
publican from Albuquerque , N. XI. , says For
the second time Inside of a year u serious
conflagration has visited the town of Wil
liams , on the Atlantic & Pacific railway. At
8 a. m , fire broke out In a small tailor
chop on First street , and before the flames
could be subdued more than a dozen buildIngs -
Ings had been destroyed , mostly business
houses Five saloons were burned , also the
big merchandise store of Xlax Altman The
Jail was destroyed and the barber shop of
W F Lamar The loss foots up $70,000 ,
partly Insured The explosion of a gasoline
stove caused the fire.
Cmiilicil by u I allhiK Htonc.
ST. JOSEPH , July 11. While engaged In
hoisting a 24,000 pound etone In the Abcr-
cromble ( tone yards this afternoon the der
rick broke and the rock fell , catching Fred
Schucke beneath It , crushing him to a pulp
David Foster , a brother ot Weather Prophet
Foster , was fatally Injured Internally. R
XI , Abercromble , owner of the yard and state
grand master of Odd Fellows , bad a narrow
escape. _
Movement * of OCOAII Hteumsrs , July 11.
At London Arrived Hlspanola , from Jlon-
treal ; Greece , from Now Y rk ,
At Bremerhaven Arrived Hiivtl from
New York via Southampton ,
Attorney Qonoral Siiramarily EouiovtsIIU
Deputy "for Oatuo. "
Mr. ( liurclilll AnnmiMcrn tlio fact but Srtyt
No Mnro No SueeriMir Niiincitot
Your' * Campaign thought
to llu Involved.
LINCOLN , July 11 ( Special Telegram. )
Deputy Attorney General W. 8 Summers
was remo\cd from olllco to lay by AttoniDy
General Clmichllt Tlio removal la mnilo to
toke effect July 1C. Summers tins been.
practically , the head of this depart
ment for nearly fhe years , going In with ox-
Attorney General Hastings at the beginning
of the latter's first term of olllce Ho 1ms
nlwajs been one of the molt popular officials
In any of the dcpaitmonts of the state capItol -
Itol and Ills sudden rcmo\al excites profound
emprise nnd Inquiry.
To a reporter for The Reo Summers salil
that he had been displaced for cause , al
though the cause had not yet been designated
to him by the attorney general. Thcro art
a number of rumors afloat , but none of them
affects the Integrity or ability of Summers.
Ho had Just won every point In the case of
the state , made a defendant In the Dorgan
Injunction case In the district court , and hail
rccchcil numerous compliments for his con
duct In the Intricate case Ho en Id that ho
had every leason to bclle\c tint hh suc
cessor had been selected , but ho had not
learned his name. Attorney General
Churchill said , just before leaving this evenIng -
Ing for Omahn that It was true that Sum
mers had been removed , but he had not jet
named ! IH ( successor. It la thought that no
more substantial reason exists for the dis
placement of Summers than the neceslty of
the ofllcc In order to pay u political debt.
The attorney general said he had not , BO
far , spoken to any ono In regard to his
Mr. Summers Is n resident of Beatrice ,
Gage county , and It Is thought ho will re
turn there and resume the practice of law.
Ho was a prominent candidate for the nomi
nation for the olllce of attorney general last
TO HOLIi 111 CHt 1 [ , VCU8
Vlcinlicrfl of linden Coiinly'n Itonril of
Snpirvlion Will Ton the Now l.iur.
riin.MONT , July 11 ( Special. ) The new
supervisor law passed at the last session
of the legislature will probably bo tested
before the supreme court this fall. When
the Hoard of Supervisors closed their ses
sion jestorday , Instead of adjourning to meet
In August on call of the county clerk , they
adjourned to meet In October. The program
Is that the board will meet when called In
August , a motion will be made to divide the
county Into seven districts , which from pres
ent Indications will be defeated The board
will then adjoin n and the county attorney
proceed to take legal step' It Is probable
that a writ of mandamus will bo Issued to
compel the board to meet and district the
county The case will probably bo before
the supreme court this fall It Is evident
that a majority of the board will exhaust
all legal remedies before they vvll | give up
their places.
CONSUQUUNl ! : > OF ( UlAli : TOO HUAV *
John O'.Voill of Eolith Oiunlm llnn i Him-
iio'f N' r 1 * nttn Center ,
PLATTE CENTER , Neb. , July 11. ( Spe
cial Telegram ) John O'Neill , an employe
of the packing house at South Omaha , hung
himself from a plow handle In a lumber
wagon four and a half miles southeast of
I'latto Center last evening. He claimed ho
had committed a crime some time ago and
could not live much longer. This he told to
the man with whom he was riding along1 the
road vvhllo on his way to Platte Center. He
was about 2S or 30 years old , light com-
plexloned , light moustache and about six feet
tall. He was well educated His remains
were taken to Columbus by the coroner.
Jndlaim on 11 Iliir iirnnlc.
DECATUR. Neb. , July 11. ( Special. )
Tim Omaha Indians are gathered In th
Ycaton pasture. Indulging In a big celebra
tion. They denominated It their Fourth o
July. It consists chiefly of a grand drunk ,
In which all members of the trlbo join to their
full capacity. Bootleggers are reaping a har
vest. Ono enterprising merchant Is on the
groun-J with a wagon load of whisky , wiling
It by the drink.
Ono Indian has died from the effects ot
excessive u.-o of the \llu liquor , and several ,
others are critically 111. Captain Beck , with
his posse of Indian police , have gone to the.
scene The object of their visit Is a mystery ,
but Is supposed to bo for the purpose ot
breaking up the jollification.
Ortvo I Imrgopn ntt u I iitlmr.
O'NEILL , Neb , July 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) II. nail , a farmer , who resides In
the southern part of this county , Is now an
Inmate of the county Jail , charged with the
crime of seducing his 14carold step
daughter , who Is now gala to lie in a del-
lea to condition He will be given a prelim
inary hearing Saturday
XI. E. Tlerney and wife , who are now In
Jail , charged with making spurious coin , who
were to bo given a preliminary examination
today , will bo turned over to a deputy United
States marshal , who will arrive In the city
tonight. The hearing was postponed until 9
o'clock tomorrow morning.
/ill VVujit oiinty M'ntH.
O'NEILL , Neb. , July 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The question of dividing Holt county
Is now the main topic of conversation here.
The county board Is In cession and there are
numerous petitions before It praying that It
submit a division proposition to be voted upon
at the coming election. O'Neill , Stuart and
Chambers have joined hands and want to
make three counties out of the territory now
comprising Holt , while Atkinson , Amelia and
Ewlng have pooled and want to cut this em
pire up Into four counties. Each of the towns
wants a county scat. A lively time U an
Illiilr llurclar In HitrU I. uric.
BLAIR , Neb. . July 11 ( Special , ) Th
saloon of J. Jergenson was entered by a
burglar Tuesday night. He succeeded In cut
ting through a window and getting In , but
he was heard and scared away before he suc
ceeded In getting anything. However , he
was In such a rush to get away that he loit
his watch and 35 cents In cash. Hence the
saloon keeper In ahead on the deal. The po
lice are very anxious to return the watch to
Its owner. They say It belongs to a resident
of Blair.
I alriuont Alan's Idea of Fun.
FAIRMONT , Neb. , July 11. ( Special. )
Last night Dr. Ashley and Wallace Wheeler
were taking a bicycle rldo when they were
overtaken by James Doyd and W. Hoffman
In a road cart. Iloyd was driving and watjted
a little fun , so ho yelled at his horse , which
scared the wheelmen , and In trying , to Icavo
the road they fell. This frightened the hone.
The animal wheeled around and upset the
cart. Wheeler has a badly sprained ankle ,
Boyd a badly bruised hip and Hoffman a
lame let ; and bruised shoulder.
Circus Qultn lliKinet * ut ( rote ,
CUBTR , Neb. , July 11. ( Special T U-
gram. ) The Leftwlch & Perry circus , which
exhibited hero last Saturday , has been waiting
In the vicinity since then and today finally
broke up In business , the horses and all
useful goods Laving been sold at auction.
Hunk * CoiuolhlHlc.
ARAPAHOE , Neb. , July 11. { Special ,
Telegram. ) The First State bank ot thla
| place posted notice of tale to the Aranjhao
! Stat * bank this morning.