Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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door casings could have been made only when
the door was open. He talked through an
Interpreter with Dukovo , but did not get
much satisfaction. Mlkan appeared to bo
very much excited , but the other men were
Thomas D. Klnney , a locomotive engineer ,
told tho- story , which was exclusively pub
lished In The Dec , of having seen three men
with a push cart about 3 o'clock on the
morning ol July 3. Otio man was humping
along' 6n Thirteenth street , going north , at
the crossing of the Union Pacific tracks , and
two other men were walking along on the
cast ulclo of the itroot. Witness' attention
was attracted by the shape of the object
on the cart. It was about the shape of a
largo nlzed man. lie was going west on
hl engine at a rate of four or five miles
an hour on the south bridge of the Union
Pacific , and saw the men going along. "My
first thought , " eald the witness on cross-
examination , "wan what have those fellowi
got on that cart that looks so much llko a
' " to speak to the
man's body. I was going
fireman , but ho was busy making a fire , and
I said nothing to him. I spoke to the flrtv
man and other members of my train crew
a few minutes later , and wo talked about
It. We made up our minds to say nothing
about the matter until the tlmo como tc
glvo the testimony , as v.o did nqt V.BIII
to have our sleep broken during the da ]
by policemen and newspaper reporters. "
A witness has been discovered who Is able
to add another link In the chain of evldonc <
that Is being drawn around the men ac
cused of the murder of John Seljan. /
barkeeper In Kmll Gall's saloon at Nlntt
and Douglas streets nan been subpoenaec
as a witness , and will testify that early ot
the morning of July 3 , at about 5 o'clock , i
man entered his saloon and excitedly callcc
for whisky. Ho was very nervous , am
watched the dcor as though looking foi
some one or something he was anxious note
to sec. After drinking H big drink o
whisky the man hurriedly left the salooi
and disappeared In the lumber yards nea :
the Douglas street brldgo.
The barkeeper was taken to the pollci
station Tuesday night , and asked If he couli
pick , out his man from a line of prisoner
who wcro brought before him. Ho Immc
dlately picked out Bukovo as the man am
said ho waa positive In the matter.
The pollen look upon this as quite 1m
portant. In vlow of the fact that It wa
only about an hour before the time tha
Ituby found Seljan's bloodstained coat am
vest at the foot of Harney street. Th
beat road from the river bank where th
clothes wcro found Is by way of Dougla
street , and IJUkovo's presence In that local
Ity at that hour Is considered very slgnin
cant by the police.
Detective Savage was the first wltnes
called at the afternoon session of the courl
His testimony was In the main a repetltlo
of that of Detective Dempsey , go far as th
description of the rooms and furniture of th
liouso was concerned. He testified that th
Jeer to Seljan's room was open , althoug
< he prisoners claimed that It had bee
locked and had been broken open by th
pollco. Drabnlc was In the front room who
the witness entered the house. Bukove an
Mlkan entered latcC. Ilukove talked som
English and said that Seljan hid occupie
the robm In which the blood spots wer
found and that he had not been seen sine
ha went to bed about 0 o'clock Tuesda
morning. Witness found a soft felt hi
on the bed In Seljan's room which Bukov
claimed belonged to him. Witness arrestc
the three prisoners at time. Ho Identlfle
a pocket knlko picked up In the room , closet
as. the property ot Seljan.
Captain Mostyn testified that he and Chti
of Pollco White visited the cottage at 131
Pierce street on the morning of July 3. H
gave a detailed description of the condltlc
ot Seljaii's room as ho found It , corroborate
the evidence of Detectives Savage and Dem ]
scy In all essential points. He had sec
$120 In gold and 51 cents In change , whlc
had been taken from Seljan's trunk.
Detective Dunn's evidence was that he at
Detective Donahue arrived at the Mlkan co
tago otter the prisoners had been take
away. Ho saw Captain Mostyn pick up tl
razor from the floor near the largo true
In ono corner of Seljan's room. He co
roboratqd the evidence of the other office ;
on the locAtlon , number and size ot the blot
pools and marks in the room and on tl
furniture. He had helped open Seljan
trunk and had taken $120.51 trom It.
Joseph Eckor , foreman at the smelte
testified that Seljan had worked under hi
for nearly two years. He started homo wll
Seljan on Tuesday morning and left hi
on Thirteenth street. He Identified the Iti
found on Seljan as belonging to the tin
clock at the smelter. Ho knew the prisoner
but did not work on the same shift wll
them. Ho Identified the clothing found <
the river bank as that worn by Selji
when he last saw him on Tuesday mornin
Sergeant Ormsby detailed the results of h
trip to the Mlkan cottage. It was a r
petition ot ( ho testimony ot the other officer
He had placed Officer Baldwin In charge
the cottage , with Instructions to allow i
ono to enter or to leave the house wlthoi
orders from Captain Mostyn.
Dr. D. Holovtchlnor was called to testl
to the " "statements made by the prlsone
to the chief of pollco after their arres
The doctor acted as Interpreter and tl
questions asked by him and the answe
given by the prisoners wore written dev
by Sergeant Ormsby and both questions ai
answers read to Dr. Holovtchlncr at the tin
and pronounced by him as correct. A d
bate ensued over the admission of the not
and memoranda made by Sergeant Ormsb
The court held that the document could 1
used by the doctor to refresh his momor
Attorneys for the defense objected on tl
ground that the statements made by t
prisoner * were secured under threats ,
promises. This was overruled by the com
the doctor stating that Chief White h ;
assured the prisoners that they must a
swer ot their own free will and that i
promise was held out .to any of them to , I
duca them to confess to any part they in ;
have had In the murder.
The witness said that Bukovo had be
examined first. When asked about t
death of Seljan , Bukove had said that may
he had died by bleeding too much , and
response to another question had stated th
Soljan was a healthy man. Bukove told h <
the different men under arrest had spent t
day on Tuesday , July 2. BuUove said th
he was at home In the evening and th
went out and come back at 0:30 : o'clock ai
wont to bed. Chief White told Bukove th
ho know that ho ( Uukovo ) had commit !
the murder. Bukove replied that It could 11
bo so , as no one had seen him commit t
crime. The witness then told Bukove tli
the body had been found and Bukove want
to know It there was one wound In t
throat or two. Bukove admitted that ho h
shaved Seljan on Tuesday , The kc\r
Seljan'a trunk had been found In Bukovi
pocket , and Bukove explained this by so
Ing that Seljan had left the key In t
trunk and he had taken it for safe kec
Mike Urban , the other boarder at the Mik
cottage , who was at first susplclcmed ot hi
ing had a hand In the killing ot Seljan , w
placed on the stand by the state. He spc
in tha Servian language and was a. volul
witness , Dr. Holovtchlner acting as int <
pretor. Urban testified that he was e
Ployed In the smelter and worked during t
day , whjla Scljan and the other boarders
Mlkan' * worked on the nliUt ; shift. He kn
Soljan , but had not seen him for a week 1
Tore the murder , as they worked In differs
shifts and were never at the boarding hoi
at the same tlmo. The witness slept In t
big room with Bukove and Drobnlc. . '
slept in a bed by himself , and Bukova a
Drobnlc had a syndicate couch. Their ro <
was concnctcd by a door with the room oci
pled by Seljan , while Mr. and Mrs. Mlk
had Bleeping apartments In a room adjolnl
tha kitchen. When witness returned fn
work on the night ot July 2 Bukove a
Drobnlo said that they had eaten their si
per they usually ate with the witness D
ho ats alone. While eating he heard Mr. a
Mr * . Mlkan saying that Seljsn was dru
and later In the evening Ilukove and Drob
also told him the same thing. The door
Boljsn's room was closed , although it v
usually left open. The wltucna loaned Iluki
| 2 after supper and Bukove left the hou
The state rested Its case at the conclus
of Urhan's testimony and an adjournim
was taken until 10 o'clock this mornl
when the court will hear arguments on
motion ol the defendants' attorneys for
> lout6oi > J Prices.
Sada , etc. ' , all flavors , 40 cents per ea
seltzer * , elder , root beer , finger air , e
quirts. n.CO per dozen.
Texas freestone peaches and fancy tor
toes , S , II , Buffett , 315 So. 14th si.
Miserable Fiasco Ends the Ohancos ol
Ithaca in the Henley Hegatta.
Most ot the AmcrlCHii Itoy * Itotreil I.lltt
cchool Itoy4 Sumo Knlntcd Ucail
Awny nnil Other * Droppcil
Their Ours.
HENLEY , July 10. The anti-American
feeling caused by Cornell going over Die
course ycslerday when Leander failed to gal
" " continued today nnc !
away at the word "go"
offensive remarks arc to be heard on nl
"They are Just like the Australians , " rali !
one person In the crowded breakfast roon
of the lied Lion hotel this morning , "the )
don't care how they win. "
The Lenndcrs continued to fan the flame o
'discontent. They were to bo heard In al
parts denouncing , not the umpire or lh <
decision of the committee of stewards whlcl
gave the race to Cornell yesterday , but thej
denounced Cornell In splto of the fact tha
the American crew simply obeyed the In
structlons of the umpire to row over thi
course. ,
The Leanders made no overtures to Cornel
yesterday to race again , but they began ni
Immediate torrent of abuse. Andrew \\hltc
who has been Identified with the Coinel
crew ever since the latter arrived at Henley
Is perfectly well known to the dlfferen
crews. Yesterday he entered a crowded hole
lobby wearing the Cornell colors. In th
lobby was a group of Leanders excltedl ;
talking over the unfortunate misunderstand
Ing of yesterday. Bcgg , the Leandcr cox
swain , glanced at Mr. White and then said
I evidently for his benefit : "D n the Amcrl
cans anyway. ' It Is Just what we mlgh
have expected. "
All the members of the Cornell crew wer
cry naturally Indignant at the manner I ;
/hlch the Loanders had been speakln
galnat them and they remarked : "It no\
ests wllh us to win today and show th
Jrltlshcrs that wo do not depend on th
ingles of any crew to win. "
The day opened hot and clear , with th
vlnd lighter than yesterday , though Bill
lowing from the Ducks shore , and as th
Cornell crew upon this occasion had th
pposlto Berkshire shore , the weather wa
onsldered slightly against them.
Courtney , Cornell's trainer , was again 1 !
11 night and Is under the care of a doctoi
ho says he Is suffering from a chill.
The members of Iho Cornell crew ros
arly , were well rubbed down nnd had breali
ast at 7:30 : a. m. They were all well an
n the best of spirits. They did not go the
ho boat house before the race , but rcmalne
n their quarters until time to get ready t
nter their boat shortly after 12 o'clocl
: he tsubstltiiles paddled the Cornell bo :
[ own to the starting point. The scenes e
yesterday were repeated alcfng the coursi
Ithough the crowd was much lighter. A
ho crew of the Trinity Hall , Cambrldgi
laddled Into position In order to mec
Cornell In the fourth heat of the trial race
or the Grand Challenge cup , the Engllst
men met with a rousing reception. The
average weight was 165 pounds and the
names were as follows :
T. B. Hope , bow ; J. A. Bott , W. J. Fernl
W. C. Stewart , W. A. Bleber. B. H. Howel
A. S. Bell , D. E. Wnuchope , stroke , an
" "aget " Tomllnson , coxswain.
Trinity Hall was first caught at the star
ng point and took the Bucks position.
Cornell was slow In taking up position o
.he Berkshire side. The word "go" wi
; lven at 12:32 : p. m. and Cornell first caugl
; he water and started with a stroke i
'orty-slx ' to Trlnlly's forty-two. Cornell wt
half a length abend on turning into tl
course after passing Regatta Island. The
the Cornell runners began to encourage tl
American crew and under this stimuli
Cornell , who had dropped to thlrty-elgh
spurted and Increased her lead to a lengt
Trinity was then splashing slightly.
Cornell made the halt mile In 2 mlnuti
26 seconds , but passing Frawley court Cornc
went to pieces. Freeborn , No. 4 , In U
Cornell boat , dropped his oar and put h
lands to his face. The Cornell crew secmi
paralyzed at this. Hall , stroke of the Co
icll crew , seemed not to understand what w ;
nterforlng wllh the momentum of the boa
and half turned round. 11 y the time Cornc
was again at wo-k Trinity Hall was a lengi
ahead ,
The Cornell crow was so rattled that thi
rowed like a lot of school'boys. and Hage
No. 3 In the American boat , dropped his o
and fell back Into the arms of No. 2 , Spel
nan. The latter Instantly relieved him , ai
as Hager did not recover himself Colson , tl
coxswain , called out sharply. "What are yi
about. 3 ? "
Hager then resumed his oar and seemi
to try to row , but no sooner had the ere
recommenced pulling with Trlnjty half
dozen lengths ahead than It became Frc
jorn's turn to hinder matters. He dropp
My oar and with ono hand before his cy
seemed to grope blindly to recover It.
By this tlmo Trinity Hall was seven
eight lengths ahead , rowing a long , evi
stroke , and they could plainly bo seen laug
ng to each other.
Pairing tbo mile post In 5 minutes 22 sc
ends , Fennoll's head fell forward and 1
seemed about to faint. He also dropp
ils oar and rubbed his forehead. Tl
ghouls of encouragement of little Colson , t
Cornell coxswain , could ba distinctly hea
above the din ot cheering from the shot
where the Cornell men wore mnnlg ale :
the bank , frantically endeavoring to cncou
ago the crew. Fennell recovered and trl
to row. but hla oar struck the water II ;
although It wns fo. " some tlmo In the prop
Boaltlon. Then again the men on the opp
site side ot the boat aeemd unable to 1
their oars and were occupied in trying
steady the boat. Hall , who was rowl :
steadily , looked the picture of despa
Nevertheless he * kept at work and almc
alone seemed to pull the boat. After pass !
the mile poU Ilager dropped bis oar for t
second time , but he recovered hlmse
although he seemed ready to faint again.
Dyer , No. 4 In the Cornell boat , and Re
the bow oar , who , with Hall , had been el
Ing the bus' work , also began to show slg
ot exhaustion and began splashing bad !
The Trinity Hall crew wns then hopeless
ahead and the race was virtually over. T
crowds on the river banks and la the bo :
nloug the Uioio were frantic with delight
Cornell's unfortunate situation , but the Cc
nell men continued to run along the she
shouting all kinds of encouragement to t
demoralized crew. The Cornell men In t
boat , however , seemed more fit to be In thi
com n a than In a boat raco. The Amerlc
spectators asboro and afloat were heartbrok
at the collapse ) ot the Cornell crew. T
grandstand was filled with brightly drew
American glrla and many of them were ci
Ing at the finish.
Trinity Hall won the race easily by els
lengths , ard ns the Cornel ) boat crossed t
finish line Fennell tumbled from his se
In a dead faint. The Brltlsihers wore w
with delight when Trinity passed Cornell
the three-quarter. ) post , hut words fall to r
press tuolr degree of enthusiasm when Tr ]
Ity Hall won and Cornell tailed along pj
the grandtond. Thn the Cornell men we
received with hisses. They sloppnl rowl
heforo they passed the Judges , who hoist
tlia sign "not rowed out. "
The band then played "Qod Save t
Queen"as the cnlwd cheered Itself hoai
and poor Fennell Uy nn dead In the botte
of the Cornell bout , whllo hh nearest co :
psnlons splmhed water In his fare. Happ
ha soon recovered and the Cornell crew ] ov
psddled to thslr boat house , which was sll
ted about a quarter ot a mlla beyond t
The Cornell men presented a solemn sis
AS they arrived at the boat house where th
friends In waning did not know the rest :
hut thirt was no necessity for asking I
question. Th * appearance ot tue crew 01
too surely gave the answer. Tears stood
Ro9's eyes as he stepped out , nnd the cr
were so exhausted that they rould scare
lift their boat from the water. Seve
members of , the Cornell ( Her club tried
arouse the drooping spirits of the Corr
crew , saying , "You hnre * nn reason Jo f
ashamed ; you tlld your best. "
Oolson , the Cornell coxswain , drier
crr-JIt for the way he kept his head and i
cottraged the crow. He kept shouting to
iwn 'vlille Ihey Nero t'imbllns ' abe
"Steady boy . steaOy , BO abend ; you have i
lllflK. "
The general opinion U Ihtl the "Core
crew were hopelessly overtrained and that
here win no climate or malaria , Tlbout It.
Colson , who acted as spokesman for the Cor
nell crew , ssld : "We had n hard race nnd
we were fairly and squarely beaten. "
"Has the crew besn overtrained ? " Colion
was asked.
"Mr. Francis * orders are that there should
bo no talk on that subject , " was the reply.
On reaching their dressing roor.t half of
he Cornell crew lay down on the board floor
and panted like hounds after a long run. In
addition to the regular attendants the Cornell
Glee club , who were present , acted as rubbers
and assisted In washing down the crew with
cold water. Tha other Cornell men outside the
dressing room enlivened the proceedings by
giving the college yell again nnd again at
the full strength of their lungs. In the
meantime the large boat house had become
crowded with Americans and this had a
cheering effect upon the defeated crew.
In addition a number of Englishmen called
at the Cornell boat house and expressed
themselves as being eorry that the Ameri
cans \\cre defeated.
The following arc expressions which some
ot the Cornell crew made after dressing :
F. W. Freeborn The Englishmen are the
test men.
George P. Dwyer I think wo have nothing
: o ba ashamed of.
Tom Hall I am not sorry we came.
C. A. Lewis It Is a waste of tlmo to talk
about the defeat.
The only satisfaction of the day was the
thorough beating which the four of tht
Thames Rowing club gave the four of th <
Leandcr Boat club In the third heat of the
race for the Stewards' challenge cup. Thi
Thames crew won as It liked by eight lengths
The Leander four were all members of tin
Leander crew entered for the grand dial
lenge cup and among the e who have beer
so bitter against the Americans since Cor
nell , under the umpire's direction , rowei
over the course yesterday when the Leandarj
failed to start. The Thames crew wa :
heartily cheered as It crossed the line ahead
but the Leanders were received In silence.
Fennell , It appears , was 111 when he en
tered the race today , .suffering from valvulai
affection of the heart , which caused a blj
lump on his left side. According to hl ver
slon ho caught a crab when the Cornell boa
was passing the half mile post and his oa :
struck him a tremendous blow on his let
side , the shock seeming to paralyza hla legs
Ho was able to use his arm , hut could no
recover with the rest. The great exertloi
he was making caused him to faint In Free
horn's arms , and the terrible struggb the res
of the crow were obliged to make did Up on
after another. Fennell tried again and .agal :
to do his part , but he fainted three times.
As the Cornell crew pulled to the Judge
stand to go through the formality of glvin
their weights they were all looking Ilk
death. About the stand was a crowd e
Leanders In their boats and one of ther
said : "I suppose you lost on account of th
hard race you had yesterday ? "
Another Leander man jeerlngly remarked
"Of course you'r coming again In " 96 ? "
The Cornell men made no reply to thes
The Pall Mall Gazette this evening , com
mentlng on the defeat of Cornell , sayf
"There was never such a popular victory 1
the history of the regatta. Trinity rowe
beautifully together. In true 'varsity styli
and gradually wore the Yankees down. Th
shouting for Trinity as the crew finished wa
tremendous. The Cornell men , neverthelesi
were In no wise derided by the enthuslasn
The feeble attempt to cheer them , howevei
did not meet with a response. "
On the third heat In the race for th
Thames Challenge tup , Kingston beat th
French crew of the Soclete d' Encouragi
incut nu Sport Nautlque , and In the fourt
heat the crew of the Molesy rowing clu
beat the crew of the London Rowing club.
In the second heat for the Stewards' Cha
lenge cup , the crew of the London Rowln
club beat the crew of New college , Oxford.
In the third heat for the Stewards' Gha
lenge cup , the crew of the Thames Rowln
club beat the crew of the Leander Bo :
In the fourth heat for the diamond1 scull
Guy Nlckulls of London Rowing club' ' be ;
E. A. Thompson of , the Leandcr Boat , Qlub.
In theMlfth heat Now college beat tori I
the race for the Grand Challenge Clip.
In the fifth heat for the Thamea. Cha
lenge cup , the St. John's college. Oxfon
crew , beat the eight of the Anglian Bo :
Trinity Hall's tlmo In the race with Co
nell was 7:17. : The record time Is 6:15 : , mac
> y a Leander crew , and the cup was won la
year in 7:22. : _ .
Arrancinic to Aeeommo.lnto the World.
DALLAS , Tex. , July 10. A diagram i
the great Corbett-Fltzslmmons building wi
displayed at Dan Stuart's ofllce this mon
Inir. It showed an octagon structure cove
Ing 400 feet of ground , or nearly four acre
The following are Its grand ellvlslons : Ui
reserved seats , 30.8C5 ; reserved seats , 17GS
Heats In balcony , 2.408 ; seats for the prea
C52 ; total. 52,815. There -was never such
theater built in the United Stntes. Tl
democratic wigwam at Chicago only lu
50,000 feet and the ! Music hnll at the World
fair no more. The prize ring Is In tl
exact center and will be forty feet squnr
elevated four feet from the ground. Tl
C52 seats reserved for the piess will be ne :
around the ring. From thence there Is
sharp ascent towards the clouds , dlzj
with marks and squares and pierced wi
aisles. As enormous as the capacity Is ,
Is confidently expected that every seat w
be taken. Secretary Wheeler was busy th
morning marking off the boxes and sea
taken by people at a distance.
Maunfurturem Do Ji'iu Want Professional
ASBURY PARK , July 10. Three of tl
rr.cst Influential members of the Cyc
Board of trade , the Spaldlng , Syracuse at
Sterling Manufacturing companies , ha'
agreed not to tolerate the proposed ne
class B rule of the League of Amerlc.
Wheelmen. They say that If the class
riders now under contract with them wni
to become professionals , they must c
loose from them tlrst. The manufacture
take the position that they will not san
tlon professional racing.
Two hundred wheelmen made the run f
Munsaquan , the home of A. A. Zlmmerma
today. They were led t y the champlo
who , with his father , entertained the rldet
The 100-mile road race was called o
Chairman Gideon had not sanctioned It at
the race could not be held unless on i
open race day.
I'ule'n Itoply to
NEW YORK , July 10. The condltloi
made by Cambridge upon which they wou
accept Yale's counter chalelnge for a mec
Ing in New York are In the main satlsfa
tory to Ynle. The following cablegram w
sent today to the representatives of Cat
bridge :
"Tho conditions made by Cambridge a
satisfactory to Yale. Cambridge to sail I
the Cunarder after August 27 ; the gam
ore to tnke place October 5. We wou
suggest that the 220-yard run bo substltut
for the 300-yanl run , as our dtralehtawi
tracks are only 220 yards long. Yale \v
arrange for a house In New Haven and w
nut the Yale track at the disposal of Cm
brldgo If the latter wishes. "
At the ChlriiQo 'lenim Tnnrnny ,
Chicago , July 10. In the Tennis tourn
merit today the following were the resul
In the championship games :
Neel beat Meyers , 6-1 , 10-8.
Wrenn brothers beat Mundy nnd Grl lilt
7-9 , 7-5. C-S , 6-3.
NCP ! brothers beat Rycrson nnd Neel
6-4. C-3. (5-3. (
Ware nnd Scuddor beat Wrenn brothoi
C-4 , 6-2 , 6-8 , 6-1. _
Teiinli nt Avliliiml.
ASHLAND. Neb. , July 10.Speclal. . ) -
dlstrlct lawn tennis tournament will
held In Ashland In two weeks. Clubs frc
Plattsmouth , Weeping Water , Valparal
nndVuhoo are expected.
II'.l.VTS Tltto llK.inQUAllTKnS.
Chicago Asks Chrlnllun Kndeavorer *
Mora Wontwaril ,
BOSTON. July 10. Rev. Dr. John Hen
Barrows of Chicago , one of the trustees
the United Society of Christian Endeavi
has received from II. H. Kohlsaat , publish
ot the Chicago Times-Herald , a message as
Ing him to do all In hU power to secure t
removal of the Christian Endeavor hea
quarters from this city to Chicago , and ati
Ing thst the Times-Herald will contrlbi
$5,000 a year toward the support ot the hei
quarters If locatoJ In that city. Dr. B :
rowu says , white he Is Inclined to favor C !
cage , ho Is not yet convinced that bis woi
ba ot any great advantage to the socle1
The western delegates , BJ a whole , stroni
favor HO hange and the Illinois Endeavon
have been Industriously working to sect
the support of the other sections ot the roi
try , The trustees ot the United tioclet
of Christian Endeavor arc In session tl
afternoon. The question of removing t
headquarters to Chicago Is under consldei
tlon and plans are being pasiej upon for t
further extension ot Endeavor work throuc
out the world ,
Omaha Givfs" lift Prohibitionists a Very
Nice S85Back { to tha Kico.
Carrlstt 1'ltrlics 7t kpl'miilld ( lanto and Gctt
l.xcellcnt Support from n llntlly L > o-
niornllr.eii Ten HI Mohlcr the
ttVr' ' ? > r the Uuy.
Omaha , C : DCS Molnes i
Hockford. H : Qulncy. 4.
Lincoln , Cj St. Joseph , 2.
I'eorln , C : Jacksonville , 3.
New York. 2 ; Cleveland , 0.
PlttsburK. 4 ; IJrooklyn , 1.
Louisville , 8 ; Boston , 1.
Indianapolis , lot St , Paul , 1.
Detroit. 23 ; Minneapolis. 11.
Milwaukee , 13 ; Grand Haplds , s.
Kansas City , 12 ; Terre Haute , 1.
The Hutchlnson family turned the tables
on Uncle TrnDley's aggregation yesterday
afternoon , beating them out In a well playcel
game by a score of C to 2 ,
And the victory came In the shape of o
surprise party too , for the homo team , or o
majority of It , ralher , were In a more fil
condition for the hospital than the bal
field. Hutch and Lehman only had twc
legs between them , and Nattress but cm
arm , whllo Inks was hampered with a sore
foot , Miles a game thumb and Shaffer am
Pace were both more or less under tin
weather. But despite of all this , Tradley's
formidable outfit was like so many Infants
But they played fine ball all the same , am
had It not been for Carrlsh's magnificent
pitching wo.uld undoubtedly have contlnuec
on their triumphal march. Kid Mohlei
played the star , game ot both teams , hli
fielding being clean , quick and marvelous
On the part of Omaha Petrlno Lehman wai
the attraction. Ho never caught a bottei
game , hit like a Brouthcrs and kicked llki
n steer. It Is about time this usuall ;
gentlemanly player took a tumble to himself
Ills continuous chewing with the umpire I ,
lecomlng not only monotonous , but ob
oxlous. There ls no fault to be found will
Jmplre Burns yesterday , In fact his worl
was splendid. Hutch , too. Is deserving o
onslderable praise for yesterday's ttmel
win. Ho was very lame and sick beside :
yet he put more energy In the game thai
any other player on the team , and It wa
its Incessant Jolly thai spurred the boys o :
o victory. Scores :
AH. n. BH.SH. . SB. PO. A. V
lutch , 2b. . . .
Single , m. . . .
Natttess , 3b. . . 5 1 .2 0 0 2 1
Shaffer. If. . . . 5.1 0 u 1 2 0
nks , Ib HO 3 0 0 G 0
Pace , rf -
Lehman , c..t-6 > 0 3' 0 0 10 0
Miles , S3 I % 0 0 0 0 0 2
Carrlsh , p. . . . 4n.3
Totals . . .M K 0 2 27 7
AU , K. BH. SH. SB. PO. A. I
Leteher , rf. . . 5,0 , 0 0 1 0 0
Mohlcr , 2b.,5 ,
McVlcker. m.
McFnrlnnd ,
McKlbben , lf.4T 1 0 1 3 0
Purvis ) , lb.8 I'i ' 1 u 0 12 0
rrallley , ss. . .
Hlckey , 3b..4i i ft 0 0 0 2 2
Andrews , p.j , , 0 , . 2 0 0 0 1
Totals , . . .3T If T 0 2 * 26 12
Slagle out-.hit l > y batted ball.
Omaha , . . . . ) . . 005000010-
Des Molnes . . - , ' : . . . ! . . -
Earned runs } Omaha , 3. Two-base lilts
Hutchlnson , Burvlsj McVlcker. Threo-bas
hits : Andrews , , Pace. Double plays : .Mile
to Hutchlns onjto Inks : Mohler to Purvis
Motile * to .TraftteVVto Purvis : Struclc'ou1
By Cnrrtsli , & ; i.ibr .Andrews , 3. llasoo
balls : Off Carrlsh , 3 ; 'Off Andrews. 3. H
by pftcher : By Carrlsh , 1 ; by Andrew :
1. ' Wild pilches : Carrlsh , 1. Time : Tw
rtours and ten minutes. Umpire : M
ROCKFORD. 111. . July 10. ( Special Tell
gram. ) For seven innings Qulncy could g <
but one run off Underwood , who had thei
completely nt his mercy. Hockford , ra
bases daringly and batted hard. Horton
throwing from right Held and Farrell
work at short for Qulncy were the feature
Score :
Rockford 001007030
Qulncy 000100300
Hits : Rockford , 12 ; Qulncy , C Erron
Rockford , I ; Qulncy , 3. Earned runs : Reel
ford , 3. Two-base hits : Vlsner , Jlerte
Stolen basrew : Vlsner (3) ( , Kllng , Lerot
Horton (2) ( , McCormlck , Merles. Bases o
balls : Off Underwood , 2 ; oft Cnpllnger ,
Struck out : By Underwood , 9 ; by Capllnge
1. Wild pitches : Underwood , 2. Hit t
pitched ball : Mertes. Sacrifice lilts : Trub ;
Underwood , Holland. P.atterles : Undo :
wood and Snydorr Cnpllnger nnd Bolnm
Umpire : Mr. Wilson.
LINCOLN. July 10. ( Special Telegram. )
Things started Buck's way today ngali
nnd ho took In the Saints very easily. Buc
put up a great game himself , taking In
hard ily with one hand on a run. Orag
did well at critical points , whllo Parvln
support was ragged at times. Score :
Lincoln 010301010-
St. Joseph -
Hlls : Lincoln , 10 ; St. Joseph , 9. Erron
Lincoln , 2 ; St. Joseph. 7. Earned runs : Lit
coin , 1 ; St. Joseph , 1. Two-base hits : Km
ncdy. Three-base hits : VanBuren. Struc
out : Hill. Barnes , Gragg , McCarthy , Grl :
nn , Rlchter. Pnrvln. Bases on balls : O
Gregg , 3 ; off Parvln , 4. Hit by pitched bal
Sullivan. Stolen bases : VnnBuren , Ho
llngsworth. McCarthy. Sacrifice hits : Spee
Kennedy. Left on bases : Lincoln. 13 ; 8
Joseph , 8. Batteries : Grngg nnd Spee :
Parvln and Jones.- Time : One hour nn
forty-ilvo minutes. Umpire : Mr. Ward.
PEORIA , 111. , July 10. ( Special Telegram
Peorla repeated the dose today by doln
up Jacksonville In an nimost errorlo !
game. Roach pitched for Peorla nnd d !
line work. Hoover , catcher for the visitor
waa struck on the forehead by n ball In tl
llrst Inningnnd had to retire , Belt tahln
his place. Score :
Peorla 300000200-
Jacksonvlllo 000000012-
Hlts : Peorla , 10 ; Jacksonville. 10. Error
Peorla , 1. Earned runs : Peorla , 2 ; Joel
sonvlllo , 2. Two-base , hits : Haller (2) ( ) , D
vlnney , Belt. Stolen bases : Flynn ( !
Fisher , Roach (3) ( ) , Taylor , -Schwartz. Doi
ble plays : Dugdale to Fisher ; Devlnnoy i
Kgan to Carrulhers. Bases on balls : O
Roach , 1 ; oft Schwartz 4. Struck out : H
Roach , 2 ; by Schwartz , 2. Batteries : Rene
and Dugdale ; Schwartz and Belt. Time , '
gnme : Two hours. Umpjre : Mr. McGli
ness. „ . , , „ .
an Waved. Won. Lost. P.C
Peorla . " . 57 38 19 G6
Lincoln TTr-.rr.-57 35 22 61
Omaha l . 57 32 25 50
Des Molnes -EG 30 2G S3
Qulncy itttvi.SS if 5E
Rcckford , ! ' . . , , . . 57 23 31 40
Jacksonville . .7/.VP57 ! ' 21 38 36
St. Joseph . . . .iplt.JOr 20 37 35
Games todnyjniJ > S Molnes nt Omaha ; E
Joseph at Lincoln : Qulncy at Peorlu ; Jac ]
uonvllle at HocKrarct.
* " " " " "
ior J
Dad Clarke WMtpivjitlics the Hard Illttlr
Slilurr nt Ilninn.
CLUVBUANU.n'juij | 10. Today's gome w
a pitcher's batUptVnd was also charade
teed by xplendlil jibing on both sides , Tl
Giants gained Jfjth.i their runs by luck. A
tendance , 1,800. y core :
Cleveland . wu > 000000000-
New York . V4 , 0 00001001-
Hlts : Cleveland. 3 : New York , 9. I !
rors : Cleveland , o ; flew "iork , 0. Karn
runs : New York. 1. Left on buses : Clev
Innd , 4 ; New York , 5. Klrst bane on ball
Off Young , 3 : oft Clarke , 1. Struck OL
Uy Young. 3 { by .Clarke. 2. Three-bd
hit : W. Clarke. Two-base hit : Dav
Sacrifice hit : Tobean. Stolen bases : SI
Aleer , Tlernon (2) ( ) , Batteries : Yountr ni
dimmer : 1 > . Clarke and Farrell. Tim
Ono hour and fifty minutes. Umpli
PITTSUIJHO , July 10. Cardner was ve
affective against the HrooHlynn , vvh
Plttnbure lift Gumbert opportunely. 1 :
rore by Cross gave IJrooklyn their on
run. Attendance , 1WW. Score :
MttsburK . , , . 03000010-
IJrooklyn . 000100000-
Itlts : Pltsbure , 5 > : Brooklyn , 0. Erroi
PltUburg. 1 : IJrooklyn. 0. Karned rur
I'ltUburK. 2. Three-base hit : Grill
Homo run : Genlns. Srurlflce hit : M <
rltt. Stolen bases ; Orlllln , Arderson , Cc
coran. Hare on balls. Uonovnn , Cro
Qrltlln. Shlndle , Gumr.ert Hit by pitch
ball : Stcnzel , Grim. Struck out ; Ily Gai
nor , 2. Batteries : Gardner nnd Merrill ;
Qtimbcrt niul Grim , Time : Two hours.
Umpire : Knmllc ,
I.OUlSVIMiK. July 10. The Colonels to'-
dny put up a brilliant KIIIIIC and won , The
Ilenn Kntors scored their only run In the
ninth Inning , nfter two men were out.
Score !
Louisville 00150001 1-S
Uoston 000000001-1
Hits : Louisville , 11 ; Uoston , 11. Krrors :
Boston , 2. Knrncd runs : Louisville , 6 ; Bos
ton , 1. First baston errors : Louisville , 1.
Loft on bases : Louisville , G ; Boston , V.
First biifc on balls : Off Inks , 1 : off Sulli
van , 3. Struck out : By Inks , 2 ; by Sum-
van , 2. Home runs : Collins. Two-base
tits : Wnrner , OHrlen , Sullivan , Lowe ,
Juffy. Sncrlllce hits' : GettliiKcr. Stolen
uses : Warner. Nnsh. Lowo. Double plnjs :
'olllns to O'Brien to Spies ; Duffy to
Tucker. Hit by pitcher : Itnnnon. Bat-
erics : Inks and Wnrner ; Sullivan nnd
tynn. Tlmo : Ono hour nnd forty-three
nlnutos. Umpire : McDonald. Attend-
r.ce , 1.SOO.
I'lnycd. Won. Lost. P.Ct.
Jnltlmoro W 31 22 C0.7
MttsblirB CO 39 27 M.I
Joston ftS 31 24 ES.G
"hlcnjro CO 40 * 23 BS.O
Cincinnati K ! 30 27 f,7.1 ,
Cleveland 67 31 23 M.7
'hlladclphla K ) 32 27 51.2
Jrooklyn 61 3.1 23 Cl.l
Now York Gl 30 31 -19.2
Vashlnpton 57 22 33 38.8
t Louis Cu 22 43 33.8
Lotllsvlllo GO 11 49 18.3
Games today : New York nt Clevclnnd ;
Jrooklyn nt 1'lttsburt ? ; Boston at Louisville ;
Jultlmore nt Chicago ; Philadelphia at St.
Louis. _ _ _ _ _ _
ndlnnpolls Makes It Two with St Paul In n
I'rotty ( Iniiin.
INPIANAPOLIS , July lO.-Consccutlvc
hlttlnR won for the homo team today. St.
aul could not bunch hits on Fisher. Both
earns fielded finely. Score :
ndlannpolls 0-1C
St. Paul 0 00000010 1
Hits : Indlnnnpolls. 12 ; St. Paul , 7. Br
ers : St. Paul. 1. Batteries : Fisher and
McFarland ; Johnson and Boyle ,
DKTHOIT , July 10. Score :
Detroit 9-2T
Minneapolis 01D02021 0-11
Hits : Detroit , 29 ; Minneapolis , 14. Er
rors : Detroit , C ; Minneapolis , 1. Batteries :
Whltehlll and Twlneham ; Heoly and Wil
son. ,
GHAND IIAPIDS , July 10. Score :
Grnnd Itnplds - . 00" 000000 I
\Illwaukeo i :
Hits : Grand Itaplds , 8 ; Milwaukee , II
Errors : Grand Ilnplds , B ; Milwaukee , 4
? atterles : Stafford , Petty and Zahner
Unkcr and Weaver.
TEUHE HAUTE , July 10. Score :
Cansas City 0 :
Terre Hnuto
Hits : Kansas City , 8 ; Terre Haute , C
Errors : Kansas City , 2 ; Terre Haute , 1
batteries : Hastings and Bergen ; Nops OIK
Played. Won. Lost. P.Ct
Indianapolis 59 3S 21 CI.
Detroit C2 34 28 51 ,
KummB City Gl 33 28 54.
St. Paul GO 31 29 M.
Milwaukee G2 32 30 51.
Minneapolis 59 26 33 44.
Grand Itaplda ai 2G 37 41. :
Terre Haute GO 24 36 40. '
Games today : Minneapolis nt Detroit ; St
Paul nt Indianapolis ; Milwaukee at Gram
Hnplds ; Kansas City ut Terre Haute.
Hull < inmo Today.
Omaha nnd Dos Molncs will piny th <
third gnmo of their series this nfternoon
It will be the Inst gnmo hero this week
Both teams nro playlliff good ball , nnd the
game Is deserving of better patronage thai
t Is Betting In Omaha at present. There li
good sport promised for today.The teams :
Omaha. Position. Des Molnes
Inks First I'urvli
Hutchlnson Second Mohle :
Nattress Third Hlckoj
Ulrich Short Trnfllej
Shaffer Left McKlbbci
Slaglo Middle Letche :
Pace Catch McFnrlam
Balsz or Egan Pitch Maud
Ball trains leave at 3:25. : Game called a
3:43. :
Ccilnr ItnpliUVoii the Third.
5J.CBO.VR . HAPIDS , la. , July 10.-Specla (
Telegram. ) Today's grnme was a shigglni
match nnd both Eramerke nnd Welch wer <
knocked out of the box. Connors of Ot
ti-mwa sent the ball over the fence for i
homo run. Score :
Cedar Knplds 020371100-1
Ottumwn 40032010 0 1
Hits : Cedar Uapids , 19 ; Ottumwn , IE
Errors : Cedar Rapids , 7 ; Ottumwa , 7. Bat
terles : Emmerke. Hlsloy and Fox ; Welch
Sowders and Plxley.
Wnltnn Finally Whlppnd.
HASTINGS , Neb. , July 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A nice game was played toda ;
between Wahoo and Hastings. There wn
no kicking on either side , nnd consequent ! ;
everybody feels Jolly. Score :
HnHtlngs 200500000
Wahoo 300000100
Batteries : Webster nnd Johnson ; Clarl
nnd Hail. Umpire : Cherry.
Has Ilccolrcil Plenty of Funds nnU Wll
Kqulp nn l-.xpedltlon
SAN FIIANCISCO , July 10. General Ezeti
and his followers arc said to bo nearly read ]
for their attack upon Salvador. For semi
time there has been a lack ot funds In th <
war chest ot the exile , but today It Is re
ported he had received a large sura ot mono ;
rrom Central America and that In a shor
time the balance of what is needed will bi
supplied. Ezeta Is said to be negotiating- :
a. seallng or whaling steamer , which wll
take OR at ono of the Islands of the Santi
Barbara channel arms and ammunition , whlcl
will be shipped there for that purpose. It li
also the plan of Ezeta to enlist In his causi
about seventy-five Americans , upon whosi
bravery and fighting qualities he may rely
Ills equipment will consist ot four rapid-fin
guns , six Galling guns , 500 rifles , as man ;
revolvers and 300,000 rounds of ammunition
With this equipment he Is confident tha
he can make a landing and rally his friend
nnd the enemies ot the present governmcn
and proceed to the capital.
A few days ago Ezeta sent a proclamatloi
lo Salvador calling upon the natives to rail ;
to his support upon his arrival.
S | > nln Kxcltocl Over Inn Kuitlu Interview.
MADIUD. July 10. There Is much excltei
comment In the newspapers over the state
merits attributed to J. B. Eustls , the Unltei
States ambassador to France , upon the situ
atlon In Cuba. El Gobo ( newspaper ) say
that the duke of Totuan , minister of forelg :
affairs , has InstructeJ the Spanish minister a
Washington to demand explanations In i
friendly manner from th ; United States re
gardlng the ambassador's utterances.
Small Sktrmldti with limurcrntn.
HAVANA , July 10. In a a skirmish o
too co ft eo plantation of Rettro , near Manas d
Qulro , province of Santiago de Cuba , the In
surgent leader. Victorlano Garzon , and flv
other revolutionists were wounded an
Thomas Padron was killed.
Tno All ra Insurgents Killed.
HAVANA , July 10. Lieutenant TruJIll
has had a skirmish with a band ot insur
gents under Iteglno Alfonso at the Pone
plantation , near Cardenas , province o
Matanzas. Two ot tbo Insurgents wer
Commander of the Department of the
Platte tlo Guest of Omaha.
OLD TIMERS WELCOME THE NEW CCMER Manileriou'i llovluw of the Army ,
J'Htt nutl Present , a I'mituro ot the
Night Ur. .Miller Toll * of Its
Influence on Um.ilm.
The dinner given In honor of General
Copplngor last night ut the- Omaha club
brought out the men , and many ot the
women , who assisted In making Omaha the
now leading city of the Antelope state. It
was in all essentials n meeting of old friends
and the tuest of the evening could not help
but remark the warmth of the reception
and the genuine expression of congratulation
which prevailed the assemblage" upon his
elevation to a brigadier generalship and
command ot the Department of the Platto.
Without any attempt at elaboration the
tables wcro splendidly placed and the decora
tions were In keeping with the occasion ,
modest , but very beautiful , cut flowers be
ing placed In vases with here and there long-
stemmed roses scattered over the damask
cloths. General C. F. Manderson occupied
the position ot toastmastcr , General Cop-
plngcr being on his right and Mrs. Bachc
on the left. Around the tables \\ero seen
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick , General
and Mrs. J. C. Cowln , General and Mrs.
George II. Dandy and Miss Dandy , Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Uoscuater , Mr. and Mrs. Mil
ton Barlow , Dr. and Mrs , Bache , Mr. and
Mrs. Henry D. Estabrook , Mr. and
Mrs. George Prltchett , Mr. Yost and Mrs.
Oftutt , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I > . Klmball ,
Dr. George L. Miller and Miss Brlggs , Mr.
H. T. Clark and Miss Clark , Mr. A. J. Hans-
coin and Miss Hanscom , Mr. and Mrs. B.
B. Wood , Colonel and Mrs. Schwan , Mr. L.
K. Leltor of Chicago , Miss Lelter , n sUter ol
Mrs. George Curson of England , Mr. W. S ,
Carver of New York. Miss Hunt , a daughter
of ex-Secretary of Urn Navy William Hunt ,
and afterwards minister to Russia , Counl
John A. Crelghton , Mr. George T. Beck
Miss Yntes , Mr. John Wllber , Mr. nnd Mrs ,
George W. Holdrcge , Miss Russell ot Syra
cuse , N , Y. , Major C. S. Humphrey , LleU'
tenant Grote Hutchlnson , aide to Genera
Copplngcr , Colonel Pratt , and Colonel Bates
commandant at Fort Omaha.
Following the menu , which was wel
chosen and well served , General Mandersor
felicitously voiced the sentiments of tlu
assembled guests In the welcome ho ex
tended the commander of the Departmcnl
of the Platte , which he stated was very deal
to those about the board. "Wo have beer
on the frontier for a quarter of a centurj
and consequently have seen much of the
army of the United States. We recognize
therefore , how much It Is to us. Now thai
we have passed beyond the > frontier period
ot our lives Into a distributing center , as was
well demonstrated In the recent laboi
troubles , we still feel the same kindly In
terest In the army. " But before he reached
this thought In his speech General Marnier-
son , with quiet force and eloquence , told ol
the army of the United States , how that II
waa exceptional to all the armies of the
world. He said Its position wai unique ,
that while not powerful In numbers II
represented the power of 60,000,000 of people
and therefore stood for an Irrestlble force
While small In numerals , It contained tht
might , the majesty of a great nation and Its
smallness need never affright the timid
heart , for If necessity demanded the armj
of today would but prove the nucleus ol
n mighty host , ready to die for freedom and
the right. This sentiment received a bursi
of applause In which the women joined ai
heartjly as the men. General Mandersoi
then touched upon the requirements for en
llstment Into the army , neither politics noi
religion cutting any figure In the selectlor
of the new recruit , and rapidly passed to i
consideration of the record made by tin
guest of the evening. Ho spoke of thi
venerable St. George Cook , the genial Augur
the gallant Ord , the noble Crook , the liravi
Howard , the reliable Brooke , and lastly thi
present department commander , who wa :
made a chevalier for gallant defense of th (
La Rocca gateway , far over the seas , am
who later , in 1861 , joined with the unlor
arms and won mention after mention In tin
great battles which will go down Into his
tory , the second Bull Run , Gettysburg , Mini
Run , the Wilderness , Cold Harbor , Winches
ter , Cedar Creek , Five Forks and Appomat-
tax. The toastmaster spoke of the parting
with General Brooke and then In pleaslitf
words welcomed his successor as a nioal
gallant soldier nnd most courteous gentle
General Copplnger replied In a few words
which glowed with thankfulness upon the
occasion. Ho stated he had never made n
speech bcforo In his life , but ho could not
help but feel grateful to the gentlemen in
attending and to the presence of the ladles ,
Ho said ho fully appreciated the honor the
president of the United States had paid him
and also the Importance of the department
to which ho had been assigned.
Dr. Miller followed In n speech that was
full of reminiscence , recounting the wooden
days of Omaha , when St. George Cook was
In command of the department. He spoke
pleasingly of the civilizing Influences , of the
army , and attributed much of the present
culture to the presence of the army In the
bygone days.
Mr. H. D. Estabrook had a few wordi
of congratulation to say , and then calls for
Mr. E. Rcsowater brought forward that gentle
man , who said that whUo the new rifle
might shoot a mlle and the new-fangled
cannon might send a projectile five miles ,
the projectiles from the press carried In
finitely farther. He asked permission of his
"snow-capped friend , Count Crelghton , " tc
say that 200 years ago the warrior car
dinal , Richelieu , had eald that the "pen was
mightier than the sword , " and that edi
torially or Individually , he would bo found
upholding that luen. That whllo Fltz Hugb
Lee , In the July number of a well known
magazine , might discuss the possibility ol
the new gun In future warfare , he wanted
It understood the newspaper was In the wai
for all time. Ho said , la closing , that the
army had his good will , and that Genera !
Copplnger would have his protection , whlct
excited wild applauso'and happily closed the
dinner to the department commander of the
1'irKiV Witt IT A\orU Mmlillr.
DENVEH , July 10. Mayor McMurray an
nounced today at a conference with the
members of the city council , that ho would
sign no ordinance for a horizontal reductlor
of water rates , and he is opposed to ran-
dcmnatlon of the works on the basis of the
pretcnt revenues of the company. Ho wll
sign cither an ordinance requiring the com
pany , In accordance with this contract , u
flj a cchcdulo or a rate wlilcli shall bo or
average of those In Chicago , St. Louis ant
Cincinnati , or ono naming such averagi
rates fixed by council.
t- IPgramid
re rv -
H :
soH. H.C t - : Pile dure
Cu ) (
u :
e :
Is absolutely safe , and certain , gives instant re
ler lief and permanent cure , in every form of piles.
The instant relief experienced in all cases is a
source ol surprise to pljj'siciaus and patients alike.
H n. : Bold at drug stores and recommended for blind ,
rr - "bleediug.protruding and itching piles. COo. and SJ.OO
Several Slmrp niiBngoiunntt llotneen Span
ish Irnnp * nnil IninrRrnti.
HAVANA , July 10. Oonernl Nnvnr/o Is
[ utrsultiB the Insurgents under Unrxon , who
were recently defeated near Minns Daiquiri ,
province of Santiago do Cuba. After being
driven from that plaeo to Mntleguas , from
which place they retreated before the art-
vnnco of the troops , with n loss ot many
dead and Bounded ,
Hnbl , the insurgent lender nt the bond
of 1,200 men , hns compelled Major Sanchez ,
with 400 men , to retreat , The Insurgent
leader surprised the Spanish troops nt Cacao
near Jlrunnl , not far from Baynino , In the
province of Santiago do Cuba. The troops
miulo n gallant defense' , but Major Sandier
lost twenty killed nnd wounded nnd ro-
tlrcd to Snntn Hlta. The loss of the In
surgents Is said to have been much heavier
than that of the troops.
Oonornl Oasa hns Imd n three days' fight
with the Insurgents In the Sierra Maestra.
The Insurgents lost a great mnny killed
nnd wounded , nnd the troops captured a
quantity of arms , ammunition nnd horses.
Further details of the light have not been
The steamer Sim Francisco 1ms arrived
hero from Spain with 2,200 troop : , nnd the
steamer Antonio Lopez has arrived with
250 troops. _ _
ohcmo to Unlto All thn I'dttcrn ot the
Unltnl Slntr * .
WHEELING , W. Vn. , July 10. An Im
portant movement Is on foot among the
delegates to the fifth annual convention ot
the Brotherhood of Operative Potters , now
In session here , which has for its object tha
consolidation of all the potters unions In the
United States , local , state and national , and
the adoption of a uniform scale of wages.
The brotherhood Includes potters west of the
Alleghenles. There arc two organizations
east whose olllcera ore expected to arrlvo In
Wheeling today to consider the movement.
Ono roads so imirh now-n-
days about pianos and In
print ono looks Just as good na
another that It Is u very hard
matter to distinguish the strong
points In fuvor of tlu > Klmball.
Having once scon It and heard
11s music thorp's no more to
bp said that's why It received
the highest award at the
World's Fair.
A. HOSPE , Jr.
rtntid Music
j513 Douglas.
EVIR501DFOB10N15 [
Our stock U always new In this line
which la a most Important matter In rub
ber goods.
Wo bell n 2-quart hot water bag for W
cents. ( Its warranted , too. )
Also a 2-quart Fountain Syrlngo ( war
ranted ) Jl.OO.
Sherman & MeConnell
Drug Co.
1513 Dodge-st. , 2nd door West P. O.
Is produced by the CUTICUIU ItEUEnim wlirn
all olheri full. Thny clcaunn tlia
cnlp of Irritating , irnly , cruittd ,
and blotchy humor * , Iliiinlala
tha hilr follicle * , nnd dcdroj- .
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