Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Union Pacific Invites Other Boada to Meet
Its Out
Reduction of from One-Fourth to One.
Half Mntto In the Unto of Welt
Hound Shipment ! from the
Missouri Jtlvcr.
Realizing the results which attach to the
occupancy of territory by right Its own , the
Union Pacific , following out the aggressive
policy which It has recently erected , will , on
July 1C , reduce westbound rates from the
Missouri river to Montana and Idaho com
mon points , and bring that section of the
country In closer touch than It has ever been
with Missouri river gateways.
When the Union Pacific put Into effect the
present rates to Utah common points , the
western railroad world wondered at the bold
ness of the step , and It was some time before -
fore competitors were able to realize the
exact Import of the situation. The rates
were met , however , and some adjustment
was made which had a tendency to even
lower the rates promulgated by the Union
Pacific. But In the conference -which ensued
upon the Union Pacific basis the railroads of
the west fell Into line and the "overland"
bils ns erected prevailed , with minor modi
fications to suit certain conditions that have
bean In existence ever since a railroad opened
up the northwest nnd brought It Into touch
with the cast ,
For some time past , really ever since the
Utah rates went into effect on the ten classes ,
the traffic officials of the Union Pacific felt
that their position could not be considered
certain until rates In the whole northwest
touched by their company had been brought
down to a common basis , and they pro
ceeded to equalize the tariffs on the ten
classes. It was hard work , for modifying
conditions which had an Important bearing
on the general basis decided upon constantly
recurroJ In checking over the now rates.
Finally , however , a line of reductions was
reached and an order was given to place In
effect the now tariff , which came from the
printers yesterday and which will on July
1C become effective , six days' notice of re
duction being necessary for the Interstate
Commerce commlmlon.
In accordance with the tariff thus pre
pared , rates on the date above mentioned ,
from the Missouri river to points In Idaho ,
Pocatello , cast , couth and north , and points
In Montana south of Dillon will be aa follows :
1 2 3 < 5 n b c d e
J1.S5 J1.70 Jl.CO J1.40 It .20 $1.10 90c 80c TOc COc
as against present rates :
12. w 12.1 : ti. ? : n.r ti.z > $1.10 we sic 720 cc
Points west of Pocatello , to and Including
Huntlngton , Ore. , the rates grade until the
following maximum figures are met :
(2.40 J2.1r 12.00 JI.70 1.J5 } 1.D3 UO Jl.OO 90c S3c
as against :
1 2 3 4 b
tS.CO 13.00 J2.51) K.OO | 1.C ) H.73 $1.54 Jl.r , J1.03 t9j
Commodity rates follow the classes In the
general reduction , which brings the Missouri
river Into closer proximity thai ever before
with the trade of the greater northwest. The
first list as seen to Pocatello , cast , north ant ]
south , show the following : Apples and cider ,
straight or In mixed car lots , $1.04 , as
against $1.25.
Deer , In wocd or glass , 30,000 pounds mini
mum , 75 cents , as against the present rate
of $1.10.
Brick , paving , pressed or common , 51 cents ,
against 62 cents.
Butter , buttonilc , eggs , cheese , drcsjed
poultry , $1.50 , against $ t.75.
Coffee , green , In sacks , 70 cents , agalnsl
$1.25 ; roasted or ground the same.
Iron , her , rod , steel or hoop , 97' centa ,
against $1.25.
Lard and lard substitute , $1.18 , agalnsl
Liquors , etc. , Including a multiplicity o !
such articles , $1.49 , against $1.75.
Nails nnd spikes , 97'/j cents , against $1.25
Packing house proJucts , $1.20 , against $1.25
Preserves , Including apple butter and Jel
lies , 90 cents , against $1.25.
Soap , $1 , agnlnst $1.25.
Syrup , 80 cents , ngalnst $1.25.
To points west of Pocatello : Apples am
elder , $1.15 , against $1.00.
Ilrlclc , CO cents , against S9 cents.
Butter , etc. , $1.90 , against $2.
Coffee , SO cents , against $1.CO ; a 50 per cen
reduction , as will be seen.
Iron , $1.11 , against $1.CO.
Lard and lard products , $1.13 , ngalnst $1.CO
Liquors , $1.71 , ngalnst $2.50.
Nails , etc. , $1.14 , against $1.CO.
Packing house products , $ . .52 , against $1.CO
Preserves , 90 cents , against$1.60. .
Soap , $1.29 , against $1.60.
Syrup , 90 cents , against $1.60.
In talking to Assistant General Frelgh
Agent Wood of the Union Pacific ns to th
reason for the reduction , ho said It was dente
to put the territory of the Union Pacific upoi
equality with the adjacent territory. Here
tofore the Union Pacific had been malntalnln ;
higher rates to Montana and Oregon thai
to Intermediate points , and It was for th
purpose of making all rates equal , dlstanc
considered , that the changes were decide
upon ,
Not only will the packers of South Omahc
the syrup manu'ncturers of Omaha , but th
Iron men and nil classes of wholesalers bo a !
fecte'J by this lining down of rates , and wl
bring them In consequence in closer com
mmiloii with the merchants of the terrltor
thus vitally affected.
KUl'T Till : HA 11 < KO A IKS IIUSY.
Ilenvy ViiMcticcr Triitllc Krqtilrmt the Itan
nine of Mnny Kxtrii Trulnc.
General Passenger Agent Lomax of th
Union Pacific stated yesterday that plat
Ing the most conservative estimate upon th
movement of teachers to Denver his coir
pany had transported to the Colorado cap
tal 5,000 persons through the Kansas Clt
and Omaha gateways. Quite a number i
Union Pacific specials were run via Gran
Island from the south on account of numei
ous washouts along the Kansas Pacifii
Already the tide of travel Is turnln
eastward and many tourists who wei :
west by other routes nre returning over tli
Union Pacific and Burlington. The movi
ment , however , of these people eastboun
docs not entail so large an equipment an
it Is expected that regular trains will tali
care of eastbound travel.
General Passenger Agent of tr
Burlington gave The Bee man a list of tli
-r special tr.iliu handled by his company slnt
- July 5 , and placed the nuntbi
of teachers and others hauled to Der
ver at 3,000. "Our business was vqr
satisfactory , " laid Mr. Francis , "and wj
very reminiscent of World's fair days. Tli
Christian Kndenvor people are now movli :
eastward , then como the Knights Tempi :
and the Grand Army of the Republic , whit
-will bring us to September , EO that July an
August will be busy months for the ral
roads. "
f The I'uriult f Ilnpplnr ,
fc When the Declaration of Independence ai
lerted man's right to this , It enunciated a
Immortal truth. The bilious sufferer Is c
the road to happiness when he begins'to InV
Hosteller's Stvmach Hitters , the most clllc :
clous regulator of the liver In cxlstenci
Equally reliable li It In chills and fever , cot
ttlpatlou , dyipepsta , rhoumatltmi , kldtie
trouble nnd ncrvousnet. Use It regular ! ;
and not at odd Intervals.
' A Fe\r Ailv nt coi
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & . B
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago ,
clean train , nude up and started froi
Omaha. Baggage checked from residence I
destination. Elegant train service an
courteous employes. Entire train lighted b
plectrlclty and heated by steam , with electr
light In every berth. Finest dining ct
cervlce In the west , with meala served "a !
Carte. " The Flyer leavei at 6 p. m. dall
from Union depot.
City ticket olllce. 1604 Faruam street. (
i. Carrier , city tcU | t c Tit.
Hills.Meld Up by County Comntlsslonori
I'cnilliic nn Iiivc t > E tlon.
Forty-three deputy assessors have been
wondering why they have not received war
rants In paymen of their labors In assessing
property In Douglas county during May and
June. Their principal ? were paid a total
of $2,300 , but not a cent was voted by the
board to pay the deputies.
The county commissioners have il.tvjvered
what may prove a serious flaw In the claims
which the deputy assessors are wttlng up as
a basis for their demand to be paid eomo of
the county's money.
The board has been bothered annually to de
termine how near the assessors come to earn-
g the money represented by their bills. Tlieso
Ills increase from year to year , while at the
aino time the annual valuation of property
n Douglas county has been growing less.
iVhlle the phortagc on valuations this year
cached several millions , It was found that
lie bills of the assessors were $1.000 In ex-
ess of these for 1891. This catiwd even a
loser scrutiny of the bills than usual and
overal commissioners express the view that
t may bu necessary to compel the deputies
o prove that they actually did the work for
hlch they charge. The bills of the deputies
'or ' this year amount to $7,522.CO.
It has been discovered that aelde from the
eputles In the First and Fourth wards and
South Omaha , only a few have
ver qualified , or If they have , no record has
> een left with the county clerk , nor has he
dmlnlstercd an oath to these men. It Is
nderstood that .the manner In which the
srassors will try and get around this defect
111 be to claim that they had the right to
dmlnlster the oath to their deputies.
Several years ago the board had this legal
Ifficulty before It and In the opinion of Judge
tenbcrg It Is something of a question
.vhcther . assersors who did not comply with
his law are entitled to their pay. This
fleets at least $5,000 of these claims.
From the records It appears that In no
: ase will the board be called on this year to
ay as large n family for making assessments
s was the case last year , when four In the
Carpenter family , father , wife , daughter and
ion , asked pay. This year three In one
'amlly Is the highest number. Neither has
ny case yet been discovered thus far like
hat which Commissioner Jenkins located ,
where the \\lfe asked pay and It wns shown
n court that she had been all the time work-
ng as a clerk In a store. Tlieso points
ro being overhauled , however. -
\\lien Traveling.
.Vhether . on pleasure bent , or business , take
in every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs , as
t acts most pleasantly and effectually on the
Idneys. , liver and bowels , preventing fevers ,
icadaches nnd other forms of sickness. For
ialo In 50c and $1 bottles by all leading
rugglsts. Manufactured "by the California
lB Syrup Co. only.
Ludlcn ,
If you have the rheumatism or neuralgia ,
ny kidney or uterine trouble , nre emaciated
r have superfluous flesh nnd your doctor
rders baths , before going to the expense of
, trip , try our baths.
You can have Turkish or Russian , mcdi-
ateJ , vapor , electric , eea salt , sulphur , Mer-
urlal , oil rubs and hot milk baths.
Attendants first class.
Massage by an educate. ! masseuse.
Ladles' Turkish baths and physical cul-
ure parlors , 109-llOBefi building.
Spirit l.ukp , Spirit I. ki > . > p Itl.uko.
Through sleeper via the Northwestern Line ,
commencing Juno 28 , leaves dally for Spirit
Lake at G:10 : p. m. from Webster street depot.
The lake Is the same , accommodations a little
l > ettcr. faro a little lower. City ofllce , 1401
Farnam street. Depot , 15th and Webster
troeti. J. n. BUCHANAN , G. P. A.
Tto < ) need ItuK-s to Kiiltiiniiro.
On account of the meeting of the Baptist
Young People's union at Baltimore , July 18
to 21 , the B. & 0. H. n. Co. will place on
sale nt nil ticket stations on Its lines west
of the Ohio river excursion tickets at one
faro for the round trip. These tickets will
be sold July 1C and 17 , valid for return passage -
sago until August 5. The rate from Chicago
will bo $17.60 , and proportionately low rates
from other points. Tickets will also be
placed on sale at nil coupon offices west of
Whatever point you start from bo sure
your ticket reads via B. & 0. In addition
to the historic country through which the
B. & O. runs , the B. & O. Is the only line
from Chicago to Baltimore running via
Washington , a double dally service of fast
express trains run between the west nnd
For full particulars address L. S. Allen ,
A. O. P. A. , Grand Central Station , Chicago.
Through fnr Kimt Jpechil Turtle * Knst.
Boston July E to 8. Baltimore July 15 nnd
1C. Halt faro for the round trip. Special
parties In charge of excursion managers with
through car service from Omaha.
Ask about them at the
Northwestern Line
Ticket oKlce , 1401 Farnam street.
R. R. Ritchie. General Agent. O. F ,
West. G. P. and T. A.
( "oolcy'rf < oituno lion * I.uw Onicc.
For a time last evening Julius Cooley's
law ofllce was the whole of the wide , wide
world , Coolcy wns a tenant In the Pattersor
block , nnd had been charged with not hnv-
Ing paid his rent. Patterson sued.nnd go !
judgment , after which ho commenced to d (
Home ejecting. Two burly Janitors pilot
Cooiey's personal property out on the side
walk , white threats of damage suits fillet
tlio nlr. Late at night the property wai
placed In a vncnnt storeroom nnd peaci
Shlloh's Cure , the great cough and crouj
cure , Is In great demand. Pocket size coc
tains twenty-five dcses , only 25 cents
Children love It. Sold by druglgsta.
D. W. Moffatt of Gordon Is at the Del
John A. Wlsherd , a merchant of Clarkson
Is one of the guests of the Arcade.
Mark M. Coad and James D. Bell of Fremont
mont are registered at the Paxton.
Commissioner of Public Lands and Build
Ings Itiiiscll wns at the Mlllard yesterdny.
Chairman C. H. Morrlll of the republlcai
state central committee was at the Mlllan
Hoyt's "A Black Sheep" company , con
slstlng of fifteen members , Is stopping at th
M. B. Smith , who has brought with hln
the first shipment of stock Into South Omahi
from Alliance this year , Is stopping at th
G. C. Ridings , supreme secretary of th
Patriarchal Circle of America , of Morris
HI. , IMS established his headquarters a
the Mlllard. With him Is his daughter
Miss Jessie C. Ridings. C. H. Lovewell o
Chicago nnd Peter Van Vlchten and wife o
Milwaukee , delegates to the convention , ar
at the sumo hotel ,
At the Mercer : Charles Mullan , St. Paul
E. H. Anderson , Murdock , Neb. ; S. C. Ek
land , Holdrcge ; Charles Crate. Lincoln
Richard F. Ralph , St. Louis ; C. E. Latshaw
GonrKO Bain , Chicago ; C. Gordon , St. Louis
M. Horton , Chicago ; Ira Mallory , Nort :
Platte ; G. W. Madison , Toledo , O. ; 11
Nobbs , Colorado Springs.
NelinuUunh at tlin lintel * .
At the Mlllnrd-Al D. Bcemer , Beemer
I. F. KlokoVest Pojnt ; Wllflam Me
IJrlen. Lincoln ; M. B. Fuller , Schuylor ; E
C. I lower. Norfolk.
At the Paxton-J. H. Urlnker. Lincoln
N. B. Mnnvllle , Fremont : J. F. Barren. Q. li
Culdwcll. OraiKl Island : W. A , Downing
Koiirney ; E. D. Gould , Fullerton.
At the Arcade A. S. Bands , S. D. Davis
Wilbur ; John Helrlch , Hooper ; 15. Cedei
Fiirnam ; Bon Roberts. J. M. Bntto. O. II
Bnrker , G. O. Llnhead , S. Waiteoner , Got
don ; Thomas Ilerge , Laurel ; H , c. Haney
At the Dellone Mrs. F. A. Patterson , J
W. Andrews. Fremont ; B. J. Proctor. A. A
Klncatd. Whitman : II. M. Proffer , Valley
K. W. Peterson. Tekamnh : II. II. Bowei
Oakland : E. Hopns. C. JI. Hubner , Ne
liraska City ; Frank Mallpry , Ord.
At the Sferchunta-J. W. Klnzel. Wllllnr
Ulddlngs. Wlsner ; H. Koehler , Blue Hill
W. A. JIcKelKhan , Red Cloud ; A. L. John
con. Prole ; t ) , J. Uurke. Schuyler ; Archl
W Blue. Fremont ; Ed Wright nnd win
Scotia : A. M. Miller nnd wife. Hemming
fuulI ) W. Titus , Lltchlleld ; T. H. Cole
HiiriliiBlon , J W Buck , Holdreee ; Gcorg
13 Smith , Kearney ; U N. Uutler. Hay *
Ipck. .
* * >
Fire and Police Oommisiioners Qivo Vihito
an Important Assignment.
Hoard finds Itself In n Deadlock on New
1'ollccmcn Hint Asks the Chlof to
1'ropnro n T.lst of NHIIIOS
for Consideration ,
The Hoard of Fire and Police Commission-
era held a special seslon at 4 o'clock * yester
day afternoon , the purpose being to select
men to fill fifteen vacancies on the police
force. After two hours' consideration of ap
plications some of the commissioners sub
mitted lists of their own. which' they clung
to with loyalty. It was' finally decided by a
vote of 3 to 2 , to allow Chief of Police
White to select the names of the fifteen men
and report the result to the board this af
ternoon at 4 o'clock , when another special
session will be held to decide the matter and
cither accept or reject the chief's selection.
Strlckler nnd Smith voted In the negative.
It Is probable that a captain of police will
be appointed this afternoon to fill the va
cancy which has existed for some time.
The appointment of a sergeant Is also said
to be under consideration.
Ono of. the commissioners said yesterday
that no more dismissals would bo made for
awhile and that several men wcro now on
Chief White said last night that he would
make up n list from the men whom ho had
picked out as the best during the examina
tion. As each applicant was examined ho
made notations of his general makeup and
the Intelligence displayed , and he will make
his list of these whom ho Judged ranked
highest In these regards. The men's past
hlstcry will not bo considered , for the simple
reason that the chief has not been In the
city to know their past histories. The list
will contain seventeen names. In addition
to the fifteen men who were recently dis
charged there nro two others who left the
force , thus leaving It seventeen men short of
the number that was employed a year ago.
It Is possible that seventeen new appoint
ments may bo mailo to bring the force up to
ito former number.
It Is not .understood , that the list to be
submitted by the chief will be absolutely
binding on the board , but It will aid In un
tangling a very awkward snarl , In which the
members found themselves yesterday. Each
commissioner had his own list prepared , and
as a result they were unable to agree on
the fifteen needed. As Chief White's list
vlll bo prepared without favoritism arising
rom pnst acquaintance or knowledge of the
ncn , It will servo as a guide to the com-
iitssloncrs In their search for an avenue
long which all can travel.
Other l.iiwrcrs Do Nut Agree with Him on
tlio'dilef of I'ollro Onentloti.
V. O. Strlckler of the Board of Flro and Po-
Ice commissioners has been quoted as saying
hat any attorney desiring to procure the re-
ease of a prisoner arrested at the Instance
if Chief White could accomplish this resu'.t
uccessfully by a writ of habeas corpus. Mr.
itrlckler declares that the Interview sub-
itantlally represents his opinion. "I am on
record. " he said , "on this matter , for I ex
pressed practically the same opinion when I
rated ngalnst the election of Chief White.
was convinced that Mr. White was well
qualified for the position. I regardhim as
an experienced , competent and honest official
and now that he has been elected by the
Board of Flro and Police Commissioners I be-
Icve that every citizen should give him all
possible support. But I voted against him
purely on account of the legal question In
volved. I bellevo that his election was II-
cgal nnd have had no reason to change my
opinion. I have submitted tlio question to
some of the best lawyers In the city and they
assure mo that the law Is not susceptible of
wo Interpretations , and that every police of
ficer must be an elector of Nebraska. I base
my opinion on the law , entirely Independent
of the nntl-Plnkerton law , for there was
an amendment made to the charter by the
ast legislature which plainly declares that
; io chief of police can be legally elected un
less he Is an elector of the state. "
It appears tliat Mr. Strlckler , who Is not
the only lawyer on the commission , Is the
only member who holds this opinion.
"It's simply absurd for Mr. Strlckler to
talk about the amendments to the charter
passed by the last legislature , " said one ol
the police commissioners. "The bill that em
bodied the charter amendments was vetoed
by the governor after the legislature had
adjourned and therefore' Is as dead as n
door nail. The charter as It stands
gives the commission discretion In the se
lection of n chief of police Just as It docs
In Cue choice of a chief of the tire depart
ment. Wo have exercised that discretion tc
the best Interest of the community and we
feel confident that our action will stnnd the
test of the courts as well as It-has met the
approval of all citizens who honestly desire
to see a man at the head of the police whc
Is not mixed up with the political and relig
ious feuds that have so demoralized the force
Another thing , Chief White Is head am
shoulders above any man who has ever done
police duty In tills town and he Is showing
It already In making the men too the mark. '
Only Watting for the Licntlon of tin
Street Itullw.iy Line.
The county commissioners are slmplj
waiting for the word from the Omaha Stree
Railway company , Judge Stenberg says , li
order to proceed with the grading of thread
road to the fair grounds. "As I under
stand It , " Mr. Stenberg remarked yester
day , "If the company Indicates to us that 1
will build out on Leavcnworth street we wll
begin grading. If It takes the Center strce
route we will grade from Center street wes
to the fair ground gates. It Is our inten
tlon to do that , anyway. The total cos
would hardly exceed $2,000 , and I think th
city and county contracts should bo let to
gether. The county has now four grader
in operation In various parts of the count ;
throwing up roads. We have already bull
some fifty'miles of road this season. "
Dill You Cnmo Ohio ?
Expect to go there on business or pleas
ure ? Pennsylvania Lines can take you com
fortably and quickly from Chicago , fron
which point they extend through forty-fou
counties In the Buckeye State. The For
Wayne Iloute passes through northern Ohio
the Pan Handle Route traverses central am
southern portions of the State. "Look a
the map. " Derlng , 248 South Clark st. , Chicago
cage , will fend you one If you ask him.
DIED. , -
WALKER Dollle , nt Colorado Spring !
Colo. , July 8th , aged 22 years. Funert
notice later.
No Nerves Quaking
No Heart Palpitating
No Dyspeptic Achinj
Nicotine Neutralized
Crunks Mnko n Mlitritmta Working n Mull
from MlltmukoF.
Joe Jackson and Tont'Thomas never made averse
\vorso mistake In their lives than when on a
Milwaukee train they packed Albert Sheriffs
out for a hungry sucken Ai a result of the
mistake Jackson and ThUmas are In the city
jail and Sheriffs Is Rolng to stay In Omaha
for a day or two to * oe' that they are pun
ished for practicing fhtlr profession as con
fidence men.
When Sheriffs left'Chicago Monday night
he noticed a couple of young fellows
In the car who were anxious to form
his acquaintance. They Old not get
along very well until they were
noarlng Omaha the next morning , when Jack-
ton sat down In the BOIMO seat with Sher
iffs , nnd , after some general conversation ,
showed him a pocketknlfe nnd asked him to
open It. Sheriffs made the attempt , but was
unable to move the blade. Jnckson then explained -
plained that a secret spring was concealed In
the back of the knife , which , when pressed ,
allowed the blade to open easily. Soon after
this explanation of the trick , Thomas np-
preached the couple and asked for a chew of
tobacco and Jackson handed up his p'.ug.
Then Thomas asked for n knlfo nnd the trick
knlfo was handed him. Ho tried to open It
and failed. This caused a laugn nnd some
talk which led to the proffer of a wnger that
Thomas could not open the knife. Ho
-vnnted to bet that he could open It and
lashed a roll as big as his arm nnd wanted
o bet all kinds of money. Jackson had but
10 nnd wns willing to bet tint sum. Thomas
foultl not bet so iman an amount nnd wanted
o put up $100 more. Didn't Sheriffs wnnt n
i.lco of the bet ? It looked like a cinch and
10 finally decided ho would risk $5 on the
reposition. H took a good deal of coaxing
o Induce Thomas to make BO small a bet ,
ut he reluctantly put up $5 ngalnst the syn-
Icate bet of Jackson and Sheriffs and after
iomo fumbling opened the knife-declared the
nonoy his and walked away.
Jackson was of course very much put out
> y his loss and declared that Oie $10 was
'Very ' cent he had In the world , but that head
ad rich relatives In Chicago nnd would nt
nco telegraph them nnd got money and
, -ould return Sheriffs the $5 ho had put Into
ho pot. The train had reached the Union
'epot by this time. Thomas had disappeared
nd Jackson led Sheriffs to a. seat In the walt-
tiR room nnd asked him to stay there thirty
nlnutes while ho went and telegraphed for
ho money. Sheriffs did not wait thirty sec-
inds , but , as soon as Jackson had left ho
.old his story to Officer Fleming. The officer
tarted out at once with Sheriffs and after a
haso succeeded In locating Jackson and
'liomas nt Seventh and Pierce streets. The
oung fellows were arrested and taken to the
Ity Jail. Thomas1 big roll panned out $27
n good money and a hnt full of confederate
illls. The men were charged with awln-
llng and will be held for trial.
Sheriffs Is an employe of the Milwaukee
oad at Milwaukee. Ho Is a bright young
'ellow nnd seemed rather put out to think
e had been played for a sucker. Ills chagrin
s tempered by his part In the capture of the
windlers and he will remain here to prose-
ute them.
Traveled All the Wuv from Arkansas to
I.Uo wlih nil Undo.
Bertha and Myrtle Michaels are twin sisters
n adversity who arrived In Omaha yes-
erdny from Arkansas. The girls are
irphans. They formerly lived on a farm near
Nebo , Ark. Their father died several years
ago and their mother 'died last October , leav-
ng them among strangers and penniless.
They plticklly went , to work and since their
mother's death have bf. en-employed doing the
work of farm laborers In the fields , plowing
anil hauling * wood.
Some weeks ago the girls received a letter
from an uncle who lives on a farm near
Ponca , Neb. Ho wrote them that ho was a
poor man , but If they could reach his place
ho would give them n home 2nd send them to
school. They Immediately started , walking a
distance of.i.200 rrillos to Port Smith , Irom
which place they were furnished transporta
tion to Omaha. The girls' applied to the
police for help and were placed In
charge of Matron Cummlngs. They were
ragged nnd dust-covered from their long
travel. An effort will bo made to secure
them transportation to Ponca.
Weakness Is the symptom , Impoverished
blood the cause , Hood's Sarsaparllla the cure.
It makes the weak strong.
Watting for Mirpy County to Slovo.
"Tho completion of the preparations for
laying out of the roadway and boulevard
from Omaha to Fort Croak depends upon
the action of the committee having the mat
ter In charge , " said Commissioner Stenberg.
The commissioners are waiting for the com
mittee to .secure the right-of-way and are
willing to do the grading when this Is se
cured. There appears to be two or three
parties In Sarpy county who refuse to let
their land go without a valuable considera
tion , and , according to the most reliable In
formation obtainable , a majority of the Sarpy
county commissioners oppose voting any
Sarpy funds In aid of opening the road. "
Dinner to ( Ifiior.ll Copp ntjor.
A number of well known citizens of Omaha ,
desirous of tendering a welcome to General
Coppinger on his assumption of the duties
attaching to the head of the Department of
the Platte , will give the general a dinner
this evening at 8 o'clock at the Omaha
club. Herman Kountze Is chairman of the
committee on entertainment.
Eczctnn , Turning to Dlootl Poison
Treated by Specialists Seven Months )
without Onol'nrttclo of Success.
Condition Terrible. LIfo n Ilurdon.
TrlcaCUTlCURA. In Throe Day 8 Attends -
tends to UiislncEB. Cure rcrinniicnt.
In the spring of teot I took that dreadful skin
disease , Kczcma , which turned Into Mood poison
1 consulted the best known specialist * In tills
city. They treated me for
set en month * but I net cr
tlcrlrod n particle of
peed from any of them.
Ihey had git en It up as
a liopelcks cure. I WM
rotcrcd trlthcores from
head to foot ; I had run
ning sores all over tnr ,
Boino or them ns large aa
a box of > onr CUTicunx.
i v _ / It cost me limiUicdt of
rOs 3S& ( ( .ollara v.lth thcto
x . so-
SfA * * ? ifry . .
< ( | tlccialiBts. My
cntulltlon wrs lertllile ,
collhl uot <
Or Meep. I wa.
nnablotowalkandhad Rhctumpclf tin as dead
1 trlnil nit inedlctnc.1 Imaginable , until n friend
who had got relief ndlacd me to try CUTICIIIIA
HEMUDIDJ. I sent out and fcot them , nnd when
I took tlio first iloso cf your CITTICUIIA It ESDI , .
VE.NT I tcltnllttlo better ; with three boxes ol
jour most rulnablo Ctmcmn. nnd one hottlc ol
CuTicintA HrsoLVCXT 1 was a new man. It ,
three ila.ts I wai up walklnc around nud attend
ItiRtomy lm lnr3Jnmllt Is the CrnccRA ami
CuncuitA nr. oi.M T Hint KM crime from Iht
jaws of death. This la two yean ago. \iantec
to see If It had been driven out of my system
and I can say 1 have never had anv trouble
fortwojcara. OKO. K.'lWiaHT ,
2025 Pcnn. A\c. , Pittsburgh , 1'a.
Bold throuchout the world. Trice , Ccricrn/
We ; Bnjtp , I6e. ; Itttot.VENT. SI. I'OTTEII Uiu.
AND CIIEM. Cour. , So'c I'rbiirictoio , liojtou.
jCSy'lIowtoCurcEklnDUcaeco , " mailed fret
niljPIT:8 | { : , blncLliracli , rod , iouRhclinppcdaa
I Ilil oily nUIn luii-d by Cinirtmt BOA p. „
Nervous Instantly relieved by a Cuti
cur.i 1'lastcr , because It \i
tallies the ueno forces nr.d
hcnco cures lien oils palm ,
vVeuUneSS weakness , and numbness.
From every tobacco chcwer is wanted
m to the merits of
All good judges of chewing tobacco
have thus far been unanimous in pro
nouncing it the best in qunlity , the
most delicious in flavor , the best in
every way. It's Lorillurd's.
Ask the dealer for it.
, ,
Lake ,
And Every Hight This Week ,
Mnie. Cclsstc and Prof. Le Burno.
Two Nights Only ,
Bcelnnlnir Tuesday , July 0.
First Presentation In this City of
With the original great cast headed by
Sale opens Monday morning at usual
Ao Holler. Ko Steam , ffo Engineer.
Dent Power for Corn and Feed Mill ) , Hnllng
Hay , Ilunnlng Creamorlcs , Keparators , do.
Stationary or Portable.
ItolMH. P. 8 to30II. P.
tend for Catalogue , I'rlcAt. etc. , describing work to be done.
33d ti Walnut 8U. , I'llILADKMMIIA , PA.
CMcago,245 Lake St. , Omftlta , 321 So. 15th St.
35c , 75c , $1.00
Gracious ! what nu exliorbltrmt price tlioso bicycle dealers cliargo
for Sweaters.
S'-.OO for n Sweater we sell nt ? 1.00. Other dealers do some bet-
tcf they Kut $1.75 for that $1.00 Sweater. Won't soiuo philan
thropist oblige the suffering bicycle brigade and come down a Hoc on
the article.
The Sweater wo retail at ? t.OO Is ycry near the tlncst made ,
nil worsted , jlovo llttlng , stretch like rubber. Choice of two sliadex ,
black or navy bine , sixes : w toII breast measure.
Next In quality , SKVHNTY-KIV13 CUNTS , a Sweater not all
worsted , but wool and worsted mixed ? 1.50 seems to be the price all
over the town Color , navy blue ; sizes , lid to 41 breast.
Cotton Sweaters , to the best of our knowledge , are sold every
where at 7i5c to n dollar apiece , but we don't not even half of the
price. TIIIUTY-l.-IVM CUNTS Is all tlmtjwe pet for a soft cotton
Sweater , pliable , closely ribbed so It'll wash ami not disappear In
shrinkage the moment It meets the water cream color only sixes , I ! I
to -14.
Hoys' Swenthers 20 to . ' ! ! Inch breast measure , all clear worsted
( same as the ? 1.00 men's In quality ) Is SIOVHNTY-F1V13 CUNTS-
about 100 per cent less than the prevailing price. Choice of black ,
blue ( navy ) , brown and garnet colors.
Knongh to supply every wheeler In town common or professional.
'ssvsi - is s s ssss sw s as i
I ] " _ L -
is as necessary as life insurance. It
means reasonable care and occa
sionally a little medicine not much.
A Ripans Tabule is enough in
most cases.
Rlpana Tabulcs : Bold by druggist" , or by m D.
If the orlce ( M cent * a box ) la sent to Tlis III-
pan * Chemical Compnny. No. 10 Buruce it. , N. 7.
No Drouths , No Hot Winds ,
No Floods No Heated Terms.
No Blizzards , No Cold Snaps ,
No Long Cold Winters , No Crop Failures.
The Most Equable Climate in America.
The great fruit growing and vegetable raising district
of the South. A soil that raises anything that grows
and a location from which you reach the markets of the
who'e ' country. Your fruits and garden truck sold os
the ground and placed in Chicago , St. Louis and New
Orleans markets in 12 to 24 hours. In this garden
spot of America ,
20 TO 40 ACRES
properly worked makes you more money and makes it
easier than the best 160 acre farm in the west. Garden
products are a wonderful yield and all bring big prices.
Strawberries , peaches , plums , apricots , grapes , pears ,
figs , early apples , in fact all small fruits , are sure and
profitable crops.
Two and Three Crops Can Be Successfully
Grown the Same Year.
Timber is abundant Lumber is cheap Fuel costs noth
ing Cattle are easily raised and fattened Grazing is
fine all the year.
Is heaMiy and delightful ; land and sea breezes and cool
nights. The mean temperature is 42 to 66 degrees. The
average rainfall is 56inches. No extreme of heat or cold ;
sufficient rain for all crops.
Offers greater advantages to the intelligent settler. One
half the work you now do here will give four times the
results in this wonderfully productive country , Twenty to
forty acres in this land of plenty is enough to work and
is sure to make you money , jjo the work and the re
sults are secured ; there is no such thing as failure , The
people are friendly , schools , churches , newspapers , are
plenty ; railroad facilities fine and a soil whose richness
is unsurpassed , all invite the enterprising man who
wants to better his own condition and that of his family.
The most , carefully selected lands in the best fruit and
garden sections we now offer in tracts of ten to forty
acres , at reasonable prices and terms to those who wish
to avail thenselves of the wonderful resources of the
country now attracting the great tide of immigration.
Full particulars given upon application. Correspon
dence solicited .
' "
z"ZGEO. . W. AMES ,
General Agent , 1617 Farnam-St. , Omaha , Neb