Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    G TJLJLJfl UMAIJLA JJAJLL. . * MJfllfe WiSDJS I'SUAX ' , JUJLiX' 10 , 1SSJ5.
Wheat Made Another Sensational Break
and Failed to Recover.
Failure ol Froic to Materialize an I'rcdlctct
tijr tlio Weather llnrenu Confined
tho.I.oiiKi nnit UBTD Short !
n C'hnncc.
CHICAGO , July 9.-Tho wheat marke
made another sensational break today whlcl
surpassed nil other defections In that dlrcc
tlon. Compared with yesterday'a closlni
Iirlccu It shows 5'tc ' lower for September de
livery , nnd Is SVfcc lower than the price 1
opened nt yesterday morning. The fallur
of frosts to materialize , the expectation o
liberal crops and the lack of export dellv
cries caused heavy selling , resulting In th
big slump. Pork followed wheat , closing n
a loss of 83c , but corn and oats were com
pnrntlvely steady , corn closing but % c lowc
and oats Uc lower.
The weather bureau's prediction-that ther
would bo frost In the northwest lust nigh
Just barely escaped being a false alarm. Th
only place noted on the weather map n
having had frost was Yankton , and the tem
crature there this morning was 40. With n
frost ecare , therefore , to do battle with , th
short sellers Immediately proceeded to strlk
terror to the hearts of the longs and uaull
succeeded In doing so. With the pressure o
a llttlo short wheat to start with , the mat
ket quickly began to decline , and In about
minute millions of long wheat were wlldl
offered. Thu opening prlco for Soptembe
was at from 07'Ac to 07c. und In the coup
of Jive minutes It had dropped to GG&u. Th
last named quotation Hindu the decline sine
the opening of the previous day's Hesslo
4'AC per bu. After recovery thcie was ur
other break before 11 o'clock to CC-c. mall
Ing the decline slneo the opening yestcrda
a straight 5o per bu. The shorts showed n
general deplre to cover , even at the lowef
figures so fur recorded nbove , nnd ther
were no buyers for long account who nppai
ently were willing to hold on against mor
than V4o per bu. loss , the consequence c
which wns that the price of September ha
another tumble to a still lower point Urn
before. At a few minutes from 12 o'cloc
It had declined to Gn c , There was nothln
to support the market In the news of tli
day , which UH usual took Its cue from th
direction of the price. Korelgn murkel
were , of course , lower. Liverpool decline
% d per cental , and lleilln was lower by tli
equivalent of from IHc to 2c per bu. An
wcrp was given nt 2."i centimes , or Uie p <
bu. , lower , und I'arls was l',4c per bu. lowe
The receipts hero were not quite ns hcnv
as had been estimated , but on the 8G cai
Inspected Into store , til were new whe :
nnd 12 of these were of the contract grud
The exports were small from the Atlant
seaboard , the wheat from the principal per
amounting to only 2i,000 ( bu. and the Hour I
8,800 bills. The receipts nt primary westei
markets were small , only 123,000 bu. , but r
attention wns given to that In the nbseni
of any dcmund for shipment. Hrudstreet
made the decrease In the visible supply fi
both coasts 2,3f,5,000 bu. , and allowing for n
Increase of 3SI,0X ( ) bu. In nnd alioat f <
Kuropc , It govo the world's decrease i
1,971WK ) bu. Hut that had no effect In checl
Ing the decline , for another lower level wi
found after that report was made know
the prlco ubout 12:30 : o'clock having toucln
Clc. nnd even a trllle over that there wi
enough long wheat for p.ale to pntlsfy short
There was nothing apparently capable <
stopping the decline except the closing <
the session , and It was not until the sign
to stop trade was Bounded that the decllt
was llnnlly arrested , September sold dote
to tK'/ic and wns for sale nt 62lj4c nt tl
Corn made a vigorous effort to mnlntn
Itself , nnd did hold up well during the for
noon , but when wheat ehowed list
utterly limp und nerveless" , some of thi
feeling communicated Itself to corn , nnd
the end forced It sllgluly lower than yeste
day's closing price. It hud nn early tin
from 43ic and 42T4c to 42l,4e-1 nnd after th :
begun to advance until It reached from 43 ?
to 43'.4c. It sloped at that and begun
turn down again , but nt no time did It b
come demornllzed , as wheat was. The ope
Ing price of September wns 42c , nnd
sold nt 42c nbout the same time. After tl
advance to from ' 13'sc to 43Vic referred
nbove , the prlco declined to nnd held nroui
42Vio until near the close , when n furth
drop of 5&c 'took place. The closing prl
Notwithstanding the extreme weakness
wheat , oats followed nbout the course tnki
by corn. The market opened firmer nnd r
mnlned so during the greater part of tl
session , The same parties who were hem
buyers continued to be likewise nt the sta
today. A decrcas"1 cf 17C.OOO bu. In th3 s-trc
of contract oats In store also tended to cr
ate n llrm feeling. A few minutes prevlo
to the close the firmness gave way ni
prices took a drop. The heaviness In who
wns altogether too much for the more su
missive cereals. September showeu a sllg
loss , ranging from 23Vic to la c to 22'/i
closing nt from 22Vfcc to 22 * c.
Provisions were very weak , and nt th <
weakest ns the session was coming to i
end. There wns nothing new regnrdli
prospective supplies of raw material , but t
tame people who were smashing the whe
market were also short of provisions n
pressed the ndvantnge which the demon
Izntlon In wheat gave to them. Pork , frc
J12 nt the opening for September , declined
$11.25. nnd after recovering to It had
( Illicit break ncnr the end to $11.15. the i
cllno slnco yesterday being 35o per bbl. T
decline In lard nnd ribs was comparative
light , amounting to 5e In the former and 1
In the latter.
Estimates for tomorrow : Wheat , 15 cai
corn. 100 cars ; oats , 150 cars ; hogs , 24 , '
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
Leading futures ranged ns follows :
FLOUR-Wlnter patents. J3.90jfl.20 : wlnl
Rtrnlghts. $3.40 3.90 ; spring patents. J3.90 l. :
spring straights , J3.10W4.0) ; lakera. J2.10lf3. 0.
\VHEAT-No. 2 spring. GlH C4'tc ; No.
RYE-NO. 2. soc.
11ARLEY No. 2 ' 50ej No. 3 , 40043c ; No. 4 , 4
KLAX SEED-N'O. i. $1.35.
TIMOTHY SEED-Prlme. $3.75.
I'ltOVIHIONB Mess pjtk. per bbl. , $11.0
lU2ii. Lnrd. per 10. . ) Ibs. . $ G.33 G.37K. Sh (
ribs , sides ( louse ) , $ G.10ij6.15 | ; dry salteil sho' '
ders ( boxed ) . $5.60fl3.G7ii ; shoit clear , si
( Uixed ) , $6.75 f6.87',4.
WHISKY DIstlllerB' nnlshed goods , per gn
The , followlnB were the receipts and shlpmei
today :
On the Pro In 3 > oxonania to' the buttar in :
kel wan steady ; crcampry , loaiilWo : dairy , li
He. Keen , llriu ; 114U1HC. Cliucso , 7(36Uc. !
Closing QiiotnUimt the Prluulpil Co- :
UHKlltlt-H und Sliiple * .
NfiW YORK , July 9. KLOUR-Recclpls , 12 ,
bbls.j exiwrts. 5.90J bbls. ; fales. 21,700 pkf
weak and lower ; spring patents were more
cllneU to accept bids and a Rood business
ulted ; city mill patents. $ l.70ai.90 ; city r
clears. $ L15O4.U ; Minneapolis patents. $3.63 3.
Minnesota bakers. $3.00 3.40 ; winter patents. $ :
- W4.00 ; winter stralKhtv , $3.00i3.S3 ; winter extr
$3. < W3.40 ; winter low itrades , $2.20V3.0U ; spr
low Krades , $ . Rye Hour , market qul
jal".lg.OW bbls. ; superfine. $3.S5UI.1D ; fin
CORN MEAL Dull ; gales. ! 00 bb ! . : yell
western. $ l.Wtfl,10 ; llrandywlne , $2.63.
WHEAT Receipts , none ; exports , a too I ]
rnles , 111,550 bu , futures , SI.Coj bu. spot. S
tlemorallxcd ; No. 2 red , In store and eleval
65 c ; alioat , 67c ; t. o. b. , 67 ku alloal ; No ,
northern , 714C. f. o. b. , afloat ; No. 1 lurvl. 72' '
f. o , b. , afloat. Options wrre more drmorall
even than yesterday ; weak cables. Iwtu-r c
news , expectation * of a lwurl h crop rriwrt
morrow , f reum selllnit and a rumored failure
Chicago this afternoon uldlni ; the bears In tl
vfforla to bring out lontf wheat , of which la
quantities were unloaded. The closa was fever
at 4 0 net loss ; No. t red. May , 7JHO7CUC , clo
7SSc ; July , tai 70Hc. closed 65 c ; AUKI
Ca 3-16fi70Uc , clc ed 66Mc , ; September , C6)itj67' '
Closed 6C c ; October. 67SO7J'ic. closed 67"hiC ; 1
vemb r , OSH70v , cloieU ( Uc ; December. ( $ '
73c. closed 6UHc.
CORN Receipts. 174SCO bu. : exports , 301SOO I
( ales , 74.WO bu , futures , C6.0UO bu. spot. H
weak ; No , ! , 40Vic in elevator ; 47Ucalioat ; )
low. 49'ic delivered ; No. : white , too deliver
Option market advanced again on report of act
cash demand at ChlcaKO In part for exixirt. 1
subsequently broke with whea't and closed
lower ; July , 4iSU(4 < Hc , closed 46Uc ; August. <
647HC , closed 47Hcj Septemb r , 4704IUC , eld
OATS lUctlptl. 4 , M bu. | exporU , H.509 t
tn\c \ * . Mo.OOO bu. fillurM , 10.500 bu. fpol. po
eauler ; No. 2 oats , 26HO27 1-ieo : No. Z delivered ,
27KOM 1-lCc ; No. J , c ; No. J whlto. J2Uf
Hci No. I while. 3 4W3Hc ; track , white. JlHtl
Z7c. Option market wns llrm with corn In th <
forennn. and aflfrward Joined the slide ni
closed Uc lower ; July closed 26c ; September , 16 ? )
O c , rinse , ] SGSc.
HAY Htrtmiifr ; ihlrplng , J .0007.CO : Rood t <
Choice. M.Wflfl.OO. , .
HOPS-Dull : state , common to choice , old Jfluc
1K > ( , t 8'4c ; Pacific coast. 3'Jie ; 1S9I , 6 9c ; lx > n
don market , stendy.
HIDES Stronir ; wet salted New Orleans , tt
lectwl , 43 to Ci ! Ihs. , nominal ; Texas , eelectrd. &
to 60 Ibs. . nominal ; Iluenos Ayres , dry. 20 to 2
tli * : . , 4Vfcc ; Texas , dry , 21 to 30 Ibs. , IZfllZc.
LEATHER-KIrm ; hemlock sole , Uucnos Ayrcs
\VOOlU-Klrmf domcftlc ncece , :2fllSc : pulled
19U24C. ; 1r. . . .
$5 , Pork , dull und easy ; sales , 150 bbts ,
III'TTER Wenk : western dairy. 9fil3c.
CHEESE Dull and heavy : state , 6 > ,508c : small
Elitlrt--Stoady : state and Pennsylvania , 13',4 ?
15c ; western , fresh , 13i013 ! < ic ; receipts , 7,60
TALLOW-Ensy : city , 4Hc ; coun ry , 44c.
PETIlOLErM-Qulet : United cli'sod at $1.4
hid ; refined , New oYrk , $7.65 ; 1'hlladelphla atv
llnltlinoro , $7.GO ; Philadelphia and Daltlmoic , li
bulk , J5.10.
Tl'HPKNTINn-SSHc. . . , „ , ' ,
RICE Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , 4V4C6'lc
npan , 3-fMUc.
MOLASSES Steady , Kc. . , ,
„ „ ,1A/
METAI.S-lron. firm : American. $12.50G14. < X
opper. strung ; f-xchange price , JI0.70 10.S5. Ix-nd
trong ; exchange price , $3.32'4Sr3.33. Tin , steady
traits , S14.1CM4. ! < i. Plates , Him. Ppelter , jweak
omralio. t3.coI3.C.ii sal on 'change , 2o ton
illy , 323 tons , December 1 , s. o. , sixty days nc
COTTONSEED OIL Dull : falily steady ; prim
titmner yellow , leftM c ; off summer yellow , 25 !
! 25 ic.
Condition of Tnido und ( 01
Htnpto und funor I'r.muee.
Poultry was In light supply yesterday and th
naikct was firm. The general market on cour
ry produce did not show any mateiial change t
ar as values were concerned.
This year will probably see much American ha
( lipped to England , Several weeks ago th
armors there dispalred of getting more than
hree-qunrter ciop nt the best , There has i
nte been renewed Inquiry at eastern ports fi
ay by English Importers owing to the scnrclt
n their side of the Atlantic. Foreign blO
nve been advanced and considerable cng.igemcn !
or export have already been made. Last yeni
t will be remomboied , there was nn nctlve c.
ort movement from New York , due to the shoi
reps In the United Kingdom , Fiance and Gei
nnny. The exports for the first six months c
851 were 1,425,681 baits , while for the coriecpom
ng pcilod of this > wir they have only reachf
. ! 0,6IS bales. Last year's shipments were large !
anadlan hay , which wns shipped through th
ountry In bond. Quotations :
EGGS-Cholcc stock , 9010c. ,
IIUTTER Packing stock. 7c ; choice to fane ;
Of J2c ; gathered creamery , 15ci separator crcan
ly , IGc.
LIVE POt'LTRY Hens , 7c ; roosters , Si
prlus chickens , $2.0083.50 per dnz. , nr liftll ! l"
h. : ducks , So ; spring ducks. 12 13c ; turkey
fi'Ic : geese , Kc.
VEAICholce fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , nre quoted i
® 7c ; laige nnd coaise , 4j5Wc.
CHEESE Wisconsin full crcnm. DCour :
\mcrlciiR. 11012c ; twins , llff)2c ) ; Nebraska nr
owa , full cream , lOc ; Llmbuigcr , No. 1 , 10 <
brick , No. 1 , lie ; Swiss. No. 1 , 13c.
HAY Upland hay , J7 ; midland , $7 : Imvlnn
6.50 ; rye ptiuw. J" > : color makes the price on ha
Light bales sell the best. Only top gradcsi brli
' '
.op prices. *
PIGEONS-Pcr doz. . $1.0301.50.
The first celery of the season arrived on tl
market yesterday anil was of good Blzc nnd a
leaiancv , especially for so early in the seaso
t was grown In Nebraska , which speaks well f
this state ns a grower of early celery. La
year there was a large crop of celeiy grown
Nebraska nnd to far as known the glowers ha
nit In a laiger ncieage this senson than ever b
'ore. North Hend and Monroe have a lari
The gardeners arc bringing In some very chol
aullllower. Quotations :
POTATOES N w potatoes , choice stock , 65
' 5c.
ONIONS Uemudas , per crate , none ; Collfornl
n sacks , per bu. , $1.10.
OLD 11EANS Hand picked , navy. $2,20 ; Lin
jeans , per Hi. , 5Uj5V c ,
CAUUAGE On orders. 2c.
RADISHES Per doz. bunches , 15c.
GREEN ONIONS Per doz. bunches , 15c.
LETTUCE Per doz. , 15 20c.
ASPARAGUS Choice stock on orders , 35S5
, > er doz. bunches.
CUCUMIIERS On orders. 40c per doz.
1'EAS On orders , per bu. , 75c.
STRING 11EANS On order , per ' ,4-bu. baske
TOMATOES Mlfslsslppl stock , per 4-bosk
crate , 8 * > & 90c ; 6 to 10-casc lots 76y50i\
SUMMER SQUASH Per doz. , on orders ,
WATERMELONS Per doz. , cra'.ed. J'.7S.
GREEN PEPPERS-Per bu. . $1.00011.50.
WAX HEANS Per W-bu. basket , 60c.
CANTALOUPES Per doz. , ; i ! 5 il.S9.
CAl'I.lFLOWER-Per doz. , 40ff I3c.
CELERY Home grown , per doz. , 50ff73c.
The market wns bare of strawberries.
lllackborrles continue to be In large receipt ni
not overly good demand.
The only black latpberries to be had are nor
grown stock. Quotations :
RED RASPIIERRIEH Per 24-qt. case. $1.50.
PLUMS California , per box. choice stock , $1.
2.00 ; southern , per case. Jl.50ffl.75.
APRICOTS California , choice stock , per bo
APPLES Southern , per V4-bu. box , 60c ; bbl
J2 5W2.76.
CALIFORNIA 1 EACI1ES Per box , $1.1001.1 !
STRAW1IERR1ES Choice shipping stock , p
: ase of 24 qts , . $2.75.
CHERRIES Washington , per 10-lb. box , , Jl.
home grown , per 21 qt. case , J2.60ffl2.75.
GOOSE11ERRIES Per 24-qt. case , J2.00g2.25.
1ILACK RASPIIERRIES Per 21-qt. case , $2
® 3.00.
1ILACK11ERR1ES Choice stock , per 21-c
case. .
The cool weather this week has not been
all favorable for the sale of lemons. Quotatloi
ORANGES Navels , per box , none ; choice set
lings , per box. $2.50 ; Mediterranean sweets , J3
(13.25 ; fancy St. Michaels , none.
LEMONS Extra fancy lemons , 360 size , $6. :
ZOO size , $6.50.
1IANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch , $2
C2.50 ; medium size bunches , J2.WU < a:2.25. :
PINEAPPLES per doz. , none.
FIGS Fancy , 15c ; choice , 12Q13c ; Callforn
bags , 7c.
HONEY California , 14C15c.
MAPLE SYRUP-Gallou Jugs , per doz. , $ :
Illxby , 5-gal. cans , $3.
NUTS Almonds , 14c ; English walnuts , so
shelled , 12c ; standnitls , He ; filberts , lOc ; Dra
nuts , lOc ; pecans , 9c ; peanuts , raw , Co ; roasti
< CDATES In 60 to 70-lb. boxes , 6c per Ib. ; fa
dnlei , small boxes , lOc per Ib.
CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , J3 ; half bbl. , $3
COCOANUTS Per bundled , $1.
RICE POPCORN In the car , on orders , j
Ib. . SVic
HIDES No. 1 gieen hides , < Wo ; No. 2 gre
hides. So ; No. 1 green salted hides , Do ; No.
green salted hides , SVic ; No. 1 veal calf , g to
Ibs. , 13c ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 10IT10M
No. 1 dry flint hides , 12 < jl4c ; No. t dry flint hid
12c ; No. 1 dry palled hides , 12c ; partly cut
hides , i-ic per Ib. less than fully cured ,
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each. 23fflGi
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skin
each , GWlSc , dry shearlings ( short wooled ea
skins ) ' No. 1 , each , MflOc ; dry shearlings ( sh
wooled early skins ) , No. 2 , each , 6c ; dry Hi
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , t
pound , actual weight , 68c ; dry flint Kansas a
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , acli
weight , 4j6a ; dry Hint Colorado butcher w
pelts , per pound , actual weight. 4fi6'ic : 0
flint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per poui
actual weight. 4i'Sc. Have feet cut off , as It
useless to pay freight on them.
St. Lotilt ( MttrKot.
ST. LOUIS. July 9. FLOUR Dull , lower a
weak at declines ; patents , J3.85W4.0U ; extra film
$3.55SJ3.65 : fancy , J3.25&3.35 ; choice. $3.Wf3.55. )
WHEAT Sold off early on heavy liquidation
decline of Sic following teen after ; then cam ;
recovery , but the cables were alt lower and t
mratlo markets became weak again , with pier
if selling ; the result was a demoralized marl
and a decline of 3c : No , 2 red , cash , 64ci Ju
Cl'ic ; SeptcmtKT , 62ic. !
CORN Declined % o on heavy selling by loni
declined on all domestic markets and the brt >
In wheat ; spot dull und lower ; No. 2 mixed , cm
39c asked ; July , SSc ; September. 3'JUc ; May.
OATS The great depression In corn and win
early In the day had n weakening effect , yet I
selling was light and the decline small , the mi
ket rallying > 4c : late became weak again nnd c
rllned ; spot steady : No. 2 , cash , 24c : July , 2
Soptemlier. 2l ? 21Tic : May , 23Uc bid.
RYI } Lower ; No. 2 Is not salable above
on the track.
FLAX SEED No sales ; $1.23 asked , $1.20 1
for July.
HAY Dull. Inactive ; timothy. $11.50013.00 , c ;
side ; pialrle. $8.0009.00 , this side.
LEAI > In good demand : 12 cnrs nt $3.12Vi.
SPELTER Quiet , easier at $3.4714.
PROVISIONS Pork. ttandAid meis , $11.
Lard , prime steam. $6. ? ) ; choice , J6.32 > 4 , ll.lci
boxed shoulders , JC.50 ; longs. $6.73 ; ribs , 16.87
longs , J7.UOM7.12H. Dry rait meals , boxed she
ders. $5.75 ; longs , 16.50 ; ribs. $6.6214 ; shorts , $6 ,
RECEIPTS Flour , 1,000 bbls. : wheat , 49 ,
bu. : corn. 29.000 bu. : oats. 6OuO bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 6.000 bbls. ; wheat , 7 ,
bu. ; com , 9,000 bu. ; oats. 7.000 bu.
Kaunas City Mnrket * .
KANSAS CITY. July 9. WHEAT Lower ; !
2 hard , 62c ; No. 2 red. 6lc ; rejected , C5c.
CORN Lower ' : No , 2 mixed , SSV4o ; No. 2 whl
OATS Firm : No. 3 mixed220230 ; No. 2 wSI
"RYE-NO , z. &oc. ,
FLAX SEED-July , $1.16 ; September , $1.14.
11RAN Weak at 65fi6Sc.
EGOS Firmer at Sc.
Minneapolis Wliext Market.
closed steady at 6lMc ; September. 69Uc ; Dece
ber. MVic ; 'on track. No. 1 hard. 63e ; No ,
northern , E2Uc : No. 2 northern. 6UC.
FIX1UR Easy : tlrst patents. J3.6oifi4.00 ; sect
patents. J3.4QG1.70 ; first clears. J2. 0 iXo ; secc
cleurs. $1.65 ; export bakers. $2.4503.00.
Muiichrstor Textiles.
MANCHESTER. July . -Cloth dull ; yui
dull and steady , with little doing.
bucar tturket.
NEW YORK , July . SUGAR Raw. Uai
fair reflnlnr , 2Uo ; ctntrifuzal. M test , 2\4c ; sal
7M U * ceutrlfufil. M teit. U We ; 14t hht
SO bbls. and 1,254 hflgn Musccvndn , ( i
test , at me ; refined , quiet ! No. .
4 l-i6i74 c ; No. 7 , 1 15-16tf4Hc ! No. ,
3 I5-16 4Uc : No. 9 , 1UC4 MGci No. 10 , 3 13-l4
4C ! No. 11 , 2 ll-16fmte ; No. U. 3 9-1603 ioi No.
1 } , 3Hc : off A. 4 l-16f4Hc ; mold A , 4 ll-1604Tc ;
stnndard A , 4 5-16O44r ; confectioners' A. 4 6-l
ff4Uo ; cut loaf , 5 l-lfi 5'ici crushed , B 1-KffSUc ;
powdered , 4B4 15-lGo ; granulated , 4 7-l 84Hc ;
cubes , 4 IMCc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Minro Spfcnlntton Uouenillj Inclined To-
wnrd l.oivor FlRiiroK Yestordnf ,
NEW YORK , July 9. The share speculation
today trended generally toward lower figures , and
as a result the day's trading prices show a de
cline ranging up to 5',4 per cent , the latter In
Chicago ( las , which was most prominent In the
transactions. Numerous rumors were set afloat
In regard to this property , and they were all of
nn unfavorable character.
The stock opened H per cent lower , but quickly
rallied % per cent to mi , Tnen came out n
Hood of stock In small parcels , the flow continu
ing throughout the morning and afternoon , forc
ing tlio price down 514 per cent to 53 < i , the clos
ing sales belne within U pi-r cent of the lowest
point touched. Dlttllllng occupied n goodly share
of specultalve attention. After nn early advance 01
? ( per cent , a heavy selling movement was Inaugu
rated on reports that complications had arisen
\hlch would delay the reorganization. ThU
esulted In a brcnlt of Itt per cent , of which 1 S
per cent had been recovered nt the close. There
was sharp covering In Huu r ItKthe early deal
ings , which cnused an Improvement of Hi per
cent , but the depression In Its sister stock wnt
soon communicated to tt , and the bears ham-
meicd It down 3U per cent , The last sale waa
' .4 per cent above the lowest of the day. The
market generally opened active and strong , early
gains being established of from \'t to 1 per cent ,
Iho latter In Tobacco. On steady liquidation ;
Ilio entire list took n downward turn until nftei
delivery hour , at which time losses hud beer
made of from H to 3 per cent , the latter In New
England , which was deprcs'cd because the foie.
closure rale did not dlsclore the exlstincv of the
alleged New Haven controlling Influence.
About 2:30 : o'clock purchases to cover shorl
contracts sent New England up 2 per cent nml
the lest of the list n fraction nml the nmrkel
closed fairly firm. The Inquiry wns fair foi
mortgages nnd prices moved upwaid until a !
the last session , when heavy sales gave a weafc
tone to tlio closing. The main changes on t'.ii
day wercfrom 2 to 4 per cent. The nRrcgnU
sales were $1,672000.
The Evening Post's .London cablegram says
The stock markets weie good today all around
with lencwed excitement In Knlllrs. American !
clofed firm at nn avetagc rise of from 2..c to 75c ,
Canadian Pacific d Reading being especial ! )
fuvoi-ril. It Is just learned here that a sinul
parcel ot gold Is being shipped from New Yort
to Europe. The Impression prevails In llnancln
qunilers that this means the efforts to preveni
gold shipments nre unsuccessful. It Is , however
stated that It Is not American gold which h
l--lng Uffd. The Evening Post says no attentlor
Is ever paid In New Yoik to such shipments o !
foreign gold ns nre mentioned nbove , bfonusi
they merely pats through New York , usually Ir
unbroken parcels , between Europe nnd the \ \ en
Indies. As n matter of fact , $7,127.000 gold hat
been Imported nnd exported since the syndlcnti
contract was signed. I.ast week $114,000 forelgi
gold wns forwarded from New York to France ,
consigned from Cuba ,
The following were the closing quotations o
the leading stocks of the New York exchang
today :
The total Rale of clucks todny were 2S9.6S
nharex. Including : American Sugar , 85.600J Amer
lean Tobneco , 7,3'jO ' : liu-llngton , 16,300 ! ChlcnR
Oas , 60,700 ; Distilling nml Cnttl fe llnK , lG > xi
Oon-.ral Electtlc , 4 4fO ; Kim ns & Texas i rcfcrr < 1
6,500 ; Ixiulsvlllc & Nashville. 6,600 ; IteadlnK , 2i ,
2W ; Rock Iclancl , 4.8HO ; St. I'nul. 17.COO ; Southfrr
4,100 ; Southern preferred , 10.5'JO ; Tennesaeo Cor
ami Iron , 4,800 ; Unlto4 States Leather , 4.EOC
Wheeling & Lake Brie. 13.700.
New York Money .Mnrkor.
Easy nt 161V4 per cent ; last loan. 1 per cen
closed , 1 per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE Stronfr. with nctui
business In banltem' bills at f4.9004.90Vi for il
manil nml at J4.S934.89U for nlxty ilnya ; post !
rates , J4.895f4.S9l4 nml J4.90V4.
GOVERNMENT 11ONDS Firm. State bom ]
ilull , Railroad bonds , weak.
Closing quotations of bonds were ns follow * :
Foreign Flimncixl Affutrs.
I.ONDON , July 9. Gold Is quoted at Iluer
Ayrv * at 245.5) ; Madrid. 151.45 ; Lisbon , ST'i ; I
Putcrsturtr , W ; Athens , n ; Rome , 104.47 ; VUm
103.RERLIN , July 9. The weekly statement of t
Imperial Hank of Germany shows tha follow !
changes OB compared with the previous accoui
Cash In hand , decrease , 7,620.000 marks ; treasu
notes , decrease. (20.000 marks ; other necuritl
decrease , 34,500.000 marks ; notes In clrculatli
decrease. 41,100,000 nmrki.
ensiderablo IncreriAVfr the Arrivals ol
. Oattlo at thd.cnl . Yards.
Demand Fair and ItiiiflncM Active nt Steady
to Active I'rlcrj lFoc Heiut la
i'rlccs and Ituycri Knock
Off a. 'Dime.
TUKSDAVi July 9.
The receipts today were 2,2io cattle , 3.CSJ
logs nnd 19 Fhcep. as against 013 cattle , 00 :
logs and 125 sheep yesterday , and 1,918 cat
le , 3,769 hogs and 740 sheep on TuesJiy ol
ast week.
Receipts for the two days this week wen
,373 cattle , 4,250 hogs and 147 sheep , ai
Kiillitl ? fJO cuttle , 5,001 hogs Slid 13I fhco ]
lo ulny and Tuesday of last week.
CATTLI3 Today's receipts of nlnety-flvi
ouds of cattle looked bigger than a moun
aln ns compared with the number thn
i.ive been coming here of late. It was , It
act , the largest run of cattle since April 3
n addition to the fresh receipts there wen
hlrtecn loads additional which came In lati
esterdny afternoon , and only seven londi
out of the whole number were consigned dl
rect to the packers , the balance being of
ercd on the market. With so many cattli
on sale the yards took on more of the old
Ime appearance and there was more of tin
lustle und stir which always go with i
arse cnttlo market.
There were some pretty good beef steer
n the yards and the demand , both on tin
> art of the shippers and packers , was ver ;
air. As u result the market was rensotiabl ;
active ui ptlces not very much dlfferen
from yesterday , perhaps a shade easier ol
in average. Owing to the quality of tin
iuttlc In the yards the sales showed up tin
jest In some time. Quite a number of steer
vuro good enough to bring y and over.
Tlio offerings of cows und heifers wen
luite liberal , there being about twenty load
in sale. The demand was good and the mar
ket active nt steady prices. The bulk of tin
offerings were cleaned up early.
Stockers and feeders were In larger supplj
nun Usual of late. The demand , ho waver
vus good nnd th" " " were buyers enough ti
clear the yards. The prices paid were i
Ittle lower than yesterday. Representative
sales ;
1 sir , tli ? . . . . 1020 260 90 feeders. . . .1120 SCO
34 feeders. . . . 942 3 30 17 steers . 1030 3 70
13 feeders. . . . 1030 343 41 steers . 1176 370
20 feeders. . . . 1071 3 M
James Fickle.
1 cow . 1070 2 70 1 steer . 1070 4 00
11 cows . 1025 270 1 calf . 170 460
13 cows . 903 2 70
Ucnjamln Roberts.
1 cow . 10SO 200 17 steers . I1S1 400
1 cow . 1110 2 C3 14 steers . 1128 4 00
Scows . 940 290 15 steers . 1114 400
2 cown . 1000 3 O ) 3 steers . 1283 400
3 Bteeia . 1153 3 70 1 Meer . 1110 4 03
6 steers . 1150 400 10 steers . 1116 403
HOGS After n pretty stendy advance In prlc <
until the top only lacked 2'&c of touching i
the mniket todny experienced a decided lenctloi
The break In provisions nml lower markets i
other points hit the hoc market hard enouc
today to Knock off fully lOc. The decline wi
the most on the heavy IIOBD , which sold In son
cases I5c lower. On the other hand the llgl
and mixed loads did not suffer as much nr
there were cawa where loads did not sell ovi
5o lower , though the most of them wera II
lower. All of yesterday's ndvance wns lo
and more , too. ConslderlnR that It wns a dow
market the trniln wns OH active ns could 1
expected nnd the pena were practically clearc
In Rood season. Good heavy IIOKS Bold nt $4.83
4.90 nnd llfht weights largely at S4.70Q4 S
Representative sales
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
5 . " 8 . . . 4 40 2 . 263 . . . } 4 73
5 . S06 . . . 440 6 . "Oil . . . 475
1 . 230 . . . 440 4 . 317 . . . 473
52 . , . .145 160 4 45 2 . 230 . . . 4 73
5 . 1W . . . 455 1 . ) . . . 473
9 . 171 . . . 465 2 . 2SO . . . 473
J . 227 . . . 4 CO 4 . 310 . . . 4 73
6 . 0 . . . 463 4 . 312 . . . 475
10 . 302 . . . 465 3 . 363 . . . 473
77 . 16 > 130 4 C3 10 . 258 . . . 473
44 . 225 280 465 1 . HO ! ! 4 73
4 . 232 . . . 46-3 . 6 . 203 . . . 473
78 . Ml 200 470 74 . 221 200 4 7S
2 . 375 . . . 470 i 92 . 189 160 477
97 . 237 400 4 70 > . 60 . 221 80 4 77
W . 233 SCO 470 - 3 . 276 . . . 4 SO
63 . 176 40 4 70 H . 347 . . . 4 K ]
33 . 181 ICO 4 70 2 . 3'W 80 4 (0
43 . 176 40,470 J fi . 2S8 . . . 4 M
36. . , . 221 0 4W > 3-i-i.S . 3W . . . 4W
44 . 164 1M 4 70 - - 7 . 291 . . . 4 ft
48 . 236 240 475 1 > .1"1.43 . 229 60 4 &C
93 . 207 120 475 J'JJ75 ? . 217 120 4 SC
47 . 233 160 4 75 q2 , , 73 . 215 fcO 4 M
73 . 241 200 4 75 , .j i3 . 270 . . . 480
53 . 183 40 4 75 J < ( . 233 . . . 4 8C
61 . 223 ICO 475 ciuoC7 . 216 SO 4 SC
G3 . Z1S 40 475 71 . ITJS ISO 4 M
43 . 215 120 4 75 * 32 . 231 2SO 4 St
96 . 182 200 4 7S * < ! ' < > 41 . 2S8 . . . 4K
5 . 215 160 473 . 'Pl > 64 . 267 SO 4 6C
74 . 217 120 473f , . 241 160 4 SC
65 . 215 320 475 , ! , 24 . 183 . . . 4K
79 . 201 120 4 73 , jP1In,72 | . 212 40 4 S3
61 . 223 SO 4 75 68 . 222 40 4 6 !
38 . 219 80 475 -T GG . 1U ! . . . 48 ;
38 . 253 120 475I rf56 . . 234 SO 4 f :
B . 24S . . . 4 75 nM .71. . . . . . . Sta . . . 4K
67 . S60 SO 4 75 6 . 318 80 4 6 !
82 . 1C8 40 4 75 ' } ' 6 . 271 . . . 4 S !
26 . 214 40 4 75 " ' "J 5 . 328 SO 4 S'
69 . 251 120 4 75 ' * .70 . 26.3 . . . 4k !
47 . 247 SO 475 wpx 3 . 277 . . . 491
11 . 213 . . . 4 75 n < 'vt l 9 . S55 80 4 W
0 . 270 . . . 475V/ , „
2 . 160 . . . . 430 . . . 4 ( K
! : : : : : : : : S8 : : : It11.-1"- . 3W - 4W
8 . 63 . . . 3 50 . 8 . 77 . . . 3 51
8 . 68 . . . 350 8 . $6 . . . 3 7 (
SHEEP A piece of a load of lambs was offer
and met with ready sale at a very fntlsfiicto
price. Kalr to choice natives are quotable
from J2.60 lo J3.50 ; fair to Buod westerns nt fix
$2.25 to $2.75 ; common nnd etock fheep ut frc
$1.75 to $2.2S ; good to choice 40 to KXMb. lam
at from $3 to $ j.0. Representative sales :
No. Wt. Pr
3 native ewes . , . 100 13 7 :
16 native lambs . 78 3
3 native ewes . , . . . . . no 3 7 ;
St , l.oulu I.lvii Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS , July 9.-CATTLB-Recelpt . * . '
head ; shipments , 400 head ; market , all but t
crudes a shade easier ; native ste m of 1,351
1,480 Ibs. average sold at $3.35 ; 1,15001,200 II
average , J4.60C4.W ; 1.0001.100 lb . average. $3.1
light Btfcrs. $3.25&4.00 ; mockers and feede
$ : .60ff3.SO. Texan cattU were lOo better eai !
but fell bark before the clew ; demand poor ; f
Keen. $3.40&4.2S ; grans ( teen , $2.75tf3.23 ; cov
$ i.40 J.SO.
HOGS Receipts. 6,300 head ; ihlpments , !
head : market tdlOo oft ; heavy , $5.00jS.10 ; pac
era. $4.7505.10 ; light , $4.7505,10.
BHEEP-lleceljJta J.1W head ;
ien < ! j mnrkrt clrontcri nnllvee otd nt $3.500
15 ; lambs , I3.t 00.45j no southwestern ! ottered.
M110.VUO MVU nTOOtt.
Not Mnnjr Choice llrcvr * Worn Offered nnd
l'ric < Hnlttil Btroujj.
CIIICAOO , July 9. There was a ( rood Tuesday
upply of cntltr , the receipts being estimated nt
BOO head , of which 4,000 head were natives. Not
many choice beeves were offered , nnd for uch
irlccs ruled strong , come sellers claiming that
lies were at an advance of lOc per 100 Ibs. In
number of Instances. For the Kencrnl run nf
attic prices were easy , nnd this was particularly
he ca nn regards cows , which were ottered In
ante numbers. Very few line steers were shown
ml snles nerc largely nt from $1.60 to $3.50 , very
ommon stcern being held at from $3.50 to $1. Nn
articular change Is noticed In the stocker nnd
coder trnde. nnd sales nre only fair nt from
2.40 In $1 , Hulls sold at from $2 to $3.50 , nml
ows nnd heifers were In demand nt nn exlremo
nnge of from $1.50 to $ I.EO for Inferolr to extra ,
| ( h rnles largely nt from $2 to $3.60. Texan cnt *
le were Mendy and nctlve , with receipts of about
, QW hftul , making 6,200 received In two da > s ,
ommon to choice Texas aleera sold at from $2.90
o $1.75.
In hogs not more than 23,000 head were ottered
n the market today. Including fresh receipts ot
1,000 lu'nd , but packers refused to take hold nt
esterday'B figures , nnd prices ruled wenk with
nlex of heavy nnd mixed lol at n decline of 5
) er 100 Ibo. Heavy hogs sold nt from $4.70 to
3.35 , nmmllng to nunllty. Mixed lots sold nt
rom $4,83 to f..W , nnd light weights nt from
I. S3 In $3.20. Sales were largely nl from $5 to
5.15 for heavy , and nt from $5,10 to $5.15 fnt
Ight. The sttlne was choice white hogn , Th < !
mrket closed badly nt weak prices ,
In sheep the supply wns laiger than on yester.
ay , the lecelpts being estimated nt 11,000 head ,
nd with u demand that was only falily good ,
> rlcea were from lOc to 15c per cwt. lower foi
ioth fheep nnd lambs. Inferior to choice sheer
vere In rerplest nt from $1 to $4. pales lielnn
mostly nt from $2 to $3.50 , with Tcxnns sellln $
nt from $2 to $2.33 for common to choice ; sprlm ;
ambs were wanted nt from $3 to $6 for common
o prime , not many selling at $5. Spring lamb ;
nnd Texas western sheep complice a large parl
f the dally supplies.
Receipts : Cattle , 6,600 hend ; cnlves , 2,500 head
lug * . 14,000 head ; sheep , 11,000 head.
Kin ; n C I r l.lvo Stock.
KANSAS CITY , July 9.-CATTLE Receipts ,
,600 head ; shipments , 2,300 hrnd ; market llrm
nr best , others steadv ; Texas steers , $2 25fl4 65 ;
Texas cows , $ l.X > > r3.S ) ; beef steers , $ l.o.iI5.60 ;
native cows , Jl.M5I3.9i ) ; rtockers nnd feeders ,
3.0084.23 ; bulls , J2.03W2.75.
HOGS Receipts. 8,700 hend ; shipments , 200
lend ; mat ket weak to lOc lower ; bulk of sales ,
47501.90 ; heavies , $4. 0H.55 ; packers , J4.7UI.93 ;
nixed. { 1.001(4. M ; lights , J4.6UU4.kO ; poikcrs ,
4.70lr4.RO ; pigs. $4.40M4.75.
SHEEP Receipts , 3.4CK ) head ; shipments , non- ;
market steady.
Nmv Yiir l.lva ntoux Alnrltot.
NEW YORK , July 9. REEVES Receipts , 24 !
lead ; no market ; European cables quote Amer-
can steers at 10ii HlHc ; refrigerator beef , 8f9c ;
xportB today , 700 beeves , 70 sheep nnd 2,119 ijuar.
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rccdpts. 1.700 ; Rood
hcep higher ; poor to prime , $1.2504.00 ; lambs ,
Irm ; common to prime , $3.5006.00.
HOGS Receipts , 2,900 head ; firm at JJ.4333.CJ.
Muck In night.
Record of receipts nt the four principal market !
or Tuesday. July 9 , 1S93 :
Cattle. HOKS. Sheep ,
outh Omaha . 22X3 3.GS3 19
hlcnfio . 6,60) 14,000 11. 010
Cnnsas City . 6.PW 8.700 3.40.J .
t. Louis . 4.5N 6.0JO 3,000
Totals . . .1C.635 32.C8S 17,410
Wool .Market.
PHILADELPHIA , July 0. WOOL Strong anc !
ilgher , but manufacturers holding off. Ohio ,
'cnn Ivanla nnd West Virginia XX nnd above ,
" 4fl9c ; X and above , 174J18c ; medium , J0ff21c ,
linrter-blood , ClQ23c ; common , 1902Dc ; New
York. Michigan , Wisconsin , etc. , X , K
il'c ; medium , 19:0c ; quarter-blood , 21Q
2c ; vonunon , 18@19c ; washed comblnp
nnd delaine , fine , ISJfiOc ; medium , 214J
" 2c ; quarter-blood , 22(723c ; braid , 21i2c ; un.
vashed nvllnin , ICfllSe ; quarter-blood , 18019c ;
> rald , ICi/ISc ; unwashed , light and bright , fine ,
4Vi < ? lGcj medium , 14filGc ; coarse , 16i17c ; com.
non , 14(13c ; unwashed ( dark colored ) , light , fine ,
Ifllc , heavy , line , CigSc ; mrdluin , 110'13c ; llnf
ncdlum , 105fl2c ; coarse , 1201IC ; territory am !
northwestern , light , fine , lOfMlc ; heavy , fine ,
fiSc ; fine medium , HWl.'c ; medium , llCHc ; quar-
er-hlood. 12iT13c ; coaise , IHiUV.
UOSTON , July 9. With nn nctlve wool markel
uul strong prices the dealeis here nre looking
orward to another advance of le per pouncj
ill around. The principal demand this week hni
> een largely made by manufactuiers , but thoix
las been considerable business by dealers. Ovci
j.000,000 pounds sold here last week have beer
grown west of the Missouri river and the marke !
tor Australian \vool Is active , with n probablllt )
) f nn ndvance In prices. The following are tin
quotations for the lending descriptions :
Ohio nnd Pennsylvania Ilecces , XX nnd above
17V4i18c ; X nnd above. 16 < j17c ; delaine , ICc
X Michigan , ISWBlGe : No. 1 Michigan , X , 19B (
20c ; X Illinois , IGfilS c ; No. 1 Illinois , 1914J !
20lic ; X New York , New Hampshire nnd Ver
mont , l&c ; No. 1 New York , New Hampshire
! SfT19c ; delaine Michigan , 17',4O184c ! ; unwashet
medium , Kentucky and Maine , quarter blood. 19c
Kentucky and Maine , three-eighth blood , ISVic
[ ndlana nnd Missouri , three-quarter blood , 18Sf
I9c ! Indiana nnd Mlfsourl , three-quarter blood
IGfflG'.fcc ; Texas wools , spring medium , twelvi
months , 12itl4c ; scoured , ; spring fine
twelve months , llfflSo ; scoured , 3lfi3Cc ; terrltor ;
wool , medium nnd line , HQ13c ; scoured , 32JT35c
Wyoming , V'tnh , etc. , No. 2 , 12V414c ; scoured
31T32c ; Wyoming nnd Utah line medium , fine am
medium , 1213c ; scoured , 3Uf2c ; California wool
northern spring , Iliffl4o ; scouted , 33035C ; mlddli
country spring , 11013c ; scoured , 321f33c ; Austra
Han combings , superfine , 4Hi/44c / ; comblngB , good
3SG41c ; nvemge. 3504 Ic.
LONDON , July 9. At the wool auction sale
todny 15,800 bales were offered , of which 800 wer
withdrawn. There was n strong demand for me
rlnos and crosshreds. Ameiica was n llbern
buyer. Following are the salon In detail :
New South Wales. 4.JC3 bales ; scoured , 7'.d'f ' '
Is 2',4d ; Breasy , 3V4010d. Queensland , 1,817 bales
scoured , IB Hd ; greasy. 4U09d. Victoria , 1.61
hales ; scoured , 3',4d@ls 6Hd ; greasy. 4'47'td
Swan River. 13 bales ; greasy , 414i5d. Tasmania
203 balea ; scoureil , 8'jQ9d ; girasy. S' WlOd. Nev
/ . nlanil. 6,434 bnlcs ; scoured. S'iilfls 3d ; grensv
4 > , idins ( Vjd. Capo of Good Hope nnd Natnl , 1G7
bales ; scoured , 9V4d01s 4d ; grensy , 4U7'id ,
l.lTnrpoiil Alurknts ,
LIVERPOOL , July 9. WHEAT Spot dull , de
mnnd i > oor ; No. 2 red winter , 6s 3d ; No. 2 rei
Hprlng , fs 8d ; No. 1 hard , Manitoba , 5s S > 1 ; No.
California , 6s 3d ; Futures opened dull , with nea
and dlxtant positions 1U,1 lower ; closed steady
\\lth near positions lOl'.id lower nnd dlslnn
positions Id lower ; business nbout equally din
tilbutod : July , 5s 2'id ; August , 6s 2'/4d ; Septem
ber , 5s 3d ; October , 5s 3 > id ; November , 5s 4Ud
December , 5s 4 ? d.
CORN Spot dull ; American mixed , new , 4
2Hd ; futures opened dull , with near and dlstan
positions Id lower ; closed quiet , with near am
distant positions Id lower ; business about equal !
distributed ; July , 4s > , ld ; August , 4s ' .id ; Septem
PROVISIONS Ilncon , quiet ; demand , modeinte
Cumberland cut , 28 to 30 Ibs. . 22s ; Bhort rlbt
28 Iris. , 32s 6d ; lone clear light , 3S to 45 Ibs.
33s ; lang clear heavy , 65 Ibs. , 32s 6d ; short clea
backs , light , 18 Ibs. , 34s ; shoit clear middle
heavy. 55 Ibs. , 33s ; clear bellies , 14 to 16 Ibs. , 32
shoulders , square , 12 to 18 Ihs. , 31s. Hams , shor
cut , 14 to 16 Ibs. . 4d. Pork , prime mess , fin
western , 67s 6d : fine medium , 60s. Ixird , dull
prime western , 33s ; refined , In palls , 34a ,
CHEESE Stendy ; demand moderate ; fines
American , new , 3Ss Gd ; llnest American , colors
new , Ma 6d.
DUTTER Finest United States , nominal.
TURPENTINE Spirits , 21s 9d.
LINSEED OIL 21 * 6d.
PETROLEUM Refined. 8 il.
REFRIGERATOR 11EEF Hindquarters , C'.id.
HOI'S At London. 1'acllle coast. 2.
The receipts of wheat during the past thre
daya were 270,000 centals , Including 3,000 Amerl
can.Tho receipts of American corn during the paa
three days were 75,500 centals. Weather fine.
CntTou Miirkor.
NEW YORK. Juy 9-COFFEE-Optlons opene
film , with July 10 points lower , while much nil
vniicod , nnd Ilia other months advanced 5 points
other points firm on local demand und small ol
ferlngs , In the face of the weak cables close
stendy nt unchanged prices to 10 points advance
sates , 6.7CO bags. Including : March , $14.55 ; Set
tember , J14.70W14.75 ; October , $14.80 ; Decembei
$14.70 , Spot coffee , market quiet ; No. 7 , $15.2 ;
mild , Cordova. JIS.25O19.OOj sales , MO bags Nc
7 Rio , spot , at Hi.DO , an exceptional lot ; wai <
house deliveries from New York yesterday , 8.8 !
bags ; New York stock today , 2G9.535 bags ; Unlit
States stock. 363,345 bags ; afloat for the Unite
States , 116.000 bags ; total visible for the Unite
States , 479.345 bags , against 474,169 bags last yen
SANTOS , July 9. Quiet , nominal : good nvernf
Santos , no quotations ; receipts , two days , 9,0 *
bags ; stock , 163,000 bags.
HAMIH'RG , July 9. Quiet , unchanged , to ' ;
lower ; sales , 4,000 bags ,
RIO DE JANEIRO , July 9-Wheat ; No.
J13.43 ; exchange , llUd ; receipts , two days , 11,0-
bags ; cleared for the United States , 2,000 bagi
cleared for Europe , 2,000 bags ; stock , 181,000 bag
HAVRE. July 9. Opened dull , ' , if lower b. .
came steady nnd closed steady nt \\l decline
sales , 9,000 bags.
* n'tfin MtirlcM ,
NEW YORK , July 9. COTTON Dull ; mlddllni
7 3-16c ; gross receipts , 1,422 bales ; forwarded , 61
bales ; stock , 202,123 bales ; total today , net n
celpts , 516 bales : exports to the continent , C
bales ; stock. 390,192 bales.
middling , 6ic ; low middling , 6c ; good ordlnnr ;
6 l-16c ; net receipts , 49 bales ; grow , 3 bales ; e :
l rlH. coastwise , 235 bales ; sales , 150 bales ; stocl
105.511 bales.
' ST. LOUIS , July 9. COTTON Quiet ; mlddllni
G ? < c : sales , 20 bales ; receipts , 72 bates ; shipment
204 bales.
Mlltvuukea Alurxnti.
MILWAUKEE. July 9. WHEAT Lower ; N <
2 spring , 64c ; No. 1 northern , 69 c ; Septembei
64c CORN Unchanged ; No. 3 , 46c
OATS Lower ; No. 2 white , 2Cc ; No , I whltt
HARLEY Weak ; No. 2. 48cj sample , on tracl
nominal ,
RYE Weak ; No. 2.
Kevi Ynrk I > rr UuniU M irker.
NEW YORK , July 9. Agents have ndvance
the prices of Hamilton Ravensetls. very blu
and dress patterns , 2 ' ,4 per cent. Clothing wollen
are commanding Increased attention und buslnet
will be done by agents , as Chicago and Clnclr
natl ore well represented In the market. I'rlnl
Ins cloths were quiet and llrm at 2J c ,
DnliitliMie t Market.
Dt'LUTH , July 9. WHEAT Weak ) No.
hard , cash , Clc ; July , CUkc : No , 1 northcn , UV4c ; July , < 3Kc ; September , 61Hc ; Decen
ber , C3c ; No. ! northern , cash , CO'ic ; No.
northern , Wlc ; to arme. No. 1 hard , Ci'.ic ; N (
1 northern , CISc.
'I'rlica Whemt Uuutntloni.
December , W.c ; May , $1.05 % ; cleared , 1WS :
cental * , ,
Last Week Was Bather Oool and Dry All
Over the Stnto.
Much of It li Already Laid lir , but I.ntc
1'lnutcd li still Itolnc Cultivated
Heels 1'roiuUo n
Henry Yield.
Weekly wcnthcr-crop bulletin No. 14 of tin
S'cbrnska wcnther service , co-opcrntlnK will
tlio United States weather bureau , Issuci
from tlio central olllce nt the University o !
Nebraska , Lincoln , under direction of Q. D
Swerey , meterologlst of the Nebraska i-x
lierlmont slntlon , for the week ending Juls
8 , 1S95 :
ricne eH T ietis chart I
a trace ! _ I i men L
t o 7
The tempernture for the pnst week lini
averaged about two degrees below the nor
The rnlnfnll has been quite deflclon
throuKhout the state , bulng generally lesi
than half nil Inch , whllu In some lociilltlo :
none nt all foil.
In the extreme poutheastern portion o
the state the winter wheat Is mostly cu
and some threshing has been done , Tin
yield is light , being generally less than 1ml
a crop.
Oats are fast ripening In the southern per
tlon of the state by reason of the dry weatho
and In some localities they are firing some
what ; generally the yield promises to b <
light. In some of the southwestern countle
they are practically a total failure and ari
being cut for hay. In the northeastern see
tlon of the statn , where the rainfall has beci
abundant and growth rapid , the oats an
ripening slowly and the yield both of grail
and straw promises to bo abundant.
Corn has made rapid growth during tin
week , although there Is much difference li
the ptngc of Its development owing to earl ;
and late planting , and In many cases to tin
necessity of replanting. Much of It has beci
cultivated for the last time' and some of tin
earliest Is tassellng.
Sugar beets are generally a good crop am
promise a heavy yield ; In some cases cultl
vatlon of them has been completed.
Karly apples are already In the marke
from the southeastern counties , where thi
yield promises to be very large. Reports bj
counties :
Rutlor All crops doing well. Oats will bo vor ;
heavy In some parts of the county. Karly apple
ripe nnd a heavy yield. Timothy has improvci
since the rain nml may make half a crop. Olc
clover fields have not recovered much.
Cats All crops In line condition. Karly plantci
corn beginning to tassel.
Clay Small grain nnd pasture puttering nom
from drouth. Kail wheat , rye and early oat
ripening. Early corn lafd by. Late planted tll
under cultivation. Prospects for corn and pota
toes excellent.
Flllmorc All crops doing well except onts
which needs rain to nil. Half the corn laid by
Early corn tassellng.
Gage Wheat mortly harvested. Onts ready t
harvest. Corn growing rapidly nnd looks tine.
Hamilton Corn Is being inpldly laid by. Oat
doing fairly , but need lain to 1111 well , Ry
nearly ready to cut.
Jefferson Coin Is standing the dry wcathe
well. Glass and pastures Ladly dried up.Vhea
Is all cut und oats harvest In full blast.
Johnson Wheat harvest nearly finished ; n fal
half crop. Oats ripening nnd will be nearly n
quite n full Clop. Some early planted corn I
tassellng and considerable has been laid by
There will be a big good crop of potatoes. Ap
pies nnd raspberries abundant. Apricots a goo <
yield. Alfalfa luxuriant , but weedy.
Lancaster A good week for corn , which I
mostly laid by , but needs more rnln. Oats be
ginning to ripen nnd lining well. Pastures get
ting short. Potatoes need rain. Alfalfa doe
not seem to be affected.
Nomaha Winter wheat nearly nil cut am
threshing begun. Early apples In the market
Young clover and nlfnlfa doing \\el. !
Nuckolls OntB nbout a thlid of a crop. Mucl
will be cut for hay. Wheat will yield from lei
to fifteen bushels on new land. Corn would b
Improved by rain.
Otoe Corn Is making rapid growth and earl ;
corn Is toesellnfr. Winter wlu-iit nearly all cut
Spring wheat mostly hurt by chinch I > UK . Oat
ripening ftuit nnd prtnrilbu an excellent crop.
Pawnee Corn has made little progress. Oat
ripening unevenly. Gardens suffering.
Polk All crops doing well. Corn coming for
ward fast. Potatoes extra < md free of bugs
Oats turning. Apple crop large.
Richardson Wheat harvest over nnd threshlm
began ; yield half a crop. Oats harvest half don
and crop an average one.
Saline Warm nnd dry. Ilnln needed for nl
crops. Wheat and rye being harvested ,
SatKiders Corn doing finely , some beginning t
tassel , mostly laid by. Oats , wheat und gnus
luxuriant , the best far yeais.
Reward Hot nnd getting pretty dry. Wlnte
wheat harvest now on. Outs doing only fnl
nnd will not be much more than half a crop
Corn la doing very well. Hay will be light.
Thayer Wheat nnd onts practically a failure
Corn Is getting yellow and needing rain. Earl ;
corn , millet nnd potatoes must have rain soon.
York Outs heading out , many of them will
short heads nnd thin on the ground ; somcwhn
hurt by hot weather on the Mil and Cth. Con
has grown fairly well and many pieces laid by
Millet and alfalfa doing welt. Potatoes grnwlni
nicely nnd not much trouble by bugs' not mucl
show for luiy.
Antelope Some com laid by ' and some ryi
ready to cut. Oats and wheat In splendid con
lloyd Small grain nil bended and rlpenlm
fast , Corn beginning to tasFol ,
Hurt Corn has made rapid growth , but Is nov
needing rain. Oats In the milk , Hurley and ryi
ilpenlng too rapidly. 1'otatous free from butts
Corn Is being laid by ,
Cedar Corn very fust nnd Is belni
laid by. Small grain continues to do nicely am
not trcubled with rust , llarley nnd oats harves
nbout ready to begin.
Colfax Corn has made very rapid growth , bu
a good rain Is needed now. Oats turning ver ;
fast. Hye harvest In full operation ,
Cumlng Com ban made good growth , Smnl
grain In good condition nnd prospects fur the ben
crop ever harvested ,
Dlxnn Week favorable for growing crops. Con
has grown well nnd mostly cultivated for th
last time. Small grain heading well.
Dodge Corn was a little backward , but I
growing inpldly. Potato crop will be laige ,
Douglas Tempeiature nbout normal and mln
fall ubout half the normal ,
Holt Oats , wheat and rye promise the bos
for many years. Upland hay good , lowland ha
never better. Weeds growing fast.
Knox Small grain headed good und full , wit
long straw. Coin Is laid by.
Madison Corn made very rnp'.d growth. When
and oats ripening rapidly , lie Is laid by ami th
best stand since they have been raited here
Meadows rendy to cut.
Platte The week was the best corn weathe
of 'the season. W.ieat nnd oats ripening ver
slowly ; no rust. Sugar beets doing well , llarle
Is being cut. Several fields of alfalfa have bee
cut. Weeds luxuriant.
Sarpy Oats and wheat ripening. Coin coul
not be better where kept clean. Grafs , potatuc
and other late crops doing finely.
Stamen With wann weather nnd plenty c
moisture In the ground , corn has gimvn ver
rapidly. Small giuln maiming fust nnd crime vy
has been cut.
Washington Oats very heavy. Wheat n fn
crop. Com Is line. Potatoes large. Ileets pron
I so a heavy yield.
Wuyne Corn has male rapid growth and moi
of It plowed tlic last title. Small gialn filling 01
nicely. Prorpect for a big yield of flax.
Sioux City , la. Weather conditions excellei
and corn making rapid growth.
Yunkton , S. 1) . Hye and barley ore mostly cu
Wheat and oats uro changing color and gh
promise of rpl-ndld yield * . Corn cultivation pra <
ttcally over. Some coin has commenced to tasse
Hoone Corn growing nicely. Wheat nnd oa
hendlrs well , but a llttlo uneven. Home rj
ripening and will muko a fair crop. Alfalfa ha
vest begun.
IJuCfulo Corn has n line color und good growl
and mostly clean. nnd o.its vary fro
heavy to extremely light. Crags , potatoes ur
gardens wcro never better.
Custer Corn has grown very fast , but tt
ground Is getting dry.
DuwBon Corn and weeds have made good pri
gress. Some darting' ! from hall.
Gieeley All crops doing well as yet , but ral
Is beginning to be needed. Corn It growing fai
Ojta and wheat are suffering from smut. Alfall
Is bvlng cut the second time. Heels doing well.
Hall Oat * rusting somewhat. Will make thlrt :
five to forty bushels per ucre. Corn about tw
thirds laid by.
Howard Corn haa made a fplendld itrowl !
165165 Dearborn-st. , Chicago.
( S Wall-it. , New York. 70 Statc-st. , Uasti
fiouabt a a Gold. Corroipondtnce Solicited
Fnrmrrs are Retting control of th * weeds ,
( train tilling well. Rye c pec nlly will exceed ex
pfctullonft. Potatoes plenty. Choke cherries ripe.
Urass never better.
Merrlck Corn looks well. That of second plant *
Ing Is small , but of liralthy cnlar and Ims grown
rapidly the last few days. Oats nrn beginning In
ripen. Some nfnlfa hns been cut nnd was n good
yield. .
Plu-rinnn-rrops ttoln * well , but rain necdcil.
Rye that wits thought dead will make n crop ,
Valley All crops have mad * rapid piugiesn.
Small gmln continues lo Improve.
Chnsp lint and dry , All small praln a total
failure and being cut for liny. Corn looking well ,
but nt n standstill for want of rnln ,
Dundy Wheat doing up and some being nun\ed
for hay , Oats a light crop. Urn * * doing finely.
rrntikllnCrops In good condition , but all small
Kin 1 11 will tx > light.
Frontier Small glnln ciop poor : corn backward.
Weather too cool to push coin , but ground In
good older.
Fuinns tlixxl rains this week. Crops growlns
finely. Much of corn laid by , but Into rorn
small yet , AYhat wheat thenIs will be of Mna
Uosper Com Is making rapid growth , A few
fields abandoned on account of wds. , Wheat
on new ground will make half n crop.
Hailan Cum being laid by nnd some tassrllnff
out. Wheat and nos ilprnlng fast nnd will bo
a fair uixip. Will bu civipldorablo wild hay.
Ilnyi's Small grain millc weedy. All corn l
Into , but making rapid growth , ( luiss In pas *
lures good ,
Hitchcock Week has boon dry nnd hot and
com has made flow growth. Wheat nnd oats
all ( lend. Pastilles lino. Rnln needed hndly.
Keainey Rains nnd heavy dews have Improved
crops. Spring wheat nnd oats will makt > two-
thlrdn to n full crop , Corn making n rapid
gmwlh. Potatoes looking fine.
Lincoln Week warm ami dry and m the
whulei favorable for crops , but rum Is needed ,
Pciklns Onts limning and filing. Wheat doing
well. Good corn wenther.
Phelps Fnrmers plowing corn the last time.
Rnlns nnd fuggy days have helped cnps. Corn
Is flnr nnd gardens growing rapidly.
Red Willow Some corn Is IxMng cultivated for
the Hist I line that ought to lo nearly ready to
lay by. It will lake a late scaxun to make any *
Webster Most rorn Is laid by. Wheat harvest
commenced. P.-iMuren reviving.
Cherry Corn has advanced well. Small grain1
well bonded and gmnl prospects.
Cheyenne Dry nndvnnn. . Small grain firing.
Potatoes rurferlng. Cane , corn nnd grass all
right so far.
Keya Palm Corn IR looking well , but small
for this time of the your.
Logan Wheat and oats n failure. Pome wheat
linn already been cut for liny. Potatoes and corn
nt ! > needing rain badly.
Sheridan The most unfavorable week of Iho
sen son.
Sro'.ta Illuff Nothing suffering. Alfalfa turnIng -
Ing out well , except when Injured by hall.
wivrtiiit isuitr.AU CROP itcroiix
AH Through tint ( I rout Corn Holt Repnrti
Are ICncntirnicliiir.
WASHINGTON , July 9. The weather bureau ,
In Its review of crop conditions for the week
ended July 8 , says : The temperature conditions
of the week have been generally favorable , but
the northern and central portion * of the cotton
regions have suffered from excessive rnlns , whllo
drouth conditions In Michigan nnd Minnesota
have been Intensified. Northern nnd central
Ohio nnd enstein Iowa arc also suffering from
Com has made rapid growth , except In Michi
gan , the general outlook for the crop Is ex
cellent. Arkansas repoitB the largest crop In
years nnd In Kansas , Nebraska , Iowa , Illinois
nnd Missouri , the outlook Is most promising. Thn
general outlook for spring wheat continues flat
tering. Winter wheat harvesting Is practically
completed and threshing continues general. Some
dnmagu to wheat In shock has boon caused by
heavy rains In Maryland , Tennessee , Missouri.
Kansas nnd Oklahoma ,
Very I'uvoriihlo In Illlnoln.
CHICAGO , July 9. The Illinois weekly weather
crop bulletin Issuci ] today , nays : The past weele
has been favorable for ciops In central nnd
southern counties , only north cenlinl nnd north
ern counties were lacking In rnlnfnll and for the
state nn average of idiom an Inch nml n halt
fell. Temperatures were alwut noimal , although
slightly alwvo In the drier no them count.ta. The
veiy heavy mills In central and Botithern counties
have forced the corn nhead rapidly nnd many
Holds arc beginning ti > tassel. Oats nre bvlnc
harvested In most central counties nnd will lo
In n.ii them counties this week. The yield In
southern counties Is light owing to the dnmngtt
by chinch biiRH. Straw Is very short. Wheat
and rye arc being tliict.hed with generally light
yields and poor quality. Hay cutting conllnum
and the crop proves very jwor , except for fodder.
Food will bo scarce. Pastures nro much revived
In the central nnd southern counties , but In
northern nro bare and brown , with cnttlo bolus
fed In many places. Fruit Is still \ery promis
ing. _
Chances of ( irnln Stroks.
NEW YORK , July 9. Special cable nnd tele
graphic advices to Hrndstieel'B from principal
points of accumulation In the United States and
Euiope , together with supplies atlont for Europe ,
from nil source * . Indicate the following clmnge.i
from last Saturday , compared with the preceding )
Saturday :
United States und Canada , east nf the Rocky
mountains , wheat , decrease , 1,666,000 bu. ; United
Stntos , Pacific const , wheat , docroaco , 789,000 bu.5
total decrease , both coasts , wheat , 2,355,000 bu , ;
alioat for Europe , increase , 381.000 bu. ; total decrease -
crease in the woild's available , 1,971,000 bu. !
United Slates and Canada , enst of the Rocky
mountains , corn , decrease , 1.491,000 bu. Leading
doorcase of wheat supplies not covered by tha
olllclal report , Include a. > 5,000 bu. In northwestern
Interior elevators , 37,000 bu. In Chicago private
elevators , 28,000 bu. nt Cleveland , nnd 23,000 bu.
In Minneapolis pilvate elevators. Corresponding
Increasea Include only 33.000 bu. nt Plltsburs and
6,100 bu. In Milwaukee' private elevators.
ICxcc B iif Run In MUMiurl.
COLUMIHA , Mo. . July 9. Th' Missouri weather
crop bulletin for the week says : Except In some
of the northern nnd eastern counties , the p.isC
week has been cold , cloudy nnd very wet. The
mean tcmpcratuio was about noimnl In the
northeast section , but elsewhere It ranged from
3 to G degrees below. Over the extreme noi th
em portion of the state the rainfall waH gener
ally light , nnd , except In n few localities.
threshing , com plowing and oat harvest liavo
progressed fairly well , hut over most of th
central nnd southern counties the rnllfall for the
week exceeded two Inches nnd In many licalltle *
over four Inches Is reported. Farm woik him
boon at a standstill or has progressed very
slowly , nnd much damage has been done ta
wheat , flax , com and hay.
K mi * > is < rupi XV oil Ailvuncuil.
KANSAS CITY , July 9. The Kansas weather
crop bulletin for this week says : In the eastern
division the damp weather of the preceding *
week and the rains of this week have brought
com , meadows and pastitri'S well forward , and
greatly Improved the oats and ( lax , but Intor-
feieil somewhat with th < ; oat harvest. Corn haa
continued growing rapidly In the middle division ,
Is now generally tassolllng , nnd the ejrly hna
begun to silk In the south nnd central counties.
Wheat harvest generally over and oat harvest In
piogross , the latter crop yielding better generally
thnn promised. Small grain much Improved nnd
harvesting will generally hfgln next week In tha
western division. Corn Is In line condltlcn ,
riimncliit .NIIICK.
11ALTIMORE , July 9. Clearings , $2,669,363 ; bal
ances , $1'JG,97G.
UOSTON. July 9. Clearings , $19,589.989 ; bal-
ancrs , $ l,77Sf > 13.
NEW YORK. July 9-Clearlng , $107,502,390 :
balances , $7,968,525.
PHILADELPHIA. July 9. Clearings , $13,636-
234 ; balances , $2,057,035.
ST. LOUIS , July 9-Clearlngs , $1,408,893 ; bal
ances , J4SG,3 ! > 6. Money , 6fi | per cent. New
York exchange , par bid.
WASHINGTON , July 9. Today's statement of
the condition of the treasury I-IIOWB : Available
cash balance , $192,422181 ; gold rcbove , $1)7,5,1,229.
CHICAGO , July D.-Cleailnsss , $1T.7I2,000.
Money , plentiful nt 404V4 per cent for call loans
nnd 685V4 per cent for commercial paper. Ster
ling , posted rates , $4.90 % < f4.89 % .
7& P rttlary syphilis poruiiuiently cured In 16 to
* ! 3 fifttJ35dajr . You can bo treated nt homo tot
Mia same prlco under ssrno guaranty. II
jfrou prefer to coino hero no nlU contract
to pnjr railroad fnio and hotel bills.and no
cborzo.lf wo f nil to euro. Ifyuu have taken mer
cury , Indldo potash , and still liavo nchci and
P ln . Mucous ratchcH In mouth , HnroTliroat ,
Pimples. Copper Colored Kpotn , Ulcnro on
tnypartoftbobodr , IlulrorKyobroxv * falllnc
out , It li this Syphilitic IILOOU POISON tl at
waiuaraiitcu to \VasollcltthomortuhitI
fiato cuso * and cliulloiiKo the xvur'tl for a
caKn wu cannot euro. u'hH dl-onio hns always
bullied tlio Hklll of tlio most eminent physi
cians. JJBOO.OOO capital behind our uncondl-
tionnl ininrnntT. Absol ut a proof * rant sealed oa
ppllcatlon. Address CUOK ItH.Ml'DY _ " "
307 ilutonJo Tciunlo. CIUCAUO.
Telephone 1030.
Grain. Provisions & S to cleg
Itooni lll'/j Hoard of Trade.
Direct wires to ChlcaBO nnd Ntw York.
Corrospondonta ; John A. Wnrren & Co.
V , P. SMITH ( Tl. 1S08) ) B. M. STANFORQ
F. P. .
Ioom 4. N. Y. Llfo BlcluOinuhn. .
llrunch offices at Fremont and Columbus. Alt
orders placed on the Chlcuvo Hoard of Trad .
Correspundenls ; Schwartc. Dupre & Co. , Chicago
cage : richrelner , Fhiclc & Co. , Ut. Louis. Rcf r
lo First National Uunk , Omaha.
No matter wbt * bocKici UD * p o
ulatluu j-ou mar liavo re d nd
tut ours , wblvti l > NEW ana
COMPLETI3. It clearly explain *
Diariclu tradlnK and DEFINES ALL MAUKKTi
UXPRE8S1ONS. It's fr a and will teach you
omelhlnff. ARUOQAST A CO. , II Trader *
Uulldlnff , Chicago.
' -