Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Northeast Corner 15tji and Dodge Streets.
I The stringency of tbe money market having compelled the firm of Williams & Bohn , of New York City' , wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , to assign , our
buyer was enabled to purchase the entire stock at a great sacrifice. We will place the same on sale for ten days only , commencing Thursday , July llth , at prices
I hat have never yet been equalled. Come and be convinced that we do as we advertise.
L Wash
Bargains bought nt bankrupt prices.
23 Tin
I i V II
31 "I i VII
fe r
Xl./ ' A lot of Dress.Ginghams. . This prlceKA
,1 , , * 'r , Blinll sell them out lu oue tiny < II i
' In this lot of bankrupt gooilH wo flud a A [ i
WK lot of Dutch Blue PrinLs ; the TORtJn n TT/I
ular 12c kind. They will all go at one l-j' | 1/11 /
ft O1
II Pllsse In all colors ; worth as high as \2
Vs 2nn (1 (
& * 1
f. IZc
0c nail 27c Dliultles at
100 dozen men's shirts and drawers ;
worth GOc ; on sale
Very desirable Shirts , collar attached ;
neat stripes ; worth 75c
Men's Negligee Shirts ; extra good qual
ity ; neat patterns ; worth C5u
Men's Ilockford Hose ; worth lOc , now. . ,
100 dozen Men's Uulaundcrcd Shirts ;
good value at 75c , now . . . . ' . . . . .
Good Suspenders ; worth Ific , now. 6c
Men's Black or Tan Hose ; worth 2'c ;
Carpet Dept.
75 pieces of Japanese Matting ; worth
30c ; go ut
.15 pieces of Japanese Matting ; worth 4 o _
35c ; go at
10 pieces of Japanese Matting ; linen
wove ; worth 40e ; go nt
15 rolls of Wool Ingrain Carpet ; worth
55c"per yard ; go nt
10 rolls ot all wool Ingrain Carpet ;
worth 75c ; goat
We have In this bankrupt stock a lot ot
line Waist Silk In deslr'able patterns ;
worth Mc ) ; go at >
75 pieces of China Silk In all colors ,
Including black ; worth GOc ; bankrupt
Ladies' Underwear.
One lot of Ladies' Vests , ribbon . trimmed k
50 dozen of Ladles' Vests , colored , trim- I
uicd I
One lot of Black Hose . ; /J.J *
lOc quality will go at. . .
Ill , , IO ,
Millinery Department
Big lot of Trimmed Ilats worth $2.00
and if:5.00 : apiece , go at.r. . ,
' % 't
A big lot of Flowers at 5c qq , 10 dollar
Mail Orders Receive Special Attention.
YORK STORE , - , § _ . or. ' ' 15th and Dodge Sts
"W. H. Buntin , Arrested at Grand Island ,
Will Bo Eeturnod to Wisconsin.
Vast Quantity of Stolen Property Found In
Ills llousajind Identified in Hairing
lie en Taken front Ills
Train ,
LINCOLN , July 9. ( Special. ) Sheriff J. P.
Oclaney of Boone county , Wisconsin , was at
the governor's office today with a requisition
for an extradition warrant for William Henry
Bunttn , now under arrest at Grand Island.
Buntin was a freight conductor on the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad , and
lived at Green Bay , WIs. Between the 1st
ot July , 1S94 , and June 25 last a number of
freight cars were broken Into on his run
between Milwaukee and St. Paul and prop
erty amounting to several hundred dollars
qtoleh. A search warrant was Issued and
Buntln's house ransacked , where all kinds of
dry goods , notions , boots and shoes and hats
and caps were found , all of which property
was Identified. Buntin fled. Two brakemen ,
Moftott and McKenzIe , were arrested for
stealing the goods and Buntin was Indicted
lor receiving stolen property.
Requisition papers were honored for the
persons of Max Fix and Mrs. Mary Kholar ,
DOW under arrest at Omaha on the charge ot
a.dultery. Sheriff Hllgor ot Shakopee , Minn. ,
secured them ,
Maude Shugart , who recovered a verdict of
4,000 against the Lincoln Street Railway
company In a personal damage case , and
who was ordered by the court to file a re-
tnlttur ot $2,500 today or a new
trial , would be granted , filed the same , evi
dently believing that a Judgment of $1,500 Is
worth about as much as ono ot $4,000 against
the company.
In the case against Alexander Buckner , the
tUate was this morning permitted to amend
Its reply to the plea of former acquittal by
introducing the records of the trial In the
Douglas county district court of the evidence
and proceedings had therein. The defendant
claims Immunity from punishment , because ,
as he alleges , he was once placed In Jeopardy
In Omaha for the same offense. He supports
this by filing the records of the court show-
tag that the Judge bad Instructed the Jury
( O bring In a verdict ot not guilty. The state
Claims that Buckner's attorney failed to file
all the. record of tne proceedings , which will
show that the court held that the evidence
Showed that the district court of Douglas
county had no Jurisdiction. It Is for tbe
purpose of getting this In that the state asked
leave to amend its reply.
Mrs. De Haas , the pretty little woman
charged by Henry Smith with immorality be
cause she would not repay a $25 loan by mar
rying him and opening a disorderly house , Is
out on $100 ball to answer the charge July 23.
Meantime her attorneys may make It plain to
Smith that If Mrs. De Haas Is what he claims
her to be he Is likely to be fined for visiting
V Sheriff Miller and E. R. SUer and their
families have returned from an outing at
Earl Smith , a cousin of T. J. Hlckey and a
retldent ot Des Motnes , Is visiting in the
At S o'clock this morning Norval Field was
arrcsUd for attempting to cut a front win
< low from the store ot J. P. llendry with
burglarious Intent.
The State Board ot Health , at the gov
ernor' * office today listened to arguments In
the application ot Dr. Philip Lceber of Omaha
' -T tor a certificate allowing nun to practice
medicine. There were present ot the board
Governor Holcomb and Attorney General
P Churchill This application of Dr. Lleber's
li- taj been before the board once before and ho
has been turned down. The doctor li manger -
ger of the Omaha sanitarium.
Tha Seventh Day Adrentlsti will hold
their Annual state camp meetlnf , beginning
August 26 and closing September 9 , In Gush-
man's park , four miles west ot the city of
At the Llndell C. W. .JVebstcr , O. C.
Holmes , J. II. Macomber , E. L. Ely. Capitol
A. W. Kinsman. Lincoln George II. Ly
ons , C. A. Baldwin , John F. Dale , J. M.
Richards , B. E. Morgan , J. G. Lumbard.
H. J. Jones , Council Bluffs , is at the Lin
coln. _ _ _ _ _
Delegate ! to the Atlanta Exposition Meet
and Dlscaii 1'lans.
LINCOLN , July 9. ( Special Telegram. )
Tbe executive committee of the delegates to
the Atlanta Cotton States and Industrial
exposition met this afternoon In the offices
of the secretaries ot the State Board of
Transportation. There were present : James
Heaton , president ; Colonel George E. Jen
kins , vice president ; D. P. Rolf , treasurer ;
II. S. Hotchktss , secretary ; T. W. Bostrom ,
chairman ot press committee ; L. W. Hast
ings , H. K. Burket , J. N. Cassel. O. C.
Holmes , J. G. Lumbard and Mrs. V. M. Go IT.
Ways and means to raise funds sufficient
to give Nebraska a respectable showing ct
the exposition was the chief topic of the dis
cussion and a number ot feasible plans
were suggested , but none acted upon deft
nltely. After an Informal dtscuslon of the
various propositions the committee adjourned
to meet In the governor's office at 9 a. m.
\\ll.l , UK CAl.l.KI ) IN AUGUST.
Nebraska Itepubllcani Likely to Hold an
Kurly HlHlo CoiiTtmtlon.
LINCOLN , July 9. ( Special. ) Chairman
Morrlll has issued a call for a meeting ot
the republican state central committee at
the Llndell hotel In Lincoln on August 7.
After corresponding with the members of
the state committee with a view of ascer
taining their views as to the desirability ot
an , early or la to convention Chairman Mor
rlll states that a majority favor a date
somewhere between August 15 and August
Trcumieh Nutm nml I'enonals.
TECUMSEH. Neb. , July 9. ( Special. ) W.
J. Darling , who has been In the tailoring
business hero for three years past , has left
for Colorado , making the trip with his
family overland.
County Superintendent E. E. Young and
wife. City Superintendent T. H. Bradbury ,
wife and daughter. May , Mrs. W. H. Ilasjett
and daughters. May and Lizzie , Mrs. Sarah
Baker and daughter , Nellie , the Misses
Mary Applegct , Nettle Henry , Edith Laflin
and Efflo Rcnshaw , and Messrs. A. T. Seaver
and L. C. Harnley are visiting Denver and
the National Teachers' association.
Miss Anna Prall of Tarklo , Mo. , h visit
ing In Tecumieh.
The Christian Endeavor society of the
Christian church was entertained last evenIng -
Ing by Miss Jessie Dillon.
Rev. John Pollock ot Lebanon , Ind. , has
received a call to the pastorate of the
Presbyterian church here , to fill a vacancy
caused by the removal of Dr. W. W. Harsha
to Omaha.
Miss Maud Alexander is visiting relatives
at Hamburg. la.
Mrs , N. M. Peterson has gone to Hot
Springs. S. D. . on a pleasure trip.
Mrs. J. W. Battreall Is visiting a sister In
St. Joe.
Saw I he World In u futv Uny * .
ASHLAND. Neb. , July 9. ( Special. ) Two
boys , aged 11 an * 13 respectively , tool of a
prominent minister In this city , ran away
from home July 4. They took a skiff and
a basketful of provisions and floate-1 down the
Mloiourl river to an Island , where they
camped until getting tlrvd , then floated on
to Nebraska City. At that point they became
homeilck and concluded to come home. They
paid their fare to Plattsmouth and beat their
way on a frleght from there to Ashland.
A delegation of children from Greenwood
came to town today.
A lummer school will bo opened here Mon
Looking After II itlnc Fluanre > .
HASTINGS. Neb. , July 9. ( Special. ) At
the regular meeting of the city council last
night the matter ot taxes on the Citizens
Street Railway company was brought up. Tbe
council dtclded that the delinquent taxes
should bo paid , but the paving taxes should
be canceled , which decides the question of
trying to collect paving taxes In advance.
The matter In regard to taking the franchise
away from the Hastings Electric Light and
Power company on account ot nonfullfllment
of contract , was laid over for third reading.
An appropriation bill was posted to levy a
tax of 49 mills for general purposes.
An occupation tax ordinance was passed ,
levying a tax on the following occupations :
Express company , J200 ; grain dealers op
tions , ? 500 ; gas company , $100 ; electric light
company , $100 ; Insurance company , fire , life
or accident , * 1G ; railroad company , J100 ; tele
phone company , $200 ; telegraph company ,
Went Through bnloon.
FALLS CITY , Neb. , July 9. ( Special. )
Dr. McConnell and a man giving his name
as John Peterson , and who says his home Is
Brown county , Kansas , broke Into the Hoff
man saloon Saturday morning. They drank
all the whisky they could held and were
going through the till when .Nlghtwatch-
man Stump captured them. They wore sent
to Jail to wait a preliminary hearing , which
was set for yesterday , but It was thought
McConnell would have dclerlum tremens be
fore the trial was over and the case was
continued until Friday. McConnell was atone
ono time one of the best physicians In this
city. .
Many Vntlor ) at t'rrle.
CRETE , Neb. , July 9. ( Special Telegram. )
Excursions from the cast and south have
brought many visitors to the assembly today.
Prof. Taylor's lecture this afternoon was a
discussion of "The Influx of Country People
to the Large Cities. " Dr. Holmes' 7 o'clock
appointment was a large and somewhat ex
citing meeting. Mrs. Benjamin ot Michigan
delivered the evening selection , "A History
ot the Woman's Chrstlan Temperance Union
Organization. " Her prelude was by Miss
Robinson , the Chicago harpist , and the Doane
College Mandolin club.
Urncral Rain In Hex Undo.
HEMINGFORD , Neb. , July 9. ( Special
Telegram. ) For the last few days farmers
have been somewhat discouraged because of
lack of rain , but this morning at 6 o'clock
rain commenced falling-heavily and .continued
until noon. As far as known this Is a sen-
era ! rain over Box Butte county and Insures
a bountltul harvest , as the grain Is Just be
ginning to head. Farmers and business men
are Jubilant over the outloook , which was
never better than at this time of the year.
High Wntrr Dnmnce at I'mnklln.
FRANKLIN. Neb. , July 9. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The high water In the Republican
river has undermined ths Franklin roller
mills and caused their ruin. The stone rip
rap built at a cost of $3,500 Is washed out.
The mill was equipped with complete roller
process and at a cost of $15,000. Half the
building Is now in the river and the rest Is
going. .
Itrtult or H Illn SIITPC.
DECATUR , Neb. , July 9. ( Special. ) Jack
Craneln got full and Imagined1 ho owned the
earth. Marshal Lewis arrested htm and he
was fined JIG. He swore he would have re
venge on Lewis and even threatened his
life. He has been placed under $500 bonds to
keep the peace and was bound over to the
district court.
Krtl I'Hriuer Injured.
FAIRMONT , Neb. , July 9. ( Special. )
John Fraley , about 65 years old. while using
a fractious team on his farm , five miles
southwest ot this place , was thrown under
the wheels and dragged several rods. Hu
shoulder was dislocated and the shoulder
blade broken In two places ,
hrrnk uf Nature ut llraiUhair.
BRADSHAW , Neb. , July 9. ( Special. )
Robert Clark , living seven miles northeast of
here hag an apple tree that has been bloomIng -
Ing since early In tbe spring , and while It U
white with blossoms It aUo has appleis on
In all stages ot maturity , It bloomed all lait
Fremont1 * Toucher Contingent.
FREMONT , July 9. ( Special. ) One nun-
died and twelve people boarded the train
that left here yesterday afternoon for Den
ver and the west. There was a large dele
gation of teacher * and others from Fremont
and vicinity.
Faked Interview Published in the Figaro
Causes All the Trouble.
United Slates Minister Euntls Koundly
Abused for Ills Aliened Interview with
n 1'nrls Newspaper , Although Ho
Utterly Denies It.
LONDON , July 9. M. De Blowltr , the
famous Paris correspondent , commenting In
the London Times today upon the alleged
Interview with the United States ambassa
dor to France , Mr. James B. Eustls , pub
lished yesterday In the Figaro , said thai
such an interview evidently constituted anew
now departure In diplomacy. In reference
to the utterances imputed to Mr. Eustla
regarding Canada , M. De Blowltz said II
would be dllllcult to believe that the am
bassador represented a friendly nation.
Several of the Paris newspapers also com
ment today on the alleged Interview.
The Estafette says that Mr. EuUls ad
mitted that the United States supported
Japan against France , Russia and Germany ;
Canada against England and Cuba against
Spain and that the United States has am
bitious commercial Ideas respecting Mada
gascar. All those acts and plans , the Es
tafette comments , "are contradictory of the
Monrob doctrine and combined with their
apparent forgetfulness ot our former fra
ternal relations , compels us to anticipate
that the future will bo darkened by disputes
and misunderstandings. "
The Libre Parole also severely criticises
Mr. Eustis , and , accepting the Figaro In
terview as genuine , says the American
ambassador has committed a broach of the
laws of hospitality.
Kxclt'og t'ceno at a Convention of Home
Ituln Dflejrutr * .
LONDON , July 9 , At the national conven
tion at Omagh , county Tyrone , yesterday ,
called to choose candldajqe for the election In
Tyrone. Mr. T. M. Healy amid great excite
ment accused Mr. John"Dlllon of selling Tyrone
rene to the English Jtifty. He read a letter
from Hon. EJward B a'ke to Privy Councillor
Dickscn , Informing hltu that the nationalist
federation would bcjinablo In future to sub
sidize North and South'/Tyrone or North and
South Londonderry , which he asked should be
subsidized hencefortll Innhe sum of 200,000
yearly by the liberals. 'The then government
whip. Mr. Thomas K Ellis , consented to this
on the understanding that the seats named
were to be considered liberal and not home
rule seats. I ' ' /
The reading of theHUAter caused consterna-
tlon amcng the delegile J'rvbo sSou'ed "Sold. "
Mr. Dillon's voice as'We iyose to reply to Mr.
Healy was drowned /h-ftfe. / din. but ho finally
succeeded in shoutln 'put * loud enough to be
heard : "What you sUls an Infamous lie.
You are a traitor. 'You read a private letter
In public. " „ ,
Another tremendous , uproar followed and
flntlly the nonscctarlan candidates were ac
Urcci the Liberals to Vindicate th Mights
of lit * lionse of Commons.
LONDON , July 9. The Westminster Ga
zette today publishes the following message
from Mr. Gladstone , addressed to tbe
liberals ;
HA WARDEN. July 5.-Above all other
purposes vindicate the rights of the House
of Commons as the guardian of the nation
and establish the honor of England , as
VHl as consolidate the strength of the em-
plre by conceding the Just constitutional
claims of Ireland. GLADSTONE.
DeTeloprueuU In th Cabinet Crl l .
QUEBEC. July 9. Sir Mackenzie Bowell's
private secretary paid a visit to Quebec yea-
Children's Tan Oxfords , worth GOc ,
sizes to 5 only , go ut .
From 5 to 8 , cheap nt SOc , go at . , 4 9 C
Ladies' button shoes , square and opera 07 f >
toe , wortli ? 1.50 , go nt . . - * *
Ladles' Oxfords , in tan , square or opera
toe , real nobby . -
Ladles' $4.00 Tan Oxfords , white stitch
300 pairs of Lace Curtains wortli § 2.00
pur pair , bankrupt sale price
250 pairs Lace Curtains , worth ? 3.25
go at
1,000 yards of Silkaliue , worth SOc per
yard , go at
10,000 yards all kinds of Curtain Goods ,
some are worth 25c and 30c , go at. . . „ 1 J. C
We give free poles and fixtures with
every curtain purchase during this sale.
terday. The result Is that Lord Aberdeen ,
governor general of Canada , started today for
Ottawa. Ills hurried return Is undoubtedly
in connection with the cabinet crisis at
Ottawa. He had Intended going Into the
Lake St. John district for a vacation.
Four Encngrnicnts In Which the Spanish
Tronpi Were Kouted.
NEW YORK , July 9. Private correspond
ence from Cuba brings the report that General -
oral Borrero , one of the Insurgent army , was
shot and killed In Alpagracla , where a battle
was fought by the Insurgents under General
Gomez , on June 20. Four engagements took
place , In all ot which the Insurgents are said
to have been successful. General Borrero
was leading a division and was shot from a
house In the town , which was ordered to be
burned as soon as It was learned that the
general was dead. The second engagement
was at Coja Alarda , where a detachment ot
Spanish soldiers was forced to surrender , the
men giving up their arms and ammunition.
on ervntlve I'olltlcluix ( Iptet.
MONTREAL , July 9. French conservative
politicians In this city are so upset by the
turn ot affairs at Ottawa and the rumored
resignation ot three other ministers that
they will not express themselves on the'situ
ation. They are anxiously awaiting news
from the capital.
I'lntteil Ratimi Uio Czir'n 1.1 to.
LONDON , July 9. The Journal do St.
Petersburg reports the discovery of an ex
tensive plot against the life of the czar.
Eight arrests for complicity In the conspiracy
have been made. Among those accused are
six men well known as nihilists.
Cuban 1'nrt Openeil for I'otroloum.
SANTIAGO DE CUBA. July 9. The port
of Santiago de Cuba has been opened for the
Importation of petroleum.
Vllir.nitRX MUltliKli TllKlIt 3IOTIIKU
Itottl of Tlirm Loilgcd In ilnll No Knorrn
Motive fnr the ITnnnturnl Crime.
GRAND RAPIDS. Mich. , July 9. Mrs.
Levl Pierce , aged 60. who lived two miles
southeast of Berlin , Ottawa county , was mur
dered yesterday and her daughter , May
Pierce , aged 13 , and her grandson , George
Kctsbro , aged 13 , are now In jail at Grand
Haven awaiting examination. < * c
Mr. Pierce went to the field to work as
usual , leaving his wife and two children at
home. At about 10 o'clock May cimo run
ning to him across the fields yelling that her
mamma was dead. Pierce ran to the house
and found a horrible state of affairs. On
the floor beside the kitchen stove was Mrs.
Plerce's dead body. The chin was horribly
gashed , the teeth were knocked out and the
neck was black and bruised as If she had
been choked to death. There were evidences
of a terrible struggle. At the Inquest , owing
to th contradictory stories told by George
Kersbro , and his evident desire to avert
suspicion from himself and turn It toward a
mythical tramp , KesibnTs arrest followed
and ho was ta'ien to the Grand Haven Jail
today. Today further Investigation led to the
girl. May , also being taken to Jail. It Is be
lieved that Kessbro did the killing and the
little girl knows all about It and perhaps as
sisted In the murder.
nun the Town for a Mlnutr ,
NEBRASKA CITY , July 9. ( Special. )
Last night Lee Dolan filled up on bad nhlsky
and arming hlmielf with a big revolver at
tempted to run the town , going up Central
avenue and shooting at every one In sight.
He was succeeding admirably until the police
appeared and , after an exciting chase , dis
armed and lodged him Ir. Jail. This mornIng -
Ing he received a fine ot | 15 and costs , which
he will board out.
In Fremont county , Iowa , yesterday C. F.
Morse was severely Injured by his team ,
hitched to a slt binder , running away. His
Injuries were very painful but nothing se
Hy Huso yetterday swore out a warrant
for the arrest ot William Shrlner for aiiault
and battery.
Misses Laura Marnell , Mlnnlo Cooley and
Gllmore left last night for Colorado Springs
to attend the national teachers' meeting.
C. M. Hubner of the News and Ernest
Hoppo left -this morning for West Point ,
where they will ap nl a few days ashing.
Wash Goods-
Wo have selected from this bankrupt stock
a lot of line Lawns , India Dimities.
French I'llspes and other material ! , goods xj *
that ore Rolling here In the oltv at 12ftc O4C VQ.
nnJ 15c. our sale price , per yard v j *
French Crepons. nllk stripes , handsomest | tC
goods In the market , worth 40c , our price * - *
Wo nlso llnd about 50yar ds of Ime 1'rlnteil4 f\ *
Swiss Mull , Btrlpoa , all colors and stylon , I I 1C VQ
* * f *
bankrupt prluo , yanl - 7
One lot Engraved Sterling Dclt PJiif , worth
Jet Bolt Pins 5C
Ladled 'Link Shirt WaUt Sets
Dangle Initial Tina
Sterling Silver Belt Tins , engraved 255C
Dozens of nrtlcloa In Sterling that wo
cannot mention. Cheap at twicu our price.
100 yards Spool Hllk
One dozen Safety Pins
Hair Pins -4 _
Combs * If'
Thimbles -4 _
Terrible Plight of a Ctilcaco Excursion
Party on l.uUo Michigan.
CHICAGO , July 9. A yachting party of
four people was rescued off Lincoln park at
daylight today , after six hours spent tn the
water clinging to Uio overturned craft. The
party consisted of two young men and a
young woman , all prominent society people ,
and a man servant , who acted as skipper.
Yesterday afternoon Allan Fowler , a
prominent young attorney , started for a
sail with his yacht Bowery , taking with
him Miss Emma Gibson , James Dalton and
a servant. The weather was delightful and
tbe sail was prolonged until late In the
evening. About 10:30 : o'clock , as the yacht
was nearlng Lincoln park and the people
aboard were quietly resting on
deck. a sudden gust ot wlna
caught the craft and helped by the
clumsiness of the servant , who was at the
helm , capsized the boat. MUs Gibson , who
was swept clear of the wreck , was rescued
by Mr. Fowler and the four by the aid ot
ropes and spars succeeded In clinging to the
overturned boat They shrieked for help
until their voices failed them. Chilled and
almost helpless they drifted about within
sight ot the park until returning daylight
revealed tholr plight to some early fliher-
men on the beach. Boats were lowered
and sent out and they were taken off the
wreck , all of them In so exhausted a condi
tion that they , were unable to give their
rescuers their names or addresses. They
were accordingly taken to a hospital , where
all were revived. Meanwhile the parents of
the three young people had been making
frantic search for them , no trace being
found until telegrams from the hospital an.
nounccd their safety. Mist Gibson Is still
In a serious condition , but her recovery U
expected. The other members of the party
were able to leave the hospital during the
.1IAlill2ii ) MUKK T//.1.Y .1 YKAR AdU.
Prominent Yonne tioctety Con pi bncccnil
lu .My tirylnc Tholr rrlomln.
CHICAGO , July 9. A sensation was
caused by the announcement of the secret
marriage elghteeen months ago of David
Lyman to Edith Rowe of Hartford , Conn.
The grcom Is a son of David n. Lyman
of the law firm of Lyman . Jackson , the
latter member being one of the executors
of the multl-mllllonalro Crecacro will and
otherwise connected with prominent casei.
Young Lyman Is a graduate of Yale , where
ho played on the foot ball eleven a couple
of years ago. MI-3 Howe Is a daughter of
Mr. Edwin O. Howe , a urokcr In Now York.
When approached In regard to i his son's
marriage. Mr. Lyman , sr. , replied ; "There
It nothing to announce except that they
have been married a year and a half and
wo have known of It for qulto a time , al
though It was not made public. There wus
not the least opposition to the marriage by
either family and the bride Is a lovely
young woman. "
Mr. Lyman refuted to state the cauji ) of
the tardy announcement of the marriage
and It was said that the young benedict
would not bo regularly at his work In his
father's office until next week.
Itpfnrmecl ur , Liberal Idiliblt Meet.
ROCHESTER. July 9. The annnal central
conference of American Habbls , organized
In ISS9 at Detroit through the efforts of the
reformed or liberal branch of the Jewish
teachers , will be held here this week , be
ginning on Wednesday , when an address cf
welcome will bo delivered by Dr. Lanlsberg ,
which will bo responded to In behalf of the
conference by Dr. Q. Gothell of New York
city. Tapers will bq read by Dr. E. G.
Hlrsch ot Chicago on "Significance and Ten
dency of the Reform Movement In Ameri
can Judaism ; " by Itabbt I. 8. Moie * of Chicago
cage on "Missionary Efforts In Judaism , "
and by Dr. O. DeUtsch of Cincinnati on "Tn
Scroll of the Law , "
rimre rt with I'lundorhig Fnlght far * .
GRAND ISLAND , July 9. Special Tele-
grain. ) W. H. llontln of Bay City , WIs.
wai arreited ho-a today suspected of being
Implicated In plundering Chicago , Milwau
kee & St. Paul freight cars , of which roil
he was a freight conductor. Detectives fol
lowed him hero , whore he was vliltlng rela
tives , llontln Is being held until requisition
papers can be obtained. It I * said that there
U strong evidence against him.
Whole Community in Ignoranca as to th
Cause of the Crime.
- - - - -
Called to Tholr Door at Midnight
Atiasslnnted , the U'liltc-IIulrcU
Anther Vainly I'lendlnc for
the Life of Ills Son.
PniNCETON , Ky. , July 9. A mob ot
masked men went to the residence ot Joseph
Howton at Lewlston , eight miles from tliU
city , last night and murdered him and his
son , Howlot Howton.
Just as the clock struck 12 ono ot the mob
knocked on the door and asked to ece Hwlet
Howton. Ho came to Uio door , and , after
talking a mlnuto or two , was seized and pulled
outside and shot through the body. The
mob then dragged him to the gate and shot
him seven times. After they had finished
him the gang went back to the house.
The white-haired father begged that they
spare his life and the lives of his family , llut
Ills entreaties were unheeded and they pushed
him back Into a corner so they could shoot
lilm without danger to his wife and daughters.
The leader deliberately counted ten and then
five of the men fired at tne old man. Ono
ball struck him In the wrist , another In the
abdomen and a third In the
groin. The men then left the house ,
taking with them a boy who worked on.
Howton's farm. They carried him to a
vacant building and fastened him up , telling
him they would kill him If ho attempted to
escape before daylight.
Ono of the women was > badly frightened
that dhe was utterly prostrated and her
death Is looked for. There Is no theory as
to the cause of the mob's action. The How-
tons were Inoffensive people nnl stood well
In the community.
The sheriff and a posie , with the county
attorney , have gone to the scene of the
double murder to make a thorough Inventlga-
tlon , and It Is believed that the murderers
will be apprehended. If they are caught
they will bo lynched.
OSKAHTllKt ) 7t aia.lXTIO
Alleged AdvrrlUlns A cents Attempt to Se.
rnro AdrnnrtM on llogui Contract' .
DENVER , July 9. A special to the News
from Butte , Mont. , says : The preliminary
trial of H. A. Sloan and William McMahon
today developed a gigantic forgery schema
affecting bankers and merchants In nearly
every large city In the United States. The
two men were arrested several weeks ago
when they presented themselves at ono of
the banks of this city and attempted to
collect $85 on a "contract" for an advertise
ment In a publication called "laird's Indus
trial Gazetcer. " On one of the men were found
hundreds of similar contracts bearing the
alleged signatures ot various merchants ami
mining companies. Their dummy Is filled
with advertisements for which the contract *
were supposed to be Riven , pas'.sd In. The
address of the publishing house lJ given at
Cl to C9 , Gold street. New York. Th y huvu
alleged advertisements of flrmu In Chicago ,
St. Louis , Omaha , San FrancUco and many
other cities , estimated to represent over
One Thontnnil 1'eoplfl
SALINA , Kan. , July 9. The Smoky Hill
river has broken over IU banks ad peopla
are leaving their homes. There U great
danger of 1,000 people being driven from
home. Boats are running In the streets ot
the east side. At 1:30 : the water Is still
r''ns' ' '
A ninnllpox Ht re ,
if you would dodge the danger ot this
dreadful disease and escape without even u
scare , trust to Allen'i Hygienic Fluid. If
rightly used It positively prevents all con *
taglon. A pleasant , personal disinfectant ,
deodorant and germicide purifying , cleans *
i Ins and healing.