TITE OMAHA DAILY BE * WEDNESDAY , JULY 10 , 1895 , TUB OMAHA DAILY BER . llOSEVTATntl. K ro nvnnr MoitxiNO. oi7 HuimeiiirnoN. . , „ . . , lice IWUIujut HunJayi. On * Tfnr. $ 8M natty Hff nr.I Humlay , Ono Year V > Hit Uwnll.M . > . * " W Ttireo Mimllin . . 2 J Hunday llec , Ono Ynir j M Hnluniny Uoo , Ons Y ar j ? Weekly U , Una Y r oFFtcns. Omnhn , Th - IV * lltilMlne. _ . Boiith omnlii , Finger Dlk. . Corner K ana 21th sw. Council Ultirrn , 1Z 1'Mirl Blrctt. ChlrartCillc . ! 17 Chnml r of Ooinniorcc. New York I loomtl. . II nnd IS , Tribune ntrlMlnB. Wa lilnciu" . 1W V * Htrwt. N. W. All foniimintcrtllnnn rrl tln ta ni-ws nnrt 1U totlal nmttrr eliautil Ix * mlJrcmiwl : To the Laltor. . . All l.m.ttvi'i Ifttrrs nnd ri-tnjttHnrM f ' ° ul < l ' * ' r1dif. t1 in ThM life Pulillflilno I'ompflnv. Omahn llri.ri . . rluckn nnJ p-wtoilk * orU ii tote to macln pajnMe lo Hie orrt r of llio coininn ) . IIIK HUB 1'fIIMSHINO COMPANY. ( JTATKMnNT OP CinCUI.ATION. Oeorea II Txicluifk. iccretnry of Tlio Dee run- ll hlnn cnmpimy. bcltiit duty * " " ' " . * % ' * * " " ; Iho ncliial number of full mid n'P'Jj'SV ' ' " . , " ' the Dully. Morning , ITvenlng nml " " ' > " printpj duilng tlio month ot Mny , WM. fnlkm * : 1 . ( XX > IT z .wi " " " * . . / " . .r ' . ; ; i' ; ; ' . ! ; ; . ; ' . ii w 2or.i"iii. ! ! . > w "J ; ? „ - , ? is ! ! ! ; ! ! ' . ' . ! " . " ! 'i" " > i : : : : : : : : : : : : : : I .MI > " " * * 190S1 9 , ! ? : ro .r-i IS . 10.1ZI : . : . ! .KI.B : . 5SM Coplr * Nrt fnlf Dally nvrraee san < jay. anonnn n. TZSCHUCK. Sworn to before mf nnrt subyrllwd In my pro * . ' * * ' dUr ° " " ' ' N"p"'FCnJ : ; . Notary Public Tho" very I'lcit ' of a nutlonnl tciichcrn * convention would have been laughed nt not many years ago. Let tlio English crews bo Invited to conic over to the United Stnti-s next year to try their agility against the American oarsmen. Two distinct earthquake shocks wore felt In Missouri the other tiny , notwlth- BtandliiK the fact that ex-Congres ninn IJryan was nowhere lu the neighbor hood. . Thnro are few occupatloim or profes Blons that could scare tip so large nu at teniUince upon the meeting of a national association ns there are teachers In Den ver Just nt present The meanest thing a lawyer can do Is to appropriate to his own use the money he lm collected for n client But there are lots of lawyers who do It whenever they have n chance. The chain of conclusive circumstantial evidence being forged around the men accused of murdering John Seljiin Is an other Indication that new life nnd vigor have been Infused Into the police and detective forces. The lime has come when Individual merit and Illness arc made the sole qualifications for places on the police and. tire forces. So long ajj this , standr nrd Is maintained the ctllcleucy of the department Is assured. A boat race , collegiate. Intercollegiate or International , would , It seems , hardlj bo n success unless the customary fake stories about the poor condition of the members of the crew were regularly brought out and repeated. Kven the Lincoln organ of the state house ring confesses that Sam Mnclcod will have some dllllculty to prove that he was entitled to perch upon the roof of the Deaf and Dumb Institute with an Incidental salary from the state. The four great railway systems most Interested have agreed upon terms for Joint use of trackage and terminals and will build their spurs Into the state fair grounds. They seem disposed to make adequate provision for handling a big business. Chairman Taylor of the council finance committee and Attorney Powell of the school board do not agree as to the privileges of the city treasurer to deposit school money In bnnks that are prohibited by the charter from becom ing city depositories. A terrible disease Is more than deci mating the Inhabitants of the nation's turkey yards. The Infection , however , has not spread to any alarming extent among other birds , so that we may still count upon having a full supply of crow \ at hand after the next election. The Spanish government now explains Its Inablltlty to put down the Oubairln- Burrectlou on the theory that the climate Ison the side of the Insurgents. The only thing for Spain to do under the circumstances Is to put the climate of Cuba down ilrst and the revolution next Certain railroads are asking the Inter state Commerce commission to exempt them from the operation of the law requiring- freight cars to be equipped with automatic couplers. Some rail roads would much prefer to kill a man rather than Invest a single dollar In a safety device. There should be one law for all bogua Insurance companies. The personnel of thfr ollleers of any Insurance scheme that falls under the ban should have nothing to do with the prosecution 01 the offenders. Then * must be no dis crimination in the enforcement of the Btatc Insurance laws. Prof. Graham Taylor came all the way from Chicago to tell the people ol Lincoln that In the state iH'iiltontlur } there are 2 JO cells In which are coiv lined 320 prisoners. lie concludes there * fore It Is this worst prison hu ever saw Tlu professor did not go far enough lr hie Investigations. lie might have ex iimlncd the records In the state house nad found that the legislature ten yean ago provided for ample cell room foi cnnvlcts , and had penitentiary con tractors fultllled their obligations then would today be no muse for complain on that score. It Is obviously the sense of tlu people of Nebraska that adequati cell room be provided in tlio peulten tlrr. OIKCVSSINO tR\'EXUH OflU'lnls of the Treasury department arc considering plana for providing1 ad ditional revenue , with a viewto recom mending ; iH'tliru by congress. It Is hnrdly necessary to say that none of tlicbe plans contemplate any change in the tnrlit In the direction of higher duties , but have lit view the raising of the required additional revenue chlelty from Internal taxi * , although the Impo sition of duties on tea and coffee may be proposed. ISut tin ; favorite object of Increased tux with the treasury olllulals Is beer. They urge that an additional tax of $1 a barrel err beer would provide a revenue of about $30,000,000. without any new machinery for collec tion. ThU was propox'ed In the last con- Kfd > s , but when the democrats of the ays and means committee heard from te brewing Interest of the country In lost vigorous protest against any Incas - : cas ( > of the beer tax they very prompt- dropped Its consideration. It Is now nggested that the threat that the rowers would antagonize the political arty responsible for Increasing the tax III lose something of Its force If the 'spouslblllly ' for the Increase Is Ivlded between a republican jngress and n democratic adinlnlstra- on , but it is quite ptobable that the . publicans of the Klftj'-fonrth congress nay not take this view of It. They will ery likely reason that having the duty f originating revenue legislation the uiden of responsibility would rest upon icm , regardless of the recommendation r approval of the' democratic admin- stratlon. The democrats rejected the roposal to Increase the beer tax for po- tlcal reasons. They were afraid of an- : igoul7.lng the Influential brewing In- i-rest , Why should the republicans be ixpected to run the risk of Incurring he hostility of this Interest when there re other ways of raising additional vventu ! in Hue with republican policy ? Another suggestion Is to change the illy on sugar from 40 per cent ad va- oivm to a speclllc rate of one cent per omul , which It Is estimated would give .he treasury nbout $10,000,000 more rom this source than It has received rom the ad valorem , while at the same line belter protection would be nf- 'orded to American sugar growers. If his could be done without additional euellt to the sugar rellning monopoly hero might be no objection to It , but : hat Is a point that needs to bo carefully ousldered. A specific duty Is dearly desirable if It will not impose any ad- illtiounl charge upon the consumers while helping the treasury. The repnb- Ican party is In favor of free sugar , but as that cannot be had under exist ng conn.ilons its representatives In ingress will undoubtedly be disposed : o do whatever may bo found expedient : o Increase the revenue from this source without giving nny more advantage to he sugar trust than It now enjoys. As : o duties on tea and coffee , from which t Is estimated § : ! 5 , < )00,000 ) could be alsed without , auy very material In crease in the cost of these necessaries : o .consumers , It Is not probable that the next congress will seriously consider lie proposition. It would obviously be cry dlfllcult to justify taxing ten and coffee after refusing to increase the tax an beer , nnd It Is safe , to say that the epubllcans in the Klfty-fourth congress ivlll not assume any Mich hazardous re sponsibility. A T13IKLY KKtr fiKPARTUItE. There Is no doubt whatever that llnton N. Powell , attorney for the loan ! of Education , has given.the board 11 correct version of the Intent of the aw governing the deposit of school funds. The city treasurer Is ex-ofliclo he treasurer of the school board , and under the charter he Is as much ac countable for the Interest on the school fund ns he Is for the Interest on the : lty funds. While the law does not n so many words require him to place the school moneys In one of the np- iroved city depositories , the manifest Intent of the law Is that the same rule should apply to the deposit of all public funds in the treasurer's custody. The salary of the city treasurer was raised from $1,100 to $0,000 a year and the city nsMimod all the expenses of the clerical force In his olllco with but one object Inview , namely , that the Illegal speculation lu public funds under whatever pretext should be forever abolished. Under a ml.slnterpretation of the law It has been contended that the hchool moneys were not within the scope of the charter provlslon tlmt re stricts the treasurer from depositing municipal funds In any bank that has not been designated a depository. In view of the fact that the depositories designated by the council give bonds only for the safe keeping of city funds , nnd Inasmuch as the bonds of these depositories run only to the , city of Omaha and not to the school district , It would seem to be the duty of the Hoard of Education to invite proposals for the school funds on the same condi tions ns are exacted from city de positories and to make ottlclal designa tion of such depositories. While there Is no doubt that the depository banks have agreed among themselves not to bid against each other in the Interest rate , the forms of the law should be complied with In any event. Hlght here It may not be out of place to recall a fact known to but few , that the allowance of 2 per cent Interest by the city treasurer on school fund bal ances since August , ISIKt , was brought about through the Instrumentality of The Hee. I'p to that time Treasurer Itolln had stubbornly persisted In ap propriating the Interest on school money under the plea that that was a per quisite of his otllce. The school board had repeatedly failed In Its efforts to have this Interest covered Into Its treasury. At this juncture. In July , IS'.UI ' , the editor of The Bee served per sonal notice on Mr. lio'ln that The Hee would oppose his rc-clcctlon unless he paid In at least as much Interest on the school money In his possession ns the city was receiving from the clfy de positories. Mr. Holln thereupon made a virtue of necessity nnd notltlod the board that beginning witli the follow ing mouth the school fund would be credited with 2 per cent Interest on the balances In the treasury. Had the board followed up Its opportunity and forced the issue to its legitimate con clusion It would not only have recov ered the buck Interest but would also have forced the deposit of the school moneys In depositories designated ac cording to law. It Is gratifying to note that the board In nt last mustering up courage enough to assert Its rights , nnd It Is to be hoped that It will not stop until It has placed the management of the school finances upon n strictly business basts. DIIOI'I'IXO T1IK MASK. Chief of 1'ollco White starts In well. So Ions as ho keeps up the present gait he will have the endorsement ot the people of Omiba. Sunday World-Herald. Within twenty-four hours after this merited compliment had been paid to the new chief of police the organ of the howling dervishes drops Its mask and makes a most vicious and Inexcusable attack upon Chief White , charging him In the same breath with maltreatment of the prisoners arrested for the Seljan murder , wltli utter lack of Intelligence lu handling the case and with partiality to the prisoners In allowing them to be kept together. This malicious and slanderous attack is put into the mouth of an unnamed member of the Imbecile coroner's Jury that could not tell whether Seljan came to his death by a murderous assault or had killed himself nnd carried his own body to the Missouri river , two miles from the place of the bloody tragedy. Now what excuse Is there for this ntrageous attack upon Chief White .nil his associates working upon the lollce force under his direction ? Here vas a most atrocious butchery com- iltted beyond a doubt by parties 1m- elled by greed for the dead man's loney. The room In which Seljan edged , the blood-stained furniture , tes- Ify to the violent struggle for life. The 'act that the horribly mutilated body nis conveyed lu a push-cart to the river by three persons , and the fact hat the blood-stained sacks Into which it had been thrust were found at the louse of the prisoners affords a chain f strongest circumstantial evidence hat a foul murder was committed. In the face of such n revolting crime no iiw-abldlng citizen , and , least of all , no eputable newspaper , Is justified in seek- ng to create the Impression that a great eng has been perpetrated In the pro- Imlnary .Inquiry Into the circumstances .hat connect the prisoners with the rime of which they are accused. There Is no truth whatever In the as- lertlon that these prisoners were locked i the same cell or given nny opportunity n the city Jail to patch up an agreed tory. There Is no foundation for the hnrge that the prisoners have been lorttirod or subjected to cruel treatment .o extort a confession of guilt In this , as u all similar cases , prisoners are interro gated concerning their conduct nnd thereabouts at the time the horrible deed was committed. It should also be noted tlmt in this instance Chief White ins been compelled to act not only in he capacity of detective , but also .as irosccuting attorney , , although the law mposcs the latter duty upon the county ittorney and his deputies. Why these ollleers have been remiss Is not for use o explain. The scandalous attack made by the iVorld-IIerald niwn an efllclent officer ivlui has discharged a most dllllcult task under adverse circumstnnces Is a dis grace to journalism , which is presumed o uphold ollleers engaged in the honest illscharge of duty. It Is nothing more : ior less than an attempt to palliate a : nest heinous crime under the mask of : i hypocritical remonstrance against the abuse of police power. The inspiration for this dastardly assault on the chief . omes from the star-chamber councils of the same conspirators that have icon ballled In their plots to get con- rol of the police. Chief White Is not a mail of their stripe nnd therefore his ctllclent work must he belittled and unrepresented even If It helps bloody uurderers to escape the Just penalty of their crimes. AND T11K There have been Intimations that Mr. Cleveland woulil like to see Secretary Carlisle nominated for the presidency next year and that It Is his Intention to throw the Influence of the administra tion In behalf of the Kentucky states man. There mny be some substantial foundation for this , though It Is more than likely that the president Is not seriously concerning himself ns to who should bo the candidate of the parly next year , unless , as Is suspected , he desires to run again. But whether erne no the preference of Mr. Cleveland is for Carlisle , there Is a couslderab'e senti ment In the democratic party , especially in the southern wing , favorable to him and It Is quite probable this will grow , since any measurement of the secretary of the treasury with other democratic presidential possibilities must be to his advantage. Mr. Carlisle Is easily the peer In ability of nny man In his party , If indeed he Is not the foremost democrat In the country , and his experience at the head of the treasury has made him n very much wiser , broader nnd safer statesman than he wits when he entered upon the duties of that great ofllce. The Baltimore Sun , which Is very close to the administration , nays It Is unmistakably clear that .Tohn O. Carlisle is today at the front of the democratic situation and on the list of names nt this time apparently available his leads all the rest. Tile excellent sen-Ice done by Mr. Carlisle in the cause of sound money certainly entitles him to this position. It will be freely admitted that no other domocrnt.ln the country could have accomplished so much In checking the tide of free silver sentiment in the south and Influencing opinion In favor of maintaining a sound currency. His treatment of the silver Issue was most able and convincing , Its force and In fluence being in nowise lessened but rather Increased by the fact that he had himself become a convert , through practical experience , to the sound money policy. That ho would be a safe man as president , so far as the relation of silver to the currency Is concerned , there Is now no reason to doubt. Hut has the time come when the demo- criitlc party will venture to take a can didate for the presidency from a south ern state , even one that Is on the border ? Are the democratic leaders ID the north prepared to acquiesce In such a departure aniJMO give their hearty and cordial supijtt to < \ southern can didate for the pre\tlde.ney \ ? The north ern democracy Isy colYfessodly poor In presidential tlmli P. It has not a single really nvnllablo'man. . Yet n northern candidate would doubtless get the solid electoral vote .pCJftlio "Kouth nnd might carry two or tljfei northeni states , while n southern candidate would not be likely to get an electoral vote outside of his own section. It Is a matter of practical polities jjml' will undoubtedly be so regardedfibV the democratic na tional convention If a serious effort shall be made , as now scorns probable , to nominate Mr. Carlisle. It Is alt very well to talk about Ignoring sectional sentiment In this matter , but when put to the test the democrats of the north will be found Insisting that this cannot be done without fatal consequences to the party and they will Have no dllll- culty In giving valid reasons for this view. This objection to Mr. Carlisle will be sufllclent to prevent his nomination , even should the democratic national con- ventlon of 1S)0 ! ) have an overwhelming majority opposed to free silver and In 'avor of maintaining our present sound currency. Settlers who moved away from Ne- iraska on account of the drouth are : ho ones who can be most easily per- maded to again become residents of Nebraska. Those who were driven out by : rep failure now realize that a drouth- making hot wind like that of a ycai ngo Is of rare occurrence. There Is no reason why the population of Nebraska mould not be as largo by next summer us It ever was In Its palmiest days. The United States has always done iverythlng within Its power to promote he progress of international arbitration. For that reason our goveinuicnt has icon asked to undertake the arbitration if more disputes than any other two lountrles combined. That Is why rance nnd Madagascar turn to the Jnltod States to help them out of the dilemma In which they find themselves. quarlne n I'ohttcal Circle. St. Louis Hrpubllc. Uncle Horace Boles la still explaining his latest bullion circular. Uncle Horace Intends to have a record between now and 1896 which will make him a compromise candidate If ine Is called. f-olMtHiirr. Not Ulory. Knniia City Journnl. "An ofllco without power , " says I rd Uose- bory , "U a purratoryf If not a hell. " Many American pollutions I. will not agree with Rosebery In thfs. An omce with a good salary attached Is heaven , regardless of power. K , Sorrow * nt.tlin llnnter. Courier-Journal. Senator Butler of North Carolina Is one of .hose queer nnlitials which one Is almost jertaln to encounter when he has no gun with him. Still , If there are any pot hunters In the Tarheel Rjat * It Is a marvel how ho has escaped so tons. The Smiling Harvest. ChlcaBOi TIrnea-Herald. "Tickle the soil With a hoe and It will nugh wlth a harvest , " and , to carry on the simile , wlh ( the j > rtsent prospects of a good wheat crop or Irfmfenee corn crop throughout the west , and oats and other crops accord- 'ngly. the very railroads begin to smile at the busy outlook. _ tt " * * Mn WH T4 Dancrrr * of Free Crlt'clsms. Minneapolis Tribune. Ex-President Harrison Is reported to have said , recently , that the time of late when he most wished ho had his gun was when he saw a woman riding a bicycle or chewing gum. If the bicycle craze doesn't subside within a year Mr. Harrison will have to take this back , or all the. bicycle clubs will bo down on him , and as every other voter Is likely to be a cycler and to have a wife or sweetheart or sister who "bikes" the con sequences may be serious. l'atterftnn'4 Compliments tn llolrs. Rocky Mountain News. Governor Boles may call his "plan re- monetlzatlon , but It Is nothing of the kind. The people of this country will never be content , nor will prosperity ever be re stored until the great wrong of 1873 has been cured by the- righting of that wrong fully and completely. Protection to the American product and an Inferior use of sliver such as suggested by Boles or any other measure of the kind IB not worth wasting a thought upon. The gentleman from Iowa may as well fold away his boom. fJlA CKH JUXtOK. Globe Democrat : The missing boy must bo found. Minneapolis Times : If President Cleve land Is still of the same mind ho will prob ably name this latest girl Omega. Kansas City Star : The little girl who ar rived at Gray Gables yesterday ought to bo called Francos. Two scriptural names In the family arc enough. Chicago Dispatch : Every ono who has carefully studied the subject knows that girls are over so much nicer than boys. They ore not so troublesome to bring up and their chances of turning out well are much better. We admit that boys are good things to have about the house In moderate numbers. Wo suggest to President Cleve land that a family of three girls and one or two boys would probably bo an Ideal ar rangement Chicago Post : At the threshold of a century that promises so much for woman kind no man need regreat the paternity of girl babies. The boy Is no more an essen tial to happy fatherhood. In his period ot power he UBS a nuisance ; In decadence he may bo a bore. What will the newcomer bo named ? Iluth and Esther might fittingly be followed by Sarah. It Is a grand name with the true biblical ' authority that ap peals so urgentlyto' the latest Presbyterian In Mr. Cleveland. * Detroit Free Priss. ' It Is an event of national pleaaurev'and congratulation that another little mcmbhas / been added to the presidential household and the hearts of millions go out to kho noble mother , the sweetest and best" type of the American matron. There l > tiOd royal prejudice here that rebels agalnblcthb birth of a daughter and there Is a chivalry that warms toward the little one , of jltaj mother's sex. In her pride over the thrfft fall- daughters all the people of this g qat country claim a part and wish for hefiift speedy restoration to" health. , ilU - Chicago Newsyn < lp everybody knows , throe children have been born Into this destiny-shadowed jj/ipiuehold within five years. Each of tn Children Is a girl. Mr. Cleveland , It U allegou , wltu fatuous cling ing to bygone Ideas Has wished a boy. No doubt In his case | "oVln many others , fate lias been kinder 'than he knew. By the time these children 'gfow up they will be just In line tor luc'ce'stlon to the presidency , while the contemporaneous young man will be relegated to the uncelebrated pursuits of the kitchen , the sewing circle and the nursery Twenty years hence the girls will be the coming men. SUPPORTED CAPTAIN BECK Boport of Inspector MoLangblin on the lu- dian Troubles Made Public. ORIGIN VOF ALL OF THE TROUBLE Settlers Ilnv * < ll cii Mote * for Thlt T ar'i JLen * Money to tlin Flonrnoy Com pany , AVhloli llm DUpoiott ot Them to th lianki. WASHINGTON , July 9. ( Special Tele gram. ) United States Indian Inspector James McLaughltn has submitted special reports to the secretary of the Interior with reference- to trouble on Omaha and Wlnnebago reser vation. The report Is very voluminous , gives a detailed account of Interviews which Inspector specter McLaughlln had with Indians and set tlers , and makes some recommendations as to the course to be pursued In the future. In every Instance the report sustains Captain Beck and speaks with favor ot his treatment of parties Interested and of his endeavors to evict Illegal lessees. McLaughlln says that legal lessees , William II. Merry , John'It. . Watterman , John Bear , Garrison Bear and thirteen others came to him to refute state ments that might have been made antagonis tic to Captain Beck or his clerical force. They told him that "they and all others who merited It have received courteous treatment from all of Ins assistants. Inspector Mc Laughlln advises that It the Flournoy Laud company and middlemen persuade Illegal lessees to hold out against the government , and If It Is determined to remove them by compulsion , a military force bo employed for that purpose , for fear that hot-headed settlers tlors may cause trouble If their removal Is attempted by Indian police , while all would recognize and obey an order backed up by the presence of a detachment ot United States troops. " McLaughlln Incloses with his report affi davits ot Oscar Bring and Emit Manguson , charging Thomas IL. Sloan , lease clerk at the agency , with having accepted a fee for his services In protecting their land Interests. The Inspector aayg , however , that from what he learned at the agency very little reliance should be placed In these affidavits , and that Sloan's explanation Is satisfactory. Ho cau tioned Sloan against connecting his legal pro fession with his duties as clerk at the agency. McLaughlln's report was referred to the Indian offlco for the * Information of officials there , and has been returned to the secretary of the Interior for sanction as he may deem necessary. "Ponder , Neb. , Is the headquarters of the several organizations of speculators who are trying to control the Indian lands ot both the reservations. These speculators unite In opposing the present administration of the agency affairs , and have succeeded remark ably In conveying the Impression that they have been much Injured cy Captain Beck's attitude In treating all Illegal lecsees as tres passers. "Desiring to learn the cause Influencing the Illegal lessees to hold out against leasIng - Ing the lands from the Indian allottees through the agency office , I visited tha Inter ested parties and learned that the chief cause was that they had given notes for this year's rental , some secured by mortgage on the growing crop. These notes had been placed by the company In various banks as security for money borrowed by It. The lessees , therefore , fear that should they lease through the agent and agree to pay the rent to the Indians , they would also have to pay their notes to the Flournoy company. This company further advises Its lessees not to rent from the Indians , assuring them that If they will only remain loyal to the company they will be protected. In some cases the company has given an Indemnity bond to Us tenants. In this way and by making false and misleading statements , the company has succeeded In keeping many well disposed persons from leasing under de partment regulations. " xTho report then gives the result of a conference between a committee of settlers and the government officers which resulted In the form of an agreement to the govern ment's proposition , and In closing Inspector McLaughlln says ho'believes matters will be quickly settled unless the Flournoy com pany succeeds In cajoling the settlers Into standing by It. CUICA.11AUOA DEDICATION CKHKMONY Program Made Up Kit-opt the Special Kicr- cluen Under Stnte AntplrnR. WASHINGTON , July 9. The official an nouncements of speakers at the dedication of the Chlckamauga and Chattanooga Na tional Military park Is as follows : September' 19 Dedication of the Chlcka mauga section of the park. Exercises at Snodgrass hill , to be opened by Secretary Lament. Orators , General John M. Palmer of Illinois and General J. I1. Gordon of Georgia. 8 p. m. At Chattanooga , exercises con ducted by the Society of the Army of the Tennessee and the Army of the Tennessee , General G. M. Dodge presiding. Orators , General O. O. Howard and General Joseph Wheeler of Alabama. September 20 Dedication of the Chatta nooga section of the park , cxercifcs begin ning at Chattanooga at noon. Orators , Gen eral C. H. Grosvenor of Ohio and General William B. Bale of Tennessee. 8 p. m. At Chattanooga , exercises con ducted by veterano of the Army of the Potomac mac and the Army of Northern Virginia , General E. M. Walthall ot Mississippi pre siding. Orators , General Orlando Smith and Governor Oatcs of Alabama. At 8 p. m , , September 18 , at Chattanooga , the annual reunion of the Socety ! _ of the Army of the Cumberland will occur , at which seats will be provided on the platform for the executive and congressional parties , the gov ernors of states and their staffs and the rep resentatives of all army societies for the north and the United Confederate veterans. Orator , General Charles F. Manderson. The program for the dedication of state monuments , In which the governors are ex pected to take part , will bo announced as received from the respective state commit tees. The program of local participation In the dedication under the auspices of the citizens' executive committee ot Chattanooga will also be known later. White rqnulrun Ma do u ( lood Sliowlne. WASHINGTON. July 9. Secretary Herbert received toJay a report from Admiral Kirkland - land giving an account at the Kiel celebra tion. Admiral Klrkland says the appearance of the- United States fleet was In every \vay a credit to the country , and was , In fact , second end to no other fleet present at the celebra tion. The Impression created by our ships was a good one , and the flattering reception accorded the officers by all natloru was grat ifying In the extreme. Munforil i H OrdlTtd Appealed. WASHINGTON , July 9. Attorney General Harmon this afternoon telegraphed Special Attorney McKlss'.ck at San Francisco direct Ing him to take an appeal In the Stanford $15- 000,000 suit at once. The privilege of amending the government bill granted by the Judge will not bo taken advantage of , but an ap peal will be taken to the United States court ot appeals for the Pacific coait district. Nowi for thu Army. WASHINGTON , July 9. ( Special Tele gram. ) Captain Ira MacNutt , ordnance de partment , will make visits during July from South Bethlehem to the works of the Car penter Steel company. Heading , Pa. , for In spection of projectiles. Looked fur Help from Uunlu. WASHINGTON , July 9. Mr. JohnW. _ Foster , speaking further today of the China- Japan negotiations , said : "Tho viceroy , LI Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Hung Chang. had an Idea , though I do not know tbnt ho had iny assurance of It. that tlio Illusion fiOYernment would Interfere to prevent Japan from securing any territory , but ft wlicr judgment prevailed , " \\rsti-ru I'uftlmnitpr * Appointed. WASHINGTON , July t . ( Special Tele- grain. ) l . J. Abbott was today appointed postmaster at Asylum , Lancaster county , Nob. , vice J , T. Hay , resigned. 1'oJtmnsters ncre commissioned today ax follows : Nebraska Charles N. Morgan , Sac ramento ; Iowa , Jllram Snydcr , Kreeport ; John llcyon. Languorthy. In South Dakota postofTlccs have been cs > tabllshcd ns follows : Carroll , Hand county , John II. White , postmaster ; Chancellor , Tur ner county , John 1) . llccren , poMmastcr ; McClnuil. Custcr county , James MrCloud , postmaster. The comptroller of the currency has approved - proved the application of Lewis Larson nttd his associates for authority to organize the First National bank ot Urltt , In. Oumlm Finn Dlvrtt 11 Contrnnt , WASHINGTON , July 9. The secretary of the treasury has awarded to Herman & Malcr ot Omaha the contract for the brick tetra cotta work on the public building there. The contract price Is $38.122 , and the work Is required to be completed In four months. Milne Itesponnllilhty for l'o tnl MMtulirs. WASHINGTON , July 9. Postmaster Gen eral Wilson has amended the postal laws and regulations so ns to prohibit postal clerk * from opening more than one sack at the game time. The object IH to assist In fixing the responsibility of mistakes. 1'rntlilrntppolnM u 1'mtmnMrr. WASHINGTON , July 9. The president has appointed Elmer S , Truehlood postmaster at Mnrystvlle , Mo. JLXIt OTUKKHT1SR. "Girls are a Joy , boys ore a bore. " Grovcr Cleveland. Young Miss Cleveland la the latest edition of the coming1 woman. Two southern writers , Samuel MInturn Peck and William 11. Hayoe , are going to take the lecture platform. Pock weighs 200 and Hayno ninety-seven pounds. Ilaron Bdmond Rothschild has bought for $10,000 and presented to the Louvre the Ilos- coreale treasure , consisting ot silver articles found at Pompeii , which the Doston museum was trying to purchase. All sorts and conditions of men go toward making up the Jury list In New York. A few days ago a dead man was summoned as a talesman , and on Tuesday a lad of 6 years was called upon for Jury duty. Doth were excused , Colonel Thomas Moonlight , United States minister to Uollvla , writes homo that ho would bo willing to go through a cyclone to g t back to his homo In Kansas. Hut ho was still there , drawing his $7,500 salary , at last accounts. Chicago affects to be shocked over the story that a representative of that city In the legislature endeavored to make a stake on the aide with his vote. The surprising feature of the charge Is that the law maker at tempted to hold up an editor. The city of San Francisco has been offered $10,000 a year for the exclusive privilege- collecting and removing garbage free for a term of years. The offer docs not strike the municipal salons very favorably , Inasmuch as the tender would help the treasury and diminish a health-giving rake-off from the contract. Jules Verne Is considerate. On being re quested by the editor of a Now York periodi cal to prepare an article on "What I Know About America" ho answered ; "What I know of the United States , whcro I only loafed about a fortnight , would bo ot no In terest to anybody. " Baron James A. Harden-Hlckey , whose "kingdom" of Trinidad Island Is said to have been seized by Great Britain , Is a son-in-law of John II. Flakier. He was born In Califor nia 41 years ago , has been an editor In Paris , has traveled a great deal , and Is re ported to bo a believer In Uuddhlsm. Several boys Ignited some oil on the surface ot the river at Masslllon , 0. , to see It It would burn. U did ; the BIre3m vras covered with sheets of flame that crept up-stream toward the gas works , which continued to feed them. The fire was finally extinguished by throw ln-f stones into the water and separating the film of oil. Joseph P. Skelly , a New York writer whoso songs filled the nation with sentimental mirth a few years ago , died a pauper In a charity hospital a tow days ago. Ho made at least $50,000 out of his songs and some ot the pub lishers made a fortune. Mr. Skelty began writing songs at 1C and at 20 had acquired fame and an abnormal thirst. Near Oregon , III. , Just west of Chicago , there Is a beautiful Island named for Mar garet Fuller , Countess d'Ossoll. Just halt a century ago this celebrated woman , who was then j5 ! years old and already noted as a teacher and urltcr , visited some relatives In Oregon and lived there In an humble log cabin. Near by Is Eagle's Nest niuff , where Miss Fuller composed the poem "Ganymede to the Eagle. " The palpitating conscience of prohibition In Kansas received a rude shock recently , and It Is feared nothing less than a drug store Jag will restore Us normal condition. Governor Morrlll has accepted a membership In the Thirteen club of New York. The club Is built on the pneuniat'c plan of the HOO-HODS with this difference , the former smiles solemnly , the latter are Jolly smllcrs. What dumbfounds the prohlbs Is the coffin plate wine list of the Thlrteens , with this sugges tion , "nut while you have It use your breath , there Is no drinking after death. " OF run rtiKas. WNn r Chronlclo ! The man who Abandoned Nebraska last fall would havo. to see her splendid crops today to comprehend what a commodious chump ho was. IVndcr Times : The Omah.t Use's efforts to redeem Onuha from the hands of the hardest gang of cutthroats that over disgraced a city should bo cummrndtd by the good citizens ot tae metropolis. Lincoln News ; An Omaha man died Satur day from starvation. It Is explained that It was not due to nny luck of in vans to purchase food , but he was kept so busy trying to keep track of the World-Herald's political policy that he did rot have time to cat. Nine * County Journal : Ai an Issue the silver question Is likely to run Its course be fore ' 95 and other quottlans tnka Us place. The republican p.irty . Is In favor ot both gold , silver nnd paper money and plenty of It , and all good. Consequently U Is In high , favor \\lth the people. In 'UC the republican party will bo the only party which will stand a ghost of a show. Hastings Democrat : Has It come to this | ) oss that a newspaper cannot warn the ptibllo to beware- skunks , If the paper can provo It Is n skunk , without being dragged bcforo the court on a charge of libel ? The point Is , can yuu libel n skunk ? There are courts that seem to think so. A Douglas county Judge will not permit an editor to pro\c that statements published by him nro true. Crete Vldtttc : Wo understand the pcoplo of Omaha arc going down Into their pockets good and plenty after the wherewithal to fit up the grounds and make duo reparation for the coming stale fair. They should re ceive the hearty co-operation of every patriotic citizen In the state. Hundreds of eastern people will visit our fair this fall and the exhibit should bo HO largo and picthoria as to eclipse and blot from the nup ot memory the failure ot 1S91. : TItlFI.KS. Philadelphia Times : While n. woolen bathIng - Ing dress mny be the moat modest In the world. It can't bo Maid Unit It sin Inks from observation. Now York nocortlcr : Rathcttclsm has In- vndetl Oklahomn , nnd tlir > mnn who hasn't a pistol pockPt in his nlglitshlrt , embroldcroil In old gold thread upon it ground of ecru , can't expect to bo consldoied In the- social awlm. Toxns Blftings : Literary men nro a good deal like hens. The author lays a plot and then the editor sits on It. Indianapolis Journal : "No , " wild Mr. Wheeler. "I have my doubts nbout the til cycle being able to dlspluco the horse. The tlmo I tried It the hoi go niut bumy cnmo out ot the collision without n scratch. " Boston Transcript : Theodore Toll me , now. what li the moaning of the expression , "pullluK your lcK7" Hlchurd I cun't tell you In no many words ; but I will Illustrate. You haven't $10 nbout you that you can let me have for a week or two7 Thanks. Washington Star : "What's the mutter with that horse ? " Bald the animal's owner at the race track. "He's fast aslerp , " replied the stable boy. "Well , leave him that way. It's the only time ho ever Is fast. " Detroit Free Pi ess : Kitty I understand Mr. Softlclgh foil oft the dock and It was ilftcen minutes before he was ! lhcd out. Jtxne How Old he keep his head nbovo water HO long ? Kitty It was the lightest part , I presume. New York World : She I'll bet you n box of cigars ucaln.-t a box of gloves that I get married before you do. He I take the bot. Dut t had hoped you would marry me. She So I will. He Then why did you make such a bet ? She I knew your sporting blood. You'd do anything to win a bet. LATE. HUT LIFR SIZE. Atlanta. Constitution. When the blue Is on the ps ay. And the white enfolds the girl , And her red lips lisp In Latin , And Her hair is all In curl , Then German seemnth gentle. And Qreek'fl a iicclcss pearl- When the blue Is on the essay , And the white enfolt's the girl ! S.lf.rK FOIL Till : 1'JEI.KSS. Atlanta Constitution. If I were president , The first tlilnjr I should do Would bo to slice Olliclal pies And Hcrve them out to you ; Win something fat content Kuch sic ok constituent And nnd a plum For every thumb , If I were president. I'd run this government On n well adapted plan To suit my ends And those of friends And help the wurrcrkln man ; A way I'd soon Invent And congrobs should assent I To wipe out Jails And sheriffs' sales , If I were president. Abolish debt and rent , Give every man his cholco To work , or strike- It he should like And frolic with tho-boys ; I'd know If England meant To boss this continent , And maybe thrash Her furrln trash , If I were president. When I am president , I'll yawn when BO Inclined , Rat peas with my knife , And kcei. my life. And cuss , if I've n mind. I'll ask no man's consent , Dut Just pursue my bent. And live at my ease , As I doggon please , When I am president. WE DON'T Want to do a rushing business wewant time , as - . - a matter of fact. However , 1 7 1 1 ' we don't have our own way about it , and on Saturdays we are pushed to de liver all orders. On that account if you can call today it v/ould suit us , as our bundle boys ask us to make this request , and then if there is any trifling altera tion we'll have time to make it , We find that about $15.OO hits the mark oftenest for our Men's Summer Suits. We'd rather sell you a $28.OO Suit. If you prefer , for rear ns of youp own , to come down to $8.OO , $1O.OO or $12. BO we can accommodate you. - ( ) - ( - ) - ( - ) - ( - ) - ( ) - ( - ) - ( - ) - ( - ) - { - ) - Your Moneys Wortht or Well Trade Back. Browning. King & Co , , Reliable Clothiers. S. W. Cor. 15th and Douglas Sts